The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 09, 1864, Image 4
: 4 • 0 11 mi. . 14) ' 01 "' es g • -•L ' .. -. , • lea i ' '"::•-• ---4.; i z- - - - „--':- lib .. „': * f -•::',11..E' „ < ; fi b i i. ): a ' lk oil - W V IXI . ... )9 2 :I= ' . C I ) ri I . -.I .. , til co . a WO • .!: 4 = . . ..„., P * ' rI. AP 1, , !.....3 5. 0 t , .e 5 1.3 til e . co , el ~__lt _ • . i NIN Foe Rats. Dlleo, Roaches, Amu, Bed Sage 111•0* la Wats, Wasimia, ace., llaseeta as !, Pleats, Fowls, Aahaals;"&e. Put no in 260.60 e. tad $l,OO Boxes, Bottles and Fluke ' $3 and $5 Idles for horns, Pestle lasetrurtons, &e. "Only infallible remedies known." - oinarfreavkaiages." • , • "Met &norms tolhwidnutln'irmully." "Rata come out of their holes to die." Cir Sold Wholesale to all laris cir Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. rt t t fiatrans I I t of all worthless imitattons. t f r See that "Conran's" sass is en each Box, Bottle and Flask, before you bar: IV" Address - IlltNitY It. (IosTAH, Peixotral DEPOT 492 Baoatiwar, N. Y. Sold by ai Wholrrale and Rasa Druggista Id true, Pa. marliF644trel.. • DR. WEBSTER, OF BUFFALO, N. Y., HAS LOCATED IN ERIE, PA., IN Piusenzweirea block, above BerriWs Store—en- Denim oa South aide next thel:ark—mbere he is prepared to trea9steceeettalliq - •••• : - • Inhalation of Oxygenized Air, ALL DISIIMRSO? THE rIUMAN tiViT 711* g.•o is lirearhed directly into the Limp, through them earned into the blo,d, expelliagail impu rities tmm the e) stein, sod healing any and every d male with which it may come Iniiintact. The cause of Coughs, Colds and ConsumPttOns l Which of oxygen in the air.. breathe. By the inhalation of oxjgentred air, the blood becomes oxygenised and purified, and disease disappear. like dart Wort*. nip. A few administration' of the oxygen will cure any of the/-hewing &seises : Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Ftheuxus- Mess, PalpitatAme, Paralysis, tilepsy, Eruption*. Con scunp tio , Asthma,BronehitLe, Scrofula, Liver tiomplaint, Nervousness. from vehstever e,ause, Didicult Cancers, Salt Rheum, lieyaipelaa, Mercurial Dismiss, Kidney Camplamts, Syphilis, Female Weaknesses of all kinds. sboeln ; (*TA,' diallasell rebtridag It purification of lite bleed. - - • We trust we have said enough to &mem:silo phito. lightest mind of the edlesay oft ie `oiyaernlted air ai a remedial agent, and to induce the aillioted to place them selves at once under this treatment. , WNSIJLTATMitfi Mercury VISIBLY drawn from the system. Vol an leer testimonials from prominent animas of New tatgrooklyt who Wee_ been eared by this treat ment, can be morn at his rooms. - clrildseirdarraji: to. 1 ; p. n. - Ratacrizim=cups lit:odic. ABOVE MERRILL'S DRY GOODS STORE. ilea tiny the nes 41 Dr Yiltsturglit's Poynter -Treadey al 284 pare. cds limasebafielltim sad th e Der nudobietkon. - - - NEW FIRM. SMITH & GILLMORE, (gaooessor to E. H. Smith,) WHOLESALE AND RETAII, D1U121141 111 BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, 11E1 LIES' M=Sb4VG STATIC MTUKET, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH STREETS. ERIE E. IL SMITH. A. P. GILLMORE. apr9'6ll-6m. Farm for Sale. PE undersisoo4: offers co l Bale, until , the lath of February nest, We Tuts la Sammlt tp., containing one hundred and forty mere, not .or law, one hundred acres baprovea His Wilms Swwil tln twr, weed bra baileisgsb erabarsi sodas well watered, it iitleamil mike blew Sri, ea the Waterbed plaza' road. U not mold by Use above date it will be rooted for one or atom 'earl • JAY RS JOHNSON. j =Mitt VO It All'S T. A Valuable and Dedrebla Stand km a GROCERY OR GENERAL COUNTRY STORE, At Irvine, Warren Comity, Pa. The la!ldles , hi of Slane. With is anifoirr *ear. Time Is also!' DWEILLNG ROUSK attached, ',kWh will be mated arith the &ore 4extred.. Ter iimstleaiust, addreie ' K. M. BIDDLII;Aseett. teb4fV. Irvine , Warren Co-, Pb. BRADY PAY STORE! •-j & J.- ; , • ; Would respeettally Inform the Public that they have parthaasd tba sroar or orocziuss or JAMES I. ANS. COMM 01 in LIIZIATATI ITS, Inert they latead te'keep as rod as sreetsmst of TAXILT „ . • GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, MOOD 1 WILLOW W4ItS, AND.TAKILIT GOODS ag "slab id& Sept bomb of lido :Fruity hour 'Copt 4osiatidaM WARluirrin 1 Gobi; %A MU! Eir thibt itszket Price paid for 41 kid. of cmtry • ••••••• a rr . , ""i dilePiti.t...4,:euft. to saY Tart a tho ".I.ltunno. - mom* ". mio. #864 1 , , • NEIV:-GOODSI illoFremliPnK get ti des ME .y 1 64,1 j .19 ;lOW RIMILIVING • MILL MISORIIIMNT Or DIMULAILZ pip liit•SON•BilL • Seats- - 611111111111. 90DS! . WIIICIR 11111.1;111 SOLD WHOLESALE OR BkTA - iL, • 0111.0-ALTa • . 06 , 4 ., W Piot to QII Refiners. x Tary to tiettto mows OIL 111VOIr hr - 07 -v ss., Pil s ZalarAw t rZi art Witidtitance." the ex -1 1 -7"1"11,74114531143"5' • - • E 0 00c M cannon BURDS 'J LA 1 A • p =I - t• - •t_ I OT ALC 4 .~-~v~.:,.:.~.