The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 18, 1864, Image 2
erit-Obstriter. THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1864 CURIUM VISILLSON IT TIM Pions IS SIX PlllOll Or 41xnuaAx Lllll/1T —Andrea Jadisso. , - ritsum. 411,01/418 B. 14CLIIWS. of Posooytvauda. Tuns TRISIDINT, MEN OMER, .f Bettodir. eSalii . oat to tle ilsolaton ef the DetnotraUa National Contention.) ' • Te TLue fir Quarrelling. We heartily endorse the sentiment of a cotemporary, that now "the Presidential canvass is fairly opened, it behooves Dem ocrats to close up their ranks and sternly discountenance persons or cliques who may attempt to distract the party organi zation. The vital object with all, who olaim to be Democrats and patriots is to defeat the present Administration. This can only be done by the united action of all who believe that Mr. Lincoln and his advisers, are unable to properly conduct 'the war or restore the country to peace and Union. All the foolish! misnnder standing which has been rife among - Dem._ ocrata should not be tolerated' hereafter. it' those who call themselves War Demo crats are found denouncing those who claim to be Peace , Democtats, or vies versa, it is pretty cleir that every person so act ing is working directly in the interestirof the Administration. This thing cannot be tolerated. We have no time to waste in quarrelling with each other. The opposi tion which is forming against the present Administration compriseslzot alone peaceT Democrats or War Democrats, but it em braces as well conservative men who have hitherto acted with the Republican party through mistaken motives —of sincere radicals, who are disgusted with the imbe cility of Lincoln, and also a great number of discontented but patriotic citilena who do not really belong to any particular party in the country. All theaegiitierent representatives of opinion Ire now ready to act together for the overthrow of the present Administration ; and any person claiming to be a Democrat, whether of the War or peace stripe, who spends his time in denouncing his fellow Democrats, can not have the welfare of his party or his country at heart. Let us have no-more of such people. We must restore the dis cipline of the good old party, which never permitted wrangling in its ranks, and which subjected bolters and malcontents to the sternest party ,discipline. Let us have a union of all shades of the opposi tion for the sake of the Union and _of peace. The first thing to do is to pitch overboard Lincoln and all his works." Peen Orating tree the Itiieth. _ The Richmond Sentinel is understood to be the organ of the Confederate govern ment. Hence its declarations upo4 mat ters which pertain to the question of rela tionship between the North and jyouth are significant and 'important. For that rea son we call attention to the utterances of that paper through one of its recent issues. It says : "We of the South oontiider inde pendence as the first and great object of the war, and that separation is essential to independent* ; yet we shall be willing to listen to what you have to say on the • other side." The Sentinel says further : "You may offer us something that will se cure our equal righti within the Union. We don't say it would satisfy us, but the sub , ject is worthy of considerat*." We have always held on the question of closing this ruinous war, that if 'a proper termination were proposed—one likely to be agreed on—no matter where it came from—no matter from what side, and no matter through what channel—it would be accepted. It has been asserted—always vehemently by certain parties-that the South would never consent to peace ex cept on condition of independence, athis asseveration is by no means borne out by the declaration of the orkan of the South ern Government, Whether it be true or false ought to be ascertained without fur ther delay.. It. LINO' to - Petiole u Anaheim -The World's Washington correspondent Writes; "It is rumored and currently be lieved here that lir. Lincoln has under • consideration the propriety of proposing an armistice with the enemy, as a political manceuvre. This action on his part is said to be the result of the deliberations of the Administration politicians who recently met iii this city to .hold an inquest upon the President's unfortunate "To whom it may,, concern" document. .The tremen dous revulsion against fir. Lincoln which that ill.starred paper created all over the country, make; the shoddy politicians feel that some . step must be taken to delude 'the publio into the belief that, after all, the l'resident would favor a peace. Hence the rumor which obtains of his'intention .to seek an armistice." We give the story for what it is worth. - It is proper that we should add, that, in our opinion, Lincoln will never perform so sensible an act as to propose an armistice, even for political purposes ; ,or, if he does, it will be of such a nature that he will be satisfied from the start that the South will reject An Angst*, he fie.. The steamer Hibernian, from Europe, advisee us of a probable armistice, for nine months, between the Danes and the Ger mans ; also, a favorable prospect that the new_peace conference sitting. at Vienna will be able to arrive at such a complasion as will conduce to the interests ob peace. What evil fate is it that ociddemna us here in . America to fight on and fight ever —while the crowned toads of the Old World can secure armistices, and en' or upon the preliminaries of peace, with it much apparent difficulty ? Is the soh d to be the portion of America only, and the olive branch and dove for Europe alone ? - WHAT ♦ BUHL JOURNAL SETIL—The 'Memphis, Jackson, Atlanta Appeal, one of the most influential,' as 'it is one of the most bitter, rebel journals in the _ South, says: _ "The secession of - a conservative Demo. cast like McClellan to the Presidency, who would conduct tht war upon more hu mane yrinciplek, who would repeal the sannunpation proclamation, and probably make overtures to the South to 'ohm to the Union inth a guarantee of all ,gensti fa:Along rights, would do infinitely more to paralyze the South and build up are. construction pally in our midst—a most fatal oalamity--than the combined tikes, Ipt the punt party in power." CI , . New ~...... _ - ..