TARIttl I&NUFP.—ThIt D h„ , 4 1.1‘ roved ft.elf to tie the beet known 1.,t cur.nr, Cot.t, ii 1111-)121Z Ltd INAtion . ft b !won tined an excellent remedy ukteer. •ro'in r rya. Its been r. , Dyed .; sn 1!I eAnrao by often been greatly ,improved' by It frarrant and sereaable, &ad glreslllllEnt• ti the &al heavy pains &trilled by datums lei f Tee Ferret/002 after nsl et 11 sre - delightial And ,lir,goratlng It nitene and parz•s Out all rib ntrergth-ne the glands end glest 01 health', t3the pert/ affected ‘l,. thin thirty years of sale and our of flit Marshall's ci 4„i, and rioadache Snnff het proved its great value t , r Ott the nommen diseases o' the head. and at this me t Wind' higher thee ever baroin It Is remota:rend. ed tie mane of the heat phyelelene, and Is used with great in 4 inrlitiet Ina even where. Read the Certylcste firtiszlits in Ili!' haring for many eetor been aconala with Pr Nfarstiiill'e Catarrh and Read% he Snuff, and ,cad la net eihnlesiile trade, cheerfalle state that we be f•,irs it in be °lint, to evert , reepent, to the recommend& t 4 n . Oren of it for the cure cf Catarrh 'Affrettnos, and 1; ,feeideily the hart article we hare scar known • e .rnmou of the ilcnd Bu•T k . Pe , rr, ‘ , lllth rn , Firnven, .I,ymonn k o u o., ."-'4Ol W. Fn.-Jr'. Witmern, Fairbrink o‘ , Velmltyl• k en.. R TI Thy, ; 7 ,nei k Pnrk, 1 R k 'iandok,StOrbPß :1, t rd T•-o , MinnT A; PnbiLlnY, A. M Ward. CI k on , Basil k no., ;02 Sort 1. • •••• ..ruggisTA Tr: it Jvfre4-17 ;THE GREAT BNOLISH REMEDY. SIR JANtr.SrLi"RKE'S Colebratod Female Pills. FROTECTF , D , 4.2 • LETTERS BT . ROTA L PATENT priparafroie a Prerriptrot rf Sir J. dark; M. Phy.aelax Es'roordo.nry to 14 Quasi. inr‘h:lthlf mad ,aine is 1(011ling lit the entre of all r 411IJI'aad 4 1 .3nzeror ei44.l*Pl tl) veht , h the female co rrit , t 1. , ela anhiaat. lt moderate,' all vireo and-re olTanction,, and a ri)ecd• care may be relied To mull - urn I AniEsi paired. It will, in a short time, bring on tEe estbtr porl,l with tr.^..r-.llrity Zarb 0t , 1% Tri.e Ono n )111,r, toxrs.,tto porsrnmitut euerp of Great rrllmn, to rrovfnt ,ounterielts. (!ACTION pm rah Ainst4 not be inkta be rellieig daring tha FIRST TilREf 3IONTHS jPreenanry, as they are are go Her ori Miscarriage, bat at ally other tau tkq dri ooft ' In all Cale% of Nerverna and Spinal A ffeetione, remain tbri Park and Limbo. Ffttzne on flicht ezartion,Palpita :lon of the Heart, FlTiktorint and Whiter, thee. Milo aria .fret a cnre when nil nth , t weana boon failed and ale though a pnweenl•erno. l ., do not contain iron, calomel, antimony er an%thtr.c Llll ll. lll to the eonstitatinn Fall ,firectinnr in the pirnpidet •ronf d each ra-kaga, which abnuld be efrefail% pre , frord. :=Ol,O PT All TlRrcarsrl. gale Agent for the tvnit,l pts,ton and Canada, ..TOR Itn:rl r4 , ll , indt at • ! , is. York. $. and A to.ta7. siatapn'elAnied to an! as I horisid spat will hairl a b•;..Uo, e,utslnloff fO Pill' vP*44-Iy. rr.llPlit if , klNiT %Dia are to a ffinmont, toonfin.d b 't he operation of CR I noRD , s mutt rivt, whioh, w thont - the elightest trouble. Imparts to the hole of the head, the whisker., beard or platiearitt, a eht'anf b7own t moat p•tfAetblark. 11 , 11.1 con nee It without ot , d'lntt that. fingers. It to tea jon exoelitinni hair ell a in the world, and the only 0 , 4 free from ever.) , roloonotto i gi• and that con nog I.lrmont an,l emollient reset - tb's principle. Crtaindlra' o l flair Pre.ervattire, md,nn , t to P. in Aron leg and promoting in, e ronth ant n-rf r o.t hn.ith of the heir, and of itoelf a oaf 7 .0 . 4 r 1 that prot.eto the dhres from nal.tane..a and Hotter all Ciuts, , ..qya 1 b 7 J. Cat :T LD mu), s'o. 4 Astor q o . ..4oirl M yll Dm.yziyty tn t •np l iYyl by 41111,0 r 7•111 lm. A. o , lrd to tho Sufrarlng. 131.4) tV tarn nr Vita. "I tabu." *inn , '' "Verne Anti .3 1 3 3.... kl , .an I tt , r.n •re raNtOrd with th• re l it• then ter nne 4n • ,f Firr74 4 N'3 ENIMI.3F4 F. 3 ' 4 :CI rtil t liatnna I to health and rig rln 1.1. than flay Th.v are recr•at',l. n'oia4nt 1' t°a • n• 4c:l•louterr in flirtr r:l.c•lnn the er ' n uht.t.r. , l c , ild and tam t 4. th.en with salvantnre tartan 1 I rai I n-Ir hr = =I! - r 4 ,; of th.7ii , ar pieced. will be mall -4 to ALIT 01 , 4 PSI , f pry,. u-11,1 1 i! o.e Dot- Lar., Put Pra I—einnv , "r. d the Agent If entire sitfeartton f , l Tint peen. j vIS-Sca. iITDITOR OF A your kin I pe ^ mir • lnn I wlOll to nay to lb. madam at Tour paper Ova T a illhr return mall. to all who lt. (Irot) a ra^lno. • h r , ,lltitrertlona for making and curn.r a almrl , rpgatahla Palm. that otil effi-etmally lam 'rt. la ..,tr da, Rlnt, h... 7 an, Frailties i rd & II 1,101 , 11,1.1 ^' 111 4 Akin, '•.l, Olt aame clear, *mon... An ‘,,antl'a! 1,11 ‘ l.r, to thaop having Itrld FtetAis_nr Rat. :nple direot r.nl int.rtnstlan that will ruble t 1 ern to star a rll.l gr' , W . h or Ltaari nt "Ki-,lskern mntv•t•e' , • l 1,4 tun thirty &qv. Ail Af.pleatianq An.va,to. hr rettrli toe. without R•4rpos •ama. 11:0t F CrIAPItAI4I, Chernint, R3l Broadway, iIoRAR I.lst. v )(FIN ^. Filtv Cent., for 'antimafia, eat.. co' e. ste., va-rant..l chf.an.r than 411, who- It 1.11'4A t horanntan on Long leant It wt'l no' P,re tont Ilona nor u theta ,s no I.nom..rit in too, will What ft to st.t.-d to e To‘itir.l 101+ NO °CROP of koroo, till M ruftout after try.ig one boare. 'an d -se rewires often the 1. 4 ..0t on 1.-..tod%r driven hone. For collo and bt.11,..a ho ha, netarJaftt as Pon as the mon Tlua . hi , vol noble I tramtnt to be. Va. Hotta emh-o• ~ f tht dsy. Fold hp all Arnrg...ta. Proc. 23 ant 51 eon , . b.:.0 frog/10a riffles 66 Cortlandt Street, !lea Yor.t. Jr 16-Im. AGENTLE ‘"i c l -e 1 of Nerenne Debqity, In connivance, Premature ()eels an) Yontb!nl Rrror, •ntuoted by • detfro t , bit others will be happy to fhsrafeb to el •shn neel it, (free o' &mie.) the recipe and dlretinn. f r ma , in, t o bi, use. Tbne. sriehinz to prnrit by hie esoerlenee, Ind newel Valuable Pen-4,. le I'l - reTeise the e. rue, by rettrn (earefulle ) by irldresitlng JOIIN Ti 0r07,N, nzyl4-3m No. 61 Noessu Stret, N. 7. • _ T up. CONPIN.;IO Off .t.• PAPP! Itl If. , !it' It N: , OF A VRVOC 4 IN IVALID. ,uMlehwl - for he hei•l; an'i ‘. a etatinn to young men, and others, who soft,. f t ,,e l yervooa Debility, Pre. mittlr. i)n,%9 of Mgn . .,r, .d, tre . • , Inrl , in; .-t th. "m" Tim- the me.nn of e.lt-cur , P. y one who lill% cured hientelf artr undergoing eon. dorod, , innekery. By enrlow rig a pnod,Tild addressed en. ell.pe. s ir'. ropier may he had d the althnr, NATI/AVTIt, St IT•alk. rw l . 1.4 . 