T o GREAT 00:1.1811 REMEDY. sift JAMES bLARKE*B celebrated Female Pills. I , twfirrEi) • 4 L ET E " " • ef r u m - AL PATENT Ite! ro .)dfroe a Prescription: 1 Sir J. Clarke, M. n.,\ Piracies Extreerilisery to the Queen. inTelnltilc medicine ltnnfailing to the ram of all eptinful and dangeroao dieeatime to 'which the , female Ire enbject. It teodersteit all extent and m *o,ll elyetractiOne, and a Cpeed' cure may be Tollop TO MARRIOD LADINO ~„,,,eatiarly suited. It will, in a, short time, being kink !, rorithly period la Ith replarity. - T O R tattle, price One Dollar, bears th, G oversitm t , ~,r, of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeit'. CAOTI ON. rug NU adesht sto;b. take% by reamhoe Airing Out Fl s7' THREE MOTES of Arigaancy, as dry art t , /I,ihrusairiage, bat al air oar; time thav 0 Keg 0 ..11R14 or Nerroue and Spinal A freettora, Palnaha F.alguei l oe Plight esertion,Palplta ,f nevi , Ilysierirs end White., thrive Pills - will s care when ell other 'neap. hare failed and al. r ouer'illl einedy. do notieutatu Irrin, calomel, none or anything hurtful to the rgnitito !ton . ;„ri directions In the pamphlet around each package, : ,,hohonld be carefully preleired. DT , AU. tiftL . GarsTA. _ . Arnt int. the United States and Canada, 1 SOS MO3KS, iii,Cortlandt St., Ne,, Yolk. e —CM add 6 postage stamps enelo•ed to an* au .;,,,dagent, will insure a bottle, enntaining,,6o W.llls. Jrgl4-Iy. D a .It'tftSIIALLMIDATARItiI.MNITFP.—raIi snug has thoroughly proied itself to hs the best nt,els known for eurin; . C•r MIMI. COLD IN Tr IC ROJO a.:111•DACH11. ' lt hat been found au excellent remedy ossos of Bolus Etta. Dir•MtAll hi/ beill•tirDO•ed . - :.••.! Dunlap has often been greatly improyed by ILO! It ilttragrineand agreeable, and gives 1111111n1- tTF. ggi,lErkto the dull heavy plans caused by dissaays ilesd.-17 The vecuustions after natag it arwdelfghttni ~.!'fasiyorating. It opens and puns.' out all ob stringthns the gland* and gives a healthy s nrn to . the puts affected. Yore than thirty years of sale and use of Dr, Marshall'. , 00 ,1, nod Headache gnlff has proved its greet Irene •A the common aromas o' the head, and at thle mu vut it stands higher than espy before his recommends. .;;.mtny of the best physicians, and is used with greet cols and tatisfection ererywhers. Remit the Certificate "Wholesale Druggists in 1454 : De undersigned having for many years been sequin. id with Dr. Mai,shall's Catarrh and Eflwda , he Snuff, and in Our wholistaletrado, cheerfully its that we be. Ire it to be equal, In every respect, to the reeotnasenda• suis given of iffor the cure of Catarrh , Affection; and it 1, decidedly the beet article we have ever known all common diseases of the Head. Burr & Perry, Reed, *natio & Co., Drown Lamiott Reed, Cutler & Co" Seth W. Towle, WllsOn, Fairbaok tCo., Boon ; Renshaw . , Irdmands A Co., R. FL Ray, hitland.l l .4 Realm & Park. A. B. dr:1). Beads, Stephen till k Co.. braid Minor & Co., kteCeelan & Robbins, A. k & Co., M. Ward, Close & Co., Bub & Gale, Fey Tor. For rate by all Druggista. Try it. TU'ONDICHIPUL CnIINGICS tun centred fn thts eoantry daring the butt three or four years, bdt Intmors wonderful thin the Itarolatlons In Color, r,faeld among the beads of the people, biCRISTADOs t(ri El IR DYE. The histerles of thea tres.. of great yoriikaffords no parallel to the triumphs over own tia prep:idles, azenmplfahed by this powerful larralele vegetable; agent, which' inetantatmottely wee nor ohm:Woos wise of the hair tato a black or wen se msrattleant u and that Heaven ever bestowed ;,we the howl of man or woman. Criatadore•a Preservative, ittlaable adiunet to thl D:re, in dreiming and promoting tro•th an I perfect heslth of the heir, and of thrill' %Inn., a sefegrierd thatprotasts the fibres from rya code • ell rireommtanoes and under all Flimaa. g o afivrt.r. l hr. .f 1 1 1 4.1.14 T A 110Rri. W. 6 Astor finnee, Tort. - ?M.] by ell flrnr.rlste and applled.hr ell Heir ••••••7 • oet6-lm. A Card to the Suffering. W MAW two or three hereheade if 'Ruche," 'rente Ritter," "Sarsaparilla," "Nirrohe N...,!ce, kc , nod atter Iron re eatiefied with the aq. then to ono tai of OLD DOCTOR BITCH Li ii 4 Pi:CIFIC PlLL.4—and be restored to health ill 'lvy. In 1,11 then' thirty dies. They are purely otoa 4 le pleasant to take, prompt and salittary In their o.,i!ts on theliroken down and shattered constitutioci.' and Yonne can take them with adrantae. Impot .l iodide the United atates only by J. 4.9. 