The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 02, 1864, Image 1
TKE ERIF WEEKLY CPESESYEIFr. I- o rlici 14 111 • " na•VITKI BriLDI:1017," STATI STItSZT 71111 I'OIT - On. .4,01 yr a of Ten !thee 011010 re.tiou CJ Ceuta ; t4o ta!ecti , ,ni 11,0 three b„bs f 1,'23 . on, mouth $2,20 ; two ru olthe $2 CI: tr ,.., e ;L oath, $l, , yo, ea ruyntbs $5.00; one year ; r taa , nrita e II 1, Un't.e. by 2rvc.,al ,o at toe or ~ • r the. va , ,Usha,a. audl t! • fu - v , rer .n,t has adVt.r...jr • f o ; e 4 ainit,t-at o'n \ot!, ea 1:.6 , ); Loial,!.ollTiriaSTY rj, n phir• ►ltuTr • 0 , 17 Par..., I • .0.4, 5 ta,l e'ry. trtiart . 11.. .a.rro,r Kt t,O 1L• rloeu ire tri... - 11.• Coo 11 , 1 Vet tiu,o,lortl,co4 td• L. 3 Slas,ct••ii, nti'.l.l. • ,t,t5.6.1 I,Aerit...l Si or Pa 1u0...11. L. .1 4 ,tr,1 :Ca`Cillaili I=l 1 , 44: I ' =IN is; A ,Irtr:."l4 sr.— • v. FACT GENERAL ,Y KNOWN. ,r El A th« at It y 0! nt-W htN, Bed ..P.:, • f 1 - 4 • •:; 4,4 4- 4 401,4. Ito Cc r- I, t:..;tt re,o v hnnr..l R:r nun, •• lr. • remi cl.t•if4l 4 r tt.t 1 • t0m...4i I 4,Ur.11/.114 tlai . 4.4114 ton . ..lo'ld ft-gym 1 , 14 4 4 ,,, i 1114WWIr lb) V, ity tptett s‘ I. r .'• 't r' I i . ,•41 to tin ;4'44.•11 varier4l , l] • r And I , tr'..r, t:tt.trttntrt, Itnr., „.. I ,t , r I :POT, • f ;,..‘teri, ad IA et•t.ct4 t t-uct , d. an..l t{:outl, LitiLltirt ••r .14 , otfter or I , lr ctviir,Tthr(lk Other. innth. nc 1-(1, nn I ov on rocinn larahlu. Wo o l Linz, Socing nod Ntri.r“., An` C1.1.1:1•ior Lint tlir..tio,lo sad lued, wt,r. t .,,, i t0t1 to ratan 1. itwadttc.ctif.t.y painted, and can't' Le to,. 'eD f , tr t.t.rttuLt.ll,l tI '4 and finish. SpTin.: Res ; I !II:a ”, f ~f .;! • ".• AppllcAtion r• ,; aer pa, :re, teet:lT.3 corttetmllag I, Air yr. •,. 'l'l' 1 roll stt - to it I , 11•11..1 •'•• tiol/ :I 4i. • 4 . ...!/ •• El TM IMEI l.,I• t's,, ut,aartua.l,l Re:l,l3'J, t:••• • ~,,,lAr‘t toriver r.t. s'. t, W. F.l l',/r.11..t.'12 WIIOI.LSALE RETAIL GROCERY sr,LRE P. A. BEOICEII, wiloLl,;.klA. AND i LI'AI ROCEII i Cyour I"..ri el. Prole; Street, rvepectru .y , ; • n•t thy commuytty tROCEfir ( - 4 AND f'1?()1'ISIONS, • r• 4:4:llttt/.2 t 1,0:l :at in; LOW I'll- 4 1111,t: Vine ,. .4! %rriAns, ctiFFEE4I* ,‘. lII' i' I(BACCOS, FISH, ..Lvi • ai tLo uorared too,voe to co aye LI r. Re e vn ir,:ertor ct PURE 1, 1 Q =I I the iit.,trka ''..- pun it :) i •k p~~ r.,l' no t (nil altri =MEE ROCFIRIES! GROCERIES ! Nif (I 1.1: A N A I 1 P. SCLIAAF, . k In' ]ln tti, 7011 1., 0 t, I=lll3l No. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie, 0., ••I,il GROCERIES, 1, ,, .\I)• \V' )(1 N 1V I:h., %t I•/ 1.1111.11:•1 Litu, r.A . t. ritS• ').JIILE t•I t t;r ~U st +.l 041.• I 11 • tq. ••• , J XY lan NEW GROCERY STORE. NON fig it RJII.I-:•1.4l) EINEM k A Li: .Lieply i.t a. lifil 7 1(1 1.4.4,' 1'1(1111.It1 `.~~ alleh LSI V 1N15.1.!. 11.1.41 W titE, I'lllo4 k ICI 'l'l)s\l'4'll .l• ( . 1 it: 1114, 41e. .; • • rt. Ail. etc-tt 4 tllot. N'l•: u tt,. , ••k -`Ant ttat r‘rin Hr,t, r.:tirtr r 'rt kr I' rr OYSTERS & CLAMS. 'lll E I ould t.,l,t‘ct ruhv rr:en!. nn. nn•T • g Akt L N I I a t, l i Y t LIII u. ii *LW!, 10. 2 Washington Fish Markel, New York, ♦no to prepared to furni4sh ty.ii! ill!' lES 1:11 'the OYSTERS AND . CLAMS, afforde, at viloAtto:e end I:e.tru:, at short ant et t e 1.0WE.4` rrAll Oruors from tlio Country Promptly Attonded to. V. tt —4)retere and f:lams Pv•kl.“l to I , r.ler- V,r . York, June 20, C. FTF.Y. 11. S. 10-40 LOAN. Plit , T NATIO RANK OF 1)8.41‘;! , i um DEFO 4 II . OkY 01 THE r. g.--Ible Rank hereby suionnees ths% it is prepsie4 to receive sabeeriptions on nt Untt...l States liOnds,antbmit•Kl b• the art of 'larch 3, - 1e64, bearing tat- 1%1,6 1,14 , 54, redeemable at to pluicure of the Governcaftut 19 ye-re, alit pay. able 40 yes! , from tilt', 'tin: Interest at II o per cent. • year, ppre' , le II 0 01 0 RDlltl.ilr, on Rol 'a sit over atulerm. t-ftr.ouslly on ail other Ftnnr.t• Atth•nernh.ra A - ,•1 re^etre ett;o. Re:.leered nr voupnoa All i hey may prefer It ie .et ii-teni that Coupon w about the 4 in of April Z•Lth•eriber, will be require Ito I Ay, In ..nitlitiou to the 1 4 , 11.. t of t•,. (,t the iFonde to latnoul money, the accrued Int-rent cot..i, (I , r nu (712,teil natal Not.e, ~r the Noire of National inauga Add , uk; fifty per c,nt. for enanninm, ui.tta farther,) from the let day of 3derrh 1 the d:1 • f imblorlpLon ' • All; t. of the denocrunnatione !,!, on II 0.03., and Coo ' t'.6 r/11,1•Ltno •)., j IOU•, .Ifnuons 11131 • nil n. fl,t 1;y , r,f ta ry of tho k_our arr;:tf SANIOND C. ENCELHART, Dealer in Boots & Shoes ALS:4 CirSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES! NIT4IUI.I , tlke nt' ). , turrt- T 11:g tie Ihr t f , .er,j.. &Is : ter pablie end tir:prs to 4:0 Vlf , ltsnusticui of the P Imo. to., ltt•ttre to Inform th.. pot Ate that I am 15:W e.l- HEAii .07 A s:1) 8 , 10E3 A 3 CHEAP, 11 Rut a Li:Ve Chtaptr, illt i , ll plate, awl tau •nalclat OAF. • , 1 ••? tiO,I• d ••d• ‘4 , .1 IA I ern, .t r - uprr• „( •.141iD o l a I r e , to t.lOO • Plumor Patont Last, r or , th. rtr , , •" n 1 , , lis r-b• 11' •i • •ki , n t 11;" 14. At re hrt f , ' • 1t. , ; :v.i ?r, tr.rl:.! F4tf. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. .'• 11/t• 6 , lTh, Vekr• • • t,t tbo. ,it., of t• ••• .-- f/-• 'lO Pcmuyira,fia op lot 41,1,i, 1,40 o.( . l l T4,:ength • s•n_a , 1..-x/1.1 r)..11111-2••• ;• • j • ‘ll 214 mi., ii* Ek0...r0 F.. • C• 1 Ihr ?INN op rA..1.1101% TO • r of, 1!