The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 13, 1864, Image 3

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    ,TgE dilE/yr ENGLISH REMEDY.
4111 J. 0.1 1 ,1 CLARKI:*S •
Celebrated Female Pills.
. 0 1 ECTED • L Trt s
.13r Rm.+ L . P ATENT' .
VA • '
a Prescription of Sir J. Clarks, M. D.,
Piyriewe Eztrsordisary I SAie esa4a.
4 ,14 Mvatustle medicine Ia unfailing in the cu re e r ali
r ainfJl fan i tero se dlseases to which tb; female
tit •i. aabiert. 7t moderates all excess and re
al obstruction., and a speedy cur! , may ba ranee,
TO .11A1ERIEJ) t.ADllliS
pealtarly suited. It xlll , iP a short time, bring o,i
Period with iMradarty.
ile prim One Dollar, hears tha Giv e n s:ou t
Ea , • ',M
o f Groat Prltam. to prevent , onnterfol
i . ) ,„ pa,l6ertd cot be lakos by Ensiles lIISIIIII the
ri psr THREE , MONTHS ef PrOrigrati, b tkry see
ar c t. Hst " Lociarl bat sat any at4r4ias tkey
••••e• ..f Yen, nes freetlons, Paine In
, 1-i V'ntigu• on Plight. eiertinn,falpita
• ; i„. Heart, 17 , xterli'v Itvil Whiter, them. ring will
• c ,,,„ 01,.n .7.1! other •• en•,, hare (.n.l ; rod al.
r'ul me iv, dq not co iron, eatnmol,
hurtful In the renititution
Inns In On. p,Enplll(4 •rnn ate), pa-knO.
0 ; 00.1 , •4Trfollc,;ervnl.
. “11.11 Rl' '")Fit.TiIGtSTA,
,nt for the United Rate.* Ind Canada,
unqr.s, Cornandt R t., New Yoh.
„L -gl,OO and 6 postagis 'stet:laps enclo•rd to %Fly att.
• botch., containing 60 Pills.
%Retie% LI.N CAT t lift!! We urv.—Thii
D , n id hat thoroughly proved tboqr to h. the beet
for curing CAT Mtn. COLD IX Ilk 'TN in
tCICIL It bent been found an excellent remedy
0114.4 of Sean Ryes. Die tltga bee been re noted
r 1; FIRARINO hie often been rently Improved by
It Is fragrant and agreeable, and glee. Ismer*,
' to the deli heavy pains caused be diteases
th.rlesd The Rentatinne Neter trying Mare delightful
i , ,Y;gnrating. It earns and gorges out ali ob
r:nrtlnne, strength. nu' the glands and gives a healthy
tn the parts afteete.l
gm, than thirty year* of ea!e and use of Pr aitrahati'm
•,,a and Frolaniaehe genii 11, ft preyed ha rest vain,
-all the ~ nnamon diusaee n' the head, and at this Inn.
03 it Mande higher than ever before' It le rettommend
. many of the beat rhyaielanN, and Ic tiled ,11h crest
.Y . Pl4llllliPalifiettoa everywhere. Read the Cortidrabe
trholeeale Druggists to 15&4:
rhenewlersitned having f nr mane Timm been an:lmila •
wi with Dr - Marsh%Ws Cearrh and Heeds he Snuff, and
'ld In Anr wholeasle,trade, cheerfnll•' @tato, that we be.
Are It to be-equal, In every reapeet, to the rsenmmenda•
oar even of :t for the cure of Catarrh Affections, and
iv-deei-dedly the beat settle, we have over 'kerma
all emotion diseuee of the Bead, •
k Perry, Reed, aratir k Co!. Brown, Lamson k
Cutler k Co.. Seth W. Towle. Wllwo, Fairhatnc
Ogrion ; geoehaer, Edam& & Co, R. H.
Me.; Barnes & Park, A. B. & Bands, Stephan
taniel Minor & Co., MeCeason & Robbins, A.
& Co., Sf. Warn, Close & Bush Gale,
ate York.
rnr nil by all Druggiati. Tre it. jyff a4-Iy.
TONDHRIOCI. riIIINGRIg hive occurrea-in this
country doling the lut three or four year; bat
~c.rora wl erful than the Revolutions in Color,
„1...4 ramig t heads at:the privle, by CRIST.I.Da .
0d,... be
7.74 R+IR DYE. The hlatrrien of the gametes of great
'.. r .r.rni atTortis no parallel to the triumph* over eam•
,1, , 11, ID I prcjudire, a-complished by this powerful
nt I,:rmlru vegetable sent, ,which instantaneously
cr.:. Ant 1 0, {10WOCUI mart of tha heir Into i black or
.c rc lc magnificent 11. J any that Bourn ever NatOwMa
von the heal of man or Woman.
erlatadoro's hair Preaervatlye t
adinnot to th. Dye, in and promoting
c , aVi ant ptrreet h.alth of the hair, and of Its*lf
,1-1 la. I %inn., a nat.g.iar.l that protects the dbrea from
:wtin , ler all etroamotanees sad ander all climu.
'll' J. ^ItIiT {DOR.). gn. ri Astor House,
liaTerk. =nl.l hr .01 f) - nvinta end applied by all naiT
A Card to the Suffering.
'tv LLow two or three briireflesde of • 1 13nohn,"
"Toni. Bitters." "Saresparills." “Nerrons UM.
t.., so I art, Ton nre vatiefied with the
%t oo try one h,” / ‘01.1) DOCTOR. BETIT AN'S
Pl(l, l —trerho re.tored to health
n;.rin leu than thirty dare. They are purely
, aroe tibiusnt tp take, prompt and eahatary in their
the broken down and khattered ennetitation.
to I runny ran take them with advantage. 'moor
,' cr.!! In the Unite! qtate“ only by
J.. 3 fIUfI,F.R, So 41 Broedw3Y,
New York.
Agent for the United States
• rd the POI.. teeurely pecte4, will he mail
vie ad.irees nit reneint of price, which 11. nme Dot
ple paid—money rerunied by the Agent if entire_
rrr•.lon Ic not given.
rDITOR OF 011•4131liVER—Otart :—With
your tln,l parrnt.tola I artah to say to the readers
/mar paper that I refirsard,hr :atant mail, to all who
(her) • recipe., leith foil directions for making
r.t as 'tut a elmol , VegetaSie Balm. that trill effeetnally
1,70. In ten day.. Pinnies, lllntrhaa. 7 an. Prectlee
Impuritiee of the Skin, leaving the rime
=AK boantlful,
also mill f:e • to thorn 'leads, or
ta.. Faces-111mph, direct non and information that wilt
*Me tbernyto start a full ?mirth of I.ratiri•nt Yale,
r: , gatra or. monattob. In legs than thirty days.
appliaatfoo• answered, by retnrn mail, wttb - 'at
R.goeetfullv yours,
11103. F CFIAPMAN, Chemist.
831 13roadway,Naw York.' -
Testimony I This is to errti'y that for the last
have used in WY family Dr. Toblaece/ebratied
Tnettan Liniment, and in every instance have found It
:'T Prod to hi. recommendations. I have found itto
tf , Lar.t netantaneou. relief In easel of toothache.