9. Burpr.R., No 4i Breed ay. New York, . " I Agent for the United States. t.bnx of the Pills, iiieurely packed, will be mall .!to any address on receipt of price, which Is Oat Doi tr. pad . pkii—moner refunded by the Agent If entire et Lietkost le not given. .10341 xi. voiTort OF 0114ERVER—Dsau Sit:—With Js your kin 1 permission I wish to say to the readers eyour paper that I will send, by retorn mail. to ill who ,Ish tt , (fret) a R ec i pe, with full direction' for taking rut mins a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectoilly -.sore, in ten days. Pimple'. Blotches. lan, Freckles nd all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same clear, esnoth and beautiful: will also mail fre's to those having Bald }leads, or Sere Fsees, simple directions and information that will ...Able them to start a full growth of I.tauri•nt Fah., Xtt.kers or moustache in less than thirty dais. All aPPlleAtiona atswfired, b► return 113211, with , ut ,Irre R•epectfull► ynnni, 18105. F CHAPMAN, Chemist, 831 Broadway, New York. FM R. TOESIAIS 9 YENKTIAN 1.11411,11011:—Ifors U Testimony I This is to certify that for the lest to Lars I have need in my family Dr. Tobias' eelebrsted reartiso Liniment, and in every instance have found it Vly equal to hie recommendations, I have found it to ri , r almost instantaneous relief in cafes of toothache, vier, billions aolie, sore throat, pain in the cheat and tad, end rilenniatimm, and I cheerfully recommend its t' of to every one afflicted with any of the above.natried tvarerr ' JANES H. WARNER. 111,WITOISIT, CONN., Oct. 16th, 1861. 'Pre, 25 and 60 cents. Sold by all druggists. °Mee, Si Cortiandt Street, Hew York. OctS-lm. TQRcoNFRP4SIONIS de MUSK( MIK 1 • OF ♦ NCRVOUS INVALID Published for the beossfft and as a caution to young usudind others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Pre. suture Decay of Manhood, &e., supplying at this same t.m. the mean, of self-cure. lily one who has cured himself e'er undergoing consldemble'qoaekery. By enclosing Dtlt•ptid add:maid snrelapagingis caplet/ mei he had date author, Narcuszirt:WATl/111. F.sci sopir64-Ir. Brooklyn, Hinge Coq N. T. V UENTLXII.IO4 ' cared of Nervous Deb4llty, la competeney,Prematar• Decay Yoathfal Itrror, mated by • desire to Waft others, will - happy to tallish to ell who tlefri It. (tree. Of charges) the metre ud directions for malting the strop , . reasedymed In tile Those erlehlaq to vont by him erpetisttes, and Meese* Velaable Remedy, will receive the e me, by ultra mall, Carefully "valor.) by meldr•mmtrig 'JOIIN Ot(DRINT, No. 60 Naftali Str ipt„ N. Y., ayl4-30a DO via wom TO BK CUBED f—DR. BU. CHAN'S E SOLNA SPECIFIC PILLS ewe, In for tun 80 der, the Mont clam of NERVOUSNESS Imp.- tnty. Premature; Dem.y Sentinel Bonhomie, Insantly, md .11 Urinsry, Sexual and, Nervous Affection; no mat t,' town het came, prod - ire:ed. Price one dAlar per box. poet y,&01, by melt, on rerelpt of an coder. One box ~ : :rorfret • cure In molt awe. Addrevi_ JAMES 8 Bunutt, ' general Agent, 427 . Srostlway, NewiYoth. re=4-Im. TNOTUING Elora certain to prevent IL female Irreirrilaritlea than Dr. Ve Female Pills. rher in all eases cease • return of monthly sick i,eithont which no unmarried lady can enjoy per Mee health. Sold by all drniesta. WANTED. THE UNDERSIGNBD MANES TO ni l ABOUT 300 CORDS Hard Head Curb Stone ! yawl 'FOUR TO RIX nicnis ?MCC For whloh el* RIOHEST DIARIST -PRICE I WJLL BS PAID V. BMW tic CO., taste Street bttween Stilted 9111 Stirefts. alpB-1m Examination of Teachers. THE PALL EXAMINATIONS for ap- Phwlta u Teachers, will be held at the follow. in times and places : kaolin at Middleboro. irsailnyton at Wells Corners fraoklin at rra...klin Centers ward at Girard Cat:east dr Elk Creek at Albion !_ptitceeld it Springfield X R0ad5 ........... fabytre at r &Smarm, Villmoek at Federal Hill Grow at Plustets Sonool House awacit at StooK - gcboot House Waterford at Waterford Harborcretk at Hirt orcre k. e......... ........ rottla Suitt Notth lAA 25 V.tsenfeld at COO Station 21 : 214 1 0 and Amity at Wattalbwrg at Centre School House.. . 1 , 2 2 ceocord at z ! ..slra autkat ... ......_ t'sioa at Malan Mills • .. it laltand at Ook 0 I Mu, ... .. .. .... Nov. 1 all to - - 1. 9 di, (Irony ttupariateadast. • - 1ap164.. • 4a.t...". • —•— A SUPPLY M et Mods listable, pot mted, No ouiplyst. la moll. 7%. Mont honor Mask to at %pit antibody will us thou otter too WM. No 111 . ta. boo. 6tota sad grow • WNW - Illootoott to lir %do. • • Btarga • SCIROUB. , Ger..* est Stakt Ms. Zile frit ( Witidg 'boater. LocAL:p4-44-loki'pHs. ERIE. PA., OCTOBER 6, 1844 __ Which Wilt Yon ,Have • 'Remember that Goy. Bigler woe laboring side by side with,Crittenden "and Douglas', to avert disunion and elsl war, when Glenn' W. Scofield was working to secure the success of ktraitorous sectional patty, and co operating kith those who laughettat the danger of dis- union, and whose leaders said thmit if the South was determined. to secede she might go, for ehe was not worth retaining in the Onion. Remember that Goy. Bigler was one of the `foremost advocates of the Crittenden Compro mise, the adoption of which, all acknowledge, would have prevented diension, and that Mr. Scofield has ever acted with these wile pre. vented the success of that measure. Remember that Governor Bigler his been a Union tun from, first to last., ever working with unsurpassed ability.and energy to heal the sectional difficulties arid striving, to allay both Abolition and Secession fanatic:4m, while Mr. Scofield has for years put acted with the class of men who sneered at the value of the Union, and goaded on-the South to plunge in to the madness of attempted separation. Remember that Mr. Scofield has never been heard to utter • word in condenanation of any act - of the Administration, and on the theory