Tilt: ERIE WEEKLY 0118ERVER. „omit r . rae " On:marts Brutruiccetelt.TierSgirert, Orro,rva 7113 Pone OlrriCr. ,pvguTl3b:SiEST3 —One Square of Ten Linea one in. ,avant 75 Cents ; two insertions $1,00; three tear. ti0 ,,,,gt,115; on* matt& $1,50 ; two months $2050:. thr , m lntb. WO; 11111enauthe $5.00; one year $$ 00; s de..rto.etnente to proportion. These rates L ;i be iretrOy adhered to, noires eh:lngot by special It the opttou of the publishers. Audi. t ,., Sotwee, fetrays, Divorces and like alvertlse. Aarninistratny's Notices =sbo; !Axe , :onc , o rive cont.& hoe;lietensge Notices 111111WTT ,,„ eats I, piece; Ohltuary Notice. (over threw linen to e ttoni i ire cent' pet lioe. Original poetry, no ;,,L. en:tea at the requeft of the editor, one dollar per hie All adiertlee uehte will be continued at ::AP Porn e of the person advertising, until orderid • Gut by hie direction, Unless • epeeided pltrind is & reed apOn for Its insertion. Two DotLaan per apunao2 In 11,3, 1111 M. Mpg PRNTINit.—Ws have ono of the best Jobbing (18:et In tbe State, cod or. ready to do any wort in that Loy that may b.. esatraat...l to us, in equal style to asy ettabilibateut oatsids atlas largest cities.' • wairstAN k BRECIIT, Pubßahasa. A FACT GENERALLY KNOWN, TUAT the variety of new style Be d :. steads, of Gothic, Cottage, Congress, Roland Cor. Sofs, Jenny Lind and other patterns, wrath elenttne alma front, handsome', ronoortol flairsaa, zi•encon., and Breakfast, Centre - and othar fables, • to, Quaker Stands, Carpet and Damask ra Loin , t N e.!e, Hair and 1 4 0.1 ilatteassee, Feather sostero with other nonschold farnitarey C. all from well seasoned lumber and hoolt.hy • be eapertented workmen and not bey apprs atlas • For style, quality and low prices I will defy gym ,so.crte dealers to undersell me. leathern boughtand Vane te at, Parlor, - RedrICIM, Setting, Anne in.: other Chairs, of Easterti and Western mann facu:o, s. ~ •kort dolled and glued, mating then aa dmnr a. ,no other part of the chair, whore others made ,IJ are onle nailed. and by no raoa.,:a durable. Wood • hocking, Sewing and Nurse, are chairs of hard era,l monde clinched through the wit And clued, war n:lto: to stand Handsomely painted, and can't be bea ten strenzth, pore and hniah. Spring Bets. I haw ,„ 1 , 1 „,.,,w. and hare the liNheat tealdintiniala trial & h.: of pricee of all goods sent on applhatlan. rr.clang ,ci shrproug tree. • Altfl tire years axpeneOCe and roatendtwg with 11D• ptin;lpeled two pot& dealers, I am dotarmtwal to mill roe pre,' to all. give worth for your pay, and do 'Justice io all who Vide with me,' Lumber, Lath. S es,tLive Stock, Crndeand Reda*, oil, Store Pay, Produce Ald., taken at fair market trained to pay., Remember the place, next corner of Bth 'treed, n. tote,' Pa.,G. W. ELLSEY ser22-tf. lanufacCr and Commies Salesman. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERY STORE. P. A. BEOKEB, - 110L11%3ALE AND RETAIL GROCER, :Vont-Edit Corivr of t/trPerk ¢ Froicit Streit, (0111/4 . 3.14.1 • ouhaeepeetfuliy call ttii. ettration of the community . to Ills largr stock of GROCERIES . AND PROVISIONS, Which be is desurzu to soil a: the %TEL y LOW.L. , 4T PO.-osiumi PLUGS*: uanrtr s otat of 1.. 7 C; A R.S, CO F FEES, _TEAS, • '• SY RUPS, TOBACCOS, FlSff, &C., tnt cariwisai in Ch. city, a, h• ',prepared to ;lice, to L: who etre tocia call. As 116 keeps constantly' on hand a Spenor lot of - PURE - LIQUORS ° the .hr :taie trade, to illicit he ditects t 6•. attention onto' ••Q•irck Arun Profit& and a fall - 4,l',eCt 1 . .1' the MotIOT: • aierlll3ll. GROCERIES! GROCERIES; 01.F.S.kLE AND RETAIL. P. SCHAii.F, • ly ;121 , tm the public that hit has opened St r. in 2 Hughes' Block, ,Erie, rare ba a ,Il aln-a . a 1... r, on band a large supply Gr ( . GROCERIES, _ A . Lieks t , 4, putorga, y )CKERY AN I) WOUDES - WARE, . : A se-ts for Planar klrayeefs A lt::t d ill evin A g li ft:eh a ire: WINE , e, I.llQl'olte, C1t:.11144 , —the best io nee-State Stsest,bstssest Illb and 9th Sta. ' Kn., I. Clothes made to older In the amen style. rorythzo,-; nanaily 1", nl.. in an *stab:jabs:4 , ot of m a r 63-1, Id. Torras so re6,l3l:lllsie er any r4h#r P:0111 to tb#D. OSBORN PC, A lanln•Mtf ' LI OTIS 11.121 Lola STAILIII,, on Eighth Street, between State and Freseh.. Flap Hama sad Car r.afes to let on traeottihle tenni. • tor2r6•ll-Iy. IL S.l :VT X 4TI::NAI. Fl kth.li. ~ 111 - l' ,l -!TORY t'IT THE U. -, —11:v Bank beeby •Oh^e• thtt , t S crept...el to ret.ire tahaer:ptlats ea ot: ' Clotted St.**, Roo.te, tut , a - tte • by the sit of ;t: t 1h4.4. bearing ,!•!- Ma- -:: I, Ihh4 rvirrmabla at ...ware of the CO , ee'r.=.eat %free 10 ye re. and j4ay. <4: tear. ... , -u .1.14,