HiFM a C._ a ill 1 0I) .p. a o a ti 92 a C .p 0 tz IF R, I A < -m s $ 3 . it 0 ti la pl 4 1 W a in ' , §lam t* V O, B - CS t y ) \ LI Far 'Rats. 1111es,_Reaebes, Acta, Beni 111 age disthe Fenarless, drsal, basest. es Plants, Fowls . , W o. Put up to tBm,6lk. and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles and Male. $3 and $6 aims for Boma, Pram Issusrsioaa, "Only Infallible remedies.kanenr 'Metros rOIKINV "Not dangerous to the Human rawly." "Hata come out at their holes to din." re Bold Wholesale In all Urge cities. lar Bold by all Druggists and Entailers everywhem. 111 Bzwau 11 of all worthier Imitations. • sif gee that "Correa's" name is on each Box, Bottle and Flask, baton you buy. rir Address lIINILY it. COSTAR; Pamment. RIPOT 482 BIOADWA L Y N. Y. field by all-Wbolesia• sod AMU DM i l io Er Pa. marl DR. WEBSTER, OP BUFFALO, N. jj[AS LOCATED IN MILE, PA,.IN Rosearwelg's Block, above Merril?' Store—Go thuies oa Boutb RIM out thoPark—wboro be la prowled to brat sucesotully by ' Laudation. of Oxyz enized Air ALL DISEAngS OP Ti HNAN SYSTKIL e • The Oxygen le Aural:tad directly tato the Loam, aad through them carried tato the blood, eupelliag aIT farm. Titles trom the system, and h any and nary Mama with_whieh It may come in tic The cause of Omagh; golds and Oonatuaption, la a lath of mon in the air ire breathe. By the inhalation of oxygenised the bloo4 becomes ogygeniami and raided, and dlmear alopecia/a like dew bean* the eon. • few atinsinistrations of the oxygen will cue any of the following Mamas : Dyipepata, Neutsigia, nouns tiara, Palpitation, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Eruptions, Con samptloa, Astitma • Bronchltia,BEivereoneplidat, Nervousness, boas whatever MIMI, Dillsalt Breathing, Cantate,_ Salt Ithetun,.. sre n Kidney Cemplalsts, B Weekteaut li o s r2 kinds, and In fret, alfies malting a garlllention of the bloo. - w. tenet we hare enough to' sumacs the pilaw sephical tidnd of the ding of** oxygenised al: as • mondial agent, and to induce the Meted to pm thew NIYN at oneennder thie treat :eat ODNIIVLTATWN Pail. Mercury VISIBLY draws from the whoa. Volunteer testlannalals fromprowilnest eltliena of New York and Brooklyn. who Ws Dela eared by thhl treat inert be seen at hie mem'. Moe boars train II A. to 7p. E.lninnbsr EAMlNDZ ibe ttaGs. aLotta. ABOVE MERRILL% DRY GOODS non. Also agent for the sae of Dr. hizzinarl Popular ?natio, of . DM papa, co Thanzaohaldtlans and the Dor osatobiotkon . tob2Crall-lyAn• NEW FIRM. SMITH & GILLUORE, (Sooossoor to K. H. Smith.) WHOLESALE MID RETAIL DIALS= to BONNETS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, 4XD LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, STATE PkTREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND mama num ERIE. E. IL want. A. P. GILLM9RE. WM-Om. Farm for Sale. THE undersigned offers !Dr sale, until .1; the 15th of February zwrcldi him to Summit tp, madding oar haadredaad forty' nerensumear one hundred acres hummed ;- the balance good Um ber, good farm is -orchard sad la roll watered, It Is situated 7 miles from Yds on the Waterford plank road. if not sold by the above date it via be melba for one or more yam JANES JOEINAON. janTedtf. FOR RENT. • A Palma!' and Deefridge Eland tors GROCERY OR GENERAL COUNTRY STORE, At Irvine, Warren Comity, Pa. The banding I. of Stona. with a line.dry seller. Than L also a D O HOME attached, which will In rented with the Eton if &mind. For particular, addren , S. M. BIDDLE, Agout i Irwin, Wanes Co.. ra. - READY PAY STORE ! J. & J. MINNIG Would teneettelly Wane the Petal° that they hire parehemed the STOCK OF GROCKRISS .1411&S 411LisS, cola= or ere AID sem eve.Mlll. When they intend to keep ea rood ea warhassat of - FAMILY OROOEIURS & PROVISIONS, WOOD et WILLOW WIRE, AND VAULTY GC6DiI 111 iekept to Erie. Beet Brandi of Erie Canty Mow I Kept oonstaatly au head aM WARRANT= 0006 4177014 L" "g2 bm i Ma rk e t Noe - Pad 1 MI Made of Canary ee. t Erßoode delivered free of cataip fo spy part of th. EICINM Imaiitt,l, A. M/NNIO. 1864. -1664. NEW GLOIO - D S 111 ICI- • Spring & Stumm Trade& JOHN C. BEEBE Is NOW MUM) A 'FULL ASSORTNINT OF DZIORABLE AND SWIONABLN- - NEIN: AND KU= GOODS I TIMM WILL is SOLD A? WHOLZEIALE -DR . RIC - TA* - I=L,' =UP TIIR 41114rint - 'spda4m. ..kolis Notice to OH Retlniri. ;Is Ws otstosond: to. moll to Bolosokotariu O L UMW SODA awl HWltst kit - Ws en NUM Vitrol by the oar load .riL' motoitiattrem thank, midis til the /c -al= ! " Iri asl;;ltt' sg u ttiamiTtumm wanted; - • , Ao: tuvi FT. CHESTNUT BOARLPH, AND PLAIIIIM. O. W. W 1.1411117. yait. EN ewerar. Barg~eid oginu - 1811 ._ ~ 1 ~,- -~ FANCY CANDY, of all - klodi, -''" PLAIN CANDY.4o.; - ' ; ' FINEST FRENCH CANDY; do., --- CHOCOLATE CANDIESI, da, , - CREAK CANDIES. do. tv o ct MAXON. LEMONS, • ' TAMARINDS, RAISINS. FIGS ' P.RUNE4 • CANNED TOMATOES, CANNED rzscax3,l PICKLES,BARDINES; OIIARA JELLY. *' FINE SALAD GIL o li CO [I6I --I Cl) ti HERMETICALLY - SEALED OYSTERS, ORANGES AND LEMONS 'ARRIVING 'ALMOST DAILY. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AT REDUCED PRICES, . ' FINE MOROCCO WALLETS, LADIES' MOROCCO WALLETS. LADIES' FIN E PQRTMON NAI M. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF BIRD • CAGES. A NICE AND DURA .BLE TRAVELING BASIRM. „! MEERSCHAUM 11PES. • BRIAR PIPES. MEERSCHAUM CIGAR TUBES, • AMBER CIGAR TUBES, TOBACCO BOXES, • TOBACCO WALLETS, - MAGIC TOBACCO BOXES, , i GAMES & i AMUSEMENTS, DRUMS AND FLAGS, UNION CARDS, _ ,:. -'' - - PENS AND PENCI L; PAPER & ENVELOPES, --. : rj •- i 'f, 1 CHESSMEN, • , CHEQUERMEN, DOMINOES. OUR ICELAND /LOSS COUGH CANDY IS SELLING RAP- - CHINA DOLLS, •lI Sizes, ?AMR HAM DOLLS, do., DOLL HEADS, New Styki,- TOY PAINTS, A tarp Aserrnajat Wrap t NUM!. HANDJIMICHIEP EXTRACTS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY, l i NIGHT ELOOVACERZUS, HVII OILS A HADES. FRESH BREAD! FRBSH CARIB ' PUSH CRACEERBI • FRESH MACAROON! EVERYTHING FRESH!. z: ICE CREAM, . - 4- LEMON, ICE. ORANGE N , ICE, i ' , \ . PYRAMIDS, • t s, MACAROONS, IC L9SES, &C., MADE ORDER ; . RUBBER BALLS, RUBBER COXES, RUBBER BRUSliii4 BOBBER' GOODS, C:b. ier 1141 - t,imh, at tViiiitio BALTIMORE OYSTERS AN REALM VARIETY OF MEI WE ARE PAYING PARTICULAR AT TENTION TO THE JOBBINIITEADE -ANIT-OFFEIrWryTHINtrIN-01IR LINE • MOW FAVORAUSIX =Mk •TO TIM TRAWL -CAMP:WINS s^ SENT UPON APPLICATION. 'V • Boner &likiitivaik,. kris, May 411,41114. IPMMffiENM;2 CONPECTIOjiM Fresh French Candies every day, Fresh Cocos Nut Cream de.: 1 Fresh Almond Candy do: : FRUIT. FOR SUMMER USK. 'REP/RANYCLIKATE NOTIONS. ARNOLD'S INX, , OSNUINR, MEMORANDUM BOOKS PASS BOOKS, SLAM AND ' BACK-GAIGION BOARDS, FINEST ENGL.V3H LEAD PENG' I.LS';` IDLY AND GIVING GOOD SATILIPA.CTION. DOLL REAM 'all Woo CHINA BABIES, all mei, DOLL BABIES, 011 A LARGE STOCK 01 CHILDREN'S CABS, CARRIAGES, PERAMBULATORS,. DOLL CARRIAGES, TOY CARTS, DUMP CARTS, *C. AiT 11111/411111 41 SUNAISW. We have a ales Aikuartmeat of OP ALL UNDO 20,000 CIGARS 1 , RECEIVED DAILY. - AT 11111011 - 411 i ausuassip. NOTIONS AND - --- 7 PANCT 000DS, `mane, New atti *Teti 6 5 14 . • , • 10 . , lift 1,, 17tt 11 -; - 110 - 1141$8 AND 11$LODEONS, Pair t4SelOvisigsaisinied MA 17,0 t II'rErRERS:: "litsiaway 1k S iiaa,s iw 7oit s , IlosWantedOepllstlimersi ltd. - -1 Llatheman dr toms New Tort. Wor.ll.llltdbely e llew Tat. • • - - • Johle IL Outpos t tfics_Todt. „ „1 . J. P. Nate o,e; DOesd.PIDAI oe, ST.• Csrbal% Needless k Ce.. New Toth. Pijeis it/A*8'1)11 - count Stair Isa r, Priest' iivittocimimecurnAimqvut irriamemoss • , ~ F .WOO,D PIANOS 702 lira ALtd, Is 11•64‘•ad !Deist Medi, ill persona MAW t bet Me Plum Porter geode die are WOW WWI mod enamble oat lastreddits to peudeadag ebordeme. Illeetre Week ebb strod e Newly * et D teelte IN She Ped MIL ' MIS 111 r P.ll.—tveiy Isstenensat emended for Itet years. weeiTNl.l7. LADIES AND GENTLES, N BEFORE PURCHABING - "MI Piave Rorke Mt" • ADO • . , . MELODEON Illowtore, oleos swam, my amottaist of laetra meare Timark war saw hdli•te stood say sad are ohs toot and werlonanship ateud to mean olarei straws. 1 4 yes dead oh the bet that' the Aloe deed enlied opted my; ettattlehmeat Male swam this city, at. maimed only by Wa nd lielmy Meal OPolletiorel) so - - ENORMOUS . - COMMISSION Which win toenails/ basalt thole who bay otos to the autosat of tonsil to 2; ptr mat., forwould ra her al. law tbe emest; to Um toyer then to unedllee who tosolta so owe bead/a klenselt. t' am a Cake dialght tad font* 'sid hate • m u st thi I u not este the prolLtt ont of my [flees' pocket". or isfraad the tioretuaeod not of tt, Oohed. inyeelf ant had* Into Um, rum. Haase ler the indoor satadrlng the Wispy Mute teachers ammo whom whlnsperiag my Plancesrlll net mr. batter, It they see sot good, o r tad, U tarry are goat& I I will pay tiadreats, lieszuka or ehlbto he usual =Alf & Pliao with NI Sawn on It. eel an not with Wendt willphy a Illesessd Delete to soy eta trio eillobeer de owe on which the Peso Je broke, like as many New York and Buffalo Pianos have done Is sty tad Misty. Lid the prop* te ll Ober* an yowMaas aro—abot the teachero—especlelb lqw with toatketf mwthseetn • ha rah go where they belong. Yr Ptasonere dawned to be asoir mstio with; sll ; goad lasprovessenle, sod mad - g ive mi u or no pay. • Nadas Rama attars mhos eta to bat of: met es - well and as a an y zoolter=tanytht.... In the Imierusi a er I=ead " h al : a°ar tast y! rat "' can g ettr a tl=t; Eddy esesibed ban kr Stay dealer. 