• .. _ _. - :- Inipiewes it tilwfiell The last Crawford Democrat pu lights a lengthy statement, over the si ture of Mr. Clint. Roudebush, of Mead ' e. Ma- tive to. the managenrrit,pf t'thifll fri that county, which, if tvie, r desarres Skit. immediate attention ,o f Its ttOnal ash , thorities. Mr. .R., t he fkr ck .;-, ci ii, s ys, eis "strong in the Retinblieen“- - faitir; lint, "fratii asensaist - /foneswand- - dOty to a "much abused people, feels *ingrained to , "make this - excwhich hit name •ii j "attached". PHs statement was ; first pre seated to the editor-of 'thwerewPwit Jiarr: nal, the old Abolition organ of the county,l who refused to publish it, and he was: forced to wort to the columns of a Dem 4 ocratio paper in order to get the purports facts before the public. We snake' some extracts, in order that our readers my judge of the character of -the whole : • "Mr. Serene! Stewart.of Richmond tp.l Was drafted. Dr. Bata -pronounced him sound. Ho pia to H. •L. lifehmond $214; at Bett's office. 8 o'clock at night, and was exempted. r • "Harry Post, of Athens tp., was drafted and applied 'for exemption. The Exan3; ining Surgeon replied, 'that they were examining the' worst cases and throwing them out ; that if he would come in some other time With a V or an X, he would see if there could he something done.' r "Albert Foote, of Athens tp., is 'held to service.' Has not done a day's work foe. fourteen years—at times requires a cane and crutch. "Joshua Douglas, Esq., of Meadville P • "Andy Smith, of Athens tovrnabiP ; "Ed. Bally, "Anthony Smith " "Jas. Bidwell, " "William Kinney, of Rome " "Nelson Morey, of Rockdale " • "llriah Kelley, 14 11 All men whom their neighbors ow:udder as sound men as are in the county—have and can accomplish a great amount of hard labor—such as no .unsound man is capa ble of—were, all exempted. .0f these men, Anthony SMith paid Dr. J. ..Wilson,. and James Bidwell paid Dr. Robbitia sums rang ing from $25 to $lOO. - "Oliver Howard paid Sheriff Krick $O and was exempted. "A young man living at Riaggles',l butcher of Riceville,,._whotte mime lalid not learn , the front cords of one of big legs being cut, and able to use it only As one would use a cork leg, was drafted and at first pronounced sound, then paid mon ey to some one and was exempted. ;" "John Brannon, of Rome tp., whose son Kendrick was drafted, agreed with one Terry Blakesley, of Spartansburg, td free him from military duty for $lOO. Blakes ley joined with J. Clifton s Marcy, Marcy said to Brannon that Blakesley in sists upon having $25, and the Doctor will not go less than $l5, and asked for an other $25. Brannon offered $l2 -50, which was accepted, and Kendrick Brannon, aio able bodied man, i exempted. "Elisha Beardsley, of Athens tp., has had a leg broke, was drafted and Pre pounced sound ; went home for his $300; met E. M. Wheeler who told him he could get through for less morkey. Immediately upon being brought before the surgeon the second time, he said, 'lt seems strange I should have overlooked this, (passing his hand over the lame leg.) Of course you are unfit for service.' '-The above are a portion only of the ca ses procured." slit pest-Paw The New London Chromes(Repubii can) which has carried the names.of Liii ooin and Johnson at its masthead, "takes in its sign" with the following sioifloant article: GOOD-BY, LINCOLN. We do not expect the office-holders who nominated Lincoln to be honest, for their business is to cover up the king's deforndSies and make his leprous spots &A whits as swss The intelligent 'and° observant, portion ; of Lincoln's supporter*. will gradually work around to a true knowledge of the Presi dent's character and be governed &mold ingly. But to the nimble-voiced parrots who echo the sentiments of the papauok ers, we would recommend a mention from their silly gablings long enough to road the comments on Lincoln and his Admin istration made by such eminent "Copper heads" as Horace Greeley, of the New York Tribune; Bryant, of the New York -Evening Post; Thurlow Weed, "the father of the Republican party;" Dr. Brownson, Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, and the Congressional manifesto of Senator Ben Wade,' of Qhio, and Representative Henry Winter Davis, of Diarybuid, chairmen re spectively of-the Senate and House Com mittees on the rebellions States, addreised "To the supporters of the Government," and publiihed in the New York papers of Saturday. - We shall comment hereafter on the re markable and deserved denunciations of the President's course made by Wade'and Davis. For , to-day we will oonteit our selves with withdrawing from the support of "Honest Old Abe." Amonxiapers out West which lady tavelinthdrawn from Linotiln and taken up Freinont is the Kansas &ate - trfq"o, at Lawrence, and Helvetian, a Swiss pnpeq published at !ell, Ind. Arrest et a Ceegressami. - The telegraph informs nt that Hon. Wm. A. Hall, member of congress ;from the Bth district of - Missouri, residieg at Huntsville, has been arrested and sent under guard to St. Louis for using the fol lowing language : "I hold President Lin coin to be as Meal an enemy of the, Gov ernment as Jefferson Davis." If all the men who think so were arrested, i there are not soldiers enough Fader the cow- , mand of Abraham Lipoolzi to guard them. But if men are arrested. in Missouri for expressing this opinion, why should not men in New York, who use similar Ise.; guage, be dealt with in like manner Z The New York Resold, of Friday, says: 1 "Mr. Lincoln, in his high place ai Pres. ident of the United States, i s doings more today to prevent the spre ad and growth of popular freedoni than Rayons: could do with a half a million' Austrian sol diers." If Mr. Hall is guilty of.drime in express ing his hottest convictions, is not Mr. Ben nett f Buion Lirruso - .