i4ON4P.JA Ti:1; Ak r ik i t4C ‘10,7 7: 1 I alai _, trni _ 1 2 cl car P.l ... )=J g= < 0 2 P W = b 2 CO e )21 4 0 t=. t g r I:, _= c a ' U 4.* .§ EL 0 R. 0 A Yet hats. :Wee, lloisclwa, tam, fled Nap "total fa Earn, Wooleo*, &c., insects oa Maui, Powls,_Aninints, r , rut go is 254.80 c. sad sl i tilklores, Bottles add rfmki. sa and $5 fir &a. 'Vary is nithble r...rosdies known." "nog from Poisons." "Not dangerous D. the Humeri Fan:llly." * Bata cosoo test of lbws holes to die: ' 110 ° Sold Wholesale in all Late cities. Bold by all Desizglce anl itetait,rB eeeerebee., Virl l 1 Salleaar. lllof al worthless tmitationL Le Bps that ••Cosirati'S" name is on each aos, Bolt!' and Fhisktieforit yon buy. Cie Address HENRYCOSTAng PbiatiTAly P 51.07482 liitoADMAT, N.Y. Bold by all Wholesale and Iktall Druggists in _ N W - , - F-1-11,141 . • SMITH .& GILL_4I.ORE, • caumuor to E. u. salteh,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ?El -SRO /It BOUM, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, • D LADLES' FURNISHING GOODE," sTATE F.TREE'r, BETWEEN EVENTS AN? EIGHTH. MEETS, ERIE. E. H sutra. A. P. GILL?IOp.E. spr9l4-em. Finn for Sale. THE ondersirnecl offers lot gale, until the 15th of Pe twirszy next, Ire Farm inlinrarolt tp., containing One hundred sud forty scree, maleor lest, ono hundred stares Upproved ; the Wanes good Oa. ber, good farm buitsiggs, orchard and Is wed wetered; it is situated 7 adieu tram kris on the Waterford plink road. It not sold by the above data It wilt be rented for °mermen years. - Jeugg JOHNSON. j& matt. FOR' RENT. A. Valuable and Deliable Stand for a GROCERY OR GENERAL COUNTRY STORE, ==i=Ml Tb• banding of Stone. with a daeoiry odlar. Thae• dm a DWELLING DOUSE attached, which will be rented with the State It 'd (mired. Tor particulars, address E. DI. DIDDLE. Alma. Want. Iretsts. Warren Co., Pe. . READY PAY STORE ! J. & J. lENNIG Wealt sirpectibily inform the Palle 'that they hos purchased the arms or GROCZRZEI 01".IANZ8 4: /PS Mani OP ant AID furs are. Inns they !Amid to keep as good as eseeeteassit of FAkiILY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD k WILLOW WADE, AND VARIETY GOOD! . utakeptta Erie. Best Brands of Erie County Flour I • !Copt tonatutly as had sad WARRANTED 4 4200. D 1/127CLE! • or The blithest Market Price paid for all kinds of Constry ft:4ga. or Goods clellotred free of charge to say par/ of the City: . (fah* Seta A. =NIG. 1864. NEW GOODS! -TOR TIIE Spring.& Summer Trades., JOHN . BEEBE IS NOW RECEIVING • TULL 133ORTMENT DIMMABLE AND REASONABLE SPRING IND SUMNER GOODS I WELIOH WILL )33 SOLD AT WHOLESALE O.R RETAIL, AS CHEAP AS TUC CHEAPEST 1 aplss4m Atlantic &Great Western Itallroad• NEW BROAD OC.IOE Passenger, freight, RIO, Express lad Tele. Irspb ionic Collimating at Salamanca, N. Y. with the Erie Hall way, forms • continooos Foot Track from New York to Mona or Cleveland. On and alter , . MONDAY, oVEMBER' 18, 1803, Through Pesseower awl 'Freight Trains will be ran reign larkitetwee• CLEVELAND AND N.EW TONE NSW AND IMPORTANT PiR3IIITORE ROUTE, _ 11.1441•011 CaMUD 111111011:118 1 * AIIMICIIMIP try ill Line hos choice of Fite die mat Mattes b e en New York and Roston. 71i710t1011 TICATTs as Were? it airy of the Offices or the Iris Railway' a - all Ticket Meta of colulectios Ina West as death t• alto ; at the (Wand Ticket Sao, MAW the W II Roar., Ctereaci, Ohio.. Mk for Tickets Till. ilia A. dIS 61. W . AND W RIR LI:III.IiVARe . roa m ogor 1' no stop alMeedville thlrticaloates, fir. 11.cpusimpro limes time to dive at the' 6 MsElltigit 0011314" The beat Ittntray Hotel to the tent h. • /CV AIM MUSD/ T/O US FAXIOBTZIN.F, ILL: zutz: ...„.,,,, 15e transhipment drNeat between NOV IrtirM me di. _ rc oor Clevcaad. .. . Merchants la the Wert sod Southwest will aid II to Ostaaarsotar to Order Iltotagoodoto be forwarded "IA the tints ant Atlantis ft threat Welders Railways, Woo Rotas Mosta* and expetse.• .. • - ILAWSI Or IttattltillT AN LOW ;AS ANY OINIZO ALL. KUL ROCA'S. • ' - tippantst atteatio 3 lifiltifrfilitl iii Ostreponly Dampen. tattoo of /Mitt of an kind., Fre: or West. fl togiotho. (NM ILO otter egolpassota of Nag Cow soy noonaginsty now,ll/4 Otto toast Improved owe= •ttils. ' " - " .., • .