,01 ERIE WEEKLY OBSERVER. 01,4: 4.11 ; ° 4: m s itiirre An"l6? o,err+ Ca. ,rofflitllENTS.—(ln• Spier, a Ten Linea °gain '7 .., t ka ants Oa ; two lasertions 11,030 ;thew c 7 - 00 ; one month $1,60 ; two months d 2,60; is m months $3,50; sin months SAM; sae year CM; o u r strortliaments In proportion. These rates ill i.e strictly adhered to, sinless chimed by special ,comet, or at the'optlin of the p abliehe re. And. te's Notices, Strays, Dieortias and like &dearth* 5t, 8160 ; Administrator's Notice & $2,60; Local 500•11 flfl oents a line; Mwriage Notices warn , Rea cents a piece; Obituary Notices (over three lines s abed) Sr. cents per Hoe. Original poetry, no. written at the request of the editor, one &liar e o ll o All advertise neat' will be conUnned at a ,, apes • of the ppm:be' adesetisini, until ordered 0 ; by his direction, unless a opielfts4 period la !glad upon for Its insertion. OCRIPIION —Two DOLLARS per annum la ad. roes pSISTING.—We 'base one of tits best lobbing , ace , m the state, and are ready to do any worti to tbet may be entrusted to us, to equal styli I , l sy ostsbtiabment outside of the Urged cross. WIIII . IIIIN k BRSOFIT, Publishers. [Rem the IC:pm& McClellan'. Nomination. • ♦ CAMPAIGN CONG, NT M. MUM AM us—" Old Uccle Slow." Oh, about tour years ago g I would hare yen for to know, 1110 a might time eleetioneerlng ,Yaoy etarted in the than; Bat Old Abe he won the run, ailightway for the White Hots* he was steering cacaos. eh, oh, oh t don't you hear its now I Democrats can staild against apostle* ; - Solet•Abelast clear the ttaek, for revs noralcited "ILte," oleo's boaad to hs the tint Cigar of the Nation- Thai e►ermal:4nd thin cruel war. ' Mach the pipoele now deplore, A ,Valosilse had millions to defend it, Bat:with Proel►matton here, ♦nd Eniziteipation them . Lincoln and his tribe will teesr and it. Citozen-06, 0h,.0h T to Usti lot it to our alia To sloes thle warlike game; kad smooth of Blood and SpeonlaUos, For we're taxed in every way, ►kite Shoddy roles the dey, Ws almost time we had an alteration. Caearra-06, oh, oh I as the memory of our dead. The breve boy's who're fought mid bled, no rent la for their Country's salvation, • Well suite both heart sad yoke, ?aided the People's Chafe*, most he the mat Chief of the Nettles. Ctromf&—Then oh, oh. oh I ke. „r„. Attu for the Iris Observer. 3 tater/Min Letter troft liaaffaky. • Ammo Tux MODN,AIN.9„ • - AWAY Dower IN "OLD KAINTIICE.," _ Sept. 16, 1864. ' Dees Ossitirsz: I am still extending my Laquaintanosein the mountain districts,' and :Id it rather pleasant than otherwise. loc nasally meet unexpected travelers—not pstrillu inch as might have been met here a ts weeks ago. Only two days ago "a solitary lineman" (and that was me) might have been stn aeackni - his way up a creek ("Branch," balled here) between the lofty cones of the Cusberland mountains, forming on either Aide tootinuous range, covered to their very tops ,oh timber, among which is a fair proportion if pillow pine. Whilopuicending the northern bps of Boone's Gap, he heard the sound, of ;preaching hoofs, abd just as he had reached as summit dividing .the waters of the Com eland - and Kentucky rivers, he was aroused tithe sound of familiar voices, and looking tp met face to face three of: Erie's sons, who coned to be enjoying the scenery and pleas. atly passing the time as.well as the country. After exchanging suongratidations, I seV, my. hakes at work and, inn - hired where they came `span, what they were lookin' arter, where aty were-going tow, and when they'd likely to !pin' hum, the price of butter , the pros ;sets of Ab 9 ram 'Lincnni,_ bad Grant taken ?stersourg t and before I 0004' think was muted by one of them, who was a cute fel- Int, Huns I tar springs--a tavern if they one—when they-got their business don- fifty cents—bad—no. I. was quite= ta tty baste by this. I could not understand why 'ey came all the way from Pennsylvania for ! r, and tried by various approaches to get ;mission of the explanation. Mut the fellow baked me fora long time. At last I pulled hm my saddle bags a small flask containing distillate of corn, such as can only be found the mountain4stricta in its purity, and sprung I mine onliin, and carried:the fellow assault. When he saw it was usellse to 1 • t ðer ' he surrendered like a man snit aid me that tar springs meant oil, real oil, tut these Kentuckians didn't know any better ad so they humtired their- -vernacular. He aid they had been on the trail for some days ad bad found "right smart" of tar sprit:w— an, in fact, they had - Secured about ten silts of the richest oil territory (several thou lad acres) he haCeyer seen; that It was a trip about a mile wide, and that the oil was tutting up through:the rocks for the whole fittace at points not more than half a mile hntt, ant that his company had leased almost Cot it and intended to commence work lei- Isdistely. I asked him where it was. He aid way &Own in - the -risanntains. I said, star J echo said tether 1 and he said nothing -didn't hear, and I couldn't get a, word out ditip in relation to the place ; bat he chewed ts some of the tar, and the appearance was he and without odor. ' I asked him - to islte n in, and he said the company teas 'WI; that tkinght the property was worth about millions of dollars and they were op- . • tO - diwiding it ußinto email share's • that .Ity were inoOnvettient to handle .— Queer, it! • These fellows have huated'oil before, and they have left in their route of explore is not worth hiving. Some eharp,Ren— uttlans hid been on the ground before them, ttheirnonree was not marked by any die , eimination or well directe4 effort, forpie beak etitory wits left. abounds in minerals, oil, coal, 41 4 sulphur, iron, Sc. At 'every mile yon esetsenlphur spring, many of them quite u smog and having-much the same tette as Ant water,- while occasionally n chalybeite opting is met with. 