;" iiitEAT ENGLiSH REMEDY. ir r. cite fit' elfeeltim(Ohotruer. ,itz.lo,,A t cLAßl;rs _. ~..„ . _ _ Ce.l ebrat oci Pen:tale Pills - PAT ENT a ..i ! . I' 1 F,I~ 1.4)1 jr.rs a 1 r.l4;iptiorerf Sir J. ( larir, I) , i'kr.rcianTriratrrditemry to tbs QICEVI. OA , nictlicir,e Iv on/Ailing in the earn of all ~..re.afel an.l ttatigeroas dilf•AFVe 14 whiub the fon:en tt n ts eubtect. It matt. r:dee nil ParIVI sad re ,-,wt. all et,,,tructton•7 and a •peedy cure inav a ttr raiwat 31 %lilt! HD 1.4,01E4 It will, in n abort time, Bring ou paned with testulsnty. '-tile, prier One Dnilar, bears thr , Gnveroment of (; , eat Ilritnitl, to prevent f ounterfeltn. CAUTI ()N. jar i t t's/ls 'Scab! ajt be take. by Females during' Ike htAtrr 31•03T116 rf Preptaxey, as they are we 1„ , ,,,,yr so Miscarriage, hot at any other time they et 14 " ( kaes of Nervous end spinal kfleetiorts, Prins Io and i.im4r, Fatigue on light exertion, Palpita r f the Ileart, - 11:t sterien and Whites, thou. Pile wilt A r Ire when all other r elm. , hay roiled; sad al; roe•OrrUl . einely, do not estutnita iron, calomel, T t lnlibinZ hurl re I to the constitution. ,t,-,•10111 In the pamphlet A rocool reel. paelcsze, .4101141 he carefully preserat.d, roI,D WY All. DRUGGisrg. kri;lt for tbe - rnited States and Canada; , JOR SLORF..i, 27 Corti:Ludt ttt., New York. -$l,OO and 6 postage stamps enelored to any au , r,,41 ct , eictrill Insure a bottle, containing SO rills. j79'64-Iy. Olt. II ilt*llA CAT.tILIttI SINUFF.—This has thoroughly proved itself to the' beat known for curing Car snap, Cocn ta": rn« nTAD tlAo lC115!. It has been found an excellent remedy - offtorta ET RI. Dear:eau hat been removed Ilsanr.vo has often been greatly Improved by It le fragrant and agreeable, and gives Ittvto the dull heatjyainv caused . by diseaass The penuttions after Ldo; it are delightful t or4garatlng. it aliens and purges' out all hb strangtlo no the gland+ and give* a healthy r.1,,at ,, the parts allreeted. i!,..,..than thirty yeirs of sale and use of Dr Marshalra t.trrh and Headache Snuff has proved tie great Tian') • all the corninon dineines of the head, and at this reo. ct etzindsr higher than ever before It ie recommend .: , v rainy of the beet rhyniciann, and in need with great and sattsfactio'n-crerywhSro. Read theCertiOCiate l'holenale Druggints in 1954: The undersigned hieing for many yearn been aclnain '.l -rah Dr. Ilaraha - ll's Catarrh and Heads. he Snuff, and old in our vriole”lit trade, cheerfalle-sate that we be :;re it,tc; be equal, in every rerepect, to the resomtneiLa - one given of it for_the etre of Catarrh Affections, end of it ie decidedly the heat article we have ever ling.wo all common dineases of the Head. Burr & Perry„.ll44k. 1, kiaattu & Co, Brown, La.mann 14.ed.*Cutler k Co., Sell, Fowle, Wilson, FalrhAok Bor.ton ; Fieonlalw, Elmatrde k Co. ' H. H. Flay, ,rtltnl, He.; Barnes ,k Park, A. Ilk Saiaa,Stephen 'al k Co., Israel Minor Co., MeCtuon dr Robbins, A. o rill & Co., H. Ward, Close & Co , Rash & CLIO, 'or Ycfrk.- , _or 7;le by all Druggist's. Try It NONDEIEVUL elf iNGES hare occurred in this country during the last three or four pears, bat r.Ore w(lnderfuf than the P.evolutions In Color, ,•,.laced among the beads of the people, by CRISTADO. DY F. The blotorles of the success of great ...nr•nrs affonla no pars Del to the triumphs overoom• and prejudice, a-cemplished by this powerful Loraless - vegetable agent, which Instantaneously any obnoxious color of the Lair into a black or `,VO as ma:volt - Icent as any that Heaven ever hestOwed c:-r the host of man or woman. Trlstadore'm Hair Premerratlve, adlunet to lb. Dye, in dreo.ing and promoting trmtli on I p.rfe , t loaltlt of the hair, and of Heel? tly..l,lonY, a sofoguard that rroteete the fibres f rom !Wunder all eircapotancos and under all climes. irixtsred by DORre, '20. 1 1 Astor !loose, i.e Tilt., :.1.1.1 by all D:nc.gioto ant applied hr all Hail oct9-Im. A Card to the Sadbring. turmw twn or three hodabradi of "Rucho." ••Ton,! Bitten." "Sarsaparilla," ••lieryoun Anii• k • ..ke.„kc , sn I after ynn are polished with the t. t , , r , try to, boa of 01.9 9nero, - t BUCiI lawg iI.: 4 IISPE(IIyIC PlTA:l—and he roxtorr I to health r:r,z‘r than thirty dare'. They are purely • rr•VITo. plossant to take, prompt and salutary in their • e !Pon the broken do en and ..hstteral constitution. I r.•nnz, con take them with odrontor. bapor• i••• • p.ild in the United otsies only by • JlO-7. S. BB fI.F.R, No 43 Brottdwaq,. • New York, Agent for the United State*. - ; h , rt of the pxcied, will be !A or igaifre+t ma receipt of price, which in o.e Dol- I .plepaid—monev refhnded by the Arent if entire. prarnon It not 11.23-3ro. UUITON OF 1113 , lEfIVEIC-7lnka Sia pith your kind permission I wish to say to the resiZerit , euiliapee that I will sand, by return mail, to all who vvh tt, (free) a recipe, with ftill directions for making el using , a simple Vezetalde halm, that will effectually —',ire, to ten days, l'implev:Tilotehas, 7 an, , Freckles Impurities of the Skin, leaving the acme ela.ar, lumth and beautiful. :will also malt fro. to thou having Bald 'Beads, or Flees, simple dieeet one and Information that will eiSle them to start a full growth Of I.4luri nt rats, ;: , kers nr ninuatlehe In Pea than thirty dams. arp;frationq answered, by return mail, with oUt Reetwetfullv yours, 7603. F en APMAN, Chemist, 831 Broadway, New York. VENETIAN LINIMENT.—Ifere U Testimony ! This is tn , -certhe that for the last n mars I have need in my family lir:Tobias' celebrated :1-itan Liniment, and in every ipsiance hsre found it equal to his recominentintion. I hare found It to onitantancous relief ik rates of toothache, colic, more throat, pain in the client and std rheumatism, and I cheerfully recommend Ito ,' to ei cry ono afflicted with any of the above-named JAN H. WARNER.. A , Trnr,p, C6 . .wr., Oct. t6th, , rl 4 , . Sold firttrgi ate. Ottice, 'attin , lt Street, New York. lIE t7ONFE.SSIONS & EXPRItI ENCE OF A NERVOUS INYALID. 