The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 02, 1864, Image 2

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    6rit Ohstrbtr.
All 11110•111 LIIIITT —Anima Jscitios.
- GEORGE B. MCLELLAN, of Pestaritvialar.
- •
JAMES ensue, of Reitocky.
(Subject to the doeleion of the Democratic National
Short ems Certain.
The agricultural prospects of the coun
try for the,'year 1864, the' W. Y. iVor/d
thinks, do not look promising. "In con
sequence of the severe winter in the West,
the %vheat crop in the states of Ohio, In
diana, Illinois, lowa, Minnesota, and
Michigan, and part of Pennsylvania, was
materially damaged, and, from the best
information received, will yield but little
more than half the ' usual number of
bushels in those states. ft was hoped that
this deficiency in the crop of wheat would
be made good by an increased production
of corn and spring-grown grains ; but the
weather at seeding and planting time was
very cold, wet and .unfaVorable, which,
with the great scarcity of farm labor, pre
vented the sowing and planting of any
thing near the usual number of acres.—
From our exchanges, and through private
sources, we learn ,that in Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois not more than one-half the
average breadth of land is planted to
porn, and that the proportion of- oats,
barley and peas is about the same. Hence,
were the season from May to October ever
so favorable, there must of necessity be a
large decrease in, the amount of grain har
vested in the year 1864. The prospect is
now, however, much more unfavorable.
In the north half of Illinois, in lowa,
Minnesota, Wisoonsin, Nebraska and the
north-western part ef Michigan, a severe
drouth has materially and permanently
injured the crops. Wheat, oats, barley
and the grass crop cannot, in this large
extent of productive western territory,
resov%r, even under the most favorable
auspices, so as to give more than half the
average yield ; besides, the dry weather
is favorable to the growth and multiplica
tion of the chinch btigs, which have made
their appearance in great numbers in• the
West, and it is feared, hat what the
drouth has•left will be taken by those ra
pacious insects. , Besides) the very dama
ging drouth in the West and the injury
by" insects, considerable damage has al
ready been sustained in New York and
Canada, in consequence of the extremely
dry weather that has prevailed in the
eastern and middle sections of the Union
for the past three weeks. , So that there
is no disguising the fact that there is to
be a short crop of all descriptions of grain
throughout the United States. This is
not a pleasant prospect ; but it is time the
country realized the.precise state of the
case, so as to be prepared for the high
prices of next fall." -
"We would ask, does any man in his
right mind imagine that, if the one-tenth
part of what the Copperheads charge up
on the Pr,esident were. true, a Convention
of such magnitude, of such commanding
respectability, and of so immense a con
stituency as that which assembled in Bal
timoreovould have put the'seal of its en
dorsement upon him? No—it certainly
would not. The Baltimore Convention,
, with 'two millions of intelligent freemen
at its back, has done what it has done in
telligently. It knew Whereof it affirmed,
and knowing it, dared to maintain it, and
Abraham Lineoln,Ahrough its action, is
again before the people for their endorse
ment or repudiation."
The above is a portion of an editorial
in this week's Gaulle, advocating the re
election of Ur. Lincoln: The editor asks
a question which we prefer to leave to be
answered by one of his own party friends.
The following extraet from a letter written
by the correspondent of the New York
Evening Post, (a paper whose staunch Re
publicanism the austes will not deny)
sent on to give a special report of the
Baltimore Convention, will, perhaps, cov
er our'cotemporary's inquiry - -
"141.1131011 E, June 7-3.15, P. U.
"As I came out a Maryland Abolition
ist, who is for Lincoln, and who is a. mer
chant of Norfolk, told me they intended
to have a more radical platform than Fre
mont. I asked what was the use of a
platform at all unless there was some one
to carry it out ? When Gov. Morgan re
ferred to the _origin of the Republican
party, and its first battle in 1856, under
the lead of Fremont and Payton, and its
second time in 1860, under Lincoln and
Hamlin, the Convention manifested about
equal satisfaction with both battles, and if
they had not been tongue-tied, I think they
would hive demonstrated at the mention
of Fremont's name in a way that would
have done the heart good.' Gov. Morgan's
call upon the—Convention, to demand an
amendment of the Conititution,. killing
fiirever the cause of all our woes, human
slavery, was received with three times
three, when the hearts J even the Balti
more Convention, packed then4gh it is with
office holders and contractors, could not be
kept shut up, but they burst out in spite
of all efforts to stifle their beatings.. Dr.
Breckenridge's references to Mr.:Lincoln
as the bowing standard-bearer were salu
ted with Warm applause at first, but not
with that outpouring of the soul expected..
Compared with the enthusiasm at Cleve
land, when Fremont's name was even al
luded to, it was nothing in point of volume
and fire. For the effect of Fremont's ac
widens* upon the Convention I prefer to
leave you to the result of its deliberation
to prophesying about it. An office holder
said to me this morning that madness
rules the hour. I replied that I thought it
was rather office holders and coßtraelors who
ruled it I"
"COMMI:We are getting to be an ex
traordinarily plenty article of late. The
Fremont men call all who support Lincoln
"Copperheads ;" the Linoolnites retaliate
by styling the Fremonters "Copperheads;"
and both in a grand chorus unite in howl
ing down the Democrats as "Copper.
heads." - It would appear from this, 'the t
as the entire people of the North suppol t
one .or the other of these parties, they
must all be "Copperheads," and that they
are divided into three classes—the Lincoln
"Copperheads," which includes the Ad
ministration, its officeholders and those
- whom they have deluded into a belief that
Old Abe is an ".honest"-man, and fit to be
President a second term ; the Franmnt
"Copperheads," or those honest .Reptibli
caris who know Lincoln's unfitness and
manfully oppose him ; and the Democrat
ic "Copperheads," who favor the Constitu
tion and desire a restoration of the old •
Union, on terms that will be honorable to
the people of both sections. Who would
have thought a few months ago, that by
the close of June, 1864, the entire people
of the North would be "Copperheads ?"