'Daring the last week mai; has been said dont the Presidential candidates in - the cantata districts. Here almost the entire 'At will be cast for McClellan. In the towns. Vre official patronage is felt' Lincoln sill of toutse got a large vote. On Monday last Col. Wolford spoke at Richmond. Madison county, m favor of McClellan, and I have since learned List he has been arrested for some thing there avid. Two citizens of Richmond, • Rev, - Mr. fronton mid Mr. Turner, a lawyer, have-been incited, but hmyulot learn-what for. It tells pbe very generally conceded that if Cygnets .are not used to control the election, Ott the-Democratic ticket will- be elected by barge majority. Democrats say here thatif .sir slaves will help the Government theytire. tiiiiwthey should go, but they do protest l itintOutlinA ils l a Plietei pa 1 4- 0 .9401 Y tat them. The negro men have mostly gone ltd left the women and children at -ixotoelor stir. masteri to suPPoit. I em informed that the negroee have nearly topped volunteering. Several Influences have *to brought to bear to accomplish this. In tit fun place their masters are: now paying lino for their labor, and, secondly, they have turd ranch of the hardships of a soldier's ft. and are not disposed to undergo them. lily did ixtot commence the war and have no tcootition to fight, and are entirely willing lit white men should attend to the matter. But I must close. I intended to have writ ttt you a useful letter but have not got to it let, and lest I weary your patience, I will ewe by relatio . rwhou I em told is a filet." A asa bored for oil some eighty br one hundred tiles from here and "after he - had • got down *lntl hundred feet, one morning as be was ;Lott going to his work, be (being a very pro V ' ie olio) said that be was already within' 1 r a locker the infernal regions, and if he luttted might hear the hens scratch. Ile went it his work and towards neon actually struek "It to oil vein, which-spouted up with greet caught fire and . burned the derrick and ti around. lie was much alermud, and ° o4 iteti his horse and rode to th e town, many 7 4 41 distant, and swore be bid of his 'viand it was already on Are. This may not Vie, bat I give it as I received ite.for. a ma. Tom, ' :1741011. . , . i . - -- - . . • • --- -:' - ..y.- ...., -.•• . - - • . ~.,... A. $.....-• ..-- -,4 --, :.- ,17"....Z.Vr... - ri.l. , :k :MK wpb..Y.'Z.Wl , tr.f. - . • ...- . . , H : ..,.. - .. 4 E I 11: • , • • .. N. 7 T E' :1": : ::::' •?'' 1:: : 7:1 i , ,' : . I.' 4 . _ ••.. . iI I MP- - - - -,- . > .... , •' : ;.• i .' . 1 . - r ... . E ~ • :•, E'i • -- . - y ''' 1E . ~..,,, .. . \ . - - ' •' :' •i i li . . lIMIMMIMIMINK 1M.......... ..... . . vmma..••••=.omma.MMlE=.•••••••Nommommommar. VOLUME 85 Ei ,ITEMS "OF - ALE SORTS• ThW vrayie thaies, which has hitherto supported Lincoln, has run up the McClellan and Pendleton flag. The Wyo could* 3lerror.si Lin coln paper,.bas deceased. —A vote was taken in batteries A and B 10th battalicin light artillery of Roches ter, a few days ago% with the following re suit : McClellan, 60 Linooln,. , -21 —('en. McClernand's views in reference to 'the election are thus stated' by the Springfield; illinois; oorreiiiiondont of - the St, .T.;ouis Repiiblican-: • "11_ having been denied byßepublican prints that. General McClernand - would support Gen; McClellan, I am prepared 'to Make good my former statement with tel eran-be to the former's position. He will not only support McClellan, but also the whale Democratic ticket, Cs he has uni formly done In the past.". • eon. Carolus Noyes, the leading Re publican member of the Vermont Legis lature for the years 1861 and 1862, in de clining the nomination this year, gave his reasons as follows : "Permit me to say, gentlemen, that I have never cultivated the art of conceal ing-my opinious,and while Ido not regard the expression of them u important, I desire to state, in order to remove any misapprehensions, that I. honestly believe that corruption- in office and the love of plunder are doing more to destroy the tulininistration• and the Government than the rebels can 'doly force of arms; and that that dais of active "patriots" who love 'the government so well that -they want to eat it up, is quite too large. If there is ne other, way to stay and check this shameful corruption in office and con tracts, it is easy to foresee that many loyal men will be ready, as a last resort, to wet oome a change in the administration. • —ADiitocaarta U. a Sztravea GAMED tzt Onoox.—The United States Senator elect from Oregon, in- the place of Mr. Hardidg, is Hon. George H. Williams, En. Chief Justice of the State. He was' an 80. tire Douglas Democrat, and is now a Mc- Clellan Democrat, making_ther Union the one condition of peace. Harding, who goes out, is a Republican. We are informed that at the Aboli tion meeting which took place at German tewn. on Wednesday evening, the soldiers who had been sent out to grace the gath ering by their, presence and applaud Lin coln' and Johnson, somewhat distirbed the temper and calculations or :their "friends" by Cheering for "Little Mac." Those soldiers, we opine, will not again be brought out to swell the ranks of an AbolitiCooeiebration.—PAita. Age. --.*0311 von McCa:ALL—Many of our readers- will remember Col. Moss, of Mis souri, the bold moss-trooper, who led the Fremont forma at the Cleveland conven tion, choked down all opposition to his chosen - candidate, and s - lucked by a nu merical majority, dictated a nomitollon to . the Grant men from New York and Pennsylvania. The . redoubtable Colonel has, since the withdrawal of Fremont, came out for McClellan.—Ckvelcmd,Lader Gtqfttiaii - J - • - -L A letter from an officer at Atlanta gays: " I heard several-days ago - of the nomination of General McClellan for the Presideng, and to-liar I. read his letter of aociTtance. His ' letter bay brought me back again, soul and body, to the Demo. erotic fold. I trust, for -the good of the country, he may be elected. ',Let me tell you one thing, and mark it, all stuff to the contrary netwititstanding ; Wig this : This army is not yet converted to the Lin coln rule. General McClellan is not with. oat h~aiarid ! cf*lngml 04 , 1 :nowitx*o will give hiM tipArAtippo. 