The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 11, 1864, Image 3
sl vie Flit IS, I:1E. PA., JUNE 11, I$G4 Special Noticea. tre. Joxiro to attain • eorrerpondetat in every In the count,. l'oltleat clum' we can obtain oemienee ; what we rant I. the local new, from all sr' •el roe oonotr. Ant. pennon ratio, tans de -1 hst In; his nante.kept atrlct'•y eoaddeuttal and II he hal Oar. that tho oornmullestion le not In ;proper for publientl m, wo will pat it In appropriate trial. t City subscribers. ol by earrier, will be charged tventy-B,eroots per yea r extra. Perama who ball to re.lte their mere regularly will fruiter a favorbi Zia* ftta; s.4"the lame We . preter to here all anhooribene rh • ran ennvenlealtly, pr,cara their paper.. at the afge• pn htv.atiOa. 1 -7 , - Th• h.)nr at whinh the °Wryerls nut to eeere, „ . ..,1 0 •0.,`,1 .• i n .k or the diy a pub. 11•••rk , knd Subaeriptlon I r r All Al,,l1• , 111.11 , . .1. g T ; w t int kn , ,wn to thl IRED Hutt boinirl sip adena,4 i'llr‘M -=The invert of this article will the hest 1 inality of Tee Cretin made in the , tit liener S.: Burgess' store. They are ! napp)y p.trtiem and : families on .hart notiro and nt a remonable price THE lIRArr to BC MADE NEXT WLEK.—Pro. so.t \birohal Campbell publiehes the follow— ing' official announcement of the draft. The nntabor to he thiwn it very. small, meet of tilp districts hiving filled their quota. The i 4 clear, without nny doubt,•and we are !iv a few to spare, for Uncle Abraham's DRAFT NOTICE !—The Draft for Suh-Dis— triel deficient tinder the calls for 700,000 men. will e , IIIITIPTICY til CIA Head quarters or the Di' riot Provo .t Marshal of the Nineteenth 119 1 Diorrt,Pi , at Waterforil, on Monday. the 13th d of Jane, 19ti1. Thn rt•oi.fnments of eredita for Volunteers will he r:intinued nntwitlilhnlinz the draf t . IT. S CAMPBELL, rapt and Prnvoqi Mar , 19th Dist. Waterford, June 6, 1861 btrottravi To mow LIABLE TO DRAFT s,,beifor Whiting, 6r the War Department, has given n ticciQicn 2 to •tthe effect that any per :Qon who waa enrolled might, previous' to the draft, procure a golvttitote,in anticipation of the drift • ind hare him worn in wherever h 3 nii7ht gelem Two enr.illed men io asnaohu 4c, for in , l me., were allewed to proonre -al -11tate ,, at tVa:hine.l, l n (from among the y. and the mesh were i 9 accorded rolcrnr.) Gnldtera prohlb PM , creel titrrr This procuring substi- Icipro ion am draft. been drafted before t, m-rottraze tbe (nu in narinu2. Firol in Hal the Inca in thi. en. 4 Ite.. they would then ye their substitutes 6 rendezvous of their ii,v I,tl , Pcilrod hqvi , i.oon (WllO4 10 t-rntt.TP,t In the ntilitnr di-triet vt l .14,rti in " _lt wl,l I 1 dill Al ft mat IFkr of gratifi- Erie county to loam stos I=lllllT ,111111 L!, 1. I , (I .11 jenfyth hopn nt., tinra .1 letter writ rprrived by Moth ier, by !he on Tnr•,llV in which Le iufarps . I:cr that 11; n Prisoner nt Lyn,cliburg,TA., w V . +4 eXpeetiria In he removed to Ile wa t wnunrl. 1 . •I'F. preciously .Tie I, i IP. in i.e , ntnsinn :mending the II I,orr. 00 the 12ili of t - ;rini,r 1 Thd fll IT - , the ground The him for 11-Lori and *hen h. a,t. ifl.tob It • hal the. Way bark to lmt pvcir,,k the road, and zufl uTrounded by reb el- 1k wriiri. (hat h to in goad bealth THE Corm: Sru_ —the 'indication of for an injunction to omtuissioners from col ', 'pub ibiting them from t p 114 currency, anal Iraw that now in oirCu, efore Judge DPrricksolif, tet e , nsidernble •rg.te.l on the oido of )larFhall, Eat restrkin the County (I leering the hrunty to 4 tQauing any more per' quirint; ;hemp) witft 'frolle , l on Tuettittr, CSC 600 o t‘te Wll4 Mr Mar+litill by bin , elf and Benj . . Grant, Gaq , and on that ofjthe Ctlamigainnerz# by John P. Vincent and i ohn If Walker, EFtla., the gentlemed acquitting theragelrem 'with ability: Judge Lierrickgon withheld hint deckiou until Wednec. t iay morning, when, in accordance wish plibliciespectation, he deceit tied ri grint the injuu - twn .learn that it i. cbr i;iit.iiii,,n of r Marshall t 5 carry tt the t01..r up to the d-rrne t 1 its, 4t AND AP.TICLF..—Vie are inlAte I to lir. Jos. S. .1:t1 Young 'for a very handsome present in tha' shape of one of the tatrontal liygro-Batouleters," or "National Weather Indicator," on inturotnent that prom is c c to obtain a wide reputation, and become ge'nerally introduced. , With one of then i ar ticles his posses.ion a farmer can Inva riably know the condition of the weather from th..if ;11y to o thy in adv ince. It foretells the coining of rain, when wa will have dry or .Ittp weather, tittt.l the different changes of the climate, with Its wish regularity as the tiekinT, of a clock.' Thn principle upon which it works is alike sirapi., curious and reliaAle, end has been tested anti certified- tit by emi nent scientific gentlemen. .1. theMoMeter is sttache.l, - -making it doubly valuable: To per sons eng &god in 'agricultural pursuits, and others interested in the phases of the weather, we regard one of these instiumonts as invalu able 119 price, Clntra°ttql with the old lash- . imer barometer.. i. : l exreedingly low—only three tl , tllll , •ta :‘,l} tit'. The sole agency in this city is at Yoking's, it.tipte. Furnishing Em porium, 4 Wri7,110 , , Block, where all are invited to call and examine the little novelty for themselves , • -- Iltsia TO UottIIESPOSD.RNTS--The following %verde rule, for the githion eo of t h oß p w h o wrue f,u the pre... ii • , h•erveri, would save loor4 prittiet3 t vitahl of trouble. C0r ,11,1t1.1, e•lhero to them: Nivhher the order of their Writ. , in it p%ii11,:1,,1 , 111 d, RiiL . k res roc 1,. hrstif s l'unonme tho n• it should be 1 , 11..10,1 :',)r titr4i*eore one litre; 16r email itliS ; 41,••tal with evety 1t , t1.21 iu Fro per, ,tur- ever rt 1, t t,•• -ar3 (111 , unno ii Pitt .itreett 1.1 the la .tt the heal ••ir. Lt-q t d.e u•;,t,.r e Areet votr Ffilwi , ..•r Ito 11.11'1 1.1 mwrn Ihr ropy I.'l, I ~,r0“. ittla 1 1 t4ll yo l why lIP 1.) )-mr ,o;rie '4%.4 , .79-." Ih4l J's Willi Ihr I)r.ltora \t ndittt .nt! !IC h.