~,, REAP 1 READI ! READI 1 1
Republican triumph is 1860," which the
The Rebels 'Woking. Over the Re73eadwa.
Or says is a'"grest, consPicueus,' , 'abun- ,
den el Lleeeha ;den . fly established fact," •
' That the people of a South were de-
We have on repeated Occas ions stated
; ceived into rebellio is unquestionable.
our impression that the Republican party
I The Northern Abolitionists were respon
and the Alministration hat', by their im
sibli for it, and might at any time have
politic and fanatical policy ,
more to Caved:the nation from war. But it can
consolidate the rebel masses in their an
not escape , memory that when secession
tipsthy to the Union, and to nerve them;
was put in operation, the stoutest North
up to the most desperate fighting quell,. , e rn advocates of the rights of ' secession,
ties, than all other pauses combined. the most determined opponents of coen
have given abundant extracts from youth; cion, were the leading_ Republican news
ern papers and speeches to prove this pot an d politicians, who had been la.
,_ papers
sition, and in our columns to-day winboring with the Southern leaders to ac.
found, -or four of the same Character. 1 complish Mr. Lincoln's election. We need
Thoaech are printed ou our first, page ;,not cite the proof with which our readers
should - fie sufficient to convince any one are so familiar. We believed then, and
of the soundness of our conclusions, hitt
wo believe now, that the Republican' edi
if the reader still doubts what we assert, 1 tors and politicians to whom we refer were
let him read the following', from the Rich
sincere secessionists—that they desired a
mond Dispatch, of a few days ago. dissolution of the Union, had labored for
the most conclusive testimony thus far
-it, and did not Wish to see it prevented by
presented, of
view taken by the rebels a war tot the Union. The subsequent
themselves as to, wit 3 are. their "be'st course of some of those politicians but
friends in the North::" confirms this view. Their whole police
"For our part we'are glad to hear that has been such as, in the view Of impartial
Lincoln has received the nomination.—
When some 'enterprising partisan' officer melt, tends to "disunion. Nor can there
of the Revolutlon proposed to carry Ofr I be any doubt that if the Southern leaders
Sir William Howe from th . etlaidst of his I wanted the election of Mr. Lincoln in
army, Washington put his toon it at 11880, they much more desire his re-eleo-,
once. He had no doubt that it we, fesai
tion in 1564. We submit whether the
ble ; but Howe had conducted the war as
stupidly as it was possible for any man ao same reasons are as operative, even more
conduct it, and any change whateier operative, now than then. The truth is
could be but for the British interests. Let that the success of the Republicans was
him stay for fear of a successor who might
the success of the parties North and South
not be quite such an imbecile. So we say
of Old Abe. It would be impossiblei to who had determined to divide the Union;
find another such an ass in the United and—their success again this year will
States; and therefore, we say, let him stay. have, in all probability, a similar value to
We, at least, of the Confederacy, ought to the purposes of the.disuniontets wherever
be satisfied with him, for hi leas concluetsd
t h e war exactly as we oug h t to wish it eo „d u .,,e,a, they are.—Journal of Commerce -
He has confirmed chase that were wavering, heat
ed red-ltot those who were careless, converted cold
indiference into furious passion, end cakulating
neutrality into darning patriotism. As for the
military operations conceived and execu
ted under his auspices, surely we havelne
right to complain. No service ever had
so many blundering officers, and no cam
paigns were ever conducted with greater
stupidity. For, these reasons we are most
decidedly in favor of old Abe, and if) we
could command a million qr votes in Yankeedrms
he should have them aU.- He has made thi
South the most united people that ever went forth
to battle with an invader; and for' that bade-.
serves the lively gratitude of every Soulth
ern man. If anything •could add to the
obligations under which we lie to the Bal
timore Convention, it would be found' in
the nomination of Andrew Johnson—the
man of all others most detested in the
South, and the Most likely to keep togeth
er the parties already united in one sand
mass for the prosecution of the war. Con
vinced, as we are, that nobody not in faver
of continuing the war could be elected,
land that no other would conduct it , so
foolishly, we go this ticket "
Met I , Swapping- Ilerses."
The "loyal" papers tell us that when
"Old Abe," surnamed "Honest," 'by way
of ridicule, was called upon by the com
mittee of the Baltimore Convention; to
apprize him of his re-nomination, he Made
a speech of which ,the following is said ,to
have been the termination. It is not! the
sort of one that Washington, or Jackson,
or any of the illustrious men who have
preceded Mr. Lincoln woold have Made,
but such as it is, it received the ecstatic
applause of the group of contractors, Office
holders and other Government pensioners
-assembled on the occasion. Said Old Abe :
" I have not permitted myself, gentle
men, to conclude that I am the,best man
in the country, but I am reminded, in
this connection, of a story of an old Dutch
farmer, who remarked to a companion
once that it was not best to swap horses
when crossing streams!'
