The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 25, 1864, Image 3
To GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED .4 LETTERS ji`N u - .4, PATENT! ''' - F r R()1 AL rfr ,ed from aPr 'pant of Sir J. Clarke, Pheintion Extroordisary to as Queen. 7).11 invalu ahle medicine is unfailing to the cure of all painful and danger., AN diasseee to which the testate I. subject. It moderate' all szessi and re i,,re• .11 obstructions, and • speedy cure maybe relied TO MARRIED LADIES ~ FM2lll'l - ly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on monthly period with regularity. Feat totile, price Ono Dollar, bears th 4 Governs:mint umr of area. Britain, to prevent eountertfeits. CAUTION. a,, , nue skoldd LAIN, taken by Female &rise ike ri p c 7' THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, a.they an b,, n e , on Miscarriage, but at any otter tune thy rt ler en‘es of Nervous and Spinal Affeetiont, rainata . , l'i-k 511 , 1 Fatigue on 'light exertionjalpita .:„ i,l the liege, lie 'aeries in Whites, thaw PIMP will .tre alien nll other •i.eariv have falled C and al. h pfln erful einely. do nnt e*ntala Iron. ealomel. o r an:110141z hurt fill to the constitution. .I,,,tinov- in the pamphlet around each paeltags, oonld bn csrofally preserved. SOLD RY ALL DRUGGidTSI„ nt for the United States and Canada, rOR 310363, 37 Corttandt St., New Tort. s g $l,OO and 0 postage stamps eneloaed to any an ',Tent, will insure n bottle, neatening 60 Pills. jytY6l-Iy. 'A Card to the Buffering: . ,q 1 LLCM two or three hogsheads of "Roche." 7 , 4 "Tonic Miters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Anti. Arc , and aftor von ire satiated with the tho.o try. one box of OLD DOCTOR BIICR AN'S FV4I.ISII SPRCIFiC PII,LS--and be restored to health sl t vizor in less than thirty dive. They are purely plesunt to take, prompt and salutary in their ef.etson'the broken-down and shattered constitution. sod young' eau . take them with advantage. , Impor• ud so] sold in the United States only by JAB. S. auras, No. 4rt Broadway. - New York. Agent for the United States. s —A box of the Ttlls, securely packed, will be mil to AMY address on receipt of price, which is One Od le, Tod paid--money refunded by the Agent if sostir• sat esetion is not given. FVITOR OF OBSBRVBIL—Dges :—With your kind perminlon I wish to say to the readers ,t rear paper that I will send, by return call, to all who eiet it, (free) a Recipe, with fail directions for inaklalt erd using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually name, in ten days, Pimples, Biota's, Tan, Prodded tol all Impurities of the akin, leaving the same clear; 'moth had beautiful. I will also mail Ire. to those baying Bald Beads, or Bare Yates, simple directions and information that will "enable them to start a full growth of Lurnisnt Hair, trbiabers or moustache In less than thirty days. .All applications answered, by return mall, without large. Respectfully yours, 11103. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, .1.231-3 or. 831 Broadway, New York. D E. TILIPIAS 9 VENETIAN LINIMENT.—Died of Croup.—What a pretty and interesting child I Mast week I But now, alas 1 itia no more. Snub am us conversation of two gentlemen riding down in the -ro. Died of crap ! how strange! when Dr. Tobias' V.netian Liniment is a certain Cure. If taken in time.— N.34,mothers, we appeal to you. It la not fertile pattry and prat - We make, 1.11 for the sake of your intkot ni!.l that now lies playil§ at your feet. Croup Is I xoterous dieease ; but ties Dr. Tobias' Venetian Lint. 3irit m time, and it DI robbed of its tarrors. Always op it in the house ; you moy not want it to-night or tvtnorrew, no telling when—but armed with this Lini entien are prepared, let it come when It will. - Pr,* 25 and 50 cent.. Auld hr all druggists. Mice; c;nttfaxiat Street, New VbrkT aug2o-Im_L t*ENTLICIIAN, cured of Nervous Debility, In • enmpetency,Prematnre Decay and Yi3uthfol Error s ttasfed by a denim to benefit others, will be happy to tonsh to all o ho need it. (free of charge,) the recipe ,I.iirection4 I,r making the elmple remedy need in his, Those wishinv, to profit by hie experience, and `‘nii. , i; a Valuable Remedy, will receive the a me, by -girt) mail, learefally seated,) by addressing JOBB B. OGDEN, mrl4-1m No. 6 , 1 NIP il'Str -, et, N, Y E....410NR a RXPEI IBNOR US IN' ntine (4 0 OF A ?MR US" INVALID. rohlikhr.l for the benefit and as a ution to young , nowl others, who suffer from Herr • Debility, Pre- Wu,- nor‘y of Ifauhobd, kc., supplying at the moo , t)o meang of self-care. By one who has cured himself yr unlorgninz cOnoidemble quackery. By enclosing po , t-p Aid addreoied enrolope,eingle copies may be had ' the iflthor, : N A7II4NIRL MATIPALIIL. Eq.. ,4'61-1v Brooklyn, glop Co., N. Y. Mifflin NOTHING more eertalo 'to prevent fenalle irregularities than Dr. Velpan'a Female PULL 7D.) , will in all extra canoe a return of niontbly slek ... without which no unmarried lady can enjoy per rt beAlth Sold by all drugglate. tuc2O-Im. .. - ANTHRACITE 11VD 3IT UMINOUS COAL! would respectfully announce to the pub lic of Erie an.i vicinity that he will continue to deal c og l during the preserit_xesr, at H I -S L D S T, A N D, CORNER OF FIFTH STREET A -- ND• TILE CANAL. Fcrimto desirin g to Procure any tied of Coal min be supplied in LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, And at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES! I intend paying special attention to the Anthaeite Coal Trade ! „lint w ill soon open a Yard far that purpose at the FAILROAD BRIDGE OVER MILL CttEEK, Where I will keep on hand irrE,REST QUALITIES Of that kind of Coal. t r Orders-for either Anthracite or Bituminous Coal ail M. promptly attended to. ur.3-314. r W. W. TODD. I). W. HUTCHINSON, United States Claim Ag't , . GIRARD, PENN'A. PENSIONS, BACK PAY, B 0 Y, lei all other Claims arrainet the Government attended to with promptness. CHARGES REASONABLE. CT Application by Mall attended to the tame as U alit, In teraon. - mls9'64-Em. THE PLACE TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, Is AT E. COUGHLIN'S • BOOT & SHOE STORE ! • State Street, Nearly Oppoeite the Post Otßee. F.. Coughlin, Boot and Rho. Deale neptctfully informs the Public r,L, removed his stand to the Store Boo m oa State street, nearly opposite the'Po offle. where be incites all his old friends and customers Sue him a call. Particular attention given to . REPAIRING! ifulog careful workmen, and superintending all hie Da•lnere himself, he believes he can give as good satishae ten and sell at as low prices a, any other parson in the 0 tr. flood Fits Warrantial. aprff. UV. 7 P. ..4 . . vi ER 1 ° ..0 r P 0 ... c/a Z:2 0 "al •• -/ 1 1 • GM 0;1 14 0 . F .a 6/ 0 g • it 3 MI .. 