—ln a speech nude at a war meeting in Lynn, Mass., Senator Hen ry Ticl 114 on stated that more than twO bun. dreand twenty thousand men ilho re. sponded to the call of patrioliscia, had fallen in battle or sank by disease into soldiers' grave, ; while the wounded, maimed and, broken in health wore all .around, reminding the nation of the fear ful cost of its present struggle fer exist ence. Lruit be kept ccm4inually before the public), that the only reason why 1 peace cannot be obtained and conscriptions have to be made, is, "that Lincoln has iledused even to listen to propositions which may come from the South, unless they Audi, be preluded With a concession to no demand for the - 'abandonment of skifilf•i-11 mend which Lincoln has no earthly- right to mob; and Davis no earthly power to pint." . Three men and My (tattle were psi:4l4- W into the caul st %Milo ea - Wedaeidey sight, by the breakisi of as has bride". CLZ== ! 16 some of the attempts which are made !Itolessen the weight of President LineOln's irresponsibility for the abrupt _teraf,mtition of Pfig(o4iiii;:that 'tnight7'iefol teeultA in Pes#, and to taeritouie'PYrtiOtsrd th; poplar indignatioicleis teo titinifeat andzeiseral to'#eciPe the nobor of thi,o ministratinit and supporters, thei plea isitiade that *assns. My, Holcomb, were pot 'empowered to treat for Union as well as for peace. Where, is the prcrf . this TI But speculation open this pent is ulle. /seither Mr.. Lincoln, nor any one but the commissioners and those whit sent them, can possibly know in what clifirat:4 ter, with what powers, and for what' Pur pose they came. But certainty on thlese' points could - have been attained, and Mr. Lincoln failed to improve the opportunity: It is alleged 'that he did not absolutely refuse to receive them. But did he not di r scour. teonsly decline, by his very style of ad s dress. , id notify them of his readiness to so do , when they asked to be received ? What. would it have availed them M have gone to Washington, when the terms of Union and peace, or either, for which they I Cattle to negotiate, were already prescribed I _and predetermined ? Why promise to discuss with them "other substantial and collateral painta." it absolute subniisaion to the past. and future Prociamatious of Mr. Lincoln were all he had to offer? His telegram closed the door to discussion, and he knew it must have that effect. It watt addressed "to whom it may concern." It concerns you, reader, end us--it oon cams every Inhabitant of the Cnited States. Let every man concerned! in the salvation otthe United States. Let every man concerned in the salvation of the country, in his own liberty, in th e e Well being of his family, of his childr l en and their descendants for all time t 6 come, take it directly to himself—let him read it. carefully and ponder over it. It has ."made history." Is it an acceptance, er a cordial, courteous, 'manly welcome of "any proposition which embraces the res toration of peace" and "the integrity of the whole Union," which would stop this Woodshed and misery ? It is nothing of the kind. In exact conformity with the Administration programme since the date of the Emancipation proolamatim4 it is an indirect but positive refusal in adMnce to entertain any proposition of Union with _ out Abolition. Coupled with "peace" and "Union," it, contains a condition which Istr. Lincoln evidently regards as Superior in importance to either, or _both, which loverahadows both, and without which nei ther Union nor peach will be accepted by him. This condition is the "abandon ment of slavery," and with it the consti tutional right of self-government.. I. is scarcely credible ; but the telegram is gen uine. It came over the signature of "A. Lincoln," and is vouched for by Horace 'Greeley. i . .so The peace element, perhaps the Union element, in the South was so strong, it geom., as to necessitate the appointment of these commissioners, or representatives, or agents. The Union and peaoti element is so strong in the North as to compel Mr. Lincoln to qfeet a desire to treat with them. Cunning in political chicanery on a small scale, he always miserably fails when a' great question of statesmans hip" . presents itself to his narrow vision. He is incompetent to grasp it. Wiih singu lar fatality, he always does the wrong thing, at the wrong time, in I the worst way. Why this persistent obstruction of every .path leading to Union and pence ? The old plea that "he could not treat with rebels in arms" has been eiploded by his .ewn acts. He could "treat wit rebels in arms" for the burial of the ; why not for the salvation of the living ? He in sisted upon "treating with rebels in arms" for enchange of negro prisoners ; why not accept an offer to treat for the Prevention of future captures of white soldiers; and to depopulate the Libby prison? He will treat with them if they abandon slavery ; why not if they simply return to the Union ? He will negotiate with "rebels in arms" for any and every means of Carry - - ing on the war; why not to establish peace and Union ? Mr. Voorhees revealed the secret when he declared in Congress that Mr. Lincoln dared not receive propositiond for Union and peace, because he knows that . his party cannot max the war, and, that Au power and the rational= of the Union are incompatible. What say the people to thii i i ? Will 'they have Union and peace with constitutional liberty, or do they, to all these, prefer Lincoln t We shall see.:—FA ila. Asti Wilms ler the Ilhie