% luir ;nip.-etoil rt - r., 0 1 an I onus!, c , nipattle%, Ly a^t ot the Le , iktistore, the Erie t' Inv t' , ./•4411:.y an n., Inc, , t lilvy 1; tc!: • , 1 rite Aa.,01”11 to *cif. The I ,, ,atmen will, of courEe. ptle it on to their freightß:rlit.l t I ertli tiehleril will ebar 4 , it t 1 .bvir that the old It. s trio , :ratto wirt . - I,e triip, trier you mAy chi n nn , i shape. itl•tire., I.x Iwn plei=e, it come. 41:1 lite Co: warner at NA! t A little FOll of C 4;.! is 1 1 . Wile `ia, raged 0)0111 Seven years; ?ell into the canal, near Reed's cold yard. .on Saturdly, eta wee drowned. The entire community Symp.tatite with the parent. in their affliction. CM= JAM.—We pretiume time, !tro few of raiders who have ever beenAaside . of the county jail, or desire to be, except in the manner that we visited it a few tioy;4 ago—to examine its internal arrangements, and le tva when Satisfied The kindness of Deputy , Sheriff Swaney, who•is one of the Most oblig• ink and competent officers in the oily, enabled us to look into the mysteries of the concern pretty thoroughly, a few days ago; anti we herewith give the result of our investigations. Obomrr. The main jail building le in the rear of the Sheriff's house, on Fifth street, and is built of stone, the walls being very he ivy end o iv ered on the inside with a herd cement - . There are four what're on etteh side, all of which are secured on. the interior by iron bars, an inch or more in diatnet, and nut more titan four or five inches apart The entrance to the j ill is at a able door. tailing into a small vestibule. Here the prisoners on adtnission are thoroughly meerehe , l, All articles that might lead to their escape find all exttes cloth ing taken from them, and a record made of their alleged or real offence, and the time of their trial or senteoce. A small double door leads from the vestibule into the jail proper, or part where the male prisoners are corttined. This ohnoiste of a large room with a solid work of alone In the centers within which the cells, some twenty four dn number, are loca— ted. The open space between. the cells and the outside walls is occupied by the inmates during the day, when they are at liberty to walk, chat, read, or employ themselves in such methods as they setpfit, not * lnconsistent with good eider and safety. At night each prisoner is looked up in a separate cell, where he remains until released by the keeper in the Morning. The cells are about ten feet in length by _five in width; and have a hese) , grated iron,door at the entrance. The hods are light iron ones, just large enough to, ac cOrnmodate one persori, sad that not in the most comfortable; manner. This is the only item of furniture. The prisioners are supplied -with food through a small opening from the jail kitchen. The food; although not of pooh a kind as epicures would desire, is fully as -good as a majority' of poor families live upon. It consists of bread, potatoes and meat, the latter neing varied frequently. We were shown specimens of 'all these articles. and found them to be of a good quality. The female apartment of the prison 1. , tie the third story of the front building. and is, I in all its features, vastly more comfortable than the other. The cells, or rooms rather: . are very considerably larger, better lighted, more cheerful and can accommodate two per- sons with comfort. Most of the windows Coln mend fair view of the adjacent sections of the city, and, as a general thing, the restric tions are not as severe as those in regard to , the other sex. it the time of our visit, there were only three persons confided in the jail—a young man of about eighteen or twenty years, and two women One of the latter is Jane Lang .worthy, the notorious thief, who,e recent at tempt at, escape is familiar to our citizens. In ery r eitvoring to descend from The third story by,,a ope made of her hid clothing she found herself unahle to cling ii. itafter she had ae• complished about two thirds of the distance, and fell ft the earth. Her side and limhs struoli. against sorn‘f stone 4ieti-;, and -ha was terribly bruised, .ind now lir. , in a p.tinful condition If td it, not been for these injuries, we.doubt much whether she would have been triptured again On the whole, although the jail is not so horrible a place as the fanny of most people pictures it, It is far from being such a spot as the majority of our readers would covet as a permanent resident:ie. The chief mistake of, its management is that the occupants are not provided with some means of profitable em— ployment. In some counties orate Stste the . - jails are almost self-sustaining inetitulions, the convicts manufacturing hoots and "hoot, carpets and many other articles or a useful nature. Dm community should .de.n.ind a similar plait to be adopted in ours Tus Temissitess Rive:a —A letter' to tit. editor from one of our citizen., who it on otfi eer on a gunboat employed on tip. Tt11t1C , .. , 0 , 3 river, inforail'u4 lb it the guerrilloa 4ttll in %Et the banks of thtt ,tr.tuu. lu , l - giv, l them a great amount of trouhle fh,y zli le up. to the banks, fire n manna or two, Lin I then, tit 9-- appear as fast as thetr legs con carry them We agree with oar correationdent that this modo of warfare is not the most pleasant. flo thinks "there ii DOM latighetion in , engiging "in a regular battle, for then if You bite your life you are lauded for your iiraveiy, "but the prospect of being shot like a dog is "not very edifying.!'-, "Polities," ho adds, "is discussed among us freely. The officers, "are alLDemoorats but_three, and every one "on the boat is ts McClellan man. but one." He write' further: "I have learned t wo things "since I have been hore—one Is that the.cel " chested olive branch has no chart" amongst "these people; and ,that there, i.e bnt little "faith to be put in their boasted Union prin "elples. Of course there are exceptions, but 4 , they. are isolated esees.'k ABOUT "F „ titanct Ur ."