The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 06, 1864, Image 2

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    grit Obstrber,
ttisurAL Vicuna-MIT tax raw rims o►
M 6 “t7MMn! l a"Mrroff l 4
Democratic National
Campaign Documents.
We have received a large lot of campaign
docenrente, which will be furnished, free of
coat,• to all..who call for them. Application
mud be made in pernon at this office.
Democratic Tickets.
The Demooratio Presidential, District and
County tickets have all been printed at, this
office, and distributed through the various
election precincts. A list of the person. to
whom they have been sent will be found in
another place.
We also print on our third page'a complete
ticket for each of our subscribers. By cutting
it out and preaerting it, they will all be sup—
plied, without the trouble of going to the usu
al places to obtain them. •
Vote of 1803.
For couvenieuße of comparison, we re-pub
lish, this week, the official vote of this county
on the Gubernatorial election of last year :
Woodward._ cartla. Bigler. Scofield
Erie, let Ward, 112 167,
" 2d " 197 194
" 8d " 08 249
4tb 154 249
Millereek, . 409872
Il arborcreek, 146 246
McKean, 89 248 •
Middleboro, 6 29
Washington, 96 915 •
Edinboro, 46 76
Girard boro., 47 80
- " 'tp., 7 - 71 236 •
Fairview, 146 234
North Boat boro., 28 121
tp., 167 240
Elk Creek, • 116 159
Conneaut, 60 225
Albion, , 22 69
Springfield, 39 8132
Summit, 109 74
Waterford boro., 43 199
tp., 88 272 •
Lel3asuf, 148 189 .
Concord, 89 175
Corry, *.
Union bore.,
8,260 6,269
Cu We Whit—Leek at the WW2.
- We are Often asked by our friends, says
the New York Wor ld, can the Democrats
possibly elect General McClellan 7 We
say, yes, easily. Look around you and see
the evidence of it with which every man
may prove the result for himself.. Look
around you among your friends and no
quaintances. Do you knew any Democrats
who are not going for 'McClellan ? Hardlyt
one, from Maine to Minnesota, outside of
Miryland. Do you not know many men
in your city, county n p r town who voted
for-Lincoln four yeap ago who will not
vote for him nowlho are working for
McClellan—true pat iots,i who see Lin.'
coin's unworthiness, and will not re-elect
him to power? Do you not see the Re
publinan papers working with desperate
energy, not to!' make proselytes—not to
-win support to tincoln, but simply tobold
their own—to keep more men from de
serting to the opposition ?
'This is the situation everywhere. Mc
blellan's gains are 'thus in the aggregate
enormous. Neither the bayonets, nor the
money, n6r the office-holders of
can save him from defeat. the Democrats
arid' conservative men of the North can
not only "possibly elect McClellan ;" they
can't. possibly help elcting him. Reckon
up these changes in your own county; ob
serve that the changes are all one way
over the country, mad. then remember the
small per centage of the total vote required
to win, and figure out the result: Look
at New England—Maine, even-4.a gain of
over three thousand votes,. against' an ag
gregation of influence which can. in no
State be thus concentrated in November.
The Abolition Mass Meeting on Wednesday,'
was eonsiderabir more of a success than the
olio of a couple weeks ago. The procession
was rather a handsome affair, and was evident
ly got np with much labor and care. In view
of their deplorable failure previously, the Ab.
°Mien leaders were determined to haves "big
thing of it, If possible, on this occasion. Con
sidering the energy expendedin"drumming°
' etp the crowd, and the large majority tie op
positioa possess in this county, the meeting of
Thursday was not any larger (if as large) than
alight have teen expected. The leading spea
kers were Lion. B. F. Bruce, of New York,
Gov. Pierpont, of Virginia, and "Col.".lileat.
gallery, "of Tennessee." Aside from . .the
prooession, there was nothing remarkable in
either speakers or hearers, except the. end—
ninon., want of enthusiasm on; the part of
the latter.
Dan Rico, clown, and candid& e for Senator
on the Democratic ticket in Craw ord and Erie,
will; we an informed, shortly ake his ap
pearance at his , old place of busliess, in Wal.
not street, above Eighth. He wail be accom—
• pan Ted by his trained donkey, and will preaqb
Democracy and jokes. We congratulate CrA.
MoCandlesi upon having secured this nertat.
traction.—Press, of yesterday.
We are glad that the campaign is 'mu t i ng
lush &jovial character. It is tar better to
laugh tkan to cry. In order to counteract in
ante degree; the effect of Dan Rice's appear.
sue in Philadelphia, as above announced, wo
are' informed that "Old Abe," the celebrated
(darn and candidate for the Presidential chair,
will shortly make his first appeareinoe at Con •
cat Ball, in Chatant fitted, ;Lbove - TwelfilL
The Great Jester will be - accomp.aied by I.
trained “dog," and will give his latest. Joke,
and sing the banal= negro melody so admir
ably performed under kis direction at Antie
tam. We congratulate oar Abolition friends
Upon having matured thisnew attraction. Dan
mast look to his laurels.—Philo. dye.
Oeorge N. Cider, Esq., has Amity lumen
deed himmlf - completely into the hands, of
the Pldilsdaia" 8i li Makin; vitylong a n d
my doll epeeMes is favor of that same Lin
coln whom, four ••years ago, he thought the
woad sun that would be 'elected for Prod
-dolt. How a man of kir. Cider's pot asso
ciating-and priaciples_can link hlade with
the siid*Whotn he once believed to be all that
illottan, wicked ant treasonable, ie One of
fie arldilidle of polities.
woman% tram. oir PROPAA.
They Defy the Reed ud : the Eje.
meets in their zeal lir the
Valeta stel Cementing&
Speedier ligsCal.-.77tay er,itf New York ;
Win. - 11,. Mite, of Philadelphia; "An: A.P.