• , TSUI only Atrlot ma* to tho • , . m0A1123170L OIL 11A0I0Vg DIP VUNSl'LltAltta, • • •• • - Via.ltitaartUtror Catty. • • nos Sonoottatorglo. ON Watonlng Omni raga to *Soltagatanro sat the Coal lama . Us Nowt to bolos actondog, and viii soon bob ono. signyonntor onto. to Galloebana. Dayton NM Ow tdialoNotttlost Wok ot g . . A mirevoirtig. Gann Iti ..mt. S. ILOO/11/ASaSton %kat A IMPS Ala li•SW2/1 anal SO. Boner & Bureaus' Odium' ' E FANCY CANDY. of ill kinds.... PLAIN CANDY, do., • FINEST FRENCH. CANDY, 0 3 ., CHOCOLATE CANDIES, do., CREAM CANDIES. do - 1 tv el ol ORANGES, LEMONS. TAMARINDS, RAISINS. FIGS,.FIRUNES, CANNED TOlii tTORS, , CANNED PRAOLIEB.I PICKLES. SARDINE% ()VARA JBLLY. PINE SALAD OIL . HERILL'TIOALLY I ; • SEALED OYSTERS, • -4r IA FOR SUMMER USE, C REEP.TNA.NYULIMATE ORANGES AND LEMONS ARRIVING h.LMOST. DAILY. E PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AT REDUCED PRICES, FINE MOROCCO WALLETS, LADIES' MOROCCO WALLETS, 3t EEttsati AUM PIPE.s, BRIAR PIPES. • XEERSCHAUM CIGAR TUBES, AMBER CIGAR -TUBES, TOBACCO BOXES, . 1 TOBACCO WALLETS, MAGIC TOBACCO BOXIN, GAMES &AMUSEMENTS, DRUMS AND FLAGS. UNION CARDS, PENS AND PENCILS, PAPER & ENVELOPES, ARNOLD'S INS, GENUINE, MEMORANDUM BOORS. • -FAIWBOOILS, 8/•A TES AND ' BACX-GAMMON BOARDS, FINEST ENGLISH LEAD • PENCILS, CREQUIRMEN boidammts. OUR ICELAND MOSS COUGH CANDY IS SELLING RAP- • IDLY AND GIVING: GOOD SATISFACTION. CHINA DOLLS, all Sim, PAPIER ICACHE DOLLS, do., ; DOLL =ADS, New Styles, 1 TOY PLINTH, A luire Umlaut et Toys Nations HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS PERFUMERY. NIGHT BLOOMING CREEDS, HAIR OILS AND POMADES.- 1804. ' PRZSii BEAD! - IPRESPICAREBI FREMECRAMSfiII FRUIT 11APONSI. EVERYTHENGISECAI3II! ICE CREAM, LEMON ICE, ORANGE ICE, PYRAMIDS, MACAROONS, KISSES, ke g MADE TO ORDER, ' JO!i!.1 0. DRERIC. RUBBER BALLS. RUBBER COMBS, RUBBB& BRUSEIB,. RUBBER 009D§, • liko,ooo CICARS .I Chaise Brands,' at. Wholesale and 'Retail: BALTIMORE OYSTERS./' ' RECEIVED DAILY, AN ENDLESS VABIETy ,OF &It mos as ' , . WE ARE PAYING PARTICULAR AT TENTION TO THE JOBBING TRADE AND OFFICR, ANYTHING IN_ OCR LINE UPON' FAVORABLE 1.78R118 TO NT THMONE TRAAPPLDIL -C ICATAIOTN ALOGUES SE! Boner & tare* 10. i asps asbot' aid*, 4 oft CONFECTIONERY. Fresh Frini k vb eft/Idles every 44, FreshCooob Mat Cm an do., Fresh Almo e nd Cqndy do. I I 'mum. NOTIONS. LADIES' FINEPoRTMONNAIEs. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF BIRD cACtEs... A AND DURA BLE TRAVELINo 13As1 ET. DOLL HEADS, ell Styles. CHINA BABIES, all Sizes, DOLL BABIES, 411 TOY BOOKS. A up4g_errodit oP . CHLLDREN , I3 CABS, CARRIAGES„! PERAMBULATORS, DO/40 CARRIAGIE f TOY CARTEL , DtiMP' CARTE, ea . .„ AD aszcza a, oustaligr. We bites aloe itesortaint at OF ALL KiNOB. Le lIIINIRS'Ac SCRIIIifiIIP. r '' • ‘ i , , NQTIONS AND FANCY,OOODS. =WI - ---. ,[lava Music Store. , , tr...- • , PIANO FORTES • AND -VELODED ) NS,, From the I fil lo or In it 44.11.iiirii 114 i . MAUNFACTU it EWi: Stonatrwr A So" Newyork Win. gun*. At i 0.. Baltimore, !IA Llodennan At Sono, New York. . , , • seal. 8. Bradbury. New Voft , Joh El It. Ounbant. Now Tore. J. P Halt arc 0.,., Now 'Pork. . 1 Goa. A. Priors it Co • liU Os ‘n, N Y. cru•hiat, Woodbato di Co.. New Yak MOOS at a Large Diseaant halo* Aka . faaturer's Pxiees. szraN ocrAyr,;ami ra..wc,ovs.asTauzia Rost WOOD PIANOS FOR It/SIEi - Also, Inetrnettew Nooks and Shnet Had ' AU inane* ertahlrog a drat rate flan* Pony we sled* • on, ant incited to call awl stamina one hut ilia be. ton pan:hod:lW elsewhere. : now. alock, Rats Atm.t. birii..i oaPaaii* 11. Putt Wine. ZEBDIA SIM. air P. S. —Parrottlastruerent warranted far Ise years. _ lanyr6Lly. 1: 4, -4 It LAiiIES AND IiENTL.iiIOI4J'A Bp:FORE rUIt();IASIN, Plano Foitey-,Optt MELODEONS , alsewhers, pleas* cumin. my a stortimmi rf I*Ytru• maws. They us Warrauthd fall) to , tand Asa set of e. oat and werkmattelop letail to any *aorta anywhere. I beg yen r.llest on tim fact that the ohj-e -tons ',dud lately as , irat my eataleltaltmeat by ct►talo lassie tvitaiess of this city, eta mmwi only by my 1.'1%- /ml tops, Aim (Professor.) an . .ENORMOI3B (01111.18510. N t • Which will bee altar benefit thrum ar ha tny of too keit be , Meant of fronilb to 25 per teat for I would ratter /ti• ; low the same Ito the Layer than ie benefits DO Otto bee des hlat.elt. Ima a ICalOn rata, atral.rht cud tore al - 3, awl halo emoted ibiap. a* 4 Idler,, I moat pot take the profile., rat of my trieu ,`pocket*, , or defraud the 'invert inen t out of it, or heat turosilf and ', !molly into rho rr Honer for ihrvi•io of satisfying the huotry rottide, .napirts thronlrh weego n4Uopnrinyr mo 1 . 