We save gone to some pains to lOok up
all the old story books that we could lay
our hands upon, in order to ascertain the
original of Mr. Lincoln's comparison, and
now have the infinite pleasure of announ
cing that we have faund it. It is as fol
lows : "A Dutchman undertakes to swim
a mare and colt across a stream, and not
being a swimmer himself, he takes hold
' of the colt's tail, and the trio start to make
the passage. The colt, weak and imma
ture, begins to show signs of giving out
about the time the middle of the! stream
is reached, and men on the opposite bank
cry out to the Dutchman to 'seize the
mare's tail and relieve the colt, or he will
be lost. Looking -anxiously about him,
and seeing the mare's tail beyond his
reach, he tightened his grasp on the colt's
candle extremity, and replies to his inter
ested neighbors that this is no !place to
swap horses.' The result, of course, is
that Dutchman and colt soon sink to
what the novelists term 'a watery grave.' "
We are left to infer that the colt repre
serits the almoit exhausted Government,
and the President the drownin Dutch
man. It is not strange that his i're-nomi
nation should have called this story to
mind. The question for the people is,
whether there is not some way to save the
bolt. •
' ' Disamies.
The Dibuns finds fault with Gen. MO-
Clellan for his opinion as to the 'causes of,
the war, and boldly asserts, as if it were a
new truth, that the leaders of the South
ern rebellion were actually aiding the
Abolitionists to elect Mr. Lincoln for the
purpose of helping on the popular feeling
at the ' South in favor of disunion. This
is doubtless true, nor is it in any way in
conlistetit with General McClellan's state
ment. There was a great difference be
tween the leaders of secession 'and the
people at the South. The people were in
immense majority for the Union until the
combination of ' Northern Abolitionists
with Southern -secessionists monied pop
nlar feeling' to such a pitch that the
Union wen were silenced by a rampant,
raging minority which grew' to *ma
jority. We have so often proved this fact,
that it seems odd to hear the Tribune now
coming out as if it were a new idea. We
have again' and again published'the reso
lutions adopted at a meeting of Abolition
ists, since high in the Republican ranks,
who, in this State of New Yorjt, in 1859,
resolved that the Union ought to be dis
solved, and that theylisould Open up a
oOrreepOndenoe wi th Henry A,, Wise and
other Southern disnni mists, for the pur
pose of devising-ways to bring about their
object. iler was this a solitary case. The
same course was pursued in all parts of
the country wherever Abolitidnism was
growing strong among the Republicans.
The proofs were so abundant that it
Seemed idle to deny the statement when
we made it, and yet many of the radical
journals called us slanderers for the pub
lication. We are glad now to reoord from
the Tribune the confession, published in
italics in that piper, "that the peyinears of
the rebellion desired and labored ter that very
a rabid Abolition and Fremont piper, al
luding to Vallandighain's speech, at Day
ton, says: "llow inexpressibly contempti
ble does a Government appear which is
obliged tamely to endure the utterance of
such language from a ccinsciouiness that
it cannot justify the unlawful act it per
petrated upon this worthlesi l man. Val
landigham could have come back to his
home without molestation at any time
during the past year, for there is no
law' in the country authorising banish
ment; and there has been no martial law
in existence in Ohio during that period."
Unitary Chase *wined.
The meat important _item of. Friday
morniag's news is the resignation of Sec
retary Chase. The cause is 'said to have
been a personal difficulty With the Presi
dent, but it is more probable that the
Secretary foresees the crash that is com
ing, and sought a pretext to evade the
starm. Ex-Governor David Todd, of Ohio,
was nominated for Chase'seuccessor, but
the Senate, after a hot debate, declined
to confirm the appointment ; on hearing
which. David very wisely refused to accept
the office. It is`supposed that his qualifi
cations for the place consist in the fact
that he was once clerk in a country store.
They have onthe bill of fare at the ho-
tels in Nashville a "Lincoln pudding."
That, we suppose, is simply, the old fash
ioned Mood pudding.
lb Cometatim.
It is settled there is to be no commuta
tion. The House on Tuesday passed the
bill of Mr. Smithers, of Delaware, which
provides substantially :
That the President may,at any time
call for any number of volunteers' for one,
two or three years.
That in case the quota of any town shall
not be filled within sixty days. after the
call, the President may order '
_a draft for
one year to fill that quota.! •
That in case of a draft there shall be no
exemption by the payment of money.
Bounties are offered lOC volunteers or
substitutes—s2oo for one iyear, $3OO for
two years, $4OO for three yams.
So much we collect from the imperfect
telegraphic summary. The essential fea
ture of the bill is, of course, the repeal of
the exemption clause—or, rather, that is
the point on which most of the contro
versy turned. The Senate passed a bill
recently for the achievement of the same
object, but the House has thrice refused
to accede, voting the other , day by 100 to
30 in favor - of retaining the commutation.
Now that the two branches are reconciled
on this vital question, we presume they
will speedily be at accord on matters of
detail, and that one or the. other bill will
be a law.
•It -no secret that the change of front
in the House is due to the urgent repre
sentations of the Executive. The system
heretofore , existing was deemed a failure.
The Governmeht got money and not men.
Hence the argument addressed Xi . ) mem
bers.of Congress has been t If you mean
the war shall go on, you must grant the
power to draft, compulsorily in other
words, you must give the Government the
power to fill its armies speedily, and keep
them full. And the House has yielded to
this urgency,' impelled by the patriotic
conviction that the Executive was entitled
to the grant of such. authority as in its
view was n for the suppression of
the rebellion.—N. Y. Ttibass.
