The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 09, 1864, Image 2
6erit Oberbtr. SATURDAY. JULY 9. 1844. truss& Vianospos sr 71* Pions Is I= ?was •i Aucessess Ltsajuiroso Achim ntsravre, cum I. .ssuccui. 0. rtassikaida• • %lox swop- ' MO GOMM atatiockir. i3abfeet to tie deettioe et the 4 Decneeratte Nathetal - Coreenthes lUsidar ths Dud like. Now that Seeretary Chase is out of offioe and has no more patronage to bestow, many of the papers and politicians which before sustained him, have, to - use Old Abe's model expression, "turned tail and run" into the rankle of his enemies. Elton those that still make a pretence of , lining friendly to him " damn him with -faint ptaise"--so -faint indeed that we - find it hard to decide whether it is really inten ded. for compliment or sarossin. Ai a specimen of the general style we quote the following from the Philadelphia &Be- Caistat ix Tax • Casiirr.—Han. Salm l bn P. Chase has imigned the secretaryship of the Treasury. and Hon. David Tod, of Ohio, succeeds him. Thii intelligenoe will take the country by surprise, but Ise believe' Quill be /mid that tee Aug* is submitageous. Mr. Chase has shown great ability. bat it is not to be (taxied that ale kis lost the confide= of many leading financial Wen in tRe artillery. The news.reaches ns too late for detailed com ment. Mr. Chase will doubtless find the infor mation very consoling that, although he "hu shown great Ability," yet "it will be found that the change is advantageous." Perhaps, too, like Mr. Lineoln, he will be reminded of a little story—something, for instance, like that of the. honest Quaker, who. about te'discharge one of his hands, wished to do it in the least offensive Way. and thus remarked to him : ". William, thou hest served me long and well ; , thou halt tended faithfully to the cattle; thou had been one of my best hands ; but the fact is, William—that is, William—met thinks it will do thee some good to go about the world a little." But if the Bul letin's treatment of the Ex-Secretary is un kind, what will he think of the following broadside ffom 'the Albany Journd, over the familiar signature of the old wsr•hor?e of Republicanistn. in that State, Thurlow: Weed ? The people will breathe more freely— hope. almost worn out, will revive with the intelligence of to-asp-11r. Chase out of. and Governor Tod in. the Tressary- De partment ! Heaven be raised tor this gleam of national sunshine. It is more precious even than a military victory. It is a glorious fit:and:l_l achievement. Tlie long. weary day of despotism Is over. One clog is removed. A MUM saw did yi..x dine a res:o/.460n rj o'4 Liiio/i is cut of tlm (.74.6ine. We. begin now to penetrate the darkness which has so long shrouded the political horizon. T. W. One cannot help but reflebt with what a howl of indignation the wholi, radicalpack would have set upon any Democratic pa per that would hal , e used such, language as that previous to the Secretary's resig nation. The Abolition dictionary of bil lingsgate would have been let loose upon it without stint, and it would have.been regarded as a rare interposition of Provi dence if ,the "disloyil sheet" had not been suppressed, and its "sympathizing" editors sent to Fort Lafayette, Presto, ape—the lion is dead, and the r very creatures that almost smothered him with their caresses are now engaged in kicking his decaying canna. Not many days sinee we beard from the lips of en Feie county Democrat expres 'ions of fear that the "country would be ruined if Abraham Lincoln should be re elected." He was a Democrat, not of the Daniel S. Dickenson but of the James Buchanan stripe. We beg to commend to him. and to all of his way' of thinking, the remark of Hon. J. L. M. Qtrry, the secession leader in Alabama, in a recent speech, that "if Lincoln should be re elected our fond .hopes will be dashed to _ the ground." In other words. if Mr. Lin coln is retained, in his present potation longer than the 4th of Mare next, the rebellion will prove a signal failure."— GmeXe. Our (*temporary would confer a great favor on a large portion of the community porwei b publishing at length the speech of Mr. t, . from which the above remarks to be an extract. We read our exohanges. Deasocratin and Rapublicsa. very carefully. and do not remember ever seeing. any remarks of that or a aimilar cheracter ever attributed to a leading rebel by any reputable scoria On the contrary. all the public es:prosaic= of prominent Southern speakers and editors concur in the opinion that Lincoln has been their "best friend," and that him' reelection mould inevitably accomplish their inde pendence. As a sample, we quote from the Richatood ,Emotimr; which says: "We at least. of the Confederacy, might to be satisfied with him, for la Asa petiraei ar 'spar gm* at toe org l / 4 b y44' i: Mlauclibi. ite Aar coal door that wen ewer*, Aprtei red-Jiat Liesibial oar axracit , competed coiliadifercax ato Airiest possiM, and =fry& brims nom's Coe 6iai patricidal. As .for the military operations coaceived and executed under his auspices. surely we have no right to oomplain. • * • For these reasons we are awitirdly in favor of Old Abe, reei Wire reila mamma a rtitavi cf wets ia Fieielebrit 4r tiaidd ham Mew a".:. Ili Us murk At &ad de pima iciLal I people glitter We n%&I &eta ..k.t as brazier; and for that he &series the lively ate. fade of every Southern matt." - a Siralgisq flame:" The Ph.lladetlettia, Age, alltillng to Mr. Lot' coin's cheek story about ;"swapping horses when crowing a stream" thinks that he " has not the merit _toe consisten cy with his own jokes." It pins reminds the public of some of his rouet promi nent swapping transactions : wile swapped McDowell for McClellan, aviitg the Po tomac. He swapped McClellan for Burn side. crossing the Itappatumeock. He swapped Burnside for Hooks r. crossing the same ricer. He swapped Hooker for Meade, crossing the Potomac. He swapped Meade for Grant, essiaing UM Rapids'''. He swapped Butler for Bar* crossing the Wusissippi. He swappedl Banks for Canby, crossing the Red river. He swapped Hunter for Gibilesse, crossing ;Charleston Bar. He swapped Dupont far Dahlgnert, before Fort Sumpter. Them' are only a few of his *espy, Wets show his appreci ation of his own apophthegm. 