eiii - -(0b - .etliff: II Tlttlit4DAY, OCTOBEtt `2er, 1:834. ltsstai viattAscsila ras - Pi&plA IA 'sit rsln: os .Lgitioas Lasotit 7 . - -Attdrer Jacks on Democratic National Ticket. pagazngsr, - t- - OEN. GEORGE B. 3I'CLELLIN. - v 1 PEtEltir.NT, fitEORGE H. PENDLETON. --:*----.". I raESIDi:STIIt. 11,v. ,- 7 , 7... e .• KLEctOts AT LAeal : 90 1 :itRT T. J$ If' NS iN, or $ torlrit Coll cty. RIC/AND VA MC, et Piii aa,1021.1. • vierwer rlxerN.B : 1. Willlaxii Lonebiiii 113. l'aqt Leidy, T. Idtrard Fi.. ffedsob.7l4 41. J! .hi • t W•i2f3td. S. Edward' P. DJun, Is , John Ah, 4. Thai. McCullough, IWI H nrt G. Srollb,. S. Edward T. Rita, 117 Thad 1.52. Ranks,' S. Philip 4. Gerbas f, - 1i H. Hug'. M ‘nti, NV...07. T. Gems G. (Alper. D. .Liou M. Irwia, - S. Allcheel Aelia-r, ies- ..T P.. M Thntriport, IV Patriek ll' Awe, ' r it. it ...Way 9r01r9, - 10. Thour4 H. Walker, ' la. .imn -.. P. riarr, ~ 11. ( Wirer 9 O tumid, 1.2. WI i..vm J. go:mil, 11 A. B. Damming, - :24. Wm. 3loat;omtl7. • Death of Judge Taney. The death of this distinguished jur : Nt . in Washington. on , Wednesday of I i4t spy ek, at as advanced age, although long ed, has cast a gloom over tho cvhcle coun try. In,the better days of the Republic he stead the proud peer of the ablii.s. lie was one of the links which connected us with the Revolutien, (or he vras brim in. its midst, and saw the rise and NH 4f the American Republic. Senator Banton, in a debate in the United States' Snate, spoke of Judge TanOy 113 the ”pureAt of patriots and the best of men,". end the assertion waa indorsed by all who knots him. • Tot ng In Indiana. There are some f'..,tats in conneclinn tcith the recent election in Indiltrt wish the fair men of the 1,11-y to look at. We think :it 1- ner in which the Alw,liti9tt ~ ca= enabled to escape a thorotq.lt an-1 ruin, uv defeat is that State On the- lit. facts are these: In Wiynot town-1.41 ned city of Pert Wayne . AT; n ry, which are Dainocratic, 3,003 `t),--r...,n4, : the ages. of 20 and 45. were elirolled i fer military service, and tii• a- to 1r: led cvl - Now, mark the-co 'lraq. It In dianapolis and town‘hip, whit-h ere c ,n -trolled by the Abolttioni.ts, 4 7 - if.! verslns Sven)" enrolled for military • service, and the mlority for Morton, the Ab:llition candidate tor Governor, is el.iimt.ii t o h i . 6137, and the total vote polled is 9357. This difference is worthy of ,:itten don. It shows the me•ms by which the Abolition party are endeavoring to chett the people out of their rights, and make the elective franchise a farce. But one more fact: In a Democratic County, where the judges of the election acted under the solemnity of an oath, and in stria accordance with the election laws of the State, out of four Inanilrrd and fifty -soldiers Who were brought, to tini p only seventy-two would take the with and submit the proofs that would entitle them to deposit their ballots. And yet, in an adjoining'county, - where the Abolitionist! ruled the -polls, two regiments of .31_a!s,i obi:netts soldiers, with,j4eir . Stato num bers on their caps, were,allowce.tl to vote and in this way nullify the : wishes of the legal voters of Indiana. Taus probably w i a4 more fraud and vil. lainyperpetrated by the friends cif Gov. ]torten, of Indiana, on Tuesday, than ever disgraced any 'election in a free S tte be fore. .Every species of rAscality ws re sorted to. There n?.as open anal undisituised military interferenCe with the election._ Gen. llovey declared, in a public Speech, that the State shoUld not•grs Dam 'critic H he could prevent it. He did all he c.: , uld with his bayonets to prevent it. Tito Dem ocratic press was muzzleJ ; its -e hors Were thrown into prison on the eve of election. Its leading Denacratic'citis-ns were seised by soldiers. A gener.l reign of terror was inaugurated in tho .S.!ate. Two Polate well Stated., The IsTeedauryport Berea, a Republican organ, pre.sents the following points in such a light that they cannot fail• to at. tract attention: "There is a class of news papers in this country attenap!inct to prove two things in regard to the rebels, one of which must be false. They affirm that the rebellion is dear its end frotn'exhaos tion. To their minds that is absolutely established. They have the last 'man m the army, the last dollar has been expen• ded, and the last- ditch dug. The , rebel soldiers are deserting. antig , counter lion meets the' rebel leaders in Ole rear; afew' - morejdays and 'their arm broken; and Jeff. Divis, Lee, and leaders,' poverty-stricken exiles n : en, doomed to the gallows. At time they attempt to sustain th that the rebels will accept of no peace but complete and absolute deuce. "If we offer them peace in tip with the emancipation proclamatl dieted; and the confiscation repc4 a full restoration of all the rig! formerly had, and they will spit face and insult - you if .vou cto 11, their nattonality also. Now t h e every wan will teach by In that these cannot be true. If the first tr i they would be glad to accept ail that viould sato their neck* anti fort11:0= ; and whin they will accept of no.tierms but , tineotcritional indepeudenc., it'aip.ivi hilt they do -not feel any of the• eihauttiou tidied about. " Tat Gaseimasserts L'eg (the Ohio' Congressman the Rt .01' the last Houle attempt +.l 1 o xp.4 I. . To the 'Democracy , tt Penhsylvanta. ;4:40114 he avowed doctrinus 1 , '2II jell t:. ' ' Ro Las or pee, ce..vio STOE Cs.Vra %T. col 11177514 NO. 014 (AKITXI7r 'TAW, - those held by Dir. L'ocoln, why nhea• i . '11in...D.1.e.n.., uct o :Ko. 14 „ sorted that this Union could nntlexi-t half I Return• from the elections held on TheAly list have conae to hand aufficient have and half free) has been"dsitrased by s prove b-yond Tterstion that toe have 0.