7,1." I — A Michigan'Aginient• passed down over , one of the Michigan railroads last Saturday.. A vote-ares-takes-ahoard the train for President, which restuted in 75 Majority for . McClellan. The boys cheered IcatilY for Little Mac along the road. ' Hon. James Loomis, Who. has- been claimed as a Republican by the Lincoln presses, presided at a Democratic meeting is Bridgeport. Connecticut, last week.: • —As President Lincoln was pixwaiing , - up Seventh dreg * Washiaskoh;* feti dais ago, escorted by his body guartt, ,he Melt some distance above the Northern Mar- Itet l a squad of cavalry coming dOwi the street ; Perceiving the 'Presidentawd re. cognising his familiar 'features, the caval ry men role in :their edirups, and gave , three hearty cheers for Little . letter from a soldier in the Army, of the:Potomac says: "It will perhaps liar prisC you to learn that the eoldlers" of Abraham wish to circulate information of thiti kind. [lNuiliOrtitli ds?cainen W.] I am not the only . ene who . believes as I do. Nine out of ,teuju. this army with dui./ iinbolisrwlf be beatertithfl -the e:my will do it. Evens the - oflicere are ,disloyal 7 te our boys, with . a few exceptions, are for .Little 'Mier! • The Coldwater Mies Sestina, which,. as an bidePendentioninel in politics,'has given a most cordial and hearty support to both the' dminlitraticin' and the . 12/ov ernment, has, sines General letter of ace eptanoe Was giveik to tir'pub lie, come out for the Chicago nominees. ,The Sentinel is one of the" best papers pub.. ,The d in the - southern tier - of oeunties in biloipif:;C:' 7 ' . - - • - -- On the Erie - Railway, on the 26th, a vote was taken among the passengers by the 6 p. m. express train from Neirlrisr.k, with the following result: .McClellan 62, 'Lin coln 19. —A gentleman who tweently visited the hospital at Beverly,' New Jersey, says one ward' was Canvassed, and the tolloWing was the result ; McClellan; 27;ILinouln, 8; Fremont, 1. •The wounded soldiers :vote foa Littler Yin.-- Thy-thisik -hum care; ful of his men.. Olt there," say they, •'!We should have Whipped the rebels without being woumted." This is twit, generally in the army—"lt fiel k ad b een in ormutiand, vi* should; have oottiltowed without brim' *nand L",' TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR, IF PAID IN ADV - CE;' $11,50 UP NOT PAID: UNTIL THE END pi? THE YRAIL =ERIK P A -,-THURSDAY AFTEA,IIOON," OCTOBER 13;1834.; —The following papets which hare not heretofore been acting with the Demo cratic party have halted the names of McClellan and Pendleton : The New London Nonni Chronicle. The Louisville Jottinal.. The Westchester Co. [N. Y.] Monitii. The Ann Arbor:[Hich ] Journal. z • The Somerset pid.liferald. The Suffolk [L. I. erald. . This Soh - et:wad, [N. Y.] Star. - The Cincinnati Volkafreund [Ger.] The lows Banner [Geri The Keithsburg "gill Observer. The Highland Bote [Ger.] - The Washington National Intelligeicer. On the other hand. the following are out for Lincoln and Johnson : The Richmond Enquirer. The Richmond Examiner. The Richmond Sentinel. The Mobile Register. The Atlanta Magon Appeal. —The Boston post says editorially: The . conservative men are uniting in New En gland in solid phalanx. We hear every day of Republicans who voted for Lincoln declaring for McClellan. In a neighbor ing city a McClellan -club was surprised on being presented with a flag froth s well known Republican who thus gave his ad hesion to the cause. Throughout New England there have been no such popu lar demonstrations as are now tilung place—not even in 1840; for these are spontaneous expressions of the people for a , change Of administration, whitei those came from management ; for men who desire gocid government know that in a change consists the only hope of the coun try, So badly do things go on—so vast is the corruption—eo completely has been .the failure that, as Reverdy Johnson says, things cannot be worse, and so the oryfor a change of rulers is heard through. -out New England as from house-tops. - • Among thirteen prominent Republi cans in Ohio, who have repudiated Lin ' polo, are Franklin•T.Backus and Sherlock J'. Andrews, of Cleveland. - The former was a delegate to the peace Congress in 1861, and the letter is an ex-member' of Congress. - 1- On the last trip of the steamer Anna from this.eity to%Cincinnati, a vote was ta ken on board to test the Presidential pre ferenoenf the passengers, of which there ware over one hundred. Little Mac had 65 majority. All the ladies voted for Mc- Clellan- but two. One of the latter was Vefugee from South Carolina and the other was alien.—Pittsburg Post. —Brig. Gen. Guitar, of St. Louis, has come out against Lincoln and in favor of 'McClellan. Several prominent army offi cers id the same citi, are known to have expressed their prefereeoe for the Chi nominee:.., " —Avnirizza - Coingaszon.-'—lroh. - E.; F . Seaman. of Ann Arbor, Michigan, editor of the Republican organ in that place, has taken down the Lincoln Rag and hoisted in its stead the glorious banner of ifcClel, lan and Pendleton. The ball Is rolling. —A few days ago the soldiers in camp at Utica, took a vote kti the barracks.— There were 77 volunteers in, the roctus, - 70 for Little Mac, 6 for Lincoln, one refused to state for whom he would vote. • Tha soldiers of Calico'',linoiis, took a vote on the Presidency, which resulted as follows: _ 667 Lincoln..: . 