that "silence gives oonsent," he is therefore to be understood as endoising it in all its features—arbitrary arrests, military intermed dling, tinancial mismanagement, corruption, immorality, conscriptions and all. Remember that Gov. Bigler is a gentleman of tried statesmanlike qualities, admitted abil, ity and irreproachable - integrity, and could be of immense service alike In advancing the in terpats of the district and nation. Remember that Mr. Scofield is the candi date of • party pledged by the utterances' ef its National Convention and the Proclamations of its President, to wage a Contest for the "abandonment of slavery," and' for thi eon— Recedes of the property of the Southern people, thus furnishing them additional- in— centives, to continue in rebellion; and that this policy will have Alta inevitable effect of prolonging the war, and perhaps rendering it a total failure on the part of our Government. Remember that Gov. Bigler is the advocate of , a policy which.asis for the preservation of the Union as the one condition of Peace, and nod* more; and that the success of his prin ciples at the next Presidential election will restore,happiness and prosperity to the land, return to their tomes the hundreds of thou sands of gallant men now in our armies, pre— vent farther bloodshed and misery, arrest im pending ruin, and give us back - once more the old institutions under which we grew up to greatness and glory as a nation. Choose ye between them. jyQ'64-ly The principles sustained by Gov. Bigler an those of Millard Fillmore, of .Robert C. Win throp, of Lewis Cass, of George M. Dallas, of Leslie Coombs, and all the patriotic and end-. nept clan of men who still remain among us, in whom the people once reposed unlimited confidence. Those of Mr. Scofield are the same that were originated by Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd ‘ Garrison, Horace Greeley, Charles Sum 7 ner and that set _ of imprsciticable dreamer! and agitators who hare been the - base of the nation for the last thirty years. ,you want more taxation, More_ drafts, higher prices, continued war and ultittata na tional destruction, sustain the party of which Mr. Scofield is the Congressional candidate. If you want Peace, plenty, happiness and a re united country, rote for Gov. Bigler, ...and theieby endorse the only political organisation that can saute either of them. Mr. Crittenden'. Compliment to Governor Bigler. • -We have before alluded to the high estimate placed by Mr. Crittenden on Gov. Bigler's labors in the genete to avert civil war and preserve the Union. It will be of interest to read the testimony of the laniented patriot, as given in his speech delivered in Congress on the 2d of March, 1881 : Mr. President, I \ impute no exclusive pa triotism to one sidti or the other ; hut litut sure, that on neithey t side can there he a an gle Senator who isatistled with this condi Lion of things. I ha e had the honor, among others, of feeling it. , to be my duty to offer propositions bf thistehareettie.... other," have done so.. Honorable friends here have made ivarions propositions: My friend who repre ;tents ' the great State of Pennsylvania—the honorable Senator who sits before me, (Mr. Bigler) Itu been•itaiong the foremost. The !Senator from Tennessee (Mr. Johnson) has c offered propositions. - There his beta no want of propositions; end with - perseverance and seal, these resolutions have been pressed from time to time; and day to day, with fruitlesi exertion to obtain, if possible, some system of saving policy out of them or under diem. Instil never forget the seal end the industry with which my honorable and honored friend from Pennsylvania has acted in this great matter: With a seal untiring and a hope Inextin guishable, he has toiled on from day , to day with a labor that no other one seemly could have borne. Yet nothing has come out of all this.'. _Nay, sir, the policy of attempting to make peace, the policy of, attempting to offer propositions for reconciliation, his been del nounced by a Senator from Massachusetts as the most fatal policy that could be pursued. Who to Get Tickets of. Belooils Of the , persont • - te wham the' DemiCritic tickets ha;re been sent, in'tlie've.' rious boroughs cad townships. Persons mak. log application to , them will receive a supply. It will be reeolleeted that the Cott!ty Convey • flan adopted a 'violation that each township should collect the pay for its tickets, anti send it on to this office. _ in accordance with this plan;-we have enclosed bills to the gentlemen named be who, we Unit, will give the matter their immediate attention ‘• - North tact borough and towieltip, B A Ta— bor. .Venango and. %Limburg. A P Bones, sent by ,Darbis Orton. - aubor Creek, &mesh:lW neon: Summit, John 0 °rattan; , Amity, lee D Phillips, lout by H I win.. • Wayne, 41moi Heath. Concord, F 8 Heath. Corry, Amos Reath. Union township and borough, P 0 Strom. ban. LeDmnf, P II Colt. Waterford hero. and, township, W C White. Washiegton andlidinborcs, Dr. J C Wilson, sent by 8 0 Ellis. Bik Crook, D Woed, sad by' Ralph Bow nan. —October 10 ". 