•vi ci z H P i tl 0 cm 1 ~ C) tl Pt CD „CP 1 e: CP 4 " C 0 CO I'l 4 9 1 9- Pt 0 .. Z * 3a , sa. 0 .ra 1 P Far Rats, 31Iee, Ranches, feu, Bed Buse Sloths In Furs, Woolens, ,ke.,' !meets es Plante, Fowler, Animale, Se. Put up In 2.5.c.,bnc. and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles and Pleaks e 3 and S 5 size. for HOTI.I.S, Parntar INIITIITTIONFI, .b.e "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human 'Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die!' ITSold Wholesale In all lirge cities. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. 11! Bzwaits II! of all yrarthiess imitations ~►r Bee that "Corraa'a" time fa on each Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. • rr. Address HENRY IL COSTAR, OM PRINCIPAL EXPO? 482 BROADWAY, N. Y. crrpa Eold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists to 1 marl9ll4-11m2•11 NEW FIRM. SMITH & GILLMORE, (Successor to E. A. Smith,) WHOLESALE AND BET AIL 1=121:1 BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, MEI LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, STATE STE EST, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH morns, ERIE. E. H. SMITH: A. P. GILLMORE. Apr9l4-Bm. - Farm for Sale. Fr HE undersigned offers for sale, until 'the-16tb of February next, his hum In Sammit tp., containing one hundred and forty ameo, mote or les% one handrod acres improved • the balanee good tim ber, gim/pl farm hulloing% orelarisnd is well watered, it Is dilated miles trom Kyle on the Waterford plank road. U not old by the above date It will be rented.for ORO or more yam JAIIVIJOANSON. lanreetf, " FOR RENT. A Valuta, aad.Dosizabl• Said for GROCERY OR GENZEAL COITETRY STORE, At Irvine, Warren County, Pa. The is of Rona. with • Mu', dry eollax. Than is alga DW HOUSE attaahol, which will ba ratted with Doi B 1f desired.; Poi.putionlaro, GE, Agent, Warns Co., Pa. hb27lf. READY PAY STORE ! • • J. HENNIG would respectfully Inform' the roue that they hive parehamod tbt rroar or GROCSRIZe or JAMES' I. • 1L!33, am= Of livs £XD run an, Witte they latead to keep 'am good an aseallmant or FAMILY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD I WILLOW Witt, AND VARIZTTH GOODS 1111 Is kept la ids. Best Brands of Eris . County Flour Kept oclnstaatly on hand arid WAS/JUN/2D a . GOOD ISITIQZ4! The highest Market Price paid for all loads. of Orreatry Produce. cr. Goode delivered Erse of sharp to say part of the . CRI PXIDNIG. rhb27l4ltl) A. DINNIG. 1864. NEW GOODS! -TOE TIM Spring &itunma Trades. JOHN C. BE'EBE LA NOW mecervirra A VOLE ASSORTMENT or DESIRABLE AND SEASONABLE SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS 1 WHICH WILL, BE SOLD ♦T WHOLESALE OS•EETAIL, 19 CORO AS TIM amain apille-.m Atlantic & Great Western -Unread. NEW BROAD GOMA ;Passenger, MAW, lan, Express and Tele. graph Route. Connecting at Salamanca, N. Y. with the Erie /tail way, farms a continuous Eli Foot thck from New York to Akron or Cleveland. On and ester • MONDAY. NOVEMBER le, MM. Through Passengerand Freight Trains will be run regn lucky between CLEVELAND AND NEW YORE. NEW AND IMPORTANT PA S SENGER ROUTE. 11410CIAGE can melons*! Rionragers by thin Mr* have choice of Five duff-rent Routed between New York and Boston. TIMOUGH TICZZTS can be obtained at any of the Oases or the trio Railway and all Ticket Mem of connecting Lines West or Southwest t also, at•tho Central ticket tee, nadir the Weddell Noun., Clereland. Ohio. Ask for Tickets rla line A. St O. W. AND RODS RAILWAYS Parma. Trains stop at Meadville thirt yminreiv, ;iv. lug passengers =pia tima. to dine at the “NoHEMAY HOUSE," U:111 best Railway' Hotel in the country. NEW AND EXPEDITIOUS FREIGHT LINZ, ALL RA IL! No transhipment of Freight between New York 'and Ak run or Cleveland. Merchants in the West and Southwest will And it to their advantage to order their goods to be forwarded via. the Erie and Atlantis k Great Western Rallways„ thus - suing trouble and expense. RAVES' OW vitalairr AS LOW AM ANY _ OTHER ALL HALL ROUTE. Espeedal attention will be given to the speedy traspor. lotion et height of all kinds, gam or West. The Engines, Oars and otherequipments atlas Dow Fury see entirely new, and of the most improved modem - Thannly erect route to the - . ' SONNIOLITt OIL EINHDONNE OCorryF PENNSYLVANIA, Via. or Yvan Leavvitsburgh. the Rahoning Brunch runs to Youngstown and the Oral Mum This Read is Using attended; and will won be In cows. of piste i, nudes order to Gallo%nage Urboaae Dayton and an elmat without , .J. ?AINSWORTH Seal Fre ight Anat. T. E. sowataicAftin nekt_ge. _t • "t. U. I. 11WRATIMR. Heal Sept. WPM, &nor & Barges' Calm*. E. FANCY CANDY, of all ' PLAIN CANDY, do.cr FINEST FRENCTIOANDY, do., CHOCOLATE CANDIES, do., i • CREAM CANDIES. do: • . Fresh French Candies ivory ;day. Fresh Caeca N ut Cream do , i Fresh Almond entely do. - 73 ORANGES, LEMONS, TAMARINDS, RAISINS FIGS, PRUNES, Cl, 1.CI„ -4 CD ' a t 1 HERMETICALLY SEALED