THE ERIE WEEKLY OBSERVER. I. Vim "OBSERVER BTLLOIRGR," StArs STRuer, Orrorrnt TUE POST OTTIOE. IpvERTISEME ft* Sou* of Ten tram ono Im• 75 ntm ; two isaertinne $l,OO ; three 10ur ,04 $1,25; one month $1,60 ; two months $2.60; raarithe $1,14; mit 00; one year S 8 00: cter siver:DorrnentA in proportion. These rater aril ha atrictly adhered to, nniceschauged by epeeist contract. or at the option of the peri:aliera = init. Nottcea, Strafe, Divorces and lit. erieerj a e. ; AdminiatratoPe Nnticen $2,50; Load NO=,l, cents a line; Ita-riaze Notices TactoreT• rims errata a peeve; Oititoare Notices lover three line. . 3 nt t e ir r t) tire e•nta pet line. Original poetry, no . ; e na written at the requeat of the editor, one della, per boa Alt advertise neuta will be continued at t h e expenoi or the peverm advertising, la tall ordered c ,; hr hie dir;etion, unle.a a aprrided period is 2.-;reed upon for its loaection 4 - 3 .tcßlrriON; TW3 Dota.alte per annum in ad- MO pRISTINti.—Wo hare one. of the best .I . ebblog •n th4't‘t , ...nd AN, rPs.ty to do anv work In .uo lino OA! nor 1:• C0trn...t..1 tt., In equal style, t I,batout clt..ide a., largest ctt WHITVAN'L BRECHT, Publhhers A FACT GENERALLY KNOWN, THAT th , variety of new' style Bed !. steads, of Gothlci,veiittago, Congo eau, /Wand cor ,, Comp Soft, 'Jenny Lind and other pattern., with ~,T i entine and strait front, handsomely veneered Etun-aus„ tension, ihniug,.Breakfast, Centre and other Table; Whinintx, ',linker Stands, Carpet and namitsh Lotui g ,s, and S e a it mils Mattraamene, Feather heels Bolsters with oilier nousehold tanxittire,. era, in ra.nnfsetared from well Reasoned Wader and Ils ilthy ri terixix, by experienced workmen and not br upi ,, sratire• For style, quality and low pricer I will defy gem .wo.prce dealers to undersell me. Feathernbon,thCand - Cane seat, Parlor, Bedroom, Itrocklr ae arse and r :Les . Cl a ire, of Eastern and Weiitern mann nr, h ic kory dulled and glued, mating then! Siet strrax.e, as slay other part of the chair,where others made on ly c al led, and by no means durable. Wood ;Viadt , r, Ileekitr, Sewing and Name, are chain of hard word roulade clinched lhroudh the heat and slued, war : exxted to etand. ilandiramely-parated, and can't be bea ten for rtren;th, pare and tinish. Spring hats 1 'hare 4oid over 300 aril have the hi 4heat teatiMouixila with a of prices of all cads pent nn application. Fr.cliing r cad iipippm: tier. it:, Ler rooms experiente An I contending r - ith ala irm.ipelyd two prim. dealere, 1 &el determined to' roll ne price to all, give worth for your ply, and do j with" Ci who trod. with me. Luraler, Lath, Stitug'es, Live `tuck, Crude ant, 4,:n0 !!!,, More Pay, Produce kc, taken at fair market valued . RenionWer the Place, next corner Of Bth street a state, Erie, In. G W. ELL.ALI . e..v.Lf•tt. Ihnullettr and Ceramist!: Salesman. W 1101,E. 4 A LE RETAIT - OROCERY STORE P. A. BECKER„ WED )LE4ALE AND RETAIL GROCER, Y.,15 Fast Corner el fde rerti 1 Frew , . Street, =MEE Z:•uld resp7ctfolly rail the atteotioo of thi community t.O LIS larxe Stotk of IiWit:ERIE.'; AND PROVISIONS, Which be Is dePanas to sell at the 11:111" LOWINT 1.0.4411111. K PRICKS! ni, ...cOrt , ll.l , t Ar EMS! )FFEES. SYRUPS, TOBACC6S. &C., r. rrr f ac.r d .13 the ca age.ha to prepared to prhee to ,I. •hn rm. htrn r. Pal!. 1 / 4 PPIA en r t Inth .;t1 haevi a I.nperior Int eif PURI: I;[QUORS, r the alptl. , , e whirli ha tlitectit th• attention hP pubhe :it. raltto "Qttt,tk 'inlet., ',l'll Prnftli. and 11, fall vent ftlr the tnfty." GROCERIES! ,GROCERIES I WHOLESALE -A ND. RETAIL P. SCHAAF, 1, 'n h. puhlt , that he by opened =ZOO No. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie, -dm, •ki•r,nn han.l r st9pills of GROCERIES, CRDCKEUY AND Wi )I)EN WARE, Xll%, 1.11 1 / 1 1'011. 4 , I rr.•fythio 1.4i1111, Car *lO rn 411 entslduhurent of 1.. Aunt lerma a% 1 . 01-011gilli. n. Al, other store in the janftin-ltf MEE= NEW GROCERY STORE. 1 hlr.. n.l a n6.-r flrornry StnnE, on F Is %71.3 d HOUSE NORTII (LV RAILROAD t hq, f4ll w.f.]) qf 4:1111CF. It I F,4 VIIII% IVIIW (1111 t IL I. It I,lt . • V NIECIIINI.I - , W11.1.4%11 WARE. CONPECTION %RI IN, TOP WC() VIII: tIV4. 4 Pa 4 , ..rvt4int; on liLnd in no ektnhlimhrnPot of We are deternatarel to rifer zia , el utvitteerriehta YY any dYalyry Lu the city. and 4a,oe the puhhe to cell. ,9/at7helt that v.° 4,11 q IVt• ontlfP naliNfutinn. nct.3l'63tt. . k•'. 4. IVF:FtEIf;I4 riR OYSTERS _& CLAMS. _ . T "E •zubscribcr would respect- r s in.. 1 fully inform frlonis and customers VS' thlt ho Is ctlll at his old stand, No. 2 Washington Fish Market, New Tort, And is prepart;,l to furnish EOTEL,S, STF:AMBOAT 4 „RESTAT:RANTS k FAMILIES with the beet OYSTERS AND CLAMS, The market affords, at Wholeasle and Retail, at short botiCe, inl at t• e I.OKect LIVING NUCES. rrAU Orttors tram tho Country Promptly Attended to. • N B-,-Oynters 40.1 Clung Pickled to Order. NT.,. 1 1,0rk; June 20, 18G2.—ly. H. C eYFEY. 