The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 18, 1864, Image 3

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pplot boa thoroughly proved ltself to Ise the heat
osl• inseam for oaring Caoaalla, COLO ITS RSVP
. 0 1 outwits. It ha b o a drawl aa essallest needy
van MON of Seas to Drumm bee boa resumed
end Elsaanio has etas base greatly Ispreved by
i s go . It le holm' wtfa UMW% sad gives nritcm
ft Runts° th• Pill hay/ palm slued by Mame'
i li a Ths eensatleas after suds( It ass &bestial
jo i v estiar. It epos-sad pups eat all eh
fuct ow,, sheagthens the g lad. bad gives a healthy
:0 the parts affected.
sore than thirty rears of sthe awl use of Dr llssialts
„Tod, end Headache Snuff has preyed Its great value
vl the Maxon &Kama of the head, sad at ttle
at It stands higher than ever blame It& resessineed
4b, many of the best phydaises, sad la sod iifb great
, : p es and astlefactloa everywhere. Heed tb•Oettilleate
Violas], Protests In 1864:
i „ . .,,,,d i rsigned having for essay years has smooth
vith Pr. Marshall's Catarrh sad Readavle fast, sad
IL oar wholeaela trade, ebeerfall• sure etai we
en it to be equal, to *my roopoot, to the reessaseada•
...,,,, s um:Lott , for Q. ears of Catarrh Alhationa. sad
* A t If 01 decidedly tha best articia we ban ever knows
;,r all enamor' &awes of theinead.
k perry, Reed, Assails k Drew* Woos dt
Red, Cutler & CO., Seth W. rowl., Talrbsals
R o ston ; Eiesshav Co.,hß. R. Ray,
lic; Parson & Paris, A. D. & D. guidemee•bei
4 21 ft Co , Israel Wioor k Ca, Wepoloas g o bbl es . A.
, 4.00 L co, H. Wird, Chem 4 Co Boob di Go 3 se
a isle by all DOggiata. try It. leff66-Iy,
".." Celebrated Penisle Pills.
EY ROYAL t ,• 11 .-4,' S t • PATENT
ro ped /too • Prean*Oloa ef tier aerie,
PAO/ion ketrasrelloory to tie Qom.
rei laminable meiledno la s anfalilas to tM wad all
and &apron Maims to "kW' the temal.
„ r itat los le enbloet. It moderato WI mem awl or
all detractions, and a speedy cam my be ogled
gaited. fi will, to a abort tine, beta' oa
mthly period with rewalartly.
ro bottle, pia one Dollar, Ceara Uwe Gewerameal
.to of Great Britain, to prevent eosatedrita.
us Palo stbeidd add k twine hear arise. tin
FS? THRrit MOMTBS ql 10114111 era
P te icing es Arbecarriage, kg et !mg dew Awl Meg
a all cams of Nervosa and tisinal AlleUkbut. Plains fa
I Beek and Limbo, !stip, on slight ezeities t lntplia.
12 of the Ileart,Hystiries and Whits", these Pills viii
wet a cure when all other luau have Met ; and al.
bath a palaillfai Taaledy, do not eentaintetu, Wend.
tlmoay or anything hutted to the sonalitation.
int! trettoss la the pamphlet areasl emit pedlar.
kb MOSbo earetally preastewl. -
Sob Agent fat the tralted Stair sad Canada.
roa DONA 17 Oartlaadt !W. Now Totb.
V. 8.—51,00 sad I Postale Adams mama to 'say aa
°rimd neat will Wars a bottle. abstadatag AO Pllk
Termitic' SCIOCIZNDI LISA 111/0011111 ran
11 I treat writer, sad la the !Witco of Ilaro Mears.
for the last half reatary sathiag has Wood Into
ror with the pabtle eo errooe r ietely, 110 IL16111111•117.
819TADOWY8 RAM DTI. No dirt Is noiguliscol
A world of faction oottliu wi. Ita Nora opostloat„
to woo with vitt& It to applied, the masztablis iota•
ilnerf of the blacks and browns it imparts o tr mow
on from all unpleasant odor or *anode lagoodlesta,aa4
I f artarafelfest on the hilt and akis ate the road aid
AS dent emus of Its oispromodoilisot modality.
Vrlstarloros'a Hods Frosisovattoo,
aalila adjunct to the Dye, la Ettesaingan4,proaaotlap
rowih and perfect loath of the Mir, cud of lOW
aced alone, a safeguard that protests the elms treat
y nadir all circumstances and ander all dhow.
• tinctured by J. 01114e01113. Ni. 6 Astor Roam;
York Acid by all Dingflits and applied by all Hair
A Card to the Suffering. :
Al.l.ear two Or thew boyhood" of ••illotoi:
..Towle Bitters," "Saruparilia," offerroas Asti.
" kn. &c., &r. , sod after roe Ire satisfied with the
lt, then try one boo of OLD DOCTOR BCCR Ora
SPRCIFIC PlLLS—azol be restored to health
elem. In lees thin thirty- dirs. They are purely
stable. pleasant to tat a, prentpt and silatary to WM:
eta no the broken dews A sad shattered twastitatkta.
and youna can take tMt with sanative. Taper
and sold in the United laitatem owl y by
JAS. S. BITTLRft e No Of Broadway.
New Tut.
Agent for the Caned States.
t pot of the ND. securely peaked, Will *audi—
o any address on, nallllpt of peas, whiab la Ow Dal
port paikr-wooer reniaded by the Aereet if satire
erection Is not given. . irfifi4•l.
VjUITOIII. OP osmitarzar—am, In •rWf4
your kind permission I wtalt to say btbsa stelaws
your paper
. tbst I will wad, by return mail. be mbee
wtsb it, (from a Ilse!" with fraalul dlnestSona ear semi lea
od ulnw I dupla Vegetable Bain, that will elhotaally
more, Ireton days, Pimples, Blotebes, he, Trost*
nd all Impurities of the 811 a, Isavtag tbe same Wow,
-Dolt and boantlfol.
I will also mall fro. to - theses baring Bahl law* Sr
:aro FILM, slmpla directions and latowmatins that will
cabin item to stmt a foil growth of Laairtmal Pair,
whiatars or mouttehe In kill than thirty days.
All applications answered, by ratan mall, ettbobt
shameßemssettully yew%
THOS. Ir. ORAPIIAN, Cbanhit.