OYSTERS, • FOR SUMMER, USE, KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE I ORANGES AND LEMONS ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY P HUTOGRAPM ALBUMS AT REDUCED PRICES, FINE MOROCCO WALLETS, • LADIES' MOROCCO WALLETS, MEERS:CUAUM PIPES, BRIAR PIPES, ' . - 1 HEERSCHAUM - CIGAR TIIBES AMBER CIGAR TUBES, 1 TOBACCO BOXES, TOBACCO WALLETS, MAGIC TOBACCO BOXES, GAMES & AMUSEMEN.TS. DRUMS AND FLAGS; s. ' UNION CARDS, PENS AND PENCILS,' PAPER & ENVELOPES, CHESSMEN; OUR ICELAND YOBS COUGH. CANDY 18 SELLING BAP• CHINA DOLLS. la SINIs PAPIER MACKE DOLLS, do., DOLL BRADS, New. Styled', TOY PAINTS, A line Asoortioeit of Toys £ Rodin. HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS,. PERFUMBRY, NIGHT BLOOMING CRUD% HAIR OILS AND.VOM4DII4., 1864. FRNSH BRRAD I - .1•..411,1131L CUM II 1 FRESH CRACKERS! • KRUK MACAW:IONS! Evicltrranrck FRESH! ICE CREAM, LEMON ICE, ORANGE ICE, MADE TO ORDER, RUBBER BALLS, RUBBER COMBS, „If• RUBBER, BATISHICS, ' • • RUBBERGoODS, JOHN C. BUHIt. 20,000 CIGARS I Choice Brands, at Wholauda and Retail. BALTIMORE OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY, AX ENDLESS VARIETY OF WE ARE PAYING PARTICULAR AT TENTION TO THE JOBBING TRADE AND OFFER ANYTHING IN OUR LINE „UPON FAVORABLE TERMS TO THE TRADE. CATALOGUES SENT UPON APPLICATION. Baser & Burgess, NO. 1 WILIGHTIII BLOCK, CONFECTIONERY. FRUIT. CANNED TOSiATOZS, CANNED PEACHES, PICKLES. SARDINES, GIJARA JELLY. - ! FINE SALAD OIL NOTIONS. LADIES' FINE PORTMONNA.M. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF BIRD CAGES. A NICE AND DUEL BL E-TRA V FL INC-) BASSET. ARNOLD'S INK. GENUINE, MEMORANDUM 1300103,1 PASS BOOKS, SLATES AND BACK-GAMMON BOARDS, FINEST ENGLISH LEAD P E I,f - C I L 8 , CREQUEBILEN, • DOMINOES. IDLY AND GIVING GOOD SATISFACTION. DOLL HEADS. all 1141 a. CHINA &Olin, all 813 r. DOLL BABIES, all Ellis. A LARG STOOK OP CHILDIMPEI CAN, OARBULOES, PERAMBULATORS; • DOLL CABELLOES, TOY CARTS, DUMP CAP.T3,i &C. AT HIMUIt dic . ls l / 1 11431116V. ' We kayo a Was Amortises& if OF ALL KINDS. AT smut &au&egw. 4i 1111114gli & BURG NW. . 3SIa . 191311 PA. Zak Ms 7 44 lelL New Mutt° •tole. PIANO. TORIES AND MLODEONSI MAUNFACTU Staining dr SoolA New Tort. W. Kaaba is Cu., eaAlper% Nd• lantana** Boos, New York. Wm. B. Bradbury, Now York. Jolla B. Deadtams, New Yee,. Rabe la Co.. New York. Geo. A. Prises Ca., BalhOe, N- Y. Carhalt, Needham t C.. New Yost. Prim at a Large Discount , below faatarer's Priais ; ors tot IiCTAITS, IRON ritalle, OVER EtritUNG RIMS, WOOD PIANOS TOR SUS. • Also, lootraellos Dear sad Skirt Nials; AO pumas a drat rata llama lotto ad /MAW& on, Ara Invited to rill and swam oar Iskrpaismits 1.. fare bandiaNag elorwhate. Raid', Mork, State stroll, pearl/ opposita the Poet mar. ZEBINA Mtn. Cir P-1 4 .—grer, lartrawast wanzatal Ow In yews. nay2ll.ly, 444 4 4 4 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! liana Fortes 111 WD MELODEONS! lasewhere, please emarolue m smortmeht of Listen sows. They are warranted full y y to stand t toy c/laista, and are of • tone and trarkmansbto equal to any °Haled aayertur. I beg yea Mtoet on the fact that the ektdeo- Was raised lately aphid my establishment by certain Elide teachers of tbia city, ars caused only by my refu sal to pal Mom (Probesamen an . ENORMOUS comxissipx 1. • -- Which will bercafter Waal thou who buy of see to the oilman% °Them lb to Si per mitt, fur I would rather al low the seine to the buyer than to the meddler who Menelite no one hordes himself. lam a Unkatiaan, straight and forward. and hate cooked thing. rad Idlers. I must not tab the profits out of my frith Air pockets, Or defraid Mte Government out of it, or cheat myself and family 'atoll., P•or House for the take of sated, hag the hungry musks tseeters through whoa. wthiperiat mf PiAllea will not ow. teeter, if they ire not good, nor bad, if they are good. I will pelt loony man, 'omen or child, the amount re mind 'or a Mao with my'name on it, if they are not *mod with it, and I well pay a 711oassoad Doliowto any sea who will show me one on which the Fraser Is broke, Ulm so many New Toth and Buffalo Fianosi hays dons in this reify sad comity. Let the people tell where my ppoooor Pianos are—not the teachers—especially them with Southern mentinmeata; ht seek go where they belong. My Pharos are warranted to be supplied with all late good hoperreillnalt and Mist give matiebietion or no par. &Arne Pialiaa an =able ean be had ofd me as well and cheap as any other man. hellos ready he purshame anything In .Ikar =Ma UM. will please remember that lam dealing largely to Merl. oil Meraturndees generally, and ran other laducements rarely excelled by ankSkert-Stey dealer. Pianos warranted me can be relied upon. being lirmatiatarer, Tuner, layer and Musician, as wall as teacher. My warrant is good, because lam good for the mount' My oplaton in many cams has been • bonen to those who purchased Pianos, and some who did not be. Ilse •me at that famed the truth after a while by their lees. A Plano Forte made elosvhste is no better for that ream, bat all PUMA are good whirl are sadistic's; tie =ms i n good and the bad—bad. Eastet n Pianos are by mu, is above said, at Mannfactwerie prices. illy dock On Mad walls!. of a vary choice Ideation, and la huger than any ever awed for vale hero. 1 PIANOS ?0 LET. 12;Ordsas promptly attended to. . • Odtt. WM. WILLING. Cheapest Furniture; Store In this Section of the Co=atm; ESTABLISHED : IBS7! G. W. Ellsey, Erie, Pa. HAIR BEDS, , From 38 Cents per pound. ROUND CORNER BEDSTEADS, From $5 00 SEA GRASS BEDS, ' From St 00, ARM ROCKING CHAIRS, From $2 50 SPRING BEDS, From $5 00 CANE CHAIRS. , TABLES, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, had other rereltato. Low , u the Lowest. West Side State Street, Next Palmer's Grooery: write. ~ ~ i 1864. SPRING GOODS TOY BOOMS. B. S. MOR,RISON, Is sow rwiyin the gad in Ws I IlMi ld,, egia l Or at "' _I I ORIEICN DRESS COODS SHAWLS, ,CLOALS AND W HITE . GOODS, CLOTHS AND 00811131018, ♦ Oompkto A esartiiiist of tkol LIADIIG MOTO OP DOZESTICII. , R. S. MORRiIiON. - __ apt9ll44f. -- OWING TO THE GOVERNMENT and state Llessises, th e hummed Cori:Mara tax to osUajor auk brael, payer seder path , to tub, the Ma p s Nash Oapltel lavesW ;la oar. BEIIIIII*III, the peaty laealaald plass of laborhops,ralt, barley. mi. mead.so f themsderMirad marallramers=d Brlliw • ere of Me. am rappelled ;sad hereby amee -to sell °alp ha, to Mee the prim of oar 003INCN or RBA DY VU nu from six to area dollars per barrel, to &Dol. huh =Le a ortas or speeding or appease money, oil is* of said beer;, aad to cue of ether sad harassed temittoa, the prim im We to la ealod. to gm watt sakt additional tax. Ma =t to beUfthfunp adhered to to ell Wee Made h a lo data. Masses oar Linda. at p ßrie. 11th; AJACOBI.I D. Ind eAHIN WY. , _ JACOB WARLYB, BLICYILAVAIAB,, JAOOB KUM, , CHARtOrR A. ONO. ' ORO. ray, - Mrs. ;TESS, Per CONRAD. PY MA RAXa tCAIIOO 8, - KISSE9, ac., BUFFALO & ERIE (:)11 'and after Monday; May 16th, 1864, LEAVING ran ° LIE. I as ancnri 1 06 t in _Jemirew, • litoppit e lit Westfield. .sod Writ (huh. arri at Bala° at 4 111.4.11. , s at A. It„ macaw Assessotopplas -a1 all /Rattail; sad antra at .M 34A. - 11. 1 SS r io t My stopple( at North trur; Watt Conk. sod As,goiss &ad arktrisaimedi Natal* at 6 04 P. Y. • II irosetiold, sad Bilve==ria at Barb at 6 UP. IL The Ds" Isms@ tossosb at DMUS s ad male, S Night Urges at Bn*lo oats, with Norm ; kir NW " t=tl3 lC ent/CIL • SO A.ll,lWal• lbprase, stopping st•all Stations ex. cost larWrot, Itipby Crowing, Nortboad and lrealsrills, arrives at Mid st 9 60 A. N. 11 10 A. It" Der Iwo% 'Lappin. at Angola. Slim litstak, DeWitt% Wwitithr and - North Ls; arriving P Ms at 2 66, PAL 4 10 P. IL. Sill +.data.stspigag at all Mathias sad arrives at Leis at 26 P. N. 16 mot ittrea vr e s t e o l pin g at Angola. Elm Omsk, Estakirk sad 1 41 .ardrisiliS 1 14 4 at 1 36 A. N. Railroad Mao OWs adults Wear than Iris that. - Nay 31.1663. J. twous GRANT. But. NOTIONS AND FANCY CK7IODS, Brie & Pittsburgh R. IL CHANGE OF TIME, COMMENCING Yeaday. Nay 16th. 1664. MIMI WAVE GIRARD. al/ P. IL, Asammodatlish— stops at all *Woos and ultras at Sharon at 1 11 I. N. I It ALL, Illeight Na. lat all station nalpt Cram. Spring, Clastre Riad, Clark land Itawlol Taraaas. antra. at Simon eta P. X. 12111111 LZATZ lIIILSON. unfree I • AO IL N. at Ottani at la Assanasodailoa. dossPAL at all Station. and' II I la iii=.3 d aps at at all Station Itarkes antra j z i ent i t i Weal but MIS 111". x. xxowx. seri Tine the tellowlas eaebrated BEFORE PURCHASING leiummilort BLOCK, *BIZ, IN SIZAT VARIETY. 1 HOSIERY,- GLOVES; • • Boer Notice. S. eiNinse. N. N. oAraNwr NEW FIRM. CLiENS, CAUGHEY & BEIGiSS, Pawpaws to- Ciamese,Caugliff &ft 'NJ. C. einem ft • Wholesale Grocers and Kaaafaetunkra of Crackers and Candy GROCRIEri, FLOUR, PORK, SALT, NAILS, GLASS, ROPE, ALE, I . IIEB, LIQUORS, ft.; t 4 , tlar stock of SUGARS, COFFEE, MOLASSES, FRUITS, TOBACCO, 18 LA'RcIE. CRACKERS Illastaactuell at the ERIE CITY STEAM BAKE COMMON AND FANCY CANDI OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA & GL kt.tbe luereet Market Prioee topgallant. . ' Commercial Buildings. grits. wm. ARII RY. J. M. SILYAIif. - ! EAGLE FOUNDRY 1 Pence Si, shoes gas Bolas awl. leriir, Pa. HENRY. is'BRYANT : , (aseassoors to Allmon k Hwy.) ! 161.1,07471411.1 W Of PARLOR, COON AND OFFICE STOVES, Tix • Rau: Isom WA's, AIM ALL KIND; OF IRON,. CISTINOS. limy Store bold by to warranted to:sire satirtaetion. Kettles 81elth-thaea; Bad Iron, km, en band or Man akettured to otdat PLOT/ AND Plow Pourra or superior make and is-Ta lent, alms on band. • eall and a kir trial door au arti cles la all we AA. RINEY k BRYANT. ltria-tt. LOW" L R. LEWIS . : AIIALIR IN Q BOOTS, SHOES •• • • AND 416 - : I . RIIIiBERS • / Dessre RLOOX„ numO' imam PACING ?KR PARR. LAMP, r • GINTEr4 SIBS ' SW, -• EOM • AND CRILDNINT Ms Goat; illeve Bid, Grab, Call, sad Friseli BALIttORALE3 & GAITERS! ALISO, PATIENT APIALIVIII. - Remember tE,.plum, . 