coalt;E WEEKLY OBSERVEM t. az °smut sammscetrien Main - OPPONITII Tin roar 0/11011. !yeti ItrOalti;NTS.-013, :Naar. of Ten Linos one In. . • twol SertiOnli $4OO ; 0111111 WOO ow sip ; one month $450 I two months UP); WO :IGo ths SVIO; SiX1130011111110,00; one y*61.10100; other a dvertisements In pro4ottlon. Thema rates strictly adhered to, wawa changel by . special ' or at the option of ! . ...11 publishers. And tore Notice*, Strays, Divorces and like advertise* ;LW ; ,adooissistrator't Notices 12,60; Lots/ s,,doss flys conies line; Ha*risigo Noticesswawrr• ovamos a piece; Oil tour Notioes(ovetthree .o,oo_llro cents pat MlL:Oriel:tit poetry. no. whiten at the roolnest of the editor, ono dollar per Neie advertisements will be motioned at i ip.ll 41 of the poison advertising, until ordtwed a ct by hls directlon,:anleas a nodded period 1 mo t loon for Itrlnioretion. TWO Doszaaa per ennui* to ad. • roof. ;;i3 ERIN TING.—We have one of Use awl J o b t ,i,4 , o,e• n the Mate, and ore ready to do any work la tst line that VII. I,e entruatrd to us, In email style ; „„,,..trultrhmrut outride of the largest eitles. - NV k DRR CR; Publishers Moto the World. Rhymes for the Time. Aril. ."/KOVAIII. 000611," DICZORT. , Pickory, Magri. Dodli, Old Abe woad op the West The clock atreek tea. For Ifaitead Pea, Abe ttimhled with the shoot. r ninotit. piddJo, diddle datopHliag, Frinoont - Joba Thought to p 4 to %Abington ; of district bear; be was oa, 014,110, dkio dolaptiog, ♦ scoo.o oasisaancs 2 , lng • song of greenbacks, A pocksfull otatraw; Four and ttrentt millions-- I lung away Id war; When the waihras opened— .- The notes beigin to By, ; er.on't that,aldainty sight For such poor chaps as 7 t Class was in the yrs/tsar,— . Counting put the money; - Lineola in the White Houle, . Was eating bread and honey ; Ilelellan on the battle field, , Rae following oar foe.— ',There mule along a Usti bird r and nipped off his nose. LiOt enirr. , ♦ A Ball has I Una°lN hate 700121.7 wool Yoe, mull, haw I, many heide full : . None for the master, none for the dean, All for Coltnnby to hairs and snalstatc- Ilia! hark! the war dose bark'! The Yeekeee hare cope to town; 8028 with gaga: bet notiit to rage— Ifid one with a here's Crown. ONI, TWO . Oue,iiro; Ate wet do, Throp,lour, jAtliatre; fineven, evolve, Whet I.tneoln shelve; ..,."Thirteen, Amnon:, iTPtory.eroarting; . • /4 w(te as a ax, frortunq died tut Semen, lett, ' Seventeen, eighteen, Bet end debate; I For this we're waiting, Nine, ten, Ninetiten, twenty, liso and Pen. Peace and Plenty. THI YODEL'! 111.11 Of TIIISSAIT ft.oro 'rue man of 11110 obi, who wasn't wondrous wise ; He j ant ped into* civil war, and blinded both hts eyes ; sad ehaa h• Pale hill eyes 'were shut, Witit 011 Lila fun and farm-- l'e plunged the deeper In the wet— loliair—of worm. I rltto for the Erie Obeemer.] !arenalag Letter from Kentucky. AMONG THE MOUNTAINS, - AA! Dorn , " IN "OLD KAINTUCK.," • Sept. 16, 1864. ly Dear „Sir :—How wonderful the im- ,Pinonts or,the present dAy. Twenty eir. a,ro last, yoUng„ incixperi ced and friendless, in search of emp/oy 4ent, I passik4..nrer much of the ground over amen I have' low journeyed; Then it took in;.Arly two weeks..an4 time was not fy spent: t Tbs. fatigues then undergone Ake the scenes of the journey fresh in .s recollection. How changed now. On iisday morning we left home at 1 a. tn., .I.lsrrived here at 12 m. on Thursday, 0.4 of the way loitering the tame in lux i:oui cars, listlessly passing tae hours,not r , m thinking. or siksat . .ly. returning our eks to the great and active minds '2 , 0 genius andenergy have supplanted '., "gtoed old stage coach" of . ancient .me,.by the modern and'palatial care that ritti so great speed ' and such wonderful :Arer, traverse this vast land almost from • .7.1 In, end, .facilitating intercourse and -oily creating cominerce, trebling or ;Adrtipling the price of'raw products. For :stance, we poor, overcharged people at ome are paying 54 cents per pound for .-..ier whilo•here it is had ill abundance 415 rents; and why the difference ?-r. •-mply that here theynre fifty miles; over Pry bad ro Id a portion of the way, from riilrold, and n a other email:tunic - aloft is ; ex to them. Think of this ye farmerb. .who havd been nearly ruined by tlieel offing of railroads through your farmiti e which you havo been paid two or three 's. : N3B for the land actually taken, your hole farm doubled in value,and your pro. las trebled or quidrupled. Hard in-' :Artd is your lot. • : At Cleveland wo did not tarry. ' From -art to Columbus we occupiel a verY :rsPrded car, and on the seat immediately my front sat a sprightly young lady 'a) occupied all tho se ttoi in her (reach. .n , )tic4d when I trine into the car; that it Ire occupiecl,by a l gentleman alone, one If being variant. The lady c %me in and -gave her the seat and moved to the one :.xt bAhiraf m's, leaving her nrith • the ou , v.ienn seat in the car. Several persons ' - y 1 : 14 ill ; the gentlemen passed on, and . t , r i 1 I lilies attempted to occopr the r t:lThi .4.1 t, hut she sat in the moidle and '' , if , l not budge—persisting that her hus. Aml was somewhere on the train and -, ald soon be. there to claim the seat, and :44 she Bluffed t. every one away until _. ! , +hy 1 : uly of some considerable resolu• -In, came along and determinerfle - Itaire alt the spat or sit in Miss's lap... W. 44i , ".^. de-ire , effect. ' The young lady really :leis 1..4.- If conspicuous 6o most dt' the -! , gingers ln the car, and when she got l'Afiar C Au mhos, ehe — fnarohed off Alone. °". 4 the Oilly lady maliciously-1 asked ' 4, t misfortune could have happened ' ilOr liti4nd thud to depriie her of '"-' 4 )3iPiy. ' Thiq, of cootie, is of no - - npertaBm.4 -,,,,, x cop t aii a type of : what. ',.., tray..ler , every Ilay twos-- persons 461:11 Zk‘.i. - e3 who mouop ) 1 .1.4e all the ", , 4:•• la ilieir reach. In fact, you can `''l'll)ely ~ nt or a car that 'you vrill.notiikad ~..