The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 29, 1864, Image 2
_ , . t i p , ~.;_ I , . .._._ _ --- _ cm Bigler. . 1E " rrt- ' ', ll, tr • , q-'"ig ____ • ler was only able to meet the ... -, • ! roopl , ilt six points in thitcounty, and • , 1. : oi,e in Warren, owiri to ngagwe is BTIC4R3t)AYISEftVEIERO, I ill I. I that he made beft as arelpf a . g11"41 4 - Ire A litt ir t.Z?1 ?. .4 r :1 61, ,e,,, j6i i., t :: I : : : ' .4 ' r r ' ''N . " r . I NV(• li 11 e ~-' ( lay after ro tniath in' e , W es- Ammeamirroc. , ii 3 V f' 1 . t. Ili I I g ; Ir ' ... • 4841. art ern n; .• . ~ .. , ,_. . . Nr4tit II i-1 .:f iursday eVening ; _ Union, . Devattevartte National !Vetter. ' „,- • , i I t .•. • Frid-ty sfierneon : Corry, Friday evening; ~... racaira:Nt., .. • .• GMT; GEORGE )3, - It'CLEIJI;IN. ! "'I - d-1 Written on. Saturd4y afternoon an I even in d _L. ,A, q a of these places large and „.. . itc:n iizsitimir, . , ,- , ~,..',.• .• ... 1 . • ', ' i entltu , isstie au, 'epee” turnekogiikamt,, GEORGE IT. PENDLETON. . --1 -f\,„,-. at North Easi,hcm . eurre t d a severe • told, , JinCh c'lnthe(l 'a - hi tnre •ohisvoine, j , and he W 33 unable to speak.more than a' few words to the people -of , union• and.; Corry. By the: Gin e i lir‘ Apatdiett,,A,arrep i , his voice had recovered its list's! htrAtigth, i *-i • I • t and, he af.toke ,to the large loam bilsgel I gathcred to hoar him with if onytlimg, morethAn his usuallpit`o ; ttriti titfirist.. , , Ilia 'visit to this part et the Btatti line ' i,'left 'a Vert; tine impress:inn. espee . ially' _;'among those who obtained hie personal I,acquaint,ince. Ilis urtass , uming deport. Democratic 'District: Nositriatireci o' • coxaazas„ Lipent,niml'ille apitit:iii“nderat ion ,tcotir2 • WILLIAM BIGLER, of Clear field po :,i tes y and patriotism that he ditipltiyed on 112•111 Ed/14M i all ,ocoasions, strengthened the ileibtioni • - - . .. I, Cot.. DAN RICE, o.Erie County. .of iii,)oli,iiell it ietuls,andlia t d an:agree , : ' -; a,Li f il effect-km waity,:llepiiblicans. .',f , , : It 'must not -he inider;tood ' thistov -- Bigler i; making tlill - tliavicf4,lrfaiite bO .is aolieitous to . rerenter political 4t ;lion': . Up-to • tli". 4- tithe . oc his nominatton he' , , insd-1 , ' leNtiently expre4edbis intentionall4% to 1 as-el: any more p ubli c duties, and bits s'iv o, ieetirm wris quit( - ;11 of - EtZTO4I3,I .XoRfir Just tstiaN, ct Lambda Co.nt IIICLURD 1741.7 X, *1 Tn. totrracT :I!CP3ctt : L Lontitho,; .• rat l i.t e l,!..; Ilicleard R. ITelotb I' Rol.eitSweir4otd, 8. I:Award P. Dane. . ii. John 4. Thos. McCullough, 16 It nr: G. ;Inllth, a. Edward T. Hvi, •111. Thtqticuc Paulo, I. nap cmchcci,c a. , Pugh lIfIrIlZ4410f), t. ‘o l loglre G. lolicr, "'HI John M. Trait:, 8. Michael .91.1 . 2.r,11.0. K ;11?7n.T.:0N • Patrick IPA': '1; " 104 Thomas, ft. Walkar, P. el_ T, 11. rillver 5. D mattel- , , L I 1. WI; Itoout , , A. B. Danattql " TVW MOuthrar). Democraic County .77cket. 11.1) FRANCIS,' WAterfOra; Pao/ LAY- 64WAGE, Springfield - ' • inr4.:rr. • 0 COLT,. Waterford. ,' Tr:mu. R. - • - A. -24Ev'KE11., Erie; CLUS OF TIM V,LIFiI F W EOefILER, Milt Creek. olnirsi:6vv," • • • iiciiitioa au rclus ! aoii, , dII4ITOZ. inta t3Ci3LIJR4TP: tlrrA TTUCTOR of TIIi roDa. .11ALPI1 gOWNtAN Con amtl ,• ~ v artrxia4r4g Aciptxr, - UT 0 F J F EPATMULNO .r .rata WAlf. t ll, V 0111) AC SinaCt.. WATTS B LLOYB 'W l MA.G [LC, expect eucceea, bat the latter'will at least •• havo had the astiafeetion , of t i pporting RALLY! FREEMEN! ',WALLY! ! I did:t 'eft Or , can o r acts n the pay ty, the Govenior will have the mutt- Oncifore :Efort for the Union and: ranee of', contributing to the gratificatidin the Coneti4ution ler his friends and the, strength of the catp.o DOWN WITH ABOLITICX ANEI SE CESSION TREA.bO).7I ' -- ' -' ~ We Lind the following remarks under UP, PATRIOTS, AND . ,A. l l l THEII! the above caption in:a late mmiber of the - . • Philadelphia inquiiir. It is at the same Grand Mass Meeting' time a just tribute to the honor and ben= ! evolence of the Hon. Holster Clymer, and • - - - • a fitting rebuke to tht centrolling lefla - '' • - ..-r:-.. - , .... , .• - •„, v - , encein the Legislature, which, instead of • 1 ^, . ' . • • .- vff - T.4, • 11, j a. t .s ''l- ,e. k: tr,..;.... lightening the burthens of the people, " •,... r -•---P: - .= t• e1au.1011,......-.: 'a. .:......wiil .JoiliCtlin the unholy raids for plunder, at ,' , • -......-"-,_—,--, "-I t r., -1 - ! this at V2O common : - - ' -,,,,_-..--.-f . 4...,-..., --'"..':' , ' .. Ar. Clymer, State:Senistor : from 4erks --- ,- .,--.......„,....z.- ' -.0..... „„,, , county, has preSented •to the Reading OF THE • DEMOCRACY! , Benevolent Society two hundred and for - I, ty-nine dollars, which were ipaid to him I under peculiar circumstances 311. CI mer The people of Erin and adjoining served during the last regutar s ession of counties, without distinction of par- 1 the Legislature, and during the extr&ses per_ i x n i r ovalled by the Governor. The pay ty, who desire to see the 'Union e members of the Legislature petuatef t l 4! the Constitution main- ter a regular session has been fixed bylaw tamed, and the Government restored at the sum Of be,VeLl hundred dollirs;which ' to' the principle; of Freedom, lloneg- 1 for about three months service is veil- lib ty, Jastkie and Edonorn y upon which er i d. :Flie same law allows three dollars ' p•-r day for extra sessions. • , it was foUnded,•are invites to meet The late session occupied twenty-one in 3lass Convention, at ERIE, on days, and at the regular per diem would I • '' ..0 have brought to eacja member fifty-one THI7.4BD r eI..Y, October 6th, 1864 dollars. But before the adjournment the members voted themselves three hundred , .." , . 