The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 08, 1864, Image 1

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wo os is ram "Osumi MMIDUII34 * 'WM Brun.
Orrosmt ism POST OPPICi.
apvit6Tl36llElfTS.—One Square of Ten Limn OMB tn.
seniors Ni Cents ; two insertions /1,00 ;* the.. loose.
tion, g 126 ; one month $1,60 ; two months $2,60;
ahem months $3,00; six moat!'" $5;00; cies year $6.00;
al i o advertisements in proportion. These rate*
he strictly adhered to, nulese changed by spectat
,outset, or at the option of the publishers. Audi
tors Notices, Strays, Pirorets and like advertise
meet, 11,60 ; Administrator , . Notices $1,60 ; Local
%dices 'MI manta line; lionitge Natio' !UM'
MI cents a piece; Okituary Notices (over three lints
in patent) fire cents per Hoe. Original poetry, on.
. left written at the request of the edltor; one d altar
per line' All sdvertisements will be conUnned at
the experts of the person adreitiaing, until ordered
sot by his direction, motelss a spedlled period is
'treed upon forite insertion. '
, l uggegitiloN TIM . McLain' per 1111411113 in ad
/OR 'PRINTINO.—Ore bare one or the beat Jobbing
- mikes in the State, and are ready to do any 'work is
that lice that may be entrusted to its,, In equal style
to arty establishment outside of the largest cities.
• t':tirtlf AN & BRlSORT',Pnblishere.
[For tito Orserver.) .
Little Mae'e on the White flown, !tric.k.
Trint-"Waur Jilawn Cointx Miecinta Holm."
Little Man's on the Whits Ranee teak,
flurrah i Hurrah 1 '
Hell give old Lincoln such a whack; •
iThrrah I Harrah I • '
The men will cheer, the boys willsheut, -
when Ate and all his crew an out ;
Then let's'all feel gay,.
U, Vat is on The .4.
The old Church beU will peal with Joy,
Harrah I Ernitak 1
I', welcome in oar soldier boy, '
Harrah! Bomb
mid 'Ma g i lads and lasses gay, -
With about' of joy will cheer his way, ,
And mothers, too, will pray
For Little Mao to-day.
Get ready all for the jubilee,
Hurrah t Hurrah I
Linec;ln'e hirelingeran bound to du.
Harrah 1 Hurrah I
ale *MY jokes ore out of place,
Little the hu won the roe
- Then we'll all feel gat",
• The hero boy Is on hle ray,
The fourth of Parch—e glorious day—'
• Hurrah t Htirrab t
The-people all hey* had their say. .
- - Harrah I Elarrelst
?ha idlent ballot. porta:mid It part,
and 6ls with joy the Nation'. heart. -
Then fern all be gay,
due country's free te•day
Interesting Opeedits.
From the verbatim report of the Conven
tion proceedings in the Chicago Times, we
extract the following': -
Mr. John P. Stockton, of New Jersey.—
At this time of peril in our country's his
tory, with a full knowledge of the respon.:
Sibility to my State,. of my duty to my
country, of my /
, duty to my God, in the
name- of the people of New Jersey and by
the anal:mous - vote of our defecation, I
nominate tp this Convention George B.
McClellan. [lmmense and enthusiastic ap
plause, long continued.] New Jersey nom
inates George B. McClellan, and thinks
that a State which gave such a vote in the
I lamt Presidential election should be the
{ first to nominate 'his successor.
Mr. Cox, of Ohio .—Tbe pleasing duty
hay been devolved \ upon me, with such a
voice a 4 I have, to second - the nomination
made by the gentleman from New Jersey.
1 ami a delegate from the State of Ohio,
sir, skid I beg simply to say that, although
McClellan has not his present-le
gal residence in Ohio, io one sense he has
been with us and among us. and, as one
delegate at least, I propose to second the
nomination. [Applause.] Mr. President, it
is said that seven cities claimed the dead
Homer.. Connecticut claims the'ancestry
of McClellan ; Penn‘sylvania is his birth
place ; New York has associations with
him by many endearing relitions ; Illinois
has loved him, for he has lived simbng the
people of Illinois ; and Ohio, I trust, will
give him her support, if he be nominated,
and the United States of America will
claim him as a resident for four -years in
the District of Columbia, as President of
the United States. [Prolonged cheering.]
Gen. G. W. Morgan, of Ohio.—Mr. Pres
ident and gentlemen of the Convention,
personal friend and firmer comrade
in arms of George B. McClellan. I cannot
remain quiet upon this occasion without
replying to the charges of the distinguish
ed gentleman from Maryland. Deeply do
I regret, Mr. President, that the first as
&suit up:la the Democratic organisation in
this campaign should come from a man
`who Claims to be a Democrat; and much
more do I regret and am I astonished at
the manner in which the charge was made
and the character of the charge itself.' I,
do not impute to the gentleman a desired°
wilfully and deliberately miarepresent the
facts; but; nevertheless, the statements tie
made are untrue, as I hope I may be able,
to convince you. What are the tants ?
Who did Geo. B..lleClellan arrest 1' I find
that the paper from-phials the gentleman
reads, is the New York Tribune, and in re
plying do him, I will reply to his worthy
co-associate, Mr. Greeley,of the Minna. At
the time these arrests were ordeied, the
Maryland Legislature was session at
Annapolis. _ Gen. Joseph Johnston was in
command of the rebel army at Wincheis-,
•ter. There was 0, conspiracy on foot. and.
four or five persona there were the eon.:
spimtors, between Gen. Johnston and this
Legislature to accomplish the invasion of
Maryland. This Legislattire was in com
munication with Gen. Joe Johnson, ene
of the best and most distinguished Gone
rats of the Confederate army. This Legis
lature was to have passed an ordinance Of
secession—the gentleman knows the mean
ing of that term—they were to have with.
drawn Us the town of Frederick and there
issued the ordinance of secession, and,"in
direct and immediate concert with this
ordinance, Johnston was to invade Mary
land with an overwhelming force ; and
certain men in Maryland—the gentleman
me state best who—were; to have aroused
the people of Maryland in arms against
the sovereignty of the ,United States. Geo,
B. ilcClellao, then commander-in-Chief
of our armies, had he acted otherwiler
than he did, would have been guilty of
' treason itself I know well that the,,wor
thy gentleman from Maryland doer not
1 62641 George B. ItlcClellan. He callaJlitn
a tyrant. Whyolirs, if there be one loran
beneath the heavens whq is not a ty 'aht.
that man is Geo. B. McClellan.: I_ol3 x ieni.)
