The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 13, 1864, Image 1

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orrica v. Tii. .:0118TATZR BCILOINGS," STATR STIIIT.
A DVERTISEUENT.i.—One Squirts or Ten Lines one In.
sertinn 75Cents ; two lettertions $l,OO ; three Weer.
newt $1,25; one month $1,50 ; two months $2,60;
three month" $1,00; six months one year St 00;
~ther advertisement, in proportion. Thema. rates
*ill he attictly adhered to, unlerui change., by special
.ontrart, atthe option or the publishers. Audi
tura'Nottres,Stra Ilivoices and like advertise.
writ, $1,60 ; addi Lollar-einem Notices 82,60; Local
stances t lilt cootie hue; Ila.nsge . Notices twitsTY.
' ,el rents a piece; ttlrituary Notices (orer three lines
im ettent) fire oent4 per lire. Original poetry, no. written at the request or the editor, ono dollar
per hoe All adrortiee Dents will be continued at
thd'expen , e or the person advertising, until ordered
a nt by his direction, unless a specified period Is
agreed upon for its insertion
~citSCRIPII7OI4 —Two Douses per annum In ad..
rsn, '
o oti ~t the beet
'ffivr. I. thy "It to, ;tad 41, re.vtr to donut Pod. 114 ,
Lt..l isun Ant ma. ratrurited to w1...1 NO le
te sar establishment outside otthe largest eine*.
WIIITII Al , : .! BRECHT, Pn`kllshers
THAT the variety of new style Bed-,
steads, of Gothic, Cottage, Congress, itonod Cor
„,r, Camp Sofa, Jenny Lind and other patterns, with
erudite and strait front, handsomely veneered Bureaus,
Extension, Dining, Breakfast, C ure and other Tables,
gtatnota, Quaker Stands, Carpet and Damaak Lounges.,
AOll Bk., ]lair and Sea Grass 'Aattraases, Feather Beds
Ind Bolsters with other noneehold furniture, all
-isnrifictured from well seasoned lumber and le,ithy
azterials, by experienced workmen and not by appmntims
Lids. For style, quality and low prices I will 11.4 y Ivan
orolrieS dealers to undersell me. Feather. houtt'.t and
„old Cane seat. Parlor, Bedroom, Reekh. t,
cares and other. Chairs, of Eastern and Western LIIIIGIU.
serum are hickory dolled and glued, making them as
grong as any other part of the chair, where others made
iad sold are only nailed, and by no mean', durable. Wood
Windsor, Rocking, Sewing and Nurse, are chairs of herd
good rounds clinched through the seat and glued, war
ranted to stand. Handsomely painted, and can't be bee
we for strength, price and finish. Spring Beds. I bare
old over WV and have the highest teetunonials with a
~ st of prices of all goods sent on application. ILA-king
661,1 'tipping, free.
After ere years experience and contending with un
prlacipeled two price dealers, i - am determined to esti
one price to all, give worth for your pay, and do it:adios
m all who trade with me. •
Lumber, Lath.Stung'ee, Live Stnet, Crude and Heine
store Pay, Produce ke., taken at fair market valued
for paiy. Remember the niece, next earner of Bth street
.n State, Erie, Co. - G. W. ELLSEY
necti-tf. Manalact'r and Commie's' Balearnan.
/Vortk-East Corner of Lir Park ¢ Freak Strut.
Would ttepeetfaily call the attention of the community
to his large Stock of
Which he la diiairoas tont! at the
Ms usortmant of
. ' TEAS.
• , SYRUPS, •
FISH, &C.,
4 DOL ILlrpaased In tlaCeit), as h. u propariol to prove to
.11 alio ova tam a call
ile CPO keeps constant]: en hetet a superior lot et
ea the wholesale trade, to whirl' h.. directs 0 , , attention
.4 the pulthe
motto k, 4 410., • Trouts. Anil r full
Equtvrilent for the Stoßel "
„uia iLt am tb. Nit,il, that hr h °peaked
No. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie,
Wire 1,. A 1114,1 t sk• on lark. k ovrlr of
CIi()CIC.E.I:I' AST) IV) )uDEi WARE, •,
LlQL ., (I is W.,
U nt r ril;• in ID estal,likhinrut 9f
'Ls kind
rift' • th•r story o the
- 0 1• ftuln'ii4tf •
frll E 11,. r ‘l,,,ulti
fulls 12f.,im L:5 fr en 4.1 , • k t. )
ti•st he In 0 , 11.nt lU. n, mt.alp
So. 3 linihington New York,
AnJ't : to forni.h
littTP • tl rRAN & F • %it • IFS
An , , tht, 1.4•4 t
lae warket afforl., at Schnlomalet and Itetatl, at *hurt
Lottco, aurl at t 4 I (mt , ..? I.l•Eatt PRUTF.A
r - e - All 1), trom the Country Promptly
Attended to.
N. 13 —Oysters' rod Clam,. YILLIed t 0,.. taut.
Yt.rk, Juurt 20, C. Yl , l, Y
11. S. 10-40 LOAN. -
DEPO-ITORY OT TilE U. s.-1 Ina Bank hereby
sonounces that It to preparet to recaive subseriptiona on
tccoutit of United States Bonds, autt ortoed by the act of
March 3, 1064, beam.; dot, tiard, I, laq, redeemable at
the gleseure of the Government after 1,0 )oar, and par
Ole 40 years from date, t e.rin.r interest at five per cent
e Tear, payable in con annually, un !toads not over
tioa, and semi-annually on all other Bonde wlil receive either B•gistered or Coupon
Bondi, as the.,y prefer. It of expected that Coupon
Heade will be ads for delixery about the 4th of April
~ .ia
Subtcribers ill be required to pay, In addition to the
smount of the rlocipal of the floods in lawful money,
the accrued in rest I , coin, (or in United t-tates Notes,
or the Notes of National Banks adding fifty per cent. for
premium, until farther nntico,) from the let day of Bard%
allid the du' of subscription.
Registered Bonds wilt be inUt d of the denominations
'o f $ 50 % 11.104, $3004, 11,000% $.t,030,5, $10,0005 ; and Cou
pon Bonds of the denominations of $....03, SlOos,ssool and
By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury.