Oteeener.) Peace and the Republican Party. - The recent Niagara correspondence and the discussion to which it has given rise hare gone far to demonstrate that the: time his sr. rived when we may sheathe our swords and close this bloody, this fratricidal war, on terms loanable to both 'anions, and Wag oaly to those who tight, aot - for Union, bat for personal 'and party each. i No word has ever so touched the heart of the great North as the fords of pens there spoken. There is eonsludve evident,. also, that the South are equally peeper - 4d._ aid equally: an=ions for pesos; With - trmaight men at the head of our national affairs "the paelficatioil of our coun try is settler so &Moult, nor i so distant as seems to be psi/ally supposed." The two great obstacles to peace are, and alwaye horn been from the first, the dream of indepeactosee on the past of the Routh, and the equally baseless dream of Military eman eipation and subjugation, on 7 the put, of the North. Both 'originated isi mutual ignorance sad contempt of the resources of etch, and the tenacity with which each would maintain its position. Neither of these dreams its possible ; and there is pretty good evidencel that hoth sec tions are nearly cured of their delusions. If the terrible experiume of the 'last four years shall prove an effectual remedy, as perhaps it wee the only one for our national diseases, we my cospatulite ourselves diat our sacrifices have not been in vain. .0a the question of maintaining the Union, the North, as the Boath have learned to their cost, area unit; naliul there ' be is the Re publioan party an extreme element that would prefer a dismiss pesos to a restored Union with slavery left In its constitutional relation to the States. There is aconmring evidence that the South are tighten to despair of indepesdnoe, and are ready to treat on the basis of Uiloa as an alternative to war.- The updates of the lest fon: years and especial*, this summa's eimpalps, have gone far to satisfy the North that the military con tome If the Beath i. an itspeisibUilf ; or, at . leitstihat it eau be:reached onlyaffeiyiere of gigantic and exhaustire• war. ~ r tin the 7'.i "blase cells men "znisies7 who talk as though a broad empire 'oetald be subjected to military execution. It is alsoWertain thst, if the war ' Pee on, we eau no 144 r tight by proxy, but must reader npersonal serviod, Substitutes, black dr white, cannot be obtained eztospt, at exorbitant rates rates utterly beyond the reach of most: upon whom the lot mutt fall. ills °hitting, also. that. our finances cannot much longer stand the strain that le put upon theca; to say nothing of the ever ilereaskig burdens which a continuance 'of lbsi_Vnt nec essarily implies, , The people are beginning to see, also, that the conquest 'of the South, if It were _possible, I would not bring peace. That to maintain oar/ control of - this conquered territory would rti-, quire a large standing army for an indefinite period in the future, which would exhaust and bankntpt our treasury, eat out our substance; undermine republican institutions and end in the utter ruin of both sections. • From such a picture the people are turning away In barrel . .. On every side, daily, maw be beard the anxious and agonizing Inqulry. l ""Can nothing be done to•stay the effusion of blood, and 'dose this horrible—this unnatural strife !" Can the ltepnblict party close the and bring peace to 'the oountry t I answer NO; and for- these reasons: Should the war close without the oradiestion of slaver: and the thorough abolitionising of the country, North and South, it is-plain that the Atiminls: tration Which has staked every thing on this Issue must loose its grasp on power and star render to the people the trust which they have so ctonlidingly committed tuit, and which it has so 'faithlessly betrayed. Political no., (mollies, therefoTe. compel' it to assume the position taken hi all its recent manifestoes, that of "the abandonmett of slavery." as the anteoedent -condition to "mot iations for peace. But peace, on these conditions, 'everybody knows is impossible, except after 'the utter exhaustion of the South; bnt this we hove seep would be remedllese ruin to both sec- On the other hand: the Democratic party leaves all these aeotiotial and disturbing gun: Dons where the Fathers of the Constitution left then:Ll-with the several States. It has, all through the straggle, sought' to -smooth* It.: aapersities and soften the visage of grim." ( faced war. it has tried to bridge over or nat.', row the chasm Oat yawned between the North; and the South'. While it has steadily. and manfully battled for the Union; it has suber: - , dinated every other issue to the question of peatie Its principles, position and history make it the proper mediator between the e;- tremists of either section. Its mission Witt . : save the country from the abyss that yawns' before it. 'This conclusion is beginning to. force itself upon thmthandewho have not here.: tofore acted with tht patty. Already the tide; In popular feeling is beginning to set in flavOr of .a change of Administration. "It cannalt make matters worse.