il II _Tip New Tiptrox Dear.—Erie has already a ObOtiVet... umber of 'buildings which will etne pare fa verably with those of most untatunitles, and notes the war should retard her prosperity, ohs will soon be able to toast of a supremacy in this respect- to almost say othee-eity of her site. -Many of our prints bindings are not sarpassedenywhere,and such public edifices as' - the Court Rouse. Post &Lee. let Presbyterian Church, 'Rut Wart School Roast and new Engine Rouse of the Buffalo ak Brie R. R., have their superiors in law io6AlitiliS. To these will be added, before winter, the,grand Union Passenger Depot. an edifies that will excel either of the others in sweat, and be alike an ornament and credit to the city, The foundation walls of this fine building are now I almost completed, and the interest felt by the I commUnitrin its progress, has led us to obtain the following reliable particalare of its (Omen sluts and arrangements. The new depot will occupy the square 04 1 which the old one stands, and when it is OM, pleted all the other buildings will he torn away, leaving a large specs for the use of trains or improvetuat as a Park, if thought advisable. Its length will be 488 fest and breadth 44, but on each side will be a wide overhanging roof of 20 feet, making the actu al width 84 feet. The trains will - not rue into the interior of the building, as usual, but wholly on the exterior. leaving the entire *nolo:lead space for reception and dining rooms, offices, he., as described below.' The building' will be two stories high for a distance of 186 feet but; all the rest will be - but - one story.— The front is to be tastily ornamented, and will be surmounted by a tall and handsome cupola. The entire structure is to be of brick and will be covered with a splendid slate roof. The following is to be the arreugement of the first doer, eommenoing at the front of the edifice - let. Gentlemen's reception room, 43 x 42 feet. ir li c eric PA., JUNg 18, 15i14. special Notices. etc w. dellre to obtain a correspondent lo even ~,,61p la the counts. Politest casayiwe can ordain la talc }tote; what we want le the load own' front all 0 . 1 of sotratr. Any person writtai. to as ceraellee nu herinir Ms name kept strictly eouddential t sad ht , seer.' that the comtairateatina hknot La prop* . publ6‘tt ,, l3.lPlll Rif( pat It fa appropriate trim rr subscribers. seeretd by earriar. betinvid tgvarriln etittii per fear .stn. Persona who fall to ~.,.4 t ra then . pipers regularly will confer a humor by untie tj i:g se of the 12173 i. We pre , er to kin all subscriber% soacialentlr, procure their papers at the bike , (00)11(100D, • ir TN• tm , Cr.. puree, - al•ereinem . r . to 1 of the day of pnb- Vernon , . . . _ ~. , . tt .1 re r A i 1,-,rt/itnnitS, J-1 , Wu.* 411 i labwlptioni rmonn.l+, 4l n• ,l knqiria VI the moot ta iOl adVrt . is3c.steticy —Here lie! GOl4 Currency, son c lr perh6yl" Democracy yid Perfect Se -ou of A, Cooatitu'inn, murdered- Salmnn P. rhaa.. Abraham Lincoln and s, Datpl of 03n4picatorn calling themselves the Republican party Grieve at this sad event— Theiheni•work of another— it laid his father very low, Ana nearly killed hie motiti Esot.—Ottr taz-barthenen out ten=, who have at times felt as if' the heavy 3t~slt •r leht which hss rested upon them for number Df •!, e trs, %"99 never to he removed, 11l bP gratin? I to know that there is a good itrc.nect 1f relief from their present difficul— t t ip s Welltkre the hest otihority for stating thkt sm 001 of the Sunbury . & Erie stook field by rile clay (th•• interest on which h as :lase I wi r heavy takation) have b m , o i and I i n Philadelphia 1r 67, 0 and d 9 cents on the dollar, realizing a sum thst goes heyon I the iapectation of any person in the community few yHrs The city still holds 522,000 of the stoFk, ahi t tt is believed, can yet be sold at affair prtoe ,?n this stook there Is 290,000 et back intereat, which will uodonbt • elly bs Osiii in a short period, and when this issum (ihtqined and the stock all Pohl, the city will be entirely eletr of debt, and peg sell afford to make the itnproremente we 40111 'stand so badly'in nee! of t little patience, and trie;will yet ho able 1.) take rank a. one of the handsomes! rtri in the e3untcy Ft - vzi ENat.:r. I:: THE ' UNITEBI t , •tvres .-Otir citizens. izenpritt thing, hate n , t taken the interest in the new engine rou .p hailt t,r th. fl iffdn t Erie railroad compiny li4.anca cant of the \till c r .; t bridge, o.;. 