The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 03, 1864, Image 1
roz ERIE WgEKLY OBSERVER. ~• n r CILDTVIO. 4 STATICTARR?. „jorro,rrs TAN Xo3l' 0771C11. • „ tr. ll ~ t.k . uee 7 5reo , e ; two itelerllona 1,00: three lour -2,4 $1,'25; on. month $1,40 ; months $2,40; ,e . t , st. O: six mlnthsls!OVone,year $.105. r opotlion. Tikes rate alliered to; of tcee clyingeS by special cr at the option of the po'dieters. s Diron , it and like a leertiser V , otlene $260; Lace? f cid ome. 11110; MICTiIOINOtie.479IWsTY• [CO' 3 IP ,, o;l^r tit.. (over three thee .t , ay. cents I.: litl arigitt4 poetry, un. i,, ai Ibc.r,Nneet or the editor, one dellir adrerttee neata will be continued at c of the person adrerrlelng. until ordered b,s threetbm, noise* a +pacified period is for Its insertion. • Two Dot.t.aitn per annum •in ad rl,,;TNlL—Srelhate one a lite. but Jobbing • , .t eye rea If to doanv work In entru.ted tr a% In equal style out , stde or tit 3 . , tIT I kV k EtrtF.Cti.T, Puttileh.u. , o • t'Je Edo OhAervlci Renunciation. ; T1 eyes that gently b e a m , hok of tr as in a dream \, r ye and deep as their own blue, !!„,., dal:cued by t 4 o many ewes, 'Le'r every look some essioess wears; Matt now delpairinz turn from-you. .... - 714.1 that part in-roty mirth, i „i,,:.rniag smile at MVO's dearth Their derepereshaessmill not bless; g i , ,e,lhat are dry with iiirskor love, et in love wnrdstinty not move, . la s neVta lUQI3t your timid press.• f4iry feet that trip along i i - Wv4y path.. to pleasure's song, - ,And mils the thorns b'- de the way ; tame. inleterner march muvt tread... irom 1,40 not j 4y , f"r nye have fild, Forgetful hattiag, mty not stay. 0.1 facing heart that waits fur me, ,tl.l itoartls tieitTerz- - ----- - Sleeping with itS Intent—powers; Vise, yearning with its strong ilestre— !line, burn hg with its hidim fire, Must withet in tho midit,ot showers. Speech et - George U. Pendleton. e the Sr York norld.) lion. George 11. Pendlett!), ,the Demo. tin e:;tidiclate for - the - Vin PreAdeney, in.thli city yesterday afternoon.— , %is 4.rontded last etrairtg, et the New rt II )ttA, hs..tto X Cieß n logion, en olfn7oied,cig <,soldipn who have •; , 1 In the 4rin9 of :tlae - Potom*n. . At pit 11 o'clock. Daderorth'e band irqrant of the Jhotel, and played pAtiiotie air 3. " The proceaiion iv 1? I frdna the tterlquartera of the is •Thirt,:?enth, to the New %itd - were andbr the raarthat 'o L' , ..u.tetttnt CJkinel .I.)e Qallfeldt. nurnherlof pappin hal been man ; fir and nvtay - rlioro imuao- Akiy : , atherc4l, .the crow& te .ral cuou3and. Pa.. ru j enthu3iagtic were given for McClellan and Pon= ito committee of the Logion, consisting 'tin Abram . Duryea, C2pt. Newel . ' and wait"! on Pentlle tippoica,l on the :tod 1.1.3 - greeted 'with -chettnpan.- Ne , vell,..on behalf of tiia to.zion, ilr.'-,e•i 31r, Pailleton aj 10110Wi : 1 , i, ruy gof the L v ,i Qn of N. v? York, tel bid you •,e)tue to t Ito city. 'rho 31cCAls.ii'Le: elinpotell of ruerrond ofacont who tal.tvahattleatierlroext • .rn they , tat - . 0 their name, Who hive TIP.I to krpov. :ta.l love, ati , l trust him tt the and irt the game eon. fence in him 'Let been expressed by their Inc citizens 4 , the ,Detnocratie party tho country in naming him for the otrtr...4 in the &t.t. of Any people, we a 3 heretoforo, to follow hini rmtory.; AlloW me to say that-in you, chi reco.tnize - one who k t j be his -Actor in the afftirs of government,an.l :e who has b3en able to rise above Wei ~ j u hee9 of party to exercise the highest vies of a patriot. to stevilly uphold' the nor of the country in • vottng for men Fupplies to the army, In the name Of 2'? McClellan Leion I ag tin welcome u to the city of Net" York. 113 n. John Van Duren. then introduced Pnfilleton to the auliecice in-the fot• rral)ir errivots:-2016;" me to present .) George II Penticton, a gentleman - persoaal honor, of good A e York rick, which 1114 gained vigor . .by_ being . .rtnr.f.buited. by thexicit rinit virgin sod of ''')e Northwest. (Cheers.) Wt 0.f." - NeW him now as bearing .aloft tiroClellan (trenvn.lous Cheer": .:?-....three, cheers for tli.i 4;1 , 1 tri of C niseivai - .11 - n. of. the "Union, the Cmitituti M. When the palls close 1)7 trt.l uhe.?. tVet VW him es the elect of the United States. g intletnan, oriel, "I prapase• Wren iazri for G3or-0 H. Pendleton." , They , er.gicien with tremendous force. (Voice hi /Ansi him.") • • It. Po Idleten ccule forward and spoke obliotsi t ; • x. Pritatvres 'Fuca you for this manifestation of 13.1: Itiorfeatinp t.v ir)l-riy.setf. lam .11 irosr 6tsfal fir it as it camel from } h tve stooTrils - ToTe front of ' i trig'r, 33'1 perdu.' their lives for their toontr,„l ti tad cheers j I accept it is an evtlene3of your aorta to 1C 3 - in and your 'ln:many with my devotion to the UniQn ill the C muitulion. (Noce cheera for Or). Q. Pendleton.] I hire rsroly founl it: neeetstri to re. in any pertond attnok. A friend has 131, bender/ inn a psrophlee, which he tells z} 'iss extensile circulation both hero tal in the tray. it profess to boo tea -o'l )f my speeches And votes in Coneress ortvit intro than my hostility to the a'? ioli 3. Is profo,tet tt I.)}. publlslied by C in,frotAion tt Committee,!' i7l r 1:11pi h 3 1 frorn the G'sarsorioartl c,!l. to Nvliich I appall for RS entirti uC ra:s.~..Qatit- 7:.'t p. 1. 