1 But let us look •et his him and greatest; swap—he sisal4wi Hamlin for Johnston. crossing Ws Tries?: statement thst the - den' f the Rubicon l"--And it may be ridded. era in gold in New York ci• -. Are trait -; he swapped Cansetta for Startion, at one [ and sympathisers with the reh. , :s, is char -of the most impossent epochs in mak. acterined by the Ws a monstrous and tary career. Inst,hat set least. he swapped ecceuscheby libel upon oar importers, bro.. clune fm Thd, in the midst or an almost keni and Inas:Weis men. .4.11 persons who unexampled financial crisis;-clad finally, hare Urge oranateriW dealings are, of when the Senate could not "Ilse ihrsjokr,' neetelity, boxers or sellers of gold, and it Ihe swapped TrAl for Fresendest. The pea: ffrwaritonly Melons to assail them for a pie may take a =lkon in I btkir heads, to what they cannot help. Baying and mil. s swap Mr. lie coin this fall for some more ing, or. if you.. will, speculating in, gold, is ; honest, statessianlitre sad . petricsie seen, as legitimate an employscasut aadealin g i and if ihey cbs, he mist eat hhune them, in pork. wheat, carton or sugar. It is, i for he has baruishey4 precedents b 7 the moreover, notorious that the regular deal- ; score. /a that case, the amp will be le as in gold, and the largest operators, ere I perfectly legitimate sed proAtable attar. Loyal Lavas Eapabliceas, Does the Tri- i for we shall get a fall gruss.lacsand and 'kart mesa to my that Kenii Ketchum, I telisble'nag for a hiekingiaCkfUl• lOteige taker` /ay Cooke, L. Yanks k ! -- _ esc6, aro traitors, ; balmier ithisy buy sad seq, or aperabite in, obi We tare the 21-aar to ital4h . a list of the princi pal gold nparsi ce i bill Wan streei. It the maw are ever gives to the Atlilie, it will be famaci that three-towittis the rpm"- Mimes is gold are rank radio& le Cameento4llilrertilies ; 73 The striking out of :the ernismufithan clause from the conscription not by the Howe of Represeatatities ftrrnishes a con spicuous instance - or the" naremsentative character of that ihedy. Bet a few daysby a vote of L i no to one,• it re fi ned' tq abolish the principle of tensitatancw; mind itatialliti ed by every considerable organ of :public opinion in•the North. Were the members of the Republican party polled to-niurruw, nineteen to twenty would vote Sgainst striking out the three hundred dollar com mutation clause ; yet, in the face of ibis all but unanimous public opinion, and with its own record committed to the same view, the House covered itself with con tempt and 'popular odium at the edict ef . the War Department. One of the most disheartening signs of the times is the ut ter want of character and independende in the two Houses of Congress. They have become mere appendages or registering bureaus of the Treasury and War Depart ments. Secretary Chase can propose noth ing so absurd in the *ay of financial mea sures that, they will not indorae,ner Secre tary Stanton anything so unpoptdar that it is not meekly acquiesced in. i Ameri cans, the world over, have abundant rea son to-hang theii heads for shame at the contemptible specimen of a Congress which is now abont adjourning in Wash ington. It. is not to be disguised that the whole country is thoroughly alarmed and disgus ted at these incessant calls for more sol diers, in view of Senator Wilson's official statement that seven hundreed thousand men have been enlisted or resonlisted-into our armies since the lith of October.last. As these were in addition to the troops already in the field, every one iA asking where, in the name of wonder, has this vast multitude of men gone to? A million' of men properly handled and husbanded' shonld be sufficient to conquer the whole continent from Greenland to Patagonia; yet - this wretched, blundering ; :wasteful Administration has had nearlyqtWo mil lions of men altogether, and wet seem to be as far off from final victory over the Sauth as ever. In truth, this rel i ance up on mere numbers is a signal proof of the eitentiat weakness of our-military *Amin !. Ist ration . It was not - thncuyriads of Xerxes which always prevailed: the skill and bravery of the Greeks 'who"opposed were more than a match for them. The nation cannot stand these terrible drain upon its population, and any one caw see• l that. one year more of this fearful waste of human life will produce exhaustion and 'lead to an enforced peace.