8. S. LEWIS. Inasitratt. 11864. - JOHN WELSH; ORRAPSIDE, - • ROA PA., WZOLZILLIII DitaLll2 is • ItALT:LitORE OYSTER4II THE 00IIIPIST MADE EIIPPLITD lI7TH Fresh Cali Cud Uri Oysters, I Received every Day, tisd wasting V• ens 11111117/i7141 Ordermsollaboil sad promptly .Ended to.! -- sovICEItL Erie Ale Brewery, CORNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. Brie, elty Lager Brewery,, CORNER OF POPLAR , AND RIDGE STREETS. , , $ - Erie Malt & Barley Wareheasee. CORNER OF 7TH STREET & CANAL I BASIN. ; 7 . - Pals sod Amber 1X and .T. 221 ,has, 1 SU Hot Q0111 ,4 517rnal Variottio of Lagar. PrinCialoetad, Hops. The Cliotalet that of Han and Barley, On head and sod for isle by I A. KEIN I i &M HO I CRAWFORD it CHRISTIAN; . Dealers la GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ;tied and Sealed Snita, ; PAINTS 411 OILS, j Ship Otandlory, Boat Stores, die., ea, BRATTT d BLOCK, P.M BOW,• Mio, Public Dock, Foot of State, *reek KUM Pllt4'A. W. 41....t.V.AWF0RD. Z. ic 7 011214710. aprratf. 4.00116 -40.000 .?lECEB 0, • PAP,EII HANGINGS! CO ALL GRAM. hole the meet mime to the Meet Ilairobetared, FOR RAU VERY CHILLP, BY "PIM. • .l. C. ORLDRN. .. t ' . REMOVAL. ROCEEIES! GROCERItEIt HE Subscriber has removed his itock of Greeeties fres the stead Mere the Wafters Depot to the room la the brick block os State atom; emir et tenth, vain he SAL be happy to gee Ida triads and eastonars and All their orders for goad& Ma stock of Grooettee Is lane and autally isteeM tad et teed at the loved Wes eoseistent with the enigma east. H sel e l Writes all In need of anything in his Asilat a . , F. flOom. Nat, - • Ma. & Erie L L Propeller Limb sid aatIIIIT I " M ALD, WI AND DRUM O ? S. THI BTAIINCIIPRMIXI 80101 A, - • Cava. O. W.-Via Pities inn um trio for Warn every SAIIIIDAY, at t Vela* post, seteralag as WIDNDLOAT sands& sad Lars for Bath at 7 o'clock. Lambs Biala for Nita sill data*. Rasta. lilt daanissast. =aaaT..nas rs sad good esissity tor Praia& Palsosags adlattad.- A i gy board or to O. N. YARN , Gael Passer sad height Usk Maw% arrawmarr, Camp Co , a Aiwa, Balla Seam J. W. Itivioass, D. D. Wasik Iva% I.o.9saaT, &MEL b Qs&i% Agar% Deliett. • 71711kNid. BE= RE FISH, WATER LIM CARBON 0 T-EAS. SYRUPS, SPICES, NUTS, CIG CANDY! ii3liE=El 10THEBN DI NO 8110 ff WO .D AB FAIL." t • TARRANT% CONFOUND NITR*OT OF 0171311118 AND CIOPAIBA. "Tlia peigeratb. perninibarsescameended th. lINDIOUIL - PROFM/ON andFlithe DLIC,for the prompt and antata acre el I WNW= OF FBI IILADDNI.R,_JULtbrZYIi, DRINAIIY OMANI% ITO: 3 Wlt essy beese relied an Gelb' hest leads or f tlup admints ien of th reamedbee In the large oboe of dims., both mearcOevhic s they are applicable. It never tote, INN. " 114 Anallsa. and by Me icoaenatrat too, tb. N. dose Is math reacted. ' I I 11.--Pareheem ars niched to Ask fur Tarranfs CompousdEzbtaci of &bibs & Copaiba. sad tabs aadblaf 148111, ma 'Whitlow Lad worthless prep minim& ander dollar named, are In the market. Priv. sl i c= i traprisi.a neelpt orprioe. TVA wr Ida. Std Onmenteh Street. Corner Of Warren street. Nit/ yolur4 All *or sale by Demist, pnerally.l oct2cs3- 17 . -, . JOS. EICHEN LAUB, . wrimeruzzl o o BOOTS AND: HOES! WHOLEBA.LiThi i RETAIL I, i T TAKE PLEASURE iulannouncing to A Ike rails that I bars added !pita,' foraurr taW. Wee ;a, eoispli% sett of I 1 f 311014 =CHM prir, Width will sittblo mil to mintifsetpiv and fell Boots sad nom r CHEAPER THAN HEALTOFORS kid' long option°, is 14 the wants of east°. worsj WWI take spools] pains in !preparing my stock to rait Wm. I have the ezdades 'right la this city to mks the i I PLUIft PATENT BOOTS & SHOES for the Onset of my oastonsantaiid only ask a trla or Mon, toothier any ow as to thais superior comfort ant thaw ENO in the old way. The Plano Hoot nods no bria/4g ; it Is u easy tram at start so soi wars for soon time. My CUSTOM DZPARTILENT Will man my own' and Kr. J. CO I ER'S 'especial at - teuthwa—conablnlog skill as workmen which cannot be soosiled to the ootuatry. Boots sad khoes capered on short notice. Constantly on hang • large stock of LZATItiII, LASTS AND FINDINGS, Tendering my thanks to my friends and enstomasts for Put Patrona•lNl hops by Jost an 4 honorable dealing to gait a iontamant• of tha maw, Mad cordially invite all to call and 0X111121121 my stook More purchasing elsa'- i Fhb's Lamp Heating ; Apparatus BULLING STEWING AND •STEEPINCiI , With the Flame that Lighta the Room ! • . :—.--- I By the drupe of a comthon lamp, at the colt of a lames worth of 011, a Tory rot tfortable breakfast can be booked. —R. Y. Tribal.l ‘Lakple 1p eonstrnellota, easily kept in order; ready for was Ina moment nvenient to here on has Draggles awcalarl Tides Lamp is one o f he most popelar now. 