The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 18, 1864, Image 1
TUE ERIE WEEKLY OBSERVER. "UM= IS UN "OSISSTIVI. Bonacm,•_avosimaimvi °proem too Port Otncii. ADTERTISNNENTS.--Oue Sonar. of Ten linos one in. section 7,5 Cents ; two insertions 111,00.; three ismer. clone *1,26; one month $1,50 ; two months 111,10; ! three months $3,00: six monthilfs.oo; one year VI 00; other advertisements in proportion. Three rated will be strictly adhered to, unless changed by special , • - sontmet, or at the option of the publisher.. Anal , tor. Noticed, /Um.; Divorces and like advertise ! mint, $1,60 ; ldmintstratoes -Notts .@ $2,110; Lowell Notices Trri cents a line; Ilaniage Notices TWBITY. RR ants a plies; Obituary Notiori(over three lines ; in extent) Mr* cents par line. Original poetry, uu. ' ler written at the request of the editor, one de liar per line. All advertisements will be continued at the expos,/ of the person, advertising, until ordered ant by his direction, u nless • specified period is agreed upon for its insertion. rEfSCRIPTiONT TWO DOLLARS per annum la ad. Tana. JOB PRINTING.—We hare ens or the but Jobbing' .dicer in the State, and are ready to do ■nt sort la that line that may he intruated to am, In equal style to any estatillsherset outalde of the largest cities. WIIIIILIN k BRACH?, Publishers. A FACT GENERALLY KNOWN, tri A'r the variety of now style Bed ,t,adg, 4 Gothic, Cottage, Congress, Round Core col, Camp rota, Jenny Lind sod other patterns, onth , ri ,Lt,flP and 'trait ftont,hendaogoely s t ow e d r iteu , ron, itreakfaat, Centre and other Table; iruatooto, Quaker Staude, Carpet and Itarmak Lotinitne, ;WA Pt•dS, !Lair end Sea Grass Mattresses, Feather Reda . „,l'itolitters with other nousehold furniture, tort, sll ,„ n ofictnred from well awaanned lumber end healthy .00teriole, by et perl-nced workmen and not by approntkw irdr. fur style, quality and low prime I will tlefy vv. ,o-o-priee deolers to undersell me. Feathers bettirlifilurd cane seas, Parlor, Redinom, Reocldoc &min& s at , and otter Chairs, of Eastern and Western =MI` , are hitkory dolled and glued, making them se .ny other part of the chat r, where others made a .4 o.dd ore only ns,tled, and by po 171111L:lidarable. Wood it oe si n c, sewing and Nurse, are chairs of hard moots clinched through the seat and slued. MIN ratted to etAnti. Handsomely painted, and can't be bee. ten h.. rolor - iotzthi,price and finish. Spring Reds. 1 have P. 13 (qt. - 10 and Lave the higheat testimonials with a rot of pores of all goods sent oa applhation. Iraihing . ad shipping fres. Atter tore expenence and contending nth cm p;turipeleti two price dealers, I am determined to tell one price to all, give worth for your pay, Sod it Justine to ell who ititle with ue. lumber, Lath, Snore', Live Sleek, Crudeand Refine Oil, Store Pay, Produce &c, taken at fair market valued tit per Iteurenshkx the r iaLu, nest corner of nth street n ••‘. tote, Floe, Ps.f; 17. ELLSF.Y - Manufacer and Commiren Salesman. I WHOLESALE S; RETAIL GROCERY STORE. P. A. BEOKER, WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, Comer of the Park ir French Strut, ICHMAPAIDB,) Would rkspectfally call the attention of the community to hialarze Stock of ERI ES AND PROVISIONS, Which he in deniroaa to *al at th• LOVVE.IT PO.OiIBLE micas: awlortmeot of '.[GARS, UOFFEES • TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, •• • - FISH, &C., i. not aurroutud in the city,ae hi u prepared to pro?. to AI .ho give tam a cal!. re gig., Levi, cooAtantly nu boat • caportor lot of PURE LIQUORS, the It holesa'a MAP, to which he diteete the attention the publiz • t. cants I I. Nock 1 4 a1e% Small Profits and • tall pt - rvelt the Motley.' aprllll.3tt. GROCERIES! GROCERIES 1 VIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. P. SCHAAF, n I R , Apa2tra ly inform tho rnblie that las has armed . a Store in No. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie, e he #lllalsea! r keep on Land a largo supply of GROCERIES, i:itocKERY AND woODEN WARE, %%1.41 , 4, LlQuoits, cluAtt.,,, t ILIJZ is ALI establishment of •erne as rrn,nnable ss any ntLcr store la ilia 1%. ;aula'Sitf SerIIN CSC NEW CROCERY STORE. u,letrd.turd hare 0t1 , 4 a new arocory Store, on EAST SIIW OF STATE ST., 3,1 DOUSE NORTH OF RAILROAD BRIDOZ, Where tlary intend keeping a tall supply ni ROCE: Itlt is i ; 110112•10Ki!l, IlLOVKIG11( WAIL E VA NKR ti LOTION., WILLOW WARR, TORACC(I & CIGARS. ever)thinir ulanvily lin 11.anvl to am sitablishamest ONFISCTIONA I li;+, MEI We are detorealned to otter lUI good induruisaarta asatay— n. r dealers !litho city, and inriie the public to call, an,:ent that we can p, firs entire satisfaction. r A. k U dR. OYSTERS & CLAMS. II E Sultscrib‹.r would respect viv thford h'S frieuds aid customers It / he is .hll at hin r \._ lc3 Washington Fhb Market, New If est, A th.l to prepared to furnish sTFAIf BOA'N, RESTAURANTS & Tammuz with the test OYSTERS AND CLAMS, market affords, at Wholesale and. Retail, at short .•1:4, and at t o LOWII,T Livia° Pagan. rr Alldo Orders from the Country Promptly ttond. to. • B —Oysters and Clams Prekled to Order. `;•., York, Jane 20, 1863.-Iy. 11. C41711Y. U. S. 10-4.0 LOAN: ilic•T NATIONAL BANK OF ERIE, DFAIBRATKIY DF.PO-(TORY OT TAB U. B.