The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 18, 1864, Image 1
TUB "ERIS RUM" 01.111NSV11114 ,rich • osassZTETSIOII/1: : ems mum Orresen es row amis. ; ' . ovVITISZKIWIS.--ihm Sown et Tea MN ‘• ta• - Mena U Oust.: tire landless IMMO : lass tow- t wo No; oa• swath stole ; ton iseathe Wet Or, =slake Sad)kat: seethe $11.00; see year HA; . other adoertidietsis 4 smi %see Mks .tU be strictly sewed ts. valise Shansi l spatial •ontrset„ er at the option St the pelikhers. Aaill. we. soumg, !Uri. Diversei sad like whittler seat WO ; ItotSass Leesi !lathed /Mk a Um; Marriage SCUMS swam• nil seats apses, nhileary 'Wire Omit times lists . -ta sent) Sr. seats per lima Original poetry, sal. less slides at the mast of the ether. eae parliee. All eilrertlieseats •til be eseefeeees at Ito expel* et the perm siNetidig. sattl edema eat by Ms dinette% Balms t mild le weal epee for lb bourtlos. in:CM:MON Two Datum per awn la ed. /num JOB PRINTING.-1 1 / 4 hew sae of tie Wit lobbies offices to tie Slate, eel ere nods to de say work la , that Lys that say be estrasied Li t>ti tffiasaal style us eirtablialuasst outside ea. urioit "Sties. 11101111 N i 11111011 T, hibilsbers. A FACT GMILILLLY =OWN, THAT the variety of aenv style Bed. Asada, of Cloth* Cott." panto% ;mad o es , Camp Both &any . Lad sad other paustee, with gratin* awl stralt_hoidAsaisaaaly lannevad n, itarnana, Evanso Dhlillt o Mllildad. Centro and ellhar %him rppip, Quaker S tunk Ganda Maad famat hei gas= b Bads, Hair and Gam Natasaaso, sod Bowers with odor avanahadd faraltama„ ba., all .0451144am:1 feria well anaanad halm' WI healthy ' ,aerials, by azieriseead aad ail by wawa 4 4, 6 For a = jpit i lan tr movie* 4d. Cane elatS d ar, flarews. liaddna„ gape and ether of limadera sad Wasbela mar ;g hat, are WADI" aid glued, =ebb( am ea Moog as say other part of tha stab i lities ma de ad sold us only palled. aad by 89 mom dapalda. Wood wadaor, Itooldnallavtag 11114 New, stemaks et bard road Tonocla suit 4 =la the mat mM /geed, ear. naiad to stand. "jarats;ligniaft, le bow wo for otroltelipaa sad dadat. WO& I lam ,cld ern Mt lopimpt with a 04a gt o all taeklag , ad Era& Attar wt yawn eqedusee sad, erN.Ya.el® - UP. prinelpalad tea prim drank I ea daliaminad to all ow peas to allegtvO Vora to you pp mate° jaws to all Wahl& with mas. c• • . Lumbar, Lathodanaera, him fib" -lhaihmod Maim ntl, Mora Pay, Priam* esomea mut ameee mime or pay. liwormaire the gas h ant OSMIIIIMIIk drool 412 State, IFrWe 11WINT_ • NaaalhaVr aid Oanandita Ilabsassaa. ‘NrEibuts&LE & Brum' GBOCIRr STORE. - • . • P. A.. WHOLMALS AND Mat 0NX.1151. Alprie-Jras. Clunor o/ Pia. Mod SW^ uu4 nowitta.U,l call as 411114414147 buOrieablikier. ‘•-• GROCERIES AND •PRO 1 10/oifik Which be 1811000 u to it th. V Nit V LOWIC/V1 VOlnsume fiesuirs: Hl.....etwt of SUGARS. COFFEES, TRW SYRUPS. TORA0008; FLEW, AC., Is cot surpassed to the atty, as be aa malaria to prom to Lit •ho eve tdoe a oal). . - He sfee keeps ooastaatly. oa band a osamior k 4 of PURE Liqtroits. for theist:totem% trade, to wideb be dhoti, tbo atteatloa of the publle du motto Ls, "Quist Wry Small heti sad a toil Eiatvalent for the Yawl." , 1F.51.,1* GROCERIES! GROORELDIS ! - AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL P. lIICEELAUP,- • would reapectrally talc= the pulite GM la WWI Wald I Store la He. 2 Hughes' Bleck, !He, Where h. vUI always keep," b.• 4 tqalesaapely ' GROCCIUMBV CROCKERY AND WOODEN WARE, WINKS, LIQUORS, 0104121, And ercything may for oils In u sobibUskuust of the kind. or Tow w namossbie as say other ewe to 150 atty. - JuIVIIV- IMPORTANT ra Ait INV ALIDS! IRON IN THE BLOM It ta will known to the wefteelprolleassilost MOS I. the WO Prthdp be LIP Elered er the Ea#4. 'Ulf • la derived &lefty froze the feed *West : bet lif UN bid le Dot properly 'Dyads& or tf. bon Gar emus shatewer. tie zem m il o nsatity et Iwo ar . (m a r: tato th=uslw . The bad blood will Irritate the Mart i trill der sllk the soli otopdythe link, Iti/V~ul the One. oist bil a send Its dWw.p edaetareienewiy Se all parte et the altos, and eyezz u wwffllll sav yap is whebriLftylkoenE Cr.: "eg et waist of /PON -All,ll MEM la well known and ackaawladged by all saga* MM. :PA dB. Willy hu been to Weals ash a sett ea will -suer the drenlatlek Awl et sass with OW blood. This point.aaya Dr. Peostehuates Nate Cles‘ has beta to the 'Porelee Ent% lig sosMtat la a vs 4 learn salltawrs; ' Tag r IsCIIIAN smut , la a noisotso , si: ' _Mee et Cu rmovoyros 011111014. A MIT MOOT LIT IN SEDICUIE that dam at the Peet el Maass byrappryisyythe Wood wtth Ito vial PeiselplorerLlll aisaant—iroa. . _. _- THE PERUVIAN argue Cum DroellelllatIP" e Complalnt. Dropsy. Paver sued Arms 4....... r. Low marina - ' - TRH PIERUVIELIPEANCIP letamehtruWellger • Gad sew life Into the aystesi and bat* ap we noes Oonstitation." TRH PERUVIAN STAMP Cuss *aerosol AOl- tla% haul, (Wsp r hdate, sad diesseakyp theilllbmsys rod Madder. _ i.' Tag e,kgrum 011110 re I. a 11110E1111rfor an elm m oflikinnibek la a PAD ATM CIPTIII 'MOOD. saecsayanled to Deblllty or a les Mao if 111.! Nil' ere ct frA - Aleelsol ha WwY lw tollogdobi liforto ere sot ossed by estwarlisy reastlies; tat an Poeatrost, ei* salinnr - 40 s Wu ill puts of tb !W ryaem. sad WlRlM utaelAwnesD( ay as MOP COI. er r nIITION 1 .i• It is an ezollfent salleStateler Mao ;s...prawly • whore 4 stimulant I. audod. One element In the restanee Pe eill' ai Nit 1110‘ win, is 09 sar49l4 449.4 440 149 ,d,d 1 . 4 4 t hasty. .• To tau auekstass to airs Simms 9.4441.0..1 VI de. bcioney of DM IN TEI WACO without lb to the systole. la like Wyllie 91 disk I WWI/ w the taaadiht h ==.—_ -- Pimp MOW misdeals= how um* if ttilst==l"eliyetelaell. eltritloossilltd of in, VD. W MS EPEPIy. VIM* deer.. .. , . Vs Wart • tow at thaeowee je dons — Ai ibrOwbsi , sit the testlmeiials t po JOHN E. WILLI/4M Jra triar . ' - ' ' 7. it the NMI*. Dank. N. T Ere. .I. . Christen tonstir er .94•414 kW setter New Tett Chretefeb. arr. Z. Itllei d4„ ; ' sexton, Ear. Arthur IL Peter.