'l , hs'o , l for the benefit and as a caution to yoting act others, who suffer from Nerrons Dehillty, Pre. ':r• I , e,y of Manhood, be., supplying at the same • t'e means ofseiteu re. By one who has cured himself tneßiderable quackery. By enclosing addreeyed envelope,aingl_e copies may be had tthor, Narita:net StArrAta, Esq•, Brooklyn, Kings Co., N 4. Y. UENTI.NSIAN, cured ne !ferrntilt Debility, In nmpetency,Prernstnre Decal and Youthful Error, -Vel by a tlenire benefit otb re. will he happylo •FS tuall who need it, (free o' charge,) the recipe S-..ction• for malting the simple remedy need In bIR Those wishinv to prof.t by hie esperienceound Valuable Remedy, will receive the a kme,' by •r 1 ms,l, (carefully ses'edo be addressing JOHN B. (ADEN, No. 67 Nassau Str•el, N. Y. 0 OU W 1.411 TO BI CURF.III V —DR. Bli t EVOI.BIi SPECIFIC PILLS cure, In Lae ' , ./7.tf day., the wont woes of NERVOC.ifif ES=, linpo- Prt•ciatarre Decry isetronal Weakoere, Insanity, • slidnnarc,rtesnal and Nerroua Affections, no mat n bat crime produced. Price one idtllar per box. ieat paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. 'Ono box Ler:.7% a cure in moot ent^.• Ad•lt.o 4 JAMES S uurLErt, Agent, 427 Kroodway, New York: . • IIF.ILE lK ;VOTIIING more certain to prevent irirgolarities than Dr. Velpan'a in all eiSCSI C-1111 , r a: return of monthly sick '', yllinut whlcli no unmarried lady can enjoy per- Sold by ail druggists. _ • New Firm. .01E'41). CROOK, having taken 1111113 ~ - ,n , Janie' M., 11/1 a partner, on the lit do ot dprfh 4 . :loth.- the firm name of J A 11k14 P. CRUng. is SON, to haves settlement of his old teeming'. All per , .:cloaing then:m.l,es indebted to him are requested -1 , 1 and settle without deity. JAMES P. CROOK & SON,, PrAteks IN OUGH AND PLANED•LUMBER •ND llA:Crilacrynfts OF indoor Sash, Frames, Doors and Blinds MOULDINGS AND PICICETFE,pIeg. moll Sawing, Matching & Planing DONE TO OHM r. • hop on Pesih St., between 4th and sth Ste., ERIE, PA. r•opeetfully cull the attention of the public to our for doing work In the beet or atyls, promptly amid uemooaHln teTellll. ,fleeing fitted up entirely new eitli'huperior machinery, we fool confident of gin. , :.ettre sat , efaction. - rir Ord••n from abroad will melte prom pt attention,- _ - JAYE• 3 F. CR9OK B SON. =chit ItEADY-MADS CLOTHING STOCK FOR - SALE. r..tire from business. I offer for sale roy entire stock of REAipr MADE CLOTHING, AND PIECE GOON, AT COST! 7 . 1, 1 , t, co comprises the largest, and most complete its• goods belonging to the trade, In the city,— ' •-of the .ly re for 18 19012 ths from date, goes with the rr,The itock of goods will t,e sold at PI,IST COST. - MOSES KOCH. Stray Cow. Bt t!KINTO THE PHESIISES OF ttr e.osenber,, In East Itillereek, near Young's Sant, on or atonut the '..oth nit , a gad Cow med - t, t , dry, end auppotoi to be with o n'. Akly"peraln pt ic ots CLlGlin g said cow shill come forward, prove be ...Im Par charges and take her away, otherwise -slue posed of actording to law. JOSEPH C. WOOD. • A LAitGE LOT sa g Drizi, /Ns aati %Ms, ffirags. ERI E, PA., OCTOBER 27. bt64 LETTER fir- try desire Lo obtain • comepoudent in every tr.wp.hipin the enunty. Political saw• we elm obtain abundsneo ; what we want Is the local news from all pzr , . of the ooente . Any person writing, to us an de pend on having his name kept strictly confidential ; and II he ha. fears that the consghnnicatlon is not to proper shape for publication, we will put It In appri. whits trim rr. Cite rubsevibent. served by earlier, will be nharged twenty-dye cents per year extra. Parsons rho fall to receive their papers regularly will confer • favor by noti fying n■ the same. We prefer to-have all subscribers rah can conveniently. procure their papery, at the office of I . hirration. r?rrhe hour at which the Ohs!reer 14 put to poses, each u -, ek,, is 2 o'clock nn Thursday afternoon. Advertiee mouta will be received up to 9 o'clock of the! day of puh. rir An Aqeerlisenfrists, Job Work mid Sint/striplions fro , n persons whose responsibility u not kiiown to the publishers, mod be paid hs Salt Wet OBSERVER JOB OFFICE. We would respectfully cell the attention of the publie to onr t seilities for doing Job Printing of every deaerip tion. Having rapid Presses and the latest itylea of Type, we are prepared to do anythingin;the jobbing line, In a manner equal tansy other establishment, and on terms as reasonable as the Buffalo or Cleveland °Mem We Dave a Med nearly two thousand dollars worth of mate 'vial to the office sines It has bean in our possession, with the object of soaking it what we thought' thn communi ty needed. How Well we have succeeded we leave the specimens of our jobbing, which may be seen in every, part of North Western Pennsylvania, to testify. floss who want UPI, work are invited to give us a call. We can do any, kind of Printing that can be dons elsewhere, —such for instance as All kinds, tuted by Coal Operators, All kinds used by Coal Shippers, • All kinds need by Coal fellers, MI kinds need by Merchants and Storekeepers, ... All kinds uted by Retailers and Grocers, All kinds used,by Manufacturers. All kinds used by Medicine Dealers, All kinds need by Auctioneers, - 1 AU kinds used by Railroad Agents, —. • All kinds used by Ranks, All kinds used by Insurance °flees. All kinds used by Stock Companies. generally, ' All kinds used by Brokers, All kinder red by Com. and For: Mereherits, All kinds .used by Expreu Men ' „ All kinds used by Professions! Men, All kiwis zusedhy Literary Societies, . • • All kinds used bil•nblie Officers, All kinds used by Patentee", All kinds used by Producers of Hew Articles, All kinds used by Merchants of all Trades,- All kinds tried by Architects, All kinds used by Drgnerrean Rstahll"hments,. All-kinde used by Artist' generally, All kinds used by Public Sihlbitors, All kinds used by Managers of Social Assemblie, ' All kinds used by Political Managers, All.kinds need try Travelling Agents, All kinds used by Farmers, or sellers of real estate," All kinds need by the seller' of Pei/anal Property, All kinds need by Renters, In short, all kinds used by all clams. Orders tz 4 rr i when sent by resporsible partles,pronspt ly attest . Agents (*snows Concerts, fte., whose responsitility we are net aequaintid with, must pay in advance. In cases where package. are sent oat of this city by expresa,andillenersons