2:11 tin co%tli.iese and sups./ rier ya iiities m/title it to The building has teen pronounced compv*nt reason: as the very finest rf the sort in the United :States— net th lArze3t, f than /ice a number that .arras-i it i/i teat riipeet hut in durability of 3Onstru4inu and excelisuce of design Its cir :uraference i. '5lO feet : 'diameter jEcl foot, ind:h4 .eight from the floor ti the top of the- Lameis WO feet The building is intended re accommodate 21 oiteine; The mnsno — work uirplz3l , (l by even the handsomest pri ia:e every feature of the Rervivl with Rr.'eye alike to neat zez. „n , 1 convenience But it as in the roof or , hogreate; triumph of machanital skill tro:ii. , ,it.?l It io cwirely of slate. supported Wrot.ll,u , iron raffer , . the ingenuity of the •irrnoze i ment of which, In 9r er to combine / it , e lar,i,et amount ofliteength with 1 - ightne and ti!itelines. of affip'aranee. can - only t7i appreciated by -tie aecu4lntoeti to study work of that character. The entire structure is vs model of ncatoesi anal skill , and it reflects much credit on all omicerned in its-erection. The neat, we understand, will fall very little - short of SQtqRE GJBLE'9 :tfAIIIIIAGE CEREMONY.— In the old-fashione i German community where: we had our birth, the good people "once twon a time' idccted as their JnEjoe of the PeSce an h.lnest heartod citixpn, known as t;rottleib Goble. , lie had no "eddication," as no expressed it; add was equally destitute of ,ti honks A few days after his elevation to cLc .iigniiies of, the Squire:ship, a bashful to Ong couple presented __themselves to be locked in the chains of matrimony ho old Squire was in a e. t o is:ditty—be bad no form, and had forgotten that used on the occasion of his own reading—but soon rallying him =elf, he asited them to vs• - Cnd upon the floor, sad eteouted the ceremony, if not in the most fashionable style in the world, at leaat inputs that satisfied the loving swain A friend of ur t. who a to peeping. through the key bole, we suppose, sends us the Squire's language on the occasion, done up in homely verse : "You Pronoish now, you good man dare, :VOL ytantsh upon the vloor, To hab dish voomau vor a vife, • And lobs her ebermore : Po need her mit sower crow, - Pearls, putter-milk and eheas -Ant in all tinge lent your alt, r. Dat vill bromote her eas Yes Ant you voomon, stantin dare Do yourself dish day, Dat you Till dike Tor your husbant, Dish man, ant him opay : Dat you will ped and Fiord wit Vosb, Trod, and went hi, close, Veep von he size—tat Teti he smile, Dush share his alloys and Toets." CHEERFUL. l'aospi.ct.—Colonel Forney, the Republican clerk of the U. S. Senate, in a let ter do Lis Prat, under date of Washington speaking of crushing out the rebel— lion, ny.. "The vast reserve army—the men ip civil 41e, the men of middle age, anti the youth be tweets seventeen and eighteen years, will, in all pnbability, be called for to help to finieh ewot k We do nnt *th! that every word of the CAlonel'ssredie , ion will yet come true. It is ur imprt.Rsiou now, and has been for a long ama, riot) Lefore the war is ended we shall let ere the t.ixo, elate of Affsirs in the North tit thetirmth to now paqsing thrTmgl). Every bh bodied intle citizen's perTii , will be e. anti i. r . ate. , noaratiouton ioe will be re— PLlbPiittiii.i will ti:ir 11.1 pri)Fired. et ••ny hut tbn qmpenti Nus prinPF, end many a nsppy family who now ure in Oonfident "aepes that their friends aril! r,e mired from .miluary eervlce, will he obliged to see them :srti frOm their mitlit. The et dent young men yira are 8) eager flr the war need not despair will all a chance yet to teat their MEM «-ilt - TO WOUNDED sOLDIUtts —II.I.sOL DIE.D.4.*to It.uto .', tn., ' , iirel.arotol l•y - te.ttion , l lvt)::NOS it t:',I:EIVED 11 , : ANY 1 3 011,6, - Rn I n. 4. h 3 en nnt the ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS BOUNTY ; eta rotteive the Nato arm it fiiire, hy ilIPI)R14 ether ,t 1 Tter,.on ~ r by -ucr, at DIE MILITA HY AND NATAL AnhiNt . "l - , N. 427 WALNU: Street: PIIILAt it DE 4plu 1 r JosF.pity DErrec i, ok)11 - A.Sli. • i' IZP. HONES —.l. It.; of ALL PIiTZES t'A AISLE TO D.VrE call h, peen at their of tee. Ti,...e Ekivi ..n other claims ngainn that Government promptly e'Uerlel BLANiu...:-We keep cowschntb, nu tlisßd ~.! eeti „ 2 f LegAl _13 1, 14 1 Z.. approved iooh .1 to*.(9, Mortgnxt, Judgment urd Connon-notes Summons, Soot;conas ‘nd roan; °them not-in snot general tow - tltoso in need of these articles, will find h to their advantage to give our *Moe a calk tf. - 21. Ticket ottice,l'2 z 42, iontaining a ca.., vicious vault for tate, use of the agent. Bd. Ladies' parlor, 42 z 40; with Ane waah room attaohed. 4th, Passage way froth side to side, 18 fest. 6th. Wash room attaohed to dining • hall, , 10 40 feet. 6th. Coffee room, 86 z 42 feet. , 7th. Dining Rail. 98 z 42 feet ' Bth. Kitchen. pantry Unit olosete, 36 a 42,. with splendid cellar underneath of the same rise , 9th Passage way from side to side, In feet. 10th. Three baggage rooms, each 17 x 42. 11th. Foar offices, 18 a 20. The second story rooms in front are to be lilted up is offices for the net of employees of the company. The depot will stand about 70 feet back from Peach street, anti the space in. 'erecting is to be paved with the best quality of stones used for that purpose. A row of Iron columns will support the overhanging roof on each side, standing at intervals of 15 or 20 feet. The old depot will not be taken away until the new one is entirely finished. It 1$ the intention, if fotmd 'consistent with con venience, to plant the space on mirth side of the square not tilted for railroad purposes, with trees, and convert it into two handsome Parks. It is probable, also, that a row of trees wilt be, platted alone Peach street, in front of the depot. The building is being erected jointly by the Cleveland & Erie - rand Buffalo & Erie Compa nies, but will be usedin common by all the roads cantering at this city, the Phila. & Eris and Erie & Pittsburg paying a yearly sum for the privilege. The Lake shore trains will occupy the track on the North side of. the de pot ; those of theother two roads the South* track. The satire building is expected to be completed by the Ist of November, and if built according to the designs of its architect, it will be one of the most beautiful - sad con vergent in the country. We were not ablibto learn the eapeoteci cost Cosusuyerios--- rift Till. —W e publzsb below the provision of the conscription sot permitting the obtaining of substitute* pre vious to any draft, and relating to the pay ment of commutation mousy. it has been decided that none but those not liable to draft la any Brats of the Union oast thus be acoept. od as substitutes. It will be.tur the inte rest of all hating money ion band, who can procure a substitute in advance of the draft, to do so : " Persons enrolled may 'furnish at any time previous - to the draft an acceptable substitute whb is not liable, and snob persons thus far nialting a substitute shall be oxempt from the draft not exceeding the time for which such substitutes shall have been •accepted. Any person drafted may, before the time Sued for his appearance for duty at the draft render sons, faraish an acceptable - substitute, anbjeot to huh rules and regulations as may - be pre scribed by the Secretary of War. - if any drafted person shall hereafter pay motley for the procuration' of a substitute, snob payment shall operate only to relieve the person from draft on that call, and his name doll be re tained on the roll in tilling future quotas.— But in no instance shall the exemption of any_ person on account of his paymint of commu tation money for the proeurinirof a substitute extend beyond one year; but at the end of ' one sear in every snob ease the name of any_ person eo exempted shall •be enrolled again, if not before_ returned to'the enrollment list under the provisions of this section." Tay Dauer.—The drawing of names for the deficiency in this district commenced at Wit. Word oa the 10th inst., the Prevost Marshal, we are infeethed, hewing reoelved perettptory orders to begin on that day, instead 'of wait. ing wail the 18th, as announoed adver tisement. Erie county having filled her quota entirely war exempt, and none of her people will therefore be the subjects of Col. Camp bell's polite attentions-..for the present. Ano ther call for troops is generously promised us, though, by the Ist of July, and before the war is finished, ere_shall all, doulitiess, 'loyal' and *disloyal,' Abolitionists and Union men, have had an opportunity to invest' in Peels Samlvars mammoth lottery to. our heart's content._ The following is the amber of Balm 'drawn lor **oh county in 'the" district —Erie being the only ose whoa* quota was full :,.•:.,7:, Ificifesa. 118 ; Cameron 91 ; Worieti . bli Clearfield !lc - Jefferson 76; repast 18; Wilk 28, The Board of Enrollment wtE, milli the oottniy seats of 'sok of the commies, sad hear the claims of dim asking ezeoptioa. Tide is one feature, at least, of the amended law, which deserves oommendatiqa. &CCM/6% MaSO/UNT.—The saeoesafol naeroboet is itlways tho one who keys the boss elms of goods of all kind., avi as many of these are , aware 4 the,,fset. IL, kepi the atiemiral Salamis, manalsottareil by D. B. DaLand & Co., at Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y. For sale by ingst whnle s ukle and reiall dealers in the country * - Public Speakers and Blower* will • !inc . ! •• Brown's Bronchial • Troches " beneliciel _in clearing the roles befortt speaking or singing. sod relie*ing• the throat tam; b oy oligu m i l "exertion of the vocal organs, bnving a Peculiar adaptation tp sdrentions which ditworh the organs of speech. Tim dry weather of tilolast walk Li Mete **l4l-".. VIVPI• 111 4* 600 D, 39124 Mille to tifitralL pain and trait m 0011111. __.._ ~.:...~ •c~.asa:z_+r.