Lannatti k .of /Val° ; Hon. W. W. Eaton
ql . -thrlezeicla Iron. Win. D. Norihend. of
Balton hi/on. John W. Murphy, of Baja);
and Bagel G. i'llompson, Etg., of
Thursday, the 6th 'of October, is a day
long to be remembered' ,in the history of
Erie county, and especially in the memo
ries of 'her Democratic citiaens. -7 On•that
day, regardless of the unpropitioos state
of the weather, defying the heavy storm
of the previous night and morning, And
the wretched condition of the roads, the'
pattiotic'people turned out as if by a corn-'
mon inspiration, to assert the old 'time
principles of their fathers, and proolaile
anew their devotion to the Union and
Constitution, and their dissatisfaction with'
the fanaticism, North and South, which is
endeavoring to subvert them. We have
delayed our publication in order to 'IVO
atuLccotint of this astounding "demon tra
lion, but. of course, can do nothing ore,
in the hurried conditidn in which we find
ourselves, consequent on the necessity of
reaching the mails that all our patrons
may be supplied this weelc, than to give a
mere outline sketch of the proceedings. •
The day opened as dreary and disheart
ening as one could imagine. Nearly all
the preceding night rain fell in such copi
ous quantities that the streams were filled
to their brims, the roads covered with
:nod knee deep, and in some places *brid
ges and .culverts were carrieil away, re
quiring travelers to go miles out of their
regular course. The rain appeared to fall
the hardest about five o'clock, when the
people from the country would be mot
likely, Co be making their-preparations to
start for ihe city. Everything looked dis
couraging; and there is no use to' disguise
the fact, that those, who had taken the
most active part in getting up 'the meet
ing began to feel decidedly "blue." The
weather during the entire forenoon was
exceedingly disameable ; sometimes the
skid's brightened for a short peridd„ las
if to clear :up, and then suddenly would
Unit'. forth another sharp sprinkle of rain
that seemed calculated to dampen the
spirits of even the most ardent. patriois.
The city Republicans were jubilant. They
felt confident that the meeting was to be
a "fizzle." Eiery'Democrat that they mL
was greeted with some jeering remark,
which showed in an unmistakable manner
the assurance they had conceived that the
meeting was to he a failure, and the;anxi--
ety they entertained that It should ,be
such. But the overweening happiness of
1 these gentlemen of exclusive "loyalty,"
was soon to be brought to a pitiful over
throw, the more painful because it was so
1 unexpected and overwhelming.
About noon the clouds became broken
up, and the remainder of the afternoon
until about five o.clock was comissistively
pleasant. The firing of the cannon in the
Park announced that the grand proces
sion from Federal Hill had entered State
street,*and, as if by magic, the thorough
fares became filled with people. As it
passed dOwn State street the air seemed
perfectly wild with shouts, and the blaze
of enthusiasm thus auspioiuously started,
continued throughout the day. No one
could have witnessed the intense, impres
sive and spontaneous outburate of ap
plause which burst forth from the throats
of the Democratic thousands assembled
on Thursday, without feeling that there
was something more than mere party et;
tachment or political bigotry that caused
them to be expressed. It was the irrepressi
ble sentiment of the heart, responding - .o
the solemn-cOnviction of the judgment,
that this administration has been tried
and "found wanting," and_ that nothing
less than a return to the teachings of ,
those who founded the Republic can save
it from total anarchy and ruin. ,
That- the procession was a success—a
great one undei the circumstances—no
one, not blinded by Abolition bigotry, will
deny. It astonished the Opposition, and
it surprised the friends of the movement
scarcely any less. The line stretched from
,the Lake bank far beyond Federal Rill►
a distance of at least two miles. lt was
not so handsome, perhaps, as the-one of
last year, but that could not have been
expected. Three bands; isooursed music
on the route, and the number of flags and
banners seemed 'almost innumerable. Re
markatilcoas the procession was, it was, if I
anything, surpassed by the meeting 'WM.
We do not undertake to estimatra the
number of people present, for vde know
too well the contradictory nat'.are of opin
ions on such subjects, bat we have no hes
itation in saying that the crowd was at least
as large as any politio , ,l assemblage ever
convened in this o ur own p r i va te
opinion is, that it 'was larger than the Re
publican one of, the day before, but we
shall tO eatVded with claiming an equal
number, v.nd when it is remembered that
the Lio politee bad two to our one in the
electi on of 1863, our friends abroad can
for some conception of the spirit that
'actuates the people of North' Western
Pennsylvania in this campaign. Thegen
ilemen from Philadelphia and elsewhere
of both parties, who participated in the
railroad excursion, expressed • themselves
astonished at such an 'exhibition of Alb*.
c rade strength in Erie county. And what
was more striking still, it was two-thirds
composed of bona Ms voters, men "who
wield a power in the land," and not main
ly of women and children, as is the case
with moat large political demonstrations.
The tueeting was organised by theelec
tion of Hon. Selden Marvin as President,
with a long list of Vice Presidents and
Speeches were mule from three differ
ent stands around each of Which an im
mense, compact mass of people listened
with close interest, and, if. their almost
wzmeSsing cheers art to be taken as en in
dication, with the keenest gratificatien. i . l —
could not get near enough to beet
the speeches with satisfaction, and twn
more stands could have been put_ in good,
use, had there hempen's= to speak from
them. At the mein platform the princl
pa speeches were _mad* by Hon._:. - 13.
Thayer, of New York, and Hon. Wm. H.
Witte, of Philadelphia ; at the nand one
hy Son. A. I° 7 Liming, of Add% Eon.
W. W. Baton, of Connecticut. and Hoe.
John W.*liipty, of Buffalo; at the thir#
by Hon. WM. lib. Northend. of BeitoO, for
two Ours sonsinber of the :;,ItateSessete Of
lifessachesetkto which he ~elected by
the RepOblicans. Where airifie Oilmen
Were so,good, we feel no disposition to
discriminate. Everyone of them was i n .
excellent Lute, abounding Co wit, argu
ment and eloquence, and the contrast bet-:
tween them and the abusive harangues of ,
the Reptiblican orators, (if it is hot it
cale tocall the* by that title) could not
have f&iled to be noticed by them wlio'st
tended' both meetings.