for whom they are Intend ed have not a regular account at the ales, the bill for collection will linarishly be forwarded with them. JVY64-ly DIMOCRITIC MEETING! , 40/ , ‘ . # 1111 "Union the one ',condition of PeirceP Hon. H. B. PAYNE, of Ohio, ql address the • McClellan Club of the city of Erie At Wayne Hall, Thursday: Evening, Nov. 3, 1864. iss- The people, irrespective of paxty,. are invited to attend. From the Age.) The 44 11annoekburit" of November. AMIE BURNS. Soldiers! who have fought and bled! Whom NicCl.ll.l,mr oft has led, , O'er whose banner ne'er was shed Aught save victory : Now, ye have a choke to make, Who'the Nation's helm shall take Lo bow fearful is the stake! ". limos against KNAVIMY Who the I:Tatos will not From en Anonirios OKAY': Who would be a white-skinned Slave— Lincoln, let him vote for thee! Who would bind the Untow fast— Raise it Pho3uiz•like, at last, :From the ashes of the past— Will MaCtata.att's follower be From Oppression's woes and pains— From Corruption's greed and gains— From your hearthstones' bloody stains— Vote, ye FILICEMEN, to be free ZOILVAL To•moriow, Friday, the 28th inst., is the last day on which assessments can" The made before the November eleCtion. If any of our friends in Western eennsylvania have neglec ted this important matter,-we earnestly urge theof to attend to it to-morrofw. TO CAMPAIGN SUBSCRIBERS. With the next issue of the 'Observer will close the period fOr 'which a large number of our campaign subscribers have paid, As tire an nounced at the start,the paper will be promptly discontinued, unless other directions are given to us before the expitation of the.tirae. We shall be pleased to hale as litany of our friends continuo their patronagiti as poisibte, but it would neither be fair in;us, nor just.to them, to send it longer than they have directed.— After the Presidential election a much larger portion of the paper will be devoted to read ing of a literary, news and locat nature than we have been able to give in the•exctting'po- Utical events of the past year. ' CosonsssiosaL.—The following are the official majoritleit in this Congreptionardisz. triot : ulster. Scotism. Brie County, official, , 2864 Warren County, of6oial, —. - ,t 689 Cameron County, official, '\ 69 Forest Cpunty, estimated, —, . 5 McKean County, official, , IU Clearfield Couety;"official, _1262 - 7 -- Jeffertion County, estimated, 215 Elk County, official, • 4117 Scaeld's mijority, 1,168 The tickets for the Presidential election were sent, to all the districts in the county at the semis time with the district tickets. It is to be hoped that those to whom they were en trusted will take ears of them, and allow node to be wasted.. In case any of the, townships should require more than hare beef foriished them, the officers of their clubs or some other active Democrat can enclose a dollar or mere to uti, and we will promptly 'supply them with tickets to the amount paid for.. Let there be no votes lost, on account of not having enough tickets. (tf.) Ixrosisar NOTIOL-A court will be held in Erie on Mondsy, October 81st, for the nat.- uralizstlon of foreigner.. Those who cannot come's' that tinte'esetake pat r their citizen papers it the nut- commenfilng Mosby, .lioramber 71h. • • SiveOat NOtlees. Assessments. 1924 8077 Tickets. John 111. Mr. John a. Walker is a =a the nature Of hose mind does not pennitAdm to be con tented unless be hsi some person or party to vent :his denuiciations upon. At/Er a ton; residence among the people of Erie, he has come to be regarded in the light of. a common scoltran4 villifier. His political discourses never contain a grain of argument, but are made up of the loweet and least creditable slang or the, day: As a lawyer he sever ob tained any . reputation, except ,in cases of a criminal kind, where the brow-beating of unfor tunate Witnesses and the defamation of other men's reput I ations free play to those fscuitiei - Which stolid out most prominent in his character. Of the large and respectable her of this county, there arb not more than three or four membersnt the moat who do not hold him in themost profound and everlasting contempt. 1;11s vindictiveness of spirit, the ungontlemankiness of his imanners, and the overbearing disposition he displays,allke to his fellow members of the proptision, to the poor people who happen to fall' into his blotches as witnesses, and to the public generally, have made him a peculiar object of dislike, so that at' this 'p - eriod his name is known all over Northwestern Pennsylvania as a synonym for hard-heartedness,selfishness and foul;mouthed animosity. Knowing these facts, we were surprised on Saturday last to. see Mr. Walker's name posted up in public place; about town, in connection with a gentleman from abroad, as a speaker at the Republican meeting to, be held that oe ning in Wayne Hall. .The e‘ening came, and with it the hour for t/uLassembling of the "loyal masseti." Mehl'i band was employed, as usual, to entice the people into the meet ing, and they performed with, if anything, more than their customary seductive excel lence. The old eanirtri was also brought out be• tween the two parks, and gave vent to report after report, sufficient one would have thought to hava-arouied all the sleepy "loyalists" this Ape of Jericho. It was all is vain. The can non roared - its loudest, and the snusielani tooted till their stomachs were exhausted; but neither thundering carmen, nor straining band, nor flaming posters could Induce the people to assemble and listen to the ravings of a man whom they feel to be only worthy Cif scorn and contempt. When we reached "the scene of action" there were not a hundred and fifty pe,rsoniffireSent all told, and at the very furthest the number did not reach two hun dred in any hour .4f, the meeting, and they were almost eettrely made tip of the old wheel horses of-the-party, who look upon a failure to attend any of their clannish conclaves as a worse crime than neglecting to say their pray ers or attend their churches. The leaders en deavered to •eicuse the i faillire in the best way they could, and` few ofttliem were not back ward in saying that it Was entirely owing to the• announcement