•4 Tram I,earoo 11, 4 Try., ill - t[l.4 ••••-• -•• ••••• r•q•••ttUipr l'•$•• •81,1 - 110. .IN-, C••• - I • Y., log • to • RE 9 DRILL. tvz.•l. S t' N. It , r,,,•:11 t tei_ I. N.l_ J-l••I,P. • • t• 4;11 •••••, P 122 RISERN'ED FRUIT, `. 1 a kltsa, ssadl/4 Yrsit, NIT*. 4 P, 4414 isyl6-I.i. BLUES* BORA E*4. VOLUME 85 . U L t.3INESS oth,recToßY. lueertod tu tii. c.1 u1 ,,,, 4 1 IL, Fir. MIN!. r .sar j JOHN H. 3111.1A1t, C:ry P,Notkchtw. [mum Maal 1' RP r ..011 la propera4 to , urvey or collie Plllll , l or MAN in Fri. 1 : 114 M1V,P.1. ninet to C0W41111.1 right c Block. • apr43104-Iy. =EI 4/ 4,41. Lk •LL D • WALKOR, .11• FORWAN DI :f I) AX CuNifieldlOff Yrtio. P 4. Warehouse on PutVfn Poet, East Corner f State Streit. ,►lan, slender lo Coil. dolt, Indi, Flour, 'Later, Water Lime," Ste. N. 13.--Particular attention will be glee* to flit litanotrtng and Forwarding ieiltu Oil. Crude and Refined. to all parts n the country apr4764tf. (1 • - 1.. Inntsr. • ~. PITINCIANND A NUILDIDDN W . attAbu. ir. ra • .., ff.fenanc..• —Dra. Eastman, Rochwater. and IV tat*, Ruf fian. H. Y.; Dna I.lunspbrer and Phe'pa, rtt on Pa ; and Sp.acar, Eris, Ca. apr3o'B444' a. IDILEI2 4 ICAH.EII, • WROLKdAta AXURISTA/L naausa ....Mi..; and Provisions, Flour and Ford, Wood and to 1,,w Wan, W nes „Liquors: Sobaccits, Argus, kn., Starr •, next to Young's Roues Vurnishing Emporium, Erie., Pa Irt. I'MIIA) , ItIitNNETT, .Jcneins ne ?1I Pl•cs. oaten AnOnd W.) Fr.stleh (1.1; between Fifth and •;t- ,” junelb.2. D plEßcif.6,. co., . DIALIII.a IX ALL XIXDa or rissowsar, arrd lianufsaarers and Jobbers to Tin sod Copper Were, earner ot iltb and Btata Ste., Erie, ra , iebliTedit. SINCLALH'e4 2XONLMOR PUWMURLPU GALLERY, It.uhecurwsiire Block, Rzie,Pa. janl6 64tf. CILIAPIN a. _wi using, A2TAIIIIIITB ♦T LAW. Ridgway, l'a Practise In Elk, McKean, Cameron and Jefferson eon n tie J. C. CHAPIN'. [Jssi3o4l4-1,4] W. W. WILBUR. Fit 71.1 .4 , - PROPRIETOR. _ MOIRISON .1101JE,,E. uri of t 4 pconiii and Market Street—one said of .!,, , on's Ertl:Lure, Women, Pa. Sept. 29-17. GRO. lIV. 431.1NNletON. Jcatica Or Tua Pmtax. Office ta Gantt* leuddlag South-west corner of F.( I/ and Rtate streate. °cavity miring dorm neatly and nottectioas mad* prompt ly )e1614-.1y.• I Hook( I.llmaß, BCAMC 11.50 K 3l.tarl.icTrign, , , tong-o( Itisiderneeht's Block, Erie, - - ..otit;l..l. CUTLER. -1 - 170115rXT AT LAM, CS rani, Erie C, , uoti, i;odaoiieo■ aid other business attended to with . .wptiele aid dispatch. D EPPAIGN, 1100/1314.18 and Dealer to Stationery, Paper, MipiiitlVlL, NOIVIpIipiTP, &E. Country dealers •.,1 plied - . store under BETIWil'a llotel,tronttng the Park. .U.WTOS PIiTTLX. X PAIL t:TT/T1 & DAVIS, XTTOS.NLYS AT LAW, Cilebtilla .t, S:tkad;DlP, ra • Feth lb-37:62 r %VET:121111B, TtoRSNY at Law, to Wm:times Of on evventl4 street, Lilo, I'll. Aug 7'62 1.11. rtatutrts. I porter,, FtfattVA Bina, North side of the, Park, strema, Erie, Pa. iipTIVIS3 f IKt YETTE 114)TIS1,, Franah street,-between 4th and bth ',treed; the Philadelphia 41. Erl Railroad Depot, Eris, Pa, Louis :shoemaker, Proprietor. Extensire itecommoda• lion for strangers aud trarelers. Board by the day or irssVi Good stabling latish.] apr2s63ti. A I.IEUKL Q: DILOTIIIEK, it • FAssioNmycs TAiLotes and . S nit. for IN‘uor at K;qoer's Patent; '4eirtng lischtuf•a —Ct. , t - e.t in LW" -, Statn Stroot,betwoon ith and 6th :Ito, kr •-, Va. Clotho' truu_to to nrcier to tho !Inert otyl., I , • 1'e.:4%. , '• • 4 M D. US11011.:11e, LIVRICIf A3l , : 4 A1.11 8T•111.1i, 00 Eighth curet, tflta•••ta Slate sad Preach. Flue Uom and Can 'l4e. t. let 1,11 reucov.:o terur.. mytt9'ol-1 ; 31. SI 1(1'11( trklit (u?" 1 (e,111Eniliir9,1141.1111 . 1, .Cati lit, {ON. ifl4.lFf3atatA. kalirOad Cenh t 1 611.1., FP44•441b, Otlico In itoiee • tho Pll7ll. Era, Pa.. 0 • MEM kkr 1 r.-Tokor-h AT Lio—OhicaouotLotrent, • :• ,Ite Court Itoukle, ..41 • • F \ l'Eft SPENCE-It 11AltVIN k t-rotcsts:ws dc IVIIIILI:404K1.1.0104 AT 1.4 W )-I FIOE, l'artt won Block, Hear North A era mrr cv I the Publi. ircuun. Erie. Pi': I WIN ('• flawAß iv fR r ("Arad, ilivivigitlits, 11nr,1•419, Nall*, Glass, S.rtl, Moder, Pte.. ("or' eer of SILO. Rai PciA'lc qcplart, Vr!a, PA. )11/;ti. it( rem: M.TS, CLIK'S DISTILLEj) lIESTORATIIE, Reston* Gray & Faded Hair & Beard :Ni) I 3 A'l.o,3'r LUXURIOUS DRESSINiI CLARK',-; itLSTOItATIVE, Restores the Color. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Eradicates Dandruff CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Protnotm its Gowth. CLARK'S . RESTORATIVE, Prevents its Falling OtT. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is an unequalled Dressing; CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is good for Children. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is good far Ladies. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is good for old People. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, ' Is perfectly• Llarmless. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Contains no Oil CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Ls not a Dye CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, • Beautifies the Hair CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is splendid for Whiskeis CI,A It K'S ESTO,R AT ( 17E. Keeps the Hair lu its l'isLe CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, _ Cures Nervous Headache CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Prevents Eruptions CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Stops Itching and Burning CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Keeps the Head Cuol CLARK'S. RESTORA.T/VE, Is Delightfully Perfumed CLARK'S RESTOR.MPIVE, . • - iis no Sediment CLARK'S REST() RAT I VE' Contains no Ouni CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Polishes your, Hair. CLARK'S IiEsTORATIVE,. Prepare. hu tar Part it s CLARK'S RESTORATIVE,- • Prepares you for Kilt.. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, All.. Ladies m. 0.( it CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, No Luly n1;1 do without it. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, , -- Costs hut fut, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, tsso;(1 by Dynggnni And Dealers everywiwro Vriee. I I. Fer bott/e-6 • 41. Q. CIA U K (:11" Pmptiet , ro B 1.RN4 7 :4 k CO., S. Oebbrat Agent/4. fetoVrfii--7/n1 TN PURSUANCE OF AN-ORDER OF' the Orphan . . Coors to Rio •liirck,d. I ', t at ii,spoia to public Solo upon the•prernlqw, on Wr.tneeiter the 12th day of July, 18 4 4, at 10 n ' tln , k a. In, of as .1 JAI the toeing described Real go late to wit.: All that eortein ptrea on pare.' of load, attulte, Irmg and R. 51101 In lh actiimot,l, county lif £ti, , l's., and deecrih.di as fol:naiii, to wit : on the North by lend oT Major Colman, on the Raid hr hunt of Andrew ro'growr, no the South 0 Aland 01 CW:tier Oave and on the Weal bra Pub'tc Highway riinning North and Suoth, en. lathing dfteteref. laud. b. Um taws rnTe or TERMS OF z.-.A.r.p. iu howl, nr one hat( down and balsone to ode .iar, with lutereet. &reared by jadr want baud and coortg‘gi on the premises—at the option qt this pa/chafer. OTIS HO WARD, ja141 . . bdiet et MOW' Howard, Dec'd. =EI r.W . =I MEI THE ERIE *ELDEN MARVIN. FOR Till: HAIR: TO ITS VATURAI. For the Head and Hair. Administiator's'Sale. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR; IF PAID IN ADVANCE; T'2,50 IF NOT'RAID:UNTiL TILE,I),pF THE YEAR.- WhaS I Lire . For. I r• tor those vibe ms, For thus, I know are tnta, c,r the heaven that =Goa above me. -to t waits my spirit, too ?or the human ties that birvi me, For the task my God assigned nt For the bright hiapsa lett behind me, -tot the good:that I tan do. I Uv• to learn tile story. •Who hive ar4oret for ory lake. T. emulate their. glory. %rid follow 1!: their ; Sfertyre,yatrints. Sated, The noble of ogee, Wheys deeds erOwn history's prom, &0.1 Thne's great volume rotas. I live to bull t`!. By gifted minds foretnid. - When Van abail rule by realms, And not alonu by go'd. Whys man tn r imas untteA, Aad ere y wroOrt thing lighted, The whole world shall bell bled, Itr As Eden wa of old I lire to bold 00thIGIUD/rl// With all thnt te To feel th,re lea on on Twlit naturo'sbeart AI a mine To pro2t by 'Motion, Reap truth. frOrn or Grow whin fro . ta conviction. And fulfill linen grind &Alga I Ureter those who lore me, ror thome who kitewine true, For the hesyett that smiles 'there ma, And awaits toy spirit too. For the wrong that needs resistance, For the cause that leeks seals lane*. For the future la the distance. And the goal that I eau do. Abend* Dlnnloidao Proved. Estrada from a Sp . eeeli delivered by Hon. Per-' nand., Wood, in anrsas, April 11, 188+1. But, sir, I have'said that the Itepubliettnl party had its eXistence in a spirit of die. union, that its fathers and great leaders: came into political being on that ;sent'. meat. This Administration could not hold' together forty-eight hours except by that horrid dogma; of destruction. acting in collu.ion with i corruption. 1 have some few extracts from the recorded opinions of the men'who rule the country ; were it, necessary, I could prove like treasonable, utterances on; the President and each . member of. Cabinet. But by their acts they shall be:fudged. 'lt is not necessary' in their case tp refer toexpressions—their', official conduct speaks louder and plainer than words. J. Q. Adama presents a petition for dis• solution : On the 24th . of February, 184, John Quincy Adams presented a petition in the House of Representatives, signed by a large number of citizens of Haverhill, Diassachuiettil, for a peacable dissolution of the Union,assigning "as one of the rea sons the • inecivatity of benefits conferred on the different sections."—Blake's irierory of Slavery, p. 524. - S. R. Giddings present, a petitiot for dissolution : On the 25th of February. 1842, Mr; prented a petition from a large number of Abolitionists of Auitinburg, in his district, praying fora dissolution of 014 Union, and aki - 2paration of the slave front the free State'6.—flv. In their• st.te foftventiou , of 1t 1, the rare tli of 31:Vtife1/k/..74ettn, on whom the mantle of tlol Itartfortl :'onvention Lath atol otlitnated by the salmi put poipi • Resolve 1. Tlutt the Con,titution whicli provid,-, for 4 slave repteHentation and a 'ttavo olio:achy in Congress ; which legali ze hs4Ve catching on evitry Int - At of Amer oil] ; Which idetit;,4e the military and nasal powet Of the count r? to keep tout . million.' of +mei •I:tv... in their chains is-1,, trodden fuor, , 1111 ii pronoun• aceur..