1 1 ---..: . . • • • dollars each for their fifteen dayaserv'c'44 The following eminent speakers base : t making their whole pay for the twsr; se. unitten'that they will Positively . alone one thousand dollars., There are e be in attendance,:', I ! one hundred and thirty-three members in SENATOIL RICHARDSON, of 111. i.a ti e le tioT na tre; a s d rvi • li ngl u e s : trans.a tta d lta i t h e is ont HON. liV3l. II; WITTE, of Philada. twenty-three thouseindtwo hundred; an% HoN. JAS. 'S. -L TITAYER, of :N. y: ! seventeen dollars, and mileage extra: HON. 11.03. CILVAIPLIN, N. Y.Mr, Clymer has determined oto present r - the overplus paid him to the benevolent HON. Al - P. 11.-LNNE'.O-, Buffalo. society of 'his native - town for the ulie of HON, JSO. W. 3lußprn - ,' " ,: i , the i)obr. - Most. probably he willhethe C. -S. -MACOMBER,' EsQ., 4 , . ' only member of either House who Will do Reading : . that much. We would like to hear pi mu VoOL. W31 % .:R05LNT.11,11.4, ~ Philadelphia members doing the same for Cot.. JA3IES K. KERR, Franklin.; the Cooper Shop and Union Volunteer. and ' 4 : I saloons, or the Citizens' Volunteer hospi , HON. GAYLORD CHURCH. --1 " 1 .." the Christian-er Veeiteereemmil+' 1310.138,, •Ii; 7• 1 7; t 1 ,4 • among them- Tive thougand No . ONE AVVEIITrSED'WEIO fIAS j three hundred and geventy-eight dollars NO Pro?p • fsED..T i ?. „ which t)ley "conveyed" to their own 144. 3 . 0 %•k0ra th e • Stitedlestary•ltuieff '• 'ince of honesty and decency. Will they • ~ , - • appropriate that amount to a good cause, oir SPEECUES, IN ENGLISH! or do.shey Ivan to koep t iliwithomt 'barna AlsTI) GERMAN..eI , because They obtained shameful vio lation of honor? • - qtaZ In this county, Messrs. Lowa„Corlran Earnest efforts are being made to. ricytti6i9 ieiYr 11 is~enp ) ~ee~ of We last' secure 2 Legislature, are candidates for re-election. MIL R. C. WINTHROP, of Mass. We wouldlike to know if , any of these - HON. D. W. VOORHEES, of Ind. gentlemen were guilty of pOckethig any and of the money above alluded to, over and HON. EMERSON ETHERIDGE, abose'tho sum actually due them for the of Tennessee. few days service at thespeclal session. If they did, it is important that the people, Let there be a gMnd outpouring of the alre Id; overburdened with taxes, and Patriotic Masses, that will teach reeling under appalling national and State the enemies of the Nationaldebts, should be aware of the fact. Will Interests, b o th N ort h I - I they or theti friends please explain ? - and South, that the people are thoroughly aroused, and deter: mined no longer to tolerate the over throw of their cherished rights and I, .: 'Come in Processions _ Come With'your Carritiges Come by the Railroads Come on Horseback ! Come on Foot.: COME WITH BANNERS, MUSIC AND EMBLEMS ! Brine. your Wiree and Children untA.YOu! En* ()ICE CA' AFFORD TO SPEND A , r l:4Y'rapinis Coungr Iwt no One Stay bokatt i 9 able - to Bide or.lralk The eniergencies of the Nation do mama a all that they shall spare no effort for the 'success of your glorious cau...,e., EXCURSION TRAINS Will nin lan the Phila. & Erie R. R., carrying passengers 'at half price. EndeaVore are belly , made to effect fifigai kirtangernefirs with rtheniher ued,s, and if successful, notice will be given in duntime. TB PROCESSION Will firm on Federal Hill nboni 10 tyska, antler competent marshals. • , Wumsts, who was quoted by the Gaud*, bust fall, ae.a aupporter of Cur tin. Iva lorrittafkan able and eloquent lot to: in favor of the Chicago nominees. as j oineL aarprtie to it was.tniffie people of the (lir ,ttict. 131st ,be felt atilt hating been hon ore l wit ti a unanimous - and unsolicited nomination, it, would not' 'have bean re-: ; I;ect.fal to the conferee's or consistent with duty to - decline ;',aink)enteripm tbe,oontest I - with this ilispoeilion,. he, is tletertnitidd to 111:ike tt:i.gallant a light es oiretnnstaneAs ' permit. In view of the politipal character , ot the tljiulet, neither his friends , _ • UM = As some of, Or . Abolition orators in this minty are not possessed of, tite,very- best spe :king laleni, and seldorn succeed in getting up any enthitsiasm iii the atudien ees they address, we will give hint on the subjeat that may prove invaluable. Let them carefully prepare afew passages like the followitig, and, after 'committing then) to memory, intnyinoe them at those passages in their epeechee which produce the'utost drowsy effect : The speaker, when a boy, was deeply impressed by the fable in .Eaop; of the hufnane husbandman who Sias stung by tile frozen - snake, - whose rigid odds he tha!ed out at his fire. Esop is dead,and commenfatora Laval yet asuesed t , that snake. It- must hew been • copper head." • TVA receipt we warrant to protean the most startling and rinlosaintedoct. it SttrelYpitztdrltttWiltOttirrig tin's report tells us, "deafening applatse." 'lMmeti lately on hearing the word Copper hea 1. every half-asleep Lincolnite in the criA (I trill prick up his earti Jerk hip ace ktito c9ritortions'ot the nest ezquiaiM de light, and set his heels to pounding in a style that eclipses any negro hoe down. "Copperhead's" the word, gentlemen—we never knew it Rt. fail in "bringing down the home." ' 'fa; Republican pipers are in . great trouble because, they say, Mr. Pendleton has wit i bcen officially nctifusqf his nom. Sidce l tk. Pendlilo4 has made no complaint at the neglect, we cannot for the life, of . us see why the friends of Lin coln should - pat tliennelves in such a fearful agony on- the subject. But, lest serious results midst ensue from their deep distress, we trust the Committee will take pity on our suffering frienita, and notify Mr. Pendleton. GOT. BIGLER'S GUILT GPM' 111. TIM , SENATE. • (II Ills Earnest _ E.fforte to Avert C I ar. 4,- T preen 000 r gi end or t. • 1 udieilt m ' e biairi of e p "le, erlitig ha he is 4 " tre m " a 1 , ii , 1 15 - with-the A on," anti one who has no - true affection for the' Union. To OPP , *bp tutd: the: 'Pimento" of heitriiig hhala 'his various addresses tn this -county, during the last week, itlijorsiterietitaril(piiielA irtai. • • ' - 2- - I uMor l2 PuI Ol 4 Chows- . lu : op.siry speech thit he delivered, 'ho, seL silly took the li!igheiir Usioi round; Ifnit denounced 'weoeslien is. ~ , , . .... terms of the. utmost" , repugnance and in, lan se 'age 4nst• coul, ; not be mlitaken...,. No (air minded elan, after hearing kin•remarkst on, Chit subject",.eouhl- retain' any doubts ' - Of his . patricitism... '" • :, :. .. . ~ ~:. 