'Wel Orilla day, —... theutility, jit le unquestionable, e (restarting Is - made in heating 4d cooking small Arti e/as, and s as be made to cook m s for a great many persona, which Is actually done the ambulance care Irldsillarry the dek soldiers . ... 9 . . ' . Scisattgs darricee, •••••er—...lfor family sae, 110041 tent, barrack, plc. 'ales, Ishtar, sunny or sick room It Is an article of comfort berated all proportion to 'lfs rest. Pietro,' Cast Oil Oirader. , —An isoseasical trance in- _ eetallitimea for getting oil heat et short settee for nerserp *44 general household porphies, easi losportant r ictlut is the raving in wet ever ea& arts— ..... —N. ,Airentits Pat. --- I ri7rp= , .ir=l, CAPACITY 1171011 ONE TO POIIE (MARTS. THREE ARTICLES COORItD AT ONE TIME • • WITH ONE BUR ER. Ansielnd of Via. C h ll kIU, g r ain . • descrip tive gamplot of ed Alio, ' Tan UNION ATTACHMENT, ' PAWS 60 oats, To bs attached to a common rmen' Lamp or Cu Bonter, by which water may be boiled and food cooked; abo arranged to support a eh EVERY 7•111;,Y WEEDS ONE. 11 W. D. RIIS4ELL„ Agent, a5y21436-Em, N. 206 Pearl Bt., N. Y. /lOWA= AI3I3 . OpIATION, . PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEMl mai iad Emu. Eirnsisr- Dew and MIMI' 4ostorsaS.-12 reports of the HOW ARD ASEICOCIATION— fIoat by ID sealed savalopektfrs• of charge. Address Dr. J. BIN HOUGHTON HOirard iatio n No. 2 South Math Bt, Phtladdphia, Pal wire'64-Iy. TO NERVOUSI3IIFERERS BOTH 81024--A REITtEND GENTLEMAN kavisar bed :adored to heath hi few days, after luau gulag all the usual routine sad ttriralar Illpenaive modes of badman without mime, midden it his sacred duty to osmancs lode to his dilated Idlaw overtures the, amps can. Hesse, oaths reestat of • add:awed envelope, be witissed (tres)_a copy of Use • • dims used. Jo= 11. Dsostsil, 1: • Tann 4trest, Brook. • • jaU-ly. C. ENCEL ART, Dealer in Bode & Shoes ALIIO, KLY137.01 OP CUISI JUDE BIX7 I mai SHOES 1 WOULD take this . ethod of return ing hie thinks t i his f end' aad the public for their liberal patrol:airs heretofore extended Cka l7 sed hopes to hare • oonttnoatloa of the same. I take pleasure to inform the public that I am still sal. naItILLD 1 Y MAD! soon! axe 'HOZ§ AS 0111,AP, It Ng e Male Cllaimpar, Pisaswamis in this place, mid 1 am dill making the best nerathes of Gents' Boats andOhoes, for which I ein goy noise bat the Bin of WOO.Plinhander the fitipsr- Lateudesiesof O. MLLES. ai4 i Having obtalawl a lima* to the i Plainer Patts#l Last, lam now prepared to M n u nau Pateoots and nom la a manner not ake to brised in St nt yle ß and trarkmanaldp. • or I always keep on bead al selection of the beat *ands of Fres* and American gerand Yips. P. L—Sepairtne attended to. I 1 mrMatf. 4 Soap Stone riddle - s ! ' • sosradsat sad &gni&C ud ' for .tbs kitchen— will bake sibs without thiPar ditto* cd grow, stool. Isidaiths dissirssebis byor to slothiss, as., tasas at burst At. ALL HOUSEKEEPERS ; SHOULD HAVE THEM . i 1 1 1 • bah of their tetralitto. by their bee a onle fiery trill seelue tam Misponalo to the nest and Udy boosollooper. lor We at i II - ~ 1 I I . • Young's Emjp - orlum. . . is '• NO. 4 WIUGHTNIIILOCK XUBROIDIERYI • Chad Use nal Braid' bat bait all colosa and dram. together with Naai7lr of kin Canvas, Be& tat Beard kia at Young's Znporlum, XO 4 WRIGHTti ULOOR. ; 08,4113111 •313,•9 i lift yards *Auk Jut ries4id and kir sals 'at lEM== 1 ;NO. 4 wßioers., LOCK 1 , POLAR REPRIOERA TORSI . ' 1 . . • 1 , . . mow least samba over Lectured. Built ere ii_isjeni the Oleg kat Ileum* bespies. SWIE, P = II 4 I 4 oI M placed In Um.» pre served art sad swine, while the i advantage it la saving tee aad fernishing cold eater 10e drlating pur pose, is not to be fogad In any tither manufacture I have the reselualve arm for Oar sale, and invite an acendnatkoe into their wile. 1 i -J. fi if. YOUNG, &PAW . i No. 4 Weight's Block. sliusoiws rimmr WRITING AND TOILET CASE 1 = conama wens ` tarsr, ru t Telopea, /alt. Manor; Ma, Timed, Tooth B Comb, Pea, Pone% Ilattoaa sad other instal atticlee. icao• 12 1 OM 10 huh*. la leatth, %Mahe= be seam aimed In the Dodo,. ec laedspeaaable article to dlsea s sailors sad traeolert. I For Ws at Jim - YOUNG'S ria, Pa. BROWN'S PATENT BABY TENDER! most useful and !convenient article 0 1 !oz the MIK of inethezit end the sainastnent of Yildzw gner targeted. An Blethers studying geonosty eat enagetesee ahead has ea« Tor sate at _ JfM. TOII2IBIII Ede, Pa. Aidininirtrato kEWERS of kiln'. lair et Jaw* &dew • Iris Ow, haft IlliOnialoWlawislwinb7 ghee to Ike WWl* punt time, duly 7- miss% sal Sol te Ole ha s Mio pond. ; -~ . ~..~ I\ZII.. P.. - lI.ALT;S• ' • \ CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDY ' CONTINAS to gain public favor Anti demand iu aqsaisetions, and after th, tlion.i.;:t. ~.. patties of sixteen)flais, its reputatio., , ... i dtbo.e. t u miring Throat and I.lseg diseases la ~ ,11. vustsinvo - - Wherever this medicinemost known its Vlrfilai have.