The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 08, 1864, Image 2

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termuz. YISMAMMI IT 111111 PIKIPLII io m I'IMM of
M'•to.TMM"I'r"'l!?M'7 ,6 lMTTIli
Demeratii Nathnial Ticket.
NmesMir DLittlet leigsafte.
Of Clearfield Co.
Democrat!. Congressional Conference.,
The Democratic Congressional Conferenee
met at Ridgway, Elk county, on Tuesday, to
eth inst., and organized by the election 7d
James }LiEdd.f. of Warren, as President. Ju
lius Cooley, of Forest, and Ron. base Horton;
of Elk, were elected Vice Presidents ; and 0.
& Ociallauder; of Clearfield, Secretary. The
following is a list of the delegates : '
Erie—MonroelHatehinson, 'Robert Leslie
H. L. White.
PorestL—JulinsCooley,Arohiliald Black, Jas.
B. Chsmpneys.
Jefferson—W. P. Jenks, B. T. flutings,
Kennedy L. Blood.
Blk--George Weiss, J. C. Chapin. lion.
lasso Horton.
Warren— , J. H. Kiag; James H. Eddy, B. A
Clearfield—Ezra Ale, G. B. Goodlandiar,
etia Pea.
Owing to a misunderstanding In regard to
the day of meeting, McKean ;and Cameron
were not represented.
On motion of Mr. Whtte. -- of : Erie; Hz:Gov.
Wx. ittoLlit, of Clearfield, was nominated by
salutation for Congress. •
On motion - a Mr. Jenks. of Joffersoi, Rldg.
way was adopted as the pelmet:trent plane, and
the third Thirsday of August, as the perps.
seat day for the Damooratio Congressional
Coaterenceiof the district. ,
Aftei speeches by Messrs. Janke, of Jet.
tenon, Whitman, of Erie . , Hall and Chapin, of
lidgway, White, of Erie, arid Brooke, of Wnr
ten, as Conference adjourned with sheen for
MeOlellam and Pendleton, Gov. Bigler, ,the -
Vain and the soldiers.
Rya Mama Republican of to-day says :
We are authorized and requested to say
notwithstanding all that has been written
and said on the subject, that neither Mr.
Gilmore nor Colonel_ Jacques, on the one
hand, nor Mr. Greeley, on the other, have
ever been nor now are authorised to ex
press say desires; views or opinions, of the
.President of the United States in Canada
or Richmond on the subject of negotia
tion for peace, beyond what he has plainly
and carefully written over his own signs
tun ; that,the mission to Richmond was
Initiated and executed byMessrg. Gilmore
and Jacques on their own private account;
that they had no authority whatever to
speak directly or indirectly from the Pres
ent of the United States offloially_or un
.officially, or for Abraham Lincoln unoffi
cially or privately. If Mr. Benjamin's
- report of the sayings of Mr. Gilmore and
Colonel Jacques while they were in Rich
mond is correct, they assumed a responsi
bilitrnot given to them, and made sans.
aunts wholly untrue. Indeed, while on this
subject, it s proper to state that the Pres
ident, after repeated solicitations, consen
. ted to give Gilmore and Jacques a pass
through our military lines. He- did not
request General Grant to open correspon
dence with General Lee to give them safe
conduct to Richmond and return. Gen.
Grant did that upon his own responsibility.
President Lincoln's request was merely
that Gen. Grant would pass them through
his military lines, nothing more.—Tele•
drSehie aPatOes•
Messrs. Jacques and Gilmore are placed
in an unfortunate dilemma. Mr. Banjo
miswthe Confederate Secretary of State,
. pronounces most of the purported conver
sation with him and Davis, related in
their statement, as false. On the heels of
his chattier comes the abOve semi-official
denial that they were authorized agents
of the Government, although in their con
ference at Richmond they expressly as
serted that therivere. • Thoy stand, there
fore, convicted by the joint, testimony of
both sides, with downright falsehood, and
if their report is untrue in some particu.
has, it is just as likely to be in all. We
suspected from the start that Gilmore's
bombastic narrative was a mere Abolition
concoction, got up to hoist himself into
notoriety, and affect the political cam
lbw POD, Debt.
The' following is given out by the Wash
ington authorities as a correct statement of
the public debt al appears from the books,
Treasurer'. returns and requisitions on the
Treasury Department on the 30th of Au-
gust : Debt bearing interest in coin, $889,-
'899,491 80 ;' interest, $53,342,479 90. Debt
bearing interest in' lawful money, $469,-
199.004 81; interest, $24,104,642 33. Debt
on which interest has ceased, $357,470 09.
Debt bearing no interest, $519,111,267 40.
Total amount outs tending,' $1,878,565,233
90. Total interest, $77,447,1= 23. The
unpaid requisitions amount to $78,795,000,
while the amount in the Treasury subject
to draft is over seventeen millions. The
amount of fractional, currency in circula
don is nearly twenty-four and a half mil
The World has the folloWing graphic
paragraph, the pictorial vigor and truth of
which puts the nibuns into a terrible state
of nerves : "Only say negro, and there is
a ohm of this community upon whom this
word has the of catnip on the-feline
spates. They Rsiggle, they smirk, they
roll over, they nit*, they parr, they fon.
die, they stick out their claws, curve tb sir
books and twist arid, gyrate in every r n.
solvable form of deligb Aocordi n , to
them, this great American people, us
vett oonstlbstional system, the press at
and the future life, health and properly
are. of no account in comparison with the
partible .elevation of a race which has
been skies since the beginning of ores.
Is ns a'oonsmon talk now, says the But
tale Ontrirr, among the masses of the pea
ple ISat George is a good name !or a Pres
ident. They say .•"We have bad but one
'Freddeti of that name, and he was so
good that we should like to try another."
oho* "Weehhigton was 'Qui "Father of
MI Country ;" who knows but Georp B.