1 Mae§ warranted me can be relied sem, beteg Masahetarer, 'sr land Mtliatuf__ Timber. My mutat la gtod, haw= I sot gum far Ise I soult.' Br opinion tit nosy eases die bees a benefit to ; dose who pahmsd Mae" and seise lobe did sot be. Ilene ma at aid Saud the troth after a while by 'their I A Pima.; Porte wade .elsewbere le no better, tor that date% bat el ranee are good which ire made eight, the =se good sad the lad—bed. bittern Iliu re m a by Ise. as abort mid, at Itanshichuerif prices. Ny Met on band waists of a ray dedisendeetton. And le larger than say eyes adored for mho hen. 1 PIANOS TO LET. • 0ct.,,1e promptlyndeeiled tai Wit. WI Lid NU. Cheapest Purni'ture Store In this &d et of UM; COillll7, 'ESTABLISHED 1 ! G. W. Elise yt.Krie, Pa. I HAIR BEDS,- PrOm 38 Cents per pound. ROUND CORNER BEDSTEADS, From $5 00 SEA GRASS BEDS, Front $4 00 ARM ROCKING CHAIRS, - From $2 50 SPRING BEDS, • : From $5 00 CANE CHAIRS, TABLIB, LOUNGES. ; BMW. 8, And other Paraltsd e Low u the Lowest. - I West Bide State Street. Next Palmer. ,Grooem Abblifiett 1804. 1'864. SPRING GOODS! . _ R. S. MORRISON-, PARAGON SLOOl‘ BRIE. • aow reeeldg i e Lerged and mod Complete Reek ores In this Madre; comprising IFORIEICN DRESS COODS -IN ow.? TARIM% IiIHAWIA CLOAKS AND SACQUES, • HOSIERY. GLOVES, • W HITE GOODS, • , • CLOTHS AND CASSIMEREP, • Complete Amortont tithe Munro intim OF mouirrws. R. S. MORRISON. • wir64-41 I - Seer Notice. N."ING TO THE GOVERNMENT and State Llesemmo, the '-'abed Oeversemeat tax to etadollappec sash tarp*, payablt, andsoath, ln ea* tie koger-OnOr Clipttat birmilet In oar Rierwertee, the greatly hummed prior of IstaisteeptrealtAidety.stal, wood s ix. tit b its anderalgned Nundactareneued Bare. en et Ibta. are sempelled sad bieihregres"le only OAILE_ to to prissafallr 001111011.0 e MAD! MINIM km" Ms to omen dollen pm band. t o stal k* 4 1 =tyslest of spendlog ior expanse mosey; sad ea make or mid bier; and to tam al taliast tad laseasid tootle% the tiW will hate tote r ca.& to sormegand with mid tax. • =to be ilettbrally adhered to le all tales wade Od • Wham ear MEALS! Ede. liab le ,. D.lllsa ENOBLOOD, WOW. .1.10011 WIDIELNR. HINT CATALINA JAOOI ItsiNSß , 011&11X0INLIR, ICING . • Geo. m . . 1111" pss 001111AD/y, • MOW Eiliamic • .1111134• /MILITAWIr 131.13,11. R. Rand Pilidager ?Otis etyma. tbli uha paws; 'LEAVING'ERIE: I morigas it I Wimaiaa, sad Elm Oredt, mites at &undo at dIIIA.N. d It , Shit eat Aar 'iitirwegiew at an Shallow ' sad aelteiselinallhho.st 111 Id I MI 1 1 :14.ft SW" gap*. at Meth Rad. Wen detip Deattbk Wiper Onto-- sod Anode, sod ateteliaX is Zaple all 41 41 IP IF al Weetieed. and /11wit ill = =lee „ GIME UAW Ewen Massa at Dnekldt sod; ItsDaha. t hi "O bi R O N . at /ha& =lle id* UT Wu Sr_ Mei yett sk ildlat M i t a ; I AO A. I% j ukav ihd s. Noselmad sad ' l ridervUle,anices'7o A. I. - 11 Id 1..11. er - zsiLitw. jigaionear Amp*. sum cork arm Meth trislir l archtiteehlaw at all Limos, sad - mho it Rib at I r. - N. 111/kAllgial thsalditr=e;ifetas t ti l = lis X.. . 41111 triad Sus Miss Waite. hetet time skit thin . 11/01111, • J. IISTIE GILARL Last. • Este & Pittsburgh R.IB. (*MB OF TIM.. ctrAMEMING matioitaossc - LUTZ GLUM 1 I S . i ffites a 1111 "111 a l all Slat"' sand M 41.11.1110 tit Se. L. slay at all etalices new crespciApitag, Oestee Lead. Mu% aad Parmia.tintresat hum sit 111 P 11 , Tian =AIM SEASON. I : .-• I gees sf all Bt. tisairand et ill 7I P. IL • • L*. tectyPettVraia l =s eti ch le eel hlallete. " 9 2 u 11.111.1110711041. ENE q, ._ =I _ : =I EMI TOY Books OEM = lIESE =CI .Tf!lk EEL -- , N . W--11zitNi.'1 . • digUNS3lllGlittitloBB, , 1 11111,:awillS4 \ ‘01111•0 1 , hotestder Crocere I CrEwicm and Ciuidy! GROCERIES, PORK, SALT, N A I L 4, ALL WlllBB. 1.1(0118, st c II HUGA ItS, COFFEE, MOLASSES ERIC. Crii STEAt 111 . BAKERY ' . : (AMMON A2ll 1.) FA ?WY, CA DIM 1 OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA & CiLtIE septC63tt J. N. SILTILIVP) E AGLE FOUNDRY I ( ism/ St, .loo: the Wok Ipmait, N. lisoestioat to Mimeos Its Holub) • tionsoostsuits 08 .• • PARLOR, COOS AND OFFICE STOVE'S, Tii a 'SHIM laoN WAIII, itch r ILL row or IRON uanses. Sooty Btovs sal by as warranted to girt witti6t:lBm ' Settles alootssid Is 111•10.okoe . s, Bad Wu. bit as Psalter ;rnies. mks .1 PsOvsaos rum Penns of sopotisr Sid ihitSP. Wit/ sinys on LAS. + sal sal otos/ sr* drib all we at& EMIR & mtllllllO.4L, JOHN WELSH, CRIAPOIDI, - - ERIC, PA., IROLEBALI MLR 111 BALTIMORE OYSTERS! f , ‘ PO TIM (MUMMA TRAM EMPALME) WPM Fresh Can and Keg Oysters, Received every Day, and mums Ti one mammon Cr ' Orden solicited sad prolopUy attend/0d to. • noviellitL' _. . Osage is tkelling Wawa , . I Tbio keg astalillehed and vet known Drag * Needs, Store of J. &Carter, f p Han pond kilo the hen& el the inderalgest, Ids Ma' rho. lartft whew' eatirestost vl/1 sontinue Po besinees seheretehre the