In the evening Wayne Hall was crowd
ed at an esti) , hour. Speecbosirere *node
by S. G. Thompson, Mtg., of. Pliilitdelphli.
a son of Judie Thompson {--3[r. Witt
Mr:Thayer and Chas. S. Maeomber;
of Buffalo. The entbuslasuiirasvritholit
parallel .in the history . pobtaoal
meetings' in Northern PennitylVaids.
The Democratic boys .tatted a rousing
bon-tire in front of Brown's Hotel, and
kept up &lively time shouting for McClel
lan, the Elision and Victory. Daring the
'entire darwe did not sees disorderly pear.
son, and it was s. general remit* that no
large crowd .ever convened in the city
whiCh was' attended with fewer disci:edit
able circumstances.
We think this meeting will be, prodmitive st
good resuits, aside frOm the immediate effeati
of the speeches. It will stiffen the back bones
of our Democratic friends at home, and the
news of our reMarkable'succeis will go abroad
to encourage oue,brethren in -other parts of
the country. It will aoaviacte the Abolition
office holders and office hunters of this vicini
ty, that the Democratic peOple of Erie city
and county are not to be brow-beaten, and
that, if they are not & majority, they at least
constitute a very respectable: minority, whose
sentinieuts 'and interests hid better not be
trifled with to soo great an ezlens. And, be
yond all, it was an unerring indication of
the spirit which moves the honest masse of
the people, giving us every reason thopti and
believe, that to the eleetlons'soon to occur the
popular majority will be out in such \ se way
as to elect the tried patriots, George liblts-
Clellan and George H. Pendleton, thus sw
ing the return of an honorable peast'-'-tWI*I
perpetuation: of the-Union, and the malat%t
nance of the Constitution in its integrity.
Lotter front Hon. Robert C. Whittirop. of
Boerow, Sept, 29, 1864. -
GINTLITN ithaniyon sincerely for your
favor of the 21st inst., inviting me, In behalf
of the conservative and Democratic cilium of
Northwestern Pennsylvania, to address a
mass mottling at Brie, on Titurslty the 6th of
October. lam deeply sensible to the compli•
meat and kindness of this and many other
similar Invitations with which I have been
honored within a few weeks pow I heartily
wish that it were in my power to accept them
all. But neither my engagements ner my
healw will permit me to take the stamp, and
I must be excuse's.
The issuesef the day are, ina..4, most
portant. The condition of our country *ells
for the best counsels of all its citizens, and no
man must be deterred from expressing his
individual convictions by any mdicione
assaults to which they may subjeet him. Oar
gallant 'obi Jere in the field are pulling their
lives for their country. We that are at home
most not shrink from the shafts of partisan
enemies, while we contend in the sem
cause. •
The friends of President Lino° are eidey
log an enormous patronage of power, civil aid
military, whlpi they are naturally reluctant
to relinquish: The office !Isidore on all sides
are clamoring vigorously against any atterepi
to reinove them. The presses which are reap
ing the rich harvest of Government favor are
equally averse to' a cheap. The contractors
are panic struck at the idita of inch a thiag.
The administration, alarmed for its safety, is
even striting tcreet up its own ocontinamthe in
office as a test of tlie'patriotism of the people.
But,the people know_ how to distinguish be
tween supporting the Geveromeat and sup
porting the administration, and they will so
cept no tests of patriotism except - an uncon
ditional devotion to the Unit= and the Con
stitution. -
If we could feel that the Union was sate in
thilands of the ' , powers that be," we might
well forbear to oppose them in a time of war.
litany honest and entellent men in all parts if
the country do'bellave this, 'and, they are
entirely right to follow their own °atrial/ens.
Bat:those of us who that the peeling
- sdoilnistration has been tried and found
wanting; that its *pa Noy has divided thi North
and'itnited the South, and that its maims
have not only greatly inereared' the difficulty
of military success, bat have prevented that
success from being followed by its legitimate
friits of Union' Ind Pisa—are 'elm*
bound to do all in 'our - power •to effect •
In that noble son of Pennsylvania, George
B. McClellan, we have a candidate worthy of
all oonimend•ation, and one who stands pledged
to 'e vigorous prosecution of the war for , the '
single end of enfornhig the Constitution and
the laws, end restoring Union and peace to
our lend. It is for Pemsiyivanla to pronounce
tki word whether he shall be elected. She
can speak at , this moment In tones of con•
mending influence, if not of Anil authority.
May her declaim' he such as shall Mint new
honor on her hisMry"and may she be in dm
to come, as shei has been in time past, stolid
of iron between the North and the South.
I auk, airy ney'y and truly,
Your obedient eer►aut,
Letter font XontgussuctB. TbroirP.
tbor 'of "Thu Future."
twiny N. Y., Sept. 28,1864.
"Onnnoirsx :—Teur letter of the 28th Let.,
lavitiSg nee lo Libels a Kass, leisetiug of the
Dentotoy of North Western Pennsylvania,
to *held at Erie on the Bth of October, was
readied last evening. I very much regret
that i kill not be la my power to wept your
flattering invitation. Important business
engagements, whieh canoe be avoided or post
poned in justice to otkirs, require my pressor.
elsewhere on that day.