~ Doctor HOofleftifs' GERMAN BITERS, DR. C. M. JACKSON; PHILAD'A, PA LIVER CONBLAINT, DYSPEPSIA Jitiotthee, Chronic or .Nervous DeNay, Diseases of the Kednep. and all Diusea.miiivfram . eneh ° - a Constipa. ailonnerard Pil• - Pollneesor Blood to ti the 1 iteaty of the Stoin h,Nanaree lieartbarn,Dlognst for FIIIIIISat or Weight in the St, Soar Eructations, dinkilig or Fluttering • be pit of the StoroiO4 ming of the 11 Alorsidiel and Miceli Brealblog. Fluttering at the litiort,ttioking or evaltnatingeen- Wiwi' when In e lying posters, Dimness cif Vision, Dots or WO, toilers the Sista, Fever end Dull Pela lathe Dead, Delitieney of Perspiration. ifellevuese of ' - the Skis and glee, Pali in the Sidi. Deck, Chest, Limbo, fte., Saddest Mabee of Hut. tiaraing la the Flash, 9os stintlinaglitittloo-of Ertl, aid greet Dspree• I sloe at spirits. • , E AND WILL POSITIIIIILY respin YELLOW FMK Bugous ALOPROL OB BAD WBIEMBY I 1 They r.u, elm Om above dimmer la aiaeti-abie COOS Gat of a bundled. I . SOMETHING TO STRENGTHEN IOU? 1 TO BUILD UP YOUR CONSTITUTION ? TO GET RED OF NERVOUSNMi A•BRISK AND VIGvROUS FEELING I. fop DO, MI . HOOFLAND'S GERMAN 4 BITTERS. Wee j Nest, Br!gaii,p.. D, yi4r!l_the Extyclir Although not disposed to favor or recommend Taunt bledleines to general, through &street of their ingredi ents and enacts; I yet know of no mildew! reopen why a man *that testifj to the **At ;le beibmse Marl( to have received from -ally 11/02011 prsperabloa, In the hope that be may thus contribute to the loilloWt of others. I do this the mote *CRT In regard to Hoolland's Ger man Sitters, prepared ! y Dr. C. M. Jackson, ef this city, Meatus f was prejsidleed against them (dr many years, anger the inepresseon that they were Chiefly an alcohol's minor*, I am indebted to nay friendltobertahommlopr e Req., for the removal of this prejud* by proper testa, and for encouragement to try them, when sullesingtrete greet and long continued debility. The use of three bot tles of these hitters, at the inung of the prmentyear e wu followed by orMesit neDir sad - notarallost to a de. „pee of bodily and rental tig ht whichi had sit hit for sis months beforw,and had almost &Modred of fellathisie• I therefore thank God and my Mend* directing me to the' use of them. Pirmue.t, Jews 21,1861. J. Nkarl'ON BROWN fliers ere many preparations eold;under the name of Bitters, put up %n quart bottles, coutheiladed of the heaped whiskey or common Mr, °coils' from 30 to WO wets der S F allon, the taste disguised by Anise or Corian- Thio,clue of Bitters hu coned and will toollame to MON, as they can be sold, boadreds to die the !oath of e drunkard, By their rue the mute= le kept /coati:llW 1 aader the ladaeoce of_ alcoholic iltimulaata of Ihe treukkio4 tiot idiot» for 14qtait •Ja +paw sad .• Lap, qad the =Mir the homers atom:teat epos /or thaw who deers auct sal law i • Liquor Bitter* we publish the followlug receipt : Get One Bettie Best Mare Omer' /Mere . wad =ix with lbw eerie ef cioa &sal Inithipould the Meat will he picot cation that wiliftiaecei ba nd tree excellence any of the ousereue X**! IN the martst i sad will ese4 mod let, Yoe will hate all the virtuoso! ilhejlesie • Bitters to eouseetioa4riti a iied article of Liquor, at a amok ire Ws! thaw thin tSbner oreparetiose wit dart you. itCestkot. Seidler* aid /Weskit if UMWoe • We call the attention of all having ;1 relations or Melds la thi aratr's to the fact that 4 1101.4TLAND'S German linkage" willmwentertaiths of the diseases Induced bj sad privationwhieldent to 'comp Me. Lb the I poigialied almoet daily In the riewspapert, on the iZ earle anima tithe elSt, It ell! be noticed ;that a ver7 law la are mailawbag from bility. ltaary ease of that Idat veal* readily cured b dey lioodaraTe- ems= Nitta.. biasami *malting from dMorders of the Use. rpm are speedil removed. We hen no Son .0 stating that, i t um. Satire wore limaly . mod among our soldiers, hundreds of Una might be saved seat otherwise will be lost. I ,_ ' • ,We eau particular attention to the following renetrar able sat well satheaticated care or one of the nation's hero ed es, whose a Warta u e his own Imagoam ....hes been eas Wd Bft,terst. TiThatistrait; iglu , 23 4. IBM • Max" JeartA ldrom—Welt. gentlemen. gear Hoof lead's ditrsoaa mums ba• saved ray ma yam is RP mistakein this. It is vouched for by nimbus of say .ocnnzadas, some of whew names an &spaded, sad who were tally coolie:it of all the einasuraree df my ems. la,ea sod harp be for U. hurt fora ilid. a aneenbee of itheeisan's celebrated battery, sad supair Use tioreedlabe Goa and of Celibate A. B. lyratk Thrimilb tie ex in re attandeotapon m 7 arduous dation, (was a November hit with 'of the huge, s te ad wall glatsereity-two days la the hot tsl. Thls ameba. INFO • ,Seri o7satt &With heWsoed Yen Maack et dys eon. UM a mong from Um White Itt=i, sent lw Ibis otty on boast the Stemple day a o Gas whbak I leaded ou the MY et-isms. 'Bll6was WS I tinsel hare been *boat as low as any oleo maid be and till Mahe s Nark of vitality. Tor a week or more I Ina eserealraide to essrailow sosuaiatt. saw • It I Al lam &morsel dows, it was hanuadmisty thrown up again. I mead sot even keep a glue of water as my stearma, Life wild not hat radar the.. clinses......; sad no. physiateme who -lisd Mai working fatal flti a gh Itarateminially, to reams me hem the grasp of the dread Archer.= i tea se me ` hit Muhl do so too ro for em tat me to a alis Naar, and to make suit dissociation ot say limited lbb st salted me. Sir laqsahateoes of visited see at as= lir ilr; Ifredertak. Steinke's.. of Sixth below i P ith Milled is% as a - helms lui_ ye, to t l 7_7ass 1° ttere,ead .rsay procured a bottle._' Trona the thus I o memneed taking them the gloomy shadow of death ear • Mad. and I eau neer, Steak gee. for Bettie( better. Moser / haeatateultit two bottles, 4 have ten pounds, sod I feel sangrias of be to rwiein ay wile and daughter, trona whom I ham het eatitf . llamas *Mem izZ al foes tr zZaara, s g i ssit 4t y ysi V ia. i lmat sal Sitters I owe the oartainti of We whir bee wren the plies Of note Isere—l s2set aittamteU i eve ,w rtorforup privileges,' again clasping to-my bosom c 0..