11. S. 10-40 LOAN. r IRST. N XTIO N A BANK OF Elli F., DESIGNATED OF.FO 4 ITiIItY OT TOF. U. Bank hereby trununee• shot it a rimpared to reeeire subruiptions on tenoned of United btate4 Gonda, Aria 0112.41 by the act of Its.reh 3„ 1904, be'*ring date March 1,1074, redeemable at the pleamure of the Oorertilitien t after 10„ and par a,le 40 year. from Mo, be trine interest at flea par cent. s rear, tri‘aide in nolo anituslle, on Bonds not over $lOO, and semiannually on all other Bonds. sl.ll,sCrib.rN viii receive either Iteglatiered or Coupon es the, may prefer. it is expected that Coupon will be ready for delivery about the 4th of April. Slot:niter, will be required to pay, in addition tg the nut of tlie principal of the Bonds io lawful money. serried oit-r.,: coin, (or in Vatted States Notes, "th. Note. '‘ational Ban. adding fifty per cent. for ;, until farther nottiej from the let day of March unhl It, St y t stih‘niptlon. It'lZ , vt. , l' l, .te't sill be iveir , fl of the denominations of SIN., 1;4)4,111,09o % $5,030e,510,0002; and Coti- E ° ', I , of the den , inilationa of VOA, $100e,...5001 and BY ,qlf.?,, V •Zeeretiry of the Treasury. a; r."! M SANFORD. evader _ C. ENCELHART, Dealer in- Boots & Shoes ACSo, lULNUFACTURER OF • CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES ! take tiii, method of return -I....hants t bit friends titA the public trterll;r •or th.qr pstionag. heretoNre extended 40p04 to !Msr a cnoutumation of the same. 1 4t. ..err to itiform the public tl.r.t I Ral Mtill kiCi Al,}; .)1 _A 'r 5131 4 .4 N If not a I.:We Cheaper, Inn.) in VI Vae.o, and lam .4111 making tin ;„,„,„ntl , d'he wn. for whi..ll t em 'f m 1 , .t 'he Et}: 4 T “f WORKMEN , Tind.r thetioper 0. MILLE fl. ..115410,1 a I Cr u4,` OP , Plumer Patent Last, n-nr r. pyre t” man.- lb. Plnnvq. Fatinit Roots ' 1 rho. , manner n..t ~ rrn...-1 in tit 7 le and 6r-ip cot 1)....t 1 irk talon 01 th. ' '• , I. at .1 An. TIC:. Ca t. - mrl2.64tr. . 11111. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. $ 6 444. !moon., et• ' , elrtto r ft.: Urwthiftobt 1. sr .1.1! • . I•enr..llvsn,• to the rite Erie. on v - It h.o, n fea.e.) It. I?, PenAtitfird , lrgi Ra 'l ' lr osie , sy..,,,ll,ll,lor their rs I's trine 7: I " 1 V 1 We...1 prilirs len z th. t+- 'nt ,n 1 1x Mrbrnl, harn. , , , o. 1.1 i• :!!rri.nilehrl en the E.istern .n.l fr:un i 6 111.1,1 • 1 7 4 ta ,1,4 ) . 0 43 the • r n 9 rstatele AT rem. 9167.014 learca ...... . . .... •• 3 1.4 P. Imm I .lv* , 1 ,1 r 4 A.. M. XaII Train ..... ....... 9 :e0 A. X L' I ;'"eUlTral4 %rtryer it the ..r , rmAtt.bA rrapeatt) l'A••• ,• bite.rsosei ap p ly coliait I Ith 44.1 Market 4/4-, an.l ror Flee ht t. r‘;.• K1 , C 7 14',5 ez:,lrr,•• 13til+ %tikrirot lA' Ili-N . \ l , rra i;rie " l ei tlf.l„•••nt P. H , Ite:tiinore f;eoer-il Fre.olttit ei frie , ...t A .;;nt. Pu.r.: • W _ - PR Es E V El) FRUIT, Jeltirs, and lti Fruit, irkin. hipper ft , tee, ett "P.Le..itt my„,l6-1m BENKR 41111URICIVIS. VOLUMB .35 BUSLNESS DIRECTORY. :Dramas Cards Inserted ID this eJlesol at the rate of Three and Fire Dollars per year.) JOAN U. MILLAR, ' Cure , itaotans; bolsi , mime year. County thereeyor, ill prepared to Survey or lasi* Pleas or Maps la Erie County, Pt. Office In Common Connell Room s Weight's Block. = 5pr2344-Iy. TI D. WALK E, Formannum arm Common Duartarr„ I , :rle, Pa. Warehouse on Publle Doelr, But Comer or State Street. dealer la Coal, Salt, PIM, non; Plaster, Water Llme, dm N. B.—Particular attention will be glees to the goreiving and Forwarding of Petro leum Oil. Crude and fledned, to all part of the eouetry. apYl:3ll4lf. 0 L. A - BBICIr, Prnonis R o ezalitx, Wittaba g, Ref:rerices —Drs. st and NV hlts, But N. Y.; Drs. Humphrey and Phe'pe, Urclon Pa • and Dr. Spencer, En., Po. altr3o'64-31e. b ee DUICISICAILISTE, . WROVICRILIJI Aro saran. Duch Ur Hee and Provisions, Floor tund Peed, Wbod and Willow Wan, Winos , Liquors, Talked°, Sims. he., Etats Street, next to Young's House Furntehing Itnaporiam, Erie, Plx . ' junel—Us2. PMILO BSININWrr, Jusrnas Or rat Plias. (Mee afkotti nom. Wayne Meek, French Street, between Filth and firth. jenet64. D PIEBVIS Dighton& It ALL CU= OS KLIDWAJta, and kaaaLietanna sod Jobbers in Tin and Copper Ware, corner ofadiaad Stags Sta., Kris, Pa. tstarmet. SINCZA/UPS EICINLIIIO2 PUOTOGIMPII GALLIXT Rfaiensvelea Block, Erie Pa. Jimlreoltf. CHAPIN dr WILBUR, Arroaxm AT Lax, lUdirway. P. Prattle/ In Elk, McKean, Cameron and Jefferson mantle . .1. C. CHAPIN. Da s/0114-110 1 9 W. W. WILBUR. V. W. FRTLL, PROPRIMTOR. ' MORRISON HOUSE. Qourner of getout' and Market Street—on• square east o rob aeon's Exchange, Warren. Pa. • Sept. 29-17. Girl). W. taureasom, Jetties or elil Pisan. Once in Gazette building, South-west cornet of Fitt, nod State Aiwa Conveyancing done neatly and collections undo prompt ly. (OLE, U 4 Boos 811111)1114 BLANK Boo: Ninarisiterritior, re, in Second Story of Rinds/ welt'. Block, Erie, /WRVS tl. CUTLitlit. arroaray AT Lay, Girard, Erie County, Collections and Other loudness attaaded to with ! , ,,optatas and dispatch. I) P. ENSIGN, Boozszturs and Dealer in Stationery, Mariam, Magazines, liewspapers, ke. Country dealers zuppliod. Store under Brown's liotel,fronting the Park. a p rtreottf. - • s. NZW?OS TITTIB. X PARE DAVIS. 0TT12.11 & DAVI*, AWTOIXITI AT LAW Cheat:as F uret, Yeadville, Pa. Feb. i6-37.•81 - - JAwniW. wantons, zsy.., tam, in Walker's Of . lice, on Seventh street, Erie, Pa. lug 7'53 61 IW. PERKINS, • Dome; Beatty'. Block, Korth aide of the Part, State arms, Via. Pa. aprlr63 U. r AFA VETTE 110TIVL, L A • - French street, Mayen lth and lith streets, rpar the Philadelphia &Erie Railroad Depot, Via, Pa., boots Shoemaker,: Proprietor. Retentive soirommods• lion ter strangers and traveler/tr. Board by the day or week. Atiod stabling Mamba& apt2F63tf. • A LI EBEL 41r. BROTHER, tl e PASSIOXABIX TAILORS spa Ag”ots for Planer k Kayser's Patent dewing Machines —the best in us- State Street,between Ith and 9th Sta., P.o.e. Pa. Clothes made to order ha the finest style. n.,r1•83-Ir. m D. OSBORNE?, Urger AND SALO 871EIL1 OD Highth Stfeet, between State and Forsch. Fine Horses and Car. Tinge* to let on reasonable terms. m726'64-Iy. I DIMLI.. Ar Dl CARTICR, VIIPACTCRXIII ntaitsamrsenes,,Boilim .1.0 - I.g, Agri c el tural icopl•menta, Oui, r.r. Pa. lir E. MAGILL, yr oat. in ,„ _ a -- • •r • • • • Week. north side of hie Park, Erie, Pa. EIEGEM With A. WILISHAITII. a • ATTOILIIT AT Law—olleeou 6th street. • at ly opposite the Court Bowie. Krie,Pa. .. ,;. rt. SPENCER. UMW MARVIN% 'SPENCER it 'MARVIN II TTOIENN Y[3 I& COUNSELLORS AT LAW i t FFICE, Paragon Block, near North t 'ls ogt Corner o f tbo Teals Seam& EA*. Ps JOHN C. 86111114 Diestsi IX Day Coops, theceneares. t:nwirrry. Iferdesse, Nail, Glom Seed, Mater, ete., ros ier of SLsth street sad Public Square, Fria, Pa. Jarttl. r it IA 14.