881 Broadway. yaw Yoh.
fIU. DOMAN , YANIFTLiff Limaturrr•—ma
IJ at Croup —What a pretty sad laterurthig child I
ay not week t But now, alas 1 it la no more. Sub was
tho conversation oftwo gentlemen riding down In ths
an. Dial °f .ernal' s ! how strllge tabu Dr. Totthif
Venetian Liniment certain cum, if takes in time.—
qae, mothers, we appeal to you. It V not for the pettily
tun and profit we make, but for the cake of your haat
child that now lies playing at your het tht:etp le •
Issirerons dram ; telt van Dr. ?alpine Venetian Lini
ment in time, and it is rotated of its terrors. Many"
tap it in the haus ; you may not want it to-sight or
to-morrow, no telling when—bat lamed with this Lini
ment yen are prepared, let it arms whoa it will.
Pate 15 and 30 cents. /loth by ill druggists. Dike,
tt Canlandt Street, New York.
OENTLENIAN, cared at' MMUS la •
/1 conipet, Prorates, Dew rat Toathhil bra,
&tamed by a dubs to bust *Dues, will to happy to
crutch to all whe seed it, Ora of the ndsa
“,(1 direetiene fbr making the simple rand to LL
414. Those *Ming to profit by hit etrperiesoe,lol
Wren a Veicebic limody,tradve the mace, by
',turn (craftily sealed) rabeeelag
No. 60 Noma Street, N. T.
Published for tin bonnet sod se mutton to young
"a lad oth.n, The Isar boa Norms DA C% Pro.
mann .Docry of Manhood, ba., sapplyteg 11/ *be saw
inn the rooms of solfonee By ono wino bat arid klanolf
atm undelyolng coniddmible quaskery. •By
• poet.pald addressed envolopnabd&orgno My 09 WM
of the sobton, tietnaatazliemblll• Ot t .
Brooklyn, Zino 014 N. T.
than SO days, Ow worst cum of VERY°
tench Praniatur• Deny. EntrAnal Workman, hiwt :
acid ail Urinary. Stan& and WIMPY Libliklllll4
ter from what masa 'matured. Mao oasitallar par Ms.
sent, post grid, by natl. 0o isealpt at as gnaw. Ow. Itoz
perfect a ears In stoat nay. lanai
Goner& Agent, Ort Itrondlish Sow TOOL
MS 115 NOTHING mare esetata to Art
nerTfemale Irregularities tlias Velpit's
me! will In all man cause a rater* at ussirtkly silk
sits, without which no surairried ledg els sislag lese
red health Sold by an drearteta •
tUe datoartbat woald mepeettelly 'ammo to do pal.
of Itris and irlelaity that too wtII muttons to aid
la Coal daring the premed I.W, at
Noma &sit* to promo lay kW of OW as M
oupplist ts
- Lad at the
I Intend paying speetal attoottee to taw
'Anthacite Coal Tiade
And CR soon own I Yard br RIM wpm GA Ur
Wiwi" I will bop on had
Of that klmt of Cad.
toti• Ordivo for Idtbar Antliosollo or tillundares OW
promptly &modal to.
United States Claim Ag't,
eat all other Claims !Walt th. Goveromat ottsmad
to with prompt:rm.
Applieatien by Kali atboatod to ttok Imo oa tf
Ai& la person. ayllaikAa.
01 Steels listabss Jut tossived. it • sulpha;
ss disegrmbis assn. 714 /lime Podia Naha IS SINI
gtiritladj will ass Um snit sus he
oak by the box. dam sad pass M A Mend . dlasasad
Itesds. BX b
She frig tAbotrutr.
ERIE: PA., AUGUST 18. 1864
Cr V. desire to obtain a correspondent in' every,
township is the county. Political ways we can obtain
la abeusdano• ; what we want le tha local news front all
parts of the county. Any person writinc to us ears de
pend on having his name kept strictly confidential ; and
Übe has fear that the communication is not in proper
shape for publication, we will put it in appropriate trim
City nabseribera stirred by carrier, will be charged
twenty-five cants per year extra. Persons who fall to
MOO* thelepapen Tor:flatly will confer s favor by Boll
fylag se of the same. We prefer to have all subscribers
who can conveniently, procure their paper' at ilia okra,
of publication.
or The hour at which the Diwerscr In put to preas,
Sad* weak, la 2 o'clock on Thursday attornoot. Adyertina
sories will to rsealwod op to 9 o'cloek of Om day of put.
nestles. _
lar All Adirsetliwommts, Job Work and Subscription'
bee perms salon responsibility is trot known to the
paginsberg, snug Mysil is gebanee.
We resold respectfully Cal the attention of the pablie
to oar fasilitles for doing Job Printing of every descrip•
lios• Raving rapid Proems and the latest styles of Type,
we are prepared to do anything agibe jobbing line, in a
=WM equal to guy other establishment, and on terms
as tissonsble as the Bath& or Cleveland Mike,. We
bare aided nearly two thousand dollars worth of mate.
Nal to the ogles ulna It her been in our possession, with
the Weed of making It what we thought the communi
ty nesdid. How will we have su cce eded we leave the
specimens of our jobbing, which may be seen in every
part of North Western l'esinsylriusia, to testify. Those
wile want tasty work are invited to give us a cell. We
can do any kind of Printing that cats be done elsewhere,
--such for instance as
All bled' need by Coal Operatunt,
All mods used by Coal Mspers,
An kind. need by Coal Sellers,
All blade rued by Merchants and Storekeepers,
All kinds need by Retailers and Grocers,
. All kinds used by Manufacturers.
AU blade need by Medicine Dealers,
All Wade used by Auctioneers,
' /Akin& used by EaDroal Agent.,
Alibied/ used by Bias,-
AlAtiade need by Insurance Offices.
ABidads need by Stock Companies, generally,
AU kinds need by Brokers,
Alibied. used by Com. and For. Itercheate,
AU kinds and by Express Men,
All blade need by Professional Men,
All blade used by Maul Societies,
All blade maid by Public Officers,
All kinds used by Patentee.,
All kinds geed by Producers of New Articles,
All kinds need by Merehants of • I Trades, -
AU kinds used by Architects,
All Made need by Drewerrean Establishments,
All kinds used by Artiste generally,
AU blade need by Public Exhibitors,
All blade treed by Managers of Social Aseemblio.
)01 Wait used by Political Managers,
all kinds ued by Travelling Agents,
All blade need by Partners, or sellers of real estate,
All kinds used by the sellers of Pet Ronal Property,
All kinds need by Boaters,
la abort, Oland. used by all duos.
Orders by usall,when sent by responsible parties,prompt
lyattended to. Agents (Gallows, Concerts, be., whom
respenalblity we are net acquainted with, must pat In
mimeos In eases where pecksge. are sent out of the
eiti a by espreskand th e persons for whom they are Intend
ed ye not a regular aecount at the office, the bill for
ealleetlea will invariably be forwarded with them.