If there is one man who is a lovid• df lib
_ man whtioimecombified - in him
self the gentleness of a woman and' the
courage of atm, that man is GeorgeLtk.
iteelel4u. [Applaule.l The.. facts I knit*
I Irina 'rho, wereteglissigiiikt . 404 ,
41.. •
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the time they occurred. I have them in
black and white from George B. McClellan
himself. Moreover, but two nights ago,
General Barns, of the United States Army.
was in this city. - He took tea with me,
anti, during the, evening, this Maryland
matter was talked about. and he told me
the fact that he had at that time corn
titanied the,American forces at Leesburg
kw the purpose . of watching the efforts of
'Joe Johnston in connection with his amo
ciatee of Maryland. He told me that he
had been informed by Gen. McClellan, at
that time of all the facts, and was instrup•
ted to keep watch and ward both over the
traitors within Maryland and the traitors
beyond the river. (Applause:] Now, sirs,
this is a brief statement of the facts. I did
not intend or exject to have opened my
lips upori.thii occasion, but before taking
my seat nenst speak of another point.—
The gentleman has found a Mare's nest.
The gentleman talks of troops being sent
by George B McClellan- to suppress the
liberty of the ballot Why, the very or
der itself States in distinct words that.
the objects of the' troops sent there was
to protect the• Union citizens, who, it was
feared, would be deprived of their right
of a free vote by intimidation at the ballot
box. These are the unmistakeable histor
ical facts connected with these transact
tions and with these people. They were
men who had been over in Virginia, and,
when our country become unfortunately
involved in this civil war, they were in di
rect communication with the Southern
Generals. In accordance with the laws of
war these people who were guilty of di
rect communication with ,the enemy, and
who invited the invasion of Maryland, by
the • laws of war, - instead of being arrested
would have been executed he spies ; for
such they were. They were communicat
ing information to the enemr. They were
guilty of high treason iu -furnishing the
enemy with information, and against these
men and the intended intimidation at the
polls, this order was given. My'hiends, I
only rose to make•ibis statement and to
disabuse your minds of the no doubt un
intentional misitatements set forth by the
distinguished gentleman whO gave utter
ance to them as they were published by
Horace Greeley. But I will say this, that
I not only know General McClellan now,
but I have known him from boyhood. •I
knew him when a boy of sixteen, and a
truer Democrat never lived. [Cheers.] His
whole heart was inspired with love for the
Democratic party, and a veneration
amounting almost worship for those great
cardinal Democratic principles taught by
Jefferson and Madison, and as re.taught
by the immortal Jackson. But I tell you,
knowing the titan as I do, I say with
certainty that in passing over at_thistizni,
is ibis great emergency of our mutter.
great and distinguished statesmen, mein of
high ability, deserving the confidence of
the people, and singling out that ..•
gives the best eidence, not only of his pu
rity and patriotisin,not only. sa to his quell
ides as a warrior, but of his wise sagacity
as a patriot statesman.
ca. caiman's umca IN IMPLY TO vas
3V. Carrigan, of Pennsylvania.—l desire
to answer the remarks of the gentleman
who has just taken his seat,that.Gen. Geo.
B. McClellan should speak for himself.—
[Cheers.] In relation to the proclamation
of emancipation with which the honorable
gentleman has phirged collusion between
him and the President, addressing a letter
to Gen. A. E. Stuniide, in regard to the .
North Carolina expedition, what does Mc-
Clellan say ?
"In ne case would I go beyond thegen
eral proclamation of a commander,which
should say as little as possible about poli
tics or the negro. (Chem.( I would mere
ly state the true issue for which we are
fighting as the preservation of the Union
of these States(renewed cheering( and
the upholding of - the Live of the General
Government, and that all who conduct
themselves properly . will, as far as possible,
be protected in thew personal property."
Then;lir, what does he write to Major
General Hallesk in regard to the conduct
of officers
"Yon . Vrill please impress upon the in
habitants of Missouri end the adjacent
states that we um lighting solely for the
integrity of the Union,[applanse,] to up
hold the power of the NationalGdvern
meat, and restore to the nation the bless
ings of peace and good order."
And then what 'does he say to General
Buell, commanding the department of
Kentucky ? Re - says to Gen. Buell : '
"It is possible that the conduct of our
political affairs in Kentucky is more im
portant than that "of our military opera
dons. • I certainly cannot over-estimate
the Importance of the former. You will
'please ccinstantly, bear in mind the precise
issUe for which we are fighting that is for
the preservation of the brown." [Cheers.]
• Then, sir, as if he had not impressed as
fullyns he ought to hive impressed it, be
writes another letter to. Gen: Buell, com
manding the Department of Kentucky,in
which he says:
regard to . Ile . political affairs in
Kentucky, bear in mind that wears fight
lag only to preserve the integrity of the
Tinian, and uphold the power of the Gen
etid Government.. LA voice; 'we have' all
Aid Thal 1 mean by - this that it, is the
desire of the Government to *said wine•
cessary and causeless arrests and the per
secution of individuals. If there is a good
reason to believe that persons fare giving
aid and information to the enemy, it is, of
course, necessary to arrest them, but I
have always found that It is the tendency
of_subordinstes to Fiske wrests mostly on
suspicion." .
Oaf. Gee. B. McClellan - in these letters
Goths for himself. [Cheers." He said
in :North Carolina, where Gen. Barn
eide he was to impnes the people
with, the imPortenee of Maintaining, the
trnion—with• the importance of what car ,
ried him there. So in Missouri end so in
'Kentucky. • Despite the vindictive as
melte bore_ indulged in. George B. Wad'
lan lomday is es deeply and firmly imbed
dad in the tool! of the Anierican people
as tbk granites in the .in a ind ahn ! and the
iron are of his astir' , PditasenOt
• Sewed .
HeAnQuArrns Aare or vot Poem.;
Calm Naas Haitiuson's Lanvin°, Vs., I •
July 7, MIL •
Piiisuoxsti --You have been, fully
. •
informed that the rebel irmy is in our
front with, the purpose of overwhelming
us by attackiligiour positions, or reduciing
us by blocking our river communications.
