The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 29, 1864, Image 3

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- ‘11r.!4
i• tehrntoc.l 'Female Pills.
t i Illt
, a•edfro p a P;sigriptiox rJ Frr J. Clarke, N. D.
Pkyq Ong Fir;ravedataty 6r the IQ!ptia.
I „ v on RH. In.,ll7inc lilllifddltog 'tithe ones nr all
vnior ,!‘ nc:ero di.pases to tpr4fett th 6 reinal•
,• ! in in hvb, , f,t4t moderates all Siel44 and re
cr,,,'w t o di o!atruetion.. d a speedy cure be. tatia.c;._
TO 31..t1i LADIES
r e•ntsarly suited It will, in abort time. bring on
oath!, porind wlth rogolorit7.
Each bottle, prim Onslisr, boors tho Cioternossot
et Groat 131 - 11.1 n, to prevent counterfeits.
. - ('AUTION.
1 Aefe Palle ihmild !tot be taken by Fenaleo during Out
}l kc"f THREE .110.7711 S of Pregnancy, as tiny as
,„,,p,.bring or Stincpreiage,. bar at any aciar au any
,111 - 11.e 4 ..! Nerrovi and Spinal Iffortioua, hlaala
1 ,,. I•unh.. Falk.. on Flight eTertinti,Talplte-
Ifo.rt, los and NKbltestham. Cilia win'
are anon all of «rm.ann hare railed ; and al.
ralAPen . l •emedv, du not eentein iron, calumet,
„,,, or en vthlts hurtful to the constitutino. •
• CI .turv^ii.,ri in the pamphlet around rathigokup,
i ..,;.h0u14 FrN carefollv preiPrrod.
' . 41 1.1 . 1 n 7 ALL ptRUGGIAT: 4 .
+Ont. for 910 tnite4 gtalea and Cw►da,
iort ‘104R3. 27 dortlandt St., Newyork.
$l,OO anii 6 rodizo etinpi anclorini to an w an
.7. - 4 A, Witt Insure •-botttc, containing 50 t'illa
Dli. 31 a mtA 11A 1.1. , 4 CAM 1111111 et!MOPF.—This
:4,1914 has thoroughly proved itself to the hart
known for Cluing CaTaltr.ll, Cow, is vas cf r n o
, u 3ll. trUCUU. It bee been found an excellent remedy
ta r,any estop of Setae EiceNtearnras has been removed
it and Fleenitto Mat often been greatly improved by
is 00. It U fragrant and agreeable, and gives IMMEIM-
IiTE P.F,I.IFIv to the d,lll heavy plias eansed by dipeases
o' the FDad The !sensations after using it are delightful
, ird:invigorattng. It opens and 'plug*" oat all ob
.1-4ctions, atrength , ms the glands and gives • healthy
cti,,ti to the parts affected.
lin're than thirty yeary cleat() and use of Dr %fireball's
't•Arb and Readsche Snuff his proved fie great value
tar all the common diseataesM' the heed, and at Wilma ,
ment It standiallither than 'ewer hecere It reeommend
by many of the beat phyaicians, and is aged with rut
itmets and gattsfaction everywhere. Read the Corttltrate
of Wholesale Drtlugieta in 19th;.
rho tr3ersie-ne.l haring for many yea-1 been act:main
ted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Reads , he Snuff, and
'old In our what/wale trade, chtterfulls elate that vre be.
,110 TO it to be equal, In every teepee% to the recommenda
tions given of it for the cure of Catarrh Af ection'. and
that ft is deeidettly the beat article we have ever tnora
for all common dipeasea of the Read.
Barr Jt Perry, Reed, *night & Co., Brown, Lamson k
Co., Reed. Cutler k Co.. Rark`W. Felrlk Wilson, Fah-bank
ar tin Rortov ; Flenehaw. Edmarade & Co., 11. R. Ray,
fortland, Me.; Fames & Park, A. R. & D. gandlaStsphen
rani k Co..lersel Minor it Co., &Wesson & Robbie*, A.
I. Senvill fk Co., If. Ward, Close & Co , Bash & Gale,
Srerr York.
For sale by $.ll Druggists. Try It.
Ely the airaost wasn't:nous action of the portico in.
wrested, CRIATADORO'R HAIR DYE hat teplated the
Ai. w pm out lorentions 1,-coloring the hair, which the
tt ,,, ex perl ee el of- leers had nroyed to be Ineffective
and deleerlons. Unlike the compounds that MAKE
•V AR upon the health of the War and dry lip sad con.
111'.71e th 9 futon which austatti it, this mild, genial end
r ..riAct Dye is f lon 1 to he a vitalising as well 44 a color
ing scvrt. - --
(Treettstforore flair Preservative,
ailinoet to (ho Dye, In drestlng and promoting
tee y.~xth an p^rfert health of the hale., and of ItseJf •
when ot.t %tone, satAnnard t that protestathe fibres froto
I-4As !Irinr all eir , ..."antiii and nnder all climes.
cref4r %DOR% go. ti Astor Roam;
gel, York 4.0 Ihv 911 nrnsrests awl applied hy,all Mir
A card to the Suirering.
.1 , tv two nr three An g , , mid.t of 4 4 6nebn...
t9imaptrillw," "Nerions Anti.
. t eter yon are catiefied with the
.•+i!. teen try one box of OLD DOCTOR auevy org
P1L1. 4 --and be recturel to healtha
, Ihan thirty dare. They are purely;
7 , . pleasant to take, prompt and salutary to their.
•on the broken down. and chattered eoustieutlon.
no trrz ran take them with advantage. Inspor—
I soli 1 , 1 the l'ulte.l .tate* only by
• J 44 Y. SUTLER, No 417 Bs:midway,
New York,
Aeant for the Unitod States.
- tII of 011 , ernralv picked, will be moll
lin 2 ,<Y, a larnAe no rervipt of price. whinh to Oft Dai
-1a• pnit paid—'none♦ re'nevied by the Agent' If Anthill
0.; +feetlon I. opt given. 143,1 m.
FIDITOIV OF 4116uF.R.WRFI.L-Daait 9i :-111th
your kio.lpo , mhmino 1 velah to say to the readers
,•• •
nor i3, , v4. that t .and, be return all who
<rm.% t o., with Nl direction' for matter
amt us‘riza. Vegeta%le Balm. that will effectually
onoVO. in ten dlye. Pirorlee, Blotcher. Tan, Freckle'
and al! Inaporitie. of th. , Akin. leaving the come clear,
'month and brautlful.
I will sign nt til , to lbw'. haying Rll4 Heads, or
R rre Facto!, •;raple dtrert;ona and Inform:Mina that will
enables them to afar' a fall trnwth of Ltaari , nt ['air,
whillters or mon-rt , eo In lost than thirty dive.
1,11 ar .. .zoVatton4 rommorvi, 1 . 4 return mtll,lllllvikt
,Ytrzo R.Rnect folly yowl , .
831 trosdirty, Noir York.
U N.rtain Ctire for pttna In the Ilmbi and hack, sore
oroup. rhelmvlgm, enlin, &c. A perfect family
cr"!icin., and *ever fella Real! Read !I Reed !I !
I.teoerA, Warns Co , Ilion, June le, 1861.
r.rtify that mr wife was tak•a with Qal•,ey
-rt Throat; It rommenre I to ,well. and WS/ an *ore
that the ,onki not Ivrallmr, scut eoughe4l violently. I
h.-I )(gar Liniment, and made a' pc-feet care le no•
ve.k I firm!, Tl.ltece but fqr- the liniment abe Redd
I,,T•lnit her We JOITH H. HARLAN.