4, of that jun:1011ot I ))'i tr;e I with iitvin4 voted_ az cirrit t-r coo: on ; tile) 7t h of July. N }sr, if 'any of :yeti - gentlemen wit r ~traitio the 01o5t, or the filo of any daily . a.v 7 )t:Otti• - o`"y - o'.lr city, - - or -eye d-tux:it hi r)c}ilectioo, he will find-that ConareiS Oii.traoloU'tho 4:140f July, 1864. [Cire - 4 - " . . 1 0t:tr.1 Froni t this spelltnon of fristici ' 4 ' l f?r,43try I hein yott to ,i2.4.Te of the of tlio wlsole fsbrication.-- t, .r an'i .U. 1711 in 0:10. "I hare lived all al! itr4! 1.! N)rtly.i.t;t. I know the .)f chi> palpl , f • I-synnpathizo elLiNty with i:. Mel urt att3obed: by ' .?r/ lie of ItIi , 'JCIOO interc.44 to this (f.0n.1 - altlering I Unlitc«;Rfiii — Tiirk — ltier have never ii 4 yon-11.)thAr G.liacnniont ; thk;y never oriuiri As 3 politicAl eonanuttlity before this G3vern:nent WA3 formed, end their heat chop to this eavarnstient :with Lin - describable tenacity. (emit sPlasallii 1 , = t EMI VOLVME. $5: Unlike you, therare an - inland. people; chiefly devoted to sgrieeltare. As an id.' tegraist.nd controlling portion of the Union they liaveprestige and. power ; they' fear froordiauniori,Tsotation ; from the 'world, and the loss of t , t prestige and power. a . [Cheers:], Tits& Co - terest requires that they f 'siail - have spe ly /4,11t1 . easy - canununica• ticiircritt the -, iql-sn. - and this they intend to hive lioth by the Gulf of Mesta) and the city - of New York, by conciliation are,t In peace if they can, by all the, 'force and power which a teeming population and a fruitful soil give them if they must. [Loud -1 cheers.] They believe that the first step toward maintaining the goion 14 the elec. tion of General litoCiellan. [Great cheer ing [ They believe that the restoration of the Dsuporatio party to power -will produce Union. - [Che i rs.] They believe the poliey of this A 4 inistratlon toward both the Southern and Northern States is fatal to the Union. ["That's so."] General McClellan in his garrison Llnding Letter said: f•Neifher clatiteitioni or property, , nor pllitioal eeesutiOns of persons, nor territorial organization of States, nor for-. cible abolition of slavery. 'should be for one onsent thought of." I eliiiiTelgirrottOtAeptinscre he esiii;--ALThe Union - Was origin-illy farmed by the exer cise of a spirit - of conciliation and compro mise. To`restore and preserve it a like ,spirit must_prevail in the• ciOunsels of the o3untiYaltiiig the hearts of tititoiople." . . ... [Ghee's.] , . Tao Demooratio party is pledged to - atr unswerving fidelity to the Union under the Constitution. LCheere.l 'lt lepledged" to "the restoration of peso. on the basis of the Federal Union. , of tits Statis.'!— [Loud applause.] . •o' We belleve, nay, we know, that if this party Shalt be restored to power,- if their policy'shattprevitil the Union ,alaall be re.. stored; state alter State will return to us_ and 'the-echoes of our rejoicing will Come down tO us from the vaults' -of Heaven - it self,- in token that Deity approves- that statesmanship which,- tempers all Its policy' with 'tnaviehtlen, Sad Justice, and sitanclli-, ation. [Cheers.] you 1 hope We 'Mai havealreudy entered on that work. Again, geutleuien, I thank yoii foe pour attention and, - wish yon good night. - Aliond and long cheers followed the speech.l _ Nero Drafts. From s speech made by Gov. Seymour Philadelphia,-hat.- week. theAtartlin intelligence is gathered thAt-the Achninis 'tration at Washington are contemplating war for y.ara—not one year-to coMtvand have already made arrangements by 'which three yearn Men °Wear Yorkare credited ;tie ietron the present draft, one yeaY"On the is to recruit the army thecininalgtt . 4145; siiid one - year on still another draft which can . 01111 be ra-,. quiretl to recruit for the campaign of 143C4,12' Here is,tho official statensentnf - Goremor Seymour: • The men .rho were drafted this year nn -der the live hundred thousand call twee but one year to serve. The-three years' ; men who were taken into the army . 1862 wilt go oat of the service next year: I Their terms begin to expire in the spring. In nine months the army will need the largest acidaiont.that luny been made at any one time. Ai the Mininistration shrank from calling for more three. yeari men just before as election, the places to be vacated by the one year men must be provided to be Mick ; in nine mcmtis, and thus it is reasonable to l, believe that Tall Lauri? purr THAT Ha YET crtsg xkos WILL Di oaDIULED AT. TIM Be -I•de t3ntsPenk unadvisedly. for the .4! --- "idiftitrhar • las intimated. to 'me that .theilk iirlieet -another draft.. The of New York had furn ished au excess of three years' men, nod' I asked4tat. in , : taskipgup the quota of Seiv YOrk; nab till/KC - years'. Man' elfealit be °owned as equa,l: to three one year's l.lgen . I , men. They said they'conld not 'do that as they needed mew iinmediately ; but they proilded.. , that a 'three Years= man should count as one man on this draft, as one man nn this Nix? mum and as one mart-otaIf.RTIIIRD__DRAFT, and thus tlicraisf,ter would be cguifized; Salt pears from this thst.vre are totiateitlessf two . drafts more. (Voic"That's refresh ing.l7-- 'Swint swan km:airs:tint we D3119L bare this farther draft.: Aftor the war -is ended: under the policy. of this Adminis tration, We shall tie cone pe lled - tOtneintain large Simla to hold - Ittte people or the South in sattliction.tioarry on,t:thiti Eman cipation Proolamstion and the Confisca tion AM, - . Cosh Deneatur tb ileralia atm war The Atm 7 snail r Gasitti, et the nil . - *to hiv A newspaper . __ :dent ;fie kt!'satv Gen. Sherman laatjhunWy. . Us is lcr- tog every inch, t soldise bletrinin *he ai f o proclaim him to be, enjoying eine exit health and.Sportlng a new u niform:, . I nev-, er saw bins mors.gdnial. Speaking an. assembly of o ffi cers, he said : Tarts vrait nag - am? coleassceo AND lea ISiDM- 4 11 :TUB aysrstres-orsim-stu 7 suvual-- - . Our readeiewill igmbisit this deciara- • Ltion of a true soldiseithols:friMnglt!) mike an flonorabie pesos.; rith Iltra slam, ituce,orlis Lincoln - ntottutthitt sbo.var is , nor virtually ended ; :that titimi r dieSinti is totteringito its fall; bia Allot iiiii,'.44tee._ lion of "Figi I Abe" wig. anh i. ite; 114. 