58 • The news from Michigan, flays the Albs -by Argus; shows a greater change in that State, in favor of McClellan, than in any other State in the Union. A large number of leading Republicans have repudiated Lincoln, and are shouting for Union, Peace and McClellan. Several Republi can papers hive withdrawn the name of Lincoln and Johnson, sad run up those of McClellan and Pendleton. , • —Franklin Pressly reached Clay, N. Y., from Alexandria, on Saturday evening last. • Y He voted for Abe in 1860. He will vote for McCfelan next: November. He britigs;news Sf "straw." He- belongs to the "Veteran eserve Corps," and one hundred anti elve voted for President the day he ca e_sway -from camp: Lincoln received twel e, McClellan one hundred. He Maple this result t?n his honor.: 5--k - sete taken in the 73d New York Regiment, before Petersburg, a few - days ago, resulted in -110 votes for-McClellan, 11 for Lincoln and 1 for 'Fremont. Menta Rscaturts.—The ChiCago Times says that ,"Hon. Aaron' Tyler, ex circuit judge of tb;l43th judicial circuit of Snot eoun ty, and Hon. James I.t. Stewart; of .War rea Bounty, have both declared them selvesjor McClellan. These - gentled en have-,been members of the Republican pariOunce its organization, and before that tie ware WWI. The-less-of them to the RepUblican party will show a-great ly ineWisuled Depocratio vote in their part of the Statec4,They go for McClellan." Hon. D. M. Wc ? clirian, who has been for many years Jud g e of the Firet`Jadicial District of Illinois, and rho has melee be fore supported Demociratio noasine~, has openly declarecl his endorsement of Mc- Clellan andihe Chicago platform. . -4A vote was !Iken in company 11; . 38th Wisconaii2 reOment, as, they were passing through Chicago the other day, with the following result : McClellan, 33 Lincoln, . 14 The captain of the company wan deci dedly opposed to the voting, and ordered the men takt4eir quarters-until they were ready to leave. The 38th regiment is - strongly in favor of McClellan's election, and greens loud and earnest were given for Old Abe and his party. '•-:;;Hooker'e old Twentieth eorps of the Army. of the Potomac, now in Georgia, under Sherman, is nearly unanimous for. MCOlellisn. The men were with . him at Antietam and other glorious fields, and love him w p!iilltrOt love a parent. - • —An - °facie in - the 108th Is Gensitsee regiment) writes thatof sixty-ft . /ovate:mu that are left but two are Lincoln men, paid addi that ' the , other , ragimaata al aw ',lithely the unte politieel- wage:ion. —At a McClellan tinginikart ford, on Tuesdays one petite **kers he, alluding to Hon. Lucluitit: Peck, WWII Haven, remarked that livery inetur- H iittd: grain • had been fie, by the Lit= coin managers to Mud, - 4tat gentlemen pot to declare publicly failloClellan. A score or more called on.hi4 ono 'after 'on-. ther, and begged m3'41' 1 ,1044 . rid him not' to come out against Lineolisi and finally, a notorious and wealthy Government elim inator came to kr. Peck,and palling dat a well stuffed . wallet, offend. "to,gin him the greenbacks it he would only demist.— Mr. Peck only replied to this insulting offer of a bribe by indignantly seising a chair and threatening to break the Lin coln contractor's head if-he didn't leave the room I—which the said oontraotordid in double-463k time. —The Albany 'Stamm fspj thus ex presses itself: "There is only one way left to prevent the Democrats from Bleating the next President, and that' is, to luivi President Lincoln decline thenomination, his successor to be either General Gnat, Sherman, Butler or Hanhook. Such a nomination would unite the party ; noth ing else ever will. Divided settle party now is, between the friends, of ' Lincoln, Fremont, Chase, Seward lind Weed, the party cannot avoid a moat humiliating defeat in November. The catastrophe can yet be averted, but only by the declension of Mr. Lincoln." -" —ln the oars between . Hartford and New-Haven, one day last week, a shoddy oontprtor was loud in up Lincoln. "It's '!all one way—he will carry 'every thing—the soldiers wilimll, , Tote fOr him." • soldier was present . Anqtker passenger inquired of , him how itie *Didier' would vote, "All One:way." mil he soldier. "I knew it was so," said t Contractor— "they are all for Lincoln." "Who do they go fort" coolly inquired Abe_ passenger. "Little Mao, of pourse,"- said the soldier. —The Springfield Repo&lkon states ecli. tonally on information, recCeivcKi front $ gentleman from Arka nsas. that M.aChtl ! lan's friends are very nitnerous in the army :about Little Rock. On the way down White river the--troop that were met gang up on transporral bOat loads—were observed tolei aimed' unani- MOO Mr Little 'Mse, making-the - woods• ring and resound with their enthusiastic and repeated busses for that gallant gen eral. 'This is no exaggerition, designed for political purposes. butilto unnrnithed statement of a fact. t '' —Colonel A. L. Moore,;jurbo seined three year In the preys! 4T,14,1147, lan the present coniptroll r„of the State' of Ohio, who was elected kty l ike Republi cans, and Hon. John W. ilteksin, of Co. lambus, Ohio, ;have reotaptlymmpudiateii Linooln. Dr. Crawford Adams;•of St. Joseph, Mo., offers to Wager $5,000 in gold that George' B. Moblellan - stlll be - dui - tient President of the United States, the whole amount to be eippropriated by the winner for the benefit pr the widows and orphans made by this war. —'A vote wait taken On one of thetrains of the New York Central road on Satur ? day which reselted as follows c McClellan. 