11 " 12 0 13 ' 14 " 15 Albion,J N Lbwla, sent by Ralph Bowman. Conneaut and Franklin, Ralph Bowman. - Sprisgfield, Major Mallory; seat by Ralph Dorman. I ' • • ...- a Lookporty, J C C an tatas, sent by Ralph Bowman. Girard borough and township, Capt D W Hutchinson, sent by 8 D Croekett. Fairview, Geo H Turner, seat by Thomas Greenfield, James Wilson. Greene, L Flung, sent by George W Bonnet!: * ' : • McKean and Middleboro, _B Pinney. Mille'reok, P W Roeltier.; • • go . 19 N 99 " 91 illown'etßsonasim Taeonne.,•difbe bens - l sleets resulting from the uss et this Windy; for Cmglui • Colds and Throat Aireetions • Me bmillir MIL Win" 1; 1 1 1 44 1 •••• AK* l Qt •Idgih giants l• 4* . rim=heti; I The Troches hire posed ' • their• In Canada buttei Is Aioin lotto tube Nista per pound, andlourleout 16 8 ,6 6 to IMO Po, barrel. Happy Canalise! Mr. Griffey, late of the ,dirizd t r ait*, lima putehased-the Corey City SOU. We inspect. ed that he couldn't stay out of the business long Ez,4loversior Packer, Wilolll a correspond ant of the imam claimed u as sMioner et the - Administration, preehied Magnet Demo cratic meeting hold in Williamsport en the It9tli _z , Ult. The hrii Sultany Night Nelson lfeboief,, wse sunk on Ulm 1410, :nu Batgrday lifto.‘"; noon, and all hands on,board (meek in awn b er,) with the eioeptlow of Ike pit, *ate, wary drowied. Checks were passed,ate Cleveland stow dap ago, betiteen a Lincoln man and a McClellan maa of that city for $ 6 , 000 -1 side, " to whether New Yoik State will go ftre Ma- Clellan ' A lady and gentleman of SanfortreMins . Troupe were married in Pittsburg on Hun last, and on Tuesday atter the bride de* with another man. So the Phiaielpbia Apt . . reports. , • Watts B. Lloyd *ill address the Deowas* Club of Concord, on Thursday evening, Oct. 18th, at Here School House, and bra:loolas on Thursday evening, Oct. 20th, at McCray Church. , The Washington correspondent et the Pri.- buns announces that ."Gen. Haitian's gOts Korth to light the Copperheads." Is Nat what Clew. Martindale eta pay for, out of the peo ple's Treasury A recent order of. the Post Office lispartment , flies the' salary Of the Pinta - Aster of this city at $2,400 a year.' The Postmaster of Mead ville is to receive $2,200; of Titusville $2;000; end of Oil City $1,400.' • The fact should be borne in mind that aliens are made citizens by service in the army, only requiring to be fornishOd with papers; limi t Dentoorstie agents should , fie that they are allowed their rightein the next election.- A friend sonde as the following : slini of our 'boys' in the vary writer that aboard the receiving ship North Carolina, at Brooklyn Nary Yard, orE a rod Wing taken two•tbirda, of the men ware found to be for Little fstao.'! %dor Paalitie Cusbman,•ehe S.- Y. World says, Called on the President last week. and salted . for live months' back pip due her. The President wrote la note to the Paymaites Gene etsl, and the' “thilcon Eloont7 got the Veiny.. backs. We ue us* obligations to Capt. J. F. Cross and lady; St Greene tp., for slot of very fine vegetables- The Captain has been quite enenesaful in raising articles for amiable; and he deserves nevus, fora more liberal hearted man we never met. • Let no Democratic voter absent himself frolp the polls on Tuesday. In gravy weed and Aownship there should be a committee to si , thethe attendance of the careless, and &sea lame and the sick. Don't forget this important part of your duty. Tb• people of Moadiklle are taking me i suresie erect a "Soldiers' Rest"'neseiho de. pot. Two thousand dollars were oulataribed up to the latter pert of last week,-of which James McHenry and C. V. Culver put. • • $5OO each. , .., • _ -z The pretence satesdialksrlit 4l o; l . ihli aid. of Thiel:lto; Vas beell'iliinged to Cobhint; to honor at Colonel Georg. A. Cobham, Jr., de ceased, on till reocalmandatiou.of Tudgaime.t. field.—Warm arcU. . The people of !Bully Hollow" cannot be wondered itt for'{ enting ite name changed. Th'e draft wa.s made for Clarion county ib Meadville, on Tieeday of last week. On Wednesdays few townships of Tomato eons. ty were drawn. but Captayt Derrickson being celled to Pittsburg on • official business, draft ing for the betimes was postponed. OW the beginning of this week. Mettler and4rawford counties come nett In the course. " The Abolitionists of the Crawfdrildistrk4 have nominated Charles V. Culver, of Frank— lin, as their candidate forCiitigiatis:l, Weis . the owner 'of direst bittki:—tbe Pstrigettri: Venargo and Crawford county . --and was sit. lected more on - moonlit of the ,abandance of shinplasters in his possessi o n than •Of any, supposed abundance of brains. • ..