I,mcmot but regard our condition as criti
cal, and I earnestly desire, in view of poa
sible contingencies, to lay befornyotu-ex
cellency, for your private consideration,
'my general views concerning the existing
state of the rebellion; although they do
not strictly relate to the situation of this
army, or strictly come within scope of. my .
official .duties. j These views amount to
convictions, and are deeply impressed up
on. my mind and heert... Our cause must
never be idielidened; it is the cause of
free institutions' and self-government. The
Constitution and the Union must be pre
served whatevermay be the cost in time,
treasure or blood. If secession is enemas
ful, other dissolutions are clearly to be
Seen in the feint*. Let neither military
disasters, politiOal faction. or foreign war,
shake your settled purpose to enforce the
equal operation,of the laws.of the:United
States upon the people of every State.
The time has come when the Govern
ment. must determine upon a civil and
military policy covering the , whole ground
of Our national trouble. ' The responsibil
ity of determining, declaring and support
ing such civil and military policy, and of
directing the whole course of national af
fairi in regard to the rebellion_ must new
be assumed and, exeinised by you, or oar
cause will be Wt. The Constliution gives
you power imffielent even for the present
terrible brigentiy,
' This rebellion has assumed the charaa
-ter of war; as stick it should be regarded;
and it should be conducted upon the highest pin=
eipla knows 0 Clrisi4an eiviiization. It should
not be a war looking to the subjaptkin of
the people of_ anystate any event: •11
should not be - a i m'r upon poptilt,tion,
against armed . forms and pOlitioni tirtai2j
seams,' Neither aysfiniiion'#'li o ver.V.
deaf cremating o/ periase; asiitsrfof ayukka
tiinCof Statti. or forcible abolition of dare*
should be contemplated for a moment. In pros- •
ecuting the war; all private property and
Unarmed persons !should be strictly per,
tented, 'subject 'only to the nearaitY , of
military operations. All private p roperly
ken for military We:Mould be paid or receipted
for ; pil6age oadsearaehadd be treated as high'
crimes; all somenmeary trespass stet* proklol
ted, and ofaisims dawanortby , the =Ma* dio
searde Me eitai l niprempay mdaked. -
armee ehmad merle tolerated, except fa pit*
vhav aetive hostilities exist, and auk 'not re
feiredbgetemmietitemiewetkonally made, Amid
be — wither desanad,ed nor- ressissd..
'governments - 1 should be anifitted •to 'the
pram lyvitiOn of TablicsiOaa.lnd
tection . of rightel - itliitary power
should not . be allowed to interfere with
this relations of :servitude. either •by sup
porting or impairing the authOity or the'
master, except for suppressing disorder as
in other cases,-' ;Slaves contraband under
the to Congress, seeking military pro
tection, should receive it. The right of
the igoiernment to appropriate perma
nently to its own. servioe claims to slave
labor should be asserted. and the rights of
the owned to compensation therefor should
be recognised. _
This principle might be extended upon
grounds of military necessity and security
to all the'elaves within a partioular• State,
thus making manumission in such State ;
and in Missouri; p erhaps i in Western Vir
ginia aloe, and pasiibly even in Maryland
the expediency, of such a measure Is only
a question of time.' ,
A system of policy thus constitutional
and 'cimiervative, and periadect blithe in
fluences of Christianity and freedom,
would 'receive the support of all truly loy
al' men, Would deeply impress the rebel
masses and all the foreign nations, and it
might be humbly hoped that it would corn
;tend itself to the favor of the Almighty.
Unless tbit'principles governing the
turn undoat "ivf, cur, struggle . shall be
made lt - ttoirciand approved. , the effort , to
Obtain requisite tomes will be almost hope
less. A. declaration of radical Views, es
pecially on 'direr'', will rapidly disinte
grate our present armies.
The policy of the Gevernmeat must be
supported .by concentrations of military
power. 'The national forces should not be
dispersed in eapeditions, posts of occupa
tion and numerous armies, but should
be mostly collected into masses, andbro't
to bear upon the armies of the Confeder
ate States. Those , 'artttlei timioughly de
feated, the politicalstrtoture which they
support 'Mold soon cease to exist.
In 'Carrying !out .any system of policy
which you may form, you will require a
commander-itwobief -- of -the army ; one
who *messes; your r. confidence, under
stands' your views and is- competent to Inr
ecnteloni orders by directing .theinilita:
ry foist* of th'e nation to thewoooisplisb
msnt of the oldeete by. you purred.- I.
de: Mt ails gm plus , for iityialf. I ant
wilting to sera you in such polOicut
you may assiga rise s 'and I; will do so its
faithfully as ever Subordinate sere* sups
tier. •.• • ' • - '
may be thebritiltl'Of eternity. and
as I hope for forgit ., eness'frOnt my 1113dser,
I have irriigeM .this.-1e44
toward you avid -.from lose. Of my - spunky..
Very reellefdhillY:lt.4.t letvant.
111f Itf aj. Gen", Comtnandizig.'
~is„Expelinay; taticolv4 , Peeve:
A limit'vroFian
'per on die:e!`bilii; in . whieb '
figeinet killing all the thee... abe sips:
"I do' not beilereiriii'fighting for
,an'd' the Atig
,to the hist !lute; and gems to me eigbedi b?anldiet, who tilki
inoh ponsemilis; NSrl# t . 1 !4i011 the oonutr;
be tofee eiskey xebec .if'
mio...*AlPr, 17: sr- is' ark
. ~~
Mums $ thelikaire Cs,. _ IM.
The oorresponqeit of the' Mild: . gives
the following 1n ling sketch 'id the
ptvoeedlnp`"atkMieg Gen. itoelellaktk
• ' ;,
' Soon &Reel° the ballothigemer•
maimed, sad proceeded just *beet as was
altioipated in my previonst dispatches. It s
was soon manifest -titat,lfoClellan had re
oetyed more than.tmi4birds of - the vote.
The New .fingland Skits! first Tilted, and
were receivedwitkiklemendous applause ;
'but, when the of my4elegatian
rose and annouved.that that great State
threw hir thirty=thres votes for George , B.
McClellan a *millet enthusiasm followed
that fairly shook the mighty amphithea
• The oonventioa rose spontaneously to
its feet, while the sixteen thousand spec
tates followed with tie deafening cheers.
Pennsylvania with ' her twenty;sii, and
Illinois, with keen teen votes: met with
justeuob receptions. . , ' '
When i the end Ofrthe list of States Wes
reached; -end those delegates who hadetp.
ted kir other isndklates Mir the • irresisd
hie current • Unit set _toward McClellan,
they changed their votes for him amid
scenes of enthusiastic that, have been so
characteristic .or Ali oenvilition. Vedv-'
moat led off, followlid by Massachusetts.
