The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 01, 1864, Image 1

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    VIRE : WS
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e OPPOirri fat
iriVltltildENSXT 9 .--Outtlepriee -- tillnlbe Lines one ler
tertian 75 Penis ; twiispernena !MOO three lamr:,
- tione.s l , 26 j .cice eteliltso lo term liesl4ll $21O;
three tahathe !PDX/tell utedthiss,6o; itestriter Wet
ether adterthrtnente in pdeportenet. Thus retie
:ill he *lett, adhered te e vitlrts domed by sessitsl
etintriet. or at the option edr:theattlithera.' Audi,
~u Notices. Strays, Dieni4lite‘ and like sdrerths•
meat, $1,60 t -,Adailatenetisitie trotter- d 2.60 ; Ideal
Natter/NCO eentiejitsetillodafe Plotless etrairtrr
. rive ri estitsayteoe; obllttaip - Nelithe teeer.thrimelidee
.is Faint) tire eept: per Ofilinst pookep,'ine.
leo written sibs nottieltdt the edltar, nee dinar
-1 All edvertbienhilerele - be einitttened at
the Sven oritilpereoneji, anttrordered
eat he d i an y - Aniline a •apeellhelLierkel la
agrel - C4l
e[)s3CRIPTjIIIF Itlit+alie per SODOM Illat
-108 PWING.- 1 !t), hied one of thteljeit)
.4 - ineirie the "ant. and ore pear te do aneenrit
4'0414* roar be entrained to tut; Awed etyhe
to met iettiPhitidgilithestplitit fifths ;emit Whip.
' alurttor 6t Hattlir, vehusb•re •
Rgo and - Redo.
sakod of Echo tothat• aayr - •
Whose worst, ar4tialkad_ogten to ooy, )
Orbs! to a noviee'abe
42 °Pth - EohN;Platalr —• /Itastas oilmen r
twin should! mtiry !—lshould It b•
dashing damsel, vat ail d part—
A plaint Of thOonitifinilk ,
Or aoldsh, worm/try, dirt t-,
Quoth /Oho, with deeisitteruNowwthitr
, . •
What ll—oweery ottbe strife • ‘
That loop has bind Mt/
?the promised to amend her Uhl,
Au4heree rape r
atothr,as on— ti tiAlia
' I
Bet 1f some midden with a haat
Oa me should venture to bestow It,
Pray, should I let the wiser part
To take the tremors or forego ft h.
Quoth Esho, very pro siptly—"Clo Ir
But slut, Lt Seemingly of st 4
fo bind herself to Hymens latter,,
She vows she mans to die a *todd—
le mower to ray loving letter
Quoth litho, rather coolly- 7 'nm7 Hita
What it, in spite of her disdain,
I find my heart so twisted about
With Cupid's dear. deadens shale,
So closely that I easet get out
Quell& gabs. laughingly- 0 431re Ors
But tf some maid with beauty West,.
As pars sad fair as heaven can maks her,
crtu ihari my labrifild lay rat, -
. 11 iii.drsi01 - 1411aTirtais
Wrath Itch*, Nue lisee,}—*Tazirllmi I^l
Ilk Limes of Worry.
tree Ua Phllaiielphtik 4p.04.2, 11161.3
It will be generally conceded; we pre
came, that the sovereignty of Great Bri
an in 1776 was quite as sacred as that of
the-United States now, and those who are
familiar with the history of that time will
remember that., in the estimation of the
English people, the guilt of the Colonists
wu greatly aggravated by - the fact that
they were rebelling against the "Lord's
anointed." That circumstance gave a
peculiar bitterness to the feelings with
which "the rebels"were then regarded, so
that if one will read the .Parliamentary
debates, which. took place during the war,
and especially the speeches of the Bishops,
he will find that there are capabilities of
invective in the language which hive nev
er been sounded by the orators of our
time. Every argument, therefore, which
it, employed in favor of an unrelenting
proliM7 in this war, was used in England at
the time of our rebellion, and "the divin
ity of which doth hedge a king." gave an
element to their discussions which is
wanting in ours. It may, then, be safely
taken for granted that the British Govern
ment, did nothing which it would be un
dignified-for our own .to do, because, it
must be remembered, that the right of
the Colonists to take the stand they did
was as strenuously denied by the English
as the right of secession is by uss What
was done, therefore, was done in a case in
which it was asserted h every one con
nected with the Admin tion, and with
a few exceptions, by alt the opposition,
that the rebels in arms were utterly •with
out excuse. . ,
The gist steps towards recognition, ai
is - well known, were 'taken by Chatham
and Burke. From the writings of the lat 4
ter we have so recently made copious ci
tations that we need not delay "to define
his position," and - the views of Chatham
are briefly dammed, up by Lord Nation,
(vol. VI., p. 21,) 'as . follows :
"Not indeed thtit he could be blind to
the manifold gro I. d . f •-•.-. • .-“ t . .4
which' Massachusetts had offered. But he
felt that provocation could no longer be
treated as when it came from one uni ••
ptovince, and when it was supported by
eleven provinces more. He felt, as Burke
at the same period, truly and finely said
'that he did not know the method, of
drawing up an indictment against a who?.
Accordingly he introduced • bill on . •
first of January, '1775, makinetbe mos
ample concessions, hit - reducing it wit:
what Bras klin described as "a most ex
cellent speech." But the bill, of which
the concluding words were : ')Ro shell
, :Ta . .. :.. t...e*eet inspeiliding , ca
lamities," was oiriesisd by the Ministry,
and was rejacted;- -- bealuse, said Cnatham :
Wks can wonder that you should put a mega
ore on any measure which must annihilate yew
power; - ,deprive - you - of - your emoluments end at
Once reducs you to that state of insignifresiXt Far
which God and nature - designed you. - -• v '
Had it beettaiopted no.historian doubts .
that the war -would have been averted, en
it ;would have been also - had Barker's,
scheme been tried, but - persistenoe in•the
"no compromise" policy resulted, that year .
in the outbreak of actuerhoalllities..Even
then, hintiever, schemes of extermination
did not absolutely prevail in Parliamerit,
and in acovember-the "American Prohilik
litry Bill" was'introduced by Lord NmA
himselflbywhich the/Ling was authorised
to sendito Auterica 'ComMissioners, sestet*
WI by itimself,- who were 'to have almcwi i
tielimiLd portent.; but Lord and General
Elawai levito were subsequently appciintedl i
:enctnti sioners, were only vested with very\
halted powers, and as Lord Howe did not
arrive t 11 after the DeoLaratlon - 4 lode.
