14 31 ItS I I t.Lfj - ' VAT.% Ran 6:llllligei.:iitle....;.ll/ ter , grit ?nag' th orooßhlt proved Reel! 1. the belt ir, gniOftifet: er g. k n own ter cnrin4 .N.la• COL a rile t/ lIIIDICLIC It b ntn , l an einallent remedy of FORR Pr ca. Da tr:rrer hu been to ore(' " rn! flientYot ta,e often trees A.regtly Improved 44 , t , q ie It it frirsint •^latterable, aneglree nri.l c: • VI the d.,11 beacv wane enured hr illavaaeu 7 .4 k, grad The ion tat loat. eter uelag It are delightful by Fnnvinz I nn"n• and puree out all oh .trength-re the gland. end gives a healthy to the parts effected. then thbly year+ r f agile and ace nt Dr Ilairitialre ,aterh and fteedeehe Sinn ff has' proved Its mat value yr ell the erllTlMntl dieeteet Or the head, end at thts tan• hat it diode higher than ever tofnre It le reconstnant /,, ~,or of the best, rhyalelena, end he need e•lth greet A t, 1 r^.l.nrting rcers , Olerft R.-ad the Cortiflest• 0 1 Inv weir r , 117, - . 1•1 4 1 In le4- ry •nr.' !mein fv utxn 4' PI lawn esequaln eith Pr Ifs:01 , 11'e C..tar,h sod Heade he Snuff,and ur trade. ehe.rfoll , state that we be. yr. it ro e l oot, In evert ~ , a peea, to the reeommenda• glten of .t for the core of Catattli Affections, and the hest ertle'n we have ever known remnumi CO-eater of the Read. k rarrr;Reed, Audio to Co.firnwn. lAmann'k fie.,l raver Pc Co., Seth W. Fow.. Wilson, Futtehack t fe , pn-tnn ; Renshaw. Eflrnanda k Hat, Me ; flames At Para, A. R. k I; Randa.Stachen k 'front k Aferfeesnn k Robblna, A. r.,,M1 k Co., M. Ward. Clef. k , Book k nal*, ier Tort For tale ha alt Ortieglete. Try ft. sfB GREAT I;NGLIBH REMEDY. SIR JAMES - CLAIM'S belebrated Pemale Pills. paorEcTEiJ ( ?it'. L.ET T E rt 8 # L - 41 4 , 1 / 4 BY ROYAL Atr., , 7 _,A t. PATENT p r oarid from a Priatription rf Sir J. Clarks, ht. a, Pkytiria% Seraordinary to At Qum. !Lt. t eeln9ble medteine In unfitting la the ear* of all two rsinfal find , lsnv.ro 3.1 divuliTe to which tha femtla arrltutlea Is enbl►et. It mode tae all *mai and re. WM all obstrtietlon., and a speedy etre ea? be called TO MARRIED LADIES tfi pleuliarly tutted. It will, Ina short tima, bring on to • onthly period with regularity. Each ! , ottla, piles One Dollar, hum the Govern Mini tamp of Great Thit‘in, to preront onnterfells. r.trri t.):v TAsse PULE stositli not be taken by Females daring di iilB7 THREE MONTHS f Pre/wing, as they es* ?I to /1444, es MilCarrinfl, bsl eU any Whet time tag rt wife. In all eases of Nersona and Spinal Affections, Mesta •1 Back and Limbs, Fatigue on Flight exertlon.ralPita. be o f the Hen rt, Hysterics and Whites, three Pills wrU pier a cure when all other meana hare failed ; and ale 11 0, 4 11 a ro•Prral 1 erne dr, do not eentatn iron, calomel, ,ottmony or anything hurtful to the eonititution Full directions Ire the puniptilat s round mob pviagr, ,Asa should be earstli'llt preorvi.d. Prq,n FIT ALT. DRUGIITATS ?..lo Aunt for the trnihni States and Canada, JOlll 5109E9, 27 Cortland! St., Nye York.: , n —SI,OO and 6 podage liampa aneln•ad to any ad , orited treat will boors &bottle, cestaLolpg 60 Pill, Jvilll4ly. "p itt vi , VTABLE HEADS are la e avasent U brentlfledbr the operation CRI4TADORO I I4 DYli, tchich, w tbnot no, elighteet trouble. tmeerte to the heir of the head, the whletere, beard or avttlarbo, a Ono 'e of brown or the most perfect bieek. Lail., ran one it without that , flneera It I■ tee twat repo litmus hale die in the world, and the only ooe free from aan ry 7,1.'410114 ingra Ilont, and thatieon• inaeiinn , i.ihiniint and emollient reeetable prinalplei refund trete Ifni:. Preeervetive, - ihle adinnet to th • fif bur and promoting vowth eel p-rfort hinnit.h of the heir, end of Itself• hen no..i aloe.. a anf ;•nrl that proteete the fibres Imm • et, otter all rirrlmitancee and under ali allots!. of„ ii f,,ti t r„ f he I. t r tt iß't %to. 4 41.7 Tlonie, V , rk hr oil fi kl+tl:te on hr all 'Clair unroitin • A Card tb tqa Snfforing. wiird.ow t of "Richn, 'foe; • 't , a ,, ,,patti a " "Nervous Anti! , t.,;• .t. %:• v"it •To Tllltotao4 with trvi ,a4olt, thou 'ry hol r,t OT,TI rIIPTOR nr0•1 tN^9 .Nr7l,l4ti tcr•l;' , ^ Pt 4-1111 he ••e4nre Ito health ad nq~r In dt-s aro wired, tf.a'a.)Ye p'.etitot tt t 4", prompt and mluttirr In their tt.winnn the hrokei wn 1-d .hsrter , 4 e.netitartoo. a and ro , tne ran tLoke thorn with advantnee inipor• of an i sold r orly h: MNMSMI • Ir.rt fnr the roiled Rte.". r .rar”rr.i, rieFe4, will he mill. I to ant n t•1•+ , • va rer,i; f •:( Prim, wrlzinh In On. Dot •r, "not petli—mnna, •r, rvikled hr tho Arent If Pritlr• t sfiteti•mkt• t lIITOR OF OfNERVICIt—IIea ftra —With yonr klnirorm..4lon 7 wl4h to RS] to this revirri 'our f.lwr th,t t , Itl ”..oe. 7, y - •turn mall . an who LA it, (Sr.) PVID., .Ith fnli direetion• for making r i d op'pe a rrroosle Ar 10.., that wlll eff•rtoally move. in ten den. Pmirlro, Rlnteboa. 1 so, }rankles •d all rnipto.it!.. nr the 40.taing the tune ricer, itaooth and I...anttful. Will *lnn mlll tie in those. having !DM Heade. or pm Fart., plmplertsrort , nnat.nAtaforfoattno that will snihie thtra to star , irrnwth of Id.lirl 'Lt fast, "rhl.luers nr reen.t•oho to Inta than thirty dim 111 applemlou. ttnits.ro , l, by retnrn * mall, wlthody thvz. P...ntetrnlii yu , . 1110 A. CH APItANT, Chemlet, 811 Broadway, Now York. OEM Tority4 , _ YE:NV:I'I I IN 110ftsatt 1.IVl• 11 ItRC r. Pint t•nttlea at YNY Cen o. for Ismail:walk pls. DOlit.Pprning, hn , warranted cheaper than a. whet. ttaa esed ~r 101 tnn great hot-pen:len on tong taw! courses. it will not e•.rre rine Anne tint onaTIO. attars fa DO Ilnim•nt In exisfonee thit will. What tt istated to etre It pn.ittvel v dn.. No orate of kgeses tattAeod4fter !ryes otq bolt's. one d , ra revives and ottan ore. th • !Shan? an nrar-heated at a Haven torsi. rot emit and belle-ache it has novae fat ed. JastllS ears wee son. task jvt on Pule to tit. calnahle Liniment WM. lA, done embro-att In of the day. Sold by all Peotatiatti llnethfa. snl.l be ail e t., nate. 1 Coottanat Street, New Tort tylft-ltn. URNITILIR .N. cured of Sermon% Deb , lity, In a competence, Premature Dec.', and Yonthfal Error, he a de.dre to tertelit others. will he happy to ..rnl•t, to all who rotei it, (fr.. or obarg*.) the molar , 44falr•rtlooa for malting tit...lmp:a remedy need to Ms as• rrishloz tee prnflt by lala t , tootloctoootod A. a Valnab!. NorriP4i. ,t(11 tro•iro tba I am, by t•tant mall , (tatefolly awOol adirotillog JOIN B. 04111 V. . ,:, No. 8) .Nersan 9dr et, N . 