The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 23, 1864, Image 1

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I• Mt ..OFI•ERVInt nt . 11..1 1 1F ,1 0. " STATIST/11g;
OrPO rig TIIK ObT Ul7lCt.
~,Dry,zr7i'47 . l7E VT; —o3t) Still r. it( Ten Linn one la.
ou'oto 75 e'r D'S ; t'en lo‘ert,nt,,, St 00 ; thra,
tiara S!. n'n• mnntb $1,50 ; taro Enontb,s 5 2 50:
tt, , o; olx rn mt i $500; one yepar :80C:
,•hnr t denotoitottnatt to p.opon'lnn. Thee'. ;ate*
bt; r.r,etly a to, zhinge.i by sp•efal
‘oe.rect, or at the Option 'n; the rd', is to ri. du 4l .
'A No', rt. Str. , 5, th•rl cr. end lite a leorlee.
wen', s l ,h o : Admloilt - otor'e Notice, $2
Znt'et erre tents A line: Ma rare Nr,,tieeßrwc•?y.
yr,. :eV+ tne:e; ' oar No. I, no favor three Ilnee
ex• , n.) Cr.. recta pet 'l, o Orin ti poetry, an.
67/.toe 31 the r.que.; r.; tbn edltnn, one fl•!lar
r.,.; lao Mt afire-tits -41:1•0 orlll be continued at
ntdoo a of the pt,on until ordered
11 , 1 - 41.1 a epeci.d,d period Gs
out dtrentinn,
it ,, •et I duo , for rte
4.:C3 Tte.) DoLt.tßa• pen ionnm In
:05 pusrlso —We Lars one 'e! tie bent Jobbing
g 1,21 .n the Stato. and ate ready to do any +on' in
tLat rro.y b tn cis In eticel etl le
eetabll•hrn+bt ontelde of the lardeat eillee.
Sisk I' Ili ‘ variety of 'iiew biyle 1.1..d
-‘,1,,. a a attic, ir,,ttarer, Co:.gresa, Kenna Cor.
~,,,, op .err, Jrrtuy Lind purl other
,pa , terna, with
-, 2 -Ne., ,, .. and ptr.rt f . lit. h•ud•r .rely reneerrA Bur *U.
,ixt.c.roct :`kukr4, :ire 0.r,,, t - trrtrr and ether Tables,
;a' attoorot. Straps., C. yr, Aul l .1..,..,,,,, Lour -s,
j.t.--:. rit. , .. Ifurr .udStra rrra, illtt awe, Frathr-r gads
I tr ,i 4‘.0••1-. pub rr hr r b ur 1. , 11 I lurotturo,';:e . Id,
;, rart.rrer: frori well se.r.". '1 ''.• it , ra•pt ' , : the
1,,., i . p h. eye loacenl vrt,ra new 4.e.1 ...rrt r, a; 1.. site.
For in :•••• till tl•ti ...t•l: •••1•• f , :-, I.". 1 /A i 1 , 4 ,11). , r-r,
i„. ~„ •• , to undr.r. .it ar. rep L. , •r•trrn.2 r tin./
„,,,,i, ,/e , rari. r, It.,ll•• • nrn. r4„,,,kr, , :,.„...„„..
. \ -,- poor other i blink. •ri Ete . ..•71 110 Vs1•11:1n1 IGlall
f ,,,:,,'.., ar• 1. , p1 , t, d .1 ed lad gruo.l. .n .alr: • 11....0 ma
:.:::, • r- , a. I.lJer ; '•'4 of !:“e ct,:ir.WLlC,e c,ther. read.
~.,,•.,'.! ..'• . or.) , rid , !.ral, .o. pu rz0,r.....a dra-sb:ra More
X,-1'.0 , r , il , -1•141.:. ' 1 • , I••••i .0"! , pee., a,-p ch tirs cf her.
s, r , w! , • au,b... I tl.r , ,a.ti 11i...,eat end ‘..cied War.
I , s • • to ••'•ta I. 11, Iii1••••12-.1., OA l'ed An.: c .1; . ., bat tx•:•-•
t.,! I.t • on, peke a• d .1n1 , .i.. :le Ini Br a 1 Lave
~7 1 ,,.., . .., and .sara Le 1••,•1••/4 1011.,11.1,1a1111 Wlt 1 C
•• -1 f 1.1.,1••` pi; 4 , •t•de srut ou app1..:J.u0.... IL. :.!..:it
!AZ•1•:1 • 11• C fr ., .
Aft••••• 'lr.?. r 1 experl.nee an, cont,.nll,,q ri 1 um
' . ':-. 1.. , c z.. 1. ,, : ,. . :-4•l' , I 'ol e1,112, to • 2i:
‘',,,,,,• re,_ ~ i . gin .. , .r,11...r ) ou• 911 , and do justice
~a : ..,,, 1! 'a iv, I, c ~.
1 I.tta, ,- , i ~h, .. ~:1; re. I.lro 'tuck. Crrld.a*.k.' 'C•1111.
‘l..'u.• '„ 1'r...1, , , ~.r. , ta•..] al taw market nerd lto ~...., Kr., .ror t,r th e !.111...:0, u- It corner or Sib strtei
' ~,:<., i• ,v , I',..ri 'N. V.l L'S , EX
MI, rveir Mai 1.!•17-rafiri SiitremmL
w LIOLg.SALP. I ,i, 17 - : r oc Af
_L (3
.I,prik•L'ait Corur ['L.A.* /rend Slrsd,
(ca )
Vo:Id respectfully ea'l the ettenrion of the eocoamaity
to Liaa I art- ,toy it .1
WhILL Oe• ron:s to •.t at the
NEU. Y I,OIV.Vv.T 1.N4 mice's!
rilb i.a •rtmcct et
FIS LI, &C ,
{~7htß irTAuee. la the ;)21.,111,1C1 to p r (Are tc
u.•hu ipso c4l.
84 alJo rr 'von , Irerinr lot 4f
• 3 ) G tt E :L i rt, U 0 hIS,
•the 10161,3 .d•,' ••.• b. att,ation
,t the p1.,1:c
H ru'"ln "Q
Wozk'd Tripe - V..3 ly •L. • 111 I,_ kt he hid
No. 2 1-lughee' Block, Erie,
tl" ooLan.l s Zlfi.e sup,' cf
crtocKERYD EN . NVAT!.E,
IVt•ty.., IyiQUOII,,
:a' • e:y an cat-AV &az: eat of
frra_• ee r a ontr. a s ►nr . &Ler 0..r0 i.. the
T"E lt,rn:,lTPFree
Oil y II X t r rr. •111
at ••-• 1
N 0.2 Washington Fish Ilarket, New Turk,
NTS 71'41:lige
NOT; .t).s r ,
‘O. , • ...i t littaii, at abort
I:7o'itr. •t • It T I pr„,,Ke,
re Ail O. -el", IZJLII the OJI.IALTY PrOMPU,
Attaao.4..l to.