Democratic County Convention.
The Democratic voters of Erie county are
respectfully invited to assemble at their usual
places, in the several Wards, Boroughs and
TOwnships, en Saturday, September 17th, 18134,
to elect delegates to a County Convention to
be held at the Cover Houss, in the city of
iris, on Tuesday Afternoon, the 20Th of Septem•
brr,lB64;at 2 o'clock, for the nomination of a
basal ticket. D. W. HUTCHINSON,
Chtu 12 . 4
Girard, August 17th, 1804.
Chance of Publication Day.
We And that the day on which the Observer
has been printed heretofore (Friday, afternoon)
does not snit many of-our patronise well as
if it was put to press and distributed earlier
in the week. We have therefore concluded to
change the time of publication to Thursday
afternoon (one day sooner than before) and
believe the sot will prove.materially advanta.
goons to our readers and ourselves, The pa.
per will be placed in the Post Office in time to
reach every subscriber in Erie, Warren sod
Crawford counties by Saturday evening.
Information we posse.. of the feelings
of oar party friends throughout the district,
tionvinoes um that a large majority (approach
ing almost to unanimity) of them favor the
selection of Wm. A. Galbraith, Esq , of this
sky, u the Democratic nominee for Congress.
He is looked upon as`the most popular man in_
the district, and it is admitted by even our po
litical opponents that, in case of his election,
ke would reflect lustre on the people whom he
represented. It is proper, therefore, to state,
in advance of the meeting of the convention,
anti in order to avoid misapprehension here
after, that Mr. Galbraith has resolutely deci
ded not to permit his name to be brought be
fore the people for any position -whatever in
the approaching 011111•1189. Ile appreciates the
kindness of his Democratic friends, and would
vow accede to their wishes, hut interests of
Simmons' and business mature, whioh just, now
roqiire his sole attention, positively forbid
his acceptance of any nomination for office.
W. happen-to be acquainted with the eharac•
ter of these claims, and regard them as a
complete execute for the decision that
Mr. 'Galbraith \ has arrived at. Much as
_we would like to see him the standard bear
er of our principles in the ensuing congres
sional contest, we' cannot ask of hint to
swifts, interesta which are of
- the greatest
importance, in order that he may become
such. We make this statement without any
suggestion from Mr. Galbraith or any of his
immediate friends, and as a simple act of jus
tice to one whom the Democracy of this eeetion
delight to honor, and who has' been faith
ful to the principles of truth .itiN,the face
of temptations and difficulties whichs , attend
- very few men in his position. In conclusion,
we take the liberty of saying that, from what
we know of Mr. Galbraith's opinions, we Cap
oonfidently pledge that he will give the nomi,
us, whoever, he may be, his most zealous
support throughout ,the campaign.
A stranger coming into Erie and noticing
the listlessness of her citizens in 'regard to
filling up their quota, oonidn't resist the eon-
elusion that they must want the draft to come
off, and have one-fourth their number foiced
into the army. It is really surprising to see
hew few take an interest in obtaining recruits.
Many of the townships have had active agents
here for two weeks, who pick up scores of
men that could have been obtained to the
city--seme of them residents in our midst-L.
Even those who are wealthy, and could easily
procure substitutes, thus at the same time ex
etaptiug themselves and helping their poorer
neighbors, apparently give themselves no con
sera <mike subject, and indications now lead
us to believe that a draft for this city is an
Mavitable event. Certain parties, whose oh
ject'it is hard to understand, have spread the
rumor that our quota is full,- but we assure
the public that such is not the truth, and no
ways near it. We have furnished enough na
val recruits since the war commenced, to clear
as item the present call, but as there is much
doubt as to whether we will be credited.. for
them or not, the shrewd policy will be to, get
as many volunteers and substitutes now as
W. W. ?ODD
Tie Britur.—The destruction of
the greater portion of Ohambersburg included
a total loss of all the printing material, books,
paper, &0., belonging to i. Y. Humber it
Co., publishers of the Valley Spirit. The pit
per has always held high rank as an able - and
tearless Democratic journal, and the propt:ie•
tors are anxious to re.establisti it as soon as'
possible. To do so, however, they are com—
pelled to appeal to the generosity of their
Democratic friends for pecuniary aid which
will be regarded as a loan and returned when
prosperity again overtakes them.
sirDonstions may be left at this office,
which will be duly acknowledged, and for—
Wariel at oft
Special NeSees.
Yaws Ti Znitntatio:lll6'lielriflerf6ll4
inbora on Saturday list, end were treated with
so much kindness litatre shall not soon for
get the trip. In the evening's meeting was
held in the °spat:dons ballot Ili!-VPek Nee.
for the consideratiOnof National attars. -Al
though notice had only been' glrsi during
that day, sad then merely by nelgbbor to
neighbor, the attendance irm quite large,t4td
we ware pleased ta see among limn present
s noueiderable number of ladies. The exercises
were , oPened by ai short, but well delivered
speech, by M. fiSo. A. Allen, after whiab,
the writer of this 'trade being celled upon,
- t", de some remarkS that, it is trusted, buds
gccil effect. Afterithe sposoltas, our friends
allied in their Strength," and made us
up a handsome "donation" of thirty new sub
ecribere, every one; payingin advance.
The Democrats of Edinb oro Clain, 'add they
are fairly entitled C 4 the credit, of being the
"banner" town of She ionnty,.sq far as fairly
organization ii concerned. Their club has
now been operation about s month, r santt hello
weekly meetings, Vrhioh are well attendeti.-
All the proceeding are open. to the public,
and there is good reason for believing; that
the fair, frank manner in which Democratic
views are furnished to the public, as contras
ted with the sneaking conduct of the Loyal
Leaguers, and the logical way in which they
are discussed, hay/ already had their Laflamme
in leading many from the paths otpoilitfeal
folly ' The speakers are usuallymen of their
own community, some of whom are as capable
of discussing publlo topics as nine tenth, of
the political armfuls who make loftier preten
sions. I
Where all entertained ue with so mach cor
diality, it is difficalt to particularise, but we
feel that we owe eSipecial.thanks to Mr. Isaac
Van Tassel and his excellent lady, for their
unremitting efforts to make our stay pleasant.
They possess the {rare talent of making one
"perfectly at home" as soon as lie steps over
their threshhold, }nil our brief residence un
der their roof will, long be treasured as one
of the most agreeatile incidents of our life.