PendenCe bad been adopted, nothing was
aceoanTileked by - his efforts at pacification.
It deserves mention, in this conaliotioti,
howev - 44 : , that after, Washitt,gtoo had de;
, alined to receive e ; letier itclaip.sed to him
a "George Washington,. Esquire," upon,
the request of Lord' Howe. an inforuutd
meeting took plies between hiniself and
it Committee appointed by Cong;ess. at
which he - argued tbat they ought to re
turn to their allegiance and they might
obtain the mpit - favorable terms. Now ob
serve that ttis conference took- place mis
the 17th of Sept , 1777, after the bald.,
of Bunkitsjiill and Long Island, and O
w the Cofitinental Congress had racoon•
fd allegianoe to the King.
In the next. year ter the battles of
Trenton and Princ4 l had , been fought,
Lord Chatham assn .eau effort to stay
hostilities. minden thir t ieth of Hay moved
an address to tisu.O . Oi . in, lamenting the
-11.1 unbetural War' the ooloniea r Ind
beseeching his ' :sci take the mast
speedy measures for 3
*nst . it. 'He sup
ported hii-proposit4ei . the politic argiv
mint , NI tnnY rand: AlOngsbk iilisiT..! in
Anicica and wisiennitill *Was i ' it 'will 'give
'Atnerica an option ; *Ws 'lass yet had no
option," and he - teased' with these noble
words r "MerermuiUstit harm ;- it will seat
the King whetillia - onglit. toshe—Ahroited
in the hearts of his , people, anit,Millioni
*at home and &bread, now employeetin ob
loquy or revolt, would prey to him.".
Once agaiskithe Administration rejected'
Chatham's piaci; and it Was not until the
next - year, after Iturgorm's - suirader,
that another effort -at reconciliation was
made. this time Ows.measure was intrii
duped. by Lot* WO,
_ - stect wan nothing'
lea tildit theitiltill~ of tans 'claim of
Parliamentary taziticin—e claim, it must
be remembered, which had always been
upheld upon the mere question of law by
the English courts, and which hap been
sustained in numerous decisions within
late years. Nor was this all. A second
bill provided for the appointment of five
Commissioners, who were to have the most
extensive powers, and to raise - no difficul
ties as to the rank or legal title of the las
dire on.the other side, but were to be at
liberty to treat, consult and agree with any
' body or bodies politic, or 1 any person. or
persona whatever. They were InAther au
thorised to suspend hostilities, and to an
nul any sot of Parliament relating to
America, and, in . short, to accept any
terms of reconciliation short of the recog
nition of their independence. • Now, it
will hardly be pretended that our Govern
ment has,any higher sanctity than that of
England, nor can anything be said against
the rebels of the South that was not said by
Bnglish statesmen in the Bait - qua= lima, the
rebels of '76. If we were, therefore, to
offer terms to the Confederates, and te re
ceive Ales. H. Stephens - as a Peace Com
missioner, we would only be following the
example of George 111. Other praiedents,
however, may be relied upon to sustain •
the theories of the Conservatives. One of
the most striking of these, perhaps, is that
drawn from the history of the Whiskey
Insurrection in this State. That little
demonstration was not very creditable to
Pennsylvania, and we are not anxious to
say much about it; but it will suffice for
the present purpose if we remind our res.'
dors that the insurgents resisted an act of
Congress imposing an excise tax on whis
key. It was not alleged that the leer was
unoonstitutionalat all ; but - some of the
outrages committed upon the Federal '•of
ficers will compare favorably with the
achievements of the New Vork mob.—
When the insurrection, however; had
grown to sushi dimensions that Washing
ton, who was then President, was obliged
to interfere, he began by the appointment
of Commissioners, who were instructed by
Edward Randolph, then Secretary of State,
"to proceed to the scene of insurrection
and to confer with any bodies' of tnen or
individuals with whom they should think ,
proper to confer in order to quiet and ex- 1
tingaish it." The outlines of the com
munication which they were .to make i
were also given, and these, too, were of
the moat conciliatory and friendly charse-
ter. Under this appointment, the Com
missioners did confer with a committee I
appointed by the insurgents, and several
days,were consumed by the negotiation.
This humisie policy baffled the leaders, •
who then exaggerated their demands : but
a largoglitary force moving into the dis
affeetetldistatot, and a collision being care
tally, aslisided, the people were soon.paci
fied. ' rt, will thus be seen that our first
..licliiiiiion did not object to "calling
a'ipade a spade," nor did it think it es
sential to dignity to ignore plain facts. In
these respects, as in others, the men in
Washington are very far from folloWing
', e example of Washington and his Cab
inet. , They.persist in treating the whole
Southern people, who have beeni-for the
last year, more Unanimous than any re-,
beillous people read of in history, precisely
aa ttrei treat the Sioux 'lndians after, they
have indidgediwascalping expedition.—
Those mighty influences which mould the
hearts of * people are 'entirely neglected,
Ind brute force alone is relied upon.—
Therefbre it is that the greatest battles ev
er fought have been the most indecisive.
A stateiman like Chatham or Louis Napo- -
leen , would have felt that it was more
'shamefhl not to -have profited .by such
victories au l those 6f Vicksburg and ,Get
tyiburg than he ,:ould to have lost fifty
campaigns. ~*
Weller Brown, a glilkongued mulatto,
discourages the enlistment of colored
men, as we would judge by the following
extract from his speech made in Boston
recently :
"At.first I desired that the oolored Men
should go to the war, to' oonvinoe this
Gcid-forsaken nation that black men are
as 'valiant as other men.: But car people
"Olie - afecl, robbed, deceived,
and outraged everywhere, that I cannot
urge them to go. We. have: an imbecile
Aditinistration, and the most imbecile
management that it is poseible to conceive
of." • •
There, have been some score or more of
DOMOOMPAG editors sweated . for diseour
aging enlistments and speaking disrespect
fally.of Old Abe. We will now see Wheth
er the person of. • negro is considered
more sacred than that of a Democrat. •
Yr. Greeley made spool the other
- CIO% in Brooklyn,Whiob was reported ha
the Ilibses. In the (nurse of his 'peel*
be said "I ban yell painful appreben•
sions that-the wont part of ! our troubles,
gist or shay are, perilous and imminent
is. they are; is not connected with this
• mil awl powerful rebellion. The wont
feature of citirjoevernment today is the
rinelitp and corruption that has crept in..