—lhis Bank hereby L 1 ,111 1 ,1 n that it_ce prepared to receive subectiptlow on aunt of [toiled Rees Bonds, authorized by tba act of 17th 3, 1861, boariog date March 1,1864, redeemable at e r:ovure of the Government after 10 yeti.", and pap .40 ,aaacalcoan data, having interest at eve per emit ~ ,uanyable In own annually, on Bonds not over 10, and aemt.onnualle on all other Bonds. tuoscrib:rs wLil receive, either Registered or Coupon ,ds, u they may prefer. It Is expected that Coupon nds will be ready to , denier . / about the Ith of April. •uttei Were will be required to pay, to addition to the uet of the principal of the Ilona in Lariat money, 1nt...., 1 cot.", Inc In United States Notes, 'iolta of National Bauka adding fifty per tient. for m. m, until further,) from lb° let (ley of Marsh t 1 the '. r f euhe-ription. tease .• d Ronde nil be ifsa •,1 of the denominations o ft Ka, $5.04, /1.030., si 3 Oaos,flo,ooos ; and Con fl,rn 4 ot the f:ennirltriclor.s and 0().. Stab n rity of the gei.reary of the Trtunry. e x i ttl. PA:0 7 011D. Caehier. C. ENCELHART, ler in Boots & Shoes'! ALE°, IttxuFAOTURER OF 'OM MADE BOOTS 'AND SHOES! , CLD take' thiq method of return ir,z, t his fiends ;Lai the blkt rin r their lit , eral petrol:rag r e heretofore pud .nd hope. to hue a continuation of the same. p'essure to inform the public that f am still eel- READY MADE .100 T? AVD SIIOE3 AS CHEAP, ant • Lute - Clasper, ant il , dtta to VI a grace, and I am still making the t iatlities of Gaols' Bonta ard , hoep, for which I em s elle I,lthe 13F. 4 1' of WGRESICN.nudsr th• &Viz.! •Idtar• of O. idinv:rt_ ;s.finz ohtaiard al cootie to use the Plumer Patent Last, • r reptre4 to make the Plumer Patent Boots ~ .hoes to s manner, not to be aorta - hod in Style and toonthip 1 Illta , p kelp no hand a Weetion of the but taorh ar d AmPrtaut Caland Kips. Iterattlng attended In. • surl2'6atf. R. delphia, Sr, Erie R. R. . ' 4l /111MMINN ( line trairerees tlie Nortl;vrri and '4orthweet Its orPentmylmtis to the city of Fria. on It has been leaarei by the Peamploctia RAU ;arty, andiaider Their al:Apices la rapidly being Utroutlattot ito stain, length, orry to mo t ter Peeeenger acid Freight billiD.llo larrtatmrc to Rt. three, (216 railer) en the Kaste' fmm ShefllPld to Krio, (14 mars) on the nil It/nth:tn. • Ttyll op PAIMPINtIeR ?aura AT cce. nm Leases 3 ai r r "' 1.earee............ • 114 50 a. r. rain Arne. .... r. mzuetwa re‘pectlng l'Aeserizfir but iniess apply ealluer 1 Ith and Market A. Ind for Trelibt nt ace Com piILUTS K- 14 CM1?l, JR., corner lath and StaOrstAiie•eti, Iphis„ • Rrr , ;(11,0A, rrie. ' D RILL agaza R. C. R. R., lialtina,re H. FRAJATOM, General Yreight Ageot, : Wial.. EMT:Pr, C4aerat Titter Arent, rhtlate, 3.1) PPt r 4 ..3easorxt nncgor,. . ourlefoll. ;ERVED FRUIT,- e 11.% mined Trait, hake, PePig Mat ; At milli-La. MIR ilvasl2B. VOLUME 85. I A Farewell Ode ie M 7 ion,. Aged Three Years and FivejFertha. Thou tapiy.'happy elf 1 ' (Sot atofr•—hrst Lit me Wm away that tear ?bow Oar Wig* 4ofispie)f. I I (My kg% brm poem iota Ids fat I) T httlaWnierlaneling Wit. I I . With lOWA feather light; tfatortehert by morrow sad aaeoltad by 4i.— (Good laaeaau f tit* ohtld Im erralloWleir a pie Thou Ilttis tri I ckasy Pack I . With antis tops as filially beatnik, 1 ' .. . lAght as the singing bkit that wlagi tbsair— (The door I the doer! hell iambi* down tie stslr I) Thou darliss of thy sirs I , (Why, tins. hen set hie pinafore op In 1) , Thou fail of Writ and Joy I In loves dose sheds so strong sai l bsight a fink Thoa idol of thy panints—(brae *simy I Thies pas any bag I) Thou cherub—bet of earth ; Fit plaphillaw tot Fay; by mesa/Jot pale, to hareems !port sad mirth, (that dog will bits hi* it ha palls his tall it - Thra hums heary-bes, extrietiar honey From sway blowout la the 'arid that Wm, 131agieg in youth's eltidula "Tar ansli/ ( Another amble I—that's his lamina nose I) Thy father's pride and hope I I (He'd breathe mirror with that sitiProg reps !) With pate heart newly stumped bolo Suitors's oda—, (Thee did he learwto wyalatt) Thou Inanities estis dee* (Hell base that Jug (Wart% another shove I), Dear nursling of the hymnist neat I • (An those torn sloth's his hest n• Litho apnoeas ot masa I • i (Hell&lobo epos tha tables , that's hie plea fl Toeclisd with the hogateoss tints of distant( Mo— (Hs's got a knife I) Then abatable thing I 1 • No stoma, no ohm& la thy clog sky Ihrassaing I Play on, play on, Sly atta John I Ton lb* light ball —tastilda the atieh. i (I knewtaa assay ethos would soaks hint reek I Withjanotee buoyant a the tidal!' down" Prompting the Was grotesque and antic brisk, With :many a laatbAlks frith, ' (Be. got the Nissen. nipple( at jolt gown !) Thou grotty opening roil (Go to Poor mother, thlld, aid wipe. parr nose I) Balmy and kniethingantsis like the Beath, (ile really brims my heart lute sty mo+tk !) Fresh at the cum, and brtiriant u its 4tar— ' (I with that window had an boa bar Bold ea the kopek, yet gentle se the dors— (t tell yon what, my Wil t I cannot writs salon he's sent thorn) Verrespesilleace batman! Jeff. Vases. Prom th?. Petersburg I.sprns, Way 2$ 104.] Stars of 2101211 C11t0147/4, Euc. Dart. Ilasuog, Doesmbir 80. 