4u.i, A le said that,Gov: Bigler having united on party iquestions' , wit h. the • Southern men ftt , C'tingress/ he - iniiSt'peCese&rily 'aimpsthise wi"jt;',t,hrtt to it ce,risinte'speet., , Wi are pet. pa"re"d 4 fr i.ov; fion 4ocuravats that no person can diet - lute, that he has Dot only been a 0011. *Went upholder ofilit Union Ontußi';, in'Con. 'plenty gross and our,otit,.but that h e Warned 4lie,seneseion-lai:ders" Of the conseettineei of their-condrict: .. Ills course in the Senate Was cinecetinfinued series `of % ardent, able and pa tfotle,itchori td' tvert, di;uoion - Pe stood side by aide with Douglas and. Crittenden in, advocacy of the Compromise measures, and wail Warmly eulogised by the initri: in .Ii ttpeecli Wei may 'buifehind in smellier column s , ~ ;or hli manly devotien i te,the, standard of tits sation. , i: lii, arguments evilest seeeselon Are AniongsVihe iUroneeet int' thattopiti that hale, ever been matie,'Sott istitiCl. hicit.fte hi "de . pounced by all the-hot-heads who plunged the South-.into disunion. in order , it' : eteinvinot our readers of the truth . or 'what Lwelivly, we copy below an extract from his great speech In the Satiate, delivered en the 21st ofJnly,lB6l., It is . batu'enniple of 'nil 'his speech i f gorin g . tiiii,e:o46i'pe f fod 6 wb64 ii was mach: • tint:. in God's natee,•if thisegitation is to go on, i('u party is one mootibn of fhb country is to bworganized and derive its 'vital trark of -eximmice from ibis agitation, let tor knokleirhat is to de acoompliehed: what' geed .eiol : it to reenittroik it ; what can be done'by the white or Vieille& race by it.. 11 1, whttpbettiblirway is she condition of either to be improred ? Wvaldgot make the'llstres freemen T Unless yeti morn this, you mean tiothing- if freeman, holt, when and` where? - You seknowledge the restrictions of the Constitution as to Melds,. Swett. [But suppose these were relieved and the San - Chem people wire to say, bete are our slayeS;" we set them free; they mutt be clothed and fed ; ' emu& and take thent—i-then whet would you do! Nothing, gentlemen; abho r lutely nothing, The most abolitionised State in th i Union would not agree to receive her of slaves in order'to give them freedom. Theyloonlanot he brought North; and if such a thing were possible, every sane man tenet know l that, their condition would be infiniterj worse. They would not only be slaves, but' miseiehle; starving, degraded slaves. As was remarked liy the Senator from Virginia the other day, in tracing the consequences of war ,betw en the two sections, and justly denying the ight and possibility of subduing , the Soul , if you' had the South subdued, what (1 weul you do with the slaves! • i II said, es-I say. you would have to retain themlthere ; and if the South were conquered provinces of the North, the institution of slav ery Would have to be *maintained, and, the righti, of property in slaves recognised. What a begird we are running, then, Mr. Presi dent; for an idle abstraction or a vain delu sion! . I have no pleasure,, air, in this kind of talk. As ( od is my judge, I have no heart in it at all. lam in, no spirit of criminatiou. I stand her between' the extremes of the: North`and the outh, getting but little cocintenancie or between' sym athy from either side; bit I stand for my country, for the Union of thes&States, for the curiae or justice and humanity, for the right, for duty and lidellty,on all bands, and against a fratricidal war st all times and In every con tingency. ... . I I have already said : that"! do not , hold Southern men blameless on this subject. They have indulged a spirit of recrimination and retaliation collards the North neither wise nor phi 'osophi,cal i &atilt cannet•be denied that • vex lions spited' of espionage has been kept up n type Southern States as . to Northern meviiiting that region, and in' some instan ces cruel add' condign punishment Inflicted upo them In a 'manner disgraceful lb the age, and well : calculated to provoke aggression and r l hos ility. They have, in adlition,'been un nec ssarjly sensitive and exacting in unim po ant points, and at all times have left the imp ession that nothing . that the Northern peel le could do 'or say would relieve their ap prehensions or assuage their feelings. ..01 for eecession, — l am utterly opposed to it. I deny the right and abhor the consequences. Bat I shall indulge in no argument en that point ; it is'no remedy for any one of the evils lam toted, and, 'in m,y judgment, it will aggra vate rather than remove them; and, in addi tion, superinduce countless others of a more distressing and destructive character. di It were wiser to bear the ills that we have than 1, o others thud we know not of." Will die tinn arrest aggressions upon the rights of South? Will it extend the area of their , liar . institution ? Will it break up the hinations of those who conspire to carry slave property ? Will it assuage popular in` in the North as to slavery ? Will it vatiditional security to the holders of slaves? will it prevent insurrection? In, my pent it 11411 do neither of these ttifilie. can,it-by any r oasibility improve the ma al interests of either section of the Union I do-not intend to dwell upon the question . aterial interests in considering the value he Unica. It we could have two republics f qua! size, and live in harmony and wire tr iced commeroiatind political intercourse national growth might be seriously affect ed But would this - Devolution stop with two üblica:., and, can pnecaful.. relations be i m intained? Both are possible, but neither th one non'a bli. , ,Otheeirs ?probable, If once di ruptiontdchmelfliernititent, the history of 1 th world would seem to teach that subdivi— if n!tiould folio,. tUtill:thi• AmeticanlAtnion w old be divided into a score or more of petty, w angling and demoralised republics, exciting on y the pity and-contempt of the world. , Acknowledging the j usiice of the complaints ofthterjoligiertr fitaigelte, **lnconsiderable extent, 1 deprecate with all my heart the rear.. ,edy they pursue, and am prepared to resist it by all pro'per means in my power. 