- 6 '2,300 ou the home vote, to bo menet" Co : ,',,),/,,.di,,' the State Ey a majority en the home 6,000 . by the soldiers." L 4. Dispatch in -top. The votes of the eutdier Y e in the hos• two ettecessive daily issues bat - made the, pi/al - 40nd in the army satiy or may not re , this 1 agate 'assertion. Now,. unfortunately for , tine*, aggregate. .) both these knowing "loyalists," Ling was \ result 1 All lsoger e t y the ' on noble his an gtliofriPas u h ' tiOt • candidate for Congress at nll, and l fill men who ti n achieved such a victory knee has not been defeated. _ in Niue of the truwns of 'power, the col , !sluice of •Metwy and the " Influence of,o , - - TaikLincoln Papsrs have been claiming i . ‘ i4ladraVni(Cll r 4 tl" b r o se w l e eB v 4 r fat ' ia t g c u e is t m b i lf that Hon. D. W. Voorhees, of Incliana,:Tplted. We n hold the e ir ' an is ta ground u la st; was defeated for Congtess. As we expesiti gloriously Obtemed'_ouly fur one gnind. i n::: r ive t n h i e en tu t r n e T t r e e72 4 r b eclai_ca, in Nuveta..', ‘ id, the news was false. Mr..Voorifeetis: emelt of, our eoun-, elected' by over 800 majority.Tbe SUCCESS J" . try: end restore ' it the peace and pros- , of this brive,eble and el , - quent champion , verity of former times, of the Democracy will be received with 1 We conjure you, then, by all that free )°, In Inet the • Voloo..; ' men hold dear to tozakise 04110 more for :Gatobni-iXtb;- h:45 ortiore On the Presides ,..:n, trhlci gives additional con firtnafittn of the charge wo have often tnade, thst the rebel waders -desire' Mr. Litcoln's re•election.. Speaking of Geo. McClellan, it sAvs: - "de• Is less detested than Lincoln in the South, and would. "on, that account, beAnly the more dan p•toua en titta Linooln -not-alms% "himself a fanatical personal enemy of ";yrrry 631:1tbr: , n ;lied-he-proceeded like " a matt and a Christian at the first, the " effect might have been ; f tor. A 3 it was. " he consolidated the South into one mass " of daterminedOpposition'," The Sovealker Eketleus. The result of the elections in Pennsyl vania, °Mil and Indiana, a well us the re cent town votl% in Connecticut settles the questiPn Thar rho patitteal tbla is running heavily against the A lmini.trati,n.• Ail the gain is on the .14 0 oj ocraticlpirty„nd new that the cuireut has fairly set in, it will inovo with hce t ile. rated force up to the time the N•avember : vote is taken. Tile present is a goad tinge, therefore, to pr'esent come estimates of the probable result in th- sever the Presidential vUte is taken. The whole nutubpr of votes in the elei total college (n6t, counting Tennessee $r loni-d.inh) t,vo hundr'ed and thirty. ono, of ivhich one hundred and sixteen are required to give a clear majority and elect a President. Nr,w, can General Mc- Clellan secure ono hundred and sixte t en v to ? 'We think—nay, we are afire, he con and will ; i and wo give the follow ing e.tint•tio4ny tflN bmis of the faith that MEM ' iTATES CERTAIN TI) VOTE FOE Y ' CLtLI eft. Cithf Pula. +eve, - •• Nrc e alare,r, New Ymk El ht 2 u'l . F. -:11 l'etautyiriufA, ‘1..::, nut, ' 7 Orrrinr: 1.1,..., , 50t.t, , 4 . Tw....1, .. LI • lit.ll the administration way put a forci - - 1,1,• , •fo:y to the election: in lii , .3.4ou'rikKe • to izy. imnryland npd Detal,viro . ; 6o 10 L-'' - t.: Hiles a quotient whetifer there are not soma utlivr Statei which will proli.tbly vote the D itiocratio ticket. 'runt thc•ro ::re bueb mil'' , ba sven by the following li.,t : t:TAres MUCH WM PR^BIDLT TOTk Yon bkode d 4 31, .11311 q of Vtrock.a, 311 3 31,, 1 W4ll,CUilla.ll, ra.ys'airt, C. k-o BTAIR3 CERTAINLY FOR LINCiLN ►... R , S+•. ay, daILIJ T•,al' STATES WIIICLI MAT 0) LZN'CaI,N. , Ilizhl +tn. t rito '6 I: tad; - , 4 n.,. thmohlre, • . 6 Wiscoggin, ;;.4 WO Itr 6 taik: . 6 9ate, o=2l ', . 1 ,tm1,61 it will thus be seen . that if Lincoln car • rie3 the doubtful Republican, as well as the certain Itepubtiesn.Stateg, he will mill tAll short of the needed one hundred end dixteeti votes. It is certainly demonstrable that, the same psrc.intaza or increl3e of this ftkil's vote in CY:ItIOCIICUt, Pennsylvanii and Oaio, as compared with lqst year, will give ug all the &ate*, in November sacs ,those indicated above as being - 'certain for Lin coln. Although in all human probability Gen. McClellan will be honestly elected Presi dent nn the Oth ,of November next,'-still there is so largo a margin of doubt; that . DeMocrats cannot Word to consider the muter settled. All hands must turn to aml work with a will -in the brief three Marks before tl3._ Democlatio speakers mutt bn stirrina, and conseivativo presses Inu - -it multiply their issues. Oins`C-Irnest and determped effort will make the assts. , ranee of victory doubly sure.—New Yurk World. Demacrtle Galas. Since the nomination of 'Presiclenti , ll, candidrite3, five States have veted,"and in every ono of theca thera•bave beef large Democratic gains, estimated ?as follavt.4; • DI tine, - - 2 000 • Connecticut, • 6.000 I.),Aasware , 3,000 Pennsylvania, 20,000 (Theo,. 60,000 Total gain s ... 91,000 The reports from Indiana are not7sofft ciently full to estimate the result. 'Mak ing allowance for the vote of soldiers from other States fraudulently 'allotted to take part in the election, the gain there is proportionately large. ..