• lbe finest engraving of Gen. McClellan we hallo yet seen, is for sale at.Omigisey;lreCnitt ry bt Co.'s book store. Every admirer of ear gallant standaid-besrer (and they are counted by the saillion) shoithi:itave one. , lave also portraits of PreSidekt Grant and Sherman; and George and Martha Washington, by the eame artist who executed that 1 1 )) t. Vote the whole , conety ticket. Don't scratch a name. It is castle up of good men, every one fitted for the position for which he has been nominated; gild — most of them im measurably more competent than - their politi cal opposeits. Latieri tri Obtain - avilarge s support "for is as possible, and see that no Democratic voter : females, ,swey, horn tjts polls Rave you any friends in' the array *friendly to din. bleClellan's election, who have not been: ithseesiedothdrairdse tette reptant urea I' If so, attend io the matter at ono.. It is too late now for ibe oitoltetielietion; but there is still an abundance of time for, the November one. Take certificates of assessment, and receipts for the t, te t t, of ten celts, andlnolose them in . &hirer to the soldiers, with i lot of tickets. See that not a vote it lost through your 'lndifferenee: - The Mends of(Mr. Lowry object to Col. Den I Ries dept* be it w gi.rew 6 1 ,744' u Whirs says that he doesn't seeewlty. the Democrats hasn't jnet, as good alight testate a Senator out of a clown as the Republicans to make a President out of a "smutty joker." There is thin difference between Dan and Abe: Dan tells his ethrieW (which are 'tier siuttyOttetri and sings his sbuis in the ring—Abe Mimi the White Rama with his smutty jokes,l4 the intense 01010 klietifided pririeottleitt)lit, it it, aid: has his toyer rerig-,na the batthr deld, the growth ant pliant soldiers. "It is thought that the deeper cent. spatial war Wiz on Incomes, that becomes dile Octobef let, will, owing to the weethearrirork in levy ing; adyertising; dm., -hardly be celled' for by the collectors before Desember Ist.- - rtheess. Waskissitim Desixitah.' • . I • : Of course . it • will be pestpostd• Stag* the eleetten.- , -There is about se mut& taste ea the people aoir is they i4a beer, Ind '41444 &On thitridaiiii#VAPuiLta, PaWfgt - 0 10 44. By all insaits, -; tat' th y' P 6 14 la' * 1 4,1 gently_uaitt obi thirta y the timsts ter four years tonere poseib,el' a • Jau __ suggedited•tbit. at stem ateetinparilied by tio - Ditiiiierata, naii — aus -- pvia -- ; - th., Deciocriti 0 ladlei. belaeitea to attend ; is -I s)9ij ar WSW, Every seeherortre f sigiet,a.a4 daaibtsr has osi' deep interest le i es paint ismilest. Tbetrl ores* Wealase4 :istr,! weirdly; t aGiti rI~V to oal fisaismeminvissa Let theta aid as by their °sunset and MMus ,b, j)eir pnessee. • Seven* env loads if soldiers, said to awn ber one ukceoliq 0+01i746 0 0 40 on Monday,Way Pest. During their brief stay hers the brave tor cheered lustily tot 114 9144 1 4.4 t45a4 01,4 19 1 vm by minetikainunher, Wit 6 itit&had ly been taken among them, sad of the whole umber bat three favored the election of Mr. Lia r4tq l -k r r i ,. l .SWl l LiginAlfr !inters Gan be no race until Slimly is en tirely destmed.7-1/1# of 4.004, IWO fi'entitttitirideffs'annotiombitinit. is thee/illation prOgrapuse in a ant eked, and 14ndloates what may be expected if Lincoln is se-sicensil,rf:Trfif, alt Mrm4ee7 tion eisetiVirsittry'aidio gesp thi'Vei— .vettge of the Abolition leaders is what is in store for us if old Abe is meleetet On Monday snorsing,: about two o'clock, a destructive lire broke out on the Tarr Vera. About 9,000 barrels of oil, with tankage, Were distr*Pd. 169111dier iilth the derrieks,"indhl . re, oonneetelwith the Cornwall, Keogh, WeeselLand Maiseill well& The Are 1119)- pared to hare originated from a infers, Lose 'alma $12,000.' A Warren boy; rbereeettely .elated aid into gent on pretty rapidly to Grait's arm* With his company, hit-the nail on the hied when he said it was very evident that MeGlel ran don't command in that demi:sent sm.— Warren Ant Yes, indeed ; the long lists of killed. wound ed and missing abundantly prove it. • Col. Dan Ithse is new having built vet Oki*a go a splendid monginent, which its Intends having erected in this city or Clirord. to com— memorate ;the deeds of the soldier" from this county who have fallen in the war. Its cost will be from $4,000 to $5,000: We have reeeiriesipthit Argo. *apply of Mi. Carpenter's popular book—the "Cause of the War." The prion - baiadvaneed to $2 • copy. , * A Cuss Otrmos.—There was eons - Womble excitement in tows on Timidity evening, Goose stoned by the arbitrary and uncersitonious arrest of Sasaki of auk .61Bsens, esti_ their' confinement for a brief tints in the -barrathe. It appears that a sattach-Democrat had en listed, and the boil were cheering for Mo. Ciellan, when a We 11Difilerl *Moored, and with cocked muskits - aid bayonets, marched : lb. 14664-4,p the barracks.•, The party were reinied, however,.thortly ifter, with se little ceremony es they had Imre sr rested. Whether the soldiers meth the arrest oa their own, rasPonsibility, orire acting solder orders from superiors, we are unable "te state. Ww.imdieve Captain P er .knew nothing_ of tha matter, however._ We hope that free speech is not to bwmuszled in Dun kirk.—/htakirkTitioa.. I_,You must do more than "hope ;" .you must see that it issot. Erie, no attempt 4 15 SToiltie§e.sitialtto:(deker 1114.,pereoti pf the right of Aran speech; butif We* is at tempted, three thousand sturdy Democrats are determined tint With`their 'wettest*, they will restore 'him to his coasatatiotallrights as a eition of the American' ninon. • • Manes iiin6.