—World. Mather Great lON Ital 4. The rebels have undertaken another raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania. Their force, at first estimated aOront five to twelve thousand, was, by last_:dispstch " es, fixed at thirty thousand. including an entire corps of Lee's army. It is led by Gen. Early, who succeeds Ewell in com mand of. Stonewall JacksOn's division. The rebels first marched' on Martins urg. on the line of the Baltimore & Ohio here General Sigel was posted'wit a small force. The 'latter hastily evacuated the town, which was immedistelyl seised by the rebels, who then destroyed all the railroad track and property in the vicini ty. Sigel took up a position at ;Maryland Heights. opposite Harper's Ferry, where the rebels quickly followed him, and at last accounts they were 'beiseiging the place,- - He has been joined by considera ble reinforcements; and it is believed can hold out until assistance is obtained. A small force of rebels has been posted at Point of Rocks. where they command the railroad for,* long distance and prevent Sigel from getting relief by of Wash ington. i • • , • When Ou r accounts closed, the following was the position of affairs t The Confeder ates were in the town of, Harper's Ferry on the south bank and on the bills arannd it. A force was at Bharpsburgosit-Miles north. and another coating towesd Sharps burg from 'Falling Waters. • Hagersnsrn, ten miles north of A:ha/paha*, had been abandoned, and was believed. ;to be held by the Confedesoun. Frederick, fifteen aim . north-east of Harper's IFerry, bert hed all the Federal supplies and wounded taken away from it, and its rupture - was feared. There are no troops now defend ing Pennsylvania; very few- sit ton that can be sent westward; , and it will take Hunter nearly two weeiks to come fives Western Virginia. Ws *rely Zia Snide tiSo larsdit is des ts bin for sigisgttiss peal of ass eseassisiis' s sham! Beeinrst by tido se tilt be it ors of tber_fowilbdintbli. ails in Congress irks sill ret4bio iolopes densi sweet totkial fee tkundmilets is *Ss of Usk Arenas sad bib si she Ai. lIIIIIIIIIIIIggII 1 ' . =.0 iii trimah6t4ostr Aix 1. e fr — di c 1 Itle fasPlittretsi foal the artily, thei t - Eit*€ And cabin. itboliti4 piteisi'ths„ he Maw-uettinitiic-Ftste did in-the lighting worthy orotettlitot: end thet the seven handred7thonsand white nice who hive been ink in the field sinc e itie - 17th of Oetobei bet were not of ninth siectiuni al -Mint& 'Wbitrolitietiftfotta by ibis coartmaillositibatioh of the negro race is not apptient. It certainly will not tend to increase 'ohm toiling in the loyal. States, nor reconcile thi s _ peiip) the im. pending4draft. If kegroeo . Fe:a4S mush braver and better aoldieka the e Government them. should - 4clusive use 01.0 Aea's story about "swapping honeS wbeakerossiog a stream," islikely to prove rather an unfortunate on4fer him. The Fremont, men ridicule ,it without mercy. At their meat wormier. deirsonstration in St. Lour no less than a desert of tbet ern.' bleats were devoted to the horse swapping question;,, One of theto..w4inb was Peril liarn-happy, "represented „Linixdu: as a worthless old • horse.. ridden by the God dess of Idherty. and •crossing .a stormy river, visibly exhausted... At his side. arid a little ahead; was•a proud Arabian horse, swimming wjtti ease." Near the Goidesi was the Spirit of Rain; erying out in:a stentorian voice, "Don't swap horses.", Tnir: Fremont menhave gone )acrd to work, and intend ' to ?row the Adniinistra tionists that., their movement is not so in significant a'taittei as• the latter pretend to believe. Meetings hSve lately been held in New York city, St; Louis, Chicago and Syracuse, each of which was largely attended, and very enthuSiastic its dernonitiltions. The principal speakers who have thus far appeared hr the Fre mont interest are Gen. Cochrane, Colonel 'Noes, citlfisinuri, Dr. Brownson, of the R,eview, Caspar Buis, of Chicago, and S. Wolf, of Washington, all able men and attractive orators. The New Conscription Act. The following is an abstract of the amended CottScriplion Act as it passed both Rouses of . , Congress : ..The President of the United States may, at his discretion, - it Toy , time beresiter; esti for any number of' nigal is . '"voitinteers, for the impactive terms of area, two, or three year*, for 'military genies. sad say suah velsateer-- or, in case of a draft, as lieritioatker provided, say substitute shill be credited to the town. towsebip. ward or city preainct, or election distriet of a comity, toward the quote of which he rosy have' v"olnnteered :or engaged as . a substittee,.sud every volunteer who is accep- . lel and mustered istoVhe Service for a term of one year, unless sooner :discharged, shall receive and be paid by thi United States a bounty of $lO9, and if furs trim of two years, unless sooner discharged, a bounty of $ 200 : and if for a term of three years, unless sooner discharged; a batiati of $300; one third of which bounty shall be paid:the soldier st*-ibe tints of hfs being mustered into the service, one-third at the expiration of one-half of his Arai of service, awl in case of his death while is the service, theta the residue of his bounty unpaid shall be paid to his Widow, if he shall have left ti widow, If not, to his children, or if there be sons, to his ;monist., in cue sb • be a widow. 