44-le . i;r , od?ol, xitnyll CO. '.V. 1 -) 13 You wi.o frlll4''.l)‘—Dß. C fk Vi F. Nr.)1.1 2;I AP':•'ff'll oar., in taxa tnal 7.0 day., flo ,r.; sz bawl. tariay. Pramato.a I;ar.• InurnitY, mud all `' , l. IL trl . t r: , , f.fr•c•tona, no [nat ter from .ha` 7 ,• .../ i per box. 1.15 t, Doe. par,l, by ,n '1 nn ra , •11,• of ao order O. box will parrent a tura in rant raga. J..l,.raa• t \ S IE' 4 ItUnSl, (1919,1 A:(,1•, Ir 7 '.9(119(1.?, Now York ;vl.l'Bl-3m. ANTHRACI s it meo ItITTAfINCUS COAL! fte 4 .l.w.iher w r il i r , grie,tfollr annoanee to the pub.. lo ut Erie he 01 ,, tthile to deal , to pre.eit rear, at II 'k O LD SIA NI D," ()F FIFTH STREET AND THE GANAL. fersona dealting to prneore any kt.l of Coal eau be LARGE OR 8 \LILL QUANTITIES,• And at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES I I intend paying speefal attentlen to the Anthracite Coal Trade ! And wt ' l loon open a Ta-d far that purpose at the RAILROAD BRIDGE OVER MILL ,CrtEEIC, Where I will kres nn Lao I I'IIE BEST QUALITIES of that kind of Coal, gsp- Orders for either Anthracite or Bituminous Cwt II al a promptly atten , cl to W. W., ?ODD. D. W. HUTCHINSON, • United States Claim Ag't , L 61RALD, PENN'A. PENSIONS, BACK PAY, BOI'NTI al, other Claims sr tio.t th, Government attended to .Itti lITTo CHARGES REASONABLE. Ap,ll.tton LT Hui attended to ibe corns as if mad. In a1T28.64-3m. Farm _for: Sale. rrlrE .ul)t=criher r.11..ra for 811 e his Farin a.- in i:Ltaimit tp, Pete t: coMprittor ninety ."" ai 4"0 , 11.+11, rite 111‘1 , .. 'rem lino tilt) , " en the We. terfor Shunpike rat , and iLo'..r mlee from Waterford V .ge, tryll 'entered, e"i h 16r Lazio, fair (rattails tiiirly att . !. of wood el. Ipp 011 1 1, t1.0 1 4: , for fartik•r ado= oa. tc ill b o rEluinnthie t, roe ino.tOtt. R.Glt PRESERVED FRUIT, •Callu readied Fruit, Pickles ripper Baas% tska,at 127113-laa. BENDS &MMUS. gibe etie • Obonver. ERIE. PA., JULY 23..[864 Special Notices. • 27 , Re 'Ogre tol obtain I eoinapoodast in ',try township The county. Political essays we can obtain in abundance: what we want Ia the local new. front all parts of the county. : Any person wtitins,, to us can de pend on having his name kept strictly eonildential : and Ohs ha fears that the comnineleation is not te 'proper siva for publication, we will pat It In sport Oats trial. tir City slabectibert, sorted by carrier, will be charged twentrilve cents per year extra, Persona who• fall to receive their papers titularly will confer a gavor noti filar no of the same. We prefer to hive all aubacribera who can eonrimlantly, procure their papers at ths once of publication. VP' The boor at whist: the Marren. is pat to pron. 'each weak, 162 o'clock on Pella! afternoon. .bdvettinia. menus will bib received up to 9 o'clock of the day of pub lication. rr All Advertlesnianta, Job Work and Subscriptions from persons whose responsibility is not kno►o to Ihe publishers, oast espetil is ad, SACS- i C•Ranso LOYALTY TO Eirsismalt-;-Bnooks was arrested for drunkenness, mud Waned in dignant thereat. Snooks is "loyal," "Now. I sus," says he, "If it is right to go and ar rest a man for supporting the Government Every drop of ticker 1 swallows is taxed— taxed to support the war. Spore all of us fel's was to stop drinkin'—irhy the ward stop and the Gluv'men'd stop. That's the very rea son I drinks. I don't like grog : I Mortally hates it. If I follere.l my own inclination, I'd raihcr drink buttermilk, or ginger pop, or Ws. But l likes it for the good of my coun try, and, to set an example of loyalty and vir tuous indignation to, the rising generation." IMCLILLAIII'II OVATION.- Sheldon & Co., New York city, have just published in a neat pamphlet of about forty pages General George B. McClellan's oration at the dedication of the site of the battle monument at West Point, together with an account of all the services on that memorable occasion. "We have assem , bled," said General McClellan, "to 'consecrate cenotaph which shall remind our oh ildren's children, in the distant future, of ,their fath er's struggles in the days of the great rebel.. lion." But the oration whiob he delivered on that day will outlive the monument which it dedicated. To give a permanent form to the oration this 'pamphlet Is published. It con• taitis - also a history of the projebt for the erec tion of the monument, the programme of cer emonies, Professor French's impressive pray er, (Wend Anderson's introduction of the orator. and the benediction. It Is destined to have . an extensive circulation, and 'we untler• stand that orders have already been received in greit number. PriCe 25 cents. • The English language must appear tearful ly and wonderfully made to a forelgnei, One of them, looking at a picture of a number of vessels, said : - "See what a flock of ships." -Re .was told that a flock of ships was called a tieetotni that a fleet of sheep was called flock. And it was added for his guidance in mastering - the intricacies of our language, that a flock of girls was oalfed a bevy, and a bevy of wolves is called a pack, and a pack of thieves is called a gang, and that a gang of angels is called a host, and that a host of par poises is called a shoal, and a shAl of buffa loes is called a herd, and a herd of children is called a troop, and a troop of partridges is called a covey, and a covey of beauties is called a galaxy, and a galaxy of redline is called a horde, and s horde of rubbish is call ed a heap, and a heap of oxen is called a drove, and a drove of blackguards is called a mob, and,a mob of whales is called a school,. and a school of worshippers is salted a con gregation, and a congregatih of engineers is called a corps, and a corps of robbers is called a nand, and a band of locusts is called a swarm, and a swarm of people is called a crowd. I MEM In ; utter despair of ever mastering s tsn guage so full of inootigrnitle4, the poor fellow went and shot himself—in the aconite's, with a glass of beer sad s Bologna sausage. Miens. Wairitas •& Bum—Gotta :—As the President of the United States has issued a Proclamation ordering a draft for . 