of - Walker's name as a speaker—tiat his connection with anything was enough t ddestroy it at once: • - Well, Mr. Walker commenced. Me repeated the stall accatiations of • the Republicans against till Democratic party, in that, tone of maliciousness which is so familiar to our citi zens, We need not give a summary of the general lino of his remarks, for they will be found better expressed and in much decanter phrase chan, he could possibly deliver them, in every RepubliCan journal in the 'country, from day to day add week to week. .. Mr. Walkei was particularly bitter in speak-. ing of theOßSterga. Gnu-half of his speech , was fully taken up with coarse and villain ens ` abase of this paper, which, as it has survived the same on the part of Mr. Walker s hundred times before, it probably will - still. We lis tened to this part, of his remarks,with me-. vial pleasure, because it is always -a delight to one who feels that he is doing his duty hon— estly, to receive the abuse of the vile and evil tongued. -Should such an unfortunate occur rence ever happen, as that anything we could do would receive the approbation of such a notoriously mean and foul mouthed man se Mr. Walker, we would regard it; as a certain indication that we had made a mistake and re trace our steps immediately. : • - Mr. Walker charged that the Gammen is not a Union paper. lie knois, if he ever reads it, that what he said mis false. We have put the Union in the foreground in all our discus sions of political subjects since the beginning of the war, and we sustain George B. McClel lan only because we believe that he will re• store the Union , quicker than Abraham Lin coln. And who is John 11, Walker; that he dares assail other men With being false to the interests of their country ? Does he suppose that the people of this city have forgotten that 3 7 he was one - otj h ttat large cla who joined with Horace Gree t 7s. in' sneerin at the valuer-el' the Union, and coldly calculated the benefits that would ' result from a separation of the South ? „Does he think.they fail to remember how he was in the habit of ridiculing. and re -wiling Southern men and manners, and how be 'keine& te goad them into secession, and thus bring this - civil war upon the country ? Oh, John H. Walker, if you do, you givethem lees credit for'intelligenco than they are entitled to. They do recollect these things well, and they hold you io account for them. The blood of hundreds of brave boys who have fallen, dead or wounded, from Erie county, cries for vengeance up to Heaven against you aid your like. It is upon your hands and you- canno t wash-it off. You talk of others loyalty, and charge them with not being friendly to the Union! Why, you -accursed old reprobate, you have not en lamest Union hair on your head. They don't grow on such as yours. Your heart II so full of rank and poisonous treason, that every vein acid fibre and portion of your flesh and skin has become 'rotten 1 with it, and if there was a Union hair there it would instantly sicken and die. . And you said, further, that we did not give credit to our gene t rals and soldiers for the vic tories they win. Yon know, too, that this afalsehood, and yet you told it with as un blushing a face as ever devil put on to deceive gullible man. But, sir, how long is it since you came to take such an interest in our sol diers and tho triumph of Our national arms ? There was a time, if common report tells the truth, when you were not so anxious to .hear good news from our brave boys - in the field. Ah, John, if your memory fails you that of others. does lot, and well do they remember how you gloated ,over the advantages_ gained by, the Mexicans, in the, war of 1847, and linked chorus with Tom Corwin in hoping that the true men who lent to fight for their coun try's rights on a - foreign Soil, might be "wel comed . with bloody "hands . to-,:hospitable graves.", filr. tfie less you say on such sub jests as these theibetter. The people know you too intimately to believe the f t you are anything now, but what you ever have been.-a coward and a craven; without a spark of genuine pat triotimm, and' posseising no impulse but beats for self first and party next. Mr. Walker, we do not want to waste many words upon iyou now. You are welcome to assail the Cassava* and Its editor as often and in such lays as you desire, and we give fair .notice that you shall receive a "Bo land" foi eve r y "Oliver" yon . send. If you WaUtostowfWaiololftsoloolicW and business warfare; instead of one otpriSei pie, well and good. We have digit witlf you . somewhat tenderly this time ; hereafter we shall go at you without gloves. Advancing years would seem to warn you ko break off from the disgusting habits which have soured your whole life, and made you so obnoxious to your fellow-men, and prepare to meet that Being against whom your fins have accumn lated to an extent many Gives more numerous than the greater portion of .our fellow-men: Bat, if neither the experienee of age, nor fail ing health—if neither tho advice of relatives (friends you liave none) nor the scorn of the world will cure you of being a common slan derer and scold—if the good opinion of man: kind has no charits for you, and the grave no terrors—then God have pity on your soul, for there are no people in Erie who will. • 4 , , Letter from Mr. Pendleton. The following letter from Hon. George H. Pendleton to some friends in Missouri, effec tually disposes of the charges which hale been made against-him of a willingness to see the Union destroyed. We especially commend it to the attention of John' 11. Walker and all that class of thick-heeded party bigots who never speakof Mr. Pendleton without calling hint a "traitor." Teitimony might be pre sented by the column, from Mr. Pendleton'e writings and speeches, attesting his fidelity to the cause -of his country,' but we doubt not that if it was scattered broadcast over the land, so that everybody could read it, these slanderers and falsifiers would. still persevere in their misrepresentations of him, for parti 'tan ends. The truth is, these fellows are so wedded to falsehood, that the truth would stick in their throats. In the