Tun Piton or G s :mix—The price of gold is
stW upward i lind on Wednesday it had reached
the highest standard ever before attained, the
quotations being 240 and 245, filmultineously
with Lida advance, an increase in the prices
of Flour, Grain and Meat took place, which
will be still worse news to the consuming pore
lion of the community. Present prospects
indioate that . gold will go still higher, or to
speak more proper - , that paper will decline
still further. In order that our readers may
be able to understand the euct value of pa
per when gold reaches cattalo standards, we
have gone to some troubleto figure out the
hots, and present 'the result below. It will
be of advantage to cut tb statement out, and
preserve it for fain:* refersios
wise trial/ latotiNa at 210. • paper dollar Is worth
......... ..... SOAT.I3-41
• • • I 230 . 43 4.11
' * " 43 11143
• • a 340 " 4 41 4Y ; 300 41
4 " , 240 - as 4.13
" " 3TO 1 " " 4T 1543
64 64 44 200 MI 40 44 54
" • sisi " " 34 14411
" " 800 " 3314
ir Y 61 400 Bs 64 24
N 66 14 600 41 M 20
44 44 44 1000 '64, 114
44 44 SI 10000 Y U
It would be a Matter of interest to &portion
of the public to know if the so-called acade
mies and literary - ltuttitutioas to this county,
are really what they profane, or moldy Abo
lition electioneering coacerns in disguise. W.
know akr at least, which,: if they are to be
Judged by the exelusivenees that their man
agers display towards Democratic newspapers,
might be strongly suspected of being the
The Gentle, gluing of the Democracy,
say! "lb. antagonist we have to encounter
* * will ight,wlth desperate energy."
Why, neighbor, kis not long since yen salt
tkiat aims "nataganist" 'wee lidead," and u
nited with wonderibt 11•• over the presumed
fed. His be bon "rosurrected ?"
We are now able to give definite'intelligence i
of Geo. Grant's movements bask week which !
were hinted at stimjsterionsly in moat of the
papers. The following ii the resume of events
as given by the N. Y. - Tribune: - "Gen. - Grant i
undertook to seta and destroy .the Weldon
Railroad a little south .of Petersburg, The
18th Corps was seat down from Bermuda
Hundred, while the 2d and 6th were mass
ively thrown to_ the•left in the
. do4setioniattis
railroad. The rebels discovered- the latter
movement in time to attack our advancing i
columns in flank. By the glaring fault of
somebody, the divisions o l f the 2d Corps : —
temporarily under the cowhand of Gen. Bir
ney—became disuniicd, and the rehels struck
iu betieen on Wednesday afternoon. liarloW's
division lost., 1,000 , prisontrit. McSnight's
battery of four gun' was - ciliplured. Gibbon',
division seems to have been rolled up very
suddenly, the rebels appekring:in its rear,
surrounding 'mil capturing whole, regiments
before is shot bt,i :„-:n fired on our eide.---
Nearly a whole brigade went'in this way, and
our correspondent justly ritarks that where
such troops as the 16th an d 19th Massschn
setts, veteran regiments 4 high renown; are
takes prisoners bodily, the fattlt can , only lie
only with the general officers, or with some
one of them. Altogether, we last about 2,000'
prisoners from the two divisions, Barlow's
and Gibbon's—pretty heavily also in killed
and wounded; The Bth Corps, •which *as in
advance' remains& intact. When the rebel
attack Became known, Ricketts was halted,
aid marched back to the support of the 2d.—
L ltt
Re-enforee eats were brought up also from
the 6th, th n holding the-left of the Wrench
ed liue. ut the' rebels made no attempt to
press their advantiige. .
"Thursday morning Che t t:ith and 2,1 Corps
again want forward. The tith reached the
Weldon Railroad and went to work destroying
it, but. before much damage had been done,
was attacked and driven tack. The rebel
assault was so persistent that it , was deemed
best to withdraw to intrenchineuts in expecta
tion a a general pngagemetit. The advance
to the railroad, therefore amounted to nothing,
very little dainage having been do . ne to the
track; and the positiongained having been
abandoned al:ails : las soon as it was taken.—
But the expected engagement, did not occur.
The two Corps maititained their line, and' the
weight of the rebel assault on Friday fell
wholly and ineffectually on the ISt I, Corps, at
the other end of .t he line
This may be c onsidered the second failure
of the grand movement against Richmond. —
The first comprehended the advance of Sigel
down the Shenandoah to the point now reach
ed by Gen. Hunter, andthe capture of Peters
burg by Butler, while Grant engaged Lee's
army between the Rapidan and . Richmond.—
The second, which is the present, comprised
the capture of Lynchburg byllunter, of'Gor
donsville by Sheridan, anti of Petersburg by
Meade. The failure of Hunter to accomplish
his part of the mission has doubtless had a
more damaging effect. upon Gen. Grant's plans
than the failure -of Sheridan, ajthongh the
success of both was quite necessary tis the
suttees of the grand plan. The 'army of , the
Potomac new lips in front of; Petersburig in
vesting it as chisel" as possible, and thrpwing
shells into the city almost day and night'. The
condition of the people in the
, city is repre•
sented to be Ina measure distressing, the , in
habitants of that country arbund having fled
to the city for protection, and being compelled
to subsist upon{ soldiers' rations. It is su
preme folly tol talk about Richmond , being
destitute of ,food or of Lee's army being in
any way short of supplies. They have un
interrupted communication on ill the lines of
railroad leading South of the city, and can
still draw upoU`the side fields of Southwest
ern Virginia. There is nu doubt that since
Gen. Grant's operations haie.pointed directly
at Richmond, the rebel capital has been' placed
in a condition to withstand a siege,; should
such au event befall it. _ Until, _therefore,
Richmond is closely invested—as closely,- in
fact, as was Vicksburg—the period of its fall
cannot safely be computed.