1 It would give as great Oust" - were - it - it
possible for me to do so; to Join with you. I*
an - upresdon of admiration lad affection hi
our noble standard-bearer, Qua. McClellan,
aad of devotion to the principle, of Union
and Ce=Mil freedom, which nothing
but die 011ie eimeerratlin Demoustis
party can preemie from utter destrutioa. To
that mouse, or to the diilategration and rasa '
of our beloved country, which I regard ae an
inevitable conesquenuottimilerpstuatlen of
ew e
the present Administration, the Malt of
approuldag inst e election will po
Untributo. We of Now York, et
idistory at. our bud elution, bat po to
- control
_events,beyond the' Halts el our um
Stasi look to you to iliad theliist lA* ofik
appeoeskiag asthma' erhuaph. la 001111111011
Id* "us bretbna tharoshose the fin-
M, we are'straialag evotY eye aid eta oar
la unions expentauis el dm deny whisk
the Peansylvaalane wpl sesd us es the 111 k
of °etcher. Leek ent skit they be f. , giad 11-
dila', of great joy." Lot the vele, of loess
sylvaula utter the words of hope ud encour
agement which Arin hispire the Demeerany
everywhere to rammed esertimm, b 7 Ilamolst
Otaall that thdr,elforts wilt us be in Tan, sad
will strike correspond's; teirir and disiour
smutst into the hums . Of her adversitelsord- ,
Yours be the glory of foreshadowfsg the of,
umph of the biesda of 'the Weft Yours**
satisbedea of proolaissing to thissillistedina•
dos that it has reached be kg Aida 01 its
paiguljunsey through the ea/ley of death;
skit Light at leagth breaks through the gloom;
and that the eighth of November, 1864 will
be brevet memorable in the history Sc this
°Mud* , as the first day of _ 's sew an the
cotanteecenest, of s nature of pew% PtIOPPaN
sad good govirsomaa, do bloodily of
whisk will altbasteljosami lbs diaidposoliitt
to oppose to also • MORN draws: '
you* vi l rousimeany,
Lotter from Ws. Wade' Irate
. , NMI Toss, Oct. , MIL
Guirtmuse Your letter reach.* me la tics
city, when lam rpeadiag a tow days. NV
engagements art such as to phos It quite oat
of ro7 Poorer to inapt your kind laillaties.
I regret that it is so, for nothing soak' be
more agreeable to me glum 4* meet the people
of your nud make ea Sanest appeal
to they to rally for the preservation of their
sonstitutional righta sad lire are
nubbin the mates& la your Statcwith pro.
found learnt t It nut prove decisive of UM
fate of the country. IL •
If Pennsylvania proves 4111111 to her saeleat
traditions, the Conatitadou iill be voltam&
and the Union restored.
If _•be surrender., ill Is lout, and nothing
will remain but a dark, oalamitoun future.
Very raspeatfully and truly yourc
Lime% PM OW M•idW.
If we found no other valid reason for
opposing McClellan, we should do it sim
ply because the rebel. desire his election.
itipshaces. • •'
If our cotemporou7 has no strongei'ar•
gument than the .one given abov4!, 'he
should desert Lincoln, and run upz:the
'Manner of McClellan and Union at ones.
The rebel leiden. do me "desire" the ago
tiosl of Gen. McClellan. All the written
and printed testimony they hen wen on
that point refutes the exertion tint they
do. The Southern people snay„for in that
event they would see the hope of a return
to pane, happiness and prosperity, lAA a
united country ; but their leaders:seek in
dependence, and know" well that with Mo.
Olen= as President they could not keep
the masses with them. Lincoln offers the
Southern people nothing but subjugation,
- emancipation and obedience
to tha'arbitrary measures of the Abolition
party. McClellan &skint them no other
condition of peace tint a return to the
Union and submission to the constitution.:
'II law. of the land, with all their personal
and State rights unimpaired: The former
is the policy of aggravation, or usselent•
lag hate, of determined opprenion ; the
latter of conciliation, of justice, and of
magnanhnity.• Under Lincoln's plan, the
entire South, men. women sad children,
will remain a unit in the neolution to
"fight it oat to the bitter end;' wider
McClellan's, the peOple would 'soon be
come convinced their-it was more to their
interest to have peace by returning bi the
Union than to continue fighting for the
I phantom of a separate government. The
rebel leaden understand this thoroughly,
and hence their anxiety that, Lincoln may
be re•elected. I Wigs the Illinois buffoon
in the Presidential, chair for four more
years, they :n . 4;ard their inner u certain.
Below we give a number of quotations
from prominent seceiskin papers, which
completely bar us out in all the asser
tions we have made on this subject We
- ask oar readers to show them to their Re
publican neighbors, and if any of them
express doubts of their genuineness; let
them keep a close watch over the columns
of their party paper* and me if any of
them dare deny thAr anthentioy.
The Richmond .DigretcA,'Jefferion Davis'
special organ, says ;
'A If we could command a million votes
in Yankeedom, Abraham Lincoln slauld
command them all." 1
In the am spirit tit* Mobilo Aspiistor
• ,
exclaims: - • -,
"As long as the Republican hold Power
they will thin of conquest and dominion
conquest an d
and we, ' on the other will be
certain to achieve' freedom Woven..
dent* before the Democrats of e nation
get into poirerapha;oolneW g in
our ears, Union, Ream Corner
non and Guarantees. .Away with: such
staff. We want separation.; Give us rather
Men like Thaddeus Stevens .arid Charles
Sumner. Thy curse the told Union and
despise it, and so do we." • . . .
The Richmond Esenissr says : .
"The obscene ape of Milan is about to
be deposed from th e Washington purple
and the White House will 'echo to his lit
tle jokes no more. • It is In no spirit of
=ideation we contemplMe this Inning
event. for Abraham has been *good em
peror for us. He We served•our taro. His
ppooHoy has settled, esiabliihed . and {made
the separation •or the old'
Union, a nation essential/7 itnagii. and
we may be almost sorry io part With him.
He was an unanswerable argument for
our seansion, for he stoOd, there a lning
justifi seven feet high, of the steal
fat resola cation, tion at these Steles to- bold no
morikpolitleal Union with a rase capable
not only of producing sinks being; but
of making it a ruler sindelihig." -
The Richmond essays: "Whether
we 'kook at tisk nominal= In the light of
peals or Of war, we prefer throoln to Mo.
Clefts& • • its:Milan is by far the
more danpraui min for us." . (That is,
the rebel leaders.) _
The Richmond Said a of Sept. Bth, dia.
caning the relative merits of the two can.