1 0 2 1 r
M SANFORD. Cashier.
U. S.- 1 . 0-40 Bonds.
'E BONDS are issued under the
Act of Conrrees of Starch Atli 1684,1d:11okt provides
that all Ronda Lune tinder this Act shall be I.X.EMPT
FRolt TAXATION by or under Any Flats or municipal
antborl , y. Nablerlptirrns to these Roads are received In
Malted States notes or notes of Sal iontl Barks. They
are TO BE REBERSIED ry cot v, at the pleasure of the
Oovermarat, at am period not fess thentsa ear acre thus
forty weft fmm 'niter date, and until their 'redemption
calgooda of not urr r one hundred dollar, annually and
on all other Hoods semi annually. The interest Is pay.
Oa on the first day of )tarot and September an each
Subscriber, will h.-calve eith,r Ryelat.zwi Coiapo*
Bomb-am they MST pref.q- liegi.tayel Bodin are record
•di,n tba books nf the Tr..amuryr, anti can b trans
feYto4only on tb• ownor'n Oiler Coupon Bond, are
payable •o the bear.r, ant are Inure enuiantent tar corn
awyrial a.ys.
Stlttatilwrs to this loan mill hat the option - f hariag
then b•ttots draw 'lnterest from 31areh Ist, by paving the
stemol itkterel in Coin (or in United States notes, or
the lame, of Netlon.l flank 4, adding bite per cent for
premium) er receive them drairito; interest from the
alto of ws, tiptoe and dvposlt As these bones are
Exempt from Municipal er State Taxation,
timr raia• l+ Inc re +AA from me to three per mit. per
arc'rd.a;. - t,+ tha rate of tat !..rtra In =ions
part+of the country At the• preaent rat+. of premiums Ott
thry 113
to C.II(VIrt. and nre of equal ) ‘r.nienee se a perm/avant
.""rni , or•ri tnvestroeut
• •
It I 1)«;o-red thst no seetrilion otter so great indaoe•
L..0'4 to I,nders as the TIAOIII descriptions of U. S.
d tll other forms of indebtedness, the faith or
cloty of pi tvste pulite or stock companies or separate
ectenutot,.e out) le pledged for tayineut, whits for the
Of the Voided States the whole property of the
..ecJi t y is holden to ceonre the payment of both priori
tal tut i in coin. --
Ties, Bonds nay be subscribed for In sums from $6O
up to any magnitude, on the vino terms, and are thee
made equally arsitabla to the smallest lender and largest
capitalist. They can be eoneerted lute money at any
moment, and the holder will here the benefit of the in.
It clay be useful to state in this connection that the
total Funded Debt of the United Statis on which interest
is ;maple in gold, on the ad day of Muth, 1864, was
$711,246,000. The Interest on this deat for the coming
areal year will be 844,927,129, while the cristorns menu.
is gold for the current fiscal year, ending Jane 30th,
166 4, has been so tar at the rate of our $100,000,006 per
41311. m.
It will be seen that even the present gold revenues of
the Government are largely in etas. et the wants of the
Treaanzer forth. payment of gold interest, while the to
ant taiwease of the tariff will donbtlime raise the mum'
reoeiptelmei customs on the .Mme antonnt of Imparts
twits, to 1160,000,000 per annum
Instructions to the hietlonal Ranh acting u loan
►teats were not tuned from the United States Tonicity
ashl Kirsh t 6 het In the fret three wake of April the
'Waco pt.ons averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A
Subacriptlone will be received by the
First National Bank of Erie,
tad by all National Banks Lich are depositaries of
Rabllc money, And all RE:_ 4 PECTABLE BANKS AND
BANKERS throughout the country, (acting.-as any
Lithe National Deroaltavy Harika,) will fartileti further
information ou application and AFFORD EVERY FA-
CiLlTy TOSUB3CRIBKRS. mayTtfiteride.
improved Property for - Sate.
TEE Undersigned, being required by
his atrial duties to be absent from Sale for some
Yaws, oilers the fallowing property for rile :
His Dwelling, on West Meth street with rAcr two full
The Wl:Luria the Millarletpbtl fi r?le Depot, az, 00-
Ersiod by Finn heStearns. -
4: A
ip. tr etcks p plitit t S 2 ol:l o t;Litabi tw o e :hop . * end two Ay
Lod amall r;
edjohll i g the one, TOW part a the i City L raptly
142 fillabi Dwo/Ung on fifth atzoit,intoroon ("Walnut
l ' i tAnown onspied by Iwo: lazirden,_.
WYY. Y. WWOD, Mil. S.
•• • \
. ,
. -
11 '
inslzi • 0 of zllll 0 1 fl ateii ii) :4'l
' au.tutu. Cards lusarted la this tolcosnl st the rat. 0
Three and rho Dollars per yotr.l . .
jutard H.
Czrt grannor, betas IWO Tea" COgliti
6urve7or I. prepared to Barmy or mks Plans or Yaps
to Kg* eouttr;Pa. Ma in Common Connell a°0132.
Wright's Block. ape/Z.64-Ir.
1-7 FORWAIMILNO AND Goarartaaroa Namur,
ile, Pa. Warehouse on Public Dock, Raid 'Corner ef
Rtate Stmt. Mao, dealer in Coal Salt, Maly Mar.
Pluto; Water Lima N. B.—Pareealar. attentio n
be given to the Receiving and Forwarding of Petro•
letup 07 , erode and itelasd, to all parts albs eouatry.
k Proxima 4713 SOllO/011, Wattaba • g, Pa.
Rororonros —Drs. aiding*, Roeltoster, sod Wldts, Buf
falo, N. Y.; Drs. Rinspkilty and Phelps, Onion. Pa ; tad
Tor. Sponeer, ante, Pa. apr3oll44la.
Witotasits Jiro Ftrtin. Dumas za
iroCatos rod Pportaloos, Floor sad Food, Wood and
Willow Wars, Wises, Liquor; Tobactoo, Soots. ace, Stat.
itrest, next to Tonnes Roan Famishing Emporium,
Erie, Pa. j unel—tls2.