• The same ratio of gain in all. the States at the Novomber - electiOn would give Mc- Clellan two-thirds of the electoral votes. .It not doubted that Little Mac will run better, than the local nominees. Roll on the ball ! will be Vlrtoi7.-11 Sat!mai Sainte., rtil h . ttieir • . A glorious victory has been' achieved in r pwolf- the gallant State of Pennsylvania - over lie same ; combinations of fraud, government pa s. Point : , tronage; and the most lavish expenditure terms of ' of tr "" ev - • The CatlSfl_Or TUE U.N/ON AT ALL HAZARDS has triumphed. ' ndepen- Tao tattle has been the South Moun tain cif tn -the eapaign. - which will be . fol r , Union, lowedrin November by another Antietam for the Union anti the Constitution. ,c,' rep„- . C h o assures r-uit oures the State for lifeClel '""i and lan and Pendleton, and justifies our expec hts they t itinii of tri.tropaant success in the; Na in your tional election in November. A yield -- it-is recommended to the various Dom. • ocr.ltic and UnAn Organisations in the, city " I :'an 01 { 0 1 Ni-•tv' -York to illuminate their respect. bill) of. ire :iciiirlquarters and to as4trible thereat Oil. M,milay evening, the 10th inst.. in Ilon a di . the mu.picious resiilt, in the Keystone Stage ; that h..tional salutes be fired in the rib,lo t•quities, and that the city of New Y ii k, ti ifJ to the cauie of the Union and 111. Con-fitution, under their otiose° 1,4 tier,. JkCtelbtti, send , eongraraktions ts , our two( h enth ii - Pan ngyi yards, ou'their hard t..i,turd and ditimphant siicePsii. - Aticiu4. Bet..itost. Chairman Drut..Nat. CJixt. ere true Y tor ns üblicat• U CLELLAN $ rlira Lctlusetts. b Vitaiont, J 2 6 nrqw-! oil (ht. ert•e - pine apithl t witioh comet ( too 0it , 113 afti r n „ I , lr ti •1 let NS _hurt trilivt • v • .. , 01151terli ()LOW pa - Opit• ' f , 411•• rt 11' at the ,tame timEti P 1).1.1t1 • f , ltiticierera Airb!cliftWavt i‘t their n'iroo - Ttr cCrtir (.1 the Committ-ok , - , _ - C. L WAItD, qtthinpritl: .115164 t J. Hemphill, Secroiary.l PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION.. No further Books of a Desecralit Succesi. is AM .PENNSYLVANIA GOES, SO _GOES, THE UNION:, The official election returns received up to the time we went- to pT;es4 leave no fur titer room to doubt that the Democrats hive elirried Pennsylvania by a fair ma jot ity on the home vote. The oppoition papeie and leaders are endeavoring to de 'ct•ive their followers on the ;object, but we do not think it probable they can find any ereilulow. enough to believe their stories, the wonderful Republican 1 •.se4 daily revi , unted in the returns. Be ldv we give a table of the 'Official and re 'portcd majoritn-•. Not a , ingle Repubh tan j9,urnal in; Northw—tern Pennbylva tFe I:c•it'of taur knowledge, has yet undertaken to print F.uelt t list. The figures oppocsi:e counties walked with a ,Star (*) arc; otlioial: : , a 2 - -,- c - - -.° _, , , _ - - ; CiiChlrlla. ' = At \....4. t i... p . .- • ,i,. - .1.14La=...: —.. . '.. 2 . 6 53 4.'17 411 —.. Al estsecv, 17.11.1 i 13,03 .... • 6,431 A rcuArung. ..3,147 2.077 • 00 .... 1.3”6“er • 3;13 f.,-03 i .... 743 i1eu6..1.... .. ....... ::,1.41 2,:u4 0:0 .... 13:r . '=.• G,003 . 11,017 670.1 .... ' 01,0 1 Z.% ; 2 —ls . 323 11u , -1,.. ti .i.{ 1 ..15,4., .u 31101! - 3,..23 :1,t:,4 .... 44 ...., 0, , 7.4 .2:1o. .... •4,7:7 Cuutliti .. ..... --.. ~ II 37{1 1 0 75 ....„ %14:.0u Ico '.1.,..i) I,IQU .- .... C4f10t,a........... 313 74Lrotts ' (Oil - 4 Ad.... 1,147 Ca, rI. •Ytit 4 IQJ 1,14' . . ..... .. 1,;Al1 :.:,1 .U' 612 .—. l..1.11:1.1•,:. 3 i :•,44)1 • .... 2,440 911it - 1.11 1,.,u1 :1,473 1 7.1.17 2222 tu't..t.• I,t ta 1.U.'.. 't.7J ..... Cu uNrl.4‘,..* ... L ..... 3 4 +4 - '' 4u 3 :44 t.'cute • .1,,i44 11,U.8t 044 .....: 1./3 1.1t1,• ' 6 61.1 .1.4 ,• • ..z. 034 loi Laciefa • 3,441 474 .... 1,'41 i.lig. .. 3.6 1'22, CT .... tr 6 ::60 3,.6q .... : .04 Fur c•t. VI ail. to Y.', t..•... - :16•1 291 - bli .. .... frauct-...... - . 3 "I'd 3,c/0 ' 60 .... I , al.uu ...A. / 0.r.: - T. 5) .... i..-,- , e,-' I- - 1 4 , 11 :7 , 4 ) 4 4.14 .... 111aut..4.—....• ......... 4'460 2.0+1 . •••• y 4 7 la • - .A::.iy• 4 WI. I.9u ' . •• /,C 0 - Jtt: -1,6%4. 17..4 /,631 .:4,6 .... J.,u,.t. 1 4..• 11 .7 - 3.0 - .... 1.-ni:xate • J . 13;.41 7,0.0 ..... 4.0.7 1.4N. , •14 , t.• ~,. 01- 1,451 .... 1.511 u - 1,. ..,n,,,.• •. ~6.i ." ~t l3 716 __ L - 1•:4;, 0 3;114 •fx oil 2 - ,i , 41 .. • A.. 4-•• Le 7 c.ll 1.1 t , 1 , 3 ',Oki .... I,a wl4 8314 3,11 -VA .... /IMO' 1.7u0 1,6 A • , • ••• 1a....ti .•,,rj• b.:31 7 o.) 1,311 .... 11•••. t.• a r'...., . ...... 1,1 I 1 4'l 473 .4.. , II 4irt.:* • 61% 1: 1I: 1,41 •••• 1144::e.• 3,967 3,817 • .... 64.4 11c41-jti. 7 7 , 6 2 ... 66 4oc,6aulptt u . '...443 6.53 . i,921 ' .... Surth VIA .rid 11,, 2 640 14 944 067 .• • . i'1• , ..: , 61.65...0.... .....44 :A 67,613 .... Till, Perry ........ ~..-:._..1 6 ',... ,Utf 19 ..•• r k. ' +4 .1 2 .1,"•4 1,014 " .... re 4114 1 ,..... ... , ..... .. 1.47 J Itit6 -. „ 114 6.c.U1 1 t,i:• 6,3611 8 647 7 . „7117 ... Satil, ' 17.-3 1,311.7 - 1.... • 1113 t•a•swr-.t..._ -.139 3 1,.3•111 ..., ..-77i • !suaq..haut‘a' .....,... 4, 31 2 931 .... bO4 -AiLtiorx -' 4.5k4 7 , 3 8.4.1 Tt•g 6 • .. • 4.sr i i ~ i it ,••• ... • 11, Oak ; V , lon ....... ...... 2,u24 1 4.1 .... - 460 V.,..913 v., _,.....4. ;,:-=..4' 2 a+7U ..',... 1(8 W0....1,0.,11.... 4 6.7 4,971..... 167 *.ay , he 92,1 3.•.711 9'B . .-.. Weeitut ,tr.1..6.1 . 44 4 G. 481. 