1 4 4 2 . .3 : is 8 i 4 ay z 3 s i t ti Mi- • P." g a m vi g 1 ...• cr , I ~.... ... —...— 0 D.. wir to ~ to .t. - iv -. C 5 -i C P CA --... • 1.11 0 . P 2 ~ r. •—) ... • 11. Me r '° . 0 • a o a :.11 , ; td . , =1 • g 0 - .is at .v CD I. BONNET ST,pRE! MRS. S. ii. HALL Would reapottrally call attention to tor LARGE. STOCK OF GOODS, Jost received from Hew York, otobnieing Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, ac., Together with Acme - D II G O O--8_ [ Width she will wu - CREAP FOR CASH, OR READY-PAY. tedpr Eireolianagigniar krtasitioa paid to Mud /log, Maria, B tore ollTOich Bt. 7 doors Marra the Depot, RAG, apr3'64tf. OLDISICES, NO ADVANCE! OLD PRICES, NO ADVANCE!! J. C. SELDEN IS ST,LU LUNG W-ALL PAPER AT OLD PRICES. I REM LARGE SUPPLY - Of Stride Matches just recolved. No eelpbetr r giogresable moll. TA* Mont Porker Atoka% to ME Wvret. - Everybody will use them after ooe WWI. For " 4 by the box. darn and from A Moral dimmest to my ?lute. SEM 4 11 Oar. Oft aliqiits. aht but S 'bum ERIE, PA., AUGUST 25, 1864 Special NoSan; Cr We desire to obtala a correspondent In every township la the county. Political essays we eau obtain in •bundana; what w• want is the local ann from all parts of the want, . Any Person witinc. tow can di prod on harisnr his name kept strictly confidential ; and if be bee hers that the comma steation le mat la proper shape for publintion we will put It Inappropriate trial rp- City subscribers. served by carrier, win be charged twenty-five ants per year attn. Panama who fail to mein their papers regularly will confer a bear by notl• fyiagr as of the came. We prefer to have ail subscribers who can conveniently. procure their papers at the office of pa biteatioa. rjr The hour at which the Observer Is put to prise each week, is 2 o'clock on Thursday arternooo. Advertise manta will be received up to o'clock of the day of putt licatioo. Er All AdvsrUsetnenta, Job Work and Pabseriptions from parsons white responsibility is not known to the publishers, Intuit Itypsid do Moues. OBSERVER JOB OFFICE. - - • We woold respectfaily call the attention of the public to our f ',Cities for doing Job Printing or every deseripi lion. Huai rapid Presses and the latest styles of Type, Re are prepind to do anything Ligthe Jobbing line, in a manner equal assay other establishment, and on terms as reuonable u the Buffalo or Cleveland Wilms. We have aided nearly two thouand dollars worth of mate rial to the Mike sines it has been in our poesendoa, with the object of making it what we thought the communi ty needed. How well we have succeeded we leave the specimens of our Jobbing. which may be ease in every part of North Western Panaaylnatto testify. eery of want tasty work are invited to re us a esll. We can do asy kind of Printing that can done elsewhere, —melt for Instance as AU tads need by Coal Operators, All kinds used by Coal Shippers, All kiwis need by Coal Sellers, All kinds used by Merchants and Storekeepers, • AU kinds need by Retailers and Grocers, . AU kinds used by Mannfactursre„ AU kinds seed by Medicine Dealers, All kinds used by Auctioneers, All kinds used by Railroad Agents,' AU kinds used by Banks, All kinds used by Insurance Oilices. - kinds AU kinds used by Stock Companies, generally, All used by Brokers, AU kinds and by Com. and For. Merchants, AU kinds wed by Sigmas Man, AU kinds used by Professional Men , AU Wads used by Literary Societies, AU kinds used by Public Mons, AU kinds esed by Patentees, All kinds used by Producer' of New Articles, All kinds used by Merchants of all Trades, All hinds used by Architects, • AU kinds need by Creasman gstablishmente, AU kinds nasal by Artists yeenerally, , - All kinds used by Public inhibitors. All kinds usedby Managers of Soma} Assemblie, All kinds used by Political Managers, All kinds used by Travelling Agents; All kinds used by Farmers, or sellers of real estate,_ _ AU kinds used by the sellers of Pinions! Property. - All kinds used by Renters, In short, all kinds used by all duns I Orders by mall,wheo sent by responsible parties,prompt ly attended to. Agent' fer Shows, Concert; he., whose responsib:Uty we arena acquainted with, must pay in advisee. In eases where packages are sent out of the city by expreekand the mesons or whom they are intend ed have not a regular account at the office, the bill for collection will Invariably be forwarded with them. Boy Wanted. An active, induitrious boy wanted at' this office, to learn the trade. He must'agree to remains term of .several years; ttid have the agreement of his parents or guaildian to the same. No city boy need apply, unless we have some reliable assurance that bp will not leave about the time he has become useful. iDemoeratie County Convention. The. Denirrstio - voters of Erie county are respectfully invited to assemble at their usual places, in the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships, on Saturday, September 17th,,1864, to elect delegates to a County Convention to be held at the Cotrar Houser, in of Erie, on Tuesday Afternoon, the 201.4 of -Septem ber, 1864, at 2.o'clock, for the nomination of's local ticket. D. W. HUTCHINSON, Girwrd, August 17, 1864.-td IMPORTANT DIVISION RILATIVI TO DaArr.—Provost s Marshal Campbell commu— nicates to the ptjblio the following official in formation concerning the approaching draft : Men enlisting in , the naval or marine corps as substitutes for drafted men anal enlist as such for three years. Exemption will not be granted to the principals until they bring to the Board of Enrollment certificates. from the authorized naval or marine recruiting officers of the fact that the substitutes have been ac tually accepted and received into the naval or marine corps for three years. No examination for physical disability can be had or corrections for the enrollment made after the last day of this month, August 81st, 1884. This rule will be imperatively adhered *to, as after that date preparation for the forth coming dra ft will occupy all the time and at— tention of the employees of this office. It behooves all interested to have the work done prior to that date. • . For their own benefit the public) should fially understand that substitutes cannot be accepted by Boards of Enrollment for any man who either leaves his enrollment district for the purpose ;of 'presenting a substitite to Boards of ether distriets, or who authorise brokers, or other persons, to transact such business for them. Boys.