V. MILO 11311.1 4 01,1 CM
Jest= op WI PIO& Mice mond
door Wayne Block, triode Street, between Fifth MI
D ?mum a Co., !- -
Magmas II &La LIND. or Elazowass,
and kaanfaetauere sad Jailers to Tin'aad Copper Ware,
corm et la and State BE L, tefie. Ps. tetgrreett,
EXCIUDOS Pioroaurg Maust,
Rom:limelfs Block, Erie Pa. jaiklirall
-4Trownne 61 Loter, -Ridgway, Pa.
Practise in Eli; Mann, Cameron and Jefferson counties.
J. C. CHAPIN. -Oui3V64-Iv9 W. W. WILBUR.
Corner of Second AM Mutat smut-re•ilte Kasai sett 40
4 ohnion'a Exchlaki% Watrent PIL SOO. 2117.
'litscs Or Mt Mot. Office In Oar Ate
buddiar, South-wad VOMIT cd Plfai and Stati. stmts.
Couvoydadir done =Ws and eollsettoni sudspram*
ly. jolBll4-Iy.•
. ,
r 11; 'COLE ,
i 4
. Dom Bruck Haug Boca Nam roses,
te., In Sesond Story of itlatkraialgra Black, Yr*, P.
• Ettittiit it. CUTLER.
Arrowarr LAw, Idisancgrldi
• Collietions and other Waimea stumaded to with
•,,,ptalos and agate:h.
Boon/sum and Dealer In Stationtry,
WallPsper, linguine", Newspaperske, Conntry dealers
mapped. Hier* under Brown's Hotol,froating tbn Park.
aprW'dittf. •
1 .4 I 31 L .
J. s Coups has taken the Lima UP at
tpe foot of 'heath Street, clear the Philadelphia depot,
Erie city, and is prepared to Webb 111:te Um*, to large
or small qualities, at the lowest market prices.
3EITIN do David,
Arronunrs ATLl t ir Cheirtant
tre e t, Shadville, 5-87:11.2
J. W. W1CT.111.11128, . •
ATTORNAT Ai . Law, in Wslkties Or
flee, on Seventh gnat Cite, Ps. ' &AK 1412
tit). PHIS A KINP4I.
Darrfirr c asatt.i• Moat. Korth side of the Putt,
itate street, Erie, Pa. aprll'63 U.
French street, between 4th and 6th streets,
nrar the PhlladelphLa & Erie Railroad Depot, Iris, Pa.,
Louis Shoemaker, Proprietor. Extenele• accommoda
tion ter strangers and travelers. Board by the day or
good stabling attached. apr2s.63tt.
i .
Agonts for Planer & liaSPatent Sowing Machines
—the beet in use— State between Ith and 9th Its,
Rrie, Pa. Clothe s mad* to or to the flood stile.
Lay i'd3-IT.
Lasitss eats ILLS STAMM, es Eighth
botinpea Stets and Trench. Floe Horses and-Car
, into to hit ou ressonablil tarmac m72r64-Iy.
411kr K OARTMII., ' / 41,
mrolacarazia of Stoma gairtnia,l3 odors,
.1 iiesnog, syrieultural Implements Railroad Cal,
• no. Pa.
omee t
n Ike=
Block north 'idea tb• Park i Etis, Ps.
AfTOll/17 AT Lew --(Moe ou 6th street.
. Arly ppoeite the Court Roue, Erie, Ps.
(>FFICE, Paragon Nock, near North
%% out Ctilller n I the Ptlbllo 8.0111111.. Erie. Y►
theAmex IX DIY GOODS, Gammas,
Crockery, Hardware, Nails, also , : 3 / 4 .M., Plaster, ate., cor
ner .4 Sixth 'treed. and Pablta Square, l:rle, Pa. WM
Atlantic & Great Western Railroad.
Passenger, Freight, RA, Express SBA Tale
_graph Route.
connecting at sahunanca, N. Y., with the Ene. Rail
way. !arras a continuous di: Foot Track from New York
to Akron or Cleveland. On and after
Through Passenger and Freight Trains will be run regu
lIAGOADI CUM= 1111tOratt
Passengers by this Line hake choice of Five diS-rent
Routes between- New. York and Boston. THROCOR '
TICKETS can be obtains i at any of the Offices of the
vrie Gailwayaud all Ticket, Oder of connecting Lines
West or Southwest: also, at the Central 'hetet Ones,
under the Weddell Hones, Cleveland,
Ask for Tickets via. the
A. & G. W. AND NR.IE umn.wmus.
. Passenger Truing stop at Meadville thirty m /man, gin
log paoseogers ample tins to dins st the - ..NaazxrcY
HOUSE," the hen Railway Hotel la the country.
SA 11..
No transhipment of Freight between New Tont and
, ton or Cleveland. -
Merchants to the West and Southwest wlll led ft to
their advantage to order their goads to be forwarded via.
the Erie and Atlantis k Gnat Western Railways, thus
saving trouble and exposes.
Especial attention will be given to the speedy trooper
tattoo of Freight of all kinds, East or West. -
The Engine; Cars and other equipments of this Cora
,pang are entirely now i end of-the most improved modern
The only knot route to the
Tla.Muidville sr Corry.
, From Leavvitsbargh, the Mahoning Branch runs to
Yeangetown and the Coal Mines.
Title Road is being estendedond will soon be In corn.
pine maim anise to Gillen, Urbana, Dayton and Cin
cinnati, without break of gauge.
J. PARNSWORTR. Gen'lFreigh l tent.
.T . )I.43IQODMAN, Goal ! !skit A ..
SWAB MR, Oval Snyt.
State Normal School.
, 11013 Y. MAY 111. M.
"halm "CI las!, Dualdsk at about ties fotktin hour.
Bast razd Boand--Deput
Night lama 410 p, a.
Steamboat Imams. T 00 a. a
aecoasasadatioa4 .... a. r•
Way IWO' • HI a. a.
The accommodation stns iniazdap
CHAS. MINOT, 04411 'lain
Stray Colt.