—it csay'clahe them better;"' is the short but conclusive arctiment of the: people. It needs but wise and patriotic action: at Chicago to seestre the encomia of the candi date beyond a pedventure. The nominee must be beyond reasonable suspicion en the score of loyalty ; the , plat form must open the floor to peace, and the battle cry of the party will once more be the' shout of victory. Mitt= forth. Obiliver.l To the Democracy of Erie Comity. If it will not be trespassing too much upon the ever welcome coluMns of the; Obseraer,'we intend, from time to time, to make it a medi. am to send greeting to our Democratic Maids throughout the county, the progress the 'Dili bon Democratic Club is making, and the means we are using to stem the tide of Secona. sionism North. The editor had the kindness to publish to you, in his laic issue, the "platform and prinei pies upon which we have planted our standetd, and upon which "line we intend to fightle Out all summer," and fight ever until our banner is triumphant or the old ship founders. ' It is time the Democracy of Erie county,had risen erect from their cringing posture. and taken a bold stand in defence of those. inheri ted and inalienable rights that it is our ditty to cherish, proteotnnd hand down to posteri ty intact and unsullied. , Let nit not falter 'in this duty ; and though we may be in numeri cal minority in our own immediate vicinity, we must not forget that we are surrounded by a "aloud of witnesses" who will bear record of our valor And wlrth . in the coming great battle for freedom and right. Let the Mends of our cause organise at oar,' then, through out the county, so that' every district school house will be a nucleus around which will . gather, from time 'to time, breve hearts and willing bands to speed onward the glorious work of re-instating those tried and true principles of Democratic reign. If we are:not mistaken, we are the first to enter the lists, having been organised for the campaign about a month, and we can already see that our efforts are telling upon the oppos ing ranks. Deserters from the powers of• darkness- are delly coming into•camp, *ad re port consternation reigning- in the teats of • braham. We have meetings every Saturday evening,weU attended, not only by Democrats, byl Republicans and ladies, all hanging upon the words of our speakers with a candid determination to ascertain if "these things be so." On last Saturday evening we were ably - addressed by our worthy townsman, IG. A. Allen, Beg., followed by Benjamin Whitatal e of the Oileever. Mr. Whitman's remarks have enlisted in his behalf the warm approval of many who have heretofore differed with 'him in politics, and his patriotic appeal has; deeply enshrined him in the memory of his friends in this section of the eotfnty. We hope to bear from him again. At the close of the meeting a neat little appreciation of his services to the Democracy was tendered hlia, la the shape of a subscription list of thirty names (all handsontely cashed up) for the Eris Doiseroor. It was refreshing to see as old Republican stump spnakerribow his way thro' the erowd, scrip in hand, saying, "put my name down for that paper." We wiltbriefly add, in conclusion, that we believe the leaven of Democracy is at work— that it needs but the warming influence of a thorough Organisation of our friends through. jut the country, to insure a triumphant and lasting success, placing the administration of our government in the hands of those,' worthy and competent to execute it. Mutiny is re vealing her ugly phis in the disunion ranks of the Administration, (see- Wed.'s and Davis' Report,) and will be our strong ally in die- Com - filing thole whet would gladly crush us beneath the iron heel of power. - mats, we say once more be up and: doing ; Organise societies, invite ladles and Republi. cane to' attend them, set fearlessly, strip out boldly, aid the prjse is aortal& - • - &Raba*, Aug. 18,1864. '76. The Girard Union thinks Mr. Galbritith will be the Denteeretio ;I endues for Comma& The Urvloti Is mistaken. Mr. Galbnlth• has an nounced his positive determination not so be a eaadidale ter lay piddle °Mee this 111. - -, 1081 Mier Pa. You., 8D lirtarteri B,•. ) Zo.glaio Nithithd i nunkts . eat AZ3IT Coen, Comp In Seethes r wwf"'" Woods, . near Berl ors , July 80,11884. ) , . _Au At %meeting of the °Seas sad prirates o f Company I,' Capt. H. W. Ilarbeeli, held las Sti'SY 'L it Tien= was usanimously realved, That ;el AXE to the premises Of the Subscriber. the f the Company be tendered to Mr. ; 44„/ fa North East lawastifp4 about ono folla aorta and -, bin . TA of Witidesherg, th ;star Unites, ,coleit. ci l t ri tlr timage, cr o r e Juli .. 4 . thli: mall Ireaf r ilagZay Co., fbr hautifel silk Bed Presented to 1 (lias nu eaorni or. o.: r=a. o proi e eprr the Outplay, through the Captain, and nisei s. pas akarts , and tam ff . &War. °there , * It well be that a copy of this be sent to Mr. and Mn. -- s wgrordisito law._ ..! B. BIBBBAB. . But, ei by the alum of the Co pats. -‘ The WimeAlag ceremony of presentation ' took plus On Thursday morning,* the ' street' of the Company's.quarters. Col. I. . Clark, IS a abort,' bat imposing and elegant i ttddreel. preseeted the As; to Capt. Limbach, who re. speeded la a brief and happy spree in be. half of the Company, and then place d flag ia' the lands of a breve and. faithful color. bearer, W. V. Trask, formerly of thel ..linak- Ulla." 1 The Company pledged themselves to protect this flag to. "the last ditch," and Ikea gave three hearty cheers fon the patriotic donors and thrtmfor the Colonel and sincere. li. W. HARBACM, Capt 0. J. ghtmrir, Ist Lieut. Wu. II.! TILVILLLO, 2d Lim VSH.vI.s la Their Ir'siotsteiis. A great outcry was raised in the rebel States about a year sine* when the rebel government commenced impreising the supplies they had not the means to buy. It Was regarded at the North Fla a sign `that the confederate power was about to collapse.. Bat the federal government is new following in the footsteps! of 'their Richmond models. A few days since horses were very much needed by( the army, whereupon a raid was made upon Baltimore, and all within reach livere sent to the front, without as much. as saying " by your leave" to the owners. 