II (frit obst, THIJR3pa, NOVERt 4 - inant. IrmaAsa' or, tits Prom ne ?so Pins or Artivois Ltsasrr --talnr iseksos. Dementia National Ticket. • nifes OW. •GEORGE IL IirCLELLAN. viol Puplnsis, •FORGE II PENDLETON. • I , IIIIBIDeNTIAL 8.1.8C20119. ausmists se w*: 110 8 1ERT L. Jo 88 - 01 i, of La Cambria Cosnity. EL RICUID TAIT& of Phladalphise Oneida iticertas: • _ Willtass Lcusuliu. IL Paul Liddy, L Barad R. itelaiti.:l2, Ruben lividaford. 4. Edward T. Daps, . 16. John Abl, 4. Thaw. ILoCallougls, - it Warr 0. 04 801 . S. "Award T. RIPON t IT. Thaddeus Banks, IL Philip FL Oarbarii,* IS. flush-Youtgolory, 1. Gam* G. Lalver. • 11. :atm Y. Irvin, O. Michael Bettor, O. Jas. Y. Thompsou, ' , I/ 'Patel , * Peavey, SI. Russia* Rums, 14. Thaws H. Walter, rt. James P. Barr, 11. nlivar S D'aira(4l4 22. Wilham J. Boosts. a L. 8. Dwain. 24. Wm lloattouresi. Tear This is the last issue of our'paper before the important election (times' off which is to decide the fate of the nation. We do not feel that it is necessary to recona the issues which are involved. The - peopie understand th .. elm.as' well as we could plain . them, and it is quite likely that Emery man who intends to vote on Tties •day aezthas his mind made up by this period', so that neither editorial articles -nor stamp speeches' , will change it. The time •for argument is past—the time for salon is at hand. We are fully convinced that if Democrats perform their duty on the Bth day of November next--if they go to work with the saute 'determination to, succeed that they have exhibited in pre vious catupsigne—if they permit neither 'threats. ridicule, nor other, cause to dis courage them-4 - proud and momentous victory awaits thein. To-day there iiia majority of the voters in two. thirds' of l i te Stateeof the Union who are Democrats at heart. Oa this Point we have not a too. -rent's doubt. The only thing necessary to ensure the'eleo4o of GM. XeClellan ti, that every perskn who favors him shall be at the-polls, shall deposit bie vote for him, and shall ist:tor to induce his neigh bors to do the same. First and'forsmost, see that each dhi- trict is supplioß with 'au abundance o tickets; and be ante that the! are all °or& 'rent. In order, to ascertain this, let them be oompared with the list printed in. the baiaver. "Allow none to be trusted to tribute ticketi but tried andwpright men, who are zealous in the cause, and who will spare no honorable means to promote its success. . Every, man who has any influence must go to work. Attend : the polls, aqd. stay there the entire day. ti'e know there is a prejudice in many • persons' minds against what is called. l 'electione,ering ;" bat this is not an ordinary campaign. The Ate or death of themation is involved, and surely no man's "respectability" can be impaired by laboring to avert calamity to his country , Our best men in each, /o celity should. /turn out and resolve to be on . hand. Jtimill detract nothing . from youi - dignity, gentlemen, and may cave the cause. No Dosteeratic vole must be tort. Let each perm:hi - who riads this article vote early; and thedAiet`that his neighbors , are not allowed to remain away. The close result of our late State eleOtion shows the im • ports:nee of a few votes. At a period like this, a failure to cut his ballot on the part - of any Democrat is a criminal offence, which nothing can palliate. Rave car ---,Stages on hand to bring out the sick and lame, and stir up the careless to the per. fon:lance of their duty. With a vigorous canvass before the day of election, and proper energy on the part' of Democrats on that occasion, victory cannot fail to perch Upon our banners. What Democrats need is confidence in the came. Too many of them are disposed to be negligent; under the belief that do what - we may, the administration willfinct some.tusans to cheat the people out of their desires. This feeling of despondency must be east of. We have truth and Jul.? line on our side, and If are awake to , 'the emergency; and • each one does hit ''shale of the work, our efforts will be crowned with a glorious success. ma Chairman of the Republican State Central CoMmittee - and the consequent leader of the . stipport era *of Lie&lc and John r ,p, renusylvinis. is Simon Cam eron, Wheal a Repubilium Federal House of Repiesentatives, by' solemn vote, pro nounced unfit for °nicht' • station, by -rea son of his corruption, end who was so no toriously unpopular in . the early Stage of the war, that Mr. Lincoln was obliged to *mil hiss to resign his seat in the Cabinet. The folloWing resolatien, adopted by the lower House of our Legislature at the set 'ion of 1863, when Gen. Cameron's party friends were • a majority of that body, throws some additional light on ids-char , aeter Resolved That the Governor be instruct ed to direct the Attorney General to insti tute erissieci peocecttses against CAUERON,IoIin J. "Patterson, "Wil&m. Brobst and Henry Thomas. - It is by such men as this that the oppo. @Mot are led in every Haste of the Union, otthe.most tare -faced, unblushing soeun- Alain ihcoettatif:.4sed• theuestids . of really honest and well intentioned (*- soli permit themselves to be duped by them into the belief tharthey are prtinio tins the cause of their country and their God. They willosome,day come to aeons* of the msigneria which they are betrayed," but,,alasl it may be too late. - Tit character of Governor Seymour hal Seger been impugned 4 any' honor •We', .molitioal opponent. Whatever pob, _cal - enemy mar say of his' pnblief wets, he is known ,by men of parties to hi a Chriitian pi:dim:dam