Wis;wnin, lowa, Heine..Ketituctity, and
then Connecticut. -.Ohio asked time
for consultation. during which the bands
played and (ikrvetnorSeytnotti made one
of his eloquent 4b.ts;• which was wartnly
received. Ohio .then voted, and doubled
her first vote for McClellan, caning only
six against him. • • ,- ,
The result of thelirst 'ballot was then
sunounced of 202146 McClellan. and 24 - ,
votes for Seymour.* was
at this moment still his death , in the vat, i
assembly ; . but intently ['ltaly twen ty
thousand people root '& their feet frantic
with enthusiasm.- The very air was dark
ened with a wend Sourish of flags, hats,
canes and handkerchiefs that flew 'up al !
most to the ceiling. :,The mighty. choral,
of applause Was: edfited from the thou-,
sands waiting 'on tire outside of the am !
phitheater; while thezioar of the artillery
. d the main of the . Ueda oould hardly
the be heard above the nthusiastic din that
ran everywhere . . Jog through :the:
streets, into the 6 ' 'a nd in every spot
Where th e tens of de who have
thronged this city . . a week past were
gathered. . -
The euthanasia hod lie olitalke when
the McClellan baliiiiiirwas run !up over the.
President's stand, tiering
. tbo . portrait, of
Gen. McClellan ;Abe inscription "Our
Ceunhy's H ome." i re band struck up
"Hail to the Chi ef , end the convention
and artillery' Outtdd 'Wasted' the incident
Withilleir usual 4; Uniceistration. '
It warn long 44 before order was re•
stored, and then - VallandiAtimun, of
hio, sad Kr: .of INW-YOrk, who
t - pertain nhi• orDemoorsey,
niadar.:ciffeetite •de cluing -- for
united action no .wiak unity
of Pllftr Polr—V 4 : a • •
remiskish .
cau bero didat in din e ' l' in res tt i g
re dil4 murith "j
ot '
July, 1825; 44 is therefore • ,little lest
bans ear oli~r Aener F al'il~eCleltso.
Ifs ries
. •
ate of Ohio in 1854 and 1855; in 1856 he
was chosen to represent his district in the
House of Representatives,and his been
elected to every succeeding Congress, not
withstanding the present popular majority
given by Ohio against the party to which
he belongs.
Mr. : Pendleton occupied from the first a
proininent position in the House. He was
always placed on important committeel,,
and discharged the duties pertaining to
such positions with rare ability and
ty.. He is a man of pleasing appearance,
and a fluent ipeaket: ' His popularity , is
proverbiarnieitong his political opponents,
as well iii those atiachiA to the same par
ti with himself. ' His record during the
coat urine of the'Present weir Is as clean
as his best friends could wish. Tough
syinpithiling with those who were in favor
of peat*, he has always voted for biller for
supplies for the army and navy, and for
the support of the Governnient, but . ready
at any moment to advocate picithe meas
tires when they promised to result in a
restoration of the Union. - Aside from his
ability, Mr. Pendleton's personal popular
itY throughout the West, will be a tower
of strength for hint in the doming canvass.
His eminently one to be
• McCoussies."Ainurr ARDKLIMINCS•";
—Tlu'day otter the War Departtn hail'
deprived Gen. McClellan of ell oommand
except his staff and *a raw hundred -men
at Fortress Monroe; and when, in conse
quence, the rebel- legions began to drive
.Pope's 'defeated army into • Weshillgtop.
den Halleck sent him a dispatch which
Concludes with the 'following words ;',";
beg of you to isiist me with your ability
and experience." ' That "ability and ex.
perience" is just' what the Adminislraktion .
has been in , need of ever since, find the
people knoir it ; and, furthermore. they
now demand that the nation's affairs, well
nigh plunged in hopeless ruin bv
-imbecility, shill. ieeeeforth i have.
the tlietiefit of • jest that setae "ability Sea.
experiencel •
'Nrnin 3o r Auction 1141714 YOk
The Hndscp Qazde
illustrating 'the La! the poor negro.
ipAeanlibobtaori The 'truth
outier s nant , is, !iouchad- Jar by the
above InentAinted “Cln the let
I P' ;f 4 : o '.) , Ad iirou.!• , l h.ving , at Chatham
ttF Owners. New York, pni, up ber:ion'
at *notion at, : bey .
houle an a aulvtirtit",
and sold him to the higheit n bid i der The
itio'lias gaidtlooki6g, robliet young
key, wr`a`Mtiefed'at $BOO l, utitO
si:oo6, P iinrie
which '' sum was 'knocked
down w a lawyer of thin village!''
.Tte or Depts.l-IV4t ere pitiedto .
beta iiepo*mtoe 'halt that ”the People
axe WO of -.dreiti,", , 'this is titnientouni, 1
to IhelPil the7:hre tired of jihnohl• the,'
iriiiojkre 'neve:Wei we cannot getyisl,oi
ip without ridding tito_conetry of the
er : Toyota for tine9lia:4 to rote far
NM": Oaf*. the Moe le plain.: ,Linoolu
and Pri,tlll3-.r4r and.P°oo°4 : 4 r1144
°r tkPrmrrs#) -I* (l 9o.'an d ilw i t• :1 ;0
A • , f l4 o i *. °( :' 41 0 01 . "illar W.. ~'„
- • moo_.. r. rt 4l AA,4—:.
Stu krie NMI% Obsatter.
Iplelal Notices. .
•ar dissies to oats is way
tionsittp la the ssaiii. 1111111 kaa WWI 'mu=
taabsplisosip; flat ye treat is dm bail ins
portsofilstosaip. Asp pas* *lt* to es as 4..
Poilholstift Wm* kept siiistly osoldsatial sod
Wks los hiss tbattion s not la Pore
OliPiheimialiNusot Pat I ,•tfiPt!risto teas
Chty eallefethee•serredllyeat9ler, will be obemi
tweety-fhi seats per leite sites. TIMM who 24t to
waive Illetrpepire ROM" will eight • hew* so*
&imp as et the item We prehr is have ad muheuthie
who tea emeeleatly, procure their ppm at the Mho
et pitgleatioa.
arrb. bear at width the Olitowserts pit le pesos,
sealereek,te 2 °Week as Ileusdayldleraeea., 4142eartlee:
sett will be reestved . up to 9 eel** of the lay, of pub.
. •
,ErAn Adnevarrou, Joi• Weft amildeerhitiom
hOsiorsou wbase ' to set kairs to tai
pabilibists, awe Sepoial b *bast*
onssitvwe Jos: OPTIIOII.