1 • la we the quota or say put thereof of say tows, township, "ward of s city, precinct, or elsenka district, or oif any county - not subdi vide', shall not be tiled within the space of fifty days after such call, then the ; President shall immedistely,nider a draft for one year to AU such quota or any Out thereof which may be nettled ; sad hi case of such draft no papas:at ammo, shall be lioespiad or received by the Goversseest se conMentatioz to release say *smiled or drafted Man front perWinal obligation to perform military Berries. . It skall be lawful for the Eseentiie of any of,,ths Stets to send reerniting agents into any of the States declared to be in rebellion, except the States of Arkansas; Tennessee and Louisiana, sad to roernit:valuateera under any call tinder the provisions of this act, who shall be credited to the State and to the respective_ attbdivisulantiterast spay procure the salisumest. - Drafted man. siabstitaten sad tolttteers, wise mnstersd **mil hie ergsailehl in or ansigpied to regismats, betUrieN or other or palestina et *Ms urn flume, sad. as far u pramiesbls. shell. tbstamMigned be permitted to select their urn esgiMeats, batteries or War orpnisetioas from anon throe of their respest#re States witiek at tits time of their assiiminut may not be tilled to their ataximus number. The throttled, section -of the act entitled "Aa act, to mead an Oct ;entitled An set for enrolling and sailing out the Italia' nal farces," approved Feb."l:4,' OK shall be construed to mesa that the Bs!reetary of War shall fruwkarge allots ander the age of 18 years, under , the eireasestaiess end ea the Coalitions prescribed la mid amnia ; Oita airtlitic, if any name of thetedied twos sb U eaUst er waster into thatillitary melee say persoaaader the ago of 16 years, faith' er oritheat the ceaseat• of his priests sr gasarosskinnele Penns se en listed or recruited shah to ianseriaudy sad aneandltionslly dbitharged, upon the repay, meat of aH boolYrecei4 oil: and such s'eeraile lag or sisistaring Wm:lth* lthealagly eats peruse nailer 16 yearn of age shall be dis missed the service, with the feefeitarn Of all pay tad Ifiaseemies* sal 'shall be" litoset to es& farther pasishansai as a sear/-martial say decide. Erik Soetko them of 'am art waded ' 4 .4a act to otosail ma met eatitiat: eat Ile oweelliat mei ankle mat the Itetieael beim oat far Mbar perpeaeo'i. approved fib. 14. be MA 01111111111111 is aareby amosioul l so as to asobaripea Itiebnieti Promo Umbels, Oak, the eireetiaa oaf tbo Provost Itarebal Glameral, to took* o draft tee 100 per *ago= is iditiaa to $U *Ott, mitt# ol ul 61 the gam, et oay efeloa as provided by said settles_ Saari T ho : ji mia ,a' at tz;,4i,g Pay. salt yew, tie selliegess 0 tie Oil cfißli:tailla Aft rams . nr , golve , itai ," or, maw _ $0 Ibe New teek Central sedl Peammllvaida nee *it be sawed essmepseafies to tide g ettltll T1fi11.146- • Th• " 11114 of " '''''' phew et reekiime. .- -- . - . asst vat* tin el's's* et die !i/ii i reeds red . 4:ipitic XL person is Um betel smirks of t "' 111141 'w Page, mrkieb ersTl , aiii3;ect the she raised Stale e. *ea bare Wage* Sad pee- oil "l i r' ( 4.1 1 15. ‘rtil Nelr Tork sal POll vice during tbe p!enat.. e:bowel. Irks lista 44b1 S, - ul * 41 ** * * cti ". 14 be ; .'ll'as vita via as bee* mamas tootle , - geese et, ear sines, ."'"`": ‘ .,,,, tit l nm . - 4 b " , """ 3 a. tie Let. 1 9 1 . 1 re sad aerie. wider State i bir mesa etsbeir beieHi :, - _ - ' elt `"" """ 9 L''''' **4 " IL% "" t ` llll . 14 i* maid rirldoi. $l4 ao4 maned peer se p r r hatliel P i th i t Eric /lii it/ "bvittio F4 rall 2.44.:464:_akai1, Ca t eatald4ll4 r h. .... 14"il t a t a rtal-f r a i " i aa t 4 Thai- P r " ( a 416 * eadmovaimemiame tbe liereturi -''' , L !!_„ : "...".- ...'" ia O. 71 ` lll , th ,_ . Th *lf 1 4 .'4 69 4 eit gars bis eavatimod aril meiiited is *yeses i ' 7 - t-"" 19 "! 2 . 4 , . 4 Pr i i_g!'!". ,* 4 . °I Pliia Ira/ at UN tem bard, & w oo. eir &ass.: iii. irkich :ia ta i heal saessare - give to remasstreaks' $ tb "'Peery* milk., ' , , . .ipek, tf aaul permiLA.l4 . 4l . . - ii ak ait - !sitbre - beei tles emee.—Deely.!: wvieiiii , r " . .. — 7,8 *eat Ikea leis ia ibt iinkeeletiee it bier seal 1311 a 111 . 6 .14 Pined itanaii et,* &series obeli came - lira to dey . i.iiimi se uses ea my be, sat- be ebell as be deemed a demean ter Viable as lied'. mesa setae isme bees plies be bime sad suposisble s slimed Nil , - ;44' tyis .K 7 • for lim3o 4th. Provo MandFill or* `Oat si not '11&11000101641114* - act. • - wad- Meow* Notlitag - a. thts-let to be nonsltited to OW oriti saymtly •et With* toosikimitioatlf _bipofgcti):bootialt kuitti: f r" -YEWS 0' 7, 0 W4V-If. The NeW rork' World prints interesting de tills ofGenersl s rata apktit ibtrititch• Men& and 'Danville "road, from over Olf their special torrespondeitilwith 13mated Otant's army. The erpeditioneeme aim proving dia. istrons, and it was" only by the most tent efforts on the part et cavalry thattAlen "oral Wilson "succeeded is triaging Itiasem mend Off in saiety.