Forney'A Prem. Oen while crediting the Baltirtmrcicer• Usk, says : • "No shadow of insapicicrn rests upon `afersor Seymour. Whatever may be his ti v iewl error, he is known toi he a man of- ea . def pu low sa Abolitionist trying YoClellan, remind him that speech " g ra ailandie lva r l -b e l i evid '/XFP4l.lati gad tea Gen. libe President "J do the . * * i ff in , h4LitoClonassi ea hie book on th= it ha tans. wove lifaVoitka MEI 1 - , falls he tie to* to aridlfr. .bez: The following table, oomYlleid by e, gen tietnen of accuracy and reliability, ,exhib. ; Its facts which are calculated to startle even the most careless citizen. It is based on the Supposition that thei 'public) , debt at the clove of Adr.Linoolo's persent term of office, on the 4th of March next; •will be three thousand millions of dollars._ which_ we believe to be rather under then above the truth. Thurlow.Weed, the Abolition leader in the State of New York, declared a year ago that the debt-Was four thousand millions, and a compilation of the appro., priations made by Congress, published in our columns a short time ago, proved that a sum not - leas than that amount had been. provided for by congreisional enattt ment.- The-first column-shows ettehooun ty's portion of the debt, secording to pop-, - ulatloli,assunsing it to be only three tholi• sand millions ; thoseoond shows the share• of interest each . county will be required to pay yearly v i and the third givei the vela atioe of property according to ,the o.ti; mate of the State Revenue - Commission ers, whose duty it s is to compile a careful and authentic statementon that subject.- The summing up of the latter table for the entire Corothoorrealth, makes a total of $500,000,000. We ask the attention of the taxpayers of this leeway to,these fig ures, and if there are any who have doubts of the correctness of the estimates of valu ation, we refer them to the report of the Revenue Commissioners, which can be bad from almosi i any attorney or justice of the peace Eli lite% COSA: Katt Ono of tCre abaft of Sa Caro of 111 property :PIM 1 113 le 'et the war in 11111 Vii fleet. debt-par Boma, Altana 81,817,032 $289).55,183,890 Alloneny . 80,741,682 1,844,49 26,128,389 Armststig 6,157,084 869,426 A 027,818 Beaver 6,012,080 .400,724 .4,1 8,161 Bedford 4,598,592 276,916 4,4 23 Boris 10,138,898 968,201 22,918. 81air.... 4.788,589_ 287394_ 4,900,7. Bradford 8,288,241 490.998 6,492,988 flacks 10,986,416 668,126 19,298,126 Butler 8.122368 867,880 4,844,806 C4ubtle, - 6,01 . 4,669 400,819- -2,164.817 Carbon 8,617,676' 217,060 2,454,858 Centre 4,744,000 218,840 4,460,808 Chester 12,826,616 ' 769,690 24,278,907 Clarion 4,291,936 267,870 - 2,241,952 Clearfield 8,238,648 194,192 -7 1,625,000 Clinton 8,048,866 182,901 8,060,478 Columbia 4,811,189 258,670. 8,260,278 Crawford 0,989,3011, 419,258 -6,431,248 Cumberrd 6,898,856 - 418,811 12,285,604 Dsupliin 48ZW/1 -- 12=9340 Delaware 6,262,984 816,779 10,187,440 Elk 1,017;380 60,042 844,111 1403,201 610,188 6,789,208 Fayette 43,864,1149 r tn,sao 6,837,781 Borns% 165,458 9,287 175,218 Franklin 7.276.01:4 _._484,740 .12,874.983 Fulton 1,670,632 94,281 1,187,487 Greene 4,188,996 • 251,819 3,129,671 11untinges 4, 12 iLV0.- 181402 .1A.750411. Indiana 6,791,684 847,679. 8,821,268 Jefferson 8,142,440 188,848 1,679,517 •J'aniste - 2,921,692 /76,295 2,918,914 Lancaster 20,006,008 = 1,200;860. 86.8831 ir Latenire__9,9a,t2B 287,849 • 8.681,4 Lebanon 6,474.932' 328,495 9,474,464 Lehigh 7,626416 451,633 10,464 962 Luzern. 16,611,968 ! 930,718 10,808,224 Lycoming 6,45,628; 886,957. - 4,898.498 McKean ' 1,428,618 - 85,424 758,642 Mercer 6.339,282 880;854 - .4,906,817 Main 2,810,489 168,628 • 4,016.420 Monroe 2,882,876 172,942 ' 1,691,584 Montg'y _ 12.116,000 726,960 19,493,766 Montour. 2,245,116 184,706 1,916,482 North'pt'n 8.289,488 424.389 18,648,638 North'd 4.988,624 299,187 6,476,664 Perry • 8,920,798 236,247 '8.367,709 Phil's 97,270,988 6,788 217 174,716,221 Pike V .1,280469 78,837 702,466 • Potter - 1,972,840 118,870 938,898 Bahn7lkilll6 395,720 928,743 11:219,076 Snyder 2,686,020 166,161 2,686.258 Hoidens, 4.805,818 270.8481. 2,995,976 „Sullivan 989,664 68,178 416,0911 - Buagnek's 4,287,924 374,275 8,296,1111 Ologs 6,889,668 820,874 2,439,508.1 nion ~9,482,940 . . 146,976 8,870.489-i Ventage ' 4,007,896 -258,448 - 1,950,0601 Waimea- 4,800,680 198,640. 1,798,687 Wasiegtin • 8,894,460 600,667 10,839,688 Wayne 5,545,103 ' 882,106 1,744,186 Westneld 9,212,692 664,666 7,939,849 Wyoming' 2 1 156,880 129,412 1.009,014 York 11,780,400 703,824 12,916,606 Erie oounty's share of - the three thou sand migions,it will. be seen, is $8,603,204,_ en which the annual interest $570,138; The total valuation of the county is only $5,70,2013, et, tbit' in - order fq, pity thirin terslt alone on the national debt etch year will require nearly wesqsatA of all the property in this .county. Butrtida ititot by any means the sum total of the tilts. lion that will be required from our oiti sans. Already the number - of - peniidners upon • the • government is - set down at 170,000, and the, half-have not ytel, been entered on. the 'books of the' depot:tint Assuming thein to number 300,000; and their monthly - allotment to%arerago $8 eadh, there will be added a yearly amount 'to be paid put of the prockets tit the people of $24,000,000. And when its these are ; annexed the yearly antounta i neoessary to carry on the general and State govern. inentsrthe interest on State; county and local debts, the bounties for exempting fronkfuturedrafts, the people of this county can figure up for thtenseives the pleasant