1 We hear of the same impressment in New Orle‘ns, by the steamer which arrived YesterdayJ We seem destined to suffer every toss awl humiliation which the Sou th n gone through. , We had equal prosperity in union, and shall have equal poverty and suffering in disunion. Tan Vzaoaa POST TO PUBLIC llvetnaes , eta. New !York, Dick & Fitzgerald.: limo, pp. 877; Price $l4O. • Here'is a book which carries oui its inten tion thoroughly. The object of the compiler was to 'give an a small compass, , not merely the forms used in public business. but the rationais of proceeding, and in ibis he has • ed. The most ignorant man, of even or4inat7 ability, can here see not' only bow things are done in public meetings, sticieties, eta., bat why they are' done. lie taught in modes and clear way how to get up . a meeting or club, to manage its business, to prepare reporta,to conduct a debate, to record prooeediap, or to give his views public ex ; pression. A vein of common genie and thor . *ugh knowledge runs all through, and 'the man who studies this work well will always cam. mind the respect of his fellows when he en ters upon public attire. To political' clubs of either party, the book is indiopetiptbie. Partzton so& vat "Porrroximissr or run Dian. The following petitiont IS in circula tion l Ohio, and somi of - the W e stern States„ sad said to be receiving signatures by the thousand, from persons of every political aced : [_ 2b the Preeidest of tAe United States The undersigned citizens of ithe State of Ohio, without regard to party, and in senti ment devoted to the Constitution and Union, respeotfully petition and request that the Draft for Half a Million more Men', ordered to take place on the 6th day -pf September next, may be postponed until an attempt has been made by negotiation, to *Have Peace hued on the Constitutioirand the Union. Artlllllolll Iso2lll—A CII/LAO ' !I TO BLASI MOMIT.—Very few persons i re aware, that by a neat invention, newspapers and scraps ef printed paper, can be olmverted Into material for printing upon again. The high price of paper has made an aetive dethand for old newspapers, books, pamphlets 1 1 ►cid scraps of paper for this purpose, alid is efteely bought up by parties conne4tedi with the pis per mills. By collecting end saving all ,the material of this kind abent their houses, sad selling 14 many a family ct 6 pnt "money in their purees," which would 'otherwise be lost. The highest, pries, in cash, will' be paid for it at this eines. • tf. Liscorat Buoc—There is' a epeoiee of bug, 'boat the Bile of a large bean, doing great damige to vegetation in this section. Whole acres of potatoes are entirely] destroyed by this pest. They cover the 'vines and deetroy everything.iThese bugs have as "L" on their bask, and the farmers call them' "Lincoln Bags." They were unknown before this sea. ton.—Pnviris de Cl n dn Churfer.l The "Lincoln Bugs," we relent co say, are sot confined to the West.' They swarm in every part of the North, and the remagee that they commit (on the public' treasury) exceed anything recorded in history. 13111ALIZO.—The New y'ark Christian En Awirly has the following rebuke of some of its less eariapplons bretheren : "In several libraries of New England clergyman, _we have seen choice volumes Of great cost, bearing the names of Southern ministers to whom they still belong; They were sent North as gifts from I Yankee soldiers who had appropriated theni. Some Ides sachtuietts parlors are said to be cirpeted with spoils of another kindL Now, if any one asks what ha. become ;of the Union party, once so strong at they South, we an swer, that, in part, they (have been alien ateditom the Government by 111;11166H able outrages committed by wicked or thoughtless men." Wass Dona* bitimetwas hen Paorassoas Tema op Tinist.-841 hive never changed my mind respecting Brown's Bronchial Troches him the ant, excepting to think better_ of ths which I began thinking ;well 'of.".—Bev. limy Ward Beecher. idGreat service in sub duing' losreenesa"—Ben.; liqrsisi Win, New rnk. 'The Troches are * staff of life to me." —4,Prof. Edward Nora, President of Hamilton Collep, Clinton, N, Y. {simple and ele gant comblnatlen for coughs, Idle.' —Dr. Q. F. Bigelow, Bestos. "I recommend their use - to public speakera"—Rev. 411 Chapin.. * Swats You". Raentrre.4The new ■tamp dutlei wont into operation on the first instant. It ooneerna everybody to know that sU receipts fir amanita over twenty dollers,andoll checks or drafts at sight, whataver the amount, must have a two cent stamp atteebed. GOOD 00013.--Ls&es, l if you would known as good cooks, and Would avoid the mortlioation of having poor biscuit for tea when pout's,. oompatty,lmen„D. B. IfeLand & Co. o Chemitial Bahraini, loild that only, • amnia elimiTer. 1 i Inlty cats Ow Ten, Montt -- In order to Awe the . ousavaa thin the reach of all who desire to read.sound Caton doctrines, we lizeidecided to take subscribers for the s Of three months, commencing with e OtA of Augurt, - and ending with, the next issue after the. Pre sidential election. The Prize will be Fury Carra, flu/aria* is awake. Each subiorip tion will be promptly dbOntinued at the expiration of the time, tutlestother direo. tions are given by the. Persons receiving We' tikePiWer• al earnestly urge :the Democrats of Erie, Warren, Crawford; and Ashtabula counties to make a special effort to In atome the circulation* the Osamu during the exciting and important ,politi cal campaign so malt° open. Let no man wait upon his neighbor to commence the work of obtaining subscriptions, but enter upon it himself, th energy, deter. ; inination and waste . The 'hills dem mends the sa.v of , and no one can exam himself who Ma to pallor& his duty in this hour of hie ix:crazy's danger. ,We should have at lyaat, two thousand campaign subscribers 0, our books before the oleep of Almost. Med= cb gar dely wire mar (Will' sn. : • - - . -•• ihi r z Ei a o l' 2 . r. al •:: g r a : e . . 1 .0. ,.. .. t.i. 3 2; Z 1 et ; ora J l2 2I E. 4 iz -. . 4 . al M 4 74 1 .0,5 . 3 ;,4, IA -; ii s nikntlitiii;li 3 "4-a 'a '.itr.ii .4 te g li' 1 1 Ilk r 41 .. 1 xP.W? w !ls . 4t ' ii. as -7, IF:1 1. 2A g .t t 11°4 3 16 1 iI N Poi & HI si- a 1 i . 