—Boys in this age—city .boys especi ally—are • great "Institution." We say "boys," but it is a question for debateerbeth it-such a creature as the old-fashioned "boy" really has an existence any longer. . The "boys" of twenty, thirty and forty years ago were worth something to them:levee and to the community. They could saw sod split wood, run errands, feed the oath° and do many, other things usually supposed to be in the "boyish" line. When they grew to be sixteen or seventeen they were apprenticed to a trade, and staying generally until they were twenty-one, seldom failed to make good work . . men. ', But the "boy" of - to-day is a totally different character. When he reaches his tenth year, he Is in feeling—in everything but size and beard—a man. He "puts on airs," talks in w style of swaggering independence, will not tolerate advice or rebuke, goes to see the girls, curses his father and mother, won ders that grown up people ,are not as smart as he, swears, drinks, smokes and chews, and does many other curious acts, peculiar to_ "Young America." As he 'grows older he ad vances in pomposity and self-estaeen. He disdains to be an apprentice: He will not agree to being •"bound." He goes to one place to learn some Pparticular occupation, soon concludes that lie knows more than his employer, leaves, and - tries another business, Mays there long enough to get a smattering of it; and then vacates the premises just about the time be become useful. In this way he titres the rounds of half i doien establish ments, and by the time he reaches twenty-one, be steps out into the world a 'your"—and such a "jour !" , A gentleman remarked to us once,' that if the present system of learning trades (half lesirnlng than rather) was continued, the time was not fir distant when the mechanical still of thii county would fall into contempt. The prophecy was too near the truth. Every man Oho Carries on business knows the difficulty of getting trained hands, and the immense number of workmen who possess bat a smat tering of the occupations they follow. The evil 'mere worse each year, and the drain of skill ed labor into the army, promises to increase it to • ten fold extent. The old custom of regularly binding boys to trades may have been rather severe, but we are not' sure that It was not the.eorrece one, and in the endam. Wally advantageous to master and apprentice, A eauiderable number of our citizens, in; eluding half a dosen leading Democrats. and several prominent Republicans, mill leave on Friday, to attend the great Chicago Conran= lion. The delegates from this district are Wm. A. Galbraith, Esq., liad Ron. Wm. A. Wallace, of Cjearield county. • The former goes as a :salons advocate for the nomination of Gen. McClellan, sad the hater is supposed to hold the same views. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Lieutenant Colonel W. l L. FouW ham been ordered to this ()ilk u superintendent of re milting operations. - Col. C. L. Lumberton, bf the State and Mr. Hill, of the Howii); will pines accept our thanks for public documents. On Saturday and Sun* .heavy raiz . shots ere fell throughout this county, mielling the streams up to their briny. Farmers tall es that they came too late to be of much benefit to the crops. , One of the ablest and , beet papers in the State—the Lancaster Intelligneer. . Since it went into the hands of Messrs. Cooper, !Sanderson & Co., it halt become One' of the model journals of the country. A. J. McCreary, of Fairview, is announced as a candidate for Sheriff, and Seymour Wash burn, of NicHean, as a'cindidate far COMMIS. 'loner, eubject to the 11;ectsion of the Black Republican County Convention. • General Sherman thinks that before the rebellion can be put doWn a general.conscrip tion of every male citizen in the North liable •to do military service will have to take place. We have no doubt that will come to that, if Lincoln is re-elected. A pretty thorough canvass of this county eaves , no doubt in our mind, that notwith— standing Old Abe's joke to .the contrary, a mneh larger proportion of the people than last year will he in favo . v of "swapping hors es" 'this fall. Mr. Scofield telegraphed from Washington that he has received an; order ftom Provost Marshal ., Oen'l Fry exempting all persons who have put substitutes in -the field for three years, from the oper atiens of the present draft. So that large class of the community sea rest easy for a short time longer. The attention of holders of Unpatented Lands is directed to en Important notice un der our new advertisement hand. Messrs. Snodgrass & De Witt, the attorneys named, we knpw, from personal acquaintance, to be gen tlemen in whose integrity and legal skill the most implicit reliance may be placed. We are pained to hdtir of the death, In New York, on Tuesday, of Lieut. Lockwood Climb ey, a son of Miles CaitOey, Esq., of this city, from the effects of a wound received In the action near Richmond, on the 26th of July.— lie was a young man Of many excellent _qual ities, &rid &general favorite with those of his acquaintance. Elk, Cleaffield and Jefferson counties have decided open the Bth of September as the day for the meeting of the Congressional Con ferees. The day is net as convenient for our delegates as the Ist of September, but if the majority agree upon it, of course the Demo crats o f Erie countyire not the men to make any facti6Rs opposition. \ The report in various guilders list the life cial war tai of five per cent. on incomes will be on the amount of income less the tax al ready paid for,t.he year 1863,. the officials at Washington inform us, is incorrect. It will be upon the full 'aroonnt over six: hundred dol lars, without dedUction for any income tax heretofore paid. \:' Oar jolly Irish frimid, E. Coughlin, is still doing business at hifrold stand, State street, afew boors above this office. We call atten-: Lion 'to this tact beeause hie adverUieisent having been left out Of the paper last week, by mistake. some persons msy'hsve imagined that he had removed to another,place, or yeH; has"upon the interest of his money." has a good stock of bpots and shoes, which be sells as low as any other man in the oily. Chairman A Wit in the New York Sunday Times thus admits' A correspondent ! of the Gazette proposes George H. Cutler, Etm,, ell the opposition can didate for ?tate Senator. We understand Mr. C. still to claim to be a Democrat, and doubt,, therefore, if he would accept a nomination at the hands of men against whom he has been nearly all his life arraigned in political hos tility. 