IMPORTANT TO AZO ENV A I D S ! IRON IN allE BLOOD. It is well kno .11 to the medleal profiles/on that IRON i 1 the riuttPrinciple or Lfe Element of the Blood. Th's to &riesetehlely proton's food we eat ; Out if the food it riot properly digested, or it, fromenv cruse wbetever,the necessary quantity . of Iron l not taken Into the circolo• eon, IP beO r Oftel redueed, the whole 11:: Aletil 1122e111 Thu bad blood will Irritate the heart, will ohm up thelungo, till ',typify the Drell, will obstruct the - liver, and will sand its disease-produeleg olementi to ail !ats of. the system, and every one will suffer In whatever Orrin may I»grellapo•ed to disease. - • - ~ . , The great valet of IRON . Az: 4 MEDIOINE in well 'known nod acknowledged by all me d. ital men. Tire-dP- Ilcuitr hes been to obtain anal a preparation of it ee will enter the circulation and ataimllate at mice with the . blood. Tbta motet, SOB Dr. Hayes, Mseerechusette State Chemist, hiu been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by I,3nv intim' a way before unknown. - MB enwrZAN II VIIILIP Is a PROTECTED so ' un of the PROTOTIDE OF IRON. A NEW DISCOV- T IN 4 EDICINB that whites at the Root of Diet's' t, ooplying the blood with its tital Principle Or Life s 1 glercoLit—lron. • ~., TEM PERIM:It: 1 1 SYRUP Cures Dyspepsia, Uri ` tr Ckint, Dropsy, Fever and Agne, hose of Energy, (LArr - Ur. 'l' PERVIIRAN STRIP Inhume skongth, vigor led neer life Into the System, an-I builds ap an "Iron - So. stttalien." - ' Tale PKILITVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Area 1 linns,lremale Complaint" Led dit.risft of the Kidneys . and, El ed.ier. - TZIPI PnftfITLAA Silll.lP le a SPECIFIC far all dirsooi oristnatinen a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, accnrupsoiNl by. Dibillty or a low State of the Sys '- em tieing tree- from Alcohol Is any form, Os emargatie dirt, de so: fogGnisd by corral/orating' re-action, but are permltheat, intusiog ECTRILIOIII, V1(108 and maw Live Into iio t tkilto oyetear, and building up as /NON CON. it kik Q ecellent suleattate f,r Wine or Brandy where kel M *teat is needeil. `, ONO e , eseent in the rest;ratire powtr of Iron as is 'nod trine • its sewraties action and the electricity levriuped el,,A.y. _ • . , To take DJ-Moines to caredineaste nowll noed b y a do. iiii.niy wf 1F ON IN Tail BLOOD, without restoring it to the sfetnm, is like trling to repair a bath:in; when the f.olidatioa is Lone. .. . eimPlitetli enntgluing certideates of cures and re:om nomd4tioslis front sAne of the roost eminent Phy sichana, Cisroymra and ahem, will be sent FREE to guy ad esae a few of the names to show the character Qt the toelmontelet JOAN E.WILLTAIiB, Foi, President of the Metro, Sink, Y.. Rev. •86L 8 rtftvEms, Ilte editor CartaOs Adam!. 4. Journal, Rev. P. CIiURCH, t‘litar New Tort arronielt, Lev,folin Pierpent," Rev. Wnrreu &Irv, ' Rev.' Artlinf B. • Puller, Rev. Quvion Robblok, Rev. livivauus Cobb, Rev. T. Btsrr Nev. Epliretn No le, r.,llllev. Joseph H. Clinch. Rev. flinty Upham, Rev. P. C. Headier, Sr,: John W .01rontead, Leafs John . alcka 13, Roo will Kinney, I) ,8. C. atendsli, W. Cithliolm, M. D.. Francis Pans, M. V, Jefimiali Slone, 11. D., Joe. Antonio 9enebes, M D., A. A. Ilaye.y" M. 11., Ababa, Wendell, AL 1,..; J. /t.‘tincton. ‘)L, D., M. Ltralft, •.‘i '/7ttro ality Da bat ono armee, pr oof than the NT 01911cMy &oul& sten a lista, ancithatte a PERSONA!. TRIAL. It loss carted thousands whist •tair rem/dais '••lhavi fasted to pie' relief, Clad ca3nut ressohably Lnidatt to eios it a trial. For Omrxrete, DIBILITT and Daring LCGcassava it is Ft tc:to. •• • Prneirea by N. I. ELSEIii &CO.. eicht.troiy for J.P. DINS3IOILE. 191 linastlway. t. Y F,1.1 by all thillotte. AITHRACITE i3ViiIMINOUS COAL! "." The Subscriber would respectfully announce to the pub ' .lio of Ede and vicinity ttutt lie will continue to deal to Coal &ring the present year, at HIS OLD S,TAND, - CORtiglit - OF - -- )-trIFTH- STREET AND THE-' CANAL. • 41. Persons dealing to procure any Mid of Coal can I,e supplied to LARGE; OR SMALL' QUANTITIES, An at the LOWEST MA.Ii K E T PRICES {Mewl ming special attention - Au thoi Anthracite Coal. Trade ! Arrestlll son *peat Yard fir that purpose at the . RAILROAD BRIDGE OVER MILL OREEIC; Where t will keep on hand THE BEST QUALITIES Of that kind of Coal. ...IWO:dere for either Anthracite or Bituminous Coal vill be promptly attended to nly23-2nl I . 