• who are dearest to me is life. We folly co Very nest.M yours, MAC MALLOWS. ' itts - troth of the I aboresitatement, as we had demand of weirs; our eonarada 11r.".helersa restord to health r Rem Coornanson,lst New York Battery. Grosse .`. ACIMT,So. C.,llth Maize. Ulna Caherataai.96d New . Vat. LZ. Col Ist artilierp, " ratter, C. V a ennui, . e., ad Vermont. Rex ir B. Jhholdd, C 4. 8., do. EIMIT V. MACDOIII.I , , CO. Cy 6th Maine. JIM. V. Watio t Co. ti., ath saliva. 1 11114110 Komi. Co. fl., 781 New York. NATIWIIIIL II: TM/04 Co. CA& Yeardh AlD2llllr J. RIXIIIALI., Co. A., ad vonir„,. J .„„.„.._ La Co. 8.,10 Peen 6th Pee. . 7 . .. .__._. am BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT& ale that tie aivaataill at "C. ham," la ma U. Inurria o f auk bet4g. - • . . • Prise per Settle 73 Us., w Rik Deis ter $4. JOHN C. Bun. . _;. ,• \ &Wald soar smut entirgist iatissivelb• IMO* is pit be plotif 1:1 sfky Of blip, lekdbitlai ilmriamigious - oat tag isallmni is Its plum, Nit poi 10 , s, IM we 0 U f,tromil.! ' . ' PII7NCIPAL Milt al; 4 1.11114ACTIMT, O NO. r 'RC% 8' 4EET. JON* & *MUM. (r.€o64,, , :tivalliti.4cmi Akkotanui,... 'cr. FI)R AALIC by Draubita .. 81 . y!t Demon in mai 1,t;. 1 1 11 ibe F 161 ".V 14 11011 !' '• -t ..; ti , 09/r14.15. Erl A HIGILL' x'lo. A PUKE To PREPARED 131 WILL EFFECTUALLY CITE 4 casordered Liver or Bftevaet, THEY CONTAIN NO DO YOU WAN'r YOU WAN . 1 A GOOD AYPETZITEt DO YOU WA Nl' DO YOU WANT I TO FEEL WELL? DO YOU WANT I DO YOU' WAld EbiERGYI DO YOU WANT' T 4.1 SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT Pedia of Riiisioid PARTICULAR NOTICE. ,- - ,.c:( , its. ,131lERS Bbidaway N i mbi Al Clo,Bratlisorai $4. 7 Llodromur i &wis. x.w York. • Nlts , Tat. • John Saloolork ;ire York. J. P Rik& 00.. Nov York. Goo. A. Prises Ai CO, Bailer (*riot, llookkamo &Co. Nov York: Prices at a Large Discount below Kai . . faelaror's R74,:fes. BERN ocxivg,tiON WIRAWIOYDRBTRUNG Ross WOOD PitNOS FOR SOI. Also, fastraelloi fools tad Shoot Mid. • 4CI persons vishlng • Ord rate Ptaoo Polio on; arolairttot to tali sad Amalie oar ttaittlootts be fore puelkaalai.derebsta . Block. atet• otos; olettj mipadto the Yost .Otte.... • ZEN/11811TM. orbut inmost wirrsat•d kir fro pew* , . , - i , noyfittly. • if LADIES AND GENTLEMEN liEFORE PUit'CIWING MN Maio lorteig ript" •'MELOD E 0, N 1 Ilkenrterre, plane sundae my eenttateat of ^:intro. sea e. Shay are wansatad, fatty to stud say Silents. sad an of a tone aad workanaehie «nal to say offered smitten. 112 jot reflect on the Wit that the ottj.e tion raided la ,y sip my s i=lehtseat by anal° saute tsaahare et Ude eity, nay by soy Wa ist to pay then (Probamon?) ENORMOUS aimmissioN Wilk ti.wtu herterWe beweilt Woe erbo;bity of use to the siooteot of from lb to ZS per omit, for 1 weal nt her al low thomeet to the hum than to do meddler who newel torso woo beef= bhomelf. /as ettralon steeled, and • forward, mid bate moot ed thisge acd I I meld not take the profits nit of my hierr'ef poeinets. ist deemed the Goverment oat of it, or dent moil and. sally into time Rear Maass for theme* of satin', leg the hairy mule lcubers 'through whom whimpering my num will not ire. better, It they are cot igoo4,lsor bad, if they are goo& - t / will pay to any mss,-Roman or child, the amount re ceived 'or • Piano with my same on It, if they are sot pleased with, it, and I wilt pays' Thansinui Defiers to any one who walahow meow eel uhich the Verso Is broke, like so many Mew Tort andhileallale Pintos have dowel*. this cAretnil_enteti.. f4t Ile people toll where my poor mom wipatrthot twitters—especially those with Sewtheeti asatineats ; lst such go where they belong. My Ilsonsere warranted _ to be impelled .with all hito >llegood hoprovinnints, and moat glee satisfaction or nowt. Pianos inalemean belied of ale as well and cheap as any other slam. f Partin ready to parches, anything in the mule line, will please remember that 1 Mn dealing largely to Ilusl • al Kerchand re generally, and am ^efsr isdneements rarely essolled br any. Famf-Stay dealer. Phew warranted by me cab be relied upon. I Laing Itanssfacturer, Tann, Player '111(1 Nocella, u welt as lify warrant Is gr ad, bemuse am good t , r the amount. Ng opinion in many came has been a benefit to those who purchased Flanoa,;and some who dictoot be Ifs e me at Ant foaled the truth after a while by their A Piano Pints made elsewhere is no better for - that reason, bat all KIWI are good which are made righ , , the Road are good and the bed—but j Elate , n Pianos are I foreteller/by me. 111 abet* Ihusafacturere prima. Ilystoek on hand consists Of a very choice selection, and lobules than any ever odieeil for- sirhere. ri- adon promptly. attended ta. leb2o'64ti. - WM. WILLING. Cheapest Futniture Store ,ESTABLISHED 1857! G. W. Ellseb.Erie, Pa. HAIR BEDS, From 38 Cents per pound. ROUND CORNER BEDSTEADS, From $5 00 REA GRASS BEDS, ARM ROCKING CHAIRS, SPRING BEDS, TABLES, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, And *Um P Itar,Lor as the Laurent. Wait Side State Street; Next Palmer's Grocery. feb2l76ltf. 1864. SPRING GOODS I S. R. PARAGNA SLOOK, BRIE, L DOW leCeiiiietMLomat and post Comptes Stork Mr canna In this asst t, comprising FOREIGN DRESS GOODS I SHAWLS. CLOAKS AND SACQUES, WHITE. GOODS, CLOTHS AND CASI3IHEREP., LEADING BRANDS OF DOIESTIOS R. S. iIORRISON. spr9'644f. OWING TO TIM