Pr:4, 4' ln•1 e-nt3, by •11 , iraxgista. OMOO,
3 ‘:3l-o.3ndt Stieet, Yiw York. SaptS—lm.
rrul (111 4 4 1: 4 %10NR ac aCPE HIENrIs
.ruhllshed for thebenetlt and as a caution to young
*en, and others., whoatater from N'erroos Debility, Pre
mature Decay of Manhood, &e., supplying. at the same
t,ro.ths meansolselt-ctare. By nee who has enredhlzuselt
of er undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing
prod-raid addressed envolopii.single copies may be had
theaJthnr, NATIZAIIII. MATTA:I4 Esci••
se ) 9'64-Ir. Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. T.
A UENTIAC tIAN, cured of Nervous Debility, In
encore te n ey, Premature Decay and Youthful Error,
a-t, t'e4 by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to
r.rum to all who need it.' (free of duo") the mire
snd •ilesetiorts f,r tusking the simpie remedy need in his
, sss. Those wishing to profit by hie experlisnee, and
roues% /I Valuable ketnedy, will receive the a• me, by
return mail. (carefully soiled.) by edctrersirit
JOll.l B. OGDEN,
No. CI Nassau St: rot, N.Y.
ray 11-3 m
no you TO 11113 GOURD tr—DR. RII.
C i tMi F. 1111.1111 SITC[FIC PILLS enre. in tau
than 30 city& the worst elms of NERVOU3NES 4 , Impo
tAn.y, Vri.m•tura Dociay Seminal Weakness, Insanlty,
end 111 I'rin•ry,t4sual 41241 Nervous Affections, tin slat
tPr from • hat ems. produced. Face one d^Ssr pair box.
(. 4, 4t paid, 1:q on ulzolpt of on order. On• los
p..c'elt • cuts In moot eases. Address
JAMES S- 813116 R,
IL,,,sral .4,cent, 427 FtrosAvray, New York.
'Li 64—r+ n,
TIIKILIC more certain to prevent
1 '«mtle I rregilaritiem titan Dr. Velpau's Female Piga.
..Pr a.,11 in all capes einge a retara of monthly sick
wlttehat which on aarairried lady eta fifijOY per•
teit - hestth. Ant,' by ail druggbtbs.
300 CORDS •
OF -•
Hard Head Curb Stone !
FitOSI VOllll TO SIX Nelms TELIeY,
Fur whiclitlio
V. RASO & CO.,
rtate'Strnt Wiesen etti sull %%Invests.
Examination of Teachers.
ittlethtS as Trachea , win bn h. 14 at the tallow
t.,; tttnes and plans , ' : •
/.., al Middle:Oro Octotort 11.1
~ ,1):;•$ , 2) At Wells fora - 7t . 11
:h .:nn at ira k.lo. Corners .......12
lat.rd at ',lrani - - . IS
4 t,,,..ut & Lilt Cra•ak at Allllon - " 111
i t ..,..1. 0 .,1 at , prangteld %Routs. ..... ..... •" 16
, t. I, ..% ..t. /. atuvie«,.... . ............ .—.— " /7
• , t ,,, ,:r•-c at l'ed.rat 1:111 " 18
` , a. :-.«. at l'lnuey'a Se .00l 'louse • 19
`•+'::u '.t at Stone Sehot,l 'louse « 20
" a , L•r:JI:I at Waterford-- ....... ......... " 21
11.114,r „k at liarboreteek '. .. ... " • ' SI
~ .,...h t a% at North k:-.% t ,.. 6. 9,4
''''' tLV , i At Colt'a ,tstion.... ..... ........ " '96
V tn.l t •, .1..1 Aw hat 4- attaburg « . 27, :t t sotto Schuo) 11«uara " 211
, :•n - or: ~
Lt 1.,..t'a stattoo •• 29
I L 1,:: .1 I."v, y h..... . Si
' La 3:.n.1•t •). Groan :school Goose ...., Noy: 1
A i to c ththltillCS at U J. w.
' J. 01::(.111E1E1,C.,unti Suiesintandant.
Administrator's, Notice.
LL'ITII.-.; of Adsuitilltratioll 41st the es
, tve 01 },44lPet's Hoyt,. d.-'d , tat.. of Fairview
ern. on beim jr.tut•ll t the UndAr*
oreu to all item ot dawns against
the 1, 113 . a, pr...rut th,ttiolnly k , kttlunticated, wettla
' 411 4 A. d I..dvbltd to the m. 112 estate will swami
ILleoctikAttA pay zoLt. $ll, 43 11U
• _
. •
1104 w
l'alte ((Ai #tellistbieriii.
fr:RIE. PA., SEPTEMBER 29, 1/864
T L K$
Nest Week:
TAG next l'oeue of our paper wilt bo pub-LT: -
Matted on Friday, instead 4f Thursday afterk
000 n
Tickets specially arranged for use in . the
army have been piqued at this. Aue and
wilt be given, free of cost, to any Democrat
who wants them: It is esiential that those
Who. have friends in the service should send
them tickets without delay.
iThieh Shall be the Banner Township
We suggest to otfr friends that they get up
a friendly rivalry between one soother, to see
which township ahpll send the finest delega 7
Von to the Bth of October meetingi
.I.sat fall
the procession was remarkably handsome, and
several townships bore off the palm, by uni
versal consent, for the good taste displayed
in their arrangements. Which' shall be the
banner one this year? Go in boys, and do
your best. Harrah for the one that wins
Mr We ask it, as an especial favor, of the
Democrats of Erie, Crawfoid and Warren
counties, that they , will notify us of the times
of holding their several meetings, and the
speakers expected to be in attendance. Our
object is to furnish the readers of the Observer
each week with a Hit of all the meetings to - be
held in the three counties; and if the prominent
DeMocrats of each locality will attend, to this
matter they will doubtless add much to the
attendance at their gatherings, besides lend
ing interest to the columns of our paper. Re
ports of 'club proceedings and other informa
tion of local political interest will be thankfully
received. ,
The Deipocrats of Crawford county will hold
tll. Great 'Miss Meeting at Meadville, on the 7th
. of October, which is to be addressed by a num.
her of prominent speakers.
Blitunix Winwas, editor of the Observer,
will speak at Mill Village, Le Boni township,
on Friday evening, September 80th, at seven
A meeting of the Democrats of Eastern
Crawford will be held at Spartansburg, on the
4th of October. 'Judge Cavaco, Col. Kum
and Hon. Surma MARTIN hare premised to
be in attendance.
meeting will be held at 'fiction* Warren
county, on Saturday evening, Ootober
which will be addressed by BiIIIJAYIN
Yax and arms.
A Meeting will be held at Lockport on Sat- .
nrday, the 10 of October, to tie 'Addressed by
moving good speakers.
A hickory pole will be raised at Vieigletown,
on Saturday afternoon, - Oot. Ist, when speech
es will be made by . several gentlemen from
this oily.
Col. Des Rica has made the following ap
pointnients, when he will positively meet and
address the people, Unless some unforseen oc
currence should prevent: Saturday. evening,
Oct. let, Erie City; Mtinday afternoon Oot.
itd, Edinboro; Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 4th,
Meadville; Tuesday evening, Oct. 4th, Co nne.
autville ; Saturday evening, Oct. Bth, North
East.; Monday afternoon, Oct : 10th, Union ;
Monday evening, Oct. 10th, Corry.
.A meeting will be held at Igdinboro, Mon
day afternoon, Oot. .Bd, to be addressed by
lion. M. Burnell, bt Jamestown, N. T., Col.