- • .=". • Rel. Symms Ocilla ILL T.flairellisk UM. Nos, Jr, R4r. Joie* AL CM ail 2, e i sr. _Beirtirpiin. . R•r• P. E. Headier Per.ibelball.olwelead. Loots Mo. aesOL D • Roe w. a. Chbaolist.... 41 V i rt-dtbk.. D. tolle*/ 1 •11, Jell klihenike _D. A.NAlikYes# M.D., Abiabsat Vaseadh, E. NJ MOollehi 96 IN P. E. linen y, 11. D. . • .cr Thm, owls Old ow 4194v49_ _ Precilli_ ir at ' ' ' hooey of awe ewe es Ilbsekollee-* • TRIAL. it kas and leasseeda- aboretaller ~en lazysilul trek,* bra* "nal i mili Nalar=ll •1, ..-qt4...-Al k for 1 / 9 •949104196091911041n It Is s swifts. ._...... •r ,trued by N; 1. Ceara; 00.. II 1 All ell illill br 111 . M . ' . J. P. D 1210110116. 491 Ihrowlway, N. T. said by all Drealeb. ; . - 4•61P0141. - ,- • r,...----, ERIE Rano 1 gromMlMlNEmpic CHANGE OF HoupsoMinguasu 110111. VAX* M. Tmtaa win LialaiNskiat Against larlsasis , is , •.. f r.P.r r* • :1n:T.17.Z • r igaitinit ignad — DePfirte Wight' Remo 4 illi re 11- Strait.' aals;sa.. 7.......... S. Wil 411• S. ACCOMEIKOdit . • . • ••• .111 le Am 111 , Way Wsdekt • ' .a... 4 Li ii. Oh The Aecesweedetlas now stetilles_ . - -- s-.. 12 1 / 4 1W-OT: Wadi Welell` State NormitSeked. FALL Tit*OP,ENS WEDNESDIT, IlikaT 17, 1811. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR J. A. CIXIMPIF.R, ZDINIOIO.IBtt CO.. PA orra Notion to 'Oll ; W I TAVlort'llliLtrirtg=" w.... 1 , rit ica r. 6 • 1 1 ':, • - ' i I I • .. . • I , , . -'1 • _ . . . ' ... I ..., T , .•... . . -, 1. In• • .- -,! ' . • ...I ' •1 . -:--1.2 '1 .. - 1..! "I " ) :. .. ' ". --."' ....,,, ~,, - . . ....- . •,-- k , • -... --\ - ' -.1 • .. ' ' I" , „... . ~ ~ ... .... VOLUME 35. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. :Ilasboom Oar& =I la this col9ma at the est. o Throe sad rive Do you.) jOlUt MILLAR, GMT /Noma; being many years Goanty Sarra_ tents' prepared to Purvey or maks - Plana or Yaps la Selo Coaatr„ - Ps. Oalat in Cbmaion Connell Room, Wright'. Block. apr23.64-Iy. Ti IN WALKER, FORVAIDLTO AID COXIIIMIIOII MUCEArf, V:Pa. Wareham on !Hake Dock, East Cotner of Matt Stmt. Also, deem in Coal. Salt, Fish, Flour, Plaktr, Water Una, he. N. B.—Partlenlar attention will be atm to the iteceving and Forwarding of Petro. lona 08. Crude and B.Sned, to all parts of the eonatry. T I.......DEEZESEDIALKIII , • - • -• Wzotimaaa on *rpm Dram I! sod Pro'vtaloaa, Flour and Feed. Wood ana Willow Wan, Mara ,Llquora, Tobacco, Sews, 10....13tat• Strort. neatt, to Tonnes Rouse rurntabing Emporium. isis, Pa. ) unel-4132. F.' PULL& BENNETT, . • orioles TEN Paws. Office second " at W WI& IWO, Banked 0174.4 bottosn Fifth sad junel6-2. Driunung a. Co. , Lnuu.„.6 IX ALL KINDS BAILDWARP, Intaraes and JobWI In Tim and Copper Ware, some Of 9110 and State St.., trio, Pa t.1,271k1ef. • INVLAIRPIEI Szczcsios Paoroatarn GAT-tier, sloet.filla Pa Jaal6'64tt CRAPIN di WILBUR, -- ATTOLMITS Law; Ridgway, Pa. Practise la Elk, Masan, Cameron and Jefferson costal° .. J. C. CRAPIN. [jaz3o'64-10.] W. W. WILBUR: 111..*. HULL, MORRISON HOUSE. ' Cerra .ptad Maim Street—one puma east of 4stairehti••••iage . . Warm. Pt. Sept %-17. GICI. W. OVPINISON, JUSTICE OP turPaaca. °Mee in °motto Wading. South-irrat earner drilfdi and State, streeta. Cloairayandhag don, walla an collections made prompt. y.i je11314-1,.• -"- Ei l :. COLE, iira zioox BUNDZI, 1.14 xx. ae, Iwo wary _ _ ILANarairtraza, of derneehra Bloek, Res, , EsilittiK H. CUTLER. .J 1 ,- - ArtMIRY A:l%4*w, Girard, line County, hi. Collodion" and other billinate attended to with :umplasom and dispatch. , r- • - • glAtkIG , -., , Boarlitilaz end Dellfrr la it tit louo ry, iill . Tapw,llapidnes, Newipapers. &et Country dealera sappasC Store ardor Brown.' Hatel,fronting the Psuir.. M it • ' . J. 8. CHILDS due taken the Lime Kiln at the-foot of Fransh Street, near the Philadelphia depot, illib_!ftr, wad Is prepared to furnish WbraiLime, in lame 4. 'Mu ianthlas at th e lowest market peens. Ural-',. IL "11121r101 PAIPTIII. 321118 & DAM., !fret, Meadville, Pi. X PARK DATIR. AiPPORIKTA AT LAW, Chestnut W. WATMORM, , AIIOIIIT AT Law, In Walker's Of. Sae. aloymath strort, iCrls, Pa. aim 7'82 GS% Durrurr, Beitty'• Block , North xi de of the Park, Mato stern. NA% Pa. - apill'63 L ATATATTE iiOTIEL;,, heneh street, between 4th and sth streets, nee: the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Depot, Erie, Pa., trooB4 l 4l4sr : Propaitor. ~, Zatenstre secounnods ills , Gstranters'ind baattac releii. 13011,1 by:the day or Weekood stabling hed. apr2s'63tL Er BROTHER, A. PLINIO3IIILa Tatum§ and Ipste for Plasm i Hayser's Patent Sewing Maelunos —the bold la us— Stall Street, between Sib and 9th Sta y riPa. Clotho made to order in the flout style. asyFly. .111. OSBORNE, LIITZT Ann Sian STAnt,n, on Eighth botwogn nits and Ftoneh. Fine Hones sad Cir. dare to lot on reasonable terms. . ' my. 2.9',6 WT. , [MEL & CARTER, LtIItrACITENLI o Steam Engineaßollars, Will airrLsaltaral impleatonta. Railroad Caro, Erie. Pa. W. I. MAGILL, 4 "' Dirt r, OM as taltosea- 'sal e . .. 4,1(4 ma, ak. sorCksids 40; titPark,SriesPs - • • Win. A. GAI A .BRAIRiII. L, W-oMasenethstreet, warif I.9paril•th•COWl-Blik Erie,Pa. a. a. aPINCIFJ, SPENCER '& MARVIN iTTORNETS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW inMaE. Paragon Block. near .North 1 1 , 44 t Corm of the hallo Samara. Erle. zei ll4• Blitsll6, nli Dtr Goons, asoosatis, Harding', Nails, Ghia Seed. Naar, rte., cur ator a Java aid Public El* Ps. 417tf • lUD THIS ADVERTISEMENT S CUT IT OUT * A4I IlhoiN It to Your.igrlends. WHEELER & WIL.SON' 3 . IMPROVED _SEWING NACRES ! aaknowledged to he the BEiT 5A01112 , 16 ever tntoltda country. natr unrivalled success not only to this pountry, but all_ over the World, too Inv:Sett by thr the most popular Mebias now 4i n.e. • . , . FOR •SEVERAL YEARS They bars taken the lead of ill other Heelless. but ag., ketethaprovennenta hare been added, every ye. W edicts perkormed •elth eueh rano and rapids ty the , . 