GOVERNMENT - and Stab ms. Lkaosta, the larr paya iosol aororaareat. tax to Goo dollor mob bon* kto, ander osslate. tits tarp Ompit Coital lartootod ta oar Ell the eteletly ismeMled,ltiese_ • el labor hapsoest‘tez: , weed. kis, *Otto todordsood Mooatootosoro Brow on el NA* are oomoolbalt and • froo•by amok to sell only for COB , to roan tiopriso ofear COMMON or BEAD Y 4WM tom Oa to Om *Wars per towel. to *be& = ‘, ,o: l o. llPlMax , ot 131=i at moon mosey. old AR Yoe boo; mad to ass or Iturtiaar art tooralsoitamiloo r lbw pito sill bars to lm: rabid to. atteraoe um T i aadditional tax. Tbla =4IIIUIm to ta aU male auto .0 il itiratio.' - ,,, ,~ .1 - • !, . ' Wltotoo oftiloasats. at . A 11111, A. V. /1114 : al= El ' WC JA.OOIII. • .140011 Bal i VINT ILOILO?, JACOB =NZ& . CHAIMIDZEttaIt, A. LUNG. , , GEO., PRE; • .. - Km 711Maiiiir CON ON. *INA. USW& lirr.,4 gi 0•• ERIE R. R. ow lola after Monday 4 May 16th z i 2 l 8 64, tbta load lf" ra ganiej at Westfield, 3 Nak Zi ao* Mee crook amyl. at Doak. at ISt A. 16 A, 10. Ma. 4.4 Adisecoonetai et .11 stakes aria iirgtoolik Balliihhat 10 101. 11. 1 $$ l',4lo B 4gregazgigrat Bortit Last, West' Creak, &ad Angela, aild • id 06 P. N.' • - 42 1 0 ,.11' stepplag at Weetleld, Drawl end sa=tists 'Miter' it Ought° at 0 W.A... .f no Dag BA** liiitaisbriki Moth* and Halfalo, A VolliciAltApr dig htlillo nein with forme balsa . , - for Irett at 14 Bastes, ke: G BUFFALO. • 06 A. IL,iW i. Agrileystl i t r i, a t ali Stdions rr soot raraliase, Alois, Morehas4 aad Waelsyville,artirie at Mast 2 A-11. 11 10 A. IL. Deg inerm, ,a nd at Aagols, Meer Crook, Dea th % Woatield and liertA Bast, salvias AS &Ana* , - • 7. i.tat rai, Mae AleeliOlorriaa akinitalione and arrives at Brio at I P. 11. 10 P. 114, Ng* /Bagsega 22 , eieggiag at Ands, Mee Crest, Dositirk and WastAsid, arriving at Brio st 2 Ai A. IL all _tie nilastee fester than Brie tins. Mayll, I.IIWIS GRANT. Erie krittibiugh R. B. ' (MAME OF TIME COMMENCING ‘,l lloiday, Kay 11% 1)1414. vaanwisivg (unit). * P. 114 aososusodstims. stops at all Stations and mires at Sharon at VIIIh m. • - • - II 111 .11.1114 Plogilld No. It. Itholi at all maltose Crierisalpstair. Cab" Root. Oat. sad 911= Tarases,stehrps Sharon at 316 P. IL MIMS LIM'S 1311ARov. • t 16 A. X s Assolimillatlais. slaps at all St twat aid suites at 01rard at lb P. T ell A. X 11 olgltt Wo.l, stop at at all Stations except RaloWa Fumes, Wm% ltspyrllta, Omni Road, ROAR 1104 0m.% mints at Alma at IA P. IL =du vans tit asil kaaa Bs& IL N. MOW, Ihjet. . ' 6 MEM MEI PIANOS' TO r;r? in this Beaton if the Country, From $4 00- From $2 50 From $5 00 CANE CHAIRS. 11011.RISON, IN GRLI4 VARICIT, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ♦ Complete i otortmont of the fteiNotice. J. CLOXIMS. V. N. °Amway Cis R% - CORY' & KRIM Firecisaliirtr; ilearosseaugfera Co.aidiLl6llllrgeriestr Wholesale Grocers I and 11.00facturene of Crackers and 'Candy! GROcERIE.i, PORK, S ALT, NAILS, ' ROPE ALE, WINES,' LIQUORS, *a., d 0. SUGARS, COFFEE, MOLASSES, FRUITS, TOBACCO, 18 LARGE. CRACKERS ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY COMMON AND FANCY CANDIESI OIL VITHOL, CAUSTIC SODA & GLUE! At the lucent 1i•4,1. Price* sollt.'6 6311. WW. etzmut. -i. W. sIitTANT.. EAG LE FOUNDRY 1 Peach St, awe' tit. Berate Rawl, rrie, Pei HENRY & BRYANT, igueeraseirs to Achesnit tr ‘l3eury,) .1114XIIPACITURIA# Or PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES; ' TIN t SUUT IRON WARR, AND ALL KIND X Or CANT7NDS. F.:egry Stove "al by us *emoted to give sathistetio". Kitttke Shish-ghee', 8"43 bees, Are on imsad Lr mini. doctored to order. PLOWS COD PLOW PoOrra of superior MOM asd 4111 - 14. WIT alleargoo *amid. A canoed a fair tile dour anti. des is all wp NA. BRYANT. 0vr=133.-tt: • SAMUEL R „LEWIS, BOOTS, SHOES •ilvt • ' 4l • +. - c . - N • - _ **-. DICALISR 1$ AND RIIBBBRS OLOCZ; - PRENCU STREET. FACING iTHE PARE. GRNTErt AND CHILDRINT Fin Goat, Glove Rid, Crab, faitaatfrabi BA L4fORALS & ea!AITERSI , A raTarrr AMAMI:MM. Remember the plat*, 8. R. LEWIS. t teeetT63tf. 1864 JOHN - WELSH, =mos, - - , ERIE, PA., VIIOLIALLI II • BALTIMORE OYSTERS! (111 I THE COUNTRY TRADE SUPPLIED RITE Fresh Can and 84 Oysters, -10:eiveli orrery Day, sad WARRAJT TO Gin smancnou air Orden solleital loi promptlj shooded to novlrttatr. Change in the Drug Badness! Thelon mitsirThated sad well known ; Drug Medletne Store et' S. Carter, Hu peened late the heads of the itederdesed. lumos. who, Maur pere.hased the satire dock will softiies' the butane sa heretofore's the puha plea, The pealuMl prima repatatloo adds hues u s Pmeripois anti *nay liedietme *oat . AM/1M Or ANT OT Ili THE MT I Led the aithsulber hopes, by eushil:atteetios aid pal.; aces at. to swat the muse for the Ware. Mr. J. S., although with trots the ISM retire tabus of the all 4 =l rusels, Math* eters, trios he hopes to area 4141aamlesed ram_ he eouoltad u tuna &MULL CARUS& esparellU. • Erie Ale Brewery, CORNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO • Brie City laser Brewery, CORNER OF POPLAR AND RIDGE Erie Malt & Barley Warehouses. CORNER OF 7TII STREET & CANAL _ BASIN.; Pilo and Amber XX and XXX Altai, The Beet Quillt and Venal Vartettes of Lager, Prow t Tcl he CalM i t4li s tAPAPAlt, , aw' • - , (IL XING. :41010161-';" . CRAWFORD - - 4k, Clilltint . 0•. , TikA;t: in GROCERIES AND PROVISiON - S; , , • Dried and Sealed Praitsj PAINTS k OILS, • Ship Chandlery, Boat store:, bN, 6:4 laßrt P-4ar ROW. Public Dock, Foot of Pim" three'. • 11111111, IPIMPPA. WV. a. eitAkirrolto. Y. P. CHRISTIAN. apereftf. 