Jas, K. Kerr, Cal. Dan Rice, Col. J. Ross
Thompson, Hon. Belden MarriO, Prof. L. W.
Savage-end Capt. D. W. Hutchinson.
Speakers at the 6th of October Meeting.
The following gentlemen lhave all written
that they will be - present at the Democratic
Convention, in this city; on the eth of
October, and the public can rely 'on hearing
addresses from them,:unlesisOme unforeseen
occurrence prevents ihem from reaching us
It will been that the list includes some of
the ablest end most eminent speakers in, the
country : •
Senator Richardson, of Illinois; the intimate
friend of Judge Douglass.
Ron. Wm. U. Witte, of , ritiLedelpitis, admit
tedlithe finest 211114 speaker in Pennsylva—
nia. .
Hon. Jane' 8. Thayer of New York, whose
speech at the Chicago Convention was prd- -
nonnoed by all who heard it, to be the most
eloquent deliiired before that body.
Hon:, Marshall B, Champlin, Democratic
candidate for Attorney General of the State of
New York.
Hod: A. P. LanAg, Hon. John R. Mtir'-
phy and Charles S. Meoomber,• Esq., of But.
Colonel James S. Barr, of Franklin.
Hon. Gaylord Church, of Meadville..
Ini addition to the above, who are all spoil
itere of acknowledged merit, we feel quite
confident that Hon. Daniel W. Voorhees, of
Indiana, 'and Hon. Emerson Etheridge, of
Tennthisite; will bn present. These gentleteen
are sb.tell known to the country that we need
enterfato no attended allusion to their supe
rior abilities as orators and statesmen. If
favorable letters are received from them pre
vine to the day of meeting, notice of the fact
will be oommuniosted to the public at the ear.
Rest period and in the mast adiantageous
way.,_. ' , -
Let all w►o arisiaterestadlin ige election et
Gen. McClellan turn out without All. The(
meeting promises to be. the most interesting
ever held in tills city.
The pressure of other engagements leaves
us no opportunity to speak at length of
the county ticket not initted in this city on
Tuesday of last , week. _ is composed of ex—
cellent - meia, every, one of whom will be admit
ted to be . fully competent for the place to
which the. Convention assigned him. • Lieut.
Colt e l ont candidate for Itheriff, is a young sol
dier of superior ability ,Who started nut with
the 83d testuteat to the otnemeneement 'of its
career, and.haassined with it ever since, pas
eing,throngh!. kbast every bands that has co,
ourred on the soil of Eastern Virginia. He is
gain the service, hating re-enlisted to fusee
it out," sad *like on the score of patriotism,
talents and consistent Democracy. he is enti—
tled to the support of the friends of the Con—
stitution and the Union. The ticket I was
nominated At each instance, with thorough
unanimity, and we trust it will receir te4ite
harmonious support ftom the Democrats
Fdatirr.Tauan.-.Tha ' .. iiiintbers_ of the
88d, whose time has expired, are in Harris -
burg, being _ , mustered out of service. They
do not propose 14 come bonze in .a body, bht
are coming ts feat as mattered out and settled
up with theii late eimployefr.
.TheY number:
8 offtoers and 103 M 44. The fo llowing are the
etficerswhe Velum :' Lieut. Col. D. C. -- kioCcy,
in command, and Adjutant John Clark, Cipte - .
David Paul Jones, D.Aseger, and John Heoht.
mu, Lieutenants F. C. Wittich..M. V. Gifford
and A. C. Montgomery. 240 men roman in
sank. under command of Major A. M. /ad
ame..—OesetemMalk Cirrir. •
Tletetefor the Soldiers.
Democratic Meetings.
County Tieket.
741"4412W14 _ 14 " .747/441
4L1CR."4111.114114.11n2 SUM
, With C
beam awl has& %adult
• Arai la gaas4lsolP ll o l ol#
" 'itset4ll.."Wzopiga 44 all be 11 4 4 t 0 4
By KaCialkaa bear* and bus.
We're a bead of Fewea,
We're a bappi at Prteme
Wei* a bilki rteoll3a4 •
AnOriidsrit malatalit oar Ogble.
ovary !otos be
.acl *my Was hops sifts.,
Till the dark elands airs rtfled. -' "
And ttsitydnits • brighter 4y.
, about a was of trlaspb.
Shoat • wag of titilork.
Slibut a eons otirlimpti:
Fns Slotaallaa loads tba vas.
He la bound to rale our Natter
ilannd:to r ullop ptlanstatteeti
• dud see ms a`sestaratlOst" • •
• Of our Melon tried lad teas.
for we're all flatted,
eir woe» all salted.
. For welt all Ulltto‘, .
- As we wen V days of yore.
Latter from Girard.
GIRARD, Sept: 28, 1864
- Editor Observer : I propose to advise you of
the progress .of the Democracy in Girard and
vicinity. We have a club of over fifty names,
already and expect to shell it much' larger.
We meet on Thureday of each week until after
the Novembei eleation•L speaking at • each
meeting. We were highly entertained by a
speed' delivered by Ex Goivernor Bigler on
Thursday bitit, Ilse -was listened to - by a re
spectable getherbig of people. A sprinkling
of Republicans were present, wisp looked u
though their friends had left them, and they
had been delivered up unto' the truth.
. The,Goiernor alluded to • the unhappy con
dition of our loved and once Ifrosperons coun
try,.the causes which bad placed us in this
epuiliticu ti lind. heooarsek pu,rene in order
to extricate ourselves from it.„`..ithich must have
beee•conelualve to every . enlightened mind
stripped of party prejudice. • - -
.•The,Girard band was employed on the occa
sion. When about to start on its mission, kr.
George P. Rea sought the leader of the band,
and'attempted to persuade them not to 'play
fOr the Democrats, stating that it would be the
means of destroying the band. Neil appeared
8. E. Woodruff, Esq., a matt large in stature,
small-in intellect, and beatitifully lies in prin
ciple, who offered a bribe of thirty dollars if
they would not play, which was not heeded.
Thanks to them for their good sense. For
this we ask the patronage and well wishes of
all parties to, he extended to the band. sad the
condemnation of every oltixen to certain other
individuals. .;
The koCtellsn club -met on Saturday eve
"Rl! arse whispered that Dan Rice
would arrive on the its o'clock train and
dress the meeting: At an early hour the room
was filled. A eotnmittoe was appointed to in
4ite Our able and-patriotic friend to address
the meeting. Dan being up to time did not
keep them long waiting. His appearance was
greeted, with load and prolonged cheers. Mr.
Rice then made a short and stirring, speech,
and wee followed by Mt. David Olin, who, by
the way, is, an excellent 'speaker and a Man
well posted in politics.
Beep 4fally "ours, GIBARD
Meettwat Worth Bast.
Dims Oassavaa::- . -I am instructed by the
Union. McClellan Club of North East, to fam
ish you a copy of theiolatforaser the Clnb,
together with some of the resolutions
at its last meeting.
Non% itArr:
Resolved, That are,: the undersigned, hereby
organise ourselves into Democratie Club, to
be called the Union •lkfoClellan Club of North
RaoEyed, That we adopt as the bails of our
organisation, to be the rule and guide in ti•
present campaign,•the letter of acceptance of
our distinguished chieftain and leader, Major
General Ge0..8. McClellan, and that we hold
the doctrines there enunciated- to be soundly
patriotic. .