1 . • —Since-the above wag in type, we notice hat Mr. Cutler, as we expected, has declined he proposed honoT. Mr. John .W: Haldeman Publishes a com munication in this week's gazette emphatically denying the stories affecting his chancier, in connection with the negro recruiting business. Mr. 8., it will be remembered, was an agent appointed by Govi Curtin, to go. to Fortress Monroe and enlist. contrabands, to be applied on the quota of this county. He says when he reached there he found men from other States offering higher prices than he was an. thorized to give, and, he adds, "on an average they obtain about one apiece:" The Oil City Register ,pays : “For the last current month the Columbia Oil Companydivi. ded, ai the earnings for that period, the sum of $lOO,OOO among its stockholders in the shape of dividends. In addition to this they have on hand the accumulations of the same period, 10,000 barrels of nil, which, at the present market price, amounts to over $lOO,- 000. Thus making in one month for the stockholders • over $200,000. The whole of this sum has been earned by the Story Farm, on 011 Creek, which the Company owns. This farm consists of five hundred acres, scarcely sixty of which have as yet been developed. The near approach of the day eat apart for_ the draft makes the substitute trade psi more active. Most of them enlist with Capt. Bone as naval recruits. The price paid for substitutes for a single year, in this city, has been as low as $l6O end as high as 3600. During the last week few have been obtained hero for less than $4OO, and the average sum paid is about $450. In the townships distant from the city, substitutes are obtained for from $2OO to $350. Froni the way things look now, we doubt if a substitute can be get after the draft, when they must be mustered in for three years,, fur less thin • thousand dollars, and the commodity will be scarcest that. No word has received fromilarrisburg as to the decis o f the Commissioners for regulating the quotas throughout the Slate, in reference to the credit .elaimed-by this eity for naval recruits. ;The number on the roll sent to Harrisbnrg. ie about 160, although time are, doubtless. many persons who hoe en listed, and whose names have not been as eertained. Col. Grant informs as that the Commissioners gave him every reason to te lieve that the credit would be slice, And be is in daily expectation of a dispatch to that efi led. If this credit is obtained, our ilsota will be full beyond a doubt, but the possibility that we may slip up in our calculation,. eboaldii dues our mamma to continue their-exertioes to obtain volunteers. There is nothing naiwa. the skies so nocertsin se the declaim, 'of an Administration ere, tha,rerdiet . at a petit jury. - • • • - =23 ,~:. NOVIIIIIIIIB : No joy, no light, No law, no-light, No trust, no trade No end of raid— ' No hope, remember No 'scopes from ill— No. no, until NOVR/1111111! HE '1r!'..41:2 ' .".. i. We have received the Atlantic Monthly for &SlM!lsti: The efiletilliiiittblentireets tents, Whit their Whom: ThilOadmesa Mati nees, by William L. Brands: The 'Bridged Cloud, Henry W. Longfellow ; The Electric Girl of re Farriers; Robert Dale Owen; Lit— erary Lib, in Paris; The Drawing Boons, part II ; Bplritilon r The Maskers, J. T. Trow— bridge; Forties, atre. laisaiss* -Ahern;: Wet Woather Work, Donald a. Mitaisidi t Reg ular and IVolaiteer ClFicere, Col. Thomas W. Higgineen ; The Total Depravity of Inasdmato Wags ; !rho, Bhtili,,We Km for Dinner? by Felix bar* cliefore Fl'oltaimig, tleorgi H. Boker; Our • Fish- to Eiclunoatk Edmund Kirke '; litritinrit iutiTatarary Ifeliiig. I , Daring a res ent visit to Waterford we were the guest i d Mr. and Mrs. W. C. White, to Wheat 1014 re ladebk4 ler trmay-ttfed attn. lions which made our stay exceedingly pleas ant. The ifact is, that wherever we go is the x tt county, ()Ur Democratic friends re so clever, that we fill! it impossible to e resi'enr ap predation in a way that appears suiteble. We , can only say thanks to obe and all, and hope that oar eburse may ever be such as to merit, their repeited ants of courtesy. . The Chicago l Jourousi, a Lincoln organ, of August 186, says : "If any are holding back from that duty of furnishing substitutes or recruits, - oping that the draft may'-possibly be averted , j they are sadly in error. Ort • • .• have already been and are now being proaU4' gated from the War Department, ' to enforce the draft . i l igidly and promptly upon the expi ration of he ,fifty days given-fer..lllAll quo. tae." • . . The M 'rit Griswold, late of- the Reid House, ha l ve taken charge : of. a large and env-' oessful hotel in Watertown, N. Y. They have, many wa4n friends in thisOitY, who wilt wish them all the prosperity they can desire.. ' Is it thei way to increase the -prosperity or a commulity fpr its lecatpress, or a portion of it, to be incessantly ridiculing the piiople, and disparaging their enterprise.? We ask for infor until on. • . - - T wo litircOtiOnsigna - Ls.--General Taxation and Gentral dousoription. 1 - • caavaatuutamtv.) 1 . . .... Poor RiiharePs Reasons for Buying United States Securities. • The other day we heard a rich neighbor say he had ?ether have railroad stocks than U. 8. stocks, far they paid higher interest. Just then Poor Richard came up, and said that he had just bong t some of Uncle - Eiam's three year* notes, pa ing seven and thres•tenths per cant. interest. 111 x rich friend exclaimed, "You! I thoughtl you bad no money - to buy with.".