1::11 -- - - - e Bener & Borgess'..Colwnn. FANCY CANDY, Of nil kinds. PLAIN CANDY, do., FINEST FRENCH CANDY, do., CHOCOLATE CANDIES, do., CREAM. CANDIES, do.. ORANGES, LEMONS, TAMARINDS. RAISINS, •FIGS, PRUNES, HERMETICALLY SEALED OYSTERS, ORANGES AND LEMONS - ARRIVING A LATOST DAILY NOTIONS. PHOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS AT REDUCED PRICES, FINE MOROCCO WALLETS; LADIES' MOROCCO WALLETS, MEERSCII,AUM PIPES„ • BRIAR PIPES. MEER.SCIIAUM CIGAR "PUBES, • AMBER CIGAR TUBE 4, • TOBACCO BOXES, • •. TOBACCO WALLETS„ ' MAGIC TOBACCO BOXES; GAMES & AMUSEMENTS, DRUMS_AND FLAGS, UNION CARDS, ..I PENS AND PENCILS, PAPER & ENVELOPES, " CIIESSUEN, CIIEQUERMEN, DOMINOES. W. W. TODD OUR ICELAND MOSS COUGH CANDY JS SELLING RAP- HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, % PERFUMERY, . NIGHT BLOOMING , CEREUS; 1 • - HAIR OILS AND POMADES. , ... i i 1 I CONFECTIONERY. Fresh French Candies every day, Fresh Cocoa Nut, Creaoi do., Fresh Almond candy do. FRUIT: CANNED TONIATOES, CANNED PEACUES. PICKLES, HARM NTS, GLIARA .TELLY.,:. FINE SALAD OIL. FOR. SUMMER TISE,• KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE LADIES'FINEPORTMONNALES.i A NICE ASSORTMENT OF - BIRD CAGES. NICE AND. DITRA: BLE_TRAVELFNG BASKET., 1!IIIMIil ARNOLD'S INK; GENUINE, MEMORANDUIA BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, SLATES AND RACK-GAMMON BOARDS, FINEST ENGLISH LEAD P E N C . I'L S, IDLY AND GIVING GOOD SATISFACTION. CHINA DOLLS,.4II Sizes, rAPIERILAOIig DOLLS, do., DOLL HEADS, New Styles, DOLL HEADS, all Sty CHINA BABIES, all sizes, DOLL BABIES, all Sinn, TOY PAINTS, A large Assortment of Toys & Notions. A LARGE STOCK OF CHILDREN'S CABS, CARRIAGES, PERAMBULATORS, DOLL CARRIA9ES; . TOY CARTS, DUMP CARTS, &C. FRESH BREAD! FRESH CAKES I! FRESH CRACKERS! ' 1 FRESH MACAROONS ! 4 EVERYTHING FRESH! ICE CREAM, LEMON ICE, ORANGE ICE, MADE TO ORDER, AT DENIM ac MIROBS.W. We have a nice Assortment of RUBBER BAILS, ' RUBBER COMBS, • RUBBER BRUSHES, RUBBER GOODS, OF ALL KIND'S. 20,000 CIGARS! • ; Choice )31:ands, at Wholesale : and iota BALTIMORE OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY, •T BURNS Ac BUitt!ICSIM AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF AT HESIULAL 1117111. G '. ( -• WE ARE-PAYING PARTICULAR AT TENTION TO THE. JOBBING TRADE AND OFFER FAVORABLE OUR LINE' UPON FAVORABLE TERNS TO THE TRADE. CATALOGUES - SENT.UPON - _APPLICATION. 1 Better Burgetpg, NO. 1 'WRIGHT'S BLOCK, awl* 4 4 tl ; .**- 'ADZES AND•GE - NTIEMEN 1 .1 'NEW , • - BEFORE Plano Fortes MELODEONS! 1:,,,, , ::,-r, i . • -,. liahll. • 1 . 1'.. •• ~: 11 - I,l' Ij . 1 fj. : rr,, • tr..t r, s. '11..T ',la AA., is..,..tte , '. fol. t. - :...,1 •spy c.ita4te. 1 1,1 are et a t , It, and t.--i,to tit. t. p e ,Ita. taltny offertal ~) o it'r . i tnzy •tt r dent 11l - .llc !lc' t'n‘t Atte 4.11)-c -, r r ~i.t. 11.1t,....16 At i' -I. 1 .' ~ ,tr.` 1 1,11.14 lit by Cer.ZAiLl ..Z13114. - t , .•^.li , .rit nt - Vt.. crz., 7.7, 1..1,1' ..). 4 ,rlf t y l'af rpti .4s r., p , , !Lc= (P:6f., - , ,i,:) atv . EN01Z.51.01!7S i_'OIII%IISION ! 1 ~ vhi-b ..- It hi-r-a.'tor to , nnti• 11. ~..t xL 1.14, 114 Y of lala to tLe Ora tune o: trot,:t 1.3 to .2::' 1; .z. c•^ it., t., fvf. I ..vould r Aber rtl- Ihw Vl. .11, to !to, buy.- 11.1. n to 1. 4 1 i, traalllen who ttene.tita no ono bra ri.e. I,:m-. .If. .. , .. .. . i um n Luton tottt;: t•itaLght nnl co -nartl, and bate 1•: - 1 P 141,1 , ,z. a .1 ilk., t: I nir , ..innt :3:,.. the :.:, ii• 3 • ut nt my trim 'fi' pocket". ....- I,frini tr,e coTerti„ient -,./e rtf lc, urthe‘t tnytelf and r. / nEy tut 3 Vt . 1 . f r Fio , th• f , r fu, J'Ae of pia tiatfing the :.nn, ry t,, ,,, ,:r.. , i , r , 511,11 %L ..e ,tdrepering my t-,, , , ,, , ,ill mt ... ho , t,r, h ...1., y P. I :, ~ t r.. 1, nor bapa, ; I:. v,. , •y-t. 1.-,,0,!. 114)" ity m.rl, sa,nnla v , ` Auinuntre c,•ln r ann , on 3 , , .17 tile.? ern ppt. 11. 1 - • ' ;. 1 )41I 'WI plr Deasts to any ly • • It 1: rata it• , notrt :•• •n• Ynric 41 Pknos have done in %3 • eit:, .‘3,31 r•• to•r. t t.hero 'my po or Turn i Lt..— It .1 thr. those wall :,••• ; , aolt they Felon;;. H. 3:3 oa ore 1••• Eopplo33l with all late par.l unpcp.otae• ••y , i girt • s wt . :a-Cori or art p 5O . vl ass ri.s.L 11. 1 of me as »ell and •lts art:.* r...tly to pirdi, •Lnythzt..,- ta tit. muFin 11 . 1`1 r It I •le gray Inritoly to Masi ..l 24t:41,p: • gN.r. ,1 1 einr ertor . 1-,Slay di rl•r. F 1. r 111.011. I lining . 1,, l• ; )in , c 4 flllll. a. well Toach , r. y'Arr:r.t".4 .7• r. 41, tee I lot gund fir tho 1,41,J:11 . _ Y: 5 . 1..1,1•.i )11 urtny ; benefit. tO O.l`F. .irer.l,ol i etc e, .In 4 nil. ,na ;ivy s. Tn 4, at C:Ft t .rior x C ,,di e by their Fltr.o F. her.. in ' tier for • reat re.tno hat: n ;•;3. ej• •• v. - , nr4 I.i)d .1-141 e. tlir Auind.l•l.! • 1. • .—b••1 r,aortm en' 14 xnu ,1,, . 1 pro,ra... a .ote r.t .1, A'. 'ls v 11 u h 1 •Vr , 1 IS lArg,ittl3rl,ll , •••l•l, of:01•P,Por rig" - Pra..r , pn,elpf ro, -tr!,.,1 t o tei.1.4•4.4.; 1•• Ir. 1 - 1;1[1 LI NC Cheapest FtuiiitttreStore 1 , 1 Sl' A B f HI.D 'S 5 7 ! liA CZ, I',ED-z Peon 3S C. 104 pnuntl ROC COHN LE, BED:at:A DS, SEA CriIASS BED:i; ATZ:IROCICING CUM spßi BED 7:„ TABLES, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, FurntturA, Lc, tit the ',melt. West Side State Street, Nest Palmer's Grocery. fyb 1864. SPRING GOODS I R. ; Le novr receiving. the large' snd meet Complete tiled' ever offer.' In thlelfarltet, eatnpritelog i . i FOREIGN DRESS . GOODS ! SIIAWLS, CLOAKS AND SACQUES, W GOODS, LEADING BRANDS OF DOMESTICS. apr(J' TOY BOOKS notice: Ow I ..N . G TO! TIIE GOVERNMENT and State Lleenina, increoped Government tax to. one dollar per each barrel, payahla, under oath, in oath, the largo (;as'a Capital invested in oar Iltewerier. the greatly increa.a , d 1...nce0 of labor, hops; malt, baney.:coal, wood, the un , l,•ridgned 11anu , 4zttirers and Brew • era of Fine, ate compeller', and herebv agree roll only for t'AFII. rat=, the ior'.ce of otti COMM'''. or REIDY USE DEP:It from tit to a4ven dollar; pr burn'!, to aftel ich entirely al.' o e eta rt 'Tend; n 4 or expenmi money. and connol.