110.41 will trint re Oter, it thaw Aro not Korot. nor had. ' If tort , ' arc r I will tort nal luau. winuan Ur child. he amount re . cArod or i• I' so.. WI nninr Ott It, .1 thry ,nrr not 11, noel I oil , o Tboeeaid"Denora to any who ,• •.. ..Intel f Pe tea. iebrokr, Iter 00. , P31* Mrir liana / hnna,lu,t done en thin city Gild *mint, Let the 1. , tr , l •rro, toy par aro—hot the te.chrn•—repeo'tll• • ti nee n th Southern wetolaients lot soon 'ehere they twloti,, , , lay Hanes aro warranted to bo .eqprdied with all late InA4 traprotemonta, and must giro rttiara..tion or no par. rubor"' Fisnoa of all makes can be hail of rue at well ' and cheap as any other man. ; Dirties ready to purchase. anything in the mlll/10 willpplaaae rom•mbor that I am desllat, largely In thud ad Marcluutd so generally, and can affer tadnetmen r. rarely enrolled br any Skori-Slop dealer, - l Plano, warnated by me can be nitad upon. I Melt idannlactanw, Tnner. - Playes and lialician, as moll all Tormtme. bly warrant la rod, because tam good for the amount. My opinion in many cues ban been a tronadt to t those rho p aged Pianos, and some who did not tie Hat a WO at find found thin ttuth after a while by their ; loY ; I=l A Plum Farts suds - idsesteri is on better for that ram% bat all PUPA. azetecoishteh era made right, the good sr*geod sad the bad--bvi. Raga; a Pianos are famished bins. sa above bald, at Manahetarere priest. Mystoek on hsnd eonsasla of a very choVe aeleetton, Clad larger ft= say evet offered for kale here. PIANOS TO LET =biro prtooptly attolided to. ,•-; WAI. WILLING. Cheapest Furniture Store In ttibl &atop of the Country, EStiA:I3I:I§.HE'D 1857! G. W. Elbey, Erie, Pa: ama From 38 Cents par pound. ROUND CORNER BEDSTEADS, From $5 00 SEA GRASS BEDS, ABM *OCICING CHAIRS, SPRING BEDS, CANE CliAlltB. TAlitge c LOVItGEB, BVREAUS, /ad *tiff lataltatO, Low u tho Lowest. _ West aide State Street, fotataiti Next Palmer's Grocery. $864. SPRING GOODS I il. S. MORitISON, , IfKKILOON BLOCK, BRIE, is sow eamdidat the_ Larged and mat Conde Stook ever re d in Kit Market. annprisdng FOREIGN DRESS COOS I IN eit&lT VARltrrii BRAWLS, CLOAKS AND SACQtrES, BOUNXT, GLOVE,s, IV-,AITE GOODS; MATHS AND. 0484IMERES, ♦ 13Ampiets A mortbAs44 at um, UILDEIG BRANDS OBE DOMESTICS, R. S. MORRISON. apr9'64-tt. =I leer Notice. OWING TO THE GOVERNMENT and stet* Weans. the inatesed ; Government tax to ens econarler sash banal, payable,'under oath. In oub, the bap Mat Capital is sitW to our Bresurtfint i the greatly tacroes , ed prices of labor, hoisa malt, bar/4M otair iced, Bs, %%the undersigned lianitlactorrre and Brew. it. of tau, it. compelled and hereby agree to ma only tor CAM to raise the prtemetotr comatos• or RE IDY 135211262 from me to VtilltittOltwri per barrel, tb shot , lob eatirely tba system of spending or expense money, and emisidme -on sales of eabi beer; and in ease of tsrtbsr nod ineessied taxation, the price will have to be) eases to coreeeonterttla raid addiUonal. tag. rd* wrsemest to be niewan t adhered to In all mast made ilifte this data. tileasu ea* hands: at site, Aprit.tste, A. D. lobe : aMilt Ettoawnil, virst. JACOBI.% JACOB wzsaLtn, lIE2PY TUVALU; JACOB VARNER, COWS ItOEB1,RIt; • - A. XING. GB% FM; •,. Vta. MIAS, per CUBA D. .110113434. • 3.6646 BUFFALO 8t Rig* IL B. N. &Rd After gtanOlty, JAN 1864, -; hos VING ook i romitiot twk wit Ea hammoki toUcnra• LEAt, ' t Sot legress, pto; at iloothold, " Dow* l. u 4 3 Com*, Intro at Ilathdo at ISO .6. 161'.t. imakrmil Atom, 'topping st oil Brogans aod orrhisst X At. 63 P. 1..,.144 Agron. stoildlot North Soot, Witt o Thortdet, &Her argot, sad East, sad arrt at 606 P. • 48 s 116 P RAP,* 18 wista w, Matilda oal7Bl 8 1 1 =41" wlla t' 241964 AL ad ' . a ,• • . !Übe( ltsprilieloinostit si Ditakirt and It thohjigh Ilsgrfts at Dadolo only, Id% Sw Patna for Now Tootalla dioVlßG BU _likhlo,Bor4 FFAL or 4.lro.O. . , m • so A. MOWN& irimtas, 'Unlit at all lltitiona at. 1 Mot Wanftwa. lilplay Groping. Norobood sM Wooliptllo, intro st &fool 66 A: da /8. ti Dor 811181010, 8611001118 at golo,•811vrt' Cie*. Daohirt."Wiot/41ooth Ratit,aryiTiNg —tot =rte al 16, w rags awi_. otoppint at all tattoo 884 mites a Rs, st 8 id P. M Le ,1111 P. IL, =bows id_htg at hoods. Slim „ j-cr i du bad por," offirtog Erie* '•; • ' - nitrate tut. lute dais leo Wm, 11,1111. • 1. 