Crilie, more throat, pain in the' etemt and
rhenso..titp , , and I cheerfully recommend Ito
:is: to 'Tory one saluted with any of the above-named
U.t17101.1o; COIL, Oct. daffy 1861.
so ISD a-nts. 3nid be' all druggists. 081ce,
C,rtlatqlt street, New York. - OetB.lns.
itlg (41,4 PENSIO.O3 & KXPERIKNC K
'thliehed for the benelltt e ngd as a caution to young
zetAnd others, who suffer from Newman Deblhty, rm.
mute Deeuy of Ifenhood, , &e, supplying at the ennui
tu•the means of self-cure. By one who has cured himself
ea undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing
tert-psid addressed euvelispaenste copies may be bad
M author, Ears/anti MAYPATII. Esq.,
ailre4.l T. Brooklyn, Binge Co., N. V.
ORNTI.IIIIAN, cured of Nervous Debility; In
enmfetinty, Prematnne Decay and Youthful II rror,
• by a dealre to benefit others. will be happy to
to all who need it. Mite of charge,) the reeiPe
•illeictione for Matt nuthe simple remeelyneed In Ida
Thom wishinz to profit by his experience, and
ant a Valaible Remedy, will reedit , . the • me, by
'no mall, (carefully sewed,) by,addreesios
N 0.150 Numan Stt'et, N. Y.
10 dam the won't/vas of NERVOUSNES4,Inar•oe
1, roam/dun Meaty Seminal Weakness, !malty,
• isigno.r , Sexual and Nervous Affections, no mate
r!No •hat . c.nse produced. Price nns &slier per box.
slit paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. One box
-West • tore In moot 664 e•. 4.ldreas •
.rAmts R BOIXR.
Geoensi AQe4t , 427 itnadway, New York.
ItiVes.a m . ••"
IMRE NOTIIING more relsla ,to prevent
itnile Irreplarltiov. nit* Dr. Vellum's Female PH&
etil In all easei, curse a, return c,f monthly sick
-01, .I•boot eblelj no nnmarriei•lnde can, enjoy per
batch S.nll by all dm{peintot:
300- CORDS.
d Head Cult.Stae!
P. 01,1 von TO /MI INOSEEI ?BICZ J
for which the _
Sty. !IR PAID.
y. BMW dc COAO
!tate Street bitween ea) and 9frak
Examination of. Teachers -
f I.,uts as Teachers, will be bast at the f0110w
‘44:.• and plsees :
Nato at Middleboro October 10
Ilw,IL r. , n at With Corners m 11
I,,, teltu at ira .kite Cotnerl.4 •--- • " la
nil at ..iriz,l" 16
miscast k k.ilt Creek at Albio••n••• ~ 06 14
1 4 11e'd al;priogaeld X Wade- " lb
rriear at I. atrviesr, .. " ll
t acreekst retirral hill • 64 Is
al homey'', iiio col I{o%llo • 19
acraLtat Slow, School House" , 20
414 1'144,a Y attr(ord--...... .... .
. m - 21
.4 • 1 ' 1 114k at liarborcreelL 24 r, , t .orth Es t. ..... . r• $5
• rro a,. N...---
r"tlt 4 at,?k u1Ca541)9a.......... ........ " 26
poi) &no morel rit Vrattaburg ii. 27
'trio at &entre School Houle " 26
' ; 4o :erci at lalell'a Station ...... --. 4, 26
ar it laloa Wa ..s. .. .... .... ..... .... ... $1
+sod at Oak Groviviieboti . i 114 race. ..... .-•• Nov. • I
A i Lr., conun•Dee at 9 s. ca.
. 10.6. i J. 1)1:0-114512. 3, County Superioton6ost•
_,, . •
klo 0 1 gtno• Mstabesjost rstoired. or.
Zdluirr, tot mon. Tka Moat Parlor Maack is Me
trorfooar will UM tibia' MAW OD* trlls/1
17>50 bOXI , <WM ' sad gross. • Moral Is
V 4
BOHM it illnCigla,
Giwillat aim* Slitlisalla
'tic trie *Whim ebotrucr.
FRIE, PA., OCTOBER 13, 1864
irr" We &elm to obtain a sornwpoadoat to every
Mire:whip la the county. Polities! ways Ire as obtain
In abundance; what we *want is the local news front all
porta or the want?. -Any poison writim. to as an it..
Pend on hiving his mime kept strictly eonedeutial sad
If he hal fears that the comommuestion Is not In proper
- shape for pabliestbm, we will pit it in apnea plate trim
rr City imbee.rthera Bernd by moiler, will be Charm!
twenty-ere cents par year extra.. Persona who fall to
resolve their papers rrgalarly will seater a him by noti
fying as of the unm. We prefer to hare all subscribers
wh, can consisiontlr, prorate their paperi at the .ales
of na blleation.
C'F' This hoar at which the Mann la suit to press,
each srse 2 .o 2 &cloak en Wureclav alimerona. Adelman -
mentS , wp be received unto 9 o'cloek of the day of puh.
Ruction: .
relit Advertisements, Job Wort and Sabeeriptions
?rem se news whose respotudbility not known to the
poblij hers, mast &timid fa shames.
T We would respectfully call the attention of tke podia
• . to our Sanitise for doing Job Printing of *any "deaerisv
lion. Having rapid Proses lad the latest stylerofType.
we are prepared to do anything in the klbbino line, in a
manner equal to any other establishment, aMd on terms
as maspoabfiiie the Buffalo or Cleveland °Maw We
tan aided nearly two thouand dollars worth of mate-
Slat to the °Moe 'Moe it has been In our possession, with
the object of making it what we thought the oreurmnir
t r neviled. How - well we limn amended we loan the
specimen of our jobbing, *Mat may be seen in oven ,
part of North Weetern Peansylvasis, to Melly. Those
whe want tuts work are tutted to give ne a call. We
ran do any kind Of Printing that can be done elsewhere,
—each for instant, se
All kinds walk, Coal ODs atom,
All kinds used by Coal Shippers, '
All kind, used by Coal Fellers,
All kinds - wed by Mensbants wed litoralowepars,
All kinds used by Retailers and Groom, .
All kinds need by Manursetums, • .
All kinds wed by Medicine Dealers, '
All kinds need by A uotionenv.
All kinds used by Raitroa i Agents, .
All Illadi need by Ranks,
Allitiods cowl by Insurance Caws,
All hinds webby Stock:Dompanisa. generally,
All kinds need by Brokers,
Inds need by Com. and For. Ifershants,
All nds used by Express Men.