206; Linooln, 104; Tremont, 9: A number of soldiers on the train all voted for the, "Gallant Little Chieftain." On the steamer Ontario, which came up front Ogdensburg on Thursday after neon, a vote was taken at the instigation of Lincoln men, who talked loud, and booted that they had 'two to , one on the boat. The result , was 69 for McClellan, and 49 for Lincoln. —General Edward Bull, of Zanesville, -Ohio, who is an ex -member of Congress, a Linooln elector in 1860, and a member of the State marine= which sent delegates to the Baltimore convention, is a recent convert to Deniocratic priaoiplee. Campaign Observer. Fifty Ceuta for Three Months. In cider to plaae_the Oessaysa within the reach Of all who =desire. to • read sound Union doctrines, we have decided to take subscribers for the spa's of three months, commencing with the 6111 qf August, and ending with the next issue after the Pres idential election. The price will be Full. Clays, invariably in advance. Each subscrip tion will be promptly discontinued at the expiration of the time, unless other &rec. tions are given by the persons receiving the piper. We earnestly urge the Dynamite of Erie, Warren* Crawford and Ashtabula counties to make a special effort to in crease the circulation of the Oman* during the exciting and important politi cal campaign so soon to open. Let no, man wait upon his neighbor to commence the work.of obtaining subscriptions, but enter upoult himself, withenergy, deter mination and perdstency. The crisis de mends the services of all, and no one can 'excuse , himself who fails to perform' his duty in WI hour of •his country's danger. We should j have at least two thousand. campaign subscribers on our, books before the close of.,A.ugttst » .. Let Men flotieir duty arid site ipAnoilail Eoprirorniiiir • Spiral ar We data to obtain a soresipsoloort In troop township to thosesstp, PoUUi. amp wi on Wilda In itindoscw ; what we Tsai Is the. load sews hos lit porta of the tiositty. Any person Witt* to so ass ois: pond ore hiehighili Stall knot striver tosidestisii tmd if be boo hem that the setup sioatioa h est is peeper ship bit patOltise,sw, will dro - t le swop Late his rir City teldeselhors.oorrodb• 4reier. will be eliariod torontrdre acts per year ntra ''.noose who fall to roselor theirpapri regolarly e .Sera boor by erdt• 'pint • of the aline. Wei preer him an odiesriboei who tan oonvosioatly, pricers nil' "papers at the write* of pobliostiow. ar The hoar at which the akserrer le pot to prem. Ni& wesh, la Skala/Wm Thursday afturnoon. Admen smite warble itendood tipto di **sleek of Ow - ft or pale- Jab Wait sat Osteettpitsas ts;iipsiusi whose rsopesslbllity Is sot lissft,to the posbillshors, mod tepsti b sbnauts. iler,The condition or our !Warlock depreciaticin of the paper money, and the bur dais thereby impaled on labor and capital, show the intensity of a return ta .a eouud financial system, while the rights of - elitism and the rigida:o Stet's. end the binding au.. tkority of law over the President, the army end, the people are addicts of got lea vital importance in war than in peino.74lsa./feelat ksn'cLotai Annligow. HEM :40.11kaleitaaes . wri•imptaseei . . , , 0* : *,Ol, . J., Sept. it, igtir • Onerrimans—l have t . (heater a nil/most edge the reoeipt of yeuilletteribtarainC me of my nomination by th 4 Democratic liatienel (*twenties, Vseently saistabled at Citiamis their undid** at the fist:election' ei PrW." dent of the Dated Solis.. •. . - i ..! • it is unneussupfar'roe to- say.tortrilis . t :ale nomination *emu 19 me ansepght. I am happy to knoW that wildi thenoinini lion guilide the :wad of my 'public life was kept is Cur. 6. 'it: . ,- ',•-: ' ti l e. The effected lux vailtetiervitie In the • itrmy, daring war ' pesos, has been la /dressage and make hi eli ale to my mind and hurt the live and. ce• for the Union, Custitudoni-Lage and, Pig of our country impreosed upon me in suly Youth. • ' I These- feelings. have thus far • guided the course of my life, and Must continue tido se to end. • ' • APhe =Waste of more than one anoenteneed in*' as mien "Welt once coined our fly it bi tompftiAls ..with . at pea" the pow and the The v gAll on of 'one - Union' was ; the e soie ars 'object for which the wstr'was com menced. It should hate been conducted for that object col,. and in accordance with thou ' principles •which I took occasion to declare then in active .serriee.l, , Thu iondueted, the)rork of reoonetruction would have been easy, and we might have reaped the benefits of Cur mull victories - on land and sea.. ' - , The Union was originally forded by the ex-. ereise of a spirit of cortelliation and oompro: raise. To restore and' preserve the same. spirit tenet prevail in Out councils and le the 'hearts of the people. /. ' ' • Tut re•ertabiishunt 4 the Union in ail iee in- Ivvity is, and man continue to be, fhb jai:pou ch/a condition in any. seliksient. So soon as- It is clear or even probable, that our present ad nneries are ready fgt. poses 'open the basis of the Union , welalsottld exhaust ell the , rei- Dolmen of statesmanship manned by civilized nations, and taught •-4h :traditions 'tef the American people, •aiitb the honor and interest& of the e entry, enure Noah peen, re-establish the Uniot andtrierantee for the future the Constitutional rights, of every State, The, Onion ut Ms ins coluidion of paa—eve ask tea AWL , , Let me add—what I doubt not 7eN, altho' unexpressed, the sentiment of the Convention, as it Is of the people they represent,. that when any one State is willing to retuntte the Union, it should be received at ones. with a full guarantee of all its Constitutional rights. - If n frank,' earned and persistent effort to obtain those objects should Mil, the responsi bility for ulterior consequences will fall upon than& who remain in arms against the Union. - Bit the Sties met be presented al all hasardr. I could net look in the face of my gallant comrades of the army and. navy, who have survived so maiy bloody battles, and tell them that their labors and the sacrifices of so 0268 y of oar slain and wounded' brethren had been. in main; that we had abandoned - that Union for which we have. AO often periled our lives. • , . A Teat majorit of our' people, wheiltel..l.' the arto and navy or at • hotaibrirddrd,' le' would. hail with qitlrtutticd JOY the permanent lestorstiou ot weaved on the basis of the onion andsre - Glinstitution;irithout the 'ell'uotw of another drop of blood- Bug na piers i can Se permenettwithota . 