'LLDILS ARE IN ZO.4TACIESOOIiR If ! , • k nut It dies the admiration of ALL.: ifi eismait them to stiteb every variety of itoode,trom the thinnest muslin to the Waked cloth. They mike the eelebrat•d ' lock dinehtwk his im Ibis to rin or ravel These Ma. Hwyivr work WITHOUT aNY BAST ' ULMa orb : • . STITCH RBR FULL CORD. GATHER, _ BIND & QUILT. ' 4 ' 4 fie%tifyt.4"' tittll out Pe;vlOitely teralag Outing tt they will gather and knell or spw is t i le funs; Knit,figitt "dim it, ' COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. The dermad for those eelebrated Machines, pines we -hare bees located In Erie, - has been astonishing. At Hass we dad great &Beatty to filling Inr orders, but we knee a All stock jest melted, and are ready to see any end all wk• may call or send as their orders. Oar rooms are elegantly Mid and tarnished, and ouraeconrcoods• Hose tqr emadaetlag the busies= are sot equalled These Haddam were awarded the highest premiums at Tin WORLD'S /WILLI ',oaken, 1801. The INDUSTRIAL RRPOSMON, Paris, 1881. The KEORANICH tsarinrne, Staahingtee, 1643, lei dabbed every/4We and Oonaty. Pair where ex- Whited. They are warranted three years. They are perlialbsimpte la constraction. - They run . with the greateet sem. They are almost noiseless. LtfalltUOTlON FREE. Oall and me them In operation. If you cannot come, egad tar sample et work end a eirealar by insiL HOLT k BOOTH, Agents, Union Bloat. &BTU fin. (Tara Patty) Erie, Pa. COMA !nitrated Dew s& Bible, nt CROWN QUARTO VOL, MO PAM,' 900 DERCIIIPTITE 11116111111108 IND MAPS llor the itatily, Sabbath Salsooll'esoberror Student of the 1111Ae, this work, hoe TWELVE desirable Matures, t L Mesa llmambeed Dessetptive Zagraviage. llsopiltomad Ihninal,Befereatee. I. reel Itzeletted Steel Wipe. Numerous Improved Readings. I. • Chronological Order. I. • brief stealth Chapter. i 7. P i. Eeien on - eid i 9. civestiotui at end of stab Chapter for Family exam!. Ratios. BlliOlthlstiOnelll le thi Chapters, for 'soh Morning's sal ithea Beadlag, comprising the whole Bible Ws year. 11. An Extended Concordanoe. 11. • ^Mgr Illeiaragat Department- Thlfal.dseNeaot.Pbefegnph Album lea new and ialleeseteng feature of the work. It comprises 4 quarto pope, with pp etc tot 111aard pictures, ....bete ran be pmseareed With eirtralar prapriety,llui fer•fike picture of a 9•10 , 03 717aarlaa awather. or t ie affectionate mother andal lashortehlad the old Parolly Bible an Iseefitsbis retie. , Us DOMESTIC BIBLE ILLUSTRATED, clammimar•lawilly Bob!., more advantages than any Abell': work era offered to the pubic. It is well bound Is owe yolore,preeretiog a seat adoeunaent far Parlor Th cif Met - work Is sold exclusively by agent.. prha. Maths; marble edge— . $ taLedee and name in gilt, 10,00 " la gill rem-Asy Metopes, with naatv,...... 16,00' AAP- who dean the wort, or to C 411373.111 for it, t it addaws-li.- /A. BALCU, ntesiuk, or Meadville, ,toz LOT • A- r anpuso rgosia . Bird cargrag i. 6r it Obstrtrer. THIIRSDAW AUGUST 18,1,864. €7IILNAL riettatell 11r 1 1101 IPII.IOI Mitlittaall Llllllll -.Andrew Adams. }from the Youngsville " Hundred Day's Men." HIADQUARTENS 00. f,'l93D PA., VOL., - CAMP IN MANYINNI %H MI, : • NOM,. BALTIMORE,' July 81, 1884. Editor of the Obserier .—Alter the qtdetnde of home and civil lifit, for fourteen months, I again find myself upon the tented field, ger,- lag our country upon the soil of "My Mary land." toy quarteralconsiat of I, shelter tent —for a bed we have the mother earth, which, by the way, is rather hard, owing to its being trod by tho rebs on ; theirlast raid. About our canwthey have left their mark. We do not know how 80911 they may pay tbialosality another visit, but our commanding General intends to be ready fir theit, judging by an order issuedyesterday, viz : 60 rounds of am munition; 2 days rsitions, 'lnd be ready to march at an hour's notice. An old soldier would think such looked like light:: . Our (by which I mean the Captain and two 'l,ieuten 'ants) furniture consists of an old camp Chest,' to contain cooking - utensils, provisions, her., and at night, by turning down the lid, it makes an excellent bed for one. By the way, this same chest went through the Mexican war, and served with the 7th and 16th Penn's .Vols. You may, theti, truly atyle it an "old Vet " I am now rising it to write ueoa, having no other desk) An old Nix for a shelf; it is set on one side, quo half of the top be ing taken out, the otter is used as a d epot for miscellaneous article . For seats, we have an empty musket - box, tar "hannkers," or anything else we can ay our hands - upon;— for transporting our baggage, we have a com mon leather valise ; for a "flier" and caber, we have an active cenntry boy, about tide. teen,,whose duty it is to cook, wash dishes, blacken hoots and make himself genirally useful. * - 1 As yoii are award, our little squad from Youngsville, passed through your city on the 15th inst. We arrived safe in Pittaberg the next day. After wandering about the city fee a day or two, we were mustered into the serv ice of the United States, for 100 days; in a company commandetftyCapt. IT. W. Harbach. As we were among strangers, we took the first opportunity of getting (es the boys say) "cussed in." I am !happy to say that our Captain is a fine officer and gentleman, and through his intinente the boys got the $5O local bounty of the city, which, in my opin ion, is a big thing for 100 day's men. On the departure of the regiment from Pittsburt.a matority,of the company subscribed anti pur chased a very beautiful sword, costing $5O, and brought it hero.l A few days since It was presented to the Capt.! by private E. G. Belknap of Youngsville. Oni t reoelving it, the Captain made a very imposing speech, thanking the .boys for the honor and promiaing to stand by them. Enclosed soli will fled the proceedings of a Meeting of Giro ciompany upon the-coca.' sioir of a presentation of 9, beautiful silk flag, which is at present lised as the regimental col ors and will be until "brother Andy" - sends others. On the 19th Insti, we marched to Camp "Reynolds" and were organised into's - regi. meat by the election of Rev-'J. B. Clark (late Ckilortel in the nine month's service) as, Colo nel; i Capt. Ballentine, Lieut. Colonel:. and CaptiTyler, Major. i Camp "Reynolds" is a depot or machine Where drafted men and "sut&" are put throdgh, prior to being sent, to tote front, or any other Owe where they may be needed. The Camp is in command of Col. Beech, who has! a large number of cap.; tains and lieutenants to assist him. The ofil ,cere and noldiers.who do guard duty, ,belong to the Invalid Corps;* (as thereby call them) "condemned Yanks.'