• The following resolution Wall adopted at the
meeting of the Clab on Saturday, Sept. 24th
inst.: 1 -
Remlna. That the Allilib,. - .sebsisribe for the
foltofing . daily campaign papers, to -be kept
on file at the Reading Warm. of the Club :.--
New York "World,' Ihliadelphie. "Age,"
Cleveland "Plain Dealer," Buffalo "Courier,"
Washington "lntelli aloes," Erie City, "Die
fiatilt;" had 10 coPiti of-the Erls-"Obaerver."
The following are
t he officers of the Club:
President, R. it. White: Vice Presidents, C.
A. Clute, Henry Wolf; Secretary. W. 0. Ev
ans ; Treasurer, J. L Brookins ; Vigilatice
Committee, D. Heath, B. Hill, Wm Custard,
Wm. Millis,- J. , A.?tel1100, WOL. Allisqu, W.
Bingham, N. L. Fiani4. Duncan, E. F. Gif.
ford. 'l'he regular i meetings of the Clab to
be on saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, at the
Brawley lintel. 1 -. , .
W. IC. EVANS, Secretary.
To whom all communications should be ad.
dreeled.., • ; .1 •
Sizvn 01 00708 a MitTol3.-..- Col. mew.
Grant has been sele Led as the Marshal of the
day, at- the meeting on thefith of October. The
follostinecommittels have been appointed for
the occasion : ,
Committee 0 Arrangentents.---Cept. W. W.
Dobbins, Capt. James Dunlap, Wm. 0. Ar
buckle, P. A. Becker, John W. Shannon, F- -
W. Koehler, Joitu'Oummins, J, IC Kuhn, Jno.
Ferrier. - -,..
Corilminee of gree lien.—Wm. A. Galbraith,
Col. John It. Bliss, . Cemphausen , Hon. gel
den, Marvin., 11, F.: S l oan, Benj. Whitman, Wm.
W. Binismorti, Wm. L. Boost, Or.'Chas. Bran
des, Richard- O'Brien, J. C. Marshall.
The Committee of Arrangements will at the,
office- of Col. Grant, ', on Friday eveuing,t the
30th inst. The Committee of Reception *ill
tneef ; at Mr. Galbraitit's officio, on Tuesday
evening of nest week. -
To the Democratic Clubs of Erio,Comity.
To.ficilitste correspondence and consults
the.,offiir -ef the various Democratic
Clubs of Erie county are requested to commu
nicate the names of their officers, with their
Post Office address, to the Democratic' Club of
the city of Erie. Address B. F. Sloan, Esq., at
Erie, Pa. tt
• sir The condition of our finances, the
depreciation' of the paper money, and the bur
dens thereby impOsed on labor and capital,
show the necessity of s return to a sound
'financial system, while the rights of citizens
and the rights of States, atttl.the binding
thority of law over the President, the army
and the people are , subjects of noting vital
importance in war than in peace.—Osa.Meefel
lan's Letter of Ateeiptnee. . . ,
.gob The effect of long and voried service
in the army during war and peasw.has beast*
strengthen 'and mete indetildiron my mind.
and !heart the lore , and reverence for the
Union, Constitatien,lews and flag or our
°sudsy impressed upon me is earkfyouth.
Thew's fee/logs hare thus tar guided themal's,
o(iny life, and must continue to do CO to
end:—Gen . Clelfrts'e Letter of Acceptance., ,
gr. The re estsbl ishment tif the Unios in
all it, integrity ix, and muse continue to be,
the indispeasable•condition of any settlement.
=des. JlcCleitaa. Letterof acceptance.
- ,fir The (Mips oast he preserved st
hassed&—GenoeqleClellan i e Letter V A:op
One of the humors of polltios+-43reeley
ensimpliecleibut of oottezdiee.
Mir *iidnesdiy nazi trellis wflj rig rein
larly between this airy wad Philadelphia. '
A learned doctor °meet pve is 'Aida °piston
waist PebUi l litokiiiiitii , "
beerause it kills of the foolish tirls, and4ree
the wise only to grew into venom.
The, 4 410 ti l o been going or . 1 1, 0 ;:kv4 1 4nci;
Dunkirk and other places around H, dating
las Fweek:`, It wiU. singsit;4frittira.
'sititran bairn long.
_Dennis James, Rig.; of Warren, was un
able to bir.hora oh Wednesday evening, and
the 141.044 anniilleedifor that lethidon was
therefore postponed.
The World is of the opinion that if any ga
per would undertake to print all of, Linesben.
'stories, the'potioe would be obliged to supPissa
it, under the aot forbidding obscene pubilos 7
• Oa the evening of the - 12th , vote was taken
of the volunteers in Provost Barrack, Dunkirk.
There were 190 votes. A. Lincoln received 4
sad Gen. Geo. B. MeCleHan received 186.‘ So
says the Fredonia Advertiser.
The committee sent on to Harrisburg, to
procure credits on the qUota of this city,lave
succeeded is their efforts, and we have sow
the satisfaction et knowing that we are "out
of the draft"—until the next call.
Bernard Rubley, of this city, ha's been ap
pointed additional route agent on the Phila.
& Erie R. R. Barney tyt an inveterate Bleak
Republican, but a pretty good sort of a fellow,
neverthe'ess, and we congratulate 'him on his
Remember the Mass Meeting on the 6th of
October, In this city. Don't fail to•be on heed
with your entire family. Let every township
send in its delegations, with Rags, music
and emblems. The speakers advertised to be
present wilt positively be band unless some
unforseen occurrence prevents them, and the
occasion promises to be the meet attractive we
have ever had in Erie. .
• f
The Crawford Jour:eat says that oat of the
aggregate of-6,866 men heretofore drafted in
that district, the Government securifi 813
drafted men and snbstltutes ; 1,6 M, paid cote.
mutation money; 1,868 were exempted for
physical disability ; 1,311 were exempted for
various semen ; 1,080 failed. to feport; and
there is still existing a deficienoy of 108 on
former calls.
Patrons who receive their papers by c.arri
era In the city, should bear it in ailed that aji
extra charge is made of fifty cents, Making
two dollars andlfty unit as the price for the
year. Boys in these days demand is large
'mesas sun, and we pannoo *ay /pager af
roid to furnish the paper to those who have it
carried to their houses as low as we do tonal'
or office subscribers, Those who pall at the
Printing office-will still obtain the Obsaver it
the old rate—two dollars a year. (tf.)
We understand 'that Col. J. Etou ThomPten,
who bas not actively , partiolpetsd in politics
for some years past, has exprisia his deter
mination to hike the stump for Gin. McClellan.
Col. Thompson is an eloquent and able spea—
ker, slid having $ very Amts . Eaffunce over
the countk, 'Minot fail to ao miaclegook service
for the canoe: W. maro, also, that his broth
ow;_usimied Thompson, will soon- visit
this ;Wien. and deliver severiii speeches in
favor of On;
We kir Democratic local ohehaad'organ
isatitiu bear in mild the necessity for
sending solnd Democratic documents to the ,
army. It is idle to forward packagesor bun=
dies, as there is every reason to believe that
the post °Moe is tampered with by the 4.,d•
ministration ; but they _Cannot supervise all
the sealed lettere orispeilittiiingla:welippers.
Let lists belitade up of soldiers in the field
from every - locality, and then Democrats suits
see to it that they are supplied with dominants
to refute the calumnies of the favored Repub
lican papers which are allowed , to circulate in
the tiny.