- 4 .Yes;" said Richard, "I had a little laid ,up, for you know it is well to have something laid up against a wet day, and I have kepi a little of my °sittings by Ma." Now, Poor Richard is. known I to all the country reuod to be a very prudent nd indostrious; and , .:.,. Inman, wise Richard haver learned anything he w how to make use of, an his wis .rudenoe had become a, proverb. So, ook out his savings and bouglikc l iffil .. , thsis one was, surprised,' and it man; for didn't kn dom wad when he [ notes, in. leder that rich Mr. Smith tutted why. So Poor Hichird, In a very quiet, Jumble way —for'he never assumed anything—replied, "I suppose, Ihir.:Smiti, you know a great deal bettey than I do who! toAltnestript looney, and how to - Invest"; ' for I nereitiermt i oh, and all I got. I bold to work hard for: • But I have looked ro l tind a good ditl..npontoy neighbors, HA o w - l l yi,st they dire with thei 'mo no , and. .I . will tall ion Oboe things I saw and what I tkongleCtlf 1t.., -One very rich man wis always dealli4elet'emMOy, and Ate mitie•is iireist deal, biit irastelsOer satisfied without • high interest. So he lent moat of his money to some people who he thought were very rich, at illery high) rate; an d be often told how much he got, till one day ibei people he lent to went to smash. He got block shoal Um IMO Oit at dollar of hie ma ,money. i I know Smother: -olligintletnan, wise had a - bank stook andite`went to the bank . and got en per cent. "dividend. The Pii7 - ii: l dent and everybody said it was Lbe best stock , in thircolintryHpaid ten,per cent. • . But. what did the iiid tiissido bs4erd 114 :stock the next day !.. Why l why 7 said overibody., Ikoause, it pays 14) much dividend " 'AIM' iiiiii 'mon thii the bank went to emiett. Now, that I know to be a fact}' -Well, hir. kisltis ? Toil so.:rallroad n . ' stooks are the best, because they pay high di :deeds. an. yoti'.,tell me bow long they will pay the ?. I likti'rUilreadit. I helped to build. one, audit go in ter Useful thenes. But I tell you what , I 'knitter eiont \ litner.:; (leektird of the railroads Limp, pay wig dividend, and two thirds ( and some of them cracked up, too,) do., not pay Is 'final kit Hnicitittieitidoeks. Now that• brietp me to the Government iscwrities,, and I will telt,you.why I prefer them.' I take it 701:will admit, Dar. Smith t t.hatja the long run'itheliiivistate4firiltih lir lie'itihould have those qualities: • First, „it shookl. bp perfectly I secure; secondly, that the income should be uniform end permanent—not up one year and down thit next ; - arid thirdly that it.shoUld be mar ~a so, srh r 1 o r tr i . stet dap: comes, and yen wanit jout`tioney, yeti can get it hack.— And,l think tirr notes and boutithisve got these qtialitierme than any other kind of personal property you can name. Try it. ^ - "First, then, - I have been looking into that great bjels you ,Tll r . thin qtara rfati 0 14 .I used to ,. ititilt,ll. witinl. woritimUch ;' tut since ',began to ettidy it, I telt - yott,*-1 find out it - good many things very useful for me to know. I found out., by Looking at the crops, and the factories, and shipping, hie., that. we ~(I don't mean the-Mbst ti44M) gee MOlCing is; thenssai millions; et dolaiis s year more thin We spend. St }mai see that (sins the itemise of debt t . isn't t hair that) we are growing: rich instead of ' poor, as John Bull and - the - di t mr. matter, Folliti - . :di thiaka fil)Bll'4lll4ida Will be paid, anyhow. no matter how long the war is. Besides, did 79 1 i ;FYAr.lif.4# wfli (P.iveSsuiP4t , that. broae Wire the, motto pi! Look into. your big histories, Mr. Smith, and you wit/. MK* 'people brelk bogOltaWflopillbseciir. Well, *it, I call, IWO stook,perfeetly secure: . was no w' "fleoiendly, *Youmans Ike Loomis spaifirros and permanents Lissie you to take up *list of beaks, railroads, sal** daiqiesseti - essopa• 'aies—anytiline you-elteese—aSS toll me (hap or WOO, now/ )licrw'msny have paid a eel fors iap.taao for ten or twenty yesk Not One hutrire.i, llf s+' sad you know -'Now, hers is ihs Uoversmeot will psi you Ishhowt:mityiss Now jilts some thing tfiat,OropotatarsAncome emery year. "Third*, loci waoC , sotaethigg 91i ia riour-' : .' .. iik t r g vo- --- ' 6" 1 . ~., ketay4 ;say tlatio 144 pate t i 11at0,.4 rpm Will •' : ' " lz A i i ' 01-11-1 A L 3. 1/ ,Iti".il ask Odf)r bask President,'he , will tall ;on that ! • ' eel Hii . w Lost tilini•Rest•reil-1 Gorenimiiiiissais aro ihi ;Nail hi‘j - O( ProPertY i ir UAT PUBLlfarisD..a . New ,talition of that is 'alio' safest* becothleiti if . Will • 'ion it , - n it ' Cu Lvaser4Ve °Rt ' elimiltels tee "' de the ' +- I roam! Toro fortflion, okomfloiso)4 ,4 fivisair.ArorrorA, or oxywhisr• ifr ihstaitritt 3 - -1,,., :• •' .-• ....mita! Weakoo%; lorrolontlry Ifooniit , hoos:4 love -441r4.. irr. g(aith, ii i i, 6 ii iiii ut ._ i • ra n% Vence sod fl,fstint loespositir , loopodl ola to .7 IL- vi i ny4e. Am - obg4Cofgnorfloil. - Katz's, twig tie satiogs in...Governmont at -^. 4 .. • % l'Con tea-, ',io, d4' setoir=or" l " l : o ;Zr i r - 11 . tif. too, Opt ikikaotwd 1.9( .Soft d, j 1 cnua 7 1 tbeipir . tilittioilal i•ruidTrearthr .usay,6leii . iV i i "S s ? ill 41 " °O .° " 45 = 1 7 . " ''r that t he =" a p i i::;g4.9,rev kii(l° 7 l •l4l,l 4 ih el est t lfiet coda ," 'Wit MT. Eltotti l ,' : - thought . - 14 10 • icicle ,r no spOlii;ilf6O 'MIMI ihlife—pollitlog out smock : Llilty cared vakhofft; Lid kotilfo4 • IMP of In at mad: of 111 4. ' _?I era gi e.. soup, olgatl ' ntaadas• tat t• Of elitist fiar• OW*, oirWinsoelfotooladdrig BHP gm of What zoo say, 0114-1 Wilttrlcl W sit' to - pot] ;: e bliagg =rithatiol. „zt, tit& litm 7 117 t wo r, i ; a m - , t h ou i se d i hai i i 4 '-itila s eit....l ortee: loofOOffkinsattsz fill .tra Wads of wary -- vooffi tiled oileilaiMe r akf .16•4•16.„-_.,-; ~ igoate i ! ~":I,o*OfAii,tiO*.i,;:- , ' - :: -`...;',', - , seat sodups.uis .... Ps. ft: any addsoas, off W . 0 left *IN Smith 4014 thiteade' the bark; : r e ..- B r4='''' l ee ,! te ' roe , fay. g et ti ll aii : vr ell sai - Ptil t' is B4' .., Wee, wit* the0„. 1 77 - -77 ~.:4 4 1tP k o . r ro mi l0= es i . ~...,....:., . ::::::••:. , c;:z • ,t,..., .. . •-,---- - ....::. • .• .• . ~,, ,:. •.: 7, .l.: i • •lIMSZATIii .%1 L I: : .k. `: :: Li: . • • ..,, ar 1,. ,r. - 4. ,, ':: l'',:•-:.:-- ..o.' 1 - , - .i. , .., .