*Sbtribiki. B .oo." * ' •
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The coritipenflefit' of therifent Veit
aoooinfaulieli Geti.aliberidan
up the Sheinindeit_ .34eUegyjiteni the fit 4
lowing pen portrait: of the 11011ten' A. in Wit
part of Virgintall
The' faces that k down froolltla wiq
dows of this Valley have; in akanyi Wiwi%
oes, a strange - end fascinating heanty.
tween theen.and-ene who glensfee.ny,•tbet
glamor fatal to oheat,titi
senses and inforni the heart with the malt
persuasive Ili; There is• - •deienfleriteati in.
Aimee fiesta 'Their eharici•ikfar-different
from that - - known to North er .
It isa steel-colA latigor„ to witnearwhiek
is. chilling „to ,the soul. One who; corn=
mentos speech with these 'damsels finsht
himself wondering what Sort of beings.
have arisen on • this soil lip, pleoe of the
children of Eve. Mere ass, smilei," and`
courtesy, and refinement, but ab o how
very like aoymbolii the hollow something
in the pound of :IL, These women have
suffered. War is nearer tileirkeartiss than
to ours.. It is a sterner thing by far. Their
.• •A°9 l lA-Shent'
griirse.thal; • awl's*
soil. 'Along this alley, infrTatit
the Potomac to Staunton, there is no law
nor atifefy, the scourge of battle is a.
monthly, episode. All the horror , ell the
sacrilibe of war knocks at the doers of
every Mansion on the way. - Property and
life are things of chance. 'People Make
few plans for the future. To-morrow may
shatter them forever.' Marriage ii little
thought of. " 111 marriagable men are tin•
der arms, and marriagable women let'
them go with little Murmur. There bine
use in murmuring. War is the one great
passion to - which both sexes are alike de.
voted, and for which both are' - ready to
make 'any. sacrifice. These women have
tacitly accepted the feet that,. until the
war is over, courtship is a mocker* that
had better not be thought of.. The maiden
who says good bye to her lover, makee_up
her mind for the worst that can befall.
Death is the rival of love, and death4line
times but of ten, hi' conqueror. sit
strange, then, that we who seek foirt4m ,
derness in the hearts of these women must
seek deep? Wrong as is the cause, , it his
a more wide-epread,and a bitterer, deeper
devotion among the masses in this region
then has ours. Orie of the most beautiful
of any woman in the Valley,' who visited
the North before the war, and wasithelli
at several watering places during the sum
mer months, refused last week to take the
hand of an old friend in Federal uniform,
who presented himself at her door. I
have heard no less than half a dozen dun
,sela say in a tone of perfect calmness that
they bad rather have every friend they
had and die themselves,. then have the
South submit to a restoration with' these
whom they esteem to be its enemies. 'I
beliV . they meant what they, said, end
wou abide by It, to the letter. 'Simla Wo
men as`these are influential enemies, and
it will be , said by many that they deserve
all the insult and harm they have received
in return for their enmity. I do not thtnk
so, and, so far as am frem defendutg
their devotion to a cause ~wicked in its In
ception, I cannot refrain from 'as •much
wonder as admiration of , . the few among
the many in thelValley,who -preserve a
like devotion to the sacred cause of the
Union.' One incident will always lie grate
ful and 'thrilling in the . memory of this
army. While the troops were passing
through Winohester, on their return,three
young and accomplished ladies; wearing
the colors of our flag upon their breasts,
and waving the Mme banner borne by the
marching regiments, stood'_in front of a
single dwelling smiling welcome. To the
officers who stopped to greet them, they
expressed a heartfelt joy at the presence
of our soldiers, and to those officers they
bade farewell with trembling'voiees, and
- • es swimming in regretful _tears. t
'J. B. S.
Groat Mahe% Mak 11414 Csimparal
• Oars.
We have become so accustomed to • see
ing large figures within the last two years
that they have almost lost their power to
create in men's minds the corresponding
ideas . . in order to give us the full appre
ciation of their meaning, it has 'become s
necessary to look at them in a relative
Mannerj and compare them with numbers
Whinh Were before regaided as large.
s a
sin order for us to fully appreciate the
amount of our public debt, we must corn-, I
pare it with that of, - Great Britain., which
is well known to be the largest debt in the
world. We propose to' show that, rela
tively, our public debt' is much the larger.
A large debtfor a rich: nation - to pity may
noekbe so much as A small debt, for a poor
nation to pay. Then i let us see how we,
compare with England in wealth and pub.
lie debt.. • I
The British national debt_ was, on the
31st of March last, !799,802,139 pounds
sterling, or, reckoning five dollars nt' the
pound, it was $3,999,010,695. The interest
op that debt, at 3 per cent.., is $119,970,320.
By official returns, the entire wealth and
valuation of the nation was, oft Oki i3th
day April; 1861, $31,500,000,000. There
toreethe yearly interest is at the 'rate of
one dollar for $262 59 of the valnatkin. •
Byla census of 1860 the: entire Wealth
and valuation of. the! United States and
Moues, was $16,159,616,068 (including
$4,000,000 of slaves at a Southern vahts
tion.) Oar public der, besides our State
wouticiplif debts sod oilier liabilities, as
we have before shown in these columns,
will, on the 4th of March next, be more
than $2,653,427,101, ;and, it is ill 'to be
funded and draw an interest of 6er cent.
in gold, which is $159,305,828. They're,*
the yearlyiinterest, payable in gold,. is at
the rate Of one dollar for $lOl $0 of the
valuation; iwhich is. zeore'tbati:elio iifid
half timeslarger titan the debt o(Orisia,
With gold at 250,napt:de ht United
ourrenoT; the rate of interest *in
make oar debt, rela4vely, more tWan six
sada iluerree times large? them that of Great
Britain/ and that. toe; ae compared. with
the resouroetr And laioation of theilTnited
States in LB6O. as it'tfra was spa as it is
now.— World. , • • •
Hr. Crittenden, 4 Vernon late regis
ter of, the' treasury (11
l epsrtmens, ieisid to
be in the ppssessio of flints 000neeted
ffith thAt depiptinen which rould egirtle
the bouutzy it mode blip. *ell-4es us
be startled. • - ‘.,
- A New Orleans paper says that white
thornlike population, in - that eity sok)) ,
good health, on uncurl morality firers*:
ansoog : ,l44, klipoi,..4triOutable 1 4 tbelx
thiaged solid eamiltion. ;
Is ir t zv e n htg I W?sev A ti•
~Lbethatri 0411 kat
i t yet'
, ,tan. . to), to main the
l imblie,linitty. •
Tering idltewhich occurred il l Phan.'