All ads need by Professional Men,
All ads used b Litent m lietke,
All kinds use&
All kinds wed tootles, ...
All kinds us news of New Artless,
All kinds by Merchant& of all Trades,
AU kinds nod by Architects,
' All hinds used by Dramatise Istabllshmenht,
Allkinds used by Artiste grogrally,
•ll ads used by Public Exhibitors,
All It di wed by Managers of Sawa Assembile.
All k used by Political Managers,
All kinds need by Travelling Agents.
Altitude wed by Farm" or sellers of real estate, ,
All kinds used by Um sellers of Personal Property,
All kinds and by Renters. - •
In short, all kinds used by all Omit
Orders by mall.whea mat by respoereible puiles,erompt•
ly attended to. Agents Ilbrithows, Concerts, &a, whose
nwponsiblitmrs an aennainted with, mast par in
advance. In oassairhars packages are sent oat of the
City by expresiowd thews:mg for whom they are intend
ed have not a regular account at the aloe, the bill for
eolleetton will invariably be &malted with the's-
ItethatMt et WM la the Ilapoblkaa &jolty I
Contrary to the "ancient:646ga," Tuesday
was ono of the brightest and most pleasant
due we have seen for a long time, In this
city and county .the eleetioa passed off id a
spirit that was creditable to both
There was but little disorderly conduct; and
the feeling between the friends of the respec
tive candidates, although eartlestend decided,
did not partake of that malignant character
which is too often seen in political contests.
The vote is unaccountably light, bat any one
will see, by comparing the returns, that the
Democrats have made large and unprecedented
gains in almost every_ election district. The
- Republican majority'bf 3,000 last. year is re
duced to between 2,200 and 2,800. on the Con
gressional vote, and this, too; after ontiof the
most stirring campaigns we have bid for
number of years. he opposition leaders and
papers made desperate efforts to rally their
followers, but it was utterly impossible to
bring many of them up to the work with that
seal they have exhibited in the past., We can
only account for the enormous falling off in
'the . vote by the belief that hundreds of Re-'
publicans who, have become tired of sustaining
the Administration policy, but have not yet
made up their mind - to 'vote the Democratic
ticket,•concluded to de the next best thing and
stay away front the polls.
The entire Republican ticket is elected by
about the mime majority received by_ Mr. Sco
field. Mr. Lowry ran pretty generally with
hie ticket, falling behind a few votes in the
Western part of the county. and going ahead
:somewhat in other plants. _
The Democrats have every reason to
gratulate themselves on this iuspiciotis result
in our county. With such a combination of
difficulties to contend against as are scarcely
to be met with in any other county of the
State, they have added very considerably to
„their party vote, and reds:tied that of. the Op
positini to an almost unexampled extent. We
confess to a feeling of Mere "than •ordinary
, over the returns. Considerin4
all the ciretunstanees we expected very littbi
change in the general result of the county,,
and have been - most agreeably disappointed.
Let the Democracy everywhere 'pink -tip
renewed courage, and buckle en their , armor
for a still more valiant itruggle in November.
With thorough organisation' eta:active labor
in • the glorious cause, we can poll five hundred
additional votes for lefoOlellant at the next elec
tion, and help to reader his success certain.
Below we give a table of the vote on Con
gress'in this county, so far as ere have been
able to receive it
ETU jit44:• 4W4.*Cattia„ lees
2 844.
" • '`
•• " jrl67 :110.
• 18* 194 183-
.0 801 • 98 249 ,118 209
0 . 4th 4 . 154 249 - 357 219
West Milloreek, "
Bast 48C - 4 -872 267 -u19. 17 2 0 0
,Ilarbororeek, 148. 248, _ 134 196
McKean, - 80- --248 28 196
Middleboro, - 29 --' 2. 26
Washington, 9Q 816 snaj.l7o
"Edinboro, . 447 ).: „72 92
Girard bora., 47. 80 * 48 7l
tp., 7 - 1- • -238 71 211
Fairview,. • 148 284 • !mg. 70'
North ELM hero., 28 121 1
" " IP., . 167 240 f 011 0 7 /
Elk Creek, 115 169 ma). 4
Conneaut, - 60 225 t. .149
A1bt00,22 6R ' -4r 49
Springfield, _
89 882 • " . 350
Summit, 109. .-74 ro_t27
Waterford bore., • 48- , 199 •- ,81 110
46 tp., 88 272 ' 89- 222
Leßtent 148 189 121 154
Concord, r 89 175 mil. 53
Corry,. , - 40, 107 66 150'
Wayne, 76 198
union bore., 76 99), , t
staj 92
• , tp., 91 191
Greene, - 161 116 ma). 81.
Wottabtirg, • 2 - -42- - r
Amity: , 89 - 87
Greenfield, • 89 141 maj. 70
Lockport, . 100 161 ' ' - .
Franklin. , -, --416 A 142 , ~. , .—• , .. '
-, Total, " . 8,260 6,269
The trains on' the Philadelphia sad ; Erie
Railroad - are to commenee running on the 17th
regtdarly between Philadelphia and Erie,
*distance of 448 miles. It will open • wide
trait of countt7 44; , trad*, "Ow ell trade;
particularly, will End increased facilities over
this route te 'the shipping market at Philadel
phia.. ;; ,
11•41rostatt-Ussioa-loPla Company
mmo larstliss isp 1 41 . 1, from Ott eitPlO
Erin r itii- 1 14 , 10 1.1 . 11 1: 1 0 -0. ili44411 ; 1411
worlds. ortka soon.
Flag Presentation at Edinboro.
The ladles of Edinboro, on, Monday of last
we.:_k, presented the Democratio Club of that
plaCe with a splendid !lag. The presentation
speech Was made by Geo. A. Alkon, Esq., who
was responded to on the pare of the Club, by
Dr., J. C. Wilson. Below ale give i copy of
the remark's =vie by these gentlemen:
Gentlemen of the Edinboro Democratic Club :
In behalf of the Democratic ladies orEdinbo.
ro, I have the honor to present you this Amer
ican Flag as a token not only of their earnest
wishes for your cause and the country's wel
fare, but of their abiding faith that through
your untiritlgenergies, inspirited by your no
ble standard beerer Gen. G. B. McClellan, you
will secure for -Liberty arid Union a trium
phant viotory. The ladies are not unmindful
of tho many golden hours they have enjoyed
beneath the folds of that starry banner. They
are not unmindful that wherever that - 4ag
waves, there their most liberal rights and priv
ileges are held lu sacred protectioti. This
ensign is therefore entrusted to your merited
keeping with the fond hope that you will bear
it on to victory, and have as a valuable trophy
a restored Unioo • -The one condition of
peace—we ma no wore." Staid by your col
ors until you have re-established that 'old Un
itan bequeathed to us by IVaghingtoo,and the'
Fathers. 'Remember those crimson stripes
represent: the blood of our fathers. and we
earnestly entreat you in their names to grow
not weary nor filter in the work until that
emblem of Liberty waves before the world as
pure anti unsullied as when it came from their
hands btptisedin their blood and consecrated
to "Libt•rty and Union," two most Cured
names to American fireetnen Never give tip
the fight until the thirty four stars shall olus•
ter around thetemple of Liberty in all their
true equality and grandeur If you ire true
to your history and to the memory of your
illustrious ancestors you will be :Colons of the
honor of that flag and defend it against all its
foes, whether they be,,rebels in arms or - rbir,
subtle, hypocritical foe in your midst known
as Abolitionism, whose chief saint proclaimed
that starry banner it's flaunting lie" and called
upon the American people to tear it d0wn......