&dates, tnei the following language :
"He (Ito Mania) was in favor of observ
ing the mega of war ' of respecting the
dip* of repo% and par..
wog •a muse o of' f oone
advised Naiad mob a wares eoln has
=and predicted thorn Would bawl
rouse the reseatmetts •or the neer
dof the Con federates, stimulate to a ss.
ying resisianoe,and aloud* for *with*
two socedadAwaokss Ali.that IfoCiellan
foretold hal cone 'to pes sod Snore; The
Teri idea of Widowed aisodation with thehi
dealmopired enemies is nasiew mailmen
to Confederates mow then anwriuga wit&
the devil. . .
Whatever Ohninie of lain
' qurthrtas uncliiylerbs XeChilin'a
4iibleoia pursued the oppodis‘ He
obese to merit .: *cps& 01` 11111 undo
with lire and desoladoe. r ife oboe* tgt 1
to seise and any a awar to dishsoll
goons, there to lani& and Ghee 10 die,
o. old Ism Wm sad ertes
Wiwi - . He chose to burn our court bon
sea, to destroy' bur records, to desecrate
and pull down our
• churches, to fire :our
rilhngesend dwellings, and to plunder our
people, even to the Anger rings worn by
em bflift4 Hei chose torstain in his
loathsome preen pens the soldiers whom
he arrok eltho to a ff ect it he trust
suidecs,Federil 'res to emihe terrors.
Heeleff to insult the ladies of New, Or
leans, through the edicts of an obscure
wretch, contemptible for his cowardice
and dawned throughout - the world for his
infamy. In all these things, done by his
ages* and therefore done by himself, he
manifestedimirit and conduct entirely
to I&Clellan's earnest advi ce( ZVl Ulm he has reared between his'
people end ours a wall of burning resent
meats and bitter memories too high to be
surmounted; has dug a ditch of separation
too deep to he fathomed and too wide ter
words'of- reconciliation even to putt it
is now too late, for another policy.
The United States Government under
Linden has repeated the folly of 'Slog
George in his Irene with the oolotriel.—
McCtelhus in his humane treatment of our ,
captives ak Cheat Mountain was the coun
terpart of Carlton at Quebec, as also in bur
ideas of the manner. in which the,war
should he conducted. As with Carlton,
no McClellan% counsels were spurned un
til it is too late to adopt them.
McClellan is committed to the Union as
it was, conceding to the States-all 'their
rights, including that of property in
slaves. The Abolitionists, however, would
rather see the Union slide than see the
Southezu States restored With slavery re
tained. They would see in this restora
tion, also, a great party disadvantage ; for
the entire vote of the Southern States
would be dead weight against theM in
every contest. They Would become peace
men on the basis of Confederate indepen
dence soccer than see such a Union as
McClellan 'would restore. And of all per
sons none could they be more unwilling
to , trust, for none do they more bitterly
hate than McPlellan himself. If ti then,
`the Democrats/should come out, for war,
and be successful in the election, the Abo.
litionists will 'he fos, peace. So, in any
case, we are sure of a powerful peace party
- in the North'.
The Macott (C t.) Appeal asys : "The as
of • a 'conservative Democrat like
McClellan to the Presidency Would do in
finitely inore to paralyze the South and
build up a 'reconstinction party in our
midst—a most fatal calamity—than the
combined efforts of the present party in
The Riohinood Die Patch, io a different
article from the one quoted above, after
acknowledging that the blunders of Lin
coln's administration have vastly bene
fited their interests, thus continue!:
"Let him, stay, for fear of a s u ccessor
whomight not be such an hibecile.
So we say of Old Abe. It, would be inmos
tibia to find another inch ass in the trni.
tad States; and, therefore,, we say let him
stay. We at least , of the Confederacy
ought to be satisfied with him, for he has
oonducted the war exactly as we ought to
Wish it to be conducted. He has con
firmed those who were wavering, het.
ted red hot those who were careless,
converted cold indifference into furious
passion, and calculating neutrality into
burning patriotism. But for the military
operatiotis s oonoeived and executed under
his auspices, surely we have no I right to
complain. No service ever had so many
blundering, officers ; and no campaigns
were ever conducted with greater stupidi
ty. For these 'reasons we are decidedly
in favor of Old Abe, and if we could Com
mand a million of votes in Yankeedom,
kie Would have them all. He his made
the South the most united people that
ever went forth to battle with an invader;
and for that he deserves the lively grati
tude of every Southern man." '
The Augusta (Gs.) Cbettitutioouilist, of a
late date, talki•this way : ,
"From McClellan's letter of acceptance
we gather. that he is perhaps the most
dangerous! adversary We could; possibly
have to deal with. Conciliation, unlucki
ly, goes very far with weak-kneed breth
ren, and with respect to the new nominee
It, is Only the saliva of the anaconda pribr
to swallowing. Curious readers ;of the
"Wandering Jew" may discover that, in
the choice between Abe and Mac, we have
the violence of Father d'Agringy and the
slight periussiveness of Father Rodin. Of
the two alternatives we have the less to
fear from viblence,"
The Mobile Register of the 16th Septem
tier has a long article in which the hope'
is expressed that Gen. McClellan': nomi
nation will divide and break down the
Democratic party, and then, it adds :
"Lincoln Is far better 'for us think
lan." the reasons given being the same as
expressed in our comments above, that
the latter's success would establish a
strong - Union party in the Elbuth, while
the reelection of the former Will, in the
opinion of the liegisur, keep the nmases
resolved on independence. and lead, to
final triumph. - •
The Richmond Evairer, of Septemher
22d, is thus emphatic an the subject of
Sheridan's late victories: "Paitial succes
ses, like this in the valley, mat elect Lin
"coln...we hope they will—but they land.
very little to any final result: They serve
the purpose of. Lincoln to defeat McClel
lan; but they contribute nothing toward
our sntjjuption."