prospect before them, in the moneyed sense of _the question, leaving out of consideration 'the fearful conscrip tions and other incidents necessary to the continuant* of therm,. ;'- Time and space oblige us' to defer the estimates we have made as the Probs . le cost of four years.misr• wiry which will certainly follow the re-election of Mr. Lin. coin, and the yeirly bonbon that will fall upon our people in case of that disastrous event. it is aufacdent to 'maul' d =Kra& ers that each fetae year of the war Will witness' the farther depreolatiou of the paper curramy, and a conastueit in crease in the cost of wli ottani' neatened by the gelatinous mid *443_ tlatille publics debt will be; ewellin all tim time until it stiles s fee beyond Its incremh, tip.,am i rte psoportion ; tied Asa 4/skarn , . sizpOwSie of ttiPs-11441, State and local governments will be ad. i , linbing in thewam• ratio. If any man will sit ,down-And coolly :_mietihtte the probabilities of our situation at the end of oribl two,, three or. four years mon of:war he wilt not be likely to rise with any .=- sited opinion of Contest for sultjugaticm and alpsacipsiion, se.proposect by Mr. Lincoln. 'Figures , and' reileedon are the Republican pOrpreirtelet the Union is the only condition of peace. Ms.,Lincoln all Y slll2 kr r ." ol 4 - 9t9 l !)",riYih. eon• ditkth of flake.'pre* ItaliVtherefore, who prefers tite negro to he wilt Tote for 14ziOahri-dibt, '.tizatkin and end less war. = • Tag Phihmhilphis 4g. Claud, that . I 'l4 Demer9tie pcikOry is Riptiormia thaw go 2.000 Amalie Ausoinimic 1111 ' arna Imeheis m na"itlia Malt r ~ \ , N MEI fallivas. iTIILi MS VW the kWh Atm* rale& Pease es Me fads sit the a 4,Pft ath l,Otti,of 'October the .fotinwe ci presnibles - anti toffitUtkon irk the Legit/attire of Alabanis. hj dno or, tht gnat able and influential members" of then body, who Supported !hem in a ewe-, fnlly eonsidered swats: have - not ssoertaiued what action the Legislature _ took upon - them, but from the fe,St that Jeff. Davis' organs are violently assailing it ;nen ureeonsttn". auembtage,- wte Infer that the measure must • hare met with considerable favor..if it did not sets. a/4 pass. Taken In connection with the recent letters of Mr. Boyce of South Caro. lids. and -Mr. Johnson of 'Georgia, this proposition has a, deep interest, proring as it doe% thst the question of a caws . - tion of hostilities is beginning to be warm ly' considered in. the South. and. that a large Union party would at once be we tablished there, if hir; Lincoln was ejected from office by the Northern people : Wetness, Abraham Lincoln, as Presl,l detit of the United States and_Commatt,l der-itir : , - Chief of the army and navy thereof, and trio friends and supporters of his ad- 1 ministration,. have declared that negotia tions " for peace cannot be entertained except on a - basis . of a restoration of the Union in its. integrity sad, the abolition of slavery, and that the existing -war I must be prosecuted Until the men of these Confederate States aracoinp . elled to submit to these terms, or are sutougated,i, and, if necessary to secure this end: ester minated, their lands confiscated and their' women and 'children, driven forth as wan. derers on the face of the earth : _ • ' And idisrou, Thelmelectioff of Abrat •ham Lincoln to the *Moe of President of the United States is advocated by niany;-, if: not ail, of his supporters upon these grounds; and that therais no other warto terminate the war, insisting that there is no -disposition on the put of the people of these States' to engage into negotiations for peace except on the tinct, admission of the separate Indepen= - dense of these States ae a basis: - And whereat. At a recent convention. std in the City of Chicago, a numerous d powerful party has declared its wit. - lin ess. if successful, to stop fighting and open gotiations with us on ,the basis of the Fed Constitution as it is and the reiteration ( the Union under it : now, therefore, , . • , - • AI if rescind by &ens sad Mat of ../Vreeastaiiiref of tits Seats if Alamein Gra -era Asacadly seamed, That we sincerely desire peace. It the aforesaid party is successful we are willing and ready to open negotiation ace on the. hails indica ted in the platform adopted by madam• rention—our sister-States of this Confed eracy being willing thereto.. • Gov. curtin has appointed' the following named gentlemen to take the :Midler? vote to be cast in November: - Henri. W- J. McGrath.J. U. Martin. F. McLaughlin -and J. Mccibben. of. Philadelphia; Ber nard Relit'''. f .Bchuylkill county; Win. Horton of Fulton county. end J. H. Mc- Clintock and John M. Politer, of Pitts buig.—Exclicege. Our readers; know that we irive never had a very exalted opinion of Gov. Curtin, but if his course in regard to the soldiers' votes be a correct index to his ohavacter, we shall have no hesitation in changing our opinion of the man. Ile has exhibited in this delicate matter a fairness of dispo sition and a courtesy toward his political opponents which stand out in Commends bl4 contrast with the sots Of many of his pirtuan.allies. The commissioners named above are all members of the Democratic party. and gentlemen of acknowledged. integrity. whose appointMenti gives assu rance that - so far al the Statit authorittai can control the subject, the balloting of our Pennsylvania soldier's will be conduc ted sooordblg to law and honesty. We are not one of the class who believe it trZo be their duty to point out all the bad traits in 'a political opponent, and with hold his _good ones ; and in accordance