MAW= wtsrbe the appointed bistro.
mat In the bands of. Pry - to dad
B i
Ito dealise 1 . -., Let 111 bon iamb*
. •
- .4¢x-AKy,7.
ef the listie•
friar rletlarm.
The late Archbishop Whitely Pfr a ed.l
in one of his easeee, 1661141411 y 'of inn , -
tale commentators on the seated writings,
who were satisfied if they ocal4 make: ire'
telligible sense of . ' detaohektext,wltiout
considering whether* it waa."4,ertinent to
the drift of the whole pessege, or whether
it agreed with or contradicted the context
and other Portions Of Scripture. Nit what
these shallow divines did through limo
ant stupidity, the Black BiPtitlitiatietim
mentetors on the Dranoesitic piatform'do'
through perverseness atel downright dis
honesty. Having foUnd, in the second
resolution, the phrase, "that immediate
efforts be Made for thsecesaatioti of hostil
ities," the Lincoln - . orgins in this city
seise upon it, tear it from its conneetiot.
and raise a great outcry that the Demo
cratie party demands the nncoaditional
stoppage of the war. .The -"Damaratie
party," saysethe Tribune "demands wholly
and unqualifiedly that the war shall, on I
the part of the Union, be stopp ed" This
Ls an impudent falsehood. T e platform
to be sure favors a "cessation,Of hostili
ties"—but with what object !- As an end
in itself, or as a means to some; further,
end? It takes pains to leavexto doubt on
this point. "To the end," it declares;
"that at the earliest 'practicable moment,
peace may be restored on the basis of a
Federal Union of . ;the States." There is
no hint at peace; no equine even, towards
peace, in the whole platform, on any oth
er : basis than a restoration of the Union.
So `far from this, the first and fore Most
resolutiOn, the resolution which is the
head and front of • the platform, which is
the key-note to which all the, rest is
pitched, declares, in teems es explicit as
the language affords, "that id the future,
as in the past, we will adhere . with un
swerving fidelity to the Utsion." The fair
interpretation of the platform requital that
the offer of pesoe—and 'lt permits none
but a Molt peace to be offered—shall bear
even date with the accession of the party
to power ; as common candor might credit
Democrats with sense enough to, know
that they cannot steer the 'ship' till they
first get possession of the helm. If the
platform has any meaning, it is to be re
garded in the light of advice to the candi
date. It is absurd to suppose that the
Convention meant to advise Gen. McClel
lan to proffer terms to the South before
he is clothed with the responsibility which
would rescue the offer from derision.—
When he is inaugurated, it will undoubt.
edly be one of . his first duties to Make a
tender of peace on the basis of Union.
canistanoes will then have us altered that
there will be a possibility that • pesos, on
that basis will be stocopted ; and if so, no
patriot should desire the continuance of
the - war for another day. But if the South
should refuse to negotiate on that basis,• the 'Tritium doei not'need to be
told what "unswerving fidelity to . the
Union" would, in, that event, require of the
new President. • '
The neser is equally disingeneous with
it radical eonfrrs in its attempts torrePre
sent the platform as favorable to a dis
union peace. It says :
"Does this Chicago Convention, or those
for whom it speaks, offer us no alternative
before agreeing to a hopeless end helpless
surrender of the Union ? In ' all this
wordy declaration of principles, where is
there the first sign of a resolutiorl to make
the rejection of peace on the teisis of the
Union the ground and justification for en
forcing by arms the supremacy of the Con
stitution ? From first to last there is not
even the tiered Intimation that the power
of the national government nlinst at all
hazards be asserted.'
But does not the platform instruct the
candidate that he is, in no event, to aban
don the.Unionl Does it Dot make this
inculcation paramount to all Others It Has
not the Convention prepszed for the con
tiagenag the proposed offer of a Union
peace boing rejected, by Aonslnating the
most, distinguished and capable soldier in
the nointey when there Wa , llo . lack of
oivirtans oompetent to administer the
Government.? Does the platform contain
ani ijOikatieci that =in At4the Union is
not accepted by the South, the Democrat=
io party will give it up t It asserts the
exact contrary of this; audit the 'Ana
thinks "unswerving fidelity to the Union"'
consistent with its own charges and incul
patioins lie Unionism is of a most con
temptible and bastard sort. How' iat
terlyhaseless and dishonest are its mis
representations of the platform may be
judged from the comments on tbis same
platform -,,made by - the Chronicle, FOrneY's
Washington organ. That paper has a long
editorial on the subject, of which we in
sert a part of the opening paragraph
Whatever may be laid of that portion of
the resolutions of the Chicago Convention
which criticises the Federal Administra
tion, every patriot must rejoice to see that
important bodre ting_so large a
portion of the American People, solemnly.
declare that the Union must bepreserved.
Mark the words in which this determina
tion is expressed,: "We will adhere with
unswerving fidelity to the Union and the
Constitution as the only solid foundation
of our strength, securitrend happiness as
a people; and as the frame-work of goy;
ernment equally Conducive to the welfare
of all the Statem,both Northern and South
ern." This expression is probably the
most significant admonition that could be
made to the enemies in arms against the
Republic. These enemies have looked to
the Democratic party and to the Chicago
Convention for encouragement in their
expectation at, separation and' disunion,
They have been !littered 'irftle the idea
that because Mr. Vallandigham, Mr, Fer
nando Wood, and a — few others,/ have
preached peace doctrines, therefore this
preaching meant dissolution, or. in other
words, Southern independence. The res;
plutions of the Chicago Cennsailieni have
taken the last prop front under their lest
and they now see that there is no party
so contemptible in the free States as that
which advocateii peace on the basitCpf
separation, and that all parties in our sea'
tion are in favor of the unity of the Be
public. S o significant has been the action
of the Chicego Convention on this subject
that when Mr. Long, of Ohio, proposed to
introduce a qualifying resolutionloolcing
to yew, he was ruled out of order, and
the resolutions, as reported by Mr. Guth-
Tie, were adopted, as the repeal says, "with
four dissenting voices." This being the
ease, the query td the patriotic and Intel=
ligent mind is, which of the two candi
dates, Abraham Lincoln or George Z. Mo.