40,0-00-P;I-E-4JES' -- ' litli H lif r ' - , • .• - - -- - - - AV it - a 0/081 or ip. (*.wok= From t h . most minima to tho Mood Itotishmtortot, - • . 701111 All VERY CHEAP, UT oprIGU. • • J. C. olitl'.DlLlO.. a iiitoilAt . .-- . f:... - ctitcm,Ax i i.. 11-1: - 04 - Qpznxinii . ffilfgaubscritioihas removed his stqck A., itartetoabaltoiloatte stool mows • the ... Yaks note Depot to the mobs to tie: aria Veit Oa divot.; .etiroet of ro ittl:lwhete he will be ham to. ore big atocte oeuntapasatitaidair tlgtdrir rot goods; His • . , orArereisel ito;14410 effipolf ilw selected aid et. to • it tbe low•st rates combat° t w *Apar eeet. Ito layttef oto owl at myth.* •we l to Mai a GAM lIC IX • . . gait • " . 1 ME J. C. 21711921111. r. 1j...C1“11118. r .. ~ ~ FLOUR, FISH; WATER LIME, GLASS, CARBON OIL, Our stock cf TEAS, SYRUPS, spiqES, NIITM, CIGARS, Manorstemma at the C AND 71 entmn.rtial Bulldiuqu, F.rte. Ps. MISSES', , -BOYS', STREETS. STREETS., El • ;,:; 'WORMY Is WEALTH I arRE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS! 1111111111711 t SI 11111 11!0,1) ZADOCi PORTER'S 8IV4? 00'11011143111111D'il ME Maio gADOC Malin ' reheat is prepared with all Ike reowleita cars and OWL , in a combination of the ' renewites the vegetable • adonis. [to terns • • ltnitiest ire hued ou s pCnriye Wrest. the hest tad vigorous eireuis• • • 3,11 et the blood thee the tags. it la not a violent , Atedy, bat etoollieot,— ; • ander, searching end et -stirs; am be taken by the . . • ideet person or yensgeat Wed's ZADOC PORStirli balsas leas been ward by the ppaablicforoverltyrans sal Nee acquired tfa present ale simply by being mom estinded by those who have and it, to their aftlicted Meads and others. f • ..e' e.--11ad'• woo poi:Taws Oman arir,...m iusd a • 'Woe which twge itthe Mob dreary woe to tag it ecavecient for in me. `' The flapelp tow Ole sails beta It wilt, prove to be worth 100 thole its eat. 88/11108. glare k ear Mosey b--Do noe be per autded to maim articles at 411. to sl.which do not coo the r of t I rid bottle*, Madam Porter's Co tothrs.lisissai to easafaettuing which is es groat al thst er it • • other mediates; and the eery low prim at wei.c.. • ' • profi •.1 'makes the tto the seller eppeneatly anallould sopa:l4l*d dialers will sometimes vescwomesti seselies on which their profits are 'larger. eels the esstosaus least epee having Madame !heads sad acme other. :Ask for Madame Pester's Cline- Uwe Balawee, prtas lli shroud bi barge bottle, at 25 Mit, and take no other. If yes casket get It at ow store you sae meethar. ' • • ; • cr told bp all Druggists and Stone keepers at 1$ /tan sad he larger betties at titers. 81.L1. a ituctici.. PreprLeters, N. Y. 3110.5. CIICPLA. agent. Via p5a14634.73 ••THERE LS NO NMI WORD AS FAIL. I .' TARRANT'S COMPOUND LITRAcT OF • MUMS AND COPAIBA4 This preparation le paitnialririp inommeeded aw the 11101 C - 1.. - rßon:smos and the PDBLIC,for the prompt and aortae ern of 1 01111tAi311:11 01 TEM BLADDLt, EIDNICT3, 13RINAR ORGAItIy ETC. It may be rolled ea utile beet mode for fie adrelnie trades of these nwedian bathe large enu. Of diseases of both sass to which they are appllesble. It never inter feres with tie dignalon; and by Its eineestration, the dose is math redseed. N. 11.—Panhasus an advised to ash for Tarranee CompowsidExtrciel of Outabs & Copaiba, and tap Wetting else, N hnititions and worthless prep 'rations, ender dollar samet, are in the market. Price nent by erprewen receipt of price. Moisteners , ' only by " • TARRANT is CM, No. rrs Grommileti Street. Corner of Warroi Street, Ng W TIME, And for eels by Druggists forderally 0eV.4113=1.y. JOS. EICHENLAUB, II 41011fIrACTIJRZR Or BOOTS AND SHOES WHOLESALE & RETAIL ! j TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to palate that i 11 , svi added to my former faeilltiro a ocomparW Mt of , SUIDIN E IIIACHINEILY; , • Whitt' sill amble as to issiirshietwo sad ;ell Boots end Sloes . CILIUM HBRISIOFORZ. • Raving led long esienienee ee to the mints of canto. mem, I elan take special pains le preparing my stock to snit em . tir I bays the incelninse right in this city to oaks the - t BLUILIB..PATBIT BOOTS & SHOES for that bonen of my enstoMers, and only , ark a trial of theta, to satisfy em, one as to their superior comfort ever those made ta the add ;way, The Thaw Boot aseda se breaking la ; It is as easy from Um start ea mu tees for mem dam: 11.1' • COSTOId DEPARTMENT RIU . scale-. toy own and Mt. .1. COTTER'S especial at tention—ernabedng ad • whams which cannot be emellott in Um country. Beata and Shoes repaired on short molten .Constatitly on hand • largeutock of LiArsza. jJST3 AND FINDINOS, Tendering my thanks to ray Mende and el:Jarmo/2 for past patronage, I hypo by jolt tad honorable dealing merit a continuance of the tame, and cordially limits an to call aad eatunlato troy stock helot* gnrchming else where. i mathititt, In Fall Blast. Again .! es GOODesintw, AND BETTER! sinus Lb* Ire oa tbo lo t t ni ttn e wo bare SHAW op and NEW BTORE,qIi WAYNE BLOCK, With* bier /kW butter Stock of BEAVT AND STOLE' naliWißE! 