14., al. Ilti C0NFE...4410%.4 S PAPPItI ENCE OF A Nr,RVOUVISIVALID. PtiblDhed fnr the b.nefit and R. • exattnnftto voting men, and ntherg. whn *niter from Neryoos Dohkittg, Pre cattne* Peet,. of /Ittn , knoti, mnpnifing et the Vane Lute the meant/ of %off-mire Re one who batten/4.d himself seer undergoing ennticigrottle qmteitery. By *twinging a gnstqwl.l addrsaa.d gore - Mpg ning , n copies may be had cf tbesutbor, • N.17114.71RL Haynie, Egg 1..4'84-1y Prookl3 n, Kier' Co., N. Y. no you wpm Tle Ott etlstrtill RV. Cl SPE cam to Um tSto 30 the wont ea.n. of NERCO! TiNT F..:4 4 , Taloa Uwe. Prernatdre Dear geminal We‘knen, Triunity. awl all Crintr iota Q and Nerrona Affections, tto eat. ITOCI that wail prnillcA. Priv. oae d • Iler per bon. int, anal paid, by mail, on re.eint of an order. One brif eUI perker a core to moat came.. addr.a. JAIIE; S r 4U 7 I.V:11, General Agent, 427 Kroadway, New York. 1.1'243-Irn. ANTHRACITE • BITUMINOU'S COAL! ' 4l, 'enclber void! reel:in:l(o.le announce to the pub. Ile of Eris ell rirluity Vat he vill continue to deal Cnal during the present year,at 11 L D ST A ND, CORNEA oft FIFPI STTIEET AND TRH CANAL desirin g to proonre any bled of Coat can be supplied In LARGE oP. 5.1.111. QUANTITIES. And at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES! kotend Da" teg apecial attention to the Anthracite Coal Trade ! ;lot •1 I 1r , 12 niN a Sald, fit thit purpnnn at thn KAMM/ ki) BRIDGE OVER MILL ettEEIC, A 1.,. I all.ep ATI LACCI ki-E ELSYr QUALITLE 8 tha . . Vtd , I' Coal. f CY Inihri-itA or RISUrnto,Zlll COSI p ° rn i4 nr " ;!l; r :ttt.n 'Y f to 7:4,7,113 urc United States Claim Ag't; GiltAl:LN PENN'.I PE.NS,IONS, BACK PAY, BOUNTY, •ad all caber Claims agaioo. the Gnvarouteut attotilwil to with premptueps CHARGES REASONABLE. nr Applleatino by if bnl &Maraud to the mob so if to twrynn mr2V64-310. Farm "for Sale. THE V•ubscriber gfters for Sale hill Farm to summit xp , Erie eq., Ps., noulrfilling alert, scree of good soil, nine mire from VA' city, on Om Ws. it,rtort hhonplee road, sod boor mi en from Waterford ' ll l.ge, Well utters.' rnotsad thirty buildings, lair fruit thlrty aerosol wood lied. App'y on premises for farthsr liforeemen. Will be 'old on reasonabl• terms. isatdn' tr. JOHN . R.GILAS&M. The body of CoL Goo. U. Cobham passed PRESERVED FRUIT, • . - 1 ------•--.44ll.lkklaitl csi i innidV' Ind Ires "I " c,..___••• hilie., natitee t, fiat- weer Vis ----. _____ ''''',. el, It loyle-la. le ,efo - ii It 1 - ---_ 4.1,14,Pi°7;` 11141114tithatift ERI E.. .P 4.4 AUGUST t , 1 f 464 • pbetil Notices. r Wt., desire to obtain a tweattimadwat td aiaq 'township la the twenty. Poillieal awe ye can oblate la abundant* ; what us treat le tin beat sews trio all pieta ottht °ovate. tee moon trellis: to as sae de. peed no belie; hls state Copt ettietif toutidical4 ; and It he has here that the eammaisealloa It sot la proper shape far palgleatlos, we wilt pal It to spree prints trial. else anbitellwed, tarred bp sorrier, wjil be charred twaatr4leo teals pee pear sates. . haws, who hit: to melee their Impels regularly will soarer • ATOT he soli' Wag se of the maw. ,Ita prefer to kayo dal sulaerlhoes whose& sosesaitatle, roam thole papers at the alias of pobliestistr. Iris whhtk the Mesmer le pet to, ttzeee . . each week, 4Z eels* we MUT el9wesee. /tdetwttie mente will be received up to 0 ceeleck of the dey of 9ab• Uestion.. AlLLlngthirsitata, Job Work sad Etakseriptioat from persons Idles§ respossibillty is sot knotris to tin pions/son, misiStispaiii.is atones OB3BBVER • JOB OFFICE. We would reopireifollY sell the attention of tbeigrabihr to one f wattle' for doing Job Printing al awry deers ip• thus. /laving rapid Pressed and the latest styles of Type, we An ;wowed to do anything hethe Jobbing Has, (a a manner equal toes, other establialintest, awl ea termer as reasonable as the Buffalo or Cleveland *lkea. We her. aided snarly two thousand dollars worth of meter rial to the odic* since It bas boosts oar posseesies, with tke object of making It what we thought the eetemeab ty needed. Now well we hare sueeeoded we hews the 'Radicals eon lobbing. which may to moo is teeny port of North Western Plansylvants, to testlfy.‘i nolo who want tasty work are invited to give as a eall. Wa can do any kind of Printivg that canbiii does elsewhere, —such for instance as , All kind, need by Coal Operators, ;All kinds need by Coal Bbiopers,. All kinds need by Coal Pollen, All kinds nod by Merchants sod Storel ,All kinds used by Retailers and Grocers, All kinds used by Iltonfeeturees, All kinds used be Medicine Dealers, All kinds used by A ocUtutiiers, AU kinds used by Ralhbal Agents, AU kinds and by Ranks, All kinds used by Inman* Oftem, All Mode need by Stock *spaniel. gweessill. All kinds used by Broken, All kiwis IPsd by Com. and For. MwahAnts, All kinds need try !Urfa Men, Alt used by Profssidonal ' Men, All kinds used by Literary Societies, AU kinds used by PnYle Moors, All kinds aid by Pahroteee, - An Mint used by Producers of Raw Articles, AU kinds used by Merchants of all Trades, AU kinds need by Architects. AU kiada used by Ihrierraan gatablistimiste, All kinds mod by Artie* generally, AU kinds need by Mlle Exhibitors. , All kinds nand by Masagers of Bonsai Asessildia, All kinds used by Polities! Managers, - • ell kinds used by Travelling Agents, All Weds tied by Farmers, or sellers of real estate, All kinds used by the sellers of Pm sonal Property, All lands used by Bentsen, - In short. Milled* anal/ aU Oust t Orders by mail,when amt by mirpossible putiss,plimpt• ly attended to. Agents for owe, Coneerte, site.. who* responstb City tra aren't untainted with, mat pay is adsmees. In eases where packages are met out of the city espress,and the easing for whom they are !stat ed have not a regular smut at the Mlles. the bill for eoUsettesk will lerariably to forwarded with them., Congressional CoavertUon. The question of a daj for the meeting of the Congressional Convention has not yet been definitely settled. The 57k Advocate suggests the 7th of September and Ridgway as the place of meeting. Erie and Warren counties have agreed upon Thursday, the let of Sep. tember, and 11 is understood that Clearfield coincides with their action. As ,theee three counties poll two-thirds of thelvote of the district, their united voice is entitled to con sideration, and _we propose that the day selected by them be agreed upon by nasal- Mons consent of the conferees. It is impor tant that some understanding should be ar rived at immediately. We trust the Conven.l lion will ,vest the authority to esti Mare meetings in some definite head, so that the vexatious , difficulties in arranging the time, which ha'7e transpired heretofore, may not 'occur again,. Patna or Stritourrns.