! Our boya were under the same guards, 1,4 were very strict, always accompanying them when it was necessary to pass the line of sea nets ; they thought this a little hard at first 'for men who had volunze, noes. • • Leered to defend the borders and Nation al Capital. On the .sth the Colonel received * Mr.,Cowen said : I think, Mr. Fresh marching orders to report to Msj. Gen. Auger, ' dent, that ! our' course in regmfd to the at Washing)on, D C. Upon our arrival at. Southern Teople has been 01 a character Baltimore we were oSdered to this Camp, and • entirely thereverse of that which would are new organized in;the 3d Separate Brigade, . , Bth Arm Corp.,. - I have been i successful in- suppressing the . , Col. C la rk left the ;pulpit to take' the field rebelli o n. I, We were filled witty incorrect numbersee that he differs from a calla . ideas Of , the - work we were engaged in, or of, Nlet hodist !preacher'', and - it less for me to hay that he is an atmomplitthed . of the only; methods by which we could officer and a perfect gentleman. lam very i g perfolOi the gigantic task we had under much pleased with the officers and men of the ; taken : ' We started out with exaggerated \ regiment. The _officers, I believe,. have all ! ... seen previous servie. • 1 had not the acquaint. notions of our own strength, and we dis 'Mee of any othem before. Our Camp 15 la- dallied to Ihink that our success depeed- Cted n ear frntle 6sititriere, ill a Pleasant. eti - upo n the loyal men of the South ;we wood, the Northern Central It:R. Ow • •-, , - - lag to the extremelylvfarm weather, it is dm. ,Ilviugitt we did not need them, and. treat -possible to give -the men the drill - that is '; ed thein 'accordingly. Think .of such a I aece-sary for a neir regiment. }9e- cannot l i , r o •Liftni that contained • ' this law 1 pow ~ 113 ID ~ come up doable quick into lice like the old 1 ' 111th did, when they were in Baltimore In that if they - do not lay down their arms'in i l 1862, but I have. no doubt the 193 d .regi- sixty days they will be punished by loss of 1 meat could be r made equal- to .it. , although , their 'estatin I How, pray, are they to lay not in one hundred days. Our friend,•4l. 44,1„,,.th,,i,1 1 Surely we know enough 8. Bates, lute of the 10th Retteryes, • is lot i '''""- -- f arms - - Sergeant of our company, and W., Yr. Track, - i to know that this is" mere mockery, sad of the Beek Tails, l's color, bearer of, the regi - that.ittereibel President might-an well. ex meat. Mr. Trask, l brother, ;had a ,who was p ea soldier in our armies to lay cow s color bearer of the - tuck Tails, killed aL.AU- _______ r • 1 tietoM, while carrying the colors of that noted I hie llama W Pon a • Promise of his Protee' and gallant regiment. Gor littiCequadl are 1 .tion. :. . : . • . . _ . -hearty and fall of .fight, ehouht their drurr e " i - dirciiretident, 1 have isometiritee-donbt quire them to meet;the "Johnny Bohai". ~ , - L 1 . To-day has beenthe warmest-I have /ripe. ,• wo Wom ,. tuff we &mild be serious When . we . rienced this season', and, of course, on such a 1 expected any good results to wine from day we are almost hnre to have a review and i stab eneasittres as this, which not - only ex inspection, and'so it happened with us to-day. ..„,,_., -u8 . All the troops in atid around Mankin's Wocids„ r y""" . -to ridicule but does harm to ear numbering about 10,000,were reviewedby Brig. Bused .. What was wanting in this crisis Gen. Lockwood. 11 was told that over .filly i6l * our hietory with new criminal legisla soldiers were sun struck, 9 ' . otherwise ' drew ' t tiori,'whep the-code was complete before? ed by the best, during the review. Ittine , ~,,,,. ~__, , _ regimekt, the sth Mass ., I know of 15 men •W e had a s tat ute pun i s hing treason w ith droppinledown in the:auks within 15 minutes. ; . death„a lust and proper - nUnishmarlt • one. Our regiment had bttt three who. had - to leave ' well according with the magnitude of the the ranks. I have cot ascertained whetter - i I any deaths occurred. The affair esnleff very 'f the crime, as :well WI with . the majesty . o . creditably th the Men, who were complimented, law Whioli inflicted IL For all those who by the General, tint to old soldiersintelt . pa rades seem' like a humbug, especially when oonipired the dismemberment of the Re they have to stand in line two or three hours public, who used themeans and perverted with knapsacks, boxes &argues, and I ex- the State' Governments to bring it, this is pact the new recruits would es soon have the fitting , Punishment,' because it is the been amongst the lookers.on ; however, all mr,h-,..ilind falls upon the guilt y these things have to be done in order to effect highest - r- the organizacien of an amity. -Wei hate'-tad where if Ought. I would have bad no ad. but very lit trioßtOaday so diastase done here 'as ditional4wa ; in war .tbey aye not needed. yet. Onathingot - zatimeitanissoure cannot gf I Would: have contemplated no reforms to Baltimore. • Altai. Gen:Willice, a few da a • • i• since,i ague& an - circler iliat act i officer Or soldier - within tale