The Richmond Examiner, of • September
Bth, his.* lengthy article on he Chicago
platform. The much abused second reso
lution does not suit its editor) any better
than it .dOes the Abolitionists of the
North. Re nip of it t.
"Armistice will certainly lies feature in
the new policy—armistice with a view to
negotiation. And ' now, supposing that
armistice to be accepted, it must be ed.
ranted that the situation would , be roger
ded by manyi good Confederates se more
perilous to our independence than Lin
coln's war to the knife; for 'those nego
tiations will not necessarily be confined,
as they ;Night to be, to the Confederate
governMeut. They may address them
selves sererally, perhaps unofficially, to
State Legislatures; they may wind their
way thrcsigh every ramification of society,
by commercial transactions and private
Intercourse; may approach influential in
dividuals'in the shape of promises of po
litical support, llsof. of hard money ; in
e conceivable manner that season of
armidioe. would be used to create here an
thaw party at once. The effort would fail;
yet itinight distract and divide and intro
lime troublesome disoord,when now there
is a good practical unanimity. , There can
be no doubt that should Lincoln permit
an election, and - should McClellan be the
new Preddent, and should he offer an ar
mhtice for negotiation, even though it
should be a real, genuine oessation of hos
tilities by sea and land, the cause of Con
fident* independence would then begin
to bare 4 neir kind Of peril to encounter,
.and would , have to meet them by a new
tart of fa lai° virtue more heroic than
achLitremeat itself. And, after
all, belt ramembeidd that if such an str
addles liveries& it' h socamparded by;
airited threat." , , •
• tit enough lbr the 'present. ' We could
411Iltiply testimony by the solemn, bat do
not regard it as negmeary.' If what we print
alms does not convince every thinking
man of what we have often smarted, that
the rebel tides hopefully look forward to
sanfoin'a rimileetiomoinii that the Abell"
thin and . nosed. osi leader's have steadily
Mora fa atok a maw so talcomota
one mothers intersiti, there is no virtue
in evideooe or argument. Whatever else
may be mid, the great fact standsont too
prominent to be suocessfully disputed,
that there who are foremost in their de
sires for Southern independence ,dread
Gen. McClellan's election, because they
think it will overthrow all_ their hopes of a
Separate government, in which theYsball
be the-head men ; while they also ardent,•
ly, anxiously and prayerfully desire . that
Mr. Lincoln shall be retained in power,
because, with too good grounds we
fear, they believe that four more years
of his rule is equivalent to an•ultlmate
victory of their cause, and the consequent
ruin of the North. - •
Gamma. Faziosr, in his letter of with
drawal, said.: " Linooln's administration
has been politically; militarily, and finan
cially a failure, and its continuance is a
cause of regret for the coantry.":
' Tar following States will hold 'their an
nual elections before the . great contest for
the Presidency takes place: Pennsylva
nia, Ohio, Indiana and lows, Oci t . 11.
Great Nan Metter at,E4hiberio.
Written for the Observer.]
Editor of Observer :—Tbo star of Democracy
is in the asoezdenor. Our Maas Meeting at
this place, on Monday, was a decided Success,.
Compared with the one the Disunionist' held
on the 30th ult., it was far superior in num-
bers, in . order, in caliber of speeches, inciden
tal entertainments, &a and the Abs au
knowledge themselves out did. Isaac R. Tay
lor ,was appointed Presiding Officer, G. A.
Allen, Thou. U. Nash and Sure:
taries, with an able corps of Vice Presidents.
After a brief and able speech by the President
a splendid American Eiiign, 14x20 feet, was
presented to ',the Edinboro Democratic Club
by the ladies otEdinboro and Washington.
The material •:of this flag wu purchased by
the 14dtee themielves, at a cost of seventy
dollar', and wrought by their - own fair hands
tin a m anner superior to anything of the kind
in Erie county, and .challenges excellence. It .
' was 'presented, in behalf of the donors, by G.
A. Allen, Esq. This was responded to, on be•
hat of the Club: by, Dr. •J.: C. Wilson.
[Want of time obliges us to omit Mr. Allen's
and Dr. Wilson's speeches Until next week.—
They are both excellent inaentiment and well
worthy of 'publication.] 1.
The meeting wu thisti — atidretifa by the
Hon. Gaylord Church, ittihni , We. collvlatigg
style characteristic of that staunch Democrat,'
devoted patriot and wise statesman—may his.
shadow never grow lees. Mr. Lloyd followed
with it lengthy and fervent appeal to the host,
of honest voters before him, giving some time,
ly and apt illustrations of the "Higher Law"
doctrine. Capt. Hutchinson "wee then called
upon, but owing to the lateness of the hour,.
declined making a speech farther than to offer
' an apology for the abstince of Col. Dan Rice;
which he did in, a brief and very appropriate
style. Thee came the corps of speakers front
Erie.. I
Friend Whitman, we believe, nay, we knew,
yon aredoing all for our cause that it is pos
sible for man to do, but You are surrounded
by a sleepy set of'DemtWats is the city of
Erie, and if the success of our ticket depends
upon'such men, God help the Hemecracy. '
Edinboro, Oct, 4, 1864. '76.
R rater' for the ()Winer.)
Letter from Colombia.
Com:rims, Sept. 26, 1803
Dear Observer.:—Here we are again. There
are quite stirring times here at present. Last
Thursday evening the Democratic °lab of Co.
iambus met and read their resolutions, after
which they were addressed by Mr. V.'S. Cur
tis, of this place. As we were not present we
are unable - to give you either' the resolutions
or the speech, both of which we hove been
assured were excellent. Mr. Curtis is a young
man of great promise, this being, we under
stand, his first attempt at public speaking ;
and we are told it was a perfect success. .The
"loyal" citizens of Columbus and vicinity,
turned out en mane .to listen, to the vise
sayings of Meters. Scofield and Curtis, of
Warren. As we' attended a "Copperhead"
meeting at Corry wa are unable to inform you
of their success. At. Corry we listened to
Messrs. Whitman, Lloyd add others, who told
us a great many truths. We were very sorry_
to learn the lamentable condition of Goy.