• cLaßrs DISTILLED. RESTORATIVE, - FOR THE HAIR, Restores Gray & Faded Bair di, Beard TO ITS NATtYRAL COLOR, AND' IS A MOST LUXURIOUS DRESSING For the Head tad Hair. CLARK'S RtSTORATIVE, Restores the Color. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Eradicates Dandruff. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Promotes its Gowth. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Prevents its Falling Off. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is an unequalled Dressing. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, /13 good for Children. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is good for Ladies. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, rood for old People. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, - Is perfectly Harmless. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Contains no Oil, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is not a Dr!. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, - ' Beautifies the Hair. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, - Is splendid for Whiskers: CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Keeps the• Hair in ils CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Cures Nervous Heads Che. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Prevents Eruptions. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, _ Stops itching and Burning CLARX!S RESTORATIVE, ' Iliad Cool CLARK'S REStOR K A I ME IIe 4 , s o lilini t l l , ll Perfumed CLARK'S RES Contains no Eledimen . CLARK'S RESTORATIVE' ' Cl.mtains - no Gum. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE,- - Polishes your Hair. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. Prepare. you for Partici. CLARK'S, REST,OR ATI V E. Piermreg you for Balls. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, All Ladies need it. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. Nn Lady will do without it. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. -Costa but ft, 00. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, - irve, $1 1 g n t!,147. 1 -Vtlit s ,7lr re """ hir* C. li. CLAIM A IRRNIti k CO„ V', OetoPral Agents. • Administrator!. Sale. IN PURSUANCE - OF AN ORDER OF tne Orphan . ' Court to me 'directed, I *lll *spent to pualle Fele upon the prenliq't, on Wadoisday the Intl - day of July, ISS t, at 10 del.& a. rn., of es 4 day the fol: Fining described LW Itstate In wit.: All that attain Otto or parrs' of lied. attests, Blot and beinr la the !township of Concord. snooty of Nrbf, P. hennaed and dosorti k .4 ap Ythoey, te eft t OR the North fin lend of 'Nor Colyrous, on the East by label of Andrei eolirovo en the Reath bo lead of Chester th ole and on the Wei; by s fable Highway moist North and Faith. eon. 'aisles darner," laud, bethe sap mete Pr less. TRIcNe Or tiAltit -.Comb In head, or one-half down sad WI/meals one sear, with teemed, aseerni by fade , mint bond 'ad mortgagees tha proadoie—d the option of the purchaser. CITIS HOWARD. 1 04 41/. 7 - Adze; of Hulas* Howard. Des* m trl 2'64 TIE = TWO DOLWEFRO YEA* EPRAiD IN ADVANCE; lAN IF NOT PAID UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAS[.: . The Moat of War. It was a Ilaajrner erwalag; Ord ,Zaepai's work was dews, And he e his eettep deer • Was sitting la the ate , • • And by him ',merited On the green - fill Ilttlp vitodehlld Washable. She saw huh:ether Pateekle. Roll something lane sad to mei, Width be beside the rivulet. in plfyisi then had found . As /woe to IA what he had flank That was no sod moo*. sad .toaled Old Huger toot It from tes bon - Who stood expeetant • A 4 then the °Liman pheek has head, end with h natural ddh, . "'Tie some pber fellow's shall; ILI•1 he, “Who fAttri the great Yktory." "I find theca { ln the pram, Poi theroll way thombost ; And often, 71ito I go to plosigar lha ploae4ehare tens thou • it : For mirky agloruised may" said be, "Were slale;h:_that greet *tory." 4 Now tell na what •twu all about," Young Peterktn ►e erten ; And little Wu :beings, looks up Withlworidar-weltlng eyei; "Row tell tie all shout the war. And what they fought each other for." "It wu timatagll4" Kivu 011114 "Who pat the Tuft* to rout ; But what they fought sub other for, I could not wall make oat ; But ovarybldy satdr g uotb be. "That 'twu a fatuous 'Way I" "Ilifathartrad at Ellentrhst thin ; ' • Yon Itttlit strum hard by ; They buruthts dwaillog to thogrosed, Mid ha was !breed to Ay ; Bo with wilt lad child be asd. ' Nor had not where to lay ibla herd. "With ire and sword the country round Wu waited far and wide, And many it Wines tiotber then, And new-born baby died : But thingslike that, yon know, west be At emery &toots victory. "They say it was ',shocking sight Atter thd dad. wu won : For many thonsant bodies hero, Lay rolling la the sun; Bat tit:DOW:ID that, you know, aunt be, Altar a feu victory "Greet reefer the Duke of Kalb're and aarigood Priam Imosia" "Why, 'turnery wicked tkpag r Sala 1104 Withebhisa. ,Na7—wiy - 4 - 11, UttJa girt," (math ka., was a famous victory r ' • i "ArW everybody praieed tkd Dub, who thlagreat Wit did Fist" "Bat what Qum of It at Lair Qaoth Milo ratotitin. "Why, that I (=mitten." add he, "Bale twaa a haws •temry.' Wisdom and Pab%dm Mks Ilessed Andolas. Trom ths Patermo (N. J.) Gaudlaa.] The writer of the following letter is not unknown tal militaiy fame. In the Mexi can war he fought tinder Gene!al Taylor, and with General Scott participated ie all the battles i from Vera Gras to Chapati.