600,000 men, to take place within fifty days from date of order, it is desirable that in order to have just Assignment of quotas under the call,those of this Congressional district who or., enrolled as liable to military duty, en I who have good clainatfor exemption, should present the,n— selves to the Beard of Earollident for exami. nation, and have their names stricken from the list. May persons are prob:tbly enrolled who' will be exempted for manifist permanent dib— ability, over age. &o.; if they .present their claims now, and be erased from the enroll meat, It will lease n the quota of the sub-dis trict to which they belong. It Is the privilege and duty of all interested to give this matter immediate attention. Very respectfully,' Your ob't eerr't, _ . ..ft,.5.,,Q11,11P8)31 4 1‘, Pro. %kr. Meeting in Mill Creek. Pursuant to previous pnblio not ice, the cit izens of klilloreelt township assembled on the. 16th inst., at 0 o'clock p. m.. at the Town Hall, in said township, to disonss the propri ety of paying bounties to volunteers. The meeting organised by electing the fol lowing racers ; President, P. Sennett ; Vice President, Joha Burst; Secretary, E. Camp hansen. , 121 ti motion, the re•adoption of the followink resolutions of the previous meeting was unanimously carried : , Resolved, That we urgently request the Road Commissioners oflloreek tp., to take imme diate measures to secure substitutes for said township, in anticipation of an impeit ding call for more mentor the army, and a conse quent draft; desiring the said Commissioners to pay as high bounties 11 , 9 may become neces sary to procure said substitutes. and also to raise the necessary funds by loans or immedi ate tazatioa, as said Commissioners shall deem most expedient. Oa motion, further_ Resolved, That the Road Commissioners be authorized to pay to every citizen of Milloreek township, liable to draft, who will furnish et substitute to be credited on the neat cell, or go himself, one half of the, amount to be paid to the substitute, not t to exceed two hundred dollars. Resolved, That the Road Commissioners proceed to levy_and collect a taz to pay sub• stitutes, until a Sufficient amount is furnished to fill our quota of a all of fire hundred thou sand men. ' .Ractivid, That a Committee be appointed , to obtain from the Provost Marshal s list'of. the persons liable to draft in Millereek tp. RtioNivae Tint's eepLef these resolutions be handed-to the city papers for publioation and also a copy be furnished to each Roe' Commissioner. On motion the meeting odjourned. P. BENREPT, CAXPRAVIIIIII, Beo.y liilloreeit'Tp., July 16, 1864. ATTLYTION . Cesaoa TO MAIM MMT.—Very few persons are aware, that by a recent Intention, newspapers and floral* 4t. printed papa, eau be converted Into !material for priiiting Upon again. The high' price of peptir has made an active demand for old newspapers, books, pamphlets and scrap Of paper for this purpose, and it -I* eagerly bought up by parties conneetel with the pa. per mills. By collecting .and acting all the meter ial of tbie kind about their houlea, and selling it, many a family can pat "money :in their purse.," which wend other,* be lost. The highest prig:wet rash, will be paid for it at tkhroilioe. et. Important Notice. Wervaroao, July 20, 1864 The Substitute Trade. `We learn' that the variona schemes which hove Seei-iivojeti:4:ticAlile-iiilbs - - - caring negro 'dinettes aid - -substittita to help in tllllug up }he quote, have set sawn the suction that witaanticipated. The negroes who are wiiUug iti'mdlid ire - nit 'hietbandant es rumor reported them to be, and those that are are at Ones picked np by- NSW England and New York igenta, whip are efer.,4 sacgert for the intiresta of their sections. A gentlei. man from Waterford informs us that although that plan Was the first in the county to take steps in aniiiiipation of the draft, she hu not b eet , a ble, Fp to this time, with her superiiVir facilities in that respect, to sectireaslagle ref craft upon her quota. Agents weft sent down by the people there into the Southern States to make arrangements for obtaining contra bands enough to complete the quota, but they found other parties in the geld airing larger prices, and, of course,' the latter carried off the odorouS prises. A few parties lit this cite, engaged in; to substitute business, are-said to have obtained men Ana thipped them off Co Buffalo and other- large cities, wliere they bring fromlssoo t 0 .5700 a bead. We are in clined to believe that even the number of these is eonsicieribly smaller than represented, and that with all the boasts of their plentifulness, the negro lirokerage business, like the volun teering of ;the Loyal' Leaguers. is decidedly dull. The people of all classes and every_shade of politics may as well make up their fiends at once that if the war is continued, men must be bad—n 4 hired bounty jumpers er ignoralt blacks, but strong and healthy white men, the bone and; intellect of the land. The diy of extravagant bounties, of voluntary enlist moots, of ahifting and shirking to avoid the uppopaiaei effect of drafts has well nigh pass • ed by. It may be delayed for political reasons until after! the Prisidential cartipalgti; but ire here record the predietwi that if Old . Abe, surnamed `by rielicule,the honest, is re.eleoted; the screw will be let down with a severity each as the people have never hit before, and expeted to feel in this generation. If that calaMitoue event should ever °emu, whiCh may liea!en in its kindness prevent, the-eoh seripeon 'will be enfOreed with the most re morseless rigor, draft will follow draft in rap id sucoespion, taxation will be heaped on mountain; high, and substitutes, that article, now so much in demand, will either not be obtainable at all, or at prtlies that place them beyond ranch of any but millionaires. The people hive the question - of their figure weal or woe in their own bands. They may either restore the nation to its former prosperity, or they may reduce it to a date of worse than Mexican misery, in which every other man will be an unwilling soldier, half the wives in the natio', / made widows and their children left withilut the means of support. _We' dbubt not that lour warnings• will be sneered/at now, as they have bun la the past, but thoie . Who scoff will learn before they are many years older, through blood and 'lateen, their fear ful truth. If the people, in that spirit, of madness'whith has °patrolled them during the • last four years, shall entrust for another term the reini of, administration to those who now direct them, the worst enemy of Lateen will not pave wished her one half the Waist. ties that krill certainly occur. Written La the Kr% °Waver.] :sobath School Plc.!He. SeMaria have we witnessed it more delightful pia-nic excursion than that of the Park Church Sabbath!Sshool, on . Tuesday, under . the att.'. spices oi',?dr. S. 8. Spence", Superia4ndent. At 9j in. 132., fully 150 childeenfermed L a , prottessiOn at the church.. and_marthed with glad lies and happy hearts te• Vie dock, where was waiting an immense Ist boat With room eriOngh forall, with a Love take them to the..llead" of theßay. The trip was made with. out aossideni, in the midst of antonym songs by the children, who. of coarse. 