-ilons on rate+ r f aald and in moo of farther and increased taxation, the price will hem Lotto ratat-d to corre.npont with ad•litiomal tan: This armament to br• faithfully adhered to In all sales made. alter this date. Witnevi enr hauls. nt Erie, April 15th, A. P.186{ : KNOBLOCU, - WY. JACOBI. JACOB IrEsuLr.; lIEN'YKAVALEGE, CliA9 A. KtN4, Grf.".l FUESS, per CONRAV.. MEM 11E104. IEIB4. BUFFALO & ERIE IL R. a MR NINE 0 N pma,ert,` - g l .ar T fte. no r nE 3l w 9 i n l ni d3 n Yt 0n3t11,11123:R105t16 1 8 th, to l l B low G-I ; LEAVING ERIE. 05 A. 11., illisht Erpress, stopping at Weetfield, Danktrk and ave.! Creek, arrives at Balialo at - 4 20 A. M. 6 25 A. 11., Abed slid Awns., stopping at all Stations and arrives at Buffalo, at 10 20 A. M. 1 63 P. 1-1' „ Day ErpresS, stopping at North East, Wee t Held, Dunkirk, silver Crc'k, and Angola, and `arriving at Buffalo at 5 05 P. 11. 6 40 P.M., ascisnrdi ,Erpress, stopping at Westfield, Dunkirk and Sliver Creek, and an Ives at Dullalo at 9 15P.M. •I'he Day Erproes connects at Dunkirk and Dnffalo, & the Night Express at Racal° only, with Express train. for Now York, Philadelphia, Boston, Ike. LEAVING BUFFALO. 6 sa A. M., Thirds Express, stopping at aliStatlous ex cerd Farnham, Itiploy Cromn,r, Morehead and Wesleyrille, arrives at Erie at 9 60 A. M. 11 10 Ai,Hq Day Express, stopping at Angola, Silver Cheek, Dunkirk, Westfield and N'erth Esat,arriv ing at Erie at 2 - 55, P. St. 410 P.R.. Nail 4. dec'et., stopping, at all Stations and arrives at:Erie at 8 25 P. M. 10 23 P. 11., Alight Express, atoppag ist Angola, Silver Creek, Dunkirk and Westfield, arriving at Erie ,at 1 35 A. M. Railroad titan Is ten minutes Astor than Erie time. May 21,1863. J. LEWIS GRANT.. Sant. PYRAMIDS, )11ACAROONS, -. . AC., Erie & Pittsbutgli B. R. ('MANGE OF TIME, COMMENCING ‘,„l ilnitttay, Stay 16th, 1604. TRAMS LEAVE GIRARD. 3 30 P. M., liceozarnoclatino." stop, at all Statlona and arrives at Sharon at 8 16 P. M. ' • 8 IS-A. M., Freight Nn. 2. pions at all station/ 'eseapt Crosaea, Spring., Centro Road, Clark, and &Weil inreacp, arrives at Sharon at 3 15 P. 11. TRAIN 3 LEAVE SHARON. 7 30 A. IL, Accommodation:. stops at all Stittona and . arrives at Glinted at 11 IS 7 00 A. 11., Freight No.l, stops at at all Stations exeepf , Rawle's Vantage, Clark, Eapyvilla. Centro Spriag and Crossett, aniierkt Girard at 12 15 P.M. Freight trains will run to an:l from Erie. iantraltl. -It. N. Rteilinf. New Music Store. NOTIONS AND FANCY gooDs, PIANO 1101ITES AND MELODEONS, Troia the following eelehmted . MAIINFAUTtriIE-11.3: Steinway & Sons,New York. Wm. Knob* k Co.,lWetmore, Linder! k SOL% New York. Wm. D, Dradburf,New York. John B. Dunham, New York. Greyest= k Co.. New York. Ceo. A. Priem it Co.Doirato, N. Y. , Whet. Needham & Co. Now York. - - Prices at a Large Discount beam/Van . facturer's 'Prices, SEVEN OCTAVE. IRON FRAME, DirER STRUNG ROSE WOOD PIANOS FOR WO. • 11so,InstruetIon Books/Ad Sheet Mashi e - 1 411 Pimps wiebing karate Plano Forte or Neledo• es, avolnetted to call mkt examlaa oaf inatnommte be. men peselastageboserhere. o red's Unit. etate Menet, entarlyardti tho Tart Orr P. I.—lhery laztemeat Miasma Peea: . =GI G. W. Ellsey,,Erie, Pa. i:A.N 1i GILA I V,S, AI 0 11 R, I S ON , 1:1.1)C Elil atti•lAT vA.4lErv,l HOSIERY, GLOVES, CLOTHS AND CASSINIERES, A Completo A ..tortraent of the ORRISON 7 , •.. ~: Yr~^":^-z _~ri a:~w.a:., >r --{+'r_ Hx•: ai!.l~.wa~e~ • tit t I w • CLEMENS, CIUGIIEY & 'BURGESS, ciemtsts,taagbey (*.will J. C. Surgto &BC**, Wholesalii Groderst C ackers and. Candy ! tiltpC;Eß LEc,i, PORK, SALT, NAILS, ROPE, ALE, WINES, LIQUORS, &0., lS o. S VG A RS COFFEE, moLAssts, FRUITS, T TOBACCO, CRACKERS - ERIE CITE STEAM BAKERY CullifoN'ANb FANCY CANDCESI Icorn 4i VV L ITIZOL, CA UNTIL; SODA A GLUE,' 1 7 : ntp -- $4 (10 ,At the loiresiltarlupt Pzicte Fie.7.n . $ 2 , 50 acp2GOL'it From $5 IN) 1714. HENRY. EA"'L" vouNDicir! • -- .P_eata Yt ti oast IU ilwirsio Egad. Lru, -HENRY' & B RYAN-T; (tunec►eoU . to Henry,' xximcrrrixas or PARLOR, COO AND OFFICE STOVES, Tti; k. SHEET labx-VAILs, 1864. d,ll L/,--J OF IRO:, ces•rtnas. Try Store ' 4 E.014 by ow oransaboo4o-glv• aatldocilon. gettlea s 1f2g12-sttoas. tbd Iraaz, Am r . DA 440 or sozn.- afax.tured to ordrr. - PLOWS AND PLOW POINTS of 111111110 i gOly• and dim bllity always on Mod. A all an a fair trial of oar arti cles Is all we ask. .. WRY & BRYANT. mr2B'63-tr. . _ . _ SAMUELB. DEALER IN J- ‘• . - - • BOOtSt SHOES f • == , .. • • ,AND: §,,;11 . • 41 - 4 , . 