eyes of such debased creatures as John H. Walker, no as sertion is too vile to be uttered—no falsehood too palpable—if it accomplishes a party pur pose, and ministers to their selfish personal ends. They have built up what little personal position -they possess by hypocrisy and uit.' truth, and have come to rely upon these two "right bowers" as the only means which lead to sucoess. Let those who heard Wal ker's childish speech in Wayne Hall,ron Sat urday evening, in which he said Mr. Pendle ton was not a friend of the Union, read the following extract from the latter gentleman's Missouri letter, and tell us whether or no John H. Walker does not deserve to be posted up on every street corner and public place is a own.? mon villifier and liar: " I promised to be with you, but when I made the promise I expected to be zealous and active, in season and out of season, urging by every consideration which appeals to patriots, the Utmost exertion to • secure the'success of the nominees at Chicago. 7 ". 3 lcms kindness has put me in a position o i where delicacy forbids . uch efforts. I ould only say s - what I have often before said _ that it itiocess crowns the work of the_Dem atio party, every aspiration of my heart would be gratified by, as every, effort of my life - would be directed to, the preservation of the Union, the maintenance of the Constitution, and the securing of all their rights to the States, and Of ell their liberties to the people." ' Democratic Meetings. "' J. Ross Thompson, 'Esq., will speak it Union Mills, .on Friday evening, Oot. 28112.. Benjmin Whitman' will address the bo l mo. critic Club of Concord, on Monthly evening, Oot. 31st. Cape Jno. 11. Miller and Wilson Laird, Esq., will speak in Fargree Aril, Fairview, Saturday evening, Oot. 29th. Geo. W. Gunnison, Esq., will speak at Far go'd Hall, Fairview, on Pionday evening, Oat 81st. , Geo. W. Gunnison, Esq., wilt address the Democratic Club of Concord, this (Thursday) 1 . evening, Oct. 27th. J. DennisJatnes, Esq., of Warritst, and:Benj. Whitman, Will address a meeting of the citizens oftolumbas and vicinity, in Friday afternoon, November 4th, 1864. A meeting will be held at the Brace , school ,hones, Venange township, to be addressed by Benjamin Whitman and perhaps ;others. Hon. H. D. Payne, of Cleve'soil, Democrat ic candidate for, Governor of Ohio in 1861, will speak in Wayne. Eiall,l on Thursday evening, November 811. He is riprevented ae a remark ably eloient and effective orator. • , To Whoin it May Concern. ISNOLI NAM TO ♦. LINCOLN Tan Csprro, WASEIENOTOII 4 Nov. 8.1 Abraham Lincoln, (whom it does concern :) You-have been emphatically informed by me more then once that whenever your 'remo val could be a relief to me, it was at my din pos'al. The time has come. You very irell know that this proceeds from intense dissat isfaction of. mine with you personally and facially. Your uniform incapability has bean unsurpassed by anybody ever put in your place ; and!while it is true that the war has added more: to the importance of your depart-, meat than that of any other, it is yet, unhap pily, much to say, as I most truly can,-that in the three years and a half during which you have administered the general government, I remember no single hour in which a complaint has not been made against you in connection therewith. , Yours no longer, • UscLe Sam. A Man in Chicago, a member of the "Feni an Brotherhood," in order to avoid the draft, having claimed British protection. was ex pelled from the "Brotherhood:" In the res olutions adopted by thea-Cligy give the follow. ing among other reasons why they deem each a course nesessary To the•public it may - seem -strange that the Persians are so sensitive in this matter of Bri tish protection, but - when they investigate th r - - relationship that exists now and has existed between England and Ireland, they will think as we think, that the Irishman who &Vends so low, especially in America, as to claim protection from England, is unworthy-to sass elate with honorable men. We alone from all the nations 'have been hunted from oar homes and been sent wanderers over the en tire earth with the fiendish laugh of our Go:. ernment forever ringing in our ears,- gloating over our misery and plotting our entire exter mination. Iu the face of these facts ' the 'shman who claims British protection be comes the meanest slave who slimes the Carth, kissing the very hand that slates hi fn. COLDS LID 6170111.—Sadden mate are sources of Pulmonary and Bronchial _Affections. Experience having proved that simple remedies sot speedily sad certainly when taken in the early stage -of disuse, re course should at Once be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, u by this precaution a more serious attack may be effectually wet :ed off. Soldiers 'hew h a ve them, as they 0,1 be carried in the locket and taken as ocos••ton requires. SIINAVOILIAL.—The following is the official vote of Erie and Crawford oottatita for State Betudor / • - • Lowry. Rice., Erie, 5811 • 8081 Crawford, • - 4789 8788 Lowry's majority, hark ilraoxas, No. 6 American Block, has en hand, in addition to his looted stook of Cloths, Casemate' lad Vest lags, a complete assortment of Nock-Tim, Collan, Suspenders, ho., of the latest styles and . lank quilitin, to• 'Mob he isspeoffully salls the adioLlas of the psblte. ITEAtS OF AIL SORTS• Selfishness personified -4 Post Moe crowd. GoLtsehalk has been knighted by_Abe. Queen of Spain. , Mr. Chu. Bliley offers his farm, in Harbor Creek tp., for sale.. The author of "Bally Bound the Flag" his been drafted in Chicago. , We - will see noir whether he'will "rani." Samuel M. pewrence, a prominent railroad man, well known in this oitr, died it Warren on the 17th ipet. 