mess hew The pest tad No Present reparation of boas* ea •• - Presaiplim . Family Iledikbee can e al . . - AHEAD Alt Amy 0111112 lii ?U CM I Aad the eabeadlier bops% by award attention ash isill does saaageseent, to merit the ewe for the tease. Kr. J. ft. aarter, although vithdraviag teem tee mese settee labels el the business, rut stilf renal& to the store, whirs Ire hopes to meet bile oh% Monk and he caranalted as Nasal. - - 11AAIOILL septlifthiL - . . Erie Ale Brewery, CORNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. Erie City Lager or.ewery,.. CORNER OF POPLAR AND RUG , STREETS. = - Erie Mall Barb( Wareham. CORNER OF 7TII STREET £ CANAL Pak 4 k X./sigIJCIC and Nal Variable of Lager. Lukas Hem 'the QsaUties sf Rat sad lisaby, Os load Lod sa for ale by luso. da ?fair. CRAWFORD Se CHRISTIAN, Dukes be - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Dried and Bested Ind* • ?MIMI* OILII. - /hip. PO. 7 3 / 4 21"1".1 BLOCK, Mr ROW,' ALIO, PiIWO Dock, Foot of sae, Street, ORAWTORD. apirliatL A 0.000 .P I , E 0 B 8 • • PAPZZ or - Ail 6084" tie' moat somas to the Mist llswalbit,.d e Mt *MI tom 'Olatarciff • qr - " ' J. O. tOILIPBSI; • • REMOVAL. • • - • . '6llO - 0111,Illet G 1100111113411. r: Einbeeriber bas rammed ' his 'stook_ • ,-, starssaas ago Se staid aim 134 !abeam,* Sharma la' tior WWI WWI as Mos *gm. isameat faarla, plimi lipri p Iros ii•_iw acacia Iridife daft iiiiiifamitaait *U al42Kfiiir 'Os dank of firoasafia ill WI • Iteet st the teem rake esseleteet Ur Illa Wilma an fa mai elt maysklai la Ida Ilaa fa Idia a oil ' - lh 60111111=1. '• OPINI - II ~~~ ~~~~ J.O. MOM. 'f :;11.11.11,111.111. d 7 r Air 111/111 MEI - •7 gaearsors to uml Illeashetarser of II ,F4AUS, rtsu; VVATEIMIME, .0148 S, - CARBON OIL, ROPE,, Oar Stoat at TEAS, SIiRUPS, " SP ICES, FRuirs, TOBA6C+ 18 LARCE. ORACICERS Vitalibelated at kb* CAND I Y! At t lama* Narks* Pities Couseereial Bondlap, Eric rt. BASLN. IMINI Okandkri, Beat stew ANN es., MIL% I. • T. MOW Wr. oyolLY iS YOUR COUGH FOR 18 CENTS! =I MIT iiittingrf EfiIIIKHOLD RENICDT - - Of NI WOlllOl " - 1 • . ilz. , . , MAN= .. ZADQC 1 1 04.TER'S ! , , , ,0 11.2411 a. , OOM QS IC XIDY! -::•! 7 - • .% , „ , ItolletooLa$0171"01tUltit %c . - -- ' i Curettes Bidesea is warren . ted if sod easeedlag to the areetioWtol eare la all ewe, Cre etg pie, C 0 I d il. Whe•SocAemegh,Ostlooe. - sod 111 arsafforns of the • • .. , , . - Throat sad Leas& MEM • Illettp ZiDOC PORTIR'S Okla= is prebend withalf the reunions rare and skill, •,n a aionbinstion at the 4. •a c Retw4lee the vegetabh dram drank. Re rem.- al ;please are Isteed on 4 power to midst the had -11 and rigorous drools .w of dot blood thin' the mgt. It is not a violent moody. W. onsollient.— arming, narching and of •ativo; sin betskeally the Idest person or youngest laid. Itsd'e ZADOC POEM'S Marin has , been toed by the 'Win for over 111= and has &Squired its ross=o b et in wto have used it. to _their ediletsd friends and others. Shur, ~• c.--. 11441•• ZADOO PORTIA'S OoreAtee Wont ts *old at I wire elfish Wings It in the mash atersey ate to Met oanreJteitt lot use. The Rusty BM ors singla tot. 'it will prove l t be worth 100 Vans Its soot. • - - 4111011.911.-• Rave I our Money 1— nos be per snail lassaalow arttdoe at 4s. to sim do not eon bin the riders of, rat bottle of Madame Porter's Ca maro Mom V. • ^ ~ t of amanlactailig whit& is es rest th-t .u, othor andloine; and the very lbw Ow GS Ira.c.. •L' sakes tlaspoilt, 1s the saUse apparsally mail, sad unwind. pled demon will snostlases nacommat slhu issdld on whlehi tpdr meta an • Wier sails the sastoassi Insist arm basing Madams saptsoas other. Ask for Vedas. Pintoes Cura tive Bahsof rift 13 eta, sod in brie betties st 25 cis, sad take nitallser. If yob 'esttnot get it It one gore you saa aastlisr. a 541117 sU Druggists anippers at 13 Ow, sa Is} seger bottles st catsd .Store tr • HALL It ROCKKL, Prtprietore, N. Y. J/10.1 CA13113. *SM. tea. auzlags-Iyl OEM IMM MIME FEZ NUTS. CIGARS donTERIk IS NO SUCH WORT! A 8 FAIL " 3 TARRANT'S • COMPOUND EXTRAST UP Cllliliff3l3 AND COPAIBA. pumation la particularly reoimatuded * the .SZINCAL;110113810N sad the PUB lilC,for the prompt 'and sorts* etre of ' BURSARS/ OS MI 'LADDER, pritrys, 14tINARY ORO/LES. , ETC., , It say Mice/ea eau the beat rude Ror the sdraints Intim *Clime media IS the large rim of dimities of susals_l4 iamb they are appllcab e. It never inter im aria the 41gmetioa, sod by Ea prostration, the demo la emelt ndued. N. IL—Parehemen are advised to ut for • Tarred/ Conjoisidkittact qf C4e6s & Copoita , and take aißbtaig elms, am Imitation, anti trorthleu prep antlatuteler similar mum, au in tbe mutat Price by uprose en reeelpt pnre. S raaalsetared ouly by • TARRANT 111# Na Vs tiliemeawieti Shack Horace. of Marron