N." thebeenbee, le Mae* tp, Most bro =Use ham
Brie, sear34the =etre Mille , ea tlee heath ee Jeke. •
BAT &1 or it.resn.944. =Sal tattaatassas
her heed sae SW on the High lelp.. The WSW is
requested to come fetererd. pros= 111•7 s
saitehe YR eastriedhenelesehoWS
10.1111108014. ' • • 11 . MIL
3711 re
6rit hinder.
ciATURpAY, AIIGiTST 13, 1864.
grarraz. Vreriapar sr fiat Prinz a rali Prat or
JUIS IM MO, of IlAmlaity.
(Subject to the diedeloo of tie Derimestla Wattimil
'‘ Conventios.)
Iu order to place the Cassavas within
the reach of all who desire to read sound'
Union doctrines, we haVe decided to take
subscribers for the space of three's, months,
commencing with the but f August, and
ending with the next issue after the Pres
idential election. The price will be' PUrrT
Coma, invariably in advance. Each subscrip
tion will be promptly discontinued at the
expiration of the time, unless other iiirels•
tions are given by the persons receiving
the paper.
We earnestly urge the Democrats of
Erie, Warren, Crawford and Ashtabula
counties to make a special effort to in
crease the circulation of the Osumi
during the exciting and important politi
cal campaign so soon to open. Let no
man wait upon his neighbor to commence
the work of obtaining ißubetwiptions, but
enter upon it himself, with energy, deter
mination and persistenCy. The crisis de
mands the services of all, and no one can
excuse himself who fails to perforiti'his
duty in this hour of his 'oountry's danger.
We should have at least two thousand
campaign subscribers on our hooks before
the close of August. Lot other* do their duty
and %be will not fail to pert'. ours.
Book which no Desnocrat •hoal4 to
Ftri HUSDUD Pot,rfloat, Tugs."—On
der this title, 8.-D. Carpenter, Esq., editor of
the Madison (Wis,) Petrie', a former resident
of this county, has issued a book which in - by
far the most valuable 'that has appeired-on
the subject of the war and its causes. Is liar,
in short, be appropriately Styled a Dethocratio
History of the IlebelliaNiin oontradiatis'oetion
'to the many garbled' Unreliable books
pretending to give an account of the osigin and
progress of the war, which have been written
by Abolition authors for Abolition pmpo
les, and flooded over an anauspealai eat too
easily duped country. It differs from any of
those' so-called. histories, though, in . the
fact that it giVea documentary proof for every
assertion that it metes, sad can be relied upon
in every particular. ; •
' Mr. Carpenter has made n decided hit in
this work, and if it reap!! a reward consistent
with its merits, it will have the largest circu
lation of any that has bees announced for the
last ten years. It it juit the thing .that has
long been needed—stank-book to which Dem
ocrats can always refer for proof to snatela
I their' azlgnerents.-... , ”-Wiuievee haa a espy-of
this work in his paswessiott i " says a cotempora
ry, need not fear to be *led nraitor,',..Cop
perhesd and the like, for all he has to do will
be to pull the volume out of his pocket, and
cram a few Abolition sentences down the
throats of those who assail him, and they will
soon learn to let him alone." Commencing
. with the formation of the Federal party, it
follows the ahequered and inconsistent career
of, the opposition down to the present day,
quoting from the sentiments of their speakers
and editors, giving their platforms, compar
ing their acts and professions, and showing
the tendency of them 41 to pr oduce the very
condition of civil war land despotism which ,
now bangs over the nation. There is hardly
an event which has occurred since the ac
knowledgment of our national independebee,
but is treated on at more or less length*. The
bbok is a complete encyclopedia of politleal
knosiledge. We endorse it strongly, hut
I not with a particle tho much of warmth,
Ir is one that no Democrat should do without
or, once having, wouid do without, and, as
stroll, we commend it to the attention of our
party friends everywhere. The price is $1.50;
if sent by mail, sl.76—toe extra twenty-five
cents being needed to cover postage, Sto. 'Mr.
Carpenter hen made arrangement* by which
any orders from this section can be sent to
the Observer 'office, Will* receive prOmPt
attention. (tf.) •
PAPIER is Dswaso.+Old aewspaptirs . Ind
other printedmatter, fOrtnerly worth nothing
- or next to nothing, are tow purohised by the
paper makers at from ;three to 'font' cents a
pound. By a process devised, sine* the. great
advance of paper stook, the ink is effectually
removed and the paper Manufactrered so as to
be used again and again. A staple worth
three cents a pound ought ilOt to be thrown
away or used for such purposes as land:ling
fires, for cheaper substances milky bettubstitn•
ted. The little boy. and &bilis should •ee sad
collect all the waste paPerthe3 . rmin.
buy it at; this office at three owns a pound. •
&WINO kfeontli Sot Sata.—Any parson
jibbing to buy a Finkle & Lyon sewing Ma.
pine can° learn of a good opportunity by ma
king application at this office., One 'worth $4O
at the manufactory in; New York. will be Bold
for $4O.
A CAPITAL TOART.I-4110 1010Wilkg
graph is floating abOnt as a wait In the great
sea of newspaper paragraphe t lirho. is its
author we . now not, hat thera - a a %cilium of
serious truth in the renthwent ita few worts
"The United States—united., they are too
strong for the world to conquer-4%4dgC they
are too weak to conker each Om."
• The Latest novelty in LoildimOnd Pula Is
the Photograph Letter Signature. - "foie- and
letter sheets are noWettottlit-With
oval photographs of thii.parprnis; . tiall* OS*
affixed to the right head lower aeraer of the
last page, lifter the Tordel' E .t r esitittiii4tri."
whieh- are iriatect bt the usual
are getiing to be quite as faahionable4e•the
. -
•eartes de virile: 1
Voslit.utts os Pametititia , :-/inkimingtfo
its Ladiee.—A California earreepcsidette Pius
speaks of the waatif of his Siete; tallltit
fornia_needs most to-day is rain. Whit'nbe
wants tomorrow .ts eseestipitee
stake. which would equal the ma le
according to the lent census."
