, i t i , ..? FAT 'ENGLISH REMEDY. *,: i lit 3.lmts cl,4ltKE's ....r . e . . Celebrated 'Female PtUPileys oniln. - 10 1 22 ,,,,,e51,00 :thr e e War. r,CTEP rwvdk; tneouths VA° . eti. ap , surothsiiii,oo; one year dil 00 A RoVihriFrtifemuta In proportion. Thees ' sill ho strictly oldhstri to, unless changed by apnea 1 nci44ln, rlffl g Nialt i s 't;; Notree, Strays. Lauren ad tfire ll ede ..„„;,, gi..50 ; Admlniatntoen Hutton, MO; I Notion, ri%•A coots& line; Me.tiageKilttteernwrlr . s irs eents's piens: aLltiart Mikes (ostorpree . 4 a s osArni) fIAPOPOd del 11410 e NirillgasillTl, . A ' l e , 'lden at the rogues% of the edlidr, one do • per Imo All sobrertisestents will to continua ; so rap, 1. / st! Stoy preen achnintidat, unt o e j .. by:bin dblontion, un!ess, 45p!olitlica period I g reed norm for Its inseriion.. ly negleflON —_TwO Milian per annum I*-ad n om: j o b IPRIOTINCL—Are heti one of best Jobb% . ;,./ vs .n t Ito `4•l.46ina ;re rracii t cur will l tiß , 1 - • lett • 1, lee +—lr. ' 4 ow up, ft Tar. a an—a— n equal 4, " „ if ..stsbiloSpo n t curblide °fibs boort Mine. I ; - 3 wlirYtt,b; aßgenvpuha.bitd.. MD • the 2..Crytie:Mac, My Dimitak. Mt- "Olt NY 1 , 404.1. 4:7RearA.f.-agA n , • • 4-, 1 1,6„nvzilfcrling, pro*, I lim- . Td henn thitt loterrElleen ntinnialt; tneE'at Antietatn.-; .7 ` 44 ii'nereloit the ribel tnightithiCe . 1 ,4 h. ijoen-thfs' " stood •T. - ; f .„l gesickyia notthe anctmeidows, tit i whito our Frau Gayepotit34:their hIoQd, knew you; hearf was throbbing with 01! • • Thploira rd eininikihat wvild igapre aftlidbu Are base as falsit-...ttrank Heaven thei're fey/ "Yew., eoldiers • F.. insklfrtiec hid rollnaeg;- r Jr a" . taw* fields of.-st.ricken. he ebbing , life-iide smokes- , Free:PAM:7 that; Melltiq,h,titettefed'estthi:r: Aq tiro yeitills Curie 4 -U Pim,* lesdpstig•M*l;criMAl kis Mori eif ; .: rotv pAuto is of the granfterMoiltr Jag Irtql tir4/ 44sClibi414 4 0 1 . - taffirters l ;littysiuttrtie; loiliumildsr*Mlii defame 'J!krei.fuere as fotTso 7 thank ilessee they're For.as.our chosen chief we claim yoti. They miY—these dogs of ourrish heart, Who never heard a bullet , you'd let the Union drift apart Like down-flakes from 'a shaken thistle ; they say, oh captain—but the Words stick in our throats—we can'tadjast 'em.— But lift to Heaven our dieted swords And answer only this : !"We trust him !". Yes, oh friend of rights and laws, Despiia the sneers of fool or craven, Where hearts beats highest for the cause, You have your home, your shrine and haven ! With patient toil and pitying breait, souzlit your soldier'erblood to treasure, ter ever tried the cruel test, How much we could endure to measure ; They feared you, for they sew our love ; To win success they would not let yoU,7- Bur while the white stars shine above, - The boys you led will ne'er forget. you Yes, oh captain, loved and true, , Desert you—we would perish rather . ; Thank !leaven the hearts are not a few That call you brother,friend and father. hem thaVeir York World.] kliford to bong Iles. The patriotic young men' of the coun- TyeMnot be too strongly impressed with the truCh that upon their action, during the Presidential campaign. depends, in treat measure. the success of the - condi klites of the Union Democratic party: Old men for counsel, young men for action, is +4.cialfit of as much verity as antiquity.— Inch. very much is expected of you, toung•men of the nation; and if you would' not disappoint the hopes of the millions-who look to you to aid in secur mg the election.ot,,licelollan and Pendle ton, you must . f?egha to work at once. Not Lmoment -can be, lost, for emr opponents bye Veen' hi lice" field" tor three months, and have at *Coriinianalill the influence which 'confezi-friirift the dishonest use of official poWer. - We 'say, Chen, to each and ill of you who . hover- yens countryabove nerytitingseiset , •- ‘"-••••• 4,- , 4rganize;itrglnizi, OnaaNten: If there De a McClellan Club in the ward; town or aunty 'tell and induce nth - era - to do :flit - tonne.— Iheie ie not "SU Edit itia...1114;41111A , 1. Don't he dr6o4:iitigniiilll/Ve such word in thO'Debiddratio'dietitni -4:/nly_uae the sane energy-tn-. !his ter that:you do in. - your;i7usiness, and ori--nneci s club r keep_ the L lial:in g aril. r 4 ' • • •111• •, • - :644 • una eieetecie end supply them with effectivelAni -4-IMCIMU.:: Witk:ITIGSWTIP:aign id, anirsbah - Pernplitifilis - foli can-ob i trout your Democratic State9s9osit and the Society for the 'Diffusion of )litical thhicity, you will thoroUghly iirlinid-hud equipped for the _ . ... •111-. Acrid- public ratification - theeffrigs I often its ritit?' 67 , ,Iiii , :aMicable. Secure akers of'‘dirthilide4 :reputation when pi car 61.2i - doo, t give . 9p . tilie . inetings, r the laccoF obtaining them: Magnin is ape:lke - re of your neighborhoia,t-tori leY will excirt, more, influence..i.ti the erid i lin a score of strlinzerX, brttley: el"er sti , /eat. lire than.alt:thia; . aeoak : -Toisr- . .. 4•1: - ToliariFeiiiiiiii. f lis:6 ) Tiqeqn: the faith that:lii in - 3iiitioina alit is ,)uttb, . , lat. is wanted. Fling to the Windeall itience_and natural apprehenition _testi Pa fall: You won't fail il;Ah 7 ilkak.titi herteat sentiments of your r ivirtiV- i i. - Jo it yOutbusiness . tgertet _every! in you ciii-lis yOliZvletit4tY-1 . 3etilis:en now iil election day.' 'Mose whom yfrij_fipcs favor of D.iiiticcliirriiiiiipliei" Wail 'Ole - A i r -,:nurtfiliffe, -- bring' larriptic , an(Viiiiatre: Ko:kitinfriir *lnsikt44 l ,to. bAt• to tho trap' -.a • _o- r. , ~ . ' ilia - ft;4;tir -ii Is'air# 1 ; i - na, - d:ihe.,,riiiiiiei.' OX.tiliii;* f i t4 A iita. . . i., • ......... !, 1., , c . : ! _ ! .-... , , :: : . 1e.::: r " , ..