• o r tar 1 l.tfilpi wllO have iake4 a !telt I ' l tutu.• i over another in iti trout, and •:i., )I.eii i ,y the four, FOrTletitae3 with a ' v ? dog anti •ornetimes witti.a shawl, and 1 , 0,. u g ,, r , „tt e mpti n g to turu or occupy 11' ~N tSgaged." anti they ate ` , mei •• s ou. "0 wad some ; 4 *PT t ire to see ourselves as sera see ut, •• - The great fair at Columbus WAII in •pro:'. Polk tad I learned bid faiito be a' fine . - ''' - 7 i ..: .... . r • -- , I. • _ . .. „ . ~ ... , .•_, `.1 % ,r 31;4 2j.? - ---, , -7):"; • r . 1:.. y• • - . T _ ER .• ........._ _ VOLUMI 35 exhibition: We tarried not but hastened on to Cincinnati.' fine the whole country is. What elegant. rams,' ffne buildings and monstrous fields of corn ; and Cincinnati itself, what •an energetic city: How great its enterprise—how vast its business- We did not stop hitt passed on to Covington. How much more con venient the passage of the river *hen the new bridge will beoompleted. The mon strous piers on either chore, i in imagine .„. ton.stretching out their arms to link clos er the destinies of the' two cities. Coving ton is a fine town. .lts lumber business is immense, and among its inhaintaets' I found many whom in my schoolboy add school-teaching days I . had known further North. We fottudyest, for the night with "mine host'',of the "Ellison Heine:" A very one house, With which no complaint can reasonably be made if they will only, sUßlyrtht rooms more abuitistitly,with soaiii - antf estieli: The - tibte; intendifita, rooms and beds are very excellent. From Covington you reach Lexington hythej4 ntiokY'Centeal R. R.—not in very — good oon,clition. Bragg, Kirby Smith and Morgan have too often paid it s their respects, and I do not tididc it has profited by their atiantiori, and only' during last week the Etridge near Cynthiana was re moved by the freshet, and it is but just now in running order. The road master, 'bir, Reynolds, formerly, of the Buffalo & Erie, is giving it every attention, and will keep it in order if 'the "rebs" don't inter fere.l- eynthians and Paris are fine towns andipresent some evidence of progress.=-- At ;the former. place John Morgan did considerable damage at his last raid and burned quite a large number of good buildings, Here is where Gen. Burbridge caught hiss and inflicted such severe pun ishment that he was glad to hasfon his departure. Lexington seems to be situated in a very garden ; nothing can be conceived 'finer than the surrounding pountry. The city itself has scarcely progressed in twenty years. There is, however, about it , smany, objects of interest. .On the Cemetery hill, among the monuments of lesser im portance,/ towers the high shaft to =Elj memory jof the Sage‘ of Ashland—he whose voice had stilled the storm of 1822, and whose statesmanship had greatly as sisted in conducting the country ato its elevated positioi, and the silver-tones of whose voice aria the magic waving • of whose hand had quieted the storm of 1852. But alas ! age crept ottapace: "To all liv ing it is given onceAto die." The high position be occupied,in the councils of his country—nor the= plroe he filled in the hearts of his oliiritrymen ,could stay the fell destroyer, and after leaving tis the ex -ample of a bright, well, spent id patriot. .jo ; fife, during which time he *age advice 'and steady arm had so often sway ad and guided the councils of the nation, amidst the tears and mourning of the people he rested with his fathers. A greaoand good man had died, and it was right iliat•a na tion that had profited ) : so much by his councils should mourn his departure. And 0! that the nation had continued to be guided his sage eAvioe. Then this devas tating war would not have spread over the . country. : Then would the wail in the lank not have been hea y. Then would peace and prosperity have been the twin rewards of virtue and patriotism. - ' 1 . At Lexington terminated our railroad travel. Fiorn there fby stage, private con -1 veyance or the primitive methoi:of horse back travel. The Lexington Pike, over which we traveled for some distance, is very fine, and passes through the best tilled part of Kentticky, and the soil re sponds favorably ;to the tillage. The crops . cannot be excelled. Vie cattle are the finest I ever saw and miles are raised in great nnmbers. Negroes are fit and 4o not seem to take upon them the respon sibility of the war,-and our driver- r appa ! rently an intelligent mulatto of 28 years— said he had not the leafst idea Mist the war was for ; that he had not heard '.the white folks say what it was, nor did he even hear an explanation from the!' old women in relation to %bat lie "reckoned" both parties were mad. There was skir mishing All along the pike, fKingston Ili ,. to Lexington, 32 miles. was a riot of . several hours duration Riehmend.— Our bays stood. well, bat K y Smith had more:thowiands - than we ad hundreds and, of t:sourse, we hsd to fall back. I ob 7 served.sevend six pound shot holes thro' a brick-church about six miles south of Richmond, where I misinformed a skir mish had taken place. During this expe dition the Union citizens left or secreted themselves in 'the mountains, leaving thf women and children at home.' They weti not 'molested but treated with the greatest respect. This Lain informed by 'the ex cellent lady of .the minister ;mho denied himself the comforts of a life in the outs-. ei.iyorld beCause he thinks , that among this, poor benightedpeople, at the base of _the_ mountains, he - can do more goad to his fellow man. lam now stopping with hit= ist,e,gitaiillataut ;map; or -t • ap Arne and "tizeistian; 1 think I never met. Ile is man of much more than . ordinary talents. His wife is a woman of -mach intelligence and refine ment, with childrerewhose education, lit erary sod 'social, has not been neglected. Hells an atatistlaieritanan, but:tarch:tin one as all must respect, no matter how much you might differ from hitn in principle .