40 1 01•0:• 1 9t• 2 4 kat, a In, ge um*?
d k artiebtellnitedittkee Men in be dress
leeoien~ on it4trutt that the owners
1 _ r_ 1
• its iiia fiat lien Is gaits
reit art he apried led Nap t
dram •
!log Saab konvet,
Only iamalt poklop, 'comparatively, .of
cur ustional. - detl , has been funded, aid
Yet, the Inignent h egAt: is $73,090,000 ;
00 . 0.630* . i iitsYshie L ut gold—wosh, ;
st the preiestllbt% $125,000,000 in paper;,
The !entitles-1m 4110 debt . is' considerably
larger tiitin Abe Ideas expenses - of. the.
GO 4 r.elmf4t unOt Pfesident
A : absas: neseting. -of mopes war
UM* Belliita,cilki. the cren.oo of the
'1441. - trra t io contairstion and to li
mit their ellimt to all the priiileges ea.
joked by the whites. Speeches were austie,
in which I 1 were denounced as Copper.
beads whe nem opposed to perfect equali
ty, "with them . .
Forney now calls Fremont "an expen
sive and exaggerated chieftain." but said,
a day or4o since, he would support him
if he w nominated *by the Baltim2we
Conventi". Of course b. would.-endda..
nounee Lincoln as bitterly as he did Itu
°lumen if he believed Fremont would sa;o
litosquetees love beef blood better than
they de any that flows in this:tains, of hy
men kind. Just put a coutoleUf generous
pieces on plates near your bed at night.
and you will
_sleep untroubled by lhof!e
pests. In the morning you will find theta
full and stupid with beef blood.:and 'the
meat sucked as dry as a cork.-414 Feiner
and Mee de. .
The Providence Japes, oath, the !Ste
Peace ectiferenos. at Niagara, "Copper'
heluis and Sepesioniste in Connell." • The
only Northern men at that eouncil:were
HorsoeCtivetley and the President's' pri
vate 9ttertits7. We protest against
thesepld disunion agitators "Copper-
heads" .4hey are black. Slake" or sire
- • .
If you want more taxation, a larger
public debt,- vote - kir Linooht. If you want
lib; to ialte,yoUr first, woad and third
born sons Ito carry on the .•vrar,, vote for
Lincoln. If you want to find your cur.
renof in ruined condition,
books wo4tt thirty cents on the dollar ; if
you want the price of everything you buy
to go up-=if thci is *bat you want, vote
for-the Abolition party.
bps. Harriet Beecher Stowe; in the
mune al' panegyric on Hr. Linioin,'
awls :
"Little did the Convention which nom
][r Lincoln know whit they were
doing." r,
Nothing ooyd be truer. And still lea
did the profile that elected hini know
whit they were doing. -Bin they know
now. Will they, with their eyes open,
repeat the ant-
Ihmiglia, in a lecture at Toledo
a few dQa.riuoe, is thus. reported by
thei shodd7 misoegen paper of that local."
"pn the vpmiciential queation'the apes-,
ker said that be Could very briefly acquaint.
the audieticii \ with his position, and he
could only express it in - .:these words :
"Men had bettor bear the ills, they% have
thatifly,ta others they know not of."
Atm is . heir of John Brown fallen
--Wautdedt of sarcasm by a negro, and of
detinnciaiion by Ben Wade and Jim
Lane. ; , •
of the moSt,respectable merchanta of this
city• had been • regular attendant at one
of our chnrchee where political preaching
waif ofteW inddlged in; • A few Sabbathi
NM the 4:01e wits repeated with more then
usual viridenoe. The next Sunday the
seat of our blend was vacant. The day
following, he im met by a, leading mem
ber 011ie church referred to, who said to
him, dOn't see you at church' yester
dei "No;' replied this merchant, "I am
Democrat—my party friends havernever
ret;teated me to, atten d politicalmeet
ing on &today- 7 '4 - Was brought up •to be-,
lime such :things out of -place--• and . I
don't think
.4 shall attend tiny more on
ihetday to gratify Republicans."—Atbany
, XIV ' i ßstawn) ILtamporpaise.t4the .
Nawilarawliqutto remarks, thaws are,
fast getting at the bottom of thelaitious
prOsperity with which great numbers of
people hive been deoeiVed for • a year Or
MO Pad, At lays tint altttost fiery faits
ry is either preparing to stop ope rations,
er gretak eartaillig its business. Large
adobe", if Min 'lnd Women have already
been WOW]] out of; employ, spemsny
more Will be unable to obtain work iost
for weeks. It tears that the offering
ring the (totting winter, - eiili exceed -cint
priryipuie4perieppe. in
notailto. .
Gam - liesta.-;-The eclkoe'.ot the Cahn
Nt•:1- fioni4hrei with a.eopy of
Baer oflE4 30th,'
okontaiiis !hit toltaalni - reenarkeble
• - - •
on* t• '
• Alarrasease barsoroa tiewse L Les Ihr.
Pen. aleinnend. May-21. 18511,--Bpeelli
orderaia. SC—Owing to the inestimable
seerieatendared tofile-Oonfellirate
by Mn: General :Hanka; U. S. A..
all edlleara'andAnen•AnAluteervioe of the
Confederate Statee-ant her*/ prohibited
00in - banning* bair.ot:itialies.i. and are
erpesialliatileted. underalt,. oironmatan
mei to allow hitis to envoi. •
By - ordte. B.,Coorse, , .-
1 , • AtiP find 1216.0,41m1.
with a
Icitdting 'ewe under hie
annoit4 and ihnashi he would
witty ; et Fide enemas boi," tr.
said;' 0t iron ssd ibeiltin this alone and
yen% nee snonhey." ~ 4 41b-1 indeed,"
said "how demi end that' oats
. .
*hetvit *day *bum
ERIE. PA., SEPTEMBER 1, 1844. --
Speed Notipip.