area of the rebellion; t tbeY should have a pass,nicepf, In extreme cases, cannot te made at such a-time. What we and then to be signed b'y 'this - Brig. General, nf wanted Was =Wand money; these gran the brigade,_no, We Must remain. in camp ,or " i take a trip t&FOrt McHenry , . It is repteted lad, the true function of Congress was in Camp that the Rebs have bummed Chemical.: ever until peace was restored and all par burg and are doing about. as tbeilifettle j en. ties .again represented. But -above .all the borders of Penn's. Wiltnot Bottle of our • • -,' "Loyal" friends!turn out with their lanterns things I would not have played into the and keep the "JOhnnies" away • ,if that ten- hands sit -the enemy ; I would mot have not be aid, I wish that the 198 i melt beer- done thit which the rebels most desired 'dared back to the old Keyetona- •- 1 le hive ; done, because , I tut ve no doubt As it is about; time .for .lights• alit, ; l toast bring thi s 'cu r t (which i /s at , i s is slysisth er t hat thilt arid all - kindred' schen - lei have. more lengthy .than interesting) to: a elate, - been thi4 viry ones which they mollt,vianted.' hoping I may soon_receive a coprof4titta.oa--, us to adOpt. 'I do not . kik*tlitit Jefferson znvcr, also it fair lines. from the editor, and , • should I have itio key* fortune- to ~ retunt:wt, Da v is e v er prays, but if he does, l . have the expiration ! of ea - one hundred': days, I' no dotilit'is wotikl . pray for measures on will c.ill and tilts a glass of beer- r ots/owe-sr ' Ourptiri which were obitoidons 'to all the pease. .1 Yourritto,, II ---:-•••.•••-- '- ' ,• G J. W • . South, loyal and disloyal, ' .•- . Union ; and disunion.. He would have prnyocktitat ,Weer should outrage till their COMCI3O , O prejudices anti. cherished beliefs; that w 4 should do these - things by giving. ogroielV'es .over to - the - guidance of men whamt was part.of their religion tchate; . , to Itatolpetspnally and by, minue t . with, an . .., injetputy, rarely wttnettaett .iq,,,lie, world. hefeta l, .4:W94 1 4'4 1 f! Pra/VMPS' onngia'• `PROP Rlrro EMI:= POLITICAL PROSPECTS "EICIWIII EART.,":7-4%A letter from a (subscriber in ,Diane hall the following signiticant•posnieripi:. are.l.)oki' doAn lipre irr.tho Chicago coilvgittibn will only givii lig A cotisprvative'Vilki-titiAe. you'll h ear p4).1 fiono , ate„going tq r , w , ip - liprtit:!iii44;iVr Fhies go wilt orlst,rckc::ohtAC,6o3l(r, SEE== 111 CZ TWO, DOLL OIS REEL . TtAX IF PAUL IN ADI*CE; SZSO IF. NOT, PAID 'UNTIL TEE END TEE **AIL tRIE THURSDAY A TERNOON, AUGUST is, 1064.1 NE I " spat Ott. ; 1, • • Old iktik by I dud kw* thin, -a, thos6 iliod uses to - I'p beret - imsjoisete woos wears. dine et tbs telly - apish . _ ' it oitildicsinrords driz tby timed; - r iemsidlra.-+ti.a.&Or, • rhea toil &Webb Wes loogid. - dual 'art at • noble 21 M1 1 4 Spook out • Ilowialt God oboe drall boor ail Work spook owis radii the Unnollwas word Shall oriiroark• Ow Gerrard bash, 'Rd alorptog brut 'be surrod l ' ! ' Ilrok oat. The hurt shatt riloste through ail Oa.. Is oath Ormiggiosght of wary Lour; For firory blot wog of alas, Thfrigh ilia to au stoma point, • Spurt out._ psi bravely; cral—larre tip theoilgto bars, Delp Is thoi6enlag stemma *of lib, Aa tripsodusii y a lb* alma aey „ Betide* oluental - Bpmt Out. • I • death out, saiii,buri thy thripliMjunskt, Lthi Aiptnt tornado on tint wrong t Itodnivtion thyllfs is Doubt, aia la thy traiktiotrihand Is strong, Wards; ft Trick aid Ilebermss. Among all, the members of the National Legislature Who have been called to.give (mussel' for the safety and welfare of the Republic in! this dAy of severe trial, we know of none, says the National, Intelligen eq:, who hasAdouight to the discharge of his duties al higher intelligence, a clearer sagacity, or more patriotic fidelity than the Hon. Edger Cowan, the learned Sena tor from the State of Pennsylvania. En tering the' t4nate at the opening of the thirty-seventh Congress, he early won for himself the admiration and respect Of his associates viithotit distinction of party, by the leartfing and dignity with which he explained and defended his viers otpub lie policy, while the independence and el oquence for which he was conspicuons in debate; earl drew i th him the attention of al? who mark with interest the progress of olfr parliamentary discussions . lir. Cowan, we_ need not say,is a distin guished meMber of( the Republican party, but in his whole career as a legislator he has made itttiparent that he considers his first aid' highest sllegianne- due to the country-, and therefore never narrows his mind so ae to give to the former the hom age that shciuld be paid only to the latter. ' Objtcl in thits referring atthis time to the eminent place 'justly held by this Senator in the eyes at the country, is to direct the pifrticular, a ttention of our rea ders to the subjoined •weighty words, held by likrci . in.#te Senate owthe,27th of ! Tune; a few I days hetore' the close of the late session; w h e n that body had under :Con sideration r. Trumbull's amendment re pealing the joint resohition of July 17, 1862, which qualifies the confiscation act and limits forfeitures under it to tie life of thei otfeiuler. We' could wish , that these eordi might sink into the heart :of every !Alison in-the land, for we verily be lieve they are-words of truth and 'sober Bp.s out BEE OW" ienend and indlialndnid4l; ti(rier teeing is welfare iletkika of the name: tIOn as the ampere the:S.l4s ; se well those we-weie bound to' ressue as those we were blind tq rinish. Fervently he would have prayedYisi- our eusansapation laWs and preolazonSons as rams to Are the Southern heart!utOre ~potent than nll :ahem; they would rally the angry popu lation to his atandaid of revolt as if each had a personal quarrel. He would then 'have a united South, Willi as thermal*? , the same measures a distracted and divi ded North. 