4 ,1 BA :" s i J a. t. 1 ,1 I. :0 ~ to • si. 21 E FARRAI HALL. ARLINGTON, KRLLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS,. FOR TWO NOHTS ONLY. MONDAY & TIVIMT.BVICNINGS, A ITO U. 9 1; : 6D &23 D. • WILL APIWAR IN NNW Songs,, Danoim, Ourlesques, OP E RET&S, &C., &C. AM WINN CH4LNGE 4 PROGRAMAIS TUIDSDAT Kvirsuria. Admfilslon, GO 'Conte, CHILDREN UNDER 111 HALPPRICI. - • KICLOr. KulaPt 8. 630b11:, Agent U. S. 740 LOAN. The Secretary of the Treastuy gives notice that sob scriptions will be received for Coupon 'beggary Notes, payable three years trout Aug. 11$1, with sismi•em• Dual interest at the rate 'of seven and theme.lanths per cent. per annum,—prinedmil and interest both to be paid to lawful mosey. , Wilms notes will be eonnertible at the option of the holder at maturity, into ids per cent. geld bearing bounds, payable not less th an Ave nor more than tersely years from their date, as the llovernment may sleet. They will be tensed is denominations of $6O, $lOO, $6OO, $l,OOO and $6,000, and all subscriptions melt be for Oft, dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation amass as loon after the receipt of the ori,isal Certificates of Deposit, as they can b u g a i n irepared. As th e notes draw interest from August 16 persons making deposit, subsequent to that date pay the interest samied from date of sots to date of deposit ;Parties depoultinrtwenty-livs thermal dollars end upwards for these notes, atnay one time, will be allowed a commission of oat quarter of one per cent. which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the ;racer with whom the deport was made. No deductions for commis along must be made from the deposits. , Special Advantages of this Lean, it is a NATrOwer. &VINCI LOX, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and lA* beet sectirio. Any eating, bank which pays its depositors In U. B. Notes, considers that it Is paying in the beet circulating medi um of the country, and it tannin pay in any thing better, for Its own easels are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable la government paper. It is equally convenient is a temporary or permanent hfreatment. • The notes can always be -sold for within a fraction of their dice end accumulated Interest, and are tke beat security with banks am collate:rale or discounts. I:XINVEMITBLE INTO A SIX PEE CENT 6-20 GOLD BOND In addition ti the very Mosul interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion fi now worth about three per oeat. per annum, for the enrrent rate for 6-20 Bonds is not lea than sias pas alt. prsains, and before the war the premium anal: per cent. U. S. Stooks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the usual emit on this loan at the present market rate. Is not less than ten per sent. per amain. Its Exemption Prom State or Xtudeipal Taxation. Bat aside from all the advantages we have enumerated. a special Act of Cowers esempts oil Seek end Trowery MOM /Vas beef temebos. Oa the average, this wimp- Sonia worth about two per emit. per anneal, assordlng to the rate of taxation in the vattotui parts of the mut , It is believed that no securities offer 'evert laden meats to lenders as those isened by the government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the filtfi or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or osPeroto oolomo pities only, is pledged for payment, the whole property of the remetry b bald to secure the dlicharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the government offers Alio most liberal terms forita lose., it believes that the very streamest appeal will be to the loyalty in.% pttriotiem of the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposita.— The party &pealing must endorse upon the evirisal certificate the denomination of the not.. required; and whether , they are ter be leaned in blank or payable to or der. When so endorsed it must be left with the_ officer remitting the deposit, to be forwarded to the Trmary 7=rarrnoira WILL au itacarrze by the Treanarer of the United States, at Washington. the several Aadstant Treasurers and designated Deparitariss i and by the Pint National Bank'bf Stria, and by all National Banks-which are depositaries of pub lic' money, and ALL SISPSCTABLZ BANKS AND SANICSIIS an througboat lb* anustry will eV@ 114ther fahmition AFFORD WERT FACILTI'Y TO SUBSCREBIRS, sasllll4-an. • QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern Every One to Answerl • Are yon bald' Dose your hair but od Flu your hair boar= thin t• Dose it bed harsh, and dry, and Arvada Is It turning gm before Its time ? • Are you troubled with . Itmitlng, burning meamation of the soap ? • Atoms troubled with Dandruir Are you troubled with what is ailed Beiabils et Malt Rheum ? HSTO you bed Hare you had the and bit your hair ? the II and lad It ? Hain you had the Typhol fever, and lest it Hare Do you w you ish l lost giant hair ? hair by any adman ? u Do you wish eat and lustrous hair Do you wish gray hair restored ? • Do you wish year whiskers gleamy i The you wish them restored *cola Do ins mutt It for your abiblean ?• . Do you want it for yourself, for father air iorkets, for broth*, dater or friend ? Do you waat to snake a present I De you want a =tbz= Idiot t • Do you wants D 0 You want a pare Miele ? Do you want a doable distilled artiste ? Do you want a eleuudag artiele ? • Do you west the best preparatkat out for dreaming, etimulatiag, pro the odor, and sandelr hag aoft, silky u t t i r=s talli ratunau Hilt flat, we warnnt CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FOR THE HAIR, TO BB UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR TO ANY PREPARATION - EVER COMPOUNDED AND OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC.: listlathottea runatied,'or tits acme, rehtsdied. bout bet di Au oat bottle. or 0 bottles toe wad lo sod Dalin otorytbere. - 0. a. CLARK & 00.0toptiotori. S. 3ABN 00, N. T, Goma: 4eab. /J 1 XEARE OFFERING ' • Ds i bi larc n ikinatmm I n t le•od.. aaaw~ A 13=noNN Farb Iltaa%nalWramaram AT . WriiciLESAE' & RETAIL: - SAMUEL CARTER freasenotinted with hint In the Dreg Trade 1/ 4. CARV,IM under therm title at ' I • Carter & Carver, By whom the the Maine.