-t c..... , .: ~:.: ... - 4, - ..tssara ; t4m6o .0 4 ' -Lil:oz,t -t. oz: ::•. t 5:,;,... }•.y..: i .r , 04.2 .:Wci:sii.V..ll . :44.45te, calm plaCid air, which ladiciged the serenity Ain tlispesitiea doing right towards itlewonatry yd his fel- low man. Tennis Barone al;Pieston—Three • kat KakiL—On Thuriday morning last an•engine boiler belonging ton portable saw mill, owned by Bind & Co., of Bpfing4oWeithip, but loca ted at the time of thi explosion near-Cros iingville. exploded with terrible tbroe,lkilling Lafayette Wyeth, Jeremiah Waters, and Ezra Thayer, And wounding Isaac Fond, Jr., one of the proprietors,' and FL West, a hand mu preyed' about the mill; The mill had not been 111 operation the'previon• diy, two of the per sons killed hiving been absent at a funeral of `a hand formerly employed In thamm. The engine had just-been started in the morning when the explosion took *ace, resulting an :above stated. The _engineer; Thayer, was thirown a distancie of twenty-two rods, by actual meastirelnent, and was literally blown to pieces, partslof his body being found in over a dozen differeut places, completely naked; and presenting a horrible spectacle. Waters was not carried quite so great a dis tance,. but was nearly dismembered, one arm and leg'being torn off and hie body otherwise horribly mntillated. Wyeth! was injured in the back of the head, making a terrible wound tram which ibis brain odzed 'out. Ho lived a few momenta after the exploSion. Isaac Pond, Jr., was struck in the hip' but is able to be up and around. 8: West, hurt in .head, but not severe. The " force of the eiplosion was tre-' malicious ; pieces of the; boiler weighing from ,400 to 800 pounds' being thrown from twenty to thirty rods, and nothing i remains on the sdis.of the suitliexcept , d mats of ruins. The i, we believe, wore 'all resilient! ofBpring wnShip. Taken all in all it li the most terrible accident that has oceured in out .otsunty for maiki. i yeara, - 1- - -Coansatilugk Record. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL" Tnocuzs, or Cough , Lozenges, 'cure Cough,,Cobl,. Hoarseness and Influenza, or any Irritation or Soreness of the Throat. "Great service in subduing Hoarseness." • Ray. DASHIKI WISH, New York • "The Troches are a :toff of life to nie." . . Psor. Howe*, NORTH, • Pres. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. V. "A simple and elegant combination for Coughs, • . 4.c." _ DH 0. F. Itaar.Low, Boston ma. Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of Pay, &e., can be procured by the Widows, Orphan; and next of kin of -those whe have died in the service of the United States; also, by Soldiers and Seamen who are disabted by wounds re ceived or *fess' , cantrimted, upon application to G. P. 01111FRTII, Licensed Military end Naval Claim Agent. Office in the Common Council Room, - Wright's Block; corner State and Fifth- ass., (under the Dispatch office,) Brie, Pa. 1 - 7-y • DRUGS .AT WHOLESALE &' RETAIL ! SAMUEL CARTER fly, nemocisted with him in the Drag Trade Mr. J. II OARVRR, un , l4r M. Vllll3 tab of Carter & Carver, . .. • i -- . . - Ey wientitha /ha hankie* will toatittaktititalbtabsettal st th• old stuid. , With ogle., god stock and inereasoll Tai Mittel ttte► hop¢ to raeahra a liberal share of public patronago ESPECIAL Tto N Will he ascots t the WHOLESALE TRADE. Dealers in the neighbotlas toilips are reopprettully In to sirs um &rail before porehairlog . elsewhere a THE RETAIt, DEPAETMENT 4 Will WI COndlret,i, SR horototori, io earefalinaaaar sad *ith ad.opotitton to ohliple oar euatamert , Co psrtieinlsrly call_tbs notice 'of rhy!ticirom to oar • • Stuet. . . CHEMIC4II.II,, , Which is Abe Itreest sud- Guest! Ow brought to this -city i'meriptmos pre ;aired ail beirke, iirith rtW and promptunts.64l4 ••11111 . 41 •li abODS ‘! TuE utssEs BI'GRATIf Would wow p•epectinily annoonde tbst they are now in Store, . BEEBE'S BLOCK, EAS? SION OF THE PARK. . AIM* 04 *Mira 111 very large `I; i STOCK OF ,NEW GOODS, ' DIRECT FROM REW YORK CITY I Embracing everything In the • L 1 R 4-1 E i• loirbiatither ferrite thly'attorsife&ofthi`tadiew of Erie arid viciotty. Having setectad thole etoek with the greatest care, and purchased for masa, they feel confident they eau make it to the advantage of alUto Rite them their custom . PIItTICOLAR Attiortiow givettio byelaw, Bleach lag and Pressing. try rg3 em. itevoltitiOns in Europe, ; ;N . oti E OGTAVO, FfiPAI!EA, - • r IK t,ISIIII iS DINtT I 1l Etliti RAVI NUISI. GILT, GIAITII . ; ,OIfI.Y $3,00 The above hook for the times, giving a bietory of gm rrips, Iron the ervltes% to the present reriod,hating VW' vial reference to the rune:revive revolution% from lite subversion of the Royale Kmplre.einliracing rivnlations itt RennVoiksi. Fir"i# 31 . Terrbin Sla t" , Hugary. mods Repo lie to i. diots - of uts Rapoltoo, to year 1857 tinerps-Who welshp not turn i tittle from the deli& of Anoka (hi war Istaantle rottellMh , and take a three dol lar voyage, this hot weather, semen the water, to look Into the camel and results of the - Tatied,reenlotions of which so oft "all Europe rang from stde to Mile r Above work published b . :. subscription. Good terms to CittrisMtn. A Ilk. TOP, - poid rflia, on reallir °Tome, by the Gen't AVIV, ;• BALCH, • Amnia. • • , - TittiA,Alls4Ar EATING , SALt4o The *Ovation of the Fiddle Ic laviteil to theleloca, at - too Corner otatate'ead TAW Riceele, wed& lute twee fitted up in: Idindastue stile tad isw believed to be oak of the p • resat" in the aft'. _, • • OYSTE-RS, GAILE.,., • • Anil ill Made tut articles ainutily kept a Salooa, *arced uto tads lillT• Ina &welder . • 191IPARATR,ROOMS FOR - MOMS WHO 'INVIRIC TO • AI FANATIC. the Rat is 'applied With the 411(401113T . 1 . 4110/12 & 'CIGARS. . , • • or NM; that liry trraigelatita are Each u tibia fail to giwe satbdaction, f respimmot, solicit the pat rtatue of the enameaalty. • ap59 . 64-Ssa. ; • - C. TRASK. - . - - - - - F. AI. • JONFr ORR. NEW CROCERY.IITORE4 , MIN 41.1 _biitOilmed.a lMO! Eriatpitore, os Kier • •. • 'cis+ unit DP STA= am; notriefoßTH. OI_RAILROAD BRIDOR., • Whet* they Uttesat lasaptag a tall supply of EIRMIEKIIEtt e •e ' ^ - • - rgovistatur, A • viterrs, ; e Num% ONOVKItItY ' • - YANKEE NOTIVErt, IN 11. VOW WAKE, CONEISCTIONA El Rot s ' toriceo & GIGA And ilrerrthhor assisityUn tiara lit so astatollshmsrot of _j .the tent. -Ira or dationolaaot to °tree as rood lodutsaiosesta assay other dulsra to th e arty, sad Inel , o the potato to call. eantlasut That pa am Ora auttresto iatatett , OL ottl4ll . lEtt. . A4virsrowa It uaR. hratailik: EXPEMISCE tally arimbilabsd the caperialty II 1 ,7, 5 (rQ )14,11N . 