Ckilan; can best MVO lad ail - the Cloy.
ernment t'
Can there be any more eonohisite proof
of the willful dishonesq of theritepubli
oan orguis in Shill nityrthan Is here fur
nished front the oohunns of &air IWO
Gandhi Washinghin oalaboreel Froth*
on, In the nano artkin,lan arnikik any.
Ntisiinigann stipmmeie, In acm!iiimpbmii
THI UNION 7022T11.
, et • -t• ,••• 4570/1.Z.1 r t; , 11.C841 , 1,,i= 4 0r11*.f . 4:14:4:411.0111,10.-4P.
terms. • fert4:llt devotion to trap Union:" I
%b l ot the I)entooratio leaders .•4ttianpt tol
, fin
Mr.„ 4 l,ineolu: titepeolif Lon.
ten ,(4' 4d ! lad' up inihitt.laogitag;V,
Ifteneeitls ate hitil
/tiOtn of ilia Omirentilm &slam to the Republic, and of s
cletermication to.saie "the UniOn. vre• r pre.
fair Abraham Lincoln. with all' big experi
*ace .and .with all his knowh.dge e f th e
situation. to George B. BicCieltau.—N. Y.
W0r1d..,1, • •
, Cwassigumi •
IThe, at tempitiv at thisChica,'go OptiVen
tibn'waii;beyonqiieition the greatest ever
seen at any assemblage of a similar
esker convened in this countiy. 4 was
enormous in the extreme, exceeding all
the calculations made by the Most enthu
squid° of our party friends. Chicago was
crowded as it never was befkiie and pro
bably will not be again for fifty years to
come, and the almost efforts Of
her land
lords and citisens failed to affCrd comfort
able accommodations for one-half of the
tins of thousands who thronged' there tip
every thoroughfare. The coVrespondent
of the Cincinnati Gautte (rabidly radical)
tinting on the - 26thult., was Compelled to
say .
The hastiest ;p.issage through the streets,
1 .
however, is sufficienito convince one alike
cif' the enthusiasm and of the imposing,
size of the assembling crowds.', It is ;a fact
limit:As to be disguised, and it is to be
Wished that, mien , friend of the Ado:anis
*ation Would consider, as paisonallY con
cerning himself, that the ,crowd: here,
three days before the time. is far greater
than it was in; Baltimore only the evening
before the Union Convention, assembled.
What it will, grow to by Monday can only ,
i i
be oorkjectureol. The evenin train from
the East had twelve heavy I en cars and
Was six hours behind, while couple ex
tras followed close behind it to gather up
the. passengers it could not .carry-.', This
evening trains heavily laden; continue to
come in from all quarters. ,
The Administration and its adherents
can see in this immense outpetiring, of the
himest, hard-fisted people the inevitable,
doom that awaits them. The meh who
went to Chicago were neither oillce-hold
era, or office-seekers, or worse still. shoddy
oCntractora, sapping the lives and Comfort
of, the brave men in the army that their
own greedy pockets may be glutted. They
were the bone and.sinew of the land,-the
patriotic, intelligent , reBeoling ' j ensues,
irbo haring tieen betrayed and robbed for
three long years by •the rotten crew in'
power, turn their eyes nattirally 'now to
the old Democratic party, which had,
steered the ship of State so well for nearly
a century l ,as the anchor of their hope and
safety. The, people are resolved once more
to take the ?slim in their own hands, and
.they will do so in spite of Abe ;Lincoln
and all his greenbacks and tsiyonets. We
are greatly mistaken in the 'signs 'of the
times if the election of nexi November
doeli not exhibit the most astonishing rev
olution in pitpular ientiment ever chrobi
oled in the history of politics:
A Waning to tbe
The Nei York World quotes and dir
prove two of the falsehoodslclineci by the
Dibipts against General HoPlellan, and
after stating its desire that the cainpaign
should be conducted on honOrable princi-
ples and rest „mainly on a fStr didoussion
of the platforms of the twoi parties, con
cludes with this tart warning to its Aboli
tion ootemporary
But if the Mends of Mr.-Lincoln (whom
he 1,111 and must control) will have it oth
erwise—if they will leave the high ground
of manly discussion in order - to inislead
the people by wretched faholicOds, ut
tered against Democratic candidates, then,
Much as we regret the necessity, we will
not only expose their caluiames, but we
will become aggressive, and pent the Ind
abciut those for whose longer retention in
high Owes they solicit votes. There'will
be blows to give, as well as blows to take.
We shall reply, not by falsehoods, but
by facts capable of proof—fakte which, for
public honor, had better be kept buried.
We will strip from Abrahani Lincoln the
false gerli 'of honesty he has worn so long
We will, if need be, show 44 among oth
er things, the infamy—yes, that's the
word, infamy—of the White House! If
necessity requires, we will Call Senators
and tradespeople, in this city and else
where, to attest the troth of; what' we say.
We have no heart to expose inch public
and personal infidelity as, since Mr. Lin
-odes &client, has festered there, because
Of !the disgrace it would bring 'upon so
matey liniment persons • but yet this.. war
of !malignant falsehoo d and detralition
sponst General McClellan Which theliar
titans of Mr. Lincoln have begun,• has got
to itop I Does the 2Vibuns iminprehencl ?
If 'tot, let the editor take this article to
the White House and ask what it means.
trees Cagily.