1,479 .... War-els. Hill 1 Zoill - Of .... 17) oat Hg .... 1 319 1,401 100 .... Yoticl , ' 512 8,169 2 ,883 .... - '-is" *" Tho following or the Congresitheit cinched :" First district—Samu©l J. Randall, 1) • Second district--Charles O'Neill, A. Third distiict . —Leouard, Myers, A. Fourth district-;-Wm. D.E.elley, A. Fifth district- 7 -H. P. D. dr3triet-13. M. Byer, D. Seventh district—J. /A. Brooina!I, A. Eight district—S. E. A.ncano, D. Ninth district—Thad:lcus Stevens, A. T,lnth district—Myer Strouse, D. Eleventh district— Philip John,son, D. Twelfth district—Chit=. Dennimon, D. • Thirteentli'distri2t—lilysses Mercur, A. Fourteenth ilistrici—Wia. If. Miner, D. Fifteenth J. Glossbrenner, Sixteenth dii'l —A. li. C )ifroth, D. S , vent.-cath L. Johnson, D. *E gliteetith diet —S F. Wilson, A. .Nineteenth tlisq—Ci. W. Schofield, A. • Twentieth dis't—C V. Culver. A. • .Twenty first cIA - 1,,,J0hn L. Dawson, D. Twenty-second ain't—J.S.Moorhead, A. TWenty-third Williams, A. Tweniy-faurth dia't—G. V. Lawronce,A. *Doubtful. Twelve Democrats and twelve ilepubli cans:the Li3me proportian'as thea fast Con gresqional derogation. The soldiers' vote may change. the result to such an extent as lei defeat rfessrs. 8031 and Miller. The State Legislature will be Republi• Can iu both branches, owing to the man ner in which the State rids districted in 1351. The 130n4e will probably stand about 52 Reirbi. TiArts te. -15 Democrats. The Senate will contain 17 Republicans to 16 Democrats, as wilt t/Ft seed by the fol lowing e SES A iTORS R.ILDIG OVER. Philadi, , lnhia—Jeremiah Nichols, Geo 'tonna, YE Ridgway. Criestet—NVilm.r Worthington. Su.i_quefianna—W J Terrell. • • luzernia._—/B Stark. Ttoga—S F Cumberland—G H Bucher: , Adams— Wm illaherry. 'Ckarfield If% A Wallace. 1 Indiana—Dr St Clair. 'Alleplievv- - Jarues L Graham. Butler—Charles .151cCand/esi: B Beard:fee. - Lanaster--;Benj Cliampneya, Jitt Dun lap. it' • • Da&pbin---D - tvid rleming. Ve6atlo—Tliornas ft)ge. Li glen— Writ Hopki4.l: Smnerset—G W if•mskbolder. We.tm•nplank—Via L tna. • . ;Am( }lumber Lend—..D I 3 Itintsiestery. 8 Democrats, 14 Repuhtie.sus. I • ELECTED 18014. - I PhiladOphia--,0 Donovan. g. ,ftc. R o y er , Rucks-0 P James: Lelii4ll—George B••rkii—f.histtr Clymer. Wm ill Randall. T 1 n i , m—Johry itr./1/. ' M J Walter:. 13 :tit Christy. Allegheny—Titimass J. Bigham. Critwtord---.11 B Lowry. 8 Democrats, S Republican. a-mesarais in italier. Republicans, 17 ; Democrats, 10. Our opponents have been sadly diesp pointeiltin their expeotations_of the Sent torialt• result. They counted certainly on gaining ionough members io make their number: in that body equalt i o two-thirds, and have been tripped up.ljandsornely. , As General Harrison, in 1840, carried Pennsylvania while his party was beaten in October. as General Cass carried Ohio in November, wben we were defeated in October, 184 S; so will General McClellan succeed in States where the • Detn3cracy have been worsted in the preliminary oon. testae;-Bsfals Ontrim f r .,lWittro - 8r IATe governor of North f.'irolina, epPointed by President Lincoln. publisliev, letter fa vring McClellan; auciiiiiicklaititho oipation policy of the Adroiolafristion. lie expresie.3 great !dodoes)" for.the.ashitinia• trition personally. . • ' • Sherldan's barbarous devastation in' the Shenandoah Valley has already borne its fruits. T 4 e guerrillas are so numerous and to savage in their attacks umOn the rear guards and supply train*, that he 'Bads himself' Unable to bold. a+ position so fib admneeduts`Stresharg., brains from ilarpee* Ferry are intercepted, kind Mosel by will not allow his gangs of laborers to repair the Manassas Gap - Railroad. So Sheridan has no alternative .but to aban don Strasburg, and retreat. northward to.' wards Winchester. It, is said hewill bring his army all -the way back 'to eharlestorin and Harper's Ferry. - hd retreats his devastation is as universal sadist made in the Valley south of Strasburg. Desolation reigns supreme. The result of it all is, that never since the war began has gust rilla war been so bloody as it now is iri•tba Sberiiindoall.• 73ie New York iiiclependent states that j• General Sherman will make' nd attempt ,- thin year to advance, south of Atlanta.— ; For over 'three weeks we have not had a ' 1 line of news from his army. The railroad i r and telegraph connecting Atlanta with 1 I Chattanooga are still broken, and the Con- : federates have their own way. On, Satur- i;. day last Wheeler captured Rome, a town in Georgia, east of Shermad's Supply rail 1 . 1 ,; road and took three thousand negrotroops 1 w prisoners. On the, Jame day he dashedi into Marietta, near the Kenesaw_ lioun- 1 w ' fain end on the railroad, and' spiked the T. cannon. Rood is near Marietta, where w the bulk of Sherman's troops are. This ~ 4 two armies are resting on their arms watch- j t.• ing each other. All the Federal troops have been driven from southwestern Virginia. One body was followed by Offla..