with the rule laid down for our guidanoi, We take pleasure in alluding to this act of the Governor's as one that evinces true manliness, courage - and magnanimity. • . What, dill some of the embittered polit ksalliiends of Gov. Carlin in this-county say to his selection of Democrats toe the important positions Mimed above? If what they charge upon the supporters of Gen. McClellan be their real convictions, they men believe that, - these gentlemen ire "sympatbisms-with treason." Is it likely that, GoV. Cuitin would appoint friend* of the rebellienio visit, the army and collect the :rotes of those wii!s are enlisted to put down the enemies of our country ? The charge is frequently made against Hr. Pendleton that he has voted spinal the iaterests of the'soldisrs. The follow. lag facts, complied from the Congrasional Webs, the °Moist authority on the subject, oompletelydisprovei these slanders. In each .cane, we defy contradiction, and pledge ourselves to refer any persons doubting our etvitement - on tie subject to the copy mid page Of the Globe from which the facts earl ho ascertained. it is proper to add that in every instance where the opposition claim goat Mr.Pandletonuroted spinet the soldiers," thUpropositkiii acted - upon by Congress was mixed np with some absurd Abolition ides, which no true friend' of the Union could Support: On the 31ieof July, 1881, lit Penal*• toe, by-nosoimous QOASSitit offered a row which wii11:1411.7 - 111frea To, Sting the pay Of Soluoteer officers at the' same stasdie; aediosiketthe mauler 1101•100. On the 6th of Awed, /Olin ! bkif yrso .b s t go d soe d into Congress illierll#llll4 khe! "pay of privates in the army &adz Miler. 'hi the Way faiir dollars per . 'munth. - : Kr: Thiddsbatkovine; tboAlepubdcsu *der, in tbe.ll,onso, noted that 46450:0i1s be 011*-tirG dollars. J.gaisit iti s &oda" Yr. fontifetta voted. multi favor of thwart. ibis' bill. • ' Oa thelith of robruary;lB6liiir. dieton, by unaninions Conaant o -offored the folleirins rembinueS; which was road; con , sideied and ii ir ma to : • "Itesotood. 'Martha . trilltary Committee, Of thelnedutat U r *. tini-of the army ender Goa* Ontwand Wave* what messawrof tertian, o sty t , Ate .1110cori My to acute Ithaca ftW skill and attention in the are of k andWotuided soldiers?' Xr.,Poittiletbn was one of the Most ear• nest supporters of the bill praidlng ifult soldiers -be paid ritgularly bray MOD th; U. advocated irawauted pity to` afloat 18 6 4;. lad althargh aossiarily absent on the• del the ,plll paseekirould have . mdOd for • feted totems pr e sent, • - On t h e Ott of try, 1002, ttr: Lam*, of ~lliMob . tittered the, fOflowing realm , geruh, mkoitudi • Xr.. ton's name-hotap mord* MIMS gest IBM -1• 1-I'2 4:-. 'Ova, Tee Milßeni VMS. Ilr. Nat Wes t ," Itevird. "Asaaivad, Thai it is with feelings of de vout, gratitude - Wahnighty God that, Ib . Minds of Reprinentathrek folek,titoo to tides bear of the trill- 00s, Or the 'Union Tunny : in the great stiugght-for the wire; lawyer the Gradluition hod - tito integrity of the Union. - • - 'Reeltioni, That, .we remise with pro found satisfaction. intelligence Of the re. .cent litnotice &thieved by the - Arniref the Potomac, &anointed front their loot& ties with those of theltevelatiosi sad that the &Omer, thecks of ibis House awe hem tentiered.tolirOpoh.Geo4l:lfeeleibus tor those high military itillittrelitsWie. cure important results wit h ,but, little an, rifiee of human lire. "--- ,At the Wit t session of ogre.* Ron. 4 Wm. H. Miner, of .Pounsykania, submit ted the following resolution, anddrimand: ed the previous question on Its adoption: Wniseass, The entire people of the Stalest still adhering to the Federal Union, are sorely exercised by reason of the re. ported suffering . of their brethren, now prisoners of war in the Confederate States : dad wArrecsa, The conimcipett prompt.: inns of hismanity should induce the Ex ecutive Representative of the nation to exhaust every proper' effort to - alleviate their distressed condition, and . restore them to their homes : And Wawa, We are well informed that the number: of Confederate prisoners in our bands is; vastly in muss of the number of Fideralprisoners in theirs, and that exchange could be made **eluding the question of "color, that would - restore our white brethren to liberty, without prejudicing what mar be supposed to be "the rights ofoolored Federel - soldiers,now prisoners of war : therefore, • Resolved, t That the President of. the United Stattehe-respectfully requested re. Promptly instruct those having is charge the matter of the sachet:net 01 prisoners tween the United States and the to talled Confederate States, to propose: an exchange of White men foi white men, leaving other questions to be disposed of when the suffering whits sons of the Re public shall have been restored to the ler vice of the government, their friends and firesides. • 'Preorge H. Poodleton.Totod in favOr of this resolutioti,ibut the Aholitioni;ttyoted. . . it down, and passed eTsubititute approv ing the messures . 4tofthe Udministiatiun refusing Act . =ski - exclitinge „of priaOners,: unless ; negrues,r4ii , exchanged, by;tlie' Itiobomod entborities. - ;Instances like these Might lie sited by the .QO , IILIIIO. to : provs.Mr. - Pe odic the, consistent devotion ,to the interests of our soldiers. The above 4re ajf - ecipied"froni the °Said dociiments.l44 ei we said at the etunmencement of titia article, .we sballenge contwidictionJU rift d tOthein:, On the yore °firm, etisightelorwsrd and manly j Unionisoi, Om* A. Pendlet . oiW career is egially - clear. Read his !ate, speech in New York, publashrl on our first ,page,. his letter to some I*.th nin Missouri, Printed in list Week!' 