- pee, at the storming of which fort he was wounded, and rendere 1 unfit for service, . and retired with the brevet rank of brig adier genertd. During t he presenli war he was placed in command of Cumberland Gap, where, after waiting for supplies until almost the last ration Was consumed, he blew up the fort, and in -a march of nearly three weeks, sublisting his troops on green scorn, he forced his way to the Ohio river, hi passage obstinately contested, with scarce the loss of a msu. At the first attack on Vicksburg he led one pf the , corps of the army, and was noted fdr his bravery, cool ness and skill: • Minix? Vsosoir, Ohio. Juror 17. Grxrunix :—Your• note is before me, and with pleasure I comply with your re• quest. There•is alwayssdangers of is civil war among a free people, resulting in the overthrow Of liberty; and I do not believe: that meee force can restore• peace or pre• serve the Union. In my_hatable jud`• , went wisdom nd patriotism alike dio, mend an armistice ; and I believe that a' cessation of hostilities would result in an honorable ;and a happy peace. An armistice is an agreed suspension of hostilities between belligerents for,a spew ified time, and for a given purpose. In wars between civilized nations" an anais: tic* alway 4 precedes peace, though sorer ; times resorted to for other purposes. None but tairbarlici powers pursue hostilities to exteruiln4iou, and extermination or rma pieta exhaustion of both contending par: ties would- be the necessary remit in all ware, did Pot the opposing parties weir to suspend hostilities so that the question in dispute,imight be submitted to the ar bitramentiof reason, after brute fpree had failed. I • --4 kc During tin armistice the hostile artniei maintain their respective positions, and if terms of adjustment are not agreed lapis hostilities !can be recommeneed < < Brit, is a general and afmost invariable :rate, an armistice is followed by pesos: The pre position fer an armistice generally' Comet from the 4icifior-;:sind thus after the battle of SoNerieo, gained by the 'Fretiefi, the' Emperor Napoleon "proposectin armisti c e to Francis! Joseph 'of. Atiktrlii e ;tind peace was the ra'aft. '-• ' - magn an I Mi c real great Oesat and the aiqen,cst : ei: it is the certaineOtlence of a wain of,, ,t prvper fey" reski_ct. ha ca o t l, the ,O,r) ipltpsfi pain nobly vittilicittrlohteopkttra 0,4 9 44 ' battle fieldo, AO the deettl efettrocildie* , have relle;ited 4111aOri,i.m,lpry IVOR oar, arms. Mit, our eneuiy4ort brave, and although we itete•Attessir44 we accord an, hottest -takniratino!Aor the heroism ',hid) 114 a hilt reJeensial-fe zais-, taken e:inae. The world he 4 never seen sink hatti' either - in point Of numbers .0 1 r` dianthus intrepidiiy_. We have sent ip:Ote more than two_mipia,ni; of tn,i r0;i 4 1 . 1,06 ,, Iy if not fully one-h!dql . thetU r itave pie to their r;ravei, : Wore thin one-tenth Of the population 'of tritejlyo §tataa ha - Te . been actlui eo,a4loatatjtf in this ; .wat. Whaleregions oteoUtStry Ave beg, made desolate a 1t1at 2, 7 bait of ivorlcalippi hai been hushed as if palsigAbY,AtiTritel dent ; the plow ;hie _both humeri end the fatheir, the husband and Ihisonties all gout ontlo . battle. * * . say - ,:t04:1 1 1; - 84TURDAY MORNING, JULY , . 4,1'864. . then fore time lit the torrent of blood be shriecl---lit the olive bisnah luippbsni tire **led, and heaiinhorn reason twice the glace of force. Wotan has crowned our lumbers on unnumbered fields, and toOs.. *leggy will addiustre to oar wile. ,I , • Say $o our countrymen of the South:. 111,: i et us reason together. Your homes are draped in mourning, And so are ours. *swot your noblest eons have /perished tint the field of battle, and stioh, eke. the awe with M. We are cutmtrymen and we have been friends, and as' u,deffr, Amid the red storm of battle, we are proud of each other's deeds. * * Beeson is the attribute of the pd.— cainme is the festival of fiends. ,Then let Us; assemble around the council' fire; and on6i imitate our red brothers 'of, the, toiest and smoke the calumet of peeoe.,", In a word, let the, result at Ilicbrnobd he; what it may, let us , declare in hirer of an' armistice of sixty days. We Clad make the proposition with honor, because it would be done on aciuthern soil. We blocla►de all the ports of the South not in our possession, and the great Father of Waters is ours from its source to its mouth. Bat we want peace ; we want Union ; we wants cessation df the carnage of war ; and• these blearing' can only be attained through an armistice. With earnest hopes for the preservation of the Union, and tlie return of peace, I remain, gentlemen, your obliged fellow- ottitiZill, 0110. W. bi.maax. To Robert Miller and William Lbamon, Re" es Monad Mar »--TM Dead la as Wilier. boielipmnAhaele _ the Roebriter Deseen4.l The following