'Although only 29 years of age, he hid accumulated a large property. The Philadelphia Sr, Erie R. R. hi divided into three divisicins, as follows: Eastern—Santrury b Reno's, 62 miles Middle—Renovs to Lamont, 101 " Western—Lamont to Erie, 94 " Prentice says : "We welcome the abuse of the abolitionists. It. is not enough that yon ,are raised by the good ; you have failed 'somewhere in your duty if you are not cursed by the bad."' Several important and valuable "oil strikes" have been made the oil regiotie et Pennsyl. wilds, within illi past couple weeks. They will yield-from sixty to a hundred barrels of oil per day each. The irrepressible Train, surnamed George Francis, has been coaetituting himself a con vention, which, after some deliberation has nominated' Gen. Dix for President and Admi— ral Farragut for Vice President. The Demborstio ladles of Franklin 'County are preparing a flag to be presented to the township giiing the largest Democratic( gain ever the October vote at the next election. A good example for the gates of Erie city. The Democrats of Erie have reduced the majority against them of last year by some seven or eight htindrhd I Bravo, Erie Erie has this fall been the special vineyard in which the Editor of the Expreti has labored. We trust he will not faint in the good work.— Buffalo Cpurier. Persons sending communications for us to print, must have patience until after the Pres idential election. We are overcrowded with matter for oar columns, and cannot find room for' half that seems positively necessary to print. - 'George D. Thomas, of this county, convic ted at Pittsburg of passing counterfeit United • States Treasury notes, of the' denominatio . n -of fifty dollars, was on Priday, the 21st inst., sentenced to 'mien jeers imprisonment in the penitentiary. The Ilairistnirg Patriot learns that while Gov. Bigler wee passing through Tyrone, ac companied by his lady, he was set upon by a mob of drunken Abolition rowdies, 464 con siderably injured. We have not bees able to leant anything 14- the particulars, and reserve comment until we do. Another poor editorial sinner hai "gone the 1 way of all .flesh .". Clark, of the eedville Reintbfkany - committed matrimony .: o the 4th inst., leaving 'a large circle of bac elor ac— quaintances to deplore his loss. His sad fate should bO a warning to tho rest of 4te draft: Gedey's Lady's Book for November "con— tain forty,eight engravitigs sad silty contril buttons, and is presented to 1.11. public' as the best specimen of au American magazine for fSmales yet published. - IThe steel engraving is alone worth the price •of the, number, and the tashisin plate is gorgeous in its coloring, and suggestive of a plethora of greenbacks." - After Gen. Burnside's return from his stic 7 cessful campaign in North Carolina, hg. made a speech at the-Cooper Institute, in whioh he said - TO PAIS NAVA,' LIT TOUR rArTaGioaas B. MOCL,LLAN /ALTAR; I HAVE SITXXENED WM AND WINTINAD HIX, ANIY KNOW NIX TIINOUGI/ AND THIIOIIDIO' We ire tired and ashamed of reading of Democrats being mobbed and Deinocratio meetings being broken up by Republicans and squads of soldieri. We have no pity for Democrats who will allow their meetings to be so broken up. No brave mat would allow such things to ocCur without breaking the heads of the scoundrels who attempted to do it. Wo regret to learn that On ,Friday last, A. P. Durlin, of the Willow Dale Paper Mills, had his hand injured by the machinery—to what extent we am-unable to learn.—Fredonia Advertiser, last week. - Mr. Durlin was formerly associated with Mr. Sloan in the publication of the Observer. We join With the Advertiser in expressing re gret at the aocident which has happened to him. • • - Here is a fact in connection with - A -he Indi. ana election which everybody can appreciate —can any Abolitionist explain it ? Buffalo has s'population foar times that of Indianapolis, or 100.000 to- i 5,000. Yet Indianapolis polls 10,000 votes to Buffalo's' 12,000, and of that 10,000, 8,000 were Republican votes giving a Republican majority of 8,000 kis population which ought not to have over 3,000 votes Is there fraud there, or isn't there ? Will the Ex. press or some, other Abolition organ answer ? —Buffalo Courier. The Union man who neglected• to vote on Tuesday last ought to be biased out of the party, and made to feel all his life long that .he failed in duty at a time,when failure Irma a erime.—"eadrille Ropublican. And where was the aforesaid editor on that day ? llie name is not recorded in the poll bock as it voter! How came he to "fail to do his duty at a time when failure was a crime 7" —Meadville Jounced. seep cool, gentlemen, and don't let it effect you so badly. you will get accustomed to be ing whipped after a while. A'recent: trip over the Erie & Pittsburg R. R.,-gave.us a completely different idea of the acenery along its reute from what we had be fore. It traverses a rich and exceedingly picturesque valley, abounding in active,pregi and growing . towns. The railroad followe the Shenango' and Beaver rivers for about a hun dred miles, and the eye is. gratified at times with some of-the loveliest panoramic pictures that we have ever seen. We are glad to know that thieroute is rapidly becoming a popular ons. On aurliip to 'Pittsburg and back the Cars wire orewdeid from both directions. Some Of our citizens will remember the fa mous military (1) orator, Gen. Bruce, who was imported on the occasion of the 6th of Octo ber Republican gathering, to preach atonal." nation, confiscation, eubjugation and "loyal. ty" to the benighted pebple of Erie county. It turns out that be is the author of • the celebrated expression, - Nkat with a handful of old women, armed with broomsticks, thelloutl 4 could be driven into the Gulf of Mexico." A wonderful expounder he, of wisdom and states manship ! The people of his neighborhood, thinking that the author of such an immortal phrsee'deserved sinus token of special regard, have dubbed him "Broomstick Bruce." Warr Class Myr Raitniuton von Sian.— Being about to remove to - Philiulelphis, I of fer for sale mr city residence and the whole or part of the furniture, on reasonable terms. 