41.0 FOREIGN, A4ID - DOMESTIC, • Thum*, bar oftini4 to the. WE NOW DEFT COMPETITION. The Jobbing Trade, wvi ropesive ESPECIAL AT T ENTI 0 N. M'Conkpyl& Shain,on, wane Block, - Preiloh Street, mos=t 7112 BOTTS! RUINS. ort6lll-11e. EMI c/r,' &A) - , / Ci#((4' HON. WILSON weamusl3. Juke of the Vatted Mitts Circuit Court, Prodamt. Onus Milt lir.rout 8114 PVlTStria, P. • ?HS LARGZST, ,RBAPXBT AND BEST. PS me ter a till Cammendal course.; idErextra eliarralet Wanntaetaren, Steamboat, sad Bask Boot KNOW. . illabobent Seas at bath - Students eater and re. view at say Usae. l'bislmOdloa M soadneted by espertmad ?Mahan sad pmethal Assoantsatr, who prepare PAM MINI for sePre haloes, at Um bad inseam and 'Matelot nottea„ kr the moptiateattg" sadresponsible oltalsiola. • SUMAS granted Ser mat only. Hanoi the Warm' jondlarase dor gaduatee of this College, by laminas mom Mr A. Ocnotas, tie Om* Penman at the Caton, who Was tie brisslsouwea of la Peaffaltai sad age: all sompetiterr, tonahsa Sapid Badman Wetting. Ct las seab Is talormatiou mat yrs& ma asgitlis the TeraltSt SIEITB itiadpals. IMltbsud wham the/lons and Clerked' Batters and. Um graduate. *Hilt PA..A+ TO IXD PROM 611115131 1 0174 I OD. LIVEINNIL! BY BLEVINGI SHIPS Agailitst M 'lllllllllll = Caliiordla and Awstralla • 'Apply to r P. sansAwmondit mum NW VIM, OR TO M. A. QUINN, ruchi airt r it iivgv, neomier TO zutEnst LADLES ! TRULY - A BLESSING T WILL SEND, Yree of etterryi; to any Lads she will awed *Ur saws as 4 addrew shrectioas Low to roma. Ow extreme pats of CHILD MATE ; .I bole to has trosishaar Maar sled isvortthd ChM rvs ; *Woo* other Mood IMPORTANT EIECRCT, the oalirson sod isho noseilos ever discovered. aWo la wilds' the abort oat la to Whom ovary 110 to tatt aj redoe&it. Address MADAMS DIILMAIII. IL D., Y 114411. ' 767 artedway, N.Y. City. HOWARD' ASSOCITA.TION, abilitinumna. DISF4B2B OF E NERVOUS. SEMI pm. sad Ilansz tram ow sod tesstasst— srports Otis HOWARD ASSOCIATION= IWO ITLWAAsslisdiarehisse, hoe of chugs. Address Dr. J. DICILLUI nouGHTOW 11, *ward Assatiltio ,e Do.: 9 out' lib* et, Philadiaplda. 1.101111-Iy. Tolartmvo'rralitTF` EMS 3? BOTH 111111111/1D CrICIIIII Wise boovionlareil ti bona la o Ilnr 447•• oft , *l=t ro visa restlan= WON% So oomosooks4es kb= ate Mum mottoessUio mom aggro. floso el thO toonipt Winged villoiniAll o. mo lo oey a:VT Di. aft Distaili s Adieu limb. •io l ii • CM • "aD? vaisaiZADOCPorrtwia 'cagsthe Siloam is warm. te4 trend asoorillog to Ito disoetiomi, to ears to ihU Claughs, Ootda, Asthma. re e r ig of of ths Moat sod Loop. I , i ' t DR. P. HALL'S CELEBRATED rioNti rtuEs..te gain, public favor and' NJ deemed he all mentions, and after - the thorough im perious of 'fete's rues, its reputation for elAcsey to main Throe* and rang disuses is lily esitalasiL— Wherever this monde, is moat knows its merits harem. tillisheff SS • mallet - pep iltietyaaddefuod. — ltliss some remedy with many people for mering Palmonary complaints and is kept its their bonsai few ready ose whammer required. Asa ears for Cough it is moody acid pelsalike-miedom rimeirissmare tassooshot lb to cure • Cough of many weeks etasding. Poe curios Croup it is Dot escelhed„ and u a remedy for Asthma its effideoey rennet be doubted, having metered many per sons to ).Alta after naming a keg term of Year with this miserable disease. Per Bronchitis aid Diairomese it is safe and reliable, quickly removing irritatlos from the air umages. In Whooping Cough this Remedille of great ulna—it promptly Isnot* the frequency sad violence of the cough- and shortens the dimminpne half from Its or tedious course. All diseases of the top estate pairagee &lead upon irritation or follsemestioa la the liaise Illefeelemeebrano sod requires the prompt use of 'home' seedicise to of rest their removal. Hairs Cough Remedy Ii Bab, speedy atie effectual in its op/ratios—is adapted to lath semi, to all ages and eenntltatiormis Rimy allietsd with either of the following diseases should au this pleseant ' neeedy and their vetoes will soon mingle with others in reeommeading its merits to *atom set bon and Meads NIL Use Cbughßemedy it mists aids. 111111 L. Use Hall's Cough Remedy i 1 acres Gaup or Rattles. INS. Use Hall's Cbugh Remedy it okra dsth • ma or Phikisic. • 1114. Use Hall's Coughßemedy for ;Cittarrh. M. Use Hall's (bush Remedy it Strengthens the Inevi. In. Use Hall's Cbugh Remedy/orßrochitis• VOL Use Halls Cough Remedy foi' Hoar* nuts. In. Use Hall's augh Remedy it areagthens the Voice. Use Halts Cough Remedy for ,Whooping cough. It will /really modify the tolence alibis diem* amid shot tee its tedious course, one half from its ordinary dura tion. - Beware of ocreits sad base imitatioU—cell ter Dr. P. Helps Celebrated Cough Remedy and use that his writ. ten ligusiture is upon the wrapper mid dtreethess. KT KO TKOTSMUbiYe ifs, tie undersigned eitisens et Erie City sad sicinity. save used Dr. Kasten Celebrated Cough with onetime:en. in curing diseases of the Throe. spa sod tab 10 marimmodiso its use to the "se s and eftectuel remedy, fatly worthy of imbue rand ns. James Thompson, Matthew Hualltos, D. Jobs Welborn, Sr. J. W. R Jolts A. Testy,. Robert J. T. Cue, Jobs W. ICLue, Daniel Bear. " Osaka Barer, John W. Hays, J. Robinson, -C. K. Bale, Jelin &Cochran, W. P. Biaftomott, J. Yosoan John R. Dimon, P. IL ; Barton, ! 1 1. W. Calm, John IL Warren, Manson Sherwood, ' Wm. H. May, Joke S. Brown W. H. Cooper,if. Turban, ,11„ S. L. Forster, - Joseph Deaner, A. Butnett„ S. W. Hall, Sem. Grant, , tiatobtry, Orvice smith, Lucius A. dull. M. Barer, C. Doman, Thomas ICUs, J. L. Long, 11. 0. Soot, W. IL Gallagher, J. Robinson, td, Wilson Ring, , Clts. W. Kelso, Silas G. Finch, Daniel Minor, D; P. Enid" C.O. Howell, C S. Wright SOLD 1$ F.RIE ONLY, BY Ex. HALT.. Maufaeturer and Sole Proprietor, Rail's Mew State St. PRICK 25 TO 7; CENTS PIM BOTTLE. AGENTS IN RIUE CU.