-Breckinridge almost • to Knoxville, in £rst Tennessee. . , Bur bridge, whose command. is now near Lex ington, Kentuokyi reports the hO lost heavily on the retreat.: • - -, , I'M The defelit of Waihhurn's cotrimat,d.at (11 East Pinot, Alabama, by Forest, t;_contirna-4.X ed. All of his isrtillery—ojglit gonq. captured. . Taco of his ciussotis Vrero a 'Haar ploded and one of his - trantkports disabled I ` 6 % by the Confederate. Arlin, Viteshiatirne I htss retreated. . Gan. Price Las thade his headquarter Ist 13oonevitio, Missouri, jour youth of the 11.1 , souri Norrh •of the river the Federal troops have abandoned nearly all the State, 'and are concentrating at blaeon City, 'northwest of St. Louis. Blanks for soldiers voting by prozy hate been reoeised at this , ofFtee, and wilt be tura isbed,free of cost, to any Beaux:nits Whit' with _ to use them. • . Watchwords for the Camipalgti. JOir So soon as it is clear, or-evert probs. , ble, that ousPresentadreiparielcara ready for peace upon the beefs of the Man; we should exhibit all the, resources of stateSmanship practtcol by civilised nations, istid taught by the tradittons of the American people—consis teatigith the honor and interests of the coun try—to secure Bush peace, re-establish the Union, end. guarantee for the future the constitutional rights of every McClellan's Letter of Acceptance. fter The preservation of our Union Ate the sole avowed object for which the war was 'commenced,and it mould inive been conducted in accordance with those principles, which I took occasion to declare when in active ser vice. - Thus conducted,the work-of rectinstrue (ion would have been easy: and we might have reaped the benefit - ef our many 'laterite on land and sea.—pat. McClellan's' Loiter of Acceptance. , s I need only Say that I iheula seek in the Constitution of the United &sites, and the laws fraored in accorttance there With, thorulo of my duty and the limitations of Executive power : endeavor to restore economy in public expenditure, re-establish• the supremacy of law,• and by the_ operation of a more vigorous nationality resume our commanding position among the nations 3f the earth.—Gen.McClel tail's Letter of Acceptance. ger• The condition, of our • finances; .the depreciation of the paper money, and the bui dime 'thereby imposed on labor and cat:kali show the' necessity . a a _feint% to a sound tinattcial 'system, while-the rights of , citizens and the rights'of States, and the- binding au thority of law over the President, the army andi-tho - people art subjects of not lees vital importance in war than in peace.--Qten.AfcCiel ian'e Letter of Acceßtance. ser I realize , the weight of the respected... bility to be •boine, should' tho people ratify your choice. Conscious of , my own weakness I can only seek fervently the 'guidance of the Ruler of the Universe, and; relying on his all powerful aid, do my best to restore Union and peace to a suffering people, and to :establish and guard their liberties and, righla.—Gen.. McClettan's Letter of Accepiance. 1 tee' The effect' of long and: varied service in the army-during war and peace has been to strengthen and make indelible od my mind, and heart the love- mid reverence for the, Union, Constitution, laws : and' flag of our country impressed upon me in early youth. These feelings have thus - far guided'the cosree of my life, and must continue le' do to to ifs end —pen . MeClettan's - Letter of Acciptance. Ater I could not look in the face of my gal lant comrades of the army and navy who have fought in so many bloody Initliee,' and tell them that their Moro and the mterifice of so many of slain nod wounded brethren had been in 'vain, that we had abandoned thug Union for which we have So often perilled our lives.—Gen. McClellan's Letter of Accept— ant's. getrA vest or of our people, whether in the 'army or navy, or at : home, would as I would; hail with unbounded joy the permanent restoration of peace, on the basisof the Union and the Colitstitution,;iritliont the effusion of another drop of blood; but no - peace mule permanent without Union..-Gen. 11eCtellan'e Lotter of Acceptance. Ur If a frank, earnest and persistint ef fort to obtain - then objects should fail, the responsibility for ulterior' consequences will fall upon those who remain in arms against thelluiou ; but. thetruien-must bo preserved at all hatards,roen. Ateelellan's Letter of Ac ceptance. Iftr' The Union was• origin ally formed by the exercise et wapirit of conciliation and coutpromise, and to restore mad pkeserve it the some spirit must . previil In our councils and In the hearts oflhe people:—Geo. Arcadian' s 's Letter cf deetpianie. • . • • me The Union Is the one condition o peace—we ask ne more.—Omerel Arcadlaik:e Letter of Acceptant.. . • se' No pesos ens be pernisnei4 without Union.—Gavot McCieLlTia Leiter of Arms artee. Aar Use 17nipis taustlie Oen:reed !et. sit bezards. 4 .6visregl.ll4nei Lettowile*- lance. At the bons* of bti p by the Rs. IL lineal. on the tilith but* UAW ItOMINVILIa. of tbill et% to -Weed. NitWtiittUtitt,. f Cambetiand. Indians. No Coda; • , • • - DUD, ...n ' to rut Ctreek flop Mb. M SCIIWINPU. ,apd IT pan. 4 nolo add Clew • 7 So!Meet Ballots. -gritt Ithettiointeuto.- 12 . . . Stray Heifek. -i -poit 70 Tirli•PlAghtlSES OP THE 1 bouitier, fa Barhat Omsk tp, OS thoUtir Rowe, ow root ttLiscrwst, %boat stz inslokeire, • tire . Soar. whits and grarsolot—we sesotal wont. 4 on is Itqloded to ewsWrotwatd. Prow Prolierth' o rittami Pt* bar min' otherwise who will bil at mikordlat_to law. -- .11 Iv , LAtittigeg LIM. Ltd pe.t be yrsr t. 2* Ds) U • 0 • ail 4,12 • Stray COW. • Kis INTO - TIIF- PREMISES OF tiettorstgelid; In saamtt tp„ about tb. 11th ni iIREO Bah KR, two years let tar • MU, . oasis NW* es ball,. .11, owns tagssiled kelvin% ways VerallY. pay churl ant t‘k• 7. catenate she vlll be dimmed or bosordisig to W. A. BEAN. El MC bora.' law. E READY-M ADP .CLOTHINO STOCK FOR - BALE. Klts Mire frombntineas I Ora formals .y Who : - stock of ,EA.DY ]DADS CLOTHING. VIISNISUINQ AND GOODS, AT COST I Tie stock eomprieet the l ar va and moat template es: wit twat of geode Wong, nig to the trade. is the atty.