(o, he unexceptionalthl• an,linvslottke it lino; hl, in its ()they pro. vp•lons. . _ . fhat the 4. - 4 cleat I+.llo before the c0w1 . .. Ity is the disiolution of the Union, in corn: prison with! whielt all other issues witli the slave power are as (lust in the balance; therefore, we have given ourselves to the work or"annuiling this covenant of death," as essential to our own innocency and the speedy and leverlasting overthrow of the slave power.] In 1856 the same, party -I.adscil the fol lowing in convention Reeolved, 1. That the necessity of dis union is written in the whole existing character atid condition of the two sec. tions of the country, in their social organ ization, education, habits and laws : in the danger of Our white citizens in Kansas and our colored men in Boston ; in the wounds of qharles Sumner and the laurels of his aaaailants ; and no - government ors earth was ever strong enough to hold to. gether such: opposing forces. . Resolaed, r. That this movement dces not merely, see disunion, but the more per fect union of free State* by the expulsion 'of the slavel States from the Confederation in which.they have ever been an-element of discord, danner ,C ud disgrace. Reseived, That it is not. probable that the ultimsti. severance of the Union will be an act dr deliberation or discussion ; but that a rung period of deliberation and diticussion Must precede it, and here we meet to begin the work. Raolred, 4. That henceforward, instead of regarding it as an objection to any mys tern of policy that will lead to a separation of States, we, will'proclaim that to he the highest recommendations and the greatest proof of statequanship, and :will suppOrt politically sttelt men and measures astip pear to tend most to this result. Garriton made a speech in 1f4511 in which ho aplared • I have said, and I say again, that' itt proportion tO the growth of disunionism w ill b e the growth of Republicanism. * * * * Tie , Union i• a The Atueri• can Union LI, an impoqure,. amiq Tlamit with lath and :In itatertnelit fivich hell. • 4 • 't-* 4 I Jim fur its tiv;,r diron - Up w/t 11 .1 It e flag of dt,union,li.:•t we may, fri-e nod' glortour - UniOn our owW. • At a' RepOlicin cony., non if id Monroe, Grrien - county, ,Wisconsin,' in 1856, the foll Owing i . •solutton w is p feaelrltf. That it is the duty of !Ito Noith in:cafe theygfail in electing a Pre,Ment and Congrensit hat will teeoro Ire.rdnui to Kan ac; to revoltu ionizo the Government. Anson Burlingame made a speech in 1856, in' which he blagphemonAly. aniit: The time is coming and pooh will he that we untatl have an anti-slavery Cons)i• tution, an adli-alarery 111 1 / 1 0 and an anti slavery God. The Montrime Doiocrat a 'May 10, 1856, • • . said : We recollect that over s year -ago we heard =Mr. Wilmot maks- the following declaration : I. - ' , I am detefminel•to arow4e the people to the importance of the slavery issue and ......V4. , ... -, . ' . _ - , - - --- -, - : , ~,, , ...- -,-, • : : , •.• •:1-"..t,'„,./1. . • R. , ..• _^ . -- t ... 11.tlil,_ —, I '2' :-• A ~ - z • • . .. •, : ' • . -. --..t....•--.:--s.--. , - PIPI -1 4 L:. e. 1 . . , ' • . - 0 . , „ ! !!! ERIE, PA.,;SATURDAY MORNING, JULY. 2, 1864. get up an organization through which they Can get the control of the Government in 1856. And if I become satisfied that these efforts will fail, and the Kople will not assert their rights, then HI be —if • I don't join the party that I think will send the country to the quickest." Horace Mann on one occasion Raid In conclusion, I have only trr add that each is my solemn and abiding conviction Of the character of slavery, and undei• a full seiise_of responsibility to my courgry and my Go 1, 1 deliberately say, better disunion, better a civil or servile 'war, bet ter anything that God in His providence shall send, than an extension of the bonds of slavery. I have before declared that the path of duty was clear as to the fugitive slave act, that I am - bound to dis Obey Sternest, September, 1854. - On the 7th day of February, 1850, John P. Hale insisted upon, and along with chase and Seward alone, voted to receive, refer and consider a . petition demanding of Congre,s immediate dissolution, of the Union, bescsuqe a UniOn with slave holders is a violation of Divine law -and human right. , John P. Hale, on the 20341 *f Maich. 1848, presented a hatch of eight petitions ht once demanding the dissolution. of the Union. , No man has a right to .be surprised tit this state of things. It is just what we abolitionists and disunionists h t ivo ai tempted to bring about. There is merit in the Republican party. It is the first sectional party ever organized in this country. It does not know its own face. but calls itself national ; but it is not, on tional ; sectional. The Republican party is ti party of the North pleilge , l against thciSouth.—Wenelelt Pltithps - If the Republicans fail at the ha/lot box we shall be forced to drive back the cierabr with lire and sword.—Jantes. Wawa - The True Aturriequ, a RANI)lie in or ; ,rsti in Erie county,Pennsylvanii, in comment frig upon a speech &livered at a, D.mto cretin meeting, says : This twaddle about the Union and its preservation is too silly and sickening for any good effect. _ We think tho liberty of a sine slave is worth morn than all the Unions God's universe can hold, Rufus P. Spaulding, now an ttdrninistra. non member of this House, and a mem tier of the convention •that nominated Fremont, said in that convention! • In the case of the alternative being presented cethe continuances of slavery or a dissolution of the Union,, I Thin for dissolution, and I care not how quick it comes. Mr. Spaulding: I pronounce that false, let it come from whit source it may. In 1854; the Abolitionisti of Massachu setts and of other States sent petitions to Congress, from which the following is an eitract : f We earneitly request Congre, , s •at ita pesent session to take initiatory ntewaurr for the speedy, peaceful and equitable rii - solution of the existing:Union, ni ill ,. - ifiencies of the case may require. Henry Ward Beecher say. • great many people raise a • cry o , 6nt Union and the Constitution e 4 if th.. two were perfectly identical; hat the trit it ig the Constitution itself ti the c.tu=a tat every division which this den of slavery 'no ever ncca;lon‘.