1 4 1 4114 1 4iittim li to czontinu7=msf was Itas fltrST COMIt. mitscpe',..tes!, tf Gin. 31atlellan eleatesi j the to*tiiisis hove 714tieri'ain• Uxzeti; 3vittsctutithastrikiss 701 -0.9 7 4 1 R.-.40R. a: blood.!'t An aniniing teene do ed -ftiLietsk_ ington city the other day The son of a: leSinremlflOgiorr*Venneyl4" 'tide; a - tad oniTz • s Instilyn4 the pavement fa : 4 2441614N int spired by the made of WDenincraiic band.. 10 , 5041 0 52, who * v *, 1:Isr AMP". 14 the back shop, heang this unwonted oil -- rushed out, foaming - with rage, seised,the unkhigkli* 4 ?Ar liiir ;r 4 M 44ls and drsgged.him info,the)twase - k e*ciaint• - insi"l'll teach you niched dun miWpryen -the-bread out of lour ail fttlieekiWiedi !" • ; Napoleon-Ai:new Rosa:l4r sista, tlikrk battle•lhilditt thi Ogg. y. "skid NIA MIT low: ocoutti , t4 l .* 1111 : 4114,2Ter osic ';TWO Ili'fN AD*ANCEt ES Anther Rebel Idirseste ZINO Proa thOloliambla loath eweUsk's.) We were inclined, not many days ago, to wish success to McClellan it the ap proaching Presidential election. _Bat we have changed our roind.l' D hasAttady-ba• One eiriderit that thee aie As" paratkU as the South Filo are disposed to .3.4 eve that if ice shoald carry the day the restoration of the Union would be not impossible. 'Do nth a ant- Onion, under any circumstance's, tei the sap. Erred contest in which the Confederacy Is engaged, we are so entels opposes, that we must perforce depriCate' any event which might lead •to the 'formation of a party, however Biotin, Which could entertain the . thought of as re-alliance With the peopled the North, .Ttrichave, therefore, determin ed to withdraw the support of our good wishes frill the Chicago nominee. Mere Lincoln !tit‘iront• this dine forth. . The re election of that unqualified villian will et fectually put a stop to the dream of recent stractiontin the hearts even of the most timid among us. Committed to atioept nothing but abject submission from the South, Lincoln will goad sti O a t iensvuudeotta, towompandrinz relentless, deversts-apposition; and in such opposition Hest he only safety of these ' Confederate States. Abraham forever, therefore, say we. rtenicoulet heir Aist:iniinii tat., Odes:with open systeelier titY , repfiticssiote, sot iota do iNciLk ghe imoseptes , ears, tt a .* "By book or by crook.," by. foutmeaps or fair, it is Lintioln's inters. lion to beat McClellan . ; and best lan will,without the smallest doubt.—; Lst„the recanatruntioniata of the BOOth put theinesokoms2 in ; Sheiritipei.. sia4 it may give -them illeattbier dreams. ttia*r, the inthience of wil4th they will perhaps come to u thisu f /17_ !fay of settling this through it with alltheir•=iplvit--and all their strength: — • ' The President havasetifloed conscience, .. . principle, everything to appease the litionistt and conciliate their mapped, in order to secure • his re-election, tatt*the ablest end wisest among theeidlirtnistand despise him. In a speech at the Cooper Institute„ . on ?Wednesday , night of • last week, Wefidell Phillips said— ,' There was not a greater *Mot Despotiien committed in j the coup d' slat of Paris, than the sett g.ofltank• %Nair, to the 1 army. Third. there isone -Huhn eating du Governor of Cultism- What ;is hie au thorite? A pi of papersignedT Abraham Lincoln. - A- named= - cannot 'begin until the was ends. The moment war ends, the authority of Congress intervenes. The Presiaent4 thereforb, when be etrateh "id forth his fore-finger In , this (Reaction, .broke the donstitutioit.'. 'He calls in'aer ,tain shanilocbanit . In Louisisaa *and -Ten nessee' and dui* them abiteii i: lnd they are ' to vote for A/14 stn Lleiolti". I am, said Mr. Phillips, an Abolititiiiist, but I uncle° a citizen. watchful of Constitutional liber ty, and I say if President Lincoln is insu. -gurated for the next term on the votes of Tennessee, Louisiana and Arkansas, every citizen is bound to resistlaisis. ' - ' . - .7. Rebel Viejo of the End et - the War. . Th 4 Riahnipnd Du - patch thus fueetioutity gives As ideas of wliett 'the end et the liar will arrive . ; . , iliVe are asked fifty times a day, more or I lees, when we think the war will end. As we i hare no right lo think, in' the absence : of 'a data to think Upon, we are sometimes at'i loss for en answer.: I However, for the information of. tbosewho are particularly inquisitive and anxious upon,the subject, we will leelitte dream that a frica'd 4 Of ours bad on the dura tion . of the War, which may. throw some light upon the subjeCt. dreamed that be awoke from a sleep of Ely leans and found himself .• • • the South lyink of-the Rapidan. ilium, at a little .t. flee frOni ' , the spot wtiere , he awok it corporal, with seventeen , man and a wheelblirOt e apprOstibed. and asked the, eorPoral' *bat this - Unites gatheriirmeaot.