- 7 * belairathe ittstitobiii.l.o tw!«. Mxtzt,' and for ten long years he has been settled in the State of Kentucky telling the slave holders 9teth4eves,of ( what he believ,i tp, , be their gust ein, J and begging - th'ern to' turn from the error of their ways. This ii l eg iti nv q.",ZE . !ie is far,different,..from, the holy IftlYrbt'6o lit veittiltit wiAiltritid ft ifie North that' preaches to the fanatics of Massachusetts to convert the sinners of Georgiii.: - : Ife7b - 113, iti . 844 church and a school.' 'Tile fall team ititljtat r iiiiiiidanced . f• ' •-+. , ; , • ' sviiial3,settelarl._ Ttry..exPected a teachitd bliklibll!as !44i4C 0 the-aritly (10© ,dal a' . men) . aii! bog Monad, bane alok:sad iii: ? , 3 • 411:';` , ' t ; • Anwt,t:tl27LAlLA. ME IiMIE=III TW0.D014,18 PER. YEAR; IP PAID: IN ADVANCE . taiSO l xoTYAID,Ii*TI,L THE END , UP THIE4YE‘R. the meantime the thin liter thidlie r srown up'tlaugliter,erebt4 by . a. yeiviger.sqixi are carrying on the schooir - "The', &Mlle boring to do good and God grant flit; they may be bleeied. In 'the meantimei c if any of our , people Wilk to' cora/Mite money where Rosin do good. where it is , needed and whine it teiltiti faithfully ap plied to the.inicting of both White and• black, let thetti remit. to / Ile,. Y0hn.14.. Fee,.Berea, Madison Co., ICY- About Politics nothing is said. 'ln KAM% tucky flo man can do..b4Slneeta without a permit from the governitteni; and noncan` who is not loyal can get a perrrut. and the official granting permits judges of loyalty by the standard,iie sets up himself; hence it is easylo determine ,why all the buslnette; men in the cities are so intensely loyal do A. Lincoln personally, and, refrais from '' , eipressing and opinion adverse to his liticaf The etlierilaiorning at Co*.:: • _ .-wcy-•isairr-iinngt4Peti got. ^le lc Commercial the other a Gasettt at 5 cents each, and I thbughl it ediicable to; mix things it little, so 1. asked' the boy fOr an Enquirer, and he tram the bottom of his package drew the paper and whispered 10 cents. I thought it Cheap enough. I did • not inquire the reason of the difference in l price but supPoi!e it is owing to iteown ib trinsic value. I thinl4 it. was the firetnurn= bail ever saw and I read if carefully and could discover 'nothing in it that, wiie , not just as loyal as the Erie G , aaetto anC L that suppose to be sound ; hence I thinli4 was not dathaged by. my. l rodiscretion put.. (amain* the paper. VIATOR. SIGNS. OF THE TI3IEI. The Skies ilsigia la every emerter., The St. Louis Union has hauled down the name of Lincoln and Johnson, and will support McClellan, Pendleton anti the Union. ' A vas was taken on • the mail. train going west, yesterday, which resulted as follows McClellan, 85 ; Lincoln, t 5. • A gcodmany solders were in the cars and voted for McClellan.—Rar. Patna ine f l Louisville Journal says : "The members of our (Kentucky) State govern ment stand as a unit in favor of McClel lan, and are working_ as a unit for his election. A vote was taken amorng the mem bers of a full regiment of Unlon troeps, at Cairo, on Thursday, which rcimited in 9 18 votes for General McClellan and 79 votes for Linooln.—Cincinnati Esquire. Hun, Nelson Franklin; of this pity; a leading and influential member tha Republican party from its orgatusatlaa. has become disgusted with Linoola.mbil will support Gen. McClellan.—arcleville ( C. ) Devwx;yd. —An officer in the IoBth, Genessep regiment) writes that of the 82 veterans that are left, but 2 are Lincoln men, and adds that the other regimentawbout show, relatively the same political Qom' Plezion. —Bufalo Courier. —One of the speakers *rho addressed the great McClellan demonstration In Philadelphia . on },Saturday evening of the week before last,.was Mr. D.. C. Gillespie, a member of thepublican State Central Committee, of Pennsylvania.. He has cut loose from that' party, and come . out squarely for McClellan. • We are happy to learn that Hon. Wm. McClellan, of Chambersbarg, Is a strong arlvbeata of the election of Little Mao. Mr. McClellan has heretofore held the position of being the leading Reptibli• cap lawyer at the Chambersbuig Whet:Couch men as he join our'raiiki, we may well spare men of smaller callbre.:-7 , Bedford Gazette: , —Not a day passes but wehear of prong' inenS, Republicans breaking froth the ranks of Abe Lincoln's destruotive paity: We are !domed that among the latest is found the name tif the gifted and patriot; io Senator ,from Pennsylvania,•Hon: !A gar Cowan. l!dr. 'Cowin was -elected U. S. Senator by , -the Abolitjonists -in 1861. He is now-digested with Meta, and will' support the nominee of the Chicago Con vention. He is a host and will carry tens of-thousands of conservative Repubiloanif with him.—Exchang,O. i 9 Hon. Wm. M. McCarthy; of 'Minn''-' soto, and forus4ly of Indiana, from'siiiiclil State the Reptiblicani elected him and Hon. H. S. Lane, United States Senator's but whose seats. \were Successfully tested . ' by J. D. Bright and.C. N. Fitch, spoke at . : a Democratic meeting in St. Joseph ty, Indiana, proclaiming that the only hope of the country lies in" a ehango . of. the national administration, which, estimation, was sure 'to be effected- in : taw November election.--4healo Couritr. ; 411 ' Aanr.atrNavr Isrotow.