-lames A. White, Dr. Ely, 01. • rani; Wm. Belknap, Fairview ; T. S. Cowles, Springfield: Wm. S.Proudat, E.dinbero t. Lanace, Vilma; E. IL Sleeper, Waterford; Some h Sherwood, ,Union; W. D. Slot* Wattsbareb• O. T. swat; North East; 11. 0. Frisbee, ESenvitie; .1.11. F 1 .were, Llblotq--- , Tyler, Lockport, and by units ce .oral Ly. I 3 FAD QUARTERS -FOR CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE WINES AND LIQUORS. F. & M. SCHLAUDECHER, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock, of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, • . -L IQUORS;' ' WILLOW, WOODEN, AND STON E ' • WARE, FRUITS, NUTS, &c., &c., together with every thing found in a noose of this kind, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash•or most kinds of country produce. They here also on tiand.on• of the: largest and dneat Stocks or - Tobacco arid elegant ever brOlight to Erie, to which they invite the attention of the public. • , Er Call and ma stst--a nimblest:pew:aim better -: than a slow ehililog, consegnentty each Lu yer. wilt find great bargains by calling at the Grocery Head .Quartera! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET June 2.114*-42. F. k biLacRLACIDAZEIE rtstE4ll-11ta ERIE COUNTY MUTUAL INS-UR- A . ?!CZ COMPANY. Incorporated in 1859-4/tarter Perpetual l 1 !Rupert,. lammed Agatitt Lima blifillrf tor any testi wet exerepaseg rive . Iriesse. Policies issued upon the deposit of Premium Notes, of non the payment of the usual Stock Bahia in Itoney without the liability of a Premium Note. Losses paid without litigation. One cult only hia ever been brought against this Company. Titis lemperryr is entirely free • from disk, sat w a PP Mos institeliee. DIRECTORS. Wm. B: Hays, JUL O. Marshall, , Jos. K. Starott C. K. Tibbals, D. B. Wereary; E. Babbitt, Wm.Y.Bandertraellt, J. Zlmititorrly, Wm. ji. Brows, George A. Elliot, Benjamin Great; , Jacobi .Haut e ., J. M. Justice, OFFICERS. Jae. C. MAILERALL, Pratt J03./111 G exsuposr, 946. F. RJXDIIIMIIICUT,TriIIo. _Oaks, in Warm Oannieon NoCreary's Law Oillos wheepside, Erie, Pe. • Erie, Jam la. 11110. NEW FIRM. FURNITURE AND UNDREITAKING • WAR E-R 0 OM S! On State St.,between Seventh Mid 'Eighth. The Subscribers Unsullied into the Cabinet Making and FURNITURE TRADE, And propose making to order and keeping atinStantly on hand all kinds of Furniture. Orders will receive prompt attention: Ripalling done on short smiles. • • UNDERTAICXNG., The subscribers will ghvigieciAl attention to this de- Mearnt of thetr - business. They will mandlieture and onmtanUy on hand a large emortment of Metallic Cases and Coffins, and bold thanweren to means to meet orders in this lies, promptly, fre say part of the country. Determined to sOire no *Sotto to give cosies tion both In the quality of their goods and prices, they hope to secure a liberal share of subtle patronage. MOORE 11 HMO, aprll4l2-If. • Soccsasore to J. 11. RI SLIM READY ROOFING ' Ready to, call down, - . READY UOOt►l'NO r At leo than half the cost of ito roofs. READY 1100 0• 11 /Vlif Rote durable shag READ Y• RUOPI/110, Saitable for steep or Sat roofs. READY RODEINCio For all kinds of Windings. in all 'climates. READY 11.00•EllEG, Euilhelieaply and quiddy put on. 'Needs no rotting • over with cement attar it Li WWI down.. READY R 0 0 .4 1 1 14. i, Nada of a strong woven Wirt; itiotveassaly eaturatad sad covered ups* both serrates' with a parreati7 Water proof eomposition, and pot rep in rolle.reatly for ase-40 inches wide mad Tr. feet Wag. We also numarastur• . • • LIQUID CEMENT, For Leaky Tin 'goof", mach cheaper lud more durable than oil ratot. 1101, Confollfilf 13P.MENT. for LgAKY 1313Iffill.1:1100F3, which pill often IlliTe the cost of a now roof. ' Rumple' rol READY ROOPIPIO and Circulars Nat by mail whew moire& f avorable terms made with reapocalble parties who bur to evil spin. RICADY POMO CO., myl4 3m. i 73 yl.iaeo L as , N. Y. CARVER & HONECKER, IMNMMItP To J. & J. B. CABVBB. TgOLULLI • artAtt. DRAWS IN Leather, Hides - 16.9 No. b tarry Block, Styli St i ;lol9, Pa. Cols . slantly on La • large s too ko of ROLEIARATRER, MOROCCO, LININGS, R.INDINt4e. FRENCH & AMERICAN OALF SKINS, RIPS, MIIRS AND SPLIN, LAWN, MB, „LUTING% G&LLOOU, • A 110). A roll ASSORTMENT OF ,48110ELARERS' TOOLS, Alt of which they offer low for ()ASO OIL TKOMITT PAT. opr?Stf. A LARGE LOT - A Of !Atm TWO awl BM OiseNtat MOH. - flUiNf Si SUMO i CLOTHING Largest & Best Stook of (3 in the City! COME AND SEE FOR YOL ,M E 8- K 0 c WOULU ity.NpEcrrF2ul,l,l , yr form ism old bi.ude clust.,,,,r. tlh he hat rmotered to the t nvr Room NO. 11l Where DO invitee Vilma 01 , 01 *x eSY *lota in se barge and aff. ruy and La .• evtrrmu . vd hot ' l ed e r...Ad ••* her JuNt rrcviT.l th• rot stock of spiiiNu AND Gooyi, Errs brought to Era-. MN t, o ft quick Pie', one prin., and Omit the. lemo' • ess not what they are rryalatoat..4 thol nay b. 4414111.1 - MORRISON & DINSNO! • • WiioLABALI DLALi Ii Ii Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, a CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEAD, No. 2, Wayne Block, ' FRENCH STRYKT, [Pk Bet wa ra lews s WLi tt ► . a,n4 Scrik • TO CONSEIMPTIVVP. THE subscriber will cheerful/ law of chary) to all who desire it, the copy 0 , , Itecnrirc by which ha was mini of that Diu 6. 