— . o fblit;"'Velplledrthe corporals I, ls the. Amy. Of_ Northern Virginia." • iiWhere. are theOran n kees inqulredjuAr etti on the other•Side,"..telOvii OlS:cortril•rli .L TZ•hre the sdventageof us i t s DUO? era an ,tratis or• tatiOnt , opt they, have twenty-ono 61171: sad two wheelbarrow's, but l we espeotAo get the' 04— ivoutoglof (item sp poeitioa," - Wlll whip them, and then the war will end.'" : '-• , , The prpapecribetore. our lofir Ship - 7 ping merchants- are- just eriliw peculiarly brilliant: The TsMisuse has isp,abs escap ed tr;ins' Witinington4--this 'time ‘with a consort lith) —and min on* orsts will 'blase witb,bgrnipg merchant 44(0, The Florida, - at huit'accounts, was, oft Its. vans, ind• Will !doubtless join in this work at Sen* time o i n board his new Veisel,.tba lirciers_ Slid to 11 be in, , 411.P.51P0c4:4 1 4/!#4 .6l be 4111. iiitins for tiesttnotive purposes. Welliss is 41,11raii'h i tad - ot the Nei? Department. '4,Cl7eispotiiierit'of 4b. -Amd elf Cho- otere4M,4at; lasi 4inday , during lir.-Beechneifinow6tio oiljnigatiOna * q*, asui Tel 7-441 conii 4 V atit - lc;I ''iiiintantiened• qt ..,twr: 04, ,iiikrailkli:*4 s , 3 , 0 2 1 °4 10 ° wax& waiintapipted, I' noputar teickitrthiiiaxotoda.ol4i4iiwil; 14* stdtepplirndad atntostLaslgoisy, ' tbfikiiehilyfir; ;1 ) 4 1 44.044(1'6%y pilbaice The rivere)/. 41 ....*01660_ 4 /01t" 3 . 1 '4. "' 1 . r 1 again. 7 tt.T.C7aS Tas Am.—The_ 'RA 4 4aarei - IPAiragertru, iew by 'lSt the regimentsat*uspitilf dts • brgkeek tkihe - ranks for . 43 Cahlit 444 . 11 ikaa :viiiktars 4' 3 : 1 0k resit on pan* Sot tos bui‘, lb _ rtii*o iroo)disco 4441 110, :*ratiki3O"Car sea -ilia 4d' oifuletration-iporp ;: 421 slit.toliiiii,:iiknow04 01 1. 4 r . 1i:44 - 4qtsthil4Oricius flagolailisbetty. giltsrhifaißs4 Ito bo.64he woo of . 3 ettsw. --4 1 44143rohoollotkralot who -41000 .otiol2 kt/ iattl a .* , 1 4P40 thail 006400:10 rigard ttie iii±Oligot mak frl 4,-90g,T 1 4-ButildVaiilks 44 of - 'Pr' 136 01 11 0.* 00 4 4 1 . i . 1 .= 1 14 1 40 Wiftlillieldi 100 . 54 - , 14: h; 1110 ;iligettllallaiblgher the ft 4 r is*# , ositf b ii t - ..... k . 406 :1 0 . 1 ty orAke,9o"Pr"2f,!irliPeri/ rGe4L.Too 4 ~;~ ERIE, ''F4l.,,TlTOftipkl: AFTEION) NOV. r..MBER-.8,- 1864. • 1113 W, ITEMS - OF ALL 80 A Gina?' Drsarrsa.--Charkif twin* aid in.the United States Eisna* . ihidttii expulsion 13,:a single negro Mkt a city , penningar ctr - was more disastritilir tb our cause !Imbibe lass - ut s grebt battle; ' ili•Gownor Dennison, who over the :Baltimore Conventlon,./deetsreci in the peoiiiiiiio,ot Hon. Eli New 1t_4 5 04.02t,"66:1 . ; *Li ,Cie/ 1141 4W45 e removed for any military raiwor,; ; lww:ba ! : ostise' bo tout& be this Democratic 411, , dis date for thWPresidehay." „ • "The wiclOw-mkiirie orgsee hit°. igleke_. the people - believe. that 4he parrs nearly Chin.ikerinan &Wit think eiser fors he sale .*"kilere be eeieliser!-pt militai,..opers4Lkomi from 400/ 3 .*:: -A base." - The is, ow Linenbsk policy the war' is • attending. • ,Itrrolkettedi e he , will call for 500,000: mars,' men "lii" thirty . • Auoite? Haratose Coorrawes cirMcCain.: La's Etacitos.-LA spec* iniOrfiVeibilig. ton to' the *wad siip t. "it I . 4 i itiloviaot much comment . in political ,circlea:tbat. Mr. Aural Beltnonk' Wig has hitherto been ettrentelt cautions aborit'losking iiiOu Presidential -is now offering to .bet heavily upon Abe. election of McClellan." ' . . M. Lincoln's honesty' we don't' hear' much of li.this eaniFisign. . - “Lfcittesi'Pld• Abe" hii few honest - men teOlefemid• 'his • honistY. • hike' is ionic noel; in Visshington..est now in the White whiCh'w4iselct the iresztrideeifinfzifein - mho underiook i to praise the' honestot; or Loa 'At..iP - • a qttiOliot‘ of Wei"' Vol," Mari* ;at; 1861, nlititifiiiiiviriatiOitil with 4 1 . ilootoo, i - 424 honk *mai are not so eaugektkie si arefficitie' e f Mr. &wird; and I tliOlight I detiot . ed a dish* to let Sistiho'citit 11114e4 it till)) , id deitrii4l 1i: Chile,' by the way, expeiiill'ierititsiehts - oUtlmo amine kind, more dookdatily 'Om` other ' ttpOot& iatd 'to' SeisitOe Wadi; when' the - litter coned on hl&r diirtis; W*4e,'l want to tell' 'Ski' it ••• : - What Wade wad to •LineOblitl• '1)-11 you and-your 'toilet - Mb I Itigeh• tlean6Mut aeier apPreweb you lei wsitStesii of grave public Moment; met wilt 41W 46 Orifi; rwant ad • • you." And be left. " ' The moral, upright and 50ber:944414r. whose drunken brawlingS Were grvoiof the closing wofihi.l:Se atesspoker ;.rrT..°o"4ar niitt.4ko i ,l o 9T tr gwot,r2:2 , 4st part of his.speeeliA You. Oopperhmul traitor*of . ttersott, I want you to take your balks s ndleave be fore I begin, for I am &Moo give it to you, turd I am seal yoilr lips for ever igaittst Lincoln and pia party, you Copperhead traitors you l• ileilellaWs ,Letter iteepeases. t • • • °NAXOS,tF. &pt. 3, 1864. ORXILIK•raI—I hare the , honor to acknowl edge the receipt of Jeer letter:lnforming • me :of my nomination Vibe Dementia National Convention, reeently-aamotbledat. Chicago, se theiresualidate aq the next election - as !rad • dews of the United States. It - iiUniesessary - for me to say kiyiiii - ohtt this *notnisstion-emnecto me unsought. I am happy to knout that•when the amnion-, tion was made.sha-recood of uiy public life was kept in i The effect o f long and Oailed,ierries ilk the army., during war and Vase, hat been, ti strengthen and Mae . indelible to my mind and heirt the love And - reevessev. for the Vicoih. COnstisstintu jaw and Flag of our !omits', iipreansd %pm as in early youth, ; These feelings-fines thus far gulted`o6 course or my' llfi; inn Mist 'sentineli to dO no The esittesseo, sum Ulan ens Govern/lad ear. de rgyion whirls Orvm owned out flab . is, in sompstige the' power cO . the kopo i sss pe4U. • 'The preserintlotf of our Union was the vole Stowed oldies for-whisk the was was coat, leteoei: , it should We been oot4uoted - t9r than object only. sad in sooordanie with those Principlei 'which took Obesilek - to dueler' when in active service. rslrkuimaduetedi the work at reptMlituolion segid;M.