1 4 • RUBBERS • • -•‘• • BEM'S BLOCK, TRENCH STREET. PACING THY PAWL LADIES', GENTS', • KISSES", BOYS', AND CHILDRESS Fine 444 dim Ltd, drain, Cali and Wreath BALMORALS &_GAITSRSI *LW. PATENT ANKLET& Remember the place; 8. B. LWIS. I aneTT63e. JOHN WELSA ONEAPICOR, - SIZ, PA., Isnot/Asia InALT3IX -; BALTIMORE OYSTERS! • • Tilt COUNTRY TRADE SUPPLIED WITH Fresh Can and Keg Oysters, -.Undyed every Day, aid WARRANTED TO GM SATISFACTION I Orden solicited and promptly attended to. . ' coilreatt. Erie Ale Brewery, CORNER OF PARADE AND (BUFFALO STREETS. Erie City - Lager Brewery, CORNER OF POPLAR AND RIDGE STREETS. Erle, Malt & Barley Wareham. CORNER OF 7TH STREET '4, CANAL - BASIN. Pale and Amber XX and X= Ales. The Bed Quilt y and Vaud TatiSliee a 144. . - Prime Selected luster's Hope. •% The Choiseul Qualities of Wilt sod fitadioh On hand and and [or sale by A. lip2lG. deeiro3 CRAWFORD & CHRISTIAN, - Dealers in • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS; Dried and Sealed Waits, nuns klbuB,_ Ship Chandlery, Boat, Storei„ iko.; dta; No. 7 ALITIT'S itocr. Rive leoff..f Also, Publlo Dock , FoOt of Stete,',Sire, Eats, PESWA. / 4 CRAWFORD. • E. F. CREWMAN. 4 0,000 P • PAPEI3 I RIitGINGS 'OP ALL gailins • 1 Pleat the most eextuttois to the Reed geonlheteted,, YOB BALI. TART CHEAP, BY , I=IP Phila. — & Erie R. S. Propeller Line: TOMFALO, IRTRAND =TROTT WEER"— IN Wig. TIM STAUNCH PROP/11.1411 Silllol%, - - - ctipt,.lW. Van Porten Will leave - Thie for Detroit 'erf4 SATURDAY, at I O'clock p. ar., returning on WEDNESDAY morning , ant leave for Irodhlo at T O'clock. Leering Buffalo for Sri* Pridaj , evening at II o'clock. Haring Ant dais seem. modatlons for Passenger. and good equity for Freight. Patronage solicited.. Apply on board or to C. IL TAME N', • Ceni Ps! anger and Freight Agent, • Al.acarjurerrar's Blom ostoostrer, Ca & CO, Apnta,Ballalo. J. W. Renrotne, D. D. Wars" Agents, Pie. B. 0. GRAM MUM k On.z.nrr, Amt.; Detroit. Tent.s GROIYERIBBt 4.11,00ER1851 THE Satocriberbas named his stool` of Gromies trowths stud above the Idtki Rion Depot to the room la Um kick %Abet as Slats sires% toms of You* "bars its will b• litany to Ns his Manila and minims sad AU Ussit orders pit vesds• Hoe! elt Chesseles L lair lad giggly Mln6ed aii wed at Us knint TAW ib el ara l t is thos all he mod sr .awg SAL • KULMIX. r. It. 1147.111111.. Successors to anit-aulthetztvre of E'bOUR. FISH; WATER LIME* GLASS, CARI3OI4 ()or Stook of TEAS, SYRUPS, SPICES, NUTS, CIGARS, iSLARCE. Ilttapfactured at th* CANDY! Commtrcial t tie, to J. 11. BILYWIT J. Os SELDIIN. REMOV*L. ,•• • "THERE Is NO SUCH' WORD AS FAIL." •Tanniturs_ . .. • couroux,D X XXXACIT'OP CUBE.I3B AND COPALBA. Tblop,reparatioata perlicalarly recienuneadat be the INDIOALTROYMMN and ttunlXllo,4ort/te prompt sad certain carw of - DISEASES OP r BLADDER, WifiNgrgi ITRINARY • 1141 It may be rolled ea me th A e NS, beed mode for the &timbals tastiest of theta remedies liUe Windmill of diseases of both autos, to witch they are applicable. It ewer Inter• urea with the dlgeation, and by Its concentration, the does in mach redner4l. N. 14.-Purelmoers are odd* to oak for, Tarrant ConspoundExtrdit of Clibeb Copaibat- End take bottling doe, act taiitetiona and woithleee prep- Arettoluctuoier a Ironer nismovare - -hribernasitete Price $1,00.• Sent by worm en reaript ofprloe. Mannieolarod balk by - • - TARRANT de. CO., X 0.143 Greenerteh Streed,Cornor Of Warren Street, " - NNW YOU, And for Jahr by Drogglato generally. ,0et24103-Iy. -JOS. EICHENLAUB , , u NUrpicrtrAsi 0¢ f3OO-TS-A(ND SHOES! WHOLESALE - & RETAIL 1 TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to I , the public that 1 bare added to my former belittles •complete sittof , SI/011 MACHINERY, Mitch wail enable roe to manufacture and *ell Biota and Spot,' CIIRAPF.R THAN HERETOFORE. Harieg had long ericriecce as to the wants of custo mer*, I shall Isla speclal pales to precarieg my stock to suit them. I have the i r felusive right la this city lo make the PLEVEN, PATENT BOOTS. it SHOES roe the benollt of pay customers; and only ask a trial of them, to antler any one as to their sonatas coratbrt ever those mails ns tits old tray. • 'Stia Plainer Hoot needs no breaking In ; It Is is easy tram Om start as one were for acme thne. ' Ify C97STOM DEPARTMENT. Will receive my own and Mr. J. especial at tention—combining AM as e °Amen which cannot be eicallled In the country. Boots and. kbemi mailed on Short notes. Conitantly on bands Large "teak of LEATHER, LASTS Alm Fitronces. Tendering my thanks to my friends and customers for past patrunaga, i hops by jest and honotabla dealing to merit a continuance of the same, amid capitally Write aU to mil and examine my stock hefbre purchasing else= where. , marfilitt. Fish's Lamp Heating Apparatus 1 BOILING r FiLYINW- STEWING AND, STE EPING With the Flame that L!ghta theXito - - By the flans• of a common lampAt tbe,coet of A cent's worth of oil, a eery comfortable breakfast eats he cooked. ..... Y. Trammo, • ~,tArople In construction, wily kept in order, reed y for was in e Moment convenient to hare on hand. ...... -.Druggist's eirniter. Fish's Lamp is ono of the most popular nog glileaof the day, ;the utility of it is unquestionable, a great wring is made in heating and cooking small nrti des, nod ern be male to cook annals for • great many persons, which is actually done tti the nantrahttieg care which carry the sick soldiers Scisigfrile