Lt Mt 4adr• to oitala a h eva7
Sevall4 lithe meaty: Polities! mays ere outebtila
ahesdaeie ; what wejanuat bi the local as.. time all
parts of Womanly. Aay perm writ*, to ea lea de
hqd ea having kits.. kept etelatly ooeadeatial i sad
ithe ku haze that the eummeahathee la soils prePer•
;'Pliage for rsielestlae. wi 141 pat It to appropriate bin
cir OftisabssOmmiseind bysanier. te amid
hreatrlee elate tee roe extra. ' The fall le
!oohs their papers Nola* iiisheieagekelep sett.`
*Wet he alba wee. prier te have a* liehaloll,
:efee_sea seeretieetly, peelers III! papers at the a. -
. ' i• -
the hoar atielkleit the Ofeareerls pal to press.
,ema we*, ti !Vele* Thaladayattenetoe. iiarWa
nude wUI te rieeived upS.9rVeleek of of pub-
'Wen Aevertbauelata, 3010 Week sad Italaciptlese
kola penman Those nspoestidliti . !te - sot lama to the
pataleheak hepelaf •
We would nopsstlally odt the attaatioa of the pains
to our Walls Or debug Job Prbitimaimw, Wwwil•
tha. psi r Prensosed the styles
Ire are is de thythileg lh Mader Ithit. - la ii
*user mai too/ Mbar "erbibtassa. sad althorns
se rei as the Ida, or •Clonelaidl edema. 'We
ben eldedioirly two thossaid Goths woulda math
dal to the oath Meath has thee la ourwith
the eldest of sookbair ft ithat we tbs ooseithi
tr sapid. Bow vellum hue we Isere the
speabisos et ear wblsb thy be soma In Mr*
• part.! North ester* n o all. to testify. floe
who mud toity went sat to ye us a , We
ewe de any Wad Of Maths" that sea dew ebouritere.
,--eueb. Ow festoon as , ,
AU Web mid by Coal
• t
All kinds used by Nal pers.
- AU kinds aped by Obal
. 1 ,
All kinds modlierthaate sad SterebsoPere.
AU kb& an by by thdailsroaed Ovesers.
Au Made used by bthittfeetsooth, ~ ,
AU blob meth by llaidothe notion,
All Idols used by Aaetieseem ;
AU Idols used by ltalbeal Agate,
All Wads used by beaks,.
Alltlado used by bounacs Ram..
All blade seed by Steak Oooplatee. lithethilf.
AU kinds used by Rooker% • . • .
All kinds weed by Cosa. sad Pb,. lieraluotto.
' All Hods used by ithrsos Yea,
All kis& used by Probssithal be.,
AU kiwis used by Mew,
All blade used by Pub li c °Seem i
All Idols mod by Meath*. 1
AU blade used by Producers of New Articles,
AU Wads used by Xerehaato of all Troia,
All used by Arthlbeeta.
AU soot by IDrytorteso Itstabildumeene. •
Alit mod by Artists thaseally. ,
All Id laid by Public talblblion,
An blade used by Wale4er, toellornal Allilltobila.
All kinds used sr. Pollndia itallfter4
• j All Wads used by 'intillag Arias,
-An Medi used by ftrairs, or gift.,, of rust estate,
• Alf Math and by 'Chiseller, of remould Property, •
All blade wood by Rootot
Is short. all kinds used by allele/feu
Orders by mall.whou Nat by respeadble putiscprompte
ly 'Umbel to. Arias fortekows. Cooterto, so. whom
regoourlb lily we are met onatlotod with. utast pay la
advisees. la eases where are seat out of the
.it yby orposiond Um toroomit wheal they ant Weed
-lel have not a malt, thooaut at the ones. the bill ter
;Nab:dies Otlllaystisbly be Ibrwarded with that.
eemocratte County emigration.
The Democratic voters of Erie or:linty are
resperotfally invited to mumble at their nasal
iplacm, in the several,-WwWll. noroalibx end
'Trashlps. 40 Satiortkp; - September 171 A, 1864,
to eTBet delegsfes to • County Conventicm to
tree. , heirl •t the (lousy tiocsa, in the 01t7 of
'Erie, on Twesday4fiernome. r tAl 20t4 of &pipe
toer; 1884. at 2 o'olOok, for the nomination of *
local ticket., .D. W. HUTCHINSON,
?most 17, 1864.41
Aantnoai I-A/ (*AMOS TO MAIM
Monai.—Very few pirsinis ; are aware, that by
reeent,inrention. newspapers and scraps if
printed, paper, can be oonvertnd into material
forprintiarnpon again. , .The high price of
paper has made in • atkipi'deouttid , for old
newswire, book.. pamphlets and scraps of
paper for this purpose, and it is eagerly
bought up by parties oontteetit with the pa.
,per. mills. By ooUesting: and siring all the.
material of this kind &limit their houses, and
selling it, many a family pan put "money in
their puries,',' which would otherwise be lost.
The highest prim, in east,; will be paid for it
at this office. - tf.
Campaign mar.
Fifty Coats for Three Mouths.
In order to plaoe the Ossuvu wilhin
the reach of all •who desire to read sound
Union doctrines, we have decided to take
subscribers for the space of three months,
commencing with the, 6th• of Augoie4 and
ending with the next issue after the Pres
idential election. The
,price will Farr
Caxrs, invariably in adikate. Each subscrip
tion will be promptly discontinued at the
expiration of the time,!unless other direc
tions are given by the persons receiving
the 'paper.
We earnestly urge ! the Democrats of
Erie, "Warren, Crawford' and Ashtabula
(kungen to 'make a special effort to in
crease tde circulation of the Oassztxn
during the exciting and important 'Politi
cal campaign so soon to oped. Let no
Man wait, upon his neighbor to commence
the work of • obtaining subsCriptione; but
enter upon it himself i with enerp, deter
mination and perlistZnev The crisis de
mands the services or all,Apd. no one can
excuse himself who 'fails to"perform his
duty tar this hour of WS ootintry's danger.
We should have at least .two thousand:
catnpaign.subscribers on our books before
-the close of ~ august; 'Let Aye de their duty
and we unllttot fail to psr.forut ours. — ' ,
.11.$. Saeil bactateriegbly vend Mel( to he Um beat
seta* t.o•s foreeralau Cam. Carib ur Teti • !Ws
Useluata. It to bees Nude" areeelleet Weed?