-- . ..1 r .:Fhia)ty`;ii.iTAahe , ,e,silkiCtl4:ll"Xei: Ai/die:illy: ii:Ainlii4;lrirrs'cliMtiltkq,.. iiitialitiate.s . are hotit'YfaAf t :ii-rkir old iri.wit;dern ;Oa experiewealrat , They' have .ii - .peCu11ik04: 6 :: 1 44444 'port of 0:e07 hortedityl4.AUClV#l,ll.;* The neOpn 1911:013 io you , hii• jaa aid as yeti daaigise it, in this its ho d i • trial, XilL yeit L qaft you withhold `it hero to work tliiq very d.ty.-:?Theptes Deno queFesi is cheering, -ht 1 114 1, 111 i iiturtivit our OpFti« . 2;nts are inscrupiiroit O well tts Wag, 10W:still' ti r otihiter.o . ' fentlineanssis*lt 'ai fikiii6 Yht . %e "tloistio'n let theii.--eatittillets: Th 4 b eneeratie party-4st tiaar. only one . witio "eerie. the flag and keeps step to th; 411 io of the Union," and it, expects ever* sus to do his duty. Young men, to the troa II Let this he titt•dei-"Wiiiiii 'shill 64 6 sleng 'the Itztes Ili 'ire" Oh% NbWitte li 7-in lievember. i . I LailiAms ~, • .1 ; et II - . •• '4l -.4 lel s„fik.„.. 1.1 , I •• ••••• I vommE ..•, " 1 d Abe haiheetti t;• uR;" Edit a . Itiahrtictiid'entgai ' tof the Con fade • cy, a few weeks ago. "If we 'IAA a mill on votea l TheVehlittfilltel be cast for trsiiteoht.m eriothiee iiatpk Ixhpv .„ ... 4 1 0.0 1 14„1+0.0.. 41 .110t1tAtke# 0 0 piny tferrUntseltressieetioneveridegialieet, i tromp" a w ir k or d i .hrv aii :4 s ra the Richniond Examiner . .n-A1015411 piof Men t tfiebres V iew ng thecere eliroli m is 4A 4}A4410#4344.3 ~ o iljerphigeitiftiftabliwrr., r .o • o ftee l ityarirm end; esextrttratra i ==firt .140613151.1a5ii co lan.VAteittnt - i4..1 lial/mantsit assdasbetuseenapesee an IMi tI VO 4 S`A Ir ITT I MOitt: . , aAtilastOwts, tied ( hi r dA l •Werrer peesrpolion assieireemstanoes may: "reiicarl:‘,''ArmAtioi3 101 certainly best fea ture in the new policy ; armistice• with, a view to negotiation...,:.,4o nom- supLicelne that armistice_ to lostaceo*..lo,l Must be ad mitted that Viltzsiaaiidn; • .ezreqardect by many geedfberedsiaiit itginoiv -Peril:ma4o our the knife ; ts r4 =asgetifttionciiill • necessarily 'be emittettiltr . thereeght to be, to the, -Cissfeckirate-Osternment; they may address themselves severally, unofficially to State Legis latures; they may . wind their way through every ra:mfice.dion soaety, by commercial transactions and private intercourse; may approach influ ential individuals in the shape of promises of political support, nay, of hard money ; in every .00ncetvable manner that season of armistice would be used to create an Union party once more. The effor twould fail; yet it *sit district and dividie and intro. dueetroublellorni discord, when now there it a good, practical unanimity. There can be no 'doubt that should Lincoln permit ,an election—and 'Should McClellan be the , new President—and should he offer an ar mistice fof negotiation-Leven though it should be real, genuine cessation of hos tilities by, sea and land—the cause of Confed erate indjendetee would then begin to have a new ki of pails to encounter, and would have to meet them by a new effort of pub lic virtue more heroic than military achievement itself. And, after all, be it remembered that, if such an armistice be proposed, it is accompanied by an implied threat. . This is, the very feature which gayseMcClellan precedence over all corn pe etois—that he is a general and a young Napoleon, and is supposed to know how the.,,warean at any time be bro't to a sue eessfur,issue, if Lincoln would but let him liave hisewn way. - Here-is a frank confession of nearly all that Democrats claim would result at the. South from the election of their presiden tial candidate. Such an election "would be more perilous to our (rebel) independ ence than Lincoln's war to the knife." It would "distract and divide, and introduce troublesome discard where there is now good practical unanimity." "The cause of Confederate independence would then begin to have a new kind of perils to en counter." Such would be the effect of McClellan's election upon the rebellion, a 4 we have it from a maceotly intelligent and impartial witness. The re-election of Lincoln, on the other hand,:...iv' ill keep the South a unit, as his administration in the past has made it such. There would come an indefinite protraction of the war, end ing in the acknowledgment of Southern independence.. This is ,the hope of the rebels, and the exclusively "loyal" men - of the North are straining every nerve to ful fill it fOr them. from tad Journal of Columoros.l A Story of Three lAseolo seq. One of the city papers which is not very fond of the Administration, hai lately been publishing the "Declaration of Inde pendence" in installments. It is a pecu liarity of that document that some of its sentiments are not wholly inapplicable to men and times since the American Revo lution. The editor probably thought it was too strong to be read all at once, and so gave it out by bits. Three men, who intend to - vote for Mr. Lincoln next November, happened to be looking on a copy of the paper to which we refer, in a ferry bost, the other day.— The regular daily allotineOt of the Decla ration met their gas°. It had no caption or other marks to show where it; came from: .:14;:kg "loyal" men, they read passages like ligeilcillgiwiqg with indignation and te.4941114.4 4 114; . etigtirnot i ed the adMisiistration AQ(1430406"--,Mareloted a multitude of new :Kgillpee,Alntj . RlMPted to render the milita ,rypidependento(and superior to the civil - Piggiii: l 49 4 :anitiigifinti our trade with all parte.'i s it tAtti:_stiMirdepriving us in Irtyy.easce of Ilrigbepticit? of trial by ju ryclike.:,- • - .;:litsiraciteingt". initimau No. 1. U l i triS l 'King'Ofti:.!ttOqht SO too," - guided a quietlpssilegran:,-at" : ttiair elbow ; `‘972i- A g riiiii*guace. • - kzreuntfikik three n tifictilm men into the ,:;'.7o,*,t4klGOOSSllitkidltfokiThere Ceninierce„ . rtti:niflowsu work ftlte ePiSt of, he commgoleottiia.in , itairzhaiads:-.li is time mend to eretivilMtDa fAblf as he Should 4RrieatsV 3 46ll - il - 144,tir0. , Fijoim ilaw i rgstalking with de Wirg. • tie 7 . 4 4 131 t l / 6 124115triihd the ebigtfi At Gene ral McClellan; t do a better day's wu - liboring man who desiu :Tait conservative ticket wilt tion of one obieltele Vid4tiaig *164 4oliarde• ionsuil . ig e triutaphaltttileetfelt of Ithe:eihdidate. It wall:4 .' lo4l'th incire - thim 'Alf the immense piles of money wadi!, the itdolinistiation party are PreParilkl:l4:44 9 gaVitiwill defeat the frauds illiit;;Cir cubit° this recoummons'. l -z-;'°i - Nor artiA, -cola Plana place - #l!'lri3timds-tkf eaoh : of his six lidifitislift holders. and Viteilfiitalii t tliglfatiirlifost of shesaiimpl"' 4aing, • ..o.l.lgibifthmtbdiffcr~ ow'.ifiliatt alma aim& /44N VATS vet, Mel r•cre 041 L otk Thb - iiiiptivien4r6flifiabniiil444e Vra# thigked'ifirihVaßodirstatalit rharitiaiarriiirdirr auk sralis a resident of Ohio. This is 'Mini* eiViicirleitiehU4dtaidestPhilehio, rticilMariPleapaiaMtm "Otto kraddikholl. 'Akin ktEnta 14341 , 11 mi big Wiii%l*4.trehviht7dcastifor k*AMiUr • - 188Pdtivela1likre the nation, he has dozePlitiveloziosektime e r the globe, era sticLin er DonnrT ids, bu never havingtattipettesaidtrast which h . 86101;ttill kbotteree,rii.hei Y hisedoiltibr's rtiMiialle:: 14[14' 12'1 t thisee-A:mpo,tiliteitt*MlSW9 4 1 1 41 149Ti l aft* *bit tivOblo" , intioepbediber,.,lB6o, liefeiriaiitbdWfritutit-this out iireak,of. e itarlBBl, When he • t April, - volunteered for the Union etllBB, and hav ing been called to Washington later in-the Year, removed his family to that city. Du ring his service with the Army' of the Po , tomac he was resident in his tent, and it is a remarkable fact that in the Peninsular, campaign he never pasied three nights' under a-roof. The oontemptuens order of Mr. Lincoln which dismissed him froui the command directed him to report at Trenton, New Jersey„ and heobeyed,the order. He has since that time resided iri New Jersey, passing one winter in New York city. ' ,The Democratic candidate for Vice President was serenaded at his residence, in Cincinnati, Friday evening. He closed his speech as follows : "One thing I desire to say which has been impressed on me to-day. We are about to enter upon a warm, excited con test. It will try you—try your principles —try the strength of the iruttitutions of free government: Let us indulge in no personal animosities, or -personal abuse.— Let us remember that the cause ictoo sa cred—the consequences too important— the results too vast—for such party Instru mentalities. 'Let us appeal to reason, and judgment and experience—let us appeal to the hearts, and minds, and'consciences of our fellow citizens. And then if we shall be successful, and in God's good providence, our dearest hope shall be re• realized, and we shall have, again the blessing,' of individual liberty under the protection of a Constitution vindicated, and a Union re-invigorated. no unpleasant recollection of this contest will mar the glory of, our triumph or dim the supreme lustre of our great achievement." _ The second verse of our campaign song, published on this page, was probably sug -gested by an incident which occurred on the battle field of Antietam • few days after the fight. While the President was driving over the field in an ambulance, accompanied by Marshal Lamon, General McClellan and another officer, heavy Ite 7 ., tails of men were engaged in the task OS burying jthe dead. The ambulanoe had just reached .the neighborhood of the old stone bridge, where the dead were piled highesk.when Mr. Lincoln, suddenly slap. ping Marshal Lamon upon the knee, claimed : "Come, Lamon, give us that song abouVPicayune Butler.' MCClellan has never heaid-it." "Islet now, if you ttleaiie, Marshal,"said General McClellan, with a shudder. "I would prefer to hear it at some other place and time."' It will be remembered that upon the arrival of Lord Lyons in this , country, on hkreturnrfrom England, in the fall of 1862, he was waited upon at his hotel in New York, by several 'lending Democrats,' and urged by them to use his influenoe to bring about the interference of England to put a stop to.the war, The infamous and alarming fact was revealed in Lord Lyon's dispatches to his own Government,. —Buffalo' .E.rin:us. Yes, and in the same dispatches Lord Lyons also wrote to his government that leading RepUblicans then favored the reor cognition of ~the South by,England, 'sslifk view to impede the etc= the eyrie of t/4 cimaffixrtive prey fo reenter vet the Unica."- , 1 The same men, now that Certain defeat in the . Presidential election stares them in the face, are prepared to advocate any end of the war inl preference to recoil• struction.—Bufalo curter. • A REQUINT.-Will the BUffalo Express, the Buffalo ammereial and' a few other shoddy journals, please to publish the fol lowing WhiCh appeared in an editoriid "leader" in the Memphis-Grenada-Jack son-Ailanta-kiriffin-Macon Appeal Dowse paper shortly before one of its recent 're ! motels: '"The accession of e conierratiTe Democrat tike McClellan to the'Presidepi: y who would conduct the war on more humane principles, who would repeal the emancipation , proolamatinu, 'and probably , make overtures to the Smith to return 40 the Calm}, with ft guarantee of all coneti T lath:mat rights, would do, nfinitely more to paralyse the South and buildup a reccui, struction party In our midst[--a moat atal calamity;—than the combined , . present party in power." The New Haven Regisier givesihe 'fog owing account of the scene 'on bc,id . the J. 8. transport General Sedgwick, on 'Ad receipt of the netis' of McClellan 4 i • tieing nation. There were on board 'about 600 ldiers, hound for the front, and' Mt - the me a salute was firing in honbr 'of the Vomination : `'"As the first 1. gin 'echoed .over the bay, pee or the soldiere.h4ten best to know 'what ' l the firing was for 1 1, 0 e 144 told, he threw ;his cal; io the'ltir, 4totigswe threat:lbsen; 'for !Little - Mao," in amittuks hematisarmendedi bk,kkt...ooln mAks, when a cared ' wee made for. !thpee 4 . and 4 th Morel' eud end Ain Which (were given with andfa 11.4sjto _be head far-upt fleet street, .rowicheer for 'Li ,' cola in 41 that' ship 1" tira l joung men ppIII vote !or the Demo castlintomineen *sum they are young. talentedtheir election trig give ivOltkfcd [rigor t(? 1 , the Admiair make the country Ugiin "re. • .5 rt.' / " =ea aZiai`;.:: ismi •' , ' •., -.. .i -4 , .., It. _ _,.._ „ ': 4 't., .• . . ' '.- '''' - ''' ~ )". 1. 4 . , . ""11 ,,,..: „,_.„,'.. . 4*T; 7 1 k?-1 * ...-',. 7,7 - . , , ,.1".. •::,:,.-": - ~,.': ... ~ `, • ~.. ~, . , J. , .. . . , , .., ~ 0,.., ..,,,, ~,::: ,- , . - r,, , .:1:14„. - ...pr N.:••,j , ,,i, 4 ...e. -",. , ." - t* , - .. 1 .V. 4. ' •: ' :* _ ' -- --- -- r _ : -,. .5. ' . ' ' ''''''''' ' . 1' --. ' ...' .' . 1 ' • :=4;441141:4010/1/ 111 / 2 K .. ' . ' .. ' . ...........w..... ... . ;///"... - - 7 -'-- * ..... . . 4 :P11 4Ment!gtllreiti i , l, ' fr Oh Pt, .11#5 4 .. .Urtlitt ..' rd 32r. ... , leir ea* •,. • 4s ; f:Ad.!. : frittili. i iiipbtir {nava ' - -i.., 4 4%. , 0i t . / P e 10 ,,k-'O l 4 41 egri at .: i t !, • - i: t. ',.. •• --4 ..‘-'(' i. ru t' t 'I, : . ; --- -.4lAnitt it'sPe , ...4 1 .•;,..5, tc , , , is , a Aril! •,a . . roe 0.4 ' , 1T .. ? k ,„, t.. ,*: l ii it... 4 ~,:. , , R. 4,14. " . ~,,, ir, - ...., t 1 a , ~ oa , lite .g ► r- . f.„ r , i•. ...f. ' ' 1 ; 1 ;1 11f ' : - 1 1 .. .' • v" :. ile ~ ,' : 411' if i•4l IP . Or, r P ^ tqf ,R - It. flir::- -a.l N 'l.l. v i ii ..: . • 'IA •., . ... - . .-..,.= "' - • 14 , ' ! i r,,,,; 2 4 , ~ . .-4.., . •• -.. - ... -.• -• ~,„, th NV' 14 3 tls iiiii iili 0100 1 .-+ 4± - , -,- t..n•? ~ A• i:'•0 •,. * claClalii ..' . - '1: • .'- ' ' . '.. . -. . . . ... ' •i a • - • . *air , 4 . : "g.: rf , iliptai lt r I .. '- - - 7 1 K1 4 , 4 , 43 : 1 # 11 : .- --•• _. ' 0111 4. 1111 n '. `. ' II E - tX I" .: :.- 'l. l _, .. . -.... . . : l - :' l4 •• -s ! - ; 74°`. • : : :7:4.4" . " l il - ...---.--. ' Nit,* 'N - i •• • 011:'l *ge t- ';'' ' i '=',". ' Y!':..-"' -- vie sia Min 5 , 31. \ . . • • r, -r .4 A , - --.1. - -.1,' 4 ." Go! - ' :." L *.-- .•" -.. *:-: 7 ... • . • 1 . 4 . i .-.. • Z 1? 1 - ' '.." '..' '.... i i .'' ', Z. '.'*" . '" . "' •44 . ' -. or -. , • - 1 ,- . i 0, , ,.., - -,...-;•-- - atikookal 1-, ' , . 4 • t ' . Sereiade a 11r. re.etea. See if Er. Maoist him. :•ith "ni tlitliitir a V 6ll" ikUch.as war lro ." citi k : Farm flcm 0 s".:: , :ri zi.tft , It- . n-or. 3.•% ri. : 1 1 • :V is o ck i vr livid •cl V: r l e v. - . . Sie IV Wii , ' *, ~isitiAP Sbli. VpiP /iii o . • . Vs a D 8 fr .,. 7.3 morn • • ''' 'lir / I WI WC tqAttil •sin T g ittig '...: gintiart ::. IPci .4 61 ii Pen mon. - • sp c gr in, sit nflOttlqlloPihrit% f-k'" .91114nWts%Plifliegrtf!frnftt M? from its columns, now raises the he 494 . MAChibupcartamt org ooming . Paths re* 144 Vt4.l Vle. • • • • r, taitge ditAfTe l ...lgo i1iiRcUP0P1A0414114104441 1 ,4 31 tation of the result of the operations• an front of Richmond." ' , • The men who have friends. in the army who wish their return s will . vote for the Democratic nominees, for they are nomi nated on a platform which will give peace to the elation. . • . . Mr. °borne, Piesident, of the Illinois Central heretofore a promi neat Republican, declares for. " Little Mao." His influence is worth several thousand votes. , The learned Dr. Brownsopriays: ,"Ify first object is the ristoratiesi of the Union and the tnaintenanoe of the national in tegrity. which I bellevet be . impossible to done with Abraham Lincoln out President. One of our correspondents with Omens' Grant's army writes us :" "The nomination of McClellan and Pendleton Is received Very enthusiastically by the army gener• ally, and political conversation is all the rage." A correspondent writes us from Clymer, N. Y., as follows : "McClellan's nomins• tion takes first rate in this abolition town. A number who hare voted the abolition ticket hezetofore, say they can't go it any longer, but shall vote this fall for McClel lan." The Albany Argots says that a vote was taken on Tuesday on board the Hudson river ferry boat which resulted as fol- rrai McClellan 50 Lincoln 2 The Springfield .Bepubrwais says that Ex- Secretary Chase has returned fromthe White Mountains, and is now. at the Ite ms) house, is Boston. Privately he talks savagely against the President, and gives his friends the impression that he hopes to see biro defeated. The Boston Journal (Rep.) acknowledges that "the men of long Purses and : eminent respectability" in that i tt4"who:Were the pillars of the Whig ~.have• taken 'Little Mao' to thetr.arms and hearts, and hare already poured put their mOney free ly.to keep up publio enthusiesmr The official recordist Washington show that upwards of one hundred and fitly fe male,recruits have been discovered since the commencement of the war. Over sev enty of these martial ladies, when their• sex was discovered, were acting as officer's servants. In one regiment there were sev enteen noting in that capacity. A Presidsntial• vote was taken on board the steamer Commonwealth, from New York to Providence, on Thursday evening, which resulted as follows : . McClellan 180 Linea ln 42 There were* about forty soldiers from the 4rtny of the Potomac on board, every one Of whom voted for McClellan. . , The'Neeltork ?hies !inks the Tam niOsiy Hall , pictitre cio( Gen.. McClellan ap pears "like the outline of an enraptured chipmiunk.'; We were not aware that 'the, presidential, candidates were to be placed before thopeople on the merits of their persoiol appearance; but if that is to be an "hair," the Lincoln party may as Well give up the contest and save their money. , • Our eichiingoe trim every quarter-froat city, town and village wherever newspa pers are printed, coma filled with the most glowing accounts of McClellan ratifies tionsi; It . ould be sisuudng' too much of a task'to attempt _to 'note all in detail.— Such esithuslaitiU, spontaneous and uni versal Vejoicing . was never known - in the history of this country as has' followed the nomination of Mineral McClellan for the -•• . • Presidency:' ' • Wrii Doer DAT flowLe4be Pciontat inteisgenezr, noticing the fact that Shertnan has not "bagged" or "destroyed" the artily cot 1 19(4 . ..repparkit_tAtii pitore,oushi. to tte an outburst of inAiguation egainot him on L . ha ,part pc . thpi4 Republic a n journals' which havn,never ceased I,ivije it/snarl' margarita to evacuate ',gammas wigtput "baggier or "destroying" them, ,and to retire front at Antietam without comple4g. th,F, `:$ 11 4 1 ) 11 hiton" Whi l doiS e i'the l iadkisdneiOalier gen ' er'als howl t' 41,akitig,Vf ji?o4l comk al rA lh g'thl it too_ place gisitad,e b otsf3btusday even• ing,#e"Thset of that cuira t ay ';',The moat rensitlidtigti Incident that i uiied du , ring the meeting at the Court Aonie seas its being interrupted blr)..Mili . rcitii,s , hee - rs for llfri' asly . Unkiir doldiere ibis . / of itteteputbi ieatui isais 'hetihr 'be'ititiginect than dateribatt when,' in titer midst of $ grandilngdent eittlbiy'oi*the *anoint Old Abe, ihe tirassiaoldiers set lap a shout for - 4 14114141. Mae,' slew mad e th e welkin ring." t ' lofttsvilLi‘aim vim Pira.—Por the that time in its ' Voiwast; 'the ablest organ of the Whip slid Conseivitives of Heatobity;:boisis tibo Ddmoeiiiio Flag by pitingliothelbia'ainiPindteiOn as the bettor imitations* atiteoliestoelor Pres dent:and Vise President. !Tice old Whig aid' Vision party WI reniateki Win 'vote in a solid mass for Win. It is doubtful whether LinoolereatrAget _tee thousand votes in iliiratite. " . a LIP d brown 67odi 1,147;s:: vfzcal-:•-:. t • "a £RI `EIZMUMBO 15;'',18‘t• t,•Lt. ariptheer " r IgraktiftilptAlW•beld• • ideerri he wegwyj o "iitini4APlPPßl.taw, er• wia t w ldeal feewa. 0 11111 •Pehalft0 ; ')*Sebthe 4411414 " teniregebeft bisseaw~astedeftbalaidatial: thii Piff iNieVIIPMIIOten tail* In VOW • tor ,we pat Itia ameprisW i tim germ Warifir,iritiiiiawrid itiaatmitiviewla pie Pm heftier ww•lct' t. ratigatiMlNPßlPMlStif ROIIinUT wAvaelpaoti .„"prtree3to_hiptitlimibingtwp Wnysit. Proms their p9we at Oa one, 1:77- • •,. 4; tat;to+peloar, r i f i t ra t efil l tn i V i rAK l Ml l e #lEtilfir Nage 10 ‘ 1 ,1 1, ?,r .),Vt l r!r;t i r 1 , 11:1410tAlowagailWitia SeSSFort iWeliklawaptiam y mi tI= I,O O4rAkirSA I NISSNO , Pe Se ?Swear. ossaays* JiM We !weldesepeotfally hal the atiwitten of Wahlle in ea belittles for doing ;oh Mattes otdeeteip. that. Raving rapid Promos ga the West styles ortyke, we are prepwed do anything la:thejoliaine line. is a manner 'gaol tool other estiblialtment, and on Won as mineable as the Bahl° or Cleetiland elem. • We kart aided aesrty two thousand dollars worth of mate rial to the taco sinus It has boosts sour posassnlon 4 with es totalely making It what we *mat the to =uni ty needed. How well we have ramoOtt we leave the , epeetentna e lf one which may he Nee in smeary part of North Waii Pflasyhrsaia.to tastily. ' %wee vie weld tasty work are butted stn • us a otIL We. woo any kind of Printing that can he done oloorrhrre s for histouies as AU kinds used by Coal OF em tora. M • ; - AU Mods need byracd 8 , • • ' - AU kinds mad IMCoat !Oh All kinds used by lievehaate acid Stankrepera, AU Mails seed by Itstellern Andaman', AU kindstaid by lfsnatacturebi. All kinds ant by hiedicine Dealsee, j AU kinds used by Auctioning, All Wads used by Bahr* i Agents, ! , , • • All kinds aced by , 'anki, All kinds used by Insaranes ' Ali Mods used bylitost. Campania', . AR kinds used by Umbra, All kiadifased by Comma For. All Made used by Itzprem All kinds need by Probadonal 14e., All kinds amid by Literary BocieUee, AU kinds seed by Public 011ieery, AU Made used by Patentees, AU kinds used by Producers of ifew Articles, • , All kinds used bylierchente of all Trades. All kinds used by Architects, All !tads used by Damerman Establishmeata„ • AU kinds and by Artists generally. All kinds used by Pablie Exhibitors; All blade used by Yeaagen *Masi Amemblis. • All kinds need by Political *wagers, AU binds used by Travelling Agents„ Ail Ueda need by Farmers, or sellers areal estate, All Ida& need by the sears of Pen meal Property, AU kinds need by Renters. In short, all kinds and by all cheat'. Ordem by inidlorhan seat by Impossible parties,prompt ly attended to. Agents Wallow; Concert; Li.. whose respaufb lit; we menet acquainted with, must pay la advance. In eases where yeekages are sent oat of the city by expremand the Imams far wham tail am intend ed have not a regular account atthe *Mee. the bill. for colteetion will levarlably be forwarded with them. '‘ Dentoe.rutte County Conyoutton. The Dentociratio voters. of. Brie county are .nipeotfUlly invited to assemble at their usual plasm; in the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships, on Saturday, September 17tA, , 1884, to elect delegates to a , County Oonventkn to be held at the Couar House, in.the city of Brie, on Tuesday Afternoon; tAe 20th of Scoters kr, 1864, at 2 o'clock, for the nomination of a local ticket, D. W. LIPTCHINSOZ9, • 'Cltairsw. dirard, August. 17, 1/364.—ta: . Arrutrion Doss !—A Cuenca To iimut liforiar.—Very - few_persona are aware, that by a recent invention, newspapers and scraps at printed -Paper t can be converted•into material for printing dpnp again. The' high price of hag made an active demand for. old newspapers, boOks, pamphlet find scraps of paper . for this mine, and it is eagerly bought up by parties . conneeted : with the pa per mills. • By collecting and aiming all the, material of this kind about thefr houses, and selling it, many ilamily can pat isarney is their purses," whioh would otherwise be lost. The highest price, in eash, will: bs paid for it at this Aloe. i t • tf. ca- Obutri.ir. Fifty Cents for Three. Months. In,order to place the ,Osssavga within the reach of all who desire to read sound Union doctrineskyve havit, stecidedlo take subscribers for-the space of, 'three menthe,' commencing .*itti 2 The' alit of August, and ending with the neitiestiei after the Frew idert ti al elect ions The price wilt be Ft)* emirs, invariably is adva*ee. Each eubeerip lion will be promptly discontinued at.thei expiration of the time, unless otheidirec tions are given by the persons receiving the paper. ' We earnestly urge the liemocrits of Erie, Warren. Crawford and..:Ashtabula bounties ,to make' a 'petit& effort to in crease the - circulation-of this:' onscevit during the exeitingarni inipertitit pond. val,otimpaign . "0 soon to ilieiti':-TAtt no Maffi - wait upon hie neighbol-to Cestinterfee the workor obtaining isublicripthinC but entei'upon it himself, with' Onergy. deter mination-and perslittenok.' The crisis - de mands the servi c es of all; and no can exculA himself who "fails- toTerrarii his duty in this hour of his' danger We 'should have 'at. Wait 'Oro thousand campaign subscribers „ on our honks lierorsi ,the close of August., 4 . et otlpFs tliniqaty end inn will ant fail to peed)** pure., • (- 4” Di. is titstiALLPAGATARVIIIINII4F i ek7IIO4 elnalf theraglity prated qlar tvq, an toot arp#t heironite arias G`arahltic 6 !," - .FI ",rvi r pFl aoaMIADACIW ,11 hill 144 line ho`timieeot thevtAirwi." tiatri,..,l4. hien re riee4 *in, aid lisaatue his othaille" Ira *O4 f flat, Its seei &egoist iiit . . eirhhiaiiagiglest 119Ipt , Ali imp so,fal au Imre . . nem ! , Th. loft. inn WI/IPX. ; 40010li and tellill/. it efil4 and teirr4,an .Nl i f? , etritethem ittristitols " 1 !.5ii., 1 ,6ri; 4 ; ?ire tAly eatea to ' til• Pads atbei‘d- t' II • Mote Sea. r of Olr , War* sad Jleadaehe &aid hie Orel Of -Vag ter he all the .ekes alleluia 0" itat Mail, Lk sips, Re. 'oath letie4 tbaseiie WWI; laraea 1 4 1 / 1 , 1 4tl O e li 00 41.41 t u r a irr l w " 4 " ai .8/011°Iu tt l " r th , ?? 4ii " . . t±-1,• ; ViifaaCorAieetH hjiitsPqF ,iroaro,heed r i eital ' tad 14W lir. Railuttrics#oi fiad .ofris'ovorboassa p!minao!l • '44 *I 7"t• Nisii It to h. egad. L 1 , i37,2 7 1 1194f0.00 lion 6t it tot thi ears of ititatih Apiettemo. oad that It la asetiwif ta. iiTtwol' i i hats . 7 litp ! iya, tbr elkeeepaes malaise ot the ' ; • " Barr k PermCum*, Raimi..aaetta4 Co it•I14001;i Co.. Seed. h Ca. Seth Ir. trailer. Patella* *Oa. &Man t Mao& , 11. Nay. Poithrett.ll64 Rain. AI 71 1 1 4 A- B.# itilA tia. 4. l gAohni polo CoasisfAX6ear Ifictuen L soma a as z: inkt yaw * 084 a lt R OAR ar Tait. . • ~ • • . nab lirsitliniplata. Yf- Jrniay. •it 111111011M11 AN. mod at Itorooiss clioWlttyaa, jek compotoser, Promistro Mow sod ToatWat Ifttot's aottafttlity iOdra to blioilt otbioo, *ill to hap vo py is end* to all oho ego, ' trio, 'ot ot' *o ,00t &odious Ibr motior Aogito wt hide moo nom "tabs. to t.3t kW ORM, 800 l lad poorness &Tolosa , * Ralledh aUI MO** 1130 Tittlint Ira ? (1161 o r ioslodg e try addrosohit • • No.lo titioposiltrA 5.14 . Amor rVIM *tat 41411V s ki4lll/ t .../kg , ea CHUM USS sr Ours. is loss s'SS aitts thip *sot Oli Ifilill'OeSlC War, rsomatato Deem alissiled: ramisim. god all Uttentl,SassiAsed It ll.. lir trelmilist eltsie prodssmt . vise &lbw's'' , liim SIM. Kit 011470 , sosik es 0,664,61,1-'064b611 6511 , ,510N6 6NM la sob saint— ' iliereso , -. • . -:, ~ - • .t . . VW. 110111 L.:4 f..• : :,t- - ! 1.2 :17z.tru;<.': -::, r tvi, 4 Z:i:c:::4.l SLI 1J C.1.11t,i 4il TILC:. Itt1.1:1/ : - - • :Bestowa l Cads fasseted Mb gkillll?Yi...: k 44 lll 14r you.l id tOntLiAvi. lla • • • el • CinT Itraorize, imaxrdsOmill,__ rptyer. sortr gamy or mkt ryas of nape to Ms Constr. Mee la Comm Mame Mem. lirlittro Bleak. . , aprir64-Iy. D! D. Wk1.M.1114 . ozawastax ato &intim:as nosogiuro. .nairov Pa.^ Waselhosolow no" nisi Om* r !IWO nowt. dialer la San, rob, plow' Pnwtsw; Law Liww. to N. .-.l'wellealar a • • • will M(lva 10 the Rooototor Foswanliog of insoOM Ora& aid Roe ,11.ptoti of thoooWiltrY• woOIInING . • • , • • ~ D IUSUHLINUIAII • 4., • .• • • WMIX ' II. 44. AID ligrintousas sip • • Mau wed- Post„ Wie4 sad Will4wWsre,_pagjdqueml;TO N meaor4iftat, ha,Stab tiv - Totifi Maw randdilag Caperfam, . „ • , jbael-02.- E t f l'eurhotiapounT. '-"- • " " 7 -•. 1 1- l a h ,Pmeni °Palm Raw. oge e` need N - Tobieli Ntreet, betiert TM sad AMIV • n I .7 • ~4 • 0,...... • e- - - -:-•t , .. lead 114:: l lrniaoswit lA et. " iiad DLW ECAlngi ,r4Wll,llnil axe per Int% am* etiotb sada4tikalp..Ede,76... " • Xxossites Pirroisairs Bassarestit.illask. Keit ti. - . • IIA PIN at wr usuar, Cr.aw, Ridgway. Pa Psett re' Ellt.itei6tre km amem a ti . j . . T eo a J. P. f.aAPI In Geuß. • N.! W. HULL; • • • nonurrox. . MORALSON. HOUSE. • OlinerpfAt. •1;11 aid Marlon Mufti—owl Roan out of , ebtlide'Lltbidaaite. wafaa, A. *. Sept. d eVol.l4w.v,vitiriloom, • -:-•*- • JUrrtell OP,rus rsule... in Glassetto buildisilsoutti:stettt poroter`nriNfb awl Mt* streets. geerespossiurilossatoth sM sallestionsuestle precut 1p r jelr6l-Iy.• VIM • BoeriArlnms.lhans EOM . V .14appdt4tatyptiliaderseethi's $IoeY, FA% Pa. i 11 tags H. CUTLER. i.l . 1 &mainly .kr Mewl, trio Covaty; Ccilliethemr acid other Wilmot at•adiod to' *in romptailis Nod einisteb. • .D F. ANSI6I ' • • •• . . 2 _Boozwataut and Dealer in atattonsty. Nall Papie r Ndiallone, NommOsipitis, Cloestey &Were eepplied. Stone Ender Beenee ftetet,tronthig the Path. anelreittt. * jj . . • .1.8. Comm bertehee the Mee MU et MO teat et Fried* Street. Dear the .Phllietelphis depot, ZtieAdtr, , utd to presaged to hersishirh:te Lime. Ea large et• - ii qualities. et the lawaet-saarket S. SUMS MIDI. ■ PA= DAVIS. Orrnie is DAYII4, Streit. 