A Yankee tinreller, describitiiratioughnut
of unusually laygeprportions, *4OO Suf.
chased in Baffalo,,ays: .isit.was'one of that,
Stapendsas .oichiniementa iikaititiv•
only attempted ip ihodelayvrt giont*Ailt
of nature like the - fingint Valli:" -
Asa/ to PPS it...-Irb•1604101(
ter woe fl 11101110111; Will UMW .to,lllllbllit
par mint. this year.. ; Brew 'dal" men begin
to squirm under Oninftwooder,_ if
it would? as well. bring ' the 'wit to "a
close.- T sass's -purse -sad - toneh
his bege t Isedititelirt.444./tirit AMA •
A family. ie .1141401111 r,
,wsing Slat ,Woald,beAkir
last; bst tAdty Asppestei whams
nal rizinart,
Campaign Via.
Fifty Cents for Tires I 103 ItlUit
Attention 'Vtilleiren.
1 • -
w mapfilesit Peen.
I • -
Auditor battle 'fought sad gibed 1
Azothei ilototy won
A no ther gag with minion Mahe%
*math $ Southern sun! •
Tea thousand men Ho there asleep,
Ti waken *o'er again ;
And dui** ton thousand utournees weep
ans Wish for the slain.
Mother, your brae young son is there,
- The boyish fors lies low;
The' l breese lie his cu rling hair
Ahd sweeps his cheek of snow,
Cannot from its immortal home,
Ulan the spirit led ;
Mother, pour dearest hopshas lows ;
- Your sou is with the dead.
And therii, 0 weeping, stricken wile,
That Aka you know too well; • •
Swept, down before the storm of strife, •'•
Your trust, your refuge fell.
Your children, orphans—you their' all--
&widow, and ;
0 Ged I bon , atrtit4 idols fall!
How are they "thickly strewn.
dister, your proud, bright brother lies
In ghostly idiom there.
With shadows in his joyotis eyes, ,
And ohillnese in the air,
That breathes above his wounded bream
- Wounded that fatal day—
And:ou the Ups pour Ups hare preisol,
. The sliest of decay.
Malden, you wait and watch in vain
' FOP one who may sot come ;
Go seek upon the battle plain
The long. long absent one.
That mark upon his forehead whit.,
Tells how the warrior fell ;
Oka dead I the words bring sorrow's blight
Whernhope had lowed to dwell. .
But - yet, !though human hearts weep blootl,
For father, brother, sou,
-Though anguish rises like a good,
The carnage must go on. . .
Thetioh must fill their coffers deep,
Again, and yet again,
Though twice ten thousand corpses sleep
On many $ Southern plain.
When those who role our rulers eall,
A battle must be fought ;
Stoats must go up, though soldiers fall,
. What,are their sufferings Naught.
Naught weighs against the greed of gain,
When once it fires the soul,
It sea ri the heart, and o'er the brain
• Holdi absolute control.
0 fiends who talk of Liberty,
And fake her name in vain,
To Moak your black iniquity,
And fleeting wealth to gain.
How many Uses you unifies
How inlay t-- andwhat for ?
What tor? that stooks may higher rise,
And you grow rioh by war.
The spoils your guilty bands new hold
Aro red with murder's glow •
Their price is paid a thousand fold,
In blood, and teen, and woe,
And though your 'foreheads may not wear
The outward sip of shame,
before iho Indulre'yoa bear
The earned mart of Zola.
'Tie not, tor mortals to prediot '
The puntehtatmt of those
Who on the human race insiot
Baoh;eountless; careless Inns.
Almighty God, and He alone,
Your guilt can comprehend;
And Endless Jostle& will its own
diem retribution send.
Ts the Pee* St the Vdted States.
tatestiaT DsTaRT4Bal.,
July 25, 1864.
By en , act of Congress, approved June
80, 1864: the Secretary of the Treasury is
authOrired to issue an amount not exceed.
log two hundred millions of dollars in
Treasury notes, bearing interest at a Bate
not exceeding seven and three-tenths
per centura, redeemable after three years
- from date, and to exchange, the same for
lawful money, The Secretary is furthel
aut)foriied totonvert the same into bonds'
hearing; interest at a rate not exceeding
six per Cantu= payable in coin. In purr
suanoe pf the authority' *thus conferred, I
Dow ,Ofter to the pedple of the United
States Treasury notes as described in mt
advergiement dated. July 25. 1864. -
The circumstances under which this
loan is l ashed for, and your aid invoked,
though, differing widely front the existing
state of affairs three years ago, are such as
to seem* equal encouragement and seen.
city. Time, while proving that the strur
glifor national unity was to exceed in du:
ration end 'severity •our worst antioipai
tioe4 ism tested the national • strength, •
and developed the national romances to
414 Went alike unexpected and remarks•
ble, exciting equal astonishment at home
and oabroa`d., Three years of war have bur:
dened Volt' with debt which, but-throe
yeari since, would have seemed beyond
our ability to reach. Yet the accumulated
wealth and productive energies of the as
tiondii i .s proved to be so vast that it hag
been born with-eomparative ease, and 4
palmed - future- would hardly feel . ate
weight' As a pries . paid for national ex:
istenee, and the preservation. of flee instil
citations, it does not deserve a moment's
aorisidiestion. •
Thus far' the war has been supported
and eXeried of t as it only could have been
by -A People msolired,' at whatever ooirof
blood ; and treasure, to . transmit,-iinimt
P#o!. o 3r ll -tol.the i iiiieri4r t 4 4.iovi
enutteintlieiplatbed to then bribe great
Men who it. This deliberate mid
pshi r tedle-rescilve flan ilevishipea 'omit
_stirpriii,rig, even to themselves. It ltaa
that in lees than a =mar) a nation
has arisen, unsurpassed in vigor Ind'
hausttesii In resource*, able conduct
through 0. eerie* of yearn, war• ' most
gigantic scale,-sad finding •itself, 4heli
near its close, almost thi2 A ag • the
eielients of power, It isas,-at
the pellet moment, gmakstrpiee ikthe
feei4" sn' - enetaY
04144 pains:Vol :utter, eatinnantiota.
bat atoll 101411014plitli aloros the grestei
tad more &aperitif- fin It sees;and boom.
it seem the near atoprcifo "it of "a iinid I sast„
fatalToonsiiminitioN. :801, in my delib
old& Jutigisssifi is t h e present condition
et:the:great contest for ofVfl.liberty
which you are *Ow engaged. .
Uti:,to• the tlement napnient 4 you • have
reiatii and -ottierhat
qi fitu A*ql44ppOZt ' firratomest in
*Waal strugstit.' , : It In ytrin:wir.
• i l e rn " 64l4ll 6 :5412 4 1-1060
it iplitit traitors
,trvut7w th a pa.
I +lt t .I,lt ir
tried° devotion unsurpassed in the workPs
The securities; offered Aic such as aluMid
command your !ready confidence. Xnnk
effort has been made to shake public faith
in ohr national credit both at home and
abroad.. .►s yet we have asked no foreign
aid. Calm And self.reliant. our own mamas
have thus far proved: edequate to our
wants. They are yet maple to meet those
of the present and ti►e future. It still re.
mains for a patriotio'peoplo to famish the
needful supply.. The brave Men who are
fighting our battles by land and see, amst
be fed and ckdbads Ilunitiosis of war of
all kinds must be ftwalehads or lb* war
mast end in defeat end diagram. This Is
not the time for any lover of his country
to inquire as to the state of the money
market. or ask whether he can so invert
his surplus capital as to yield him a larger
return. No return; mist no profit. can be
desired by national dissolution or national
disgrace. Present pridit, thus acquired,
is' but the precursor of future end speedy
"destruction. No investment can be so
surely, profitable as that which tends td in
sure the tuitional existence. •
lam encouraged in the belief thatby
the recent legislation o f Coogrestv 'our
finaticen may soon be placed upon a souad
er and more stable footing. The • present_
deranged condition of the currency is im
putable, ins great degree, to disturbances
arising from the withdrawal of necessary
checks, often inevitable 'in 'time of 'war,
when expenditures must largely exceed
any possible supply of coin. The oppor
tunities thus presented to' itiqttitie*ldden
wealth 'have led to vicious speculatiOn, a
eoneequent increase in prices; and 'violent
fluctuation. • The 'remedy, is to be found
only in controlling 'the Necessity which
begets the evil: Hitherto we have felt the
need of More extensive and vigorous taxa
tion. Severe comment itas been made
upon what seemed to many an endue ti
midity- and tardiness of !action, ,on- the
part of Congress, in this regard. I deem
it but just to say that very great misappre
hension has existed,- and perhaps still ex
ists, upon this point. Legislators; like all
others, have much to learn in a new-con
dition of affairs. An entirely new system
was to be devised, and' that,system mint
necessarily be the groWth6r time end ex
perience. It is not strange that first ef
forts should have proved imperfect end
inadequate.' To lay heavy burdens on' a
great and patriotic people in such a man
ner as to be equal, and as to occasion the
least amount of suffering or annoyance,
requires time and caution, and vast lal?ori
•and, with all these, experience is peedful
to test the value of the system and correct
its errors. Such has beenhe work which
Congress„was called upo n to perform. I
am happy to say that daily results are pro
ving.' the Internal Revenue• art to exceed
in efficiency the most sanguine expecta
tions of its authors. In thri month of June
1863, it yielded about foiar, and one-half
millions of dollars, whileithe correspond
ing month of this year returned about fif
teen millions, under the same law. Under
the new laW, which went into.operation
on the first day of tjic present month, the
Treasury not ' unfrequently receives 'one
million in a day. As time and experience
enable the officers employed hi collecting
the revenue to enforce the stringent pre
visions of the new law, I trust that a mil
lion per =day Will , be found the rule and
not the exception. Still, much space is
undoubtedly left for improvement in the
law, and in its administrtilion,sssgreater
amount of necessary information is ac
quired. The proper sources of revenue,
and the most effectivA modes 4obteiiting
it are best deitelopedi iriltlhe execution of
existing laws.• And I have caused meas
ures, to be initiated Which will, it is be
lieved, enable Congress so to improve and
enlarge the system as, when taken in. con
nection with . the . revenue from , customs
and other sources, to afford au - ample and
secure basis:for the national 'credit. ,Only
on such a basis, and in e steed, and vigor
ous restraint upon currency, can a reirwly
be fogad for existini evps.• Such restraint
can only be exercised whey the Govern.
went is furnished with InstiansJ4 Profr4de
for Its necessities. ,Rutctith.pat. the Aid of
a,,patriotio people, :goviirnment -ja
powerless, for this or any other desirable
. The denoininauous .Of. the not,
posed to t° be .ued. 2 9444 ff 0 P 1 . 6 ,4
five thousand dollars, place these Aaiun
ties within the reach of all, who ; are
pcoed to aid their country.. • For tlusirAco
demption the faith i 0 honor and property
of that country are solinictly pledged, A
suoceistul to . :this conteit,nOW. be.
to be near fit bind, Will: lirgely
' enhance their vain 'the blidersi
pees 'on& 'restored ' &Ore*
lightly horde. He vihiviettlah.O'lriptiti6l . eis
hit aid in the hopeinfi tarnfnehiiitrilli;
ble mane to greater immidlifero4l4N
ipeciiimitig - 'upon' higirootustifit.nillifbr
tinee;'and may find that 'whit" 4611 to
be present lea& only to TtOtrieltiii:
l'apPeal, - therefOre, c ‘ irifhtiii*in' a
efforts of-all who lore' ibeleaiiinity,tiarl
desire in; It a glorious futuft.'toittl#telr,
planing that credit . ..n*l hi Retie - tonna,:
Vols. ' P.-Powieireit;
'• `_ 84,0 it cif
TNIIIF Mt* Now:44lsaibietikr law tgo,
IVesideat 'Lindell dieritted thie:ailletter
Hasson erecter I 4 '1,1014e bezesey /r do
not want thethalOp' sited' "nniesesi
is destroyed I do not agree withldtke!
now says, Waite -herixiy ebb want the
Mist sewed onkel demerit sboidiftedj
I do neteirriketrith.ltiso.!,.,
IMO!". of 4 4 1 1 040iPA io t 1
,West aee. taking the,LPIPPe /4 -
1 - 914"1. 2 4 rolisiFfg thoiPf. /*Wont. .4t*Pi
.tbq {},test MI 11 440*1 is OM fKA.R I g , Sus,
.43,M44 1 4171 0 9051t0kthkgia.4 3 * 119
1 4 4%,10 1 011AtA4--.4.44Pa. Pie
kire=gttl*Or m .APAlke*
I ' \
The Elostaeease semi down Übe a willful the fold,
Theirtiaber *Mose. their Ueda/ Sr. bold ; -
rimy ter the edaitew, sad piens through the Wads
Asa thee bat the Naiad of their haaniag bolded.