'Obserwor.. -- /end Is recent letter, to, lion,. John 8.- -Hrskin, and then deny , if. you dare that the entity of theurprUiluothisis is al-true a patriot as lives in the coniitiy. stories affecting hie: reputation are "but inventions ,of the' li i memy, i ' .desisted for political .Sect, Oaths 'scinvi of, Mental, attainimpts,, of purity of character, of .eualted ~statesmanship, a,a4 of magi. peackable Unionism, (leo. H. Pendleton is every wily worthy to be associated on the ticket with Oim, and both are iiititlad to the sonfidisnos sud votes oT • the people. Tag Voting of the New York soldiers in the army on JAM* river is now nearly over, and the result is known to be a de. cidetl Majority in favor of Gen. Ueda* The New York 69th voted all bqt one• for• McClellan. The ilitiond Corps voted 1,680 Democratic to £Bl Republican. Ths 169th New York voted 103 'Democratic to 76 RePublican. Many Diteacicratiavotes have been - sent by malt: • The Tenth' Carpi is reported to hive given a large Deniocratis majority. The New York army rote it thought decidedly favorable. ler When yod are through with this copy of the Obanws, hand - it to your II& publican neighbor. It contains feats that DAY 40 him gjOd. The Una Drawn; Writtos for Uts Obroprer.) The re-celled B,epublicais nation to be esereteed in theirmiadannestaing the man of the Chicago CosiestJinja adjourning sib. jest to the call of the !cation' lizeoutive Com mittee. Though they hire finely arrived at the emaciation that the two resolution paned by the sensation are omise sad Wieser* of something, jet they prelbse;to be fearfal shat the Democratic aoudad of a fair election is too hjgh for inch pure patriots as they to• reach, and the line of denterlietion Winn an sloths Stein and as +demise swindle too strict tor till* thair:politiail !Ina er so-Hel sel success. " It may be - trill, therehre, to *We obtsrly whet is n fair 4lotion, 'And what that freed upon the people will be, ithioicnis* possibly esti for the rsinettint.but necessary and pstri• ode interfere'si of the repreeentstives of tie Destoersey. 4, • It will be observed int. Ot*ltitt t Posaffrfal ham at at dm Der is atty manner recosairad the testate* of the weaned *Am* of Walt Virsfittli." ,Tbe bolder K tbi Repablieeas obeeitrea In Ids aimed fit firer of tile villain at eh' .itateAim would tat stulAfr` librkidt by stinted.* that tiara sat say Tar. iagt la tbi Ciastltatitta for Thai proeediag." •Ila voted for. qui ; taws^ Itialtyrr, but the temottraut, sot *Ow abed** eo Alta,,gitgb-, lubluteadfaltly itafaseito Vstaltily" iici'diskaaor tbittatet* f iii rcottilatss tie • TO olltato ef j Weat 'halals'` 4ttrirtgato, Is chittitf,: Itortrorer, , byt two Illatatem sad ArwititElsOtkli, 'llfaiwebtieette, tisifill**taoetiv, blebs* oentitopeta. • 11.10 very itaiiii4eat !Vitae stay apt beettate lk Abrattati Lia- Dela,lilitt Ice electotil %Mott trpea ebe retw bdbts counted If . .l . 4.,Lliteitla should ba, declared elected by four voiait;."Weitstliiii" bitt . .ib e hii ocrasfed• able, ills Witt that Oft, 3s. ldoClid. .troOldltra 'ad act* • a k tority ot - sistisesississ,ssd "atilt"' be Ilse Laid. otatetitadoaal Precideakl!o.Writ Vicatabesed *del* telltreeatrary aitahltataatflag, 2`rosidist,. ma vios hiuddem. le bit Alts4: l lLateuitde the Kwh and Ciaatitattaa , of As &ate - whoa bi *bar: * Eltlt L eiti# pew!'" trudisid 4461 410 We ike• WO; O*A - ie.* , 'ewer *bar of.:11r. 4044 iti*thrt to, add to that . qulthallea Imes metritaltat.:. Stiotibible Mitch thboitutobr W sum* HIS Siele4* 94'04 1 , 4 . 1 4 4 4 :# SUM ' fret theamplieiey tat watt orapotaorre, tar alostitta It :sad- Toll, sad aa the an of tritidttte fittikaebotY jtattitto elm Ada ame: did*lsi . .. b ****,0 0 11 1 0. 111341411 Segal ii4Oldtl4. 1111140 4. 11 4- ik. 641- kiA - 7 0 .4t ikstretatb ber platy metaled a., eves: to / i l . 4llo k * . ,Mile rft l e i d7 .,' " '; %,z dimpleatltallea mateea ear 011411.1 whiah hove l bees cairns by anstas and, whose People a i r t e ir sersed by the strictest min .tary 'des .I..afeleetios isebi in nose 81448 ode% yissibeity 4 ; eider **log fit'oPpletatimis be Inn, sad 'any but 'a tree ahistion is vohl. • I • As to- 1 41 kikiertf.eotd o the greatest 'Milieu l • Arlan staid( lit preventing fraudulent Moroi, I saA ii s o otsdttMttt6 is that theiir . easyb• a this , inprenlea of the opision of the 1 army ; ; 44 fer as possibli the Ditiiiiinny wilt lainjaan4reii to,Visooreale with aerialist, the issalparsiu theist - ICY:non. This' U the most that eats be done. and those:oho Lappin., that la distint tamps those nwprlsdplsd Repub . "'. Oatsparltsiaabillgoi watahe 1, aro mist Ado /11,11fpeCtet sad the artny'shall know hew they have been ildscoded, if they are to niwindled I. 'ono( Ado Husrages, There - must bo as votes df dndnee renraed; no Democratio soldiers must be detailed er otherwise depried of their cells polio dry of oliatiou. If soldiers are seat final to vote.