11 Pa. "MarS" hektrib4Crrt JW. WWI:MOWN, . ' MINIM AT i.w, Ws3kWi O. Ilee, Oteirrenth Stmt. Ps. - &IX 7 'B2 WO. PIEKKINS, an al; Durum Boottfo Bloch, North aide alb* Auk, Motor Zifo. Ps. ootiret tr. . . L A VAT/OTR lIIIITZL. ~ • street, Whoa& Ilth sad lith etopeta, near the PhD= & Zele Rama Depot, Lite, Pa, Loals‘abowskoz, Proprietor. &aleaelve ,soemsouodie tion for Amnon rind hearders. Bo4d by the day or w.k. Geed stabling attached.. ' nein= A BRAPIPMIR, ' - rs PASIDOILLII.I Tenons Sad Avoits fir Maier h iteyeer's Plant Sowing Madames —the hot to sae. Meta tltrest, betwesh Ilth met 9th Ste. lAN Ps. • Clothes =As to order In the !West stile. myVd3-Iy. amsolerre, ' IXL - • Wrest Ara gam Beaus, on Eighth Street; between State and French: line Horses and Car- Plague Whit notreasonalde term. Iny2r64-Iy.. 110DELli, &ill CAMPER., iJlLAirmartutrasafatiazallkirls Arricaltarsl Implespeata • Balltpad ikik ru% :•'. - ' • - simikettA 4 VV - - DIJITIPT. (Mak in Roses- Iri PZI *Clekaidith Ma et tbirrark• tria• ra• 'gum: A. GALBRAITH._ . • z " eireceterearueiN4Heemeltheinet, evly'oivotilte the Conrtyfeeee.Krhe.ne. • 8. BPENCIR._ - • ,_. • ASWAN 1 1 / 1 1116. SPENCER, & - MAIIVIN 0017PISNLLO,L4 'AT LAW FFICF4 Tarawa Bk)clo dear North wr.t. Corner Prey , NW* Pow*. Arlo. Pa. TRIM C. P*6lll{l. - • . fl Dunn St DST DOODS. CISTISISS. .. ** pt Ral4llllllos liall•MlNN.Besd t Plastr!,ll4o., 'DV ier of xth ittwt Apt Pabite Simms, W., Pa. Jar:U. cur it' gtrr And Show It to Your Friend.. :& WILSON'S OM • IMPROVED • . EW d. - 71LACIEDUS! They ire liekuowledired to be the U litAbtillig ever ieedlttatbla eetittrev :,Thett.ourtesUed matessee sot ouly E 4 this (pantry, but all °yet the Woe& has isr.dit bribe the meet peetierrahtehlue seer la a.e. , p stiEnAt YEAAS' s'e ' They hate Askew the 40 of all othar 7 ltscibinm. but atm the late baprowenarots have boss 'Mod; stem ws. sha y We inch 4 performed with sash *Ma sad eiipidity the , • . •' ' 1 Liktillli ARE IN ROSTAcliti OVNIt :I I' t - , " .... . • An 4 4 elk* the admiration of ALL. We warrant them to stitch erstreattety at ioothkfrom the thieved Westin to,thio thickset sloth. Ty mak• the celshrated "lock stitch?' which is Instioisible to ri' or' rate' These Na. sititentriitdo this lallowies week WlTtioUr-Alflf 8UR .1141 _OR' PRZPAItATION, els :. 7-, •r• .:1 . 4 .' • 1 . ' ATITCII.,IIIIIII, FELL, CORU I , tuTiugq, D RAID - • , welt.. OIND is QViLT: • . . . •• : iiior *mail Roy width': of Wein without preirlinudy twat*, or Duthie it :* the, will wittily sad rbili ipt sow on t'lp moo i 4 you dou:t..b.lievo it, ! - -•,, I .1.1 - ... .:,. •-. : • ; . - .COME AND SEE_FOp, YpUBSEGF. . Shim &woad tor Ulnae estrbrateil .Idaohts.• ware haveleen locateil in Frie...bea b.en Obeli ivfalikittiatint illfreali, Ie tilling oar ordrot, hat we Urea lilketuelc,jonti reeked, and ate ready to see an, 11,64 en'plus der en their tear' a. Oar 'norm, AtotgloOt t tly waitivpi itirinb,d, owl our ter Onitilklitehl• tfip=ritiOtfrif the tmairtena are not Noel tql 11141.10 t/ lursOdet tkb higiona premium* at' PlTlPWl l lolP.lMitAiii'irir , Ledt•lnit MIL - 4, t t %INV faV4 ln M e SI "t i f f Hi ,-,t , o4l;ervin Igna 411liiialnamitotoo7 ilhaf f e.4,n4 -Voillaty• F irlooe el- Thew are nrerritilea 16re • p.a... The, ,re liellkilfilinfiptit NO: ;TTnlnllciti•tei. - The. r with th e Ano=tuilL The, Cr. Menet nootelota. sigutznixt 'men • • , • -14. ' xii Rtit4 ,001 °P•mtion. lon ranooktoine, anti for id ill' stork and leiitra I:r br malt r (Aff 4114itipirq. Minute , : Union Klock. (Fatat Pa!),,Yßrie,r.: State Shod ~.• ,t , - , J. , ..%1•3 '-) : ;-.: 14 - L.C. '. %;:•,...:_‘ ! ', FALL TRIM OPENS , l”r • ,:,1 . :3 , - . WO/NEWLY* AUGUST '•l7, 1861. ~`~►R A •CP:;' . 'NAB." ~~ ~, A. COOPER, '"‘ " 'EDI:4'1)0; slitg"CO., PA. _ •1004 T. . B,kYN N E'T • S ! KIS. , 1. H. HALL Weald rip•Fttally eµl stlyatioa to her STOCK; 0 F (4, 00 to , ,Ffatisseived tram Nei TWA saiessise liannets, Hats, Itibbons,-&o.; . 1 X*Piker idsk "as . G ,O. •O. D 8, *bleb eke inceell &Ur roit IttADY-PAY. i llermaimaaratSmethla pild biimisida& Waft 'as Move Oa D i m ., A lAMB LOT , f CW-D!in", Priftitteatsilk fteia4; . e l ,lO .ar etrAdmr,l - 4 N -44 VP* 014 Ili) P ' POk 4 ,••mist, ____ •omMaatlo• to • . . . . . 1 • D to. Tax rig is I . A . ..1 4: Igleig xxlv !atlas at the PR 0 i gi vi i • ' • • UT IN e SOW 1. i. Thelost of Msaiss :ltzlytatth ~* .. id P B ISS-Ile LO. tr . bil i r •l Akita), IT 111 r 0•64.4•• .. , TIM raillkorsklitievp amil Opbsji .;.:2v -7:::411 , ...Min ft ' -I 4v., ml. - :trr. T ii*xur _loaf!!! litesehilt: H a lm sad aewinelledi; imam, andweaa.. ..t1f.fe . ....,r. CoeetltafFelli. —t•-*' • -' TeinvIMAILKOI riturairlie 4 4oW . tlass. 11111114 ftla - am ammo 4 bbllfibtipb sad P1a62110.:‘• . / 4 `_. .„ _ I •"'•: mm •" ~,f - ---a , gri "; THIFTWIIIWIIILI II WM , hi Omer ettesatictrlel a SAD STATalfdlelaW, scoosoyasied by Delellte err a-lewiltete of the aye. em• Being Ine freak Aleehol 11.• coy . firm4 . s ~Caw elute Sr. selyWhoweil ha egreeppeihar rereettets, tale periaaosat, taf.a.a m er t hssam all pa rhi of the ryll mid Whites ii i riMagt lITTIVIION IS Is as eteatlili r ervie* -1 , rer ial tf hire a ethatiliiills . • - -. • - ' 1411101.11artangigirr=ti • I ' So talmilelidilhae elhalailiW1140:11/1" a de- Wale' TfiltSLOODittiest__lpete4et It to the system.% like tryhig mat' lendlerwhen the fpantetten is plow, • , ; • Pamphlets matelots( sertllleatee bf ems sad resew meedettonaffbill eOwte• a? the meet emieent Physteiette. Clettymekepd whets; wttl tp mat !It ho asp sof - We 'sleet a few of the muses. to alilow the eluip:whor,qt the Whom:tali: • JOHN C. WILLIAMIK.,Ren Trodden& of die Jleno. polhee Bank, N. Y.. Ray. ABEL IiRKVBNES late Miter Christi& diamstaia M Jestrunt, Rev. CRITIICH I rditor Now York Chreside, Rev. Jobe Tierpents _Bev.. arm Barton, Roy.