• Eves then be lost all his lte' destruction, o: the railroad ever 'palish he raided mists to, have restoreete, and is order to reeto it.the rebels will be compelled to entirely ~reconstruct the greater portion, the rape and ties being ren dered wholly WO atietlible. The raid was of seen days* duration. Orer two hundred miles of the - enemy's country was traversed; and the psthiray was liettedbY pillars of flre'by and by clouds ,or smoke by day. The coin• nand, including General 'Wilson's end Gen• erid Banta's divisions, left a 'point On the 'ftlackwater river,ffour miles smith of Prince George's Court House, on the morning of the 221 ult. The Weldon reed cos, crossed at Resale's Station,'Aeu ranee' from Petersburg. sad 4 portion wasi detached to destroy the road in that_ vicinity. -The farce then' pro ceeded to -Dinviddiel- end. thence- to Ander: son's mills, nest Sutherland -station, on the Petersburg and Lytichnurg road, and ten miles from the - former plef:e. Here sixteen cars, two locomotives; and a Jerre quintity of stores were burned or rendered- useittsc. On , the morning of the 211, Gemmel Eatum in ad •, reattbel the Ilurkesville junction of the I Petersburg rosy about the aims time, ns "Gen eral Wilson • reached Nottiway Court—House, nine miles four tinsirevrille junction, on the `Peteribiirg 'raid • General' Vents theeteeneed his work of destruction, meeting with no op position. General Wilson found a large force of rebels at Hathaway station, winch he ea gaged, and after a severe fight defeated them, sustaining te joss of about sixty killed and, wounded. .tn cd was thee dispatcluel to, General Kautz with instructions to join the . rasitt holy, while detiersl Wilson pushed on' Nuberris station, on the Dsnyille road; twelve miles _from Burkeivite junction. Uere ; Gen • era! Etna joined .general Wilson, end the' nnited c?mmands moved down to Keysville, eigliemiles from Newberria, where they biv- . on'acked on the nigitt of the 24th. The next morning the command Moved deern the reiL road to Roanoke, in orleF"To "Ti isle`oy the bridges spinning the litsatiton braneYof the Roanoke river. The entity rola - trout Burkett rifle to-this point was destroyed; bat in, con seqUenee of the,presenee ore superior oody of the rebels, the'beitige rental not bei„ con sumes', and only oleo Spill SAS rellideeett serviceable. A retrograde covet:matt was then Made in the direction of Williesbarg, and theses to and through Giniatianville to the bridges over the illyttairey river, which , point, was resche.l in the 2St/e. Here the enemy was driven nearly to Stony Creek elation, twenty-two miles from Petersburg and twelve miles from Iteime's station". _ As -this point the enemy was found 111/ tote. tao 'disposed an to dispute the passage of ono troops- An en gagement Instal, extending over a period, of nearly three days, at the close of which Gen eral Wilson managed to extricate his ems mind, not, however,withaut sastaining severe losses of men and material. The fact that Early had been sent off upon a foraging expe dition attests the 'efficiency of the work of destruction by oar troops. The condition of the roads railed over sheers conclusively At the rebel mesas of transportation are very incomplete. So important roads' 411 these, however. will not long be suffered to be an servicesble, bat their restoration will require time, talc large amount, of labor and material. The rail was complete in all its respects, and probably the service renderel- more than counterbalances the loss of material sustained. The army correspoyaitnt of the St d Louis ffrpubliecti, who is with Gen. Sheraton, thus writes: 4•The rebel army is more ntinierods than has been supposed, and numbers 90,000 to 100,000 men, inc.lading the Georgic militia and other bodies, beatify organized and briinght from that State as 'ion as the dan. ger of en intisiera•bemunet intmident." l It appears that the rebels are netirei on the Iftssittsippl, and lorvelTeanded the river be low Memphis. The loss of the gunboat Queen City is quite a dismay, for ill-hough a •!tin did" Ode elms sitiists, being light drift and istPervissi to ilimigte7, are raq awkimahle is riser operations. : • The rebels in Arkansas . are &Owe. Aparty of fit pet cavalry reaantlf au.aalted anOistes at Pine Bluffs, tress repodaad, and pursuedthit' mars. Another party of rebels also failed t. destroy the railroad at Brottrare,ille. -Shelby is reported to be in eoulliand of thi paitywho made Lie' attack upon tits latter; point. - Pririte sivices front Port Hudson stale that the enemy are somewhat active in that id - sal are 1 . ettleavoting !'to irstablish themselves at Tunica Bend &Ai Pori .sank, on the Mtwissippi. It is re/hostel that the Coafederste General Disk TayLir had crossed the Atchafalaya River, ael hal - sa l tame cleat, but no _partentars had been A dispatch front Cairo, ittbinis is that sit Union firm ander the esitiniini cf Gam etal CavwConfrontoi the enenty,: nailer Go:t eed SitsktiY, Charles, 'Asti, on the 27th nititao, and defeated them. earatiag two timbal. pismire sad frtr eironntainjkawits es. Oeir lose is reportel to: be aheat 1113 inaired, whits that of the Satiny is said to reach Sri kaaderi. lwrortaint Thersisterutteg then wat i alpil.beriett of super d preabineet saitresi men this city. useimg, whoa was Thee. New, of the Peiuseylvenia Ceemal, Demi itiograeowl. *fibs New Tort Gee trei. fad Dr. filoreyer, et doe Oacrisk es& ritealief telemeethis • no Teals Laiiiire Pair is ramie Oak an roljall ' ag 7aatkvall r lialakaki success. Tbe receipts win t..S&) above et peeves, toting, tke Gsieve says, -die largest ssa eette realised for a like etaattfieseat is this cAp." _SO Of oar 4ditorts4 *Wen in the adjoin • liskifiqi e lf i ddebrited th e Fourth by not:lissu tutporpoil during the priesent week. , • -- th'e . jerops throughout the oonstry, Yield -there are 'better prospects now of a falr Yield et corn sad po tµoes. The Corry News says a 44 hard trosi. ' oc curred in that vicinity on Tuesday night of list week, "making thel botrds and fences as whiting snow." ; - The New Nceen faithifulty sums up ti me edi tonal ootidetce of the it:rw York Times in this terse sentence: 44 natty words, few ideas and no principles." . le anticipation otitbtrspeal of the commu tation clause, the ekes in . the Departments at Washington have alitady put in tour hun dred negro enbstitates. Loyal men! They all go in for the var. ' • - , Candidates for office:in Crawford county are as thick as shinplester4mtes. The Meadville pipers contain the follOwisig announ9ementa among others: Congress, D. A. Finney, U. Itichmoad; Sestaie.i hi. B. Lowry. I The editor of the Maioe Farmer enters into calculation that if the hens of the Country were pushed ttp to their full egg producing ospacity the market Thou thereof wonlgrx coed twenty million dollars per annum. • A lamp with s flat f wick six eights of an inch broad, supplied Istith petroleum. gives light equal to ;15,110 candles, trbie if fed with the beet olive oil, the effeeti 14j that of t. 220,100 candles." t The daily,Dispairituays ••there\ has been a third more shipping in the itarbori of Erie ao far this sown than during the tome time in eny previous season.'t Next year our. lake trade will be doubtaa4 - in'Franae they "ernra'''pspers three times. before suppressing than. In this country, which onoe borate,' of being till '"freest on the face of the eartb," wipers ere not even "warned'' before being auppresse,l. General Grant, itls sail, has ordered the distribution of one ration of whiskey per di . ) , among the troops before Petersburg. 0130 of oar escheat's says it would not be Surprised if the Secretary of State should now ' We are indebted 10 Col. Geo. 11. Morgan, Assist:it Librarian, for the . annual 'report of I the State Librarian. We learn from it the gratifyiagfeet, that the library of the Com - uthawealtit Is the hirgest belonging to any State in the Baku with one exception. Dan Ries is gala s% back into this neigh• l borhood again. He is advertised to Le at Cony on this llth. Dan has traveled conch!. 'erable ia his time, bet Brie county, after alt, appears to be the "dUrest spot on enth" for him. ' On Tnesdsy of this week s span of horses attached to * wage* belonging to C. W. Nich edge.Meek frit lit stot.( eon away , breaking the arson to pidstisaadoeverely injuring a son of Mr. W. Dr. 11: - AtiSpencer was called in and reordered medical issistance. I. R. Bntggins,;lEsq., late editor of the Cittenesulvills ReectrAhts been appointed route with on the Erie 86 !ittsbarg Railreed. Since *Republican must.have the office, we cannot think of say member of the pari ths t t vre would rather see •• . Xa luck" than friend Brag- EuU 4 The Franklin Sp'Ttator has changed hands, Mi r . Whitaker haling sold the office to Messrs. B. L. & C. C. Co th ran. We shall miss Whit aker's racy pen very much, and hope that he hat gone into eomebetter business than print ing a local paper.; The new editors start well, and will sot failles judge, to keep the .Ipec:3- for up to its old reputation. The wool market is very much etched and has advanced tepidly during the present week. Buyers have been paying 85, cents and we have hesrd of l sales even higher. The probabilities are Out it will stilt advance. thotigh the privet' will be regulated by the stoeunents of Liquor ;ad the price, of gold. A *gee crop eitiool has been raised in this sanity this over before. and owners of sheep see reaping.a rick harvest..---:Girirrd Union, July Lat. ddr. B, A. Taber, of North East, is menu. festering a medicine which, from the eertifi, class which have; been -gives in its favor by citizens of that lUaiity, is well' deserving of public *Unties. lie calls it the ;.• Magic Regulator," and claims for it that 'it is one of the best articles 4r regulating the system that was ever mainaf+red. Mr. Taber is a re dness veil known in North East and vicini ty.i sad his itatenuste can be fully relied on. the Vsnaago ,Ipeetator, alluding to the at tic's of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, soak. lag inquiry into the cause of the falling off, of the petroleum' trade at that port, thinks it "is afashh4l by the fact that Sew Yerlainterprise has extended twb railroads isle the oil regiee, and; as a cinsequesee, the treasportatioU by longer mites has great ly deerossod. Let, Philadelphia push to tem pletiet her ecatalaptate.l railroads in this part o the age, amid she will soon tome is for her fall attars eif the vast and growing oil The IldEtillt the coammaritz, sword says trip through the usetern pen of Crawford aos,ty he. enovilmeed him that the prospects fee as isunge crop of grain' eta.. are a pea deal WSW this gtherally repent L The wheat crop .will be at /east -an average , one and we think that tie mate may be said of bay Oath &o 1.0 leak listalfy as erell,bat then thus is* chases for it to ;deli up tioasidsrably yet. Cora is beekirsrd but leeks leattliyAnd ressoaably 104 semen will bes. 'plat ed crop. Tits farmers are not going to Kano ter some .days is spite of lroutb and Troote."- On the ant ado* of •the Foie k Pitts- tPralull" t h ey will get Un IrP some UM "' raostial. azot •perhap; they mat famish bin narowd ariPsaY- 1 1 11 / 1 is tgaiiT, the ; funds to provide him with a sew rend.— SIMMS NUM *SS granted a ree":e* the At- The destro,:tion of the Atabanut is as lu lled@ A •Oresti Wester* satiely fiosorsu t y t o miring item of news. The damage in drew eons wijt as Wm:ethos sitohld net be : eict 4 "4 by this - Piratical craft upon our hand ito r i ga * tams tins bo i t .k og: to be computed in millions.. For nesiiy three years the has evaded art linath t a "la 4-Bhar ° ll . Nat° , " c ° pursuit and almost driven oar mercluint hambill abet bees at wort Po this men from the seas in which the sailed. brume far theism six weeks. sad 'it the so.. The following is further news by the inns 'Coat should bees the ittnietiso it steamer ' Ira oortatai . a ... at ion to tito,cota _ T Tate oMeers and seamen of the Alabama 2- ". ea tared blthe lend a great ' it 7 st;age ."