—We are requested4nctify the peddle that thitereelleat Band per form at nutetfip of bOth kiks, in any.part ef North.WeatarsPennaybrasda. The 'terms, virmts,mareged, are awrseensble as any Esitritt nistnenntrY: Therpeople'orthls section are so &miller with this band that we - need pater' intro so, extendad4lbtelow to,its InaiwZji**stgyi4etsbadist'ait ttotis at! Arbilk -- mjippil• at that. • • •:".: ',Loongorri gpte.9,..4lifit. Ma. ,, Bertetait•Our meetteg lii:day was hater ntilludett• 04 1 - Pemerey, President ; Jae. ?diner, Senswagy. • Loastdeliniateirsrd, delivered a speech three hours is length-At was an able production, received with many sips of plioullrli . bilhe crowd. cas issurs you that the Democrats of this P*o - 1411 1 ;410460 , lk.scad.'*•44o4.ebewT. selves. ,• M. fictrrowr iloitilfaittlwitiiiiiii.dlTirie is a strong prgiudineugainst articles It ASlerfean manufacture, and justly, too, in man! cases, but Woemp with Deland 44isea l s •Gisemieat titian') This feiktp boat article *existence 'fee cooking juirposad, *St mazy!, itss are cuing EngiMis, soda, when this moat better, tad by mingle you ireriWirrord sing home prodnotiongq. tensal• evOrywhere. ITEMS OF .444. L. S'o TS. . , The following is a Tote for•Reeeiclent ta• ken on the Belttntoro,rwly 04 tn. train, on the 14th big Poi "K eltful 112 : Z 714 r-1 :J11; — N4 I P: You frje/41,fronit ebyosei een count upon New York for twenty thouisicd guuonly t 7We might t W.Y l e i . r il f &Pit e l l t44 4ll PlTAfewW.; #as end Argue. .• , ? A dispatch 'from "Cincinnati, under date of Septemlfetls, -- states that Hon. Giroosboolo, Jogotioforgok supporter Of thW idm4ntihrt i tUttitskAltilffed his atillinsioeCto:tiso • Pottomraku smatiaw ions. - .1.17.1,T2 , 1 L..' • ' The Republicans in the fifteenth Congressional Penusylianis CoOM III6 -. 1 4100 # 4 4, 2 4 .- .40 1 34fa tiiit be would itiPPotigpelellaii fair Vies : . , . ident. = All specials to - shoddy papers that General Meagher ,hlßfeppsliatod, licCielt ' lan owimeennt ist hlatlefehrof "viva:elt, are unmitigsttel , Hei.: r ifir`M;ltteaghisi.• is lea:itilio.6;ir XeChillia; and' so dictli4 hissualf lately_ itt Kr , .740._ oat fir' neft ttr,r4;) Orgfilks the autiallTy — ff a di - 60 . ~ S ta ff it. _tr ment GI impt AB '..4 it tdo. oratio edieittorOt it ith d• ma iafi4i i! - 9 ° *"P • FM l 44"tllif itT .is tha,litaa'at 411 / 4 1 *A* u f4e to °WY lacliaaal4A4 lo , ll : 4 *o4V4itit 4 4 9 6 : gaud audaritit 9 , eJ .e. ta n tistarlffir et ihs W .. 011 :--1 , 1s7 ~, .. u„ ._A_vateforAlut camtidsio ifr_nectf_ Pres ident was *item op date Vain, tyWoh„l‘ft Baltimore at tea beenty-Ivek; cm litotd4 titiptsitomilltes roe* maga follows : Lincoln p.--7.-e , .0 46 At01i511em......-.4-3.-warim ..... , .... 451 Which Alba* al3fatty - good indioatien of 11 . 0 ptipulitr feeling. [ -! Tl rife Voratio • Chti 4 VIM& • "guyp . .- 7 , IT regtwirt an "„icte,for the fl•Oft,'.l* tttaifinit ativ-. 1 4. re* ,;:vesiikekv=te %. tidig,Us'tly libearai the Itoelebta thig,WMlWl4:_tipt , Om. t 4 relitF; ,Iti.la*Piat• a *re"' ate isaimitiet San* id i eritio r i-edielers.loi Liii eiltiZOlte'siddleii itikir hike lanst4e, And cried Out in "Played att."— Xe c iniltr iktitt g rAt * Mt ff 1 ... 38 !". A 410 41 Jo, sw. teouttoW4o/4 vv4l4lo4„ann tililicl' TAA latAnsfo Atiardelaib [ 404 4 ikviridW i ep koiclxfo*Y, l l l ith 4 ; l * - if i f.-t$ 1 . ) * : :: - Wig * 4 0 1111 M 45* ii4; 4 4,lojoin iiiiiiipielee,..j94 state latroilli iiaiiiiii*lNMAßCOAAf i diirk!lifirlfzir*,oaMitAlea-lookini td dllli t t lI A. . , 11 0 11 1. 1 - tV=Hi t ta li i for ,Magialte* 1 " imaiiewri. 7 .aretr.vikitiiiii4ll Iresliivin OM. • Cur IiIITOLDS, sept. 1.1. - Ma., Jima" P.. BAZi ; I ; Dear &: In reading over the dolumns of the tittsburg daily V utwriat, _oar atten tion we milled to that partoportiog to bei the math ials sot* of the liana erg= . dam* aorl,rml Or fire tlifinsead here t o . eased only ten or thirteen . at most went for Little Mac, and the rest went all and entirely for Qid Abraham. We the Meade of McClain in the field4f battle indas-, pecially that of Antietam, take up the, guantlet in his name, and myths above is. a base and slanderous lie, and one of those lies that we see hour after hotir coming from the whirlpool of Abolitionism against' McClellan, the scourge of recoadoulani the only conquerer of Stonewall, of Leisg stmetiand of the rebel of rebels.; Lee. We the undersiggnned, with pea is hand. took 'the Totes of barracks No. I,iad the result was, for McClellan, .2112 for Lin coln, 40.- • • • Signed, CRANIA; O'Dottaitz, Jogs Baalbek Jeites Catch, JAMS 11131158*. —.Here to a 'colonial '"straw" from the army.. It is the Chicago Post from which we quote A retfer before us from the army of General Sheridan, dated 13eptcniber Bth, ram ."J.l Lincoln is re-elected we may look far four years - more of war, or total ruin in lass time; but if Little Maio is elected, I think we may close this thing honerably to the whole Union. The sol diers will give McClellan an immense ma _jority where they have a free _Me. I hear that onehrigade in the Sixth *wpm took a vote recently, and in 2,100,men only erne could be found who was for Old Abe. He' wasgiven time to repent and change his mind, and was likely to fall *And make It an unanimous thing. If you at home will do WOW as the soldiers,; all will be right, —The Fifth Rhode Island alrtillery, on their way through town, gave several unanimous cheer* for McClellan. The banner 'of the - McClellan reading -room, No. 385 Fourth Amite, elicited a tre mendous .burst of applause froin the brava boys. Anciiher volley of eheet;s was given by them alb the. New: Haven depot. This regiment is one of the beat fighting ow nations in. the army. The Men have al ready. been in perigee three years, have re : enlisted, and were , going home on fur lough.