1863. To His'Excetlencie Prudent Da*: My Din Sta—After a careful consider , of all the sources of discontent in North Carolina I have conclnded that it will be impossible to remove it, except by making. some effort at negotiation with the enemy. The recent action ;of the Fed• eral House of Representatives, though meaning very little, has greatly excited the public hope that . the Northern mind. is looking toward peace. I cis premised by all men who advocate this course . that if fair terms are rejected it willtend great ly to strengthen and intensify the war feeling, and will rally all classes to a more cordial support of the Governtient. And, although our position is welt; known as demanding only to be let alone, yet it seems to me that for the rake i of human ity, without having any weak or improper. motive* attributed to us we might, with propriety, constantly tender negotiations: In doing so we - would keep conspicuously before' the world a disclaimer :of • our re sponsibility for the great slaughter of our race, and convince the humblest of our citisens—who sometimes forget Mir actual situation—that the Government is tender of their lives and happiness t land would not prolong their sufferings ahnecoassrily one moment. Though statesmen might regard this as useless, the people will not, and I think our cause 'blight Mt strength ened thereby. I have not suggested 'the method 'of these riegatiatinni or their terms. The effort .- to'obtain peace is the principal matter. _ . • I' MUMS. NUTS, - Allow me tobeg your earn' est'oonsideram tontion of this suggestion. ' Very reapec - trail; Yours. Z,13, Votes. Dias Sia—l have received your letter of the 30th ult., containing suggestions of the measures to be adopted for The pur pose of renioving the " source of dirion tent" in ' North Carolina. The contents of the letter are substantially the lame as those of the letter addressed by you to Senator Dortch, extracts of which were by him read to me. I reinarked to Dortch that you were probably not aware of the obstacles to the course you indica ted, and, without expressing an opinion on the merits of the proposed policy, I desired him, in answering your letter, to write suggestions as to the, method of opening negotiation!, and as to the terms which you thought should be offered to the enemy. I felt persuaded you weold appreciate the difficulties as some; your attention was called to the nec!ssity of considering the subject in detail., Awn have made , no suggestions touching the manner of overcoming the obstaeles,;l in fer .that you were not apprised by Dona of my remarks to him. , • Apart from insuperable objeetions to thb of policy you• propeice - taind to which I will presently -ad vert)-T !I , ll:ittot see bow the more' material obsticles are to, be surmounted. We have made tFrew distinct efforts to communicate with the authorities at Washington, and have been invariably unsuccessful. Commissioners were sent before hostilities were begun; and the Washington . ern men t 'refused to receive them or bear what they haci to say. A second time I sent a military offi cer with a cointaunication addressed myself to President Lincoln. The letter. was reoeived by General Scott, who did not permit the officer to see Mr. Lincoln, hut promised that an answer, Would be sent. do answer has ever been received. The third time, a few tnctnis sgq. aien-tlentan was *stt whose poiitku, chaise ter and teputakion wore inicit - et_to insure tits reception,. if the enemy were not „de r tennined to receive no proposals .whatever l-froni the gorerntnont. vine Provident EillEl=MiilMl HE ,Pesuai_Pngimkimi; ♦L sad elm. /111. zar,,,v, Illsartni s, • 1 ammo. Jaavary 4, 0rn011 164. $ ti .. EMME I \ " • ... . . " . '''4.:,..i.;110, ". ..;ri",!.:3- - 1 , . " , f. f,.. --- .X1C1Vr. , 011 4 = 1 .9:z.%'. 7 .. - .. --•- • ,-- ,-;^-• _ • ' . .•• • :, . . .... - t‘ ~...- • , ••• L . , __ : • -.r i - c r ,_. ...mi...., . ~' 4II ‘ '.. - - . .--- I , •tc . el , i r . i ef: -. _•: . ' • . : :-....:•,-,----- '''....•;= ir-i? == - 1.1. - f •.:.• =I I «.77 so Stiobens modes Patrietiettiiiiilf*air services, in ;the hops of being' at/olb) mote the - Cause of brunanity, V thottgh tittle tenet WAI entreteined ; QE, sumps., I cheikelly yielded to kb l U UN. Um; that the experiment should be triad, The enemy refused folet him pricithAMA their line; or to hbld aey;ortiforMissi him. was stopped befogs.) ha em rewired' rietieui r lifousiiie on his way to lionis!rinatOo. attempt . again (in the face of these repeated rejectioss of elieon• far+ with us) to senstoommissiouers or agents to propose peso% is folaidgeriaindt sad Contumely, and subject eerselyei to ibdignity without the slightest thine, of being listened to. , NO true amen, no aim who bar our goseau at heart ran' desire this, ion ; the people of North Carolina wonld be the let to approve of suob an attempt, if swans of all the ficta. , SO`failroin remov ing sources of diametral, such & course would rewire, as it would merit, the con demeation of those true patriots who hive given their blood and their treasure to maintain the freedom, equality. and Inds postdates which descended to thent from the immortal heroes of King's Mountain. If, - then, these proposals -cannot be made thrmigh envoys, because the enemy could not receive them, how is it . possible to communicate - our desire for peat* other wise than by, the public semencentents contitined in almost every message I e'er sent tO Congnssa 2; I-- I cannot serail at this time one instance I in which I have failed to announce that ! our only desire was peace, and the only terzni which formed a silts pia nos wire precisely those that, you suggested, name-' ly, l'i demand only to be let alone." But suppose it were practicable to obtain a I conference through rammissieners with the Orarerninent of President Lincoln, is it at this moment that we are to consider it desirable or even admissible? ' Have we , not just been apprised by that derpst that Ire cin oelyezpect his gracious pardon by ' Stmeseipeting ell enzrehtver; swearing all*. giance avalehediraeiltiiiinfand his pro- : .. clamition, and becoming in Point of feet the sieves of our own negroes f Can there be in North Carolina one