— Some people appear to believe that the editor of a weekly paper has really ._great deal of difficulty in Ending matter to supply his . columns. ' We are often sainted with-the remark, "Put' this in some, corner; do to fill up.'' Now, reader, if you have any respect for your editor, please never use that , expression in our presence. Ti jot:natty how hard it is to find room for one. tenth of what we want to publish—how we have reluctantly to throw aside some articles, and clip others down in order that our; pat rons may obtain anything like a decent 'purn miry of the news that is transpiring—you would never accuse an editor of needing any thing to "fill up." It is a troublesome task to edit a weekly - paper in these stirring times, and the difficulty arises, not from any want of subjects to write upon, hut because there Ire co many one scarcely knowd which to select.- GEL larsitiass.—No fuce has been more frequently photographed or other. Wi4P copied than that of General McClellan. and with the mast widely different results. Not a few pictures labelled with his name fail to tear any recognisable toitimblanco to the re l ti We have before said photo graphs taken by iirliitney dt Paradise; 585, Broadway, New Yoik, which areunertertiou ably the best likenesses of the general extant, while they are admirable works of ar•. Of the four varietlee,we Prefer One seated figure giving a profile view, or the neatly full length standing figure. Many persons will be glad . to know where they can proaiare a truttwortby :Acne:4l - 0W we recomatend tjemltti.leml to Whitney it Paradise.—Jourttai Crtamtrts The varivus Sabbath schools of the city have all agreed to. unite in the Union celebration on the Fourth of July, aud :we took forward to a dimonsfielion of a more than usually ha' posing character, The pregramme iioludes s procession through the principal streeti, o adA dreattes, qasi°, and a grand pie nio iii the Parks We trust the children will be °sta— tioned beforehand not to damage the fences. A Cemetery his been eetebiiihed at C-Con..; MEM The peOpie of Corry are maim; pnyara-I, Coos foe's greatt Fourth tit "July Celebritten. The whole amount sontributsd in this county to the Philadelphia Ei9lllii2ye t iinp to June oth, was ;3846 T52 , - In the battle near Dslitte, Oa., on the 35th of Mar, Capt. M. 11. Todd, of the 11Ith relit•! meat. was killed. ' 1 Hon. JOhn L. Dawson,and Non. 0. W. field will 'please accept our thanks for public documents. ±? , it k proposed to pave State street from Fourth to the Dook. The improvement ts badly needed and should not be delayed. A bungling Abolition imitator of "ft. Ward' s Ilea made his appearance, signing himself "A. Ward, Tri" lie Fears no relation to the orig-i inn!. Two d i iiy freight trains are now running on: the Erie t .t. Pittsburg Railroad." If the enter prise succeeds Its well as it expected, it will not be long until there will be half a doyen. • The TOwn Council of Cry hate purchased ten acre s d of ground from Amos Heath. fora Cemetery. The New: says "it is a nice piece of 'pound for the purpose." The old Farmers' Hotel, at the ooraer of: French and Fifth streets, has been 'painted and repaired, and is soon to be opened to the public. llf welt kept, it will do a good busi . netts. The Crawtord Democrat appropriately heads the list o f conscripts in that,.nettpty with the clap 'trap electioneering phrase of the Aboli tionism lest fall—"rote for Curtin and avoid the draft ! !" An eel, measuring 42 inches in length, was caught by Mr. Burk, keeper of the peninsula light house, on Saturday eliorriing last; These fish are seldom foustltr;the Lake, and this one was looked upon as a great curiosity. The same of '4 , ifneY Slistioq,aa v t; the Lake Shore road, has been changed by order of Superintendent Grant, to Ripley Station, and st,i on heretofore known as Ripley, will , t - hcirettfuir be known as Ripley Croasiag. We (tie indebted to Amoe Heigh, •Paq , of, Corry, for another large club of new subseri-' d hers. !Mr. Heath has done more towards, increasing our list, than any two men in thel county,. We recommend his seal sad 'energy in the Cause to our (Vitoria everywhere. In order that there may be no misappre]; hension in the public mind, we would aunouncti tliat,th'e redical candidate for Viva President 6 Gen John Crichrane,,. at preadni I, AttorneY . Gener - il of New York, and, late an officer in the anny, - and fleVJolitn R. C'eirihran, the emi. uent legislator and statesman, of this city. I Perions working" tin therrallroad ai at thii dock, ,will find the Golub. Rouse,. ler thS' Phila. k Erie depot, a good place to obtain boarding at, ft is kept. by-Mr. Henry Camp: bell, a; man whom we ha - re town for a long time, Sod can recommend as a good one for the place. W hope to see him well pwron hed ' . The stockholders of toe Erie canal ocmpany have held n meetio4, and rcsrdvivt to'disregard the not passel the I t , t , Ls,,vistature reqtur log them kettilir4 keiAir fho hri.i• ges cVossing their con tl. • 'Chet' '—' , lone the authority of th.- Legis'atttr to itnpae sure oblitratioriq upon" the osmpany Lowry will , soon be after them with a ahireiatiok. •L• The extent to which the .Moritiois in this octunto arelnotetteing is wonderful. 'Lsro bodieS of emigratitstfrom the Eastern Staten:. end Europe are now on their way to "the City of tha t Saints," and they tipeet,that tikotisanda more will soon Sundai L iEirulni last nine hundre•l of those peculiar people, occupying seventeen oars, passed westward from ,Bnfrolo. • • • Th ) ! \I. E Conference at Philadelphia this extended the time of ministerial appointments from iwo years to thtee—ifchangelohg sought for by the progrevsive members of the Church It was also "ordered 11)44 in the • future the Lord Prayr ic, to be recited after each opeh ing prover, at Church service, the cougrega lion to j , tin :audilifi in 'Ad. 5441 :itth the minister " { 4),,, r ~,,der., ;ire nor gener illy aware that , , ( till the last Ileglsltypiff,:ituthorisine rib• building of a railroad from Corry ;to Westfield, frit . end;; , l' to eniiii . e . ct the Lak; Shore train with the Oil Creek road._ Ightyptieritiat the We liaie — had ferrtble jijiitittql for the last coh 3 cription b• - roka bore been Varied. and •it three rive, hut we tittse he tea t!he reht•ls xi' every pcira. ' They are Wittig !milt:etc- titan- ig said ; the improvemeirt tl4.het pressed frir = . : ' batik • -.. '.. 