—rour: of Commerce. • Pies AntsAttot4 Court;—A private letter 'from Ashtabnla county coincides with the cheering accounts that reach us front ell•parts of the State. It says : "The nomination of McClellan and Pendleton :is meeting favor with many here •Ivito,; : '-have got' heretofore been identified with the Democracy, and from this - standpoiut were victory visibly perched upon, the banners of the Desuocra4:. Ashtibula will be- reporting for Little Mao in, good. NO; 'in November." Cleveland Y . lain- - dealer. . c .".-. ..• TO; fOtiowink ie- ftciin • Thinase, a rampant Abolition journal. It seems scarcely _possible that a Lincoln pa, per otmld - 'plint so much tiuth , but,stringe to say,-the Tribune did : ' As an offset to the vote foi Pr:(4:idetit. published last week, we have hoesz minded the following; takoi-at•harradke No; 1, a ixop g or . st icts, near:Piftsburg, Severn- . 1'a.4411W 282 Lincoln, • , 40 —A correspondent of the Chicago Times writing from Winnebago, Illinois, says The Republican' majority in Winnebago will be `reduced one-half. As an index of tbe gtiound we are gainingon one awnship in this county, which gave Douglas but one vote; there is now an organized .Mc- Clellan clul of- fifty members, and there are, besides, many persona who state to Democraia'-eonfidentialli - amt . they will Tote for McClellan. . . MABBIED: October a. 1864, by Rev. Dr . Giolllll A. Lyme. GICORGR F. GRIFFITH and !ALLA O. RICH &ADS. ell of ale city. On Os' 16th toot; to !airflow ournsaip, GEORGE, youurtuit tit Thum sot ♦na rim; turdlo 70/, 77 toutito sad 6 dais. &tinder irate irokon, tho ohm elisrd tour u Udid atom, tin Arad* shows a mut ekoir„ ud lone ors rytiOnt gpsars, for GaarEts to not Uwe. • - • , Stray Cow. • TRASYRO FROM, THE PREMISES OF Dultmeollwor, about the 10th of Berptombar. • isetipos• Dark Had Volta= Mod Cow, near the time af caving. No woke ateevrtlair that kir hate me am aredintit *aria. • Temenalge oespenatian sill be slien for Urn return. dintik 'DA etb,191441t. Redding's Russia Salve ! FOAM YEARS, EXPEDIENT, Hai folly estatiitmad tkis, papaisiitior. - , REDDING'S'RUSSIA.SALVE ME st:t figb!fr baits( itaerera RIISSUI SiLIVE - COMO SIM IL 8119131. A. REDDII46I3 •• • ; •- . • • Quito 'ZONES REDlglifyS . 011.13 OLDVELADis• REM) riktG'S '1117844.11 - - -cttp44;mutpsaxpit AE1;12414/3 RUSSIA SAL%! asses OLEOS WOUNDS. .• • REM/WRAY* tii iti - , MOO OLD 00102. RUSSIA 1141.V11 11 (1 : 311 %. HERRIN42n 'RUSSIA SALVE 1 . - - -r: - _OVUM 04KOZBIL • WRIZIVE)II43I4: pg a Tll - • - . 4' • . A:. 'AIMIANGS/RUSSIkiIiALVII " I. r. 44 itipisrti r kS ttlga Situ* t • • - • • (7 1 / 1 61:0240 111 . . BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVEI - 0 ; t..• 0 94ga !Pm". BEDDING'S lIIISSCOSALVEI pen Pan. BEDDING:S . IOIO Atli= BEDlgZiltr itile:StraTLltt , ( 1, 15711 F- I l v r r itr i. BEDDING'S IIIiSSIA,SAY-4 1 , . MAI ALL MS DISSMIRS • ' • •AltD ' READING'S RUSSI i, • tuess - ,.211V0s frossast.ssireartst tostiverer Warl es sad ia so ems 301n1WWISOWIllatistima at that may b.' psol by' s lonia . la VW" 1 a nt , on. hs !taped* Tlikitors Ds steam Maw tows tlis awl Mb roe p amiad. merkllis !it" Wei seed nirrlakiO4 APR' 1. . Is rompt , at Mias, o n nos sae sad ladammatloso, so inky sistist OWL osol4asto mut IPisfstsselitretimothis who hsajimpA4Mdeas paella •410 seasissiOspiail lila IS is :newt imer fat forth to ban • • , Kbstko 1 ,4 1 17-1 1 1XIIr Olase l #4lF e" litramifinjWila Ng try all Disable sad Cosa*/ iniskispies. assro447. • JOHN B. CIABTAL =I • . 1 , 7 e 5if3 171 1. 1 1 77? M Siegel; t i (B*ms:ors to O. 5,4) - • ' ,MILLDDS Dt Grseerfes,' MIA' Pork y i'Yi 'SALT, WATER LIME, t 880 CARBON OIL. .• Me* Wises) . 1 4. 4 1,mt Cigars aid it, A. c. o . , CIANDIEFf• v - -. CRACKERS. OIL VITIOL; AT Till Lowest Market Prices. urnoN BLOCK, BRIE, PA., Behrens Drow.o:l-1119p11!421,41r . ta 43t. toadni-tt. r. A. Mkt. JIM VICI4 NEW GROCERY STORE. Tk• ands rsignod hairs openkl • are *Geary atom ou 1.14 &AST 8113% OP /MATS 8Z _ whirr, thy intend keeping a toll ,apply of GROCRIURS, - • reovistoris,. FRVI*B, CROOKS:RV WAR!! MITA, , • TANKER WILLOW WARR, CONWINCTIORARISS, MORACCIO & oloatti, And annitAbig amity g os land to tunitollabiptint • • - to mart— _ . • .. • Ws an MormlAo to over pagottd tnisittmiAsits any ether dealers la the city, sod Write =lle adl, ectectont that we no sin ettl.fl6 JIM tiotAlll3tL •-• W. A. WZREIKRA MIA IM - ORTANT TO TXIII Belderti & Owners of Ilapstaited Units UNDER -THE PROVISIONS OF THE Act of Assembly, approved. May 18648 tbellol• den and owners of trnpatented Lands_er• neraired to