--The price of sub stitutes is running up with the rapidity of the price of gold. We hay, heard of two instan— ces in which ten hundred and twelve hundred dollars have been paid.] When the September draft comes, God help the . poor men of the country.—Crawford-Democrat. The above ■tatement'of the *audition of af fairs in a section where the draft has recently taken place should Convince our citizens of the urgent necessity of filling up our quota before the 6th of September. Substitutes can now be obtained at from two to three and four hundred dollars, but after the conseription is made the price will immediately jump up to three and four times the present stsudsrd. Let every man who can, put in a substitute without delay. The longer f eu wait the'high or sum 'you will have to pay, and the less likelihood there will he of your getting an so eeptable substitute. Srzotet, ELearroar.—The; eleatiuu in this oity, on Tuesday, was one of the quietest and dryest affairs Imaginable. More than half of the people did not appear to be aware that an election was in progress, and thi few that at tended the palls, toted as. if they were pant cipating in some ltolemn funeral prodession. .We presume that the same lack of interest was displayed•ia other parts of the county, and throughout the State generally. The vote will protlably not be more than a half one, if that. Below are the returns, as far as we have received them : • rot avant Erie City, let Ward 182 24 .•2d" 121 : 47 ed 148 '29 16 I 4Lb • 179 • 21 Total, 678 121 Leßola 60 asst. North East Tp. - 162 96 44 44 Bei... 89 11 . McKean 207 Wayne. 166 14 Concord 162 4 68 West Blilloreek . , 139 68 East . " 169 172 Waterford Tp. - 240 " Boro. 102 1 Wnton Tp. sod Bora. ' 269 9 Middleboro ' 21 , 2 Fairview 186 Ilarborcreek Grego• 'lt is just as,foolisit to call upon the people to retrench their expenses and practice coon omy,in a time like this, es it would be to undertake to stop a cannon shot when under full headway, with a ball club. The spirit of extravagance fills the breeze, end all classes, high or kw, Republican and Democrat., are equally infected by it. Nothing but hard ne cessity will bring bag the people to a emit man sense. standard Tpf living and dressing, and that the uneasily will eventually occur, there eau be no mistake Omit. • When that time does,arrive,•very few will be prepared to InNot•it,.'and many who now sneer at their humbler and more economical neighbors will regret that , unlike them, they did not "take tido by the forilieh,"'and retry oh when they had en opportunity to lay something by.' We hare learned some severe lesions from this war, hitt the hardest have not yet been nosh ed. 11' w. TOW) ATTISTION bore !—A Casson TO MAUI MONZT.—Very few persons are aware, that by remit 'Wagon, newspapers and serape of printed paper, pne Converted into material for printing In ia. The high price of paper has et elan active demand for . old , ae W l PSP el l...bfb P ICD P S . II # "MVO of paper for this • p4rpose , slid i t la eagerly bought up by pares couisoted with the pa per mills. ;By eolleetleg sad saving all the material of this liiud about their housed, sad selling it, many s fondly eau put . 4 m6usy is their parses," which would otherwise be lost. ! The highest pries, in auk will be pald'for it ' at this office. . . . Provost 81atlhal, qfmektll 4 11,A. f table of the quiet fgr_this diet tin 500,0110 cell,' treml isideriwilkillt:ittsa. Will following is the ntratitsFol,ll4 , L llll to. ,bt, l ed by each county ::liiii UN, Ifirroa ii Jefferson 458, Cleartifid 61111„,111k 15f1, Cr i i son 51, Forest 14, #Oir Silt 111d 4 Th‘t: • Is iboett one the'ititigt f t iAlliii icits;: ' 1 ease the quotas silo 141, filled by vol end substitutes protiOns to the day of d the defloienoy mil be conscripted, with , extra hundred per Cent. added. Thai, fair. instance, Eris city's quota Is 237, Suppe, of these she should 'pima:try supply is; NI number remaining to be drafted would be 100, with the' hundred Or cent. added, makia4 200 "SUM is all that "timid be taken out at the wheel. As the; total enrollment of thS city is but 1,884, this would leave a emsll chantie for escape, and if the number of tol -1 unteers is less than our figures, it will late ii still smaller one. 'ltese facts should arou,4 every man In the City to the urgency of prompt efforts for supplying our quota. ThoOt who are able should procure substitutes, sad those who cannot Oboure substitutes should contribute liberally te.a general bounty And for securing volunteers. Below is a table ai the quotas required by aub dlstriota for'Brii and Warren counties: ," ' Na. anb- dist. I. Erie City, East 'fard, 2. " West ;" 11. Mill Creek Tp 4: Fairview 6. Girard ' " Springfield " • 821 , .• - 68 7. Conneaut & Alblan 364 . , : ' ,;46 _ 2. Elk 'Creek 017/, . , -29 9. Franklin •, 89 ' •5, 16 40. Le Baia , • • trt • - "19 11. Washington & Idlahato' 494 68 12, Waterford Tv Boro. - 897 ; - 1 ; 1 , 6$ mo - K.an & atiddiatioro 241 - 41 14. Summit " 189 28 16. Greene ' • r" , - 182 81 16. Ilarbircreek , 208 86 17. Greenfield L l / 1 /10 • ) 21 18. North East 409 - 70 19. Venting) & Wettibtirg ,99 20. 4mity ; 116 .• -2D 21. Concord & Corry:. 597 102 22.' Union Tp. & Boro. : 23. Wayne ;' 16* 06 Quota of Erie Couhty WA*W OQUITT. 24. Spring Creek Tpe ' 116 . 26. Columbus Tp. & :Beeo. • M 26. South West i 110 . 27. Eldred , 4 , • 28. Deerfield& Tidiastie 260 - 29. Limestone 80 80. Pleseant 81. Sheffield 82. Mead 88. .Cherry Grove 1 • 84. Kisses ' - • 86. Elk - 88.. Corydon • IST. Farmington 88. Pine Grove i 89. Sugar Grove 40. Freehold 41. Pattslield 42. Worm Boro. 240 40 • 43. Glade SG 16 44. Connoirsogo 126 29 45. Yotingerillo & Brokonotrair 164 2$ Quota of Warren County A Democratic Alain The Journal of Convects directs attention to the August number of the 'Aufrftlip - Magasins (the old Kolekerix‘her) with a via oere desire that it WAY be patronised- br the public. .It is sibly edited. On seenCoosnerii tire principles,. and is, in - pplQt . °tweeter and ability, :deaklidly,liredessee of any other American Slags:lee nr • The decadence of plaguing ,•liteitatariLia tie country hes been retaierkable. TANIS 1111 ree l few monthlies now isilisikidAritleitnia be introduced into dui - family 'With* deem if dissentinsting heresy led indietityin religion as well as radical &nubile= in Oolitic.. It, therefore, becomes the especial', Oats, of ail who are interested in promoting sound odnpa- Lion and literature to!aseist iarthe circulation of such magazines ail the American Monday, which reeeites ,aid from the best anti Itrdtigast intellects in the country.. Tke chawets*, of the Knickerbocker prescreen and IMproved on. the sprightly and the 'eighth; the tree° and gay are intermingled to snit titirearicala, tastes', We recomutend the Maistitie, ta :the support of all who fwish gond, readiatand . sound morals and politica 64 TOTS WOK SAVE THE !. ! OOTOBER 18TH, 1463, CURT! iLBOTED " Vote fir Cyrtis glut afoid 00TOBER i7TR, '1868; 'DRAT, ' 024 1 11,11 RD FOR 800,000 VEN 7: . • , , "Vote for Curtiiiind /Ave the Alit!! FEBRUARY 18T, 1864. DRAFT ORDESED FOR 206,000 MEN :1 !