-all must go, or else the ideation carried by furloughing Republican soldint r illy. is void. Thai. Toting must be open,: fin lad uoioacnaptuied by tone or 'bream The returns ?Gust booornetly made • out. t I nil To resaplt te : The flee cotes of the so willed "Elisio of West Virginia" mast tot be 'eounteill The ineetious must he free id all the that's the fitatte of Missouri, &n -inety, Delaware and Maryland. To eleatoni votes must be 'coasted coining from say tattle seceded , or. siiijagated States. The laws of the raspeetive &situ in regard te eleotidin taus& be ,nbeywl. Including' tho De whish prohibit the Estionimg of soldiers with - Is is saint* distanee'of the polls. The rots of. the miry must be out [civil!, all Totem qualified trader elate laws 'must have upportwoliy io cut their ballots for the 0113E11,- 4*We of thCir choice, and the returns must be fairly iwithi out and.given to the public. In short, ideate must be mush an slsotieti as 114 bees elw 4 u 4 S h'6•l in obis country until Abut. hem Lincoln ossiyea.io rule . s majority by wiisoritir. _The past. *lotions up to his *day 'wire ijes s nose could be tore so. We Ur aid; 116* 'Curti now. To ~baie * free Olestido thro l ughout.thess‘ litotes riqiiires no interference of Mr. "Liaeolnt is satilliiew or :his party. 24,-lataititeme is wbif w tisk sal' what, is lola lIATII. Obiwryer.] • The Ship pi -Stns. IT 71RII. 111430111 4O* ILL 1191111... 31—..Patriatif ASto_ camm Raz ye people of oppression, 'Li ye to the cr y of pain . ' C ' g *mow dying comrades, •.- Lying 'mid their, kindred slain 1 Will you stand forever vile en e move would right oar wrong t Tot • /Whit t—voto for freedom I , • McClellan be ear song I 1 , 7 WI McClellan for our Captain, ' '4 wilt take the Skip of State, sa her with true,-noble patriots, . . " With oar Pendleton for taste ; 1 ' Trim well her salls—all la order— POI her on, the sea of light, • t - Reed her for the glorious Whit. House, put the Despot's power to tight. .• I ''• . •" ' • • When McClellan is elected • And this gad war is o'er, ' . And the Abolition crew ejected, , Then our hearts will fear no more. • Strike, ye brave men, for McClellan, Work ye while , the day'!. long; • Ts the rescue; sere the Union ; Little Mao shall right,oar wrong I , . CUCIIIIII. , • Now, three Ghetto fo4 , breve McClellan* Re'. the Champion' of the dsy. Bearra.nstrao, Pa., Oct. 23, 1864. AtOX lIMUIMAX ° III *MIT. , The Confederates are gathering an army in front of Atlanta, with the intention of storming and capturing it during Sher man's absence. They say there are hardly eight thousand Federal tioope in the town. General Iverson commands the Confederate army in front of Atlanta. The Confederates report that Sherman has, all told, list fifty thousand men, only belt of Whom are now with him. The rest are 'masoning threatened points on the rail roal. The Confederates have crossed the Tensaw*, near Florence. Forrest, with _a strong column, has appeared near Me"- Phis. ,At Eastport, in Northern Miss lipid, he captured part of a Federal gay i ' son, under Colonel Mayes. the remainder rats/Wag to Memphis. The telegram ari 'nouncitig the , defeat states that Colonel Hoye* not to blame forth. disaster, as he simply obeyed orders.." . infers - umer.- Thom is nolonga any doubt that Price's army' is retreating firont Missouri. • He marched down the State line dividing Missouri from Mutsu. ,When Fort Boott was reached, fifty miles south of Kansas City. Price turned southeast, and was. quickly marching across .Missouri towards Arkansas. He carried with him a large 'autoclaved plunder. The Federal caralW -followed, but there is no 'ponArmation of thtsreports of heavy captures of prisoners and gnus made by them. If these stories were true. Mr. Stanton mould very quick- IY,cotifirat: them by an official despatch, giving the details. Only the Federal cav alry foUow Price. The infantry under ' Rosettrans, is only to few miles south of Banns City, and more than forty miles'. from Pricfs'i rear. NM= 011'1111,XINOTOX. The is to be a naval attack upon Wil mington. A large Federal fleet—some say sixty vemels,is gathering from Beaufort, , North Carolina. Admiral Porter is to corn mud, and be lssvu Wathington today or tomorrow for kis post. Another fleet, .00Mposed of all the meek and carrying sit'theirools that i can be awed from the masts of South Carolina, Georgia and Flo- MAN his been polleeted at Hilton Bead. - Our latest intelligence from Charleston states that transports, leaded with troops, hid passed botchward from Hilton Bead. - The attack, it is - said, will come of nest' wmdc. t brut& foe eleetion pinpaers,' sad. the new" must; of mune, wave in' tfoie Mlnfigenee the 'otitis. , • -• ANIIPORTANT I. . . • -.J ; .t. _.. Owns , - . . Olen A ening' figiateitted Lamb TTSDIR THE PROVISIONS OF THE . w -• mitimmobis•mpriivei. list AO, UN wMI. simi v ie moon of trop~ad Loam . vivaria to 'take out palastilor• as* bads •botaro as -Ist dop of -=F. _lSt. Oa Canon to tab oat sada plants Use lAmmeal to akroabod "Oa selerties Mr ramows ill parchas orsoribtotorat and, Pao des se oaoh armor mit asourar vita also flour is y ad Va' tam aipparraa ma /MU to adorstio a iki *Wm Lilo .protrlat aita fir ILI prima 'sat nod 000 l aloe itoratt at pry oaste. limo Moak Si. Ma% ID Mk IW by, the 1,1; 01111 Millie liana* 411. . pablloMommaadar the ad at Alp& 14.11 M. 1' no ne zerlai partisalar atbratioa-to all bodosis 'Qs Lad Lau. tad Uttar bah , Moo tar t=the Was* Waiiiikatoplopuod to pro. sarepabools - at aoaaJP; at a distance propoctaio urs o,(ll, 4l 4obig, iker4meilbo moat romooalto arildtia sal ~I3P attaadad , r a tillose- , .., lOU= aitOOGlAllik, or A Dr carer, ".., 1 -,ittloalto atutOesaadlors at UM • 4 illii"II" - - illnilbri .1 . ...A . ' . . -• A - :. . Nom IL: Souholt . . i •:: . , f . tr_ hot uststelool, hi do owl of Comas - • .71:JLIIMItthw. Phu oi IC eie Conte. IL 9, Nuf: teen, ISIS. : : - Lmis E llormost i . L/VS DIFPDA TIN TILE LBWS c i hoolo Web, iotttoll to - wogs, the duet of "pelt to ho Will ot /Mo o fa so* i tr i t OW& V*lllllll4 Oki* /114 lie et Nopuillsi lad or twor wihoooseiplobs ' Oho* arioeft