The base of Grant for the-present will ut
doubtedlY be at Bermuda Hundred, which is
being intrenched for the purpose. Gen. Foster
a few days ago, prepared a secondary base on
the Nerth side of the James, at iFour Mile
Creek, nine miles from Riohthond. The works
which were evacuated so inopportunely by the
rebeleiwkwa they re enforced Petersburg,,may
be considered the advanced lines of Grant's
army on the South side, while those being
prepared by Gen. Foster are on the North
side- It, would thus appear,that the inten
tion is to approach both Petersburg and
Richmond, communication being kerit up be
tween the two wings by means of gunboats.
Fort Darling is,thas made an objective point,
and it is probable that it will be the tint sub
'jeot to be demonstrated upon by the new plan.
While there movements are In progress, the
splendid cavalry t'firce of the Army of the
'Potomac will be employed invading upon the
`enemy's lines and around his rear; so as to
harass him as much as possible.. Gen. Pother
appears to have. met with considerable success
in his advance, anff is supposed to have. cap
tured Chadic's Bluff, which is opposite Fort
Darling. If_ this is true, the new position can
be made formidable for a bombardment of : the
rebel fortification. .Gen. Sheridan's cavalry
command has crossed the James rifer and
joined Grant. ' The rebels endeavored to pre.
vent this by attacking r him at Wilcox's Land—
ing, but falled'in their purpose. Lee is evi
dently endeavoring to out off .Grant's comma
nicationfrby the James river, and has already
destroyed Harrison's and Wilcox's Landings.
The parties operating here,, however, may be
merely raideri., The President has returned
front his visit to the front, and is understood ,
to hive expressed himself well satisfied with,
the progress of affairs. Whidi he ' was with'
the' army the grand movementS already refer
red to - were in Tirogress. It if tiepOrted that
our josses in Ibis battles of Petersbirg last
week were nearly ten thousand:
With the ezieption of an attack upon Gen.
Suraside'slines oa Saturday tight, there is
little of interest from Grant's field' of spars;
tiou in front of Petersburg. The attack was
made tor the purpose of driving back a work.
log party who were throwing up' intrenoh—
meats ; but the rebels did not suoceed'in their
designs. The , army is angering very much
from amenity of water and the heat and duet:
Gen. - Wilson ii reported by rebel! peperi as
haring burned the dept at Burkeirille, which<
I is the .janction of the Richmond 4 Danville
and the Petersburg & Lynchburg roads, and
is represented to be pushing farther South...
In view of this fact, Secretary Stanton reports
that ! "ell therellroads leading into Richmond
are now 'destroyed, and some of quo; 60411,y."
Grant has not possession of the Petersburg Ps
Weldon road, av was represented, save that it
is commanded by his gnu at a point where it
debauches from Petirsbarg, and therefore is
rendered ntutervio table to the rebels except la
the night time. The raid of Gen. Wilson.upon
Burkentilt will only be of temporary service,
as the nbels have adequate means for repair:
log whatever damage has been or may yet Oa
• Genersi Sherman hue beet defeated in an
attack upon Gls rebel :forties, and had loSt•
between two sad three therms:o is
wotibded; acid priiiners: r It appears that he
sttemptedia utormient with both wings on
each the enemy, 1,4 t found that the
rebels were 'strongly' poete4 behind bossy en
trtnehments and could not be dislodged.
Generals McPherson and Thomas led the at
tack, and In, all probability, attpmpte to carry
the works by assault. The l ? enemy kept behind
ihis parapet during the battle, and was thus
enabled to indict much damage upon our ad
vancing aolamns. This shows that Johnston
has fortifid every avenue to
.Atlants sutch
a manner that to attempt to wry the posi
tion by storm would be worse than futile
Ile has had months in whiCh to pre'pare for de
fence, and the 4aracter of tho ground is such
hislines can bp taade almost impreguable. Gen.
Sherman has been for some. time preparing
for this movement, and doubtless thought that
he would succeed 114 Weil to au assault as he
Gas heretoforvin sirategio movements. The
lesson that has been taught is a dear one, in-
I Nolving the loss of valuablelives anti thousands
of brave men -
The febeis are raiding upon general Sher
man's fear in quite heavy forces Several
trains have been capthred and deseroy ed.
From the recent wholesale tlegertiona fram the
rebel lities it would appear that there is con
siderable disaffection in I the ranks\ of Johns
; • ',
ton's army:
ft appears that Morgan was not vigorously
pursued when he made his escape out of Ken
tucky at Pound Clap : A.Che!pasied ihrOugh
Shunningsburg his atianinnition was exhaust
ri and his men dispirited with their late re
verses. They only numbered about seven
hundred, and acknowleil that they bad been
badly whipped. In the; afternoon of the day
on which they left Colonel Herrera, command
ing two regiments of infantry, one, cavalry
regiment and a• battery of artillery, came np
in pursuit, but expecting a force at Mount
Sterling _to head Morgan off, did not hasten
to pursue. Had he acted otherwise he might
'have killed or captured! the whole force, for
Morgan. was in no condition to resist.: He
abandoned the pursuit!at Morehead.