We can appreciate the following true story
from the Warren *ail, because we happen to
be acquainted with the partici connected with
it. If our readers could have heard it related,
is we did, from th i elips of one of the •sitfertrs,
they might have considered themselves lucky
if they 'escaped without split sides :
Pleading at the Bar.
Not many nights ago there happened a lit
' tie "suokemstaeue" in our town deserving to
be home-mattered;- A brace of legal pilule •
men from otherwheres and a trio of Warren
lawyers and officials, bad been engaged for
weary hours it one of those heavy business
transactions only known in these parte since
the days of oil speculation. Scores of thou.
sands had been equated and changed hands.
The hour was late and the heat oppressive.—
. The party of the! first part and the party of
the second part were dry—very dry. Natu
rally they wanted some beer. Beer was only
to be had down at. —, so down they went.
the party of.thei'.-firet part from abroad went
in ahead. The - miux of the mug, with face as
genial as the moon and rubicond as his pots
of ,ale, was in the bar alone. "Any beer !"
Dutchman budded. !slot's have IL" A.eol
enin shake of the l ead was the only responsp.
- "Why not !" Au 'emblem point to a borough
onlinenee on the wall, prohibiting Italia after
a terrain hoar, was the answer. -"Ah, you
Wive proper regulations hen; yes, fine thing;
bat. you ' ll relax regulat ions
rule for gentlemen,you
said thel orator, for the first time
stubbed at the bar. Another shake of the
head and twinkle of, the eye "Oh come,"
said the second spokesman, growing more ear
qiestly persuasive from his thirst and - the
(mall of the ale pets behind the bar, "you're
not in earnest ?" !Another shake like the nod
of Jupiter only more so. "Well." clamed in
a third, you cian't retail, we'll pay for a
keg, only bring on the beer." Another-Sol
emn shake of the head, and thifirst battalion
utterly nonplussed by the strategy opthis- eh
server of the law in such case made and
changed their base and fell baok.ip or
der—but awful diy.
Thereupon a Warren practitioner, who bad
been to the Legiilature, came in on' a flank
movement, saying : "Come, now, these men
are gentlemen frail:Et abroad. There will be no
harm come of guess you had, better give
us a little," and !he never looked more win
ning. Thereat the beer man's eyes fairly
twinkled. He must have his joke. 110 lid
I he . member foul.' lie remembered the Leg
islative tinkerini with his ale mugs, and re
solved to hula the legislator responsible for
all the mischief, even a borough ordinance.
Striking an attitude worthy of Burton in the
merriest. moments of •Tocolles, and shaking
his Niel finger first it the ordinance and
tutu at the iegiAlator
.gesping fur ,beer, he
said : "hare, you feteh to law—now -0Y dam
you Buyers! Not a dhrap!" The cane was
closed ; the pleadings ended. The parties
never -plead so bard before, and lost the
case and the retainer too:. Next time, gen
tlemen, just bring your grog from Erie or
Franklin. -
SOLDIgIeB Laviraa.—The following is a let,
ter received by a lady of this city, from her
husband, who Isla soldier in the Army of the
Potomac. It 'KO give our readers Boise idea
of the of feeling amongst the eMdlera,
and also of the kneans used to keep them in'
ignorance of, the political, issues before the
country :
Dear — Wife :-41 received two copies of the
Obeerver - last wciek, the first I got in several
weeks. It isialmost impossible to get a Deml
ocratio paper its the army ; most every Ow
ner!. receive allows evidence of being opened
before it reaches me. If yon should happen
to seethe editor, ask him to stiek_the wrapper
to the paper, so', they can't slip it oat, withoot
mutilating the ipaper. Notwithstanding ell
their vigilance the truth is rapidly progress
ing in the mind of the soldiers, ind the Dem
ocratio party among us is gaining rapidly.—,
'they cannot prevent us from talking, and the
pO4tical topics of the present day are freely
discussed f but o give you a sample 'of whet
someXf Lincoln's satillites would do if they
could, tt certain Lieutenant declared that if
anotherNe^ • of ,that Copperhead Observe
Cline again he would hike it to
1:1 report me as aCopperhesd.
Laro Hen._
Taylor did the-Messenger
that.. am I! sent to' him demanding his
surrender at Buena Vista, "tell him to go to
h'-1." There ha s s, been a great number of ,
soldiers afflicted with a disease called "nigger
en Me brain," btit a certain quack doctor, whose
name is Lincoln, has been dosing them with a
certain panacea, for the last two or three
years, which hita had a ;Etagiti effect, and in
many cases hati performed , a radical cure. I
hope he will Continue to apply his remedy un
til all who are roubled'with that truly loath
tome disease, n the army, ari \ permanently
oared. You say you wish the war,witainded;
so do I, and all others who-have the best in
terest of our country at heart. We ftre look.
ing forward to ithe Chicago Copvett4dot4 Antiqi- '
listing their action will have. & Itatacdettlaftn•
ewe in consunimating our desires' in rkard
to the war. i \
Affectionately yours, - -
OSITUAItY.-+We learn that among the in—
stantly killed in the battle of the 20th ult.,
before Atlanta, was D. R. P. Biggins, a son of
Hon. Wllliam!Siggins, of Yotingsville, and a
member of tho 111th regiment. Ells father
writes to us the following interesting particu—
lars of his :
" Porter Siggene was born the , -;-9th day
Of !tidy, 1840,! in linangsville, Warren oonnty.
He enlisted is the fall of 3861 Isr1lte:111th
regiment, and served two years nod, eight
month,. -He ,Iwas wopaded in sire battle of
Antietam iri 862. lie was in alt the buttes
that were to n ht by his regiment, when .be
to attend. rt of the time he was in the
h os pital, butt always realy when well. He
wrote me a greet many lattets;:alying he
hoped that t:44 woull spare-hit health i and
life to get home to see me, but, if zot,'ltio,hpped
he would meat me in Heaved, audits .one of
his late letteil, he said : "If I em killed in
Wile, I will ale for my muggy." ", 4 „ ,
Over imp says if the Provost Marshal eaves
a draft oa him, he
, thall surely let it itAro to
protest. • •
The Ufa tiro Normal School opened on the
17th inst., with about 800 pupil--the largest
Steimkthoe eta give* ;
o'Leidertafirso6l474 of this aiti'slor
ticipated in a great German concert at Buffa
lo, on Monday night, and are highly compli
miltiloihribeas who heard
:Carpenter's Text Book for Democrat., a
ty be this pXrt of the State, can be had of N.