The united voice of the heroic dead that nobly
fell at Bunker Hill, atiMorimouth, at Lexine r
ton, at Yorktown autkthose modern delde of
Corinth. Vicksburgh, Atlanta, Fair Oaks, Mal
vern Hill, of those reddened bills around Get
tysburg, and of those crimspned heights of
Antietam would conjure you to stand by the
old Union and the old Flag. Succeed in your
effort. under that Banner to vindicate the hon•
or and integrity of the:Union by placing in
the Presidential chair,' that gallant soldier,
patriot and statesman, Gen. George B. Mo•
Cleltan, and you shall receive the hearty con
gratulations of a free, united people, and mil
lions of Freemen yet unborn will rise up and
call you blessed.
Ladies':-As the bumble representative of the
Edinboro Democratic Club, permit me to thank
you. Words would hut feebly express the
emotioliNhat your laudable enterprise and
noble exertions have this day inspired. This
tribute DI your sympathy toward us and the
glorious cause we have espoused comes to our
anxious hearts like the great Oasis ih the des
ert to the weary traveller, giving us renewed
courage to battle- manfully in the cause of
right ; and it shall over live in our memories
as our bright guiding star in the hour of Nal
tional peril as well as inthAhour of National
prosperity. While you a - mind us of these
memorable sacrifices madelby our forefathers
in giving birth to that Battner of Freedom, as
they unfurled its stars anditripes to the brees•
es of Heaven, it would be"-:an act of injustice
on my part to allude though sorrowfully to
those more-recent Trials that have been so no
bly enoctintered in Its defense. While Lexing
ton, Bunker Hill, Monmouth, Saratoga, York
town,-Lake Erie, and a host - 71f other battle
scenes crowd upon our memory', we must not,
forget our Malvern, our Gaine's Mills, our
Corinth, our Vicksturg, our Gettysburg, our
Wilderness, our Shenandoah, nor our Atlanta;
for too well we know by the contributions as'
have been made to that old Flag, and by those
fair hands that. have wrought it that inter
woven in its very fibres are those prayers and
those tears that mothers and widows only,
know how to utter and how to shed. And now
as the bumble recipients of this token of your
devotion to those time honored principles of
the Democratic party - Which we in our humble
way are endeavoring l to uphold and defend,
let us assure ycu that next to the service of
our Cretitor we shall ever hail as our highest
ambition, ittepreservatiiin of those stripes un
sullied, and to see that not a single star is
blotted from that brilliant Constellation. And
while oneLsoldiers are nobly defending that
Flag with their richest blood, against the vile
hand of treason at the South, we deem it a no
less sacred duty to maintain their liberties,
your liberties and our liberties against the im
pious hand of usurpation at home. In con
clusion allow=us to extend you the warmest
thanks of nor grateful hearts with the earnest•
assurance that we shall ever
- cherish the mem
ory of this occasion as one ot. the happiest
events of our lives. May we all live to see
place I la•thf; Presidential. Chair that true sol
dier, that true patriot, that noble statesman
Gen. Geo. B. McClellan ; and ladies,l pledge
you, this gift of yours, that purest. o f emblems
shall be present to deck the occaaion of his in
Hon. Wm. D. N'orthend.
The Democratic Central Committee of Mai
itachneetts generously sent into this State,
couple of _weeks prior to the election, some
eight or tea of their best speakers, to assist as
in the glorious fight for constitutional Liberty
and — Uuion. Among these gentlemen was
Semi:tend, of Salem, Mass., a
fernier memher of the Senate of thit Common—
wealth, to which ho was eleoted for two suc—
cessive terms by the Republicans. Mr. North—
end's sphere of operations was confined chiefly
Ito the counties of this congressional district,
in nearly all of which he delivered from one
to throe of the most• effective speeches made
during the canvass. We had the pleasure of
i dtearing hie address to the people of Union, on
I Mohday evening, the 10th inst.; and can bear
t witness to the enthusiasm it crested among
our party friends, and the favorable
-of Republicans who
heard it Without any of the parade that
characterises so many public sPeakers,'or any
assumption of superiority, Ur. Northend is
i'reslly one of the must attractive orators we
have listened to for lon i : period.
• We jtavo übt•sined a - full report of the speech
of Mr; aYorthend at Union (which id substan
tinily the 'item() delivered by hint at all the
points in this sootion nt which' he has spoken)
and abilliptincdt in-one next. Jamie ! If,any
of our 'friends desire extra copies of the nnm.
bar containing .if, •they mainland in their or•
dere previous to Tuesday afternoon next.
4_,. i EcomitexioAvcal
Jobtil:Nincent, Esq., in hts efforts to con
vince hie audience, at lVsyne Hall, on Friday
evening, Sept. 30th; that -the Demooracy is a
disloyal party" 0, by quotations from the
speeelaes and writings of STC:phett A. Douglas,
neglecteri r to quote the following . from one of
hii speech - es made on the-Door .of the 11. 8.
Senate: , .
•'The fact can
- no longer be disguised that
many of the Itepublioen Senators desire war
and disunion, ttitder pretext- pf saviog the ,
Union. 'They wish to get rid of the Southern 1
fitates, in ordor tq bare a majority In the Ben-
ate to oonerm the appointments, and many. of
theta think they can hold a permanentßepub.
Haan majority in. the Northern Stake but not
In the whole An iota ; for partisan reasons they
ire anxious to dissolve the Union, if it oan be
ldone-erithoutioiddieg them responsible before
the peopled ;,
- Volumes of such extracts eel be Colleted
from the ieaohings:ef that distingdished states
min, but not one word in advooiey of snob
a course as this Administration has seen pro •
per opt; yea, every word he said,
spoke or itrotexaa in roadenchetie* of melt 6
mint-se.• -
, „, .
-- f The re-estahiiehotent of eh, Union in
all .11,kietegrity 'aid 'tenet eontinue--te be;
the indispeaubleooaditlon of any Bataan:it.
—Gas. MeOisilwes Lotter of Amplest& -1,
Realetenons of the Columba. mWatlesal
• \Mien neClellan . .