— tablisked the greatest poi elarity •t.. 1 d...050d . I. Ley b... *ow a standard remedy ‘ ith limo 'woo. for curie; PtilmoLaty complaints and te kept in - th..ir houses for , ready' use whenever required. ,\ fla • cur. fot I.:ous,“.it te /pee& and il-iiftb , .---tietdonta rekoring ni. , r.- ~ ‘en 000 ~ , d • tie to coma cot'..ti et many weeks rtandi , t, f• I, efirrn, Crprill it to not es,,,ii..d, and as s\r ‘ eme.i, nor t•tltons I ti.- 'Dietetic) ....111111 , .1 1., doubted, havin%-..t00r.. instil pet - aeoa to health attar 'mitering a lou . rot ..1 .ear , u itti ' this aliter.ablT disease. Voir Brunetti 0 owl floarrirtooo it r is safe and re:latile. quickly:funning ivntUtt o,l (roan the air ' , maw. In a lumina g Cough this ila iaudy. la of pest ; ealue—it promptly le/trios:a the tresueury and violence of ! the cough. and shortens the disease one heti I r fein I It. or dinar) tedious coarse. • All fltaeassw or tau lungs Kul air passages 'loran upon initatlod or inflammation In the lining mucusentbrans and requires the prompt use of thorough mediettr to el feet their removal. Haire Cough lienawly to safe; gpeedy asp , effectual in its operation—ls adapted to bothimses, to all ages and constitutions.. Kver y person afEcted'yith either of the following diseases should nee (Map! e weedy and their vein's will soon mingle with othst i V aveommeacting it. au rita 4 1... afflicted neighbors an• I 'friend. - ' -- 710.• 4 ./8C Hall's LIA4gA Remedy it cures thicls. 11111. Use Hall's QugA Remaly it Gaffe"! Croup ' or Rattles. • • YOWL Use Hall's Cough Ileniedy it eures-Acth; ma or Phihisic. • . 3166, Use Hall's Cough Ifrmedy fur (-Warr h. SOL, Use Elated ~.,ufili lietrudu U iStrerigtii,sis the bows. Is.. Use Ilall's Cough 14enuAlyliir Broa4Aitu. MI6 Use Hales Cough, Remedy for ' !Luise. MIL UN' tipugh knitedy engthent the l'oicz 116.. Use Hall's LtiugA lioincily I,r - it will greatly modify lbw' I(lienewut this dhotis and t[lo l teql ill t..4110us coorsv, not half from it; ordinary darn tlon. Hewer. et countortiqta and Due imitations-0W ter Dr. l' tiall'i Celebrated Cough Remedy and see that big writ ten signature is upon the wrapper and directions. eeTIiCONG TESTIMONY. we, the undendgned citizen of Erie City and vicinity, LIMAN need Dr. P. 11...tia Celebrated Conch Remedy with great success, in curing diseases of the Throat and Lougs, and take pleastire In recommending its MN to the alliteuld as a speedy and eifeetual remedy, fully worthy of public confidence. James Thoinpeoe, ituttbew Hamilton. D. &ark, • John Melhorn, Sr J. W. Ryan, Richard Rees, John A. Tracy, Hobert Cochran, J. T. CM', • John W. ll'Laue, Daniel Dear, . Daniel Hurtle, John W. Hap, J. Robinson, C. iL Rale; John R. Cochran, . W. F. fUndertuecht, J. Mooney, John R. Durnart, P. E. Burton, J. W. Calve!, John SI Warren. Alanson Sherwood,. Wm. IL May, Jobe S. ttrowl, W. IT. Cooper, ea K. Tarbell, S. L. Fonder, • Joseph Deemer, R. A. Bennett, J. W. Hull. Benj. Grunt., J. SAlibury, - Orvitts Smith, Lucia* A. Hull. ' IL !War C. Doman. Thomas liite(o, J. L. Loh, IL o.lton t, W. M. Gallagher, J. Rotsinson,24l, Wilson Iflo., Chu. W. Aelao, Snag If . Tina, Daniel Min.r 11, P. gang l ia. et C. 0: I.LitrelL C II Wright :+Ol,ll 'INh:RIP: ONLY, BY ' • P. EiALL. blaantarturer and sole Yroprietor. Nein Banding, State St. ?RICE 25 It) T. CENT:3 YEE BOTTLE. AGENTS IN ERIK CU.- James A. White Dr. Ely, G. rand; W. Belknap, Fairview; T. S. Cowl4llprinsfteld: Wm. S.Yrundllt, .E.dlolann F. Lamson,. Wilma; Z. b. Sleeper, Waterford; Hume' Sherwood, Union; W. B. Smith, Wattiburgh; O. T. ;mitt, North East; H. 0. Yriabes, Edenrille; J. G. Fl .were, Albion; Tyler, Loekport, and by ;Gants sn.twally. CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail ODOCERY AND PROVISION STORE, F. & M. SCHIADDECKER, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock, of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, . WINEiI, LIQUORS, TIWILLOW, • - " WOODEN, AND STONE WARE, FRUITS, ' NUTS, together with every thing found in a House of this kind, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce., They hive also on hand one of the largest and &nest Bb3eks of Tobacco and Regan ever brought to Erie, to which tkoy invite the attention of the public. Par Call and see us--a nimble sixpence is better than • slow shilling, l eonsequently Cash buyers will Ind at build= eu by *II at the Grocery Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET. Jose 2.1800-62. Y. 41 Y. FICHLLUIYAXILIt. ERIE COUNTY LUTUAI 4 INSUR ANCE COMPANY. Incorporated in 1859—Charter Perpetica I I Preyeety lontreft Asalast L... lot Fire ter mar Terue min exesedlng Flys, Years.. Polities lamed upon the deposit of Premium Notes, of upon the payment of t h e usual •fitoek Ease to Maui without the - liability of a Premitun Note. Lowed paid without UUgation. One suit only has ever been brought against We Comply. nit ing = is *stink free frets deld, end tit a arts ll4o/1 • , DIMEINORS.. Wm. B. Sim Ju. C. Marshall, Jos. M. Sterol's C. M. 