T. Hums, at Union, and Amos Heath, at. Cot
-17%• - • .I •
• Tkirofttilfy iforritir says of the ellioter
of the sermons preached on Fact day in that
place, that "they were eminently loyal." The
query naturally arises—were they as "emi
nently" Christian t
Capt. M. Cronin, of this city, has been
given eommiand of the 11. B. gunboat Cricket,
and ordered to duty on the White river. He
is a.gallanCand faithful officer, standing high
in the 'stee l , of his men and the department.
The " boys " connected with the Tenth
New York airtmery have passed the following
by acclamation :
Thii we will eternally hate white
beans sad black Republicans."
Colonel hfoorehead's regiment of Penneyi-
Tanis vollinteers recently returned home,
their time having expired. The regiment
went out over one thousand strong end comes
back with !sixty-four men and eight Moen.
Where are the balance ? Let the pave an
swer 1 •
Mr. 11. B. Balch, of Meadville, advertises
itrour coluinns for agouti; to -sell “Cobbin's
IllustratedlDomestic Bible" and "Revolutions
in Europe.'" They are both works of great
value, and iire should judge that good, active
agents could make a profitable thing out of
The citylCouncils, on Monday evening, ap
pointed Berklimin Grant, Esq., Commissioner
to visit Hirrisburg, and endeavor to obtain
credit for the naval recruits shipped from this
city and county since the commencement of
the war, and not hitherto credited. A better
selection could not have been made.
We learn from the Meadville Journal (Abell
tion) that "proceedings have been instituted
against Sheriff Krick, of that county, and two
or three of his friends, for an alleged conspir
acy' in compelling contrabands to elitist as
enbelltuteit. If the facts are as reported, it
is an ugly case. We await further develop
ments before giving publicity to particulars."
We learn from a source which is considered
reliable, that Hon. C. L. Vallandighant and
Hon. S. 8i Cos will both address the meeting
at Penang*, on the 10th of September. It is
believed by the managers of the meeting that
a larger. number of persons will .be present
Utah were ever convened in one assemblage in
North Weitern Pennsylvania.
A correspondent of the Chicago Tihaes, re
ferring t 4 the fuse made about negro soldiers,
thinks this country is just now in somewhat
the dame position that the famous Dan Tucker
got into ' !! , once upon a time," as related in the
Daniel l'uoker (dumb a tree,
And polled bis bill in for to see.
De lined Waked bto by de 'now.. .
bittlisral for inisism to pail Ala out.
.• , M•
lEinteowly New .of last week contains the
folloWistglelpificaut notice '
Betwil.--One of the proprietors of this of.
floe to pitta -taaknowo. Whoever will return
him to hin family of small children, shall re•
oeive a reword of ten cents (not spool.) and
no questions asked."
The molter is farther eiplained by the fol
lowing: i L -
' "We Op a littte behind time 'With our Paper
this week; reasen--our foreman ana female
compositeir lakedadtiled' just after we got to
press, which left us in rather a fix."
"How large is Erie!" inquired a
stranger hf a resident of this city who was on
a visit te one crthe loastrusg town of the
West. "We base about 15,000 inhabitants,"
was the rCply, "Is it possible why I should'nt
judge see so few advertisements of home
timehaeidessin your papers, that I irony
Supposed! it to be a dull little town of two or
three thOusand." Ont readers can judge for
Ithemselvcs, after glancing over, either of our
r oily journals, whether the stranger's opinion
was well'founded or not.
-' The Hartford Mtn dedicatee the following
'*.dnate,in Garieral Great and Gangral Sher
man :—;
0 hape deferred 1 O endless waiting
Blamed if this ain't aggravating I
,Bielatnoo_d t easeeti tan miles swag,
4W - wrell tiled be in'ffsftn's Bar
Beyond the Chattahoochee river,
. Atlanta's further off than ever 1 ,
0 I. ;strangest thing e'er known in war, ,
Thou art so near, and yet so far !
Oar rieadera in Edinboro
. and *laity, who
are in need of groceries, provisions, crockery
ware, or any of the menifold articles connect
ted with household necessities, will. find it to
their advantage to deal with Butterfield &
Van Tat Mel. They have a stook of goods that
cannot besurpassed anywhere in that teeth:in,
and are'really selling thesn — lOwer'than the
same articles can now be purchased in New t
York. Aside, too, from other considerations,-
"Ike" and "Bill" are bOth such clever chaps.
that it would be almost a pleasure to pay them
double the price for their goods, for the mere
sake of 4ealloai with them. We "endorse" the
firm to any extent.
We had a call on Friday afiernoon from Mr.
Cowles;', Postmaster at Springfield X Roads, in
retinae, lel the' return:of - Mr.-Porter% paper,
allusion to which has been twice made in our
column. Ile denies , any participation in the
act, and seemed as anxious as ourselves to
have it traced to the guilty source: Mr. Cowles
impressed as as - a man of integrity, and the
information which his neighbors give us in
regard to his character. in addition to his own
statements, fully oonvinces us that ha is not
in fault. The affair is wrapped lamas* mys
tery, but we have no doubt that some mali
cious rascal surreptitiously got access to the
paper, and, in order to do either Mr. Porter
o'ilinrselves injUry, coal flitted the fraud. We
shall not let the inTetitittatiou rest for a Ishii,
The Girard Vsion7is or the opinion that the
and Lowry,
' ' iot, is ""the old fight i
' t the Brie thillal 'Company : The vote in Warren county on the amend-
I." We, on the , contrary, Imola to the 04)11Ititati011i, was as talkers: For
Company have given them : the amendment, 1,851; ag ainst 14 229; me_
dest trouble about the matter. ! j eetty i s r em, 1, 6 22.
i darrel between Mr. DeCamp
Rev. - A. j Barrow', formerly of Fairview,
_,owr t he out and the in—and aside ,in this
coon -4 , is
of ata "Ridge
.4 that goner trait of our natures which ipieee'pel church , sk -a u k o b itrit .
=taw owl! •I gi sysarititize.•:trith, the:Weaker • . e . •
we do
not believe a bundled
voters ii, ...
.Th total majority in this• State . 'for, the
amendment giving soldiers the :right to vote
the county care muclNirbitth aide -whip,: A i me is about
Republican is certain Tt away from h o me elected; of some I 94,600.
. -
stamp or soother, and tbil \ only hop. comfy-I Pim Lieut. Whitney, Co. I,: 1934 Peee's
alive Citizen' possess le, thikia the volunteers, stationed at Bsitintoie, Will please
new candidate will step for and carry the i accept oar thinks tar favors received.
day, whose success will refieet more credit on The fall amount of tar. due frputihis county
the district than our present t!tididtutte at • to the iltattyisearly $l%OOO, has been paid by
Rarrisbarg eveei.- . .