-biPen,eaey, and we might hire seepesktbes benefits or our many vietorliti on the VtilstOsteroriginally formed by-the s:• orates eta spirit of coneilinties and compro mise. To restore and preserve it, the same spiritangat prov ed opiumato and lit the hearts of fhe _v ' '?Seii i iiiikunt of as Union i* gai iti•dittt nisairmintinas ipOka Waxen. 4 akiamakffeM,fa sey,galtissamt, So soot _wit s glair or aven.pro4iible, ibis our prink/fit lid .versorica me manly' for vein rtPda tie Wade , 'of the Union, *VI 'WM *thaw *ll the sr seams et s>t siseaseship priateed kyelvillsed eakes c sedpseight by the _traditions' of the kakeriaair people, consiitent 'Mi r the humor and inferisWer tfik notroirt, to aims with peakiitHisteldidi VW Vats* and gasman 'cri4F;. tie ittakaranike Gellilifttekmml • W i t n e of M AER P. 4 1 %, • h r ilie!4 l ! g#k!lu to peaeo—aa ask ea Isom - Let me add—what I _, : doebt, not Wl' isitkeo iiiiiiPtiaatki,4lFtnaaMWsmit Skatenovention. •esitiel4e4f ski beie ?Aim r.~.* /414 1 . who aeirintsdpir te t tlitOrs to me emir efts; ink a"- irgetWKS 1r 4i minx:vomit tualirsiistestoron, to. , ltigiistaiterottomidwaik*lntaPifegofsi,,•• ;taw fott, after*, ,aointettonnosp vitt fait mu hßieipho ratnali. in arms aitainiftits SA : if!ti dis - reiosestiet bipeaere4 a. 4 thww , . • : ___•• r) leodd am look la Ake_ hit of .It4:lltlisnt Wlfti4oo•otOto 1 02 1111 0 ,4 A4 Wag - th° ji a " I "ind 11° ' P 1,117 ' '° 6ll l` Imillt4; and tell sot lbokilielk Moil and 1' orooinilkoi Of so of; ontlilaitt astt - ortori NE bourn ha ion i Tam; lbw sra, abaadued l XrPisl c°, l ! " often Perilid oir iodr• stkensis i s 44 Way iad uorr. or_ +26 bo* 119014,,. u 4/dflio4l/ith AntloPid t etpP•TaPelit Aiatoii_of potoo, o tb %Woo , Conitlttittati; *idiot - X.oa Wash* Of, tutottibi trip Of'flot •Pooso , OM, zitiOnitiont toititost.aittlei.j, : :tit a MOO 0ther.,1 1 01 9 44-Pfleialoi is Mt. moitutoitkof. *9*201 1 014 need ooly•loy • ibauid heft 'll4 ttoottitutitiit 'of the truitedlltau, littb• botifirtoood bratiout• ilaei tbetoiritk;Abo:ralo 'of.tos did owl tbO • litaltattooo to V to: : .ttorrliso 3 7t* 41 PekdhAfre , "" e fhe uptimstri 61` raw; and by the it'ilboArgstemos satliabikM rj" finis ofiregiumuliin poNitiol_l l l l 4llll Wins of the a Latta:4Kr tbii iopoopl ,tff • azot tstotaxoussis' 21119 • - 7 , • , 11ft •-•• et: - 4 . . , 0 , 0 . BSil 'OT,RAIP,IINTIL THE END OF THE YEAR.. • lopesed eil labor and,eapital, *bow the nem sky. of suture to hound Sesnoial system, tittle the .rights of eitisens, and .the rights if flutes,' end , the binding authority of ley over Prisideut; army aid people, are subjects of lot lees' vital hupotinee ii tar thin .in llellsvin ths4 thi dews he'inliipreseed irs 'those of the Contention, slid' the - peopli yen Iropessobt, I *wept the nomination. Ii realise the .weigkt of the responsibility sto •be lore", should the people ratify your elude& . r; Niggleta of by owniv, saws, I eon oair teak fervently the gui4enee,of the .haer of Lbs Ernittoroty, and *Mg en all-powerfel Md, ditzeftleat vestOtt Union and, peace te a saterlet *pis, to 'eltstalith and'inard , their Menlo. and k u4 l elt& ' • I iio, kintietien; very tetitootiltlly, o.bl4 l Plit'ler*iti • • GEO.' IifoCLELLAN. ' iii Mem the Ileattersids • Bodoni Cast 7 ' l Otitis% Ils'llscankte this Saidiena, :..tit4 - Thitt the shameful disregaid ,Of Slier 4bieel admiatetratkon to its duty in respect 'to dui . dihiens • who are now and 'Ong - hare been prisoners of war, In a suf- Jerkin condition. daimons the sootiest reprobation, OW the *Ore 'alike of public 'public and con4nnn hutatnit.T.' Rooked.. T his the ftympatby: of 'Ain Dernocratio',pirey,ll hetatily and earnestly extended to the Wailers . of one army, who ate and'haii beim ire,the field under the .111,g . 0f ono - Mint tit and fa emit. of Stir a -1 taws, poitor;they naive,* we, piroleei du, regard (pa iliad*s that the braw - seidiers of the Repwgiahase ie se% ittraed. ; attiMmssilcon:Mutrr.—lf there is sn in. 'stucco upon the records of soy cosetty when tott of f America' inamitsetneiitsi sant its nerto universal invoraolely **penile earn Merits sot erlthestmstraneous shift is flit of elestalcesl.Bslersten It has only. to.le sold Weis plisse, is demanded in nu( ntber.i; stai wit, bas soak: on Increasing in &Tor until: Ake; prodnots yt the; emensiii Chemical Works of D. B. De and' &' FairPoris - 400100 1 - 2 1 11 tri ,I!! .. Fl imenOok) •r : •- • , Tllbip4tole timidglersi th.tit'lltorbe by' • Pt0041‘10"!"•04.-.411:"Polrrikoie,"tta tketpor for nil pittreel thin nada.' Try . . . i Aimrsyrisn ta• ifonwr.