extracts from a letter re neatly received from Lieut. Bailey, of the 16th regiment New York volunteers, will be; found interiating--sadly,l - painfally, in teresting, as an additional chapter of the ►orrors of this most - horrid war, marking tn, its history incidents more awful than lay the world has ever had to record...L. peit. Bailey went from this city, was one bf, the staff of the lamented Sedpiieki end was one of the esco rts of his body. Jane 14,1884. o did not expect, when I left you in" Rechester, and promised to you, that I laionbi . visit the battle fields of the Wil -1 dunees again at this early period, if ,at I arrived is camp Sunday afternoon, sass Leaving you was placed on duty as officer of the guard ; and the day fol. lush's was detailed as one of the officers to,soceespany an expedition of 500 cavalry 'AO guard an ambulance train, and rescue our wounded who were yet in the hands of t the enemy, whom they had placed un der guard and were removing, to Rich mond as fast es possible, as prisoners. We ,arrived at United States ford, on the Rep 'Wan, Friday night ;" crossed Saturday morning, and st 10`found,a deserted hos pital where the first three days of the bat , tle were fought. To within a mile of this • the dead of both armies bad been buried . ; briti from this to the next hospital (about 15 miles) the dead remain as death found theta, with the excption of their clothing. The rebels had stripped them of boos and shoes, and nearly all of clothing, and where there was an exception the pockets Were all turned 1 It is a scene I shall not attempt to describe, and so utterly awful that I could not do it. It is estimated that 1;500 or more of rebels liehere unburied, and es six weeks have passed since the battle,,,ima,gination, in its wildest fancies, cannot begin to paint the spectacle. I Must pus it. After passing this wilder ness of death, we found another hospital, surprised the guards, took possession, and fouud about 60 - wounded in chug, of one of our surgeons, he being a prisoner also. We did not stop to inquire to whom or libet side they belonged, whether friend or foe, but oonunericed at once to pot thins Into our ambulances and to make our way out. of . this wilderness _ and sha dow of death, hastening on our. way to, Waahingten.l An official meant of the eupeditien will doubtless soon be made. We did not allow any talking with the men ; many of 'them had all they could einlinss to bear the transit ; and as nearly the whole of them were unable to sit up, and is some had limbs amputated, wn judged a portion of them would die on the Way, with all 'the care we could exercise, and so they did. As to the care they had received, they all oishr i thst as much had been done for them as, tinder thecircum• Am" was possible. w COitIRDWIM CIIIrsII3 HATS tows.—The fallowing table, shoring whist Teased, carry America► foreign trade, is siviilloant of the damage dons to oat !hipping by the Confederate c.rnisers— i3ampter, Alabama, Georgia and others. It is taken from the Customs' Report : • , ,tmerk la 1 • , rendri , *Mt ' sllsUstell 81 - --- ''''' -- Ni 11/2 fictil,lo .-...... .. nu ........ MUMS& ‘ t 1000 SINY3,sOI 140 MI,WNP lysi , ' .:„,' • •.' %ISAIAS ' MA AMOS ISM-, I:Wal '' W i ll: 40 - In UR. the •proportion elf , metehandite -1 eaglet in,foreign TeMell man asonatp Por :arnt.osnd in the last onftrter of 1863, ten, per mot. In:the beginning of the war we thogaght it antidleboast‘iof the rebels that, their pintoes would blase; our foreign mannered from the Goma; but it *mild 'eppearto be in s fair *7 ot - being 'reel. °lnd. All oar imam. e iteatifoiOnOt seem to-be conspetent under Lineeliee 'admits-, 7 to abed the O&M& *Mention . te ' foreign ectuneree." • • . • • • 'the midst et A friglitfal mid enhanst. leg war; daily increasing ah already stn. 'pendants and orsewhelmind debt,' prises. pally' through , the naliommed extrava garsoe Of shoddyikes, pentainton t Ma other throne( 'glasses, the der** Of she Ad. ntinistintion, oar itikre r this, yea! will b 0 'yr ERIE . freity C 41111011" of wwwWtbno oar aim* lof which . moo be , in cow. It this knot ruin; will somebody IMO what' is rale to oar sontitry 1 , Wiso lblks will *wised from udder!' Ms Wes dills Daimon &Potty. The principles of the,beinftratio patty and the , policy* viroestee, are. mond with this roternufets and have serer se lied from *Glints the partj bo*.t TheY,ere very plain and very simple : 1; 1 Thai'dieltinited States are united in a Union of whioLthe Conititution is the 4cipremilv at, and only form." That the States are equal, each bound to kapott the will of every 'other in re prd to las own sritsooof lieelety, and each sacred hoes the eeeseie or interfOrenc• df another, and bititled to hioadsliip, ndt staled to hostility. f , • . That the coustitnikis is the supreme law Upon these subjects en irhich the . States delegated to It power, end that no :authority can bit exe r cised directly or Indi rectly by the Foists' Government, for which it cannot than , *warrant, ' . That the gdpreme Court of the:United States is the expounder:of the ceeetite-s Lion. That the olain lanip4ge of. the Congo A plain . of ..aa insti tution mast bs followed *slay as practi cable, and Hint all:ittediptii to enlarge its powers by constrUCtiOnire 'dangerous, and' to be avoided. I That neither COngiees,,nor , the Exam-, tire nor the l ballot ItsTa any poriinc.l, given by the Const4tinn., , gb much tor print:4)les. ,44 1 t9 pony tit., questions'_ exPe" c Y, OM r c !TIP not less used. • It is 'opp?Sexi to ,paper money,; it is op, , posed ,to every intOrferenes by, GOVern ment with the bpaineati.of inclividoalti - ; is opposed' to to naiihag goierriment:tvith, moral qoltrations or 'serial iCblems. Its notibn.ifilie - i tie on of l e Fitdeial Gov-, eminent *lin& mat "gOveiiitnept, is, as it was intended to be, altogether Betio* aa to foreign' powers; and nationalist some few specified subjects ap hopae. kgNOW is flak It. An army oorrespbadeat of the Prowl". dews 414107141. &dog from Coal .ffertaki,t writes as fellows : „' - "Now. Yanks.git down dar--sre is agora' to foir - Such was) the note of warning gives w by: the men in the rebel ranks yesttkrtisy morning. ,Thefrout Roelof the two armies are within . convening distance' and by mutual agreenient there had been no firing sines the trues of the preceding day'. The irebeis and Yankees went out to meet sech.other.' Head shaking wits quite common. papers were ezoltanged, the situation was canvassed, and doubtless if there bad' been ,an army ale house heaths .woold have been proposed and beakers quaffed. Along our front line the soldiers stood up, walked _about, went for water, raised to the rear, endplayed seven up without fear of being shot at. The reb 7 els did the same. One of the gray jacket generals rode up, and having surveyed the field, issued orders to eommenee:hostilt: ties. At once the mhos hastened to their pita and gave the warning set down above. In the meetings on , neutralground the utmost cordiality prevailed. Then it. was that the soldiers of both sides world per to each other, "dive only had a chancq we'd soon settle this ;war I". but t , that. was mutiny - . .Some said be good feeling was becoming toes apparent. and that was why the firing w as &tiered. - • •' If that ' millenittl ;condition Of things • • wished for in the old , s ong, could be reach- ed, in which— . • Thos. w 124 make time quakes's nimbi IN Me oily ewe lb 110 r - - there is no doubt that we might soon • see the end of. the war. We firmly belleve l , that it the dispute beiweeon the North and', 'the Bouth could be snbmltted to the nobi-: used adieu of the people s - or'even of the , two armies, engsgeOs they are in mot-; tal combat on the field, a speedy settle-', mint would take', place. But neither Lin- , coin nor 'Davis can see the matter in thi s li : ht. ; • Two officers wounded in the battle of the 20th. ibefore Peietub s o r r, were going' home last' Friday-bylhe e route. Whei the train neared Owlet°, it well.dremed la dy; set:maps:tied tg y etild and a gentler man, entered the ea. , lad took eats in front of them. — As. the officers talked, ever the recent engagement at Petersimrgi informing each other 'Or the vitiOni gratin tanned Whohad 'fidleti, one Outfit. ed, "there was Capt 4 Warwick, of the 109th N. Y., as brave a tallow' is ever lived, be was shot through the head 7 and Instantly killed " The lady Iniznediaiady' . apnmg from her seat, and' throinng up her hands Qxclaimed, "oh, do:4'k 1 1)Ighat, he was niy buabguid i" end ,then, buret into an * l 4 of tears. r This.wee the first ,ittlekligentsi she bad received of tiaritfabatur4* d ." l . The child , witltheiciatAle daughter sad . the gentleman his / brother. There were , very few dry 'yeah' that car .during the rest of thejourner to .12mdra. . I I Toe C4sume Pictorm,—A row days,elope Mr. vO 4 LiDowdo WWI . it ' th e_ studio of he utiot 0 1 0 Pd in !Pe/Idiot „the cohi et sreup,,ead asked bow. ,he Was . . II WPM with the happy ClPtil7l. Intl .1014 Km he was prcogressiug fineti, aid !mkt won have it completed. ..Idr. * ado * lifter •leekiwilt oret aid scituAng i i. chreebr the arrangement Of the group, - prowled ibis :dogma= .et -the , work -- !Mee," orgy* the intist.,l“it will be w ue `ptiothrOcart is wierrirl get it rem do tediiistOod"to trawl through , the. ee ; ft? sisdzethibil R.* **4WErst,P arjrc Uri coin, "eihibit thit all , over the cowntry t ft *add ; ruht flip:thane:lea for re•eleetiha. Sveribody exPect i ir iseio CMOs, my glib. inet."—hr. Y. Scald. • " t : • -vbetta or Grist's tray h strewn 'With tarciale of 9,Boo;hottei Aituid nsamh ms has worn out o,llol7lsairs of shoen.— Tor&With of the 'then—woes that 100* 1410 a riot ching‘in.garinentlince rstartod:;i maraud; mat:Right Oa kit - thirty ditts;!ln• Welt; and duAr i 4nd rata, *and have not 'changed' aOrin-at— "fighting t out on'thistnri.44 OM; Rebel priwoolgOtt Me basalt pie pared lot 10010 g Obi' iiiste - tist !Os tithe 'minds OA intriytifTlititehave tien fotwardoll to 04 tiltyqti z onklaipatiAt of t'e'CdtbritYaioßi. Y l6l'4' the 4et 1111111110alkeritni tis- Adentotthiiiiit - - ' ME MEM Obseivira ; ; ROGIMONSOIIII. ThUU that last so sot , • • Dooolith Us at trots dodo.- not 1441 palm 0111 Jek— sad "Vita the slowest Ws. Oars way a Ina tso pan,.too reit, To bapoto last lady, ; me vie; Loeb deg th• tat° Which lott allow sad poor. of ridgy • Thus. boos tails.. .es lest. ERIN low In lams. sato Toy piro i ad bout meld, beat, lapir onr hops the doom blast, Lehi nomad huoir env, Nerdnisait In *marts souk! few be nest, 'that waned to love so truce • Oar 'ways sista Ulan MN widely sat, - lad ague atal wildly soar • i In palm kr pease the far thereat . Omni Inuit, morrow hu kat hosha. : -1111 t• "La the irraptarot put to bleak ?tat ity 01 food Im's p9ll, But, ab, when osuaory bids them !rake, . What thoughts repentant swelL July 1,11164j* ITEMS OF ALL SORTS. 