The venerable Judge Wei,' wheat position
as one of the leaders of the Republican party
is well known to every man in the county,
hie no Eiesitition'in eipreseinjhie !fedi:vime
for fol. Rice over Mr. Lowry. , •What kind of
a man is Rice !" saitl4 gentleman to the
Judge, in thte city, a fee days ago. The sit:ti
dy old gentleman respoidad.Tithout any hes
Ration and substantially as follows: ..He's
better inn 7. ever was or ever can
be. ; IR.'s not only agseat deal snorter, but
be has a higher sense prhonor. and i is one of
the most liberal men I ever saw. His a ini—
Mama, sir."
o itilfPbila..St Erie R.
R. will take place on Wednesday next, when
an excarlion .train from Philadelphia, w
pass over the entire line, reaching thief city
about 6 o'clock in the evening or later. Tin
exclusion party is expected to comprise sever
al hundtk persossi - stdoeg illiaka will be
many of the first citizens of Philadelphia and
other parts of the Slate. Oa Thursday after.
noon, the guoistsind be treated to an enter—
tainment in Farrar Hall,, at which speeches,
sentiments, champagne, et cetera, will be the
Whit poll. day:, The : Vennails have
appropriatmitt three thousand dollars , for this
purpoie. How happy we shonld;be, to know
that we have such • liberal body of city fiat
The following important order has just been
received in reletiOn to the draft; the quo,
In of any sub.diatriet shall be entirely filled
by volunteering after the dean; but before the
drafted men are sent to the geeing rendei
roue, then the person drafted will be excused,
*6410444i' Will be asinepeed and ;minted on
the quota, as • well as drafted men, till it is
Idled; nail , when- filled, and before the drafted
mew shall here been sent to the .general ren
desirous, for every additional volunteer mus
tered in adieftid MaCwilrini exkinied, the
person to be snouted • being taken from, tile
bottom of the list Of "iAttni drifted, in Abe •re •
verse order in whieltthey were drawn ; bat in
no inetanee will a substitute be exonerated or
excused." ~. • t
Mr. C. C. Gritty has sold the Girard Union
to Mr.Joliq.B. Phelps, late of tie Mayville
,Sitstiliel,'irho, It is reported, "will publish the
paper hereafter is an orlms of Democratic
principles. If such be ti , ,,laet, we e4ll r e .
jtde . e 4.srith'esese.ling gra , joy" over it, for
if t 'lets is. seetit9r4 l 4:so...ylvsnis that ita•
ly •.tid.uilukintaltablittectiN i ntliti* is
lb. Weitern part of Ws and Crawford . •ootin :
ties. Mr. Phelps is in experienced editor and
-eapable of making as ex.:tenant paper., •
We. must ..tionfesS to an 'honest regret at
parting with Mr. Griffey newt editor—if such •
be hie 'intention. lie is a confirmed, incurable
Abolitionist, It is true, but amide from his pot;
him we have round hiaiwite of theta*, corn
psaioaable mei of out acquaiatasce, and that
he is a . osplt , al editor aft willwgree., Unlike
too 6,11,4 persoas,-be will~ not lit a iliffereatie'
if opinion on public questions influence bis
permed relations, and such men we cannot
help v./40.4th% Is these days of Intoberanee
and red bet partitan malignity. Here's sue.
eels, "my hearty," to whatever you wader
1 'since Gett.'Mcf.Rellan'wstontinaitlos,aßct in both
instances the:) , have been subjected to tads, ri
Willem which nom; but row dies and onw
feio~ti ,
dor;obie j. ire 44161 Woe to
speak of them at lengthiAhis . week, but shall
refer . to thedi in appropliee ter* in our next
inne, 'Meanwhile weN4Piukn ko lea"
I :4li'eatertinilfitito ifitfat but t ; •
klis, and have theto, held', up to 'ill co empt
'they deserve.
taken in announcing that he Intended, to ilia
l iens, Mr. Lowry to rtutep : the iiietriet.,
;halt ouipatunents on .heitd,_tioetisoltiii.hoto,Zo
;he tied icy Ides of raceiving . llrnOtolnition;
Which cannot be• broken,l aid; which will pre
'vent hint front 'meeting': the: people at more
than a Hosea places heroes the dap of election.
Re feels quite wet:Meat that he could be elec
ted If - he had time to Mittel toiltit otters's.
Have . y+ betneasse,til• Have - jolt `any
Democratic; acqualatanociii 7 whottettaties are
not on:the dasessor'sliste f Bee that the mat
ter as attended to at . onci..' -
osSztevElC ZQU 9vvicgt.
We weld nwesetrally pal tbsottentiois peblie
to our f teUlties for doing Job Printing el every diestrip-
Idea. Baring rapid Presses and the latest strlerefTy"
we are prepared to do anything hrthejubblow Ikea is a
rausibweqeal Cetus, other esteblisksoest. and en taws
asre m paimew,as th e Salteto no: Olseeland °Sees. We
bane aided soissittwo thee/Sad dollars mortis of mate
rial to the Ake enteett Iwo Weis •ar pisiteesima ill
lb= ef i rklel wilokles thoggitt ere 60/12=1 . 1
ty will we hate esessfteo we lean the
speelassoe of oar Jobbing which may be raw iu trrtry
put of North Wasters /Peensylraela, is biota& • Thom
who want tasty neat are Wetted to eve we a sill. Wp
eau do suybdoil of Pestle, that eaa - be dew eleisherp,
.-eerdi for Watson
All kinds used by Coal•Opsraters, •
All kiwis used by Coal 1311Ippees,
AU kinds used by Coal Pelham,
• All kinds used by Iferehaitte. bed fiterekeepers,
weedyAU !ludo Retailers sod firearm .
' All kinds used by litainsfesterem •
• All kinds used by IfedichW:lbsders,..
All Mods used by Astettoosero
Allbistds used by liallroed AgfSlll, • - ' • a".
All kinds used by Sankt; ;•• - ,
AU Mods used by Instuseei
All kinds used by Stock Companies, peeraily
Ail kinds used by Itrokern x •
All kinds need by Com. and Tor.
All kinds used by tomes Nen, ,
otttaga r ZUZTl; .t 13
All kinds used by Public Ott ter+, _
• All Made used by Pideabsse,
• All Muds used bf Produeers of New Article',
An lanai used by Mire r ltapii al l, -Talfse `,l
All land* usAl Arehitewts, • • •
All kind used by Doriterresio gstablishasonta.
AU Inhads,steall by Artiste pepirall&
All kinds SW lary thAlbiterso
All binds used by Manager' of Soh's' Asseroblia,
All kinds used by Political: Naimoli, •
All kinds used er Travellhig Aro% '
All Ideas used by Parser; or sellers of roil estate, •
Ail ids& used by the sellers of Prorweel Property,
.• All kinds used by Itentara,i
In short. all kinds used by all &miss. • •
Orden by inall,when sera by resoliosible partleagnomit
1r attended to.' Agents Annum', Coneerts, te, whose
responsiblity sea ere est acquainted wltb. tout pat Is
advance- In omen where packager ars out control the
:Sy eapesertod the terrain/ for whom they are infant
e° not a mutts aecount at , the peke. .the bill for
eo on will Invariably be forwa forwarded toltls
' Spead 'llifatiCes.
,t We, dealts:te corpellpapleakt l erery
torashiP ls tit* tionnt7. Psplitktal essays ws cao obtain
In ationdioes ; what we wait le the loeal tatwalkvett all
' parts of the coaniy. irffeti;,lo ;tibia de
void es haring lilflaseoeitipt 06111161 unit ; and
If he has tsars that the eonpanoteatlog boot 16 props.
shapit for pabileatloo, ere wpl put It In appro pthas trim
:air City frobeertbers,serredby earrlerPaOlaituord
twetzty-flre oentiper year lairs. Persons who fall
1 04 e sl.ols*rilu Viler by testi- '
fit OPftbislose itilroMifaittoorf
who sap oonsembpatly. proem* their papas at the oaks
of publication'. •
Er The her st,erhleh the Obeereep Le pat "pros%
nets weet,lslO'clO Yoel4 i aret., oea.'Ldnrtiee
neap will be naaahrod opt° 9 o'clock of dor day of peak.
or All Adrertissnunti ? Job Work and Pa toeriptinm
from persons whose rosponsibility is gotirnorn 'to t 6"
publisher& use &field in awes.