-i-Veritew-perseas are aware,thatly• • recent intentloo r itaweprpera . sad serape of rim" Pifirrroiit - eltaLiataanaterfal icor printing upotabgarrait high price, of piper -has: bads for 411 d, newspapers, booka t ,._ :gottapitlete -and .v.ritp of. yaPa Pr: A* .Paivospulbtadtis . Is • Pnek ht up,hyg,rties..custut!iteti with the pa. per inilln.,%,By *nesting and atria's : all the hlid 040 their houses. aid pellimg lA A oat/il i a esn, put.l.ntoney in owitstc' 'which Wciald Othiliirise be' lest. ', 'm highest pee; its cork , waif*r it pis office. - - • - = rffg 1 • pa eh to . llinperi or • Vititing - Caide, printed' it fltir ease: • Proe3lred several new loataailYPO ISP4ol4Arfor ihia kind of, works. Wfusire enable to prjift eards .in a sty le equal to those ofiiiitied in shy of 'the Urger eitiei' Ii isnothing leattiniolcioliiitaesa for -Orman. i to 'lgo *bread and, pay eatraraSaft4lll4.9o . for or va!adsoirds loopitheyAcan i getjust A s hand Ane ; onetapiomn for lelithan one•third (ha (mitt - ••: ; tt .1“ • Xhe.ll4pobl i loins o si lisrtTord;Vt., wa in asi aid ealiool limase"o'no'Sieoing Jately , to Griming be'oame so diaiciti l `ratire that stir.: red up / a hornet's hest i ' the poor. The oreatutis crawled up the legs of Ids troir= sere and • canoed him' nisie • .gestrriiii more emphatic than the an 'eat seemed to call for; • • • lbr poosioao,-Boutttiel, Arrears of Pay, &0., can be procured_hy the Wideirs. Orphans, and neit of kin 'of those rho have died in the sere** of the United State.; also, hy Soldiers and, Seamen. rho are disalded by !Roads re-, ceirtni or disease contracts',upon applieation to G. P., Giiiratir; Lie ied Military - and Naral - .Clerni Arent. 0 es is the Common tontseil Boogy Wright's oak, corner State and Fifth its:, (under •te D' eh office) Erie. Pa. Woo so Its Tturanktfo so awe yitocw 7 Whilikthe armies of the 17 nion s were winning bidlisee vietories, - . the ebeustbel Saterstue wu etijoilpt dairies Of uninternipted over tie -perdu wro . ndom to sap Sitlentuts, beam * the • commoa kitulb le Pee were foupd to be dVitruotive. Selene - a had dilfiorietroted that this — Cheiefeid Nilerstue wee tot eitly'roire; it ustwriwbut wow:4ok ha erases, ,pwp t . *Weir better bread, !biscuit - tholl 'other kiodofeelerwtue er litown. ". Cuss - C9kne--,34 -soon as there is thi - elledist ia - the Chest, with difftanity of 'breittbing, or fdditattions , of Congb, take during the day' et:law . 4. lh i tawnTs Dronchiel Troches..! , .Containing dentelognt Ingredients., they,sney ynlmonary - Irritation. Milititiy•-ofacirs and 'soldierssitould hire there in readiness upon the 8y t. e Vold nr.C_nuSh« • . - • • ' '...Nile retainditinr' , readers that the ,facati. lice of the, Observer office are not, egoeilasi bX any:catablielinient' in _North ,Weetitru - Pent= eilianla for doing Job:Brinting: — Per One in need ofifindue Sillty= Eteetina Ttekete.t Bill Hoods. Utahlts,' (Wiwi-kind of Plaittor Nand f; ,Printing,„ liqd it, -Ca their. adv . ar4ajle ,te giro ne a call. . if • . . _ iiisrugo...-41re, , ,koorootisonily ; on , .a' lam istleatioii of Legal Blanks,-of iiiiiirofiecl! forms,. ouch AY' Deedl. • iltOwgigos, ludgmotit; and s tominoulloteo; Sunisinoi Stibientoant ossarlithirniinS in ata SeglerliAlf.: - '414 1 4 y ipp nod ofi those articles. will final idosinsitito OSO6 4 tf. . . -4 , 03 1 :I:1, -. r.. , , ;,.. . limtosti , - . ST List-tiow Itisteradi ItiiitiiiniListisro a 7Nele_ ,EditiOti 0 Si i +i f i lie , 7l tiotte l . a l ttiCstitir no' tuT or 4M i a,l h er . iLvara L sod A s t p r2l . sipat eiripseiv figg=iptr; - . ' ota 1 WolliCaalinnrrraa,, ,, ,WlLVlWaa. ' l l,444l24=AriliiitTYT- 1 • 1164140*.e161114,!•441kt0 ~40 V. l i m , i, = l ra _ltu O ars , ft,ft~ 0 6 ,0 111 4 , acts Critlf• • $O 4 l, mood alatoot As lajoanue asurof la mi , roll. . r the apploottia ilialung;o6talut of eon at oars simple, asp sad olrestaol„i am as , , which salt ', no manor what hie Wawa( eimiellivrinVikriplid rellicsay. IA Loam» &weld to la OM Maim' el irairty yirb arollavery sae te , **MA - - ~. I -,„ . 1 alit _SOW owl, lit • } lsla ionniki l / 2 te zoiadissilt: tile toaMorolottrorataliortro parlay mospai • ~ the pablkbits, - CRAB. J. V. guy, Ir. kw., ... . irt owswy, zmoviwk, t:: , ~ lit ISCAM I VCAOr' 2; •cwrimaccimm fahivnt vs SSW meisimulesverv. vis ; • Araidwd))4*—Depo i rt, • • 'WA Limos "'" • ••• •• - 44. r . • • ..E304.35. Svis, . .114ssa _ .1 -- CHUM nix Atosn ‘s_ „ svi • its i'oeetoek, - Celt eeiClie Is et Erb _ Ora .. .11.1; idei.Ceeesterit. lale - 1 " 1148/Pig4 .,. Vig DEP% AirrIFITHIe . 4110vE L Cue is hereby ti! swat as oie Cool es woos flew $ be beklee. st lirie. in aei foe VW wed, '0 f 11, lei'diktbetist -*May 41 (Xelreilihk DEO, es $4Ol prgotoggiihool stiega=i n ekeliatkehy A &wee" mem mir b•satt irdesl4 ask bli ig,46l.k'rttiltirste ld, el u i'. NNW olliklisi4llollllll44 icr. , ... ,• a : - - &4 ! r 1.... i ;:1,1 , ,i.t Ki . I i 3 c . I I ! . . . ._.; f, - ..-:.• e- 7 -yr , ' ....0.g . ...m..- =4 ,- 2. , =it." , ...... n...trz-tsca ..c.*".., '.• ' 7 41 i•;L:.. •.f ~.. . I , 1 • 11 '' ' ' • ME istraiNEss Dfibi "Ulan CP4II lossrtiod lit4Ws Mr* ea 4 40 1 415 Per reit.3 • TWIN B. iNILLAIN ' , Crstesouraimisiag ' cont. 174. eitrrity ore Lir •Ceitarr i . 0110, la- ,064re1l Neagh Iniebts - - I Iwiltr4l4-17. 11. WALIIIIIII. • - Pontransoss iireCowitt+ln Pa. Tarabonse on Pub;le Dook,Sest Corner a &Ate Street. lso. dealer In C0a1. 6.114 Pleb. Ism, 'Philter. Water LIEIN to.. N. 8.-.Paitietilar attentioa te ern to the Iteoelving and Forwarding of Petro. ' him Oil. Cm& awl Reised, to 6U putiOlot thosorattr. sparskt. • coutllt t • 111151 Wataasiza sib sn. MUMS sad Prosiskras. Roar aad . Wool sad Willow Inas, Wises aers,Tollaaas ikis.Btado dariet.asat Taaaea Haus Jursisialac daps 1440. Pa. ' )sal—thlt E r atl .9 BErNEIT, 7 leer Wyse 4 Bloeit s Vinci Street. Sixth. 