Bigler. But we fear we are trespassing upon
your space and therefore wilt close by saying,
Zo-ga,g'o Advatiotiundo.
Stray Heifer.
intbseriber, in °rendlipid tp., near the Union wheel
hen" &boat the 28th of &Ombra., s ST/UT Hl2/CR,
2 years old, dark zed, with one horn broken off, and whit s
halm on the forehead. The owner is regulated to come
forward, prove property, mutants and take her army,
otherwise .he will be disposed of according to law.
Stray Cow:
subscriber, In Ifillereek tp., wont Weaved" aes,
• STRAY COW, of a yellowiab red eoler,l or 9 yam td.
with the name of "George Lpsoh" breaded oa her lora&
Tb e owner L remested towed &rear& prole retth
pay dame arid tabs her away. otherwise due be du.
posed of sacs:ding to law.
oral-ter• JOIDEPII PLAT'S.
Valuable - Property for
• - Sale. -
pas o f s ag ging in other Winless, offer fir ado their
MW Priperty situated la Albion. Brie Co, Pt. Tile
pro ambits .of One rLotriuwa MILL. Dna SAW
DWELLING 1101J6112 and 16 ACliii of
LAND. The Floating. Mill works .throe pair of bang,
three bolts and all *tier neeemary ameihmly for doing
a merchant or custom business. mad is , sow doing a ow
businesa—the retail trade amounting to from Men
to twenty theasand dollan ay
ear. •
The Saw =UI has one Upright law and one Circular
Saw, sad is double mod s In complete order.
The above mine are driven bra sever !Wag
and will be aol4 at • bargain. All letters el iaqnh i M
receive prompt atteatioa by addressing
out1141M• S Albion. EMI Co, Ps.
Stray Cow.
the sulseriber. la tut 11Blegreett i sou Yana .%
at Yard , as sr about kb* nth alt., a lad oow. sedt.
am shod. d=d mixed tat., wits oil. Any perms
or pawns ins miir WWI ems forunit. prom
_property, pay change arid take her sway, otherwise eke
win be abpassa et steatite, to law.
oetS4w.• . • Joigra C. WOOD.
Invitee the attest:llli 01 wet
.coot%are to hi, large sad sew
No. reeshing too the •
Fail Winter Trade
Parehand sine the late decline la &dd. awl will be sold
at Wholesale, and let;
Abe a large steak ell •
Boots. and Shoes,.
whisk will be wild at Wow der below tie priest
value. -
estill‘les• '
Administrator's Notice.
T_ETTtlti3 of A:dminiskstion of the ee
jtj tab d neat& low dent. tote et Vetritee
lot" Oa, Isseinclremorraelei to themedes.
Aped. aotke fahatelbo first. en "be date" NOM
theism Ss menet *my 4ato
Male Oat theill WOW! to the estate eta who
tesumedlerne prnyasel - SILAS DOTIII.
• • 128111111111011116
Meisel WI/ALM. ika &CM hsernak„, /
roan sod Neteeity.
• DIM W. & R. 11.AMIERT,
Mee on the grit floor la the Atwater Belittler, tot
Reporter street, Cleeetand, Ohl..
• .;
• Deport on the Nature. Tristaseat sad Cam of to.
Tons aa&Phyaical DenlUty, Eihanationsfilparosabscrtim
sad all Creino-grattal Miasma of the hennas am"
and other dia.mailf Weide:AO to both mesa, prodzd a :
stagelleraay of both mental cad physical stosnyth terra{,
noting la total debl'ity and Incapacity; showing
these dim/wisp °Gen appear !clearable, when l a , scit .
they caa be effeenally removed by the molt ittopiL
As instrument for the cure of General Debility 6 ,
Nocturnal Esotubas, mom properly known se is taidu
Weakeese, &e. Can be pertoeuentli carol le from is
Ibtya to two menthe by the use of this Instrtunent sh,,,
used eoujointly , with °medicines.
Drs. W. k R Weald take pleasure In announcing tu t
they have Invented a moat important instrument for til l
cure of the above disease'. It h. b.en ro , jvctot t o ,
taut by the most eminent physicians to L•01:111013,
Philadelphia and New York. It has been declared h.
;oily neared Instrument ever lovent...l for }he
itioninal Weakness, or any disease of the gedintl..„ ys
coaled by the secret ha'dts of youth.
Dry W. k it. Laraert, in order to satisfy the moat
thud u to the merits of their instrument, Pledn ttuo t r ,..
solves that in any instance where It msy prove Qum,
factory, after a fair trial, the money will to refutiliti b 7
returning the instrument to good order. Price of hen.
mint and medicines $2O.
-For tht Venereel Mamie' and all-Private Complaiale
— 7. gleete, strictures, seminal weakness, pales in the Joinu,
affections of the kidneys, diseases of the head, th e*.
nose and skim and all those dreadful affections ewe,
from • surd habit of youth, which produce' cog t ..
Ronal debility, reader marriage impound'', sad in
and destroy both body and mad. 'The treatment tte,"
adopt is the result of upwards of thirty years extereed
and saceessful prunes to Swope and America:
Persons in any part of the world may be Fuee m eo
treated by forwarding a correct detail of theLr au., Irdi
♦ nenntanee for medicines, etc._
nRS. W. & 11. LAYERS,
Atwater Building, foot of Super! o r et,
0ct6114-Iy. Cleveland, Ohio
Irs Comstock, 1 In the Common 'Meta of Lis
vs. County. N 0.75, February Tern,
• Avis P. Comstock. 1884.
Cu, is hereby notified to appear at the Court re
ommon Pleas, to be holden at gee, in and for the
county of Elle, on the lit Monday of November out,
and answer the said complaint, and show Weft its.,
she bath why • divorce, from the land' of tratrtam
should not be gr anted to said phiuttif.