'war; never happier. On arriving at the "11est1" tables were gritted in the grove, and the ..supply train" fdr this 8. 8. army was brougidu,-- and such] a supply I Not a thing.. ht the w hole hat of eatables mild be named that was !iro' there salt in the utmost profusion. As for amusemCnt, the moment we landed the word was, "each one for himself ," and in lees ais le • fire minutes half A - d as ery black beads might be seen bobbins up ank down' in the Water,. and a fel" frtriongs off: in another direction, was a oe'ptpany of little urchins fishing for "sturgeon," as they said ; others put up swings, and stilt another little- fellow jive us a good idea of "rolling ategke,"...as - he acci dentally! slipped. trent his moorings_ii* the summit of a high and almost periaandioular. bluff, rosy rolled down the dietatree of about'lo feet, landing . ..right side up," With a-very-ntruftleed- pie:sidair-Vitumpe, cherrY'P.ies and astronomy. At 5 o'clock the' company were celled feitm tbeii'elsjoyments, with regrets by all, and towtiCbank- to' the dock again ; being s day'whielt-weinow will farm a l:irigbt spot , ln the 'amatory of reser i pupil of I the Park Sabbath School., t • ED, regatati Tres the 'Dhattasoosa Daily Gaiettal • Oliatetat. BoarrugOro, 1, r cz0v.:00.,, Jaw .S Editor arum, : Permit me, througb your oolumne, to Call the attention of the responsible agents of the Sanitary Commission and of. those militirey . OffiCIPS whose province it is to take eogniSance of such affairs, to an instanee of gross abuse of the• kindness of those warm-hearted men and woiten whose contributions to the Saul tarp Commission have given, to It it. capacity and vitality of good—of gross fraud upon the sick and wounded soldiers for whose benefit these gifts were intended—and of - conduct alike• bestial and heartless as men, - sad- dis gracer' ekeolslim of th 4 Nolen. It occurred last night, ; where, In tite,base% ment ot a brick building used - as a depot of Sanitary supplied for the ges•iii hospital, an assemblage of persons to the number Of some twenty] were engaged in the disreputable ea cupaticin of getting drunk upon the Num• intended for hospital uses. •Two or. three of these *lions were 'urgently,' itittril were hospitsl stewards, the remaiuder,belng hospi• tal attaches orvarinus grades. Por more than two hoer* they made night bitleoes2 , gith the noise - of their, Orunken ttPriehirld as the scene df their orgies Was Ititilose proximity to the tints thronged with man 40. rights, with siekneds cr smitten in bittleOtrphetteljelned ears these bacchsaalista felt with a I •ghastly diseorti, , . - I am sere I.dreelferverstate the degree of their culpability WienTilly that iltii_dishanesty..adtieLto ibii imosuolient mat bcctel4cti complete! a 'feints, tq whist oath. log or shame can be added. I cannot believe that the medleal in the; hospitals are:gognlant of s4eb gross ' derelictions in their anhordinalei I aid/know that ottr good friends It MIRe w ould be sheeted beyond me a sure to learn — OW . llm offerings they have so bountifully and lavishly made should haverteen so wasted and - turned from theirs legithiit4 ads. ; tor isyself, I h ope the instnice to whiolt A,narylladfittlikartal4ry I one, • • ' 411.3tckpfros • • I "/C Tie rumor that •.• At liolditikfell.., La". tended to reldinhis itl'thin iliftoperintinC fil d. ent 0 the 1 1 ,btli..St Erie 11 t .L It ', le 100 . Ho k"owe nothing . of any A110104,0'0 blot : self, i and it, i.t.ke I?e_ piesninet 'bat he. _ *nett to kno! quite ocetneh shoat tit• matter se.4y O. \ ur: twayow.lite,,rompli* Ten eftiojent offteer, eatery!! • limited! tot/Al/the employees f!! 1,11 0 ' ! GNItat I PI we-16 / 1 4 : 11 / 116 to pert 14- hiss. •_ : •..,' - I'' linEl (LOCAL PARAGRAOHS. Ere titihrd.ll. I►. his eloped with one of Romirfo Ethiopi a Illostrels. - The 445ege! & the-4fmk amok feeder here-seen 44141iid, ea* operstiene on the mud have gala been reamed. • (}hard township has voted to levy a tax for ,:t1414 6oWttiss to Piey t• velnateare. oieiei is still fir - lir." • .. • . The gas employ Salkonnee that they have increased the pries of ,that artiste fifty cents Pir thoiniiild feet. Tie advent* ih the prices ofqlls end labor is siren as the moan. will this cruel Iry be over Not until the rebellion is ander.--Girsrei Mien. And the Abotitian-divides party buried bI 114 sib. •In Bangor, Maine, the Dubai are all said to be women. We promise the patronage of all the printing ()flees In Erie to any one of them whO will sot up an estibilehiseat ii this city. • . At the third "supplementary draft" CrOford musty, on Monday fait, B. Lyle Widte; Esq., formerly of this city, but now one of dui editors ()flits Crawford Journal, wss ma nn the conscripted unfortunates.. • Most of our State cotemporaries express grail salami:don with the completion of the Philadelphia & Erie railroad, and anticipate •ut benefits to result therefrom to the coun try through• which it puttee. The Orleans, N. Y., Republican proposes the nomination of Dean Richmond as the Demo cratic candidate for President. In this part of the eobtitry, where he is well known, Mr. Richmond would receive the votes of hundreds of Republicans. The Republican County 'Committee have caked meetings at various parts of the county on the 29th add 30th instß., to advocate the adoption of the proposed amendments to the . Cetistittition, giving Pennsylvania soldiers the priiilege of voting outside of the State. In loira it. girl of seventeen who wanted to 'gat married, placed a strip of paper with' the number eighteen written on it in her shoeb, swore site was "over eighteen," and thus got her license and a "feller." What won't a woman do to obtain a husband The "Women.' Loyal Covenant," in this eft!, Would appear to hays been a failure. The sotilety either bottle no meetings, or if it . does, i thy meet with such secrecy that nobody out. al e.of the circle gets to hear of them. Mean orbits silks and satins and artioles t of impair. I tation flourish as extensively as ever. Are we ready to accept pestle oa such terms soh... f _Nay. we must fight It out.-69. Rtlt. we nre partially satisfied that twin shall 'light it ont" to his heart's °outset.