'Ube; D. B. WCreary, g. gibbitt, Wm.P.Bioderamilkt. J. ZIBIZIOrIy, W. S. Elisrwa, George A. Eliot, Benjamin Greet, Imob Hans" J. 11. Jest's% • OFFICERS. Jas. C. M Prier JONAS GC/1171/014 Bee. • Wm. F. Runnounearr. Troia. OMee, in Messrs. Gunnison it MeCreary's law Mat %arias:Er* Pa. sin% Jaw 10. 18/0. N.EW rummy= AND iiNISEXTAKIN, WAR E-8 O.OM SI On State St., between Seventh and Zighth.. The %Matters hare entered into the cabinet Making mid FURNITURE TRADE,. And propose making to order and keeping constantly on band all kinds of Furniture. Orders will receive prompt attention. Repairing done on short notice. UNDERTAKING. • The inthscribers will give special attention to this 4e. Mtamnt of their badness. Thywill numaillefure and oonstantly on hand a large assortment of Matallio Oases and CoMns, and hold themselves in' readiness to meet orders in this lies, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to spare no efforts togiro satisfac tion both in the 'pulley of their goods arid - prim, they hope to were a liberal share of labile - MOP pa t MtET, aprlre2-tf. Successors to J. H. Rime. READY ROOFING ItHADY ItOONINek,- Tor . all Undo of .balldlaas , In all climatal _ READY ROOFI.NIi, Lally, cheaply and quickly put on. Needs no coating over with cement after it is nailed down. READY ROOFING, • Made of a Wang nom "brio, thoroneily 'emanated and eovered open both anrfaeoe Title a pselhOiy wirer- Fort oompoeition, and put-ap in roll. ready for nu-40 mmen wide sail 78 feet %nu. Wi also aanfha LIQUID CEMENT, For Lasky Tin Rocits„ mash dumper sad mere derahLl Qua oil paint. Also, . COMPOUND CEMENT, for LEAKY SHINGLE ROOTS, which will often gm the out of A DOW roof.. - - Elamei of SAADI' BOOTINO sod Clroalars mat by mil when ired. Favorable terms made with responsible parties who ho! to sell again. READY BOOTING CO., 71 Malden LUNN S. Y. myl4-Em CARVER & HONECKER, J Leather, Hides, &c., No. $ Pony Mak, State St, Ibis, Pa.' Coastmadly on hand a large Moak of BOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO, LININGS,. BINDING% FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, laPB, UPPERS AND SPLITS, Lairs, MB, LASTING% OALLOOU, *o. AL" • FM ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, All at width *moiler low !or • CASH OR ruomeT PRY. , • apilriNif. Notice. tion on the eir 4, tato ot tho city ot Eirto tie Roam. is t roialmo sedan tiosted, auto: odd odatovlll mob OEN urraus, modisumse. ChERVICD • ills% raadied Is e wita4 ..-'"/IMIIIMIIIIIIr HEAD QUARTERS WINES AND LIQUORS. FIBE N~pNCE Rowdy to nall down READY ROOFING, At Ulu than het the cost of tin !oofa. sts,suir sectortrie, Mort darable than tla.. RAO ROOlelNti, Suitable for steep or flat roofs. 1120020110221 20 B. CARV ER, 1 WZOLZILLI ♦ "'TAIL D~Wr■ II 4a• 'pc..,lrQ t .te r OXIDITING ! CLOTHING Beet & Best Stock in the City ! C9DIE: AND NV,E 1.1)1c Vf )1 - A 4.0, -•Ks KocH, Nvorl,p ftr7.-rT.C7FT'I,Ly z" T •••• 0..14 , 4 \ (ON i t ,41 if •• )11•‘ silt] N(, (:-:11.1J I:1k (1Q01.4 kroti;:n •• 1., • • • 'TOE* lab.. • ptlt4t, .*IPI !hut the I t ,, eibt. NIT tept. , :nraled they r,.. 7 k, t , ~ffijll MORRISON & - DIN kiht tioLt RALF, DEALER , ' Is Flom4, Pork, Beef,. Halt, • CIMvER, 77.5f97111' 6EAI ), • No. 2, Wayno Block, YftEMlll • ensew Peva •ftaf St., - , . • IV cpNLUMPTi • TH Lvulkeriber wilcheffrlthly teLa ±of elai - ge), trt trl,ol. tire it, the y 111K.Clielt by%,,eb.lart was iired of that pies ;JD,' gumption. Sudan:Lt . ' xi k 1.1111.111 - 119141). 1 / 2 ' AMrtlya , LiV t i cy awe lung sittlretWtststelteelNyhttlw`wilill7t-i0 will maligned t tielipth* will I' • with the Inuit. Idist fot hls dun tontilti k , tion, he In saxistut VIPS in hz.ml, SLI the ellOill of C , ITe. nee rrinhiri 1..-- ot.te •-• Alugetiognaoke., will oliglit call nu or endue, -he'. lr n. el • N 4.076 Soli I- - ',or. V. ectitiLlqr. & BRo, WHOLESALE AND IN:AIL DE.; GROC L ERIES SID v IS EAGLE VILLAGE, ERIL P 1 We keep 02 hand ilarge sod %Fell P- ct.r s of everything in ooy line, and will Oct •rcui la be iumirraeld. . Alio a line stock sif %INES, Llt,ll.7ukti to be inirpasied In thisecitnty. )21,;1,1 ;114TFORD. FIBS affilnlia I amitirvoßD covirkga t UT. ittrconPrncerni ?go. cArtr..L H. HUNTINGTON. PreAt. T. C. ALL CITY FIBS /NBU/LiiNCE COMP iIdIALTPOKID,OLINNECTICUT. lIVCO4PORAZED 1817. t. .4P/ TV. k C. n:BowArrs,l'test. C. C. WAITE, ••••., INSURANCE in the above old Ili .1.• &au Companies MD Mobtalned on appkpo - march 23-44. R. W. RCSSIESI, NEW FURNITURE STI J. M. RIBLET & CO. Wocad - reepecithlly infb,n the putA:c that .?pvneci ft FURNITURE WARA;-R IN GABLE'S BLOCK, Between Bth and 9th Streets, on S Witere they UAW:tato keep constantly an hae...a osoLtment ut NEW Li'D WELL SELECTED We tv,i.ectiLlitii,ol4,t a...a:o u(thi P, ronap. S. 11. ..IB' jaA2'64—tf 11. :Vt. co' I ACOB CleatiCi to L. be has opened a NEW Gilt sda r 4 West Side of Peach _ ar tits Lake Shere hurl, will keop ou Laull • • GIIOCEItt - PROVISIONS, WOOD AND WILLOW W di , and everything usually kept in A are ,I„„. ALRO t Wine, Sweet Cider and Ligunis. The highest Market Price ;Isla 13 - 1 I r • If desired, . • Cr Givecall, if Ina vr!:!, &DS. I e m plai yself twi ll n 9 L • any other store to the city. $225: SEVEN . 