We scald resreseally all theattontios of the piddle
to oar !UMW; kr deltic Job Wei Wag at e/ . dssorir
Woo. Sarin saptd Prom EMU* /shut dyke
we ars prepared to dO trayol4thojebbher 1411. 1ei rt
sors=l to ay o th er Agslissat, lid oa bess
Y the' Sable or Ottnelend Sloes. We
;re Oiled Nearly WO thoisailif dollops
t w o ith bt sato
rial hi tho Oka ewe lb Oar ben la o ar soessia, with
the oiled of im/dwit what we thought the dommenti
tySesded. , Bow wallwe hers saimiedol. is SWa the,
swims* of wble h Soy la meg to
pert of North WNW* fre thtel. 'hese
*ha tent lasty'seeit are United ti bial :tee us a rill. W.
ass or aarkind ef hinds( Use so ko done nionelters
—each Der taatanas as
All kinds tiled by Opal
All binds used lry Cled UV . , • .
AU kid. used by Mel eel re,
All kinds used by Werthents and !tink'er's', - ' •••
All kinds used byllatallers and Orem*
' 'An kinds used by Xanufstarers. , , t.,
AU Waft soils aledisiar Dealer; .
- AU Made wad try Muttramotrs, • • .%.
. r
' MI NAM aped by. Itrillesibi Agsatt, • • 7 ,
AU thole used by Ranks, _
All kinds andlo• lassensies Moe.
Ail kinds used by Stook Coapaniee. CUs.
AU kinds used by IfroltstV
All kindeluod by Os.. and For. Msrehanta,
All kinds axed by Upson Way • •
AU Wads used by PerApsdomd Ws. • .
, AU/dads sod byisiterl si llogies, , '
AU kids used by Public
All Wads used by Patentees,
All kinds mid by Predators of New Artie's,
AU kinds us di by Worthealtst all Trades. _
, All kinds used by Architect;
' AU Made used by Depasereaa ifsteitisinisents, .
AU blade end by Artists reuerally, • •
•All kiads used by Mlle Withibiters, .-
'- All kinds sped by klesseeta altraesal AionbUs.
. AU Mods wed by Political • .
. 'All kinds mod by Tnefidllair lia =t r i. ; • •
.. •
AU kinds used ity resSeiesiir 'e th os of rail estate.
AU Made 'lied by the el of Personal Property,
All kiads isdbi /*taw& .
In iaortailliteds lipid by sU image..
. _
thdellibTwilthyle* oat h 7 itticnoltok PesthetsProwP
ly a t tested to. *pats frellhows,Ossoortsy be. *
My so aro cot sopaeletod with; nest pay -in
la asses where }adios an pest oat of the
ell e TeelPflibisad the eseseas for wham they nee intind-
Id an • regular aocouat at the *doe. the bin
. roT
collection will tavarialdrbs fo rw ard e d with this. ,
Dentoevatie County Convention.
The Democratic Voters of Brio -minty are
rospeotrally invitedlo.asemble at their nintil
plum is the WOW Wards, Bore the end
Townshipa, - oitte!nAer 171 k, 1864,
to'eleit ddlegatetf to it. Connty Contentitn
be held •nt the 'Conti , • Hoven, in the city of
'grit), on Tuesday Alternocin, txe Mid of Sqiens•
tier, 1864, at 2 o'oloci, for the nomination of a
local ticket. OD. W: HUTCHINSON,'
' - ' Changan.
Girard, August 17. 1864.-4 d.
41111111011 Boss I.—A. Cniiics to Kau
Mokar.—Very few persons sire *Ware, that. by . 1
rieent 4:mention, newspapers andnorspe of
printed pispeC,, curt be coiyarted into material '
..qT.PliAtitl 3 11 1 .4f1t •!The. ,priCe .tof
. 4 4
paper-his wadi .an setivelilkosasC
silrePaPiirs. books, pailhlets isd'seraps et
piper for 'this purpoie, and' it' is ' eagerly
binight up by parties conneited with the pt..;
per mills. By .collecting mei SWIM all the
tnaterial of this kind about their iseuiesi, and
selling it, many s &ditty . can put unions,' in
their purses," which would otherwise be lost.
The highest prim is cash, will be paid for it
st this iddoe.. z : if.
Fifty Cents for Three alionths.
In order to phscethe Ossisrax
the reach of all who desire to read sound
Tinian doctrines. we have decided to hike
subscribers for the space of three months."
;commencing with the ikat V Ali, and
ending with the next issue after the Prow.
idential election. The price will be Farr
iststria64f is cutvcrui. Each subscrip
tion will, be promptly discontinued at the
expiration of the time, unless other dirsea
nous are giren s r the persons receiving
the paper . . • •
We earnestly urge the Democrats of_
'Erie, Warren,: Crawford and Ashtabula
counties to make a special) effort to in
crease the' circulation of the One:arms
during itti'lstaiting and iniportant politi
cal campaign so soon to - open. Let po
men wait upon his neighbor, to commence
the work of obtaining subscriptions,Thut
enter upon it himself, with energy, deter
mination and persiste'ney. :The crisis de
mends the services of all, and no One can
excuse himself who Ms to perfortn his
duty ID this hour of his country's danger.
We should kave at least two thousand.
campaign subscribers on out- books before
the close of August.. Lot others do their duly
and sok well no fail fri perd:nria Once. '
Snag bag thoroughly proved I; D "to ' be the beef"
maid' knows for miring CATAW. MI Ram
sad Raesaost. ft Ms Km fond 4is steeliest remieli
In tummy dell of Soil 2TM Da he. bemire oared
by Kiang! Hitearsolles sites butte stoat" Improved by
Its in. It le hsiossl and nerehle. lad Khoo
STK RUT% to the deli baser pales emend by diaasse
of the Head The ryneations sloe lag It are &halal
and Invigorating. It opens and arse out alt oh ,
dilutions. strength no the glaude and ghee II bee/hi
action to the parte bilte . dst • • • •
Wore thee thlrty'yeime of side sad we of Dr Karelian's
Catarrh and Fleadaelee!lnuff ben peuivid Its greet vibes
for all Ow emiMi'rie 'Musses Lead, led at thla rte:
meet Wei's& Witter this Sear/000 nteoemessil.
ad by =sty of the lad phydeinna, aid is turf frith eimit
inseems and eathilt*te Orsiirrheri,J geed* thitKlisets
uf Klbrieselle.Druggiebe In ISO • ; •
no uadaniasod4laykythr may mat Woo youvalko.
god with Br.RankoqaCatYvb sad Haadarh• thyikook4
iold is fte r e t daisfan• 'mats Hut Vs Yr-,
Hari to lie aka* la wooilMaw4 ta r tly raoomankoak
Heal ant Ike tia - olue at Cebu& - allmlioaa, sad
Hai It le dwadodli tie tool Auticki w. Ma. invr Iwo,*
fer:aßooemialdakasso of th. Road.