The Democrats of Columbus, Warren coun—
ty, Pa., Named September 16th, and organ
isedliteemelves into a club designated "The
adonal Union 16018 nm Clab.": The follow
log Oben Were slated s Bruins Pomo%
President; J. P. langsly, John Walton and
Philo Stevens, - Vice Presidents; V. 0. Curtis
and NewLim Baker, Secretaries; Asa
Treasurer . . Szeontive Committee, William 0,
Howard, - Gw . . Cady, William Graves: 8. S.
Webber, sad Geo. Blair.
The subjoined resolution were maisionsly
adopted :'
Wnazius, A rebellloa, tiaparslleled is Its
magnitude, has arisen in i our land and for
nearly four years our country has been dis—
tracted by a desolating and disutrous .war,
conducted on principles contrary to the Con
stitution, and by an administration incompe
tent to govern the country in this orbits of its
fate ;' therefore,
Resoked, That we our utmost en
deavor' to defeat Abraham Lincoln at the
coming election, and do pledgti ourselves to
the cordial support of the candidates of the
National Damocratio Convention...
llesolved, That — ire shall Still,' as , we have
ever done, cherish the highest regard for the
Union and the Constitution, and that we desire
peace upon no ether basis than that of the
Union as it was and the Constitution as it is.
Racked, That we believe peace 040 never
be obtained by the "To Whom it may Con
cern". policy of the present administration,
which makes emancipation the only condition
of re union, and proposes -to subjugate or ex
terminate the people of the. South, bat that
compromise. and reconciliation are the most
speedy and effective means of establishing a
permanent and honorable puce. !
Resolved, That we are opposed to the Inter—
ference with State rights, or with the domes
tic institutions of any . ,State by the genernl
Resolved, That we regard arbitrary arrests,
military usurpations and the suspension of the
writ of Weal corpus direct violations of the
Constitution of tip United State., which Mr.
Lincoln was Sworn to defend.
Resolved That we hold in supreme oontempe:
the tome calumniators of our noble candidate,
Georgo B. MoPlellan's fair fime, and are wil
ling to rest his reputation and character upon
Abraham Lincoln's own words, who wrote to
him shortly after the seven dsys' battles, now
so memorable in history, as follows:
accounts say better fighting was Driver
done. Teo thousand thanks for it."
And a few days !star added:
"The heroism of yourself and men will
always be appreciated."
Resolved That we heartily concur wiat Gen.
Burnside (a brother officer, high in an ooad.
denoe of the administration) who says: .
"I know General McClellan as well as any
human being oche face of the earth. And I
knew that no more honest, concientious man
exists than be. I know that no feeling beyond
that of the Government and the enceess of our
cause ever enters his head.' I know that noth
lug under the sun will ever induce that man
to swerve from what be knows to be ►is duty.
Ile is an honest, Christiantlike and conscien—
tious man, and has the soundest head and the
clearest military perception of any man in the
United States."
• Resolved, That, we extend our heartfelt:sym
pathy to the noble defenders of, our country,
both in the arse" and nary, an4ray that the
time may soon . come when theyehall, be re
stored to the, bosom of their families, there to
reap the reward of their patrietiu.service in
the country's hour of peril.
Resolved, Thatitinse "file Constitution and
the Union mast lie preserved at all hasards,"
the Detecratio party, whose conservative in
fluence has for More than half a century pre
served and maintained the Federal Union by
faithfully respecting the reserved rights dill
the States, is the most Mt] competent, with
the least expenditure of bleAtd and treasure,
to restore-the Union to its o ginal integrity
and perpetuate it fur Imes yet to come.
V. 0. CURTIS, '
Written for the Observer.]
From the 113 d Raiment.
MIAs YILLOW Tanatr. VA.; 1
Thursday, 0at...6, 1864. f
il-ieftd Observer :—Enolosed I send you s list
of the kiUed and wounded 'of the 834 Penn's
Battallion, in the late action at Pastern's
Plantation :
Smith Dennington, private, Co. A-
Isaac N. Van Camp, Corp'l, B.
John 139ek, private, C.
John R. Polly, private, D.
Thaddeus Day, -Serg't, F.
S. A: Wells, Serg't, P.
Joseph Kinoade, Corp'l, F.
John Culbertson, private, S. died of wound
Co. A.—Henry Lytle, Berg't, leg severely ;
Andrew R. Lefever, Corp'l, side. slightly ;.
Rowland Hood, private, neck; Rice;
do., lost thren fingers; William Lindley, do.,
foot ; Frank Birehard, do.. anklet, slightly.
Co. B.—lst Serg't George Qaillen;lbreut,
severely. Privates—Hd. Nashott,- hip ; Jon:
Hull, side ; David ilkeele, side.
Co. D.—Privates—Ed. Lamb, , groin leek
lin-Noble, leg.
Co. 43.;-2d Lieut. A. B. Edson, through
right Bide. Corp'l George Mallory, leg am
putated, Privates—George BatterQsld,'. leg ;
John Mowry, side; John Vendee, -breast, se•
Co. E.—Corp'l Joseph Pettlgrew. 'Privates
—L. A. Jiffris, hand ; Joseph Dieksow . shoul
der ; James Dilley, arm; John Jolly ) left arm
'Co. F.—Privates-8. 2d. Vorce, leg; Wallis
Filer, foot; Wm. C. Walden, arm ; .James Ely,
bowels; Legal Wade; Hiram MeGahen, hand.
This is a severe loss for the number that
were in the engagement. The men displayed
their usual courage, and when the rebels were
pressing the left of the brigade_hacit, causing
considerable asitfusion, the veterans of_the
old 884 stood firm and laid many thieharg
ing foe dead at their feet.
If there is one thing that tries the courage
of troops more than soother, it is when they
are called upon to advance to the front when
the (root line is giving away and retreating_
to the rear; is utter contusion. The 834 has
been taken in time of action from ote part of
the nerd to another no less than six times du
ring this campaign, for the purpose of filling
up gapssiads bitikalebets Wain oar. tins,
sad in every instance they have been success
ful-bi checking thq advatme.of the enemy. /t•
is stated that the bittallkon received . very
favorable mention at Corps headquarters for
their galisstry during this last%eigigentent.
Our line is now
.1100111 two and altolf miles
beyond the Weldon Railroad and three miles
from Petersburg, which places' neßouth West
of the city. : The enemy drove in our pickets
lestardayialroutof the Pegram Rouse, seem•
ingly for the purpose of finding out our loss.:
Lion and forge. Their pursuit after, knowledge
was made very difilemlt and hazardous by our
brass guns opening on them with a shower 'of
shot and shell.