'The house is one of the beet in the city—mod ern ityle and finish, with double parlors on each side of ,finish, hall, andlitted throughout with gig and wetir. Pouession given, if re quired, on the lit of January, or Istaf4vril nat. Oct2Olf.. Moses Koos. • 10,100 6814 6,814 8,286 MARBUID. Oa Kaaday. the ROA by Ray. R. W. Hollidar, Mr. J. 11,WI sC LER, at Com e sad L. RAORR ! L Z. 13 Rivi. - • i-j- r•vn7 Educe of the Observer :—ln conducting great political campaigns, it may become nonentity for both parties to advert in criticism • to the past, present and probable future conduct of the upirants for office and their aupporters,but never has it become consistent With,the digni ty,)) of a gentleman...a qualificati n prerequisite for an editoi—to vilify with pp robrious epi. theta any portion of our people a.l a class, for exercising their constitutional right in outing theirimifrages for the candidate of their choice, in accordance with their best j .% gment. - If infamy were not as limitle s:as the bot— tomless pit, the-father of lies himself could not excel in vituperation elide ander the sr- , tide which appeared in the ed torial columns of the Dispatch of the :sth in . tent, dirEcted against that portion of oar citis • as denomina ted as Iriah. ~Fortunately, howlerver, the arti cle bears its refutation in the character of tie assailant. Wbo that has read. the Dispatch since this hired, imported, peda?tio pedagogue became manager of its editorial columns, 'can point to a tingle article worthreading ? None tut the frequenter of those abo ihable resorts with which ho attempts to con le the Irish , . ti could so fluently discourse th language of those wicked haunts. - The character of the Irish neds no defence at my hands, nor will it suffer from the venom of the aspersions with which the hired editor of the Dispatch has sought to , malign 'them. Men otters In every ago award them their meed of praise, placing them second to none in the annals of history. Mortally; religion, herolsM, patriotism - and all that constitute a brave and noble people; is the; true character of the Irish. ._Should the hired, editor of the Dispatch moralist on the debasement of a certain class "Of society compostid of all people, and indeed among which the American line a fair representation, he should find many ad !cater; but when he classes as among the "robbers, blacklegs,cnt-throats} brothel pimps and ruinseUers," "every Irishman," he - does that which he knows is an Oltrsie, and de— serves the execration of every i telligen i t mem *. ben of society, regardless of his politima - be lief. Shall infamy such as this 6 unrebnked ? I ask every hottest, candid man in this com munity: Will you American I born citizens permit your politioarpredilections to sanction such vile slander of that portien of your citi zens with_ whom your daily business brings you into intercourse, when you know lilt be a falsehood ? Will you Irish-AMerioan citizens silently, listen to such atrocious diatribes', published in , daily Paper in your midst, and not raise your voice in denunciation against the wretch who dare publish. snail a libel on your character 2lf any act o of i , he depravity of man should justify summary retribution, this cue is no exception. But obedience to law and order, which has ever characterized the duty of the good citizen, must be the guiding star of those maligned, and leave time and, the good judgment of all impartial witnesses the inevitablefate of the slandererl LATEST WAR rfiOX sazaMilee Alum. We sti ll hear nothing direct from At lanta. Stanton sayerthe telegraph . is work ing. If it is, why does he -not' get the news? NeXr4 from there just now is more anxiously expected than ever before.— Sherman's position is critical. Slocum, with one - corps, is shut up! in Atlanta.— From Atlanta o Tipton. near Marietta, the railroad is in order. Fotleeventy miles above Marietta, all the way to Tunnel it is destroyed. The ties are burned ; the rails bent and broken; the embank 7 menta razed and the ditches fi lled.e Months will be required to repairlit. Sherman, with the greater part of I t his army, 'is marching about the coon, ry, following Beauregara, in his career o destruction, no one knowl whither. . - The Confederate army is est of Dalton, somewherebetween Rome and Nashville, but neither nor Shernan's position iei accurately known. The impression that draid on Nashville is intended still pre- Tails. The Confederates halt(' left the rail road line between Atlanta and Chattanoo ga, though guerrilla bands! still lurk in the neighborhood. The road is clear, but not repaired, and there is no.. connection with Atlantan The . guerrillas have cap tured a train just so uth' of I - Nashville, on the road to Chattanooga, aid burned the cars. The 'advance of tha,Confederate Column on the march to invade Tennes see, is reported crossing the Tennessee ri ver below Florence. Various guerrilla bands precede it, some of which are al ready operating in Tennessee. The Ohio river below Evansville, Indiana, is report ed to have several squads; of Confederates lurking on the Kentucky; shore. It is Said that these binds number two thou , sand men. , - rao* saxamix-a Liar, Gen. Sheridan has sent another dispatch about the contest in the valley. From it and other sources, we can give a history of the end of the battle. After the defeat of, the Federal troops and their retreat al inost to Winchester, Sheridan rode on the field and took command.l The enemy were checked and began to etreat towards Fisher's , Hill. Sheridan ordered his-troops to follow them. The Confederate rear guard fought stubbornly se it, withdrew, and,contested the ground all the way to Strasburg. There was, ni times, fierce fighting. During the retreat Sheridan's men picked up many aba,ndoned wagons and ambulances, and captuked• 1,600 pris oners. .The Confederates did not remain in Strasburg,but withdrew tb Fisher's Hill. The Federal infantry did not go farther south than the old camp at cedar Creek. Here they halted and bivouacked. The cavalry continued the Purfsuit, and up on enterifig,"Strasburg, fou tid there 50 can non, and among themthosacaptured from the Federal troops in the morning. Here the cavalry, halted and pawed Wednesday night. No mere fighting is re orted. Lang street has withdrawn to h s old camp at Mount Jackson, south of trasburg. Sher idan is Still in camp at Cedar Creek/. Cav alry •reconnoisances sent south of Fisher's Hill, found no force of the' enemy until Mt. Jackson was reached. Correspondents report Sheridan's losses as very heavY.- 1.500 wounded have already arrived at Martinsburg. 