'Even if the right of secession were clear, Mr. Presi dent, I maintein that justice and good faith to the ; *he f Wars ,ljtOrten, Mttl'ilres s for aßeged grievance's to the 'BOti - ilt 'should first low alight et the heeds of the geoplef-thi tiptatfill or polillsel authority—and; 14 1 , the Southern le the Onstltntioe. The Sputhera States should have petitioned Cam. =l:.a.isoarentioa of Stated ; to revise the lice and iestevi Ilso'grieessoes of Whish they is:alpha*. In this way they egad ve ascertained the real sentiments and Jetta. t of Ihn,Northern people towards them, s i ted 'glint alienas' te' of ainenak Union or peaceful separation could have been deter signed upon. This was the course of our fath-: ere in reference to the old confederation, and was intended to, be perpetual,but was changed beeanse it' did net answer the purposes for fhioh it seat created. Let our Southern riends follow this example, even at this late (ist, and all may yet be saved. Better coun sels will prevail in such a body than in Con gross. Men will oome fresh from the people, unembarraesit by 'arty politics and . party platforms , ' Thli--'ssitd- by the North, and then, and not till then, could violent remedies pith any ibow of justice be Invoked. The lonititution was intended to_meet just such i oto n ts s ion is Wa n rm:d urr e ' ;o lil r d th " e 4-a w tn ea. o e f he States, end none fortltweoeroion of States site Obediende to Elie finifiersintaf ley of the piton. The men who made the Constitution were in the prsotieti of Att peaceful limedy et the time and doubtless intended to leave the same remedy and none other to posterity.— This remedy should still be embraced, unless Congress should promptly submit to the States sonnisneasure of pandentien, end re- • I • In my opin i on. ieceasioa le the oral possi ble remedy tor the arils complain of by the South . •sod :the maddest of all the T.ion. Th Stites ought ero al ode, but 'thy will net; itholfwee•haif put arother to the otrottrirititoolvoithi. ono or oz• teratoaliii4:oll4iodeidd enaction sodlt: thi Noidwiti - Boatio - , d iiewqtari what would they do with the Sou horn States as provisoes? no &altos from met thaVpoiat theWther dot to , List need not discuss- ii. Bat God forhid that war I h r id J i ma Loia 41‘; sat f a/Atario InYdilu# and the offended puple. I' em 7 to int' .rots 0 121 . 1 ,141 P gesumnipthe IT* ; I lim roe y to fight for their constitutio el rights to the last hour; but is sheds thews blood in listricridaLiren. IT shall —suer l, i x never l But su ._,- L :' , ,-; • , u:•••• • , it I have an abiding f ai th 'that the lletton cal 'lie sated; not by m re hosannas to the Union. though I like them eudingly, It will require marks as Well as Stith. • When Buie was in the, full this iof )a4? detains, It was the bout of the Romani that while the Colliseum itandsilome will stand. The bout was vein, tot- istime's arising finger" ever =to thtfallaey of the expeetation. ' The id pride and departed gnuOdeur 'of the once mistrial of the world are I fitting cunt mutter? on worldly ambition. 0011 the Ain't loan boast that while the Union stands Amer!. an.will stand, is fog more rational. But 111111111111 must be used. Then bouts may, be indulged. The adoption of the resolutions cif the Senator from Kentuelcy by the'vote of nil parties in Congress, would -at ones 'give lusuranee of reunion and continued rounion„d would be the voles of pease and good will throughout thiland. - What a blueing it w 'aid be to go treelbling over the wires, from to 4tats to State, fromjoity to city , from fawn turs, • hill to valleyr hope to house, throughluk t this broad land; ,and how many hearts you d inipialtivell thank'Clod for its mercies: . . , '' ' '" • Another 'Republican Cr:invert. "Among the . pntlimen employed . t 1 one p! his 'assistant's, by Mr. Livitigitin, Assessor of Petieril Taieti, far this districi;iiiiii Mi. H. 0. Gillespie, Oriefferson imminty. '1 Mr. id. yam formerly I veil 'active Lincoln iliiin.' but has had hib'eyseoitened'to the lathecility and reef:AMY' et the Adminisiration,lb Ok pas recent ly taken strcing" grontid in favorl of Den. Mc- Clellan's eleition. At-s'uffieiing hell in Jeff erson county, a (sir Weeks egcq he made an earnest speech in fever of our candidates. The Abolitionists were shocked and horrified at the idei that a mu holiiiiii a , Pedeval °Mos would dare take snob an indepsiiiint,; study' stand, and immediately dispatched word UM.: Lit ingston that Mr. Gillespie muss be removed. That faithful eervint of Abraham Lincoln hastened at onde to perforiwthWork he wu bidlo do, and Mr. Oillesplei n e was added m t na to the thousands of victims irh filhotal heads have been decapitated to' gratify the intease partisan spleen of the zeta whcf are now driv ing the nation on to rule'. But, though re-r moved, he hits not been intintiditeA. He has entered the campaign with his term, off," and promises to reiderr good service for the cease of Pease and' Union. At thlt great Mass Meeting in Philadelphia, on thel-rth, he mad/ the following'esoellesit address r . l .