--hrtPro MI t P eid.,Ttp
J IK• 1 —lr. H. e IFFY. I
U. S LOA.N. • 1
\ ./ AI. it a, • :0 , 1 : 0:411:1 1 '
F) -. Ir.a.—lh e .1g F sr -47 ;
h •ko c•-•;;e •Cr fa oas
a c Ivy nt ent2 , l - 24. 4 0 1, MC ...Ca
X 1,n4 ha it•i I 4 re 14 , 41.'.10 r. '
I. Iv p.L.CIrli ..I‘l,ll cM• .of .s r‘. and , ay - ;
414a0 .iptr. 1 1 0:tht , eat •t ti e pet sett
• to o o an: n n • tin 12..,t veer,
$ d 11%. ' v rqD • 1,. her
- 101.1‘cr t: es m 1 et: r rr coepnn
•hd . f t. -e a e,!
N-r-•• •0/r Lt . . ft:o4,la 4;0 . 4
C w Ibe r.qtr;ro t tr. ,ad , TO tr. lto ,
AM o,tuft U 5. f 1, , 1,15 :h tawul moo,
the 'tot t e , (.r :rt t.l t tea Note*,
01 . : sa.ln :a• pwreef,t.
171 a ,t; ,Th•t - n fr. th St o let d of 3lareti
.'I • f ;;Shd • 1,10
r') tof ed R fl fh• i .1 .1 of I..n , ;minsticom
of $0.,, SO $: 01) , $ ;,0 $ WO. ; and
rot R 't of t ;Iva ;lid ivici $ 0., sloos, $3004 aad '
SI. t •
...vt or:ty cr ieacts-• of •h•,Tcei•orr•
ro - ar . • F 1141) ra.),ior
U. S. 10-4 C) Bonds.'
THESE 130\ 1.).; tint 1-.11.:11 ut ier the
ve•e n: R.h 15'4 •1,1,/3 - 1, , , , d.. 1
L.:41 Ib 4,s CI Le X."111 . T
T n:nn'e
iv. ...I vt• 1 h- Iv , l- are trevi.-0 In
st.t.• • or 5 • 5. 1. 1, • 1 thr.k..
teT , Is 4' tU . or I
li • ',IA 5' Nt p«.l dnot e•. a gig to t
14 "5 y'd r :....•tty So.
V. r v'• A P ‘il) 1..0!X
5 . 4,, Vi 4 • n, Ali,.
04 Xl' ot.: , r 21. n,1.1 1 y Tt e
ab aoa ate L .l ur.d S pltn-L,ar tAtt
• - ••. - 5.:.-0 , ern %VI e,t^c 11.;I: 7 - 84 n
-11. c:,.. , I:riz Le q/ e k'd
n .11 he tI.A•
• t lon 11 nem my
bet-, ..s IJ .:• to wezt : Coal
L'..l — tt• tf
%./ .21 3 . C.ll . Gil:
'•••• • e err in 4 'A • ,
11 7 .1 't t" , • • 3 7W.° at s or
7. • I • ; t r 4t; t for
;L,l • ),• tto.o) t y r
• ; . • t o .; =-4 r• .1
:Actapt :Itriicipal or 'ate Taxation,
C. " • , t t e•dtt(t,s
.ya p ....1/1114V1.1
r . .
r. - C
ce llc 41'.. /
er or. r CIVPVLI.II. C
• •
It t . "1•L 0113 •') yreit {Win:, •
A n 1 to 1 1 . 61 D• o• s,
..J• in It oditr in :.1•••••ol-m• or
vo,ir of ...ea fli • •••• •t• t• C tradlt.tell 04 •I) VIA,.
••••—. 1.1 -• I' I k It a... • t e
te , 1o• ,o I'l.l - , 1 t, of th
mi .1.11• rt, rd rt pricci-
P• to , ,r .t I c-on.
.I” ; dt `.t • ‘.,“ I f 4.• exra 'n/ra SSO
a'te '; e .eene t-'ett, and a • !hex
ciusru. 710 ~e :o Ihe .03 I eel 'lo2.ler ae gv it
t• 'a Int. TLeylt o r - at any
SDI b r ••• :be .1.
the to.
•Isas- 1 , 4. as fai :r. 11• C, Ct 01/ that lh.
r: 11 bt , c .
1 1 . b . eb :aroma
io , d. • : .1.! D 6.4, sfas
• t .t f'r t ' s, coaling
2 " •••• • 1,1 . r• C. t•trilr.n •er.
: c •'nc 3 th,
2.01 s Icr at t.. ffl• er
E 111
tt •••.% : 1 re.el' g-1.1 r, 61 of
;o , ••• •r.: ri 1, •
n .ea 1 4 of the
Trsa r-r r 1 ,, t , , 8 :1. 01.18
te. t e t .n•, t / • :111 •l• ry ••• 11/1•21V1111!
2222 .112.111 . 0 /IR 04 I/4 • Prat! 11/10 1L t .-f /11. r rtl•
¶ to 11;1.9 ,1,
t 1h N. t r ,l 11 , ". act.:\l:- a. 11.10
se-sts ...type, f• o, I. • r 1.4 Lt.w it. a.• It
2222727 5,M% In the 5,72271;0
17 , o , s.t.sns L.O s • .sa 7L> A
First National ":31.11 1 1. of Erie,
, •a'
, 16 „'t all r.
Ihroa....anat tho e I g 44 4 L' , /t-P
1, 11 N.,11J141 Ir pn 1 . 41 . v )rrt f tb'r
0 ,Lon: t....4ity
T,p9U4-.1;4:11.1 7.3a.711,nvi
Improved Proderty for Sale.
I'llE I.( qi,:r. dby
I. o r•al tg . . 7 4 •14, frm kde(urpom,
nff•r. f g•lu•g rig J our t•f gt ggg
tre:gtog, on cleat rgiith street .141 urge tick
Tee weer!-t the Phtlai.loble tz Ftle Dept, now oe•
c 9 FIP4 Ity 1 , It El h.meern
iA (11M. Bei tang, utrow.intrg two etoott ant two 11.01.
e. ;It; 6f 404 FtoeTto'), et. g 11.4 Six l3 per: of theeittl;:tardlY LOPt
fi'vtil Tha.lboe nn E f.. rtre.t. b tweet Cbiataut
szd Crctv, Lim Lt:np ly Ysjor Br d-o.
11 Y. K. nOUD, 5. N.
:Iduatecut Cards insart•d to this s,lntsa at the rate at
Three and Ffve D Dar ,ear.]