Win a ?atm Baia. aidlie ecao:; Wei% 1/!111.00
c.it9 6 % lll rilWeib rAn...4. W.Feler "Iltduelc
k co wfta ; k Co„ H 8 'HOT;
Peal. Ma.; s47riiii - li 11aadiatarkos
Paal Ca, soul h k
Co, 1(gO ion I ;Wel% ?1..
L. &Mk k CY, IL inazd f Oro k • Cs., auk' k
IhrorTark. ;. •
1,11/4441, -
lA, cod writs!, sad," ibdtllstary Bars Dianna.
did 'faiths list mu ragtag iiet t.g le. Isspad late
tbs istalsbUsittet4 . ; - sa salysially.' as
1311041TADOSOPS IjAlit DTI, Wiest 16'Am:sisals ,
tM irendlie %Abu 4 tinfot.sei ,
*keg's with Vhl Wit failattabieddtil
of dos Walks sad tempos it papaft..%itiallite
kw: emsall agoauid '44o,4iiasaaus lakridtaiti,ll4
tf paildi sa Wink Ole eft lag &Sod sad
sallaisat teams OA, Todaatait s Pliraultt• '‘ I .t
thisitalasts'a all Piresir •
a WO* aillais4 ti'dltkeyi; tie *iambs aas
tkeinarth asstai~ Us,* et 111 balr, sad till
! ,110 0.11rA * l O~ O nelebelL
asss, sobs all stas,sgialses ..A„,
Imam •?.. 4 v. co
~ ,
, s
0.14 la'tb4s odium at the tato of
lfryo..A Vim Dollen per roar. 3
si..mst,witi '
Om ibrinitow, %tog may nary Coast!
is issitared. 4o 6 arta or oaks Plow or kap
loot,M, rat. 011ise is • Cooksion Oossell loom,
Wright's Bleak. i
Tv 0. W/11.111111, .
° INtwassile ASV COa OM
Ulo" It& limeNrasi es ' PVistki lok le an
ignaluti j
tlst! nag. Also, 0641,161111tb.. 4". l ost ,
roan wrier Us" Ex. N. 8.--Patikale ak's
Imo o
141/Xw. mad tall Risslsistaait Pemartist 4/
YMsod,Zoln Puts Utile ousts,.
6W11.111111111 . •
• WwillOoma ono Wows. Dalian IN
sad roodink lifts lad Too; Wood oad
Wm. Wises , Upon, Totroco.Ropro. ha, BWto
• mat to Yoszto Boosolradidadilag asporhun.
EFlPstao, szninir,
I • os rim Paula. Ojos seeoul
emir Rains ilionak,,Trfeh and, bstorsea nftb mid
DzAms to Asa. Rum or Emeavan,
Gailkaaalleiammi sad Jabbers Ia Tia sod Itgal
t ans,
emir Grath aa4 Slats Ray Erla, Pa
141 0 L R,14 •.- -
, SIMMS_ Parnaitrit
ni"l" Pa. Puilt&W.
Arranlmi at LAW. RigwPa.
PraVtlas la Elk , Ma ssa. Cameron sad Jeffiasaa d
eatitle .
Ct. CHAPINT. (Jaaant-lver W. R. WILB UR.
I:lMiler of iZOOOOd cot *Ask alzoolt--000 ogoote oast of
uhaion'it Excitant*. Wan**. Pi. BgR IP-41.
Antics at Ts' num •Ms to Gulletli
Malaise Solith•vrest comer pf, fifth and State stmts.
Cminryaselig dose weft Md eolleatiosa nods prompt
. Jeltrl;447"
'ellLll4 •
• "goad Auer, et liUadinabeht's Blooli, Iris, Pi.
,i:ngHk . N. CIPIPLICE.
eolieetiona and anar laudasai armada to i 'l l2
..,mptana amddispiteb..,
n P. 1111111510
man is
Xll, Igariases, Nimmons ft. Cosa=ri
Ottris maw Bryrit's Botel,frostiog Or Park.
*MK •
1 •
IE . : i•-
;• J. 8. Onus time takes the Use Kiln at
feet of Fresh Street, sear the Philadelphia depot,
;rte eltp i aid le proposa Is tarsi& 111;to Use; is large
es issalaantis, at the Swat wrist rtes.
- • • is rasz Daus.
it. isimixs, rims.
sw 111- S
,P, ; m . ' Ts AW LAY. TAS Cbletit ' at
=iiivfilfh S. •
j W. WXl4l.oltit,
on , eerasi ot t nT ir Law. ta Walker's Of
• XL. 0111111.1 LIN ,14
. ! allinate DINXWIP Moir X
istne4 mu. rt. . artb lift in
laths g% Part,
Ti Air' A sem nom, • •
__ _
_ ir "ma stmt; beiliesa 4th fad SUL @bye*
MO Abe niladmilpids 4 Aft AlaUsgml Dip9t. CV&
uil&Mbosisoker, ii,=7 UN ally or
*aloe Fide
wpm* BILIVPHiIit, .
" l'eletatteata TIMMS sad
rter flaw ailar ri i ir i Paul &Mae Madame
ind la ase— Mate Waimea tth sad eth Shi,
tea mum *sae to to the laid style.
lut" p. 0158011N11,
t intimuiste l s zir Ain aril iron; on Me
film kiloton zurobnablo torso: " "86"NtsySlIttdly.
- ltAsiraansmiss Oman
[in Gearing. Arrinlttral implik;oguts. iihrolid anis.
4ripas. .
‘'N. )1442116116
•• 4 • WIMP
i• • inesk.samistasot as Put. it*. Pa.
ii.:crm"rt r_onr ay Law—OSsien Stilitnet,
u lipea.e.lll46.l*.
L • SW= motvisr:
orrou S rileins'at comoin.Luzs AT LAW
0 FFICE, Puri Nock, near North
Ifoit Corm. of hallo Baum Mo.
rill C. 5141114 .
DuLes t= DtT Dome, Gums^
• Rardwer. NW* rah" 8004, riasio4 ste,
strad and Cubits tkplark LT% jalltt.