(l to th , q ciauntry..! Lt-has been the foundation 'or troublesstir by:a.tempting to hold tneeth er as reconciled two opposine• principles Which Will not harmonize nor agree- Salmon P. Cha-e : I Slavery in the statea watat t p-a. ; . opu n. tie a yew• after the aceelon of tins a ,tl - pariv to power, ' , Ly : From this tiino tot tit l rottaechit . r, the lah.iri of my life to the di-w - flut wit 4-f* the Union, and I (-ac not wh‘ , llif.r the that revl- , it oolarti front Crb 1. on 11011. I coot,. trorn York Tri?,tine., which war. 4 laid upon the nullabor3'',lo-- 1 .i4 jiiit before. Out pa.iage or (Ito K m i t ,'".N, , _ liraska act: %rts urge. therefore, unbending .deter- Mination on the part of Northern mem bers hostile to tliis intolerable outrago, Ind demand of them in behalf of' periro, in behalf of freedom, in behalf of Justice "Ma humanity resistance to the last.— Better that confusion should ensue—bet ter that discord should reign in the na tional councils better that COngre,ss should break un in wild disorder—nay. better that the C tpital itself should blaie .y the torch of the incendiary, or fall and bury all its inmates beneath its crumbling ruins, than this perfidy and wrong should be accomplished. Gen. Rinks said - I am willing, in a certain contingency, to let the Union elide. Burlingame, present Minister to the Celestial Empire, said in a speech in In aittria ,That the time wilt come when we must have an antl•slavery Constitution, an anti filavery Bible, and an anti-slavery God. I. Rev. Dr. Bellows, President of the r r Commission, in one-, of his public (Hs.; 6otiqefi in the city of Nevi York, disgraced , I the it t i • ilpit by uttering the following :, ' it is no longer a war defence of the Union, the Constitution and the enforce mienn of the laws. It is a war to he car ried on no longer with - the aim' of re-esta blishing the Union and the Constitution With their old compromise -4., 130 d means not•lo let us oil' with any half-way work. I am now convinced and I consider it the MoSehumane, the moat economical, and ilia most statesmanlike now to take the Most radical ground possible; to assume that this is a war for the subjugitliou or ex termination of all persons who ,wish to Maintain the slave power: a 'wir to get tid of slavery and slaveholders. whether it be constitutional or not. . ' W en d e ll Phillips again sa y s: , - - filly. The Tribtine understands politi f,cal capital in party slang. This procla "i The Constitution of °Cr fathers .vas a matron -upplied thatcipital ; it could Mistake. Tear it in pieces and make a not be &plod; it Could not be explained. beti‘r. Don't say the ixtachine il out nf • 1t . .. , - ramie,! was rialpalAe ; its objects:oo filer. T, is in order : -c, line;t wlrtt its 'kilo 1.-1 lo '..iin.—p .i ro t,.t ,„,. I ,,„ ry. 4 ) ,, , t ."' . lc) neecl explanation or elucidation. N‘ , - pre:id it befOre our readrs • called .ninfis disunion, lireskin.; up, the ,Star.• . their attention to it; wo invited t hem ? to Ilia'is shame v4lll l OO _out , Work earinit -,.. • 1 The • did read it • the soldiers read, ' fon... , 3. ...._ . ~ rea d y be•done Under our instil ittimra, , • , and while we do riot attribute to the prac- Again he said : . • , "' ' binatlon the:enliAnt'ents that have taken' i • 'Is:(, ! liel-of- ours do we regard. with more I place, Redo believe that it schniibly checks consclintittus approval or 13iglier saiisfac; i, desertion." •, , . tion—notii do we submit more ronfident. i It is thus Lincoln phis and abets the ly to the tributud of Heaven' and too ,C onfederacy , Confederacy of the South. Them:ean be moral verdict of mankind, than when, several yesrA ago, on the, 4th of July, in ino doubt; that all of -his proctamattabs the presence of a great assombly. we cool- i hate had that effect.- No one is so stupid ntitted to the flames the_ Constitution of i ~, ri o t , to en i t: 1: .•. • • • I the United•StateA. Tho American Anti -Slavery Socio.ty paFse(i the following resolutions: , I?esoleed, 'fliot secession from the Uni- Ststes wernthent is the duty of vb.- ti• Abolitionist, since_ no one (r i oi t.,ke . offlee or deposit his vote under its Const lotion without violating his Anti-Slavery. prinhiplea and rendering hirosel(an abet-_ moo tor tkt tlitt 61a,veitqlder, and comtaittiog a ain 14,401ve1, years of 'warfare against, the slave potyer have convinced us that every act done in auppert of the American i Union rivets the; chain of the 1 , lave ; that the only exodu of the stave to freedom, unless it ba 'of blood, must bo over ; the - remains of the present American Church, and the gave of the present, Union. Rualued, That; the ,Abolitionista of this - country should malge it one of the prima. ry ohjectgof this agitation to dissolve the American Union. • The present'United' States Treasurer (Spinner) said, during the Fremont cam . I paign Should this (the• election of Fremont) i fail, no true man Would be any longer j safe here from the assaults of the arrogant I slave elaksrehy, who Then would rule with alt iron hand, for' the free North