Whosiirserf with air., we lett» to net,
/Lad silk he the dream et Itlydela bleat,
Ra liehr.andoar ears are with term dlsm . yed—
SM are oat ihr a Wert% eassade I
Lao ties haniag et bus *ease that mode ales,
Me the aipal of soaped. the trumpet of war:
21111 In all darkened, sad deadly sad low
Are" heletldep et vesteawas we but at the de.
_ .
Ma vita 1-411 oar slats the too ta IMMO
Ars taitio their asaviso tai road Wink th. air,
?MO lad we Mu trots tho vats% that wok..
titi daubs', ire triattalny sloop.
Oft t ism la Ur *so err So air to boots—
tbi sight's ektlly boais their trooldso to eta.
%dr *an al imaras4us to kg*
?hey ‘rsde sash hoes*. they pussy sash bed.
Where the folios of the slaws lo slosaber no laid ;
Oa tipster of the been, sad oa Issatri soft lip
Thor 1144 tbs rod blood frost its rams to •ip
BIMALO. July 14. •
, .
A great many letters have been written
fMtutg u tre Fa ll s, and published in vari
ous, J ' , regarding the recent meeting
of th e so-gelled peso* commissioners at
that P l aint. None of these, however, have
thrown a great deal of light on the diva
eition!of the rebel commissioners (if they
reellyi were such) upon . the question of
peace! , There is a very general impression
throughout the country, that the rebels
are millingo.fc! POO`, to make a show of,
peace ; ; Amt that really nothing but inde
pandoe will satisfy them. lam able to
state, however, that the rebel commission
ers net only expressed a desire for imme
diate peace, but volunteered thaopinion
tbUt a rs-usitoi cam held if Ms North is may
wigiosi to coma to the, (to their). right terms.—
And ibises terms they declared were such
as the North could honorably accept. Mr.
Sandrs was very free in declaring that the
Sou was not only willing, bat anxious,
to enter : into something like the old
Union. Mr. Clay (to whose opinion, of
0 1 :51n15, the greateit weight is to be given)
was snore reticent upon that point ; but
be was willing to admit that it was possi
bt'n th re-establiida friendly relations be
tween the North and South, and that the
people - of the two sections might again live
upon the most harmonious and amicable
terms. Eris idea seemed to be that the
best basis for a re-union would be a joint
notion of the North and South against the
Freneh in Mexico. The South, he inti
mitei; regards Mimic* as legitimately be
longing to her, and considered the posses.
Gianni that country in the light of an off
set to' l the loss she has sustained in the
frieing 'of her slaves. Therefore, if ,the
North was willing to help the South in
an aims (of the swam of- which there
coul d be no doubt) to wrest Mexico from
the hands of the French, it might lead to
the Most amicable, not to say intimate,
relations between the taro sections„ More,
it watt intimated. and with a great deal of
sense! that such a course would afford.. an
'outlet to. the uneasy spirit naturally grea
•ted.irt so many minder by war, and offer to
the restless men now habituated to', mar
tialiffe, an opportunity for that exhaus
thin Cf their Military ardor 'which 'must
take Place before they tan safely return
to the dull usages of peace. . .
atn.positive upon one matter, having
actual knoWledge as a base for the asser
tion now Made. Not only are the rebels
anxious for peaceAut they are willing to
accept re-union, of some sort, for they
haveibegun to consider such a matter of
source. What f kind of a . union would . be
agpretialde to the people of the South the
oontthissioners were not prepared to say
or d4posed todisousa, preferring to leave
that matter to a Congress of States, , who
could 'Settle the affair satisfactorily.
.TUr isscs.—"l shall never vote again
fer Abraham Lincoln," said somewhat'
influential Republican in this City on Mon.
414, t c =cire, when you De:mends
bate that be was more for atoll.
tioniem than the Union, I denied it.- Now
ctsn'A say one word. lam for no' man
who Osista upon abolition as a condition
evenito the opening of negotiations or the
Sam of .propositions. For one, IDM
reads' to have the OLD thaw; again, with.
out equditiOns,—with slavery in the South
pr, just as the South themselves choose
to d for it concerns them most.—
IV/4ton else I ale, you may. be . sure I
will never • rote for Abraham Lincoln
-EA has . proved himself, by. the
2ti,iagara letter, to,be no Union man. His
disgtapeful manners and obscene, jokes I
ouniii put up with. mortifying as the fact
is, rather than vote with a party whit I
hive believed 0 - S4in — to think perhaps
ctikle . naYTiventi not for the Union ; but I
tenant give 14 sanction to a . President
vithilmakes abolition an absolute condition
vied ibibe tiering of imaritie4i fiat ate
- • _
J'o*.rits,ll.oasotstu,esszan "Jammu."
+418401 federal ealdiem waled the
:!Becesh ;" in 1862, "Oohleds in
I*, "embanks," and in 1864 they cal
419441104DniC5." A oorrespondent gives
ua 94,followinginformation about, Limo&
gin.44,ll,llsti.:).mhedioubvigisse : The name
?.tated is .quarrel between
It; . 4k•-t'tl Pi9it4tif which begun by the
foiliva telling the. rebel thai. they-011e
,p4:114 depended au England to get est
Aclno4kii which the rebel dialed
p) it s .'eying they were able to
mei* themselves out. One word brought
an 'another, tuna - the' 'Federal said his op.
ent Iris 'no better thin a 'JAM:I,I3O
seYbove ; the /kb swore he Would.shoot
Thiik;lf he ' him Johnny Bull
Nokia. The liw stoppid . by az
iother"pictint and they; Soon cooled doWii:
-but the' Rib kept'Muttering, '"l'd as goo'.
imccitittoif a niter si Johnny 11611. 4 :i—Boa.
ton' ?~aatsesfu
94W.44.44T14 1 -4•4ll , oo , 4igteridan's matt
. 4 01;.*AMONSIGAI bard *hog esvalry
is spt to insite a , man ibinitabatritisistri
tor and.--Akessa Prot -
DER 11.