°HY H. • MIII tit
et re , 031111, ?mart Vourtt ,
,urroyor, It prepuNd to , urrity nut* Laos nr Maps
to Fri • t;poutt Pa. Oleo to Common Cpuipll Ronm
wrights Bluetit, •
D. D,
WO.II4ZOISCI 11n es21111111)T IlltodOon.
id.. Pt. Wars our on Pub In , Doe►, Rant Corone f
State stilet. Mau, d-•lar to Co•t. Anti p ah. Floor,
pinst•r. u.'mur Limn ke. N. P.--Particular att•nt4m
•111 oe ernes to tb• R.celnnt and PnrnarM' on. NV..
!num 4 11 1 rrado aud Segued to all pane d the eau ..try.
hrtsr 'as & D giOianar. vattabu g. tt•—.Prs Kasirmi,A. s-d *hi
W.l" ; flawipbr4 tad rho pa, Va art • s : acid
lir. 3p e.cer. Erut. Pa arBo'64
r inuct,lcAtittr,
p . Wrlqt.t.ate Aim liNaLti IN
iniran.. and Proviainna - flour and road, Wnnd and
Xillow Ware. W.-IPa.l.:qirm Tot= r. •4Thrs. dus.,Atsto
bext to Toeitg's Bowe Intniahing lCm on am.
i V... 11.0 li&NNKtp,
n J JCierICX or TOL ?ZACK. Mee t.cona
ion? Wayne Bleat', French Street, between Fifth Lod
r „ PI Ull,Ci. ilk I .1 ).,i - v -
Or Amer. it ALL Itlrtol OF riAbbir ,rtr.
a - . 1 %land atievra lira Jobber. fa Tal sad ear*. .r ire,
eo. 'a rof9o sn I Stat. e ta_ Er op. Pa fr.re7'R4rr,
- --,•-•
S . I ' , nava illcernatqat datt.ast,
r'. r•atir.lia Rlrplt. F ti. en ja.oirn.4l.
‘lll %i'lv at Wit BCH,
Avrown.ys ar 1.4" , Ridgwa., 1"4.
Practise to Flk, SlcKnin C.m.r• n hod .
d.O. c a11. , '6W..1 4 ] L.RETR.
ner of Stewed awl Market Street—one square east of
Fxchanve. W*ITPLI. Pr. Sept. 'l9-17.
Gkr.O. W. IP N 1.44,
Jost cx or ran Pga.on. nee, In Gantt@
• u.l,Vag SoutS..eic .urusr F!b ant halo gtresta
Clinvelluaciot dons neatly awl callectlons a Via ntOttlit.
ly. - 100'61-1).0
• M.
1 4 J. Boon Bison. Buns Boon Mascradrazi,
.r., 11l Second Story of K • lernecht'a Block, Erie, Pa.
- I Ktntur. Ctri l l;6lt.
Arrowxzw LAT. etrarl. ICA* County,
Conseil/au Rid other basiwus attended to with
~ t +tilop• wad dimpstelt.
• P. Ehntli:a,
Rookszatant and Dealer in Rtatfouarr,
Y Cl' Paper, Magisines, Newspapers, Be. Country dealers
_store =War Brown's Hatal,franting the Park.
IL 1 31 E
J. 4. CITLI4I has taken the Lints Slid at
e a foot of Frttpli 1-trael. Amur the I•hP■d.tpbL dekot,
Ed. city. 40.1 I. p• 'aired to I urotrh WO:t• Liu." La largo
or on, o goal:ire, at the loWsat Luartitt
11X111103 1.11775. X ram Pang.
Artoattars it LAir. Cheettint
t met, Sltadville, Pl. Fob. 16-37;62
Witt ant a fun
Art' uNNIT ar Lair, to Walker's 01'. -
1..., on girrenth IP. Pa, ant 7'A2
rAI. Ph b. it11:11%.
I T Dome?, (patty's Bloc :Corti% 4d• th• Park
•t...:e Viva. t sort tt.
• '
LAVAYETTK aurrtt.,
Franca street, between ilith and 6th etreete,
1. sr the & Brie Railroad Depot, Erie, Pay
L.ou . :-Loesoster, Oropnstor. az:motive aceomsooda.
:Iv: ter etrativers sz,d travelers. Board by the dtr or
t sok. Good shah's' , ettaebed. spr-h o3tf.
A LIEBEL Qt BUOTtigite "
na • P.184103.4.111Li NILOILII and
tvrtim tor Placer h Karat's Patent 4 awlog Mutilate
—Vat hev in ran :tail et Mt. between SO and nth Ms,
C:otbcii midi to order to. the Aden stjle.
in. IT 3-1..
. u.
1.1u0r,,N •
LIVE ‘T hAD 9,61,11 Srazirt.
brew-era ' , tate and Fre et. ftne Liorse , r4n I Car
Hes to let on mammas'. terms. u..241/t-ty.
d --
Il4saltaarvwa Of Statal
'4,1 Gearing, 'Agriealteiral itupleernte. Railroad Con.
IXT 18..31/WILL,
• Darter. Office is Rafts.'
► , •Pe Block. sartkalde of the Park. M4l'B.
• WITOWT LAw...ollllor es Stketrect,
.....I.nnpnrit.tbth rt !lotto.. RAP.Pi.
9. S. SPt:trrit.
A Tini 11%4 cotrmset.t.ons AT . .TAW
FFICE, Paras:on Block, near North
Parrokri. Fria.
I - Ott:lr C. 1:IE Sag. _
(but , * to Day GOOD& GiOeuttga,
• r.ekerv. Midway, Vaii,,l#lass. .d. Plaster, ete.. cor•
vt: ath 4:rat and rube , q are, Nth, Pa. Jarai.
Atlantic & Great Western Railroad.
- or Acii; =
Pastetger, Freight, Ralf, Ezprest and Tel&
• graph R Atte,- _
ConnecOniest Y. with sb* vo ( . 5 "& 11-
wiv, f rm. a oflatlnan4a to Fn't Vitali from New Sort
to Alt• , n nr Cl•taland On and •fter
MONDAY, - NOV . CMSER 10, 1803, -
Thremiri Pasawiriw mad ' , might Train. wi'l b• run rsg
uutrre•n Cf.,-.VELAVI) AN) NEW rtiffir.
NEW. A ^oRT ,Nr t9aRN47.11 gone,
IRGGAGRCOtt.ttit Tigiveqg
ro.o.sthts this 1 foe shag% or pi,. Atfy raid
P..twoei Nee .o 4 no•t , n. THRf )00/1
TICKIt7 CPO h 00 , 111 .ry. of the mem ni the
aulirse E IC skikt 41: aof rooseo•toit Volts
ttP .outh ei ee sty et thp rot:aril ticket IJOIM
nt.der the Weddell Homo. C 4.41 aid, Mato.
Atlt for T , eketl • a. the
. A..& - c, W . ANI) !Mitt \11.W%194.
1 1 ...wn Aar ?Tali, ewe leltembhll• thiPttmleallv. civ
il? TA ?...ter• amp • time to dip* at tl•e ••11011E ; CET
cf ,!-• ••
" Ross& tai iT th•
pmar.: o! Freer hatw.ei New Vert and
r. not Cleve and.