istericen. badly nee, hospital tent, barrack. pie nies, nursery.: or sick room 'lt is an article of comfort beyond all proportion to Its coat Owl Oil Cerealsr. An economical contrivance for getting up hest at short notice for nursery feel general honseboki purposes, one important 'mine' is the saving in coat om coal area N. 7, Engine Past.. APACITY' FROM O FROM TWO TO O SIX DOLtARS Th. CNE T FOUR QUART& THREE ARTICLES COOKED AT ONE TIME wrra ONE BURNER. Arranged for Remount or Coal Oil, or Oat. A descrip tive pamplekof party papa turniahed gratis. Also, THE UNION ATTACHMENT,. - limn 60 cawrs, . To to attached to is natal:eon Kerosene L&p or Gas Horner, by which water may to boiled sad food cooked also arranged to support a shads. EVERY 'ARMY NEED. 3 W. D. RG.4.4ELl.,`Agent, No. SOS Pearl ER., 0421'64-am. HOWARD ASSOCI4TION, Pail. ADELPOTA. PA. DISEASES OF TUE NERVOUS, SEMI . !AL and Sarum. Swamis-- neW and reliable treatment--in reports of the HOWARD'ASSOCf.I4ION Se at by mil, in &ailed anieloce s, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOP:MI . ON, Howard Association, N 0.2 /loath Ninth St., Mladelphia, PA. nu6061-Iy. TO NERVOUS SUFERERS OF BOTH. SEXES.—A REVEREND GENTLEMAN having imens'restored to health in a few days, atter under. Being all the usual routine and Irreplarespenelve modu et treatment without mecca, considers it his sacred duty to 00/12011111icate to his afflicted Mimi creatures the mans °tears. Renee; on the moist of an addressed envelops, he will Med Nom) a copy of the preseriptlan and. Di na te‘ /70 Joss M. DAGNALL, /116 itreat, Brook- C. ENCELHART; Dealer in Boots & Shoes - ALSO, MANUFACTURER or CUSTOM WIDE BOOTS AND SHOES WOULD take. this method of return ing his thanks his friends lad• the public generally for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes to hare ri continuation of the Name. I n take pleasure to Inform the public that I am Mill sel- Ile READY MADE' BOOTS AND SHOES AS CHEAP, If Cot a Littli Clearer; Than any Efome In tide plsoe, and I am dill =king the best qualitlea of Gents* Boots and Shoes, for which I em ploy D151:16 but the BEST of WOREYEN.uuder the Super- Wendell(' of O. MILLE-ft. Paying obtained a Bessie to use the' Pltuaer Patent Last, , -, • iam nep , prepared to make the Pinner Patent Boots and Shoes in • manner not to be surprised In Style and Workmanship. - • Er- I elvers keep on hand a selection of the Wet Brands ut French and American calf and Kips. P. B.—Bepidring attended to. poseur. Soap Stone Griddles A convenient mid desirable article for the kitchen will bakb tsliee without the application of realty Moo fishing the disagreeable flavor imparted to clothing, 16 s by means of burnt iht. ALL'HOUSEREEPERS SHOULD HAVE THEM l •• A knowledge M their adeaae, by their era Engle time, will make them indiepenie to the twat and tidy houaekseper. For sale at YOung''s Emporium, NO, 4 immure BLOCK EMBROIDERY] Chartings sad Braids for Nadir°'dolts& all colors and shades, together with Niwidlos of all kinds, Canvass, Bris tol Board, &r at Yo..u.n,g's Emporium, NO; i WRIGHT'S BLOCK. CEASE! CEASE! 1,000 yards Crash just Iseebred sad for mak at Yofu ^ ng's Emporium, ;NO. 4 imam BIA CH POLAR' REFRIGERATORS The best and wait useful em manufactured. Eat upon scintilla pviseiyies, it is jut the thin for House keepers. Every article of food placed in: them are pre. isnul DIM and mire", while the advantage it in laving la and banishing ant water for drinks par peers, is not to be fond In any other manufacture I hare the esclusive agency for their Ede, and invite an examination into their writ*. • apraoll. filieliews PAT PIT ' . • .._ WRITING; - AND TOILET 'CASE 1 paroiTAlNDT6l64tbg Paper. Ernielopee, Ink &doors. en, Ms, thread, tooth Brien. Comb. Pan, Pear% ‘Tlttlablit, Batton and other nodal article; coop btned,ht I amo 10 Inehos in length. which.= be maven lentiy anted In theapoeket. An taillsperhhe Wick tonater; segos 424 trendies. /or saki at iy2 1 11; YOl7 /16'0 EMPORIUII. Erik Ps. BROW'S PATIINT HABIL; UNDER! crin_most useful and convenient article for flop Mkt of mothers sod thii amoanoont of over lanatod. All lootbin stod7tag 4•0110111$ and 000voolonotohould have ono. Yoe isle at 11 2.64 - YOMPI3IIII.OFIII4 Erlo, Pa. FitESH Baltimore , . Oysters' RECEIVED DAILY 1 , _ 4 .- X= l " ' l 7l_lr n!IPr. 4 ;.41 Visa & Not DR. Pi . ' BALL'S CIEiLEBRATED I C GU G.H. REMEDY I ' 001 , 17'1Ni:fat to gun public favor and lid deinand in all Oration .s and after the thorough ex pertise* of sixteen years, Its reputation for efficacy in curing Throat And ttung disseass is Pally suittained..