% wUI captious to to tom... at Um old stead. With eaten* dock and inery.7( ditties thity bow try retain' a liberal elr. $.• pittropar. ' ir Ng ESP F I Cj A,L A TTENTIos gal b. Soeute..l to the WHOLESALE TRADE. /Maim taUt• magisintsig istria aro regal* vit.!! t. eve, as a call before purchasing elseske. THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT Will be conducted, as heretofore, in a weal may s with • disposition to oblige ono =Women ig we pertkookirty all tiro notice of PlayS.l4. ll , oy stock of . . CHEMICALS, Watch 11 th.. larraet sad !Wart ere/ broaght atty. relleariptchas pevytted u beretofors, wit k Philadelphia ThiladelPhia 8; Erie a R. &REV THIS mot Ilr e Mawr Uts = e m u LW Ms. It has bras leased by thil Pasiesbassa w read Ompasai sad lodes thair=osa4 rspicy oplasd tiamboat its ugh. 1 It Is saw la an for Pawner and Irreight iut is from antriaboroto Bt. Nary's, (216 miles) on tis Miaow and Dist from Wlloox to We, (104 mint Wasters ant. TINE 0/ rAsuorou !SAWS AT UME. Mall Train Lamm Teals lasiaa... - • Ha, a nilli Trala Antrim 94, Talmo Train anas.... .... 5 i; i Tor tatanaation ram Wilma allitlio 8. Z. wow 1 , sad . sta., MI for Whitman of the r etlliplinri 1 / 1 111114 - 11.11.1111MMIN, 314 iltiller lift and Yuba)! Ptilladolphis. • •_ .: J. W. RETNV Zeta. 4. 11: DMA . TUC. R. D. , , Daltklam. H. H. ROHM , Chearal TM& APIlt, PHlsei LIWM L. BOUM Gassed TWqiiii Agent, um. • JOB. D. POTTS, Oatmeal Kaaager, WU=spot OLD PRICES, NO ADVANCE: OLD num, NO ADV4S:i J. 0.-SELDEN IS SELLING WALL PAP! AT OLD PRICES spcl6U NEW MILLINERY 00001 THE MISSES M'GRATH Would most tedpeetfully announce that they an= their new Store, BEIBE'S BLOCK, EAST SIDE OF TBY ?Ala And have put opened a very large . STOCK OF NEW GOODi DIRECT FBOli NEW YORK CITY • Embracing everything In the MILLINERY LINi To whieh they invite the attention of the Ladiev.r and vicinity. • Having seleciedgkair idEck with the greatest ert purchased for Wa l k they feel confident they MI 'as to the advantage of all to give them their eusim cr PJLITICVL.Lit arriarrox given to Bitth.,i Jag e k ed !rmiag. ep ' l2 a Revolutions In Europe, IN ONV OCTAVO, SOO I'AGE;, ItAINIKLLISHED WITH 100 ENGRAM GILT, CLOTH ; PRICE OSLO Pm The shove book (or the awes, gieleg histwl rope, from the earliest to the present period,tant; aid .refarence to the successive revniutiona solemelooef she Roman Ern pie% ernbraeorr 0.- in Greece, Poland, Belgium, Fratics,ltsly,Gerzat: • Hungary,Frastek Repo lo to election o Loalt toear 1867. Query.—Who would not turn a little 7,.n t2:e of books on our gigantic rebellion, and tor tttrw lar.voyaga.this hot weather, across the t initiate reardles lad results of ihe varied rrroliti which so otlP.all Europe rang trim side to 'ISO" Above work published by subscription. Govan Canvllleenv, Also, sent, post paid, on receipt of p the Neil /pat; • R. - kr BALCH, . earl& Titusville or lits:v, BONNET STORE - MRS. S. H. HALL Would respoettally sill atteat,co to her LARGE STOCK OF (T)OD: Jut zseeind from Nay Tort, =lmolai Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons,b mother with, tome DRY G O 6DS! Width gas - CWZAP FOB; OASH, OR READT•PIE Partlentsr attention Plad•to blesethlG • and prestog. Etton es Peseb Bk, I door. Wm, tb• Di^ Pa. aging q . r • 49 * ;'D 4 1 a • :11 :i ' 1 •r, g 4 4 t se ^ sir PI ~.1 r r t r " . 1 is ;' • o 0 n , 3 r i ,t • sz:= f B12'"1"'m p !: , , t. iii Ir. n'' , \ ! '4 -Pr R .1, 4 l'I:g ..ti , - , -2 -, 1 '4 4•as * • , ra ca i , pi ( - 0 •alr :' & ; 1 . "I t 4' Is. .1 ." g • a : V S 7,1 1 - iii • Z- '4 i ic la: . .es . 9 ' EATING ISALOOZI, The attention at the Palate te United to the Um .the Canter of State and Fifth Streets, whizah4e , tithe up. in handsome style, sad a eof belissal to be one of the plena:Mt resorts in the city. OYSTEB,S, 'GAME, AM &UAW/ of &Oahe usually kept ins Woo up to elastomers in a Superior mama iIIiPARATX,ROONS FOR PERSONS WHo pie r BE PRIVATE.. she Bar is applied with the CHOICEST .LIQUORS & CIG Peeling Omits, arranpeasents art tall 1 1,11 I nePeetiblly save 0 ' renege of the eommunity. - I er lo r. A. VIM. NEW GROCERY coo madaandigasd Mrs *rood a now Grozol 9.l tloo JUST SIDS OF STATIC 31t; 3d 31031 30 OP itALULOAD BRII)Q , when thoy intend keeping • toll GRIMMUUNI4 • • • . VILOVVUONIie , • Faati o • onowurinr w t i nces- rollat w r , _ . . Irmo • . ! murieurtoitaxues, TOIiACCO *O il) . , Lad marything as:tally on hand in an ellt* 3lll° e 4th. sort. ' • - . Mo determined to oit-c *stood hula' s other dialers In the 'city, and invite the Pt , ' soaddrat that.. can gin entire 'widgets:l.t - apettrau. Y. A. WEB 81 3 , 1 „, :MANHO OD ,4 How Lost ! How Reg J •t , UST PUBLISHED a New , , t Da. CiamtiwiLL'a CILIZAATID mike" mu (without uredleinerot drater:l7„ Brutal Weakuer, torolrustuy Benrisal. - sum Mound and PkrainalnattliciVie wr sot. Mandatt, att. ; also,Clonsourrion, Indnood_hy saliindalooneo or sexual est A4l ent- rica, in a eroded envelope, only d ea , t The celebrated Author, in this adstioate , demonstrates, trato a thirty years scarlet,, that the abrating coresequentes of seltatew r r iyr Lally cane" without this dangerous are icing or the application ot the buite-poirat:"., , , , of cure at ones and of Wag which eve sufferer, no matter what his br=t out Idanelf *haply. Trim" I Y ?hitt/satin tamed be In the you and story man in the land..l o Bent nadir and, in • plain envelops, to to) l y the res rot netts, or two poataionlice. the ~noo.„ - Ciall J. O. Am , Bonny, Now Tort 'l2> WWI, Pod :.A LAROB LOT sigoommitersrigi MEMI3I