— life" hasn't donetnneh in that line yet., that ws hare heard of. The' Fremont "Copperheads" continue to keep up a hot Ore on the Mueslis "Copper hilads," and vies versa. Between the two the devil is likely to get his dues if he never did before. If the tussle shall end like that of the &mons Kilkenny cats in leavingikothing but their tills, there will be cause foe publio re• joiapag. IThe West Chester JefrrsoMen has raised its subscription pries to /2,26, s year. -The Bed • ffxrd Opetb is now charging /Sit 'Wild in ad -30 if not paid in &dreamt, and /3 If poiyassi is neglected until the close of the . yeer The lust prose. Is every part of the liOrthi will yet hare to' follow their example mines is • I,ThiPreiddent baseppotnted the deist Thurs. "day in August ss a -day of national humilia tion and prayer. This is well t yet, after all the most effectual prayer now-a-deys, is the prayer pf the rifle. If ,properly aimed, it .hvaileth, much."—Girard Oh, "disloyal" sinner 1 How dare you thus eidethor to cut "oontecipt.'', os . the seta of the dollovernment ?" We will venture as suggestion that the Con gressional Convention 'be held. at ~Ridgway, Rik Cp., on Thnrs4sy. the first 4.t of Sep. tember. Are you sit agreed, gentlemen of the ?Via - ; We adopt the suggestion, sod presume it will be acceptable to our County Committee., Rdgway is the most central 'point of the district, sad it should be, the aim to accommo date all *widows as mob 63 pos:tible At the last meetiog of Couneils, "the in. mince dlornitiee reporte I th it there had been reideented and oanoelled $38,000 of the pity bonds issa4d to the Sunbury .1 Erie R. Co. Also that theie hati been re= ;damned &ad' destroyed $17,781 55 of the. f a r i tatiLnat ourronoy issue I by the city in 18ffS, d thathere was Yeeotttitaiidink $2,407 30 of said currency, supposed to be lost or de— . iaWyed.— leasitts is stilt engage& Ip ite;;labor of is giving "ad and comfort" to the one. stiosuf the Unica. Its- Wt ism contained . Dc less than a dolga "trades enduvering to - .o6;tvince them that there is a large party in. the North that sympathises with theii efforts to deitrly the Republic. If they eier see a •Cpy of that treasonable old sheet, and are not aware of its unfortunate charactorristies, the eiteocteartneat they receive mast be very We trust eunest efforts will be made in the ',ttttoursub•distriots of the county to raise the quota of each 4a mtranow of the cording drift. We are enoadraged to hope that this irtil - be done in sense , of them. .We should be gratified to record the f4ot that it had been done in all. —aisette. , The quickest way that, we know of to fill up the quota would be for the, Loyal Leagu'ers to ofigaittier In a body.• They all pretend to be for the war; now let them prove ,their by vitt, to the war: It they *ere , one hundredth part is "patriotic" - in action is (hey are in talking. the quota of Erie county would be tilled without the need of a drift:, - ' l ' l It *saki that-filr. Lowry , iviscii ko4es-ch• the Sate Beasts for another lira• iiithant some lively opposition. The rumors prevalent fir !tome time past that . George F. DeCamp, Intended being a candidate for that office tars lont, to be,cortiet; Decamp informed us on Titesday that he was determined on enter • Abg the field, end appears ''qulte 'amid ant of Mieeess.: He will enter the contest with vigor, aad-give Mr. Lowrreofastroaida,--aitin if he adeceid. We havidt4loard the name of any gentleman proposed yet for the I 'l* fitkliiiinandhttlas.:"llfie county basing had the-last Domineei old be no more than just'thet he ehould ,be conceded to -Crawford this year, : • - waist la Whom* tawaship, on Sat- . itt4ky smithltlasi, voted is fis*,of a tax to rides bounties. and appropriating s2olldollars to each ma, - who polls sibsii. thialkaOkh •ws ANkim i. g n i of A. roaleomaissibierii Mr; Deritan, is in faspl_of the tar, ikad.oaa of : them, Nli. Cook_ rase, osiitoisd in 4. Thi reassining coal ...mladowavAtr._ Hernias% . was peewat; at, the otootiag, doetarod auto 'Fogg obey the :j ploppi t. Hi did not atilt tuAlaidloporarrowat a fail represent's': Mot dt pablitiontbasstond'proposeti that thi Aviation of to or Uo'taz be rettaiCipOn by „at Poo* at tita . spoolaloltatioa' os tito 2d of . A eorreepondent of the New York ?tribune,: writing from Look BIM, in this State; fnrn•j Ishailhetirimialowe readolenLlTAW - 7 . paper with,! tie followhis keel atintelligenee "The *son why Clinton county bas wit: responded to the eel efibe authorities. to the call of their brotawes to like weld, to the call, of the nrifirtenste in HOnthern Pennsylvania and Maryland, by reinforoing them, by flying to their aeilatanee, is ituply teoeuse a larger msjority of the men in this °minty are nali to Jmstkeeinen, are what are too ktudly.oalled Copperheads." -Astonisking--if true..' • Wardle nice • rely able gentleman be kind - enough to inform 44 now, what is the reason that Erie county "hal not responded to the call of the' sathoriti es', l by "dying" to the assistance of the peopisP, on the border? The Copperheids are soresi not a majority here-eon the oontrary, th 4 "loyal" men' have a majority of three thoO; "sand any tide that they chosi to call foithemi Crawford, Warren, Allegheny, Lanoasteri Delaware and other well known Bepublioaa oonnties hive donti no better. Are the Copf .perbeade tp be held responsible for their fall ; ' unto respond also I • ; . I. ; - ifs - commend - to the ettentimr - of - the super Inc "loyai" in this vicinity, the followink entrant from a late editorial in the Harrisburg .Telegraplt, ,Cloy; Cortiree and Gen... Cameron's central organ- : ' -- • - - - "Perhaps it would have been bitter had the conieription hsw been so •framed as to compel' all to enter the army, when drafted, who were ttapable of orrvioe7 Indeed, en 6th.,, it %sip yet row to Mis." Do you really ? So do we, sad for saying we here been styled a "sylpathiser with treason" by every ranting demagogue in the county. But how does such, language oorrei pond with you' pledges to the people last fail, that if Ctirtin was elected the draft would be 'Voided, sad the war ended before spring ?I A squad.of nine men reached this city on Friday stoning lut, front Youngsville, qn their way to Pittsburg to join the hundred days' seriics. They are the,only party to tie /best of our knowledge and belief, =who hare left say portion of North Western Pennsylva nia in risponse .to Gov. Curtin's calls, at f id whatis most singular is the fact that seven* out of the nine are Democrats. These seven promptlyloffered to enter the service on con dition that one Administration man from the same community would volunteer. and, offer beating 'about the neighborhood for thiee days', they at length fountthe individual tliey were in search of. On their way to this city a strangler joined their Minks in the cars, whose pllitios ware not known. The Democratic Congressional nominati o n in this district is beginning to be the subjiot of some attention. We hear the names of a number 'of able and prominent gentlemen Mentioned In that connection, among them el-Governor Bigler, and Hon. Wm. A. Wal lace, of Clearfield county ; Judge Brown and G. 11: Lacy, Esq., of Warren ; Wm. 41:Gal braith, Esq., Col. Grant, and Judge Mervin; of this county. Either of these persons would make a etrong candidate. Our ehoioe Is ;the man who is likely to make the best runt and we carol:sot frous what portion - of Ike district he hiller Mr. 8. Pease, of Girard, recently had $BOO stolen from his pooket=mwben or where fait, /Nei dims not tell. Net a very oomfortiag event it these hard - Ltotteln 'tknes. Three 'hundred dollars used to be the exact valuation of a white man, up to'the date of the change in the coosoriptioo sot. " The'enteat of the manufacturing induitry 9f this county hardly' realised by otir pill sens. 