idgeAllll~esa the i4ttaiseoraboarit bogoollallo soillistonli- i 1 • . - - ii. Oldie ~lie* OILMIrb a -141Wa* J ibe atom eat rworearata • sew sad Vaproved POCK KNIFE CUTTIPI HOZ, greatly auporlor t„ FOUR £NIYH FEND CUTTlitt. la ass. whether In strength. D1:y*4414, o,wpm:fools or Ens h W0r , 4 1 Ite telt ferdlair. adjustable throat operate* la tho slraptort and wort parfact manner. entrins an Y degzrab • ;„..,! sad the Idashloo sax be rut either be Power or Hand. All combined glee the" Iclliet itli friEltLl • darldad preforms over all other Pour Knife Itashlass. - ' ll lll plMe are IS 'Wen , No. OM ith No . Two 111131 No. Vireo SU; Nu. .PCIII $74, ' Rochester One Knife" Cutter, . ittehractet a midi which ewatalee we to Itapply the wants deny farmer. and at lianaloetarare . prima Tigard —.roar city No. Ow $20 ; • NO. Two $22;-..lionester No Ona $4; No. 149 ;lg. -h',/'Dwell suenbed with any of . tit: above Clatters at Wholsaale • W• Watts the attention of pergolas waistlis oaTtidog in the Hard war, lino, to not 12 , 1" tak emh•rio. UOCOIR •FLIKIVIIILIINIA G00V1 46 , 1100OKIKRERIRRott HANUW Or, MILL OLlcy L t yr. D . AND I ROOLO OR ERROR Oft9alllllßlloN. , • Woo a toad' woortan•nt of • or me latest /Arlon to all otorbtsh wailer, tootpstltton. Speelit attention Is called io n 13 mem' roll l'lsallol BRICK (IVVIT STOVE„ - which we ille&N as °Deaths aniffratelit art 014 to th e 3: 81:10. i l IS" We hoot the Are eel to this e 7 y tor 14111114.N3g SIELXBitATEQ. SCALE i. A EPA s minim: r.s hin d which will be bold at Sanivactsrlire view W. 1: 11 , ...t l b .. 7 I ost2fro4-3an- Oi.C., .1 Li.ro d t,. . . . GOLDEN BITTERS. rattles the kites. feat's% tie rot drab of sairkele., , Win we tippeps s. . - Will ears )* *Wawa. • Will sure Oeuessi" , DOUny. -, ' : , • , Will can ilosintsini. I.Wiil ear. lissdasiss -=-* tn ekr•-witopmemak • Will iiisits arid ens •aWi • tt sprint*. - - ' • WUI lasigosata Ws aims Of vistas sad siodetsts if illissisisii Use Ssisperstareof that body sad the tors et drimistisis, satin is twat so a issismi smsbussit• of the wigs, Gonsinislasg no potsosonsArap, sod is TU BEST-TOOlO BITIWRS-In ?RE WORLD. • *Tins, is earnestly isilettsil. James ' 010: tiNOßltgl, a CO, Proprietors. Buds Is, N. T. Patrol Depot. Aswan& *peso Bettiliti K 9q: 6 SON BT.. N i OXIC. • Tor silo by all DrunighbOroioro,ii. tar *INNIS oi 140oa. s. Wholesale lin* shot (or sale by t Iran k WatibliChrtor *Carter ea* litt• king ag Booth. 05t12114. _ tY 'VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE Orphan's Court of trio Coact,. will be sold at the korbot Homo. in the city of trio, on founds,. the 6th day of Ifocolabire next, at 10 Weleek e. al' the right„ Ws aid Interest of /oho and Martin tinder, ehll !rep of Monet' etticlor. late of Erie, deco- bed, In end to all that tonal& lot of ground nitwit- in the city of trio. county of EN* and Stabs of Pennsylvania, and known as part et la-Lot in wild city of Ole. by the number two thou sand sth bnadrird and eighty.one (2681) bounded as fol lows, to wit : beginning at a post on Font th street at the tooth liast corner of la• Lot No NM, thence by sold lot Northward!, ecrenty4lire (76) feet, thence Eard.wardly parallel iritb Irourtb street twenty-eve 00 feet to a post, thanes Sonthwardly seventy-ave.(76) font° Folarth street. and thence krestwardlyolorg count' strait Olen- Aydirer (26)feet to the place of bestaniattleing part of !B lot No. 2681, and having a small dwelling bonus area 'td thereon. Stray Heifer.. r e94OFTO - WEE-PREMISES OP THE w eribm bk Huta amok ip • oa OW LOW Rake, 11)rnir is Moat als viola aro. • two lest aid Sieskir•li•sadi gra* •okor—•• speoliaA sulk*. he w 4 wwortoksossod.4 to owes Loma, brirr• minty. 11114 VW Water May, Witr•W ok • rlllbi of ••••11•6 0 by. .1111111010 , iii111111=1111; IM=M=EI Empire Feed Cutter. _ The Flour CIO Two Knife Feed Cutter, AND 'MI COOKING HUBBEL'S A PURELY VEOEITABLE lONIC /NTIGOUTTG & 14Taticrratatilio, C• .Exeinitor% Notide. .ETtERS:TESTAMRNTARY ON THE eatlte of James Cotter, died. tate of Aarbotateet tp., Bale Co , Pa., having been meted to the undendan ". "tic. Is hope*/ tie= toll tnowotir Messelvea in. debted to the 'aid estate. to maim isuneellate payment. and those h.viog elaitosmraMed the OIRCIO will present them, dal, antbeatleated, for setl. mot. • 111C11dRL CROWLRY, RICHARD CROW LEY, salt-6e* Executers. - Executor's Notice. XOTICE 18? HEREBY HIVES THAT Letters Teetannatary bate been granted to Secto r *Lean upon the estabrof Joseph Logan, late of Watts • burg, ins County, Psi; deed. Any Pumas haie tog claim! against cud *state will pneent them, and all pen noes Wehted to Said estate will slake Instnediate per mast to the undetaligned. ' H. Mel.: AN, oetls-6w. Es. ot Joseph Logen,deed. Orphan's COurt Bale. VIENB Of 8 41,8-‘osirthird In hand sod the Wanes IS two opal sons! payment% with• intend on the woe, to be sewed by judgment bond sod ntotteege spon the preeeikee. JOHN OCHALICIN. osardisn of Jotin and Nuts Solder. ottll-!w. Fall and Winter. Goods Z MIS, S. IL HALL Wand reepeetfally on attention to tar LARGE STOCK OF. GOODS, ..it remind from New York, @Tishman Bonnets, 'Hats, Ribbons, iito., • Together with Rome D • GOOD EL Mach alio will 001 l • CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READY-PAT. Er Particular attention gala to bleaching, coloring la tal ei tt l ieweit st... 7 - dews sieve the Depot. serSelitt. Valuable Property . for - - Bale. _ IHE - UNDERSIGNED BEING -DESIE sus Of amstagiog la other Wawa% albs for sag Wish / Trsiparty. wasted to Aibtna, Iris Co., ra. This property soashits of Oas no.wasa