~1411) THIS
4nd'ilhow_it to; Your Friends.
" retertovED
szmnzo' mAcKnoll !
-I=Olissrwiellred he be theBIPT Lie MU ever
Into this country. Theis unrivalled moue
waited/ la tide osorten but all own the World. has
-rinds it by hs the Rod popularlisohlne aow In use.
i ,
-- ,
, i. ,
sm: Suss tie tend el , 011 ether Neekluse, but
Sr the late intpropuneate km brew added, every ea.
of - wort is performed with each Naas sad rapidity
the . .
Lad It winittmeestratleit of /MG. We warreat them
tb stitch ersty satiety ofiroods,frons the thinnest muslin
to the tidekest cloth. They mete the celebrated "took
stash; wide& is tiejes te rte er motet. 12mes
&lass will &the workWITBOUT ANT BAST.
LNG OR Pupautto .
: : •
illssy woke say width of hem without previously
timing , or tenting It they will other end etit,h o r saw
wis Ne nass.s rf roe don't Whore it,
i •
Cho &maul far *ass selottirst..l 116r.bla s• s el.'s 1r:•
bars been bested is fol., has h4.n itst .si.Sl•4r. 1 , 1
time/. Iry bad great dtataalt: in tilling nor nrdrr •,, Itut la ,
Vi•Vii•fall eta& Jon treerrri, nd okra •..d, tow au,
liteinill .1110./6111116 1 1..t Mad we amt....A.:a. .1 lur fools
Sri islepariky 6116.1 sad furnish. 6,, and our a..-cmtimoda
tletta Ibraoadhatiag the terrine t.. err ea , ecjeaf ed.
; Ilssisliselstass *Fere award* I the higtert pr.inta ...
wilatura FAIR in Lou•to.. 168':. •
'1 111wiNDU4fitIAT, Pll4)+lTlOu:Nris 1.6 .'.
Two 1111.111,011C3,1 fi . /411 rx. vvattnirtna, 11113
./164 at almost rim, °lst* And 47.6.gatj ror wts•A a .:-
lusted. • not Sr. wormits4 thre. yeal4. The, ute
= stiv
. ttrateitto la soustrectlas. Th.. i,u 'with Ow
NNW Us . an slosat'onlaeins.
K ir
entocrtbm ?Mtg. •
I, 001666 ummillwat le epsiestles. If in. eAkaaet nowt
p.m" ter •••qpt• a work sad • 'lrmo tar be %WI . ,
i t - .. M ILT k Ulgria. soots, Valon.glart,
'.. );ISIVI4 *NI " ' - (gart ParS,) Rs'., Pi
- hoo■
17 1864.
- • • 4'. UR A• t i.e.:U [AR!,
4. , A.l .COOPlrilt
BAWD 110, 11118 CO., 'PA:
T s!,r. Olt E !
11 1 1404 ogottnakrill"*Miras to her
tiA it, GI K. ; F. GOODS,
r"ITS trio tiPlr'Yeiliosabemiew '
**Of alikte;AUtholliat 40"-
Tolitiller soma
o a'
• %Web dui will son
. P~iie ~Ms pad is bilsom!ldx,
as* se heia MO 'Noel More
i L ii
, 2 "MUIVA ZLOZ. ;..-- ?A , P :ilt , 0 i 11:; I
fle !r . 1 1 ! a -.4,441k .
4 I I , II • I 11111r7
) 2.
I, N- D !
_ . ....I ~ I • :1 . -. I: '-'. .t7T.11.1` ,
ARON.IN P riirs-fie ' "
It to melt bee en te the apedealymilesliNeallitAßOX BI
Abe Meal PriiiMpieer 14•114mmitmt.111berje MD
111 &deed Midi fresithe Mad wealitibii Mind Is
oat yereperip leteq, er irliestastmeepewitem•
frowl4ll4l4aßlXtlita 4B. sl.
Vni on. or beenO Mooed, the abide se
bad Mood KID lnitete,the Wirt, will dam ay IM ,
wig Asp* tipolerelmmill distend tbe Hier.
load Ifaelessoes.pi Weigle, eisesmate .i.. 041,101001 Oa;
Asissikossi Ovary owe n4ll sail* wl lINa WW7
be 11. 1 d 1 S00 lid la Catfile.,
The gnat !kali at Santa LB -A 1119DICINB is wen
known sod siekacroiedged by ail medial awe. Tim.. '
Benny has Bien to abbe's ash s paraUmt °fit weal
niter OW at
s meShaaillortat ease midi Om -
blood., Toy IDIOM'
IDIOM' "r i lS i. /I gir liState
Ohienbil, hae • atterand ,Ilysiey, iv
eolibinatlea la a way before iiii -
MT 111 - 11BDICHfit ttiatarriber at the Beet ell Dimes
112=Z0011611004Withcibertaidpie or Life
TEIX P1110 1 (j cb1_01( SWF flame DMNimida, lie.
le_giar m i lithlst Sew, , neariteid Agee, Lone of Zama,
7r. 191TMearibt tinAtilr.tsiiikatiUltib. Mem'
sad woe We into the system.. and WU* ay as. "flea
Conetitatimi.',_ „, • - . .
TUN 1411,110119 AN tinter Cares Nerve's Mi.
Wow TI MM Hillyilf.ak INIII AMON* se theXklarys
and filadOerr.l
ingilkumrs svachr Ts a RIPBCAdIC for all
diessassorigiastlagla a BAD PUTS ON'THI BLOOD,
meempaalol( by Debility rrr a aryl-irate Of the 4ys•
'_.__ lllo lll Ins !
jfeaf Alcohol 'in sly OAS.. OP *We*,
u ."'" ar!"9.f•Hemm by ssorefroaes‘ prose" beau it•
pmaarteat, Marsiag aTIOMOMI4 nom amid au iusa Into
*Ain:tie system, dad.bathtlag s y an lON CON.
It ken assellentsabsAtate f.'s Wise Or Broady where
s etbanlest 11l aseded.
One element in the teitorative power arlrea Is a mad-
Wise fiel Sao maraelfs metes sad the efortriXty dimegmed
tforeey. 1 -
To take molialser to care diatom peensumed by a de.
Money of lON 111 THI noo 11. mahout meberimr It
to the eyeAs*ts Ve try* to ripair a baibilar whim
the flandatien I. gone.
Psiaphletsoontsining aeollestes of eon/ sad mow
mendstleme *oar rime erthe melt smisoMphsefilain.
Olernmen mid others, will les sent FRICS .to any ad
dress. --:
Ws West ii few of the war to show ties ellisasetor of
-the tiistimotilals i •
JOHN B. WILLIAM. Lee , Piesideated -die Metro.
papa l ', , N.Y.. Rev. •ulet. dligTing tab editor
Mita= ,fr Joinisl, Rer. P. - 131117kCH, w editor
New York Girenias, Nor. John l'irryeaf,,Bee. mem
Barton, Bor. Arthur B. Fuller. flow. - 00 Noe Ilobbioe.
Rm. Sy Irene Golly isiss, , r Starr Kla RM. Trim
Nets, Jr., Am. Joseph H Climb. Rey. Hew
Nor. P. C. EiMidtey, Res. Jobs II ,Ohnstesil. Imes M i t
eon. X D. Roswell Inanity. X D , B. -O. BeadaU, 11, 0.,
W. B. Chisholm, IL D., Saadi Dana, X. D.; Jeremiah
Blom, IL D.; Jose Astonie tiaaolota t jr- UiAga- says%
L. D., Abmbiim Wendell. XD.. J. R. 411 4 1 .., iir 0.8 11.
ir . Linsey, X. D. • ...
Er Mel may he bet we sfrsilwir live/Man the tes-
Moon? if au* mom thho' is . a PtISON4L
TRIAL. A he. alma aremprib Wore War PI IS a ailll
kiesjailat Mem rani, and imedlde camel reassiseify
hielleirs• ON •is MeV : ,:: • •
For Drerspeas, Dammam sad Iffesalit-WaMmassas ft
4 a epeellls: ' •- • - • -
preps/so by N..L CL•BX 41 CO.. aadOlfileir far
J e P. OINSXIO9I.X. 401 Firosilway, N. Y.
Sold by all Druggists. ' aiglrei-ly.
THAT 'tile variety of , oew 41111adBed
a , Camp shadSA, s or Gollds, Lad - , flor.
rs haw ' id et trila
=s en ts - ariolstraittroahaadmoosli straltodilliwita%
Dialog, Bradoltst, dabs sad afar Tailor,
Mateo* *Oaf Moods, Cloolost tad amok
dogs SKI; Hair audios Gram Irrailar laas =
lord Borsarrio will other isoasoboold • Ire ill
smsordistarod trios well sarmard lasers ,ht,gthr,
materials, by' szparticad woiloasa asd toot bf lateraties
Willi; falistris viallid rad low prom 17sa *di era
two-pros darn to usauspoU amw reatbiewbg= ih ad
sold. Cask asst im Pa i i• P arl or. iliditowlo UAW ,
Sara sad saw of iseloss sad Worsen PROW
Dieters, aro Wary sad ghat, asklog theft as
stress as a* ether past of tho 'Adak 1/11610 orre asets
sod sold ass old, sari sad di aa arm darldits. Wood
Wisdom; dribles,
_Sowing sad Keno, ars shahs of hard
wood roundli elLesiod Ese = the asst va4 stood. wiz
railed to stood. ' sod araft to boa
ts* illar - _linlitaidOso Sad alla bi rdal SO* I lure
rola war ars arml says the Wert sili with or
Ha % S of an goods swat lei appiaatata;•rottizar
sad ' bes. ,•-
Afar years espootoose mkt seatsodhis. , pith =-
tiro vial did.., I an *dotoraias4 to on
lisalliValspa all d* with, 001 wortblbr parlay, and 4P Nitta
to who ao,
Ludas, Littli,B
_lug's!, Live Shaft, Ofaisdird Islas
00, Mom Pan Nato fa, taloa at flr Whit ralud
law. ' B sot -. ta r tie OMNI, ant same of eh street
oa State, Mr% Pa. - G. W. WILIIIT
raroeli-tf. •I" litsisafact sad Osstals's lairma.
art4-1:01 Clams of VW Pod rPodrit
OnairsawaJ .
'Woad rmottrally . "9 the ationtlos Otis idwatty
to au largo Iltodt of
Web Id dooldold ts,IAI ittboi
mar ' Loma* . POSIIIIILZ IP111058:
TEAS, - . -
14)A, aZ",
Iffi sot itorponolUr **Aar proydroll to prove to
dfl who rho Mit a NIL
Nis air keeps aeratesenias hod • atexixf . litot et
tor tie
ot viola.
nt, .toe witek he !Heeds tie stilettos
patili • 4 '
Hie raft; ti. *Veldt fbasa. ililid a WI
IkakeirstiatellilkeleAt ' agdralt.
m, .•
a - .
Would ruopUouully !Wort Us rile thia pap cowl
No. 2 Hughes' hock; Erie,
Whey bo will alms keep ea baud I huge @apply of
viiimes, LIQUORS, mans,
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cr Writs so moosibk ea otaivillfrio La Um
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Wass willl.lve Dunkirk 'tallest th•folln flag hnnra
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Gbbbi's illustrated Domak .Ilible,
liar the fassily, Sa bath tiehoel tesch-s or "Undone aC
the this watt bee TUTV.I.Vii Sitsteabla tealares
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1. Sures .hoodir I tweeripttes For ..ingo. .
2. anew tboostout %Weisel '. eferee,...7 .
3. Fla .',7 - zreatrd •rt %Nit. .
4,, N002111 . 0t1 , 1 , np.M1 . 4 14..1411nri
h. A 11.:hroaO!ogieni order 4. , .
6 A twirl 'oxpititlon of rse t VII ..r .fd.- ' -
7. rttuff 4 tAl "0414% I Uettivai t 05m.... .
8. Refiecti•lo., un- , 2. - .1 loolut
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• 10. Dab , 1.
dazed . tho , ttattrot. for sa:at ' 1 Wili• g'•
a. ••I Evening'. Readtiti: 4ou.p•askg, ITe whir oda.. iu a
11. Au Rttorlot • , rortlr.or•-• •
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Intarrot Pastor, work: It - 00iojoi.o. t yo•rt.s
pave. situ opontogol .r. 14 WA Odom. Vats coo be
prosorrod siu. iouto ?nets. Ibo 111. Ilk. IPAGtOr• of
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a* slow sealtinc. the _obi -Malls, xubar • mks/a**
Nine. to god. The
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staillat workotor offiev.d to the gelds. , boast
t o oo a moor, pray saw, /Mt adotabsoat , Aitt Parlor
or Library. • - •
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-pt., la tobboilloliodlosater,loadlkodita...,.. $
la tilt edge awl same Is dil 10,00
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