Some engineers that wer tzagaged in,
ing a fort iu the !winces ct the main line. laid
down their shoran arid - pi..tig: tad skedaddled
to tl., in doable quick
was, Lust no one was hurt, unless itoiss with
fright, and the Johnnie, were era baektitilek
er than they same. • Our line is now
able for rebels, aid I prostune is & fee days
Grant Win take another step. j
The - gaifls otiose week retracted' its suer
dock that Governor Bigler, in his simmuthes in
this county, did not condemn tbieladoot of
the Southern leaders in site:opting to break
up the Union. It is a manly eett to traititly
confess the error -when one has made suite.
steteuient, and we give our cuttenoperant fon
credit for dolma as It has done in this in
seam,. "Wisid that" it displayed equal can
dor and gentessity:in, all Doi rof,oroseee to
Domoorstlicimadiaotoo sadipthuriploa ; n but.
Nasty nifortaastoly is sot tho seas."
Read The. Every Voter.
We spin remind our reader! of thirimpor
taboo of having every Demooritic vitae in ,
their respective localities duly mimed ten
days previous to the November election. There
WIN been tee:muck neglect on this peint by.
sir polities' friends, and the consequeseehas
ben to disdnlsli'osir vote in a number of le.
edition We have obtainedinformation of not
less than a hundred voters in this city and dui
adjoining townships who lest their elective
franohin by a failure to attend to being an-.
sensed. It is earnestly to be hoped that no
mistake of this hind will occur at the Novem
ber election. Let every reader, of thi - Obeereor not carts* i that his same is on the as.'
senor', books, call upon that dim and as
certain the fact for himself. If you have
any Democrado neighbors , who are not asses
sed, see to having it done for' them. From
this day on,the motto of all Democrats must be,
Work, Woltz, WORK I lTs nand; understand
how any man who belleven the nooses of Demo
cratic Erincdples to be the,only safety for t h e
nation, an excuse himself if he fails to give
all the time, aims and influence he possesses
in favor of the cause.
Dastray Max.-The Monis( is a list of
the persons in this city drafted at Waterford
on the 7th last :
Mu& Cansz rowssats.-;-Honry Koch, Her.
ris Cromel, John Hemline, Mike Bemis, Alex
ander Panneter, Nelson - Brace, Jo4nliablobablt,
Henry York, Robert Mount, /Mph B Lutes,
John Brown, Andrew Redoall, Nelson Clark,
Jacob Beadnakey, John FranoiS, Wm Paisley,
Healy Bohneirlir, Frank Smith, Henry Mel
len, Geo A Lukas, • Edward Bolin, Joseph
fiehelsika, H Grey, Imes L King, Geo Hip
pie, JOn Herimer,. Sidney • McDaniel. John
Re enker-28. •
Guise Towinizp.—Wm Flinn, John Mil—
ler, Eli !Wham, Eli Patteraon,- Lewis Dawler,
John 'Williams, Frederick Hirt, Chas Ross,
John Snell, Josiah Stover, Henry Larry,
Franklin M Cole, John Lewis, John' Hawaiian,
Owen Finnegan. Chas Hedrick David B Hough
ton, Henry Seeley,Beth Church, Bebastin De
fine, John Klink, J r M Thomson-22. ,
Jaokaon Sackui, Chu Ceraito, Chas ,Whitney,
Henry Fehart, Leo' Stadia, John B Arthur,
Wm Morehead, Michael. Allen, Chas Adams,
Allen. Chambers, John Al Scott, J El Stinson,
Ju C Oray, S J McOlure, John Applebee,
Chas Dishingle, Oliver Cobb, Philip Mans,
Frank Henry, John O'Connor. J W McClure
The tickeits .for_the Presidential election
were sent to isll the districts in the county at
the mama time, with the district ticket'. It is
to be hoped that . thoie to whom they were en—
trusted will take sari of them, and allow none
to be waited. In case any, of the townships
should' resinirs more than have been furnished
them, the officers of their abilis or some other
activOtsmoorat can inclose a - dollar
, or mere
to us, l 04 we will promptly supply them with
tickets to the amount paid for. Let there be
no votes lost, on aoconnt of not having, enough
The stick of *sky Tonkel killed a man in
Cleveland, ok.W•iinssday night. It penetra
ted his abdomen.
It wu proposed once to tax lactiis' corsets,
but it wan objected to on the ground that such
a tax would diminish oonstunption.
The New York Atlas nays that Din Rice is
down on Lincoln for steeling all his jokes, and
palming them off u original.
Mrs. 8. H. Hall hoe received her Falb and
Winter supply of Millinery and` other. goods.
Read her advertisement, in another column..
Dr. :boob Hoelscher, cf‘New Berlin, Union
county, has been on s visit to this city for
some days. The Doctor is the anther of a
pamphlet on the slavery question, which dis
cusses the topic at some length and with con
siderable talent. The pries is ten cents per
single copy, Cr $5 a hundred. Any orders
sent to Treiler, florist:thee it Weiser, 'Allen
town, Pa , wilt be protiptly supplied.
In the confusion incident to going to press
last week we an tounce the appoint.
meat (AL T. Yout as Sapeiintendent of Coun
ty Schools in place of Jufaus Dzowsisa, rem
signed. He will carry out tie arrangements
made 1)7 Mr. Dactinusa for School Simla
*Lions. Mr. F. is a practical teacher, and
will, we -believe,' fill the place acceptably.—
His Ilost Office address Is Edinboro . —Oasetts.
A /tidy fa Edinboro !sends us the fol
lowing extrait from a letter received from her
brother, now in the Semi of the Potomac
"When we paised thrOttgh Washington, we
saw a McClellan flag anti a Lincoln flag; we
got the order to hiss tinder tho former' and
cheer tinder, the latter; so you can' see; how
they compel "the soldiers to act. .Butikeep
Cool; there's a gamy on foot that will startle
stiftr-home three cheers for 4ttle
Mr. John B. _Gough has oommenoed his
annual leetnring tour with - an address on
temperance in New York city. it is to be
hoped that Mr. Gough, into fall, will confine
himself to the subjeet he advertises, and not
endeavor to, teach his hearers their political
duties, aboutwide& nine•tenthe of theta know
as Mitch as he does hinsself. _
excursion party of about seventy per—
sons, consisting of the officers, stockholders
: and some prominent friends of the Pennsyl—
vania Central railroad company, srith their
wives and families, will visit our city by way
of the Philadelphiii & Erie raiirmii, 'this
(Thursday) evening. Our people should en =
d — savor to makitheir stay as pleasant as pos-
Sibte. '
One of the lesd l ing Abolitionists of Mill
Creek recently received a letter from hie sou
in the .Potoman army, in which the latter ez
pfessed s, strong desire that his father ehould
vote, for Little 'Mao. The biotel reldident
was so indignant that' he it once enclosett,he:
lettei lb a fresh ,envelojpe„and;reinrned it 13
the-writer with some reinatkAidded ,expres—
'lie of the paternal wrath,
The mass oonventiois of Ihttesday last was
.certainly 'll4
it* matuess• as ever oo
huS!red-itt the political" an4als of Oho i s&
don. but, astonishing- SO it was, we have
positive knowledge of the fast that it would
have been vastly larger in' number had the
day been clear or mo4ers'ely pleasant. 'From
every part : of Erfe; Crawford 'anti' Warren
000uties we hear of large delegations at in
tended being here, bat were kept, back by the
heavy storm sad exceserdinarily bad roads.