KILL, Oa. S&W MILL Two WV CLIANG liftW3 163 so 4 IA AClatt of LAND. The noun's It 1 soAltt Arm ter of bona Shiva - WU and all maim swam:, MACt int* 7 for Acklaa • alerettaat or tartans bisilsoe, sad ti no. dein a pay. tog boatoese•—the tra4o saroaatiog to from dhow to twenty thoubsod dntlait a year. Thesazeai l lbiduat_o Paw sad ass Ctegatar w e aid tadoubio.aearadliad ItTeotallitgarter. - abets 'Mk ass drtOrs dp a Parr , talliog strain and whi be Fos st klataisk t All !mars of inquiry will metro proaypkatteatioa galieatog • "C, 7.INN At• BOW, ALMON trio Co Pa. Adzninistrator's Notice. • LETTERA tf,Ad aliri istra Ilan on . the ea `tab of Denbo% toyer doted., late of Fairview to, tee - Coy itivirts twee. vented to tee wilder • deed *dials bereby.givaa to ab Laritig claims against the wow to perm Ahem. duly authenticated. forepttle Wet. mad than lideblad to lbs sgd ealoda aUI make teasettata paysamt. a1t.49 Beate. EPHRAIM BOYER, 1:1* Adoklatitadon. • • • . .13tray Cow. CI Et AME , TO•TH PRE3IISES OF THE %,• I~lloo* Kilknsh ip , about thre•••ilut • • MILT COM, ifs yetiosrbl lett toTer,7 hr yew oe, with the eras ,114 • 4 1 9 2 1 r7 t i rs °64 cml II "' b pi . " The armee tegetpetid %mud, yeses report), ply eleopesert lake bir FINN oUpereise ebsiltal be Ma imed of wee•nliss ter Saw. - eidigelee - • • ; 3MIIII AUTUMN TRADE. ,-.101124 '• arm« ape itsiitis. Of Prratibill te - klitP am stock of • , • g 4:0 *S. Xlll 7 of 00 D ! Now riestriag Ow the Pan Winter Tilde ! Patsitaid ff/I/inert*. ia Geld; tat 10 be sold • - - 's o4- -ThimOkaaalleina, , - - 1 0" - HEAP PQR 'CASH! • pit r ! lir r itock of Boot, and -Shaw, be isOld te mat: 0et164-fti. . W. Pierce & Co.t b. - PIERCE & AGRICILTURAL IMPLEMENTS, - sirm-Es, HARDWARE, CORNER U s . STATE AND 5Th STS., ALSO TOR BALI AND _PARLOR STOVES, Redding's Russia Salve! FORTY YEARS EXPERIM Me hily estatalha the far...iiarlt7 01 REDDING'S RUSSIA SALE illette belling peso:Woos. IttDDING'S SALVE! Jen NM REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE ! • I. I. tiff'. &TAM BEDDING'S ausstA sALVEI CURBS 'ELM REDDrN. G'S_ RUSSIA SALVE! • C 4, RE .t C1111.131M BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! Cl/4Es CihtiTED REDDING'S RUSSIA Ab LVE 1 ttra!Gi FLL:EI REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE' OLD sons REDDINQ'S 11 1 3SSIA. SALVE! LRYi/11.111 REDDING'S RI7S.SIA SALVE CCItES cixen REDDING'S RUSSIAA, SALVE! ROM REDDING'S RUSSIA.IRALVE: REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVr! REDDLNO'S RUSSIA SA LVT! cc sa ?Itt?Lti REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE : REDDING'S RUSSIA. S Ic.7pri.'i REDDINWS RUSSIA sALvr.: . CURE. 3 FRO -T REDDI:iG'S RUSSIA: SALVE; crnEs f Ur DISZLO AND P.ItUrtION.i OLNEfiIL , S. REDDIZiG'S RUSSIA SALVE! Is pillsetil tine tram any oterettital matt et or tile , Gas pariteloa, lad to nti eallo'wl with that-a:o.lles that al ty be pr-fcrkett by • trod Ohytielatt. The Net:eal racy ty, thmuaboottlo. are unanimous in its raas. Ti muro tut lieu' telt knows the trteAter is tLe eemxbd. and it Ia Slow mat fired an tollutpeasabl• &roe!. hoptiebold matey. Wag need alike by nett and poor. ' REDD' NG'S RUSSIA SALCEI 111 prompt to let.ot, temSre.pa4l at over., sae meta , ' the moat angry looking *maniac. sod latiamaanett,e aelorelag tehal and a catetbta The length of time this salve he. been bet istotttlaaiii proof that it ti no 'cc capacity' pro a, t a r Pit tartb to have a Octi:aious K ' iniarar Lad tbo • k to rile 11t1 Dr . 0114 Chas • nos. 1111 - Fogs', JP. DINa Mufti, No. 491 Brealr§7, Y, S: W. 'CAME & CO. No lh Trematt gait, Baba Led by all Druggists aud . Conotry rtaeelara segre4-Iy. QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, TliatConcern Every . 00 • to Answer ! Are yea bald I Dose • par oate tall elf . Du your bait. bocoute %Mil I Data it feellarrah, at,tl dr.% arid &Twirl]; Le It tornink gra) Istore its time waned aos - you troubled Ltr:tun" the soap ? Are yon troubled wit% Noire ff? • ' es Ara you troubled it l.tt whist Is e.)Jed -lertda'a It '- Sheila ? Hate yea had the firrdreta, to o rev her! Have yes bad the as d lost It ? Haar you bad the Typhoid " ewer, at &lett tot the. yile last war user ty any s;eite•S Do you w ah lolutiont bur?, Do yoamlati sutt and luatr.ma bair Do you stall gray u)ir re, ford ? Do yon stab y..ur whudree, ) De you slab them restos to t Do you wantit t.,r your elii,grvu Do too wool it C.., yt. omit, lot tither erre-- V bletherothter or Do you slot to make • pretest /Derma dotat op./tome tit tour Do you wont a loaradsts attic's, t Do you lomat a pare artlele? Dojos' want adouble distilled article 1 ' • Do you *ant a' elsiosiug arr Ac t, Do y ou, want th e tail ratianitl.o out t.r. t" O4 stasiattwg, protooti nit, Trauma, the color, " dn.- WK. , " holey and lustrous the human our it so, ws warrant CLARK'S N. DISTILLED itEsTogazo' Milli FOR THE HAIR,- . Tv TO.DE ITNEQUALLED AND SUPEfllor 'sr ANY PREPARATION EVER., COMPUUNUED AND DYED 4 ' . THE rULI L 1 . Satteastles ottrenteed, or the tr. oto7 r112'41. r It coatiobat $1 for ow , bon's, or bo mre a . 93 Pritirgists IDQ Datlers every w4fre. C. G. CLAIM & CO., rr4: lo .'" . S. D tk, tO,. X. Y, 40 ,1 " 1711 L • . , Stray cow... - • Ki CAME to the precul.,es or the 1 10 , bee. la f shwa: tp, &boat V • Is.t of :epte,,,:yi dal PIDLC COW shoot •Ight yea • ow,-110,1"....0 mirk. The etrne ' r Is .tegoested to cone/ fog . "'" r fit!, pay ~a sate taw her snsP i. 2. 2 0,1, .140.1p 0. . , gre.l4 Riad 7t. CIE= ERIE, PA. I van 101 l COM L'aza‘ S LC QUESTIONS QVLSTIO D , ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers