1. 1); ORK AT ENGLISH REMEDY 41111. JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Pemale 'Pills. oTECTED 6 ;.-"l;V•fr;.% • - PATENT ! di R oy L - pargdfoosja Procriptient of Sir J. Clerk; M. D., Physician Eitraordinary to ties Queen. 'it feruleshie medicine t nestling in the rare .'f aU cajole' and itancereae diseases to which the fornale wititrtire fa enhieet. ft moderates et excess and re, veto all obiltnctions. and a speeds' cure may be relied TO MARRIED I.ADIIOI • ,1, pecul iarly salted. it will, la a wort tiara., bring an I t r r onittl v psrind with fegnlsrity . , Evil bt , Etle, priest/no Dollar, boats ths Goveransoot no w of Orsatilritatn, to prevent rnanierhntk , CAUTION. Ana PM) shoed' sot be taken be 'Female. dun* , tAa FIRST THRRIC MONTHS of Poignancy, es they as arr oo Atimbrriage, bat at tan aderAiata they al - • I. ;II oipois of kprecatialand Spinal affeetlena, Pains in t . Rut and f.lmha. Pat Iran o n rll¢htexertion,Palplta ,„„ of the Heart. if enteric% and White., these Pills will ',toe A core when all other w.eans have failed ; and al. ,e r , u zn r oweenl , emedy, do not eentate Iron. calomel. , omont or aorthlnwimrtfol to the conatitntlnn .nrections In the pamphlet around each rarkaire. ~ I zn phonld he carefully p'e'nned. - • QOM) RY A 1.7. TIRUGGTSYS !11. , s cent Air the United State and Canada JOR 3103P.3, 27 rlortlandt St., New York. e -61, 00 and 6 Pogtwr." gratin" enelnand to any an• baited agent. will insure a bottle, enntain lug 60 Pills. Jr9114-Iy. REVOLUTtON 114 TIER D'iliflSlNO ROOM. Ry the almost unanimous mutton of the parties In ward. CRIiTADORT HAIR TPCE has ',placed the Ad worn nut inventions ft. colorinc the hair, whtek the tete esperlono) 4! years had proved to be Ineffeetlye deleterious. Unlike the compounds that MAKE upon the health of the hair and-dry up and eon- Ame the julceirwhlch sustain It. We mild, genial and -velert Dye Is fnind to be a vitalising. as well as a eater. iut tent. ertatadore's hair Preserratlve, valnable adi aunt to the Dye, In dem slug and promoting 'h., growth and perfect health of the hate, and of Itself rhea cued alone, a eafertard that tmatctets the fibres from 3.e.” under all clroornqtances and under all climes. Ittoofaetoro4 by J. ()MST ai KIR% Yo, 43 Astor goose, tee York. Sold lit all fhnzzlete and applied hr ell Rale Ibraadoll, 11 , 10 11-101. A Card to the Suffering_ WA L LOW two or three hogshead' of "Boehm ° " " "T Tatters uNerro Antl• dotes," ;:e., kn.; ke ' end after VI I 1 re aattsded with the remit. then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BIIOFI SFS ENOLIdEI EPRCIFIO PlMA...and be restored to health and vigor in hem than thirty day& They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt end oalotary to theft effects on the broken down and chattered constitution. Old and young can tote them with advantage. /mpor tad and void in thi rutted stases only by JAB. a. Byrum, No. 427 ettoiwity. New TM*. • Agent for the United Stntes. P. B.—A box of the Pills • securely peeked. will be mall. el to any address on rseeirt of pries. which is One Dot ty, pest paid—money refunded by. the Agent if entire utdaotion is not given. 1v23.3m. FIDITOR OF OFP 4 ERVEII3-I:Man Ain :—With n your kind permission I wish to say to the readers et your paper that I will send, by return mall, to all who ebb it, (free) a Paolo% with full direettona tbr making ~a cling a simple Vegetable Bailin, that will effectually room In ten days. Pimple... Blotches. Tan, Freckles =dill Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same clear, .00th and beautiful. also mail feet to those haying RAM Heads, er RCS Faroe, simple direct'ons and information that will noble them to start a full growth of Lim:wt.:it Pair, Whiners or moitatiche in lees than thirty day.. All applications anewore.l, by return mall, without Avg.. . Regpeetfally yours. "PROS. IF °Ran( AN, Chemist, till Broadway, New York. iv.23-inl Dti ivutA4 , 'VFOIRTIL LININIENT...,A. rerUla Care for pains In the 'lnaba and hack, son latest, ernnp.rhenmatlem, &die, &e. A perfeet family sidieine,and wirer falls. Road I Read fl Read!! ! LtTOVIA. WATNI CO . MICR, June 16,1 m la to rertlfy that my wife was taken with galneey ants Thmatgit eon:uanced Axel'. and was in pro that the tile tint awallor , anT coughed violently. I nod your Polment. and made a Dorset earls is one teak. I firmly oelleve bat• for the Linlmenttahe weuld bare log her life JOHN H. HARLAN. read 6 , 1 et.nt.t. Rll , l by %II druggists. 0 2100, Cortlandt Street, New York. ' SeptS-Ito. A ibiIiNTLECIIAN, cored of Nervotte Debility, In competency, Premature Densy and Youthful Error, actuated by a dish.e to benefit other. will be happy to ann..% to all 'rho 13Pei it, (free of charge.) the recipe .nd dinactione for unatina the atmple remedy need itlhts ale These wishinz to profit 11 hie experience, and paws+ a Vali:labia Remedr, will receive the a me, by Warn mil, (carefully sealed.) by addreetireg JOHN B. OGDEN, No. On Kaman Rtr‘et, N s lr. V , mrl4.3m. 1 - 10 NU Wil•Oi Tel OK CIII4K 4/ 1-1712. •Brf. Cli;A:i"3 LliH rIPECIFIC PILLSI core, In less wan days, the worst asses of NERFOtIiNEB4, Imps. wily, Premature nett) , Aso:anal Weakness, insanity, sad all Crinse t, 'Usual and Nervous Affections. no mat ter trona f. bat o.uss produced. Price one d-Illsr when. Bent, gold paid, by wail, on re'vipt of au order One box will perfect a rum lo most 'rases. Address JANES S SE T TLES, Genersl Agent, 427 Iroadway, New York. r2Erdaillm altHO IS NOTHING more certain to prevent T female irregularities than Dr. Velpatt's ?male Pills. They will io all cases cease • retina of monthly sick eme without which no unmarried lady can enjoy w het health. Sold by all drnnista. aug2P-Im. QUESTIONS, 1 QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern Every One to Answer ! On you bold I Dog I oar bolt fall off f- Hag your hair bocoine thin 1 - Does It feel herair, sod dry, and facet ate / Is If turning gray before its Woo I. yoa troubled with itching, burning sensation of the se.,llp? Are kon troubled with Dandruff? Are you troubled with what to called StarofaLe rig Belt Rheum /- Havelyou had the Erysipelas, and loot your halt ! Ease you had the Meanies, and lost it Bare you had the Typhoid Fever, and lost