- Arthar B. ituDir; Bovelliardealtabiha, Rev. Bynum C014,-lior. Viten Ring. Wm Itplindoi Note. Jr, Rev. Joseph' H Casa. Rev. P.O. Hsodley, Ker. Jobe W Olmstead, Lewis otto man, D , Roma Mauler lUD (Likud/W. N. W. R. Chisholm, N. 0., ItraneheDarm,_x: D. ..Tettmlah Mono, N. D., taw insterstiA • -IWI-11:1".. - 14 J. Halo% Al e elion ;Wendell. Y. 4. 54144 1/1,4).. V. Linsar, D. theErnnr, There reen is bon one nr it eogyerffironf taire - Hor tee. fiance ewes • Line. sad !LW if , 1211 L. B Anr eared Uernoole:shoro ether PIRSOICIL nemodie have fatted to give rot .1i rod ineedide Amon lootate to gist it • hist. 'J. • 111 . 'For Dr,rsrste, DanLurs and 01143.1,1TWPRollaT. -Pte• speaks. parod by N. I. CLARK R CO.. ennfeelveiclbr J. P. DINRYIOALK. del Rroodway. N. T. Sold 1 . 7 . all Draipeta. eunfler.ly. . A PACT GENERALLY. KNOWN, • THAT the varlet,' •of raw 'style Bed stissis, of Sothis, Cotters, Coommer. Mood Cor se; Camp &A. Amu Lind sad other fathom, with i=sad atnat_front,hambnosely mimeredllaresus, Dining, BnolMat, Pedro sad other Tahiti. Whatnot; Quakes Steads. and Demme dela Bode, Hair sad eta areatlfiftsesse, Iltathsa l ' 4l4: = maw' Bolsters with Ohm nossehold fadlan, W e t nafactared from wall masoired hunter sad material;by esmorienoed liCifittlell and tot MWM. lads. lor di t s t i rdl e = low prkas irM swo.prine 11 am. Feathers Imelfu:l sold. Cans eret a r abfrad htior, Bedroom, Rodin; wing, Name sad other of rasters sat Weshom mono feetare. are hickory do sad gilled, =Mitt than as strong as any other past of the ehalrorbers others made and sold are only maid, mod by ao mesas datable. Wood Windsor. Bo:Mag. Sewing sad Nano, a,, that,, of hard wood mends ellashad through the not and shadow ranted to stead. Haadsonsely panted, sad asset to boa. ton for rtrosolly WOO and Sal/ Smin fboda. I ham sold over Silearijeam the highest with a - Sot of prloss of all goods seat on applkatloa. Padang sid &Wag feta. After an yam erperlortee sad °outmoding with 11D. prlaelpelod two prim dralersc I sin determined to sell one pries to all.thm worth for your pay. and do jostles to all who trod* with aro. Lumbar. LatkEttkisiems, Live Stook. Cradle tad Beene Oil, Mon Pay r Proftell fre., titan at fah market valued hot ply. Remember tDu *es, sett sorer of sth etrest ,en State. Izim Pa.• . •If 4 -Irk • 10v2,14f. Warisher aid Cormaliaßalamem:. W HOU:S.4IIE & RETAIL • • GROCERY STORE. • P. A. MiIIOKKR. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - GROCER, Peras.Z#i *no # W Mrh ifltratai Wit*, , ' (oitimenskY • runs eoll w silsatios of aosiantalty to Mitzi** aces of -GROCER.IIO AND' PROVISIONS, • wet bi;is &ikon to mast VERY LOW JPOESIBLR VIDERISE i 34411 ,.. _Him amportmest of SUG - CO FEES, • • "-= • • • TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Is not imposed fa the aity, us he is ginstl to pram to wko bin a coLL . • lie the keeps loaetsaty es feed eaperier 44 ) PURR LIQUORS; %ribs ehalimele 44.44. to wadi h. 4444 44 stimatien of Uwe pattle. His motto Is. "{back Bsloa, ?mato sod • fall kohl"lent for the Iforoy." - sorlreilt. • CONN Ithistrated Deuestic Bibb, IN ONC CROWN QUARTO VOL.,NXI PAUO, 700 DEICIIPTITIMIGUTINGS BD Lin: for the Taal/y. SsShah InhoolToseless — eatudelti of the Bibte, this work hail T 11116,11 'ilsdssblo filatures. Iris: - • .. • 1. Erna handled Thosirf . thy Ingrastogs , . I. Isar thowssad Beistoassi. , . ' • 3. l'iney Ifasseabsil Stool Maps, . . 4. Memos= Iwproved Read ap. • •• , 5. A 0111151101008111 Ord.'s... , • . . - 6..6 bete ilfas of sash Chiptire. ' - T. Asthma:= is liiits**Atarns. - . .. S. itefisetions on each Chiptar." 9. gasstioseittsisl oleo* Oherlsr for Irsalli MIA. Ratios. 10. Mars allied to thi Ckepters, for wish Norniete and Ereolaga Readlag. annprislag the whols Bilde hea 11. An Extended Conoordases. 12. A Family Photograph Department. The leittsdaetkin othnotoglaph Album ter stair and intarestmg Nature of **work. It sonspriesa glut° peva. with opealsge tot 10 eard pktarse, where 'fa be preserved with eingulne-pegnisty the Igraine *Ware et • Pelored father end brothew ei jin alsetiolath =other 'sad eisser, the ;el& Bible fewideine irate.. 1a shaft, • -- , , , - DOKESTICI!BiIi.L:E ILLUSTfiI4TEIS. 4 - oombhies es • Panilli tibia, hem advantages die - say dings, welt serreigerwl.th the 1401 V. it Se watt bated 14 owe 19 1 •0= 4 . ptertetioj p !ma t t, adormoopot aer. Parlor er Library. - • • . - • • 'TM *O4 Is e adoallluoßnlditit.ikakroll4, - Prupk, la tail ell lito laud her. marble !Ogg 1 la gut sad Wail '" • 30 0 on turaKatlt Tam03,3..31,N0t•a),40111 mar.: P. 51 - Thus* wha dew.. ih• a 6.30.4 esterLa plrikkr atldrier. .1 fltakfillf, Ikoprksillk., - APITHRACATE':.:: B-1 T:IM.ENIj . . U..' . o'p A W. ?he Aufole•ibry ylul4 ned i ifullylatinuuni`s thi 1,40. Han/ Bess antifei Mrs the sin ebolli.h. to Coal"riag t tie p e riolr,f ear, . II 1 • , D •*„T A N ; - • coikeK 'or • FIFTH ST ET AND „Tilt 1143.4. L. POMMY 4111111i14 . • ani Idea a/ :64 • 'applied to : , - •. LARGE oft4'.!..p - 10,t4.„ ' pIANTertEA . ,: - • 'LOWICEIT )111Cji l a,it la•T • 1%,10110 I tow gassa i rojedia ; ivisatkpoßoor • , Aithadta i • VOal': . :_Trado ! wa „a a t i iim n A.thlt. Pay. tA• T. RAILROAD SBIDos`.OVSS:NII Lt CitRER, Mows 1 lOU tap, wybaird ",‘ ; • , THE BEST QM. A. 1 44 T.. 1 E Of ,that Idodi?t Voil e , ' r. " Ordwo for either A's throdio lOU so promptly oOmodadt,(4 ^ F • mr2O-On t _ . W. w..reiOri. OLD PRL .r.joon's.l:l.l;JL:.::, I ~~ ~.• i 2 ( I M, NO ADVANCE i OLD PRIMO. WO ADYAlliegi! d.l 0. 11 Lp,lll-7ff 18 BELLING WALL PA.P,EI4 LT OLD MCI& spIML a .is i : p i embu ßGS SUPPLY of MA** riostool. Is as ,emu. 710 Riad Portoralie li t i ft World. traitooly will en *tit lA* eta ttiolo Jltit A do bi UN be:oam oott goon, A Utast Mu m m' to tho Soot% ; • , - me w oe - • amok 1.4 swift . Notioe.'. .. . NV NEB EA,I3 WY WIPE.' EMU V T VARGO. bia WM sr lied sod baird views% jail ma- sad as ti or mq 4sstrs Mips to afillyell pp " 1 ".16""" dr."...kgai."4. l 7AlM d e se 1 parrs • IL PAM°. , ' Itinlint; rk,1141.-.4ffel-liii ' . \ • mit7, WM lami ir..,