1 . . - That lithe way I! think iiii wool hav e , prayed and'would ay now: ,Is any man so stupid as net td know that the greet dente on the Part of every rikel is to,llM bark in - revolt with him' the whoge people Of the disaffected districts ?, Is not and, hai not that been oonsidereeeziough to incurs Biomes to hint ? And where does history ' how the filltti4 •of any inked 1 , ~, .. . . ~ . people, numbering Intel , or am udPione,. when they engaged ;in revolutiO 7, Nci where ; there is no such case.. ' , ' What did ,we do to bring this , unity about in the South ? We forgot pur first resolve in July, 1864, to restore the Union alone, and we went further, and gave out that we would also abolish slavery. Now, that was just euctly the point upon which_ all Southern men Tare the 'mat tender, and at which they: pie most prone to be alarmed and - offended. That was of all things the one beet calculated to make them of one mind against us ; there was no other measure, ' indeed, which , could have lost to the 'Union cads. so many of them. It is not ssi question either is to whether they' were right or wrong—that was matter for their consideration ; not ours ; for if we "reread desirous of &union with them, we ought not to hate expected them to gite up their mos t cherished in j stitutions In order to effect it. Unionsstre inade by people taking one another as they are, and I think it has never yet -oc curred to any mars who was anxitsuito form a partnership; with another, that he should first attempt to force the ' other either to change hia religion or' his poll tics. , Is not the answer obvious ; would not thenther say to. hint : "It you do not ' like my ptinoiples,, why dorYou wish to be partner with me ? Have I' mot as good a right to ask you to change yours as a «in dition precedent V' . • t So it Was - with the Southern people— ! they were all lit liiicir of' slavery, but one half of them were Estill for 'union with' is 1 i. is before; bemuse' they did not beliive we were Abolitionists: The other half were , its open 'rebellion because they did lielielie ' it. New can nay due conceive bt 'groatir, . folly .on our part than - thit, we stionld ae• strey the faith of' cut friend/ .and verify' that of 'our' enetniesi ? Cciuhfricit angst:ay I'have foriqold ee'dionld haveloit one-half by, that; and then we' could hate nis'one teft 'to{ form a Union with ? t We' drats , . that half over to the rebehs. and thereby increased their strength a thousand fold. • . . Is not all this history now ? The great fact is staring us fun in the face today . ; we are contending; with a imited people desperately in earnest to resist us. Our most powerful armies most skilfully led ' hive heretofore failed to Conquer theO2, and I think will fail as long as we' pursue this fatal 'Policy. . :- No*, iii.'Presidept„ I appeal to*Sena tors whether it is not time •to pause and enquire wheiher that policy, which has certainly united, the Southern people in their cause and which quite es oertainry! has divided the Northern people in their support of ours,ought not tnbeebandoned ; , at once. Why persist jn it longer i can ire do nothing to retrieve our, fortune Ei re-, tracing our steps?' Can wel:not,divide, the rebels,and unite the loyajrnen ot the loyal States by going baiik to the 'single; idea of war for they,nion •; or is it too lite? Have we lost irrevocably oor,:hold on the 'affections of on,. , CountiyMen who were for the, linionin I£36i—evint in 1h62 T Is there no wa r p _by which' we could tiaiisfy them'i hat we yet : mean tniOn, and not conquest and subjugatjon ? And what a • difference in the meaniog of these two phrases I The hnit offeis,;the, luiod of „is broller„the second ,thilitene the yoke of a Inuter.• Or i r e ; we obliged pow, to e x -, cl4ge the hopes ire, had of 'SOutliero Union men for that other, ind .ntiesiple bolt, of the negio,? is he ill that teleft •of loyalty in, the South, end the only ells ► ; we oin rely Upon ' i to:aid no in reatating the 1 Utilool., Ye Gods! what have we _come toei lash Father to yield to an unholy rebellion, to dim:Member _ an empire, or go into national Companionship „frith the negro I • Is this the allavustiVe to which our madness has brought ant • Mr. President,' these thmgaire enough ' to drive a sane Ilan mid After all our pretension, all our bassting. - bow absurd will we appear in the eyesof all other nn. tiOns if we fall id this strirOlerl - Eipecialli as almost all the tiiiisdreidpon'idiroh . we have occupied ciuteeiver ii the lideitieti years 'have been'head itimi . iiiii'lli*iiii already assumed eii ftied - faCK tire* vided for confiseetiii:tiiiisaiea of rebels before We getpossesuon' '' • ;we eman''''api . l.44 slaves before wegot them from their ' mis ters, and we provided ,for the dis p osition of conqueets we have not inade 3 we have disposed,Of the skin of tae 'bear and the bear itself is if*, uncanght.. All this we have patupon the reecird ; the', iiitite• book will bear witness against,,wi lit'ell coming time ;; and we cannot . escijoe the consequences if we fit ' _ r ~, . ' , , Mr. l'resident. our*lornment ills in be one of law, pre-eirdnently of law. There was to. be nothing in - the ad ministration of it left to the arbitrary - will of an individual or indivldualo.. Thilivis: I its merit, or intended so, par alx:slii,s4,.. I am for prowl/ins its chsticta in tiat. mor'l ,'peat strictly.i,'„Let4o man, ftom the bee 1 aident down tothetnoist,PoniaclitPdare " to' do --oo.fdtkOg, .irbelJtOr: to ik: Wind or. entity, except,, no Wein_ lilted by jaw. Let us PIA*, wai.4°Pord l 4lo4 , 4wr 4 44, 1 45,, hove Pew* 4444411 Airt -X- wAftiP 4 bOUlsor•t* ?Mille kitiAll AO it , M 111,1• INA NUMBER 12. Ina to the law of nations. on. we , punish or listaian a refraototy, elitism, let us do it, by the law of. the land—"by.due Pr°Bl, of 14.' Had we faith in our Oonstitutinn ; pedlar. endour people, we had not been in our preen* condition. Had we made war end, war alone, Um loyal people North midi Sonar to a meat would home been with us. 1 The vtdoe of %Won, if not entirely htuilte4 would have been harmless. The capital ii the demagogue would have been wgilelens, and the nation would have been #:. Had we treated the.negro as tic lution„tntatn him , as a person, asenother men ; had we made no distinc tion or 'daft:once between him and other atitiOasi, we had not aroused against hint plat r trgbal intlpithy which . will be fax more ' likely; to destroy him than a false philantbropy will he likely to elevate him in the scale of. being. If he was friendly to ns, dilemma use 'could have bees 'made of hint at we have made ;we could have ealisteri him in our armies noires we have betin enlisting him in our navy for long years. We could hale received him as a volunr, if , he was able-bodied, without lonian to his complexion, and we could t bar_ drafted, • him without inquiring into the rela =tions which' existed between him and hi4maiter, any more than we inquire inn?* tho relations of the white man of t h w a r ig ly4lears of . age with his parent or Lin. State laws adjusted all . these e4ttions, but to the United States it me& no difference whether he owed ser e ide to! individuals or not ; he owed his Brat duty to the Republic as military ser vicle wes 'required. All this was lawful, and noiloyal man ever did or would have complained of it, kindly - done. In the pro per opiit. I hare only 'to say in conclusion, air. _thikt I hope that the joint resolution will not, be ikpm.led, and that this end all kin dred piOjects . Will fail in the future, for the sinsplif4eagen that, ' they strengthen the rebel:l,6y uniting their people with them, and they weaken the Union cause -bY, ditlding Its friends -and distracting them *th unnecessary, isittes. ON be aid rifts"' *pity of einia4. - bariptacOniersation yrhich took Ohne' last week between our 'worthy President ands iiiatitiguiahed Western Senator, the recent legislative nominations for_ the nett Presidency were Incidentally referred to. "lres," said Mr. Lincoln; nursing his leg with erilent riatisfaction l l-"yes, Sena tot,•thti °arrant . iersint to be settling all - one way." "It does, really, seem to be settlintall one way," was the answer of the Se for. "But, Mr. Lincoln, as yOu hate tOldmnseveral good stories since I have bin here, permit me, if you please, to 011 ~ ou otte.: It has always been ob ser4; that the Atlantic ocean, at the Straitalof Gibraltar, constantly poor. into the I p fditerratielln with tremendous vol unie. 41, The e pospherus mpties into it at its oilier pd;ind river 'are seen :contribop 1 • • Ling 10 its Intern_ all along its coast. It stale foi tinny years the constant pussle of *eOgrapliers' why the Mediterranean, um :.ail these aciessions,'never ; got. full, and ortmin..iti banks. Aft %t a while, holiiever, a curious fellow took the notion 0f, .4 dropping a' plummet in the centre of the 13 'to, when to! he discovered that, theme!' the tremendous body of water on the suttees. was rushing inward from the oceiri,!' still a mere powerful body' was passittii . outward, in a current, at same tanntyleet Waiver . --roh, - ith Plaid • Old Abe, seriously, evi-• dentli noiplasserl for the first time in his life ; ''that ,does nOt.remind me of any stOry I ever. heard before!" ! -__ Was Ilesseen- a Ohm Some of the Administration papprs +ell that it is "disloyal" to denounce a watcarried on in the interest oWnmll fartatrisM. and against the interests of the veinment, the people and humanity 4 We Understand that. this ie strong • lan geage, but it is scarcely stronger than Mr. Lin co ln' /iniiieleUsed in August, 1861, • • Whom we quote : 10• This war, so far, as 1 have anything to da with It is carried on on the idea that therel is a Union sentiment in those Stated, which set free frost the control now held Ot , er it by the preseiuce of the Confederate oirreSel power will be'sufflcientlio replace thosiOltates iri the, Union: If I am mis :takei in this; it. there is no such senti ,onent.there, if the people or those States determined with unanimity, or with a t i a plia, aptiroaching unanimity, that their tate;Wshall not be members of this Con ladowsey. .It is beyond the power of the people AU the other States to force them to retrain in the Union ; and in that con tingeinisv—in the contingency that there II net that sentiment there—this war'is riot only an error, but a crime." A large modern) , of the people of the lnamient States are ready to return- to their] allegiance., knit Mr. Lincoln will not dioneent to peace except upon "the aban donment of slavery." Acoording to '411,6 'ai l eery; the war he is now: waging is olAittitx: No "'Copperhead" has -flied ,•- trot ger language_ than this,- and tiene more truthful. ' Li . 11OLDIZi in the Artily before Peters. rg, writing to•hts father (who Whs& Ile. tt.llllleinthree months ago) say.: "I hope ..0 frrill .1 . sit you can for the eleeticin of eCilel , II the boys here get &chan t °. fa ‘fiL!., you may depend 4.4 bus getting a ierge majors . He i 11 s regarded . the i ' r. fY thleilt genera!' in the service, and the best inati for bringing the country out of diffi.. 1 n• Ilralty. He ismot`enly a good general; but la noble-hearted' ihancaring always for thwbomfOrt of hil men." " • ' ,T. 81. Louis perwratie fires Press thus 'MU up LimoWs &wow end prophesies l oflikt fate: "Harlin Van Buren was {hated at Baltimore, and deferited. Henry lasi was nominated at Baltimore, and de. { ; {fssied.. Lewis Chaff was nominated at 41. and defeated. Stephen A. Doug { las Waanomihated at Baltimore, and fide. AtOthi,liirtiiiOn was re-noniria *Po 7 1,111 .9 Pa . 