,TgE dilE/yr ENGLISH REMEDY. 4111 J. 0.1 1 ,1 CLARKI:*S • Celebrated Female Pills. . 0 1 ECTED • L Trt s 14,:701:j't .13r Rm.+ L . P ATENT' . VA • ' a Prescription of Sir J. Clarks, M. D., Piyriewe Eztrsordisary I SAie esa4a. 4 ,14 Mvatustle medicine Ia unfailing in the cu re e r ali r ainfJl fan i tero se dlseases to which tb; female tit •i. aabiert. 7t moderates all excess and re al obstruction., and a speedy cur! , may ba ranee, TO .11A1ERIEJ) t.ADllliS pealtarly suited. It xlll , iP a short time, bring o,i Period with iMradarty. ile prim One Dollar, hears tha Giv e n s:ou t Ea , • ',M o f Groat Prltam. to prevent , onnterfol i . ) ,„ pa,l6ertd cot be lakos by Ensiles lIISIIIII the ri psr THREE , MONTHS ef PrOrigrati, b tkry see ar c t. Hst " Lociarl bat sat any at4r4ias tkey • ••••e• ..f Yen, nes freetlons, Paine In , 1-i V'ntigu• on Plight. eiertinn,falpita • ; i„. Heart, 17 , xterli'v Itvil Whiter, them. ring will • c ,,,„ 01,.n .7.1! other •• en•,, hare (.n.l ; rod al. r'ul me iv, dq not co iron, eatnmol, hurtful In the renititution Inns In On. p,Enplll(4 •rnn ate), pa-knO. 0 ; 00.1 , •4Trfollc, po.er;ervnl. . “11.11 Rl' '")Fit.TiIGtSTA, ,nt for the United Rate.* Ind Canada, unqr.s, Cornandt R t., New Yoh. „L -gl,OO and 6 postagis 'stet:laps enclo•rd to %Fly att. • botch., containing 60 Pills. jy9'64-Iy. %Retie% LI.N CAT t lift!! We urv.—Thii D , n id hat thoroughly proved tboqr to h. the beet for curing CAT Mtn. COLD IX Ilk 'TN in tCICIL It bent been found an excellent remedy 0114.4 of Sean Ryes. Die tltga bee been re noted r 1; FIRARINO hie often been rently Improved by It Is fragrant and agreeable, and glee. Ismer*, ' to the deli heavy pains caused be diteases th.rlesd The Rentatinne Neter trying Mare delightful i , ,Y;gnrating. It earns and gorges out ali ob r:nrtlnne, strength. nu' the glands and gives a healthy tn the parts afteete.l gm, than thirty year* of ea!e and use of Pr aitrahati'm •,,a and Frolaniaehe genii 11, ft preyed ha rest vain, -all the ~ nnamon diusaee n' the head, and at this Inn. 03 it Mande higher than ever before' It le rettommend . many of the beat rhyaielanN, and Ic tiled ,11h crest .Y . Pl4llllliPalifiettoa everywhere. Read the Cortidrabe trholeeale Druggists to 15&4: rhenewlersitned having f nr mane Timm been an:lmila • wi with Dr - Marsh%Ws Cearrh and Heeds he Snuff, and 'ld In Anr wholeasle,trade, cheerfnll•' @tato, that we be. Are It to be-equal, In every reapeet, to the rsenmmenda• oar even of :t for the cure of Catarrh Affections, and iv-deei-dedly the beat settle, we have over 'kerma all emotion diseuee of the Bead, • k Perry, Reed, aratir k Co!. Brown, Lamson k Cutler k Co.. Seth W. Towle. Wllwo, Fairhatnc Ogrion ; geoehaer, Edam& & Co, R. H. Me.; Barnes & Park, A. B. & Bands, Stephan taniel Minor & Co., MeCeason & Robbins, A. & Co., Sf. Warn, Close & Bush Gale, ate York. rnr nil by all Druggiati. Tre it. jyff a4-Iy. TONDHRIOCI. riIIINGRIg hive occurrea-in this country doling the lut three or four year; bat ~c.rora wl erful than the Revolutions in Color, „1...4 ramig t heads at:the privle, by CRIST.I.Da . 0d,... be 7.74 R+IR DYE. The hlatrrien of the gametes of great '.. r .r.rni atTortis no parallel to the triumph* over eam• ,1, , 11, ID I prcjudire, a-complished by this powerful nt I,:rmlru vegetable sent, ,which instantaneously cr.:. Ant 1 0, {10WOCUI mart of tha heir Into i black or .c rc lc magnificent 11. J any that Bourn ever NatOwMa von the heal of man or Woman. erlatadoro's hair Preaervatlye t adinnot to th. Dye, in dree.ing and promoting c , aVi ant ptrreet h.alth of the hair, and of Its*lf ,1-1 la. I %inn., a nat.g.iar.l that protects the dbrea from :wtin , ler all etroamotanees sad ander all climu. 'll' J. ^ItIiT {DOR.). gn. ri Astor House, liaTerk. =nl.l hr .01 f) - nvinta end applied by all naiT A Card to the Suffering. 'tv LLow two or three briireflesde of • 1 13nohn," "Toni. Bitters." "Saresparills." “Nerrons UM. t.., so I art, Ton nre vatiefied with the %t oo try one h,” / ‘01.1) DOCTOR. BETIT AN'S Pl(l, l —trerho re.tored to health n;.rin leu than thirty dare. They are purely , aroe tibiusnt tp take, prompt and eahatary in their the broken down and khattered ennetitation. to I runny ran take them with advantage. 