—: A large and isnthasiaaticineetidg of veto. rano, officers and priviteg of, Thwarrisy,,iis favor of General' liicCiellan Presgent, wii.vbeld. at No. 534 . Broadwayaievikor,, last week. and .an organixatida :kerne& under the abOve , - Airangenieriti' were Mad?, for aWoilif4 Wednesday next, of which due, siolpoi will itegiven: Groat enthusiast-prevailed,. and the licfjc l nirtieli With ',Me: olieers i for the „old enrrnntirider '144 izOti.: President, Gen:George B. M.nalell, Y. World. McCuLLAN • Is ?sir • Aarr..ll4, Ne* York Express' hxs positiTe Mx - 16404 the .nomination of GiOrge B. was received with unbounded enthusisisM: rr the Army Of the Potomac. Thivnfileer who imparts i l isittior LILO 4rag, that Viii;n. l 4 l ,,EaliiiiiliLtirl:44* army heard of)the_doingt of thitiChioago: Convention,.) ere Web snob itientirell4 i ng 9 r ki ar i d : moa ? l ! .4 -9 0 A 41110,04. mortstritiontpc4Aarity sa l hava.oOsAprk. witnessed even du those Statralwhorir,irmo .C 1 elhm iCrticat - populars .11hetilAsInoTdisilt t * vhstever, bat: she- army tha Potiayitio will i mist an.itereiwhalmingilaidc . iittyoliar their late Womusender. if their voter while. passing !through -the , mails :ire not tamer Pered. i nith!ltysidjatagatat.by4;idor,ai4# l 9 adadoistratiOlLlPOOft lik,powimu .Ifowti :2 C:2l..Vii goi I a:claim' at as 7arxatzt a sbua ns bstoci. ^ IFC6A7,II mug; PA.; TittatSDAY;' AFTERNOON, cloTo,tog.ll 6, 1.864 ME 2 . 1 n '-411GiCur**16:aini..--4; 111. Clarke; Pt ibinik af Mania, moopromineno• kr riehitti awl hithertota• Rep:11)11mi, . . writei! to the UtiesOliteetilgteleg biers& ion:eftength feetbeecteel4the - Attietti. istiigteelsekty.)"'Aftei - reeittnV thEr find primer of Id power, be &ie.' ' ' • , .. ;• tiTtail'wW ntit'oting in earn ' eidteeirotieii toitheafriibetif bar TOM* as Ott edit rapine of asensing a lastinwpsue; ti - Haien' Ail °llamas well et lit!! ißeft.ifeligiqt-: I on the comprpuisee...2 the oft ..mt4 by-gone prosperitft , f we - con quie yd .1 .b e m tre tt p al, er on teer e,t a tea ltie fici tivriet tik iiiel bsifel: e Can yer 'create that feeling without - which no Re- lniblio Mir tact:With, *VC liddisfelklitiy We hastened toe 'final fill, • Letts, then, iy for the Union of oneitathets,, not iit . . n strife, bnt in _ .ml 4; sad soda may ,w 0 know 'blessing!, of V' chiand Peace . Not ' &literary or 14 011, I•ac tteleiterY, not u Rapti) or Iteme; C;tit tut• Union-Laren Div esemysie let as otimeli' , leadset a, iitueutute,setr 'goaLsball.. .., naiou, whether clothed in th6fanatio hen ky'of Northern lianCor or reri4intle.. twain ,by traitor firion'our countrieffiagore will put - 401111:` "Oar Union filet; oar -Union litskand forever. Ditoordant feeling be. in'g thus pacified, Constituti.Onatrights all guafan seditious councils. all ~orert hrown, we nay f yet find my Couiltry again. "One and fridisisoluble." ' WHAT PORNIT SATS . .4th, , oi t hi3r 4?-7„ ea. (;ne of the four - hone expreas TN/OA which need to carry thaboFee of „green- - backs manufactured, iq the State Depart- Punt, WAS leaving the *tor that edifice; ! lohn wiat couple of friends, exclaimed rn poiniing out the car 'with hi 3 `They,riey i , prink as , many : green 4aolz , ectkei, sole i# but they will not carry t State'of Petro: givenin.... That finite will iro only for one nmiu!and that man, isnot( Mr. Lincoln.' However; incredible the Mary may look;" m Litaye it froni one of the putrwho was talking , with' Mr. , k`orney(4 have all , the reasons imaginable to beit4le* In _its scou r ntop-10,r, N. Y. i Tfgrld, .: -* - rm-lizanse Lonnur.—The following named distinguished gentlemen who have tupported Mr. 10noo1n, now 'abandon him and go for their ooantry and Geporat Ito C►ellw: Hon..-434mea T. Brady oflken ;York.. Jol4n Van Buren, do. George Tickncir Cu tie - ' RerardyJobnson, Robert Er Winthrop, tßoaton. ' Hon. Brnrjraon,Biberidga,_Tennassos.-t The last instead gentleman say Mr, Lincoln hia.broken•every pledge htmacie to Abe .people of Tennessee. thitOugb bibs (Kr, EN) • ill •- The Chicago Boa *fakes the toile...tag dgnidioaot annotu4aacamoi , • •• I - + 1 • fig g b..eacarve that, soma of our Republi can eotemporaries, are in an uneasy ,fraine, or mind concerning the political views of that r;able "Ikmocratio'Oeiieril, Min A. Lvan Li 'and tome ochre l'ire Mee -In' a Tiositai. to give theca eonnahealthful ad v.!'" lig4 :Wilt 40440, .-P0444 riorssirlur selTesit d gcluemeP. !..thaperal. Logan and 1 eneraj MeClernand have alWays 'been emocrata, titestill' , Deniocraita, Mid, as *ilk , erelong, have leassion tit admit; are likely, td",onntique 49 bapq ,for: some dine,to 00nie.,,, So ' t heep emy...gentle 7 Men.' - ' r 't • ' NEAR Witineir Ratios* • ; t• ! ! 844.-00, 1864.. 4 Ede. Ifiejfaio' • Cirerier :The: following is he result of evoke for oar next President, taken in Company . L, 170th 'Sew. York rolunteers: IdeClellan • 34 Lincoln —. l , 1,13 , By. Fhblishiln this...cot% the,. betketit of Your readers, AO that they. may kliow the feolosterr a fe•of taw many the *Ad, you !mill otlfige. Svrom.effldavita of;thoAorteetaese of the: Vote foOjahed, tiatired. • t ! . r .Tsus %minas , swi-zresys:Mae..- ! .The followhig passage ins letter. Irani.. Wallet 43031111 44eCt ROWS, 1 . 1 1 0 ,11 , i4e Sbiiing 'Of the soldiers : . A.,regintent passed down, the suns Ist At t ab°4t 9 P'cinck i. what, egin - t it was don't know, but ; it ,had just ire; turned, and such cheering for Little Mao *ever has berellieard in thes e streets sione I have beeri here, especially when ;they , . Passed the !NO. How. (rou t the time th,g,Swakin keiring MU. tit em passedout, , it. 49. !l,4l4 2 9PtirAiked Yelllstft furAfclietl , go the amAkilreWW l f.• ~.`ltOr./ 40 bid Oar., , zi ,--,.. -.... •ii- : • :, ' , 1 .1441inr.V.E.Ateaenreswo-oThis diatin gabbed gentles:nib; ifeti.l6.larrbf the Hon: Audi* Ste: Wart: and Ociii . , 9e t*neptabit ,cian:Coitterpes from . 