Vorphinte In the W WA 4,•whlmmt will and It to
adrA.• 4. to orti-r l'a to he totet•H dlrm
the t •I• et • +Vane a at first' Woomera Bra lwya , the
e., , e aad
OTIIICS A 1.101.111, Sourly . .
' t:•nezia areal:ll witb; Oren to the speedy tzupc.,...
teflon .4 FrPlght Glatt k l / 2 d.. EAR 0r4r.....t.
The F 0 •to* end p-h• • ....repro•itit ortble rem
pV:• ASO 'Wire!, wow, and ,If the m ico2edied tooder.:,
Tb. ooly to to to the
ClL'Jetdrills or Cony.
Frcm I,eavel'atiurgh, the Webotitig Enoch roes to
, uu.onw, v , (l the ree. Miner.. •
Th. d i• being evecided, anti oilLecon be in OM.
n'e e conning n. de- in 0,1101 Urbana, Ds) toss aid CLIP
c nnnU withnui b 'abet eueee.
i. r %F t NT reelibt egeot. • -
T. !I. GOODILLS,O• '1 Tient .weer
Il• F bb' BETS (WM Mai& s
State Normal Sehool.
FAIL TT= ort.ns _
j y 14-gw,
vv miv.4:.•4v M tY 16.1861.
Trains Irns• Dunkirk 'Llama tit* f r ollosri•ifionni
vis : '
Eistward Boned—Depart. •
xi%tit Ear's' AO p.lP °
1{147•114 7 03 , ) • . X
Aro nosin4 Mock,. ......... ....'...6 fin a. 11.
Way ; t" NCO , t IS 16 A.
TbA Aecommedallos raus-seen -
f'9 44 MlMM..:ismn Vnpt
Administrator'ittiotice. -
rrtEtts,ot AtiminWrittion On the
JLA tags or Jr•pli atoloeh_dhoe4. lotto! the rev rt,
t.rer. Pi'. CO ivrtio sumB.BlVB Up undvi
siopkgrie- 4,t0il given to all b.ofofeistacaraln fn pr.,ent •too, duly witheotierted. 1.4 pitu4,at d thn,o 1, dootal to the told .et.t• .111 make
Lem d it. At smut Anal PEITERIA.
10.41 1 1 . Ldmlafttratoi
4.,A. COOPER, ,
, , ' -.! • • . , c' • ' 1 , i •
. .
. ,
. .
. . -...—
' .., limy.. .....-
~.., ~.,,....
_:. -- _ - : ---7. "- `- ........\
' r '
-•‘. ...: .'
: "
. E ...i ~
, ~.
R1E...•:,.•...„.„..5.„,....,":::................... 7 ; . - ''''
. --.2'
, The Soldier's Funeral,
I VT BALM J. CI Wilt if.l2.T.
91i i ri1,145•111 the ma I privates,
?AC r Inv-tette, eentllsi drag,
feleau weed the Wile: feet:dope
Patriot ass dead *sands Ms*.
roti! ant no foul Sedate dogma
' 41 ups bta artery •
NO! an! no a wit aid' Y. '.word/
flreathed around DU dying tad.
Who ems too* the dr.einse Poet sista"!
thightle thrmtzh his ha Isla 1. brae
Driest's that dtrkeze4 wlt't his •ekLg
Dress's of /slag Ulu is di!
Dtawa , tr white %mai hiil sett:
ah; htwtvtad rs with rill..
ht m teime. with the long GAM -
Dreams of ides boo:lefts-Mo.
014 the cone of that swaths&
pillug In s ptv tutor Isa 4
!Terer mom trwa k .14 o-a 05....
1 1 44 e to eery a kindred
Eva h.t otutht Lis r•nttfsi fo tstspo,
!pro; srMll4Pn fort am ally;
IN,o+ that ache frith wat+titog foe bim,
Near s ill look upon ha brow
Tenet; Ini loie. be trstebY hie fife ent,
A? the milelea's 'view! ti 1,
Add the t r o
, th•it .Teitatry
Petr tie blnokuple the's. ea.!
UT ♦ 13 tennoz.
Girl t, young ladies, and, If you pleaso;
mothers too. just listen a moment, for I
have 4 short story to tell you and perhaps
at the;close of it we will end
,a "moral,"
and pfrbaps a sermon.
A. few days since I called upon a young
lady. I may as well say that, having been
'.considerably "impressed" by her beauty
and bkiiiant conversation at several eve
ning Social parties, I had resolved to prq ,
secure the acquaintance. I will not aorta
that there bad not floated vaguely about
in my brain certain pleasing rose colored
'bachelor's reveries." in which, figured
conspicuously the beaming lace and ele
gant figure of-Bliss E.
itbat as it may, I calledl; and being
I •
ushered into the parlcr, I sat down, and
awaited with some impatience the appeai
ance cof the lady. - I.
Blrattontion wry soon arrested by TO
.; .
ces in an adjoining apartment, and the
door being 'Or, I was perforce a listener.
"Olt, Carrie," said a very "weak voice,
"if you wluld only have assisted mo three
hour a day, this attack might have been
averted; but now 'tis too late. I know
that Weeks if not months of illness .rebe.
fore me. lam tired out."
.Why, mother," replied a voice, almost,
petulantly—l had admired it the evening'
previbus for its spirited yet amiable tenet
—" Why, mother, nobody does kitchen'
work!now; at least, nobody that is any!!!
body Just think of Mrs. - Smythe,. or Mite
Brimis, or lirs.Saule associating with 'your
kitchen gut with her dingy hands.. Why :
the Idea is absurd; and, besides, I hate
"Well," replied the invalid v01%4, "-I
don't'know what would have been thought;
of yottr'assisting me about the house a fow l
hours' each day ; bus do know that. fr.r.
the w ant of help lam now 111. Ires;Csr4,
rie, for the want of your
_help I have been
obliged to overtaak myself." _
Mks E. soon msde her appearance, with
her winning smile, gay laugh and brilliant
repariee; but, lomehOw, the imsgeof
overtaskel wither winatantly came hel
tveeen her and my precious admiration
so, idler a few ill-st-esie attempts: at
verpmion, I took my leave.
As II slowly walked sway, musing,
change came o'er the spirit of toy dreami,"
Addiughter' who "hated housework" to
such a degree as to allow her mother te
"get all tired out" and 111 from being over.
tasked—could such a daughtei beoogib
that mast inestimable. boon thin 'ids col
Heaven—a goad wife! •
What if her husband bad
,wealth abd
filled house with servants :.could he
have l a quiet, nest, well-ordered home ?
I •
Would hil chi!dren have Wtrue mother?
No. 41 parlor daughtor will make a Parla►
tetfs.-brilliant, fascinating —a -rare and
costly ornament—ehalleneing the admirer
Lion of the world, It may
,be, - but:dever
the hely Source and ,centre of the comfort
of her family.