`Ydb for Cart* and astaidlhakirt" MAROII 14TH, 1864, DRAPT ‘0111)2 EOM FOB 200,000 MEN !II ~ , Vots for Ourt4 out agaillOireft." JULY, 1864. DRittrr ORDIEUID 'OR 600,000 MEN! 1 , • "Vots for NW's and Amid thsEPtrilt7 WHOLE NENIBEE CALLED !MOE CIVIL =TOPS, ELECTION. 1,200,000 Mllll , tf 1 ! hla: Burros:-Piaui 'Wain to no the metoing of a term. see that the Nutt; alludes to you awl Dearoorats as “COpperbeads," ood that you • retailer* . by 4:Ailing the Gazette I s "Copperhead'; Now, as the doctrines: advocate& by the two papers'ere entireii dilemma. tiobto stet be mistake it the use bf the Pulse Oa nte,itido or the other. D. ' 111 ma) rosainions Our correspondhat osonot • My,' !wiittihso the current of polttleal eve= wouleaot be at al tole thin! of the phrase otoPperttestr.* , ,i4laitiiip journels of the IrtietOtli poetise; lie ;Flit lad Shot there are three bode oVlTypp#llesda i i in the country it tbiv present thste (Ltnaoht) "Oeitierlithia,tthi radio* (Ifteniont "Oomtliesle." 'sad' slit Dlinoorstio trait' "Copperheadse•—• LIU.: GI. soft beloogs,to, the lilt, ; 44,4111+ to tits Lott elm. The contest. beiirien Lowry for thole l ptibitaiii thistatorlit, that, grows sootsi 'exciting ,tligri l it*r is.*" male topto of loon politieddissossiew: , Levery started out in the ram, witlienknni,..ldps if opposition, and with ()my prospeot of stAssly but unless ha manages the adroitly be will qad hissodt dlstantieHli end. Bath men possess , titi4epitiattia of having unasast slirewdnost, 'and bothaiiven. persevering in endeavoring to effect their ob jects as tialyrtOn . 04*s - tielt plioi.• it is “Cfrosit ineekarpelt." r t r01444 1 1 . 3 q. 3, "and Ira 4 Ito citit Atisyt is anoe.essful antagonist WMhiyitr`:*-1; 7- lit his detcrenitiou td . 'Outguns. "Mihirolitonirikvi fOir W• bet °oats lehty nom: " The Erie Dispkeh itateini t eels “taii ObserVer'kvi ttied to teeth; dint giving eol4lers the rig a t e t: 40%., world Otis ili colored men' sad 414 ions iv* betlifis• Observer "tried Ro mew . initthl Of thi Boit, it would bate 'treat a mei: hood so Zia 14iiith 1* 4 1 'ojiiiii0hitiedid: 131U6' L!, id a: .411`' zits toooryt ma - eaJ iti 07 771 820 ,019 ‘264 • 74' .; 111 • 66 , If 'lO 8 48. • 7 ti I , , 111._ , Tst 10 • ~145.! 16*,, 27 zee se lee . • l• • •192 •1 II AVIC2IO C I:=1 • t :47) "A Wadelial beak is to be started to WaVree. saidag tits tinutb is this pert of Me Stets+ , - 4 9 4 1 ._ 1 404 14414 1• 1 1 0 *Ono mu* °tithe Ireton !Est., kat Monday last. We are abasst tompletrO envy tr. misers.. I gi" Vi gl ie li rgligir= . vidoal than Dortiok's Malt Dimphitg. Response of Illoasotinootta to the4oll f* Min bombs& tkonsunt seise • h 014 Tatbsi Ababa" &WI take as— 4 1 P2 '• 2 , • •,0 •g. TAO poop l • of North Milt township, oa Tuesday, by a Woes of 174 to 46, derided favor of leryini a Special tan forbountles to jaitlielitiej !:!flf; The quota of!Pennsylvanla, - under the sift for 600,000 additional men, is 61,700. This announcement has been made in a letter froM Col. Pry to Gov. Curtin. in Battles , asid Riohard M. Bross, .. havW been appointed by Gov. C n recruiting aireste to, thisi iitinaty. Their Soli . Of operi. lions will be ist the South West., - , The editor of the Garotte, to relieve curio inquirish iist tit l e subject, a:dolmas in his fait issue th'at ho ir subjeet to iltilt...and it;ends standing hie . °Maid tie the rest'of us: The Warren I Mail says Rev. John Prate, , former p astor of th e Ist Methodist church of: this oil y, is sewing as Chaplain of an Ohio regiment down: in “Disie." The intended eleursion to Lake Bipolar has been abandoned. On inquiry, It wu found that the; cost of the trip would be more than double Ott of last year. One of our ilepubliosu exohamps olatme for th draft that it, is ''demanded by the voles of the people" and s*a popolay . measure."— Tithi will be a surprising piece of sews to the eitisens!of this) , :404 /BS 140 as 42 Mr. B. 0. Beadford. of Mt : Corneas, Mich., will please aeoept oar thanks for a clognt tea SOW subloriberp to Lim &saw. To receive so lam a list frog's poiat so' far from boom, is a emnplhasat we little expected. s, Milo pushers, Military Odious and Bing'. ere min use Solsra's Bnondial Troth* or Cough and Voice Lounges, u freely u regain site,--oontaining nothing that can injure tha system. , They are invaluable for allaying the• o: hoarseness an irritation lioident to vocal ex ertion, emits and strengthening the voice. The Warren i Nail has subialtted to the pro. sure, and redo nd its slits to six oolumns.on a pap. We shill be agreeably &appointed, if before the war ;is awrt, almost all the papers in the country dttioot have to be satisfied with doing is the rebel editors do, issuing half 'sheet.. , . .. ME= NEM I 'The time for emstusactog to . 11 4 1 1 ?Wan pasieager trains over the Phila. $ Brie ikft, Is now Amid m i llet' as the let of October.— Wiwi. \ 911anagtim ? tribes of yint,'not to deli, the event wisest longer than is aetnally necessary. \ Pis impatient public. disappohtt r id' so tirtoo, li ' wing weary of long wilting. . \lfizaisitria, Pa., Aug. 1. , Gov....Ctartin isksimed i proclamation pal ing the Logbils.nre to meet on Tuesday; the '9th of:August, to derise mew to .ssalso.atv =pow, of eke stag. - hnisadfittsly f or Oats antiatiotial delentai.*. " ' or. in other*ord., now\that the helve bee been stolen,_ an; attempt will bo l*adcto look tl,ffiiWnsAtoot: , '. -`. 