• lamuur aura ebbs ay* punt, has bees rourreed
ty It, wad ItaamorobutAfteat Wei pay, hirpoarrodtby
to are. It le fragraat and aferuhke, and ilvei rapers:
Arz,sinar to* sou 'way painsaissed Wane=
et the Ueed. , The asseetheei.obre M. Übe airlifted
mad, irivigorattag. U open. and-perm :oat all ob
etreatioes. Member .the s►apd. aid eel. A healthy •
adios to the was abated,: , - • • • -. •
lime tiroOh* yew at NU =dais ti*:itaMtatts
Clatilivit mad iteitiieu ittarejto 4tovel t g t vile*
fiat It Masi liable , Minimum* •
* say btlimi iftitiki*kalVioie4 vAk dept
swim sad rethistisir Ikea Go paittleati
ortltheissits Driblite WIN -• "r 7
.11101*Ioniguedl*Notadwasay fessabsesseguga.
,• 414 -ta our wbaboao trn.. a.rindub. slab east v.
Ilavvit r bp orrili la mew impsoto
64oughs• 41 . 66 e the am* (664114
ad It 4641661,1641444 lands ar4 her•4ll6 liesvit
ellassomi asessuilmi 6i1644, • ,
Ilium Pony. ilk* easel* Wm.. Lippe 6
04, 147•4. Claw 110,41,4, ft it, Pewit,. 1411424, ralmeak
ft Oa, Sakai Ilkselutwilibisekuk .
AMU/A Amor II raek. 4. 66 b. 840616,4644
Pull s 0..1a0wl Itipin Co,lll4Onsea 6 Rolillow a.
koniff k Os, Lirord. Maio ako., Irk t eak.
.144 ask 661iski1i I Tr/ , :101154.7.
MTtrio suotimas Limn ammo sa,.
; g reet int*. Nett" the Itie et Lint Dbeeer
rhellerthe het belt, enitem r •othlee, be. keeee late
%tee with the pebite is / 14 10PWit s '?" I , l 7V in ti alt,
iliiiiTADo272 nth mt. its ease isAseirana le
iI efihitape bi entre imrs 7 lett eptesilee,
the atee with twit& it iii eitibet, the itiosetehle Ws,
iehierp iftbe Weeks imitilevse it Impel% its gem*
limbo. in iapheeest *ter esettleteetedisets.eed
He said Whet 411*h/fir tot Ate tue the ireM
eeilideet ereese empteieleeleil
&WNW edlenethe the Ihm hi &oft tied imamate(
**groggiest whet heath Oda Ink wive thee
ibmillimililletth a!hitelmt that memo the Orestes
*MI raw sedisailie Ole&
• -11rielleseue. te-4.01111 D0M. 110, • aatileiremt
Wit Irak Mill to , erl Sok
1 , i - seilleam
: 1 1 1 1 , 11ama, Cu* talmilliti Is Ufa salaam at tb• rate of
natio sit! flea Dollars per year.) -
I •
l aw
111171 U.
Cnt Kaadame, Wing mm) rowe l- Wady
. is Iprepusill to Swirl or make Mal at Naps
la Pauly. Pa. Olaas la • Comm Connell Roam s
Wrightlo Moak. apr2SB44.y.
pi ,
• Porinisouro an Cossissiox Ninon"
Pa._ Wankoair out PQMIe Doak, Rad Comer of
Sists awl& Also, daster is 'Cod. Salt, Ilah; Flour,
Mill:Water %Ink ket. N. 2.—Partlisalar stibmaDs•
i spr 4 tz , to d itsestring to sa s tretrear
t aw ■
trt rttro... .
' . I
fi . Ilraosatua Alm Zzlept, Doosacts
sad Pradoloas. opd rimol„ Irdodrilad
11Foro; Whim Algot" to T Tobsootre pi z
mus, k e iNsep
elloost. Toms s Bosom Ton
geiO.. Ifs. impel—UAL
g 'situ)
Jttrrzos or nu Piaci. 011eellmosi
Sea 'Meek. hooch &root, between PIM sad
Mum & co.
Au, Ems or NUMMI;
ain*nt Osd State Ab., Mde i g gi 6=irtfare'.
141 y 14Al1tli*
11 t iftitiKaints Parromunt GLUM,
Ilm***Pgeginaktiirriu jantrattf.
M r
L .. 114111111-41 4 Wl Attio ' at LAW. Rldrray.
Oameres sad Jellorsen Mn
Cain , / -0 4 11 13 . 11 4 4, 1] W. WC WILB
tit w mm24'
•I ,e MORRISON - MOUR ril e litatml:
Mond sod Marlon Ittropt—mhe plum east et
tiehaarb. Warm. PI. &pt. IS-1M
IJR, • Armes op 1 , M11P1401. OSP la emit*
bawling. llosui-woof comer of ?afh sod. State streets
algoefraioisi doss moils sad eollootloo•
j Bodo prompt
I , 4 tt . t, 4....,44Rizarynuarig,,,ßVlAl77r,
...Hostig Hl.' CUTLIBIL.
I arrows Air LAW, Girard. lists Coakty,
sad other bogus@ actsadod to with
.1 ,ptnome sad dispatch.
P. =NUM,
p aopzi. Samara* sad Ito. is S t rawy,
' tare wider Bronn ill l ials ras4frostyar Past.
Li :DI s .
J. S. CRUMB has tam the Lime Ms at
'trio foot l of Trona Stmt. mot tw Plillisielphis Mot,
EAS d% sal I. pr. to Mei, LLB., in ism
Or Mosiiostitiss,at the lousrt markot oleos.
Arrossrra Ar Law. Cheetbst
• N. 111.37:112'
j • Mitellollll,
"*. V wV";181 "
re. KO; re mum*,
VI Darner. bottles M Xock orth eid• anti Part,
Iltal atm; MU. It. • aprlrn K.
r vivre uoirm,
Ls; Preach stmt. between 4th and Sti Dane ti
war the Philadelphia ltalleead Owe% Le* Pa.,
Laois illetoreekae,. , trieeidee aceessiaeda•
dee tee atzaaaaeaand Beard be the dav
.404.1 eUbilnp atteithed • archer
AA , au ( & anerldieti,
romososts TAILOAS sad
arits tor Plum k Es ser% Patent Sewing Machines
--Us nee—State Sbeet v hetween stb sad Sib Stia.
Cr% Pa. Clothes made toner In the Suet style.
owl IT.
• 01181)RNIC,
• Wolter £a Easy Snail, au Eighth
Smart Memo Etats sod Tomb. - Tim Harms and aU.
rinses to lot as cosiossols tamp.
I eqlllCl.l4 CA11.7/14
"m i aowin g , Aviipaltarsl, impl•ante, Raftred Omer, pa.
ay- $. a
vy • Damn,' 01las Ikon)
• Block.sorai sifter the Ptati.Zeisi Ps.
.A. GALBRAITH. • • ,
• • armadas ArLaw—Oisibee SWUM.
.1 w appositartlisComurt Hoe" Izis. Ps. .
Q,PFICE, Paragon ,Block, near North
est Corn!! ol' tha Tidal SOW% Kris. Ps.
Dui= to DIT GOODS. Gloatans,
, tiardwgx, Nails, etas, Eked. Plaster, eta, am•
th street sad Publie Square, Ktfa.ll6
M ,
d I •
Show It to Your Friends.
ate aelnateledirti le be the BE tr it AO Fl IN 6 ever
la int* thla country. Their unrivalled meow
not 4la Ibis einintrr, bat ' ell met the World, his
. It ley far the most puler, Illeablae saw to ewe.,
;... ._ •,....
Them have Ultra the load of ell other iteabinai, Mit.
Mast the late haprovesseabt have_been added, every va
riety or work is performed with mail aim mid rapidly
owl up.
tAßres *RIM ItOsTAGICA onit In •
. ~
. Aid 6 wise the admiratier ALL. We worrent them
to s u itO every variety atgoods,from the Thug soastio
to • %hided sloth. They reek • the colebtated "lock
Mt ." /Ethic& In Vat to :in or ravel . These Mu
chinas litildo the wise work IirITHOUT ANT BAST
illtA WEI,
llt g TOCIL , Sit 11, VICL UMW da 11.. INS
`twits any; ' , WV/ of hem without previously
to or bodies it: they willifether andatitch or sew
cm ammo ;if yon don't bilhivo it,
• diamad for those eslebraimi Masklars, nine* we
halo located ha Brie, haii bora aotoalehlur. At
We ilaitscrsat Aillealty litalliag oar orders, bet we
ha a fall stook Just i•osituel, kail are ready to see any
sad who may Gail or mad oasts& seder& Our rooms
aro tly Mid and furnished, and our aooomoods
soultsotty Ms hoshisse art sot %fuelled
..140141104:mtros_at.araiii A. WI!" Pr** l4ol
at _ •
!sown nnt.. is Laud e ", lati.
A• ~. _ .1 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 }11NIC!$,MrYT., ° i&
_ lG lLltgt,• ls4 i, '. 1
liturow, sverydhate . and Vaud" WW . wheZea
.. nom .ato tearsintod..thros ,yearai
greet a tiMilia-ilt dosistrimtiott, Thai res Twila are
ow. Thejratio almost nalsotoos.
E• irracristiOn MIL
111116 11111simp0le ilillni in lipllng Mies. i It you y cannot i sore,
mai et work mot a eirsular b nail: -
!P i tit, ' • , MOLT It BOOM Arab. Voids Biota
~ ,:spi i _ • .... Igest.rarkaidOs•
..'.o)h - 7.lli)limil,-.kokooL
341t11, OPENS
4. A. COOPER,. - •
• 111111311. IP. He HALL •
Wield norootrolli 1141 Wootton to bet
Jet rewind fres boorNelts eilattelif
n•its• Hats, Ribbons,
Q 0 D 1
• - irideitsk.4l4ll „ •
, ANituata,,,atmes oi r 1.• noslnrisig
p4a, - ts.-Npnt,
amp. ,r via *ad huriMar e, fat Ws th 7
1 111111-11* 1111101sli• itne4ites,
slllT,itGaiT 17, 18441.
IslatrWhamMrieWOWllrtlbail•• MOS 11
the vital ntaelpie or DI" Illesseet .1 tip Nowa. TVS
is derived Melly Ikea the deed viva t tat Deis hod
01 1 110 07 , 2 1101 . - Or
*d Wr weeta say
Msw iOsso
sis . .ts
Moo. 6or nvie y wihs n
wo OW od=a v
lad Wool sill*ibis the Ma its t. will 00 tho
will gap* tbdtbents, will ebetrset tbe Bear. and
send Its dlanualvidaelair eleummete to all parts of the
M la fl
d fgr7 one sailledin erlwareer own may
be lepirked dual. •
roil mike of IRON AS A MZDICINI le well
known amid seksowletked by VI easalsil sum The dB.
ilesity hes tom to ASV& eneka preparstios of Wee will
.ater la and aaidni at env with tb•
blood. This point; nye Dr. Hayes. bleasobssitte Slats
Obendat, bow ratilsap is Um Pentvlaa Syrup, by
oembisidlair le 'a way Wore selsows.
MIT IN ALDICIIIR that strikes at tie Boot of Meese
sepplybig the blood with its vital Priselpla Sr LW
1111 PURIM INATIIIIP CumDytiv•Va. Lt,
Ovaptalat, Dtrepey, Parer and Aram Less V sere.
Lew Betriv.
TUN PIDICITIAW ON MCP Wu.. etrempth.. l l o,
aid new lib tat eke system, lad belle up an o h m s
Commutation." ,•.^. -
THK PE Ittllf lAN STROP Cans Nome, Lev
Boom Meals Complainte. aid diseases of the Wavy*
sad Madder.
TIM PilleLiTlAN WWII* Is a IIP•CIPIC ,for all
=Palienating la a BAD RUTZ °Pin BLOOD..
uled by Debility or a - low had, of the An
ibetsc tree freer Alookol la any dem. tit earl
ICANSI are ea folland fly wiretessawir mattes, tare
permanent, Wads; svnasess. ?Mpg aid uw ins tato
all parte of the nevem Mid bedlillsci tept Ra 111011 CON.
It le an steollent anbaatitelopiegirer Ow* Wier*
a ettistsburt Is .pied.
Ons element In the restorative Power Itsn ai a med.
kilns teptiregnsikkrattion and IV sintrtsolt,
t .
lftediebied to sue &steam citesmosed by a via.
14 1 111101 d DI TUB BLOOD , within* redoes; It
sto eysteskie like tryirtg to repair eb
the fonadatkor la gone.
Pamphlets vatelaingt evillest. of urn ma MOW
mendatiose Ikon One of the meet aninest Pkyrdefine.
Clorviem asid,others, will be east /RIM to say ad.
Na select a tow of the name to 11101/ the shavoles of,
the bretbsonlela
AMIN B. Nlll.lOO/..faittpskilsat the Minn
pollias Bank. N. r; B in , Amu. 811•111IWtor
Cirletiss ditimeaM • Jearroil. Brw. P. OttEl ter ,
New York Climiele, Bar. Jobs Plearpost Tam anew f
Barton, Bev. Arthur IL Palter. 'RS, Rabbi* J
Rom Bytmuuts Oobb, Ikr. T. Stan Zlng. Ur. Bpitrehn
toNets, Jr..llay. Jae* Obit& Nam Beery Upbeat.
P. C. 11 .orclksy Ram Jobs • .Ohneteed, Lewis/ohs
eas.ll D . Rowell Rbeney. WV.; S. C. Ish•11. 11. D,
W. Z. Chketoba, IL D. Erse&DoOL,IL D. Jommilob
Steam IL D., Jose Antonto Reasbera A. MOM
IL D., Akesluwa Wendell, 111. D., J. Jl. , elloteo X. D.,, B.
Idnety. IL D.
IT Thom emst detests Vsereffle ~Ma Na 1...
MM. ',MIA mom giro. oil taid 1. • ..PITBSONAL
TAW. It has avid Daum& ban 800 swear
Aterefalki Is 401 rebef, owl tetedide mimed viessookk
haikrie to en • • trie.
• ltairDTarzysta; Dastrary volitive& Wiwairssews it
le • spectila.
Prepared by N. I. CLARE b CO.. sslbtetwity fee
J. P. DllOl3llOllOl. 01 Itroadway. If.T.
Bold by all Drowns.
THAT. the variety of new etyie Bed-
Awl; Id Galli* Cottage. Cowan. Rued Oar.
air, Gaup Oro, Jaw Lied dad after patbras. wdtt
.itrline sad Ault hub kaarldemely sunersd Barrel'.
a:Unsling. Dining, Brialdlast„ Cubs and other Tellise..
whatnots. Quaker Dim*, Grp% ant nom*
dots Bads. Hair .mans Grass Mattress, rsatbar las =
ud Bolsters with other auerbeld luntleer: kn. ail
nansfastarsd but mill eposend busbra sad h , dtby
materials, by experissad urban led sot by app_lN utls
lads. Forntyle, quality and low pekoe I -siW fled; sad no-pries dealers to andneW an. Feather' bug. ,t and
sold. Cue Nat. Parlor. hedroots. Delddn , 4 Suring,
Mars* and ether GUIs", of Misters sad Western' inane
tutors, an. hickory dolled sad glad, noting than se
arise' as say e th er part et tag otodnototefielbleff WM&
"Rd sold ars only mallet. and by no MIN= durable. Weed
window.*wan flerring sad, Kann midribs of hard
mood muds Dumb tb. Nat sad flood, war.
misted to stand. liandleassly rriatei, and suet be bus.
to for 'breadth, pries and aalel. Bpdag Soli I bud
said.,anMOandbme tirs Idgdmist - nernals with •
list of prima of all goods seat as applleation. nutting
sad shipping Ikea.
Altar lits .posni
sad aoataidlag with nr".
Oiliphd two Pride deal" am dotonedood to son
oso to an, worth for pm pay, rod do Audits
to who try!, with me,
Lumbar, Ina, eaufas, nosh, Craissad Rota:
Oil. Stare raw, ?soft°. /ka., tabu at fair mutat valued
for pay. Reranaber the placo s aost comer of lith street
on /tats. Rsie, Pa. G. W. ILLSIT
au:JAL arenthator sad Dirmialen Salmons.
illotlwrait Clow 4 LW Pirto 4 Promo& Sand,
Wadi roopoottally toll tt» stloattoa ottits routuity
to hiaboge BOW of
musk bobliiisigapte•guss the
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all who give blaz i a aellq
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No. 2 Hugihes' elcioki
Where be will abrayilimp ea bug • hop inppl, se
• ' WINED!, 1.4141170M114.01131.11,9,
Awl everythimiaoill74or We to saastpllouosat of
thirkind. . I c"
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atty. - Jaaleenr.
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rase Imre Dakirk *lst ocit thafolk,whig bairn'
Eastwaid Boned-Thipart.
Night express ...1,.. ..-... ... . ._.. A.... 00 p. M.
Mambas% two* :a ' ' `" TOO a $.
AeIICHINIO4IIIIIOII4. ' . . ' .$0 •
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She Aressemedstlinrerneverylet - . -
CHAS . . MVO?: aqtal gap%
Cobbles lltostrated DasolUe Bibb,
700 - bnciturs 061111111611111 D UPI!
for tlisPuellyythisbaUt lasehar or SWIM ft;
the Bitas, Ws volt les TWSZVE Isievaliie imam%
1. Simi hundred Delettattioliesithes.
. 1 Maar ttioltetereitees.
• Piney Caseated Steal 11Caps
4. )(VENOMS bokimpe hosALega.
A Chresolarleal rdirr.
• IL A betet Callosities desert Chapear.
1. Postkal Cooke 1a llettiosi Term
0. liatteediose ou sick Chapter.
' 0. easetkaas at sad o4asal Patter dir.ilhilWr mad
10. Sates Mad 10.41101.60.4
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A. 11:r;bisded Cletaterdluies„
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pei k m apreeds
• tirterestug teams of the w 4 ga
Mas.loitu *mho lar.lo surd - 51kare vas
pfewernd with aliagalar yr. Were, th• Ake Ottani or
• Welowedderbwraud baitheo, ar tag a4ll4l.4liiiis irnottise•
/lays 111111411 0• 4 Os !PAT, 8 . 11,01 "a andadail
mile. 00. 4 • "
Doxixtric - Mats -ILLUSTRATED,
Chehhatt ma it nadir Irks, son amines tbas as
datilor wart ever Piths peblei. ins wed bewail
is ewe volume. preetitiew owlet wieraseell Oar Pular
er Library. , ,
• The work hi sold esieselieli
Mee, estelliehieLleater. . kW
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edge sad SUM is 10.011
to hut apt Tette, illareeeo. wiete.....
P. S. Those wba Oath" the wort, or to senirsee for it s ,
pow &dame H S. BUCK , Tllss,Otaj er Laaddlll
Pa • .', anti.
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J. C. a La zr -
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Of OW' Ilibbas jai tiastfeil. " Is falpipuy
sr on& lb ANON tlrkif A& is Ns
Weil Imp*/ iffil ass ilisa OW am• bid. Itis
'alibi's* booboo artspS/•- • lisoll lissessi is
164 : W l ' '' ( = :.• i •
toI am illn EM.
ti 00041, ' i Itifiitors..
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0A C; swiss gat I .M .re.
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sossisdaneSahme• 0111010 Poshour lb* a.
al=rlossehamens Iciagaraimew