~A,- , .. ' Tresenrse atiliiert; ~.. - ,'' ' -
' ~...t,
Oar* eatilaptillattit uor - , - ,
evidently didpiloelialinassiis ell Kr. Lor
ry's ozpenon Whindill'ilian a disposition to
be mansion* Amick Coati lion induced t h e
editor to hafts mil • illonseino . as the fol
lowing ? Speaking, of Mr: Latrip's renomi
nation, hear
• t a lk: aakhas deal:loM_ L tl4l visit
sue% inanitestationt Of pub* etilldeuss.. l His
whole official term has been devoted, ow
swipe of labor and manliest of personal
sue and comfort, to the national, welfare in
genetwl, and to the; Waists of his &tied in
particular. Monopolies of whatever nature
have found in him atE mean oppOnsat, until
he has justly sensed the ektarstre• of the
people's champion. Before 'his bitter denun
*lions copperheadiwn and treaeoa of every
form hale been forced to shrink bask'ibut
His whole senatorial term hal •been - Marked
by signal ability and &Mien tO country."
Thi New omits but Udall to maks its
remarks °owlets. It should have added a
postscript, w Artetsus .Ward doSs tolls rids.
tlesouittousoing thst—
"The ohne is not wits. It eremitism i"
"Eureka!" He is disooveredi at hit. W 9
hive waited In anxiety for some of the rich
Republicans In North_-Western Pennsylvania,
Who are exempt from military service on ao
coutits of their age, and • who have Often de
clared the tif they were young men they
would gwto the wir, to avail themselves of
: the sew feature, in the law, by putting "rep.
- ritsentelive recruits" 1n • the We, bat wntil
Monday we had not borne( of i eatery One
in the, five ,"loyal",counties of Brie, Crawford,
Warren, Mercier and 'Penang* who bid done
so. Patience is rewarded at last, end we
freely make room. In our columns to record
the sot 'of that one magnanimous individual,
who alone, in this section of the State, has
obtained's "representative recruit." His name
is Robert Sproul, Esq., and he it si resident of
Oil City. May hie example be generally
lowed, ,
The Crawford county ora
.00mpleitui that
the Erie county Pair hat' en !fixed for the
same days as the ens for that county, at Con
neantirille—the 6th, 6th and 7th of °etcher.
It statics, with good sense, that it would be
to the advantage o of both to have separate
Sy the way. why Is it that oar AgricAltural
Society has only advertised in One paper in
the county,and that the Republican organ? Has
it; too, become a mere political 'Machine, and
is the 'withholding of patronage from their
county journal intended se a hint to Democrats
that their encouragement is. not the
Fair T
- The Cleveland Leader thinks test Pete*
be obtained before the close of another year,
and asks the question: "Shell there - be a
Peace ouch as the! North wants, or a Penes
such as the South 'wants?" We are inclined
to the belief that! it will be...neither. Both
sections hold to views at present that will for
ever forbid them from living in concord' if,
retained, and until each yields some of its ex
treme notions, such a thing 'as- Peace and
Union ietin utter impossibility.: Nothing-but,
conellistien and 'compromite; i n' giingqtear
of one side and of the other, will' enable the
people of this country to live together again
in amity and prosperity.
Arlhigtoa,Kelley.R-Leaii'e Minstrels. from
Chicago, will give two entertalments in this
city, 'oomosincincon Monday ei ening neIL—T
They are now in Clevelind, where the papers
speak of them me a first- class Troupe. We
cannot speak of them front personal knowl
edge, but judging from the comments Of the
press in places where they-have exhibited, we
take the Troupe to be worth the patronage of
those who enjoy negro minstrelsy.
The Lyons (N. In) litoubliems tells the story
of an unfortunateyonng !tan noarlhat f pliee ?
who, "upon putting on -hit v' Sunday-go-to
meeting pants letiely, they laving - hung near
an epees window, found, when too late, and to
his sorrow, that a colony of hornets had !ta
ken possession oflthe inner portion of thegar, ,
Diehl. - Before he could releasehlittielV i the
insects natiattingiliim so m7orolittit4 lo was
an on weenie 111 1 / 1 3-
her of days
We direct attention to the communication
beaded "Peace and the Republican Party,"
in another part of to-day's taper. It is are-.
markably clear and logical 'statement of the
queetions at issue, and deserves tote earefilly
and widely read.' The author is a gentleman
of prominence and ability, who voted fur Mr.
Lincoln in 1860, and his firiteaciniribiciitin to
our columns is of so excellent l a character that
we trust to hear from him often again.
Mr. Alfred H. pease, the pi r inist, we See by
the Buffalo pipers, in spending his ''summer
vacation, in that city. He Contemplates icon
giving a concert in thislttity . I We f i r the ;
pressiori left by the exquisite young geotle-,..,
min on his last visit to Brie WlLenot of such IL.
nature as to insure him a large audience-,'
The following; persons have been elected sii•
rectors of the Pkret Natienat,Sank., of iftFcen :
Chapin !fall, Thomas Struthers, Lewis F..,
WstsoniC. 11._Curtis, Wm, al Brown, Ni F.
Abel, S. J. Page, Jamee H. Eddy.. Mr. r flall
was chosen President,and Arr. Moses Atigober
Cashier.. -
it is noticed of late tlushßopperheads" are
getting to he a verdiatlietioliigtionr
at . Certain parties Who 'sued to be Virri •
bly annoyed at tite "malts," oi l l i nott toaster
courage enough , to treat them --with common
respect. What can be the matter ?
A woman attempted to commit adage at
Cleyelind, on • Saturday evetting ? .but finding
the water:cooler or damper than she expected,
bellowed lustily for help, .and, being rescued,
went home wet, 'but wiser:
Here is so /utensils/ ohms problem—how
to move and mate in two Weems : ;
John moved his arm 'round Julia's nook;
She moved one sqUare,and whispers—check :
He nothing daunted, moves right 'Amiga' '
His Ups to hms, end tinns out—inutte
The itepublhaa - Cteloao "are in
Venango county resulted in the selection of
8. P. -hloCalsnont. over 'the present Congress
man, Amos Myers. They take queer stun. to
make H. C.'s out of, down am way. •
flo far as oni, acquaintaaco goeii We believe
General MoMenai to be ihenatiedramm choice
of the Democracy of . North Wester' !ennsyl—
viola so the amine* of the Chisago Conven—'
-t g •
Thieving of all kinds appears to prevail in
the western part otthe Con:l4 to *larger ex—
tent than ever. A few years training in Sher
iff Sweiley's High School and &aiding House
would be beneficial to the mash.