Illommutteies Byrd.
'llro Paw Zepdatises.
. 4 " 1,1 " 11 . 1110 ,
Inas it ,
init time, otlttisn. is
apt, provided the widder's husband has
already served 2 yens in the war, and is
willing to 60 injigiti. I blimp the supreme
sorts has decided this thing forever.
Ono& moire—lf a tuna should run away
with his draft, he probably wouldn't evir
be allowed to stand the draft again. This
Ink at it, the MOSs yo can see the *odors
into it. •
Once moarly—X,empts are those who
hie been drafted into the Stall prism for
trying to git an honnist living,bi support
ing 2 wives II:Lona ; also, all them peepil
who are craze, and unsound on thergoos;
also, sll nusepaper eorrispondents, sad
fools in General.
Once moarly again—Ho substitute will
be ackoeptid who is lees than three ra
moar than ten feet high. He must know]
how to chaw tobaccer, and drink poore '
whisks., and musn't be afeurd of the itch
nor the rebels. Moral charakter ain't re
quired, as the Government furnishes that
and rashuns.
Conclusively - A person cannot be
drafted moat than twice in two places
without his consent ; but all men has a
right to be drafted at least (most I don't
think even a writ of habeas corpus cis
deprive a man of this last blessed privi
ADAK', Conarsztr.—We like short court- .
ships, and in this Adam acted like a sensi
file man—tus fall asleep a bachelor, and
awoke to find himself a married man. He
appears to have popped the question al
most immediately after meeting Hiss Bra.
and ahe without flirtation or shyness, gsve
him a kiss and herself. Of that first kiss
in the world we have had• our own tho'ts,
however, and sometimes, in a poetical
mood, wished we were the man that did
it. But the deed is done—the chance was
Advil's, and he improved it. We like the
notion of being married in a garden. Ad.
am's was private. So envious saints and
grunting grandmothers. The birds of the
heavens werethe minstrels, mina the glad
sky flung its light on the scene. One thing
about the first wedding
~brings queer
thoughts to us dpspits its scriptural truth.
Adam and his. wife were rather young to
marry ; some two or three days old. ac
cording to the sagest elder; without. 1 4 X -
perience, without a house, a pot, or ket
tle ; uotbibg ,but love and Eden...-X• M.
o by Starvation.
Starving out an energy may at times be
a Buie procens. but in a country of such
vast extent jy rebeldom it is certainly to
slew , one. However, signs ominous of such
a result have, been visible, and were the
subject of a recent discussion by a party of
officers at the headquarters of Majcr Gen.
Sheridan, near Murfreaboro. The gen
eral *ins not as sanguine on the point as
many / others, and remarked : "Gentlemen,
don't let ue be as mistaken in this as I
was once in' my Missouri campaigning,
The word went Oat all over the State' / that
there was a gre at scarcity of salt; there
was no salt for' meat, nor even for bread.
Because& these reports. I was extremely
cautions to shut down on the salt - trade in
my rear. Not a bushel of salt would I pass
into or beyond my lines. In this I thought.
I was doing gixiid service; but imagine My
surprise and hearty disgust, on entering
Springfield, Missouri, to find that the only
article left behind by Price and his men
in their hasty ni g ht; and of which I found
large quantities there, was—salt!"
amis.—Men iwho will not pledge them
selves to vote for Lincoln need not apply
to the-Administretion for work, however
well they may hive served their country.
'Here is a case in point, which we find in
the New York. Wer/d of a few days since :
"I am an honorably discharged soldier
of the Third, United States Artillery, my
discharge dated July 2, XBB4. Yesterday
morning I applied at. the Navy Yard for
emplo3rment,and presented my discharge,
ezpecung that the proof of honorable
service mighl, secure work there. I was
asked if I was a supporter of the present
Administration. and I replied that I was.
I was then asked if I would vote for Mr.
Lincoln, to which I. returned an emphatic
negative; whereupon I was told to go
.about my btisiness, that I would get no
work there.
I deem further commeot unnecessary,
but through' the Herald beg to lay the
matWr before• the country.
MICR's!, Maalox.
Tan tbasinaimal Mon (Washington)
saga: • - •
"We are assured. on reliable authority,
that on yesterday the President of the
United States so far_ demeaned himself
and disputed, his exalted position. as to
invite a negro servant to ride with him in
his own carriage from the 'Capital Co the
President's house.' We can name the' ne
kro and the person in whose serriee he IL
Comment is unnecessary."
We think. this entirely consistent with
Lincoln's chatractar. and principles. He
professes to believe the negro is his equal,
a matter in , whieb we, suggest hC'hi4 'a
right to judge.. If the negro did ncii. intin•
plain, certainly Old Abe ought not.
- WRY 1.1 ?RR W4R CONTI/MD r—No lail
prigudiced 'Moises. be he Republican -or
Democrat, can longer, doubt as to the true
answer to this question. rt is clearly de
veloped in Lincoln's communication- "to
all whom UMey concern.", published with
the peace ocrrespondatum. and is—
Beene* ;Aix/Ott:lSM more for the Na
os° than kir Aus, moon max—preen bee
leg nausimi l to isrisig„the lives of • milts
111214' . ,
If we begt ea'resident who regarded the
rights and intonate of white men, North
and Elontholto Aar would cease in less
than ten days; and peaoe, prosperity and
happiness again prevail in all sections,
L►aris Bawsaa or FL►rrakr.—Ladies,
when gentletnen begin to oall you angels.
and affirm tiaa - your presence makes their
pekfeet 'and their only •paradise. beware,
and believe them not. And one of the
reasons w that "the bitterer before mar
riage is seldom the flatterer afterwisds."
emeriti Robert Totimbe, formerly Sena•
tie: in Cotireee from Georgia. ead i thea
Genial in the . rebel imny. is now
in a Georgia reginteot. • Roger A.
Pryor le siffirlde ins'Virginia regiment..
• The Cloidnuati .Theirirw Is after the Ad.
ministration with W”sharp stick."' It says
that Deiioctratie adhOTS tie unit 4pdiron
for their political oPtiloiii, Ittiefttitilftroit
politiliapS for their ozimek