And thus.ruriely my rase colored revs
riee were chang©d to sombre hued
Ow. 1 I queried, was Mu E. an exoepticin
to this rule? now many young ladies ,of
my atiquaintance were really helps to their
mothers in domestic affsirst lIaA matey'
would not blush with 10114/116 at being seep
Inakihg bread—not °aka, but bread 1, How
Many could cook and get on the table
good I dinner, or superintend ' and dieebt
such as undertaking? flow: nosey to
whom-the old-fashioned, 'dish, l olothi' is
not al"horrid thing?" Awe many could
starch and iron a shirt bosom or collet. 'so
It would look respeistebl,tl - , :
Als t how few could I rebaltwhd would
not p,roilerly b 6 tininbered la the 'ping hit
pi th'4«tse•to sil2ost,`lbeie, (140....tff.k*rt
only I toyi4orios. but . 0. 4 44 141 Y, 4lOgretlib►
bles lisd.luodesdeables. • . • i - c;
ifq alas I for ft Is s sad, Ails itOttly
for its'y,Oung men, the future )tuaban of
these frail "lilies of the'fild,?' - ty)3o.!!pil
not, neither do they splo,": but to the
daughters tbetnialies. •r ' • ,
.I.ook at them—look at them fourisOes,
'young ladies.- Where is 'the roiled, 01464,
solid arm and Cheek of your grandinether
at yOur age? Where is her pswer r uf ea
rjurtioce * , , Ael . exhaberaut spfift i depro4ed
by no cirCUrasistices ; her energy ishdfelf
reii4noe, equal to her eacergetickw ,find
where fu the future are , Yicu.•to obtain
strOgth to psis" unscathed - thtioagh . ithe
perch% of, iniste:rnityesdid
took around you at. the ming: rvets
andmothe'rs ; *havpitiabie.h3 6 ettens o f
feminist° humanity What' .51isoinired.
*dteheartenett , Ottjecte of .00mmiseptei4n—
whit traces 01 pain and nitwit, firs written
trpcM their . ihrunken viii4es berate the
flfth uiveriutry'oiorpirlo`ptyMOng
I - f.,l*36lrolse l ikii4viugivf-soantiliiii!pimiei ,
'hay the younkt,husbonds you meet. D J
they not speaks:of &Miss autiolpotiosts
,4,l4VRI;o4fh t Y MORNING, JULY .4 23, 1864.
and unpleasant realities? jHew many a
husband who, in his bseheltir days fondly
dreained of &blithe, cheerful. neat house
sVife, whose lark-like song should testify
each morning that household duties were
. 8 *ell spring of pleasure. has found by sad
experience; the wide difference between
rontanoe and reality. And bow many a
rtsag_man — of marriageable age and fine
prospects, seeing the rude dispelling of
this or that oompanion's dream of domes
tic enjoyment, takes *arising. and , holds
himself sternly aloof froniall matrimonial
entanglements. I assure you. ladies, I
kiwis many a youog man, considered by
calculating mas ead amiable daughters
as diaidedly a good match, w h o, in ova
dent's' conversation, does not:hesitate to
Say that he doe, not dare to get 'married
"Why," esid a young man of wealth
lad position to me. but last week, "when
I marry; I want a home ;And have been
looking for the last five years for a wife
calculated by nature and education' to
Mike a horn* for me, and a true mother
for children. but_in vain,-so far." Is not
health needed ? But how can the frail
lounger and dsw Iler, to whom the mid
night glare of the chandelier is more fa
miliarthan the Morning sun, have health
, for, heiself or to bequeath to her children ?
:Is not s cheerful di4pusition needed? But
how can this be acquired or kept by those
whose lives are but one constant round of
selfish frivolity ? How can one gain blibits
of care and application without having
even the care of her own room? How can
one superintend the details of-housekeep
ing, so as to minister to the conifortof the
household, to whom every item of that
housekeeping is not only unknown, bat
positively 'hateful ?' lkfo, I tell you, Fred,
although I may be able to support an ani
mated parlor ornament, yet my taste does
not run that way; and so I choose to re
main a bachelor until I find an intelligent
girl with domestic accomplishments."
Is not this a common sense conclusion.
ladies? Whether It is or not, many of the
most, desirable young men for husbands
are thus'resolved, and more are coming to
think so.
Mnral: Young lady, if you wish your
mother's I& prolonged, help her about
the house. If you wish health and lasting
beauty, do housework. ;If you wish kgood
husband, and wish to make him happ
doci't "hate housework." •
An ntartlow between Gee. Fremont and
Wendell IDntillpo.
. .
The Boston PiCIMI4O suites that Mr Hein
:en arid Wendell Phillips were_ recently
invited by Gee. Freraont to emit him at'
his summer residence, at ?reliant, Mass
The meeting was, of course, of 'a political
character, and Mr. Heinsta publishes the
following report of it : .
We will premise that neither Mr. Phil.
lips nor we left any question untouched
from motives of false delicaoy, bat gave
Gen. Fremont, on the contrary, opportu..
nitk to declare himself en all those points ,
on which-the attacks of hie enemies have_
been directed. The result of tour few ;
heirs' conversation, was, that we left: the 1
man and candidate, Fremont, fully Bathe
fled, and that the confidence which we re-
potted in him formerly hag been doubly I
strengthen..d. I
It: regard to the overthro'w of the rebel. ;
lion; Gen. Fremant rem Irked that his po i l
sitien on this subject was too well known
to require comments from him, es.picially ;
as he had declared himself agreeing wit '
that parigraph of the platform which i •,
quires the overthrow of the rebellion b
force of arms and without comp: mite. 1
The unpunished and unoensured viola
tions of eta law on the. pert of Lincoln
sad his Cabinet, hid principally; caused
M.:anxiety for the Repu.hlio. which was
thus being destroyed in its foligiamental 1
principles, while at the same time morally
undermined by an unparalleled comp- I
ticin. Gen. Fremont said that a Republic
never.o4ul.l pin by sues a war as this; 1
but the danger would be vastly increased
if such arbitrary actions on the part of the
eovernitemt were not *Naomi at the start.
The arbitrary action of Mr. Lincoln had ; ;
srocight thing; to such a pass . that the;
qneitlen might be asked whether the Reed
peblio could be bought for money? The t
fees' leotion of Lincoln had become alto• I
tether a money question. Hence General il
Fremont considered it, above all, necrssa•
ry to stir up the ides of law and order
itnongst the peoPte, and thus make them
tripible of eiving the Republic.
- ,
His position on the slavery question was
thus expressed : I ,
"W must not rest teitil . alav ; ry is . toni
out by the last root."