— La.'s of the more (or 15 months front della goes with the stook. . Isnick of goods will be mkt at PIPS? COST. a. • MOSES KOCH. QM CM hiladelphia & Erie $1 . 7 1 1 •13 great line traverse' the Northern and Northwest • antes of Pennsylvania to the eity of NV* on rie. It ha heir been leased by the peassciseati Rail pais, and nnderlbeir auspices Is rapidly beteg • • throughout itasnhi• length. • ; now ha u se tar Passeager and !Freight bustswes Ours to St. Mary's, ( 116 miles ) ea the Eastern • •n, and from Wllvoz to Eris, MA miles) oaths • in Divigtoe. ; . , I . th T a ll/2 0 1 1 . : T ASNEX e.... M111 ,... T0RM511 . / . .? 1:11411.. 3 14 r, u. • Aceonuoodation ;;;;;;;; U SO •. 4. • • et Kali Arrires..• 9 as 4. /1. Atootanyaistion a - rriata....................6 60 P. a. information rsopsetioa Kasesegsr business apply, 8. E. corsso 11th arid itarkskats., sad kar Freight • •ea oi bee Company's amts. • I SI I4 O9TON, Ja„ eornar.l3tivand NOW Strom* • • plata. . ' • I . . REV:OI.O3. Kris. - . DRELL, sett N. C. S. it, listlll ool % 1.1. iIig:SD)N, General Freight Agent, rhilau . •. IS L. Hover, General Ticket A emit. Pallses, I ...U. Kir r:I. Genera! Varpior, Willissisport. 7 1.004 U B oiler. traiß POLE TO THE PREMISES OF THE sit‘ , Teriber, to Greehilehl tp., sear the triolon . =Neal e, stout the-Mil, of v•spt-tnber, a Pfltalf newts, Ts old, 41szit te.3„ with aids hors tr, keo ort.and white a 1 ~ on me fdretdrid. Ti. " owner Is requested to some lA, prove property, pay champs sad Ws bar away, IV! refisTrebe will Le dsphesd of accbrding to law. Wit. PARLYIL C-31•0 C . c • CP:t w• . a w ta 6 -4 " 2 M ar ft.] z _ 3 : it 12 4 .: ; . . c- ab a 0 tl W , '*‘4 N .:1 to i 4° 61 , . • am.' ri2 1., a . 0'• 0 0 , r. . ' • 47- .1 Stray Cotv. I EOBE INTO 'TEIE PREMISES OF 0 the oubscriber, in East ilillcriek. near lrouome bilrick Yard, on or sor11:1t the :oth nit . a Red Cow, wadia utx, sized, dry, and suppossil to be with calf, Any per int wl o per-one claiming Bald row still t come forward prone property. par chart.' and take !wawa!, otherwise obi be disposed of mom:ding to /aw. JOgV.PBC.ROOD. oettl.3w.• / . ERIE RAILWAY. rz. a ogiliaiffinagers . MANGE OF HOURS, CObiIitENCINO moriztv, itLy 16,1464. . ' Trans "fill tsars Duettist at abort theollcnriug hours • Eastward Bound—Depart.o . sight i.xprus - 4 00 P. it. steamboat Rupees '-- 704•. a. .letategoodation, 6 80 A. a. Wai Frelaht 4 16 a. N. The deecruumodstion runs "eery dts• - CA +la. lIIINTfrt. noel go et -New Firm. t A3lEz: P. CROOK, having taken in hia ion, James E, as a. partner, on the let die of April, SPA. O oil., the arm mune WARE 'l' CROAT. it SON, mire. to bane a settlement or his old wows an per / . , as knowing thearotorn indebted t 4 hiss ass requested ' • call and settle Without delay. ......... JAMES P,CROOK it SON. • . • iseuss iS . : OTIGH AND PAANED LUMBER I ASO II SPROPAOPORPOS OP Indow sash, Frames, Deers tad Blinds: waruLottecdi 4tin men runs. _ : oral' Sawing, Matching * Planing I Dose tO ORDEd. bop on Pena St., between itil aad Mb Ste., Eit L i E ' PA. We negligently call tit iii7 — ention of the public to elm Mies tor doing ire t =test et style, promptly sad • n reasonable terms. 13 ring fitted tip entirely new hops, with superior ,we feel esagiest stet". ng satire Rat erection. Orders irosi abroad spilt melee prompt enmities. miZrotit. JA HES P. CROOK it 80K. , . , . . Stray r Cow. mit to the residence of the P la - inteoriber. le But lellersek tp . near us Buesio a title 11. R. engine Bow on awls' - night lest, e light stAtiSiry....chseitsal • ores, large .tees„ and load of tail cot off. The smiler Is aw at ed to cos forstod, prove property, per lo Pd tab her sway ; otherwise an trill he WpoW of octordlog to law. 114,2` , 4•• - SIMARD 1111 L &Y.- • Cowan Ptlas d Cris Cub. • ¶ll. • ty. Alias Nib, to thyme. •No yeti!, 1141. , • ape Tom, int T°'glITLY HALL, DtFENDANT..... Yon .re tondly not tied , o appear at Oa Court of awn Pitaa. to L • tudJou at rant, on tkui tat Wood', of Nowt:ober, 1104. and oho* noun if any yon Live, irk droom anon d not ba grouted to poltdonor. J. W. SW 4 L LEY, Depots Sharitt. fltottigta Odle, Sept 'At, 3I 4,-4w. Ira Lomita*, la the Cosa usa Pie .1 or Ede r!emists. SO.lll, rehlear/ rersAi - Aid. F. comotoet. TH E DEFENDANT, IN THE ABOVE 1, Caw ‘ontreby not.B d'to appear a 1 tho Coon at Cud= n Pons, to be It Ada* et stir, aad for tho otietaky of to, ra the 10. Monday of Novolanor oast, and mayor tn.. rod eo oplalat and show mem If an y aialsilt .by *disarm tr.. 111 the Wads of aistelsoas a utile not tot greafili to field pl.tatter- - AI.LICY A CRAM ilterllF. kherial Ofllca, Erie, 001.11,11164-4vr. • ' linty Q. ittrivrad. ; • •1 bp h..r nest friend. To Ike roast et torninon tl % it..Whittleeer. Pleas ot Cris Lers. Coonty. o. vr , Ntv. • Lynn .e P. ROWIOMNI ' THE , DEFENDA .-}N THE ABOVE A. , Case is her- notd-tri &films at the . onart Cl thmieron pleas to he b•i , at lid% in and for the ee a. tr of Art.. on the Ist Mende, at Norestier neitionet an ewer the said eomplalot. end show mese +rimy she heti' way dimity irons the hoed* ot eistrirneos slioal4 not Deviated to said plalattlL - ALLEN A. CILIA !Mote. • /Merits Oillers. Erb, Oct... 11104 es• Yttnast noicl IIL P 129.1 113e*, E r udisagihm Otiose 01.11, Sikh 1%. idnit .. . i t . . , 1 ?ha above ant riot:assents • new arta improved PO (Tit KNIFE CUTTItt t: Itttx, „,r:rst'y 1114{1 Ir . 