5,000 Fecleiel soldiers were killed, wounded and captured. Sheridan statist that froin 800 to 1,000 of his *en were taken prisoners. 1,500 Confederates, were captured . The number of guns tai ken is now variously reported from 43 to 48. 300 Confederate wagons and ambu lances were also taken. f'he position of affairs in the - Valley is about ,fia . .it was be fora th I vittle bogan. , I. • Kt. t IN Or • ,-• • reached . • "[gums Li ne and ed the Suite. The Federal troops have formed ajunction at Kansas City, on the Missouri river, six miles east of the. State line, and Price is southwest of them: There are no in&cations of Price's inten tions. though he seems intend a with drawal into Arkansas, fJLe captured• an immense ameunt of pro in his pass age across Missouri. rani. Blunt and Curtis are together at Kansas City, but do not seem to be doing much. There is a report, that Price is withdrawing towards the Arkansas border., 1. 4 ser 117 s frank, earnest nd -persistent ef tbrt to oblain•these objets should fail s ! the responsibility for ulterior onsequenees will fall upon those who roman in arms sipiiins the Union; but the Union Mast be .pieserred at all huards.--(141. NoCkilates Later of La aptillel. NEW MILLINERY GOODE I THE MISSES !CORA.= initaiset zerpeetklly alumina, that thq are neer in their new Store, • SWISS BLOCS. EAST AIDS Or MI ?AU ' And have just ripened a very law • STOCK OP NEW GOODE, DISZOT MON NSW TORS CITY I Sutbracing everything in the E R Y L • I NEI To which they invite the attention pogo of lirk and riciattr. • an,Berinselected their stock with the teet . end purchased for'assu,, they feel oonddent they au make 1$ to the advantage or all to give them their =now Parricertan arturrion glees to Driag, ing and Prerdng. • arid is. Prepare for Winter. • HITT TOUR GOAL • . • Before It Coes Higher. , Now is your time to lay to your suppltdf fitca"as li ii constantly on the rise. The old astablhatlid 7 lit EIGHTH STREIT LANDINO. On the Canal, is the boat place in the city to Inv It We have on hand a quantity of the best BIT tr IBOUB COAL-;" Brent the Mercer Cennty Wars, including Nt. Cohen and Old Ormsby, which we are prepared to deliver ea short notice to any part of the city at the lowest mast price. Don't delay, but sold in your orders, wth the Cub, as the incises* of the price of unwind, the I=ai of coal at the mines, and other muses, combine to ly advance the price. We, therefore, solicit a call from all who ass coal. and entrants* sathfaction, both is quality and pia, D. BUNTON ic soms, Night!' atrest t Canal. irp22lL A. Rink.• u , JO= VIM , • NEW GROCERY STORE. The undersigned pare open• d• s sew emery Bkors, ea the LAST BIDB OP STAMST.. iL NOM mini OP RAILROAD BRIDOR, Where they intend keeping • fun supply of GROCBILIEs, PROVISION% • Inill/Te, • CROCILIST WARN. PICT% • • TANKBB NOTiO/4__ l ll WILLoW WARN. CorupICTIONARIza, TOBACCO do CIGARS. And everything usually on hand la sa establlabneat Cl the sort. • We are determined to odor aa good indsmentasts 'fug other dealers In the city, and Write the ppnblle tie at l. eanadent that we can give satire satiAted.m. oat3l4l:llti. P. A. WEBBRR & TO TVS Holders a Owners of Unpstented Lands 'UNDER THE PitOVISIONS OF THE Act of Annaly, approved in.y .20, MK this hol den and owners of Unpainted. Lands an required to take out patents for inch lands before hal lsa day of Noirmber.lll6l. On faun lo tale out 'whip Ames the Survevor General L directed 'le ciirsiate tAll men I off per Aim iseney,iittarat Ind fag ire fee sank eveteeitail trad," such amount (together eith oleo. fees) to -ens as ouretrde mom villa Mall be stewed la • Sirs &del So b. ?mute° Sail kept fir taut purples cad MI sea shag Peel Wand et.° per cams" Thais Una are liable to be proceeded upon by the Attorney Gamuts erogaint defaulting public otileers, ander the 'Act of Apr 4118,1645. The ands:signed see giving paNtenlar attention to sU business arising under the Lend Laws, and hiving tadb Hies for attending to such business, ate prepared to pro. cure patents at once for parttet residing at a distance from the oast of Government, on the nit at reasonable terms. Correspoillsoce solicited and promptly attended to. Address ROBERT NT:00011A2.2, or WALLACE DS WITT. Attorniya and Cannelton at Law, • ang26-2m. Harrisbunr, Ta. • - THE PLACE TO GET YOUR . MONEY BACK, B.' COUGHLIN'S • BOOT & SHOE STORE State Street, Nearly Opposite the. Post Mew Z. Co kiln, Boot and Shoe Dealer, informs the Public that he bail remand his stand to the Store Room on State street, nearly opposite the Poet Moo, where he invitee all his old friends anti COMMON to give Wm a call. nutiettlar attention given to • • REPAIRING! Havlng sandhi workmen, and imparts - dendlng all: his twine's , he heifer's he can give as good nalleac- Gan and sell at as low prices as any other person in the city, Good Fits Warranted. aporettt. Ail IRLIBII/110. . EWS. IMPORTANT Prosidtntisl Eleouire. Hobert L JOhnson, Richard Vann, William Loughlin, Ed R Helmbold, Edward P Dunn, Thomas McCullough, Edward T Hese, Philip S Gerhard, George G Leiper, Michael Seltzer, Patrick McEvoy, Thomas Ii Walker. 0 S Dimmick, A B Dunning, - Paul Leidy, Robert SwinefortL John Ahl, Geo. A Smith, Thaddetn. Banks, Hugh Montgomery, . John M Irvine, Joseph M Thompson Risselas Brown, James P Barr, William J Ennis, Wm Montgomery, Presidential Electors, Robert L. Johnson, Richard Vann, ' L. Loughlin, i Ed. R. Helmbold, Ed. P. Dunn, Thomas, Mceullotigh, ' Edward T. Hess. Philip S. Gerhard, George G. Leiper, Michael Baser, Patrick McEvoy, Thomas H. Walker, 0. 8. Ditomick, A. B. Dunning, Paul Leidy, Robt. Swineford, John Ahl, Geo. A. Smith, Thaddeus Banks, Hugh Montgomery, John M. Irvine, , Joseph M. Thompson, Rosielas Broirn„ James P. Barr, William J. Kounts, Win. Montgomery. Praddentiil Ehlators, Robert L Johnson, Richard Vann, William Loughlin, Ed It Helmbold, Edward P Dunn, Thomas McCullough, - Edward T Hess, • Philip S Gerhard, George G Leiper, Michael Seltzer, Patrick McEvoy, Thomas H Walker, 0 S Dimmick, A )3 Dunning, • Paul Leidy, Hobert Elwin ehrd, John Ahl, Geo. A: Smith, Thaddeus Banks, Hugh 7 Montgomery, John M Irvine. - ' Joseph M Thompme, &wiles Brown, James P Barr, Wiliam J Haunts, wiwata Maatgoasel.