As for. the negroes. to them belong the
OM rights which the whites enjoy, The
word "white" must be banished from our
astute and institutions. "Absolute equal.
ity of all men before the law coven - the
Wholequestion." • "
' In relation to .the eettilveitlon question,
Gen. Fremont stated; that he knew South-
ern 000dition and -Southern people , freco ,
personal experience. With the paragraph .
of the Cleveland platforin nobiidy coukt
effect a reconstruction of the Snetb. That
paragraph says notbine -.l* 'confiscating the
land• of the' rebel leaders, but ;speaks of
ipbet lands generally', and must be view-sii
is is measure Of "revenge." .
. ,
thence its effect will be to incite all the •
rebels to the utmost' resistance and' make
them irreeoncilable.. ' Moreover, qpneral
Fremont said he should be forced iiiinter
!sin 'a very onfaverable view et the political ,
insight .of a parry, which . should 'attempt
,• .
t. 4) reconstruct Suttee out of a handless and
otorteyless population. 'Hence he had con-,
sidered it necessary to sorters ,the impres
sien,preduoesi by this, paragraph, and to
out its possible effect.. If nongsca•
tip} roe to be.,liotito4 to, the .principal
Joluktre 4"? ihOolii NM* to it. •,
Its respect to : tite poitition of titel:hruo*
01144PIKtItgel..FAIMPIL::3 1 4.A.S.
timonl of Lincoln's administration, which
um platted no in a shameful position to•
wards Europe,endangered the Republic by;
arbitrariness and corruption, and stiOwi
its total Incapability to bring back the
South 'into the Union. even at the greatest
,expense of lives ij,nd money, is of inrai
mount necessity. upon which everything
depends. 'Fremont thinks that the `proq
longstion of Line,ln's rule will produce
the separation of the &Pith, which will bit
followed by a soptirstlon of the Ent and
West, resulting finally in the detraction=
of the Republic. !fence, in view of the,
inunenselmportesee which is to be att
tidied to Llnbeln's remcrial from Wash
ington, and in view of extraordinary
power he has, by virtue:of his position. 10
becomes necessary to cointilne againit bini
all elements of opposition', which mil be
aPPlleitbit , to the Salvation of the Republ
lie, and of these elements the Democratic
pirty furnishes the largest contingents.
In efFte!ing thit combintvion, we Mast
never think of dOnying our princlples
uiving'up our pl Worm. Let us show the
Dtutocmts the importance and neCessit4
of a union at"the.time of danger; and lei
us declare npenlY i a7d flrp3l,y our prince
pies and objects, end extend our hand 4 to
theta, if they share our vegtimente. We
will remain true to our_prmciples in'every
dsnuer. "If I could become President,'
said Gen. Fremont, with an emphatiis con•
trasting powerfully with his otherwise so
verpolm demeanor.."by giving up an tote
of my prin,ciples, especially in regard tt
slavery, I should not do it—never, never.,'
It was also suggested that if the Dem -
crats should join the E idlest Democracy,
they might soon get control of the put3v
and change its Principles. To this; F
mom, remarked : "If we are victorious we(
have also the better portion of the Repub- ,
lican 'party on our Bide, and a union cif
all the liberal element of the country will
then make freedom the ruling policy Of
our nation."
-Losses tm Gassy's ARIIT.—Some idea Of
the losses in General Grant's campaig
may be gathered, from the fact that inanY
regiments have been• nearly annihilated.
The local papers all over the country tell
the mania story concerning organiz Welt
that have gone from their respective lO
calities; They each think that their regi•
amnia hive suffered the most of any in
the army. when' the facts are that nearly
all hive been "out up" alike. - , I.
The Auburn Advertiser teems through
private sources - lb tt the • 111th has betin
consolidated with the 125th, 126th and
57th Nets York regiments. Less than - two
years ago these regiments went ont:frotri
among us from eight hundred to a then
sand strong. At least two of them were
among the prisioners taken by Stonewall
Jitoksontat IlirPer's !retry, and weee but
littlenzpcned on the field 'until the battle
of Gettisburg. D)ubtleas all cf Omni hate
reeei;rtti morose less recruits in the stsa•
time: tat now we see that four fob e
New I'4k regiments, after less than t o
t :
year's' Berries: have melted into eobe'.— t.
burry ete6l. and Argus. ': I
On or Liscote's PLevosi.—.o3 theElup
day before the hy ibe extra session bf.
C3ngress of 1361 lamed, President
Lincoln wild to, Mr. Msllory, a Represekt
tative of Kentucky, in presence of • Sena.:
tor Crittenden and others :
"Mr. Mallory; this war, so far as I hale
anything to do With It, la carried en On
the idea that there it $ . 1:701611 sentimeUt
in these Stites, which, set free from" the
control now held over it by the presence
of .the Confederate or rebel power; will be
stiflluilent *to replace those Stares in the
'alike:. *lf tarn mistaken in this, if there
- Is no such-sentiment there, if the people
of thCse States sre determined with Una
nimity, or-with a feeling.approachiug his*•
nimity, that their States shall not be
asecebers at thja Confederacy: it is beyond
the power of•the people of the other
States to force them to' remain iin the
Union ; and," •said he, "in that eon a.
genet'—in the contingency that there is
not that sentiment there—this war! is bet
only an error, leis a crime." •is :
Marrs or SixEcii ixtt roc Pacsi:tlion.'
John C)chrane, Attorney General . of Ithe'
State of New 'York, in the esse Off:the, ar.
rent Of Gen,Di c i for suppressing theijotir l sal
of,Commeres and World newf4papers,ma4 se
eloquent defenee of the rights of the pieis
in which he said
"'this grand principle., transferred horn
the living lines of the Dml;tratiott. or In.
dependence, was engrafted on the ahleine.
pages of • the Constitution Iret man *shoal
be deprived of life, liberty or nrnptrty.
without dutvprocess of law, Wit if 1041 We
havefifained. ;while
oappresoing. aw 1-044 m
qf the Sail, we toeeitii 14&xtiet al the Torikt"
44 Mi.. Cua4ane was elicied by, p,epull•
linari votes, re, hope that his TieWs are a
r;fl4tion of many
_others, whOilits.
have heretofore given the Atimii*tc4tian
an unquestioning aupport in- all' ;ita, de.
• minds and conduct,. • . ;i • i ,
i . Clar foties last, Oatober
_Were estf M . ated
i at Wasbiegton to - number at least 00,000
_ a , . m
welt. F enator ...Liao:llene the *tete W
have• raised ,and put,into the aron'y iIOO.-
Qoo;troops sinewt, het time. Whathils be
, mime of these men? Th. ,
ington euthorities report our losses light.
If that be .the case, we' have .-it 'least
1 . .110,000 of men in arms:, _Let tia glance
t• .Itabniar statement of the calls to which
f_thel people hive responded : ' , I 1.
April 10 1801...: - .......... • , .9.8 1 0 . 1
~ I .
VO7 4. ism : 1 , (14 748
.r. ?too Junto DEKIPICO.T. 1 1 51
„tai. I. 11 1 182 ..,,,,,_ . ,
Agrastil; 188/..4 - • .-f: 010
---....1 2.