2,There are - 'two thousand farms and 709 wheat fields, in Ohio. left without a ituao, to attend to , them. So says the Ohio Statesman. Rev., Dr. Cheerer lectured before the i i i r orareter I Fremont Club, 'Friday night, asserting that he would as soon cut off his right arm as vote for Abraham Lincoln. Alen. Butter has been made a member of AmeriCan Tract Society. An exchange aper says; it would not be safe to allow n tuscesx - to the tracts, while waste paper brings a high price. - - • ' A rsmont campaign paper i s shortly to be started in Indianapolis. An shell sheet publiihed there was bought up, :o'ut after he money was paid and pock eted, it turned traitor. The De m ocratic party, defective as it is. is 41.61elystiperior to the Republican party, for i at leash asserts personal liber ty and national digUlty, which the latter forutilly din 9," --Nest 'Nation, Fr Milani or lIIi /dra. Francis, Gage,- who hasieen tabor. ling with, the South Carolina contrabands, gays thiit in 1862 they never sworeior got ;drunk. but now they drink whiskey and 'swear just like white folks. Such is the iprogress of civilisation. • The Boston lioneereays that there Aire only six . German papers in the Union which advhcate the cause of Mi. Lincoln, while twerify-siz have hoisted Gen. Fre- Aloes name, and all the rest seem, to 'prefer him against' all other candidates. • The N. Y. Times (Rep.) unqualifiedly ,says: "Had Mr. Breckenridge, or Mr. Douglas,m' Mr. Bell been elected,therewrixti lave been no rebellion." The runes is Lin , cold's chief supporter, and, its editor' the writer of the Baltimo're. platform, • and is Supposed to know of that whereof -he speaks. - • • President Lincoln, since his nomination at Baltimore, has returned to his "snotty jokes" with increased unction. He ex ceeds himself in nastiness. Senator Harris recently retired from "the presence," de olaring to a friend that his self-respect would mi l permit him longer to listen to suckgross indecenoy,of language.—N. Y. World. Washington) gossip bath it that Mar low Weed said that Secretary Stanton ought lass ago to have rent Mrs. Lincoln away from Washington, which .remark sorning",tO the ears of the rreiddent's wife, she treated Thurlow very cavalierly on a late call at the White ,HOU9O, refus ing to allow him to sit down, and turning him out of the hoes*. ' Poor Maslow. Tim Washington Aqua's* states that the impaitant speech of Senator Wilson, in Which he said that within a year we had put into the field 700,000 nil recruits and rsonlisted mei, was suppreised by the telegisphio censor.. This accounts for the fact Shat the country heard nothing of it , tilt it appeared in the Washington Globs. Why should the War Department wish the Juts suppressed f It is esti:Meted that the clip of woel for 'the present season, taking the whole coma try, will not be more than two-thirds Of last years yield. .Grain, was so high last fall, that leas of it thin usual was fed to "flocks in the West, and they entered upon the winter in prior condition. Thousands Of sheep perished, daring le winter from extreirse l cold, and thousands more in the spring from sickness.. ,A Heald correspondent with Grant's army, in describing the fight of the VA tol4 the following-curious incident to themarinea: Dosing the fight on Friday, Me 4 our boys, either becoming short of ammiml fitra or in the hurry of tho'engsgetnent, ilred the ramrod' of his gun from his. mu*. het.... On the subsequeut capture of the works trim -rebels were found dead and completely transfixed with the iron shaft. •On the fourth day's march of Gen. Sher idan's raid to Gordonsville, a sad incident nocurted : • , A rear guard was detailed .to prevent straggling. and ekpepially to ate that the dismounted men kept up. One poor fel- Tint Who bid loot his borne. upon being -urged to go tsgtet;* replied that be was „ pretty: well. played:out. es well es his horse,, :lutl it to cry wanted him to go Much filter, be might as well shoot himself at once: this was supposed to bee mere jest; but; no sooner was be spillten - to again by the, officer to pima forward. than he plea. ed his revolver, to his bend and blew out lie brains. I could not learn his name, but Ihhik he belonged to one of the Mich igan regiments. The Berate has Passed a resolution call; ingnpan the President to set apart a day of hurnillation, fasting end prayer. A day of !fasting and prayetiis - doubtlees well '61020, bat the President and the present' Administration already' supplies us with three hundred and sixty-five days of ~hu mtlialinn in the year. We cannot foresee sore than two days' of ' rejoicing' for the next eight niontlis3 One Will be when it is . 'anaemia:id fast Lindolu' bas been beaten =II alike, pent, and the ether when a brim new l'Administnltion pet into Town in lititidetten: Mi::23l CM ••• NUMBER 6; Wogs to ♦fm Lieut. Col. PoWman, who has had charge of the military !academy at West Point, has been rezeuve4 from that position by for tic removal t fon& fact oital thatera I 111 41 1 ve eralieh on the occasion ofithettedication of the site of the!bettle. Minniablit'ildeiniiral Collura wee sent on- brae-Administration to in : slit thid...