- Unix or int.'tCILLIiPI/. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Cttisens:—Aftex the exhaustive speech of Tliy yeneiable friend, who has just finished abusing you, I feel that anything I might add to his ,remarks would be superfluous. 'But, al I some from the forest, wile» every breeze that passes through the pines of the; North West, where indeed everything breathes of IMMBellakand victory. I feel that I malt sap somethink to you. (Cheers.) The audience that is before me lithe largest that I aver sa t i l lr ii I have often hearda of sea of freer , bit ,gathering, my friends, looks like a vast ;wilderness of patri ots. (Cheers.) .I greet, you with good will and tidings of good• cheer. • The , rural districts will do their duty, but yin can do much to stem the tide of Adel corrisrion and mad fanaticism. (Cheers.) Lit use here say that my whale life, heretofore ? has, been spent in bitter opposition to the Tarty I now address. 1; 4 0 (Cheers.) flops it 'will not off nd my friends of the 'Republican party to kn w that I was a member of the publican State Committee. I also held the lion of .Assis. taut Collector for Jefferson coUnty. under the present Administration,' and I resigned both positions Dessau the Republican party desired of me self stultificstion. 4Cheers.) I have not in my possession very MuchOf .this• world's goods, but poor as I am, !I am free to say that this Administration lip' not, greenbuki enough to purchase my free' extrusion of ,optaioa. (Churl.) The first vete I out was for Henry Clay, one of the purest of states. men, whose goal I trust Sow ruts in/leaven. My life, u I before said,' was spent in opposi tion to the DeMooratie party, but when those who oppose that party violate the rights of the people—when the Republican Adminis tration of Abraham Lincoln &rutty' violate and even condemn the lairs of the nation, then m 3 I against them. (Cheers.) Judas betrayed his mutts for thirty pieces of 'silver, -and there are Men now living - who would, I think, for 10 per omit. one shoddy contract. (Laugh ter.) 'I folloiad the Republican party so limg as they folloired thi rutolutios of Congress explustory, of the object fol which the war is waged.. (Cheers.) I will stand upon that' resolutio, whicts was adopted by Controls almost without dissent, until we vindicate its purpose Or go ~in oblivion . (Cheers.) I challenge Itepu Us to meet me upon the resolution of Co tress, if which the immortal Crittenden, who,' I hope, now sits near the seat of Eternal Truth, was the framer. When the flag was fired upon at Fort Sumter, we all felt oar hearts fired with more fervent devo tion to the Unicor ' and sacrificed ch - ii — nm, dear odes- nd all for its perpetuity—not for the abandonment of slavery,. -There are now but two questions before the Americas people— whether we prefer the restoration of the Union and air early peace, or' the abandonment of slavery' sad years of war: If,two or three Burnous of nutmeg are 'worth more than the Units; then Abe Plucoln and his satellites are right. But if the Union our fathers gave us in piaci be spore valuable than the freedom of slaves, then Ire are right. The abandonment of slavery should be steins', audit the policy of the present Adtainistnition IsJo be followed, picture to yourself the desolation that will fair upon as. 'I left the Republican party because I religiously bellueethat the Union can only : be saved by the Democraarand the Conserve dye citizens of the country. I conjure all by r the love thiy bear the land of Freedom; by ; every fond attachment on earth - , to join us in. our good work. I slily feel that my country is yet lobe Caved ; and that the wisdom of our people will Coudizet us 'safely from a sea of trouble. - ; Abraham Muth is likened by some to /do- Ss, the wee it down to liberate theLaiel-' its. when the land of lggypt was covered with . hiker Abrakiat - proposes to aid us - by no frog, veringorrland Ca tizischerers. (Laugh tini)" • the best Yon psy this isGovernment given to man, and arewilling to acknowledge the guidance of thi trainers of the Constitution and Union by the Hand of Ream.' Iron be- Here that oar fatheri•or the Revolution meri ted in their work the ski of Heaven. If this, than, be true. I would Zak : Why, It God gave it to us said everything mast be perfect that comp from Illmehow ti it that he permitted slavery to cast in one half of it ? If - our Goverment-Is from the buds of Heaven what right have we to, attempt its alteration against the ordinances Of the Almighty? What is proposed by the Abolitionists t Abraham Lined* says that this Isar shall sot aloes un til the whole hod be settusted with the blood of freemen. His plan mull be luseeptod or mlllioni of freemen mist die upon the battle field. Yes,to fris the Shires of the Beath, Abra - ham Lineoln has old that all the bloo4 had tree sure of the North and Routh shall be exhausted. The hollow.hsartedipidiaithropy of the North is a sham—it is mockery. Who are the men thai-dare to make the issue between preserva tion-of the Chios and the abolition of negro slavery upon which oft liberties and lives 4epend ? Win. Lloyd Gkvison is, one i he that I heard for two heart harangue against the sanctity of the Lord's day. Hers Greelei is anoth'er, who believes is *odds but negro worthippleg. Plies this Government in the heads if men who are - traitors to Hearen, 1 *hat "el &MOM as asap ER Mr ale .... , , (cheers.) .We hay)) in McClellan 111 Madera As we expected, ExGovernor Bigler, in Moses, who tollillilliiiinPan OW incluniaiii top, . his speech at Wayne Hall, on Wednesdky not to receive the tahlss of the old law, but to evening of last week, failed to utter a sin foster and preservr, yes, to defend the Coo- ..