0C AX I • 'Rosewood Peino-Fortes GROW EA TEEN it CO., 41i ' 1.14 I, NE W, Ert/arked -,CAIN 1 tiu•lon ith all Latest truprorements parumee, with greatly. inureseed Licily • • ring, mania c urto sell for CAI; at the ,t low price. O ustrnmenta receire“ 1 '110(1.7 attho ,World'• fair, and f o r by, puma, ne It American 'initiate. lirarran tett die yem CANA. Call or rood for dee.:riptlre clrcu.hr ••• • inars-.2m. IMIIME We take great plasma, in informing tht. nnnieretia Patti:eel to partienlar, that we apart reenna. ZIANTFACT'CrR IN o sToV INCREASED FA Cl LlTlti ' Awl are prepared V/ 811 all ordeal COOKING AND HEATING STO wmr PROMPTNE'.4 Having parilused a large Stock of hot, muu being burnt out, gives us a deuitled (Wynne of Stant.) over iLanufactruers rbo llsn ...Iron at present high pn Tlianktol for put favors, sri hops, by .trt:t e, to tha wantl of Customers, to, continue tJ [C4 patronaga. feb2ll3tt. VINCENT, TIBBIL• ,'EIRE .t.C"-: PREVENTION IS BETTER THIN Ci TO Ladies of delicate health otitap! irtsattss, or to thou, by wham so 111 G, sunny uuou any reason objection/Me, the tztt. would Ohre a pnlectiptioo wbleh ia perfectly reMb cab, "and which has been prescribed in verionv the old world Tor the put wormy. Althoagh th U very ehosp and simple, set it tom bee - put Op, pint bottles and mold very extensively at the est•: Priell WS& per bottle, the undersigned propene tot the Mips for the email sum of $l, by the possess: , which 'terry lady can supply herself with a Nero guard, at any drag store, for the trifling sum ,f parpmr. Lny physician or druggist RUI• Lei: Jar peWastly hamlets, and thousands of adimousis promos" of Itsallasor. dent to ausy part calls eat apt of •l, by adduisinag wegings l 7 lo . Dr..l. C. DEVERICI. . No. 13h3,,hiew diva, c4i.: THE PHILADELPHIA AGE,IS THE ONLY DEIIOCRATId DAIT.,Y JOURSAL F 75 LiSRED ITT PHTLADELPHIA !Mr trines, nut CONSITITTION AND VIE E.VFoullag TIM LAWS. • THE DAILY AGE,. irktrit adirOitatee the Principle/ and pe'il ofthe Pr , cratioli:s% . l4,lsinled every morning, vid-o_irirsorz spe.d 111 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 tuawiin sirwsc..L ; with agret/Ily: prepared lss e,. et erument, Politics, Trade, Finances, ate , tonal comments on the questions and adds. Repfirtis Prices Current, Stock ,!most rine Intelligbact, Reports of Publie t fat' and Domestic Correspondence, Lrg .1 Reports, Ito:f2. Criticisms, Reviews ot literature, :1: dcd cultural Mater', and dismission' of ot general interest lulki importance. • TflN witiseLLy AGE, Is • Dompketq compendium of the Sees uf I.L.e 7: 4 : contains the chief editorials, the prigei kat reports, stock quotatloos;eorrespr . 061S11 nortterpnblished thrill/fat Ai..! fain I great variety of ether Witter, tvodniri !Upsets gent class family journal, particv.: ,7 l l2 . to the Politician, the'llerehant, the 1 , ' 111,101111Atentry_ /lan, and all olasisee f readtrs. in fait, every chrracteristio of a LIVE fitted for the Counting Name, the troiloh,,F. MHO'S Jilmaidaand the General itsiedor, —DAILY.:.: ••- : • WEEELI Onia l lz tio rail t .:slo,(lo I One year, b: Itr Three ontb,o, Three idoit . 1,50 liontioas..• Foram period /era tna Clubs of •,', three months, at the rat' , .. • `. °finality Oenia pasmonth. With an ettra rci? 14 for getttni up ;1, , aoad P enii tns .o 7l .4th. a rti pvp l iii rrit a,iyu l a n onad ie .w ci ee ro u tal y st. w r ai ne t A , l;:ric i c:: : The Publishers of TAe Age could ea=Ls I. I tte wane seith the unsought and • most liter II v05 . .•,, 1 tb?oa of the prose llnoteghout the country; prefer that it should stand altogether upn est—: - pablio confidence, wall known and establisLed i-* Here it loss ao,nired this ireputata a. to tl' • 33 4 - 6 le irlessneu and independence itittr tt - aondlictipd,throtigtt tune, of ezirsorikusrl Wean tie subject/ L and latterly of almo st pletrpubile trial. It is now, and will b., s , : the r zurer iz of=u t s e ll s o ra ca i l ik p e r:n ery cir f l . :R. to the maintenance of good gofernment Joe wad The Publishers of The dee concelte thst it 1110 weccallar OUT ices and haapecullar claims upon4L whom Its principles 1111) Tallied, and who, by the F, means, look to .promote and secure the COL,IIr.. . „4 - rester/Mose of. L. Union. These min best sho';', sense of the untiring efforts of the publishers. (a of this great and unparalleled cause, by eatne , t4r - ' tog thla paper In all ata business relations. Addreae, LOSSIBB IVELI-41! lio".43othestnt WE ARE OFFERING n • 41. dame amodtignint of Rabb +Gogh co.c..!!, Inalla Doll; Doll Games and Anfeumunsa l, 0114111M1.._ ten" Pprie Mogasta, Perfameto. taywas. WWI &Wm . .., . 1,1 ..1 , :a:),I. • ts o , 'Plt CE3 PBO3PECTI:73 OF lEII2I