would I be left the choice of 4 peaceful dissolution of the Union, ft civil war which would end 14e-the same, nr an unconuitional warren. ' der of every principle held : dear by free men. • " Jaines'S. Pike, long editorially Connect ' • ed with the New York Tribuns, and now Minist2r 'to the Netherlands, said : I have-no doubt thkt the free and slave 'States ought to separate. The -Union is not worth supporting in connection" with the South. - John W. Forney, editoT of the PhiladelJ • • phis Press. ok-er the ]morn de piume.of,"Oc- Miting to ;his paper, says i • • Let u; nnitel ,the North by any tneans,„, When men ri:s lanetfr volunteer let there' be Conscriptlom. , stlence every tonge that, do- s not witu! respect of the i cause' 811.1 the aWii:,• with politics, with.; lux rri^z, kvi , h r , ra L'.t, us cease for; the nrche;t to of laws and restric, I • VtirLL to 041 te.ri safeguards. :Now ird, at Boston. ' foreshadowed the purp^- , • of the 4.liolition party: What eomint-nt t!ry upon the history of man it tho last to R t eiilneen years tit-1 ter the death ,t 1 John Quincy Adatn , i the peoplo have ftr th4ir <ttndard bearer' Ahntli!nt Lin,!oln; ohnrerring the oblige.;' titm< hizher ha' which the sage of goinly had contending . for weal or IV I^ . NA . 111 ,. or death, in the irre-, , pre!4-!ble ett,tflit-t %ripen freedom end 'darer?. I tl.aitre'orils. to .ay that we are• in the st 0, of On conflict before the great HIIII)1 , 161)t ina'uguratton of this poi:: in.o the ti wqrnruent of the United Stale' • - 31r. !H Serrate, this' firebran.l rr•it Thn ,( I ,:e Ft oc. S.r;1••1 and Slava . State 4 o f f i r % Ath i tio qnd warring with each other. weinld di.4guit the Free Htfttes of the I.'lciao, and tliey would have shun. , dant Ct' 115(V stint jutAitteation for withdraw: ing from th, I T tiino,ll r - ilurtive no longer of rv''te.‘ Leo , : :11.4 ;:i l ”.rtv t r tiArwielve., Ate . • • ft, clic cottrentiqh of (Niel , 0 , 1, IS't :.t ' , MRS norm: among otht I:l l o.i , ito.i in Lire Neer ui' Ycirk trti.t 4,1 t)t Jt•stlit sAtti that h. desired to amend . vo.1.1: .1. tatlkr. in the 133.01 4 3 or the ritirty. prite.4 in the resolut tir,n " Itrs , •tiblican il , trty. lie strip o rott ithe word “nationalt! ,t- Com r.t name by which the. ;itty 1' ii, 1 , , .t iu .Itivietaoliu% taus' prmilmi a "rnilitill , t•tinn•atl t .V , 11”11111t. •" I tima when this Coni ztqu. tioi it i in existence ; when militAry dictato. ti.iu,mit.ted from ago to .;;.,, hz-atl who are maciti -..ry- ur wbei I • ri,il.2L to env ern ttio.4 i•thi. • • Mty tho nature be tirou - , , ,1 !trot I.terce•the very grail of our nation with an e»erey this ghall , weep a, tto. of .I..4truction ,thif slavry) troth hand sfAii th t.voluthus ;it hi. hi thim vre• hei4i WA Will have it; Let it 0011tl : , • • • ito the 12..1 1 1,. •15.13; .John 'P. hale : , EMI All 111,• fr, • (:!.; I Gut look I .itcatif..,tly in tape ilrfort, I conl , l look, to 111,r3i nu fell rvilien must fall upon I U 3 Ytibk.ll t; )ti nu ftmr p7o-titute ourAelveis • a; to hecome the i i ? ioncers of slavery in the territorie . Irr the :legate. Feb. tlef, 1856, Mr. Hale, in Fpeakin . 4 of the conflict, said Good 1 Good Sir, I hope it will come . ; and it it coine3 to blood, let it co&e. NO, if that is.sue must come, let it come; and it cannot come too soon. h The Very Document they Wanted! The Richmond 4,:quirer, in alluding to the ;•itargo of . the New York Tribun'e that Liucoln's'Atetiesty Proclamation tvs not published in the youth, says: V. to the suppression of President `L;ncolit%. Proclametiow of Amnesty, it is lit torte false. Thel Enquirer published lit in full-4o did every -daily paper. It was exactly lite kind of prociamatiou we wan ted Mr..Lincolo.toimake. it was the tull and complete confirmation of all we lied charged oton Lincoln r it demonstrated, confeaqten, that, we were correct when we' told the people of :the confederate State; tha't;thc conjugation of their Tiber-. tie:: wit= to ,1 , 0 'effected by their degrada. tion to a lev(A with their slave 42 It hhocked the sensibilities of: every' elass of people, aril was sat kfactory evidence that not so• cial ruin. but the outrage of mothers, .svive4.and sister:, by brutalized negroes, % rev. , the trrins. atta th,e only terms, ler amnesty offered." 1 1 • "'. g•To . Wive stirfprii.:erl this proclamation would have heed: an act of slut-mucous . . , . - 1 QA 'Western soldier who urns publishedin ft list of delta '*t to liomo to tho eoor as follow 4: "I sea ftly name reifoited lin 'tile li s t of drat lis!at itiirliospital. I kii w It v;fns kik , ft.3ltionn as,/ eftw it. flercutt l r 'vitrbii you hear of mil death, write pa bpd ca out if it isig betorti - Publitatic4 lit." . 1 BEM litsasens lihr LlDuta amid pot be Zs. Eitsted. ' . From the Albany Atlas and Argus J 'lSt. is at heart a On iihnuar ,14th, 1848, he mule it.eech in Congress, in Which he said : "Any people, :anywhere, being inclined and having the Power, have a right to rise up and shake : off the existing Government find form a (new one that will suit them Ater." 2d. He has violated his pledge to the !people. In July, 1861, Congress paSsed. a ',resolution, which was adopted by him, in ,these word's : "That this war is not svaged in any spirit of oppression, or for any pur pose of conquest or subjugation, or for the purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of the States, but to defend and rtfaintakn the supremacy of the Constitution." _ 3d. Ile hes violated the Constitution which he took >a shlemn. oath to support, in ways wiihent number. His emocipa lion proclamations, which he has issued, he himself acknowledged ,he had no pow er fn do;• ' 4th. He has s guipended the hateat carpus in, States where there Was no necessity for • it. /1" has caused to be arrested and im prisoned citizens for expressing their can did opini . on as to the acts of the adminis tration, without allowing them a trial by. jury, and has afterwards disc hareed them without attemptingto produce any char ges against thern. ' 'puzzled the mouth awl the press in'a more artiitr.i.ry manner' than any j despot in .Europe. .i 6th. , 13e has prolonged the war for the ;:purpose of collecting a great army to aid ,1 arid _assist him t) a re-election ili rreqi liAant, by the point of the bayonet. . -71 h. Ire has sent armies to - Fibrida and Louisiana for the purpose of organizing new States, for the purpose of -voting for him* for the nest President—and by so doing, twenty thonvtnd mail have lost their lires Bth. Ile has squandered millions Upon millions of the public money to colonize and suppOrt the negroes, and has no sym pathy for the white soldieri who are slain by thousands in fbe army. lOth. ITe has organized an army of ne groes and forced them front the planta tions, where they could have - raised food for the army and supported their families who era now starring and dying. 10th., Ire has initiated a system of ex• travaganco and c - rrruption in the conduct of the war, which will, sooner or later, overthrow', our CI ivernment. 11th.' Vefore bi 4 mis elected he himself against Ole election of a Presi- Ident tir the sec ni.l term. Ile has viola ted this 14,1:ze, and now says it was all a joke. • ! . 12th: Tieing sulleniy raised frOm . the common walks of life to the higheit hon or iu 'the gift of 'the nation, he became vein rind 'puffed -up, and keeps a cirps of• soldiers fti a bvirguard which no other Presifloat ever did. He hes a 9et, of fanatics and shod. dy contractors. and all kinds of specula• tors for ht's adviser•, and they flatter him, which plows., hip vanity, and Make him think he is the gr• - ate3t firm in the world. He will nn vri t find all these things a joke, and •honest" Ol 1 Abe will go clown. to !mile: qty n•r a great joker and nothing more. • Pan PAM/. Repubtleana and Rebels at One. The recent confes , ion of the Tribune, that the election of Lincoln nowhere gave • sn much joy res in Charleston, contrasts strikingly with the apprehensions of the llichotond Ealuirer of June S, of last year, which we' reproduce : . • To be plain, we tear and distrust far more these apparently friendly advances of the Democrats than the open atrocity of philanthropists of Massachusetts, The .Democratic party alriays was our worst enemy : and but for its poisonous em brace these states would have been free and clear of the unnatural Union twenty years ago,. * * The idea of that odious party coming to life again, and holding out its srms to us, makes us shiver. Its foul breath is malaria; its touch is death. These fire eaters know that their occupa tien would be gone if the: Democratic par ty wl:s in power, forreunion is possible only with it' Democratic administration. The following extract frnm the Mobile Register tel's its rtwn story ; - We thank Godirom the depths of our ' hearts that the authorities in Washington snubbed Vice-President Stephens in his late attempt to confer with them on in ternational affairs without favor or ceremo ny. It has long been known here , that this gentleman thought that if he. could get us to whisper into the ears of' some men ahotit Washington, ti.e. result mildtt . be terms of peace on some sort of union or rmin &maim. He seemed to forget that Doug las, with whom he - used La serve, was dead; and notwithstanding his mantle has fallen, by divining it into four pieces, Richardson and Voorhees, Vallandigham and Pugh, still the Democratic party is-not lin power nosy, and we may thank Gotl.tin. it. I" The Democratic, p trty will he jn power !after the;next 4th of March, - and We 'be lieve chip. country will have the most !'abundant reason for thanking (foil for it, $ though it may not please either Richmond rebels or their Republican shoddy confed erates. Miss Mandana Theston, daughter of the. late Corn..:;.ta Tileeton of Williams burgh, 1% . niarrin.l a few weeks eine+, ht Oxford. 0., to Itsv. Calvin Fair bauk, alter an engagtune”' of thirteen years. krepstrations :for their wedding were being• Made twelve and a half years ago, When,3lr..Fairbauk wiLs Imprisoned in Kentnoky for &misting slaves toeseape, and•he haajust been released., During all this time' Miss Tileston did not rails*. her efforts to secure his release. s Cation, and wits dosing hi the street, When the Atornaons are now bo asting that the bells lensed hint by their - •ringing for with 100.000' people in Utah, in all their I fire. "Nine, ten, eleven, twetve; thirteen, ed ell, if this can't lie; "w settlements - thered: cannot be 'foun a f°urte.# n i". drinking 14001 i", or a bowling alley'. Hap. later that? I es cri ter knew it." • PY people' The Louisville - Jennie' oils disregard• The rebel prisoners say• that if Glens. ! ing the Constitution co toe Abe republic Grant and Sherman ever got to heaven it is like a mans disobeying the little'. to sill be by *lank movement j save his soul. NUMBER 5 When peace, with all its real and sub stantial benefits, Smiles beneficently upon the people, the nnothing is heard of that plea of all tyranti since the world began, "military, necessity." But if designing and ambitious men, influenced perhaps by foreign jealousy and innate ambition, after an effort Of years, succeed finally in disturbing the peaceful relations in their country,and bringing trouble and dis tress upon the people,. then 4e on your guard against their Insidious wiles. They will tell you of your wily foe; of his cour age, his strength, his numbers. They will plot for your aroiies to be defeated, :ands your treasure wasted, your young men to be destroyed and the whole people to be dissatisfied, withl their ,dreaciftil situation and gloomy proipects, and then they wilt tell you tha t "military necessity " dictates the surrender of right of self government in order to defeat the foe. The old fable of the horse is quite appropos as aiL iLsop tells us that the horse, finding the other beasts of 'the field unwilling to ac knowledge him as their sovereign, applied to man for aisistance in subduing his foes: Man immediately consented, and proceed ed to put the salldle upon his back. "ilalloa l"cried the horse, - what is that for ?" "Oh, it will bei necessary. for me to get on your back, and have the full control of you fur ii time, if I am to twist you, an swered the mark. The next step was to put the bit in the horse's mouth, to gula him right. Man took a whip in his hand, kastened a pair of sharp spurs on his•heels, and mounted. The [wise did not like the spurs, and -ob jected, but was told that it was all for his own good, and that they would be - used only when he did not pursue his enemies fast enough. ;When man was mounted, and the horse about to start on his career of conquest, a wise serpent addressed him thus "You fool why have you given up your liberty thus? You were free, and now you have placed a master on your batik, and he makes you do what he wish es. Why sub:nit to such despotism !" "Oh, yitd. i cot'understand," the horse; 1.1.43 this' power in his hands duly tor a time,• that I may con quer my enemies; when this is done I can just throw him off." . The serpent replied: "Never ! you have surrendered your liberty ; man has obtained a seat on your back; you hale submitted to be saddled, and so ,you will continue forever hereafter." The horse laughed, and the man cried. out and plubied hie spurs into the aide. of the horse— head." Just'sp with the preient abolition ad ministration. , The saddle, the bridle, the whip, the spurs are all ready, The• peo ple, apparantly, stand quiet and ready to be mounted, whipped and spurred. Do not be deceived, "Military necesity" will fasten upon ybu an incubus of debt and taxation ; military satraps will eat ,out your substance and defstrey your children, and finally, with a largo standing army of a different race (;niggers,) they will en- slave you. 'lake warning in_ time. One of the most disgraceful acts com mitted by President Lincoln is the pardon or Colonel Fish, late provost-marshal of Baltimore. His manifold crimes, of which he was righteously convicted by a court martial, and for-which he deserved im prisonment for life, were pardoned by the payment of s tine of five thousand dollars. This man was proved guilty of the meanest thefts,of levying black-mail upon innocent people, and of the most shocking cruelty toward men and women, whom he com pelled to go South under loose charges of disloyalty. , This person, Fish, once issued an order forbidding the Baltimore papers from copying articles from ne World, while, at the: same time, ho was sending confederate cotton-bands to Europa to sell. All this was proved upon that:dal. When a public official is superlatively zealous in denouncing-Democrats, and professing extravagant loyalty, it is safe to assume that he is at heart a traitor or a thief, or 'both. ..Ik6* - z - - goo tki bow *at -; •-• A izt 04410.4 bus, t -;, ad parched Pal, The mehrissitirisordrep ; Oh, It thily Mow, Am walk 01*serth• • %hi ~NMI IttWAS .1%. power erVailli of Median h;th. n i vim!pleadhil agate: Thoinaken sad the poorest mar. Pig PS*AINA Sig* And MI 41•11ight withimei hurls liata9L "Ward Pyre ;, my what Ls Wit If love be lent It man's otattod to asaa Or what be Meavestkole-walls boyoad flait brief arril mortal 9•11 A, oars upon ttietractull Ma fa salatte grog, shine, $o Lords of klattaese la the heart Reflect Miami, Striae. Oh, thou be kind, whoa'', thou art, That breathes{ mortal breath, o It shall brighten all thy MA; Atid soreetta ran death. l =tar, Necesaliy—A Happy Illadiatioa. ''Don't mind him, he's only a copper- Punctuation - , that is putting in the stops in the right places, cannot be too sedulous. ly studied. ,We lately read, in a country paper, the following account of Lord Pal merston's appearance in .the House of Commons: "Lora Palmerston then en tered on Lis liead; a whlie hat upon his feet, large'but well polished boots upon his face, a dark cloud in his hand, his faithful walking stick in hi* eye, x mena cing glare saying nothing. He sat clown.: PARDONI.D.-.--1t will be remembered that a negro, some months ago shot • white man at Carp • Penn, near. Philadelphia. All the papers conarred in the opinion that the shooting was unprovoked and wanton. A jury convicted the neg.) of murder iu the second degree; but scarcely bad he been sentenced till Gov. Curtin pardoned him:. Murderers, forgers, and shoddy thieves appear to have a good time of it. A drunken fellow got out of his olden- Si