Here you lost your hair by any sickness ? • DO you wish luxuriant hair? Do you wish soft and luatroue hair Do you wish grey hair restored ? Du you wish your whiskers glossy ? Do you wish them restored In Geier? Do you want it for your children? Do you want It for yourself, (or tether or mother, At brother, sister or friend t Do you want to make a present ? !to you want • psrfume for your toilet!' Do yin went • larmlua artiele ? Do you Tint • pure article? DO You want & double distilled article Do you wane a eleansingtarticle ? Do you want the best preparation oat for drestang, stusulatlng, protecting, restoring the aolor. and !snider. lag soft, silky and lustrous the Human Bair lf so, we warrant CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, r ~11 T~` n - ~ TO sr, UNEQUALTiD s A ND SUPERIOR TO ANY PREPARATION EVER COMPOUNDED AND OFFERED. TO THE PUBLIC eatisthetnen guaranteed, or the enemy Wooded oona bat $1 for oai bottia, cir 6 bottbro for LI, tab soil by Druggists lad Nabors everywhere O. U._ OLA CO., Proprietor'. SARYX4 k CO., N. Y, Gitkaral Apia.. tyle'6ll THE PLACE TO GET , YOUR MONEY BACK, is AT E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT & SHOE S.I'ORE reww,tb INAMA aid Iteserrimit • comuttise ot Poosattrasto to tae olty til Erb. ea Ms. It has lova lewd by tie Pasoplesimis asile wad seder theft 60118 is iripilly Wag Piatili a =rint ill ... ___liti /.. fit , . 4411 ,11Mtat r iiK I TMISai= Nit MMus 'W. Die t - ail* ea ilie l i an 1 A. , 14 6a inal . 4 wIS!OUPPos . 1 9 11 . 111 4 " in si ivi i • . : . ..=:::: 73 " .. ' U W.A.*. =Val& Aram •al a Il itzgas tai t t raz i thea neweerr ' • , .......6 la lik. a /IV s Iv • I'B. B WWI. la . emu DU Gail Katst lama, Inelttrt i . . C. tr. • -; . .. • J. D ars . 11., situ, a. H. NOV it. liamed Ilat Ara% Mad% ii =WM a nt ral Was t. Plakesi ema Itanam, - ' - • , 4.1: 1 :11r4 4VA:111 I idly silablldial the mitisdkr et 1 3 iri 0 re 17 vaok R ijo aA SALVE .11,N, 7*- MEM eageammr." : i ,_ , WATER GUIN4 NW A? Tat 1= the hlKv. isill•11 hie% %J. I•L 6 , 1 .) flti t , r,•,; ~:, vtif..c.,i:::: EM NOT , A, mow oalkilarm*Tio . VINBITABLE 7 • f Ptragtoinink. I=ii ,Doctoi lioofland'ai GEIiMAN. BITTERS;` `. I 2 'PREPoIp $T C ', 4. - JActsof, P/ILLAbq,,PA. W I LL 11MIPTIIALU , uvak coxpLust 1) ,YaPareasi; :r•indbo,, ohmic wx,,,imiff Dabititypitme4i . gtlis Other. and pilD6llllllolerfavfir dilawiterei Laiii/r Alma& • N . _east ' nos. lawarel se Ceastapa. • " Vallsenoe Eklen li t: the • Sod, adalty of the Stem soh. Name, HearlhanhDleillat Ow ay reek Irall Kno eme or W neseight t k o the eloaum am* ttis. S Flat at tie pit at the atoelleth, laing Straw wag of ibonesel.Elateted and Breablai, rlattertaig at the Ifeatt, °whoa ee nallemotag No salsas when la a lying peetafe, of ',Wolk Dela Wetabalese tM Mat. 7sierr sat Dan late la the Delekteey of Perspliailoa. Televisese al the ao4 Apes, Pala la the SW. naek. cart, Wee, Res„ MAUR Flubs d . 