____ • g le word iridrinunciation 'or ~1.. ff. D.lvis, *"."iici his IrTab„) Thk - aus^ and the Southern - Confederacy. • ' s enses w hey t f to battle platted tie ii U. mtlt of cob tin their front. I we, too; , L l 7 I F ri As • • e expected," the above appears in liout tibial* liberty. with thiConsilti Ill* Goetze of this week. It is flUt It ipg din of Ihrtiglit in oar front. tilers the i mace or less than a balkl•facefl takelieed. . ClitstitoloB.34 11101' •0 112 0/7-7 0 0OPTOT7 PI I I n "---- • elm 'meet+ ilftlirereci by Oev. Bigler and tittlelif It—be domed, there can be no Union. . 4 •ThiCoastitution sad the Onion are lin this and Warren county he plainly and iitrabli" lithe name of thin:emery of / pointedly denounced the. sebession con- Wzsi 16°11.—in °leftism* of be that gave you I spinier' as no -one who heard him but a the l eherter of. Übe*, is the alma of those i • " wheraliver have been offered upoi the altar 'liar and aby rile Will deny. We knots if-litiffr tietanalyeil -shame you. leek tett - that 9ov. Bigler-well; and , 4. know bins to be the Constitution be defended. Cling to it as as ardent a lover of th l n Union as any 'man your only 'the mariner clings to the i s the nation. -t -hat plank.l Were il upon semi mountain peak, and Fay voice could be heard throughout the land, I would Cry out to the ishabi4nts there. hf;- 4 •Berve God and rote for •Geueral Geo. B, Ittelellsa.r (Cheers.) • , I • 7 , _ THE WAR inaws.l Sheridan - is reported to have gained an other consplete victory, at Strasburg. in the Shenandoah valley. Thusifar in the battles at'Wittoheater and Strasburg, 5,000 prisoners and 21 guns ire said to; have been captured., . Sheridan bas great difficulty in getting his trains forward, ai l the cow n -. try swartns with guerrillas. Heavy guards will be required to escort the Supplies.— No report whiCh bears any official sanction has yet been received of the F+leral loss es, and it is not likely that any' will be re ceived until after the October election.— The telegraph is now worked With an ex clusive CYoto the political campaign. It is announced that the sit:goof Mobile ha. beeti abandoned. , The grater part of the landloroie have returned to New Or leins.l Farnigut will tnaintain a strict blockade. it pretty strong rebel force tits come up into Missouri once more. Shelby, with 4,000 or Asioq cavalry, thought to be Pri ce's ativance, was reported at thought town, 20 miles east of Pilot Knob, on the 24th. ! Price is '_thought to have 30,000 troops, and to be advancing in three coi tal:Ml, intending to effect a firtit lodgment in * the , centre of the State. Kirby Smith Ls expected to join i him with 10,000 or - 12,000 more men. Gen. Rose 'oranslis 'calling the people to 4trms. . The confederate General Forrest is ope rating in Sherman's rear'. Hislentire com p.= is said to be 8,000 men with 10 guns. He attacked4thens, a town; in Georgia, occuined byL Federal • troopa,land after a fight of two hours duratton, °impelled its snirehder. A detachment of 1300 Federal soldientien6o re.enforce the' garrison at Atheits, are 'reported to harts also been captured. The • ConfederatSe have de stroyed : several miles 'of the Tennessee and Vabanta Railroad, between Decatur and Athens. 1 ; sigmas". I. ati Degiiiirati.- . There are a number of !things that should fbe donti by the Demcaarats of our 'city On the occasion of the 6th of October meetng, which we trust theiwill not for get. 1 Among them are, the fo owing : Let every Democrat in t e city keep open! house on that day, and invite as many &noes from the country to stop withL him as he can accomModate. No matter ,if you are not acquainted with them—in a time like this all Democrats are friends, and shoUld treat one another ' 1 • as Etch. f . IfiyMa have a flag or an emblem, fling it to the breeze, and let it fleet there during the day. Republican husinets men never .fail to "display their colors" en occasions Where, :their party is ooncereect, and why shonW Democrats hesitite: to do the same ? • • • . Resolve to devote the day-to your coun try, 'and let business have the go by. The man who cannot afford one Whole day for the use must not have much heart in it. } • Turn out yourself, and as far as possible let iota family and workmen do so. Lttbor with all your might ; in endeavor ing to Make the meeting a success. No tifyallyotir frienda,iar sod near, and in duce them to attend. / One ;political friends ini the country complain that the Democrat's of the city, with! a very few notable eioeptio' ns, are not pp to the spirit of the times. With them ell is energy and enthksitunn—with us it-ii—well, you know as well as we conk , ' state it. Let city Democrats prove to tim gallant men from th+ountry, who Will I be here, by their liberality, activity &tidiest on the 6th, that the day of slug gishtees is past, never more .to appear, we trus during the campaign.; Millers Voting: attention once more to the ur gent necessity of having every soldier who is ffiiendly to General IdeClellin properly assessed and qualified for koting. The law ! requiies that the assessment shall be made ten days previous to the day of elec tier!, and a tax of ten cents' paid. A cer tificate of the assessment and a receipt, for the'. tax must then be sent to the soldier by letter, and if they 'do not reach him befere the day of election_he will be dis- qualified for voting. We can do no more in the hurried condition of our business, thirt. to state thelaw on the subject, and if, after doing this, our DemOcratic readers neglect so important a matter, and their ioldier friends are deprived of their votes, they can blame no person bid themselves. Ler every , one who has a 11011 air a relative in he army, see to it, at once, that he , is no dlifrinohised by neglect of the re quirements of the law. ke a. generally conceded that Hon. Montgomery Blair, who had, just resigned the office of Postmaster-General, was a `eatable and efficient officer: In times of Zreanational embarrassment he admin. the Whirs of his department in a Manner satisfactory to his amociates in the Gbeeinment and the country generally.