10 .G0 be I 4 1 1 4 / 1 1 40 1 .4 0 .5 1 - • • ' - The New Totk. /kW, # Iffensont ra m My. "7Abeoib L. CI all the Miens of the United States, the least honest and the most dangerous. ,, • • • : . The kw-York Rot uriothe Loyd:Us goers must go armed.. We aer,tainir. !we no 'objections; provi d ed thee go Vie right directiou—tc•tkifialt. • Last, week the Suffolk 'Herald, one of the most influential of the lb:public= i;ropers on Long Island. took the name. or the Baltimore Candidates from the load of its _ columns. ' A Republi,n paper before in! sa y : - "We have but one Lh2ooln:" Heath be thanked for that. May God in kis mewl grant that ti 4 nation may never be cursed with another. tien. Butler kering "retired" to Fort ress ktonroe,the publio are curious to know what he has Oone witit the "key to Hick mond.". which he rovanntingly telepsphed he had got hold of. • Witt: Haeito.Faszoott Coms.—Tbe New York Herald cejimates that one million of negroes hare,been freed or killed by this war, at an expense of $5,9i10 and the life of one white men for wrery dead or eman cipated slave. 'Vote for Curtin and avoid the draft!' said Ramtblican journals. before the elec tion. "Tax the people to avoid. the draft," is the cry spice the election. . . • 'That will the next bet—Lebanon" Ad vertiser. - • • The' 'Daily' .71/wi, ade)phia, ap ouVand.ouf Abolition 'paper, says •that "candor as well as a• just' appreciation its duty as - public journalists, requires that it should etite• that in its own polit ical household the element!' of discord are nineh more rife than is generally aup- Posid." , * . • In the Doiteelitisies' Senate the other day Its, Chandler 'Hitt he was' free froth the previlent disorder of:"Consiltution on the brain." It would be more to his cre dit, and also to the credit of Michigan and the country, if he was free from "whiskey in the brain."—Neurbsuidport Herald. • - Considerable amusement has been caused in the city emcisvicinity of Detroit by the circulation within the last- few days of aprintecl ballot, of which the following is a copy: • , • I, ----, who depoint this ballot, hero by pledge myself, in case it shell* sow- cessful, So, enlist ht. the army TorAhrilee years, or during the War. (Signed,) Dis*zncrjo IN !111 lkitiur.r-rl t ertlyit Arply of ' the Potonuto and.Nashington corres pondents of the Rochester Democrat are to be believed„ there is nanch disaffection in the army. The former, writes : "Aa 1-said before ,the sooner , the army will abandon the trenches in front of Pe tersbnig, the better the - officers and men will be pleased." And the latter says : "The number of • resignailcina in the Army during July bas:ibeen ?surprisingly large. and the number effargcl largely ex ceeds that Ooepted. Among the proffered . 'resignations ate thoie of not 'less than five general Offloers." . • • - • Ms. LINCOLO Liar.-During the time that the reheliiivere engagedin their born liardment'el Port; Stevens; . 'Lincoln happened to piss a short tithe, within the walls of that fortification. • A shot from the enemy piseed . into the fort, and strik ing some projection, glanced off—the ball 'entering the leg of a giddier. Mr. Lincoln Cast his eye Brit toward the point of iin- • z:gamed and than it 'the suffering sol dier end exclai med, "That,was a carom'!" The unfeetiOg remark was heard by some soldiers standing sear, and produoed, as might naturally be expected, considerable indignation. • Tna kind of peace to be 'had in tile slave States under Abolition rule is now well illustrated in Missouri. Pacificethd 'twice a year, since the rebellion began, by fire and sword, in the words of the 7W bum t "A guerrilla ear, to ferootous than any that has preceded it, has broken out over the whole State, and imperilled • the property and the lives of .the ancerti ii promising Unionists and an ti ai.verp seen, Indeed; it mar bb safely asserted that, during the past few weeks, it hat in no other State of the Union been note dsn gerons to be pointed out as an unixondi tionarUnion man than in Missouri "I Let the radicals achieve all the siumei.i their wildest dreams ever pictured, and this wfll be the condition of the amiutred South forever." A Pnaroaasrnic ecatoserv.—:,A • New York photographer has published - a por• trait of President Lincoln, whim, is likelx to prove acceptable , to all parties. - At first &nos it appears to be photograph of "Old Abe," taken when he had the mpall pox. a few monthe ago but on cheer in spection the pustules are minute photo= graphic likenesses of tlistrnguished gener statesmen, politioiasuk literary men, motors, sotrefwes, The likenesses,which I a r e aTatußred all over the physiognomy oil Old Abe, numbs!. four 'hundred mad up wards, and Comprise men of all parties 'and profession, - end are' io lir:media* well executed as to be at ono+ iwoognited. .Though there are many gold looking men and women - among the- likeiesses, yet taken' together they constitute as ugly a picture of Old Abel's any of the others" that' have been published,. t • "e, . - Some a tbeilikttfjotutialkiiiiittfatt a disguise e' compllasedt~ ' tb s y'-. eourege; by gently ' 7 1 .1161 . expeenthis person to Ike lA* • shooters 'While riding' ire* General Butler, durintildiressitiebitl6" :. General Grant's tt:A€'l l .'t•;i:Lk.7.l';44 l, - - The President was perfectly see. The rebel sharpshooter Who ' had' leveled' his piece at hutilvould, Imo been court-Stier. • tilled and shot by his' own commanders. Nothing is of more importanee to the resit. el. than•thst. Mr. Linecdn shall live - oat his term, wtdept, divined it be his roads°. ' Lion. If he is re-elected, the NUMMI- • menial Ott independent authors ocnifeder. aey is a ljearteartaktty,and mit-No*o4z therefore, we Shall* him sitkiivrtek ell the Oginsi Lablut4eitiete. 2114:ilbe pem, se lit matte, at aeorseiell4lll4,l* ,liall those irh!!" sari, willing to :ptirebehirlipt_ ignbmintotis Pfiee_ oration. Itcr ! 4inootar es wont *tied ' rebel bnlistaaw hod assure .ot Vie :Name of rebel sinStplindseri. • :( 1 • - Of 440124 Why, "axes enti'drefti." . to be sure For President, ABRA.HADC,LtNCOL.N. • For Vice President. ANDREW JOHNSON, - fr•••