083%40 Pouitir. who: nominate& - Dr.. Tulle, (Abolitionist) , for Congress, has declared !CV McClellan. He attended a large IT.Tettiooraile meeting at cotinellsville, bre • %he, Isth -inst., , took lin active j ,part',.ii't" the iivitiligl;,,lll4,Witl, one of the irkie * Prisidenta, Gen, ,Swea r inggen4maharetofere satins R. publhiri;liigh - 'in - the:confide/idea' hit' Ti 4 e 6 4 52.4 * 21 4/kfiWr; • , ..GOOD Niro' inou :pi Watirr...+Prirate• 'letters reedvedliont Ifiehigats end WW «rlii,!thia b i* i f.3ii-.1*'0!1101, of I 040. 6 1;i r gaukliriliniTaiiils 4.igiitepr, voluvpcsietti,,i4 ;mai. eaciaariebsg Oro,. pot Awth6l:436o6itgar fif the States wain- , id. veie. `lffietlin )011 - *p`' iniiing`Mitte', r;4.441(-0.*,44000‘41,;.44:44!, .oci car no ) Onger, ,TheT . are, pletiged i, to l ' e" !P. i ?!° a, ,f‘ t i g *I V IIS, 7 :4t - tbiic.,TleL noi,adstain's fitfoo_wlpli: Interposes its Abcii:l444Bginaiiii:t*?,raY "Jilin' ear takitnotlegarailulituiShtd 1 .... .4. / —cAupoitsiA.-9 , m 1...,"140 4 . 0 whim; .. 101 .frog!► CwiirPTEOP , *FP ‘_lPrahtAili,:hoPr. l 11 4;,11twi149 1 Ate1Y1 , 56 54 1 0 AvA tth a Au di•• .tions that-444804F:t '9twil - X 4 3w. 1 41 , 51i.. .. w ii. l_oo ll / PA 4 C 1 ?? I 'TO Q11.* M 4 0! ' 474 ° t, i e-t i 0W.5..r II:i0” ',: ' 111 /-17_4::,. .4,... L, ICE GAnntids-wbko "picient-: ly *IMO -4141.49,.:1 lios:Argiuceß4i4. r;. C 1 tltulturit;:. i ` 4.4 ?1§, , ,ir , riti* kifort: 4l :tem l i at, 1 j' ...441 , 1149!) • .. • .. o,t, .. 1 gaininicfromafasnathaiiitinalad2femi . tditimewitthles omit WereetokiWiti ) ittg. ireat umber for leigie..l f oc i ' Efull. nc. l ip v 1 / .:;. ,161.12 2fTcrirtly *gall ! 4 1 1 19:; 1 . 1 .1 11 4 • MR1•444 - ,AVeu . - Timai Dosti-.5; saw plank Obill *Elam d for•Littbil /lamp* amyl bajneads e ,afaa!o•llb b,ii. Ilia 1 ;1 1. ' I -aab 4asarib cl xivr,l Tr= bun eli:3a. / 1 ,lib w acto boa 1141.4114 cl elledJ ,Pi10: 1 I /se,* ban Atc#4 Anal blo Ataaudaion-ac Letter et .;• • Oaanoadl.B4at. 8, 1884. 4} .—I here the hOneti to acknowl edge the twilit of your leUer, life ,rstOs me ' the PemoornthMatlonal a, »neatly assembled s (11 0, u 'Lltelsiandidass at the next eleetheas,Preel.. ifeitkatthe,tralted States. , -r anzleopeiery_ for Me to laY•that thatltillnatiet eoreee.te taibmekt. atalappy,te kabW that wheritheraostaa mout made Ott tillelarl' of Ail put:4looa Iris:kept breiew. The, Mint of toniantivaried itertlpalithe arMy, , *telegram and - pew hes to strengthen and Make indelible tois.D l o l 4 sad hemrt the lore and reverence hr thanraltali, Constitution, taw. and AU of enr;itatatry intprsmad upon me in - early Milk: • ' • Thus feelings hare thee Air piled- the sottrsa pf IDOL% tutd.milst centlattette.de_so to its end: ' . . Flit mdkesiiceorstore then am 17 overniunt 'iv, Dia riNsion *kick cabs Mosestessi ,Ifs 9 icmpftilde Meth ge pact, llse *me daed the Avmeas tie pople. •••,: bep os of csq. Union mu the 'Cie • brellied,dbjeet for *hick tile warm*. tom. It sion)al bares been conducted rev tristebrifily • - and ililiffieb4llo4irtatkoar principles which I Limb ocessiion to desolate when is satire 'service. Thus 'osindneted s , the, wit* orreconetruction ,would here been ,essy, and lwe mild bare rasped the. bemoan' of our many victories on 'land and fe.X. . The,linion was Originally - farmed by the ex ercise Of 'll spirit of , conoilistfin and compro mise. To •reatort, shad Preserve it, the same spirit must prevail in our councils' and in the leartal of the people. 1 ' . The re-establishment of the Union'in all its in tegrity is and vessel continue to he; the indispens able eciuktion fn any settlement. ko soon as it i olser,or oven,probside, that oar present ad yersaries.are ready for gases upon the basis maf the Uniin, we should exhaust ill the re— source* of statesmanship practiced by civilised nations; and taught by the traditions of the American, people,. consistent with the honor and,interests of thietountry, to ,eecufe such peace, re-establish thy Union and guarantee for the future the Constitutional rights of every Stater. The Union a the one eondttion of iielaw—et ask no store. ; • - .Let me add—what I doubt not was, altho' unexpressed, the sentiment of the Convention, as it is of the people - they' represent, that iliesnaeretreStitetis willing to return to the Ulioa, it should b. Irseeivettl at'Once, with a full i tuaridatee of snits Constitutions' rights, If a frank, earnest and persliteht effort to Obtain those objects should fail, the respond'. bility for ulterior coneequenoes will fall upon those who remaisqn arms against the Union. But the Onion must be preserved 'at all hasorde. I could not look in the face of my gallant 'comrades of the army and navy, who have survived an many bloody battles, - and tell 'them thatAbeir labors and the sacrifices of so •maog of our, slain and Wounded. brethren had been in vain ; that we had abandoned that Union - for Which we,,have so often periled our 4 A -vast majorit our people, whether 4, .• the army and,paii or at ham., woujci, as I would, haiiirlo L ugli...uuded joy the permanent re aa s ti on ' . .rpeace, on the baste of the Union - aides Constitution, without the 'fusion of another drop of blood. ,But' rao peace can be permanent without Union. As to the oiher subjects presented ,in the resolutions of the Convention, I need only lay that I should seek in the; Constitution .of the IJuited States, and the lawf Mimed in acolrd ,anee therewith, the rule of my duty and the limitations of executive power ; endeavor to rotors estnromy in public expenditure, re 7betablish The auprentecz . of law, ind by the operation of a more vigirons nationality, re— sume, our commandbig position, among the nations of the earth. • 1' ' • The condition of our finances, the deprect 'lion of paper money; and the burdens thereby imposed on labor and capital, chow the neces sity of a return to a sound financial system, ertille the rights of citizens, and the rights., of Statel, - and the binding authority of law over Pretrident,"army and people, are subjects of pot less •vital , importance in; war than in peace. Believing !hi the views , here expressed are those of be Convention,! inti the people you represent, I accept the nomination. I, realize the weight of the responsibility to be borne, ahonld the people, ratify your choice. - Consoloue of my own Weakness, I can only seek fervently the guidance of the ruler of 'the Universe, and relying on his all-powerful aid, to 'my best to restore Union and peace to atlfferlug people, bid establiskand guard their liberties andrights. • I.IM, getatlemen, very respectfully, your obedient servant, 0E0,7.13., MccLELLAN. ROOM= of the feekieretle WNW Cap , nett= la Septa to the Seidler& .Reeolved, That the atutmeful disregard Of thc administration to its duty in respect to our s fellow citizens who are now and long h ive been prisoners of war, in a suf fering' eondition, deserves the severest reprobation, on the score alike of public public and common humanity. Resolved, That the i sympathy of the Pemocratio'party is heartily and earnestly extended to the soldiers of our army, who are and have 'been in the field under the lag of our eountry, mid at event of our cit. gaining power, they will receive the care, procee d" regar . il'and kindness Oaf the brave soldiers of the Bepub4e have so 'nobly 'earned, • 1 , il l y ILITITITTIO ' ' Bete!—A! CTIAN 011 TO M Ala Mointt.—V few persrus are aware, that by a recent /eye liars, newspapers and maps of priute4 paper, 0411 be courert,ell'into material for printing uplift again - . The high price of papirims made an active demand for old newspapers, booke, pamphlets and scraps of, paper.fer this purpose, and it is eagerly bought pp by parties oonneeted, with the pa 7 Per mills. By Colleeting and oaring all the material of this kind about their houses, and Selling it, many a family itian'put. "money in their pqrse*,". which would otherwise be lest. The - highest pzice, in emit, , will be paid for it ' at this (A i de. tf. Wedding and. Visiting Cards. . We eau special . attention ta, the superior etylim'of Weddingtukkyjsitiag Cards printed it Oils (Ana', Rav4g pf . ipued several nsyr foiiii`oetYpeeitiii g forlittiL,ll;4 o'f 'work, ere are enable t lin itards in a style equal to await Obtained. n any -tot the larger cities. It ‘ isalotitingiless than foolishness for,persone to,,gii abroad e l ps. exigargpti likes ,for ecgraied%sias whenthey bin g ot ; et &Ain d acitniflinitti at hOtne for . less thin one-third 'he 'einty - • • •- •. ' t ' '' Pensions,ll 0 Arrears of P lay, &a., ono es, , y, &a., tan be procured by the Widows, Orphans, end next of kin of those who have died is the ,'entice of the United Bledes; also, by /Soldiers and Beaman who are disabled by wounds, re eelved of disease contracted, upon application to (1. P. (ILIVIZTR, Licensed Military and Naval "Claim Agent. • °Mee in the Common CWIOI 1491:1, Wright's Moak. earner Butte L t\. 1 ttl i , Flab, t• sil l (tu;ting,ihe pigpolck office,) ....w.,.. . _ , , „ rin.. 3. . ., . , _ :. wirw, Oro:Mad our render' that the fattili. lic,,,o,ritht , PbtetTer oftkpope.not • exulted, by , Xtfy eitablishinent in North' 'Western Penn- 1 eiliiiMilifoi' diing 7titi'Prititing:' 'Pirreonit in ised of cilltadue Billsoiltiegent- Tickets. Bill Heads,i Blanks,_ Of nay kind of. Pbtla or..Fauoy nnting,„. gill ,(1 . 0 ,it, to .their, ad v an ta ge te i i ' li , i, MI d nail: : • ' ' - ' tt ) i 10. tiniirn;,; ..- i 4. ' . • . • . • ! ' / 1/ W W , 11. ... 71143 .# t ,P COnlithgti, ; on ~ head I Isintx,fipecqott in ueged Daub., of, epproyed Oral', 11111111 Ilii se eds N Mortgagee, : Tudgment it Old (StifneitidWoten,rl3titimotes,'Bubpainss aid ilea's' , ettuerwmAinanitijederal is • :Tuna tinnedifit glue artiebu. trilkind.:itt 19 their 144, .0..0 Ovii,clug 04 0 010 1 '. :. • If , - . , 41 anicric.. ni • ,1,7.1uni-rt ten , :•:•... ij...,.::,t;,•..1 * • -m7OO Stotler mil Uchuo - I.ll',notiliv: , 71:. .0; PRE: BUSINBS = i :1 I :Y. :41lainass Cods toserfod 'in this °alums at the rats of Tbroo and Firs Dollars per year.] j. ouN Q. MILLAk r u • CUT EXPlxtilt o Wog mazy vow Comud klarve)or, i.priirect to :a oi-rsy or make PISIAII 07 . 1 1 : 443 la Rita emr' i, Pa. Ott* to Common Countli 1 Week. apr23.64-1k; - D. WALKER, - To awastowo'firo MICZOIWIT. Va:Fts. Vatobooaa oo .Patille Dock, Etat . Comoro! tßat•StreeL Alan, dealer fa Cot!. Alit, rah, Floor, Moab?, Wates Limo, U. N. 8.--Parttentar attention will be gins to the Recelsieg and For.r.ardine. of Petro. Lane 011. Crude sad Boatel, to all parts of tho cot' etry. eparbttr. L I LIVELSICAISArt, . WEOLIMAXII AND RITAII, Dr-ital. Ix aid Provisions,' ploar and Pied, Wood mid Wtllcry Wu% lltate.Liquoit, Tobacco, Segura. kev state Street, mit to Young's Haw Faritinhing Ittopotinm, ,Pa. j itmol—t(sl -E i . PHILO 11111NNE7Ti, , Jamey." nra Thum oNk• ntreond 'war liNtyrup Block, Freueli Stmt. betwiin Fifth and Ozth. , I tittels-2. DPIBROK & C,0., •• AsAuru IK JILL KINDS OF /34 Sid Manasettmersi and Jobbers in Tin nnd Copper Ware, maw of etbvad Mato Sta., Vie. Pa. 'twir64tr. 81. NOLAiRPRE EXCV.SIin PZOTOGIAIIt 01LLEKT. aaaisfaiwslafa Block. Fria Pa: jaa161340. - ('LAPIN eta WsLatre . •"-.* • A MY/WM Sr LAW.. Ridgway, Pa Practise la Rik, HcKetn. Camlomn and hfrononcountie J. C. CHAPIN. [J.l23 , e*lvo] W. W. WILBUR. HULL, ,PROPRIETOR. 316)11.12ISON HOUSE. Corner of liLoeOnd and 11111iLet Street—one Square oaPt of fohnson'a Exthaaso• Warm, Pa. Sept. 29--17.. G no. W. GUNNISON. JCSTICII or VIII 11411311. OM 111 011Setill building, Boath•west corner of Fit h an 4 State! fitrcerta. Conveyancing done neatly and collect/onm nude prompt. Iy.Jeld'Bl-Iy-• ~;_, Li: - • Boot HINIMIX, Blank Boon 114.4kronncruann., :c., In Second Story of Rinderneekt's Block, EON Pa. f - i U. CUT.ll4tit. ATTORMIT AT LAIN Girard, tirie County, thWeatioas and other badmen attended. to with twoptuttwo and dispatch. • D ENSIGN, BOOIIIIILLIN and Dealer in Rath:relay, wayv.tMiktrastnee, Newspapers. &43. Country dealers supplied. store ander Brown's EfotsVennting the Park apr . X62tf. • L g M IC . J. rt. Enloe hai r tairsh.the Lime 'Moat toe foot of Frensh Street, near the Philadelphia depot, Ede city, and ill prepared to furnish Wb:ta Lime, In large or small qualities, at the lowest market prim. JyW64-Iy. . . NZWTOX PITTIL ■ PA/LE 3ETTIN & ATTORAITS AT LAW, Chestnut knit, IleadrtUe, Pa. ' Feb. 1.6-.37:62 T W. WILTMOZEIS I 1/• ATTOXIIIT AT LAW, Walker's Or.. nos, on &ninth street. Erie, Pa. ' aug , (1 ILO. PERKINS. Derrisy, Beatty's Block, Yorth side of th• Park, State stmt. Erie, Ps. 'aprll.o3 LA FAYSIRTE HOTEL, . , Preach street, between 4th anOth. streets, near the Philadelphia & Erie Rpllroad Depot, Erie, P a, Linda Shoemaker, Proprietor. vitsiensive aanommoda• Goa for strangers and travelers. lionrd by the day or week. Good stabling attached. . aprfat3tt. A 11.4111111411. do HILLIMPIa mai riounoxAs Ls Tsuoaa_nnd • sof' Of k Kaywat's :Patent Maeltunre the best to am -State Street. between Sth and 9th Ste,. Itrk, Pa. Clothes made to order in the finest style. my 1•83-1 v. MD. OSBORNE, ' Lterrey hors Ram Susie, on glghtik. Street, between Stets and Freseh. Fine Horses and Car riages to let on ressonsble terms. mr'/541.47. r s 31 CARTER. C ANEVACIT HlRti Of $1:81119 EtIfiLINI,BOI4rII, MAI Gsarirt. Agricultural traplegasuts, BaCroui Cars, Re., 1.:6.LN. WIC.3IA • NUrftBl, (Wee In ROSOtt.. B .I . • •• i : .) Of th. ' • HYDE (1001.11tt, • - RrecrwaT, Kix, Co', PA. MnA E. A. Cumovra, tqoprietar This ia's ben end handsomely tlitml.up house, in the midaebf one of the Mat TronUng and Hunt ing regions In eenasylvinlse Coormnill ,trq Roons,Cltln Jiro's. a - Good Table and Moderate Pr . lees. The public patronage la respenlfully s,licitrii. tep 64-10. WM. A. GALBRAITH. ATIVOIMIT A? LA 1i..001/1080a eth attempt; early oppoaite the Court Hone*, Erie, Pa. DM=A S P E NC E 8& lITTORNKIteI A; COONSEG LOlll4 AT LAW OFFIOE, 'Paragon Block, near Nprth ‘jr West Corner of th e Public Santry. Erie. Pa.' JOHN C. BEMIS, • GIIST,SR If Dar GOODS, GROOTRISS, Crockery, Hardline, Nana, Glue, geed, Pluter, etd., ear. set et Stxtb atreet out Publto Square, Erie, Pa. }urn!. READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT I CUT IT OUT ' - And Show It to Your 'kende. WHEELER' & WILSON'S 'IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES They are anknowledynd to be the BkliT MAC nDM ever Introduced into this coantrr. Theiry,n on railed success tlOt 0121, in this country, but all over the Wortd,bee made it by Gar the mat popular noes in 13,41. • FOR SEVERAL' YEARS They have taken the lead of all other Maohlm•e. hot @Moe the late imprevements have beau added, every ea. rietp of work he performed with barb; Mute and rapidity that the 4 . i . LAME ARE DI EIBTACIES OVER IT 1 And it Irina theadaairatlon of ALL.' We warrant them to Mitch every variety otgoods,fibm the thinnest muslin to the thickest eleth. They make the celebrated 'dock 'UMW' which i■ Imnowrible to riu or ravel. These Na. chines will do the following work WITHOUT ANY BAST• INO Oit PREPARATION. via: • ISTITen, [IBM ~ trßLi, r CORD. OATH EU BIND & QUILT. - They =he any width of hita wL.hont previonaly ttnikint or tenting It : they will gather and itatennt sew oa the Stine ; it yen don't believe it, COME AND SEE. FOR YOURSELF • The dem:anti tor those celebrated 'Machines, r,;nee w. hare been located to haw twin sitontihiag. At tintes We find great difacoltr in oar orders but we have &fall stockinet teceirea, and are ready to see soy and all who may call or semi es their orde.s. Our rooms are elegantly fitted and lurntahrd, and any accommoda tions tor coaductlog the bueilledl are not These Machines were awarded the highest premiums at • The WORLD'S FAIII, in London, 1862. • That IN".DUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, Parts, Tea MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE, .uashington, 78 01, And at almeaterary State mil County Poo where sr. hilitod., They are warranted three years. ;They an poisons altopie In corrstruction. Th* srhn with the grosbeak woe. Titer too alpost untying. • rirtNitituctios FREE. *Vanilla! lei them ta - 'Spandau. If Ton cannot come, mind for opoupde of work sod a circular by mail. • ' HOLT HOOTH, Agents. iro ion 'Mock. lama 6m. .• • (cart Para,) Erie, Pa... date - Normal { ehooL EST; I , V, 'UAL =..T.17, 1861. SEND FOR AaIliCtiLAD J. A. COOPER, 1,164 w. t ^ A iimiEntc.AN . HOUSE, Mtn ,tofiNkit OP'VIE PARK k srAli . 11RIE PA. ' • JO UN D'IM4 'PRO P.ItTOR. The tandentigood haanig taken eltarge, of (ko Mora ,wsll-known Flotel sod refitted it t i mlpellnr style re apesttaltl lactictosmahere of thayablio patronage. Tifran toisonaDelkalad accommodations neat to -aqy to the city: - E r Tor the conyealenee of persons from the count* good stable he(twlq alMcbM to the or H meara. DetrelHox: . JON DUNCAN., .:1r1:1 ,; NUMBER 19. BELDEN MARVDT FALL TERM OPENS MEI • EDINPORO, :ERIE CO., PA. WI DRUCS fgr 'WHOLESALE & ELT/101?f, =I Mr 777 1 aereeisted with Ida li the Dry _Taft Mr. .1. L CASVIC lc seder Dente Mk elf Carter 1 Carver, .. . Hie hers the the barb:see rill +waxes to I= l llM at the old obad. With marred eta* sad gibbed they hope to mil» • Meal share al piiilit patroluo,. ,>. ASPiel AL j•TTENTIO/1 Will be dovetail WWI - WHOLEEULE TRADE. DOOM al the nohrtiliettag towns eire nepeelitaly 1.. elite hi sire ne 'WI before petehailei ebeerieve. THE •RETAIL DPAlinfirri WM le up4uSUI, ae boratofors to a wank! mow mid with 4lspoidllou to oblige oat eitstoissii. !W. pit starty all tlio notice of Physicians to ow Stock of CHEMICALS, Which is the lutist and dust OM WV'S to IMF • • ; atty. rte. Prescriptions prepared as bereteenn l / 2 mdtb. sal promptness. • • A PACT GENERALLY KNOWN, • /PLEAT -the variety of- new styleßed -j. steade, , of Gothic, Cottage, *mime. Sound Cor ner, clapos_ftfa, j_dtiny Ltratand.adher . Arpeattee andMultircialliesesva Br e rasion Dining, BratZirit, Centre sad other Tabilay whatnots, Quaker Stands, Carpet and 'Parma Sofa Bails, Hair and Sea Gram Watteau, Terither Leilla nn and itoletera with other nousehold tumid" bi t 41 manefaettired from well ameoned lumber sail materials, by experienced workmen and not bye gratiew lade. Epr style, quality and low rims 1 wl/1 two-prim dealers to undersell me. Yesthetal a t sold. Cane seat.' Parlor, Bedroom, Seeking, Norm and other Chairs, of Eastern sad Waders mos factere, are hickory dolledisad tined, making than an strong as any other part of the ehairorhere Made and sold am only nailed, and by aotatailleibitabbl. Wood Windsor, Rocking, Sewing and Nene, ate chairs othenti wood rounds clinched tittti the seat and tined, war noted to stand. Handel) y painted. sad salt e bar. ten for strength, pries Web. Spins Beds, i haw raid over 300 and have theSigheet with of prices of all goods seat on ayppration. rankle and shipping his. niterfitre years experteriee and ontinading with re oriaripeled two prior dealt" I era ;.detenalnad tD s • one petit to all, give worth tor four pay, and do Jost. • so all who trade with ana i Lath, Snots'* Lire Mosh e Crealeand Run Oil, Store Pay,'Produee ke., taken st tar market for pay. Remember the pima, matt armor of oth se • on State, Erie, Pa. G. W. RLLSZT , ' ueri.:-t! Renew:Yr and Ceedode's Salearn , ' FIOLESALE it, RETAIL OROCERY ST(11? P. A. BROKER, WHOLESALE AND "RETAIL GROt NoriA-Lad COMM ft Fork fr Pried /brim. 1 (=urea%) Would reoroattally e;11 the attention of the to lite bap Stook of - G ROCERIES ' AND PROVISION Which be Is isishous to s:u at the VILELY LOWEMT I POSSUMS EMI e ! liia seitartreent of SUGARS, • COFFEES, L --TEAS,- - • SYRUPS, - TOBACCOs • Fish ice , not ourposood to tho dty, 11. h• u pnopirs•l • • 1 ,,, , TA to all who gm him • mai, F. aloe keeps eonstaatlll on hand a 'our in. ' 'PURE LIQUOR:, for tho wfioloaslo trade, to whirl he direct- h comma of Quo public. Ilia motto is, ^Qatek Salm i Small Prole- not Equivalent for the Mcquay." aprll'einf READY PAY STORE! J. & J MINNIG Would re r peettully Torn the Public rtheeed l SW they h,.. ipoor OP GROCKRINS OP FAMEs 4. Biala ;F Omani Or as AID flora rri . .1 •Whers they (Menet° keep Ila good $ll assortmvot of • • ' FAMILY GROCERIES & PROVISIoNs, WOOD ilt WILLOW 'WARN, AND, VACIP:Tv GOl,OB II la kept to lAA • Best Brands of Erie County Flour !, ' Kept constantly' on baud Fr4Radl7ED I 909 D 4rtrlcLx! The highest Market Pio pal , l 1 , , r buds or Coal:try Produce. 113 r Goods deUverid IN. of chary I. 411 v ii.rt of th• [0 . 5b37'641tt.] Atlantic & Great Western Railroad. NEW' BROAD CIIIA. Pannier, Freight; Nall, Espreal and Tele graphing& conosaiiaa. at Salustants, N. Y., nith %.11- way, form's.* coat/talons Ix Foot Tr ,••4 from Nuw ' ~;t to Akron or Blastula. . Oo aad atts • • MONDAY, IirOVEDIBIER In, tang, Through riaenger and Freicht r a r,,at larly betiteen•CLEV4LAND AND 111, • NEW AND IMPORTANT PASSE .1 P. it ..1", DAOOaOl CanCIED eflgoi Passengers by this Line hare °hot •• if ..1 Routes between New York and Be 17111()061.( TICKEZ9 eau b obtainei at any of 1•• -•••• ••• Fria Railway sod all Ticket Oars" W-mt or Southwest; also, arthe Cifit , t under the' Weddell House, Clevented, • • Ask for Tickets A. do G. W. AND RIRIE It NI, • 1, Passenger Trains stop at Meadville I t,, , , tog passengers ample time to dins at I••.• • 11,, • HOUSE," the beat Railway Hotel In t•,•• u. • RE FP' 41 , 1 D EXPZInTIOI7B r 1.1 •fi., .4 L. I. • RAILI• r ), o trimuit4pusent . , of Freight between 1. i • it it. von or Cleveland. Merchants in the West and Sonthwe, their advantage to order their goods to ' i s,s the Erieand Atlantis & Great Wester Whig trouble and expense. HATE, OF FREIGHT AN Le °TORR. ALL RAIL ROI . ' Especial atteettou will be given to the . 'Whoa of Freight of all kinds, East or W The Engine., Care and other equipme are entirely new, and of the most ti • e. The only direet route-to 1.1 WONDERFUL OH. REGIONS OF FE Via. Meadville or Corry. Thom i earvitsburgh,. the %shorting ; Youngstown and the Coal Mines. Tillie Raul is being extended, and will pfe+e running order to Gallon, Crbade. D without break of guns. J. FARNI-tWORTii. Grog Freight Agin T. H. GOODMAN Ga F ul Ticket A teat. 11. . ISWERTSICI ' isle• 64 NEW rinm. SMITH & GILL - 11 4 ) it . 1•:, Onceesoor to St H. Smith WHOLESALE AND /4. ,D1&L11:1111 BONNETS, .RIBBONS, FLOWERS, 1311 LADIES' FURNISHING A.Y4.)I ) S, STATE PITILEET, BETWEEN SEVENTH , AND SWIM Er E. IL 8:111311. A. P. CH,. apr9l4-6m. BONNET ST o RE! MRS. S. H. HALL Would rerprottolly can attention to LARGE STOCK OF Goo , Juat received hum pm. York. onto Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, to. ' ; Together with gam • D R 7 .GOODSI Maid' aho trU/ Nfl. • CRE FOR,CASR, OR -PAY. cir ea/lieut.: attention paid to i READY danahlig. colortin) and priming. atom oa Pow/ St.. 7 dose *MT , the DM". 1 4 *. apearilett.' • Administrator's Notice,. , . T BITERS of Amnistration sOn I.lmaa• •.. 1.4 utast Elisabeth B oy s t sho'4„.lite et is trite. tp , Vie Co., Pa., Main beau (naiad to the astiee. signed. notice is homily Elves to att beetles deism . er the sate* to protest them, aatbastleated, forte. tarot. end those indebted to the eatat estate C i zaho toomeliatepijitoot. {kW' - • 1101 ^I • reraint• 4 ,t11)!C,7 r 4 111 13 EMI MI WM E - 4! - 1):Volt ati