) • -
A late number of the Ifatiolatiatelligva
ar 'contains an article reviewingl General
Grant's campaign from the time biicrossed
thC Rapidan until his arrival in ;front of
Petersburg. Our losses are a scertained
froM the of documents, and are given
in detail by a brief mention' of dates and
engagements as follows ;
Mai 5. Rapidan, ' , i 2,000
6. Wilde — mess, .l 15,000
7. Skirmishes, 300
110. Bpottaylvania, , . 10,000
12. , do. , , 10,000
18. re. . , 10,000
19. Po, 1,200
23. North Anna, 1,000
, 24. do. 1 2,000
31. Cold Rubor, ' ' • 3,006
June 3. Chiekahominy. 7,000
. 16. Petersburg, ' , 2,000
,17. do. 1,000
18. ' do. I 3,000
' 19. do. ' . i 4,000
• 22. Weldon railroad, 1 , 2,500
23. r do. ; 1000
26. Danville railroad, f 1 • 5 ,640
Last assault on Petersburg, ; •j 5,640
Absolute loss of men, . , 86,280
The rebel loss was also; fesifid—sup
posed to be two for evert five of our
troopt. The Summing tap shawl that Grant
lost more men _in Ids attempt to take
Richmond than McClellan ever had under
his command at one time daring his cam
paign against the same place 1. The whole
loss ;of men on both sides sin this operation
on the inland line will foot np over 100,-
011. How long can this ,or my other,
°wintry stand such a drain befOre it be•,
oomee a howling wilderness f
I* New York daily Muss Septem
ber 14 says of Chine H. risndleiton, that
he 9is a gentleman of decided ability, lib.
end acquirements and unstained private
reputatinix." ' Of mune it * a treat deal
to add a b out idspn r ea r with. Jet Davis,"
"frhad of Vallandiakant,"' ha., 'but this'
sort . of stuff is to be *spatted 'and will
have no lafklelloo with aeosible
Thhr lithe rat it it going : At the in;
Bun Haar, Ilan* Sam% lakaiksorgo.
a vat• -Ms takes; and ant ,sOo yaks,
skid * (lid sot got am. ""- •
. : ... . 1 ,... ' . pz...,......... •
The capiet‘oo44latte is now confircii:
ed. ...rho 4tlantedi - belie taken a new:
pOsitiori uietatt44 Nike wassills.ef it. Sher.
Manflost 1,200 men and "Oared 24 oed
non and 1,500 prisoners. -t 'There was but
little fighting. - ' ..
It has been aboutienAlsys si nce General
S.elliassl beget el ,wigveln 011 1 ; f ltuph of
trbroN .4 WO involved in` , inystbry. One
Cori* Orbii'arlaiy, sinite;;sfien. Mood4;4i
letcha -the tressehes id hiont df . Atlanta.—
The remainder was gradually withdrawn,'
formed into a long column on the Eloutlii
bank of the Chattahoochee, and slows
marched dOwn the •iiier. ~?strallel to ill
river, andebout eight codes south Of it,
the Montgomery Railroad., East Point is
eight miles southwest of Atlanta ; Red
Oakitwenty milesi end Fairburn twenty.
five miles south-was!. At Past Point the
Macon Railroad begins.' It runs south t4l
Jonesboro', and ea south east. Jones
boro'th is twenty ilea from Atlanta. But
very , 1 i ttle i 0 tell igenoeefShermatOmove
went was „transmitted North, for during
almost all the time since it began Wheeler
had the railroad tind' telegraph to Nash
ville cut, and there was I no. Onannunics•
Sherman marched his column down the
river until the rear *tolled Sandtown, ten
miles 'west of Atlanta. ' Be then swung,
the head of it around towards the east
until it struck the Montgomery Railroad
at Fairborn. From p'airbarii - a raiding ,
party was sent across the country , to 'Ton*
hero', on the Mat= Railroad. The road
was rut but ne very large force of the (M
-em* found. On Angust 23th. Hood tale
graphed to Richmond that Sherman's line'
extee.ded from Ssadtawn to Fairhiirn, thus'
being southwest of • the city. and Hood at
once began moving his army 'to meet the
Federal advance, Sherman?* southern
frank marched unopposed up the Mont.,
gomery Railroad, from • Fairborn towards
Atlanta, until he reached Red Oak, twenty
,miles frcM the city. Here the, Confede
rates met the troops they halted.--•
Sherman's southern fink was then March
ed southeast froth liandtoirri towierds East
Point, eight miles from Atlanta. On Tues
day last, August 30th, Sherman's line ex
tended from Bed Oak no rtheast along the
railroad towards East int, and his north
eh] flank was pressin towards East Point
from the direction o iimdtown. ; • ;
Hood, •finding_ the enemy southwest of
him, at once abandoned Atlantis 'and gave
Sherman battle. A ,contest began on
Tuesday afterncion along theMontgoting
Railroad from Red Oak to East Point, a
distance of twelve miles. Slocum, rvitu
had been left with one oorps iii: ;Mat of
Atlanta, began to feel the enemy in front
of him. He found the city abandoned,
and on Friday morning entered it. He at'
once announced' the evacuation of the
town, and a strange Coincidence Wheel:
er was off, the -railroad to Nashville just
long enough toallOw of the dispatch be
ing rent.; Eidaraely had it gone, when
Wheeler main "Cut the telegraph, and a
vell'onee more hid Shbittinies operations.,
Slocum haviiiik the, enemy between him
and Sherman's main' body could not tell
what was transpiring at/ East Point. He
knew a battle was being fought; =for he
heard the cannon, bit that was all.: .Up
to Sunday morning dila was ill the intel
ligence sent us: . • '
' This morning, however, we have later
intelligence. Last evening the telegraph
was reopened and a. dispatch from Shar
man himself, received. The enemy on
Tuesday had not fought him vm , despot.-
ately, but gradually retreated across the
country to Jonesboro'. ~ Here 'he found
the enemy; intrenched. They neat out a
reconnoissance, which was soon TePuhred,
and Sherman made his arrangements for
an attack. The-Confederated by.this time
had retreated from , Atlanta and, were
drawn up in line on the - Macon . .railroad.
Their southern dank was at, Joneeboro';
their northerris,flank at Rough and Ready,
a village thirteen miles from Atlanta. In
front of their position Pllut river Sowed,
and thehills on.the eastern side, were en
trenched, !,It was , this position which
Sherman• attacked on ThUrsday afternoon.
He carried 'the works at Jonesboro', cap
turing ten Cannon and one thousand inle
*meld. . • -
, Hood blebv up his works in evacuating
Atiant, a, 7 !i destroyed , some trains loaded
with ammunition. , The spoils secured by
Slocum were fourteen cannon and the ru
ins of the destroyed ,trains. Wien the
worlui !di ,ronetboro' were carried, Hoed
abandonfl his ling 4 Flint River, Aped by
a hasty
,hutrob to the southwest moved the
portion .ibf bigamy which had been north
of 4 ..Tonesbneo to the Silt of the place. Hi
then Wres t led with all his forces_ to Love.
joy's, six miles southwest of JOnesboro, on
the railroad. Here he took a new position.
Sherman's&wes were 1,200. 1,500 Con
federate . prisoners and 24 cannon were
captured. Sherman writes to Stanton,
"his army needs rest," and does not seem
to intend KU attack upon the new Confed
erate position. ' •
(mares *anT. " •
Trio.thirds of the' rmy of the Potomac
have recently • been •paid to the 30th of
'June, and itis remaindsewill Bombe sim
ilarly satirled,
Private &tides' S. Chaddler, of battery
it, 4th IL 8. Artillery, has been shot ot
Grant's headquarters, for desertion. Pri
vate 411nriter. - who war to have.been shot
at the same time, !aide* hleesoape to the
enemi.: r:
There' Is o from nothing t i kiiportinoe
Giant's "Any. Ms ieknowleicipd.
by Secre4ll' Stanton to be too mall tad°
anything, W' he remains
Meade, taking advantage of the qtiletassa,
has wine home on a visit' He arrived at
Philadelphia On t3atuiday.'
Stanton' telegriplar to Gen. Dix that
Chant waits 100,00 ;We igiek*unai -
Maly to ipresimintli* asmpaig, against
We have iiiteresting news from the
enandooth Valley, to ' the effect that
Early Itietreatlng toward 'Winolusiter.—
Sherklatela whole artily Is in pinii4t, and
in a Gushy 'engagement General Ilverell
achieved EON) little Viol* frier the
rebel rear twirl, bnewas unatdetO follow
it' p by raison of the &alma', bfl hem?
Went* Euro!' • There aie wilbonflicalii
theoiles prolonged relieve ki the Wen
time of the elle* In die**. ' '
la eennoit et n
ZailiflGOV63C7o . vt.
arrOy, bassi leagth'been rellevisi. He is
noir in Washington without a opmmand.
, „., .. olionsai. oirroatiox.. l - '
;'.(ht .l l if r oin is driving V4eeler ia•- .
•.. ... . .
rs e an engagement betwoien
nend Wheeler .during the retreat
toe larder 11 , Oiedefisted and thei rebel Gen.
Kelly wacmortally wounded and Won
Owner. j
,The reboil papers announce Ithat since
'o* :surrender of Fort Komi ; ' Admiral
rifAcraipti.JAnot Goo— Granger are been
busily engaged in preparing tic) take Mo.
bile . It appears that non-combatants who
were Ordered from the city ,when' the dem
onstration was first made, refills) to leave,
anditheir presence will greatly embarrass
the defense. Six vessels of lie fleet are
reported to have been off Da river bar
on the 30th tilt. It it, theiefoire, not im
probable that the attaok upozi Mobile has
already commenced - i -
j The recent raid of Forrest into Mem
phis hat; it seems, broken up :Smith's ex
pedition into 'the interior of; Mississippi.
Generals Smith and Grierson, with their
staffs, have returned to Memphis. Their
iiipedition, we presume,has alto returned,
se it' would scarcely remain in the enemy's
neighborhood :withoutits leaders.
It is reported that Gee. JOhn Morgan
has been killed in a skirmish lit Kentucky.
(MAW 00.101111.:
' The Toronto Leader, of the lit instant,
comments on Gen. 2doClellaiee 'nomina
tion as follows : ", Whatever ! ,nuty be his
capacity for command In the liild--and in
this respect vre do not think himself infe
rlor toany of • those who havi? come after
him, in the difficult work of leading the
Federal. Army of the Potomati against the
Confederate capital—there it!rio question
that he is en officer of great ability, and
thoroughly acquainted with At l i the details
of military life. certainly oaeivhoe' e capitabilitiee end acquirements could be turned
td much advantage at a time like the pre-'
'sent. lie has given eviden of the pos
session of great etatesmaalik abilities ; Is
a ,good. scholar. and A thorclrigh gentle
man. ' ilia, skvation to the Presidential , chair
world raise i4e Federal States he l l ' the opinion of
the whole oulaicle ova" ; .
When McClellan had succ+ded by dint
of unparalleled skill and exel,ion, in safe
li bringing the army that had been 'be..
tr 2
trayedby Washington Politi j through
the seven days fight to the - James river,
Linooln telegraphed to him ' follows : .
Wasatiorox, Jelly 3, 1862.
Yours of, yes=l:-.4rsistf w
reeelved. I
'excatttiojted that Od stet have
doses the beat you mull. •• All amiaito ' better
kluiv;was sow doss. Tat tJloremsd thuds
for it. 4 Lino's.
Within four Months theretter Lincoln
had removed this same Gene 1 whom he
IMO thanked, from comm and ; had, been
compelled ,to recall hiM n, and had
again removed him. - finch Wtuo Old Abe's
gratitCde. ' It is•McClelhin'sl , turn now to
1 reniove Old Abe. , • . •
Ti Albany Staters"ms, one 4tb) leading
RePtiblican papers in New York, thinks
that "in nominating 'Gen. 4oClellan the
Democrats place their very lrongest man
in the &hi—amen who wi ll poll a larger
army vote than any Deremmt who could
poetibly be put in nomination. The'abuse
which: McClellan met with hi theConven
timi from Mr. Harris, of3l#land, and
other traitors of the same s P, cannot
fail i to be beneficial to the nenunee with
the better portion of the American. peo
ple. • '3
'1 The Demotinks i hating;
—...wicas, tutting\ ..
G. McClellan, fojOes the B t epublicans to
do' ne of, two things-..with w Kr. Lin
coln from the oenTessicir lee see thi
Deinoc,ts carry the election] by an over
whelming majority. As Mr 1 ) .inooln can
not: untie' the party he must ' defeated."
- .
Tu. Chambersburg .Repotio l
ry complains
of the unjust nom:tient. of-the New York
press in oonnection with the burning of
that beautiful borough. i r li•l, the Report.
wit please inform its reader s that the pa
pers which most promine e tly lent their
ooliunns to insult and sidi
l it the people
of soiather•n Pennsylvania pt•ere leading
Republican organs; and tho, the Demo-
_press of New York' were almost
utlimilnous in defending this unfortunate
citizens of that section? Tie World and
Neios both hid. strong and 14t1ndid articles
placing the conduct of the Chambers
burgersiit in its true light. Iti '' due to the
peoPle. of Franklin ' count that they
shOnld be informed who w : their revil
ers and who their ohan2pio '. •
. The following is tz-Fresident Fillmore's
letter declining to be a nanaidate before
the Chicago _Convention, *nil urging the
nomination of Gen. 'Ho
Mr Nis Btu : Your favoi of 'the' 13th
came, to hand during my absence, but I
was greatly delighted to see iby the papers
that TOti had so large and anthusisstso a
meeting' for McClellan, and sincerely hive
that he will receive the nomination by the
Chicago convention. s l sea my name oo•
cesionodlYilluded to in connection with
that Convention, but I cannOt think there
is anything to come of it, for believe that
all *noir that I do .not desire any ;mini.
nation, and I cannot think any very
number of my, fellow-eitiseui! desire toe to
have it. , Truly yam*
M iami num:ma
OUP= Bun, a wealthy azd prominent
leader among the Germans the North
west, and an influential adtooate of Mr.
liniolit's election in 1860, helds the fol
kering language now
131oirly and by degrees,' perhaps, but
for 'all that the more thoroughly settles
the conviotion into the Olinda of the
American people that a oectinuation in
Ci"Of the present Admihistration will
e7Fivalent to a destruction of the. Be.
public.' No flattering and hips amount
of the Condition of our natiOnal affairs, as
published by the Admhilstration papers,
can 'blind the eyes of the people any lon
ger. We have armed at the point where
every well-wisher of his country must
'come to the conclusion diet a change is
New YeOc,7lews sari I"it - weeld be
prednunitimis Linooln
has not oomph
Mill'tis ,
Quit thus
chief bads
lioua dere We'
critic park
cobi; sad r
1101 bio"
Teo Tieuend Vialaits.
Mows fa NW Wass.
BUITALO, 17, 1864.
The Mode in whkh Vote.
The following le an abstract of the bill
weal by thi:Legialature of this State pro.
Scribing the -Winner in which the soldiers
gall lots
lleadon 1. Provides , that whenever any of
the quelifled electors of this Commonwealth
shall be in aotuel military service under a re
quisition from the President or Governor, and
consequently absent on the day of holding
general. special or Presidential elections, they
shall be 'entitled to exercise the right' et suf—
frage as fully a. if they were present at their
proper places of ' vote; and the sight of such
voter is not to be impaired by reason of his
being credited for bounty in any other locality
than his utast residence.
Section 2 A poll is to be opened in elioh
'company, composed in whole pr part of Penn
sylvania 'Adler', at the quarters of the cap
tain or other officer, and all
.atectors of raid
company who shall be within one mile of .itch
quarters on the dry of election, arid not to be
prevented from returning by the proximity
of the enemy or orders of' commanders, shall
vote at such headquarters, and no other place.
Officers other than those of:-' a company, the
other voteridetached and absent from their
companies, or in any military or naval lkospl—
tal, or in any vessel, or navy yard. may vote
it stick other polls as are ra3sl convenient to
them. When there are ten Or more electors
unable t 6 attend at the company polls or pro
per place-of election, they may open a poll at
such place as they may select.
Section 8. The polls are not to be opened
before 7 o'clock, and must be kept open three
hears, or, if deemed neousary in order to re
ceive all the votes, until seven o'clock in the
Election 4. Before opening the polls the
electors present shall elect, Woo .vote, three
persons for judges; and the .judges shall ap
point two clerks, and prepare boxes for the
ballots. •
Election 5. Before receiving any votes the
judges and clerks shall be sworn to observe
the law and guard against fraud; and deceit,
and this oath must be entered on the
and signed by the judges and clerks.
Section 8. All voting shall be by ballot,
and the applicant to vote, if challenged, mast
be examined under oath by the judges as to
his right to vote in the - precinet in 'which ;he
claims residence. •
Section 7.; Separate- poll 'hooks chill be
kept, and separate returns made for the voters
of each city or.county. The poll books shall
name the company and regiment, and pest,
plum or hospital in which the elution Is held..
The comity and township, city ,
. borough,'
ward, precinct, or election . district of each
voter shall be endorsed opposite his 1118111 on
the poll books, of which each clerk shall , keep
Section 8. The tickets shall have upon them
the nametrof all the °Mout for whom the oleo- -
tor desires to vote.
Section 9. On reoelring the ticket the jud—
ges must pronounce audiblj the name of the
elector presenting it., and if 'giddied of the
right of the elector to vote, end be is not chill.
leiged, shall deposit the ballot in the proper
bon, while the clerks register the name end
legal residence of the voter in their poll
Section 10. At the close .of the polls the
nimbir of voters mnst - histonnted, set down,
and certified' at the foot of the poll books.