'Ne . ' - , s s to and we are in lull. pursuit. . t the. ward with all possible haste If it! is 66 u" atlt.44a, ea the 16th, I capturel a rebel bats plet4.l, oil can be..Pnt forward frees Oil Creek ,tery sit lour twelve Lieundria...rd i lisought the' 'regiment in spite of all of to ilie F.aat, via. the Lake Short and New illue-ilinitl"nY York Central R,gitrosls, witkijui,,,tratuship beta. of, thu rebels ,to prevent Iry ..!Ie took , ~. . . ., e, -irm . . 1 ,.. ; ..., _ • th . en' _fort also. Our fora was be4try. then z - s--- •......“- 4 - 4, 0' t- 4 - - - •,, "I aim in command of a brigide agaiii, .The excitable New Yorkers, always on the - 1. hate Steven regiments; the 11141P1 Vols., tip toe for is- - sensationitf ilithietklarilitiVe had 29th Pts. Vois., 60th, 70th, 102 d, 149th sad I :oolll 37thN s . a, oa r y .Thz iera flgh liai jviiiu ting last three days their last furore aver tlie-mertois9f Mirth Mirth„ ua !ill`ci %mid skir- Pauline Cushman. She ball been serelibial mishing every day. We expect; to aver take end Ifeted,lota.of_presentaidate_Veitsjieti t 0 the retreating rebei'army tosday tluti we, are i r , , •. . her,! and the "loyal” of thetity have vied ail h now in the advance of the WOW _Allay ALAI I eaeli other in haaplag honors upon her.' The' P a tvo lh . e r f in g g e : f o l w in alr y t taff " , 1144 • 1 i i ; .," is t'k o rd i ei l i t a l t kri e ' l y P la ta id irl o r lively young lady was is tliiii.eitl;,and oneairri in the charge on thte.relittl fort, , ttlapiain Wells' quite as much of h sensatiorMeintphrativittly,' was wounded. Soma of the Miatien- county men ere wounded . 'the old Illtti i, luso rime ii u as she is doing hi New York. but ofeadni-, • Mir, anti lam quite proud of the ."! . ___4 tirely different nature. , Our eltixenel :iire; , big ly amneed•al tire graphicoacostustivot her I; , ~,, t* I You have perhaps heard (Attie piing here. , says i e letter to his brother on th , 20th ult., he pro rese; &0., in the 'Aietropellten papers.. . Dr. J. G. Holland, the autheit and lecturer,.,loiiriliega ssidhost.eottitintitat.:',7tie fighting has !completed a costly reahlintilf fit the Con. sit the bathe of liesi - cti, Oa , lasttid three days. .. nectiout Valley, near ldpelegffeld. - Veite. It is 'laid was most desperate old both. antra; and ve tilted in the total rout of the rebel seats, • I said to be one of the liatilitioinest ,and most Was selected by Cleu. Hooker to lend the ooarge pleasantly located pl*Ora . teN,erf It Ogltrdi hod l on the rebel I) itieries and aueoeeiled inditking the !Doctor's friends viry•tmitirally feel proud T ithe position iu the forenoon and holding it un tonigl, end brought : otl the putia of their know that his literary ' nfithr, ii.kil...qicell 04 1 14 . p battery' with' me as trophies: Attar I had eueeessfal as to enable him to otoain such an h , charged upon and taken the fort: with.tnY own elegant home- ' It Is neer stall 7ftai:s finds ill' regiment , Orueral 'illootier pleciti-m;v 'iii cum-, wat4 very poor; .hut-of late fortune has litvi4hed mend of all the troops seta up toldial.l the IkO her smiles upon Win with market, liberality. anion. I can . only describe ilt . , ttt. tv • re ceivet by saying that it wag ferlible. tirape, His experience is a striking ;,roof that, the • . lcanister anti rifle-balls literally filled the air. . , !, peO, rightly wielded, is , pot, the stCri pun , of t wag act douched ',at• ii,lliltd 14int:Couvautt PeietlcY many itnitgin.c lii.. - - - ' ro e so tar. All, howercr , wls;-c..pot se rum: •,• ....: . --.. :. q.,•:-,11... - • 'time, ns blue nett gray coais lit/tally' Covere'd, T he rapid lucre-air? in the t:roulstion or the the ground How I rscrpeil I tooi litpl 4 .cai.: OPtitinirt;;(*ribliffe I . lffirAidi§4l(4;isllla 4 been I had m) lull uniform. on ati.l 11 ' ,1,.. :k the let .it ti i e .. 1. i e r , t battle n h o e ito we :: was v . e e r t . 1 , r i, e il la i ' u r li a . c:ritl q i p i q i tie . s .l tar %matter of ea rdhch surprito to 119 Rs it ha, given us cause fait eongrat elation Without . imiy.ruaning 413 extr 3 , l ebk? tio f n'on, nu o , is, any effort nn our pni.l4• wt. itn4o 41.1E41 nrntly on Wy e , st ,, filo rebels navel, Glen ,friven a hundred u,,w_tiantes to our list since. toe Ist i from every position' to far, Tunnel, Hill. Russ, _ ~.• t! i. oft May , „,i,,,,ii!...e„ri 46;•,„41. Wii, 1 ,4,1 5 ' salad Roost, Mtlicrerk Gap,' Mien. RteSnen . ritnatin g stown. We have had . a mast soVere year's subEcriptioulivedrance L :Aotw .. ithsi and .. - ' a ,mpaix ,,_„.,,,„ fla t aa ,, migratory; eiri)-fighting ing the large politiOsit i ratijoglytilatust Us, le ! day and night; under ain 1101, eiiOllgh ,to ! this coauty, we begs re ' 4o;"to 6erieve 'hitt our ; tvoNt e ggs. We eaoret i•• I elisla to wake lc eiriculation now islully fa - e.i dto that of iltiost, de: ' ). : 4 '' N.l "`" t • -11 "1" . " 1 " °, fir"! r" ' us -- - --- liti li I shrill lie gib,' 'alien this 'imp iir ..., any other local journal is the Safe; out( that. ll -1 rest. I hi,•edsui lied * ley ^ "r- r- 7. ,-,t,- %. , , _ over,. as we a net tot, after erasing the titufetrut . , llllftrioros of ;'clothes or boetetutf for the lasti ten days ex donbtfal resptinsibility.• l ' l • - , . f t: . • ,ospi 1,0 ,wash. autlji'eep ; :du timpgtoilptl whet !..)•'., 11 1: ' 1 I tau get time to sleep et _all.: ',', • . Fey, the Spiritushiti, (those- ltdrtolitilUttes, , ! - I ft we du not meet with liiit,r t„iersoi I think. and'all'i Be cl 46 ,at '4Pn ' ir: in * .1 iiis "itiiii,citi,.'llit Rini; l' the Couto Jirsoy will somi NI pIl ‘47411i4. ' -,.., .- - `Nl'r. Dobbs, - of Tituertlle: Otte littifilitas to our i - .••• - . . !Oliitk A. titIIIIIAII, jr.