— Why, - then, was. he _rewired ? Mr. Lin coln said it wai t bad policy te "swap horses when crossing a strejam," snd yet here, when we are in the midst Of the rapids, he swaps Mr. Blair, *limn the Gmetts pro nouncies "a competent and efficient offi oti,"' for one who, to say the least, is still tint:led. If it is right for kr. Lincoln to "swap" nap when he pleases, wby is it not equally right for the pcople to do the isms t Ix one line the Abolition papers say the rebels will ha's no peace but a disunion one, and In the.nest they claim that the rebellion 4 in desperate stritits, and i!lmost, ready to succumb. Nonitif the enemy's 4111118 is as low as the Abolitionists repro. Sent it t is it not likely that tkeir leaders, in Order to 'save their property and their lives, would consent to eltirst any terms of pesos f Them is *Domes libillyias ~whim Tin Philadelphia ptiffrtin has a long edi torial article based on ...the supposition of General McClellun's,election. It is going a considerable distance for a Lincoln or gan to even ."suppose" such an event. A few months agb the Republican papers hooted at the idea of lir. Lihooln's de feat; now they contain alarming articles on the damaging results of his defeat.. The tune is changing. Tim following appeared at the head of the leading column of the Ohio Sfatesinau of Saturday : The appointments hcitetofore made for Hon. C. L. Vallandichfun. are withdrawn. • JOHN G. THOMPSON, Chair. Dem. State Ctn. Com -F. J•ouza.•Secretary. Campaign Oimerrm. Fifty Cent. for Three Months. In order to place the Cassavas within the reach of all who desite hi read sound Union doctrines, we have decided to tako subscribers for the space of three months, commencing with the 6iFt of August, and ending with the next issue after the Pres idential election. The price will be Farr CENTS, invariably in advance. Each subscrip tion will be promptly discontinued at the expiration of the time, unless other, direc tions are given by the persons receiving , 'the ppaper. We earnestly urge the Democrats of Erie, Warren, Crawford - and Ashtabula *counties to make a special effort to in crease the circulation of the 011aritilt during the exciting andimportant politi cal campaign so soon to open. Let 'no man wait upon , his neighbor to commence the work of obtaining subscriptions, but enter upon it himself, with energy, deter mination and persistency. • The crisis de mands the services of all, and no one can excuse himsell'who fails to perfornihis dutyo3 this hour of his country ' s danger. We should hive at least two thousand. campaign subscribers on our books before the close of August. Let others do their ditty and we will not fail to perform oars. Viratehwerdafor the Campaign. NW So soon as it is clear, or even proba— ble, that our resent adversaries - are ready for peace upon the basis of the'Uttion, we should exhibit all the resources of statesmanship practiced by civilized nations, and taught by the fraditione of the American people—contra, tent with the honor and interests of the,coun try—to secure such ' ' peace, re-establish the Union, and guarantee for the' future the constitutional rights of every State. --General ileCleitan'* Letter of Acceptance. mer The preservation emir Union was the sole avowed object for which the war was commenbed,and it should have been conducted in accordance with those principles, which I took occasion to declare .when in aotive'ser— vice. Thus conducted, the work of reconstruc tion would have - been easy, and we might hake reapdd the benefit of dur many victories en land and sea. —Gen. McClellan's Litter' of Acceptance.. • . MP' I need only say that I should seek in the Constitution of the United'States, and the laws framed in accordance therewith, the rule of my_ duty and the limitations of Executive power ; endeavor to restore economy in public expenditure; re-establish the' supremacy of law, and by the operation of a more vigorous nationality resume our commanding position among the nations of the earth.—Gen. MeC/411- /wee Letter of Acceptance. • sor I could not look in the face of;my lank comrades of the army and navy who have fought in so many bloody battles, suck) tell them that their labors and the sacrifiiie of so many of our slain and wounded bretkirett had been in - vain, that -we had abandoned, that Union for whiSh we . have so often perilled our lives.—(lea. McClellan's Letter of Accept-. cm Urn. vast majority of our people, whether in the army or navy, or at home,,wotdd as I would, hail with unbounded joy the permanent restoration of peace, on the basis of the Union under the 'Constitution, without the effusion of Another drop of blood; but no 'peace can be peimsnent without- Union.-4471. hicetellan's Letter of Acceptance. $ Let me-add what I doubt not was, although tutexpessed, the sentiment of the Convention, 4 as it is of the people they repre— sent, alit when any one State is willing to . return to the Union, it should be received at onoe with a full griarstdee of its constitutional rights.—Gmeral McClellan's Letter of Accept ) _ if a trent, earnest smd persistent ef fort to obtain these Objects should fail, the responsibility for ulterior consequences will fall upon those who remain in arms igaitet the Union ; but the Union mist be preserved at all hasards.—Gen. McCietlan's - Letter of Ac:- ceptance. tor The Union win originally fornied by the exercise of a spirit of conciliation' -and compromise, and to restore and preserve it the same spirit must prevail in our councils, and in the hearts of the people.—Gen. McClellan's Letter of Acceptance. Mr The existence of more than one gov ernment over the land which -once owned our Rag is incompatible with the peace, the power and the happiness of the people.