1 \ ; :l. 7 'poi' Democratic Convent.iim, \IA ;Jefferson onli9Vlsot on: the 19th of Illy, 'and selected t.: I A• litpok ;f7f,4. P. isnliss lad t it.i: \ it itas. 101gitrosionstsask conferees, to meet other orsi!tgAildtkets from the differeuteoun- Age iit tiwkititir:st itideajositit btsOme tt ma y jtenorable means to secure ilts nominstiotriP 4 Wm. A. Galbrilth, of Erie, fo`, Congress. ' ' , One of the 4:3ll3pletest. •.eells" of the , season was ttie concert (if it is entitled to the dignity •of thet name) i given in Farrar sall, on mos. It, ettiiiiiiV i 64 .80iiiidiiber 'rtli.'i ' Old Follts;' traits Boston. - - Tie ' , poorest choir in Brie would be - ,iuthatned'to undertake to palm • of atilt discordant noises as music. "Grand. father Pike" will not And it profitable to visit mc=l ria this city, again. • 4 •• Ou!. article' ii;it Week, on th county money, ,speetti.lrttit universtil approvak: A !Mr deep . seated feeling is growing up on the subject,, and business men Of-sil potitical views, are ittopriiiii 'otiose gittersl'•r., fort to induce, the. Commissioners either to' make some ariaivounts for withdrawing it from, elrenlation or have it aosepted at the bank', on deposit. • "Avoid the draft!'' "Avoid the draft l" Is the ihiversal cry that tames up from every pes sf the erntutryd •Yo* Rey "atebi"! it for a while yet, gentleman, by hard effort, but the Omits coming, if the war continues, and Old Abe Isle eletited, whet all the meetings you tnajo*ild; and &lithe lismintteh yds May offer, will not savil„you from .tits eluteltel of the 1 1 417fIkAill *Wet way'd "avoiding the &reit," isle vote for the ;34.ididi4 ) .!C! Tie follotOokto i thik . lfoto to )111Imio15 ip., PrOlioilttolt tittttio *piopoi.iy" of the mile to Woe boot:not to lbw otioltrosoment : -"- ' Poe Aplest • -• sty. %any. 11liters 2144Sien Distllot Ilee " 290 ' 4 Wet tarn " .144 'BEI 14 ' 6 " Pais,lority toil Bolinty. The Girard Vika has .eatered the fourth yeat; of its p4licatlon, "under more favorable oircumstsacCs," thC editor says,' !saute ever harAoforil."' , Odes Is 'a? Ifiefr'and well oinductad paper--fadly thsetured with - the .I .ireepremible" editine f 1i le, true-bui none the less enMrtalning cu that account. We feel sorry for its manifold political sins, while, at the same time, wi wish its editor all the and Aslant' entitle lit: 1. i .; gittign Boos sueeeedel is shipping about forty recruits for the navy recently, as sub-: Mimeo, with whom he started for the 014i riur fleet, Is Emitting, Ind., oa Moudiy mottling. Re is to return: soon and try his luck again.. L e e bi t ,irregtre the rigbt'kin4 iusoarspenent from ..ar Oitieen, rscruita can be obtained muck sister than those I PIVIVIMMItaIS.I II -. Pki..4IOO I .4 I KIPAG,, as a soldier on our quoin, it will be shrewd POST fgrfix!". MO! s?..10 1 0!! O'n! , especially lot tblet.brtel h of eh The aunt*. is _flooded . with bogus coin, ' d,rei'oef abNtl4t Aeand weight of Pesuielti pan readily. - An the . current Mullin', ; Operatic's& of ~,the 4i '; ,la ; the abienoti of, ,16" Anal; article. It may not, be known that a striatest law of Cowen!, proltilAte _the_maatifactare. or use Ibest to, iteas,‘ and 'machos .a Wren penalty; tol do *ions of the. statate r *slow is the 'imam "biptitnii itiodokof SIP, 6. And be it further enacted, That if any puma or“porsome shill-sets, issue or pa% t orcia•se to be made, issued or passed, psi, -spin, earls, tokens or &Vices whatsoever, In metal or Jl4,loll.llll6lf i Alltended to pus or 14,P 1 1 1 914 es Ong, foe qua Oestlier. or. s two out; soon person 401 Imdassed "Pak? of • eiledstassaor and. skin t im ecraviptiOrs thereof, be psaislad'hy - ; a ;fintram•reediiii l 'iO,O:0 1 1 1111 4 1441 .V4 4 4 Olikskskl l 4l o 4.9 o 4, l o‘ *Wait . , • i Irolrrr t.:1114.44 . 1.11 g•l4 . g -•, g.tagi !WA *Pi ;lA/ t'ra, 1,1+: a. at o:f. •ht . JINN ~~ „ ton palor s a n l~tintsg sayi "The Vile 'Ur': or two lot -1898. It 1868. le cowardlt rt • --and taill le the tenttir j r: :,1---7^c Re idetithiili • nil Will the OO ir a" 9 1- 1414 1 1= We • • • , Ci L e* lit' Alit :gll5 1: is re-eleated i a*ls.Odiqutt ;nail will ause hefiri the 444 lot The remark of weerataniapopersdlome no more sententioins rare more Lincoln is four Aded t. The editor 0f.1111141101 . I V * * #4 t . i , l l4V ri t t s itgl i e al '6 ' 14 ; 4 A 11 414, :01 - 1,44 iv @w ide& tols oar hrt/oanarthorlangsege used by Maoris ilia t r ibia i ' 'l74f,iaat draft LW cm eilf Nti 1 4 1 4 1 41. Ase, km anede.” • The ezres4lon ituriblttedico3 ann., Rama lias Pan Ali • *ll Fn.', SO .b... 1 q 1 .; Pli,u l 4. * 116 4 krlo4 aoei r yet be ha not dented making _We Is hr. therefore, that it is tun,' and "peel. fally gall on 4, or pore ctf the ;papers, in his con/deuce; to give an szplasution of 4111 : 140C.1 : • ! PAM, RUM On the let inst.., of oonsnoptlon, ;KATI, youngest danOter . 44 G. lilf ,, and Elio Brecht, of • Milleresk , aged 16 years and 9 r id ,' t. , • i . -.• ' t" , - : st . i" - ' - --- . 1 4 ,1;1041neased was the yens l ee Polio publisher of tio 06ter . lidt'i whose modest &nano, general intelfigenos, aid4liii!•4 l 4** . 0441 *OA ill who formed her sequalnianos. She Ito one of the purest and reon'of bar seb:.4uiet that clialwiOults. _ evrithl_ , att_Oni liettki and ifiappier aroan.then ‘ To- fait:peons •sre 'given so mini noelliatitioWnetindind heart.' . Her mires ait Itteplitablautte to her funil7 sad Mends. . ~. ••.• :' ' , . , Ponape train. oi the kis &Miami B. rt. oosultaatud ruaahtt,';gailliillrYl ')lle..ilitUr city on Monday, the se tut.* . ittri -The 'Tomes tislilenes hers at Al a. a.,; it int day, aid strives - at Pitta at T;901 ni t t titan- lug loves Pittsburg lit 100 a. a, whist at brio at 1:11 p. ut.. We •have.,lmistio aeilang lately of theltroposeissousluttOsolltOnl, and ruin* the *tin has ben absanuedl _ 'Au' “hoyi" in etirklioe are unto isPeitil abllgitions to Mr. ,Ituaes Ilaitia,(6nlltarly hoc .as grandfather litstriellbr frequent pronto of Aseelleailenii.. Ws garlAstured face wakes Its appointee' Li out: nieisibiost daily, and it Is norlably, ter a, pocket full of points's, ter thopriaters. ' Petersoa's Magasise.fer , August,;b aloud. SOCHI number and• hilly up to . t r Vii titillation of thii fanner publlestios • for, the ladies.— The siesoriptiOn priie of Peterson being on• ly two &than a init.:, plinelt withlithe roan otrassy who onto :146rd lb! “aore soil; ihuirsines: - .i , . Mi. 8.11 Tatter, Of l l orib'ettet, hie raised as a club of itreaty subscribers La that *dal.- 4, sad *sromlatei etiU iron. tie commend hilt tug, la the owns to oar,palisisal trhondlikiee-, *iivr ef Lf i a Tariff The Mated. reitottimlim “Wi.itever heard of IttpublioatLer e LhollLiotte4el / " It le 'that oar iloyoll,"lpitim • porarphas aet _ From the Clove and Plain Da ley.]