111114 Ih t irellig la the Inseh, Caeo. Mas haeglaatisa ef - sae peat Depreso Ilea of , 4 010 mu. MUMMY iirriiirt I YELLOW ram. Briaous MU+ *V: ; THEY , ixtrrwir NO azoogoz ! waunagyt shiiii ir so.4 satelta • somitilmes A €l.O4jD APPiTITE? To'striLD cm YOUR oosirrmrnois : TO PEEL WELL? TO MIT RID OF NEIP7OIIII4IAFIN IFIRGT.I TO 814EZP WELL-t - A PP' ANT ., vicktaoas PULING ECOMP I LAMYS arKRILAY .nrrrns. Art ei Minn Mom D. D. Edger if As Agri* aegis of It!indriess Kiwided" • Although not dils.ppsaeed to Ohm er 1011001111,81 Patent liodietoes to general,' through distrust , of their Jovial eats sad cacti; I yet know of no .ardent mama whi„ a lase stay not testify to the banatit , he believes Mead to hams rewind fruit any ototpl• preparation, ia the • hope that be may Dim contribute to the bead" of °them do this toe atom readily to nocard to Hoollaud's Ger ms Bitten', Amend be Dr. C. li. if this city. teem* was pritadlood asoJad than -kg• asaay years. ander impresolon that they were chitty aa aliottolle Iniahon.' lan loistoted to bay frhad Robert Shoemaker. Sas.. for tho removal of We mingle, by progsrgagig. and ear Suesnanigeseat te python, when trathuing frees via and lam 'optioned debilly The aloof three but t(o VW althea Mier% at the ef the peolatysat, aria Mowed Ity mod restaran to a dm gre• of-bodily soul siestol vigor oldie I bad not bit by six inutile haforoand had sigasatOseostgog og - 1 therefore thank Wei sad my tdamillee dtrastlag vi the use of thaw = Jen 24 Mt J. NZW?ON BROWN.— MOPE, P.ERTICIOLAR,. NOTICE. Mors Sr. busy posparattoitschilintair tb• aim co .131ttsrs, pat up in WWI to caapsossasd of tits ebeuPletmlridellosy or cossiaaa ralk =slaw or Sol ; airslats per salsa, Use tarts dtaggilasd by anise as Maloss dastlJ _• This dui at Bitters las caused sad vtll madame GM" salmi, as the/ OR be sold, isaplao die IL I N dust!' of thi drunkard. By their use Obi "wino eoatbriali, iinsliat tie !Mums* of slooistts atisuuta*s of tits wetst kind, the desire for Liquor is crested sad s u sod Sas resattiesdl the korner stardust apes • • Ili* sad death. /or those who dodos and rill Assn a Liquor Bates. Ira mania fallawing rsouipS: Gni Ons 34 1 / 4 1 /kir fres Gavin Mars and Ws iith no* quarts a agog &wady of Wkisirry, sad this mall will be • preps laws that pill for sted nisdidnal virtues sad Ira , . saosilarses as, of this inowsrolis Liquor Blom to the sadist, sad will and mon ism You will haws all It), theadeK Mary In aranastioa SAO -a tad artbils of tla Liqurip or, soda at a melt IMO pries than ikon" lossr erepsasli yea. , liatifira. Wan e aid, MO" it Saldiers. We sin the atleatios burls; reletioes or Westr Is the, to ' the fad that 'fiCkilLlPlirB German ltitteW wW earealselsotbe of WI Warms Wooed by - aworarse asd wriwatiose lataidest to amp We. la the Thai, published absoet daily to the newspapers,' on a., mi i,a of as tick, It will be noticed that a ;very Lary* froportirma are auderiag from debility. Very ease • that Mad sta be rawiliy owed by iloodand's wan a Bitten. Disdain rerliilew from Camden, of the 4 1401 UT@ I IV= are speedily reamed, WO Dare DO /INA - Una a•t&Ua that, if thee. Bitters were heel, seed •mongoareoldies, kaadspda of Sees might be see d .sat etberwise will be loan • Plelitnaikntiallatalt tit She *Montag run 4a. 'WeawtwMlee gsstMatseee_ , nen et the mobilo' hams, whoa* lA. to awe his o int `lenanife. »ham Tare sand by tho PIttLartILLP/ILL, angora list 11162. MOM ASV e l ms—Weil. gentlemen, vent Hue , emirs Gemmel Bitters hie wed ari lthc there le co . tat& ' It is ironclad for by numbers of me oomrsdes, momi of whose acmes in appended, and w) Irmo tally oosettent of ate tbcoireemetemme of my env , tam Mid have been for the last fear yeas e, a mentbeto Nasalise', oeletealei battery, and ender the immediate commtod of Ceptain It B. lyres. Through the imp sunk attaodaat upon my &Osage • diatiLenta atmeire4 hi 'NOM** het liith bap, at for eeemrty-tere &veto the hoepftNt. This was lb. towedly great debility, heightened by as ottani. of' •te. wan. • 1 was Own temoved tam the %V bite Boa" and Ant to tide city on board the 1 4 1 e. men ..state album, • hem which ,l landed on the 23th of Jima Since tlyt time) bees been sleeted low AI eay one could be s.d IA relate •ertrit of vitality. For a week or mom ins Illialwiad~ti. enythief, and HI asa love narmettlown; wiz immediately thrown up span. I could nut Tan keep.ears of water on my stoma!'., We welt not laat ander thane arasaittisees ; end to eonlingly thetiduiiciani who kiii.asea -waiting hi& • jolly. though awcaisemefully, t.. Jespte ms from VA' lakettled,_ to that it - r do se um nom me and olivine me to ere s clergy taas.sao to mks sulk dbpseitton of my limited fca lo es b• et milted NW Alk usitikulta.. , bo ?Weft two at tee•heiptht,Mr.-rrefsKet - Blekebree, et NM holc w Arab St:v*lollmM ith se • forlorn hop, to try yea hitter% end k ndly peocnis4 n halt.. the thee, 1 0088. Whig then the &COW ehadlOW el death s aided,sad miboW, thank Got of it, 'Otis% Wei t ads! hate Wee tot two bottlei l a hire rased teo es 4 het reagehat 4104 Obtutitittos to rejoin ftWa ' sed_Basglituar, trees whom lien hew Nothing I r tighten seatke, Bora iteetteetes. IYe a loyal Pit gulden, twee the swam et Trout Royal: - ?o your fo ulest* Bltapra I e = we -the eartalety ar,Ulta whit:tau marsa=let p rejtellt — is 701te BMWS VW *lre ham Md. &MAIN. te my bosun ems *be sew bared to mete Mk • Vary DiMitt ' Weikel mom hi P rAtatiVer the - eiswilr heardeopelrad et motet oafmused% Blr. Bahama teetered to health t Joss Cesethsacutlit Nati Terk Battery. °loess A.- Aostal, co. So,llthalsom Wales. Lewis Curra awn" ttu.aki :few Yak- L g. j. riszinsx. Oe. r .11d Vermend Artlthejy,r . ' UMW U . Jena; o. 1., hr. any T, Mass= Jae. P. Wais t Os. h ith 'dais& . co. 11 4 1ai New Theis IWILUITIZ B. !Set" Oe.',..ihth Pews eseipirr J. iszinatte, Qs. trerreoes.: jo x y Jux a" Os ' kbe64lll. 111111,111/1 OF COUNTIOIFBITS. des t lkit 4* *Pain 1 1 6 0- 11 .4 4 i 11 4; 1 4" .otin s a l low semi aisalel set kiwi NUNS no IPilso per Balk TI flab, *Li Dos. be $4. met be of IF sey et Us bAstkola. eregaretiore se goyim safe' fa lam ` t e. PM I. w e mad we helm% MI" bee Nb. elms. PaIIiCIPAL 0niq„11 MAIMITIACTOIt, 110. 1411 ARM STRUT JOrla r a aVOrs. commel:rict, LiAanoir sic* r",/ripm. wlTßZWatern si ,., a 'n " ,1, -` l .• r LJO I DO lOU wait• li OU t Toy W 4. 00 TQO lIVArr DO TOV V DO TOD WANT DO TOL VAST DO YOU WANT -DO YOU WAIT lir ITOIS 210, US! , ..•••••ft MU