take ont patents for- nth , lands before he /It,. del or November,lB6l. On failure to take oat such pans= tbs linrreyor General Is directed"te adadati its *wet V perhaps ssrup, interest sad jeer ifite ea seri mapetsitst trete," each amount (together with oafs Zees) to 'Term as wry:stir shict awn bs eaten) is a Aka rfrd4 to Is preeeiel wed A r for des , purples, end add sem stilt neer latent at per cut." these Bess are liable to be promoted spot' yMe Attorney Generals' against ilefaslthigpnbtle „sedge th e Act of April 16,1845. The naelarsigend sae vinig - portleolar Attention to all business arising ander • Lend Lime, anal having fedi. tiles to; attending to sash basloese, are prepared to pro. cure patents at ones far parties rapid* at a distance from the , neat of Bkrvernlnient, en the most reasonable toren. Carmepoadence solicited and promptly attended to. Address ROBERT ANODGRASS, or WALLACE DE WITT, Attorneys and Couasellois at Law, ang2s-Bm. serrussmAia.: _ •,*o.l;E.Wisi Inocurans • - AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. P. SCHAAF, Would reepsetfaly agoras taspablis taintless optimal - kaltorein • - • • • - No. 2 Hughes' Black,' Eiji. • Wane heidealways keep otk band a large supply of - CIROCERna3 g CROCKERY .AND WOODEN WARE, wirress; .LIQIIOIIS, CIGARS, An I everything malty for ale to an ontabliakinant of am kind; • . - „ nr Tem as reasonable tie_ any Masa Aare la tbs . city. • . • -.10041114tt.- D. W. iitrreirnis&k,' - - :United Statiii;-Clham Ag't, .PEKICA: PENSIONS, BACK PAY, BOUNTY, Astral! tstheii. &tem agatitt the Gosernment attended to with promptness. CHARGES REASONABLE, tsgrApplication by Nall attended to the same is if et. peruse 1. .0411144 m. ;. 4.3 Z " 4 o 4 A x 0 i 0 I • gm. 'a .. atia .. ...1 . J &I -* i ; f.' ; 11 2 m 3 u; `Fi P c L' 4 . 4. ,1 2 ‘ 'A i i i l a f l 1 E .l 1 i il t.i . 1 4 i iii; • '4l ' t3 l g. 1 1 ka .' - "C! 41 !. 1 , g 4 11 -1- • 1- 1 - itz: '• 1 a . p h ,it tEgi I c.) ...., 14 1 ...1.... , ri , ei . t -) -- 11l i 4 ;1 ei -I - t : • '. F i tz vs ..9.1 1 6 0 i•i II °' d. C.O tk .11 17 Ui 2 .2 .4 , , ot. • to THE PLACE TO GET=firOllii: MONEY BACK, la BOOT & SHOE STORE ! , State Street, Nearly Opposite the Poet Om".- E. Consblin„ Boot and Shoe Dealer, - ,! respectfully informs the hallo that Orl • I nes removed his stand to the Store Rover - ea State street, nearly opposite the Poet • I Milos, where he invites all his old friends and enstorners to irlyealei ktall."?' Particular attention given to Ynlpg eitrefatmarirmen, and superintending all his be.inees he'bilieres he pm give ;le =Ulf, ac tion and sell at se low prices assay othlet city. Good MU Warranted. aprW64tf. q= • .2,1, • . Notice to VII Refiners. wg are p_ro:Eixott to asa to lienners OIL VITRIOL CAUSTIC] SODA and OWE: at the invest mar Wt prices. Ifieeeniten au Irltebtily *kg Sae load at the mantileatancrs, thereby saving to' ,- the purchuer the ea 01= tc and seming promptnetwin ahipping. (Irmo /CH& CATO/M.loli !mgt.:4'y n LD, PAICE#, /sIgiAI>VANCE 1 ' • • 'OLD 'PRICES, NO ADVANCED , J. :0 wlll irk Xi 3) N 18 SELLING WALL PAPER iipt i 6tz 114110011 MOM. ti ;Z. OUP`rilliftfiltriatie " BLANK BOOKS • 74• D lEEE SORAPO OM WHITS. nurerfria PAPER. .+ wil thi the OBSERVER. Vat which the highest IN cA.411 I'. .`' r -• SEM 1:51 Executrix' Notice. T _ETTgfig ' 4't 91'A V SNTARY ON .14 the edits of krthar, 0. Davison, doted, late 114Licrook tp, Edo Co , Pa., having Won granted to w the . 414.11"4.1" = " re= gtilitt Di* ttssannlynt ibma h • . ya~elllll. as eakill .tb• !state to boloont s thOlaki*Weewat• ! ; `1" • Ilbcsaattu. . . ...;pio Rig:NZ 1 A, Valuable .d s Dadrals eland far . I OROCEar ORGENWri* Ctad..dt. i Y 8T0414 Thedrl 8 svitis r t L loos DWELLING HOUSE stizehod,.vkleh D • E. IL IMIDDLA. A • , Dvise, hangs &Th. A LARGE LOT _ seakt . /3: of o^lll. P 1415 sat Majahall friol-1n ItOPE, GLUE & BUNGS, seves mare Pratldealist ineoton, ' Robert L Johnson, Richard Tata, William Loughlin, Ed R Helinbold, Edward P Dunn, - Thomas McCullough; Edward T Hess, Philip $ Oeriumi, George 0 Le4per, Michael Sense; Patrick McEvoy, Thomas II Walker. • 0 8 Elmmick, A. B Dunning, Paul Leidy, Robert Bwineford, John Lid, • 1 " Geo. A Btalth,) Thaddeus Ban k, Hugh Montgomery, John M Joseph M Thompson. , Reseda' Brow., James P Barr. Wiliam J Ronuts, William Montgomery. • • Presidsailal . Electors, Robert L. Johnson, Richard 'Vim, Lotighlin, Ed. IL Relmbold, • Ed. P. Dunn, Thomas McCullough, Edward T. Hess, . Philip B. Gerhard, George 0. Leiper, Michael Seltzer, Patel* iltavoy, Thomas H. Walker, 0. B. Diminiok, A. B. Dunitini, Paul Leidy] Robt. Bwindord, John AM, Geo. A. Smith, Thaddeus Banks, Hugh Montgomery; John M. Irvine,' Joseph M. Thompson, Rasselat Brown, James P. Barr, William 3. !Counts, Wm. Montgomery. Congress, WILLIAM BIGLER. Seat* Senator, DAN RICE Amiably. H. D. FRANCIS, L. W. SAVAGE. Sh•riff, W. 0. COLT County Commissioner, I MONROE HUTCHINBON Trepmrer, P. A MICKEL Cl : 1 of Courts, F. W. KOEHLER. Director of the Poor, BALPA BOWMAN. Auditor, 131t1113 SCHLURAFF, Tnutess of Sri* Andom,y, GEO A LYON G. F. GAIN, J. F. SPAULDING. Traits*. of Waterford loadatir. WATTS &LLOYD. IM IL MAXIM.