. , ! -•: ' • 1 . ! i . I Captitr• ..of ,ffliaree Thisties. : Officers Whitney cud ; lichetrff .- TOM. ed front Erie' Pi., yesterday, having made a fine haul of horse thieves'. Tim. prop/401*th them ilitt men, accused of horse steeling, and same of the stolen priverty. -Tbe soiyintirela an now lodged 'in lilt. Their names are'Au gustus Reed, alias Davis, George . ) doors.,eliie Johnson, Chauncey Doeve, alias 'Ed. Perm. - lee. Charles Doeve alias George Hall,,and Pez ter, Doer. The stolen property restored is \ two bay mares, 41000lier,-/o C. a., Epaimer, erliftiasen, and a Sorrel horse;' a - bbgify ind haixtels belonging to parties unlintoin. The f ollowing :aro cihn ssitiaticcishiste 4on , seetertiritit Ili*: err*. rAid retest favorably "en the `shrewdness,of the officers coneirraed; On Friday last, two mares were stolen No iinoson, Geauge county. Notistef pie' robbery wait,given to Messrs. Whitney and Mcgivatry, who lasued.htint4ilisoieseeibing die.italeiLloperise I t.... 4, :y5 x.'” '1 ro , On Sunday morning three men drove 'into Fairview; it - short, - dibtance from Erie, :Pa., having' with them, of two mares stolen from Geabgar eodati, a io#rte, lhorse stolen froni4his city, an open buggy, slid a lot of harness, all stolen from this eity.indsneighbarhood. They' put up at a tavern there, ind stayed until late in the afternoon. JAitbetoie they were ready to leave the lindl'ortf missed, a bridle, and, having his suspicions aroused, he quietly s 'illitillid the settled isriltasp f •Ot thl" Nitien land found the stolen bridle in it. ifet \ obtained a warrant and bad the three men arrested for petty larceny. Next day therweriess mined before a Just/et:and bound over in $OO - each to answer the charge, ' One of them iput up his own ho4i nntl• marte4 Dig•to: .get bail for the ethers. . \ The two rentsitiing men ware put in Ai)* await thb return of their comrade.' The Slier-, iff, in the meantime, bad looked into the mat- . ter, mid found the 'mares corresponded with . the description of those stolen from Geaugs county. He telegraphed Whitney and Main.. 'try who went down to see 'about the matter. Qn Weticitedsq4 the ate .who bAdimkcp Ate bill,' came to Erie witlil46 . 6ther thieves and produced $lOO which .he put , up at bail for hie Incarcerated frigid', taftei *hied% the three went to the jail to get out their two brethren in bondage. Once inside the jail door, the whole five were •"Cooped," and Whitney and Moltinstry siepped,latitid lequiell their prey. We eincerely"Edliii ' Alit , these rails!, will be made seats*, and the pug that as #albly Infested this neighborhood, thiri_brakaailp. Bitter Anis Obeerve: • ' r sr: •,: ,: ~ 40 Sts.—The mdse. of, the lila' r .bisiesicki of Teimdai i were no •iletilit simused.i at the* editorial imitommement la thlt Icesteol. ;mans of, that that: slite..,Geergiff;ille Oamp pro ato• elm :himself as, itacodl. date for Confrere - I !' 'ln if foOdly. 1441-' that Mr. Schofield. who lien repretepted gut, district in. Washington 'for two.yeere , back, may pew be prevalleCupoo 'brthe uselicita tics, of ,inuseroot• lar d'! to become a can didate for State Senator.. Ot coarse, he will •ho longer *spirt to entitions in his must position., since the +wares-hand lawyer ' who is !frowned with' duck* by n.p trtniftpor. Ulm of tits cosultudi7 Irill-Aa ; ' *Multi/ irasettid' to lbr er lifirt'Wsther itU lls' .'4.412g - fitf a • 'Mut; oilersay t eittmoginnals. intee %homin y" for •"ilielght--kaow.Soinfal,"Jbotween Mr. Lowry tad Do Map. aid,lmectordhig • n the astute ediipr of lbl .1:0= 1, 11: addi relii Of a ( Aled"periiiiiriti . call tens sod deprive it of ..towoiestivolsi sapid which it sow. hen. IRO bops not be mortifying to Schollellte_higli that hie two • opposition,* sdeestly moat is political lore." and that. 46 third person" Mill "stand Int very'little china of eglicinia;,`Mo,liutttar how giftOd wikiti'vari/notomoo.4oerstotonev ! " obstinate' obettaamy, inatisioribrswdness, or searsehand museum. • • - Isdlgli!St# roB:7;;:t.slgraaL. ini • Elm Air'7nn• W4n;m4bi'llitiddi'ail i .804•11 tut call cs; 11 .4 40.e4140*.thai L with which diNeipelsos inrodo4:lllnephti in adds. 'lion4•tha array,nf einitilliti :03iria`iii: told, reveals a thsory,of war : , ondliqk iiiiikary art . at Washington, thick gives nelittio point ,to', 0 5 .1 115 .t ilis . 4 7 1 5 4-) *Sil . - V I - t ki oie'ver neriollti 1, tit*. of . ). ig eiteioit iii iiiptisad i4)4,1144 , Of: - 4140auir War !" lvraproseactssaavyazteat of waved territory. A eillitani ont , ,iht feibe pogo% on one eitio..-on ths , other....:ndi abet. Than fte . Pi-.. -1 4410110t:4° Mr"' meats! ,! • 1 . . ..I . t .: : ' ma.. /*Wits, Ilealtiii;Astieini - Ply, # 414 Is e as.Pnrinjabi 't. „. t 2,10 • *met . a ;-.Vor . - As re lama : 4.r. • *INt.111•1 21 WO InVia .4 Aster: sesWee Iha Malted Static; iLo, by Soldier. sad Searles who are disabled . by wounds "" 4 er_ditese_l24=l2onit= ?Tanitraia T) Mee the Cosmos iF - Conseil awn, Weight's Block, corner' Suit* and, FiftiLsti64l4m. the Diqmads An.) Ix* p•,,! 7.y "IrUulik7 to hit _ • as o ri_ au 'Wally that shs has 4 1 * Pf.s.l iti 4 R o A . P 4 4 1124 Romaiwileg 'me* ciskitegrit- lemilokrauf• Park. ill.tattialairillNi4~rtiAtthallid to, and Omaha thi so w. „i, WaiudiVocimak.+;.. This hot needs no new phoodi hub &Me 0 1 110311 i Lite snouts of D. B. D•Labsili.Ceidialmmlisl:l3ehrstus: It hu been intralooed only a few years and yet we see it ng the •isee of sti other hi n d s i n the mar at. W • us article do this Se-Mafo xtx s; i•Wool i. ,vi1k4p4 , ,10.000 POUNDS' WOO, l .Vtra e g in Pq d ;_I 1, ;1 Ne. 9 Beiree's Hotel. Rasga Salve ! .tit - ir I.i v ithit y i r i tat i , EXPERIENCE fall, opsiatstbaat the Esparto/4y o! ; REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE 14 f t ett i rttior Pirsts "" I • ,„ ~Ii• ••-1 REDDZNG'B RIISSIIi SALVE.' • = " cox_ . s whom REDljiNG'il l ittra§tA tA.LVi t ' 741 ' "i 1: , `i : ?F a " ICIAIIa •IRADDINGItiIIUssie , SALVE.' .1 ,OUBIIS nton. EVIDDINWS RUSSIA' SALVE I REDDPCO/8 RUSSIA sewn! (RIM CHAPPO RANDS REDDING'S RUSSIA SA LVE f I • ' CVRII3 ILEA WOVIDfI. RlCDDiNftisl3M4r. SA.LV,E 1 I - - • =US OLD 50123. ,ANDlnNOsiiitteste• tiALvE f yi , mass ZETOWXI4.II. REDDiNG'S Russ! Ai SALVE r • 11 Ctrata CANCTILS: ItEDDINOI3 1417$81*$ALVZI , qui - dANE MTN , REDLANCPS RUSSLtSALT/Er •• • • I 7 I:; .C;111:11 lOWA A r tiiiVET - REDDING'S RUNG , CURES 002X11. BEDDINCES ' 1117111ELA; 1141 . ..LVE I . ) -:.:i1 '(is. 1.1.i.1 1 1X/f 1 . , • 1 .' CUBU Meta& ,ttinnu - savE I ~_ _.