. • " assettsc-senucer P a r;
&e., sea 40 promised by the Widows, Orphans,
and n r ex g t
= of his of those who ha sisove died in the
att a ,,b7,Blllllers
solved er disease %Attracted, upon application
to G. P. lenzrnrra, Lioensod Military end
Naval Claim Agent. Moe in the Common
Osissoll /4tun, Wright's Block, • corner State
Kris, lts Mk ~ pander the Dispatch *S2 4 ) 0
•• 7-y
-. Miss M. Hines bilis this opportunity
to inform he Wits of Eris and vicinity that
she his prompt braes. sad , Olosk making, in
Nosensweig's • Blodt, Id' story, fronting the
Park. All orders will be promptly Wooded
to„ and done in '
the most fashionable style.
.ang64' ,
A Hi* Lrrssa.- 7 Teri sot your seems in
oornilsid ; it has thousands of ears;
Redollies /hum* Salve !
Over ill other haft; preparattoss.
, .
I C 17823 BURNS
dIIRES reLorqs,
I i i . tuns csArran HAMM.
_ arias OLD SORES.
I 1
1 i
f 4lit
; • clans cottha.
, .
. .
I _ •
. .
{ Guam sUrreal.
REDp i nvys RUSSIA SALVE!f. -
buns PROft szrrelt piar4.
1 1
• i -
• 1
t. • , _ ow= Au turemeous DIS EASES
i 1 ors 'tsunami, OLKERALt.y.
tit io lr trim fraesiury torrential matter or iojazi
ass and la no ease will its application Interfere
with the ramediee that nuy be prescribed by a regular
physistaa. The Medical unity, throughout - the Union,
in sttsatinoos to its prase. The more its virtues boom*
know* the pester is the demand, and it is now coned
wed Or lindissmasabla Sittels of household necessity,
brine Mod alike by rich and poor.
, I
Ii prompt ta ritual, iimover pea at own, and reduces
the WOO Mom looking swellings and inflammation, as
Ifby Staigi—thus affording relief and a complete etre.
Tim length of tithe tido salve has been before tne public
1. ooitstmi proof that it Is no 'Snitch-penny" prof ars:
lion,pit forth to halm a dello, oat popularity, and then
sink to 'rise no mom. i
I MP 044,124 Greta • B.S. "Ilia
Vor,ffal• hy P.M/1010AL Se. 4111 liroadwa - y, x.
T, 3.11 T. MIME (111:„'No. Treasent Street,
and kr all Dreiggiste and Country zit 48km/rms.
angri.4-Iy. ,
;~~ : • c •
Siegel, Vincent , &= Co.,
CARBON - &11 -41.149
41 . 14 9 Mies; Ligens, Cigars Jai
k T.O B
t .
.4,7 r. 3stliarket Prices.
. . , . New Firm. , - - 1- --
LOLE'4 P. CROOK, having taken in' his
an, , I Jamey 1., a partner, on the Ist da.i, of April,
1 'twin the ern: name °Unlit.; P CROfilf, at SON,
lidheito hits • wttlement of big old soeciant. i All per
soii loswwingtletenselves indebted to him are *sorted
to lean end settle without delay.
, . ~ --. •
I ..•_,., .:: win. la 1 , •
't. AID II ILIVP/10141.1111 OP
Stadow Ink, /nns, Sean tad Blinds!
s i irou
Swing, Media( * liming I
i 1 DONS TO 011 Dis. ,
Misr as Peadt.l%. bettkpie'Stb and bib Sts.,
XA'I E . PA.
I 1
life reepeetfally call the attention of the public to our
feellitiee for dein, work in the twat of style, promptly and
en Oseemonable terms. Having fitted up entirely new
shdps, with superior oseblairy, we feel oonlident of giv
ing main satudeetion.
1:r Low 01164 will merreprompt ntteatioa.
• • gnat - - JAN ES P. CROOK & SON.
r for which tba MOW autalcat price lianas paid
R. S.
NU It,
y+ R.
• N 0.2 Brown'. Not 1.
$i a, ao it ,
Coo be, had aplo of
- febnitf. '
; L i
HZ most useful and eoonomleal Pillar ever offered to
1 thse . dt , 11 , 1 .. . wear of mbairrer esolor, taste or smell
this smobbee Wows*" es afar aa esTetal.
A. eplandirt for hots* aloes and private families.
roe Melo li Torrxers gwPostum,
*sees. •
H • •• - BLANK 1300K1 ,
i iiesyscArm OY WIIITIC ritsprrinta !Aran,
Hosea st the e -
H 0 s p F , •
!- Par solidi the P ado* ;Plies,
.. I. , I .
.:. , 1 4 01 E.
Sul tally eptablishiet the' superiority of
• I •
(Siseeeasors to C. Siigtll,4
Grueries, Fleur, Perk, Fish,
: 141ME n
1 1,
il ..-
Eletitent Brown's Rotel and French St.
Wool I Wool ! ,
0/1811, '
11; Ili . ;
, 1111 !AID
rwiErAnz EITRAcT!
Doctor Hoofland's
11)1t. C. M. JACKSON, PKILAD'i, PA
;matcher, direatie or Nervous Debiliiy:beseases
of Ms ifidneys. mid diDinatta ari4ingfrom
as Constipa.
' Don, 'sward Piles,
Ranges or Blood to the
Haul, Acidity of the Store.
sch, Nausea. Ifeeftburfhpiaelmi
• for Wood, Fanner or Weight t the
Stomach, dour gructatious,
g or
Fluttering the pit of the Stomach, Swim.
winged the tlead,Hurried and difficult Breathlug,
flatted:lg at the Mart, Choler dollbenting sen
sations when Ina lying posture, I olylslon , D o t.
er Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pala is the
Dead, Denehescy of Perspiration, Yelloweees of •
thellkin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Rack. •
Child, Limbo, he, Sudden Plustra, 0:
Fleet, Horning In the Flesh, Coo.
etant Imagination of Well,
and greet Depree•
sloe of
spirits. •
They IF/11. coma Ilse above disoomp ID 11 17-aibe ealga
out of • bushed.
Prime J. tlnitina Brow, D. D, Lain of the Excgdo
sago of litheine Leftilukre.
Although lotto favor or recommend intent
liedisines in through dhdruet of their *Fedi
sate and elltets; -I yet know of no sailleleat :sewn why
a man may not troWy to the bend' he believes hiourelt
to have readved from any simple prepentdoe, le the
hops that be may thus eurdeibute to the basset of others.