'moor ,' cr.!! In the Unite! qtate“ only by J.. 3 fIUfI,F.R, So 41 Broedw3Y, New York. Agent for the United States • rd the POI.. teeurely pecte4, will he mail vie ad.irees nit reneint of price, which 11. nme Dot ple paid—money rerunied by the Agent if entire_ rrr•.lon Ic not given. rDITOR OF 011•4131liVER—Otart :—With your tln,l parrnt.tola I artah to say to the readers /mar paper that I refirsard,hr :atant mail, to all who (her) • recipe., leith foil directions for making r.t as 'tut a elmol , VegetaSie Balm. that trill effeetnally 1,70. In ten day.. Pinnies, lllntrhaa. 7 an. Prectlee Impuritiee of the Skin, leaving the rime =AK boantlful, also mill f:e • to thorn 'leads, or ta.. Faces-111mph, direct non and information that wilt *Me tbernyto start a full ?mirth of I.ratiri•nt Yale, r: , gatra or. monattob. In legs than thirty days. appliaatfoo• answered, by retnrn mail, wttb - 'at R.goeetfullv yours, 11103. F CFIAPMAN, Chemist. 831 13roadway,Naw York.' - 1".~1'D~ TIR. TD • 1A14 9 VI:NH - TIAN LINIMENT.—More Testimony I This is to errti'y that for the last have used in WY family Dr. Toblaece/ebratied Tnettan Liniment, and in every instance have found It :'T Prod to hi. recommendations. I have found itto tf , Lar.t netantaneou. relief In easel of toothache. Crilie, more throat, pain in the' etemt and rhenso..titp , , and I cheerfully recommend Ito :is: to 'Tory one saluted with any of the above-named ".rotes. JAMB P. WARVER. U.t17101.1o; COIL, Oct. daffy 1861. so ISD a-nts. 3nid be' all druggists. 081ce, C,rtlatqlt street, New York. - OetB.lns. itlg (41,4 PENSIO.O3 & KXPERIKNC K OF • NBRVOIIB INVALID. 'thliehed for the benelltt e ngd as a caution to young zetAnd others, who suffer from Newman Deblhty, rm. mute Deeuy of Ifenhood, , &e, supplying at the ennui tu•the means of self-cure. By one who has cured himself ea undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing tert-psid addressed euvelispaenste copies may be bad M author, Ears/anti MAYPATII. Esq., ailre4.l T. Brooklyn, Binge Co., N. V. ORNTI.IIIIAN, cured of Nervous Debility; In enmfetinty, Prematnne Decay and Youthful II rror, • by a dealre to benefit others. will be happy to to all who need it. Mite of charge,) the reeiPe •illeictione for Matt nuthe simple remeelyneed In Ida Thom wishinz to profit by his experience, and ant a Valaible Remedy, will reedit , . the • me, by 'no mall, (carefully sewed,) by,addreesios JOHN B. OGDtN, N 0.150 Numan Stt'et, N. Y. o YDO WLMII TO Oki CURIA) f—DR. Ci AN'S ENVILNII SPECIFIC PILLS Mire, in Ism 10 dam the won't/vas of NERVOUSNES4,Inar•oe 1, roam/dun Meaty Seminal Weakness, !malty, • isigno.r , Sexual and Nervous Affections, no mate r!No •hat . c.nse produced. Price nns &slier per box. slit paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. One box -West • tore In moot 664 e•. 4.ldreas • .rAmts R BOIXR. Geoensi AQe4t , 427 itnadway, New York. ItiVes.a m . ••" IMRE NOTIIING more relsla ,to prevent itnile Irreplarltiov. nit* Dr. Vellum's Female PH& etil In all easei, curse a, return c,f monthly sick -01, .I•boot eblelj no nnmarriei•lnde can, enjoy per batch S.nll by all dm{peintot: ' writ-Im. . WANTED. •U UgDERSIONED WISIIES TO BUT ABOUT 300- CORDS. OF d Head Cult.Stae! P. 01,1 von TO /MI INOSEEI ?BICZ J for which the _ IGHEST .111ARKETI , RIOE! Sty. !IR PAID. y. BMW dc COAO !tate Street bitween ea) and 9frak Examination of. Teachers - Ta F., FALL EXA3IINATIONS for ap f I.,uts as Teachers, will be bast at the f0110w ‘44:.• and plsees : Nato at Middleboro October 10 Ilw,IL r. , n at With Corners m 11 I,,, teltu at ira .kite Cotnerl.4 •--- • " la nil at ..iriz,l" 16 miscast k k.ilt Creek at Albio••n••• ~ 06 14 1 4 11e'd al;priogaeld X Wade- " lb rriear at I. atrviesr, .. " ll t acreekst retirral hill • 64 Is al homey'', iiio col I{o%llo • 19 acraLtat Slow, School House" , 20 414 1'144,a Y attr(ord--...... .... . . m - 21 .4 • 1 ' 1 114k at liarborcreelL 24 r, , t .orth Es t. ..... . r• $5 • rro a,. N...--- r"tlt 4 at,?k u1Ca541)9a.......... ........ " 26 poi) &no morel rit Vrattaburg ii. 27 'trio at &entre School Houle " 26 ' ; 4o :erci at lalell'a Station ...... --. 4, 26 ar it laloa Wa ..s. .. .... .... ..... .... ... $1 +sod at Oak Groviviieboti . i 114 race. ..... .-•• Nov. • I A i Lr., conun•Dee at 9 s. ca. . 10.6. i J. 1)1:0-114512. 3, County Superioton6ost• _,, . • A LARGE SUPPLY A.& klo 0 1 gtno• Mstabesjost rstoired. or. solpt. 4. Zdluirr, tot mon. Tka Moat Parlor Maack is Me trorfooar will UM tibia' MAW OD* trlls/1 17>50 bOXI ,