-- Whermr this median* la seem known its inertia have es. UMlllted the greatest pap ularity midden:land. It has be some et standard reiztedy with many people for curing Pulmonary complaints and is kept in their house for resijd neewhenenrreqcdred. te n cure for Cough it is y and rshablee-reoldom :squiring more Man °mart to cure a Cough of many weeks etaadiag rot miring Croup it is not excelled., and as a remedy tor Asthma its tffiliciency cannot be doubted, harimpreatored many per ilous to health after 1 suffering a lon term of years with i This miserable dlioatte. For Bronch itis and Roarmateu it lassie and reliable, quichly.ramoring irritation from the Lie- passages. In Whooping Cough this Rin . tattiV is ofgrest as—it promptly Masotti the frequency and violence of e cough. and abortermlthe disease one half from lb or tedious course. ' All diseasse=up atz;7 air pumps depend upon irritation or Ron in the lining mucus membrane and requires the prompt use of thorough roedkdas to ef fect their mom!. t i liall's Cough Rased/ is safe, orpeedy an.' effectual in Its operation—Ls adapted to Wheezes, to all age/tandem:Ls tattoal. Zesty person affiletsd with ether of the'followingdlseasteet should use this ohmeant Pentedy and their relies will *loon taingla with Whore in recommending its,' merits to a 1141.1 neighbors cad Mends I le. use Hall's Cb - ugh Remedy it cures MIL 11119.. Use Hairs Cbusoti-Rimedy it mores CrrOwp or Battles. f 111%. Halts Clough Remedy it ewes Asth ma Us e Pht. , MIL. Use Hags Cough Remedy for Oxfam& In. Use flatils Cough ReMedy it Strengthens the Lungs. c i. BM. Use Ha s Coigh, Bentedyfor Bronchitis. lIS. Use H a Cough Remedy for iherse ness. 11111. Use If 4 Cough Remedy* it Strengthens the Voice. . Ile. Use H s Covgh Remedy for Whooping- covh. It will greatly U 3 . .y the totence l of this disarms and char ben'its taldloua dke no, one-half from its, ordinary dun hon. Beware of eon') edit' and tare imitations—call fee Dr. P. Halt's Crlebra Cougb Remedy+ and me that his writ ten eignatore laothe wrapper Ind directions. IN . rs TR. Nti TESTI/110Pd Ye ( To We, tie enders citizens of Erie City and vicinity, DINO used Dr. P. pew. Celebrated Cough with great success, in oaring dreams of the Throat and and take p teasura In recommending Rs are to Watt as a speedy end effectual recordy, tally, worthy'si public ceritlthnce. I James Tholoyead, Matthew liatulitos. D. kikiz John Melhorn, r.l J. W. Ras, litchani k kette, John A. Tracy, Robert. J. T. Case, Jahn W. 'Lan , Daniel Gear, Daniel Suter John W. Ile ye, I J. Robinson, ! Z. K. Ribist, ' John R. Cochran, W. P. Riudernaehte 3 . X OOOl 7l John R. Domani P. E.Buton, J. W. Culver, John IL Warr' I .Ussisoa Sherwood, Wm. Ei....112%, John S. Brown W. H. Cooper, . A. IL, S. L. Forst.o, Joseph Deemer, ' C. A. Bennet , ' J.V. Hull. , Hen.). HMI, J. Salsbury,' Orrici...3Eolth, Luisa A. Gull, ,M. Yam C. lhanare; Thomas Kline, ; 1. L. IL 0. Ana t, W. U. Galketa. J. Boblaaca Wilson Rini, ' Chas. T . T.Seles, Sitaell.flweb, Daniel blinor,• U, P. Antis.. • C.G. Rowell. C. B. Wright. SOLOS SEGE ONLY, BY [ • Y. REAlhiate. Miutufaettirer 4 Sole Proprietor, Gall's New lialldimr, State St. MG'S 26 TO 7: CENTS PAM BOTTLE AGENTS GC EILIE CO.- JSZIlea A. White, Dr. Els, Gi rded; Wm. Itetbup, Fairview; T. S. Cowley Sprinseeldt Wm. S.Prendfili, Edinboro 1. leasson, lEisaarZ. B. Sleep; Waterford; Sumo 4 Sheremod, Union; W. S. Smith, Wattattereh; G. T. /wet; North East; EL 0. Prides, Edentills; J. 0. TI perm. Albion; Teter, Leekpowt, and hy scoots so Was. CHE,A,R GOO-OS! Wholesale and Retail GROCER* AND PBOVBIOIII W NES AND LIQUORS. F. & M SCHLAUDECHER, are now receiving at theif old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock of _ . - _ ' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, I WINES, • • _ • • - LIQUORS, • WOODEN, .AND • • , STONE WARE, ' .; RUITS, • 1 N 46„ • - together With every thing found in a Houil of this kiwd, which they will Sell tai cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or nioat kinds of country produce. 4 They bays r aliso on hand one •of the largest and frost Stocks of Taboo), sad Segue ewer Wroo&t to izio, _to which they twritealie attention of the pubile. f o r Cal " 7 4zbni tr i t better :te wainentytetayrn ilaedro barsatnabr at the - Grocer 7 Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET. inns 2.1- • 2 F. kV . . 80XLXIIDAKIER. J. 8. N. YOUNG, • No. 4 ,irsighVillloek. SAD QUARTERS —roil— fIRE NS OcE . ERIp (COUNTY lgrrtrAL INSUR- Arms ] cOMPANY. Ineorpore4ect in 1859—Charter Perpetual! ! ereperti . lnsuredAgsktiti. LeiWi'bt.Flre lor any Term not 'excise/lug Five ears. Policies tinned upon the deposit of Premium Note', or upon the payment of thi usual Stock Ratio in Money without the liability of • Premium Note. Lomas paid Without litigation. One suit only hu ryes beenbrott ght against thin Company. The Gowan, is vainly fru from dais, IRECTO Het is a safs D loss isath RS. itioss. Wm. B. Ba L ir, Jae. C. Marshall, Jos. M. Stomp C. C. M. Tithars, D. B. lf:Creary, E. iMbbitt, Wm3.Blndernerht, J. Zisoinesty, Wm. 5, Brows, George A. !pot, Benjamin Orme, • Jacob Rumen, J. M. Justine, OFFICERS. Jas. C. lc hest Jaxa.a Gargteox, See. Wx. F. Iturnxeracwr, Treag. °Mee, Ileays. amalgam is Neerearrg Law Odes uheapaida, lErta, Pa. • txis, June 114 11160. . • E'yf.F I ,R M. gIIENTII7Rig AND UNDERTAILINCI ur A E R'o O M S On lige Et...between &Tenth and Eighth. The Baba:Aber, hare entered into the Cabinet Making and FURNITURE TRADE, I And premien making to order and keeping constantly en - band all kind* of Furniture. Orders will remise prompt attention. Repairing-done on abort notice. 