. Ido this the more readily in mordto Boonand'a Ger
son prepared by Dr. C. M.Jaetgq,wl.tbiedty,
because I Ina prejudiced them for may years,
under eh* imprecate% that a ey st eore &key as alcoholic
mixture. I sin indenter to my hind/lace. Shoemaker,
tor tl e remind of this pro proper jadlas by tests,
and for encouragement to Wilma, when suffering from
gnat end long continued de bil ity. The scoot time bot.
Ur of these Gliders, at the Waning of the present year,
trot followed by evident relief, and restorstion to a de
gree of bodily mad mental vlgorwhich I had not It for
sir months before,and bad almost demairedof ropthilut.
!therefore thank God and my friend for directing to
the use of them.
Ihnurea, Jon 2.1,1811. J. Ni,WTON DROWN
Then ►re many preparations sold under the name of
Bitters, pot , -up 111 quart bottle', compounded of the
cheapest TWA" or Coma= ram, casting frOla 20 to 40
casts puma/is/06e SIM dleralsed By Anise or Oortan•
der Seed.
MS afar of Sitters has canoed and will continue to
muse, as long u they can two old, hundreds to ills the
_tenth of the drunkard. ity %NHS sus the system - is kept
continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stimulants
of the worst kind, the &dr* for Lkinor is created and
t np, and thsi remit Is ail the honors attendant upou
rranlnN'o life and death.
!or those who dolts wad ma fusee a Liquor Hitter,,
we publish the following receipt Get Oat Batik Hill.
Mantra Gorman Ott gion mid sax with ?few fieens
deed Bread(' sr whiskey, and the rtault Inaba
ration that willfor oiled la asedklnal lirtarge and in,.
esoellenee any of the numerous Liquor Bitters :n thr
usartet, and will ma each fat* You will have all the
virtues of illoijianifo !Wen in con/mottos oitja a toad
undo of Liquor. at. a comb leo plies thee thaws %filler
ureparations will toot you.
itzamilin s Salem and Fries& at Saldlen.
We call the attention of all having »Lathan' or friends
In the army, to the tact that, .I.IO.3FLAND'ai German
, tittere" will cure nine-Writhe of the Manses induced by
sposuree and privations (am dent to estop Ills fa the
lasts, published almost daily to the newspapers, on the
- film - brute ster,iront be nolle4Ctliat a very large
uraportlon are guttering from debility. Svery nese of
!hat kind tan be readily eared by lionflanes item=
Bitters. 4.4soesee resulting from 411/0,41/1/ of the diges-
Unt rgaturere enelldny.remored. We have no hesita
tion .0 stating tbst, if thee , Batten were freely used
sarong our soldiers, hundreds ef lives might be .. L eed
otherwise will be hen
WD call particular attention to the foli o e m ,
able and well astiriatieatais care cat one a& - We nation's
haw*, itboacultfa. to sae his Grit -Unique. Nos beau
saved by the Bitten:"
PnitrOtt,rnia, August 234 1861 \
Itlmam Jewe 4 , teem —Kell. potholes., your hoot
latrs German Bitters has raved my life. 'there
mi.ukelbthis. it is vouched 'fur Iff numbers of my
comrade!, some orwhoset names are encoded, end e 1...
were fully cognizant of all the cirCtlMStarlCeS ul 1111
/..m, and have been for the last font year., a member of
cherman's celebtated battery, and under the herocillei...
command or tieptein R . B. Ayres. Through the exp.,
.are attendant upon my arduous duties, t was attacEe.f.
In November last with inflammation of the loop, and
mis for osventyanit days In the haunt it. 'ate was fol
towed by great debility, heightened bl bit strati.
of dry
nteq. I was then removed from tie V. Lilo /jemmy, sot
ant to this city on board the o f
from which I landed on the 2.81.11 01 - June Slime thet
Waal bate bebn *bout ea low so au l one could b. and
VA retain aepth d vitality. For • west ur more I
sal scarcely able to swallow anything, a on if 1 sica force
a monied down, it was fromecliately throe a up soils.
I could not even keeps glans or water ou soy stomach.
Life could not last under those circumstances ; and ac
cordingly the physicians who had beet vrevildiag faith
though nnauccesdally, t.. rescue taw from the
of the dread Archer, frankly , told me that they
nose se fur me and advbed ma to am a clergy
man, and to mason& disposition of toy limited funds
se b stsulUill me. An acquaintaoce who visited sue at
"the Anspital, Mr. Frederick Stea:iron of Sixth below
Arab Street, advised me, sa • forlorn hippo, to try your
Bitten, and kindly procured a Dottie. From the time I
commenced taking them the gloomy ahadow of death re
ceded. and 1 am now, thank God for it , getting better.
Though have taken but two bottles, a have stayed ten
pounds, and I feel sanguine of Whole permitted to reieiu
MY tab and dwthithn. Stem whom t hate Beard nothing
t r eighteen months; tor, geothamen, lam a 10,41 Via
it t i
the To your OF
nlllt Bittern '1 owe the certainty of lifs which has
Alma the. of vague hors--to your Bitters vili I ow.
the 'rlorlows privilege of spin clasping to my bosom
Mom who are durst to me he life.
Very tray you; ISAAC AIALONL:
We filly mmear la the truth of the above statemout,,
acute bad thomdred of meta, oar comrade, lb. Malone.
!metered to health t
JOIN CVDDLIZAOIf lat NU? York Battery. °corm A.
lostxr, Co. C., 11th Maine. Lawn C/EXTALVIr; 944 So.
York. 1. L Smut& lit Artillery. Battery E. J. B.
Ir.suram.„ Co. G, ad Vermont. EM MY B. Jima, Co .
8., do. limn' T. litacixot.u.o A Co. o,4th Maine. Jet).
I. Irmo, Co. I, lth Satz& Hulas! Kooken. H.,724
NW York. NATiam B. Tiros" Co. r i 96th Peons.
A xmutw J.l4xt.tu, Co. A., id Vermont. loom Jo:ci
ao*, Co. E., 10611 Tana.
dee that OM itOstia. of 110. 1. imam: ti Si the
trearrze of colt bottle.
Pelee per Beetle 75 tie., or 111 Dm hr U.
/lama yens mama drusitet not Woe the do
mot b• pat of by say of We latealeittes as
ai r be silted la in ra ulest r leg mad to la, sad os
NO. 631 ARCH 13TRRET. •
,macoo•ois to C. M. JA OX & 003 hanuerOza.
-re rose RALE!? onkalate mai • Duda" to' raw
toes hi Um Vetted MOIL
•a dieordered Liver or &rowel(
IF roe DO, tisk