OD the Stant that, at his eaeideses is Rarboriveltfrom
the lamb of Camp Favor, Mr. JAMES COTTER, aged ta
to Trubarstaok, Aug. flirt., SETSEt 'HU at
Jaratalah Adam', to the 74th year of tv l r ova
ot ,
1 :i i
That uonoem very (
to Anairer!
Ate you bald ?
NMI 100 batr tali airy' • •'L • • ; .
Hat your hair bonito thin I. • " 1
• Does it Sal harsh, and dry, slut .
is turning piny bato n 14 Una, '
.ip TO* U. 4 bled With itetingibursing innatioa of
tit mai, r, • •
Mayas troubled with Dandruff!
Ate you troubled with What lirealled flatofula or gait
!them ?
Hare you had the grinsipelas, and lad your hairy,
Hare you had the and boat it ' •
Hawn you bad the Typliold Fever, and loot I b t
Ban you lost your hair by any Richfield t
Do you wettitrawrieigt ileac j .
,• • , • •
, I
Do yonvieb tu ft apt sari owe *air? ,•-- • •
Delon wisit ray hair tared
" 11101111I ntlielligt•V•
Delo!' yrs era restdred in coloy
Po yob Taut itAr'year eblidrin? ' .
Do Yew grant It for yelitealf,l lot tither sr nintbr, for
brother, abler or friend ; •
Do you rant to oaks a promiat,t
Do you want a eertopi for you *lot;
Do you want a ainistaw article ? , •
Do YOU want a pure article
Do you. nant a double distilled
Do you waist a cleanalpgarthpie t i• '
- Do you Irani the best, preparation but fat &ageing,
stimulating.. protecting. feelocing ibi aidcw, end rebur
ial lion. inikT aad lwtßou the UP*6O Hair L_ •
-at 110, we
• - 'FOR THE
. -*SIRS
B . 4 . t i me l!f".M* l l lll ,..,t r tle Iu4" "
It samba* SI fa; iia• bottle, Ora UAW tot SI Ina is
sold by DrniesOtaid pages atverparas,. J
C. U. ILMAERIt.* CO y ftepristors.
, a 1 19 9 , 6, 94,16:64.
No*" -1 * ~ o. _
TAMEg P t CitOOK;.haiing takes in him
tr mi. haw Irop &sit prelfaarootio lotaar of April,
LW: h urls
arra saisaallikalliaa rdallOrMA troN,
brim Whorls arttiamat Alt per.
roam kosidair kitimenit Waded fa „lara are rogailillat
to WI awl settle octal sat Mar —% •.• :.• ;
.;,J E:, MINK SON,
xousAmtiil; , ,,. Pi yr picam.
Baolltoirise - a Pbudiiki
5a444 6 01:C . 4 4, 1 4411ik5t5”
~ PlAtA*; , • -
, .........,
W. iskipsutihlty esti tie istieettow bt jhopbbtle to ear,
heilitlN for doing work to the beetle! style, proniptip mid
DO rellA01:11031*
. 11,tiad‘t, 111014111,7 es*
shops, with superior "ash , wir!blit sowilfri 040.1
log satire sfeetiow.
l ar Orders Irma prodipt at
oly2f6ett. , , ' it r:CEOOIE,k eAntA
• Landscape eardening,lui.
rE Untferiiighaii 4.lFeivi Mgr
1 ftniesit to iiii OrWiiliamitTing Laal•
i aye oploottig i liri}spititat'slipepaicia L
mot Itopeovlng tit Cemmotrey Thts t privit. _
Yards. itit;to do. thi*teg ,i bad 'swim» in Oil
Madness. be fah eipsta‘itttotioesbioto Orem:Wm BO'
Wadi's*. Wert take* Snort try oky •toi t oth Wes
Hem. to H. iiikat itiog e ast others II has Ws bora'
employed. TIMCOUT lritQUit , ii ,_.,_.4
. iitlikkik" Wil ell , lig
1 1 Ifiell4ll 4 ' tWi . aski, 4 Z4L .- 1 f)
' . — i• - 1 : ..... ''
The • e of be
!'s Ahrel t L a o . etti e l
.VP "7
r• • •g. 1
bast uttered at the este of seven and theee•tenths trr
cent: Par anatiMe.latnetp.ll an Interest both to be paid
la Weak! msovey.
• These salterallt Uelliallt" the+. op'fott ok the.
holder st tostarify, tato els per cent eohl beer ing bend.;
payable not less then Ars nor rants tban testae irate
from go* eli k vi, ar k eifyie Own. Thee
beteattribilleabatilltledhailr , WOK /5' 0, 14.000 0,,,t
115.000. and all other:lolone Ma t be for .
some ohltiple of fifty doitsze.
The ttottivalli tee tekibaotbesiT f la ittliarswithfthe olf
transportation ehergesep i stoat "No the bmcfpf nt th
oti,tsstitttitoetes i giict_t, tethryiee twierepartil.•
As akar boleti Mit fee 4 1fittr. person
=tine (*OW acifteiiil to, Nat ith tertit pay th
tiaserrea seemed l'thrp date/piea) , IA dale ad 410411
. Perthe depost%bg tiiedth.tlee 'theatan'.l &Ajar. sod
tthaszare for these notes, atany one pm., .111 he showed
11 4 1 1 11 1 1 10faakfa'In i eetaajtarti/aepar eent., erloch
herald ties mar: totepaltawnt upon the rrrelpt of
e feir ONO elk serf ned the ottcer wit
wheat ellterdethemt wan =We; Needed actions for commie.
eons Meath' made from the &pmts.
Speeial Advantages of this Loan,
Itofirting a Luresrotlee
of interest than adylkfillillt lin 1 she best ossify.
tartar, bank which we its de,o•itore In U. Noter,.,
oonaleent that it paring Ih the tett eneelalleg terol•
um of the eountrprathble is an thing beter,'l
for ite ewn awes' eutewithyr to goveret se
tent quilits or
in notel or bonds ptyabfe id 'frolerneeret i Akr„
It is }sleety ennveulent ass temperer, or &Manta
terresteeent. The notes ran wave be sold fns wt min si
frac/4C of %het , fan k,,a secesnullte 1 antereot and ale
tbrbillopearity with biat• a. eulbeers'e or doe mete.