• Dr.sfe. pm** , at 1083.--...... ...... .....4:
F•braarf 1,1844. ..,
, , .o'o
Order•pow -tomb faut..;:' . ~..'..,. 7 • ~• 6leWl
1 ' %hi' . - '' .” ' IiaTTS . ;
This table does not include theee!- who
hirer enteredi,the naty. 1 'l.'o: ' '.
1 . .
• AT13113 ibOiWOR
pers, and esppcially.the Neff Iforkaiesse:
I -
ire .urging poor pawl. not Ist buy, omit it
present prioes.'and , to abstain frolic eating
it. , If 'thingi keep on as they basis been! .
going, that will soon he superfluous advice.
and our laboring popglatiott dd with
necessaries, hot from choice but from ne
All for the Miner.
We ars tweed ea oar erothla4 o er cleat tad oar bread,
Oa oar ow 4 , 4 se I 44'w% oar tobles sod b 'di,
Oa o IS tea aid oar oetNeoreer tai and Ilitefe.
♦ad yen taiad aci arrarely we teal alarp eV sight&
cum 4441 Ira aft tie the slue, past God OM
, lc be
kaila of tblrsra and tha laud of the Erse
foam s'aagatl as 01:17 mxtsssau, ight:lra, setts and
Oa ear aril. sal Gar Gestneti, sad Si Su lilt will: g
And Or Stu.aptaglet Matter la aloartlas data wart
Oar Al aoslth of tae aslha tarsal logo tat gram
Csoacts...azl Ws all he lka alas:, as
wears taxed sa ea• ollsmerar *WWI sad oar ahirpa t
Oa oar stites, - no oar ditties, oar brooms mai oar mops,
Oa tint biters ant citric an t it we shna'd die
we are titled on the a Alta la •hl h we taut ate.
C=urs It's Cl to: the e'er rAtt.
Ta'J ere tsitl4l n-3 *II tondo br ttod Prort&brol Oft.
VI,;1 are teed r.r the Pib'e that p • Into as to Reacts,
As a wpm wl, missal In Ptah -al? VA
Thy wottrtri V they m old. eclat a et itop 00 012
Ca OS %ad We h* , to the 10gter,
Hat Ibis Is Ist:4o,nel A. Miley :lore,
nate tb. rau•.p 1:tor etairie for to Dal id op Ms thrwa,
If you halal three hoodmi yclic bed, or at t*U.
And if ttlied to oniftoooth It. all reel well.
esoars....ttui it's el for theniner, &c.
The C. S. Senate Ili the Rebeh were Coming.
The following picture_ of the closing
scenes of the*.nate, from the Rocheuer
S. Y. Dentoc ,, Wan abolition sheet, reminds
one a little of what some of the darner.
ate Roman Senators were doing. when the
!Tuns and Goths were once marching into
"Hale niter' up a long bill, and there
was a hill, while the measured monotone
of the Clerk swung through its formal
phrases. There was hope that the Senate
would recover itself, but when the bill was
passel 4ad Hale endeavored to proceed
with another meariure, Chandler sprang to
her feet and yelled and screamed 'Mr.
President 1' It was the fierce voice of an
ezeited,l half drunken, quarrelsome man,
and might have been beard at the_Spealt.
er's d sk in the other end of the Capitol
. Order!' 'order l' cried several Senators.
Order I"order !' said the-Vice President
pro tem., Senator Clark, as he broualat the
little ivory grivel down upon his desk,
ringtngly. But the fell - spirit would not
doivn at such bidding; and Chandler re
totted That he was not out of order, but
mat, the Chair was. 'The' Senator will
taket'i, seat,' - answered -the Chair: Chan
ter coarsely retorted, 'You've no right to
order me to myseat,and I won't take it 1'
and, turning to Hale, who sat next to him
and urging hint to sit down, he added—
!No, I'll be damned - if I do! He's snub
bed me enough, and I won't, stand it any
longer l' lake your seat, sir l' firmly . and
iforcibly said the Chair..
"Eye met eye just then, there was a net.-
Lvotis motion of chairs in all Parts of the
L ' chamber, and Chandler sank into bis seat.
I deny the right-rof the Chair to call the
Senator. from Michigsu to 'Order.' cried
.WilkinsoWilkinsonsclrcely less drunk than Chan.
dler. 'The Clerk will read the rule,' said
the Chair,'and it was read; the Cuair ad.
ded, 'The Senator from Michigan was out
of order, and will not be permitted to pro.
deed except by consent of the Senate.'—
Vain and meddlesome Conners, of Cali
fornia; rose to thtow the light of his intel
lect upon . the question, but a murmur of
disapprobation on all sides bushed him
-very quickly. Then, on motion of Mr.
Foote,the Senator wail allowed,hy a direct
vote of the Senate, to proceed is order.
It wss : the most pointed censure 112 years
Q'iietly Mr. Chandler proCeeded, bOt was
decisiiely beaten in his effort to call up a
bill, and Hale's bill was taken up and pas
. ' - Something past 1 o'clock, word came
from the House that it had passed the in•
ti c
come tax bill. Wilson could contain him
self o longer , but rose and made a fierce
attao upon Trumbull, who had led the
majority, for his course in trying to force
the Senate to vote upon the question of
stUountinent. It was a pungent, eejny.
Stile, but ill-timed and undeserved criti
ciim. Trumbull sat in hiichair like en
embodiment 'of viadictive force, and
iiintng to his feet as Wilson sat down.
:vithl., '3l:-. President,' that would not be
refused. %Ls rebuke met Ile, one'of a
faction of ten or twelve who have kept
the majority from work for more than two
hours , -.-he rebuke me I' The contemptu
ous wrath behind these words was biting
as a polar wind in dull October.
It was half past one. Wilkinson bad
retired to the cloak room in unsatisfacto
ry condition and was supposed to be asleep.
Chandler was bolt upright in his sett.—s
Three, or bur members urged action at
once upon the tax bill. Tranibull signifi
mindy said.the maj why lad been pressing
action for nearly three hours on the 'roes
tionlof adjOurnment; and he could not ni
low the tax bill to be considered till that
matter was disposed of. That sneering
word of hii-iraittfonr—did 'not suit tier-
taln,senators,enti Wilson, narlan, Dinr •
rill,Cbtiness and Doolittle,explained them
'selvei r -iiiibeir own. satisfac t ion. Every
1361 Y was - noisily clamorous' for vigoroiss
and the Senate was doing nothing
'ssitteastonishing success. The' galleries
lookeddown in disgust. Afar of was s
country lookfrig . - up to Washington for*
tdenship. Balovr Richmond and in
G.,cirgiti were two great armies in the
death struggle' w'th Sitar* and slavery.—
Everywhere were desolate hearts and 'm
oult chairs, and mourning hearts. Yet in
the Senate•chsmber went on a wild reslel
of wrangling and personality.. 'Senators
talked or heroism and patriotism, but in
their action was the bitterest Bre of mock.
ery and'the keenest blade of insult."