- te tie baths/warn sal o , : 1 3 1 co Kea " aen - been ilber plunLe at Clertmrg: A l•rt:.-r in le/aisles of Shifisa sad bast nelstbs - ornsU- ' the Path P,Mie states that Somme. has /fasrte Whip - antioanced that on the Lath :of he ' a nal . ( r akkr i beekte , 'WM again embark on 3 near Alsbasna which will on that date beTeompleted.-- i = e - Ny meir - r u z; - - 31 k z7 The seamen of Car old „kitbag= will con * L__ ' ;Anne to receive pay Ana form part of ties - fwawa' moojewk l iciwlt ix - am maim' ct Flia.Get..yceett far t h e am cruiser. & moor potoi ; • 8. ird„ Amtea, sal wilith will be yob-1 to the steamer Itappnhannock, the ez- - I Wet by Uppitsext is fee days. Fetes,- ; British war vessel, which mote, away from ate t a b b a mmo eaiiitty of tt i ece i tutouo tattirttess to Phials. • A comniittee, be wados. data .4 l , e, orgastootati*oal hy' 4Miral Anson, has Lein formed in • , Loaders, totals*, by galas* Subscriptions, ANL ell la ',WWI !able ," au i s the - a fned for the part-Nome or, s. handsome; der t the Marmise, emerhsfas the wsnahee,l sword to replies that which Cap:- SeIXICIR'‘ The prassar amber is a esailiashie war i "Usk with his ship. pr'avemoac sa W pailesesessw, sena if it Lam j 3 sat Tot salami tam plum or enterprise of its ' t ut et.. l eaf - issott rases& wassolarter. sad it is settaialy as Well' . J ..." 1 - 1 . ' = " 4 " 7 ... t ie t a i ta "e- ' 11 " 4 161 ' 1 °' ' o4 ' 7 worth rwatfing is stay of the tasithly saga. X. Ile siaits.~S. Irma . . tat Aso mid Zak & lAnrca. mesa 11 rim I ; nostirs. 11$,y die Lintu''Pr -Citalrcio of the Ulth of riceived Or hat steamer, we see?thtt ott?fellaw town= tn, Commodore Laninan, in catimand of the U. S. Ship Lancaster, tut also Sloop of War St. Ni4riv, Commander Middle ton, were at Cilia iat that dot Commodore Commodore L. has been on the-Pacific for, three years and is expectel horns as soon as his telleires out, which will be before loan, althoughiseveral officers hive declined the command. "Obey orders" is the word in these war .times, and undo Gideon Welles should Mikahis subordinate, tor the mark The Fourth et July in this city was . a de— cidedly tame day. The only celebration of a puhlc nature was the Union Sabbath :ethool pie nie, which passed off in a pletsani.Man— ner and to tIT satisfaction of all concerned I Ile usual number of pic-nics, sailing parties, so.. took place. • In the evening there were a number of private displays of fire 'thrift, some of which were on. quite an extensive &Cale. A number of parties imbibed patriotic whiskey with entirely too much freedom and did not recover for a day or two afterwards. PH isdelphia county; lOl The /Vest advance in the price 'of hinting materials has obliged the poblishasa of the Philadelphia Age to increase the Pricti of their daily edition from eight to ten dollars a year. The Age is a paper 'of which Phtladerlithia and the Democrats of 'Pennsylvania rev be proud, and we are ;fey much mistaken in the temper of• our party friends throughout the State if they fail to give it a liberal support under all circumstances - . ft should have a larger-cir culation in this city. - `• • • . • The-dedicstion . of the now house or worship of the second Bar list eburch, - situsted on 4- fayet le street, - t etween Peach and Sassafras streets, will take Owe nest Sabbath, July 10th. The public services will be as follows: Sermon in German by the pastor at:10, a. m. Sermon, in English by Rev. L.' Bays, of first; Baptist church, at 2, p. m. 13 , trmon in German at S. p. m. The public generally are respectfully invited to attend. The Armstrong Democrat, the old -Demo cratic organ in that county, has hoisted the ticket of Lincoln and Johnston.-4Actlitton &change. - , The Armstrong Dfniderat has for years been dirty Ahulit iott sheet, and the asseition now that it is a Detrocratic organ is simply a falsehowl, known to be such by 'the shollyite who wrote it.—Gelyvburq Contparr,; Generous as the people of this :city have usually been, they were exceeded by the citi zens of North East at their festival on the Fourth, when the large SUM Of, one thousand dollars wee raised, For a . real whole-souled, hospitable and- liberal community, we put North East ahead of any other place of like she th►t we have ever visited. The celebration at Corry was very largely attended, many pera.ins hsving beet present from this city and other points on the line of the Philadelphia and A. & G. W. railioads The• address 1111. L. fitebtaoad, •s represented to us to hue b-en a strongly partiran production of the stper- Erne `•loyal" sort We are gratified to learn that. Major 34-,at gonsery, of the re:rates array, who is well known itt this city, has at length been re— stored to his ollicr, with allowance of back pay; Sc. His removal was Inck t l upon by our people generally as a small piece of aortal or political nasligaity. The Johnstown Democrat is evidently cot very friendly disposed towards our —slates men" at Washington. It says: wishing to disparate others who aspire to he charac ter, we have no hesitation in !via* that a set of. greater foals than now competse our :Na tional Congress can not be found in the Cnited States." Mr. A. C. Schnell, lately chief (telegrapher or the Philadelphia & .Erie railroad et point, has been appointed agent tor the Penn sylrania railroad company in the: oil regions. We are sorry to part with SeheeLl, but we hive the consolation that ••what 4s our loss is his gait." , We have often met men who claimed to be too pooi to take $ paper, to wear decent Oa thing, to rapport their families. ; comfortably, or start themselves in baldness, but who ever met one toe poor -to go to a circus The Governor has signed the, act allowing day as the pay-of oar ,county,rcom missioners, and permitting the present county tresaarer to hail offsee for two successive terms. The sellers of wool cannot certainly com plain of the price this year. It; brings from .E.O 10'100 cents a pound and many holders are expecting still more of as advance. Wool, on the sth inst , was 'wanted in New York, and 'cinote-.1 at 30 cents to $1 for washed per pound, and 50 to tie) cents for. annsalted: The lab: rail oa Cat Phiitielphia.& Erie EL P. sal laid on Satarday Bast, st s point nese JOhnsesbura., Elk elanty. A serioas busk bms oeearred in the Preach Creek feeler of the daaal, whirh. it is said, will deity asrigatioa for two weeks. The rebel privateer Alabama was defeat ed and sunk by the United States cruiser Sausage off Cherbourg. on Sonday. June 1'?. The entagernent began 'between 10 and 11 o'clock a. rn., and at 12:10 the last shot was tired, when the Alabama was found to be in a sinking condition. The Kesmige had about 50 more men and hastier guns than the Alabama.' and a chain Cable triced along her aides to break the force of the shot from the Alabama. Her ire proved the most destructive. and anent the rebel. officers admitted that they had been greatly mistaken ias to her strength. The Keasarge was but damaged, and only three of ber crew were wounded. Of the Alabama, 5 men were , 'killed. 17 wounded an-/- drowned and 66 captured. Capt. SAmmes. with 14 officers and men, were picked np by an English steam yacht. When the Kearsage search ed for Semmes bee men were , told by the English that he was drowned. Our kind cousins at 33athainpton comforted Sem mes by aaeff...r of a public dinner. We *aim*. K the .Ushists. DRUGS AT ‘VHOLESALE RET. skinIIEL CARTER • lilt. •144.14t...1 •I Vt.: tt , i! Carter & Carver, By , Ph , gll It,* VP. t ',I at eh. old Rhad. Wvb onta I.: ,k cllaws th-f bops t• patrol:laze ESPECIAL AT! ENT +vat G• cIPTot,..! f , t_ WHOLESALE T 111,D1 Dealers In the oeightoormi to •,t a•• „ Tittil to give us a e... 1 hef..a.eparchtt,-, THE RE FAIL DEpAi:TIL., Witi M eooduct ,, i, htntofor.„ z wits •.I:npositioti to utilize eai We puUsaiarly call tire natc. '4 . Stock r I CHEMICALS, Which sal 6nait frn ;nit c,ty. rryrnieriptvlas preparo l iv aa.l yrosoptntsi. Executor's Notice. LETTEIts te..twEnent:ary on lb , of Gardntr C. Johnson, la': Pt, 4/ - zo:. 1 to IL< Not,oe Is 101011 kLOW) mod tntatt cats Lz/rO , <L and (!rase havttg elL:ta.ta;s44l,.. 24-tae tb O M., dlly f a ri:(1.13. II w.c F t Leßzi Jlly 2, 1!•.i,3N Stray Colt. A 3.1 E to the premi3e , , Of u 114 1 la - i-OWD4h fp, oft lt Ene Rona, mile* f ro m Idle, &bout •.= •.-t norm Colt. 2 or 3 years old, with •.,:s•-.2 had on wil-n' he came ooe uther notte.Ve mute. Tne O.IA, r.. inward, Dross property. pay Clitro,, otherewe he will m its,?..ted IMPORTANT PUBLIC AT PUMA Di:Li 12 $19,026 52 Erie Cana) to, By crler c 1 Asolgto-411.c. c • DAYJULY l ab, at c ....(- Exell ' Aztgo,-- 130 Ei.,a•ce Erie C 4 /41 C In; cattail of do do w . BEI I=M^S=Ml ram CLik.:NEV. PATt•IT FILTER AND Cs."./L).i: mire GI t tisefa/ reonA.r... F w i Va.. t - of eh A,- flat. raacame •• • L f.^ Y‘J _ • .414-/ tpleti 1. a NINE BILOOkk!, k'tTt.%r ‘VIt I f LNG A.:D CJsrArsoici r ?z / 141 M, 111, a Cs.. 1 . : • :tat.] t•l.-t-is, t • . BROWN'S PATENT BABY ri 6 w.rt useut ant/ •-• 1,..< •to s :Scr tr.• •—• • • & 4 14 .1 :IST, • e 7—V? . I Dit. P. EVULIiSI - =EMI 1 1 .GKair.. 0 .X8 /yowl), C.. j. .r WOOll WOOl t . ?pi HILT It f • proper. 7. w L r y Important to I Persons Want* Rewrite. I'IIE I:NDI.i.:A.3SEL , • ha., OVA o 1 the ton: an] halo; 1344 Ley co:4l4mt of tint BaLrfasp, to az.. =,,ccirt trot: szl safety. ME jT Coatner's takes Is •ay ' 1•44 , 2 ,r edre Real Estate for Ss: THE D EIISIGNE j,„ Yu: :Se 11111.* Mural :ail uonuty; puruss rushlup Ls :arts: a Be, slit both Lagsses! .. Ist J. cat up U na_: for i = 4„. bazgasus us offs:ed. L_ SCrEHTEFIC HORSE 5 The esviereweed. leep lam /Le-Ith* • THE OLD SHOP OF S. ON • &ear ebat (laza, - sotito wad in a sip. - .:1 • = arto lealw vtat . •.! ethers 1 sat Sat a :r-.11-, AND GIiA.Z.-LNIEL A: rjr o' . taus. paresart._ bell-la- Administrat9r's - N 7-- LErIELLS Of bon o ra.: lioUoie is 3:error ;:roc. ' Eviarbted 'arms; asi primal tt.m. jawps,s4 HSrbMilek, i-- OLD PRICES, Nt ) v-- : :,-. J._ C. SELDLS IS SELLING WA:-- IMENEIII3 I PcUIL ,NEW MILLINERY TllEs Mbsz,i-> WVIC,I 22452 rrep.Kll - a: y sc-z, E3119=1 BEE3g4 La!: As 1 Lase 01. s STOCK OF IS.EW Ns. 1 MILLIS E Tv, Haat:4 ftwevad to* rusiamed sca • tot* L. • 1, • 1113 r ?Ail • A T - 7 . • Farni for SaFe• trilE t ass - • :sib- Law:ANIL -14.444.1,1 I- :1 C 4.4.4 1 1 114.1;1 . 14:._t ?, H .t 11: 44.4/0 1 4er. 1-4;47 a 2.71 . a tit :aot ara.aea..!- az; .t LS s 31.2- ;" -• =I • - VICI:U.Z.Vr." IMMICI B 0 NN IYr , Vat f T L 1 _ as• • , Bonnets, Hats, Ftib.- G D Et Y __ , .. 4.7.4.L1i' I •-• • • &Of. rslllll4 . az :045 - ; • Pa. BM IMOZI EMI =I AM GI Mla ENE ~• .✓p