With a fair day, Aerie is we question but the
convention would hais been the greatest ever
ilea in TOOL Trestirlibenuil"lo*-
The Ganas says the Demo:Title pros:4Bl . m
on Thomas, Irmo "a fakirs, (plowed -.with
that of the Union (Abolition) Conveititto-of
the previous day." Why doesn' t _ our untent•
portly lave the magnanimity to - tell its ren
ame that the morning on vhieb the Demo.
cratio'Convention met viu one pf the most
disagreeable ever NM 1/1 this:rat, csf.oll,
country! Clnsidering all the drop:seances,
the procession was not a failure, but a great
succesi. lied the day been pleasant, our
'neighbor vould.havi, seen a MO that Irani/
*have given him a totally different ides ef the
spirit, sad strength of 'the Deseerstie Forty in
l'thisortiols the State: t44-4e-!!.r teptt .
sigili*bstors. , , . •
.The.followincii giro, tows by a gentlemaal
whose r reliaitalitoisMnit IM'dlispeolly say]
person who Unacquainted with him A spir.l
Mud oirole was held. a Mt renige ittP: 'al
Weeloyville. The parties present were mostly
Abolitionists (of *ors.) and among the sum-'
bee was a Mr. =........;Wk&1iana of the salve
administration men of the neighborhood. 'This
gentleman being naturally dssixons to 'mei,
some authentic information as to as remit'
of the Presidential eampaign, sad surer
doubting' that the "spirits" were ea ths aid*
of Ltaooln ; thought alt to seal upon the spirit,
of George Wobble.** for . the coveted knowil
edge. His fret question was somewhat
follows: "Which do you think the best man
for the Presideney, Abe Lincoln or George 8.1
McClellan ?" Judge of his surprise, when the
table rapped out in a most emphatic and un
mistakeable manner—"MOCrataal I" Never,
daunted, howiver, he emieluded to try spin a
'and asked: Will Lincoln be our next Prost
dent t • Answer, &aloha)", No. Will Mo..
Clellan t , Answer; still more emphatically,
YES. Thi haters of thine respowes not being
of such a kind as to gratify the tastes of the
inquisitive condemn, his investigations into
the mysteries of the political sonliot were net
rammed for that night.
The following is an extract from a letter
written by woo of our "bold roger boys" at
_Atlanta,' to a friend in this city:
"I pave 11Olk a good many Ribs shim I have
heel here,' sect they all tell the oaatratory.
They an willing to give up, and return to the-
Union if MoClellen is elected—under Lincoln
they dollars they never will, but tight to the last
man. Four years more Lincoln is four mere
years war. That's. mita% tvoted for old
Abe in 1884—Little maces my man now. If
Meelellan's election will restore the Union
as it was, without any more eghting.'as I be.
Dive it will, who's the use of fighting any
longer to free aiggers,:and, as Seward asys,
make Lincoln "President over the whole Vii.,
ted States I" Let, those who want the war
carried on for the oke of gratifying party re.
vingeand personal ambition come and tight it
out—in the name of consistency they hod'zit
ought to ask other's."
The dassus describes "loyalty" to be "the
sublime devotion of spirit which exalts
country above ill thought of self or party,
ready to maks every sacrifice to do and, dare
;all for that country's good."
. Wilear that
accordilg to that standard the number of
"loyal men" in Eris county is siseedingly
small. Indeed, with' the noeption of the .
editor of the' Gnats and a few gentlemen
who gather about the Court House, Post
office, Custom House, and half a don or
So grocery, clothing sad book stores in the
city, we doubt . if a" single person could be
found itt the county to answer our tiotempora•
ry's authentic definition of the "truly loyal".
"We will allow these Copperheads to talk
before - the election. but after the eledtion if
they talk sit linty 0 now, each tun will hare
to hava his coffin Carried along with, him."
The *bra is tlui language et Tam Marshall,
one of the speakers at the Repablican Mass
Meeting of the lithinst., is Ode city. One of our
friends, who was present. committed the ex-
Ironton immediately to paper, and is willing
to conch for its &annoy. Our Democratic
readers can see what is in store for them, in
ease of Lincoln's re-election. This base crea
ture, Marshall, is of no personal consideration,
whatever; but as the echo of others,higher in
official and mental attainments than himself,
his sayings may be worth remembering.
- The' county Fair turned out, to be the
meet, complete failure of the season. We en.
peeled- 'nth to be the cue. and are not disap.
pointed in, the least. The society made the
serious mistake of electing a President. who
thought he could ono the machine" on politi
cal grounds, and the reinit is before them. If
they will now kick Sherwin out of office, and
put some one in his place who is not a party
bigot, and will set in such a meaner as to oh
. a the conidesototall sides, we will war—
rant them that they eats have'one of the most
snecessful Fairs next year ever held is the
The•new editor of the Girard Union is eel
John P. Phelps, of the Mayville &stied, but
his brother, C. I, •Pl}elps, lately coaneeted
with i Leiliportlitli Paper.' The red" wi
der his control, 3a to be an siindependenifsm
ily paper," hiving nothing tfi de withyolitios.
Congrese..llllr. iletnild Rem Elects&
Mr: Scofield . le 'undoubtedly re-elioted to
Congress by a msjority' of perhaps over a
thousand. The following are the majorities
received is the se'yoral oennties:
Elk, ' :, • 406
Jefferson, lostlinstelk) 260
Melissa, 1, 1 60
Comoros, . 60
, . 20
Forest, (estimsted3 .
This is better than we , expected. We did
not anticipate bus then . majority forpfr.
Scofield in this county. nor more the s thou
sand for Gov. Bigler in Olsarflea& '
Willa= 07 011.01111 Z Vattar.—The tutor
moos wealth of Oil Creek Valley swum& be
better illustrated thin by naming 'up the
profits which it has yielded during the last
four poi., U ia:stated,'"and we have every
resit:in to ballet/01M statement to be true, that
du s ting that-p..6mi it has yield he looted'.
ble sum of s3,oooseo per sounteP' , 4 l eflis,
-resources will stand further develapement, as
large port rot &Pita Ilddded treasures have
not as yet been explored. Petroleum has been
more exteusiveiy.atisd for household purposes
of late years than previously, and if we
judge from appearances, its consumptiott; will
be greatly enlarged,. when, no doubt, it will
demand, higher' iricie than-it has since its
Arse idojitron for general use. - Under such
!circumstances, tundlrithisuch opportunities u
,these are to acquire wealth and money, saj
'ma that canneot make himself rich is "behind
tthe age."Ptitie
-I sdi nee. J
tbtoomuntentse.) . •
Sept. 18, 1864, of Typhus Fever, Mr. BID-.