Is it a' !Wonder that a country sailers
When such' men govern ?
Is one of the brigade, of Sherman's
ar 63i was nisiohing through Athens, Ala
bama, a few weeks-ago, among the specta
tors on the sidewalk wits a bright-eyed
girl of five summers. When she beheld
the ensign of the republic at the bead-ot
bet tiny
hands, "0. pa, pa l God 'made that
EN the stem t" •
irims OF ALL' i:101i211.
The parayotte (Indians) , Jesonob in
eulogy npon a bravo; says that he "re
nevus from the genies of hie country in
the Said war worn and battie•aared."
The \Meeting . Iftsgistst repeats the itstro
went that the amount 'of ftagef captured
by the ',invaders at Sisrfineburc "were
worth &ter three millions of dollerW
The following , towsts was drank. lying,
by b party wbo bid asoemblecl incond•
neatly to celebrate the 4th :
" Liwcoln and Bader—Beauty and the
We are in the millit of total darkness.
Communicatinna with Wmbing,toa are
completely *item! —.lerraat.
Beano pity the deluded Isaitios who
look ue,Witahlogion for light.
The SiEon Awned, ia a fit of herein,
wants tb know how far an invadins army
of Conlederatea could march into X asa•
ehusette. • That would depend upon the
time allowed the °Moist, of the State to
visit Kentucky and recruit.
- Remitters— Setteearge—not
brother, printers...-Ektston cu.
We told 'eel so, but they wouldn't be.
lieve Pretty name. Btt its tra• pro.
onociatlim isit eerimr.getbsest syllables,
accent on the second, and the /herd. It
is the Indian, name of a Welt! -known
mountain in New liazpshirs..—llativrd
Cal. W. B. Thorns, who is raising s
regiment in Philadelphia, msde in appeal
to the ttoton League of that city, in these
" D iit't ask others to go but come your.
selves?! - - •
And:those layat iis,pies, the Armand
Nod Anteriese;sefused-to pubiiib his ad.
dtess for fear of horde's the totality sepal•
bitities t of the Leaguers.
Respeiiting the State debt of Cmttecti
eut the Hertford Gwent eare,: "From &
debate in the State Satiate. on the Tth
inst., We learn that the debt ,of Connecti
cut is $8,400,000 The Finance Committee
estimate that $2,730.030 must be raised
the ensuing year. Up to 1801 our expen
ses *Mounted to . only about a hundred
thousand dollars a year. Bit the artnuel
interest on our State debt now is four
hundred and ninety-two thousand dol
The, New York EeraU says : "A move•
meat is on root among the business men
of New York to simplify their transao•
ti6ns ;by trading on the standard of gold
and silver—that is,lo buy and sell their
goods' exclusively for coin ; to • receive
nothing as money but what comes from
the mint in return for their wares, and to
meet all their ordinary obligations, even
to the paying of their clerks, wortrarect
and servants with the same description of
Olio exohauge publishes the follow•
ins: ,
nWo are reliably informal,-that Hon.
Thne.?C wish', since his return boas., bas
indulged k bitter denunciations of the
Linciotti administration. We are not cur.
.prised at it. bat some of his loyal neigh
bors are terribly shocked."
Mr; C3rwin is, not the only clan who
supported the administration three years
ago, bat who haii since become thorough•
1y disgusted with its mismanagement tusi
A tOTALIAT Mat TO D1A101141...-1. ape.
oial dispatch to the Cineinnati Enquires
says: !The matter of excitement ibis after
noon only secondary to the resignation of .
Secretary Chase. ifsa the discullion nn the
double pay received by_Orten_Clay
s of Congress from Zentucky. in
the di'strict opposite our city. lir, Saliih
has been receiving pay as a Iff , jor General
for the same period during wiaiola he was
paid ale member of Congress. Toil af•
ternoen the House ordered !him to fork
over !he excess of his fees, amounting to
over $1.700.
"The Slane Dictionary" is the newest
thing:la the book line promised in Llna
don. .! It is to contain all the "vulgar
worth, street phessae," and •'fast" exp:es
sions of high and low society. It wi 11.114 d,
it is !laid, sevaral thoassud -Vrbrds and,
chrism which are not—and ought not to
tie... Contained in the dictiorsrlea. It the
editor will visit Americm. and bold a brief
consultation with any rsdical Aho itionist,
he will reap & reward. Let him only warns
Dpuilerat, and then listen, with pencil
in hand, and he wilt herr mere slang and
vulg•jity in ten rolnutes than he will hear
in a Year in a London flab market."
The chief qualification of 'loyal" man
just Cow is a o%pin/sinus swallow. If be can
only believe that 14,..e is retreating. his ar.
at); 4saioralised by hunger and panic
struck by Grant's it/rting movements ;
that the rebel Piesident and his cabinet
have; left Richmond in terror, and that
Butler bas whipped the "great gyrfalonn,"
Beituregatd, be is all right.. ,If he cannot
take,this all in at a gulp, he, is a Copper.
headiat leak, and a traitor atheart. The
only tcompensatory...rdAtion - has is
that,. at all events, he isn't a foole.-Roston
- Courier. -7; -
The Washington correspondents °rooms
of tbe Republican papers state:that since
the'Biaira have got Chaoe out of the cabi
net they have now turned their.hetteries
upon titantOOP and 'there. iii . a likelihood
that' that say perenstitoty mil siatter
%mined personage easy oleo be , compelled
to wislii-thaspiselr..: listtiew-of west is
every day occurring, and in order to bring
about unity/ire the.bappy foosityi,lt would
'hot ben hidlaei for she President - 4o get
eittil t st Id! present csbinst; - #Aia , i,#,4ll in
'4liiiiiiileie the Blair family, 'Thei have
cleark, became a Power behind one
grimier than the throne itself. •:
.. . •
Tns Lase Funs Joie.—'Chet . joke
at the expense of the French Sclet for
the ,Protection of Animals is to the fol
lowing effect: A countryman, armedith
an immense obit). presents himself Afare
the, pre 'Sot of the society, and cl a i ms
thefirst prise. Be is asked to derribe
the act of humanity on which ha founds
' his plaim. ; 1 saved the life of a wolf,"
replies that:miter:nen. 'I might euily
have killed tharwhkshis bludgeii, ;" en d
be :swims the weapon in . the e4t. to 'the
grog giiicedifor , AtcAber*dp . s. :"Bat
whir* was Skis Wcilfr inquires the litter.
'440 %WI ha done :to yojai i .!. !iit I tild
104.01M0011i P l 7 - tir,ti , i!.. !.40 rePtX.: Tao
president ref:bats a little. and thlu.Alys :
..14 friend. t am of opinion that yon have
A been stiffl.iiently rewarded."