1.111`19 MIANT. Bnot. trio & Pittstarsii . R., .8..; - MANGE OF TIME, 00)111 NoING Loam, Jiro Nth. Vl* • , /WKS IXATX 411411 V. • r. IL, Aeimmoolaties. dope* ell MOOS§ ant aeries iss shams sta Al' • , I 1$ a. 14.11elebt N. L atm all alt,atitioiai Cram, *rim Coate plead, CII•EL ad terasey mhos lt.s 4.1"111. - SHAWL t>M A: Suessinedatisioleity*- git arrkmeastalnutia It is t M A. Ni ' , Malgond 614 Galm isit&asizooma• *ft ad seitveytt Ofeupil IS UP. Win stitleild Rai id& iitaipswini"" MB From $4.00 From $2 50 From $5 00 1864. I. CLIINXICII. w. 14. 04COU if. =EN NEW - FIRM. ,;•__» 1 • filliEo l . C&UOigt--4:1114.6184 Atoeigtors to ti",!".casith.etilliumill•Lzarroaf. , Wit4iieSti ''. ie. Iu lkistiActutets Crackers and Candi* puittn, - SCI CERIEs; `PORK, EMI SALT, , HOT' E. • , , , ALL 417/FiES„ 1.1411/088,- dixt. 8 ' e. 11===111 u* stock %,t S POARS: TEAS, ' *d: GX/FFEE.. • MOLASSEj, FitUITS; 'fOBACVO, L A R=C E. CRAtifVitS. Mnaufleturyd 1t tiv. Etilt: CITY STEAM • BAKERY C ANDV. i• • am.° t 4 AK U,FANCY.,CANipDi ! OIL VITROl„ tIgTIC SOLCA & At the !moved ft arlmt Priam. • - i - .e 260.311. Ant Ctialiu , relil•Baftdluits, frh, PA wx.J. N. SITAXT. E AOLE FOUNDRY!' •• Pena/ St.. 'give as ;frairote Asa. kne k Pa HENRY iic BRYANT, yroecoesoil to Mbomou k 0nn37.) gairrairrussza or PARLOR, COOS A 1•11) OFFICE STOVE 3, Int a SIM? WAS% lirD ILL ,tl2lll OIP IRON - 048171,93. Crory Store sold by to erariaspod to .41vo aatlailietion gottke attack-olio's, dad iron, Eat oa baud at Poo afaetanid to order. PtAirlininftlent ?Dorn asperlorinolos sad dura bility !drays on tiand. codl and o fair 0(001 or* des is all ire ask. ' HOMY k BRYAN?, nulreit-tt. JOHN WELSH, CrEMPSEDE, - - ERIE, ! PAL,. 1111113LISAL1 MK= a BALTIMORE 'OYSTERS! 'lO THt 00311 TRY TRW. SUPPLIZD Fresh Can and Keg Oysters, Received every Day, aad WUURASTIO TO OTT utuncnat • Cr (mot Mild** mod promptly Mtmolod b. aavlalltt Erie Ale Brewery,. OORNER OP PARMA AND BUFFALO j Erie City piker Brewery, CORNRR OF POPLAR AND RIDGE STRSETS. Erie Malt & Barley Wattages. CORNER. OF 7TH STREET & CANAL Pala sad AscaperU sat Alec The Beet Qaality and Bras) Varistide of tier; • - Pease Aiello:Met nasty Boy* . The anion! guiltier of Bin juid Odtaltd and Sort fire sib - - •I• decovedtf. coloviro'Ro . lle • ' • GROCERIES AND PIOISIONS, 331 1 0 4 ;94 5e 141 94 naikt* 4'mA' Ship chaninery;',Boitstprei4:46:, no. 7 1iit47 . r8'114 . 414 Also, Public Docic,,f 4 ioo of 134tei „toast. - BUIL it Ri l ira• WY, A. cRAwYkRD. I. P. WM/MAN. 4 ,9 9-9 DC, .El. - 'PAINS It ASA /X WC •,, or 41. IdlAnil* SFil‘ ,the— ,940 °Notion to th. litseist Rialikket FOR 114.4.0/111:10,. i}yr lii t ie tt • - • • .1. 13.411111.1/1111. ll ' 0 - ,ali l i pllll Bl o ,..,a lf g A t t..l ct in x. , , st i i ' s • !pia Subscriber bag intortiti :stook oiovik• aim th• Asia gel. Um whine Depot to themes Ix the , Welt hie* so lute item; tomer of Tonia, erbare be artlf be ken, to ere Me hionidiad"44mtwatal Mt timer imamfbilF. , stock et Grbalgila blame eateastaPjf et. *Kt fetid it the leer.tet tato eesiselatent WU bort. he invitee AUI egasytheale Miki 8s 010. ' W LlE hims R. •111/410.% . • 1:1; • ' PM* Exie.16,16 rr Uiea KM AND =MON WSW: CartINIL TEiterAOWoolll4lll4m ilitalltrApp Nil ?Joe: Oulu 04 3 1 Ellirla rall4o, , tat WWI mely 110111iDkr, at mom aCastaiMus WONll l llotraseraligesol tiallsid. UMW Ihublkidor =, csail iii*Mwat II o'clock. 11,aviag *it samieftme., for Turomors sad 4•oo44iiii,glikt. IN*0.1. 1 ! 141. ..11 • 9"" grillOWIC" Lt.:tr. • 4314 I t • • 42=agtelaralk.... 4 .11.1 -. , . ~, • .. : ' -- TARRANT I ' ' COKI O OI7ND szrzacr Or 1 :- Vlll3B AND PAIBA.. rtinah t, ,• • S AND ler tie 111eDlalallOMIll Itaadtlia ClAer tbilwololit and media em of ' 44 2 045ia pr raz.nutoz ro . 1111.1 NARY 0110 ANS, II aull be sellnbesealke lett llee *dall' • Milton ethers ~did la dieing* dais al dooms of kith illeist_te Wldeltibey are It per later. Wee with the ilignegioly "nil by Ito tratlon, Ahor dose la dub Meant. N. P.—Parablelemare Wood to sib for rerviret Converged Arstraci of a Copailia, neil : taterretklag else. se ballades. wort/dein pmp• aratlaft eider Ogler new, ara la Oa lablimt• rile. 11l 00. 'Braitrj express ea map% of co. . 