„. citixass, reoently •osnievict irist inflroy; N. 14 'gm, mariner iii, !hut 'nodded -6y ow tip t i r m . - sekcyle ettitimperenpot ie wert fry" the boz igen glut, of the oommli tee venit, In, The lights werzpot tu;reed 4 3 )ww5Veilough ew4 the 'eoWoSittee eft* : .:!(so:', : i.)• iWg' hli heeds.. Ile eielf%14 1 111: ",t in.:7 o when _the letter "cried out. 14 •turtroitista.ili ;, • ; • liOts audience oontdn't• *Meet thr-poini" of tu l rning doiri 'the liglieliiieloie r iliiptlhe "Opiriiael deatOeurations.'. ceased tor , *viewing._ rzy.le;fiseleg, s pMbez ,itugh tits witereirerhe • • • - •- • Tit Erie & Pittsbwrg &slim& bee, at our iii - ten 'oiliittiekir — • :gtOW (Wednesday) engaged at the track upon ft. The coupes, expect to lie able to denser coal at tilt doe* by the commencement of niit Tisk, The tuistwitichtsekeen two% over the railroad has mostly gone*, Buffalo heretofore, but after: this time, the greater "aptonat of it will stop hire It mapLepturaliF , 'be expiated, as a consequeuee, ths our Lake trade will eteedl!y increase from this period on. i.I . ::Boss wag crested &Oa...mon' onr.Sepub i loan brethren, on Monday ', e ning by circa- Aititkii story that 13,stor Lary hjUl teen placed on the Lincoln ticket far VAce Presi dent. The expressions which followed, os the part of some of the "loyal," were not of 'lAbben.that would look well hi 'pi114..; , . The Warren Ledger itel - hell up 4gainst the Pressure of high price% as long ati it eitsti .. l, and in its last. issue announces an ilierryie of price from $1,50 to $2,00 a year: The Ledgei is a eoca paper, and we trusilliti ihmoonitit of Warren comity • will ~.s ustain it , Circumstances. • i • The dead body of an infant was plisoovered' in a islulos;way at Corry, .on Thersday the 26th ; ult. Tim matter caused much excite meat, and an Inquest was held, Which ,pro nonneed the child to have odMe to{ it, death by violent means. The zeal which some Democrats idispla the Cause is remarkable. They girle.their o. printing and nivertiolng to the Depublioan offices, and then wonder why ft is that a Dem- c ; ocratic paper dorm not flourish bottoir in their community. ' •1, The (hurt,. has nu editorial nevereiy setiord ing "fault finders " Our cot emporitry is!per: . lambi familiar with the subject, hy l teing been a "fault finder" with Democratic Adminiuro- - r . . tions for fully two thirds of its ettrit-4.r. ;-• The commandant at Jahason's INiand, Lake Erie, was notified on Thureday thai 'he might look out fcr an early ft rrival of abort k,OI)Q, prisoners Them, will swell. the's:lumber in 14 4 ,, durance there to about • - The delegates from' the adjointhk Congres hiOast district of Crawford, Venango a and Itlrrcer, to the Lincoln tionvon;rions, were CaEt. D. V Derrickson, of Nleosille,[ and Col. L. D. Rogers, cf Venqugo. Any person desiring to purcha-dkne of . .the celebrated Orovesthen pianos.. whiA received the highest award of merit at the 1V will find it to their advantage to Mill. at the Observer office. The draft to rupply the ilefloteudy in Orem ford county, took ptape iu Meadville, on Aon dey, the 20th ult ff The county uttered fto hotinty, and web IHthely in erreartuut.oxt her quota. ; . • One of the very' meatiest Attnitti4o Alamein the country is Itarpei's Weekly. iThe editor h t ne "copperhead on the brain" in alaY intense ly aggravated l'orm. The article on our first page, frotn the Phil edelphit Aye, is one of the hest we, have seen for many tuantils it should qa read„ky ; every t ody The draft for the • deficiency ini l Chat^.tiqua county, N 1. was held in Dunkirlt last week The .editor of the Union drew one of the , "yrize ACklar•llUa u u c %11.04.441.1. •11.1..01 thedolaistre, the did_ regidiunie.l4 Vat, up tb the 19. h ult., 247 men killed, itri,undeTi and alissaing. Mr. Hull, husband of ibs weli knleita.sing,:r, Miss Jason'lia, has opened a nulsio Meadville, in connection with a 31r. Cook. The edithe of the DAily , DispateA announies that ha Is "sacrificing hundreds tit dollars to establish and sustain a daily pap er in Erie John Reigee, of the Slid regiment, ie repor• ied to hare died iu the rebel hoeptial at Co ' Incubus, Us. • The rector of - the Epiicopoli d edraro3 iu • was roomed by Bishop Putter, do JOE , lit lust. , A p•+teut wiLi last week awardeittoßturittiatr •Troup, ,11 tha, cul t tur %V lila W hecl • . * tMmm the ysarlna 11•11 The Ot Ilb Regiment to the .406-Battles. %V. hove been favoridwith thl3 portimiti of o letitg• ;runt Cotoilet Cotiltto, .11,ire j yet1 to hi - mother, diced Pine Citapplei' (.14r, 17th, ft-ota Whialt wd at4ko 11ao YA,Xril bail; arei , bligir on *rans Tell as of every ,othett *lvoi e that oa family consumes, but they are eat as i bigh ofi 0 1 0 Nits?sisag 1,54/f.rdilic ectbejSaleratne will rise your biscuit, etc. , It you 4on't believe us try it. _ft is put.up in bright;cell{ad .:C h amia .1 SalisraLus, or .I,leueenife's Fiatir Ye, t_ ti Ben atio - thitagidOut"; Arroobtqt, for Coliglii, Onide, au.k Irritnted Theoatt i trot pgered via , ~11 the fullest a:mildew. ite theiv itma i er Thor hsre bead throusbly testel, An 'gain. sin the good reputation they hare j stir -acquired. As there ere buitutiosi, be trrin! 0 'tit ix Arpin via& ...r ow . ..„. • 1 ' Cps=, Jane 6, 186 4 . ---:. ' • • • 4 'l : '''''"aiiiiiiiideihatV l- ' - ileaeleolither. Week Xeselieyre I:lathe:tit will be b ld at 911 . 4 W• Village school boa, e. t on fie l t o WerWii, a1.10•otoleek a. m.—. be f ' italhlypergratime : 1 ' let el 0 flotleoirregby, by bliss 0.1 • 1 01 111ila_ ~ _' •Lirj ~. ~,„ 2,11. RiiadtmOsistiepi. Buss It. Garter; _. 4 • ad. idistalAflibmetio. Wu Id..llisg,l *, :4ti..improtepts! &fly" sl2,d criticisms 'ow the Semi, by all the Telpher'. 1 + 6th. .Cites Drill in Grammer, Min I. Ewing.: 61.1 r- Choi hi' Relating, !Niel Orov. 7th. Song . . 