citizen to.fallen beneath the dignity of his ancestors as to , accept or enter into conference ,en the, basis of these terms t That there ere a ' few traitoriin the State who would be wil- . Hug to betray their fellow-citizens .to such a degraded position, in hoPelg‘absing re war* for tresobery, by an escape from , the ,common doom ; may be true. But I do not believe that the vilest wretch would i accept sorb terms tbr himself" tif cannot aoncelve boW the people et , yottr State, than *bias none has sent nobler 'or More gallant soldier! to the field of- battle (one 1 of which it is your honor to be) ran hale t been derailed by anything to which vim iefer in "thn recent - Refl.:in 'of thtk Federal , Houseof Representativeio Lhave seen I - , no action of that Nouse that does not fn-1 dicate,l by a Eery decided irisjority the I terms"purpoSe of the enemy to reft - ,Sse lill of the South, except atWolute, uncondi- tional Subjugation or etteratimition. But. if it were otherwise, how ere we to treit with the House of Representatives I It is with Lincoln atone that we ever could confer, and hie own pattisaisat the North avow unequivocally that - 16i par pose ist his-teenage and proclamation was ,to shut out all hope that he tould'evei% treat with us on any terse.. If , we' will s _ break •lup our governthent, Aisaolve the , Confederacy. disband our armies. ethanol. ; pate one slafee, take an oath of allegiancel binding . ourselves to Obedience to,hironcid' i of dish:, ettr—us, he prove see In r ps n,tle, Anti th.-toder us of yttlf i ntinoll, pethierty already stolen ,from us and'sach eaves , as, stiff ma4"il order to Fel!!ilei bia proposals do - 1 insulting as to, 'secure their rejeetkeh he -- ; joins to them a promise a support. with his army one -tenth of': this" People Or. any, State . Who will attempt to set npa goir ernment over . the other nine-t0:41,40dt seeki4 to sow discord ~a nd auspic i cld. ausong_the people ,of, thr own I %utak, aid .41 incite civil war in 4uPthei- t aria of his ends. - I I know •well it realer be imiteerible to , get your people. it they pomeesed full. knowledge ou Abase facts to conaent that 'proposalitehould-now-be ! made by us to those who control the Gov ernment at Washington. , Yourowu well= known devotion to the great cause of arty aid independence. to which weheve aacoMmitted whatever we have of siartli ly partitions,- would induce you to the lead in repellbig, the bare thoeght t 11 abject I,subniiseion tO the enemy: , • Yet peace on Other_ terms is now impossible: To' obtain the solatiums to width you 'or I could listen this Struggle must ooistinue until tits enemy is beaten out of • his vain confidence in our suttiugssion. Then, 'and Lunt fig then will birpossible tavreat 'of poochl Till then all ! tender mitre to the enemy will be received as pest that weareirendy far submission, and :will an eouregir th• atreelotts warfare which "' - I irindh Nom the tabor LiitiVp ! me I nag rion2lsoitfi aist6 ot- Vintit:lhrin •be made ' , hy soMe:bed • • m . 44460 • Faiitigin!te o!aments• fort ta : itie should to prt . t:d(ien - At :, .a rt nl COVi.I You tnif Onntiten My 6kt:4i:every to sistrelintr i4take the scenes 0 • f civil war "fare which wit devastate if,sbe deeigpa `Of theie traitors tie ' Buffeer47to ' make hei:dwiy. I. know that;rri: place yourself in y , nisr , legitimate poidtioa in the leadof three Who will not; suffer , 'the olt(ifibith Mite • 16. ?i''blackseW Jy ladsl4 V - 11 you pardon meror9g lasting ltbat my Oily' source. of ,Illiquie• the. feat that yon will .delay 100 lons s olba which More •tit lbat l)y earnest, demise 'to tectaila: 14 , POINAIMOVIaMitv whom 306 bilk•etvbi Somas heart, bat wheal loyalty is tattii thee sasspiebeil elosistsw*lett tat pate • • -1 5.,: ' • . r ' - I • • . $ $ $ ' 4\ NE 40 1864.14 - - , them to vibes. such strength es to require 'MOM violent eseesures. than ire nod' needed f With your Winona. assi post. Lion the promoters of the unbiiiittled 'Mutsu& now prevalent in your State *Odd be put down 'wkthout the use of Oldest force if you would abandon, A policy of conciliation mod set thetn at; di• lanes. Isithis worse. frankly intktlnnly pursued, you will rally around you- all thllt is best and noblest in your State, and Aur triumph would be bloodless. 4f :the contrary policy be adOpted. I much fear you will be driven to the use of. tome to repress treason. In either event, howeier, be matured that you will,, hers my Itiordisi ecmcormmoe end assistance in mabstaining with you the honor, dignity aid fair name of your State, and in your efforts to iriOlt trcason, whether incipient. as I believe it now lo be, or more matured,-is I believer, if slot properly met, it *AI in our future inevitably become. I have the honor to be, Very respect/ally yours, Jamie** Daus. Rio Rioellenoy Z. BL- Vance. Governor of North Carolina, Raleigh, N. C. , ;4..41 the charts which have recently been published showing the fluctuations in the price of gold are worthless. There has been no fluctuation in the price of that Metal, but there has ten a very great vr . nation in the vain of the paper money floated by the government and the banks. The production of gold 'and its non-use as currency in the-United States for the last ' two years may have cheapened it a trifle in tbe - tharkets of the world, but the ac tual variations in the etiolate nine 'of gold for the last ten years are among t h e fractions of one per cent. These charts, therefore,. which represent gold as waiving up and down a line between one and two hundred, are worthless. While the, sun appears to go around the earth, it is really the eirth which it going around the sun. Our present system of quotation is most strously deceptive_ In California they dir much better, as there the , paper ith - as it should be, 'voted at a discount. • It this were dens, it would be much more boned, tad would-cure people of many delusion. Man who now think they are worth one hundred thousand dollars would be con- • etantly reminded (if the.apparent pre. mium on gold remained at ninety) that they were redly in possession of only fifty', three du:inane dollars of real money, white emPkoYes• in receipt of one thousand' ip;eenback dollars per ,azusuni would know that their actual inpoin,. was only five hundred and thirtfidolleri.