0446. As to the other oultlecitpcsointed' in the I rosolutione of the tfonvention, I need only icy ; that I should seek in the Constitutlinr, i or the United &step, and,the lawf framed LA occord adee therewith, the rule' of uty, duty Ind the 4. likuitations of executive power; endeavor to reitore esonomy4 in Pilate oxPenditisre,- re— otabliab the supremacy of law, rad .8y the operatiou - of n more sigoroni nitionalicy, re, 41111130 our commanding position among the sailoas of ilia earth.' ' • , - The condiiion - of our financesy the depreci. scion of paper money, and burdens thereby linpOsed on labor and capital, show the neces bity of a return to a seound financial .sysiem, while the rights of citizens, end the . rights of States, and the binding authority of law over President, army and-people, are subjects of not less vital. importance in War than in peace. • Believing that the Views here expressed are those of the Convention, and the people you. represent, I accept the nomination. I realize the weight of the responsibility tom borne, should the people ratify your choice. . Conscious of my oWnknees, I can only seek fervently the guidance of the ruler of 'the Universe, and relying on his. all-powerful aid, do my, best to restore Union and pesce - to a suffering people, arid to establish add guard their liberties and rights.• ', I . am, gentlemen, very resrottblly, your obedient servant, GEO. B. McCLELIAN. , - heseMimi if the Dement), National Con• nodes la 11•11 11 Xli to the B.Mus. Resolved, That the shameful disregard of the administration to its duty in respect to our fellow citizens who are now and long hays been prisoners of war, in a suf fering „condition, deserves the severest , reprobation; on. th e-soon, alike of pnblic' public, and common , hunzanity. Resoled, That the sympathy of the Democratic party is beiirtily and earnestly extended to the soldiers of our army, who are and have been in the field under the flag of our country, and in event of our at taining Sneer, they win receive the care, proem- Nan, regard and kindness that the brave soldiers of, the Republic have so tab& earned..'; diTTiBTION 110111.1-41. CHANON vi MACS Moser.—Very few persons are aware, thatby s recent invention, newspapers and serape of printed paper, can be converted into material for printing upon aside. The high /rice of paper has mule art active demands 'Or old newspapers, books, . I pamphleterand serape of paper • for: this purpose, And it •lh - eagerly bought epby parties :tionneetst with the pa per mills, By nolleetlng and saving all the material' of this kind about their houses, and calling it, many s,.family can put "money in their putees,"-ithinit would-othorsise.be lest. The highest price, at cash, will be paid for it at this office. • 4. : • tf• t iVediilng•and tardii. We gjll special attention to !be "superior styles of Weddint said :VisitintCarde rint 4 ed at this °Moe.• Harlot procured ehversd new fonts of type bspeobilly for' tlds r •work, we are enable to print - Girds to '.'styleignal to those- obtained in: any 'alba larger Sides. is'Potlilng less 'him foollskliess "for persons to go- Abroad Mut; pay' eitrolialtinto priitia for. oegravedtb w stilibeii they ea gel jasi if liaNi'd some saes it home fotohnit this 'one•third'the coot. Pensions, Bounties, ,Aryears of Pay, &e., oats be procured by the WidowsoOrphano; and next of kin of those who hive died in the service!of. the United States; also; by Soldiers and Seamen who aro disabled. by. wounds re eeived or disease contracted r upon applioation to G. P. OIUIITB, Licensed Military sod Naval Claim Agent. Mee in the Common Council Boom, Wright's Block, corner State and Fifth sta., (under the Pispatlh offico,) Erin. Ps. „ ; 7-y gilf•We remind our readers that the facili ties of the Obteiver ofllie are not egeetled by any establbduient lin North - Western Penn sylsanls fir . &dog Job Printing... Persons in flied of Vindue Bills: Elistloit Tickets, Bill Heads, Shins, or any kind of Plain or Fanny Printing, will end it -to their advantage to givens s call. , • - - Buticia.,We keep constantly on, hind a large selection of • Legai Blanks, olpppceted fortes, /WA .se Deedi. Siorlgagscandgment. and Common Nolen, summons, Su tunas and many others, not in inch 'general nee. Those in need of these alleles, will And "to their adreathge,te give ow Gales a esil. ; • it, . MMETI =I BUSINESS inittcTOw. , alelansna tfierelaleeliirend In We noleine at . the iretn bt pro auk IPpleir Maio per penr.j • c - ~: , , oterlgtounin.bnitilasi=47l-" ' ,ta prkarat i tt e sy or maks _ t a amity, Far: .:t rl4 comma Coooou life, Wright's Blook• . r,_ D. weaxe• WAUSAU) . • roid f lail'ehnnuaiairlinttatas rir.:n. • WIZ 'bow 44 Palate. Doi*, Sad Comer of Stets Street. Also, der to Coal. Salt, Flab. !lour Plaster, Water .Ltras, 'to. Ilr—rbrtteater satin will be given to the Receiringsad /orienting of Petro. Mae Oil. Critdi sad Raw* parts of the toiletry. aptierettf. • . • _- _1" MdISISIC,AKEIge .. 4 • WNOLISALN AND fiRTAIL MAUR DI 11 9 001611110- PD1T14062. noir sad Foed ) Wood aoil 'Willow Waro, - Wliteo,Ltreots, Tobacco, Selma, State Stmt. Reg .to:Woosee . Sonar Foratetdog Ltaporion. tete. Pa. , . june 1 —ttba. .11..P1111,0 agretistr, - • - 4 r slat,"'F i rgarr Flu". Imileewunia Siztb. bleak between Filth and • • .• lapel/Pt. I..) . m.sucts a . , - . Lhaataaa Ylr ALL Sopa N HASAWASS., sod Manufsatarors and Jnbbors In Ti.. sod Copper Wire: estnirr se9th Iliad Mato Ms; WIN P111.4 . ` fobMUM , • 8 111 r. A 1111.:P is •- - • Lummox PIOT? taint Gummy anoircarts46 Mei, Pei* Pa. - jast!6'6lo. it WILBUR, - • ' • irproxarts Air LAW. Ridgwir, Pa. Ppatlis to Elk, McKean, Canwron itnd.reffers.Po conk , J. C. CiLLPII. tjaa3o'll4-lej W. W. W/1.131711. • u. W. , 11171,Li ' I - ; : 11010150N ROUSE. 3orner of Second and )darket stinet—i)ps scirnaliasot n inhanoren gsdhaiße. Warren, As. Sept,2‘.l7. W: Nit ; Jun?' az qr rya hues.' Mee in Omit, build fig . -Soot h4est corner of P.t. h. and Shag dresta Coskveyhaetut dolls blear rid oolleatique Es&prmopt• 1 7. Joirol-4.11 . 31. 'OIL 0 te . 0_ , mi .. Boos Bmta, Stasi Boos 11airtareautc, ;f, ? 0,...141;a ad Stagy of 8t Biaolly El'is. Pr' ; .. , r 1 Imittier ,tt: cirridgit : ':„— , • I 1 , 1 , ATTONXET AT Law, G ir ard, Eris-Coust •a. ;Collections and other business attended tor wil r l• .oitatseee and dispatch. --• 7 -• . . rr, iltrostUN , ; • • .BQOKIJILLIZ amid Des* hi atoktiomm NallPaper NimpaperN Colustry'dealen inpiAled. Stun undui-Breires Ilotai,treorUng Park. - • 6211. = Cokapa Itaatekiro rite Lima lain it tilt root of rretisli ,-titom ors:. Phlle4l.lphis depot. Erie ctitaiad ptreoare t d to furnish Wb:teLiate. in large air magiqoaildpaqatOptirrepe; soaetet 'hir64-1./ , . 111.' NIWTON FIT IL ! a. , _ l_l . ?til Q. 11,7;!...... liwr o rlti & turfs, "•• - " - • •,Arreiasra AT Law, Cbirtnat• Fus e l, MeadylUe, Pi. z • Feb. 111-21:62 . • %...,.., JW. wrrcrts, UST AT Law, Wiakeell • flos • , on Selma tb i M M E I4p, Pa. 7'82 GSM. PERKINS, Darner, Beatty's Bloat, North MAo of Park, Bata aims, &fa, Pa. aprlna tL . LARRY.STTS 11011114 * - - Trench street, between 4th sod 6th street; near the Philadelphia k Erie Railroad Depot, Me, Ps i Louis Shoemakir„ Proprietor. Rzteraire acconamoda tionTer &tanners and traveling...lA*l4 by the da t or weet,, Good stablion attached. 1. _ 1116"161611° T. !ram it, " • l'Ansa a and optili ,- or - Mina a Kilyrrea- Patent Sowing litaatunta Milt ha oaf- , State attest, betasea Ith and 9ttrllts, Wei Pa: • Clothes mode to order in the pleat style. m71413-li. - • - , • D. OSBORN - AND S&Ls BUM" on Math Alt, between Rat* and Preach. 1952•11crriss and Cdt , tines to let on ream/11Mo Wino. tay2llll4-Iy. ',DELI.. & . - r-• - I. • If A 11,41/101=11111 of Mean Elsorinsa,tlAdais, it Gambit,: Agriealtaral liztplonoonti, aailrese Oaf, rio. Ps. IC. 'MAGILL, • yy r Etzsruer,fililee la.fiasea' .iries'e Bleak. north Ode ef the Perk. Erie. Pa. .. .. . , rixon-rious it, _ _ - • - N AT IDGW,E. IX CO i Pi. 'Mrs $.O CLUIOVII, hvpristor This is • paw. and- liandsomely , titted up houir..,lll the nth:taut one of the best,Trouting and Etant• Ing regions Ila Pennsylvania. tioniteedlioniritonasi,Clem Beds, a Good Tante - And tfoderste Prices. The public pstrobsge to respeetfhlly "'tidied. seplii-lye lATN. A. tIALIBICAITII. ' 'TT • ATTORYXT AT LAw.--0501olk 6tlotrest, fly opp6Rio the Court Howe, Brie, Pa. .8. SPENCER, „le' SELDEN MARCL.N. ...-SPENCE'R & 'MARVIN • ATTORNEYS' at CU UNSEGLAILS AT LAW () FFICE, - Paragon Block, near la llorG West Comer pl the roma Seionre. Erie. Pi. . . t TURIN C. DEEMS Dcuout ix ' Dix GOODS, ilmoomun, eroclam Itardirin, Melia, Glans, Seed, Plaster, etc., eor ter el tilxth street and Publie 'icittare, Erie, fa. j•lnf. READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT !' OUT IT OUT, And Show It to Your Friends. WHEELER & WILS 0 S nspitimp SEW/NG MACHINES 1 "Thal are aeknowlesiced to be the 86-IT M ACHINf6 ever httrodueed into this country. Their untlyalle I mum, 'not only in this c..nutry, hut, all over the Wor.d, has 01.1de It by far the toost 4 popalar Machine slow in use. FOR SEVERAL YEARS They have ttkso the teed of all other Maohlwa,bui ohne the late irn:wormatente have been 'idled, every va. riety of , rork is performed with each ease &ad rapidity that the I r . . LADIES -ARE PI ECISTAOIES OVER In. 'And it 'los the admiration ALL. W. warrant them to stitch eeexj rar , ety • f.tootle,frata the thinocat tor, n to the thlckeid Moth. They rn k- the celebrated 'lock attbett:' sth , ch Is Wir..1110: 0 0 to ti •Of rtrial Theca its. ehlhes wi I do the Mloainc wees.WITINICIT ANY BAST ING OR PREPARATION. v:As . III'ITUIL HIP!, PliLI,, CORD. IIATIIBIL lIILtIIN TICK., lIIND- a: QUILT. - izi They Ake ally width of lietti withowt' previottity tamle or ba.tiog it : trot wil gather and catch or sew vn Pm MO : If you don't bAllere It. . COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF The demand for their,* celebrated Ificbln.e. amee wo haearbebb located in EA , , hae b4en abt -nlabtne. At tlrdea we dad 7rTat dilltn!tv le oar ord,re; but ser bate% full clock jam tec , .lyed, and are relay to NM' any aid all wbo may nal/ Is.nd abelr snle.n. Our room, are elegintly dtted and in rn'ab,d, utd , our aecornmoda tl. Di for coortaet.a f, the bnlin.aa *re nbt eqoal;ed hese .1d achinea_wera &mulled. thehighest. presnlrons at , woman FAIR. in lowans. 18452.. • The viDui rftrA 1. EXPO 4 1171 Ni r ruk, / Yee. ..The' VIDAIVIC . 9 :Tr m 189 3, And atrateneet every 'irate. ant Crusty Y 1r mime ex -1116[40. Theo int 1r arninted ettreo pm*: S h.y kixc rTf}ttl• stooge in ClatiNeelSOW. V l,, rim 'whit the , grw.trat *nee. Sbe nen Phnom: noiselesi, ••• -. • • and nee ll.eneAp operation. If you entennot some, and far sample of w'6.lt antrn elrenl rhe matt • ' J!‘ta ir. uOTU. 401114i1. Unkra itloeb,• •..b.2374 ern. rest Pam) Erie,Pn:, Stite Behool. =I I=l WALT. TERM. ( - t qNS _ wt 2 ;, .17 - 1864. SEND FOR A TIRCULitIi. J. A. COOPER. EDINRORO, ERIE 60., PA 1716-Pr AMERICAN HOUSE, soma WKS CORNER OF.TE(F. PARK h.STATX ST. ERIE IP A • - - JOHN. DU NCA:N, ,PROPRIETOR. , The enderstried hayin g taken cheme of the above well-knovo Hotel and refitted po i :enter et, T lc re. mercifully ballet /1k ewe of the' public , patrona g e. ' ! alma Toesoludoltle *ll4 accoacoodetiout to shy In.the eit. - • Evtorthe touvestecus of rocas from the toiletry • good sled& boa brows to Use premises. ' JOBX DUNCAN. ' DRUGS . , AT WHOLESArg & MOTAtti Rae assosiated witii .14,jhe DillAjor4MAtitags II ATP, =OP" rtria sa,x4o MI By irtrom r the the hoolaseevilteenttooe to=f o r lllll id the old stood. VIM stoeltast eilitiee they hope to crank a Mots! Johan Opal& Patton/0? • ES EC A t 4, EL tritettit-4 Dialers la gut neighboring talons are toopaeltiall7 lam olio/ to giro no a =II beftoroparehoslag J. , • "-• • • Will be eowbsekette-beiertofore, in a areal Suusase* •lth a do/phallism oblio oar customers. • - We particularly call! ,.. at tie* of Phydelait esit T°ez %lab 11 . 1 tan and 4:4k:if:it: • ft&Y , c - 1 • • • 1 47 . ' lllr Prestriptions privireem - betetsibny with skill sad promptness. •r- j r • • A PACT • Grolig,LY .IprQW/I, THAT the -new r stile . Beds . neidn, of Gothic, Cntliad, - VOiound Cor; Camp Sots, Jenny Lind and other . patterns, wttA , • rpnalse and strait futobrbandanlinii.Twevoirea 00 2 1 =t Exteosion; Gluing, Breakfast, Centre - an, other . Nhatticts, Quaker Stands, earPeb^ oo.l "" d dam Be* Hair and Bea Firms Vitt:num Feather. - Joa Bolsters with ocher npuschold faraßlpOrfe maw-awn:red from *Awned lumber-0d omterials,,hy expellent:ad, workmesi and nqt gr o — r ol og yr% tads. -For atylaopulity.sadloyerpricel , luM wo-price dealers to undersell me. Feathers bouicht and,. 'old., • Cans seat, Parlor, Bedroom; Reeking bellifti:LELl Mun and other Chairs, of Eastern and Wast ers mann • .aetare, are hickory dolled Ai ± ,glee 4: Asking then as stroag as any other part of thiseisairosteraothen nada ,• d &Mono sta•ttagot It no maga Wigan iltent: ;limbo; Rocking, Sowing end Norse,arpAhM42lla .:ol l wood Minds clinched throwah the ease nada ranted to *Laud. Handsomely painted, and oan't,lialosafs • yen for strongly - price and-Bnish. Spring Bata•"/Inken "sold easy dou and hare the highest testimonials with • Ito ot prices of MI goods mot goa - --" Venting sod whipping free. 'Altar live years exporting* net gostilltdiwg with on' ,pale `one two prisieslers, I am determined to sell one pllOO all, gtve worth tor :oar pay, midair jutlit.* ell who WO with me. Lumber Lath,S cling es, Lies Stock,. Craisand Bain , .''a. Store Pay, Products an., taken at fair market hint • nr rby • Remember ktue Tibiae, nest corner of ea di* t • -1 .n tare, Bra, Fa. ti 11. [WWI • , nortl-ft. Mandaerr and ComnalvlaSalsaMma PROPRIETOR VVIIOLESALE & RETAIL . • • • . GROCERY STOIlL,:",• P. A..BROKER., 17110LESALE AND RETAIL GROC-It it iffnak.ses anis. I gAs Paris *Trend lbw olizareips,) ' • 11,;101 nappagilly eats the attentioa of tbrkinat• r to big to Stock of GROCERIES" OD PROVISIORm , • , Which he is ifoitrOno to ski at the • %%R V, LOWiSen• POSISittLE_ new I amortteent of • SUGARS, . COFFEES, . TEAS, - • . SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, 118 U, Is notnflamed, in the city. se he is prepared to pm* to alterho glee hie: • eall. H~ ilea koopo ocustoatly oa hand inapurbe lois( PURE LIQUORS, - tbeirbotocale tutu* to whittle he dkoista th attoutiou of the public. • • Ells motto Is, "Quick See% Small Pristita • talk I Equivalent lbr the Mow." . READY 'PAY STORE. 1 • J. &- J. 31:124N1G" " Woulempectfully Inform the lobllo that thay 4011 r) PIIMINfied Ithe STvCLOFOROCERIF6OFJSIItra• gissio Oy igtoad to konnut• good no imoollilrotiO FAMILY GROCERIES /S.. PROVISIONS. - WOOD 1 WILLOW WARE, AND VAlurry WOOS , ei im kept is Erie. Best Brands of Erie County Picini 1 • . 1 - Kept constantly on hud ay . ! - • KARRAYTED GOOD !ATV LIP The highest Market Price paid f"r ell kinds of Country Produce CiEr goods delivered free of charge to en, pert of the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad. NEW BROAD GrACill • Passenger, Freight, Nall, Expreav and Tele graph agate. Connecting at Salmnanci,' N. Y., wit L rte RAO. way, forma a couthmoni rix Foot Track w Tork to Akron or Cierelami. On and after MONDAY 4 NOVEMBER 10, I Ekia.i Through Pasaanger and Freight Trains • II rNa lull between CLEVELAND AND NEW NEW AND IMPORTART PASSENO EAGOAGZ ettSCEID TVROM Passenger by this Line have choice . ' • • i D rent Routes between New York shd Hoek, IY7 ROUGH TICKETS CIA be obtainei at any of H.• • of the wrie Railway and all Ticket Oilloei of o, .• t ot Linea We-rt or Southwest; aim, at-the Cesar, .et under the Widdell House, Cleveland, Oh. • • Ask for Tickets via. the A. at. Q.W. - AND s Passenger Trains stop at Meadville Mini •••;,:ly tag parisebgers ample time to dine at tlo• 1;1' IDJUSE." the beet Railway Hotel to filet it • NE IF ./ND EXPEDITIOUS FREIGIi r LI 'A:, ALI. RAIL ?iv transhipment of Freight between New eon or Cleveland. Merchant* in the feat and Southwest i tbeir advantage to order their goods to be the Erie and Atlantis ft Great Western saying trouble sot expeoei. It VrIN Or VIIIKII7LIT AM 1401 A OTLIEIt. „ALL RAIL 13.01 V/ eclat7 aVentid r, will be given to Vie ip Paton or Freight of all kind:, Has: or Wear. The Fn‘inev, Care sn.j otnv eqn4intente petiT nee euilreli now, and of the wort •r -vtylst." • The Only direct ro to to the ti KIEI iCRIUL cat REGinNs. Wi PENN la. tleadrille nr • }Win Leaeritehurgh, the Mehotiing - itt.l . mum to Yi,tagelown set'. the Lost . is bvitig •xtendio, And will ec.o -. inouix „i ple.e running miler b. Ha 110.,, Crain*, Dayt ' ared-C4• eionvti, without b. oak of FAIt•N4WDRI'II, 440'1 Freight Agent T.ll. l.;0 OW Gen'l Tietet Aliet,t. ' • 11. P. MWEETSER. t /spit: SMITH & GrLLM(),tt:E, (gamma? to L. " WHOLESALE ArtlYEll'AlL BONNETS, RIBBONS, : Floweng; Arno LADIES' FURNISHING (RODS;: ;•r t'±TATI3 PITEI PET, • BrrICEEN SEVRtilli AND EiGEtTli Bntl 1; U. SMITH: A. P. GILL %1011E. 7 • 2 Aptiked.etn. BONNET ST-O-R-E! MRS: S. H. HALL - Would respectfully call atteatioasto lrtr r LARGE STOCK OF GO+ll'4.• ]act received from New York, =braid ' • Bonnets. Hats, Ribbons, Toroth's , witb nom' • ' • DRY .GOODS - 1: fr:l Which slat will sail CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READY.P.A.Y. . rirtialletaar attention paid to bleaching. Wining , 110 presiOng. p• Stor4 on Peach St.. 7 doom atm Qs ]:= 0 11414 ,iii =EI ' • Administrator's LETTERS of Administration on the ei-% taboo( Zneabeth Helve deed. late ol lateiliiy J^ tp ' Erie Co., Pa., having been mated to tlw %Ow, - alsned, notice Is hereby Sinn to all baying adios aphid the ram to moot then; duly setbentionted. hn , wee. , ,„ spat, and those indebted to the meld estate viii Bram -. lureadlate paysinat SILLS aoros„ z 4. 1.1 MUMS 11071120.... wipS4ere Adigidlegiblie s •:, ' ~ i, - Carter & Canier, Will be' devoted MIMI WHOLESALE TRADE.: THE RETAIL, DEPARTMEid CHEMICALS, comma or BsEt Asp arm asii. [felf2rBltf.) MCI NEWI FIRM. I== =!M 10 IMM ~ 11 ti 116 IME:1 ••