'One establishment alona—that of Mr. J. Thornton,of Qirard township,--turnsout from 74 to 100 yards of oloth daily. The important announcement is made that S. Tod} Perim has resigned his cilork ship In Washington. One sun scarcely realise how thei - O4Ternment Can he continued without Mr. Peiley's asslstantla -` . Why don't somelici3, now, whlity.lsonOy is plififjc'r cy /girt is moiiimitar to orianiie - a dompani for the building of watiiiiimeltof It would tiew profitable investment, undoubted- The new two cent eoin has been Issued, and le alrpaely fam - frior to the public Or the large Cities. 1t to a beautiful proltuttion, and , will be a grfist convenience to the'cornro unity. Our Iletional Independence day was , cele brated Washington tq the negroes htdding a "pie We In the President's garden.' 1! This was an 'donor never awarded to white men. Thelphrase "We fight's mit Sigebir• has been altered to "We runs mit Sigel." . • .. . . - I. Tut CROPi.— X recent aunt had" thel'coun try ._kaa • convinced ,t,4clitor of the dirard Union that the discouraging prospects of the. trope - halts been grattly:OzUgtiritedl i r t i "We have n ver," he says, "seen finer Itiolting fields a corn at this ItatulOW of the year, in any In lily, than some hereabouts. T hole of Messrs. Sayer, Evans; . Sampson and .many others, are,beautiful to behold. Wheat we 'should pay would be an' average crop. . 1 ; Oafs, espedally those early sewn, were badly ,in- Jared* the drouth; but with a reasonable amount of favorable weatheill haul a chanee , to grow considerably, while tho's'e latet sown loronlise s bottaldtudyield. The hay crop has suffered more particularly .on e the clay land back from the lake, but generally epe.ilt big, will baits av,erigp crop. .:In view 'lot the present high prices of everrproduct, we see no just reason for complaint on the part!of the ! f farmers." . Mr 'Amax. Potties, 84XIAGYILD X XOAD11:;•-- , Sir:—The Osstang, direoted to ,dour ad dress, cams, beck to =this office .on fp:turday list, with a note eying that It was refised by you. ;Your bill, as it stands en our_ books, Is iii doily's and fifteen cents, whioh you ire bomb" : requested-4e settle- at your earliest consonance. It would hive been al - least more condletnanly actin ton to riteici Paid up 7 0111 ' ilioulluk'blfotersolmoatios in a means of dlicentlonlng ; Tout eabscription Wiliok is looked upon.by.all heiorable..mun the in. fallible test of a—yeti-know whit. • Very respeotfallY; • .. PUBLIIIIIII3 OUTS. 011111111 MR. . tioßirreirit Ploot" itatib4 been publicly denied that tbe Cltembial titan, made B. DeLuca & C0., - is &tibia 14:1 friends have Oaitned-that ft fu a4intsaii ardele.,-,Tidaiaasoi bit dialed in i tact of the tatiatonj of Obetebtte . and the beat qualified tip.jadirii: • *- &yule Mastro lag BLUG...4S paws' CAN; to buy s illokto'h;Lyoi:Oeirilig Atiok;, etilturosti loon of 4)00 OppornOtyl by ma -I,rigotapplie4ion,l4 WWI. Ono rci:ith $5O, oisonfoetorY till, iold for -40. " ;•-• 41"! eF . nlict —Those offltictri w.TI Coughs 1101111406111, Enicailow ,and..l3twomseb of the Thiclak, will led totblig elleisqua Th . rdt ifftirii, as Piti44's BP 3ll o.l7reekeei Wolii by all:Druprists. . a • ; 1 1 * •, r _ 141 .41Crintainnte ot. , Ata." I —'!'6e Fre tneintera battlli.' Limit & and blei Cabinet )1 4 14 boilosilkwAl. ; ===!==:=as New • Anna? Ircx.—The immense demand Aims will be made for substitutes of all claim awdeolota bafinithalaw find for,tha drift; "la Mike tkikeomutedllyss mush of is else iffbafgaiti and site's's - any other that'enters tato the range of speculation. We shall prob ably soon sea a new Item lotrodueed into the market rrports of our newspapers, reading aamewhat as follows Smbeikstes..—The mitrked dull and heavy. Choice breeds scarce, but much called for. A large demand for pure blacks, from New En gland. "Sales of a halt dozen at prices ranging from $5OO to $l,OOO, according to shrewdness of holder and anxiety of purchaser. Holders ,Set desirous 'of selling, expecting" speedy - edVaisoe. - The Southern supply haw nearly failed, anti anne to be had from other eau. tees: New NUM Declator.•-Hen. Webb, super intendent of ieoruiting for the 2 , 1 (Hancock's) army corps, has been notified by Provost Mar.. dial * Hays that all auhititutes not liable to military duty, enlisted for drafted men, or for patois in advance of the • draft, will, be re— quired to matte oath that they are exempt from the draft by reason of alienage, or have mired iwo years 'ln the Q. B. army or navy tines April loth, 1881. * In such oases, certificates of exemption will be granted to the principal for three years, by the Provost Marshal of the district in wlich he resides. RM. Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of Pay, &c.,_ don be procured by the Widows, Orphans, and .next of kin of those who have died in the service of the United States ; also, by Soldiers and Seamen who ere disabled by wounds re. ceived or disease contracted, upon application to G. P. GRIMM, Licensed Military and Naval Claim Agent. Office in' the Common Council Room, Wright's Block, corner State and Fifth sta., (under the Dispatch office,) Erie, Pa. 7-y zo-pag'o A,ducrtiotmento. STR.4.YED. VROM the residence of the LL eahaerlb•r, fa Fri., on Thursday. the bittitmttotenell eland Red Fresh MIS Cow. with the top et one or her horns bro ken off. This ander will be anttablyr rewarded or re• taming her to the enbecrioer, or giving in'orntation where she may be obtained. ANDREW SCOTT. Notice ,to the Publid. WHEREAS. my wife. Mery pundit). has tett my bed and heard without guy consent; this Is to caution the eonnranity not to trust her °pay accounts. I will pay no debts of be cout ria ti or , 712243 ,6 EDWARD DU NDAN, READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT I AndSh*w It to Your Friends. WHEELER & WILSON'S 2) Du I; ill i'l Ct.) :II I *II Tboy mknowlodzed to be the at 3? 