-- When the day of reckoningau; as nine it mind, the whole country i w dbe saved bitter dileppointatent ifpeople realised . day by' day, that. instead of ghtting;richer were really getting poorer. One of the' delusions of the hour, for instance, is teat bur national aecurities•are fiont eleven to, thirteen 'per cent. above ,43 - itr. when real= ly they are somewhere in 3l a eixties.with gold at its present apparent. rPrindutu: It is a mortifying fact, but it is a fact. that the yet-to-be-crowned Emperor of Mexico —this puppet potentate forced upon an unwilling 'people by foreign -bayonets— has just negotiated a loan with, the bank ers of London end Paris at better terms than the great republic of the United Stated could get. The new Mexican Inn was , taken at sixty-three. hfr Chase would do well if he could get sixty; " But we suppose it ie useleis tb try . tb im duce the country .to rotten its steps. We 'are given over "to:feigns', to believe! a lie," for 'the present, end we elk not realise the truth until pay-day romes, and. the ghastly fact of our, real poverty' becomes so apparent that the eayfarint though a fool, cannot be mistaken. • A Naas° li"sceur or vas attn.—The La. -Crosse (Wisconsia) lkoicrat, a phut* Worst 'they hare lately been• drafting, says:— "Amongthe eictima of the draft in this city was Sam; a graceful inotloued Contra. bsirsd - , Who was given leave Li Lem the South last spring and become a free man ' "up Norfl" Early in the spring be did ichores,at the Harrington house .. Wain the season be hoed gardens, giot married, and blacked the stoves till they rivaled ! tto . gloss on his cheeks. -Monday helms drifted, and on Tuesday sertrod with a notice to be at the repdesvou. within. ten lldays along with his white brethrep, or be considered a deserter. He took the' lice : I tics to a friend, who read it and inasie him understand the nature thereof, And this 1 1 • • - is the way he took -on •Wat—erat--trat dumb foolish tins am dis yeah ? Ise a free man l Las' spring deysend me up Norf and tell me Ise a free man--dat de lin- . cum infers hab libtrated 1:1114 Now sat am din dumb foolish tang for I' dun ton for if Ise got to Wee to die yeh siati.l A nigger don't stand ne show.tlown• now. Hapl_aktutaf head iigitieitirecii oull .If I'd kw! liec,4l4:prieteak Meg wa* I'd -trow .thitu down in de street jes like, dis, (he - threw the Dodoe into the street with a-jerk,) -an den 'dey peter fbol dis Digger. t Why didn't dex - fit'de . isifitirs7r !tar. date ot stay beak ?!' • • -Yost Onaacosz..Kelleyosf tbeensytere, nta, in , his speech in Congress, thiki oink- American citizens of Ati igen deacent2 'icor, -the mew •.tt 44 3 Etre • Of whoa' the poet wili• sins` his 'highest strains,' the men whom tiiii most entogize, thr men4ooo4 war of. whom the 4istorifin write his .namt ?glowing panegyriot. are the negro 'platers Wf the . loyal itiny: 4 ' The White stehd .ibe Metitol this war .1i disoussed., as to a &Wire. • - • • - OE Maim as OM. • A' Gams - Hrs:—The racy Oboe' of the - fiv iiiies Advertiser ears: i, • ,4±lll the this a dm degooOmpy of-the *imp •Eatisinh one Of the ,roaperas OP. Pb4Ysti' his contempt 1 /4.440 1 7 , dos akkessii ia, ofilefe.,„ ZsivAbashaso: liaiWkaus itii Imam Parisett, has played al ms ameba ot ow is diker- M=1;l111 . MEI - • 1 ?;" 1 " . " 4 " 4 " • ; flefflliolll atit. : Of iii‘tio• . 4 1 " grip:' ;Kb : OM" - Tig.ra"sietioen , • , _ • liiiiiipteita—iressdit rip ainat aus4 she vast. tb isser*lbtrili e se Aug weir 01 " , Use Itittaiimil sett NW this ti - SsolothilSit their ism. ' Yoe lastsa i sit w Dahl* hits ' Wll4 4 01 11 0 141 4 41 , At :liltaishsisikse , ' - istiotisse, l ' it)rtaliaittakl , ' 'Of sew ArtzWatiallisitie Ia stagbAls sort of vs, ' , , Sap Waal* et MS • , • Tat pin ata_dfral • - - 11.•—•Hbas gala paittylik fra y Bat fox tar natamoramaat raw haft lt *be Warred • That imitate latch too fas, , Asa drake loan* an sat lane Whoa armala seep as la I ~, . . Tim Ms, Cl— l rrouttlo lOW 1101140. .'"Csal Walt bow ths. - 111.11,k nth a 11,14 as hen. , . , - . t .,. crna "ir lid l i Or a rm."- - • ' ._ 1 i .Aellitlet. 0 '. l l, galls aarodept , Millar Poet *emir -' ! ' Skeet" *Nikon{ lei Wig seat of gnats, la eositterredy Iteeb." .onager ,' •, limn ona *ewe lite hp' , la 141tilirtVe gild bra, .- ..., 4 selOkidlir 1 al! Is at pee* lima 1 ' • . _ • la wort, die liisedilia sad to sad. . _ . Ape she beee.allia beide, . ' ' . . Is Peerlod,lai elflukdbdi • . . ,Me araiiital;ottag telt : ' wboi i Their* 407teleba lIM 6 4 4 0 124 . Mk! "SO aid miePed Volt. , Asilitie die dine* bin tato . . a +(lbst. ON woe. •• ; ; taper lortairliwiralkolisa di qa )1111 row',th e d of Dr. .Tainia !Otis! a -aWrgwon 11 ha arcoj o 4 iori and au ,aoaastotof lion: . 11,23, of Albaay, l he folkiwiagpauwks pips $4,-iginent?W pie 4rarsuiesii,papar MOLley of tlaak i dlm written under arts ot September,. /Thr.