71 rt!caos is co.. - .• • illasebetnerssl i Vr i emir elltatitet Mato ett, Pt. - .Irani Li c. f:LAlltte ' - ; Sictimos is Meek Frio P 4. _nuArix as• Lova, - ••• • - *trauma AT itiditrey. Pesetist Is Yak, Kann. Cubernta and arm misty . 0. CLIAPI [jaz3764-101 W. WILBUR. 4 • if. W., HULL. MORRISON H ' lrA tc".lll3"- E 4 Corner of *sold and MOM 61 *pun dada I.hnvos'elrxelisnre. Wane*. P. Sept. 211-17. GA% vr, uw.Ntioni4.:. nereiros inur Palii.J l ape' la °anti , 'Routb-insi main. et r.t h Auto stied* 13 . 1 1Malkialt lion• malt sad ao *SO 0 , 011110-. 17. : 401.111&40! rt Ile , VOL*, '• • • - - • j Dtpari‘laaaz • leasszacraasa, rsi Wiwi! 4,tairY!.o luipresairs • krik pia. Pa. ihaltOk crig.inu • L U Arroasarat Law a0a0;166 Casa% a. 9011*, load *this beiii4.l4 , q,aid i 0 1014 dispatch. fit emit, 11t • H ie. Calton " hoe tfM Lime Us t • food dream& Sti t. sear lielebbie depot, MU al ft exel le p Apicird taleftleh niUme, kap f f r =stitiqs, at las idiot Cyder. ,r. MOULIN, _ • El4Kaallual sad , rap • mow Brame' He .)ICIIIII j_ 11,"•• !PITA o s, • _ 1111i4;visw14+0 11 Stelkirt of. fr".. &SKr*/ Tic*. Pk& - A.TI Dont:, Amu" Bulk ststiorri. Rite. , LALtsarris 11.014r1., floneb e, In noir thiPialadelp Ste w ' • Lon% glag*lbOari , • Ws Ow ithelison tat 4914 issialag attiabild. A - 2 ..i.sgsv. ei,tevite: ;• -VA 4 • tsraosa $B4 Aitalltt r rtailis* giqsa's P Rimier Nubssa bait I. ass— draft stipst.betsrlth and 9th Sts, litzkr,lts.` - .Citiths• *WOO or e ier,is ladoit si7lkti4v. i,; . - . • TirSOltSgej • "LIVIIRT LTD 9 nt "Dither Stite liadFrogeb: araTsuomaY• PIZ"' 4lt Ric L 4611 . 04 AMR lt, 1 t •••.• • ' SksetAbtenitaot ••• smaixis. A 09110044 1112. • tv , Orshi.P's: : - W. r. - 1•44/1!..7 z; 11 ..- .I.lti 111c;ik.actriii 7 aiiiibe 0 • 2 1 4111W414".'-• I • . ,^ Altroovae,Jo4 Oo Par. MINI . /r. 0 eimr. rropeletor 'lbis Is a noir sad • mily b tad op holtil+, to thrm•det otee•of %h. ',milking's/Id Bee lag treloisito-F'enosylosoia. CO ' • • tota R , ooto„Ciit.o Beds, salad There eik4 Sodorato fllftoo.L. The pabfle pure • le reepeclalkysAteited: eeplie-be Ins. i• urn. - -- • . vv . „ • • Atioluir oa As Lii.ltitAirtr,ssi,l = • irtrtina„ , • ,••, • inribla MARTIN. •BPENCt 44 RI7 IN • tiPIPURIIIIR Ar-1341117NAKi.t.nals AT LAW . (IFFICE, Paragon Blbtk, _near North F.' roe flturtr,Pf norrubris Filtafet. en. Pi laux c.-mizzak.. i . . Datum ts Gomm, Camay's% videery;ilaideraNs W e, Mink spot. Raider, eta, opt ilit.g4t-usit low sad POWs Stitt,ll" Pa jat7tf. . , BEAD 'THIS --. ADVERTISEMENtI: oirt IT OUT • :- And Show It to _Your Filondo.l W}IgELE R ON'S J-EKPROVED SMUG MAMMIES Thee' en acilmowledeeci to both, BRAT IthegnilC ever listrodend let* thle eoltatre.- ?belt "Iteletvalled. sweens noted, in thin eivintry, bet sit oyez the Wor .e, hee gial it by tit the suet muter Kiddie" sew to nee. • .• fOIC SEV Rill YEAB,S- They hale take* latd of all ether Meekhl4 bat epee the laterhoroveatente have teed eibhel, vs. elegy of w a rt perfonae4 wUk ,wath ease sad rapidity Out the • ' tura Artz yr =gram ovra Zi •! A Umtata the iidearetton of Re werant them to stitch ewer, Nmetety d igoodikreom t e atemeet melts to the thioltegolAttl•• 'lto/ .11 Op . the eshibret.d !lock stitch; wh , ch 11 towotsibie td rt. ni vttlid - These We. ehiaeawi•l do thefolloviag work MitTilOpfaxr ISO OR PREPARATION, eta: • JSIUCIII. Mn, rur.f.. - eOB6. GATHER, - - EttAlln'TCOß. at Ittrib• Q 16111.7. 1,,i :nib 114 iteatii of o‘iihoot pietioesii tondos or tatting it ti tit sitter sad rUleker *y on'S'zapap; pia !lon't btilirro it, _ 04,k.'9A I'qt/4W- Ire bags iota lorded, la &UAL haa Sams avontg.. At tidied Crawl did WO irtalllfttgarat oriate. bat lei fllliAlteleitif4. l • 6l # o diyild arrt rawly .ta Aar and all irbo milf Oar renew lasiillelattly.M6Aaitiantirke4.aa4,aar,Aseniaao4a lud foLgowlaetincttre tardotar t sve noT evisll44 airtuil*AU /*Ant potaisse st ?be lirolltan PAM is LlniieJc ISEL`: : • IE (OITA tIEO lrElONdailtrEl!. 'foe 11l 14.:11A CA %AIMEE.' •• I AWN 1 • Anlidalralsir State oars Trimly Raya *hare As. =AAA:4C mic rsa the rrisillitlWarll4 l 4 - : RAN glitthelsitil.! I Lmilk ft mot:, it" egad for ample dit iretk cad morn r imam • lint" , 1411111i! a autuir4artsclialui • Mea IA . • 4 40 l i art.) Ex* • ," • • Stiti World Mod EMI rig 3lo " f atS • - WF.:y,Zilf.ll',ll,Gtitif 17 18414.' ifEtetri3l dinclirtArt• _ "7 . : .. ~~ , J. Air: COOPS* Enissolo, ro. fi'~ww _ AM 9071191 TNT Coillfika, or yam itlllaw • . 11R10111 - ; APA',,;` JON DUNCAN. PROIEIMfI. . ressailealsoal baviag takaa ebtrimaffp. slim I vall-ltgoattlatolaaa amitial it 11-.--.11,1...0 1ti1.2211414"46/111N40 0 1 019 0 Utia zr stawage.4loi* - wal lamaampaledoas aitarla aay la tlO I -- irrZiitt . 4oaatrai;itii - 0 - iatii I - - a ON (Rabb 601aaa WhilMatagia ' 4 14 ririiii - IL:, - 3. ...I: .i.r: .•—• r ) ;:.' 01. . s , Ci •‘,., , . ' V. EM3I I= NUjilßt . R 23. OBY. &Übe _ssips4 iseuri nth and tasell4. GALIXIST, e iallltationery, 6/Vitry design ' , the Auk * DAVI& arl3l3llll4tow, Cbastrat • 1....:,011/161•47.42 ISMS EM3 S2gl - veisomisaimp qty! or *Asia,' on Itgia ate.., tad Gar • EgyStre Railicss4 GPM; IMEI ' •C. DRUCS ve.• MUMINTI E 23 14- I ET/11." ` AT -irtOr • , , • %, t~ WElnn• 4CARTIIII, tn . Z. -.._-__. Nsamoda . t:d intik 114 Wis purirrArgieSpr_ Sorbs se =Mil carter 41, prerva taitti 7 t' --: -• teifie - By shell bemiseet mittisk 30) et the old OWL With eels , sea Ito* wig tarmosi Wales they , Aor to magi a ilbeeel! Owe drags • - ;1'"r; 'a - 4ft g P CI E-N-T-10 WUI w doweled to tho wHoLzakszt !balm -" • s ioL 1 . • .1 -. THE ; HELM DEPAUTHERT • ~ . . , . . ~ . 111 U lei solitude& as twestolie4 fa a eared wrmaift` with s tspostikia to WA* oor sostoweesS. f , . t . •• , • ,V4411 - 01Wirly Gall tin sates of fliky , dolist •-_ _ _ CHEMICALI4 -7 1111oli it tie sod Wt. boot I;ne ion& to thio - , pionompred le;reima!; ll r, f iri t A t O promp ; • . . A-EAVEAULIFIRALLY 1131(014:: ; WHAT the variety- of not* Atria Bed , • ~ .A. duck, of Gothic, Cottage, Coops, Zoned Coe. : , ayr,Centp Soh. Jenny- UM andaShip patterneorella • • Aopralles sad 'draft frost,ltsodenosly ersotwo4 Brune% ltstonson. Dialog,' Braskesst, Centre lad otter Tali* , Whataolk Qsaker abode, °moat lad Dermal Selo Soda. Hair and Sea Grass Mattraaws, rsetbar iAti n sad Bolsters with other :aoessisold wooofactured frost well soasowei la= =4 l watturials, by eneriesonl workamrs Wet est lay aponsolleir J tads. For otylok usably end low pimp I rill WOO owe foroiories &ohm to enausell me. '3"isathersho Nurse and o Clkie ther • MIS& Parla" nf r. Rebut" sellio t Clud Doter* W 'wane tarts" are hlokorod Lod {td, • wiltleg .- - strong say other part of ths chatrorlasm others a s 'and sold ars only milled, sad by so maws durable.' Wad?" r. Madam I , ooMut, fluting and chairs of Mid wood rounds el or through thoseot and glued, Wee '• • ' "ruled to steak Handeowely palutottrander" Sibs- bes for strength , piles and Ukiah. Spiting Ihrls, I howl istd am Sell so f More thi highest easanworAila OM m - doh' isest& all pods ass! ea apPllastloe. rec ,.. klog aules few, 4 • • -alum aro t o osperianee s l ed asodsorsg m at a z: prlarl iz zlet two otios dealers, ant ,rlsti see to give worth for yserjoy, add 45 bah* to who trod* with s. • Louelor, Lath, S nu* se, Lth file* * Csige and !ism • ;•'! OA, Store ray. Produce he.. When at Alt narketwahted tsr pay. Bowartaber the plea s ant learner of Sur street •-• ,sadists, Seise Pe._ , GOV; ILLUIST: • .. •, setter(.ltenetaread Cstanablafflaawratas. " WHOLESALE 4' RETAIL •-• GROCERY tsTo • . P. A. 111 WHOLESALE - AND RBI:W/416 awskars aims, 4 sa rtesiiiii* • (alumnsioNY ‘- ; : .Weitiltraipstrar tbeAtteathweeeth 0011.M1141 - • . to hie large Stock of . • ' .1 GRACE:MS' AND PROVISIONS, -": .inaek assiross a:pica st th• • "‘' Lovelorn roman's& 111reetelt:0 Bra, at SUGLA - AMIS . ; - : , t. • _ ,SYRUPS. T.9BACCXX3. • , :, • ; . .FIrW s efc.; iiinotsuperept . .tsaietemabWs2:l4.u• pgfav t O. is *b. gin N 1 %ORM • • • „; 0100 tope eoaohusUy on hoott's soportoi lot: it , PURE Lt(ltrOßS', 6 the irhaimm. *me, to sideli 6 <HOMO tie attolded Umeabbis, Meek aurp t seiall Alma sad , s tier - . 78 gOrtilkal tar Ms Money." "11118 f, n• tittanUe l Greit %sift Indltweadi, • . fly BROAD adiiis r easse*r,Froglit, stintestaarrese. Coaosetiag at galsmaae.. N Y. 'Mb the ItihelteCt.. ray, breash sostlalsocm Fn Duck treat Nity,i atit ea akrra or arvelsa 'AO; - MONDAY. NOVEMBER 30, Through' Paaatiosar and ?might lnia. .1 I ba,:raii lady between CLaVIALAND AND NNW YORK. - - •. 1 Nitig AND /MPARI. NT PaS4N!k .R ROUTE, swam= caucus" spasms - t • p ummain by this Ups him" ithaiat of Five dfft nat. Ilnatat Wawa New York end Dost.a. nmoucrit ' MINTS can be °Mattel at spy of °Vara- of tba setts Kadwayaod all 'hetet odie a of conaeving Liras Wart at 4taithweso at the Central in4er the *KW! House, Cies,. sod, Obi,. Ask for Tickets 'v L the A., & O. W. AND MIMI'S 'at LAVA tat'. Peserareer Testes stop et Meadville thirty rateable, f t.. ing_pseaeuesrs atop', tioe; to Mee et the ••lleii&ll Y HOUSE," the beat Maltese H• tel to the e^atitsf.' • . . ICXPEDI Tr orrq FBRIGHT Lgti, 411114, RA IL .f Rotranstilposent.of Freight holism Nei York aid' ' . Rn or elirlp aod. r . c , .Ifereluinta in tits West and ioothwest Wilt find it to their advantage to order th-ir go...dote M larsourdrd eta the Erie sod Atlantis. is that Wet= alkiir&p. ;Or oaring trouble and *sponse ItAtlei Of 11111110111 , • Allt LOW AS; ANIt; OTtiks ALL. .11L141, BOUM Zapedal st•entieJirill be even to the *rod, ttaipbr tattion of Freight eel Moak Vros. . Tha Engines, Cars and other esinipnatats of, _Ras Gip ping ant entirely nsw,and of the soatimplovlelleodent •tYle. The only Oran route to tbi WOTIIIIMIETFL OTL 'EMMONS. OF rENJUITLY.A.Nta.: Via. Isadvillo or Corry.-..—r Frain Lesevitibargb, the Stationing Braeih,tnhe to' Youngstown sad the Coal Mass. - - Thla ROW is beteg extended, and will econ be In COUP piste running older to Gallon. Ortano, MODAL sod Curl etnnoti, *Rho's - Omsk or gum. J. FARM -sti r OßTst. nen'l we ight Agent.T. B. 000MtittkOso'i Tiab.t -aeons.-- • 11.11 f. SWEINTOSR, Goal Sant. DEM KZ W .F-I R NI, • SIVITIT4r. GTILL - MORC . -- • Osamu toXy 11. intik) WHOLESALE A=71E3241E. BONNETS, RIBBONS, FONTEIN LADIES' mlzi*o .62.4111 ,Fruaur.T. , • scrwasinvrxrEt asp snruni, KRI 4. • E. Et. SMITH; 04.1401 g AITHOLE 14A.LE' • GitCKIERBi • - ; I I get Vintvnt tte.= Co,i, : 6 .)- . T• ; : • 75.40#1,10r0 tO Sege4) . . a: : nasal at c , • Viseerief l . „0.4 l'i - :u :i4T. - :, T tolc• . tOCZ . • f. 4 WIEZ' • ^ ls , j. • ::•‘ss••,-; • 141-11.11"1410: 9 —' " " - „••• _ 7 atiT CABll,oLicrjai.t.!„„, • ••• Ile% Whelp lasitoii; tigarl! • .... TOIII. C 0"" Per • • " • • ..., - 4741.N1NM ' CAC/LER% , • Tqi.l4 ; R! * I=l an MEI ' C It ' ;•;.4.1 - t: ME ;1 . .1 MEC NM BM ~._ai ~ t,.;,!...1 gorz,, f. r •