4 - e :. etateptlea. , Saimaa with Coseritritioe, Aareena , any lee attectioa, he deonrely hopes Ell try th, well If they do so they will be axle thy, , with the insult. Thaeltiel for his own eoloo n , tioa, he ilitaxiona to place is the heads of e m , the mass of can. Those wishing the re t i p 4, 4 dintetiowt, ice, will climes call on or adites 4 janal-62. Ray. Vf &Alla No. 66 John Stnnt, s q . T 4 V. SCHULTZ & BRO., WHOLESALE-AND RETAIL DEAI )( 13 GROCERIES AND_ PEG illnox EAGLE VILLAGE, IMF. CO, Pr, We twy cm head a large sad well eclectic of la oar line, and will not pertut . „ to be sundarsold. Alm a Sae dock of VINES, LlQroFti anda:D• to bo sorpasetd In the eolutty. jnacm.. HARTFORD IfIRE CONNECI WV?. INCORPORATZD C4PIT.IL •,• H. EL T NTINGTCN,Prest. T. C. ALLII CITY FIBS EIVIVILLICE CO HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, INCORPOICITZD !547. c !PITA • C. B. 130WEik8 , 'Prat C. C. WAITE,* INSURANCE in the above old ati U s mum No obekedmitro NEW FURNITURE STO', , .J.. H. RIBLET & CO„ Would rupeqifully info , m the pubic thlt Lin . opened s - - FIIANITURE WAR. 3-800 '-jIN GABLE'S BLOCK, Between Bth and 9th Street, on-:,. Where they Intend to keep eoistualy fict Leda lissortanat NEW LID WELL SELECTED tar we et/tiny solicit a shin of thiSa Toasty*. J. IL Asir, jaca 64—tt. if. W New Grocery! JACOB BOOT - would re,pe t tf u l l it..unea to the people of Erie elt tipd rtn. he has opeued a - NEW GROCERY -TORE, Pa th weft Side of Peach Sired, a Skutt pram . of Nur lake Same Deya , IC her ha wittkeep un hands v e sisottr.e. PROVBION 4 , WOOD AND WILLOW WAR?, T. And ever, thinK usually kept in ► Erg cluor. •LBO, Wine, Sweet Cider and Llquen The hightet Market Price p I.c r x , if deemed. me a call, if you. FI:A •-•a•vr. gam•. I pledge mvarlf town av 1. , 1 v., ~ any other atT,re 11/ ti...e•ti Mrs. Allen's Phologrnph Ali . unisi f;: IWILL of my beaatlal ± graph Albums, made from tie GneTt l'avil so, with doubts heavy gold plated r xtTarl, -awl • valuable prize, be express, pre par.:, r..,:,....4 bin one need sand the money till Itiel. r'exte: will accompany the Album. ?emote ,'h `...' their names and try their lurk. They ‘lllO/a return mail of the rerun of a distribut:•• etc: hoer, the pried, g.• of pending for the sib 0 uire not, ea Gr.:). rh Splendid !mina 'int C . . '!._. •aentri,lailirs eg Well to q.-ntletn.o k all ie. with circulars, rent by mail. Address tweet a return y..arlagri Mrs. LUCY ALLEN, box 5.4.1 Tort. City. or r. A.—Any person who will' cut oar the. tieement and enclose it in a letter to rime men .11 army, and notify Ins of the fact and to whom ern.l receive by return mail a beautiful cr.! e urt Ele id graph of Major General Grant, worth it yr-Mite% A mingle Stamp will enterer troth Li the mere 111 graph and trial of luck, u both can hr Tenth: one', marl-3m. - tire. Ai' $225. SEVEN OCTAN E 'Rosewood Piano-Forte! GROVES ESN t CO, 402 BROADtrall NEW'Enlarged .Seale Piano-Fa With' ill latest Itoprucrementi •to rty 701 penance, with gristly increased tledit , • torn ring, eruitue is to sell for CASH at the :Onto low price. Our Instruments received the *he at the World's Fair, and for tire sueteum yesir AlneriC2l2 Institute. Warranted tire ”ILIL cam. Cat dr seed for descriptive eircour. tsars-3m. , N 'OTICE we Wag peat plain= Is inforazini tbs Pair. d i Domartras Patrons fa particular. " " again mussed MANUFACTURING STOT. I=l INCREASED FACILITE And ars prepared ta, fill all adore for— COOKING AND• HEATING STOI WITH PROMFINgSS Saving purchase! • Dar; Stool of Iroi.r 6 l being burnt out, gives u • decided Um** (le price of Stunk) over Ilanufseturerseboheae Iron at present bigh pn '. • thankful for put furors. ere hem bf etnc:stof tbe wants of Customers, to euntzna• fetvitgrCa. VWCF.ST.-TIBBAI , , ;156101 PREVENTION IS BETTER . TIIA TO Ladies of delicate health or i a orientation, or te those by whom u o l ti l family is from lay reason objectionable, the would ogees proscription which is pertectke Ida safe, and which hoe ban prescribed in Triset the old world for the past esntury. is My chimp end slap* yet It has bee pal?, pat bottles axed sold - vory extensively at al el . pries a Se perbottle,the andersigned P l4 l° l°l lo the snipe for the wall u,* of $l, by the ps!,, wMch every lady can supply herself nitn I P 7,/ gard e at any drug shire, for the trifling rind , perfectly larmlese. and thousands 0 4 nowest; pecestred of its efficacy. Pent to any nut rooeipt of $l., by adelreseing Dr. J. C. DEvilitri,, P. H. Hoz. No. 2.333, Sea virean.' THE PLACE , TO GET YOUR MOSEY Ea' II Al • E. COUGULIIi'S ; BOOT .& SHOE STUI" Stele Street, Nearly O. de ere " R. Boot end sir •,,r, vetpooMdly Intones the Put 0 he . 'au removed his stand to the; r on State street, nearly oppotat I • ce s, Ogles, where he twat* all hit toßite Una • call. Pa:Beater atteottl.lo REPAIRIN "(, Miring earefgl workmen, and seperlee_,,,,ll business himself, hebelleves be can Km, 1 1 ! lieu and sell at IA low prices assay 91!" r4,riS l city. Good Fits Warranted. HATS & cArs FOR THE 3IILLB 1) AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. NEW STORE s NEW 6101 I have removed Tetra Doort.i Noart" lately occupied by sir. John We 0, not C. Srldin, and am receivinc 3 iAtZ HATS, CAPS AND STRAW to" blade etpribialy for me. flawing. take+, cis co selection of my Gouda, 1 feel nod.ot al 0 . . barman' to tbore who m faro. Mt vi sc. 0 0 gy p' I oell a /sir ealm leaf Vat rt le toad Leghorn at 7%10 I.I I INP S ' rdiut LEAP . HArs At sew Yob Case 1 1 4 t 140,110 , 11 •Dr.l6-;:m. Wanted ! FEW RESPECTABLE BoARDE". or ßeoeutre at lita. Barrett ea Coed :17,11g, Iliad Stilts; Ere. UM 1961