T gE ERIE WEEKLY OBSERVER. I. THE "Oilmiknitt BVILDINCiti," STATE!: Rpr OTTO*rric THE rosy Orricr. ipv62Tl22llENT.4.—One Square of Ten Linea one in. f ortiori 75 Cecile ; tee inserttono $1,00; three lose*. bo as $1,25; one month $1,50 ; two montba $2,60; weer:motile $1, 0 0; aix menthe $3,00; one year $2 00: other Ivivertlpennrutq in proportion. Theste rates • „ill he lett-lc:Iv adhered tr, uuletts changed be special orator!, et the option of the publishers. Anal pets Settee., Slot) a, Poor-Tea end like advertioat 7 $1,50 : Adntinistrator'e Milken s2,bu ; Local Flrx cent, a line; da-riage Notices TWIOITY /frt. rents a piece; ohiluare Notie:es (over three lines osbno fire rents pet line Original poetry, ou. ton at the request of the editor, one dollar hoe All advertise nenta will be continued at iii+„ r s.a . of the person advertising, until ordered br his direction, unleset.a specified period In gree Ltiran tor l its insertion ' -- Two Nitta** per anemia In *d onee_ , -W» Intro ono of the hod JobbinK t .41. to, r9").1 Itre r 0 4 ,1, to do eny work In n o t lim Ibnr t I 1.1, Iw .11tI11,111Id to 12., in flutil Jlts le r••t rhli •l o a»ut outside of ttso,lar i gmit cities. k IMRCHT. Pal.ltsb.re McClellan and the Union. A GRAND RALLTINO /ONO isle and published by William St !Carrell, Lou 'eviller, Ky.] . • , Wtion rose the gloomy cloud of War. And brother rushed at brother, 'And hind+ so late in friendship c'arp'd swords against each other ; rtarceantry hailed with pride and ,Ine, led every tongue wail deillyg the leader's name who's star had dawn'd , fhe younicand brave eftlellan. miners, iround the old nag wa will rally like men, u'i II rklly like men In the noblest commuriloa, our leader, we'll rally again, And fight to restore the old Union. .'The Union of lakes and the Union of land., The Union which none shell dissever ; The Union of hearts and the Union of hand., Our glorious old Union forever I" but wild and Itercer_gr i ww the strife, And armies dant, ni;eticq, stood face to face on mutual ground And thunder' ti hostile greeting ; Then brighter grew hisglorious name, And patriot voiCis swelling, Rariew'd the soldier's Shout and cr et,. Our hero is McClellan. But !Off al= at all there hifght, And etrlkes themobleat quarry $o who but be, slur gallant chief, Should doge of party worry? Bnt never half an pore 4 and true, His fame emahrtn'd la Aa when his foes their futile shaft., .Fhsot harmless at ileclellatt. Above thewest' and faaticius throng, Whom transient power debases, trial shows him nobler still, An I ev'ry wrong but gisees. fern here's to him, the just and brave, ho, all his luemei quelling, • hell yet redeem bliconatrre cause, our hope 14saleg for the Noldlero. • liar Democratic friends throughout the c,unt ry must bear the tact constantly in nnrristhat, through some management oa ua put of the administration. nope b!it Republican journals are allowed to circa es among the soldiers in the armies. In i by the order of the local mill , t.ry ' , straps, the opposition newspapers sr..4uppressed outright within the milita n hoes ; so that there can be no mistake; o,o_,ltrorit, Chicago Times, Cincinnati En r, etc., are speCitied by name as being .‘eluded and so our Western armies can its,in nothing cif politicd matters except thy:nigh the mooliuth of partizan sheets in the intere:t of Lkncoln. Here at.the East the DemoeraiiapaPers are excluded secretly, hut no lees effectually. The mo nopoly of the,b)4,143 of the papers in Gen. drant's and Sheralan's armies is given to agents, with the distinct , '" understanding that as few as pos-ible _of the Democratic oper. shall be sold by Ihain. We are in constant receipt of complaints, some of which are from officers high in rank,. touching the impessihilities of. getting W„rbly in the Army of the Potomac. Hun -41 and Butler make no bones of suppres -;nv our issues outright, while the • pack .4:s. sent. through the post offices are tol .rAhly sure to miscarry. The only papers ltir soldiers are allowed to see are the Baltimore .Interican„ the •Washington ru , ,h-le and occasionally the Philadelphia juirrr—all violent administration sheets, .Ifily filled with calumnies on the Demo .rmie party and its candidates. Now this state of things is outrageous. I demand should be made upon the ad-, ministi:ation tat free consultation of all iolitical docutuents, shall be permitted in at armies. • Democrats voted ,freely in - fvery State to give - soii:iiersthelight to fate; hut in doing so we had no notion of Leing cheated out, of nor expression of opinion in the army, nor will we be. Until this matter is settled, Democrats all i pasts of the country have a duty to perform to our soldiers which they must not neglect. ' Campaign, daily and week!) , Lrhis, c and other Democratic papers, ~ us( be scut to our soldiers i, wrappers through or by hand when it is possible. The thieves who work the poet the . Intereit .01 the administration, can prevent packages of Worlds or bundles of impaign documents `from reaching the Hierg ; but they cannot supervise all the letters or papers in wrappers. This a practical impossibility. In view this fact, we make the following recom 41!"46tions to Democrats throughout the (..unfry*; 1. Let those who have friends in the nay he sure to send thi:na Oatnpaign and holy Worttti in single wrappers ; also irnpnigu docuinents—such as Gen. Mc lettef of acceptance, the %Vest ?dint ormion, etc.,—with the request that iLw he shown to their comrades, to nett calizolhe effect of the lies of the favored Republican papers. '2. LA -Democratic county, township, whyl and lecal clubs make it their butii ttss to get the names of soldiers in the Irom their several localitie4,' and 4111 them Dethocratic papers and flocu- Lley-, to every case in sing& icrappirs, so am ' "I aNI pasted that they cannot - be tampered tAc lost (;t7ice tritlout icing destroyed No doubt - many will he withheld, 'ut all cannot, be, and. when the soldiers toilsnt;iv that they are being treated i'lli)(h cti - , they will ,yesent the insult 1,110 adininictration ha .% put upon then) Dvill , wrals who write.lelltrs to blionld warn them againat he• 1, 111:g the ca,101311,14-K of the papera they I. Sinking editorial itrlieleq, and facile "I ho-d Irorn the tleWslutptrA, Might. be “ti , rl:-.1 iu tho 1.1 these t•uggestions are heeded by Dem. "clm , thii,ughout the , country, we have 1 01,-Ar of the re4ult in the army ; "Little / lac" i(lolizoil by hig out compau• lo pe it, ann., :471-iiti new - recruits are inieett,l 1 . 1 the enthusiasm or the "loans. At least one hundred thousand TEE VOLUME 35 Wort(it of-Its various editions can be circa 'tiled in the army until the Bth of NoVetn her. Let. Democrats , everywhere take a hand in this good work.—N. F . World SIGNS OF THE TIME*. The Cincinnati Times and the Albany kaaterman, both Republican papers. predict the defeat of Mr. Lincoln, and urge his withdrawal from the canvass. ?MING OP Till Elommaas.—Eight out of every ten returned soldiers are for Little. laic. In. the army the same pro.: portibn Will hold. When the Anderson vale prisoners get back, they will vote in solid 'columti for the patriot General who is our candidate fdr the Presidency. —A vote was taken on the steamer St. John on , her upward trip Friday night, with the following result. : Lincoln,.._. All the waiters (colored) on board the boat voted, except one. —A correspondent writing from lAfay ette; Indiana, says : " Indiana will elect the Democratic State ticket by 20,000 majority. These are no wild figures. The State has been carefully canvassed, and the majority will aimed, rather than: fall below the figures I name. —A regiment of soldiers passing to the front from Pittsburg, Pa., on Monday night, while at the depot,, were requested to give three cheers for Abe Lincoln.— Three terrific groans met the request, and "nary" cheer, One of the men proposed three cheers for Little Mae, which was re sponded to in nine rounds and a tiger. A letter from} a private soldier in the Arniy of the Potomac, received at Albany a fa days since, says: "The army is very enthusiastic over the nomination of Gen. MeClellan. He will receive .the largest part of the votes of the army, and if Abra ham Lincoln does not see that the-army. is paid he will receive no votes at all." ' —Ctithoaccomfoodation train the same day; a rote was taken between Newark and Palmyra. The result was as follows: McClellan, forty-seven ; Lincoln, thirty seven ; Freniont, two ; Fred Douglas, two; neutral, three. On the Auburn road train the vote stood: McClellan 50; Lincpin 4i; Fremont 1; neutral 4. —We hear the moat cheering news of the 'canvass froth the West. • A distin guished citizen of Indiana informs us that there is no doubt at all of the election of a Democratic governor in that SWitr.by fifteen thousand majority in October tiext; and so popular is the name of McClellan that he is sure to carry Indiana by at least twenty-five thousand majority. The local election la i st Tuesday in Alton, Illinois, tells bow •the tide is run ning in the West. The Democratic ticket was elected by majoritigs ranging from two to three hundred. Lincoln carried that city hr 1860 by thirteen votes. As great a change in other parts of the State —and . all our private advices promise heavy gains—would give Illinois to Little Mac by thirty thousand majority. All hail Illinois. , ALL FOR McCLELLsx.—The Hon. George If. Hollenhack, one of the most worthy and far seeing capitalists in the Si ate,pre sided at the ratification meeting recently held at Wilkesbarre. Judge Hollenback, and men of his class, can readily sen•the effect of another four years rule of the madmen and plunderers et Washington. , We are pleased to notice that the Hon. Hendrick B: Wright offered the resolu tions and made an address on the occa sion. Lnzerne county is all right. .. During' the last couple of weeks a great number of troops (the new volun teers) have loft this place for the-seat of war. In passing through Wifn in the cars they have made the welkin ring in cheer-- ing for McClellan. Indeed the soldiers appear almost unanimous for Little Mac, and if not disfranchised by Abolition traitors, they will give him a big lift on the day of the election.— Carlisle Volunteer. The Schenectady Star (independent, but which has sustained the administra tion in the main) speaks of McClellan from the knOwledge pf-its editor. It calls him "a Jackson inlintiness, a Douglas in all that is strictly just between the North and the South.". And again, "the superior of even' Honest Abe in statesmanship, in military ability, and in ,that natural dig nity which should always be attached to the office of. President." —The Democrats and conservativelLuen of Lewistown, Mifilin county, held a' ire 'mendoua ratification meeting in that place on the evening of tbe•3d instant:* Abner Thomas, Esq., who was last year chairman of the Republican county committee, pre sided, and a powerful speech was made by Colonel Wm. H. Irwin, who for two years has commanded the gallant 49th Penna. regiment in the Army of the Potoniac.