NEY BOOTH, aged 85 years.
Owing to, the iositioa of the deceased in the
Church' lind-fir the sake of his numerous
friends, more than a mere notice of. his death
is deemed, prow.. Although bard to part
with those so dear to bim:be was roild7 to lay
down his active and useful life, as be said, with
the hope-of joining "the joyful hosts ahoys."
It I,a. to sing Itin praise of God.
and,: •. .• •Is mom • -fete spent in
siagi .4 to oth. ~ og- t hat beau
sweetue.• .titeenthroned
' upon iLe tiavidr'ti brow." A large circle of
friends mourn his death, but they mourn not
as those tritbOttllopeolor they June the as
surance that their loss has been his eternal
gain. •
Arremiumo - Jaws....Thi
Newburgh iiersid iabolittoo) concludes' ea
amide ae follows: • ,
BitpM me the deseendanta of that teemed
rue who crucified thi Brion% and who .an
opposed to thebesi interests of governnient
in every lend wherein they roam : who never
enter our armies but for the purpose of de-:
[ plating Millicietsto of., soldiers, and who hug
around the camps toeike every admitting* ol
their.neommitieel and I . will show you the
mob who, minely4laisut of a: hundred, Will
vote for the modern Thlllool3l‘o.* , this adl, and
,16014.111ppottlrollandighazn or the infamous
butcher QuaiiMell In preference to (ten. But
ler or Abraham . • •
r7(1 ' 3 .- A - 7': . r‘7 . TrrY ' ji;7: . Ml
Siegel, IFI ceat itc -Co.,
Grsarks, Flou t Put, Ntk,
Mt% Ligon, apre sad ••
L!,/ i Pie
Lowest Market Prioes.
'll. a. VL113:16. lOU CI.
The estersigued ban opea.d saw Grow, Stem es
' . the
14187 SIDI OP 8717 g 37.,34 MOM ROB=
Whims thin istood lumping toll supply at '
lad ~Alfas =madly!! hand 1a as astabliaaasaat• ar
Me are determined te eller va geed indeemeetsesear
ether dealers in the fatty. and invite the pahae w Oa
maddest that we me give satire sa trketlm.
I L. WE.81111:1 k oa
Bolden Owners et rapateateli Lands
At or Assembly. apron . ttc s 111 1 Md. %be b"I
day and OVUM of 17apatested Lsit s aro result , d
take oat patents for sash loads beton be Ist d.. of
Noramber, int Oa failure to tab Q at nab Woof* tbe
autroyar Own' ia dineted 'Ye eskatets 1 I • maw t fif
prams isery, karat sod lea an me sad ow dash/
MK' sank mown (sther clue hap) t. a
felfflgral ass .MME ks adored de a bra Amass
le b. prusidal and baN far Slat purpose sad said no
show err Istwoof d • per *set" lbw limes are
to be
4 , 101 spoil by tiro 41torsol lissavil as &p.a. t
&dial paling alms. Rader tie Aot of April IL 1541.
The aid ate airing particular &ankle , ' 1.. li
buidasse srietai under the Laid Laws, sad baits, :Ad
idas for &Stealing to sack busina=prepared tc
care patent" at ease far at a d..t,enoo
from the seat of Glarertut t, on taw most niaaohabl•
terns. Ceurespeadtaas solid et sad protap &aoudad
ter Addrase ROBE. rNooartass, or
tLL CZ DE war.
Atter4,ja RA Cansaellors at Lai.,
nag t. flarrlC,oro, -
' .'..7
• ' P. EX . . P , .. *. IT,
We respoitfia L; ta:•• to 1,0 .: • titit 1.•
No." 2 tiugllics' lock, :;Lrie.
Whimskasill•ki-r. j'.. , or : ! : far,. t I, .-.:'
iiROC.ERIrr iS,
WIN'S. LIQUOR% Clit.eiv.,
Sal eviler/Lbw vocally fqr sal- in an eats , ' to.lll,pett
Wed. •
ar TIMMS GI eseronble e. ry other gtobri tr,
db• eni/'HK
United States Claim Agt,
AM all (Abu , Mar 'pint the Garereteeet .needed ,
10 with itteasptaess.
by Mill ationdett to tie woo se It
sMit peso*. ,
. i r a l •
J I , At: •
m tt -
2 3
01 co 11 i
w I I 11
o Pi
Biglir. Scofield.
. State Strad. Ifesetr Opposite the P r Oter? .
Ir n =lia, Boot sad Shoe dealer,
1 : L
Wham Ow Patine that hp
hr towed hh shod to the Store Ow
es Stste street, owl *prone the Pest
Moo, where he Wise all his old Mood. a...towers
to Eh kW aaatl. Portianier snootier •:.
^ : 11 . 11PAIRVN0:
Raft asatidi wattage, and an
11 • •
bs..isees - bineell. he behoves he son phe T• • • • •
Um and sell at as low prices se any othe , •
idry: Good Tits Wonsotod. .
Notice to Oil Refinc:fs
wr. are prepared to sell to./Leasers'
CAU-MG SODA sad (ILI:TEM th• •
let pries. We can all OU Vitrol by tbe e. •
ratottfeetorni, thereby saving to the par ` •
Omega mod steurtuz promptcest to 'bind
.4.0.11 t I CT;RIRTN S. (lArat4Ry -
800101, .
Boacktst the
the Mete et Aitbat u i si Destees, deed,. lets et
azo is tiori ll i s ;ll l. Otte 0. .• Pa.. boo reale Ain Ow
settee it eves I. ell pumas twee.
hie stessestees tedetded to the ems to sail lam•diss•
and Uwe hsst•lndaises opted the estate s•
isseset Owlet istgeauat,
N. O. DAY 004
40441 r• ismocatriz.
• Talsal4 and PeOrable Stand for •
At Irrizie, Warn). County, ft.
TMblWdbi hi of Siam wi th a flaw, tizr. *afar. Thosti
la she • DMIING HOUSE . attached, ',blab aria ha
mho. with the Store If desired.
far plittioil" address
hISTIL • ' Irelae, Warm co, ra.
/No INA ;
Messixen so 0. - 644)
maul ix
T 0 • C 0 .
Trraoi s
GL111.6 31711011,
AT Till
rrvi ri
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E ,4 1 f.
r- Ia • .
IZ 3 - C.
.4' 71 .%.!
A: P. -. 1 ' - '3
ri 11 4 bi
a z 1
OLD PILW26, NO Ai • tt
for eliadi the higliest Machet
EzeoutrLxl ••Nottoe.
XBl2, PA,
•••, •
•1, - .