6411.1""I TAI Iii it EMIFT 4 / 1 ' CO., ' irCitrillielifinitbahltrilitAllift id Warreatittimet. NNW YOltit, Aad At id* by Draggbda generally. odslll3-1y ---N NM Jo§. EICHEI )LAUB, likliblACTlMlt2ll • 13:0:0 VS. . AND ;HOE'S! El WHOLESALE & TAat PLEASURE in tbi palate ' t I hairs Mod a ample* mitt ofhat FISIC - WATER LIME, GL4lo ► MON MACHIN Whitt; will **Ws on to monobdu Shoot - f'ceitliON 014 „ • CIVIAPRIL THAN illtft Miring lead losgesperisnos as L ortra,k shall take spoehil palm edit them. I hare the ezdnaitte Aoki ths” PLUBIBB PATENT BO for the benefit of my customers" an them, to ;Wary say one al to their tbossiomle In the old War - The Plumes Boot bee& way.-. to: It le as easy tram the start no ono worn tor ,ft o. fly • , C U STOM D Will recette my own awl Mr. J. c rznis upeciAl tendon—camblnlng as sorklais width cannot be ,welled In the country. lkote anft Shoes on abort notice. Constantly en hand" bur of SYRUPS, N rB, • Luria& L ',4102 S, laadMing y thank" AS TS to say &kW" r a n eut NDINQ amits for put pattotman, I bora by jest aadlbosolskaa, dealing to omit montionume °Ma aum, and eordlany larito ail to call and summa my stock Dm parchaidna , also wham' • CIGAUIS, . Fish% 'Lamp Swift Apparatus • • outline raTiNa stgiri 0 ►NBSTFEPINU With the Flame that Lights the Room thellr dame of a eetrinion lamp, at the coat of a gent's worth of oil, a very , vonifortable breakfast eau r ~ kod, • , —N. F. Treenail : - • •i epi,/ in censtroetto rainy kilt in order, ready for ore in =natant ...:. avenient to hire no heed -Draterats Giros; - Fish's Lamp is one of the woad papelar one. gni= of the day.., . the utility it la unquattfirnable, • treat raring is made in heating hd cooking =stall =W eiss, and can be aura to *mats for a great =any persona, which is actually done 01l the unbalance cars which carry the sick *clans ..."..V..BaisailflialleldegAll: For badly nal , hospital taut. bans* plo nks,' Asking, nursery or sick roam it Is an article of comfort Ps/ Off beyo Prosier. nd all preportioe to ti eaet......... Miter .Aa scutionsiaal eon ter 'getting tip heat at 'hell Matta, for many puma Itoeselioni purports, eau litiportaat ,i s r lhe Wing in over east or eoal ..... ..N. , &0. , • PRICE FROM TWO TA SIX DOLLititO VAPAQII7 /SOY MI T 0 FOUR WARM TIMER ARTICLES COO OD AT ONE TIME WITS ONII BMlnt. tlTrUtmost far Kerassate CatoPU'Lee esai a assail" pentplet ofthisty pages (Grabbed gratha Also, TEE 'CrriloTt ATTAconcliarr, • num 60 own% To be attached to • common Xenon* LeotO or Owl Burner, by which water any taloned aad too( rooted also arranied to support • Ririe. N.TLAT NEZILI O . Ir. D. 111742 LL. Agest, say2lll4.dra. a Nq. TOO POW 81" N. T. t HOWARD ASBOOLATIOV, PHILSDELPHIA, PA. DISEASES OF THE fERVOUS, SEMI• sus sad Barns !Irmo- asw and retail* trostawat—la ',ports o f trio HfrlFAlrb ASsocWriON— soot Si swims sorkledsarslooss,fros or Dr. J. SKILLIN HotrGHTON Howard 1 Hon , NILS Sarah Math St., PbU p4ia, ~ Ta, . wirroirly. To rigavott sunigErts JF BOTH BEUIL—A dining boot estosil to bean le a to data, star tads. going ell Us use reeler and emits stissers sods st trestrost widest soasuo, sormdess tt assosil dsty to onssinnests to bin diked Igloo onstorss ter mass of con. listes, on tie neriL a us d oddered Ms) a copy or putai t 1 04 ' . 11" 1 111 .: **,:loso 11.1essani Is Fulto Sleet. Brook. .taS4l47. .; C. ENCELLINART; Dealer in Boots & Shoes! ALSO, 1[111T07401131 OF minim /ADZ BOOTS AID 811(48! WOULD take thislmethOd of :return ins Ws Moab; t ► Meads mid the blia mtneraly for their liberal pabeagia 'heretofore to blm, andimpos to hare a msitUftation of }beam.. ling I take *mare to inform:7ons th at I sts still set. RIOT XL= BOOTS A WHOA AS CU AP, . • If sat s Lifttfe Cteeitk,• ?bee any Manse la this plane. hard I am still maids. tire beat online's of Geste Soots ssaa aOO4 ploy moue but the BEST of WilitiMpf, wader thlitopm intendenee of awing Wilma slims* to nos the - • Last, I 102.501/ prepared to make' Om Phones ?dud Soots and Shoes in a swam not to! be marisod to Style and Workmanship. LT I always keep on land a selection of the best Brands Of French and Arnaticitt Wand Sipa P. EtrilensirinE attended td., torltettf. Soap Stone ( -G r iddles tioLAR ',ZIP RIOERA TORS , r• Deism sad swot sistall orse mosshotst* Bat INS solistfle.r Os 111Nar &ow *swiss Ow istisis et fissoll is *P.' soma paw sad Irwin, w Os admits* St Istsiitoo bad huldidd Awl& intim, pur ports, is sot to Imp timid is asy other issauflos4sto I Iwo tho osolosito tot 'User isk sad Juno ss oussokistios ate sits - ,7 : a N.' TOVN4, ... ~ No. 4 lldawo mak. -.., t _‘., amilk+ PATSN't . WRMNG AND TOILET gen 1 ceoIITATRING WettliVr 4 P 4 4/1 104 54 /Of 4.111 " 1 " , 40104 TUNA Tooth ittualt:Cmgob, Pia, Ponta. _ a% Wm* Suttees sad Mimi tuft ankles. *ow Maid hi A ism lb *sae" whigiobiss Iskesinsa. , lea . q.lastried. to the i ..'.4. Au U 4241444104 4 e l{ 4. ID s s ium,sallanraa swam IN salosi 315 1 14 TOM( ''S IMPORWIL, itio6 A. ‘Mt i nnira PATt; RAW 12108111; filicm .... •rig , i r iiii aseril *4 oonvindent article ter ire What et sittloos rad Orr araireorsat et Imre teuesol. . rut rislarrartsditag arearrof ssinuliradirriondi he asu its • tr!Sk- ', • - 1 , , - ,-10', altiatn=l l . gliss 111 . ' , .. I tTrals of - , .. . tratica mthe ap t , ;ids 01 hastai . ' orit uaa h** et tie 41,ft 0 ths,l... dog, ootioi la . to all llittos osoloot tifo NM to prow osilsot s , SettriZ e" ! e i ' 41116. f . --. ; • i A oolivesiont sad liodiniblo ortkia 'for tits intim— yin bak• eak.. orithoitt the aoplicatios of waft, &al liable the oilisitioals favor)itep.rttd SO Matta& fro.. Iv mono of aunt at I , • I I ALL ' ROOSEEEEPERS' SHOULD RAVE THEM I ''- 4 kamiledge of their i*slatuts , by their We •angle thoiN, %ill arks For amp iadb~la to the mat 144 Udy anathaper. al* . • 12 Young's, ikinporlum, NO 4 111110,11 BLOCL• I;MBROLDERYI Mitt Mos la 4 Beside tat Ittittraitt= polars an do torther tub Neadisis otall Ounses, Stir d lel Boyd, So. at 1 Young's AmpOrlum, KM 4 WRIGRnnitAXM. .4 ORABILI 011,Afial 1,000 yards Otani' jun loisited ouidlhe silo at , - Ypungg• "mporium, 'AO. 11 Wit1,431p.111 BLOCS.. = **lntrT):Arktus -OBLEBBATED COUGH REMEDY POMMIES to 'van - public favor and demand la .0 meolitima,itad after the thoreogli mr. pariasmi of sixteen years. Its reputation for slaw is ming Throat sad Zang dimmat to folly mutalsod.-- Wherever this mediae, la roma kaowil Its merits have ea. tabtbhad the tut pap shuity mad dream& Rt be. woe a ttsodatd remedy ma" PT** motolt Palmoriary tomplalsta mid is kepi In their for rtweed4y~ wee whmeverregokod. Aa s mire ter CotO It is sad reliablo—seldom raquisiag more triamoseliot. •to core a Leigh elms" India atmidlog• Fir Twilit Crimp it Le ilot emelleg. mol to a noted,y lia! Mahar Its aillembey steam be dosbted, hung roltsmimaq Po sous to health altar mifferlsg a loag term of min with this' miterabl• diatom Far liresahlik sod fkiannets It is rah amtvallahle„Asidily tottoriag Irritation form the Mrpaiore. Whooplog ons f il litiemArlit Arrest witss-At promptly Mosime thielinsemey sad violemot of thenw b. sod shortens the disease oat half fro* eta or ainarY as MOMS; AU Moran of the lamp WI sir passegell delititd altos " Irritation or lollettostioals the lining ststatitisait and r.sql.libst the 1~ MP of thorough stediebse to of fset tato raiment. DMA Cough Itamedy it lA* opmekr car sembeil i. tY opoindlos—lasiloptod to Isotherm" to all art and imaiditatloat. Remy 'mime sillietsd with either of the bboiriag Osten 'MINIM sto thu pitimist Autedy and their velem will nos mingle with Ahem is moussiesdisg its malts to 'flitted oeightion tad Alfa& MO ON Has (busk l4o4 it swot OWL Uu Sales Cinch Remuly corer &our or Ratan. Wok. Use Halls Clough Aga* it ca AA out or Phaide. RS. Um Balls Cbugh ßowdy for Catarrh.Wl. Use Halts "Onigk Remody it Stiengthens the lamp. I. Use Hales umgli Remedyfor gro;othitit. Nti. Use Halts Cough Remedy for , Hoarse- Sess. - . Vie Half anyh. Remedy tt &renythergi VW voice. I *I. Use Hales €en 4 gA' Remedy for in coping . cough. Itotllsreettroeodtfyshe tolesesottlds dhows auditor.. trot Uttedioss soars, owe halt from its °Maw darn hon. imame of seanistfotts sod leassiatttstasitslwai for Dr. Ctlehratad Cough Remedy sad me that hit writ. tea opuiture b alma the wrapper aud dirsetliesa. the ondwiligned militate Frio City arid vicinity. woe said Dr. P. Hues Celebrated Com& with grasitittetem, is win dismal of the Throat and arid tales romminesiUng its oat to the ll= u a tail teams* reseirdy. fully. orthy of patille rasa Pee. James Thom*" tiattliew Wolk, - Join tnelitorn, Sr. J. W. Reis. Illakard Fere. John A. Tromp, Hobert .1. T. pas, Jolla WaWLaae, Daniel bar, Dsnbi Hum John W. tilikya, J. Rohisson, , 1 3. Z. illhiat. '" John Cothran. W. F. Itimierseatit, J, Mowry , Julio Z. Daman. r. Z. Barton, J. W. Calms Jobs, W. Warren, Ata sobiThinriKA. l Wn..l John .1 25. slow. W.L Cooper A. Xlwl S. L. Foster, Joaph Dimmer. t. A. Bessett . J W . • la+ GoseS J., I aisiourr. circle. Smith, Lodes A. wa ll . C. numark, TbOWIW WI" J. L. hoot. ' W ILgathishait. S. liabistoa, w Llano Sias,. Can. W. Islao.. alma. Fie* Daniel Yinor, n, P. Bunten. O.G. c WriAt • 081.TOIT IFILA.L.L.. Manufacturer and tom Proprietor. _darns Now Beading. State St. PRICE 211 TO It CZNTIS PUB sow. AGSMS at JINX CO.- Jams AL White. Dr. gly Wm SalsesA Fairview; T.B. NOADIOIW Wm. BFiviedlit, Maher° • F. Lamoos. C.l VlDas; Z. IL S mith, Waterford; Hoar s Coles; V. IL , Watitileirght T. lreretr, North 'Nast; 8.0. frisbee. Xidouville; J.A. PI iwirm, Albion; "whir, Lockport, tad by awaits go .sills. RETAIL I fUItIOUCCinE to my roost to sad mallßoota Lod rOfUl. rthaws/Ito ofettsto ' th u d to ill i ttftisto oily to t • SHOW oau ask trial at apimereasfsrt IMP CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail . 010088 Y AID PBOVIIIIOII STOBS, P. & SCIELAUDECKER, are now reosivingst their old Asa, Azaeri• can Blocki State street, s homennd superior stock, of GROCERIES, ~ PRonslo ES, n, WIN LIQUORS, • • WILLOW - 4 WOOktEN, AND STONE WARE, FRUITS, • NUJ, &c., ic., • together with every thing found ins Roan of this kind, which they will sail as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash, or most kinds of country produce. They bait also basil ono of laryst sad Said gteeks otrolisses sad lissiso ire* to itits. to .wen the tbrittesertios at tbe sod ins stiabis sizings* 1. Utter Min s ha S s idi b M=iitir COok bspioo win no grist Grocery Head ibierterst AMERICAN_ BLOCS, STATE STREET Jane 2.1800-61 I. k Y. SCOLAVIDAMMIL VELE COUNTY MUTUAL INSUB. AU 'ANON COMPANY. - Inemporated in 1859--Chaff Papelal// rimer y s, Jawed Asalast Lam al ultra tor air Tom est ettamdiarg Ntato Yalu* Policies revs the &pads et Itreettem NON, m apes the et Us anal Mork Natty la Mona vithont the ty of a Premium Nate. law paid irtUmrat Ittisslim. Oea wit i di m r ms book kosOt Aohmt this Compeay.. 116 6 atkeratg fres fraulsit s mat 6 sefs Arms DTRZCTOICA. Wm. 13 . . Mem Jai. O.' all. Jac M , iterett C. N. D. N. wormy. E. Baby" Irm.P. J. ZlzumartyWis. B. Brows , Camp A. Eliot, Rimpuata Giza; Jamb Ram" J., M. la .O.Y Pant • Jaw aularllo3l. NIL a Cala, la Mosas. edaesak a lietheserl La.r Or.. Whit " Ittio. • • • MUM. • NI.W FIB Id. .717ENITIMIC AND UNDERTAKEN" • WAR 8.-,.8 0 :0 3ff 81 Oa State lit.,lnterek Senna end KWh. Tha Ikkeettimas hare entered tato tbetabinetillaking sad FIIRNITITRE T'ItADZ, Aid prelate seektag nut osier asd teepee eartsatly ea w i t I rs zt p t it lt s =o*. loritruis 4.4. uroNw en ghost sotint. , • • UNDERTAKING. The mkekibera 11111 eke special attention to thin Easut of Oak bubo& TUT maaketak aad aa .°4 l% ) s ?k and and Lois =vas in t eZgwak to lee* ardent ha Rae, pronink. boa eal part of the 'aosatry. petenedasd to seers *deka toffee goalie ties both IA th• 0017 of tho n g goods sad patoos„ Airy bops to nous a Tonal Am of ciro xya rizz er. • a sprwes-a. Ilaecotroto to J. a. Ramat: READ* ROOFING , BRAPT 111 , 001 PING, Itu• dm* Uwe Us. 4 ; IIA,iIPY SOOT/NO, • Sarilbis for stoop or row. • teicApr Be e tli;NEA,, Poe WI ktgl o or Imrladlogs, Ls au r a. it 111. A V SOO VIM o. gut % ebN P I V I P I A I r s i al 6 !fild,, so oaatiag • lIIRA If 11100F11.140, eta %haat wawa dada. tlwroasid3o Arta:WSW aad amend • a pith callow with a ialle ,root 141:1;rapms sibq Au w ,_ to 4) i @al ll ::8e alouHlalatow LIQUID a 111111641 5 , 4 " 7. iski Iti as& awl wato . dame& Asa all seat 00SPOCIKO & . kr I tii44lo o 15, whisk we th sort s" U=Romancrudanmat;ma whoa Pinerabi• us& litek Pwrowlible parties who buy t 4 men Man* me 4 , a ; - - 1 • !MDT wyld4m. i It. ' - Uith 31 - T. CARVE : & HONEgirliEk otoiossooto to ' . J.'is., 8. 4 0 A II IV E - R - ; -- • inirausadliosusg swan li Leal:hell, 141 this, 4144 - No. t batir Nook, Stab II!, Vie, 111. , 0;k1 othavAa lugs 'limit • ,BOLE LEAT It, MUM, uma, IMIND/NGS, =mu a CAN CALP =la, ma, MIA AirDIOVIS,'• Mt imanieS, 'it ha assomuuni OP , SHOMAINair TOOl4 . .... -., 0 - An stpuldillepearlew kit ! CASA .011 PRO/11111 1 , IPA,T . . puararrito pzurr, ! ' 2111 ,1_ .. , , . . , = 11E4t.D QUARTERS —row- WINES AND lAQIISES. PISUItt` ?way to ottil dews. IL!ADY Rioo11&Ho, At Imo Otss,halt Us sot of Us toot.. tp . “ilitta it CLOTHING ! CLOTHIN Largest & Beet Stock of in the city! MIME AND S E E ir!OR ESEI, MOSES LOCH WOULD REBpEcTFuLLy Nett Ida old Woods *ad atateesm that b.ee removed to the eelendul n f re &Dent hp. le "MIN MAWR, Veers Ys Isere. thotn to call sod seueushi4 gateau lib Motu tt UfaTl sod telt Meted oof lo lir* and hs 1.1 delonalsw oot re b e undersold. Ho his hod 001 red tho emee static sd SPRING AND SUMlda. (100 1) if Bert broshgbt to lin.. Ain motto It t _ qnldrosalso, oaks pees, and doss lb* lower% 'r pee etre they aso ropsessetel do, mob, e `LI, doodellllL • Nhi KORRISON 8/.ODINSmou s DBALYIIS IS Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, ( (3:OVER, 4'I3IOTEIr SEED, i f, NO. 2. Wayne Blpek , YRRNeff STREET, Switiwita 644 Sulk 814., ." . TO CONBU?dPTIV LEE subscriber will cheerfuily b et " stamp) to all who dream It, th e rep / of t ‘.. by which he woe cored of that oiee ti e ,;4 sewootbes. Worm with COMICIUMIG/1. ASSIDtt, v) laoti olfection, he sincerely hopes wil l tr T If they Ito 115 t they wilibe more the, with the toralt. Theatiol for his own ootorhe Row, ha Is atizioa to gdoco In the hula of m g h, the an o f .Mr* ThOd• wlehlee the rods, 6 whore will on or a41,2ea l bowel • Bar. WM. S. A 1.1,1 So. Ott John fit. •etainrr,, V. SCHULTZ 411 SRO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE LIS . 01UKUUUM AID PRO dank 580 Lit IMAM um co, PA V. Mel es head a large end well selected of evenwal is oar 11a4e, sad will not prrynit 0: to be endersol4. Alm a axe stack of • Thillie4 LIQCOIi awl czi k *be Norwood Is the minty. Ituslaut HARTFORD FIBS 1118113ageg Niumwest, ITICORPORITZD NUL CAPITAL Via^ I. RITIVTDTOTON. Prost. • • T. t. ALLTY, CITY FLU nrargaraz con LIABMVORD.COPINSICTILCLI. INCOXPOILATIto SUL t4l!/Tail 11:14 BOWZREI.Prist. QZ pun of $l, by the slab every WI can supply herself with snOt gaud, at any drug store. for the trilling inn Any physiciast or druggist mu ttn la hanutero, aunt thousands of 4tiristsii promoted elite Whew. fiest to any nut ad , ' receipt of $l, by addoiseing soortilhi" Dr. J. O. Pinta; P.8.80a. No. WU, )iss Es,"3o'l PROVISCTI7.3 OF PUII.A.DELPELIA , AGA TU. WILT DINCICIZATIL: DAILY - JOWL _ WILED IN PIIILADELPEUA, MI vmos, m oorarternos ASD TED UK - SSA LAYI. THE DAILY AGE, *lda estreestes the prinelplea.med potter of'l-' seal4e parV, is laud terry morning. idoodlYltl', and min Was the Lamar TlllLScutur Astra /Yr= !-I OttU• world. with carefully • p re pszed article' emend, Politter„ Tem* Mame* se.. 0 4 Pro Metal comments on the questisne and Chile ult. Market Reports, Priem Current, Stork satitte ,3 tine InteUkressete, Reports of Public Whorl*. ri and Doweetio Correspondence, Legal ROP O TtL, . /1 Critichnns, Barisses of Literature, Art sot ati amMarM Matson, sad dleosseloas of *haulm' of mend interest and importance. TBX . l AsSaliiLY 4011, . Is a comptete econissedltun of the News of the I' , contains the chit editorinta. the priori comet hetreports, steak quotations, correepondchcepli DIM amass published is the DAILY AOl. I 0 game 4 ova gasjdf of crier wet sr reciderfei rierpeois a tint clam family joutual, s particular I i I4tie politicise, the lierohank, the Yam cr, at t th the Liewerf. shut ? and all &Mem of readers :1 Ilk bay"M MininOISUS of a LIVE Mail arrestor the 7 Counting 1360ie, the Workshop tit wen Fireside and the Gemini Baader. Ti 1 . ON UZY. • Twi t W by Nall. -$1 Oatt Tsar, br W Fa', Sin ......... Iltrt Ns Months—. ...... Three !firt h s,.. ' 3,:,0 Three Youtto...••••l For any pers bs, iod WU Us', Clubs of 1fi,..... .... three tom at the 0 Z, ..... •*- of Ittnekr Outs per mont rate h. With an nth' 0 3 ^ for getting. ug thy PAVONY isquLAID DITAIDAALY IXOTASES. 4 Implies of the Daily and Weekly will be sent O W adds's., on appUastiess. The Pehlishire of Tlss Are could sully alt ems with the isneoasht and mole tiorr.l....st atone of the prow Un washout the root* , 7 rely BO 11 - 160144 'hoverer tPI ',. =eonlidenee. wen Ithown andiesteeld.. it has as wired this mutation ib 'I; MIMMISIMM and tadepeadoce with watch 1., estadactad,throngh limes' et extraordtenT s.' Woe **public' siskintr, and letter', of sics' plod pubita trial. It to now, and will to. 0 .,..' UN supporter of truly eastosal pi Omit" ° ';,4l to sedkohs in and tanatteism in es 01 tom 0 i to the notateessee of yood sorernallot lif Sr, I'ESPISISWINTSOV TES ifs oosuseive WS" 4 7 t permitter sersites and hospitalise class sr! l e whoa 1O principles are veined , and 0t° , 6, 1 0 04 m a ne, le to promote lad w "ore We 0.4 reistoritlea of Use tlabse. These Sao I ft' mow et Os sidrinA efforts at the poldshot., a We great aid saparelialed muse. by szsaw 1111 Ls ri per km a U i S te bSuboeesNussXstr l dGLONo,A43BNi b,1,, RITARE OFFERING A•la • 3•4oAmement ono, s. imu Sods, Quosad • Maar* Nob XsoigUarfa* X ..1'