— Qel. Irwin has always been e bitter oppo nent of the Democratic party, but like tens of thousands of other gallant sol diers, he is for Little Mac first., lastand'all the . time. —An extract of a private letter from a soldier in the Army of the PotomaC, writ ten to a gentleman in Boston, under date of September 1, 1864;and published in the Morning rod, says : "I am well, and love my country as dearly-as.ever, aillicitigh I anichanged in my politica troth a Repot). Real when 1' came oat to that of. a Demo brat, and like three-fourths of our officers and privates here in the field king. 'All hail, General Geoige IV. McClellan.' lie is a man for the ship of• the Union. If the StaArwill allow the soldiers to vote, you may rest assured that Little Mao is for the Whit° House way on the Chesapeake Bay for the neitt four years. A 'Republican here is as rare as a twenty dollar gold piece.” Major General MoUernand bas•nvawed his intention to vote for Gen. IttoCteflan Gen. Anderson,. of Fort Sampler fame it also a warm advocate of the election of - "Little Mai." w .7, a t r r•INDf.:7. 4tf 1 Li -. .11••• • T•J., i • . . , ...;•61,:er • .. _ , . , . 1I ' L .11 . 1 ‘77174 ',.. / _, '. ". :c ••• . 4 r -A • TWO DOLLAUTER yE4RiltAiD'sp; 01 . 1ANCE; WO IF-NOT 4 , AID UNTIL THE END oINTIO Mat, f'A,VBtrikSPATATTEVIOOIf,,SEtTEMBER 29, 1864. f ' • , , ' . have Already linnonnced ,the abandonment ( of the ,Lincoln Come 'by some half.:doX . in jburnale in roil:hitt - parts of the conntry : amt. the cry is atill 2 . Ihtiy come. We have another -conversion in note this weekrzAtte -- Weitchester county (N. Y:)' -Wider reiatneeti!the Republican party in favor of General IfcCiellan. The • editor enys : ".The truth is, the administration of Abrahain Lincoln is a lamentabi t With the miamimagethent In thliTreistn)' Department, financial' 'ruin staree• In:in, • .. the face; with 'want of statesmanahip the Department of State, diplomanyii a discount; and in 'the Navy Departineng, that right arm br the nation's defence on the ocean, imbecility, vacillation and'aor ruptiori,rlßook the people ; while in lawny other department of the Government the same' characteristics rule the conduct of the present administration of the Federal Government. ' In view of these indict ments against the Lincoln administration, the revolution in public sentiment. is 'we tounding, and,the country with onettecord exclaims, give ua a change in the adniits- - istration. Inlluentittl 'presses, heretofore its advocates, all • cry aloud, , "give us a changel" certainly cannot be any worse off. We must have it, or may high Heaven alone protect our cernmbn coun try from the impending doom that-awaita• us in the downfall of our Government. •[ lig 'The editor of the Illinois 'State Register', in a ; a - letter to his paper hairs* the f - lowinglneitlent of an old . enthif slaam for McClellan: i Yesterday heard' an old soldier giving hid reasons for supporting McClellan tot President. •He said. he voted for-Mr. Lidi coin in 1861, that he still admired him as a man, - and believed ,in his integrity . and ability; but that he did net•believe it poik Bible for' the government to be adminik tared npdn the sectional and proscriptive' principles , of the , party of which Lineolri is the representative. 110;said he believed Iv that peace arid' reunion ere utterly iota possible under' an admi istratton ieprez senting the principles n w oilleialbrprit . .. mitigated. ' General Mee ellen, he said, is a wise,fiallant,,ltud twig animous ,offloer; who will wage war onl as a matter of public duty upon honora le principled for a salutary end, sieve , permitting any, atrocity by his soldiers. He was regardeck as a just and noble foe by .hia ailversarici, a whatever were the torte es of the field; and, tlierefore, wheneve the way of fir' ture negotiation for a pe ceful - settlement es i ll of OUT, national Traub' ' shal l be open:. there •lik;ileo Mini in wh e engagements the people of the South would hive so . niuch confidence as McClellan. For these reasons, and because he believel that riOn• ciliation should accompany the seord, he. and hundreds of other soldiers, - will yield a hearty support to Gelsral George B: McClellan.' 't __: - —The 'Cincinnati Eitqiiirer says: , ".1.., Lincolnite of this city, who has just , re turned from a business toil. thro' 800n.,', Grant, Harrison, .Pendleion, Scott and: other counties, saga that everybody hesaw was for McClellan. Of all theoffleers and soldiers he camdiu contac with, not one was in favor of the re-elec iun of Lincoln. Although ha fa a zealous s u pporter of the present Administration, sed would gladly see Kentucky go for, Lincoln, he'says thit It is his.firm conviction I at General Ma t Clelhin will receive nine. :nthi of all-tl4 vote* polled in the State a the November electioh." -::-The Albany Atla.t and /I.rrjus says a full and fair tote was taken or . the Hendiick Hudson, on Tuesday night, by fafri Keller, of King's county ; Mr. D. Carter (Rerf,frnd Thomas'llurns (Dem.) acting as umpires, with - this resu t : ' . • Lincoln: 7G Little Mae ,' • . 177 'There were tkinkeen iers and'oleven officers on' 13olril,\ (ono c loneL two me. jot's, four csiptstin and • f r lieutenants) who were - ull; for-Little M c. If' this deck hands, &c , hkd been included, the vote., would • have' been filly mire for General McClellan. —A veteran soldier o *train'a few dalyn ago heari litical disiussion, hie old justly criticised, threw 11 called for_ three cheAv fc Clellan. The cheers Wei will, whereupon some a man ,demanded a vote, a the admirersof Old Abe the crowd. Abode half a amid the laughterof thq who received the result their favorite candidate, number of soldiers in tt ene voted for ' t ittle Mac —ln Libby prisoi — a ote was taken on hearing of.'the nomina tion of Cieorgoi Ff McClellan. The eatient 'soldiers,' now enflering there /E.C.A114C4 hey can't 'be' ex.• changed, owing to Lin In's :refusingun ; less negro soldiers are ;idle ,equal' ,with white men, voted as fol na : For McClellan For Lincoln " Thus 'the soldiers ►o e when not (her sired by the War Deps ment. • —At the New Ypils on Saturday night, ma merchants- and btuakeTl Grinnell, Jiunesflallatini Ron: C 'Godfrey Ounth otheii toOki ptomipen ceediegi The late Spites Tressiner, Iton: J . /tide/OP. ißridy,' Itt anilVinnnis B. Cutting Vice Presidents 7 -The Peoria (W.) Mall states that there, are only four Germans it /hat pity; out of .3 !even hundred 'German \ voters; that .will vote for Lincoln. Four ease agirLinColit got nearly five hundred (ierman votes in' that nityi • That's about the way the thing ii going ail' around this fill. , 1 ' —Gen, John A. illcefereand,of-Illineiti , who ' has .fouglit on nearly 'all'the Utile' fields , of the West_ during the - Wiii:, 'has written A letter • in whiefi ho•declares he shall snFirkortlefeClellan and that Ginieral Login willdo the same thing.' —The New IlampshireTatool says, that the i•ntliusioirn .for lifceleltrif in the,pid Granite state 4.initnense. Ele'publicana ire flocking to his: A upporrby scores. ',•,' --Thesoniertiet (ALL) .lleral44 heretofore , seti-PelpoorAtic, has raised the isteCliqlsiii' i flag. ., ;. , "--;: rfoa ;P:. S;:pNWI ,teup eleiTaltA s . e IZE „ rear t .itirtai istriOiwiilinrit are relit , — , .14 giui4 That II illirgli,pOrtiOS.Ot OUT nodal -km powdered tke:APpeurifi ‘ Yr. ifeaseilieu, our sew Secretary of the Trefintri Thirisp- - vire. of it, is that the ; yeciple $l, tisi , Rafted Se4illis-loaolt. se t+ bod ill 4 hroaltlyikok /Olds, the Goveriatat, wish isdividuahttoleadthwa fielituldiwi istillicile ofSollari rot Wrillteitis. Of Area :..4 usiiif=4o4ipi,444:'MOll4l interest, payablwarery wiz easaibliv "Fee •, they of& uccsuty actitilLthat; :is; is isciito, mik es, notisi „ kiilw7fcrCiiiiisid . t.i 7•44 , , -- ' in the q.. ii4joipt la wanted 4e, i tuitional purpoPe, to offset which every ' ; We* he be a traitor at heart if not la ' riot able*nly pledged.:, ' - , . ;.. _ ,• The . 'appeal iliddiresiid not merely to •Oir great capitalists, but ale* to the 'my 'km! iftWegate vosaacoons!itat• the tam 'cfltile "Wte,/th of the l and ,” The Weiss up4'ititiek 41104 an ti Asked are fir! SIJCI weed.. Sty 'Usti who has Sity 'Wart Wm take part ia lids teas: ; Acpirs (toil . " paitrhslimc awS;thedWy which all 6We lc' itseWiliiiiotiii4i.47o!fliat' s so desirable aulliiii—:. _ It is, 1 !!!'b 04F14.1".rY 661 " property is pledged for the punctual' weenie of th e interest. and 4;44' deht ilten'cits4. l 4- fhe swell, is lacrreastng insane. For posse. jean before the war w} were earning 1,000 millions a jeer more than j ive spent. During the three yeari.of the war, owingtoShe Mgt prices and coostantdemand for lihor, 4 niore that; writ. hefoin. 14 man .whe • I. could or would work has beep ldie ; *TT cePt'for the war, ,we: i ttern ipentlees Oaf to foie. The 'tine ireloation, proper . s.jl4f the United according to the census of 1860, was .$4,16i1 f 000,9136, at which' ;10,7 0E4,448,956 was in thef S Loyal Otmoe.„ - This *nation; according to the usual rate , of sup-,. sessment, was not ;pore lima' twoffitlidanf the tunnel cash value of:the\ propisly. The 6- °rue° of P r4 P,"4.:ii11th44 1 7 410 A4P 444 s the last ten yeen4nas 01et%126 per oast.; ; or 1111 average of 12 6-10 - In years of the vox we of the Visited States hate earao l B,ooo, Inst• fr#4 ll k. we heti 'peat, apart, front the star.. Theaost of the war ut,Nr,pe art down *2.000 milllone. Deducting this !ma i ntir',.nl earning, the people, who are Securltj.,for ,this loan. 4 74 1.000 millions richer to : oley than they we! when the Wit broke *M t . - •, • i No other investment can bit,eo sad; ooti rertibie., Tye . plan, whe has ,Tresetu7 note for $5O, or T.lOO, or $l,OOO can turn it LIM money snoro„:reatilty, _thin if hirers Lammed sipon•boad m o d mort— gage or in railroad stoeiti. • • • The interest offered u blgLir than cab , be 'realised trout nay other o,trt.tted'oeilrerii‘k inrestimmt. 'lt isoeinnover,riads4 collectable, when die; To °mei •note are affixed-live '"loon— pone," or interest :tide's; ;alba expiration of 'soh saceensire lttat ye 4 The balder 'of note has simply to meter one tif. these eau pone, present it at, the mateiti bank' or' Gov . —, eminent Agency, and Me' Mei hie latimist ; tee 'note itself need not be temeated at ail. Or a' coupes thus payable mill everywhere be mei— vatent, wheirduo,' , Thus, while this loan preseate great *dumb itages; to large capitalists, it idlers 'pedal, iad.Memeate to thee* who wish tomake's safe arid profitable investment of • Emil eavlngl.lft, oh in ecery way (her best Savings' Ihnk ; for every institution of this kind must smelt° I lowest , its depoilts profitably. le - .Order to pay interest and eipesses. They will Invest large ly In this loin' as the best investment. But from the gross interest which they. reoeive they must deduct largely for the expeases'of the Bank. Their usual rate of interest al lowed to depoeltois is b per cent. upon lulus Ocer $BOO. The• person mho invest. directly with the Govesinneut will receive almost 50 i percent. menti :Thue r . the Min who deposits 44'000 in a BaCiage! Ba n k' receive. S6Q a year intermit.; ,*f he deposits the.satnit, sum le this National Savings' Bank he reeelres dollar.. `For ilioes i>iho with to Bad a safe, Convenient ,sad profitable meitutoi iertmling the surplus 'arsine which they have reserved for their old 'age • or for the' benefit •Of iheir •etilldren; there is nothing which presents so many adiaatages as this Nation's' Lose. his convertible iatoa six per cent. gold bearing bond. At \ the expiration_ of three years a holder of the notes of the 7.80 loan Its. lbe option of emoting payment In 101 or of funding his notes is a Six percent. gold intermit bond, the . prfnelpil payable In not lemi than the uv Mire thou twenty years from its date, as the Government may elect. For six mewls past, these bonds have ranged at an average pretalum of about eight per cent. in tie New York Markel, and have sold at 109 to-day, '(Aug. 12th.) thee making the real rate of interest' over ten per cent. ; and besides, to 'make the induesnieui even. greater,. Congress by special act, *mops no Treasury notes from Butte aad• mualeipal Uriatiou. • Could Bhyldck ask more! Was patelAiism ever so liberally iewirded !-4/erimee Marasco. • '514q1 Hews . ng, during it'ps cominander un ip .his'cap'and- T George 1 0. .Mc re given vrith e linguine Lincoln ind called upon to step out from , losen responded, McClellan -men, with cheers for There were It e cars, and, every 367 3 Mr. LineolnAram , his pilyltr sold; and lee ail the rest of us to:take our'irages greenhicks., , It is said that somebody recently . otdeeted to this as -tiejnet, and 'told hiethat While tuon 7 ey for bis'execntire labors. the meobaaio was compelled to take tlitizsy paper for his •day's work.. 4 , 4 Pnet'y'stAtt /..I;;eislleney;_ oai t hat soore,.forrOttasew:uttMeybslwkials ie. OM to the laborer / is just the hardest nietfey - F ki ;s4 i y i 'one, e::11 eelellan meeting l y of the leniiing suchLis Henry, Wm. A. Knnhbe, r, fr#Ptniditous past in tlie'pro Aisiehual , United obn Cilset4ltoiu. Aidor were amoni,th9 4 - ero;hd4i,eit W)itta Rama was 1600164 oratav f *AL Gioe • cif another Jill - algal - with int whiln he was sigwieg the alesth *inlaid* of charleo I ;Fag! Abhsbans Lin:.. l 4 2 ,c.alll4l;:far c . e,.,116 siiiiro Emig tt Ito was autrouuded 1 1 corpses capon 'the battle field of Antietsin t ' • Aiwkistallassaut.—.Tka Oil City ftiater soya , oilke. .oil City Duality thane Marled a fere days' ago,alier walking into the eontdeut; pf ociino r of the 44liena of our town 'u depot , liars aaalaali la: Oallalda? that 11Wilioneye 4 44 1 7 11 sfe: 1W0!'tr4444 Aka* Kolbe 41/W l Atik uNZairilel=re 3/014WAPWV611. f INl=±==l Tits Ow WiKiiv—The . N. Y.. Eionat is authorixed.44 state that ilt•Presidaat Fill more wilt dart lirnt ibtarfai Xe4tßellani and '1 ; 'OndlOon,„ pa. the neaten of that , tiepootia the. aalia tfoh- of ihe:thittotrY. The old' line con 'Whigs wilt alt Ivoto the same way, lIT Z OBSERY !Mil Ina Maros Jsog Dowstmee Limemis...= l lfe here seeilved fromiliseadey A Os:, of Nov s • py of the "Lettere of Iliejorkek neatly printed is book form. The AM Oda, g that strikes oar eye le a life like portrait of MI Wet himself. and the work is Ilbtatrehed with• mesa ether *MOW &OARS wino • which the Major so graphissUy deesribes With his pen., The artist has derajastice td his subject, .not..less so this the Major t has le - describing his various Mileiviswe with .I'qiieldn sad its Cabyset." The impoitant, restore of the Major's Ogle is his plain'sed. direst way of explaining poiltioal goalies& He he. an appropriate story to illustrate every position he "ma* sad is eves better at skis teases* then Ullman himself. We km* of Ao work better eslowlated to have saddest dining the campaign than these letters of the "Nor. 'Comblalig lestroction with halm, sad Impairs by the kenos& satire the eiMes and tellies of the present adadnistraties, it is just the tmiok cakadated to epee the eyes of a public,. We commend it with emeldebee to our readers. Of course all the old friends will insist upon having lit .4 '• las permaneso form, in order to refresh their messorias, while to then who have eot..tied the privilege of - peruses` them as the) sp peered in the New York Day Dalkon Oka eeioeire of so wisher treat Uwe "rho' pre~oat volume. The pries is $1.261e Meth,. sad $ .00 io pa _er Address , Bromley I Co., box OM New York Poet 011100, or J. F. rooks. No. 26. las street, N. Y. • .A Dasossous LADY AT. Lams—The sissies //aim is rssioessibli for the following capital bit - : - A lady entered esti of the &sin strait ears ysster4sy ,and found easy' seat takes , A pellemisrois and bathed the lady to sawspt the sesit he bad vacated. Elbe did so, politely i kits for his Wads's& The lady store st lli =lais. dress, plots shawl, and an, or- Alsery tea colored straw . basset. &lie Ilse a faja. ,ocastilenion. sealing oottstesssee; keen black eyes, and as espressies that. Wasted a good dopes of intelligence, • Her sweats* was seat sad tidy, her fees Irwin* front flirt awl paint,. her Asir was smoothly eostlrd, without ouris,,Arississ •or bees Time was nothing is the sppeeresee orAe miasma of thicindividett that would , surest 'postai, stiestios • or. lead say osello impact Oad•s4.wtla sot is amid Salad. Bate the gut that Ake bowed psilitely add 'basked the gon dolas who gars • her Yli seat. This sates &ridgy la salelest so ahoy that the 1547 limo& of &wad sated,. asd she ought sot to be at largo, ' ATTENTION Bova I—A I Cktpion To 11141111 lifoxer.—Very few penotis are aware, that by a meat inventioa, newsplipere sad serape of printed paper, can be conVerted into material for printing upon again. 'The high prints of paper la s. made an .aetive deemed foe old natrepapera, books, pamphlets and eerePot of, &llt. paper for this purpose, ' and it is 'e 'lj bought up by parties contu4ted with the 0. , per mills. By' eolleeting-i4d saviag a pla material of thy kind about ilteir housee,l and Wiles It, teeny h family eau put "mousy, in their ptirves,rwhieh would otherwise bk)est. The highest prioe,"in yeah, will be paid for it at this olliee.' if. 1 , NOIII . IIIO par "Werra TaAie."—The pork Press' of . this niornieg, his the following "Unei livening last week,. s" train of white' and negro soldiers pined through our tons oft their way to the seat of war. ' The white Men were.in burden cars, such is srehnied to °ono., hogs, sheep, cattle, &q., over the rood, while the bleak men were snugly ensconced in comfortable passenger cars.. of our citizens were witnesses to the truth of this statempt, and our negro worshipping fattatia will scarcely undertake to de it, as they ! do others of a similar nature, w hich, we hear, of almost daily. Thank God the rule of Aboli- tionism is drawing, to s close," 1 1 Wedding and Visiting Cards. ' We a s s!!, special attention ito the superior styles of Wedding and Waling Cjrde printed at this Ohre. Having procured several new fonts of type especially for thin kind of work. we arc enable to print cards - a ,style egital to those obtained in any of lie larger cities. itsi nothing less than foolishness for persons to go abroid and pay extnfragaht prices ,for eegraved cards when they eau gat jut *attend souls ones at home for leas titan one-third the cost. • ' voi)'Penaloas, Sounties, .Arreius of Pay, &c., can be procured by the Widows, Orphans, and next of kin of those who have died la the, service'of the United States; also, by SOldiers sad fleimen who are disabled by wows& re. eeived er disease contracted, upon application to G. P. tliurrwrit- Licensed Military and Naval Claim Agent. Once is the Common Council Boom, Wright's Block, 'corner State and Fifth etc., (under. the' Dispatut Olio%) Eris. Pa. 7-y rewind our resders that the facili ties of the Observer office are not excelled by any establishment in North Western iPena ylvaala for 'doing Job Printing. Persons in -need of Vendee Bills, Election Ticket., _BM Heads, Blanks, or key kind ;of Plain or Fancy Printing, wilt dia it to their advaatue to give as • ' •tf . —We keep twasuudly oa hood a largo salaam' of Legal Blaaks, of apkoved forme, each as Deeds. .Motigaires, Judipoeut sod Cameo, Nola; BalusailuN fhibpcolas sad =toy °theirs, sot is such metal use. !Those to seed of these ordain: will Ind It tO their 'Armitage to give our CACI swan.. ! tf. , - DRUGS AT WHOLERALE .& RETAIL! I , Sae ireeektor :Alb him la um Dreg Truk Dr. J. t. CAtirte, pee the Tine Ws 41 i arter 4 Carver, . . . • •. the the beets& sill &Mites is imitaitea t ef theoldreteamt, With /waive disk ealsurhoottr. 'ditties the f lergele meth P. 4 A. O fn . AiTaN •••'-• am b• divots/I'l6llli • 1 • 147101.213AL1C TRADE: , nudism No oslehliorts, Soorso nopostfolly .vitioktoi Om so • sill Odor _ parasols, eloolikots. RETAIL DriARTMEIIIT Wllllo. l bd, ' adact so torototoro, o sites' U 11111 1 1604/ awl w ith ,ropootttos to OAP oar !",11!''H011'il Ws rortioslsity Intl Os sulks . of Pliyotioso to oar 1 4• 41 e f 1 CHEM/CALI', • to Ik. ivjest.oa lost ...r bruised to Ibis oily' OM EE2 --- , Wondeital Tvelaneotype. .1U43:3 EiIIIA.ABCOR iitilliiirObitilect. at ,M iia aiiiinamiatraw.thailramterial isaaatifla. .tisilikkili imbligm 'Kilo Saks a cornet itlalatare'of la• petiole yairrill lain?, gad by her is. araragOol /Wiwi es, t mail tilt *aft to *a barn Mat.] timid law feat sieP. autatiirap bait 1144 Ws, sad wirtiber of ilibt or 'little ~plos onelookti so* toIIOX UM P2TlOMlll47ftotail ilia wittsmilittiais. tate prose^ •.• L. —.: . • . • ../... .. op• , :, - .1...,... / . EMI SAMUEL CARTER MZiMigiaal It. ! CM i is BUSINESS D ► 0 Y. . :Iwolour Canis boated to tkie wham al tti. !of* of num ad the Dollen per yam] to tiorgoeiivlie - sia Mu o Alkalls sad Ilailsal, to all parts sh owser,. i f e • CIAJI/ti t S L Wootaaata LID Irma Maria n am hadakw& Maar sad Teri. Weed sod Wary Ware. Wlaar,Llgaor; Torrasse, Sows, &OM, Street. matt tp Tamara Beam razalsidag •INtare, Lift Pa. , jam 1-4tIL E . ruilici sarecirr, Janos or m haoa.. Oise isesed 11ot Frumak,Stesel, betimes rah sad ; Jaaatll4. ir) mutest co., ; Damao is Au mass ad isissmus s• ikastistarmsi sad Jabbers ts Tin sad Wino Is OM sad Raw Ills, to Ps. anotaistos emu= rarsassate Mock, trio P.. *dna?. • COM 11 , 1Inj ew = A? LAW. liaillaway. P. Praathe lalelk i lidreaa. Clansisa sad laldasea aosatir. J. IL CRAM . Daadird4.4•9 W. R. WILIIIIII. V. w. HOLL. nornkrot. MORRISON MOUSE. Comer 'of WWI load Mute% Strost—ou wan oast et filhalsoges Ming% PG. Sr" 1111-11. G am.' W. GCNIUMION, Jaw or In Paula. ' WWII ac;ittli-weet Gonne et MY ' "es be "W. Clopromilig dr, auglv sad eollissZ d e BeirowillegeeLpi ly. i ' kilinWly.• voLs. 100 C Buma, BLUM BMW liiiIVACIVISO. ta doom diary afailiguitsbre MAWR Cl* P• • Nog* d. Windex. I Arnim of LaW. 111=00oSri •86 C.Uioimo sad ear toiling to •romytooos thesisik. • • b 0.ir4,01 lantraa Dohs to iltataimiley, andiesi onatri b talses alaparalltf. Nat. L !Lodi": iiiitiksti the Ids ills at • the foot ot bomb I ,l =, oar tbe i nte=e in dete4 te Walsh irsi ! .ftl _PseN allid t She tweet motet Prima , " w 101443' t • hat S. saris. t MC DATIL ',aimsat DAMS, • I AITIMM AD Lav Chmblit 111 • 6 11 1 1. Pi. 1M.1647.411 .. . j. w. wriMoiti, ATTOMT a? Lam fa , Waists Ut ica, on 84011 stmt. Eris, Pa. ' u1t7113 • CISCO. ragIUM4, ' Dims% Duattfa Riadi„ North via* alibi, Past, State ens Ida. Pa. . 7 tt. LA t irATITTIE HOTSLi TM* stip*, balms 4th ma Sak rtrartsi, eau Me risiss •line Rabaul Dept% :wok itzimbe ar • • 4M h ali4 lllll = asam4 fty the day _or attiebst • , , . A L Ai 1120151111 1 .111. • razitoxeme Times aid Atrium Ite.Pliests it IliS se Peteet Seines Meek --tie beetle me • Male totem Ink aid Mt Ste w Id% Pe.. Clothes Ms& to to the lasi style. .:•- vorli;11. . .... • D. 110110111411, SLu UVA 101 L.:num AA) ULU WAWA oa !data aad !wk. Tim Seem LW 141/ . Awl to tot pa comosablo tam. -x t iunkiiireg p a mormana exas iiiimoassew NiftlGoadi /WIWI taryi a 4 Clio. Ps: .. , ur it.. .1101iLL, .- vV • Dossier we. tit , , ..... . • lITDII 110014114 ittatrwet. Sur Co, Pe. lin 1.0. Osaitouti, Proprietor' hue ia • raw mad haademely at tail up how, to the stideA of easel the beet Treating sad Bust lag regions Is PeourytOleatimedloue Zonar,Clania node. sewed Tale lad admit Mon. Thu public pomace is elly salielted. • .pllll-le rk AA GAUULArrIia Arm= es Lew—olleeeiathstraele early opperitts the Court House, Itrie.Ps. L & REAM, ' 11111DRN NARVW. SrENCRII 'MARVIN ' iITOILNICTS COVPINAL LOBS AT LAW FFICR, Paragon Bleck, near North Wort lOorser of tar PIM' &pun. lA,. Ps. C'tDurant Dar aooas Gamaztak, Q•alawy. Nan% Gue. Sam& sta., eat% ter of &Uhler,* sad Patio Square, Xs* ra• READ i THIS ADVERTUENENT I CUT rr OUT And show It to Your Friends; WHEELER & WILSON'S IMPROVED OWING KUNLUN I- • - inn un eellutenrledaed fa be the Ma Mg I sew la kite this ammatry. Their unveiled maim not Daly la this eseatry; bat all am the World, hit melle It by 16/ the /sea popular Maeda* we la ane. FOR SEVERAL YEARS They have "BAs tile lead at eil other IleshbuiC bat also Ilbe late laproveneete have bees added, miry ye eleq et welt le perinsked •ritk ash ewe sad ty that tlev Latta Aix IN =Ow . and °via I?! Aed it wiles the adeeleados .t ALL. We vernal them to atilteli evra , ry variety Gr i mm:loos the Wasik mulls to tie tbletiert do*. Ths7 spike Ike edeteated "leek stitch; *kWh le impoesible to tl, or ma ' This lir thisee irt.l do tbefottoenag wort WITHOUT ANT 11481'. MO OR PIUtPARATION. via: STITCO. KKK VKLI. COKP. PATKKU, BKIIO, T/c*. arm * Qom". Tboy out soy width of bolo wi; boot protkotsli tarots( of WOK It :•;thoy wt.t cello, load mite' croft ow tto mop ;At yOU da. t bittora tt, 00318 AND SEE FOR YOURSELF - The donned ior these estetrtated Viseldati. since we have boa toasted to ads. has Wee astonishing. At Uses we Ind grist tfildealty la dlliag oar order; bet we lueafe afoot bid rasetred, sad ma radar Se ISO sa.l and all trio usay NW or wad as their Sr)... Ow rooms ate elelnUy tided sad teralsbrd,, and ow weewrooda• Urns for sandal:Oaf the baldness are not squalled These lkolOdars vies awarded Oes highest wisdoms " The 1/06.1111 TAM re Landon. ' ma uteurrum, =Pommy. Par* lla'. 7ap /% o .Atilqs isdunrrs. krzaablaglar. Ind Lad at Wary stair aad Coast/ tar whore ira.• labilad. • ireirorreatol tam pan. okloolli 1a eourraattou. Par tea 7 : h a, ;11 2 a . Oil ant hill. abooot aotallena. • , I mal eta la agaratioa. 'lf low mama amp. 'Mad for alma. of *ark sad a einahr by mil. 4 HOLT at BOOTH. appate. rates *look, 40,4!► imp, it,“. t :„. Oast Mark) Ms" S% Mai Fit 1. TERI! ,1"-rN3 WLYAL:SD.II,ALGLST 17, 1861. END RA A CIRCULAR. J. A. COOPER, iDINBORO, EitifC CO., PA. Jr 111-4 v, AMERICAN HOUSE: 110171111,M COWES OF TUB PARE & TATI IT, i " ' • *IRIS. PA.' , . - JOLN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR: . ' s....illsrsignimi leiviaa takes fioinge of the More vallthoira Hotel and netted It t • *seeder 9131 e, r spatted] atheits a Mere of the public petromp. Tories nmeado tea Wawa, Istleas eethel to NY la UP late et m H» athaleithe of pram hose the mhy es l e a poi ' bee teem eiWaled to the pethelme. • ttentels• .IMrI)I3VCAN. Impolt.TANT''. t I=l INVALIDS! IRON IN TH-BLOOD. lib well gam to tlto =Moil piebalds lig tION t • ;the vital Modes or Lb heat K tloo MN& iltio dotterdettelotiy from do totaktot ill It the MA it sot properly dlirooto4 or If, Den aim moo wltatonor.tbo sootoostl i = j ltty or boa haro4baboa tote tbo tante tkir,l•4 RBI ltittala 44 "4.4 tYa sir tdi= 4 = llll a,., aul eieloty the toga, will oteittsta lb. liter. ••••• din u ric wose oiloolorY oiabosta to all pats./ tie rdintartimplail rte bit = 'alga aL MOM AR A 111111101118 to swell lam mid seksootediroi by all toodieol moo. TM &- lenity boo boos to obath(ooel a poepanittoa of It so trUl eater the elosabitioa sad , tioloatioto at moot With .tbo blood. This pallet, payll'Or. Hem .lhitoolsootto Mato Oboutlet, W brio 'Wilmot Is tbo Perrttia ',rap, by ambloatioa la soy tesionotioitoaa. Tillt•Pillioßiabl SCUM la a PIIOIIIMO so. Whoa of tb. PIIOI,IIIDI Or MON., A UT DDICOV. rxr IN Anitaliti list steam Otis boa of Dims, b peis mi : l4.4.l pliissrt blood with Ma that rilwolplo or LIM Taira aAN ovum oenexners. UV" ow 'Dowry, From had Apia Lona trarpi Low .11 to: • , 1 1 1111VBIA 1 al V MVP latamo dim* Tipr sodwow tato Gram. end *gbh op 'qv" Cooactitatioa."li .11111.1P8111JVIABI It MVP ' Cams itoreouo Albs -641•13=. ..Q°!•l o4 tott, Allkiiinare of tie 11,400ys atol tint RIIii7VLAN suer lo a alltoll l lC tot all dhows osigioatiop Is s DAD RUTZ Or ?BB BLOOD.. aeounpultel by Dobffity to a ,ider (tato at tko By la. . • 1101;g Ira from AlsOliorta may toils. as iewriall dbear art matfilltsemilbfr mattioes. t aro WWI 0 . 4 8 P wit T sot SW tin late sU PI im W y the ' sad Was ale" hp UM CON. It leas fuellibletibe.ltshelle Web* se &sad, where ithealset seeded. ' ehmeat Is thetseemstive pow of Ins es s leis* eitr meets**. sed eleeedelviestheest lanif.• •.. • Mouiedideie Mem *maw iteessiesed by s de. &Lew et MON IX lin SLOOP, mintiest rubel* tt to the the s bsystem, geesWie.n is repair • Whale; sheet toesedellos i.. • - • Ilespideto seatelslier eartillottee of suet sod nem semedsttoes Prom moose or go lout !.tout Plystelase„ Chromes sedetheis; erittele aest TUE to say ed. drive. Wo West • in/ of tlble maim . • to as, the ettenetee et the teetimeedelot• • • JOHN WILMA _lO4. Ses,t'nedies - t the Iteh—e ppm Mak LT; MC VltiL IVlS iu r w eater MM. 4 . 11•109.y0riA1. Itirr:ol% MO_ e#Lor Mr' New Tact ClrouNk Dm Jobs lisrpset. *sew' I. TON. Bag. Garda' UMW. Roc Sylvia*. OsibMilliV.mor.ltkej , Ohm 111210elia Nuto r Jr.. Um. Join% 11 DMA. • Mr. assay 17tbia. Ihn. T. C. tad VAIN/Mae& Lewis Jets • ass, D. D ;WWI KliestAL D S. o.llsedall. V. D, W.I. D. D.,lta= „ l:r iir ms. N. D, Jimairli Slosh M. D;'. iiisiellitaal• D, A. A. Biqa, M.D.. Abesion Trapieit.ll.ll;.:T. ;,CUstuai D. D, H. D. IL D. Er lbws weft ki iireirir Imre Um eta Wm limov of's* peeps ad IC IPSISON.tb TRIAL. lt.as. wove year niimedir hassfribill Isylbsie So eke s "." LT.40. 1 4 4 . 1 Trepond by N. L DIA= it 00.. exalagiay Oar .1114=111.11101,11.41111 litipsihray. K. T. • 4 1 .0Tiskt_ J ?A_ IAA": 14/ADMI47. _ , • TACT elliillatl4.- HOWL , THAT- -0102,,,__Imeit. raFfwVoit i red g ,„ • oteadion rommao.wwfu s =ft - - --•' ..r,LW G05p.11444,18, pideros, t d'.. sad dosorost Bana Itt Ott. ohibl. . • 411• tiro ham is, .. sad wt . * -odop-aoleadoittfulditon, es, ddididesdl from roll woad Inaba/ sad boil , 1 - I, tes sra g o illetal mr li pritlMPX . ? ", : : movies ma. -Padisen bought d. Cam soot s t id %ol t or, Robsook Bisidior, Sot , . Kemp mil ghat of Lobes did Walton tuaszoode WNW ad gled„ amain tbot 4- a ilifottorr tbo didrorbse• liwa 1.—.., at W i de amity driund Euedip. t• - . Wisager. dm LIMO. we dolma. • rod nu& vim = the mot sad (load soda 1110 ud ma% t iraillernilaostilal"...riligligia= ) • - ' Mil lido do NOM % Ititd d Soir dl ode . mot es of dlediea. 1 , . , owl hus. /doe-iiiiiiiimoo dad WiiiiindlOg wit jots dodos; f soi dotordlikod 1 !. oso to IA soilli !be now pay. sad do j • 19 who tiodo with et ,_ . r- lolioddit,likh _airslo.Ura 8111ilti Cilotodol • •••• Mlttate.niyals asytaks• qtililr visite • , • ~.I odtp4,4.4pi _dodesila Amour et I- ! t ,t "111141011111,ft - • WHOII.IIg4LX:AIitITAIL , . • - _ GROW= ST •: I t eZil WHOLIEUXIIII2OICRETAIL GB :Piii!i4rsArniAtarwhih+ltistai ft • , (cazailittej friNg4 _Bard .114, '4O tlaiatbrekia to tub by , teldilderritimit ei' GROCERIES — AND 1 0 ROVIS1( N • • 1 4 : WlNiutsailat Vil!, 4 M - PRYrOA III II I A•al rue , ,•-! tlf - - CO*llllll4 - RI:RUPS Tokicco r st• , I= Is Notwpsimpl arid/grim to prepped ill via gift Ma - lie alio Icsopsi es head wiped . • pu,103,-.blgu oRs . tuf IV trqdk It! dine% . =2 Ms sotto Li. 'Quick Bal/8. aoau Prodge - Do .. 1, 0•51. 1 1.0he Pale _ 2. COWles fibtalig.llMotif IN 9/Is PK" 70L1 1100 t' 700 IMICIUMIX - 0010111111111u MAI.NI for the hull,. &Mali Moot %mbar the Bar, wofir161:111 . 11LVI, &lira . , Act • • . • • - 611iliamk01 Preravisgo. delart.smipprim toowswooo. S. Ifs etwiritopo t 4. Noniron' bispopedi - .a. • Mussel° Ordsr. • . tliaiWfoosh Otripbar. 7. Bioko la Xotriallortri. 6. Rolostioss ow owebsplaptor. 0. Beijatiooritootoliordreboolot for Poo , •,.1 10.,A,60661b46 to Orrelepterio for oral . • sad leoridiro Ibrollar. etooprritoir tbo whet. . par. IL La Sztook444 Corwardaoso. 44.PP*11,Pfroto rlipi "floo Latrodwrltoo eta n=k;wa laterastakr Notate of tboroliK !MI sompetro . . PIM assalass for 16 wad pletorio.. wb• • • praaaad altaalratilarwr.y,tlaa 11ta . Win rv alltaaala awl In poor Orr tee r tos , sad sithirlooktir tbW•obk.lb• 081 Bibb ea •1. • , DO .04: 41. 1P T1C 1 1 . 14 1 411 4 " -•- • alaular Cade arsesaiAhd telimapiaba.. Ilia a • • 1 La ass tolloaaargi alma saetwarrat r. 'Tim watt Ii soldaaalaaloaly-ty View Pia, to talaelltatradlaiaboriararbis rdc• ? • . itsai loses.* woes wius„..... • b 1611 giWfirkrfflorbeeo.. ttth roune,.. 400411r80w 'worker to ow. him644rewr it B. B tibeff. Tttoi 114, or ' a.. - ANTHRACITE B I T:U : AlitS:ll'3 7 - 01, The Siteiirihi a - iiii rig=llll=: '• -• ._ _ • • Ai. ts m o dude; the retest s see, et 4 11 - 1:' Fir - :57", D 51 'l' A ' I , FlFTH'.oiirii .0P 1 r_jiHQ THE CA` % . Ihrockes &elite( to inners say hied of Cu. ~8 49 1 0 " is LARGE ,OR.; -S.I AIJAHTIT.: - ' k .i • ' LOWBOI-,. 14.4 ;It P u t l - AOhim . * - Tra'do ihrtartieatc.. Wberst sill bop ea Mad Pfl T - 4.1 J LI T, .L_ '{ 0(1101164*Vmd. - -;._ • of4sts ta dam Aothina i or eftuala wails promptly atteseed ta. • - - • BONNET S_T_OR 1. 1111 BX Y f H. ItAlli;1, Irdaid fwt fat 4 aittatimlb, to Mr 4.1 8 2 rearA_ r A i r. A • • 1' be.* ace, • . 1 .,11 1. •n 6 CP 1 cuil asi aL j alt•PAY. sahebs jertllbertigt 11,16. „ my , and U S riaa /Ws D; moths! lot of ty mom soancame.l6l l sofpuft rom ter *mkt Ow Nan sea Agwy.,Thuss psis sass sibs live Mu& iliussisMilslvinssensse 1 4 111141 . 0101 ., 11 9 11 b l isilmlea nt • at - NOM ":"wm • . r.O-• a- .71 ^