An attack upon our 'fleet off Mobile is ap
prehended. 'There are no Iron vessels there,
but Admiral Farragut; has se it to 'Adiniral
Porter for some of hisiMonitors. If they ar
rive In time all will be, well. The rebels' have
a very powerful fleet with which to make the
attack, and may Succeed in sinking some of
our vessels- Should h ey do so, et Enquiry
will be pertinent why ome of the Monitors
which have been Kling intetive off Charleston
.so long were not sent: ito prevent such a catas
trophe. f
Guerrillas are still illative upon the Missis
sippi and Arkansas rivers. A steamer which
arrived at Memphis t:rom -New Orleans; a few
days ago was fired into seven times between
Vicksburg and Memphis ; aad the rebels on
the Arkansas river hive Succeeded in Captur
ingthe steam transport lago above Arkansati
Oa the mornin g of the 20th Wade Hampton
and Pits Hugh Lee made an attack upon our
troops and gunboats at White House, but
were repulsed by Getteral Abercrombie',o' bri
gade, stationed there. The object waste pre
vent General Sheridan, who was expected
there, from joining General Grant. In this
they failed, however, as General Sberidan
came up and assisted in the repulse of the
rebels, indicting severe loss upon thein. •
The rebel Gen. pillow seems to have failed
in an attempt to capture Latayetti)—which it
a town in Walker. edenty, Georgik, about 25
miles due South front Chattanoogal. The gar—
rison refused to surrender, andhilld the rebels
at bay until reinforchments came in, who 'at—
tacked 'Pillow in the rear and defeited him,
indicting considerable loss, Pillow leaving one
hundred dead and Wounded on the field.
Taking advantage of the removal of one of
our gunboats from' the mouth of: the White
river, a portion of Magruder's command re
cently, attacked two companies of Federal
troops, bat were rePalsed after'a severe tight.
The opportune arrival of the gunboat Lexing
ton, however, contributed mainly to this for
tunate result.
A few days ago a;gang of guerrilla!, under
command of Capt. 4essee, made a dash at the
railroad below Lebanon Junction, Kentucky,
but retired without doing much damage. He
then made an attack upon Bardstown, which
was garrisoned by twenty—five men of the
Invalid Corps; whosurrendered without firing
a gun, notwithstaodiug assistance wris eing
hurried for Ward to Them. Jesgeo then vie
good his seicape.
The Law of Furnishing Substitutes.
Nei/ YORK, June 18, 1864.
Editors of the humid of Commerce :
DIAZ Sta,—The following question,being of
considerable interest at present, I think, if it
will not occupy to,, much of your valuable
space, that you wotild be serving the public
by publishing them with answer, or giving
the desired information in a letter form, as
you doubtless could. I know by so doing "you
will much oblige ,A e On Stresoitteett:.
If a person who is enrolled and liable to
be drafted, but - le not yet drafted, furn
ishes a substitute now, does it free him
,from all subsequent calls for military , service
during the time for which his substitute is en
listed ? .
If he gets a Irian willing to enlist . , in the
navy as his subititute, does it free Lunt from
military service as effectively as if he had got
one to enlist in the army ?
Ans.—Yes. F
If he has got a Man who is willing to enlist
in the army as his isubstitute„ where does he
take him, and what steps-are necessary in or. .
der to procure Ma own exemption papers ?
AllB.—Take the substitute to the Provost
Marshal of the district in which ,you are en.:
rolled. If the substitute is,acoeptrd you will
receive eaemption papers.
If he has got men who is willing to enlist
in the navy as hie
,substitute; where does he
take him, ? '
Ans.-- , Take him to No. 14. State street, or
any other naval rendezvous.
If he ham found a man who is accepted In
the army as hie substitute, does such subset,.
tats -reoeive any I bounty from the United
States, State, county or city, and if eo what
Aim-41e receives no bounty whatever.
If he has feund!a man who is accepted in
navy as his Mitistitute, does such substitute
receive my bointy,lo k ' t !
.For what term of service are men now en
listed in the army ?
. das.—,Three
For what terms n the navy ?
Ane..-Three years.
Chit. Bionic IThis gallant and meritorious
soldier, who visitid 'Erie at the time of the
reported Canada it'd, has been assigned the
command of the 10th corps in place of Oen:
Gilmore. It wan thought by some of the
Leaguers about ; Pittsburg that he was not
loyal enough 4 , maintain command of the
Monongithels. ;the Pittsburg Post says he
was 4.oapperheii;d.
Amos Idyeri, Congressman from the Clarion,
Orstrford and fVenaugo district, is 'candidate
for re-eleetion. :We trust the Republicans of
that section are not so hard up for 'Alio stalf
statesmen an made of" that they will re-elect
an apolog, for s*an, like Myers, to seri% in
Congress a second term. ,
, -Taa-Co*teo Durs.—lt is difloolt to es- I
plain the remarkable apathy of, the people
geiserally in relation to the approeshing draft.
Everybody feels Nast one will scant be made,
[ and that it will (lemur 'Under oirounstances of
more dill . onraeement and with more persons!
1 severity than heretofore, and yet teti a:wreath:A
lis made to obviate,lt The county escaped a
conscription wailer, the lost call tiirtre by good
fortune than otherwise, for,with the exception 1
of a few inteiestei substitute brokers, no one
appeared to tskeagy ipecist pains to secure
1 the remit. It happened by chance, too, that
• large number of Waren recruits belonging •
I to this count, had re-enlisted, and they were
Ithrown iu to tild. up the, quota, whin would
otherwise have been considerably dedlient.—
Ever since the war began, there his been e:
1 1
!int of orgsattatioU, of unanimity o action;
of cordial working enthusiasm am g out
people on this subject which has permed
largely against our loterests. Had e pos
sessed:an effloient organisation like ihose in
New York pity and elsewhere, whoa* specisi
business it should be to assist in obtaining
recruits upon our quote, there 'mild have
been no difficulty by this time, iti,obtainiUg
enough recruits to make our quota full for the
next ball, and lege., some to spare for the
one to follow.
The mistaken of the past' cannot be rem,:
died, but we can herb from them, .if we are
shrewd, lessons of wisdom for the
More calls are to be made—that is certain ;
more drafts will be enforced ; and the quOte
of Erie comity must be filled either by volun
teers or conscripts. These are truths which
stare us all in-the face, whether we are War
men or, anti-war men ; and it behooves the en
tire community to be preparing themselves for
the emergency. No one that we meet, Repub•.
linen or Demoirat, wants to go into the army,
yet none make a movement to obviate the he
cessity fdr a draft.. Why is it that the peciple
are so stupid over a . matter so seriously Con
cerning their interests ? We tell them plainly
that unless some action is taken, and that
speedily, many of them will find•Unole Sam's
strong muscles on their shoulders, and hear
his stern voice bidding them go to the front
and held their brethren in 'the bloody work
before Richmond. Let us have immectiate•or -
ganisation and action.
Great are the tribulations of the Democra
cy. The _postponement of the Democritio
National Convention is alleged to have been
made by a bogus committee, and hence the
regular committee have bean invited by task
chairman, Thomas B. Florence, to meet: at
Washington on the SOth inst., to call a con
vention to nominate candidates for Vice Pres •
ident on an out and out pesos platform. This,
of course, severs the Democratic , party in
twain, and forces the War Democracy either
to bring forward a separate ticket or to fuse
aoith one of those now in the field.—Gasette.
There is not one,word of truth in the above.
The postponement of the Chicago Convention
was favored by almost every leading Rvno - - . '
critic paper, and the few that opposed it, now
that official action has been taken, cordially
acquiesce in the decision of the Committee.
The organisation of •which Col. Florence is
chairman is one-of.a local character entirely,
established to support the Chicago nominees,
and not to oppose them. At no time in the
history of the party was there more thoi•-
ough unanimity or greeter seal . in the cause
than-at present. The alight difference* that
•may prevaii now, i►re only upon questions of
policy and candidates, which will be put at
immediate rest by the action of the Chicago
Convention, and the Union Democracy of the
country will rally as one man around the
nominees presented for their support by their,
representatives in National council.
Tan Caors.—The testimony of all the far
mers we meet agrees in the statement that the
prolonged dry'weather has so severely affected
the crops in - this Vicinity as to lead to the fear
that the yield will not be more than half an
average one, if that. The grass in ttlojost
every part of the county is completelyparch
ed, inn few fields will be worth cutting. A
Metal who took a trip through the section of
country back of Waterford says he Bair fields
in which the grass was no higher than at the
opening of spring, and it presented a yellow,
sickly appearance that was very unpleasant.
From almost every township we hear the same
tidings. People that have ,cattle are i already
beginning to talk of selling them, for, they
say, it will be impossible to feed them it the
prices which hay and grain must attain. There
are some hopes.that oorn may yet revive and
furnish a good crop, but all other grains are
destroyed. The prospects are discouraging
in the to the farming community,and
none the less so to the citizen's of the towns,
for it is a well knOwn faht that whateier af
fects the agricultural interests affect, all the
rest. What, with enormous taxes, high prices,
more drills; short crops, Abolition folly and a
prolongation of the war to next yisr (see
quotations from Republican papers in our
last) the condition of the people in,this sec.
tion at least is sad and almost hopeless.
Srirs STRUT TO as Parsp.—On Monday
evening the Common Council eoneurred with
the Select Council in thi amendments to the
ordinance ordering the paving of State street,
from Fourth street to the dock, and the ordi
nance was passed and is to go Into effect. It
provides that the .grading shall -be'.done by
the city, while the paving and curbing shall
be done by the property owners on that por—
tion of the street: We regard this is an ad—
vance inihe progress of the city, which will
have a telling effect upon its prosperity ; and
if the councils will work as sure in, all other
matters- demanding their attention, ' •
we will
not find so much fault with them for being
The Executive Council 'of the Philadelphia
Board of TFade passed a resolution at a recent
meeting fliruting inquiries to be made into
the causes of the decline of the
trade. It was stated that the-reeeip If:rude
pc,troleum •at ' that port, for the rot three
months of 1884 ; u compared with 't a receipts
of 1883, in the same period of U . had de—
creased by the amount of 89,886 li equal
to 8,693,440 gallons, and the noel of both
crude and refuted united show a ' Who
of 8,120,880 gal l ons, and the t pments to
foreign markets in the same_ time dimin - biked by 641,802 gallons. This . a matter
worthy of serious consideration. The foreign
demand at this time is very active; tirenty.two
Tesseit are now loading for other ports.
The 'titles of some of our battle-Selda are
queer specimens of nomenclature. !hat oould
be mere romantic, gmarkeatioally speaking."
(u Artemus, the incomparable, stye) than the
n 110,111: Ball Ran, Snicker's Gap,
tar's Mountain, Polecat• Station, Sum Neck,
Nigger-Foot Road, Bussuits' Boost Pass,
Oockeyseille, ScuMelown, Skinner's Nook,
Mob Jack . Back, Yellow Tavern, ilardsorable
Towle, tinaketown, Jericho Martih, Piping
Tree, Punklarine Creek, Os Neok, Chlillol . ll
Branch, Snake liver follow.
The man who•is anxious tbat . iielie last dol.
Ist and the last men" shall Do used In order to
wash the rebellion and slavery was in town
yosterdiy. He came N bld hrowell to his
lAN who waa just about leaving for Canada—
for-the WWI of hie health i•
ao-gag's 441v#tiutuent
Stray Colt,
'fltatE tri the promi•P9
ID Stltumittawn hip, ou the w ewrr ?-
ltoeA, di mil. e frnm k_ne vnut ah. ,r.t.
13„,. L .envt, or 3t o .1, .T Lll.
.hono .re foraarl f
other notictb'• ma-am T .rarer requ i tk, • - k
I trittr4 Die,* p , 'Art pL. ctitr!ers Vl , l GAS
• otheitql.•l3.l.l,l , t. 1 ..-r.or ail
/724° I t iv r, (yi ki
$19,020 52 Erie Canal Co,
By_ order (.1 Assigaeas naalc f
DAY, JULY Fats, at Uo'c•tek a' P.m
Vac .
130 Banda Erie C• Jai Culilp6.l.,
I certify of do du th,
it. Tifosi ON.; A
Yon 4: I
agwwwwwixteslwith him to lb* Drug DA*
CARPER, under th• Finn title c!
Carter & Carver,
By wheat the the busizwort will conttra.t,, b. , e
at the old stand. With enlarged stoat fad Lua u ,
cilittes they hope to receive a libaneibtre
Win ill divotid to Um
011/1111 In the ttilighborins tovrog Are resixt-A,
TINS to gin us • call before parchaalog vimendork
will Tw oondusted, as harstotora, in a rants] ago
with a disposition to otalps our customers.
We partlrslarly call tb s • lot ofof Pbytklus 4
Wkilch Is the lurst trl4 nalurt •tar Aloe& 3
'ear Prescript:tons proptrod as honoree, t z
awl promptuno.
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS testr \ tar -
For We at
cONTAINING Writing Paper, Envelopes, fa 4 r,
kn., Pia; Thread, Tooth Brash. Comb, ?a.,
alm, Thimble, Button, and other corral am :A ,
btned in a sae.
.10,inehaa . in . langtb, h
Wool ! Wool !
be paid iu C.S. Ortsnbaeks fori 4 ood,
awl properly Lundled Wools. Now in the
your mousy back
loportant to Persons Wasting Bs
lags Removed.
'HE UNDERSIGNED offer thel
ices to the pith'!" al Moven of Haildupl
have ono of the teat machine' forthe parpow
ducted, and having had long experience in the to
feel confident of giving eaturfaction. all unit
Banding' taken and moved to any deemed but
',wed and safety. E. C GODFREY k
Girard, Eno Ccutt.l
COnfracta takes to say Dart of Ent .Nzsl
edge of Crawford or the edge ofohio.
Real Estate for Sale.
far the eau amoral hundred sz:ti
land In Eris county, to which he directs thspc
to Real Retest z
,both and wild Wadi. One tot
inviting, and will to eat up to set parauct. "
for Z ir targalna is Oared. Address
.10 - L. ROMNSON, W5:3%14
The undersigned bop tsars to Inform to
mess mid the pnblio generally, that he miy to 'Z..I
near the Canal, always ready to do Shade/
aotbal Sag li a sitputor [MUM To my ou
who know what my shoeing ls, I alma ear
ethos I Mk but a,
X. All kinds of Hiseksmithing dons o:
Terms, Cash.. I Respectfully oehd: r I
Patr° o 4o* rion-im] hd li
• $5 Reward.
aeteiber, on the Slith of May laid, a FcII, fa
Cewoolor light red, with a little white oe St
m• above reward will be (frill to Wl ° ,
will Ware her, or thre information that w—p?•
aecor• Peach at , oar Eagle Fin.
a,.• sAmu. gat,:
Adininistrator's Notioa
LETTERS of Administration t
Jl4 boto gmatett the noderstned,oM ,
llama Cotton d•cra., to
Law of auboicrot toil%
county Pa.; Natio* is hereby given to Lit Mict /
levee Indebted to the saki ',stew to co so
payment, mad those bar* dal= of 'souvalla
prevent them, properly autheuticate,l,f4: 0.00
JA11.63 ttPa
Itarbororsek. Jllllllllll,, 19644110
House Warded •
c UY Ruing, snit&h:e to:
vacitad tentoodlately. Address BOX „iiik
41641 w,
Wonll most respeettnily announce the Lit!`'
Melt mew Store,
Awl have just opened a vey it
Rmbniclng everrthior *.:'••
MILLINE 1, N . i
To which they invite the att. , 3cf ' ,llr
and r!
Rating Waited WO atoci " , e
purchased tot CASE, they teei c
to the advantage dill to give taro thel ` 2. /
lug andPreuring.
Farm for Sa
Bale lila Farm, situated
Pa., on the road loading from ro l o 3
23g miles from Concord Station, ea OA g ) 1 )
R. It coatalue shoot 207 Kerr.. or • AO
Improved, and the rat is good tierri ;e l
Ula sloesproximity• A large irs°', po,
tiaras, corn orb, mischaalc lobar. Jo'
tati ... ri..lnrs are on the premise.. rb' 7 7
lhis grafted fruit stostlr.
watered, sad is considered the brit 1 - 1 T;
la Coaeoid township. ,Terms ear Y .--4 .
will be expected to be paid It the
sad resetioabla time will be pun t3:?ylleit.
remainder. Apply, to 6EeauL
Coat r
Os Stride Matches pat ma' , Tr- ,
r'enebiPeeible Tir Nord Pg",..jk,
Vera /everybody wile we theta st. /it
sok loy the bor. dem and roe&
the Md.. efra-5
I Sri)
• ±..,
yOtINT6 k`.llPor,
B. 3. flCl