0 SALVE 3D One OWN , bulag yegar&ttooi. . i REDD NG'S RUSSIA SjiLycEnilms rq . Ug 9'S RUSSIA SALVE! Ci:RES SOALO9. • NG'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES MONS. CM NG'S SU,,SSIA SALVE! ityr CURES CHILBLAD3 • NG'S RUSS IA. SALVE! 'Maga' fyIAPPLD HAMA , . NG'S RUSSIA SALVtI CURLS irLE3II WOUNDS REDD REDD REDD EPS, RUSSIA . SA LITE i CURES OLD 801U1IL lid'S RUSSIA SALVE t• REDD REDD, CURES IRTEIIPZLAIL I , , O'S RIISSIA SALVE! . ' .2.. _22 CIMILICCULNCEIiii REDD, NG'S RliSSIi S'iL l V'E I RED 11- CURIV3 SAL? ItlifIRTE NG'S iIiIISSIA SALVE! RED II RED') REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES PIMPLES OUR 110110. KG'S . 4 F B AW'` lii:v rtligs . CORNS. REDDING'S SALVE ! , :.iettJl I Ole, CURES PILES RED I ING'S . RGSSIA SALVE! - • - mute BLISTERS. RED I ITT 'fit RUSSIA SALVE!- outtel ntasT.atrrsti PAWN, BED I ING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES ALL CIITANEOUR DD3EABES APro SALVE , pe eddy tree From eoy 'Mercurial matter or litjati: one particles, and keno tame will Hs m411=11015 intethre with thn remedies that arty be preeeribed by a midst. pbysiitan. The Medical Faculty, throughout the Union, are nq mons in Its praise. The more its virtues beao, known he pester is the demand, and it ii now consid ered article. of .40nimhold tweessity-- being alike by rich sail roy. . . 'EDDING'S RUSSIA; SALVE/ hp Imp 9 in action, nasontapiht at ones, and redone the at • t angry looklntenefilage ind • lodaminatlons, aa If by • gte.--UnaMtordleg renal and a complete oast. trpof r o bs T ol e lfthips La Ito har ,ca be t el w be tin fore y. to p e ri reblia arm. ttbn 4 to have a a Mel ono popularity, and ' then sink . rise no more. , rir 0.4 25 c.a. . 8.. -fie Foe 'tale hy J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, N. Y., 8. :FOWLS k CO., No.lB Tremont Street, ikrtom, and by all Dnugodata sad Count 7 St .nMospere.. so e4—ti, -; . • WHOLESALE GROCER& El! I, Vincent & Co., ME I thimatisoya to C. Siegel,l ...,Joe • .i er erles, Floor, Pork, Flsh, IMI3i ,WeT~ UA.f?B 4 ON OIL, Ai 1 'Wines; Liquors, Cigirs and TOBACCO', • (MARKERS, o• VITROL, , / 6 Lowest Market Prices. IRO ON BLOCK, • ERIE, PA., Between Brown's Hotel and Trench Bt. 19'64-tf. - r . • New Fkim - 7, . MR; P. CROOK; Midriff. _lsktni in his oon.fansp. tadlet.div admit, tindafr, the ..itrea uswa,Or JANCS P, CROON & 80N, etilientaileteimsitt d Mink, goeitosta ; AN pm knowing themselves indebted to him am requested I and settle without delay. I , I . "••.- , • less. deal some JAMES P. CROOK & SON, " 1•- , r• •• . DILLIZIII IX E(4II7GIVA.ND PLANED LUMBER 1 . ' --,: .. ,Ain• mAIRTIPACIIVIIIII or ',llllisdot,lll,St, 'Frames, Doors and Blinds! Chr t l ''' ' liitOß AND PICKET FENCE. ' • Alga; Triag, Matching & Manias l DONE TO ORDS.n. Shaw on huh St 4 between 4th and Sth pp., EttlE, PA.. ' I , - - ywAtieLoyany 9p! the attention of the public to our rneillt44kaNOAlUEllittftkik Oa Oust of style, promptly and on Oressaiible terms. tr...i.k -fitted up entirely new shoPm, met Intial& .. tiutfttf• feeteenfident of giv ing fatten sub Er OnloriTgitTrb ' rottetrill bierivi pentoptittte4teele In Wotttf. JAMES P. CROOK* SON. 5Mt! Wool ! .WOO/ 1 1! I ANTED .10.000 5..- lAi0 :1 ,--*COOL, for, which the higher. TOW will be paid '7 ; R. S. HUNTRR, No. 2 lyown'i Hotel. iiiis I p LESSONS, , l Fc —. Can t:bii;,:zi,' , lrl-7 . . t • '...-:.:. . . ~,,,,,..„ ~,, ~WILLIAM WILLING; 'R eSSOR or MOM. • 1 febF6ol. I I •, i I . thieve'' ioritiis • . FI TER AND, COOLER _ cQIdBI NED 1 ic • most metal and iikimiallill rule iiiiiiihred In the One. ,INlarof Thar quaor, Usti or men Ai 11UAis lnife clew se 147sta 1 . A fai= "C ialee. and private tann4ap. ,IralialkWlCl '1 li YOUNG'S SMPON rio.IUM. . br l4 - t Pa. OLD WEWEIPOSES, meGaznize, - . i BLANK BOOKS, '1! Elf:At.oil.. Clo_ol, _ AilintaticeirmAnts innWilitio-okinca, - BouOt at tb• B v EitAt4flit.:i6 1 1 :0 I=G- E . ' • 1 9' J 4 S " I A " t .. Bel . • 114 180. t...:::_lu ....i :. .. m sg. 1 (Philadelphia ikßiliirital., slateiiirmENlN , 'ltitplrfrephillAns baseman the Nefthera sod Worthiest La mantles of Pena',lnnis to the city of Ma, on Ifrie. It has bees Lewd by the Pansybanns Ail , *Of is r510 41 7 . b0 1 11 o t soagtt l ittlni INV! " Is owar In nee for Pasonsger and Freight boWneo irls.llanisbara to St. Bares, (116 Dills ) on tha Reatuni ei rmint..4l..lll,eiittolo.o,o on the • . , ':11 . Or " 41.11sheina1111 .an saw_ 11121Trihr- 1.1. , — . .. .:.. , .-1 : ' 3 ,'....k) - 866 r, B . , ~,_ r . phorql4,.; ..;:i.t..i.......1 i. i3l SO 41. $4. ;II • infri....... n .:......•... • ..,......... 4 .,..,0 66 a.: It iirrivre,l2:. l . •t' ' • ...'..6 40 tat rnefilligAibilifteliaiihiliii . kirhells r At it •S. E. earner I and Marto. lam , and far bu 01 the Cootpany's agents. S li• KINGSTON ? Ja, ambit; 13th and Serba! p4 , „Sols. ' - ' • '? ' ' ' ' •• iterieiGh , 4,-,: 3 .. &gat '. C. , Baltimore ~• . , 9. EL BIM 1 IN. GOOMI Fri ht A b, Phtle..Na. , Philadna, , aillir. . bred. u , .Cdiati .` Ilia tl,i .71 r 1 LIME, GLASS, 'ROPE, =I . • 1(s GLUE & BUNGS, !CT Taf . IBM lIIMM _ .$4411 ; NOT ALCOHOLIC I FS: i kikri);NA;vrili 4:11 - I,c) 41/.1:14:$:9 4011.,T.T1y A PURE TONIC Doctor I Hoof end's GERMAN BITTERS, . PREPARED BY I , lt. C. K. JACPOI4;PHILIAD'A, PA WILL 'EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT, • DYSTEPSIA, CArcntie or Nairn Debi ley, Disaster of his Kidneys, and all Diseases asialsgfroos a cfiaorderad Liar er &ova* mit as Coinage lion, inward rum. • • Pallas= or bleed to the Head, Acidity of the Stein ark, Na..,., tisartbare.Diegast for rood. !111. .r Weight in the - gpeppgb. Molar graetatioas. Slaking or. naiads( at the pit at the diSeal ntooesi. . 1 the hiend,Ranried eadt =ng. Plottermi stinol g at the Boort. Choking or Selifoosting see sations when in a lying posters, Dionne" of Vision. Done or Webs Won the Diehl. Fever and Dail Pain tatter Dead. Dendeney et Perepiration. Yellowness of the Skin and ityps, Pala to the Bide. fisek. Chat, Lingo, he, ristiden flash.' of Baraing in the per, Doe. • dent hisschsatkis of kr% . sod peat Depres stela of • • . spirits. AND WILL posrrivux ?MINT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, kO. THEY !CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL OR BAD WEEDIXEY I They wiu. oru the above alseease lanteety-abte eases out of et hudred. DO TOD- WAIT SOMETHING' TO STRENGTHEN lOU ? YOU WALI4 A GOOD APPETITE? DO TOO WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR CONSTITUTION ? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL? DO l'o, /ANT TO.GRT RID OF NERVOIJEINV*i DO YOU WANT R& R G DO YOU WANT TO 'SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT A BRISK AND,VIWBOUS FLING e u. fOtr DO, use HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Pres J. Mertes Theo; D. D, Mile► qf the Zwertir Beam ef Riligises Lawskeidre. Although not to ab Weer or recommen Patent MedWass Chnut distrust of their d !sandl ots. sad ;.1 yet ham of so enticient ram= seas may not testify to the Mote be believes to as received from any simple prepantloa. in the hope that be may this cremansta to the bemelltof others. this the mere rsedity la mord to Boadenes Der ma Bitters, prepared_ by Dr. C. 11..Tacksen, ef this city, Masao I was prejudiced embed thou far mu= moan tho improelo that they man abbey =M a um. 1 em lailebted to my friend Sabot ea illniembir. Zee.. for th e roam' of the prandiee by proper teats, ,and ibr anonngsmat to try them. of these at the b w he use of th ben sulberhig frese grist sod lon i t t er sa mtlintsd debility: Tree hot- Deeeginning of the priment year. ins telloated by t rinse; aced rotomion to a de eth m o gree of t bodilybdoramd bad & sad metal Ogor Mos mid&t despeinedof bad act bit for hs replan/Ir. Itionfors thank Sod and my Mead Dar dincting me to the as. Of this: Ps*atiA. kr U. 1811. J. NEWTON BROWN. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Bitte lb eten, are wasy ln preparations bid e nder the name of "pat op quit bottles. eompeanded of the .eboapert wildly or common nun. mottos from 10 to 40 twata Boopwd. gallon. the Clete dinialsei by Anima or Conan der Mb - ohms eti Mare has wool sad Rill iontinue to of long as they_ 11111 be told, hundreds to die k e pt death f tha&ndoird. Ely their clothe mato is kept e coat/malty Ruder the Waseca at Aleobolle Ilithaulaats of the werat Mod. Uos desire %for Liquor la dratted and .eptap aad the math ail the horrors attendant upoa • We sad death. #or those who desire and MU hem a Liquor we publish the dent:win roadie: Get One Beetle MIT. Gauss, Marrs and mix with 71ree Quarts a ( BmsMy I? IThiehey, andjlue result will be a prepa ration that 'War MOW tek medicinal virtues' and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor- Bitters in the market, and will cal such len. You will bare all the *tam of diemtesers Marrs in cousieettea with a geed art/4166f liquoz., at a mach Las pries than them intoner Ammarstions will cost you. s 1 1,.~ - We nail theiatheetioe 0211 haring relations or friends in the may, to the test teat "BOUFlatitit'S %nun Ritter(' will are nine-tenths of the tilieuen Indicted by owing and privations Saddest to ounp like. _in the Beam, published almost daily 1* the n on the .rrinil of the Sick, It will be noticed that a very large rroportion are enduing from debility. nary ease of that kind can be readily cured by Hookas:lN ~eon Mere. blamess malting from dleorthes el the diges ter s none are epesdUy 'Fernand. We hare no biota- Uon .0 slang that, If these Bitten were freely used utiongoas moldier'. hundreds of Ines might be saved ~at other,* will be lost. We call particular atteution to the following remark- able and sell antheaticated cure o , one of lb. naUou'e heroes, whose liii, to tie his own language, 'quo been , sOl/1 by to Bitten i n htiumarems, August 4d. * Linens —Well, gentlemen, year el 1- land's Gesmea Bitten has saved my life. Than 1 . no mistake in this. 'lt is Touched for by numbers of me comrades, soles of whose names are appended. and 'WO won Baty cottdunt of all the eitcsuartances of my ewe. 4112, and barer been for the tut tour yeas., a member of ebeneseeealsbrated battery, and ander the immediate comma of ;Captain R. Bayne.. Through time t ar , nu* atteadent upon m arduous duties, was attacked in Noreettisi last with ton of the lungs, and wee for nesentyawo days in the boepit.l. This was fol lowed by reit debility, heightened by so attack of dye. a ging. I Ina them mound from the White Roue, mod - *D e to this City on board the Mummer .teats of lilaree,n from which 1 landed on the 28th of June. Since that time( hare been about se kW am any one could be and WI retain a: spark of vitality. For a week or more i w a g no,eney'aMii to mellow anything, and If 1 dii fore* • morsel doteLlt was immediately three o cep again. I could not even keep • glue of water on stomaah, Lifeterald mit last ander theme Monotonous ; and ao endingiy the !Animism' who had heel working filth- holy, though anseeeemfally, t. resole me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told is. that they =dada ao ten re forme and advised is. to en • clergy. man,and to Oahe sub' Capetian of my limited hada as tretsatbd me. An ae4Ylataace who visited me at the .impital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, of BigUe Widow Areh Street, advised me, as • forlorn hope, to try you Bitters, kadly procured a bottle. num the Wee I emonomed and Limps the= the gloomy shadow of death n eeded, sod l o am mow, thaak lead for It, getting better. though hen taken bra two bottles, hare maned tea pomade, and I feel swans of Wog permitted to oklotn my wife mod deaOter, be whom L hare used nothing I nighties moniko; for, gentlemen, lam a loyal Fir tatteftestlite rietattyer Froot Royal. To you I D . Dann I owe the atertainty of life which hoe oberslthe OM of Tern ban--ti ;oar Iftnis will I owe tar AMMO pließeg• of Wiwi* Wiling I. sly boom noes who are dearest to MS is life.' Fete, nub' fen lit ItiAAO We fatly tem, Is the uwth Sr the alms statism% is we had dispared of seeing oar comrade, Mr. Nahum, reetorsd to health s Jose aenbutieomptst New York Battery. teeentwo /4, denim ('o : C.,2lth MMus. • Lane Curet zze.99d New York. si grimes, let drtWory. Battery R. J. B. • amnia, Co. r, ed Vermont. Hate B. Issons,"Co. rt., do. Billy T. noctrowm.o. CO* U., eth Main.. JINX F. Mimi, co. n ,1116 .malts. IbutaurZoott, Co. 11.,19d New 'Tort. NAlmunet. B MOLLS, Co. P.,05111 Penna. AMASAW .1 KIIIIIALL, CO. A, ed Vermont : Joni Jaw gum Co. B, 106th PIMA. BEWARE OF COITNTERFErn. See that wsicsatun of .0. IL Jalluss." la ea Ow Imam 44' era bottle. Sift per as ti cts., it air ass. Sorsa. . gaosidrotgiarad ONO* glo wh. L .afinn bgio sotto rimig airedr " las -.mislay I. s lb Asi„ . 11111014 sod ire I'M tom* sover•lY einierrav 9wln a 11111111VIAOTORY, NO. 631 ARCH smant: - , masa i innure. W. .111011011 OW gooronol irjr fog RAI& 'Oeiiiriegs sod. &Woo hi import r Ob_*.mi",4lll*ew wriplltterk