Ileation 11. After-the poll books are signed,
the ballots are to be counted, eaoh judge read
ing the names thereon, and the third stringing
the vote of each county on a separate string,
and carefully preserving the•eame.
Section 12. Where two 'tickets are folded
together, bath- are to be thrown our, aid
where two ballots are voted together for the
saute °Sloe, neither is to be counted for that
Section 18. Each clerk shall keep, in addl.
tian to the poll book, a list of the voters for
each county, which shall constitute part of the
poll book.
Section 14. The number of voters on theie
county-poll lints must also be set down and
certified. ,
• Section 16 and 16. Prescribe the form bf
011 book, and the manner of entering the re
turns. f
Section 17. After canvassing the votes, the
jUdges will seal up and sera- the poll book,.
tiMs and ballots to the Prtithonotary of the
proper county, and secure the other poll book
Mad lists to-be called for by the Commissioner
appointed under the set. If not called for
Within ten days, the secondly*, Ike., are to
by sent- to the Secretary of the Common—
Section 18. The Prothimotary must furnish
the return judges with a mortified copy of re
quite so received.
Section 19 and 20. The return judges are to
meet en the second Tuesday of November to
ocdnt and enter the vote of :soldiers thus re.'
Section 21. 'ln. Presidential elections, all
returns received by the Secretary of the Com
monwealth , are to be compared with the
county returns, for the correction of the let.
' Section 22. All elections are to be subject
to contest as under present laws. • '
Section 28. The Secretary of the Common
wealth is required to provide a sufficient num
ber of copies of this law, together with extracts
from the general election laws, blank tonne of
lien books, tally lists and returns, Postage
stamp!, eta, and. forward the same by com
missioners, or otherwise, to the commanding
officers of companies , detached posts and him
pitels, who shall delimr the same to the elm.
don judges on the lay of election, but no
election is to be invalidated by reason of such
blanks net being received. ,
• Sections 24, 23, ,28, 27. The Governor is 'to
appoint such mmiasioners„ not exceeding
one to each Pennsylvania regiment in servioe,
as shall be necessary to carry out the law.—
Said commissioners ; are to be sworn to fulfil
their duties under penalty of $l,OOO or impris
onment for on'. year. They are to deliver
four copies of the laws, and at least two sets
of blanks, to the.oommanding officer of every
company, provide for opening polls, and all
for one copy of the poll book after the elec
tion. They are to be paid ten cents per mile
for traveling to and 'fro from their respec
tive regiments; and' may vote at one of the
company peg,. Wo Mbar* 'of commissioners
to visit regimente . o4ll invalidate say election
under the' Mt
"Section 28, 29. The 'dears. authorised to
eaduct electioulare to be subject to the usual
penalties fer non-IXlSlment of duties. They
are to receive no compensation.
Section 80. Wheat the Sheriff issues his
proclamation for an election, he shall immedi
ately transmit copies of the same to the troops
in the field froth the county.
Section 81. slB,oooilappeopristed to ear
ry the law into effect. „ • •
Section 82, 88. Where less than ten parsons
are separated.from their proper Sompany, they
are to vote as fellows : Each voter le author
lied, before the day of election, to plea his
ballot properly folded, in iealsd envelope,
together with a statement signed by the rote
and his commanding officer, or seine other wit
ness, and duly sworn to and certified before'
said officer, or some other- competent person:
This 'Wawa' must set forth the' following
fads': -
The name and peeper mildew* of the To
At authority to some qualified voter at the
place of his residence; to oast the ballot for
That he is a qualified rots in the preola7it.
where he proposeed• vote.: , •
That he is in the se ll ,* military 'service, and
give the name.of'die'organisatien of which he
is s Member... . •
. That he has not sent his ballots to say other
Person than the one so authorised.
That he will not attempt to vote at any poll
opened on said election day, at nay place
whatsoever. '
That be haa not beeitAishOnarably
gla from service.
And that he is now statidned State
of —.
lield settled savelope,.Ullots and statement
are to be seat tiy melt, or otherwlie, with the
endorsement oa the scaled part thereof, 'lel
dicr's ballot Tor towasitip, , ward or
borough, in the county of ho-
llootions 84; 88, 88, 87. The shelter to whom
this ballot is sent shalt deliver it raopmed, on
the day of election, at the polls.; The election
aloes shall open it in the mews of the
board, and deposit the ballots and enoompeny
lag papers, as other ballots are deposited. The
potion delivering the ballot shall be compelled
to testify on WOW he has delivered itin
• the ease idaise as when received, smiths& he
his not opened it, or ehaajni or altered the
count. 'Mont nob 'oath the Tete shall
'no§ be tesetted. ' !be right to Toes et tie pe
eve eseihas Lb* Wilk swim .0 410 ,14 th.
lIIMISOMM. IMP 31/111111# PERIM lip
ilea the
to lea
election officer refusing to receive an d
such Tote, exempting , when fraudelent,tedk:
elector to whom each ballot is sent r e f ac4l l .
present it at the proper poll, le punish a b le
000 flue and one year's im prisonment. Ag
person making false oath touching these t al ; .
tore fe subj ect to a penalty of $l,OO O
Ave years' imprisonment.
Section 88. The Secretary of State 1
prepare arid furnish the necovsary
Section 89. In ease of an elector in tniu t ,-
service in a veriest, the minter of ati t t,Z
shall be competent to tale affidavit awl I -. 7
ten statement, of said elector.
Section 40. Assessors are required to
a county tax of ten cents on every n on s44o , t ,
missioited officer and private, and the e i 44l.
tax en every commissioned officer, kno t
them to he in the military' service GI
i t
United States or of the State, in th e artT L:
navy, and when names shall- have bete c ., 4
ted they must he added on applic at i on
of 1, 1
res id en t of the district. Non-committiout
officers and privates are to be exempt fror i k ::
other personal taxes while in service. A 44
sore must receive this tax front, and ru t in,
oertificate of payment to any Cillien offer
to pay the same for said soldier. wii, te ' t z .`l l
name has been entered on the si st ,,, tem
books no certifioste of assessment 11131Ott,
coifed. The edrtifioate of plyment theft
t 4
forth the name' Jot the person for shtn
tax is paid, the date of payment and they *
for which it was assessed.- This cenis34
shell only be evidence of payment of tear
add shall not preclude a demand for GL „
evidence of a right to sate. The penalty/ 1
non•sompliance on the part of the me t " .
collectors or tresemrers shall not he lett
$2O nor more than $2OO.
On Wm 4ih UM. at tha panning, la Fairview, by
R. 1 0 Yoelar. Mr. WILL L. COP.LLtS, of litKm, ,
to WI VAiIY Y. TaLLILOGg, of 0.11,
InDank, as ths 27th ult., Aft7Hl79 O. DA
scat U years and 9 manthas
gallag'o Nitiationtitto
Administratrix' Notice,
the estate of Arthur G. Davison, dee'i,j,,
creek tp, Kris Co , Pa., harlot bees ;muted '4
astersigried, natio, is hereby given to ail petsock,
teg.themMlves indebted to the sue. to =she by
payment, and those hasten elates against the 'Ca
presant theca for settiment.
Mae N. C. DAVI3OI,
0et 6 • 4 0 . Adrolutstrucl
Admirithtrator's Noticp,
r_ETtERS of Administration on cte
tats at Elisabeth Royer dee'd„e late of TO
t4il,ktis Co., Pa., having been granted , to tte
notion is hereby siren to all having claim t
the mos to prevent them, dolt' aothentfestel. far,
mat, and those Indebted to ties said estate .in
Mamettlate payment. fill, S ROYER.
ERIE, PA.. •
The understated herbs taken them of the ,
vall-known Hotel and refitted tt to superior stylc
apsetkaly eslicite a share of the public patronage. re
reasonable; and accommodations easel to eel tv,
cir Forth* oonventertes or persons from Val f.
• goodyle has been attached to the premise,
Hard Head CIA Rol
Tor which th.•
V. BABO de CO.,
!tate Btreet betweta Bth and VA iteil
1 ;
a • g .
.1 .2 ...
0 b 1 ia i i - i
02 o ... -, Z r 1
" I . a a t, VI. ea * 0 .• 4.
a r 7; i 1 i I.' 4' •g t ~".
01 3 , ri; ;. " 9 ti :
2 'A :I i 1 t 3 1 I A , g.i
o.l= tz Z. pill ; 3 4 ii 1. 4
ma i kl 1 4 4 1 7:; 4 i'g3 fi " 1
4 4 • la
i il 4 , 1. 1 1 i I
m i 14, E 8.4 ,rt 5.1
MN..I ;4•
The flitarittary
neriptioas will be
- payable three years
anal intanistat the rat
amt. per annum,—print
In lawful money.
These notes will be eonverill
balder it maturity, into six par
playable not less than ties nor too.
from their date, as the Goverament
behead to denominations of $4 $1, and all antiseriptioas mitt be .
some multiple of arty dollar..
The notes will be transmitted to the co
transportation sharpies soon after the
a:Waal Certificates of Deposit, as they mu
As the notes draw interest from August
matting deooette subsequent to that date
inter eat seemed from date of note to date of o.
Parties depositing twenty•dre thousand d ,
upwards for these notes, at any one time, et ll l be
commission of one quarter of one per Dent, el
be paid by the Treasury Department upon tie r
a but for the amount, certified to by the ofit
ellual the &pout was made. No dedustlom for
Stone most be made from the deposits.
Special Advutages of this
It, IA II NATIONAL NAMING* Beni. offering a 1*
dintersit than any other, and Mt hat urea'
savinp bank which pays its depositors in
me~idem that it is paying in the hat elm:Intl:,
um of the countrr, and it cam* pay to any thuei
thy its own mem are either in government law
to notes or bonds payable in government paper
It Is equally eonyeni.nt as • temporary or ,
investment. The notes an always be sold foe
fraction of their face aid accumulated. intere , l,
the but security with bank. 'eollateales or dx ,
In addition to the very liberal intered or the in
three yeanctlis privileg e of Convention u Dor
sheet three per met. per ammo, for the etirrent ,
1140 Beads is not less than whimper rat. to
belbre the war the premium du siz per tent
was over twenty per eent.. It will be seen tin
prods on. this loan at the present market rat
than ten per cent, per annum.
Its Exemption Prom State or '
- Taxation.
Bat aside-from all the advantageiwe bat
a special del of Comrade measpre off Boe4
/Oleo Jima Semi scutiom. On the avenge.
then is worth about two per cent. per annum,
to the rate of taxation in the varimus parts
tr ri Is bellowed that no eseurities offer ,so
meats to lenders as those sand by the gammen
all other forms of Indsbtednees , the faith or
private parties, or stailiemnoinies. or sepia
anise only, is pledged for payment. retail
property of the oonotry is held se moue t
of all the obligations of the United Mateo.
While the goverement offers_ the most libel
for its loam, It believes that the very streusel
will be to the loyalty and witriotism of the Pon
Duplicate certificates will be issued for alt in
Tlmrty depositing oen‘t e ,ilO-se upon the
er u
to the denorainaticnt of the noted rely
whether they are to be teemed in blank or pate
der. When so endorsed it must be left with
rev•hilit the deposit, to be forwarded to
I/e=rmint. -
PVC= TILL top 11111011vio if the '
the United Slates, at Washington. the Pu n "
Tremerereaad designated Depoaltariee, and hi 0
First National Bank of Erie , 10
sad by all National Banks which are depositerhe
Ile money, sad _
throughout the eoantry will give farther
. .
' D. W. HerCHINSON ,
United States Claim AP
41, otboo Caton against the OonnissoLa7
to 'rna ironotados. •
mamma asasosAas. g
= saws %pima 00•64,.. ihia,fro•