1- 1 •'• . - , ,•-• 1 •'IL A. CLARK, Prea't. 1 F. C. ilswatz, pisei: . _. l VW TO WOUNDED OLDIE RR—ALL SO DIER3 seleo 'have . taws Alemitarged by reuoi ItARLYSLI:IN ANY BATTLIki and whojtnteleLt•oliqa 111:12011,1D . DOL LA /SQUIAT ,spui — reeiiits.tb4ettme , now at once; appijing edible in person or by; lettat, al • 'TEM MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY. No. 427 WALNUT Street, PHILA-J DELPITIA. • • . JpEEPE E.! - t!Evrrua.compArrir. .PRIZE`MONEYt-:A Het of ALL PRIZI3B *PAYABLE TO BATE can be secret their of-! •fiee. These and-41 other olefins spins that; Government fibmptly collected. , WI . , Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of, Pay, &.p..o,aagqbopr.pcntedjorthe Widows, 0'01'128,1 -de* neitt•io vt'eliass *ho bitvit-d3ed. la the ; service of the United States • also, by Soldiers, and Seanietrwito are disabl;d by wounds re. 'ceived or dieeaar contracted, upon applleation: 1 317 - O ,P' ti~trrarti,; LiOSNIO4 USit4l7 and. • MAI 'Agedtr-'.olllositt thsCommonl ' conch Room, Wright's Bloch: earner 'State end Fifth etc, (dnder the Dispatch once,)! f t j e ? P ' 4 4 — • ' Lestf Re Vieti'ildnetatitly - ou hand a, large 'ideation of Legal Blenki, of approved' forms, such as Deeds, lidortgeges,,Judgment and Cotonion NoteS, Summons, Stib . pi:enas and • many others, not in such general Use. Those. in need , of these articles, will And it to their advantage to give our office -I , call, • tf ii 81) DE PS OIP v p.L lIADVrm.:-vbalir..ub.; A I•otto'Coettirenl, nelditait*, atddittea, Drowst- `, newt k tvi pinging * Uri we,. wising treat toe great a tines Orr lifiFor4 'to Aluattirad, ab, atd never be without RoApoittWe Pitta, and many highly UT/roue imp-, mm 1,11114" remora 4 y Wilt lastaadiat• rano. , i Turn .1 Witt° aaaaa a Ca. It. T., 10•1110. Jun of airs,' bias deed Btauldrirth's for' tweritgitiris you'll u hte solarnadieloa. When be heals Mama'' , null:vaned be it froinCold, ftheornattans, Asth ma, ffiadawba, Billloai Afoottons, Carbonises, or trel- 1 tntion of tile IT,ldnata or tilaibiar, ha ddh - notbing but' tali. a tow dos* a or Nand - rain rill.. • Ilia ulna] method Tito tali* ate ptila, sad ma the' dote, rata 3112,1kt:one gill. •in wry. attack of a beep for t•n•littity erti Tear , this 'lupus IWO ed titan hued 'to .e.tore biro to liafth'i apd (bar= ton ate to found an aetlr t e and 'warty as be. Alay 2044 r• gntd 14'. Dr t. Stitnic. Erie, lied br all rempaatabla deal ers in • - ialiciaes. : m714 Imo i ill it- on atirlds&l tAJo 11, dit. liCr 141 HNC . • ; •or tiEßViltni 13 VALID; febttehed forsthe•heurent and es • mutton to young nien.aitid oth.ei vibe wisp from Nervous Debility. tnetocel Deasy er.ltstibobli. he.; implying et the nine Um. the means of 84f-care. By on. who bee cured bitanett s" nodurgetogediselderstio quacksi - y. .By enclosing .744 -paid aildresedd eeseleceseing+t , copies way be bad theenthor, - 1 Bargains& HATPIin. Tieq • 1 }14 * 8431,.- . 1 • ; Brooltlysyrnage Co., B. Y AT D. PIERCE & CO'S. • • WittnitrA Faked ITORSLATat sr tT1:1111/TOR PLOW. . . .ith o Tkind. „ •T ~. foilowinz IRV lc of Um iUirantage• tikia Cultiratoulhlas litter se wry la use: 4 tat,iLightness and",acinililtty.' t ing lands of th• bellt quality of steel, highly poli.bed.. oind the *bola to meta 4reighleg fix= bittopelbe 3. ' -1 . 7. ' 1 . . 111 'Adaptation to more kindßOA work than any other ilultiVator,known ; beiag_ i perf..ct and thorough Cunt ' riitor wbefritivr.4lliltb ell. (he teeth on, fearing. tee• gropod even awl er-I, and wothing nearer 'the roll than key other Cultiltaftn: ~ I .'t 'i..f. ; Ily rewriting "the a .74 - teekh, 'mid - attaching the wlnorto roe eboiel, It fit the meet' perfect Implement for htilivg thitcan be band • ••• ethf It is tre vest impletneet tau covering and a [cell peat, 4 ever in tiosti.d;.-Aj min and horse can corer pp. I ?steer as flat a• it horse ear, walk, End a Was and teat, [ wan 414 from. -le., to 400. bliss a4f -potistrieeto a day, when:ilia crop le a fair one. i , I etni I , w.kr_ofielly well lb coio, or any kind of erep iela ,iiing cultivating, and In moat ctigibludhbelngnan be 44.eneed with. - I ! 004, flasiljgpeos. egnefillefengm even, ii;iride of weir* le wkdoki It *eh" spplted ;Ade hil lie r having in ohr 1 Implement 001 that ta ormonoiry fat cultivating and UN- Jr g ail kl .1 of coverior end digging potatoes. N ulate.rlei • eartiorstre fro 1. thi most influential farti e,te luihii l'ulte I :gate.. might be iiven of the uperintity Dr ties at ofer all othirev derlgityfl for Ilkil i .)11tpo era. Weohall he pliowe4 to receive Ocall from any ono SO Ilet4Ell.titt:DrO4rilld espliaa tat them the merits:o. the iir.l6+ Hon.,. save over all °tiler implements of the kOoll Wu shell el.e keep on hied, Ineoueection with ourili' , JOrirr /tad Hour' moose Ilea Goode, I 'dompl,r 10 1 , , r iniinf A . . 'l " - • f l - iII2SV.: ItA1l.1.:•, II a Nil fth'il: SC l'iHKA.' illitt,..l l 'lei tI!Y ftk. 341 1 4/.. t .Slo ' nettk,ipedee, foe., .‘,.. ition't fait It., give us ar . ailf i "fI:III. , CF. A, I . i oraer ofSbato24: Ninth Ste., Erie, te. A 1.11,0. ,1.1. ir- itirtiVen.LUO., 4q:Nortb hut, l'a r . i ,11. PI tCRVII do Cu., Ata i ,b;,..g irate f Inform the public getnorvity_ that ter :fiaewren..n 4 lf ail eelthe unntilkelming of TIN and t'l P -1,,,,,i2 it Al/t•: to !twit bualara., amt are uow prep nwl to older to then pe4ty e leteyarlOitplerk of HOUSE FUSIN- Nu fs, li embracing every variety ci.uilly 'fohnd in I' et in.. r aprifi-,lt. , ' , -: ~ _L., L.,. :‘ (ilezettethypnj t " - ,! 4 ..' ,ANTHRACITE i , ~,,. r. • . B .I. l P , U•fit 4Nau s. COA L ! ,- __ i • : • . 1,.' - '77... .. i 1 , .., • • ' 2, v " 4 ' • L tla; , ;'4 , l«rito:i . dl l eripcitralic iikutillihar&Sti,(ollb. lined Bray Avid vicinity that toll; will nor:tire,- to deal t, , ..; 7- (tuNlßVllyllig (lag pillifelt N ear, CIA 1! . •/ + r, .. • • ." , Jti ' I 'II. i' s 6 /../ D i S A'N 6 ": , • . i coR.NKR bF-:. it 1 - . . --:--ifilz-irli --iirliEKT - -AN 6-- TH ii. -GA NI AL . . cot, ~.,1,•••• „,..... -01 i ' ,• bo p,,4o4oii;tse.orimeee Ai Viill Mau led Coal ci 't n . i t. .' ~i r t :_fiii' lial fin l I i k I , t. t Rot; ' - tiir 'S .1 ALLI Q''4Nnfl E 4, : , ' i , i Awl at Ste ...; • t : .I . , At 1 LOWEST M. 1 .11 . Iry .i.PHICEB 1 1 : • I intn...l paying apiatal Aittlitaoitei 'Ccial: Ttai I, And wuf o;co T o rt! j‘ t t p,•• 121-11LRO 41) BRIDGE 'OVltial. e d EK, ' • :II bore t wllt keel' on beak 'l4l , F, BIESTQ t, t T lIE S If two kind tt 1 %01 1 ; • ry",oo , •rii for either Cntlxriwtteor , Etltitiota. , ua Coal pill plllll4.tly tto ti II" any2A-3m -t W. . TO,Olll. . - ..r . _ CT .. Jinn. firria 9711._ 11 1` ,Iti l If. uNDF.461,0 ' D.. 0 tk.Eizi PO R -•...- ..!.....4 . 1 .1 0. I, liiikCart Anti i , .boil AI ~t • ••uttif i',:i , 4). ilae - .014 filikcal roe:, li eonv ( tr ,, •4 lit••s•tra aNatii - "_!1+ roll ir.adlallui,- n4' the ma M.:4. 0 6; 260 i! '144: .. , ,ir.f...• tad *mirk ►. Arai eL is (.4 ,- 1 ~; .. .1 iitiarivii4eist , i, Knitted irlitt la Os the ' t (~,u. i tie.1...e.1 ~ .4414de,p1P441 , ioufl Pill grist- • i 1.1,4 Wiwi A • .O.IIT. ‘llOl t ..(14; ~ ....tiry rrl 4. IltroTH nig E.: t,,,... I I iirg. utak alum • 104 1 FlAng : Li t 4 soul . (34i0 UAtiotaaeothitt onlAbillittakil. ? 1 renal siv a ,Apoll latib4l444r4iirair don the 'revel 14401rait. i i.. - , o:is a l.. •- i. . - :1 .1 _ ! . .coe xtvra. !; - _ : •, - Ai, W. 1111:SdllINSON. . • 111. St t ' ' . ' Ol '. - 1 4 Jnite a etit %In to, „ . _ 014 ( ;, tfmtir4.' ~ , _. ;. • It Eli $ IIVIII''':::11#01C P O. Y i N T•• y.l A., 01 oilier OlatetimilloM , 4 :111444illsiont ahtinsAali, • . ~ ,:I. • f o laktik Pea pi . • . i .j a O ;i " PELABOXV , It ABLE... . ' / • l ir App!lzAtion birtipitrittadr& •`sem ai ise ii it ,,,Ka-;16 ~...3 . 4 •,y. ,e w4l .••,• •••1 • • glrell-Ilm Notice. •L'Ert glig 41F !AvitpustßATll.P t s th.ortubildlltritatarabli Odd, laic at tea a tprit.l Mixing !trap er NA andatatan a d, ...I to. 1•140.011,04140 ll*4+ UN/ -etauas; "cacti 1' 'IniT3I4WikSW at add Otatt tiUtit, Wild stile: ,iob4d 12 'ke 01110/044 10 tat vitt. • i t . EI •bj! go low*, oinpAusuir. mil*-014%, • 3 ',farry-for I . ullaßtBigtied , Igo ' ' ,fore • elk Itii flew,eitet<sodisilk tear relict tut ier deems ebb Labe meal • -Pk s 4004 Mat, of cinltivAtble. pet ytettc•kultli ea red wi f Imr- e ehini to bac E:rairlre,to thitinyee on the #ridtions, et bill* IteleentlitC Matt Lteett !taste on iStreet, between Siete sad' now". • '!-West4 =" —•- - 04 OSODRITIL :„, ;.• ttv t ,r t 1 ,7 MEE ~., -; , --CONFECTIONERY. FANCY CANDY, of all kinds, PLAIN CANDY, do., FINEST FRENCH CANDY, CHOCOLATE CANDIFB, ! lo .;‘"' CREAM CANDIES, do. • Fresh French Candice ern , day,- Fresh Ckicoa•Nut Cream do., Nish Almoncremidy do. ME FRI,HT. ORANGES,' LEMONS. TAMABINDs. Lust Ns, PRIINEs;" _ CANNED TOMATOES, CANNED PEACHES. PICKLES. SARDINF% GIJAHA JELLY. FINE SALAD OIL. HERMETICALLY SEALED OYSTERS. FOR BUMMER USE, KEEP IN AN Y CLIMATE ORANGES AND LEMONS ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY. -1 , NOTIONS. i PHOTOGRAPH A Lull:4lS AT REDUCED PRICES. FINE MOROCCO NV A LLETB, LADIES' MOROCCO WALLETS LA DIES' FINE PORTHONNA I A NICE.ASSORTMENT OF BIRD CAGES. A NIGF. AND DURA BLE TRAVELING BASKET. MEERSCHAUM PIPES, • BRIAR PIPES, MEERSCHAUM CIGAR' TUBES, AMBER CIGAR TUBES, TOBACCO BOXES, ' TOBACCO WALLETS, MAGIC TOBACCO BOXES, GAMES ik AMUSEMENTS, DRUMS AND FLAGS, UNION CARDS. PENS AND PENCILS.. PAPER & ENVELOPES, INK,-GEN UTNE, mpiattANDUM BOOKS. PASS BOOKS, SLATES AND BACK-GAMMON BOARDs, FINEST ENGLISH LEAD PENCILS, CHE,SSIIEN Cii EQUER,II EN, UUK ICELAN U MOSs COUO H CANDY IS SELLING RAP- IDLY AND GIVING GOOD SATISFACTION CHINA. DOLLS, all Sizes, PAPIER MAMIE DOLLS, do., DOLL ITEADS, New Styles, DULL HEADS, all Sty CHINA BABIES, all S 1 DOLL BABIES, %II Si TOY PAINTS, TOY 800 & large 'Assortment of Toys & Notions, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRAcTs FLAVORING EXTRACTA, PERFUMERY. , NIGHT , BLOOMING CEREDs, HAIR Otis AND POMADES. A LARtiE 8TO(K OF CHILDREN'S CABS. CARRIAGES, PERAMBULATORS, DOLL CARRIAGES, 'ruY CARTS. • DU.UP CARTS. &C. „ J FRESH BREAD! FRESH CAKES FIMH CRACKERS! FRESH MACAROONS ! EVERYTHING FRESH! . ICE CREAM, LEMON ICE ORANGE ICE • . PYR VII bS, 3LACAROQNS, i t KISSEA, *1 *., /LADE TO ORDER, . . AV iiIMEII. & istiettiespor. We -Wives nice Asiertruent of RUBBER BALLS. RUBBER COIL BS. • RUBBER BRUSHES. RUBBER GOODS of ALL KINDS 20,000 CICARSI . . . Chotita Bran:►, at Wfiolectle and Retail. BAI4IIIORE OYSTERS -RECEIVED D4ILY, 4 - T he.`:1111 & As: N 1)1. VAIII ETY Of =I 1111Niii fis' 111,111010451,. WE ARE FA - YING PARTICULAR 'AT.: I...WERTION TO THE JOBBINO TRADE AND OFFER ANYTHING IN OUR LINE ' UPON FAVORABLE TERMS TO THE TRADE. CATALOGU ES t . SEN7PON AVPLIOATION. Bener3urgess, NO.I GUTS BLCKUL, SUE, BBIIWA, Erie, 3167 4, IN& :• 41 .10 1 0 111 10 .11 11 9*0-04.Wer• TUE BtrESCRIBERB Baring parchiistcl .11. 'Ow 'Minato* r d l e f he mitabtMotto and oils of Um abets ban pormagently abb. lished leant otMary of the male to WO CITY, Pa. We ebbs for our boyar that It is anporter to any other now in /borket foremast ressolg, it IS LQL3 autiPinATitm k A suM7,lll MACHINE ' it is a well tioldnrstood prierfoitin lb/eh/gage th .1 be lead oompliestion and4e lead wearing Immidaery„ mosemes to ottosetwo parposolor ehichlt is doer bated, the loft r. burs the ally siiliteleared ]beer nowin the Markot, and it will me& ne argameat to convince fathers that because of this bet, it will be ter liable to get but of order, and MOM !Malty reiglrod If moidantally broken. ". Our etewor is bettailhan any of its competitors Pr • othe r s la the eonottnedon of riVat Ischises, their m Imolai/ad .7,1 t secemary to gear them op to a It_ _ gh motion, to ormeat hem/dors Mom Nnohlties built the hlgbelt - ingtion have been moot Freer with flallMli,Sll has teen one of the worst dtlaeaht se to ba itifercamos, and thi higher the Motion ilmo lass Holoogin; By an immovenunt whiobere balm =W..% our Wager, prevent clogging and retain a low motion ; our hairs maids loss than fourteen involutions he um of the drive wheel, ,which token than twer..thirds of the motion ha otSer Warbles.. Hence they offer Imo toslatanoo lop ths horses, and are coonsofamobi titan them ore higher motion. ; uottatfe la oilseed on a Hoe with theezis of the drier wherl„w lab is limed genii:ably In mowing on I knoll in agulls{ ; having* eonspanativelgiow motion it is log hallo to break when brought up " by a hidden stub or stone ; and Uwe, added to ttio fact that we use a lim ber cutting-bar. enable ne mooryougher inesdown with g_reatar linpun ty than can be "done with any other Hower. ;mooting ,Le tongue, our Machine 11 mode wboliv of //on taxi steer, hence le_ more obrobb than those made largely of wookand therefore oriels to shrink. *wall and woar ou “131E,N ESE IS VALLEY" 'wEIGIIS 3 UT LITTLE OVXR.6OO POUNDS, Awl Ito thAimplicity tif its machinery, I • imagoes at mbtion and its !undone 42m high gearing ownyire bit*" it the WIWI /W 111111J,WI MiOWaitUSED I The Iwo t o r is doubled to thiair the Shaft attached to tie knife • u cod In' gear et *astir* .• and hoeing * limber tbe knifetesuitis folded tip over the Machine. sod berme It can be inudesiently transported from fluid to field std will occupy lees storage room when haying Is over. The seat to artaiii-d by wawa of long 'steel di/rings dio that elderly moo and partlallavaUdi ars enal•led to went& It ; and its elin,dicite of gearing makes it more ord.-lees than &nb:di-oared machines. It will be an advantspd to Lamers In Kris, Crawford and Ashtablila mantles, and in wicluities sontignous to nor meoutentory, to boy =elders made near home, so that, if any p..rt allotal be aieidlintally broken, a new plena amid be more readily auditinited. • To men of trepunaialty, I ring where the I'ileoesee Valley" nano; beet:nisi. irelliake this 0 50 W. will let you titbit 011.-00 be &grows/mut on your pert to &alibis* It, prodded Ii shelf *roes ,as gocd se herd& neutomended, ir.* being as bags We believe In the sote/tiority of our Motrerro. And shall e I braes ever, rP.ttntliey to persuade tamers to glee them • Theo,etreinne sro based open ac oaf experiment.. ,leer ono h . ndrod mechanise were bourbg and wed bg farmeie iu L‘orth-sesteatt Pe atiellren* the past ...eon. to eery otO, of who ws refer persocia dentroua of pur, ehseins. Ono man mowed sixteen armee la one day, and somber migrad au acts to f.rty manitte*—both doing . their work *ell. We publicly challenge all persons intereet‘d in tbei role f rival mowers, to mat as to &Trial blowing Ifatdu e on all *or* - rotted , -ro,, and in all gotta of gums. We claim b abldit9 MOW rougher meadoln, to tn. - ;Lon: emu In dsf , sod to mow tie saws suuttgir of acre. arab (1,. ; ' ease, thou can dote with any other At' •• del & well tilebeB waver, including, two ' It ; a gat rat oldpole.trera, t for cue bandied Ism et 04 atop. 4 astern manufacturers are chirgtmg Ye -40na illsairo as el'gctrebtalog rancid am or of obtain ing • Ire 4C, for the d.,me, wilt iced no at chi old Lit„:10 Foaniity r on Federal Hill, or can 1041'40ns at Lei , ' Pa. Lobed-11 dlazoctot• muds to errata . Erie, Pig, liarels, 11164.4 m. J.& b Dlrcemioaß. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Siegel, Vincent & Co., Groieries, Flour, Pork, Fish, SALT DOMINOES Ales,l Wines, Liquors, Cigars and TOBACCO.- • CANDIES, Lowest Market Prices. UNION BLOCK, Botwoork Broinev Hotel aadYreztch St tuall4ll44L BO I NNET STORE! Wou'd reapectfully eel attention to her • LA.It GE ST 0 CK: (11...0.93) DS , , Just rectlyed fro s New York, anibracinT Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, dm., Ni .ther with some i .11, -B. Y G 0 0 D'S ! Which she sill Nell _ - in4-IC&P FORO.U;11, OR RFaIDT-PAY. Eir Pahlentar sttintion paid to tdeaatitti, cotorisq and peassitr' . - . Rote on 1 -."- t it.. 1 tinors abate the Moo'. Frt.. Pa. 1 . aprko.3l. ' L -_ OLLi PRICES,, / , NO ADVANCE!: IS ISELLIN(I, WALL PAPER ENIE Farm for Sale: • • HE Subscriber offers for Sale his Farm in Straturit tp, Erie Ca., re, corruptions vinery aereo of good soil, nine miles from Frio city, nn the U* a tido! Shunpike roa I, and four utl'eo from Wale' faT well watered, with sm.] buildings, -fair fruit and rainy seres of wood laud. App3y on prelate., for forth r l a e ra i a d t . a . Wile b. sold on earonablo Mins JirliSi %OR 411 111 EATING SALOON. It t... .I••• ••• at t o.ta I.e•t• 31.4 I , t 7•111/, Ititj.itataft t tVt , t li•ndkme etre, anti' tt sot. • el eel), to be teat r••••••ile nV. • t)I:&..ITERS, • ILI tele ola tic u, u••••• • Sept in a Aaliaktl, I.llr, t to rrta•••n , ••e m a I• 4 •er e.I. r • •ac.r. , ittll4 -111 g t fl (SS alit I)Z 111 9 , TU tl •hp ,r I. Kupo • It!: thtg OICEST LIQUORS & CIGARS. • e lit•t Mu.' • 4,001. oil aro socit" , • Au • t • Ora eativactino. I reepectftety solieit the pat r. , ot tho itatattnttot .tte4-qta, ' P. CI:00K, havttig t4,kfn in Ire ; • *Tomei V., mil a partner , no tho Itt da 4.8 ;r•l o 1 no d-r the ral waste ofJ•klK •k' K = IL- ho • keno:taut of his old secoutt w Aelt !e hoe ing tla-tn e sea trd to h= art, rrquv-tell r r^ I and kettle 'theta desoty 1 - !JAMES P. CROO T ICik SON, • • TS LULUS Lx - RO Mart AND PLANED LUMBER ! • 2(r) 11:1Nr7iozosioln oP V l indoif Suh, Fnaies, - mt,rl, , ,is• - :4 vD PRICE? FENCE. Scroll Sawing, Matching & Planing ! • : LOto CI,EOE .1% * S Peach . 31., helices Ith and sth Rs, E I PA. ' NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, r•eptedially Bail die attention of tin poblio to our rettlitleonw doing work to the beet of style, promptly and oi removable tamm., Ratios Sited; up mainly new *IQ asperlarywacleirtm - y,PoisOomildoot ofgty t efeetron. lor Orden lt abroad will receivepreempt attestles. emaralltf. • 1 - 11111 P. CROOK k doN. IVE U S /-0: ,LZO§Oggi," , Can M 1!1t4 4 4.5t0 WILLIAM WILLING,' FROFESSOL OF mum. 'MEDICAL NOTICE. rt R. IL A. SPENCER laving located tortoonootty tq tle ett's of 114a,W1R t M iromPt ittantios to all sills la tbo llso et kb Sros4 Pot. ytatst ottostloo will Os Ova. to IStrail dlosomi of as ITS. Oen sod outdone, tic 1130 trio; tor o f sad Ps" e r a tocaploi by J.B.Joirilooo. ailtlll4l4l (Summons to C. Siegel,) DZSLER4 IN . WATER LIME, GLASS, i CARBON OIL, 1 CRACKERS, OIL VITIUM, GLUE BUNGS, AT MB MRS. 13. 11 HALL• , I oLI) PRICF4NNO ADVANCE!! J. C. SELD;E-N---' AT OLD PRICES New ,Firm. II ROPE, I.RIE, PA V;Tnt..4K;