Sheriff's Ofilee, Erie, Oct. 0,1804-414
Mary E. Raymond,
by her neat friend, In the email of Comm,
ft R. Whittlesey• Pleas of Ms Constr. ri
vr. 9, Nov. Term, 1849,
I „I. Case Is hereby notillod to' appear at the Cant s
Common pleas to be holden at Erie, In aad for the ca
ty of Rs* on the Ist Monday of November next, and o.
serer the said oponnlalat, and show sense Many she 1 1 4
why a divereeTrout the bonds of matrimony ahoali an
be granted to said plalstUL •
Sheriff's Moe, Erb, Oet. 6, 111611 4w. ,
Jcsrios of litta Ringo Bled,
Vt bandies Wad of Farrar MIL, lima, Pal.
, 1 41153 MANHOOD •
Mow Lost ! Howlestent
JUST PUBLISHED a New , Edition qt
naked ears, (without medicate) o SlailleSolLainty or
SemiW.sliben, Involuntary SemiaallLomes, boo.
ninth, Mental and Ply Weal Inespaelty, Impedimeiite
n eta.; also, Cosstursuar, Itruiret and Tat
Indr iga =by ealf•indulgence or sexual extraragancr.
Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 ants.
the celebrated author. in this admirable essay, Cady
demonstmtes, Item a thirty years successful Inadex
that the alarming consequences of self-abtaa maybe rid
Wally en red without the dangerous use of Warta :cif
due or the application of the knife—pointing oat snob
of care at once simple, certain and effectual, by me u
which every sufferer, no matter what hts condthoa my
be, can mire himself cheapl, privately and reaticrie.
Or This Leo - toss shoul d Le in the hands of ere;
youth and every man in thwiand.
Sent tinder seal, in a plain envelope, to any Wm, a
the receipt of sit cent% or two postage stamps. Mbie
the publishers, CHAS. J. C. !MINS 100,
127 Bowery, New York, r
Port Ofile• Bar, 4Ate
The attention of the Public is invited to tits Selma s
the Corner of State and Filth Streets, width hi Mee
fitted up in handsome style, and Ls now
bel mod to be one o' the plessintest •
resotts the city. •
And ell kinds of artie:es ueual•y kept in i 3alo 3. , bent
up to enstoteets in a S.ipeki , ., mauler.
• • Bar is supplied with the
flifiFeeling that my arrangementsare sue)seessas
tr glee satisfaction, I respectfully soles the pit
rens/sof the eommnuity
Prepare for Winter. . '
Before It Coes Higher.
Now V your thus to la to your supply of WI, as
oonstantly on the riws. ns old eat►YLebed yard at
On the Canal, In the but pines in the city to buy it. Itt
hays on hang a quantity of the beet '
From the Weever County Mines, including bit Wei
and Old Ormsby, which we are prepared to deliver of
short notice to any part of the city at the lowed nubs
pries. Don't delay, but send your orders, w:111 de
Cash. is the increase of the pries of mining, the anti
of coal at the mines, and other MOJA% continue totted&
ly advance the pries.
. We, therefore, 'elicit a dill from all who use coal, lea
guarantee anthill:action, both In quallly and pnce.
Eighth street k Cott
Would most respectfully announce that they are am la
their new Store,
And.havto lust opened a very tarp
lin:Mating everything in the
To whloh they invite the attention of the Wks of Li
and vicinity.
Having selected their stock with the poked ren t al
parehaned for eau, they feel confident they an mYoit
to the advantage of all to give them their. =atom
cr. I. as Atsmntow 'imago Dyeing, nod
ing and Pressing. • . • ar..2
Stray Cow.
CAME to the residence of the
isteeriber,ts sue MlHerta* tp., near
the Bahl° I Yrle R, R. Ragtime Roue, on
Sunday night last, a light tea Cow—crooked
horns, large sized, and end of tall eat or. The ono!
masotod to mew forward, prows property, pay dui°
s a d
take htoer
aw away ; otherwise she will be dupe*: !
sording l
, ohror no;1
In Common Plow of EH' Car
TI. tl. Alias Bab. in Enn& N ,
Lay Ball. 21, Atte. Tenn, 1864.
Yam aro hereby notttlad to appear at the Coart d
Minen /least to Do holden at Eris, on the lit Meade
of November, 111t14, Ltd show canoe, if any you hi" , " I '
&moo alton'd not be j. gran w.
s tod wAt tont y tti , o p qr n . ty
Sherif' Mao, &pt. 95,11644 w.
• New Firm.
JAMES P. CROOK, having taken in
eon, Jamie E., as a partner on th e lot dm of Ips
IN4 aster the Arm name WAVES P. 6/1001d1ON
bulges to have a settlement of kin old sonoanta 1Y t
so call ou knowin
aettl g themse lve ithout s inddelay ebted to him are retto"
t and e w.
itanitaornzu OF
Winds* Wit, Muses, loon and HO:
Stroll Bating. 'latching & Haile
hop OS Pea* It., betweem Mk are id gik
we elepeetatU r WI the at leottoo of ths publia,u r
theilitlag Ibr doing work in the best aerie, proniP,_to;
an naeonable tenni. Da, ottoo up entire , /
deeps, with superior monahluery, w. feel cooddest
tiwthe retwfaction.
4 sir Orden from abroad inn naive vOElO lOl 'l
anylliredtt. JUNES P. CROWE &
MONZAT. MAY le. left
wilt Int•Daakirk at about tbs follorig b mu'
listward Bound—Depart.
Melt l 00 r• P"
fitemsbeat o.ran
!fprais. y s•
is 4- Ir.
Way frotaki
The Aoroommiatioa ram '
0 410 V
=mod modal os4l 0000wslosl Ma ora reorg 1 j&lt . Water of If hOrret calor, Oita of St
thlomorbiao know an deo as ark.,
• I.louthi=lo for hotels, oases sad pen& 401110
Foe Ws at WOW
. T017 . 3f01 miloigh.