- _I .'; • _ RlDEttlifiall iR USW AI EieLvE 11. - 11 1 CIIRES BOMBS. REDPINO'S RUSSIA SALVE! i I CuMI3 ?BOA arrrew PAWN. i itED4ING'S RUSSIA SALVE! - 1 - WWI Autcrcrrmaotni roust* , „ ~ , it ,hAD ZROPTIONS OZNIZRALLy. • ri REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVEI - free from any mereurtat matter or taivOt• one partielea. and In no ram .111 its a^plicafien Were.* with, the mmtmitee that in Ibe preselitssd by a mutat phYsietan. The Wadi& threethoat the Green; era unthimoPpipits plias; Tbimors lis Mirtmetheembe known the venter le +he demand. and. it In now ersti.suidudisAmmble ,urpola -f household nemssity!.! 1614 inset aliel.bp riel sad poor. ri ',WOOING'S 'RI:MST& SALVE ! Ii prompt fn action, ostaosmi. pain at ones, and redhuim the most &ogre looking smellier and judinmatione,ha If by mOgte—thee affordieg relief and a complete use. The length of time this salmi has been War the pabilla 4 eonellasimi woof that It It rterillesse p oe am. ton, pet ford" to Imre, it deibi,bloil ;141074111441111011 sink togisa ma'eaota: , • • JJ , , 1, 17 . gri .S alk 6-41- NMI Pot fia'• y 'P. RadiURE, We enroadmay w, =I INVALIDS! tivii4Rox IN- TED , BLOOD. • 1 . • It le +ell known to the medical profession that IRON hi the vital Principle or /Ai Element of the Blood: This deviled chiefly from the to vilest ; tint It Out food is not raptly dletwiled.or Khoo' saw sweeiiwkatiever, the weeessarf anantli7 lot Rosily tan , t ihttreultb tumi. of become winced, the whole 'pair -The bad blend will Irritate the heartorili ‘I . 11 :11 wilt etipdy the bras, viii olbeirsini•ths /mitt send (hi dleeammupdeetimpeleasapttp rct oil '.pletitot,lbe eyelets; and @ray `one will herd 1110whitiver Oi be prepay* aid to disease. The greet value. of lallq AS A MEDICINE is well kaewst. and aelotoeil•drid by all medical men. The dif. danityi lies been to obtain each a preparation of it &swill •nter ihe elm:tattoo nod aarlmiiate at, ones with the hlaodi poiej, pay e CM. Ham, Stesetibusette State Oheiniet L has lien attained is the Peruvian Syrup, by 90 1 eNittetlels In-I limy voters Ainknown. ratigzeicattutii V KM' is a PRITECTEn - I lirrlMMt i rtga p e g xrku la e o t g b. A ßll W oni C i C : V. in raft ttbloti !ivith its vital Principle or Lao T mutt Oi twe Cures DT spepsi‘ et CA 'plaint, Dropsy, Faver, and Aga% Lou or Energy, TaliFgpvttv Be. UP Intaaristrengtb,Vgar ~an "lion system, and build. up C litt lit itri44lA.PittlitlN Care@ Nervosa Aden tleoto,! MIMI* tkolidAla end dieralom of the Kidneys and. `c. TUK l'Bistrifldetlf*le.tr a APscirtc for all &mules otieiniting CBID 4TAT6'CIP till BLOOD, or somumsaled by Debility or a low Stall of the Rye tem Bohai free from Alcohol in soy fora& Us eneryisM, ofectil ere net feUessed himersernutsaysio.cennes, but ars pm:canard, intuit,/ erosion , moot and liSsi c rs STM pilots ITION! of Da system, and-poll . log ny u r N; It sa ezeollent mon Whoa or Braid/ whore • sUN lartls waded. ppyy►4ge*t Jo the mitoratlre power of iron se a mod lebleFirikmoreitte action sad tie electricity desdepad \. ' M t medisises to ma ' discuss aomroned by • do. &limey of Mpg IN THi 111.00 t , wittiest restarting It to tb• systole. is like tying to repair a tonna; whoa tandation is tone. , Mtletticittdofey earlideitsor of Mires sad mom. thous from s ma of the most eminent fliyalchins. Cleartymen sad others, oDt l be seat rage to any sa. dm M. uteri a fence the amass to thew the eilsractsr at the testlmeelels JOHN B. WILLIAM_ BIM, _President of the \ Metre. poll ha Bank, N. Y., Bev &snit ARICSRNS, lots editor ibdmlat Noce to 41earyedi gm _ Clillßeau.MiliOf New. York Parental& Nei. Jan Tab .* ti warns Barton, *AA Mast W. IFsalltt4 rtes. Garde* Bobbles, FireltlylmoMompotila See. T. Starr King, Rev. tattooist, Jr.,Mev Joseph H. Clinch, Bey. Henry Ughose., iter4 P. C. Heedler Kim John of .Olmstead. Lewis Jolts- S 1 Rowell Kinsey. U 8. C. landall, W.,. Chioholm. K. D., gnosis Dans,N. D, Jeremiah Ilion& N. D., Jose Antonio Reaches, ii. to, A. A. Hays, Q N. ~ Abraham Wendell, V. D., J. B. taints% Y. D., 1, 414514 Er ?rest thee Ida Ms. ill 1 vl sod *ram Aim, unite ni so • PER.9O/14.L •7116, r. MIMI* Mo ° ut times. lagers ether remedies Age falba Its ref IA each iintialito WOW mesas* Jrndati te gme ' For 'grit .... a 'LITT and Proem igawnsas It la it • cotton. ilwriel 4 1 N. I. g i aair. a co.; eirlaste4:l 4; P. umign for ows. Sal Broadway, N. Y. 11411 by all Dramas. ' -•••• s •,i I • MII9IO LI1990119; — 7 • Can ke lad Sods K. „ WILLIAM WILLING, nilVnil9P,4lllslC ' . CHENZIPS IPATINT FILTAIt , 4_,NR, 1110Q1AOPMBINECI i riestost used sat 41fintiillsOITUlls nor otlerod to the poblia. trust of whatever WO?. tSiltS Or a& aroma' thisuisebtoo ea &oar u crystal. 7, L ,1tr41, bettlist rno Wiladrj pn r tti ar k r i t c ,:,,,,,,,,. LI 1.11 . 7 - 2 I<<. ji t. r ~}: i. 7) Ai lio .: ,t y l li iiiii i ii.. ~..i t. t o is, MIA MAW Dandan, WWII sad itooremttlissi . strossasst ; Is to outwit Os ottsloilitty sot to ttsst tor ea st 7 soitoost, is I will psy so debts et bar tostmotttg. ' 111 1 5 3 . 0 Minn DtINDAII;. . • 1. - 1 4 RE mos useful sad convenient article i zZ at atir= in ussessiest of mitegy aid sosessiesipe &na halm aaa. Par sate at t 0. , ji :11 TOIZN011 ra, • HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VW TABLE PIM= I A PORE TONIC! : ' Doctor- Hoofland's GERMAN- BITTERS, IPREI%.I3ZD BY • C;lt. JACIrsoN; PHILAIYA, PA t; . *1f11. ; IPPECTUALLY CURE • LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPFXSIA, Atimils*Cie or Nervosa Debits*, Damns ..414461404 , cold all blossom arisioafrom theirgorod Liner or affmeA, each II Ooaetips. lion. Inward Ms; • - rename or Blood ta Ike Head. Acidity of tho Stone. 