— (den, Me- Cleltan's Letter of Acceptance. lir The Union is the 'one ootaditiOn of peeetr—we ask no more,-- , Gnural Aifeasltes's Letter of Acceptance. air No pews Can be permanent, 'without Union.—Geural iirearelZas's &Mr of dectipt- Solag's Nartiottuntto. Stray Cow. • CAME to the residenoe of the ' anbaesiber, is East 1111lossek tp., near"! the Balkh, a Fab B. IL Ulla* Buss, on Swab). night bat, • light nd Cow—erooked harm lags shied, sad end of tall eat off. The crust is requated to owns [onsid e prove ProPerti, e i =los aM take ha: away ; otherwise she will os du of sooording to law. sep.2o-3tr• EDWaltrailtalt. Oliver lUD, 1 4 : Common Mao of Erie Coon • Ti. v. Alfa Sob. la Divorce. No Ensi/7 RaE. Am. Tern, 1864. TO EMILY HALL, DEFE4,NT.- Yonne hereby notified to appear at - Court of Cowen Pleas. to be helnurat fen, on the Ist Monday of November 1864, sad show nese. lf any you hays, why divorce shoi.d net be masted to peUtloaer. . .1. W. BWALLEY,Deputy Ueda: Sheriff's Ofilco; Sept. 28, 1664 -4w. House for Sale. IT II .13 - lINDERSIONED offer* for Ws his one led &hall story Brisk' Rouse. di Righth deeet,liast of Pas& etteet,just outside*" city limit& • pod press, with seediest hail, seller, well sail bent aro Weheetsd with the ptedissir Ise =r2 lee to bespla is pellina m akill 0/104.6 - %.1. MAN I I otit ) . How Lost HOW Rest ertd Da. Crtwattwevtni Pete thArrn ; radical cirri (wa11..., ~ctn.) u ~? 4 r..lll3iLil Weal. carra 11,• ' r e ; TiNGT. kreo lAI in 11' * • Maniac., et. } „.„; !winced by aer-indul7e2 '22 r •t• t i 2 „ er erten, 19 . t r , „ • The celebiat • 2l - „. demonatratev, trot.' a t . , ' r„. that the 11111Mtna Co...ttinvuere of all iratly cured without inta m a e Kee or the applicati on of t he itn,f —crir of rare stow* alrni,lo, Cert.llll an •1 which everhanittl , r, no ina . t. r %Lai .1. c be, calicoes binuvlf uheaule, pri an' - r n, , c„,, u • Illar !hit Lecture should t o t,,„ hit t. , youth and every =an M the lano Sent under in a plata e.,2 2 e,,e, t , y -- the receipt of a •I , d, 22r I 0 mu the pabliehers, etit. .4 2 . Hi '2 22 1 Buwerr, % ' 1.11'64-/v — P", t 4 EATING SALOON. The attention ul the Public I. Inv th• COrDfr Oftitnte and Filth fitted :up In hAtiasomo aty'•. ,•,; 4 - teteTed to b. o' th• ;.I, 4 ,„.„ ' re•r;rta u the e 1.,. OYSTE S i ' GAM I.: And MI hinds a•tie , ee uras , o Lela In e op to mietotosi• in • neteiinr MUM', StrARATIC ROOMS FOR PF.IPONS 1:. ) ' 11% PEVA • he Her le supplied with it,. CHOICEST LIQUORS & CIGA re Feeling that my art angenirntg are, ,$ (ail to give eatix'action, I reep‘.mrt, 1 y %. r 0 DUO of the eommunity. aper64-em , . THN Prepare for Winter, Tint -soun elm L Before It Coes Highei, Now Is your thee ts, lei Irr your rupply cf constantly on the slat The old ethLittLrd EIGHTI( 2TR.F.ET LANNSG. Ou it:teams', te the bast p1•^• to the c,t, t, have on hand a qnsiatity of the teAt • i lllTu.s:lNOtris COAL, Preto the Mercer County Mures, Inc u'izr It. and Old Ormsby, which we ,are prepared to abort notice to any part of the elty .t th e Irow.n r , print. Don't delay, tart mid In y'or ro,!e.t.• • Viab, at the increase bf the price of rcrbz, of coal at the !ninon, and other carom, etmbm , ly advance the price. We, therefore, solicit a eali•frow it etc No cm, guarantee rettaliellon, both in peaty aril prim. D. flUbloNt vain,, Eighth e•nat tr. sep=tt. NEW MILLINERY GOODS THE MISSES II'GRATII Would most respectfully announce that they their new Store, 11FS BLOCK, EAST SIDE OF Tfig And have Just opened • very largs TOOK OP NEW' GO( DIRECT FROM NEW YORK ClrP' Embracing everything In th• I L L I,N ERY 'hien they Invite the attention of the Lat., and rfefmtr boded their stock with the reatatt noun, they feel contldent th'T , dace of all to give them then cu a z !ICULAZ Arnartzas given to Dyes,,' ling. Dia im. ..... ri re .4 • 0 , 2 -i? , w - s ; - • e 7-4 0 ---- . , 0 : 14 '.4 • 4 UZ W .i s 4 r. = 0 10. CI : '''. Mr2^ E i I CO r A I 4 7,, 1 c : am ."- .w. " 0 ' „ I+ - . : .! ._4r: 0 fffik r .... ~ .1 '5 vi ... ,-: ~./.. 4 ...... .. - ?: . , ..- -: 0 t .1 " . et mil P . ' 0 • 0 v; . • CO ai;.., NOP. OF 110IIRS, INNFN MOISit4Y. MAY in, 1841 atm+ will - Ipar* Dunkirk ault,nat Eastward Bound—Depan Night Express • Steamboat Err-real . Accommodation, .......... Way Freig ht The Accommodation rune every da. Revolutions Iri Europ . IN O$E OCTAVO, IEMBELIJSHEW WITII 100 GILT, CLOTH ; PRICE ONLY $3,C,` The above book for the timer, giring • biAlcr , ' rope, from the earliest to tho reg•rt re- n gal referenoe to the• subversion of the Romeo,enll.racu,„: ;rt.": Grissom, Polio:Id. Relearn. Frame, I t Hungary. French Republic to election of Lout s+; to year 11157. Query.--Who would not turn • litt't , ren of books on our gliantic rebellion; an t tal• lar voyage, Oita hot weather, acmes the vet , : ' It should ;envier* every noprejolired gollay which at present controls la erroneous., and that the only wa! ur.: • pion Oar dietruted country <0,6 which Itsme can be done only Ly who adcoloiater the Government. l 1,, k 4 t '"" have a wide circhlation. PC ,II Yours very respectfully, [From Mr. Cali::.!!:-L; .; •2.. • • --t Dale "Ad Painesville only, en , 6 00. A. Y. 0 00 A. 11.,.11%.11 and Acoomasodatim, fr.l: all Ms station* and., arrives at A. M. 10 00 A. 11., Toledo Espress, stoppw; A: 1 eapt Swaurllle, Saybrook, Cui. , . ••, ' for and Wickliffe, arriven at Clerelv.Si 2.40 Day Expreoo,stopsot and Painesville, armee at Cle rr!ai *". Alt the through tnatoa going Wt..; Cleveland with trains for rabid°, `• " clans,ll, hidishepolls, ke. ke. All the through trim going Easte•oo., kirk with the trains of the h. Y Sonia with the K. Y. Central an,l h0h.,,, sr Railroad; for Sew York, Albehy, 110,ton, Ao., Au. 11. Nur flNkiil.l4, • Cleveland. Jane 13, - A Dr LAII,GE LOT • • ' - 01' um ins. &ad sod cagy* a 011.4111 Rini