1 .11 0/01nriit NTO. siX PER evrr 6-20 cvta t.l
,• • ,
liehtignienAka oral interest on the no're rei l
*We 'WA gibe rittper.ol e peeve( It le now erer•ti ,,
about three pereent. per annum, tor the purr• sr rote for ,
6.20 Betide ii eoe I,es thein etet per ma; prfsqapt,; al4
before Um war the prealindtece et: U. At intrceW
wta OTer twenty per cent, ,11,11141 tple thaVtlen.setwil,,
profit do this loan at the ',recent rcimiset rate, ii not lent
than ten per Tent. per swan's.
larßitoir t ian Fran gtate or Municipal
13tit est& from all the ed. note. we have onoroarsterl,
• special net Of f`eogemlizempliittaitemis :mid Tomei
sp4km /tip tan at , -rep• eremp
eroil rtilto rt two par &ICI( r annum, wording ,
try th• tats of taxation in the various parts of the neon
It is hell .vial that no sororities 'offer sorest induce
meats to lenders asthma limed by the government, fn
ail other for of indebted:seek, the faith •tolity of
privates partivigisulegi yogantes or separate column,
eltles hair. 11`.4.1telerdd fhelietifrowit, wholo
proyerfy of the he'd to Negate the (lie:barge
of ill the obllgstboa pf thr UnlJel Stases.; , •
While the golf•eMeet , sceti s th, to ilbet44l fermi
for Its loans, it belfwves ai nt4t the: Tor e • stieSeettappeal
well he,to the o 'ear 11. ipttriptOps ttie're
flopeate . States 1111 , eiveunt tar Step lei e.
The put) , Halle oteettlJaikeimpqa the: engine
eertificiate the denomination of the notes re ,utreo, and
atutthVhiyis t re to be iIS/latfl. kett't Of per able to or.
i% • erarioelielorseil It meet' 11,• left with the officer
imeeteleg,theifejpiiiett, to hoje , estdel to the Ti e.4.%40-
Delparttrotsit' i , ,
' na.'ItROZITIte be the Treasurer of
the tilted Oats., et tlfslehtnirtart. the'reove rat A a‘l ,taut
Treastizers &a designated I epoeewera , and hr time
First National Bank of Erie.
and by all National Sauk* which are depositaries of pub
Ha mosey, apt!
ALL n+NK4 4;s:o n‘tocge.4
throafbout the "coacitir . aftt
. fit . elt!rtitt*iltrt7iittott .
Airpferi l orprt rActuly , To p;ms i oxtßEßS.
angpi44 , 4ea., , • , • ,
.; ,
• i
Imola, Salve !
.; •
flu stqablub.4 tbsil)Frorer or
• -
I' 1 ~ ',,S . °l l r,i !l ata ir# l . 4 o l l r * P aratt° "'
•'...",.'..../.! L::.:1.1-41.11-'0,—ii:- • ,
,_ • -
CURES scAtcs
I - ::ctiaLIYILoNs,
Arl_. S ALVE!
I .t ; 1 Vt.g? Fig"
11E 1 1)1)1:co's nusstaCA LVE! - •
4_.slu4E l PANPER. 3 .
- - - 4 cuiLiabaa.r.zu Erg.
/144 ) 419.1. 3 '11 1 0. 5 4 SALVE!
LURES 13011.3.
• i.• ‘I -
,4Ruca's RUSSIA
: EDihiliPi ittAi#A`iothAtik.. P '
GUM; 13LI3tER9
-• )1. GPHFW,W. 4
.7454. 1 7 6 ? ;1 :AR.V•
REDDINGF'S ited§tt. f4kiivv.",
. Am! 1 V2)44-:.ClCii tit At (tr. • .
Is perfectly free from any meroriat ro,tter or inJort-
ow panic*, Sid priso mar er.Cl,ita a- p Lica , lua Interfere
with the remedies that ei , y be prescrbed br a
phyilftio." The him:beat thn.uatiout the I; map,
are anaatimpea tp i tte prs , ee. caw • tt. trues become
ktiowtillObilleillif fa the demand, sod It le now canond
erect 4:91.14,46ra1if art , ote f houseio.d necesaity—
M',Trish sod poor
I! prompt:flitelltnp, temora• pen et onc-. and reduces
thiainOlf hag jQohl pweiling • and iullatnuraiora, ns
1114 siaiia-Abbb affirdt•tr relief end a cowl I.le cwt.:
Thahroirth of time this noire has been b. t rr toe pablic
teotmelwdra proof that t , to no tb..hento" stree t
tion, pat fait' to bare a Bc,fcloue pitlarity, au4 then
1.40;41,0:,111 Ter
0afy..2 ., Casts a fin.
-) Tair:AMPAT:PIDItk , StoRK, cal itroadwar, X.
Y., 8. W.PellltAt CQ•a_Ne-41aTremmt St met, liatoa,
and be all ttiniscati sad Coetttyy St ,reksepora
angtrt4-Iy.,'r i. L. ! :• • -
the estete of Arthur a.. DAVISON dee'd; late of
liturreek tp...Erio Co hatms bf" t granted. ;to the
undrralgor3, n9ttcs is hereby &reel 'sit) tßoiyikn. w
ing therneelree iudente4l to the ' , mutat/Vac*. iremsliit•
paymeht, and thou against tho estitl to.
r4lif ttioljtfpr settlement.
4 4 4 r5i14 •
Of Strela Matt beA `!•:'6 xuipttur.'
se disserfeablo 'well. Tim Attest etr'. t , filatcl to !Ai
Werti..,lrmovaetAi susa,.t4to. l 4ter nntt trt.d. Tor
male by tlitS Gosen'atid ittilts." A liberal , Itietnnit In
thefrimie. RESER ikettO o rOFSS,
to ttf. enr I.;th an Stats.:aok,
;1.1.1 is• ,
ow. mgcNii.Ml ApirA Pic
- •
J . • b i t
115' Ale t tri. NG WALLP P
sprlOtt FBICES.
- -- •
•`rerbfMbreta 11MtletPrieq
'IN cAstr.
P.','Ailtimialphia & Erie R. Ri
iglitigffiggig i ZAWASl4glik.,
T ail great lt ii a t is t rairerses u the t , :ort i t. h • f lo a t ill o N f oitbire:t
/Ake Erie. it has been lease P g LS I r y 1 . 1, 111141 . Rollj n -
riot Company. and under their &winces is rapidly brag
o .ned tbrettipttont itsentare length.
. 11014 lui lot, _ Lig Vrobill., he.elocle
ry - Dllik . , Job : the ,ai".srl)
• °lt. li n° . 444 ° 44. 4 ° 'NM% iitmlitimo 0 n the
i i i"
' • klivitam. ,-_. .Iyi-ci, I It :1 i, -. i
3 f :.: 'lrtry,lit.vrAMOottii.rdited 4; no. ..
1 c- 4 .,..,..,,,,....,,, .353 r . X
Om n 1mardn,..41:..t....,:.;.,. --: II I 0 A. 24.
rail WOW . thir.L.:.•:-.....L.r.t.. A.' ' •. 9 113 A. If
Eipreas Tram Amy.* ..... —. .. 3 t) 1...'j
Tut InNimAtioo respecting , n,!,.r hnenrilli seply
a t, the S. ft 0.... m 11th and daei,t .ia , aud ri,r freight
b i . " AlVtaits4i' 'l NEUlßOta 3 'smis.
ru .
.‘4 . ./1 W4 .1 . Il ittr " 6. 9tULT)B tel i'' VP . .r.ilit4ltin'y'enT/'l,:,ac.'l.
LEWIS L. 1100 er, tierisral Ticket. drat, Phtisea,
Gemara Stanager, Williamsport.
• . IvriA
Executrix' Notice.
"mitz7ss - 53.
Siqgel, IT4Ace4 LAN:. CO.,
(succeitor. to
a_aahr.. - - :
Gimeries t our,l4Poric,
Be *
• • Ci ll ;I:
• - tii ."4 /0
... -,-. , „..
C,,* > ":-
.0 , .... --
- - • G4R3ON 711%,
'lies, Wisp, 1110owil ag ars sad
:, (, ..c.
itr':To B A. C V . o z 7 - -1
CAN DI ~;.,._ES_
. -
, i..- :„ i
il CpACKERS 4. ' •
' t-
OIL V#R2l,,
• e'r race•! • '
rbwest Mari* ]prices.
17.1'.tel#, BLOCH:, ZBIE, Pd.,
, lietwesa Browsig Sotsll4 r"erimi" St.
~3 .
The Pennsylvaita sta
societr. •
011a4e.......-- 810
Jim ;sand lin lei, poet:001M em o 4401.1. Mat ,
sas - V'
'.130: teemed test 1116:-..meiteett 4041 1 .01:1 0
In pee-rim:la for artiiecriptittoemt 11.areee and Moles.
hiiF,EP—for daffertot 1 adeY hl pteemoges, VOO2 $%O t •
re; 66 premiums freft 1 41 .:1e 04. •
: 1 1•111LTttY-t/i Mama, arery ittad, liesoitisall of 1, /, •
and 6 dolts:to : tether aggrafatior ale ' •
.441141,q11.101/411, Ilteq/a1)1111N3;S--?*4 dini&Y $
81,efig tan 1100; medoepr.epeedajoldplOtearelef lib
P read proniutal got *Ma, ,pinwlits.,ttol4ll4gWl . -
t , :re. wagon* ka.• ikruniwip4. l o44, dePatvx" • •
ar•itkoll.leatsetlioe.leather and ostemo,feelotra.
tor, ottemorbee.oagetablsoa trellappelsae, Pere, wi
Solletel and their designs, atosee, tia-waighlin der'
100111aSoleetures, needle work, krfloe egaiame
as 4 via easeaelpriltiopley ele-esteeeas-bge4mee
ta,banici. elspr,wasp, sew tec mesbigg... p autos,*
The sbairA•belifit mereqtfateilatFettbibitore al.:, •
quested In secure seatalogue en that they may co.
to the regal on of tfie B cole 3 J Pry'Vtlll -
its deht6fLosi, .10atimeat ;Iv4 el detaatiema ate -
elT,oted with railrp,da g . 11,, both se to trete . :
ctrpolt ' leer ettelogate anJ railroad
I,lolpaiNtessito I teste l lo l l.
• 114bgee Xd..~.ll4eketti, 44 . .." A " "
_ _
# 1844 AS P. KNOX, Prea
A. B. I.OvO4KSIt, S•er!tta .
i.l - 4;9 1 9 1 1 1 T0RG .g. 44 #1 T.' OW
ri wiplirt.
NEW ctiotrinSei
The undersigned here open-4 a RIM G l2
tee . 4,0 0 1 t
LROADB ITE ST,iuDoO2lit fitlept;"': 1
Where they intend keeptyg • felt )e I
•• • -
W) car.ay- WARE. •
• r WiILES rarnei*
Eciaivivriompum, -
, Tosietc)*(44; tt
And everything Una: gin luip4 in,4n
the sort.
Wa areAstateaned to agraLsagandle
other dealer' lo the city. and turtio ttio ToaLlie t. .. 1I
co mietiVhO t Oyit..4 sitetoli r titodirlacttac.
.V 63
octtf. . . 1111BEKR H t•
111111PORTANTa - ,
jielders St, Offliersof tinpateatei Lauds
‘‘..t. Act oumien so. epproted klie *O. VIVA: h e b..,)
dare mod owoore of, trapstented Lands atei time.. • t.•
teke eat patents or *nail leads bee,* ha .let n..• of
N9/ 1 1€1404 =ln tjttotopt,tucti,...
SWltt / Mind "agostitaktilj awn. tof
pro hue stoney iittrata4d Jets t,
on ea tree 1.4 f ed
tr4Cl, 100 futt7tiit“....steAher ) et'l4 otho
44 4 erPerePt Yek4lMuclt Atell ireetered lie 4 il• dotk
to is reputed kept Ar 115,atintrpot% enr ivr , , -
rhea bear totereat et tl lex ant" Tbeze . •
to to.• eroded lignal by fie ettrtrae. Ge . •
def.uitmg pule.% Miens. wilarAtick.i4A.A 'Aani t ,
fhe undms coed gee giving tar teuter
buqneatt herd* the EThfl Lvov", it '
Wog jur etteedtug to oucb liitelAr4s,Ary
rure ptteutoot once fer iinrin4Creirnitin ' , •
fr 'as tho lost 'Of 60/o/lineot. on the c.. •
tertn.. COrtligpOndtlloo gOliniteti find • I
WAL a LACE im•
' AttyruerVild ,
.s Cattlaralgi3 3 Want 11 .14.4 5
, „Ay 4
N Y.4I. °I ! E ! S A P AAP I.
wo,la mpfttrateicio - •.1 . .."." 6 •
Ho. 2 Hughes' Blooki • Ertei
. Ich;re be wU I ali;e• e 4
- GROCERIES; t 144 1
WlNltte, LlQUOitti, Cli; t t
An t eeerything liansally for sale In
the kind
“t1:4 1 0 •
7: w iL m aqtr i
Unite 4 Stites Claim .3 g't,
-) biRARD/pk.W.4,
PENSIONS, 414cIr t P _ ¢ Y '
B 0 11 Ist V?' ,
And all 'Alter fitatrom swiloot •tho - gotta
to with protontnota.
; 041 1 :1 13 41#43,
LieApollcAlloa by Ils.l attead4 to t cmg9
made La ps-mson
• 4... . , ,-
.a 7: g
9,.,i= i
"ds ~ r"iii a i a kz_
1•11 C:t 7-' -
..w,•;4 C1V , ..i;1i1ie1.E.1.;.tit,1,, , . A.
..... ',e, ..ei —. A 7 C. ...
11l "*l4 cio r i . /I Iti. t ' WI
W 7 4 • 'f"*!! a ;14 if ~t, , .
.• up let„.„ :• tic -, 0 1 4P. ,
'l l .r,i)l ;' 124 0
.3.lit aittill .
167 fr7n- I:V:erprie 41 •,• .....:
IP • ; c hi ... .P. .1. - fj. 4 ....:. •
- - Till FLAcivai.k.;t
TO 0E1 4 YOUR leitintaCxci;,
, B e
t q 60 . 0g,D. lisps • ,
BOOT. & ,Sttilt•
. Sz,,
elate Iltze;l,.Nassi*liioultjAhi . 4 ,t ,
Et Cough) ti,licit 'ore Pbeietllihoi ' Is
vsifiletthibr litintai tt*. rldittifir. . CAVIL
.1•4 rev:tared Ids laud lo the Stan Boom
no. Absto arse, smarty opposito the P
. 0111ce, irLery hg baltiltS all Ws eld , ~..•
to on ijur a WI. Partte4ar attiationAtm
' tior ••
.. .. .IP . P.A. I ti:
tai sisitil worksoan, sat ".
ba • Intnmlxtfase if, hebnibuso be Oa •f 4 ". •
MOD Will" at MAT 01%..1 4 0.7., - t ‘ n.;
clirt tqatikrillWarafir: 4.—teuro ' '
- 6* 14 011;11001640.
g'ario • palpated 14` eon Oa 'SPIT RUM.
CIAITMC WM& ircal IbbNltabalbollipat mar
ket priers. Ws can WI OU Vitrozl by duo WNW at Mak
mauelittillrbTlN tbaraby eatirefeekths parehaert the ea •
chomp alba eeoutlat IKOMPtint
E Altt.ollnt :" ,0141 1t±:4
A' veil ii.wisaml44,Bllll4 mesa Costs,.
. De% 5.4111111.14
Chi! , refl. Put*. 14411 . /1,411"
ul l 4 l - 1 , , 1 , / •
7 :‘
n lu tL•