13',NDZIZTAZ/NG. The subscribers will gine special attention to this de mritut of their business. . They will manuflictrus and keeg constantly on band a large easortnasut of Metallic Cases and Collins, and hold themselves In readiness to meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to span no efforts to te 'M.4664- %1011 both In the quality of their goods and prices, they hops to am*, a liberal share of public pa MOORE t i r" laZrl', aprll.lof. SUOMI/021 to J. Brum READY ROOFING Ready to nail down • KRADY ROOFING, At leaa than half the eoist of tin toot,. 10:!CADY ROOFING, Yore darabl• than tin. IiKADY R9OI I ING, Su table for sheep or flat roofs. unap . r UOOIFING, For rig kW& of building., to &11 ellarritea. • gitADY KOOFINO, ehnsply wad quickly put on. Neils no coating crror with 000nsat after It Is nailed down. READY R 0 0 II I.N 0 , Made of introng woven Limb; thorctafilY aatataMd andlnprorod apes bothoneself with a parindir water proof composition, and pat up in rolls ready kr us-4O inches wide and ill test Mao insinsinatare . -LIQUID CEMENT,: For Loup Tin HOO6, much cheaper sad man darlible than oil pent. Also, • COMPOUND CILY22iTi for LEARY SHINGLE ROOFS, which will often own the and of a now root Soaples or RIADT Noonan and Circulars sent by 'nail whoa Satre& larorabis tams toads with responsible parties who buy to sell van. . • RiiaDY ROOFING CO., 78 Walden Lino, N. Y. n2114-Sm VER & ,HONEOICER, TOVONTSOIS To J. B. CARVER, tiOLIVILWI a 1131 TAIL 11114Litil II her, Hides, &c., 0.11 Pony Mock, Stitt* Sty Wt., Pa' Constantly on hand Alamo *took of LEATHER, MOROCCO, LININGS, • 11061111134, & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, RIPS, Awns AND SPLITS, tars, ' LISITIRIB, GALLOONS. &c. SOLE Fr7l =1 AIAD, ♦ Pelt r TMENT OF ,81101MAKELT TOOLS, - AEI of wldali they oar low tor • •- 4$ OM PAILOMPIi 'PAT. :ELOT 10i Dam Aim sal ingantsgas MORRISON & DINSMORE, • WHOLZSALD DEILSIIN 1 • Flour, Pork, Beef, Balt, Grain - CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, • No. 2, Warne Blook, FRENCH MEV, am mo ., kvve tsd strn AU.; payleG3tt 1 To roNSUNIPTIVi-. THE st4w.cribri; will eh eerful st•no, (fr. , t eliatigie) to all who It, the rou of a iz YLj a n' ,",b he -gibe caret of that nli.2 diseysa trumption. . •- Sufferers .1.C11111.4, ti 4 IDeVly LetectTll t gioer4oosoothey Lops w ty this Rad , =E d egill rotir4 than lAA the 'caul . 'thankful for his owl. (Orn.lrto taun t he la anxious to place in the hands of on't•ry Fp ' the er Cult. ThOre 'rushing ILO tet!pe with direellocus,&e., will call on or addrete jelnel7-64. KLT. 17M. 8. No Ml 5 JohnXtreet, y,, • V. SCHULTZ & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL %DEALER.- GROCRRIEB AND PRG EAGLE; ra.l.Acc, unt% co-, Wt keep Oa nand a large awl well feleet•Al of everytioug lu our line., ito not permit na „ to bi undersold • Also a fine stock of 41NF., LIQUORS soct CIDER , t „ to to surpasseti tits county. Juu”1,16.3-Iy HLItTFORD FIE) INSURANCE CO. liTieo fill, CONN MCI 'CT. INCORPORATICD 1810. C. 41•17 41, S:4O,U. Q.HILVTINATON.Prep.:. T. e. ALLYN, cs.i. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPAXY, 141RTVORD, coNNiscricur. INCORPOILITED IM7. j L 4PITAL L.:4w • Q. O. po TV/4/13, Prest.: C. C. WAITE. Secy. • "INSIIRANCEt the above old and reli A. able Compantimearlaw obtalmrd na_applicAtiou - H. W. RUSBk.I.I„ Arm, NEW FURNITURE STORE. J. H. RIBLET & CO., Would respectfully info , in the public that they L%T opened a FURNITURE WARS-ROOM, IN GABLE'S BLOOK, Between Bth and 9th Streets, on State, Where they intend to keep constantly on Luc I s fo',l asaortsoant of YEW AND WELL 'SELECTED FERNIltix, Eir We tampeatrully solicit a share of the Publle pet: - rooage. J. 11. 111 LET, jenTl34-11. 11. W. iPOOS ED. 1 New Giocery! JACOB BOOTZ would respectfully au nnutica to the people of Erie ell end puny, ttut bip luka opened • NEW GROCERY EIORE, 4to. the Weld Side if Pear.A Strut s a 8/sort Distract .:rica tf Skis Lake Shore -Dept, -inert he will keep on handa. ar e aiiiortmerit GIROCERIIta - , I'ROVISIONS, WOOD'AND WILLOW WARE, FLOra, i And "MT) thing ussalty kept Ins drat elses store Wine, Sweet Cider and Liquors. 1 Thatehiet Market Price paid for Prodnv, c Ls; if dorsi . or- Give au • eel, If you vrt.h tr ri. , eare good iur: tiral play. myself ta sell 1.4 Lo w, i tint Lower, thai ber store' in the eity. mrEr64ti. • $225. SEVEN OCTAL E Rosewood Piaito-Fortes! GRovEsTzEN&CO, 492 BROADWAY, Y NE W, Enlarged Scale' Piano-Fortes, With all latest itoproveramts. .liirty years' ea. perienee, with greatly inereavedttellit ter ciattuarta. ring, enable us to seil,forC Hat the. ',nee C1DU.T31.7 low price. Our Inistritments received the highest avrarl at the World's Fair, and for flee tricriutsive years at the American instante. Warranted fire yeatv Tsits, :re cuss. Call or send for descriptive circu,ar. marl-Sm. 4 N - , T 1 L._ E . . : • Ws tAii great pleasure in informing the Public, and 'di! numerous Patrons in particular, that we beer again rammed • Ii! ANUFAt.:TIJ It IN TO Nl'liS • were INCREASED FA C I LIT And are pre - Pared to fill 301 