1, e , FOUR. litiLFK VitliO t'UTTItII( fa use, whether its -treorth., Itur, , ,• lit , , ', 1.4, , t . t'.. •, (rr o . • t' ',,, , rt. self Caettluir. e4ittetable ihrnai 001%314 IO the titopleet acid inlet pykro. t. ut trinYi C.1 , L1 , J1 f.n. r.,.. ~th e :„, , ~ Sad the lirehm• lasi Nemo Other be Power or Mud. AU 4 ons'Aoo.t : , re lt,. ..t.livi IL Z Y.E LI) 4. 1: Tll Li a 4.9cided preintaci overt - all tither Fear' gotta Machines. I.I The prkta are follows: t.o. NA $4l; No. Two $.33: .'o. Three re q: :,,,. kl•nr E. 76. El= Embry:Ms a Tab TIMU:4 —rlou Cr pesters a Wo Invite ROUPIR NUR Orthe hart at BRICK (EVEN 8 whichW• haws i which will be set , ectare4-3sn I Rae LETTERS 'stole of .1, v., iris Co , Pa, ed. Doha* is here (Mt/ d to the aai( awl those haiag them, dal, wall a:U:1-8.0 - E 4 Acutor'e Notice. • NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN THAT Leases ?tame:llia, ha , o been graoted tp Elector McLean spas th satiate Joveph Legoa e late of Watta lArk. trio Citt, ra., decd AD) Yert. l 2 4 tisADI thhat Realest ld ettate will prat them. sodas per. sot • indebted tea estate whl make Isomel.site p ...T -read to the uodisrafeed. H. /I c t oest:e4w. I Its. or Joseph Loges, slee'd. Orp i luues .Court Sale. . BYITIR ,UE OF'2O; ORDER OF THE Orphan's fi' i ourt otKyie Co unts, Witt te lioid!.t. the kionee. 1 the ell of Exit en SatUrdar. the 6th der of Nerecotic next. et .0 Werth e. m . the right. title and interest of fohn and Stariln ren a' Francis Solder, bite of Ogle, dec. , aed, hi end to eh that clonal° int of gr fund 'Unfit In ttio city of Erie, Cr n. , 7) of &Iris and ft bib) of Fa+asyleaaly, and known as part of fa-hot in add city of Erie. by the number "two thou- . I used eta bandrreit and eighty .citie (feIll) pounded as W WII,. to wit I beg mining at a tam 013 Foul th atritt et the South Esfd corner of In- , of N.. thence bj said int NortheaNly rieroty-tiew (76) felt +hence Fee ward') parallel atilt inth street toeuteAlve. (25) fe.t to a post, thetas Z. thwenti. weeesty fire (76) beet hfF, , neth, Idlest, Ord then Id Wearifully Id. g urth street toren etlee (iSifeet to the place ot begichilnz,being part 011 n. Lotlto.24Bl,,air haying Wallah deelding hoar n. erec ted thoreo Te.ROIS QL")3 in hand and the' trilance la two equal annual pa) tovatt,Wt.h interest on the ..me to be secured byljudginwat hood led toorteage upon the granials. JorliN GeitiRLEW, Guerdlea of John and Martin Ude, GeV Selw. E t; Ei Fall ,ud Winter 'Goods MRS. S. IL HALL Would iespectfut/y call utt.a Clan to her LARGE STOCK OF GOODS. Just rasilfed fro , Ness York, ambrosia? Bennett, Hats, Ribbons, ,Togetber with home lIRX GOODS! Which the ‘lll eels CHgAr Ori CASII, Oit READI'-PAY. Kr Particular attention paid to blosek.ing, coloring sodprinting. Store , os ropteb At.,, 7 doors above the Depot. Erie, Pa, apr:lo,lltf, E AUTUMN TRADE. JO Invites the a SEAS Fall & Winter Trade ! !unbiased tune the late decli ne Gold; and be sold at Wholenl, and Retail, CHEAP2FOR CASH! Boots and a hoes, Which will be old at prien fax below the woes Stray Cow. QTRAYEDTROIt THE PREHISES OF 11.-7 the Stibselher, about the 10th of Septemb.r. handsome Dark Red. Medium t•ised Cow s near the tim of vtleing. No soaks (molting that her teats sr. ered niilt warts. A resecnsattle Compensation win to given for her rattan. - JOILY S. CARTER. Girard, Oct. 6t13,1864-2t. Valuable Mill . Property for ' • Sale. THE UNDERSIG- ' QED BEING DE,SIR oral of ono 1f pother batters, r•Str for sale Dial Wall Property spirited 'a-Albion, Erie Co, Pa. '11,,y property emulate of Ore iFIAIURING NMI, One Rae PILL, Two DWELLING fIOU 4.8 add 16 ACRE LAND. The Floanag 161'1 woricc three fair of bong three Folie sod s'l other necessarr mac lorry f.r dole , a merchant or macro huitiorsa, and is acre doing alryy. leg bus , neur—the retains's& au:mooting to from Mote° to twenty thoosanfidolls . * a year: The Saw mill has ooe Upright Saw and one circnirt , Saw, sad is double geared and in complete order. The &bore mint are driven by a sear failing strewn sad wiU be cold at a bargain. All lettoia of ingniry will receive prompt attenUoa by addreradng C. ?INN 111 VON, Albion,, VMS CO , Pa. ocill4m• AdwAnistrat,or's Notice. LETTERS of Administration on the es tate of Elisabeth Barn decd., late' of ratryieer tp, En* Co, Pa A. !mime brim granted to the udder signed, notion tabereby aim to all haring claim. nano the same to prima theta, duly authentioated. for antis ut•st. and thos Webbed to the said estate will make logeordlat• paysteut ' • $11. 1 15 HOVER, EPHRAIM 13 0 Y ER, 'Administrators. 111 1 3 - 1111 - HUBB.E.L'S • . I • GOLDEN BITTERS. A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC. INVIGORATING k 20:awitrriEstsa, rattan Qs Ai slam otalos4 Oa. 101 l slEcumf aitirkele Will eye Dyeporpe's. Will ears a tapes. _ • Will cure Oeserel Debility. 