'aeh, Noma, EreartharaMisgast toe Food. Tamen or WOOL ua the Stalteeh. sour Kractotloaa, Sinking or Flattering at the pit or the dtomoch, Elm of Ilbe Head,B arrisd and Calculi Breethiag, nattedie Ott* Bout, Choking or animating Dow iations when to s Wad postal*, taataate of Vision. Dote ‘,4 1 Webs bebre the alobt. Fever *ad Dolt Pale to the p.ad e 'l►deiney of Ponplistloa, Irellowaese of the dein and Cdr. Palo to Um Sidi, Book. . ahatt, Lhahe, be, 2 oddest nachos of 4 Samba la the Fle_ cam stoat Itaatiaatios Var sad greatDopreo. . , el a of , spirit& • 11:150,1/' FEVER, sumo. ,J,Sl7lli, =1 ALCOHOL OR . BAD WHIMSY I nail Ina+ Om Ur slima busbilL doom Is whisillreise nos et CURLS CHTIAL/LtlfS. ilikl4l4lllo TO ITISUOTRIN too? TO BUILD UP YOBBOONBITTUTICiIt t TO GliT RID OF 1 11317017EINBilb ♦ BRISK AND VIGOROUS BELLING 1100/L4NIYB GERMAN arrnas fres ^mos Irma. D. D, law 4 Oa losycie . Asti& ,of Atheism Las Leif& airtik DOI al to km or moometand Palorll Midi se la euaal through distrait uf their throat. ante arid resits f yet know of no saktotent meson why a man may sot testify to th e beim& he believes himself to have malted from lay snarls Torpsrallou, ta the boa that he may thu otairthate to the blown of ottame. • I do Ale tau mom remilAy to regard to Elootlaisra,Ger. moo Met, Tregared by Dr. C. it..thelMou, of WI city, imeaues I Wm pridadlesd them Ito many years. ander the trapreallon that i Z it were chiefly an rileabolla mistore. me follobted to my Mead Robert Shoemaker, ot., thr the removal ofd print/Otos proper testa, sad for """inIVIPOSt ry theta, when earertag from gnat and to wintlithed 'Wally. Ths use oi Woo bot. tles of those ng lilttss this beflaslag of the pmeant year, au followed t relief; tad mamma to a no gran of bodily sad mental rigor which I had alt bit for ell mottle/ beforemod had almost deepelned of resanung. I tbastora thank God sad my blondfor disectlag me to UP. am of them. ru"-va• to 24:11N2. J. nwrorr now/ ' Moo are easily preparailoaa eel!! *neer 'Manama or Bitten, put up in quart bottles, componodsul of the cheapest whiskey or common rum, meting from 20 to 40 elate Se per . pUen, the tubs ilisculowl by Jiolie or Conan• sier el This class of hitters has sensed and wilicautinue to mum, as long4cn o i c can to sold, hundreds to die the Muth of the By their use the system is kept continually under eto of A leo hol lc StirouLsota or the worst lund. the desire for Liquor is created sod .apt up, sad the nwoltis all the horrors attendant upoa • Idtsisirarte his sodeleath.' • /or those who desire and coal hem a t lquor Bitters, we publish the irpilowing receipt :. get ass Bettis Haffr s Osman Sagas and mix Itith Three Owls tired Breesty or,Wthkey and the remit will be a props :masa that winfor mod i s aledininal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous lActior Bitters la the market, and will did womb km You will ben all the virtused<Bei4ala Bitted In connection with a rood article of Wow; Ma mule lir price than these inferior oreparations Mg cart you.. , Atzeitke. !Mika, aa*Fsiewili Selfless. wo eitt kite attention of al/ having relations or friends is the army. US the tact that . 110t/PLANtrB Gertaaa filnews" will curs alne-tentki at the diseases WM:ad by sposares aad privations incident to tamp Mc the hista, published almost deity in the newspapers, on the =Owl of the sink, it will be naiad that a very large noportion are sollerieg from debility. Every case of that kind Cal be readikr rated. by Hasfluhre trertnan Bitters. Ukases* resulting from disorders at the diges tive I Mini aro'spnoilly removed. We have no heetta- Boa .nointiattnat. if them: Bitters mere freely used same( nor soldiers, knadredi of Um might M eared .nut otherwise will be lost. - We mill particular atter:Bon to the following remark able sad well aatkeatlested care or one of the nation's heroes, whose life. to ass his own hutgalara 'his been salmi by the Bitters:" Pautatmirsia, Asyut. 211,1 1583. Nam% Jose, 4 Come —Weti, - gentlatmen, roar Hoof istrifs Berman Bitters has saved my life. Thrre la no mamas is thin It. Is twitched for by sambas of my comrades, some of whose mimes are appended, and who were fully cogalsillt of ail the circumstances of my case.' - ' i am. Ludlum beta for the vast four years. a member of gherigum's pelebtated battery, and nadir the iramodtate e/ ii and of Captain IL B. Am& Through the *zoes m a attendant opoa my arduous duties, t was attacked n If °Towbar hat with lallauunation of the lungs, sod waa egliiiiiir.rii.rirewpArre days to the hoeptt 4. This was fol. lowilnAlLgfilut &With haightesed by 46 attack of dye. aatori. / wag Uses removed from the White House, and riot 0 -ight GI /.1 on hoard the Ms. saw "Utaks of Maths," from which I Waded on the 28th of JUDO. Slone that Carel have bees about as low as soy one could be and till retain a snug lit vitality. jor a week or mins I was mareely.stile to swallow anything, and if I did form a moral down, tt. was loassedtmel7 throws up agate. I *mad sot' Ina keeps gtsu of water on my stomach, Life cook/ oot last ands, gum oiresonstanaes ; and ac. eordingly th• physicians who had ibm 1 working filth :sus. %n 0 nsimessadinly s to Ws from the grain air of dread Archer, s hun told me that they mold do AO 1110 film Mannad me to am a clergy man, and to malts sash dtepantlest of ,my limited hada ago maraitegme.' 'As amealoutoe - who visited me at ,tk 'JINX:kW. 7redsdck Gtolithinn, of math below Al* allyiesd ma, as a forlorn hojpo, to ifY year Stters, pad n 417 procared • bottle. Front the time I mAtale hiking ties the gloomy shadow of death ra m ts, nee 1 am now, thank Yoe for It im gettlug better. 1 h I I Mee takes but two bottles, . re galsed tea get' bet asagohie of be ng pumitelia Mit - god tub ter, I ram whom 1 haws Dota In Mw mows l r t ee n ache; far, gentlemen, lem a loyal Pit ghe ewialty of front Ito'sl. To your In . eqrabl• Bitlsd I ow, Cm artsinty of lily which bgg wreathe plats of vague Girrini—to your Bitters wlii I own toe rloviocut Grtirtlegs of sigala clasping to my bows kwoa who are dearest to ms to Ut.. Vary truly yous', 18.414. MALl:air. We hilly Wear Lithe Math rof the abon ehMemeatr se we bad dispairedef mein our Nam* Mr. Malone, mstored to health t\ _ , - Jog, Catonzammt Ist New Tort Battery. Osman A. ALIT CO. C.,111A Halos. [.one ClusTALfiliktkid New York..L. f. SPANN& let drUllary, Battery C. J. B. I Nerillite Ott. C. 84 Vermont . Barn B. imows, Ca. 11 -, do. Elam T. llacecuream Co. 17,, Gth Yalu. Jim IP. Werea,_ Ca. g., ath rialan ', gongs, lou t qa. H.,721 New Uri.' WATEAIIIII. H. ?MIAS. Co. ',Mb penis. AlillaNW J. /111114i&A, Co. A., 84 Vermont. PAN JOI. qty C. 416 114 MIL ?rum , , ' , hbfr64tt. ;kitistswAsiii'air cosresigswin.: tim tut um. • doe. Pi C. M. , " 0141 0 "( is a mums of siisk ob hire per Mak ws sae, sr 1,154. soma! yew twist draigirt "t be yet car by vs, et propatatlon 5 gut stay oared la Its !auk lott owl es t \ turd imp tornird,sopondi plod. alms c• • • eit11.4411W1,:. ,MAR PVACTOity. • • 'NO. 631 ARCH STRERT. , , , JON= WAHL' (.9 "c!" . i ,lt • mcs" _lrimarte. tirwa c r. t ou t og, paiggl," ass- bashes -la *ln 01l •; , • T l , . , • . ! . s• ALCOHOLW AND WILL POSITITILT PRIMO? THEY oorrAnt NO DO YOU WAIN! 1. 1 0 YOU WAN A GOOD ♦YYETITEf • DO TOI7 DO MI Wart TO FEEL WELL? DO TOD WANT DO TOO Was? G DO TOO WIWI' TO EILEZP WILL? Da YOU MAW? 1r TOO DO, CU PARTICULAR NOTICE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers