The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 11, 1864, Image 4
a a 17 RI I I - ri , O C. v.- 0 • SA ca. 0 5.1 § Fee Bats Mier, Woolens, Aim, Bed Bugs Maths to F ars , lto., Inserts on Maw, Yowls, Asfowls, s e. Pat no In Sbe-600. sad 3401 Boxes, Bottles and Fluke. N sad $S sins for Home, nem° Iseerrreioss, "tiny totallible remedies knows." ' "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Houma homily.", "Rate come out of their belie to die." Bold Wholesale to all large titles. I Sold by all Bruslys and ftemlirrs everywhere. I !! Bawsesiti of an warthlets baltattoos. i-V B Nat "Costaa's" name is on each Box, Bottle sad Mak, before lox bar. re Address filiNflY B. COSTAR, Kixoltat. Dirrr 452 BROADWAY, Bold by all Wholesale and &tall Droweists to O , 7Pa. • marl9ra44n2o. DR. WEBSTER, 07 BUTTALO, N. Y, HAS -LOCATED IN ERIE, PA:., IN Broome,les lock. above YeriUP. Eitnre—en. ann.* on Booth side next the Park—where he to propari.l id best by Inhalation 0f.9.;p7g91:4gi.€4.Air, ALL lILIXAsit'S (e SYS11:11. The Ours is bree'lltd directly tato the Longs, &ad theangh than carried tato the b'o .d, impelling all impu rities moat the system. and heaps` any and every d IMMO with which It nuty Come lneontar. The cause of Coughs, Colds attd Culectmption..te a lace of °Kira to tbe al r so breathe. By the , ohalation of ozyge nixed pair. the blood became' etyrnined •ndparlll,d. and disease diaappus& lit* dew before the me. A few sinanierstiona of the oxygen .111 tars any of tbat , ilowing Dyapierm helmet*, Rheims,. Palpitation. Paralrota. k:p:lspet, Eroptions. Con aantption. Astitut,Eironottitla,...iorenia, fairer Complaint, Bereossnoos, how srli.tortor .sun, Ditlaalt Breathing, Cancers, Sat Rheum, Ertsipoilas, Wereariil Diseumss, Kidney Coran'alnts, ByohLls, Female Weakostaoa of aU Liras, and in fact, W disowfos requiring s purification of the Kiev& We inlet we hem wild enough to eonmnoe tie phllo• @optical mind of the entwei of the wityge,i bed air so a remedial agent, and to induce the adtetei tei ;late them selves at tense and r *lite -rwetzmant. o.shi.'.l.l.t:VATtOlti FR ME. klerotim VL tt4 .Y dawn from the oyetem. Volnoteer Metimonlele Ivan prominent Citissmi of New York and Brooklyn, wit, have been eared by this treat ment. can be se- a a hie ro•.me. Cr Tinice hours from ti a. m. to T p. m. &nom At ILO 4ENI. TV/SeGlia BLOCK flrzY GrllDi STORE, Als) tont aur the Ile of Dr Flax C.Pirlet Pcpuiat et 214 pa i lia, vJnnatohtidtuem arrt the Per mat [idiot con. farb2o'44.l34m° N.EW FIRM. SMITH ,e-. G,.I4LIsIORE, t E. at-facto VirE.OLESALE 4 TD RETAIL D BONNETS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, 111:1 LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, MTATIC FtTRICE.T. BRIWICZN SCVSNTR AND iClEtTlf STREETS, ERIS E. H. SMITH. A. P. OILLMCIRL. 1.02144:12. Farm for Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale, until 1, the 16th of February next, hie Farm {A Summit tp, containing ono hundred and forty scree, mot eor Imes I oft hattdmi acres improved ; the balance good Um- ker. good firm Malign" orchard and ia well watered, it r 1$ 'United 7 miles from Yrie on the Waterfowl plank Troia. if not s - ,14 by the above data it will be rented for ,; f cari jaar or sore yowl. JAL ViSJOHNSOS. t ettf. • F.OR BENT. A "Unable and Deafrabli Stand for a GR9CERY OR GENERAL COUNTRY STORE; At brine, Warren Coon% Pa. The *elan la of Stone. with a One, dry altar. There le also a DWELLING 11017 n attached, which will be rented with the Store if desired. - ?or pesticide" Wrens BIDDLE, Agent. - febrtf. Irvine. Warren Co, Pa. READY.PAY STORE! J. & J. -- 31INNIG Weald ropocthdly totem the hallo that they hare purchased the ITOCr OP OROCIeRLES OP .I,2NES 4. BLISS, COV3KII or era AID run Iran *bort thoy Wend to Loop u good an aaaortanont of TAMMY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD i WILLOW WARS,.A.ND TARIZTY WOW ai inept ill Vie. Best Brands of Erie County Flour ! Sept cOnstaally on hand and WAIRRANTED GOOD ARTICLE: - Coontry Pcr The hhybeot Market Prier paid for all kinds of roduce. - Clly. or Good. delhored ttee of charge to any part of the J. ENNIO. rthillrlidtf.) -A. Melt: tO. 1864. 1864. NEW-- GOODS! .4'ol THZ- Spring& Summer Trade-% JO.HN C. BEEBE VII NOV arLIVING • TOLL . 1 1330ThrgIrr or minusta AND es►eoxAßL E SPRING AND . SUMMER - GOODS ! macs "ILL BE BOLD tAT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Al CU& II In OUPEST! Notice to 011 Refiners. wig enigmeeh. to mil to Moon OIL VITRIOL CAUTITO /Mt ead eltalg at t Wrest mr- Mt totem Re foe etAl ott Vltrpl tol the ter Mid at the matteetereee. theney awing te tho' panbasee the es. 6=71, -11"altalWitiMPOIllallt1710106.. Wanted. - - • 50 000 T. C HESTNUT BOARDS, assolc Lib PLAXIDI. G. W. ULU% Amt. 1 Noir. ALciAtotic A, HIGHLY CONCENTRATE!? VEGETABLE EXTRACT! 1 .m -V4 ' 1 • A PURE TONIC I I Doctor Hoofland* GERMAN BITTEtS, tv 0 Ca, DR. C. M. JACIC4OIsI; PHILAIYA, PA LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Ictutudioi, Ohmic or Nervous DoUrsty, piteous q/the rants, and alllNseausevioi*froot co "soh mi es Cotipa- . , Lion, Inward !Ilse, Talluese or Blood to the Read, Acidity of the Stout:. ash, Nanoa, Hesztinirs,Diagut for rood. Fullness Of Weight MAO St4/19414b. doer Eructationy giadthur . or flutterloc_at the pit of the Stoma. Swim. gong of the Elesd,finrrisel sod difficult Drestialui, Fluttering et the Heart, Chokint or Elufroottitsiz asthma when to s lyin posture, Dimness of Vision, Dote nr Webs before the S lrht, raver mad Dull rata lathe Ilrod, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellin's'', of the Skim and Eyes, Pain in the I Beek, Chest, Limbs,addso Flushes of Root, asruirterls the Flesh, Col :, "tent Imagination of Evil, sad great Dore*. slot of spirits. • 5° ti E YELLOW FEVER, EILIO I / 1 3 FEVER, &C. ALCOHOL OR BAD WHISKEY I tioNIETHINO TO STUNGTIIIOI YOU 1 TO BUILD UP YOIIRCONSTITUTION - • , • A allisK AND vicitotoul FEELING Owe J. Maeda Braga. D. D., Li4or if a. /*gal& seas of Itolieflous lsoorodse. h not disposed to favor orl riecomsossa Pawn msiusuiss to genera through distend of their laved. ante and effects; I yet know of no silicemt new= • man-may hot testify to the benefit he believe' to have received from any simple preparative, le the hope that he any thus contribute to the itat of other& Ido this the mom reedit in reglad to Heelitabra Ger man Ritter', prepared by Dr. C. IC Jiteksoa, of this city, because I- wu prsiudiad against t has tor many ,years, under the Impremelon that they were whledy an alcoholic am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq. for the remova l of this prejudice 1) , proper tuts, and for encouragement to try them, obeli sufficing frets great and long ftutinned debility. The os. 'it three bot tle. of these bitten, at the beginning of the poesatyear, Was followed by evident relief; and aestoradon to a de gree of bodily sad mental vigor whit% I bad oNt hit for six months bstorkstad bad almost lisipsltod of is th , - -, :ore thank Goa and my Mend tor dlrevAti me to IL.. 4as of then. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Mao are nmny preparatbas told water libels:De a/ Bitten, pat up in quart bottles, compounded of the z•bespeat whiskey or C 00219011 ram , costing from*, to 40 cents per gallon, the cute disc niseA by Anise or Curtis der :csod. Thls Mau of Sltimn has caused[and mUlseatinne to cameo, sA long ea they can be •old , hundreds to Co the loath of the drunkard. By their ate the system is kept continagly under the isduence of Jawbone Stimulants of the, worst Med. the desire for ',tunas mated end .apt and the result!, all the horrors attends *upon iunakard's life sad dos*. sfor thostimho desire and will hsee • Liquor Bitter* ' we priblbh the following receipt: get Ou Rita. Ibief• fsed'e Gauss MUM' and_ mix with Mu Quarts Nil wood Broady or Weary, and the malt will Ise • pew , stion that wailer noel In medicinal virtues and true excellence soy of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the mast, sad will caer switch 14411. 'You will have ell the virtues of Biller, in connection with. Mika* of Liquor, it • touch Ins Flee then them inspirations will cost you. , 1/-kith;, 84114kra, aid Fileiti lI•IWUerd. We call the ettimtlon of all haring Matto:mot Meade In this army, to the fact that . 1100FL,ANtral German :titters" will cure nine-tenths of the derma induced by lists;' eublishe d ras and p almost dallrivations incidenthe new t tir ramp Ufa Is the p in spaper*. on the .mml of the sick, It will be y noticed that • very large ireportion are euneriag from debility. tray dm of hat-hind can be reedits semi by; Reenand's merman Sitters. litiesseementiting from ibiMders at the dire tie, i rpm ere speedily removed.We have no halm. so .n stating that, if them Raters were, freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lima might be saved .nat otherwiee will be lost. We call particular attention to c %lie lo.Uowieg m well murk able and authenticated cure one of the nation's heroes, whore life, to use his omen itangudge, `hoe been eared by the Bitters." rllll.ADLl;rnia, August Zit 1863. • Alarm /east P Coms—Well. gentlemen, Tour Roof" land's (Neiman BMus' he. eared my life. There is no mistake in this. It ii vouched fir by number, of sty comrade., some Of whose mums Me appended, and who . were r cognis int of all the circumstances al my ease. at, au re ha been for the feet fbee perk • member of fiche - celebrated battery, mad under the tunisedlate too sod of Captain R. B. Aynni Through the expo m te attendant upon mll ardemui duties, 1 wee utta•W4 lioresuber met with lamammstion of the limp s sod wad ator serenty.two days in the hamit This fol low*, by great debility, heightened by an attacked dyer mine,. 1 was thee removed frost the White Rome. and Act o this city on board the stee.mer ..State of Wales," from which I landed on the 25th) of hum Slam that Creel hare been about ft:4cm es any amt amid be mad till retiatt • Wyk or vitanty, tar a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow anythlam and if form a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again. • I could not even keep a gime of water on my goulash, Life could not last under these cirmuisatectom • had ao cordingly the physicians whii had been 'winkle. .1 , faith 11114r. though unsuoroatfully, to rescue me froM the grasp of the dread Archer, !risibly told me that they meld do no mo re for me and Meted me to area dew. man ,end to make such disposition at my limited hinds nab united me. An asgsainSasos who viiitid th 111 r. Frederick Stadetwon, of Sloth below . tch street, advised me, ea • forlorn no_A 14 , terjgaz =JAW; and k mar:procured • • battle. Frees the um I onizaruced taking them the gloomy shadow of dish is. ed,d, and I am now. thank Rod for it, ait ssttli us t better. Though I have taken bat two bottles, hare amd ten pounds, and I feel sangulne othemig pat to *eta my wile mad datish tar, from whom have Mid nothieg r eighteen months; for, gentleman. I am a loyal Vir ginian. hilts vicinity thent Royal. To your has I owe ontalaty of life which has -ekes the pleas of vague leara-.4* your Bitten will 1 ewe llorious privilege of again {clasping th my bosom mom who an dearest to main life. Very truly yours, ISAAC, MALONS. We fully concur la the truth Of the shore automat, se we had dalpetzed of swing oar emend{ Ur. llelorm, restored to health t I Joss Cunotdason,lat Kew Tort Battery; Gummi A. Atlittder, 0., 11th Kale. • Lime Curette*. Aid New Yost. I. Z. Seittoti. let Artillery, Batt's, I. .1. IL IseliWkii, Co. t r . 34 Vermont,' HMV B. Jaaows, j .co. 8., do. Rimer V . Machos ' Co. 0, nth a*. Yl ', A mp, Co. lf,„„ lth stales. Rom CO. 11..,rid Now York. Namunti. B. Twos" Co. Ir. s foth l±ea aa. spasm J. Iditalt, Ott. A, id Vidstatii. JOU JD. Me, Co. B.,lodth Tana. BEWARE OP IDOlliollirjans. Mr that thol *situ* f t 11 . Jlisbaga."_ am the _ • raw per seta.ll Um,* L , W Dec for M. /Mould year wevest dayerbit sot have the 'Male. 40 mot be pet of by say of tbe htteakettruprepaistkas istmay be aired is It. Aye. bat mot Ned we .i+ll tamed, neerety pcid by PRINCIPAL OFFICER MANUFACTORY. -- NO. 631 ARCH STREET. JOHN C. BUM zornait a scr.ams. Oleteratots to 0. 11. /AMON * 003 Pioniseceta Uwe et ti the TOR Val KaLlt Drawl" tad Deakin to eve, k* Slaw 0,111418.17. PREPARED EY WILL EFFECTUALLY CORK disordered Lisa' OA Stionizek =I AND WILL POSITIVELY FILE,fiNT THEY CONTAIN NU • lt.of w I u. uvis 114• abr.?, diseases In utlosty•sts• awn ut. of a Liman& Du YOt MIN? I -You W 4 A , GOOD APP-ETETEI DO YOU WANT DO YOU ALIT j l() FEEL WELL? DO TOO WAN? To GET RID OF NERVOUSNESS DO YOU wArr ENERGY! DO, YOU WANT ITO SLEEP"WELL? _ to: You WAS? Ir fOU DO, vim 1100FLAZID'S GERMAN BITTERS. Pit.Acr.a, lora 23,-/Nl. J. 111;WTON astoww New ,Muslo • , .j. • 11 69101 , PIANO FORTES AM)!,IIELODEONS, . has the fellow o 1 eolobrued ICAUNFAUTURERS: itudaysy • seal. UV Took, Zane I Go v leldiaork Unman SW% Nu *if tort W. B. Bradbury, ar. Ton. Jolla B. Densmale Yon. • J. r nole • CO, Yew Yen. On. A. Pram t Ce-'.1 1 .11 1 . 1 4 1 . N. Y. Ombart, Weedlus 10.. New Ton. Prices at &Law Diana! below Ku faatorees _ MKS OCTAYIkOD rune PRAK4011:2111111116 MAX WO OW - Alao, Irdnitier Boots aid nest Nub. All lenses whildro•Met isle Mrs Pere sr /61.0... on, are Welted So all sad 1111111111141 Wirosests to fora pawboofee Menem &ie. lank Inst. stmt. rade oppodt• Pod Ofleo. UNICA MUTE. Er P. Se-grety Wasson meraated=wee. 44 4 4 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BEFORE PURCHASING MIS Mao Fortes opt! DM MELODEONS! Ibiewhers, plow maim sty assortment of bistro ? men s. Slay are warmated folly tirstaad any climate, and are mil a teat and werkossaship most to soy offered awoken. Ilieb „ yon Maid os Let that the obj ta ttoos nista tat air last my estabilahminit by emote mute timbers this atty. are sassed saly by my mattelayUlay Urn (Prellemmerst) In ENORMOUS COMMISSION I Which will ksnahir basalt tioso who toy doe to the amount of from lite per meat, for I would railer al. low the Mae to t h e boyar titan to the ineddlir who bemoan! me sae bee dee Isinmelf. am • Usion man, straight and fervor% and hats emit ad Wogs d I meat not Wm the proilts sat of my dieVe potties, or defraud the Girrenumest, oat of it, or chest signet and Manny tato the P or Haase for the mite of raid, log the henry molls isotharm through whims whimmoriog ?Waal will sot me. better, U tiny are sot gool. nor bed, if trey ars good. I will psy any miss, woman or child, Om amount re trirsd' or • Piano With my Mims on it. if they are not lamed with it. sad I will esl • ThemareiDettars to soy who will slaw me one ea which the / is is broke. it. so many New Tort sod Illailst• Pianos halo done in this city and county. Litt the people tell whom oa my poor Pianos are—not the tatelionhilly tboss with tithisro erstimests t let much go where they Wont. ily Plasm am minuted till be isppliod with, all Imo good improvementisoad mast give satiideetton or so pot. Pastern Pismo gall saki" ma be had el as as w•U sad cheap its soy other !antes ready Is parasol in the mule will lease remember that lama to Nan. oil le rmoustly , and tea oirt y lootatiints rarely eseellsd by sag y :iatoitimp dealer. - Pianos wansatad me ma be relied ayes. I being Ilassisiersisr, Timer , layer sad Phisiaisa, as well as Sieber. Ny warrantls !red, bemoan lam geed for the mount N, la many eases to. bass • basalt to those who liarehaimed Phinal, sad mom who did sot be Its, • me at lest blood IL. troth Oar • while by flab lota. AL Na... Porte made eterebefe fe do better for that twee. bet all Pismo ser geed vide* us eerie tbe =good sad tie W.A.AbLd. Later. P 1•11108 by we. as Move add. at Ilanateetarefs' prim. Myeloid; lea bead oesetats el very shake seleetios. sad te Lager Asa say me Wind fee Isle ben. PIANOd TO LET. An promptly t sN.a to. tr. • we. WILLING. Cheapest Furniture Store la Ufa Ikeda a• Omuta, E STABLISHED 1857! Go Wm Mash Erie, Pa. HAIR BEM PrOM SR Gads per pound. ROIIND-OORNIRSEDSTRADS, , From $5 00 REA GRASS BEDS„ From 14 00 ARM ROCKING CHAIRS, From $2 50 SPRING BEDS, ' Prom 115 00 CANE MAILS. TABLES. LOUNGES, BURPJA7B, And Woe Imam. Ler u the Laud. West Side State Street; sbieolett Next Palmer's Grocery. 1864. TSPRINC GOODS I . R . MORRISON, B. PARAGON 111.00114 SUM IN tiow meg= tact dad a. `o Stock FOREIGN DRUB GOODS t IN' QUA? VA/LIZTT. SHAWLS. CLOAKS AND SACQUE3, HOSIERY.' GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS AND OABBIMERIO, a *moist, Assortslest of the Llano BRAIDS OF Dozerrici. R. S. MORRISON spr9'64-4Z Boer Notice. OWING TO THE GOVERNMENT and State Linoases, the toothsome ocrroroatoot tax to tato Rolialet , loth blind. paJabl. ands oath, In colt. the large ps‘lo Capital Wrleted 14 oar B .wsrisi, snag, *MI 41 prism of labor, hopa. malt. Meer. coal, eino4 ite.. • Otis andstalgited Matedietareth and Brew. eta of itria, aim eoropelled and hereby arse to .ell only for to WAS th e prim of oar COMMON or R 6 IDY lIdB IIZEB trots six to Irmo', dollars per barrel, to abet. fib elthlrely the systaa, et spending or exposes atoollY• and amWodosus oa odes of maid beer; and la ease of thither sad Warsawd tazatkla. the Wee will bath - gibe 'Mod to earreelorril with said additional tax. Thla tto be T *Aimed to to all woe "ado r this data-- Mitosis ear bands. at Krif4 April 16$1. A.D. Mt a4UN EMOBWON. WE. JACOBI. 'OMB WIPUILEB. BEWECAYALION, JACOB UMBER. COWS KOEHLER, • A. &MG. CEO. TREY, Mrs. FUZES. per CONRAD. ECM lass. 3.131141. BUFFALO & ERIE R. B. ON and after *adv. May 16th 1864. Temeregeeltalae nie es Ude Reed Wallows LEAVING ERIE. • h. 11., 14,411 ibywasi, Amin st Wiataidd. ihtaktelt and Mat Creek. swim at Balls at • 411 i A.M. 1 S U A. N., illairdist at sit Mailgram aid antra at fiX a k=lol 4l ZlL U P. IL. Deg itywom. alsipiplay at Narth Aa. .att Mbar_ Croak. sad awl antwiasa gnsu gaillsi• at 11 Oil P. N. II 42 P. N.. at Wesuleld. Daiddet sad 11114 4 = =IL st Baltdo Mt UP. Ths Day Swaim assasets at Dialdsit sad Bah,* the Nicht tweet at Seale ea% with s=ip Was • Ise Now T at, 19146slyeatit. Deitam. LIANDIG BUFFALO. A.,ll.oWa‘ itipnaa. Manias $1 all Blatioaa az. oat Fuabasa. i 1/Ap ires at e Xotallaa4 and L m aria i ° 1 11 11 / 1 10 A: X. U /0 A. /1 4 Dig &prey _~l4 at Als, 30var Cvsak, Deal" Whiiiiii4lloo4 Nast, aniviag • at t ri o at! 011.1'. 1L 6, 30 r. 14. isa ANna. **Amat fin SU/Wig sad — antra at Erb at II • r. - m. Is P. aka " Aa r d s• 1111 " 'r . Omsk Daabihrk aad a:loft OR& at 100 Y. Raikraall liss kiss !Aube hitter than Oft Una, Xay 111.1611. J. LIE! OW?. gas. Erie & Pittsbirrei R. R. CIELNGE OF TINE; CONSUMING Dally. nay 104 MM. MIES UM UMW. ••er. 'urines! Awsinizorkil hwa at . ke t _stops at an Madams aa4l S Xi P. N • 1$ A. 114. !Wed 116. s atom at all Manama Caulatt. alit% (featly acad. art. aad lireX Naas , ' tratatat Ninon at 111 P. IL UAW, inn slum/. I SO 1. Y. Atemeamostise, of gal ISLusie,4 a d - animist agar! at U r d' S ` i. • I Se A.ll • rioted, No. I, _stops at at all Slalom cusp! !kW' Tarsoes, Mt, Itordalo Onto Soak =tea Olosio. mhos at Shari it a NU WM Srowitk. 11. 31.1101nr•lbri. 3- funs'. er. S. LWOW NEW ' 1 FIRM.' CLEIENS, CAULI & BINESS, elenalwensiwitfiammosisac.., Wholesale Grocer .1 — and liiknohotorans of Ciackers and Clumbrl GROCERIES, FLOUR, FISH, - SALT, ' WATER LIME, t . - NAILs,; GLASS, i PORK. CARIgioN OIL, ALL WIIeRS, LIQUORS, &0., 8 C. r ir Stock or SUGARS,' TEAS, i COFFEE, MOLASSES, .FRIIIIE, rofiAbm - 18 1 LARGE. 0 R,A.CK'Fi RS 14uzatactured at tho Ek.rE CIT CANDY! • COMMuI AND. FANCY CA NIDIES I OW VITRO 4 CAU S TIC SODA & GLUE At 04 .1 lowest Market Price* 1 '61016 63tf. I Commercial Buildings, RA*. Pa. NIL 'IIRERY. , , J. M. BIiYART. E AGLE FOUNDRY ,p,04 St,, elm 1.16 Earala Roil. X,* Pia. HENRY & BRYANT, , (saeasoson to Acheson k Fleary,) ' SANCTACRIMIMI OP PARLOR, COOK. AND OFFICE STOVES, Ektui IRON WARIA, !RD ALL ;ItINDs or IROII CASTISQ S. it Stars .old' by us warranted to: girl satidaction. W U to ltimo alslgh•a ior. boro, 864 Irons, aro on broad or triark ieland o haws Ararry Pomo of sayarriOr asks sad dam. blZty always as Mad. A aall Sad a fair trial of oar 'M ales& all wo HENRY & BRYANT. urIEVI-tt. SAMUEL IL MRS, NWMXIM BOWV44OES imm auns*,RB BEILBL•15 11 L 4 . TRINCTSTIISZT. VACING:TRE PARX LIDLICEr.I . IClBBlB'. BOYS, . I D CHILD UNIT FlneGikat t Ogre RIC Grab, Calmed Wrath BALM ORALS. & 121:AITE'RS1 411,110 i PATENT ANKLETS. linsamber th i e Ogee. ' laborite - 1834. JOHN WEL.II, ompsog, • - PA., WZOLIIII7.I DULLS :a ra BAtT;,MORE' OYSTERS! 1 THE 04IINTRY MDR titTPLIZD MTH Fresh can and Keg Oysters, I Receded every Day, and wiping To one , UOJ I cr Orsini soltaited sad !promptly attoodod to. atooletitt. Change la the Drag Busbies I ThOong estabiladied and well isms Drig Store of J. S. Carter, UM perm! Is tile bands el tin lila saw. Ida, hulas th• oath. 'toe wUI outlaw, the basison In the . a.. • plus. The pant sad pressat repalalleu of thla Wise Pramlaillm sal Fully Ea lidos libee, aim It o ascii° or awl , mute yr TEN orrr t Als4 the blir balm. br mall sttoottot ad jolli ties, to gr t, to mat amass* for the tabus, lfr. J. S. althougho withdesisist frets the men salvo of al badness, will still Maas Is the store, arts:OW hopes to moot his old friends sadmy he coosultvd sii usual. BAYOU (LIEU& foal . , . • 1 Ere Ale Brewery, CORNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. EO O City Lagfr grewei79 CORNER OF. POPLAR AND RIDGE STREETS. . Erie Malt & Barley Warekiases. CORNER OF 7TH STREET k CANAL Palo and Ambor XX sod XXX A 1.., • —; The Beet Quality and Usual %Wink" of Lori, Priam do/mobkl nano flop,. , TL Caoissat Qoalitleo of Nall sad Barley, ! OaWI sad sad for sib, by doeftinif. . . A. KING. , . , CRAWFORD at . CHRISTIAN, Duties in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, 41ried slut Bealed Pruit t PAINIIS & OILS, • Ship ClMabry, Boat Stores, d:O., Jvq 1Z1717 . 3 840C3, PARK 1011; Also, Palate Dock, Foot of State,lBtitet, mut,. PRIMA. RV.A. 6 1WirTORD. I L - sarriMitf. 4 0,000 PLEC 8 4 PAPER HANGINGS of ass CUD" I hem tin most oseautOs to Cu Float Igiatattotszot. ton 'ALB VEIT MOAT, NT : _ J. C. SitlLDltil. =1 • • • RIEMOVAL. - GROCER'S 1 (IROCIERIIBBI MHZ Subsoribei haslremoved his mock efareetries hive the stied share the take Phan Depot to Use rear le the bidet b:ea ea Stye stmt. wwww of PW Mt, where he .will be hem lA* see hie Marie tad subsets sad GU their cram tar greite. rn. desk K Greerries it large and earfally treted and et. Intl at the lewd tab* t.ntwitb.tb.otivial east. fie Who all Is semi of narks' is MsM MI has too Mai a SCINIIL VIM • , 1 • Ct. 11$1 6 N. Sia•Zouloto to SYRUPS, SPIOE3, NUTS, CIGARS, STEAM BAKERY §. It. LBWI3 Vpollo3o WRAIHTIII . . MR YOUR 4:310/1 YOR 13 CENTSI rut NM %n OnArler liOII3IHOW AM MIT TS ISI 110111141 - / 1 004117 s f itt DOC R :7ORTER's. OZEAT 0 . 031011 R EME D Y! „ Ifintaine LIDOC FORUM) Cnraility WARM u wartan , nil Union aneon4ing to b. irsotions, to enr• In nil niar, C••itin, Colds, I ra r M ag argt . a of ' lt OITA sad Luny.. Kad's ZADOC PORTER'S ,Bahom V prepared with all • ; t he ir,eidalts ars and skill, • , 40 a combination, of tbs • 3:ice:tidies the vegetable • 2 domadorda. • its rrata qualities are blued on a power to assist the heal zy And vigorous circles: ad of the blood thro' the lt is not a violent utidy, bat emollient,- - wauthing and of-- settee' eau be taken by the • • Idiot Person or youngest kLatfie ZADOC PORTER'S tabus has been wad by the'Elie for over 18 y ears, dacquired Represent ply by Wing mem tosirdedhy those who have • 14ts their afflicted s and others. sat,. - e. itr lent ZADOC PORTER'S Curative ;salaam le eheau 0.14 at $ which briep 'lt to the ma maser, marto bap no ye dant for use. The Ussily use at • Warte boa. 'ea *IW prose to be worth 100 than Its east. NOTIONo—Mere tear /Hems :---Do nos be re model to ;archon article; st Is. to 61,which do not Oen. tW tbe 11 ratbotdeat Madam Porte?. Ca rdin Hahn-, CI • 1 I ,t anstaasetarlag which Is U groat •I th ,P ,* 1. ,a 7 other needielnet and the very lew petee wu,c„ •.f i,sukes the profit to the seller apporestly tam mclplettdeaGns eresetiates resemesse other os which their prodla are Mger t astie. ths cashmere Itudet upon Untie Madame Porter's sad lose other. Ask Ibr Madame Potter's Carer Um Rahman. prise U eta, and ha lance bottles at 26 eta., sod Mite so other. if you misoot get it atom store you can mother. I air Reid by alltontEgtste tand Store keepers at' 13 ems., sad la lamer bottles at OH eta. HALL • HAJCILEL, Prupristors, N. Y. J 140.8. HARMEB. Ages; U 011146.14, "TRIM IS NO BUCK WORD MEI FAIL." • •• TARRANT'S COMPOUND SIXTROOT OP •CIIBEBB AND COPAIBA. This Fescion is parhealarly recommended to the Mt DieklYthilOif sad the PUB LlC,for the prompt ani eaten oars ot MUSICS Or 'se BLADDLI,_ICIDNETS, URDIAR.Y ORGANS, gm It may is relied so as the best mhde for the Miorints trotter Other' mesas, I. the torte - elm of diseases of bOth Nay, to which they an appllesb:e. It never Inter feres with the tigestioa, and by its noseentratlon, the don la mach redeem!. 'N. ti,—Pureitssers an advised to ask tor , ferrestee CosepowsdEzb l act of Ceibebi & Copaiba, pod take motifs* elm as Imitations sod worthless prep AystlAssa, cads, similar oar" are to tke market. Price VAIL tint by uproar ea nvetpt of price. laihnifintured only by . • WARRANT 1c CO., • Ms. Orentrish Shse4 Comer of Warns street, NEW YORK, dad ter sole by Druggists gimosily. • JOS. EICIENLAITB, • mater•Ormuta or B-DOTS 4.11 D SHOES! WHOLEIIALFBr , 'RETAIL T 'Litz PLEASTE in announcing to this 'WU Wit I kinsiddad to my (decor facilities a a-wolf/a sett et !SOON suclumutr, Wide 1W sable an to stanutocturs aad sell Boots and Shoes CUAPU THIN IIItRIVITIFORL Hades lad nag expatiates as to the Tanta of costa metes,l MALI take speo 4 sl petal to prep/min my stook to ault ties. I love the excluess right in this city to asks the PLUZIM PATENT BOOTS , & SHOES for tMMrtt any nostocors, and only ask a WEI of tkon,lnsitialy nay sr Soll to the l, soportta ootnfort over thole away is the al/ way. The Phase Boot rods so tatakint In • it hi as mug train On startma sae mum for some UM*: My cusrom IpirsarniENT WEI Notice asy ma and Air. J. COSI ER'S scrag at imattan—oandaaing a'aill lac mimeo Triad' cannot to szoellod la ttu country. Boots and Howe repaired on abut *aim. Constantly en fond a Way stork of • VCATIMI.L.4II7B IND FIWINCIS. %Mertz( my thanks Utley Mends and customers for last leategleltea bope by j rat and honorable dealing to Earls eentjaaabee af Wins, and ccirdially Writs all to lan sod' ..suoise of otos! before parchasing eras rbere. , tomferltlf. In Full Blast Again ! r AI 006 'ate NEW, AND DwrrED! • - Shea Übe AA es the let last, we have flitted up and 'Clod the NEW STORE, IN WAYNE BLOCK, Walla lamer and bettor Stock of UAW AND STAPLE HARDWARE • 1802.0 , FOREIGN t AND DOMESTIC, rbaaever Ware otrond 1.11 'Eds. WE NOW DEPT COMPETITION. The Jobbing Trade, , wW metre ESPECIAII , AT T } NT lON. irConkay.& Manion, Wsyno Moak* Frerich Street, orrosrre ?pc UKD 8017111. RMS. . , i 1 • „ / . • HON. ItiILSON WCANDLESS, Jades et tie Vatted State, Chetah Coatt., PreWeat. . COWS Illasitor. C 141113114 P/111111710, PA. THE lAR,OZST, CHLAPEST ARD REST. $33 aiwe tot a flth COMSDerci4l wane. , No shames for Manufactories, Steamboat, It aK wine. ad sad Beak llooloKeeptog. leUslotene Sofa athaltprkeh Stade:its enter and re view at lay tlme. This institatioall owadusted by experleneed Timbers and prietkal demonotanta, who prepare yawn men for set ve beldam. at this bast sapenes an ltotioe, for the net tomtits and responsible situ a ti ons. 01- 'small granted for swift only. Renee the universal prdarenee for graduates of this College, by business ma. Paws. A. Otnrisr, the best PI/U.l6in of the Craton, who holds the somber of ion ?prawns: sad over all .Aospetttoe.,ielcbeu Rapid Swim. Wilting. Cricertaits containing fall tatounation Nut ran of applies** to the Stingiest& JENKINS SWIM, Principals. BeTltteed whoa the Sons and Clarks of Hankers and Nee gisitaate. Jueeeb-ly. 'CHEAP PASSACE AND MS QUEENSTOWN IND LITERPOOk! fan o~ - BY 8414.NG SHIPS - , BTBAIMBRB.,• ALSO To California and Atu3tralia! Apply to P. SHIRRA.W. STRUT, NEW YORE, OR TO M. A, QUINN, PRAM 3T., lIRTWERV 2d k &I RTC,. serli4m. I - BRIM * PRNIVA. =PORTA= TO ILTLRTED LADIES I TRULY 'A BLESSING 1 LWILL BXND, free of charge, to any Lady she will la bar IMMO and address, diredissi ta rummy tie swims pals of CHILD BIRTH; alas bra to Baas PIRSIRPTI,T Asai/Vd Chrd ram I atm elsotises sad IMP° ANT MOST, the say ass and ssla disiscrered. my etiest 4'1,11 Ito above odor le to Wives 'eery Ldp Sr Addreu • , i ZADAKB Krum= 31.1 y , imara-ai. TOT Broadway, N • T . • - ;10114,ILD' Aftol4ll.TiON, • *MADILL PA. p lumbs OF THE NERVOUS. SEMI. Nat, dad BIWA& Braurs.- now and syllable Inintood—btrwparta BOWArtlf ASSOCIATION— Sad bv ealyta samind arrears, free of dune. addrent Dr. J. lIIILLUI HoUGHTON *yard Aasseiatlos, N 0.9 veldt Math • • Plidadelphis. Ps. audlid-ty. T o NERVOUS SUFERBRS JF BOTH, I szus.—A REMIND ararrituir lawripg boa gland to Mani la a tev da7a. she abbr. play an the meal minas sad irregularexpealinabadaa atlanatamt altahaat mend dav to asamaasiaaaata bla afMW Inlay aiirAges lb* 'masa aim% nalta, as no tosalp of as animand maim. la ISM/ (nallY a sop, of Unlesamelpliaa said. Di: waft nigootlL Daoraii. Pinot. itrat4ok e • peak.. we& DR. P. HALL'S , CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDY r. CONTINUES to • gain public favor and demand to all sections, sad after the thorough el. perience of sixteen yea" its reputation far ellency is , caring Throat sad Lung diseases is fully sustaloseu— Wherever this medicine is mod known its apatite Wiese& tabllaked the grestest pep cattily and demand. it I= be. some &sty:oft:4 remedy with many people for curing 'Pulmonary complaints sad is kept' is their howls, for reedy um whemeefrrequired. AA a curs for Cough It is epee& sod reitable—midout requirlag more tate Gas bate tie to eure a Cough of many weeks standing. For taring Croup it tit not excelled. and as a remedy for Astbms Its efficiency cannot be doebtea, having restored mazy pa' /tone to !math after feafferlog's long term of yesao with this miserable disease. For Bronchitis sad thcarsettess it is tufo and Misfile, quickly removing Irritation hum the air passages. la Whooping Cough this Remedi is utmost I cal ue—it promptly lemons the traqueasy and violas= of the cough. and shortens the disease ass half from ;Its or &nary tedious comas. . All diseases of the lungs and air pumps depend apes irritation or indazianation in the listing mucus ammibrane sae requires the prompt WO of thorough inealicial to of hem their maxima. Hairs Cough Bentedy is safe, speedy an , effectual in its operation—is adapted to both some, to all ages and constitutions. limy pima altlated with I either of the (ottani/3101"mM 'boatel ass this pleasant .twedy and their Telma will moos mutts eifilt others lu reooroomeading its unfits to sfflieted tin and friend. Use :Hall's Cbugh. Remedy it dardil 1 tide. re.. Use Hall's amp!' Remedy it curesChmso or Ratan. • rte. Use Hall's. Cbug/i Remedy it cwe ~ r Asth ma or Phthitii M.. Use Hall's Cbugh Remedy for Cutarrh. MS.. Use Hall's Cough Re t it Strengthens :he Lungs. 1166 Use Hall's tough *mu:War BrMidatis- Va. Use Hall's Cough Remedy for Iftherse nen. It Remedy it otrenymami Halt 116. use • the Voice. Mg. Use hall's Coug4 .liemedy for TO:hoopixr cough. • It will greatly motifj the lolesce of this disease utdshor. tea Its tedious course, one half Cram its ordieszy dam Gnu. .Dewsie of eon-Maffei to end taus Onitationa—call fee Dr. I'. Hall's Celebrated Cough Remedy and see USA his writ. ten signature is upon the wrapper sad directions. writorta TeisTintoror• We, the undersigned cabana of trios City sad vicinity., nave used Dr. P. Hain 's Celebrated Cough Rneowly with grottiest:test, in curing dimmer albs Throttled= and ttleatare ressatunenstling I ts use to the as a s peed y and effectual remedy, worthy of public oenS cc*. James Thompson, Matthew Hamilton, D. Shirli kaa„ Jobs Welborn, Sr. .1. W. Ryan, Richird John A. Tracy, Robert Cochran, J. T. Cass, John W. IFLans, Daniel Rear, Daniel Haver, John W. Hays, J. Robinson, C. K. giblet, John R. Cochran, W. F. Rindernectit, J. Mooney, John IL Duman, P. R. Ballot, .1. W. Calm, John B. Werreu, Alsatian Sherwood, Wan. H. May. Joke S. Brown W. H. Cooper, - 4. IL Tarbelt, S. L. Venter, - Joseph Deemer, R. A. Beasts, J. W. Hall. Benj. Grant, J. Salsbury, OrviotSssith, Ludas A. Hall, W. WOW. C. Dalattre, Thbous Wife.. I. L. Long, 8,0. Root, W. If. Gallagher, J.: Rotinsoc,2o4 W Ilion Ring, Chas. Silas W. lin* Dietel Minor, Ensigir, C. G. Howell, C. R. Wright. • SOLD IN FAIR WILT, BY. P. Maanninturer and Sots Prof rietor, thee New HaLifts. State St. ?fuel; 25 to 7; CENTS PER )IOTTLE. AGENTS IN BRIE CO.—James A. White, Dr. Ely, Gi rard; Wm. Belknap, Fairy Lew; T. S. Cowls', Springfield - Wro. SYrOndfit, Edinboro F. Lamson, taliaan; E. S. Sleeper, Waterford; Dame 7, Sherwood, rlltuon; W. B. Smith, Wattsbnials; G. T. Jewett, North Fast; 11. 0. Frisbee, Edensilio; J. G. Fl .wen, Albion; -- 771er, Lockport, sad by &rents go swans H EAD QUA RTERO• -FOR- CHEAP , GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUEiRS. F. eic . FL SCHLA.I7DECKER, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large;and superior stock, of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, - , I , ' - WINES, I - - LIQUORS, . WILLOW • ' WOObEN, • AND I - - STONE WARE, I ' ' FRUITS, , • NUTS, &c., &e., together with every-thing telind;ln a House ofttia, ' kind, which they will sell as cheap as an other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They have also on hand OEM. of U. largest and finest Stocks at Tobaneo and Sews ever brought to Erie, to -which they invite the attention of the pnbi.W.. Er Call and us ns—a nimble sirpento is bettor than a slow ohilling, oonaequently Cult buyers will find great bargains by tai ling at uoi i, k Grocery Head quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, ST/TE STREET June 2.1864:-b2 F. dr. M. SCRLIUDAZER. • C.? IRS • iMiklikltCl ERIE COUNTY MUTUAL INSUR VICE COMPANY. inetorpOrdaat in 1859—Chaff er Perpetual!! Property Inured Asslose Loan Ira Fire for any Term not exesedluia Moo pours. Policies tuned upon the deposit of Premium Notes, on upon the pa~meni of the oeaai stl'ltt!'" in Monet without the- stability of a t ' rem(iva i Note. without litigatica. One salt only hu ever boo broht against this Compsay. Vas Ceittesay irstirsiy free free irk, wed is a safe AMU iartitsawa. DIRECTORS. ' Wm. B. Rays, Ju. C. Marshall, ~4 . ; dos. K. Stoma d os. C. Tibbs's, D. B. M'Creary, Babbitt, Wm.F.Rindermieht,J. Zimmerly, , Wm. S. Brows, George.A. Elliot, Doppia:du Omit, Jaoob Hasson,. J. M. Jostles, OFFICERS. Jas. C. Matissatx, ?rest /0.1•111 Gourisoi, Sea Ws. F. Ituromumustr, Tress. Office, to Mews. Gitutation t Melreary's Lw Wks whisaptilde, Erie, Pa. Erie, Jane 10, 1000. NEW FIRM. FURNITURE AND lINDICRSAKINfiI • WARE -R, 4:0:11t--131. On State Si., between Sounithsad Dtibth. The Subscribers bays entered into thrill:4l;4mA Making sad FURNITURE TRADE, And propose making to order and kesping ecoestantly on hand all kinds of FUrnitars. Orders will meet's prompt attaiticia. Repairing dose on short notios: • UNISEE,TABING. The tratocribe Ts will give special attention to this de. pirent of their business. They will nneufacture and keep constantly on hand a large a s sortment of Metal li c Cases and Coto', and hold thetrualese IA madinese to meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part of the eountry. Determined to spate no efforts to glee satisfair Mon both in the quality of their goods and prior, they hope to secure a liberal share of public patronage. - *DORS is MILE?, • successors to J. H. Minn. aprlr62-tt. READY ROFINC Reodj to nail dojos), READY EtIIOIFINO, At heel thiu Ulf the eos of tin toots. READY 11.00 I FIND, More duals thall 11n. READY RODYINO. Snitablei for stop or flat roofs. • -- I READY Rudstr4o, For all kinds of Xtulldlogo, la all climates. READY ILODFIND, Luny. cheaply and quidily pot on. News no costa , • over with cement after it is wined down. READY 11.01DVIED, . , Made of a Arcing woven fabric; thoroughly saturated and covered upon both aorta/yea with a perfectly lintel. proof composition. andput tip Ulll7oll' reedy for are-4O inches wide and Td feet long. We alma maoulactiire LIQUID CEMENT, For Leaky Tin Room, conch cheaper anti mere dutiable than oil paint, Al.o, CfittPOUND CEMENT, for LILIICT BEIINCILC ROOF'S, which will often mare the coat °fie new roof. Sample, of Rearm Room° sod Circulars meat by mail when clothed. Favorable termi made with responsible parties who buy to sell in. READY ROOF/NO CO.. myli Sm. 73 Re ides L me, N. Y. 'CARVER & ilingEcia a, arocluoit, Ter J. 6; J. B. C,A.RVBE i r RITAIL DX/431111 IX - id •Leather, ttc op No.l iniy mock, Stoto • et, se% Ps. Constantly on hand a tarp stook of SOLE LEATHER, 'MOROCCO, LININGS, anvouvus, FRENCH Sr, AMERICAN CALF SKINS, KIPS, UPPARS AND RPtITS, LASTS. PEGS, .LASTINGS, ;GALLOONS, *e. ALSO, A on,„ ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, , AU of which they offer low lot OADIt OR PROMPT PAT. apt7ll4'f, ALARGE LOT ! . , . 7 1 1 0 3,6.47" 1 . 1 " - 1441 sad ' !Orlagor Nib Mill I • est it Best Stock of Good i in the City! .Xl' Ar,Ll:olt yl/4)1. RSELVi, VI'OS E S KOjj W c ‘;141.) H ESP EUrFI T 141. Y it• ... t , ki MA old trleada amt env 0r• th u r• h. Lam z moved to Om 501.t,144 ,x- < toro '; 4 l Room . s - Si/. 10 UNION 111,Helt, Where to. iort... theist to owl and n. goals, His ~:;L , h ,, iii goal stocc I* oui burgs Awl 0 l wtl, ,',,,.. 1 54 any in Erie . and li• in 4/rt , rt.V.L.• 4 1.... I. , 6,` onelf.r.Jl , l. : 0 1.•• Jost rteeiy,i to. rock of SPRINti . A ND • aUJMJIFI, lif)01 8 , liver brought to : rib. Ills men, t a • at gout !melee, one price, and that the I. jr.4 rr. riot whet they axe rrpr•••lsted th.y b „ ~,‘oct Cdltt. ;MORRISON:4k DINSMORE WHOLAISALE DEALERS Ii Flour, Pork, Beef, bait, Gtr CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEAL), if t No. 2, Wayne Block, FRENCH STREET, Reties PVIA al6/ 844* Nti., isa,TS'att TO CONSIIMPTIVI THE subecriber will cheerfully se tc , of charge) to all who desire it, the eon of Itarlaiwt by which he was cared of that pies me,,,, suniption. likallerers with Coascsirriox, arawA, B koi , mr. any . lang _affection, he sincerely hope. will tr 3 tt ya i wen *UMW if the do so they will to more th u , with the ,emit . , Thankful for tile own Map*, ties, be is anxious 'to flees in the hands nl eo rm i: the mons of care. Those 'wishing the te t ip, directions, he n will please call on or attire, / jareel-14. itrr. Wll. s ALLFY Nn 41,8 infin %,* 1:4 V. SCHULTZ & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL GROCERIES AND PEG AIMS , EAGLE TILLAGE., ERIE CO. P. We keep oa bend ale rge and well wristlet ut sesrrtalsa to our line, end will not permit an le . to be undersold. Also • dos stock of 1 4 IMES, 110083 and ‘704„ to I* !amused in tb • county. Junel:u, HARTFORD YIBB iBBURIIE tr, UARTMUND. CONNKCI vr. INCORPORATED 1810. CAPIT sal* E. HUNTLtiETON, ?rest. T. e. CITY - FIRE INSURANCE COMP • HARTFORD, CONNEC :Jet 'r INCORPORATED MT. or w. reapettally wilcit s shirr of tlo. Pow TOnage. J H. jua ba-it New Grocery! JACOB BOOT would respectful, . inunea to the peoili of Erie tit •ind he has opened NEW GROCERY ,TORE, Ws tab mat plasm* in informing the Niqr. 611 nummona Patrosui in particular, tilt vs WI again rammed MANUFACTURING sTOC CM INCREASED FACI LIT lad an prepaid ta Ell all orders for 'NG AND HEATING WFM PRO )(MIAS -`7"- _ purchaaed a lame Stoat a Isola! , belni , burisi out, gives us a deed lob otStcma,) over lianufactureTselo) Iron it present high pr, e. okful for put &fors, WI hope, b, Amts . of Costoixters, to teootiote VLfENT, TIBBAI , : RVED FRUIT, Uieti essdiel Fru% I"' it 'DAWN". BO Ile IL W. SPO )N74