` which was aftwi the Roatiainial carriaii beesioe ialalirss : . ; • Theltliiiinantel• paper 'money hiving e f 42 j r inop mtneered tbst . pres purpOse Of clirryi - join the war Atithernh 4 being tleforeciated a mete: shadow, hullo" to etre!: broommon oonsent or shfr: `le,' luti brit* izeraordfinnrrie WOO, biennia Ibetweelarrentry,l6errupthig the itior -1 ids oflhe peugila3ty, inching ~ i t rage fot speculation among skotairwmi.', Redd , 's. of , all cookie:mines :Of Abettor; . 'ditties. gratitude For htunanitir„the reeehaule,„•the &Puler; the Weiiskult and min) of acienoe serupled-nol to in'eOlve•thettiselyei id pa; per aslin ipecuttistkats, in :.trier brothere defrauded ern otrildrerwparenta. std` they iii`their thin spare& , 001 , thehrchild; yen. • - Widely" sad , orphan., whine anttiel interests , were their .enlyport, yierep lei l impoeerished an ruined. itors.Were freryifently obit : by-he eaderhlire,l to receiver shell. nee ih ilettreidated nicitiey ros specie that lted.htatkfent is full "he. denceof,reidiainglioviikue iii retttru.i In: stinces were not wsoting of old debts he• ing piiid'when 'the' piper money was' ie., dared in veins . to Mori than seventy-for one: and in Virginia, it in! said. , when three htincired. tor ow.- • - . . Tbe . tisson taught by the etcperience of the rerolutionary' fathers is ,not ..wyliout . , —7 iii "ivki4eancee at this time.. itr,ltention ,Bent i J. ',gossip& excellent republic uan author t il, in his "Yield ,Brk.of the ifevoliation4" opens his Chapter, ten Continental money by. the very •eupeatitikabserraeion that the paper-adwiiim-4444.6-4iime,-whieh 'aria a the hastening, prcireiLa guiii in the and." And ha tells us how it did - so., In 17T6. this Continental Congress began to Logue its bills on the ',light*/ faith of tile Oonfederasszolonies. just 41 Mr. Chase in 1862 oommenoed to utter his promises to' pay in the name of the UndiniBtate. The , &sr :emission was only 4wci-ntilllocsi of dollars, but from sinus so 'nue othera r fcd , towed. tuttil at the beginning 0f . .1704 ,or liP a Utik' cwer , four • Yew*, lite enormous Imam for that time ; of tiro hundredisil-j Hoes .of dollars :had been put :adositi;.— "While' says bir,•Lossing, , the sawn of the issues was mall, the twedit of ililie billswerirood •, Wit when new emissions took plebe,' and titr:tectestiite measures for redetiption wisiisbittsi, the iieophi , bet tame ittipleiout 'of those'frall repr;itie . sinti,. tives of money sad,'. their *slue begsh!to. i depreciate.: This effeet did not otwar tin-, tit eighteen months iO - ,m the titre. of 1 4se. flistninissiOn bad elapsed. Prises i!;ists'ss the rooey tank in . val u e Boa every . bleb of tr*de was destroye. .In weird 1301118 ,1 'laws limiting prices Were issaeted . and the 1 " ' ' * 4 di V' t hrew Isspidsleprisciabb 'of e illi all eon tr4rts int** .eortfusi,*:" - Congress was powerless to stay the downward tetshineY , . of the, riper oottity7,. - It. - Oontinned to , deprii#l4 . iici prices to rise ! .. EarlYAn 1780 forty paper dollars were worth Only , one in . specie. '. The 'iximmissitriss found. it _ ottreihelY cliffieeit tl. purobaie 11 . 01.5* f r ti this army, for, the; "poirle refilinat' to a chair their' artioltis for the afinnet , 'wVrtliltipapiti . ." • ;In illi - nitretio'd of :.,11:141 414e . R . Cor4itierital 930 1 psi' jp_rilli. 'nly fire years aiteriZs first 4,ii444::16:, 1 .0.. sing Oesetits a As c sistili of a hilt ' 'psi . .b1 - Copt. A. 11,'Leao r thellwindfatitiir of *IS. ittliMit'Leta.Atiiistiai;t4r4titu' e' &Alai at ollirirtagilkirltriWtiAliiitif bitsiAed *Ai VilkOriiiski.oll4littli r icia odieVbi -eieietar siesteev.iiiisii . ; '- ffifiiisi fain' Ifiealivibthiiioeifitelliy Aii'lliiill4 b. , . , -ty of ' 4 . ; of the lad. sag chase ore n t I ftd jest, trieo at 4:4z.10011,4111°511?$110114)!, AlTereitent Whist artiag na-th*Qinsteetwiesteen De.. ,pdirsteiliiitlt, - t" • ' .4,W Pe . o - , v'l ',l , .;Upt;.. • , -11011111410 Uhlitii °: •' = 'LI . - ::. NI , - ' • Cbile ACililaiiip Fe: l' - ';I'" - .14 1 a y • t - bl io mi4 rr - lMli '' . " .r . .•s— ...10 toloo e i l" -Tl, - •• nisi se. • - - "as , , f i r a ,=l"assaa sit es-:_....r..: tit li . • Ifodtt la irieji!- - .. , - ".`..;,•:itit - - f..1 .-4 . "',' 1 2 ; _ -',7, l ; e i hr i Mb, Ivil. Jei* how. I Xi. I . 4eitn' iiilk)giviiii iiiiaokotir s t4l,Mai 4 doii*iiitetei o f Wiiti,ieiki r itl , m ousy ` • , ', vilify ihe Eki* i. 44: / 4 dia. '...ii 6 1 4:1 , tin "Ms:" :Mt '' 'it*" lin Pa. ._ ,T,_, • n. 4...; 4 ENE =I ••••• • Cif"- 11111 .........„..,_ ...0%..., - - r„.. :710_ 141 4 7... .-;:. ,"...: Zi...afT •.: 2, - ; •,- ' ~ . t , . , ..„ .. ._, .• .1)7) l..ra : •rt , . 4 a ,: _ , c.:A. T 1 • `""i. , 7' - 7 `... .1 • , `lz WM ress.lar.:o7. 111..f7: tut=4":' 8744646: 11:11.4.11 1,401 01.00 300 10,t) 4.1. 11,01 " 2.11 &so too 73,00 " Iletwilbat, 1.01 5,40- stee •- no) 14. 6010 16,14 espt It linty bi said that the Continental Sow and the Federal ourrenoy of to-day 'sce not upon # parallel—that in view of the oerarttion and resources then and now their; relations are far apart. A careful application, however, of the rules of pro porilan to the various features of the two show to the contrary. And facts Are mo re i stubborn and condoning than thOolliee or argument": If we ictroduce a entinnsiaon between t, Mendips of Cow 09004 and Federal wiles we find that it ,sty is favor of 1.4 c former. , The Mt imue of Contisten4l notes ares made in 17.15, Yet in Janniaw 1777, two years later,lll,os Would buy. St in gold ; or, in Other winds, the L:ontinental dollar was worth 93 cents in specie. It ess not till towards the else. of ,that year that it reached the standard of the currency of today,twoyears sifter issue, 51,95 of which is TiOquiredlo bur ot specie dolias ; or, in other Words, the • Folirai dollar is worth only fifoicents in gold. • Another. noticeable feature is the fact that the lowest ebb of depreciation reach ed by the Continental money was in July, .1750,-when $1 in specie - was worth $B9 iu notes, andthist in March,' 1781 , the cur rency. ju mped into utter worthlessness front the point of $73 to the specie dollar. Then, too; u now, paper was made "le litr:Lusing tells Aar briefly with what 'aut.:, the. tens Ptitires were then. recommen ded by coagresa to pass, Jaws makingpa- Per IncineTAleSal Wader: at, its nom inal trine,_, for; the discharge . of debts which bad hen'txiaitrioted. to,, be paid in. hard. ,ItudiAapromentertected.and many .4fekkeetetcdebtrirs toOk acivan tags of. them. Aitt!,4 l ,a Via „were passing at the titelitylitri one,: they were- wade a hiwini tender end debts diecharged at it cheap rate. It was. one of the =mit unjust, and unwiae apts• committed by cops:was during the war. she booed, end Wei rogues wets immense gainers,Muh l/Via opposathisseasisre from the /ineing as dad trirmght with dirge evils. Among the most protamentesils arising rota the rapid depreciation of the paper Oral alpisttof speculation and fraud which excited hnfonndixi..jealousies, and suapi dons. Individual speculator; and monop• AM" were the extortioners and oppreei ors of the peopleotaii of them Washington said, in a -letter to President Reed : woukfto Gad that some or the'roore taro. *us in each &etc were hung in 'gibbets epos s gallawi four times .the otte,prepFed foe Hannan." • • Theieire the Lessens of history . taught ,bf 'the "schcoilof experience. They 'reef *is?' ZtoP4,tablis .to .the "patriots" of ties preeent time who till theinterpal rev enue ofßees, the poet -*Mora; and all . the cithir °Bice. Aisfieinied from Washington. andfatten Upon..the spoils, while they cry "traitor" 'against their neighbors - who pay the expenses of the itniggl• in which we are engaged. • These lessons will °townie have ts::, weight wiih*the fanatics and fools who tecograte in the clank-of 10.Q:se's pressek•turnusg out an alatiett unlimited iisue - cfiquiper money, the hum 'and music of propictive industry, or whit gulp.down truth the absurdities of the arrant demagogue. Seward, uttered - in his Au •buirt speech on the bre "or oar late elw doh, iri nitiihlS ''fa, the loyal re- " gions there is . notes State which is not "Atroteger or I citizen who I.'net richer eottieipsenci Of the war." 'But they are suggestiia to and worthy the studyof the candid and thoughtful, end to such we Common(' them, Guam WNW a Moak • 4 - 4 ermF l !IcaTPlyoudent of a lkotoo tactical paper writes from • Washington! as - follows; ^As for Mr. Litman he liii not pail leitsk! interest for me. ' Mis, i 6, . from every ideal view, a total cult---a-good us.-• tared monster totally devoid°, ideas, up • held simply, by his concealed waning, a 011614 vrhieb harmonises so well with vosivenam. Here,' it Washington, he has tow friends, -A.ll speak of him with cbn tempt.. *. *. * His love of - shod alone, moulds:nits any ispublioan. indignation.' Two cavalrymen hold volitional guard at his get* and two infantrymen it the ea tome of his -door. Mrs. Lincoln, they my, wants it so, and to please, the Repub lican President must makeT lemma of a dosen.citiaeus every day. Even in &trope no Prince 'permits himself snob humbug. Congress uughs •Mi take bold of this mat; ter. On* of this most prominent - 'valid- Maps- in liiirsiahhagton told .me be beard Mr, lanooln my; ''file Wit. policy I'4 to have no ,poLiog.;st all.' • I. replied, *".friinslateri 1 • 1 into German, that' means it is, have . no principles at - all, ; and as little sense' as ' possible,' This is aptly (=prettied by our Gomm" proverb: ~ tie, gets along_ by. hi! , ' letuitidity. _. And it_vs very, simple; tor 00$11 .. whconmunattiir -ankke -u s e °I Aim - , said those !ciao are stilt mom. stupid aid him!" • ~.. i- ... • .• •. (iiivaiilci • 11.isnoCa:: - -A. Pennsylvania soldier vi-4es 'ln ..thei::lftitional Atetagenzer that "the Rsokicrata arq for - Grant s -or Mci lidlan.' 40 - ne",,of 'the& Obit' oft4ik,‘o,f aiixicig,ao What 1-cindilleie hiiViild iiiikti illiktlitiiiiiiiirsititit* ttie4bOle - iiiiiii:''' Ille'riftiii'liPia"elier, 'Oa Ur' fintin: ' Hi; iia :)oininelait!ofioldlofiti, whom ni ni it .'es3.4 to 1 i lib' biAbaiibbliiiily lai, , i',lL3 Disci el I..iliqn'q..f 'frileiendittice. ne.' he had iii heti teo :•1.::4• tiff pitii,;(izei :sou all'the " 1 I courage' . i hie is - te n .forth vo ' Alt fa 1 defitiiitly• in thiflailif - signature to the ' 't proefahisttori r dhifosinifiqui gres ~ tie would' sweep', etivia'itaiti'tiuudredthousand ioldlit iretalrind Pentisylvatiii - ete,i.ii'." IRMO '' ' Nnittimn'Ari3atilf.. l LA - noni*);' or the Man eivit4, eifidoittilded Iri:Ciiit. 124i.u -niii:.'Cof 'Seciiil,9oo, hii . 'been.4pOitited • tali' guk tfi the Piniiditit.' They are iniiiiireti i * ie - igiOind• t'Soilth . 01 the TreelifitiVer bonne. 'AI N.eptgentli FIFA and s Tbintisad tett. Wit' igatird=-Ceesir and Crontietr sit ifinii4'l - -elf 'the 'European litoosrobi' ie body guirill; 'Wit* shoiipl RS Xi, La6iiiiia-haviiiiiii—tii. El @EMI :.Keay!-<=:. _~-_ _i NUMBER a. i- ' I nit " Delle "1 4 : 4:1r 0 'r % . ' 2 WFM. I betiotaaislaid thntimmloadunee Late been made every ear iiheee the commas the war, -18/1-°6' the eked bonsai:4 the Amy of the Totowa.. Titopopuler idea le that whets the Itoeitsaisti tspp the_ shoat, he is ISomlisi lo emite . field: oriel tto molder is loather earth: :tbe.,woode sonewhese. Mal It worthsfifty cents a set. Then the hoofs are mit off. - They bring alxitit two dollars a set.l Then oomea the caudal appendage, 'Worth half a dollar. Theit' the hide—l don'tlknow what that 'sells for. Then the tallow 1; if it , is , possible to extract tallow from f L'.. Armi hoist); which r think ex. - "vme,ly loubtful, unless ' he die immedi ately zf! Jr entering' he service. And last. but - ...1it, least, tbe.shinbcioes are valuable. beidgto, avertible, into a viiiety of articles that . kbany believe to betoinposed of pure ivory,laueh arcane hesth. knife . handles, &c. By the. time the , 00ntraelor gets through with the "late lamented" steed, there Is hardly enough of him left to feed a bul p up on. _ ' ' ' . II f ter , kind reader, when you see a dead 'boss" don't turn up your nose at him, but regard aka ' thotightfully, aa the foundation of a .large 'fortune in a,single year. ,He may, 'individually, be a'nnisance; bat "there is that within' 'which passeth show7—sloo,oo a year. What It vie Cod. Throop, of Utica, in his book upon "The Future," enters into a• calculation that Will set thinking men to thinking a little more earnestly, Under , the subju. EstialH . policy of Administration he supposes that we must keep hp'an army of at least 300,000 men,. and ,a nevy,cost ins at least $50,000,000 annually. • The estimate for the navy for the year '64 and 65 is over $142,000,000.„ The lowest calcu lation for the cost of the army is $216,- 000,111. He calculates, that it will .cost $100,111,000 to' pay 5 per cent,. interest on the nation's!' debt of $2,000.00 . 0,000; and $50,000,004 for the civil service and "mis cellaneous expenses. "these figures loot up $416,000,000 as the . whole amount of 'the annual expeoditure bulb(' future, on the subjugation, emanCipittion basis of the praseht Admiuistratiop„ This, he . finds, upon calculatiou, cent, upob e the whole taxable property. of the countrz, as it,existed before the war broke - out, in cluding sieves. To' this is to be added the local taxation of the States, swollen to an enormous amount by the heavy kowedies, and he calculates that both togethev, at the North, will he a tax, of s,per cent. upon the whole taxable property. The Secre tary of the Treasury e7timates that the income bf the Government for the fiscal . year to wine will be $201;000,600. This is exclusive of luaus. This incoma - only is obtained at the present filmy rates of Federal taxation: But an income of $416,000,000 is more than double the amount calculated for this year, and, of a necessity, to realise this amount we must more than double the present rates of Federal taxation. ;IOW! TO•Sr i trP THE Suret.r.-;—Heber Kimball inform ed a recent traveler in Utah how he expected the•proper number of women were to be provided for the saints in that locality: "*hy," said the old man, twinkling •his little black eyes like a godly Menus, .and nursing one of his fat legs with 'a lickerish smile, "Isn't the LOrd Almighty providin' for His be. loved heritage just as feat as he any way kin? This war's goiu' on till the biggest part o 1 you mate Gentiles hes killed each other Off; then the leetle- handful that's left and oontesi ileein' to our asylum 'di bring all the women o' the Nation along with 'em, and we shall hey women enodgb to give every ode on 'em ell they want, and her a large balance left over to dis tribute rounded - tont othod i lt s aints that hes been terts 'from beginiiin':o' the tribu lation!' It appear . * thet a Henry Warn Beecher and other Republican' Wends of • I young j min Joseph Ttolard, are urging I .ltr d: Dix the propriety of releasing liowara, oti thU around that ite wiut led into forgery of the proclamation by opiert - . iThe alac'ea .in the couuties of Di-. viess, tleilereo:t and IJiliou, in Koa tuckY4 ai.e Aleserting , ,t - ii? I.clantittions by sell Making ttieir way to the Union lines. 1 the ' . l.moistrille ~.rocirmat says "the blacks litre eutireli' demoralized .aiid citn not be leptitrcilled hi their craters.? 1 Tr lin - to Rktikl3l.lAl3..-4enetal Butler havin+tticoally anuouneei t thsOce holds the key. to Richmond, - tre should likkto know 4-4.11,e .P!'sicluut . does um, direct him - to) hand. it over to Generik Gtant. Butler Cevidently can't find thi4. key- 0 h l 0. An„eachiseiie asks Tory innocently, is it any h arm for young ladies to sit in , the lapse o ages? - A - n - Ofttit:leplies, that it all depend a Rif ilic -- kind 'of . ages selected. 'Mole' kith Wghteen to twenty-five are put dowii - ei baltaidons. ' : : • . The eat number or the' NsW ,Yerk-rs dipnideitt ditfsrs with thicOlSo this thtioh : "A soldier with's; bayonet walking Upend down before a:newspaper cdtne is ~not • comely islcit, la lib free government.? • The trid ennue s utto s sweat trntliwken it lose! thekillikere can, perr .. b! . i: irce oouutsy,/ssmeywy indiridusi, dote nos li s feel en ~. prtisio.. , . ,Of th e conitituAotialriglits of *nutting, in invesioO of Ws omo,:'i, : 'rue 3r ~ ► osputtation twin of the Army of We POWOW. !doh! ion*lce r licus of wagons sistriu4s t akd. •a. ball miles' io,leag4h, oordiag ts Ex•P;Ositleut. Bachscrol.bassifiti r Otob- tyibutiou o!trro h4,dre4. , ,,40.11.111 At e the Great. COtrot ort E kit E F 8 kr -1 two .***.liiittl daft % Lesbio,Polls, iistrisek* Chaim. rams. hr's ifirl6le. r: • it LCil:t ¢i tit ujd • f. ;et 15E1