****l*A44l:oo Chosen: thek.asstter in . _ _ sharge refused, however, to nuke any dim& alit a fOriiiilkiitifiai•lnicfleen tendered and !smreed. Linpoin's and Stankei - ahatp*liM* - Malice against the general the y . had so wionged is at the bonnet Of ibli totirilattlirairt~ upon LieuL :Did.anennanz Labor Boksti Table doubted wbether,thi..Admioistration was so forgetfal --of its sell respect; as to interfere le a hatter of this kind, but that journal has AS auttlei in this smallest and meanest of themany small and mean acts of the Administration,- • • ' Ma.llunsies Genruitorr Corrnacrs. —lt is but limplejustiowto Iforeee Gree ley •to . publish the lapwing, which . ['p pm,. in Saturday's Tribteis : " I, Horace Greeley, do solemnli swear ' and affirm that / have .been a partner in no ooatraot, a pii i ,or undertaking ; of ,any sort, with, to For for the Government of this State, or of the United States, since Abrahaid Lineein became Presidemt and that, =apt by the publication of adver thethenti in the 21ihme, at the tumak and regular primichirgpxd id advertises. - gen erally, I have made' no dollar,- of money out of either or any Government, w4eth ei by job, Ousts** commimion or other wise. ; flosses (Inuunr. kali( .Liptthl fact P4'd e wn. And West, North and-South, that the Drawls of Jton9l7,lM4s editorially admitted that the. Micah cad rebel-, understood each other, and conspired • together :to:destroy this glorious itraiond "Wheel," ; said the Trawls, ,I!tbir‘a&lhair (the rebel) -aid we elected , Lincoln sadtgeutlin 'our triumph was nowhere. more gem:dilly or openly ex ulted over thanin Chabliston,. the - foun tain and facts of the rebelliorg",. These factions have been , equally the curie of the country,! and; it is the duty of the country to rally at the next election and put down Lineolti as well as his confederate, JOT. Davis. - Awriter to the Boston aurier, spearing of s ride to Hoosio Mountain, embodies an idea which does away with the supposed difficulties of boring a tunnel through it. The members of the corps of topographi cal enginnelars should 'make a note of it. Says, the writer :—"As we sat in the bar-room of the tavern after dinner, we heard from an old farmer a suggestion worthy of note. "here ain't but one way,' said he; 'to get a hole through this here tionntalis, and that is to bury a nigger in it somewhere, and then Gov. Andrews will set all lef : astiachasetta to dig him out." A 44110 marriage took plaCe at Buoy - ms, Ohio,•the other day. A Capt. Lewis was wedded ' to a Was Maggie McCracken. They had bees long engaged ; the - Captain was wounded at the recent battle of the Wildereesa and on hearing of it Miss Maggie left house and went to take care of hini..tended him and brought him home. At the time,of his marriage he was strAp ped to a board, unable to turn his body. Several, three. years' regiments belong ing in New York and Brooklyn returned homo last *reek, their terms of service having expired. But little notice was.ta ken of,ks their arrival, but their thin and broken tanks a sad tale of the ravages of war. One regiment which went out with 1,400 men, brought back under its tattered flag 150. Another had but 79 men in its tanks, and so on. Weir Bursts-saliCary is Coin supposed.that the President keeps Butler in command, in spite of popular clamor, because he thinks he is not whipped quite enough yet to ensure his harmlessness as a Presidential competitor., 14att4trd is electioneering powerfully in the Lincoln interest, and has done nearly as much for Honest Abe, in Virginia, as Dick 'Taylor in Louisiana:, Geri. Butler made.war on ROaltat at New Orleans, aid enocetded. Remade war on dogs at Niue)lk, and gained a complete victory. He made war on men near Pe tersburg, and was ingloriously -whipped, He will opine himself, hanoefortb, to women and dogs, , if he knows what is good for him.--Lenisville Anna. From /Eassaohnsetts there come bitter complaints of drought. The Springfield iiepsibrieon says the farmers are almost dis courage& Fields that have been mown look as though a tire had run eso them. A soldiir in Grant's army writeshbme : "We are enjoying ourselves in the Waal way. We hive light for breakfast, - dinner and supper ,' twice between meal, and three timim dUrfrig the night-Lth faci, it has bacoMe a' second nature." • The pidus editor of the New Tork Inde• peivfMt intimates that Der: Seward,'When he appealed at the New Thiglind kitCben at the Baltimore Fair, was under the tau once of something krongii." thin black tea. -'L All cnir - coriseripttionii !lain!) ,Ohlyt / ea, Itzed 39,000thim.' 'The rernidmier - otopr army since the , flrit rush of yeetinteers‘haa been got by tiotatles. - " - - A'number•of (dben. 3i'caill4; receutli c iiide him a present'cif a'valuable iihrarY 'mirth' about V 2,000. ' • . • • Ad*ltima CAltdrea. . 4 rat!" PaXAMD•TOIII niggPAPeid and Otherpriistad matter, formerly worth Bathing or twat to; nothing, -are toM", purekatedaky the Palm ; makers it ftlim three to four cents a pound. By • process devised-since the great advance of paper Stock, the ink is etrectually removed and the paper manufactsarOd. to as to be need again and again.. , 4. staple worth three'eents a pound ought fleet, to be thrown away or need fer en*, pufpoaBa as kindling fires, for sheaper substances nisy , be substitu ted. : Thai little boys and girte should etre and collect stit, the waste paper they can. We will buy It at this oboe at three cents a pound. Ttts Nsw. Messina. Nsw Yam— Mr. M. A. Qass; Peak Street, between 2d and &I streets, las been appointed agent by tle publiebere for the sate of the portrait of the newlY appointed Archbishop of New York, 111)14. Bet. Jon 3LoCissky., Tele, 25 gems, It is an excellent picture, and will be much sought after by the Minds of the Archbishop. 14.44mi.- 0 4 1 101 oustontly• MI ;Mad a Iner selsetion i O agprnved Omer, mink as DWI,' . 111, Judgment angtg4toutest Wm" Summit Subpessi and pea otkces, Et In Mil . Those to - mood of elms articles. will end Lk to Abair ittroatogi to Oro Got Aso ?. toilL If.