'WM care bleerttera. It in tun. Heaeaebe. ' •tt 111 earl lover Complaint. - " Will excite and Create a betittly appetite Will isvigoteke the organ 44.4,404 aid awireati lyiserease the bloop.ritere of the body and tee for e n •itotattatgeel eta ti , at 'same at e .erobotsat Et ib 11411112, egoataloleg CO poimeotot drugs, acitits BU TOVIO larrE43' IY TtiE WORLD. • tar trial h tiro Idly so totted. , 0161.1 C. IiCIBBItt..6 CO., Proprietor% Nods 41. N. T. , Coofnl Dopoi. r -Assoiloon Empress Sandia, 66 BCD • N trr...10.W, OliK. - • • Torar Woke an Oradatio.Ortoots., ki. lINNIG_ or BOADLKY. • Ll* netts)* Atilt' d for out by WU& War:toy:arta k Cana aso lik II Booth. oetlf6ll. i'' . : • strap COW. 7 - VANE TO THE PREHISES OF THE sabacriber, tallttlereek tp , &boat three meek. elm a ti tRAT CO 04 els yellowish zed atter, t or • year, o n, with the am* of "111/017, Limb" breaded pa be, bent ?to *moats regraded to coma forward, roper!). pay sharps eat tabs heraway, y, away, qthervrtee prove Ito trti p l be tlie• load of otot to low. • . . JOON Ilia% L - :...,:~. Empire Feed Cutter. o Flour City Two Knife reed' "Cutter, . . .. AND THS . . . . . ' . Rochester Knife Cutter, - . . - .. . I ty which enabhalta towapply the volute of any F 4trer. on.: V. I'.l4C!'!etrirOte - PICINI ' City N0.'011111120; No. Two s2.4.—Roaitester Net On- $ 7;"o. : r.... f.rj POW with sox of It, above Cotters at %Choi etale rtic;,.. - siteatiok of Ptriotti wanting anything Intim Hard var. 1 , nP, to oor large • fork. erwtva:lriv, PIIIINO HOUllw, fitIOt3EIiV.V.PEI4 .O II Alt LPN k iti', itt;ILDElt..l . it iliD•, I WADE:, AND T0.111.* UV tiVititif DDmLUIVT.L.tfi. / 1 , A.ito a good us . n%tatent of '- COOKING AND PARLOR. STOVES, i . lee. to allof vrtiich No defy competition. speti.l attv.vion',e c.l'e 1 'a a sureror colrrp; i , 7l) ,,:, (WC, whirl we regard as oue Of the e tripleteet Itue Q. to tlll ".etth,t. ha Ageing in This et y for FalwaartiCi' 041..68it/..113:11 rt,.!..0.:'.. - . ..`. fro r. st:rtr ,, o.. —.: L....7,F, at Vanntactuirers' pricer'. 'iv'. ii. II r.-4 i.. L,' ,castor's Notice. I rESTAMENTARY ON THE •• ea Cotter, deed, Isle of liarborertek iaeintbeen granted to the undersign. • y Oren so all Ituorrtag tnescureiste to • estate, to mate immedlete payment, claims against •ths tame W ill present ittesta4 for att'l-ment. /UCH EL, CROSCUCT, ItlCiiArap CROW LE Y. E r.,eutora. UN C; BEEBE thin a; panel:Lasers to his largo and stew I • .hock of - NABLE GOOIDS No• romiviwg for tho Also • large stock of tete, 6440 roam water• W. 'W. Pierce & Co., I'll.'41“:1;'&, . A4RICULTRAL lIIPLEANTS, STOVES, • HARDWARE, &c., &c., CORNER OF STATE 6,1 N-1) STH ,STS., E RI:P,;, P.A. ALSO 7OR SALE I_Redding r s Russia Salve t FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE 1113 .41y eut:.blilita th• ispubrltf of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE - Over 'Mother belling prporatloa4 REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! ,La-E3 EClttit., REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! it. SALVE! REDDING'S litt - :z4. SALVE! Lil/LnAts3 REDDING'fi -11r:ZiSiA LV F.! REDDING':3 RUSSIA SALVE! rat. r11.,11 RUSSI4 SA 1 ' OLD F:01:ES. REDDING'S 1 - ICFi9IA i !NEI EgYsIPEL.I3 REDDING'S RT.T:SIA SALVE' Ct'll , : • CANCia3 REDDING'S RUSSIA. SAL' E 1 REDDING'S 111;S:stA SALVE' REDDDATS RUSSIA SALVE! REDDING'S. SALVE: REDDING%-: , 11111-;:•:"A LV : tr - r. F REDDING'S A tiILVE REDDINO'. , _; I I - Z Uf:-...ii A ;;.1[.1 . ::: ,.. . , m REDDING'. i'LL'S. , q,‘ 4 . 4 . , AL "E.: i cri<;:: „ht t. ' UT •.' P"': , 11. , '?"3 ASo rd ' ,„: ',' Iris.: . ,! , , i , ,L. 1 - REDDING'S ItUSSIA SAII i VE! Istperfectii free ir,ru tee cu t ;r c •,rt 3 c . . • .. 7 ..)•• Wittrter..lll,lit, 1110 Qs p • • /I r.got -111:, Meti , ,••,• az« twantco•Le, tr, t t+i rr, T,• 1.7.• t 1: • U -. 01t,t - c e tunwri e , ~ L . •,‘• • 0•:..,,1- er-ti all 113diS;,[.1 LF , :,s.,t. .N.l being ao by p REDDI 'tt S S LVE • - - I.2rrOUlpt - 0 0•,F,l To;''‘:-; the most a 0.7•. rt. I ••.; by DilglC "11 ,c: • 3 rho length or timeha, r ,neolarlaPlre •r that r rn; •,a entif . µ o ors• Om, pot f rtn t , . hor • *ILA In ithe nn . . 0-4 C . 4 , :.1 a gur. INT Re e JV. Po. • l 6 , selrr.., FU ALE Ps frto.),,t z.zt litd be all nrugglst: an•! , :soultr!... , ; r,ketTer, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern Every One to Answer ! Are you bib!, • •Duet *oar hair fall of t Hu your hair boentue thin t hoes It fest harsh, a d and frverish Is It tilrulug gm ; tu - ore It. time? -te you tr.. t,i.d ,th itclunz, tturuusg teakaWu cf the scalp? Anjou troubled wit•. ilandrce? Are you troubled will ukat is called Scrofula Ca Rheum t • Have you had the F.riasipplaa, and !o-t yotir huizd- - Hare you had the liet.h.a, a.t.d lost it! Dare you h,d the Typh.•ld • ever, at d lost it Hare you Salt our Utir i 7 nay ittekuout ? Do you tr luz•trwnt h.tr Do you wish Soft and lu.ta•tua hair! Da you tai. do grey 1... y Do yon oleo y.,ur irtrsk , r. Da you with to. m r,Eu ho you wuut .1 f rou t o`i. Du , ou•watit it p urur.t, .or (.then Of :lathe?, (of ut 1.1.111 t Do you runt to ooh.• a present DO you 040% r f r our toilet! Do y,•tt w Au•intioa y Du you wmtx our u.Zie Do/UU •an a ii.l.lt,t..ulat, ..,1 - -article . Do )ou wwtit c.eauile.g r - Do .0 wilt Ih u s r.v.r.11.12 not f,r drPtiltlj, 410111 /Ping, reat..•ttu l ath.t W% ton. ..Ay .5.1 luettouali.o liuu-au•ltelt tt ie. we irureut 1 CLARK'S - DISTILLED It EsTORATIVE) FOR THE HAIR, TO BE U:siEQU%LLED AND 6UPERIOII TO .s Vit It / EVER Co3ll'uUNi.Eu 1.) OF RED TO Tut; ruum.c. Beturestiou gu-ranterd, o^ the mousy refueivi It erutsbot Sl for one bolt's, or 0 hot Vet for IS, atri old by Ltr ugststa. anti Deceie every rthrre. C. i'vrlprietcm It. BARNES & CA., N. Y , r.eilvrat Agents• . JOG 6 1 . , Stray Cows .CAME to ,1 1 eini , vs oil he su b-ct ber, 3a r amtu le tp, About tt a Liott of FrpterntT ti aNDLEI COW, almta: tight p..' u,- , -00 eirit:c. ll • 011 rt. Ths 0111 Mer is sequesieli totirm); pr..ts gerlitt ty, pay chars Lull tate ber sees Y J . ' . R. nal. 7 .5443114h1. sat n.•~.~,~ - r.•J;ru C :G .`v.L• ME QUE TI.ONS, QUESTIONS,