Street, NEW YORK. . ;I And Par NOM by Drugglata genanaly. JOS.' EICHtNIA.UI3 ' - nonfiAcrunits Or ROOTS AND StIOES! WHOLESALE _& RETAIL ! ITAZE PLEASURE in monouncing" to th. l ista. that I have added to n former taetlltles a sesoploWadt of @Box MACHINER*, irblek Wit Maids mo to mandaetare Tad sell Boots and MOM IibMPIJI THAN HEBSTBYOIIZ. Harts( hod: Issag slaw* not as to tko wants of vista less's. I stun take nodal pains la pretartog m stock to Mrs. I have the ezdaviee right to this city to make tic, PLIMILLATBIT BOOTS & SHOES for the Imes Star IMiliOnall e sad dolt' ••• a trial of thea‘tallith* aa,y ear to their superior comfort ever- Woe =ado ta Ike 01. • tho name Soot weeds so trsaidnt It is as guy hits start as lake verwtot some e. Yy moron' natuntinitrr 11411 .4508 =ra dag wn awd Mr. J., cortinrs oopearial M akin as worianow which cannot Ihe melba ta tbs country. Boats and Shoes ;on iliwert'arttos. Coestantly on brad a large stud LEATHER. LASTS AND PINDINGS, TmAlsehigray thuds to ay Monde ;and eastoners tor vast paUitia l / 2 1 boy* typo's( and hoaarablo dialing' to soft a otatlitusace of the same, and Cordially Invite all to salt- sad mains my stook Wort puraturdar wawa. i marblltt. Fia's Laap Beating ipparates I 110ILIN_O Tann STEWING STEEPING Wilk tb• Mama that Lights this Room . the tome Oa common lamp, at the coat its . sent's meth of ell, a very comfortable breakfast can be embed. —N. F. Tribune. Is construction. Mati si ent ep t t• order, mady At sae la • • moment conVenlo h in Da ter, on kand...«.....11m . gits Omar. • flab'. L m la one of Usti moat popular nov enae sift ow, -- the utility of it Is onquestlonabla, •fflaiitemiaig Is mots in heating andimating =Marti. and sea be sada to cook meals for a greet many sansm.mbieb Y astaially dose on the ambulance an Want smiths sick solders—. /aims* Anericea. .Ter badly ma. hospital tent, barrack. pis =orelaki em num or Oa room clt La an arils's! of Wend an proportion to It. mat /shirr Cod 08 howl.. ............ econ it wiles ral counts:Ms for ro v o ttj at ni o ud 14 1 o= tan lir the saving In =mare, N. niZi i Poet. PRIOR TRW TilirOTO SIX DOLLARS 41•40117 FROM ONR TO FOUR QUARTS. THREE ARTICLES COOKEDIAT ONE TIME WITS ONZ BURPIZE. illamagsd tYr III•ramm• sr Coal OU, Or Gas. A &scrip- UM papist of thirty pages hunlahed grotto Also, TEEM UNION, ATTAOHMENT, mu 60 outs. To esstirehipa to • common Zercmoe Lamp or Gm sinsi, Yf width Water may be boiled and food cooked also ani O mal' to support a shads. RITZY FAMILY NEEDS NE. W. D. RUBSELII. Agent mrll,ll4M. No. PIN Pearl St, N. Y. 7 -/ ra v / . t o , / 1 . wu.sole - leo/Juju:as. 'Jot* isrvafter Vistas CiresiWt. Prvallent. misioing ill'Atiani ats., saint% PA. TEM LAROZBT. ORNAPICaT AND _tires au Ceminmild mine. . vfts dumps S for Manufsetarers, Steamboat, at and Beak Sktak•ltsepiar. 11111M111, Belle at isellorke. - Students enter and ra• view akany Mae. ?hie ismanoted by experieaced Teaches andonetkalAsesentests, who prepare *nag men for nevi's Wine% at the bad aspens mid aboreest notice, tat the met ineratire and responsible situations. n i nos=Rsled BM merit oa7 ahnee the universal Pritroltoe her gradnatm of t I. Gilley. by butane Plies. h. ormrlitiiike best NORM iat the Union . , who beide** Istiesitualhoe of lrr Pamtirma • and ever all seempMilsam, briehm 1. 4 Beldam !Mini. =bluing fall iIdOSTORUOA, ant MIRI OR to theTrtnelsals. ti MUSS h SMUT% Prinsipals. reed when the Sou and C l of Bankers and Nee mama& - i Joao:MS-Iy. IllOttAn TO 1 3 0 LADLE ! . . TRULY A B ING I IWILL SEND, free of e 'e, tel any Lady wbe'eptll Med In We mese deigns, or/Wm sf fp names tbe esteem paw CHILD BIRTH ; also bow to bare VIOJWITLY liestfbiAnd beadiral Child ' no; elsweeeelbat =wane IltPo ,ANT BWRIYT, tbs Bsere sad PO seepettlesevetilsetj prod. O= tw falift tbe above o a st Is to ledge* ovary 6 r lll ' ll6 . A 4 kbrea t NADLifff D AUX, M.D., TO way, N.Y. City, ITOWAZD ASSOCIATION, _ ... _ . _ 6118 Or THE NEE, 'OUS. SEMI w. OM ftwAL !Mimi4nior and rellabl• la meets et the MIMI* AS9OCIATION-1 &mit ltpielAbteettiedeerrelecee, tree et charge. Addrom Dr. J. .•Df HONIINTON. Hower Aseoriatton, No. 2 Ilse* Xis& It, PlUristpaki, Pa: i iffeVll44y. 119 NERVOUS StrIPERERS 31 0 BOTH 111111 lIMIIIIIID GIIITLEILIN beady ban mama ta bean bra days, attar wader rdy alltba awealwattlaaaad expandwpasoda stbasimall wllliast thus immeddaty di awniemaiside t• kb= low areetww tbe mem alreasta - Itioas, es tile ewe aedrasesd Is Maitadl_Clow) a wyr et pttaa u li taM pardhltro4dwi IL lkiwtait, • 4treet./ttook `, ' !I '..