order. f COOKING AND HEATING STOVES WPM PROMPTNESS. Raring ipmcduieed s hags Stool of troll, being burnt out, glees 1111 • decided ad rauttp, (to prim of Stores,) OTer M•Zittfa:turcrsw b., Law toulV Iron at prMent high pn • Thankful for put taws, we hops, b ,Inct atOoo.o to the wants of Caetoiners, to coutioo• t. inera the: patronage. • feb2ll3tf. VINCENT, TIBBAI. , , liIRR &CO PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE To Ladies of delicate healtli or impaired organisation, or to those by whom an decrease of family la from any rowan objectionable, the nadersigned would offer a prescription which is perfertly reliable and safe, and which has been, prescribed in various parts of the old world for the pastcentary. At , llvotrh the article la very cheap and riroplemt it has bee put nip in half pint bottles Lod sold very extensively at ti.e exhorbitut p_tion per bottle, the undersigned proposes to frlroith the intp, for the irmaD4riat of Si, by the posseszion ef which every lady can supply herself with a perfect safe guard, at any drag store, for the trilling sum of 23 cents per year. Any phyziman or draggist will tell you it a perfectly harralees; and thonlanos of .?stimonlais em be procand of its efficacy. Sent to any ort of the world on receipt of SI, by addressing saigrelltly9. Dr. J. C. IIEtERAUS, P. 11. Box. No. =53, New Have; Coon. PROSFECTUS OF THE PHILADELPHIA AGE,IBB4. THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC DAILY JOURNAL PC L AMMMIIMtrO=TPI THS CXIOI, 71111 CONEITTITTION .11-TWTIIII: UNTOECIIIIR of ME= THE DAILY AGE, which advocates the principles and policy of the llme crat to party, is issued every morsdrig,(Sondays excepted.' and Conta in s the LATMIT TALZGILArIk SKR/Strom all pixd of the world : with carefully prepared article, on no eniment, Politics, Trade, Finances, etc., and pt rapt tonal comments on the questions and apt' o the dill Market Reports, Prices Current, Stock QaotatiOns, kr rine Intelligence, Reports of Public Gatherings , Voter and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Report', Theitnok Criticism", Reviews of Literature, Art and Mnsc, Are cultural Natters, and discussions of 4atever 11111 - JOS to of general interest - and importance. ' MK WEEKLY Wit, im • complete compendium of the News of the Week, at contains the chief editorials, the prices mimes and mir ket reports, stock quotation', correspondence and sent rat news matter published in the DAILY dos. it AU , tr. WILE • Veld eartety If other matter, rendering it in al respects a first - class family journal, particularly adsori to the Politician, tho Merchant, the "antler, the Red."' lc, the Literary man, and all classes of reader'. It ho, In fact, every characteristic of a LIVE NEWSPAPEA fitted for the Counting House, the Norkshop, the ler mar's Fireside and the General Reader. TERMS, DAILY. Ow Year, by 11a11...510,00, Bla Months. . . .... 6,03 Three Morithr, 2"50 For any period Imis than this. months, at the rate of Ninety Cents per =oath. WEF'ALY. One Year, by Six Months Three ..... ( .4 Clubs of 10, ... Months, ... .... /704 MI 20, With an extra ropy ocols for getting up the dub. PAMICOM lextitrtitED trtearilloaxx inwmores. .Sretizer. 00= m i l a the Daily and Weekly will be sent grata to al • on application. The blishers of-Thu Age Gould easily ba tbelr ei • a;nas with the unsought and most liberal conic t= l ' Hoar of the press throughout the country; but un prefer that it Should stand altogether upon pubtie onnedents; well known andeatabilene..l. - Thep. , Use* it has act oalred 'this reputation b., the ntr.!.'t fearlessness and independents with w,.ich it has 5,..3 conducted, through time of extraordinary confums lime on public subjects, and latterly of almost uxtuf." pled public trial. it la now, and will be, as here:: the supporter of truly national principles, *pried a:2; to radicalism and fanaticism - 1n every totro, and dev:a is the maintenance of good government law and or:e The Pablishon of Thu Ago waters that It thus res-e , ponaller sere lees and has retailer claims upon whom Its principles are wilted, and who, by the pm?' mains, look to promote and seem the Conantutos restoration of the Union. There rantest 1.110.1 r ttt,, sense of the untiring efforts of the publishers. in of this great and unotraUeled earnestly suety• log this paper in all 14 business :elsbole. Address, tALUSSIMENNInt No. 430 Chestnut rt., l'lulad,:cLls - 'READY PAY STORE !.• J. & J. 31INNIG Would nopectfully inform 110 runito tkat they F." porelmoril the STOCK OF OROCSRIES OF JAMES moan oar Bin ALTO btets ITA, Whore they Intend to keep as good •n •hlertmont FAMILY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD k WILLOW WARE, AND FARM!' GOON am Ls kept In Erie. But Brands of Erie County FiClar . Kept constantly on loud and • IFAILRASTLII A GOOD ARTICLE' Th• Market Prim paid for all itirie 4 Country Product. gr Goods Whored tree of chore CO any Clinll2lNlo. A. ILISNIe• [febrtbdtt j WE ARE OFFERING • kap .. anortmeat of Stabb. IGkado, Coate. 1"1111; De l / 4 Pea Hod; Game Amarmato i• = b reath rine lisaalliii a ilta ago • WM