1114P.Srde me Introduced luta this eocltry. Their nonvalled melees not oaly to thte cyuntry, but alt um the Wor'd, ham mad• It by ter the tont popular Machine coy to c.o. FOR SEVERAL YEARS They have ttk•n the laid of all other lf eatita•s,heit Moos the late itzt.)rov•uotiti here Deem added, every v s . dm of work sa porbrand -with mob we had rigidity tkat the LAMM ARS Tv ZO3TACHt3 OVER rr I Anti It vine the 44 , n1ratioti of ALL We iramat to .ttteh every var ety f ennda from the t Went meallo to the thlekeet cloth. They mak. the ealabrat.(l 'lock Pitch? wh eb I. Ime lesib!. nr rev..l Thus chines wi I An t he t' , lloalng wore wrraour ANY )348T ING OR PREPARATION. !is: STITNI. 1111 , 1. NMI., COMM. 131%THEIL, BRAID, TUCK.. SIN, it QUILT. They nuke any width of toon wi:hont previously turning or Weise it : they tel i esther tad flitch or pew Os t'le aline; d you don't huiere it, COME AND . SEE FOR YOURSELF. • The dontud for than celebrated Machines, Bien we ban bon located In Erie. has ba•n astanfoblus. At times ws find mat In tilling our erd.ru.but we boys* full stout just lionised, and ores reedy to use any Ind all Idol Wit rill or VIVI .bll , * onto, s. Our room. are eletantly avid Ind rurnish•d, and OLIT aetnomnds tt>'na ter conlactin t tha hualnam ars not equalled These Machines were *warded the highest premiums at The tellltl.TYS PAIR to London. 1182. The f %MI:1411U ei;f:XPIIIAITIOV, Petrie. ISIS'. The 1 It..itt AVM'S I neon, 11183. Awl at alenret 'eery. qtat* awl ( s mutty Fair when 112- L 1 1e 1. They are Irarrilt.4l three. years. They are parfeetllattnale in e .los:roc:Win. Thor ras with the Ine.a.it or. Thi' Ire almost oolareas. - • IItaTRUCTION N 1 and see then. In nporetion. If son eseuttot mama. mad tor sample r‘f work end a elreol,r by mall kIULT k BUOTH, A seLte. Colon filoolr, Jc2374 ear. (cast Park.) Erie.PL. - .. IVIAN ; i" How Lost S How Restored JUST PUBLISIIED a New Edition of Da. Cm. RRRRR C EIIPtAT on the radical can (W alma{ of :irtAILMIAT RRUORA, of "erninal 'Coati:ere. Involunt,ry emioal Lome*, faro- Tamer, Boatel and P•irainal Inc•painit e, Inapedinventa to Marriage. et 3. alan, Con.rarrms, Er:over and Flys, indoc.d by aalf-indnicence or argual yitt &vacancy. Price, to a male , " ea , e'cips, only 6 clouts. The eidebiate,t mith ir 13 thi.adinitab , et missy, cleirli denionatritsmruni • thirty years laccraiful practice, that the alarailo • eoinectaeniont of self abomi mar ha rad ically oared without fhe dancemna nee of laternal med idea r the apn'iestion albs kith—oolonmy oat a mod* of mire at mite .impLe„ certa,n and rffeetosi, by me nt of whloh ovary anger-r, nthinattar what' Ma condition may to, can eon leiumeif etwapl r, privately woe Fatima'. Irr Thli Le-iure should t e In the hand. of may youth and every man to the land. Sent under anal, to • plain envelope, to &ay add's.", on the recef pt of slx cents, or two postage glamor. Addle. the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KUNZ CO., 127 Bowery, New Vora, Post Delta Rot, an& je1 . 1'64-1y Philtre & Erie R. IL Propeller Line. BUFFALO, ERIE AND DETROIT WEER. L.E LINE. TWEISTAIINCIt PROPELJ,ER ellatIOTA • • • entst..C. W. Vas Patten WIII leave Eris fir Detroit essay SATURDAY, at 7 o'clock p m:„ rstarning on WEDNESDAY warping. and leave for Buffalo at 7 o'clock. Leaving autialo for. Erie Friday crank, at 8 o'clock. Having drat clam. paella. mndatione km - Passengers and good weeity for Freight. Patro4agenelletted apply on board or to U. M. VARVIt.It, Gaul Passeager sad Freight Agent, , • . s t Gray 4: Farrar's Store. M OSTOO3OIIIY, Maim k Co, •gaala. l'athdo. J. W. RrisoLvs. O. 0: 17Auvoi, Agent., Erie. 8.0. GL,.Wr, ihanstd. k Ottr.srr, Ascots, Pamir.. my21`641. •T 11. r ; P c"- a,s. b 1 :'''' it Izi al g . 4, 5 01 • 6 . 'a 1 e :z: - g - b •'. . 4 7.' e ' 4 i sr• V. • i a ..i . : 1 . i S t: •. i i Cil tap .PI - I ° 0 Sil 06 • = Z 4 - 1 : -I R Pr 4 P o i .. 4 .en 0 el i r I. v. INA • • r . & _. IXI - mos F. 94 * • '.° to. is . ii . I 0 !' .1 . 7 ,, : 0 I.: a -- rail --:. . • 4 7: ... N I 10 ' at El . 1 • TI • d 0 ' ii • . 1 i t r • --. Now Firm. TAXES P. CROOK, having - taken in u rioiN Jame R. is • lotion...a Ills id dar of April, Itl4. Itt-ir the , t , m name of laeP. • P SON, 4eAttvat. e ••• • lerneat of 'Co 014 sacrist a All por•- , 110. , * hn orisig tb.w t ei to& t d to Wm at* reqaoKUNS 'to had rAttle without del.'. JAMEII P. CROOK 80N, stains ROUGH 'LND PLAN LIIMBEit 1 • F • ,unh ViiiinPACTFMII OP Wiadow huh, Frames,' loan sod Bliaial . . SICKTLOIN — OTI AND- rtaFre FiNCZ. aion Matching - it Planing Doss TO ORTOAA. IMP " P. 14 14t asew"2 "a" ST: EalE,. P, A • , ly the attention of tho potato to osi beiNkife *Mel work TO thor Mote Atlis.P l Ossail/ EritINCL as reisepalibio lama liaTiag Said, sp. eatimly die shoo, With caporior machinery.** Araleselklast is Wier pat aimeerta7 • s'• wir Orion from abroad will meter prompt itteation.. Joyalrod IL • . .14 11111-4 P, taw° k gow: El D R 7 ,A 1! goaarow. v149E01117 soaetaolo to thit • is *et he will attend to all iv apowoblo halls foe withla thlrettotho of the joand4r. --- any, if models amilakt • , CUT IT OUT IMPROVED N• T ALooIIOLIO .1 A: HIGHLY CONCENTRATED GETABLE EXTRACT! A PURE TONIC Doctor. Hoofland's GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. K. JACKSON, PHILAD'A, PA WILL EFFECTUALLY CURB LIVER COMPLAINT, :DYSPEPSIA, 'Matches, Monk or Nervous Deir ay, Diseates gff Ms Kidney:, and all Dims. trisivirent ebordoroi Liver or Siorreack each se Conetips ' non, Iner r ard ram. - Tanner kir Blood to Um • Weed, Acidity of the Ram- ' sek, Nauss, Beartbarn.DisCirt for Pond. Palmer or Weight to the. - • Stamm*, Boer Smetana's'. Sinking or ringat the pit of the rifonaseb. Swink. sang of ihellesd.Hetrrlied and Mason Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chalking or Suffocating sea entions when Ina lying posters, [limner of Vision, Dots or Webs before the nicht, Server Lad Doll Pain in the Road, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yelioramm of Ike akin cad Spas. Palo to the Bide, Beek,' Chest, Limbs, ke., Seddon Ifteehes of Heat, Burning In the Flesh, Cos i *taut Imagination of Evu. and great Depot. lion of spirits. ♦ND WILL PO9T7IIII,LT Pazrzier YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, &O. THEY CONTAIN NO A.LOOHOL OR BAD WHISKEY I Tsai Inas onus the above almissa la alatiptrala. was fat es likabet pp YOU WAX/ EIGNET'HING TO STRENGTHEN You ? DO TM WAX A GOOD APPETITE? DO TOO ICUNT TO BUILD UP YOUROONSTrTUTION ? • DO YOU wan TO FEEL WELL? DO ,TOl7 WANT TO GILT RID VF Nzirfttranss DO TOD WANT N I R G Yt DO YOU WAX! TO SLEEP WELL? 04) lOU WAW? A DIME AND VlGußOtria 'BILLING It YOU DO, 178 Z HOOFLAND'S ciERMAIT BITTERS. Pros J. Snits* fro" D. D., Lai's - , et las Seersio. "Wig of Roairious ingelom4re• Although not &vowed to Amor or recommend Patent Medicines in generel, through distract of their logredi• Into and elbcta; Iyet know of no anielent reason why s man my not testify to the benefit be believes himself to have received from any wimple preparation, in the bolo that he Idly thus ea nbibe tie to the benefit of others. I do this tae more readily in regerd to Goodarere Ger. man Einem', prepared by Dr. C. SI Jackson, of this city, ammo I Tel preindloed egainst them for many years. andot th•lMPfeddicifl that they were chiefly an alcoholic misters. Lars indebtao to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this pribm by proper trete, and for *Dewiness:tent to try in, when euifenng from great end long motitined debi lity. The seenf three not• ties of these hitters, at the laigisteing of the present y oar, wu followed by Arident relief, and restoration to a de gree of bodily and mental rigor which 1 had nit !fit for six months beforaand bad Comet despaired of re rain io r. I theevfore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. Pitirsfa, Jcas 23, 1661. J. NBWTON BROWN PARTICULAR NOTICE. . nun lam MAY Pformrstince told under the name of Bitten', pat op to quart bottles, componoded of the :beeped whiskey or common rum, coating from 20 to 40 nests per (salon, the taste disguised by Anise or C.rmti der -,eed. This elan of Bitters has canoed and will scintillas to Aux% aa lone as they can be 404 husdrekla to die the loath of the drunkard. By their use the eyetem is kept watiunailv under the Influence of aloonolia Stimulants it the worst kind, tn. diner* fur Liquor is created and .ept up, and the multi* all the herters attendant upon trurcard'a Ide and death. for those who desire and will hams a liquor Bitters, we publish the following mantra: Get Oat Bottit ' l 4seffs Girsusa Sanwa and nits with Dove cidtr , ll 'road Braid, sr Waliwlmp, and the result aria be prepa• - anon that winfer .ZOl4 in medicinal virtues acid true eacellenoe any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cast sinc• Lou. You will have all the virtals of Rotlinairs Bii:ere in minneatioa with a god article of Liquor, at a mach lea price than these inienei "separations will cost 700. Wend.% Soltrienh - and Filen& ,et Soldiers. We call the attention of all baying relations or friends to the army, to the tact that "HOJlLarilrit Germs* ...uteri" will cure nine•tenths of the diseases induced by spasms% sad Ovations bicident to camp lite. In the Haus, pubhaked almost daily to the newspapers. on the .rural of the sick, tt will 06 noticed that a very 'site apportion are sudenig from debility. livery cue of hst kind can be readily cured by iroodand's .ierinan leltrwre. Mame' reenteing trim ttworden 'or the diets live. glans areepeedily removed. • • We hare no hesita tion ..n stating.that, if-thesi Bitters were freely used t aws% our soldiers, hundred, of fires, might be saved —tat otherwise will be lost We call partienlar attention to the following remark able and sell auttointleated cure of on. of th e hs t ie w e hare', whale life, to nee hit owe language, "lisa b.-en saved by the Bitters i" Pitt ens Aegiut 23d 1663. Messrs. Joist e.l'eass.--Weil, cattleman, tour Hoot land's (lemma intim* has saved my lift. there is no mistake In thia: It is vouched for by. numbers of my comrades, solos of whose names are appended, and who weneTnllfhogetilant - orall the clreuctutuicos of my ease. lam, and hare hems for the tairtfitsur yams. a member of Sherneaset celebrated battery, and 'under the immediate coin sod of .pg ii .tata R. B. Ayres. Through the es t o, mi re etterelem UP" MI arduous duties. l was attacked November last with intiammation,of the !nogg, nut was pit BeventY4w o ,4 l ll la the WieOtil. This sae fol. Lowe by great debility, heightened by an attics of 3ater e . 1 was than removed from the Whit. douse. and 'wet o this city on board the ste..mee "Rate of Maine," from which handed on the Sib of June. Since that time( hare been about as low as any one could be and ttil retain a spirt of vitality. For a week or more eau scarcely able 14 swallow anything, and if I it.l fore* a *reel down, It *as Immediately thru•ti up again. Leonid not erect kw pa Etas of water on my stomach, Life could not last ander these - circumstance.; and au ra:thinly the physletans who had b••• working faith fah!, though unsuccessfully, to rescue me horn the cre of the dried - imam, frankly told m • that they could ep do no mote for me and advised me to see a clergy• Mau, and to 'Silk, Snell diupoaltion of ps,.oritlt•ti funds ,s „ it suited me. AD acquaintance who visited me at tit: awaits", Me. ?osd.nick Stabil:eon, of Sixth below a - /att Street„ advised we, as. a (orlon ta_pip, to try your utters, and It tidly procurede bottle. Prom the time t ..mcmoseed taking them the gloomy shadow of death re. arm now, thank Wor. for it, ratline better. though I l re taken bat two bottles, a ham mimed ten pondsan I feel Isagnlse of be el pumice/4 to rejoin my wag and digester, Irmo whom Lams besot nothing I rellboeso months; for, gentlemen, Am • loyal VI: gibUto, r rouilhe Vicinity 61.1Frolitl!Mylit::"To your to• reittabl• lllttars I owe the outainty dit...16 which has .aken the plats/of espefeare—to your Bitten win I eye •dhe !birtotint,prtrilef tin( Wowing to my Deanna •riOse Who /Wren to ws to Ufa. 13 Very truly loom MAC MALONI. We tally cesium lathe Math of the shove statement, se ma bad &spindle! seeing oar comrade. Mr. !taloa% Vto health ClSOLatiow,litlAritrotti ct ioaas A. Co..e,lttbilikiso. trim '924 New Y os t L stings. let Artillery, Battery B. J. B. Teeseritt, Co. C....11d Varaseat Hagar B. J ma; Co. a., do. LIMIT T. Illactoseso, Co. 0.. tlth Malmo. Jeto. WAIID. CIN ith SaAwoo Nom Co. 8024 Ayer Task. liatiteatat 11..Tadala, Co. T.,115th Teems. AjrolllV J. linteau, Co. A., Id TUMORS. Jos Jaw. am. ": - OSWARE OF COTIN'TEIRFEITS. TIiF "CM. habitaVilk es ta• wukma 41 isle media • PristritSetae In as., sr Ist les. he $4. !.bald roe niardlit *NNW Sot litas 'wattled.. d• !soumt be pat at li b a y toadn y t a ta p te tatas traoido nprparata a ,M m ouay ynOba o le us, ndon PRINCIPAL OFFICE 3 MANUItACTORT, , ..marimaiviar i t. T . 0i........440.m.dAC1F1CU1 a CXX, ' s wk7ol kui b't riviabta 814. Dolan la envy ova IN lab Wad &W - ~>i rf ,