***, , • , - l' C. INCIRL RT, Dealer in Bootsi isk Shoes! . . t . Au% 1 1 / 1 /1177 OP %WOK JUDI ,BOOTII SRO= ! WOULD. *lce this method of return ' hi ilir Miami t I Ms Minds sadthe pat& e =1:1lar thole BMW lav e ttsrafitore atividtt , r asa Wyse Is have • seanalistlos of the mete. jpileph•auritil harm tip p• that lam still ail ,l/I,BY liar, soon Amp alpiss As caw, f INS • lads ... : ... inius• tiellia_pkee, mad a rntin main ma LimeWeillesist Berle sod amok he withal i so at ta. Wl.rerenirosuld. , th iql•Per' le 03 3 • =. allitili** B o ll l 4B !..t. Ve -' • - - . . - difiX Mla 11 r 411 at iii. patesi soot, en k ask walk bi seitsomid W A l l ill &ntom, sit MM • eeieetlea of tbe beet 1 4011ess=r aa ateirset. IM "'" IT l!SE=E11111 DR. Y. HALL'S CkLiVRATED COUGII-REME I CONTINUES to gain public favor sad A.) diimand In all mans• and after the thorough ex panne sistsea mom, its reputation tbr Mew in swing Throat and Lang dimness is tally eastained.— Whmern this nodloise IS most known its merits lean es• tanned the last popularity and demand.• It has bo nne a mtaadatd remedy with on y people ter easing enhoomary oomplainta sad Is kept is WAR Issues for read one whaserstnnalmd. An a care for Cough it is y and rshatils—eddin requiting SON teas on hot /3 one a Ceagh of wy wwsinahusding. Tor outing Crimp it is sot szoilled e amt as a smedy for Mikis its elleteney cannot be doabtad, basing rest many per son to health alter sulk Mag a long tom of years with , MIS misesxbli disem For genneedffil and licarsions it is safe and reliable, quickly rosining initation frogs the air samges. InWhooping Cough this liewesdp afgreat valn--it promptly lessons the frequency and 710191101 of the h. and shortens the dismiss oat belfries its or dinary Comm • All disown of the /up and Mr passages depend apes imitation or Was:nation in the Wing mucus rata nee sad maim the prompt an of thorough sodhlas to d int their nutioraL Rafe Cough Heady is nth, speedy me effectual in its operation—is adapted to both sena, to all ages and constitutions. Vet poison afflicted with either of the tollating - dlmante see this pliimant imiceilleund their nine sill Own olds& nth othem neonimending Its merits is Wand neighbors sod hinds Use Hall's Cough .Rernedi it ewes (bids. WA. Use Hall's Gbugh Remedy it cures Chs or „Itstiks. No. Use Hall's Ough Remedy it ewes Astir ina o. Phthiac. WO. Use Halts (bug!'Banaty. far Catarrh. mg& Use Hall's. Gough .Renteoly it aStrengLidose she Lungs. • SM. Use Hales Cough Reinedyfor Btronehitia. NIL. Use Hall's Gough Remedy for Hearse. nest. MI. Use Hall's tbugh Remedy it Strengthens the-Voice. Use Hall's Cough Remedy for Mooping cough. , • will radii nickilty Ms Mimes el thin disown and shor ten its tedious Onu% outeltalf from IL ordinary dura tion. Beware of constsch its and brass imitaticom—call fer Dr. P. HAWN Celebrated Cough Itsuedy and see that his writ ten signature is upon the wrapper and dinetlone. NTROBILI TENTIMONY. We, the undersigned eithisna el Brie City and eleinity, nave used Dr. P. Hates Celebrated Cough Remedy with great success, In curing disease' tithe Throat and and eamus in reeeminemdiag Mime to the am a speedyand effectual remedy . Tally worthy et public eonil Jame Thompson itattbeer Hainitems. D. John Itelterre. lir. J. W. Byan, _ Bain% bee, John A'. Tracy, &abut Ceche" J. T. Cass, John W. Wiens, Daniel Bear, Daniel Hover, John W. Hays, J. Robinson, • C, It. Riblet„ John B. Cochran, W. F. Rinderneeht. J. MooDey, Mtn IL DIITUILTI, P. E.Burtoa, J. V. Culver, John M. Warren, Manson Sherwood, Wm. H. lag, Piaui S. Brown W. IL Cooper, A. IL 8, L. Forney, Joseph Deemer, R. A. ieZnea, J. W. Hull, ~,iismj. Grua; J. Salatotry. Orvice &nab. ' 'Lucius A. Hull; ; , H.: Bayer, o..lentari, ' Thomas WiLes. J. L. .Long, B. O. Roof, W. M. Gallagher, J. Roblason,S4, Wilson Flub, Chas. W.Ealso, SibaH.lflnch. Daniel Minor, 1,, P. Ensign, C.O. Howell. C. B. Wright SOLD TN CRIB ONLY, BY . . . . P. ki..aste. Miu.urecuwer and SolePrepedelor t *Ars New Building, State St. PRICE 2.5 TO ti CENTS PER BOTTLE. AGENTS al ERIE CO.— AMY A. White, Dr. Ely, GI. nerd; Wm. Belknap,lmmo; T. &Cowles, Springfialdt Win. &Preen% Edinboro Y. Larnion. WErn; IL B. , Waterford; Hume t abetwood, Uneon• W. B. Watieburgh; .0. T. Jewett, North Earl; H. 0. Priabee, Edenviille; J. G. PI .wen, Albion; --- Tyler, Loe kPort. and by ti:terite Es wan:. HEAD QUARTERS —Fon— CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINR3 AND LIQUORS. P. & M. EICHLAUDECKER,, are now receiving at theirold stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock, of - GROCF,RIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, - - WILLOW, WOOD KN, • AND • .STONE WARE, - FRUITS, NUTS, &c. together with every thing found in a House Of this kind, which they will sell M cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They hare also on band one of the Wild and Anse Stocks of Tolima, and Sours ever brought to Yrle , ,to which they Write the attrition of the pablie. Par Call and see us-4 nimble sixpence is better than • Caw shilling, coneopmently Cub bayou will Ind peat bargains by eating at the Grocery Head' QuiwU)rsl AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET Jane a 1.860-42. . r j U. SOHLAIMAILLR. FIRE ~N~~wKCE ERIE COUNTY MUTUAL INSUIt- ANCI COMPANY. Incorporated in 1859—Charier Perpdual I 1 honesty lasurei Aphis* Less b litre ler any Terim sot exceedlas Flys Years. Policies issued upon the deposit of Premium Notes, or upon the seyment of the usual Stock Sates in Money without the liability of a Premium Note. Louses paid without litigation. One snit only has ever been brought against this Company. This Clemeruip se entirely free from debt, sad is a teefe hese isseitstres. DUISCTORS. Wm. D. Hays, Jaa. C. Marshall, Jos. M. Staratt C. M.Tibbals l D. D. WC/vary. E. BOW; Wm.l.lUndarnacht, J. Zimmerly Wm. 8. Brown , Gawp A. =lot, Dania:ft drug Jaeob Hansen, J. 8. Jostles, • • OTTICKEtB. JAL C. Y last ' Jonas Gralpsox, Sae. Wx. J. Itnnonsiavy, Tress. vha 0111 apd 00, In KOMI. as, Gunnison k Weersary's Law Oslo EA% Pa. M* Jam 16. 1910. NEW FIRM. FOMNITURE AND UNDKRTAKINO WAR E-R 0 , 011 S! On State St., between Seventh and Eighth. ,The Subscribers burr entered into the Cabinet ]taking and FURNITURE TRADE, • And proposi tasking to order and keeping constantly on hand - all kind' of Furniture. Orden will metre prompt attention. Repairing done on short notice. UNDERTAKING. The subscribers will giro special attention to this do. partment of their business. They will nammilictare and bop constantly - on hand a large assortment of Metallic Cam and Conn., and bold themselves in readiness to meet orders In this ltos, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to spare no efforts to give satiatio. Mon both in the quality of their goods and prices, they hops to scours a liberal share of public paMo MOORS k AIR Successors to J. H. Rini?. aprll'62-tf. READY ROOFING Randy to nail delta READY 110-01VIN0, At Use thin halt the eoR of tin mots KNADir - ROOFING, Moro. darabla than tin. READY ROOFING, liottabla for atom or Eat roofs. RitAD,Y R - 00FINU, For all kinds of buildings. to all climates. READY ROOFINU, dimply and naiad., put on, New& no coat um with anewat attar It la sailed down. ItHALCVY 1100FINti, Made 8(4 strong woven alorie. tlearoaild, maturated atml covered upon both eniefaesewlth a perfectly water- Foot acannandon. and pat op la also nadir far ase-40 loam wide and 76 feet long. We enaanfaetnre LIQUID CEMENT, For ou 01l p Leaky Ths t. Rook mash cheaper and more durable thla Who, COMPOUND ORIUNT. for LAWNY dal NGLX NOOF3, which will also save the cost as now roof. - Sampler of !tutor Roowiao and Circulars sent by mall when desired. - Favorabls tame made with resposable parties who bur to seAkseala. _ _ BEADY ROOFING 73 Walden Lea, N. Y. CEO CARVER * HONECICE R, ate;tweviss To J. & J." CARVER, .; . irsounwa & iumu. imutoso IN Leather, Hides,. &c., No. 8 Pear Block, Ststa Bt.. trio, Ps. CoMitiotly on it - awl lugs stook of BOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO, LININGS, BIRDINCHN . /FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, KIPS, UPPICR3 AND SPUN, LASTS, PEGS, LASTDIGS, GALLOONS, to. ALI% • . SOLI. ABBORTMENT - OP - 18HORMAILERW TOOLS, ' All of .bleb they odor low for A!H •0117rPROPIPIP - PLY. spriutt. A LARGE LOT 4Ca. CLOTHING ! CLOT Lappet & Best Stock • in the City! COME AN!) 4EE Rik Vol R.SEI M S - would) REVECITUI.Ly i t . form his old trietpds and cost„ nere b. ham moored to the sul•n4 d new . 4 et ROOM ' 140. 10 UNION BLOCK, Where he ioviten thew to call au I emu., goods. His stock In as large and ea ant in Min, and be to &terminal undersold. lie han just received th, stock of SPRING AND , U2II3IF:h Go: Ever brought to Erie. Ilia motto la ti hit quick sales, one price, and Mat the [sir en . nre pot what ttkey it. ropmeated they euy MORRISON & IgNSM WIIOLINAIII DICALLI9 Flour, Pork, Bcief, Bait, CLOVER, TLIZOTILY SEEL, No. 2, Wayne illOOkt FRENCH trEur, Basessw_pph 4441 Li TO C0NE317241) /Ins. T HE subscriber will Cheerfully, gu_ , of chute) to all whodesirs it, the al , Ilmoutn mption. by which he wu maned of that Dill • - Nalgeren with Ocougzuwinowe, Arran, I &iz I affection, he idseerely. hopes will n w the do so Mei will be mom with the remit. her his own mini tion, he is Anxious to place is the hasdr oft the means of cure. Thom within the recipe directions, will plass on or esd,,„,r -janel-6.2. No. 66 John ;Alms:. li. V. SCHULTZ & SRO, WIOLESALE AND RETAILTI 111 GROCERIES AND PRO drat, EAGLE VILLAGE, ERIE CO., P/ We keep on hand a Imp and well eels' of ororything In our lino, and will not to to undersold. Also a Ens stork of vk INE:1, LIQUORS to be surpassed to the county. HARTFORD pas MIURA HAKTFORD, INCORPORATEDIBIO. CAPITAL A. HUNTINGTON. Presl. T. C. Ai CITY FIRE INSURANCE Ci lIAILTIFORD, coroner'( INGORPORATZD MT. cep C. B. BOWIRS.Pnet. C. C. wer I in the above o .1. n able imi s tonobtained en apj R. W. RUSS/ NEW FURNITURE S I J. H. RIBLEt& CO. , *mild respectfully (prom the pubis flat thq opine,: a FURNITURE WARL-. IN GABLE's BLOCK, Between Bth and 9th Street', on When they Luton.] to koop coostAntly on kill amortment of . lIEW ASD WELL SELECTED , car' We ruPpeetfully ablicit a share of Mt 11:11:11gP J if jare2'64-tf. ii. IC.3i New Grocery!. JACUB BOOT would respectf J flounce to the people at Ere, Ca Awl a be has opened a NEW GROCERY -TORE, Wo the Weet Suie of Pesch Street,. .s...nt Lute of the Lake Shore Where he will keep on hand a . Iitt.OOERIL PROVISIONN, WUUD AND W11.1.i.w awl every thing usually kept u s Ln. ALSO, Wine, Sweet Cider and I. The highest Market Price paid for If desired. tr . Glee me a call, it you w,.ht galas. I pledge myself to sell as 1...0 any other store in the city. Mrs. Allen's Photograph Alto IWILL seud,oue of my bi graph Albums, made from the due co, wittedouble heavy gold plated extel a valuable price, by express, prepaid, Ic No one need send the money tall they will accompany the Album. Pereona c their names and try their luck. They w return mail of the mutt of a diatribut have the privilege of sending for the alb not, as they choose. Splendid indue mi asents,ladies se well as gentlemen. fr with circulars, pent by mail. ALLOrss return postage) Mrs. LUCY ALLEN, 1 York City. E r P. B:—Any person who will cut tiaement and enclose it In a lettsr to e.n allay, and notify me of the feet ano to wl receive by rettun mall a beau:Jill au! e graph of Major General Grant, worth at A single stamp will answer both for the graph and trial of leek, as both ran Le mars-3m. $225. SEVEN OCTAS Rosewood Piano-Fi GROVESTEENIIc CO, 4.42 BROAI NE NV, Enlarged Scale Y.; With all latest improvementt 'periesies, with greatly increased iscilir ring, enable us to sell for CASH at the low price. Our Instruments received tl at the World's Fair, and for eve ruccessi Anitrielll Institute. Warranted rive yes Olin. Call or send for descriptive circul mad-Sm. EMI= We take great pleuure in informing. the Yabba nomerona Patrons lo p►rtien!►r, that we bin MANUFACTURING SToV INCI4EASEII FA Cl LIVE! And are repaired t. ell all onion kt COOKING AND HEATING guy Having parehased a largo Stook at hoz, gra being burnt out, gins no a docia4 00* On price of Storat,) one Hanquatarers •ko pas ty Iron at present high pn Thankful for put faros, WS hope, by stliclig . ‘: to Claimants of Customers, to continue to nin , Ps felnl n Agtl . . VINCENT.TIBBAI , PREVENTION IS BETTER TILL' CC at TO Ladies of delicate health organisation, or to those by whom Is so w ', *ally ta from anj rework objectionable, the In would offer i prescription which to perfectly ro h ' safe, aad which has been prescribed in rarifti . ,l, the old world for the put century. Althtto' . .i„ is my cheap and simple, yet It hes bee pat q plot bottles and sold very exterisieely et the ssl ErceStipir bottle, the andersixted preP oo2 nocipszor the mall NUM of $l, by the po which every lady can supply herself silt guard„ at any drug store, for the = . Any physician or druggist y harmless, and thou/lanai of ..tOC;,jl receip procnted t or o s t i ß by ae a teac thsau l. o fte e nt to !toy Dui of to arner 6l s l 7 9 . Dr. J!c. DEVRLIC I N , P. H. Box, No. ZIA Nee Pies. THE PLACE TO GET YOUT MONEY 110 E. COUGIILIN'S „ v BOOT & SHOE STO P State Street, Nearly Opposite the Pestill E. Coughlin, Soot and Shoe Deiler, reepectfully Leanne the Public that hs has removed hie stand to the Store Room on State street, nearly opposite the Post to Moo, when he invitee all his old Meads as. , to give him a call. Particular attention V"' REPAIRINO! Haring caretal workmen, and superml" dii i bueinessidamelt, he tellerse he can gore ulerits tion and Bell at as low prices as any tato P . '" - .001 city. Good Fits Warranted. HATS & CAPS FOR THE MILWO. AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL NEW STORES NEW GO . 1 have TellloTed 'Musa DOolul 240011, to 10 ; lately occupied by Mr. John Welsh , ne.t d.)01.10 C. Belden, aatl am receiving a !erg. Stock 0 ! _ „„ d , HATS, CAPS AND STRAW We"' 11•41•••prwealy for no. liming taken rod rol l naleellon of my Goods, I feel conedent I esa g. wo to.thosw ► who may faro. me with a ela j i I will sell a fair ham Leaf Ilat at 10001,0 Leghorn at .1 shillings. TWO lIVNPRILD 0•"" ALM LEA! BATS at New York Cam IXc i tugg. apel64lto. Wanted 1 PIO —4 l .WKW RESPECTABLE Du_dA-10 . . . -. rim. BarTett 00 Collttalr o is,4l , . , . "...i.s. • aiaW nutumed LEM W ITH PROMPTNESS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers