Young's Emporium, NO. 4 WEIGHT'S. BLOCS. 'YIN'S HAIR CRIM.PEII,B, At souveakett week, en hood sod for ado AT YOUIW' BMMMM. WILLOW CABS. Tits best to the sl .vet—etest,l l ^'lbleeld hmlitettli r YOuNfiva asnvatv3i. PORTMONNAIES, Neat.—Carapriaing may variety, AT Tovricos EXIL•01111731. TRAVELING B•GS, if. bat orististue, kr ails S AT TOIINCIPS 131P01/40141. B A 8 -IC E T 8 , at al IlaNittp(Saaa. tlia bed asortagat t• the ray, •T YOUNWII inrOLUIXI INDIA Bl7BBlai BALLS, trieq ved47. AT Torso's EXIMILIIIII WINDOW SHADES, Nadia, 011 Cloth and Paper, altasptr than Übe ahmkpatt AT TOUNG' 44 EXPOS/JUN PERFUMERIES AND SOAPS, • Wye sad Imasatifal aolleaUos, to bo had at so pi t , mut shaver than elatirbara, ♦T YOUNG'S 111FOIOLUIL lIIIIROIDEBT. _BEAMS, DEE.3.I BUITONS. LINEN AND MAULED cue's, AAGW RIIMING, . AND ZOETE.% AT uvulas 'tumulus PICI'URB AND BLIND CORD, A rod variety, - YOUNG'S EMPORIUM ERIE COUNTY MONEY Taloa at Paz hr all good; at mutar eta rata, sad so AT TOMES ZIWOUIVM. BACK COMBS, • ballaensikilk at mosortssaS le widish the attaatios of the la- AT YOUNG'S SSIPOSIUM. POLAR REFRIGERATOR, Vasa ellid fast ebtsal but e am usdo—espeziar to all, amened dlt • AT YOUNG'S IIKEOIIII7M id sad $6 Mato for Horns, Itintrosunrs. "Only 4.fitllbls rontedlos known." "Troo from k olsons." "Not dampen= to the Sam Fondly." "Uinta come out or their boles to dlo." Bold Whole/aim In &Margo cities. 5014 by stl.Draigir son / Komi!. ro rrorrrhont. II! !! !of worilaloes baltattain. - Ler aft that .I..Orynieo" name is on each Box, Bottle and Fluk, before you bur— glir Address H KNOX If. COSTAR, jran l y r all aa 9 4, 11- hole ro? rolo B on a d I ZstTal ri br 'r u . lyst to In Pa. marl 9 61-6104 . 0. DR. WEBSTER., or tIPTALO. HAS LOCATED IN ERIE, PA., IN sapirrwee. I lock. above MeerD'a Store—ens trams os South side next the Pert—where he la prated to trest au merrilly bprepared Inlicaltion of fixygenized Air, ALL traits:l *Until. Tbs Oirigen ts• br ash.. linectle tato the Longa. and shr-uxt them ate led tato ti e In) d, expelling ell Impi nge/AIM the aestest at d Imslingany and scary d aerie with *Hob It ui .a to •ootse ._The ease. of Coughs, Cows mai ilJoattacit on. is I- :S. tis, gen in the els *re breathe By the , , L 'lt n oxygenised ale, the torzod becomes or s a aided, and d.asias disappears Brief *Late L., ,u.a. A • aiselsk• tett. la o'th/be:ern tilt mire any of the .si/owlng east Lispepas Neuralg e, Rheum's- Urn, Palpltatrin Pero eViepay, bruptlons. Coo sa:4oli, Asthma. fir nehitia,ne - ora is, I4ver tseriplalut, Nerrotusese, from wh.tever awe, Di .tuft Brestbiag, Cancers, Halt Rheum, Erysipelas. Mercurial Diseases, rang CorltOslitts. STPhtle. Tema* Weaknesses of all Wade. and is Dec; sliminess:is requiring a puiLleation of the blood. We trust we have sld stealth to amino. the phllo• soplikal mind of the 'dime, of the oxygenised air as a "remedial agent. and to White the &flintsd te plate thew selves at once mad-, this treatment. CONSULTATION YU CIL - Yereury VISIBLY draws from the aystem: Volunteer teselmosals from prominent eitlassa of New Tort and Brooklyn, who hirrobeen wed by this treat amt. IS* be wen at his rooms. cr: W Bareabia the niersSW bean , froai a. al. to 7p. es. Kir fiefeBTSZWBIGBI BLOCS • ABOVE MIREILLVA DRY CIOOD3 STORE. Ala* sort for the sale of Dr Fiartairranes Popular %sties. of 21111 pos. so Buaimbeldtlam end the Dea lustebtotkon. , ish2ollll-ly-dm• NEW FIRM. SMITH & GILLMORE, (Sessoillor to I. 11. Smith.) NirECOLEFIALE AND RETAIL - DELLS:ILI 1, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, 123:1 M I r XVII% igTallatT, WWl= MUTE AND LOMB IMUCSTS, VIM IL H. SMITH. A. P. mum?. son 4-4.. Farm for Salo. TEITS undersigned offers for sale, until a Um INh of ToGravy mixt, his Mum in Summit tp,soatafaiagonohandadsodfortyatm. tool • or leek Gas Modred sera Improved • the balsam good Jim berkgood farm batiotaimoretard sod Is troll watered, It istustad 7 miles from trio oU.tho Waterford plank rood. if oat fold VINO above date it will too rented for jaza No IR MOM tf. yam. JA KW JOHNSON. ld FOR - RENT. Valuable and Dadrabla Stand for a OROCBRY OB GENIIIAL COUNTRY ROB B , • . At tridge, WArree toasty, Pa. - •• The beilftm _le of Stone. Tuth a las. dry cellar. There la ale. a DLtrllle NOM attached, Which wiLl maid ler pa r ti e d" dd Irte & s died. - I P.M. SlDDlAsiasat i WM. ' r Irriee, Wares tle., Fa. RE&DY PAT STORE • J. & MINNIG visit liggedGibr Worn Qs Pablir that tidy b purchased the 1111X1rel OltOCZNill 0? JAMES AL 'Lbs.% csuu or ihn an oafs nia - 11Vburalkoy !stead to keep so good as moortarat of • TAMMY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, IMOD 6 1/1111W WAGS,' ADD IfASESIT GOODS . as ',kW to Eric Beet Brands of Erie County Pkror 1 Apt conataatly as hood sad WAJULA/f7SD A GOOD 4/ITICLZ/ rboidgbei Xatiod, blob odd for an Mall of OM** !Moab. - • • Air Goo& delfdprod Goad allege tif ow port of the "s 3! ' o. floitrifte] A. EINNIO. LIALLIE SUPPLY , - - striainatamout received. No salphor, as mmooll. 274 Med Porta Machu tin WeriL isiolority win us thaw arise oas tnaL tor asim by tho boz o Sisosu and vas. • libmaJ dismount to So Tons. . DMZ i MIMS, MOM Coal* ant tasksabo. NOT ALCOHOLIC congsTRADID VEGETABLE =DUCT ! A PURE TON Doctor -Hooflini t d's GERMAN. BITTERS, •i• • - PREPARED .DY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILA*O - A * PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER 'COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA., isiotaitet, atm* yr Nervous Do ir 144 Diatoms ef thirodsteys, cautallDimases arifiegfrin &ordered Zgv: er sr Skruosit. `nth as Conatips• • heard Mee, rallasserilosd es . the Head. Astalty of the Star ash, name. Heartbars,Dlagaat tat nod. Iralleser or illfoiabt ta the atevoieh. Row se Illatteriaa at the' pit t irille s==whe , almost the Thad,Harrted sod &Heals flotathles Irlattertha at the Heart. Melds, or Ballosettag sea- ' tattoos skies is a Wog poster. Mous el Tides, Dote or Webs Wore the latest. Peraread DaU Pala lathe Head„ - Deeatetury of rofirptrafloo, Tellerasee of the akin es 4 t 4 es. Pala le the 814 e. Hack. ChM, LIMN, l Sadden the Flask, Males of Heat. Darokla ta.. la cos • slut lotagtetaLlon of Evil. ' sad areal Dept& - otos , •f • , VD U& , AND HILL' POMMY PRE , - - TELLow rivsa. DUIOVB &C. THEY CONTAIN NO =Or M n‘7. r r rM ?b,7 Wi29. was ? st ar t I: h air les la lasty-alse awe BOMBTRINO TO STiLENOTBRII lOU DO YOU WAXY L , TOtl WAN 1 'A GOOD APPETITE? DO TOD WU? TO BUILD UP YOIirICONTTIITION ? DO Teo , * Art TO PEEL WSLLI DO YOU VAX? , TO ' GET RID OF NERVQIjSNESB DO TOO II Z N X - R a Y ? DO You Wart TO SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT ' A BRISK AND VIEivitoIIII,FEILING lr rou DO, I I*FLAND'S G t BITTERS. Ras LI. Room lirews. D. D, Lair qf tke 1 fleas of Railgimis Zawilerfge. Sot dt+yowd to favor Sr mand Patent ifectialase ia • through diatnald of their laredl ante ands I yet know of so Widest twos why a rum may soetaatify to the basalt 'be beliermi h l to have received from any. Simple imparsilos t tbri hope that he may coortillatte to Mae bialellt of *thus dpi this Sae anerelmadilly wad ItalloallnadS Get man Bitters, prapared by. Gr. G. dbolkom, tido city, oesinami 1 was prejadiesdiagailmt loam fee oars, ander;ibe imprmelon that they were Wetly as mintage. lam inifebtea to my friend Robert filhormakor. Esq.,Tor the renunal of this praladlee by proper tests sod esambiagimmat ta try them, ekes anifestag trawl greet end low ematlonad dshdbty. The mot tbrime frat tisa or them Sitter% at the Ingtonlag of the pramet year, ea" tillo sad by ‘imt ganef. mad imtoration to a dir pee of bodily sad mental tiger whisk: 1 bad sot bit six mostbe balloremat hod almost damilaired of ragaialm. I therefore thank God and my blend for directing me to taw nos of them. PKILADPA. Jras 23, isa. J. Xli 'MON BROWN PAIRTICUMN :NOTICE. There an many preparations sold "actor the of !Was, put up la quart bottles. Ocousimpoodo4 of Om :beeped whiskey or common rim. eteltibit from to 4•1 °sate inners.inners.the taste annum! by Anise or COIIIIA- Ole& This duo of Bitten hu awed and trip sestina to mum, se lon as they out be void, buttrods to die the loath of the draakard. By ttudr use tie intent ti kept asallauallr coderth.hdaosee - of elooholte 8 tianthotta 3f the were kind, the desire for Llipiar le asked arid .opt up, arid the nista le all the beetore aktialatit upon iruulard'a lite sad death. dear those who demre and smitt Ana • Liquor Bitters, we pyabtbh the following receipt: Bet Oss Maas Hoe- WO. Gfersaa Bitters and nix with Una Quote ef mud Snag ar Whiskey, sad the risen will be a preps. eauss that willies ezeel to seedienni virtues and true nailing any let the numerous Liquor Bitters In the menot, and inn sod :ea tea. Yea will have all the •littlitie of liners in cower:lion with artiste of Liquor, at • much len pries then these otopentione wUI opt yea. at.l men, sad 811141 n. WO all the attention of all having relations or Mends In the army, to the fact that "LIOVILANIYII Aleasaan Hitters" %lien= nine-tenths of %bedlam@ ladaced by ,spoilnice and privations incident eq camp We. ' in the llitc;publialled almost daily to the es Oat airfoil of the id" It will he rolled' that a "ay Urge noptirtien ere %realm from ieldlitr. Every ems of that kid ma be moths mind b 'ficrodases 'lemmas Bitters. Wham mmiltiag from el the dirm• the mass arospeediiy removed. Its hive se lissitm. bon .n stating that, it thee, BUM were freely seed giasoec oar soldiers, hand:ids of lives might be saved —tat otherwise will be lost. We salt partimilar attention to ths thlhowisg nmsrk• able and authestleated core of, oat of the eatiorea heroes. whose life. to nee his dawn Inagiagn. .•baa been saved by the Miters i" estottuarsti, August Ud. Marc Ji• 4, Coasis.-11 on, gatlayoen, per Goof - Norio German Bitters hoe saved soy Ida Them is no arta* in this.. It le sonatad for by nankeen of my oomradell.102:10 of whom Damn art • pended„ ad who were folly oogotuot alai the area of my OM. _tam, and have been for the Mat four yews, a member of • Sbmmu'e onebrated 6attory, fad Wader th. immediate tow abd of Cantata& S. Through the •up► of a attendant upon is 'Edema daties.l wee able-Mod u vaunter saes with a tbe tangs, aad ator seventy.two days In the begat .1. Thhe was fol tone. by great &alit, , issood by as Attest, el • dye , outer(. I was CM I'Mered rpm th e Ilfhltetnia, la d sew 0 the oat, oe booed the soemoner *state Sante from which I landed ea tree 28tk. of Jae. Obese that Ir a have been about* lonr a Say one mead be and I retain a 'put vitality. tar • we* or snore I ateuvely able to etrallar anythiag, A 24 if I aid fora a morsel down, It was bans4lately;thrown no eat& I could sot MU blapllolllB of inter a my stoma, Lidioosid not last ander atm eirommaseeses and a •Grdlssl/ the phYsielmee who had been working Sla tes', though tussuoessafully, to raga as from the grasp of the druid amber, frankly told ea that they maid do no soo rotor me and 661121 me to ea • derv mass, sat to sake sea dleoqation of my Limited rands ~ eteafted me: Ax betiiliAaseewho stilted me at th." ,taepital, Mr. Fredonia of Muth below • - otokitsevt, advised see, aa • loans to try your ?Moment! k_salty prwourod • boats. tios two 1 osunessod taking them the gie•my shadow of death mr• Med, and I am sow thank Uon. br It, getting better. Moult I have tams , hattwo bottles. hare paled to . porWs, end I feel sanguine of be lig pasmitted to alas tmy wile aid daughter,. from who ml havehead nothing r atbteen months; W. Pittios••• la • /*AI Vir pan, from the Tidally el Frost Soya. To you In-' valeta& Mans I wry the metainty UM whlar hie aka the plows of nuts fixes—to your Button will 1 ow. toe simian prlvilep of again dominos to sty bosses moss who an domed to woo Is Gls; tnll Pane We fully wear y ls the truth tla abovretatossest, awl had oimpared a maw oar Solthae, Sr. Ws/ark restored to health s Ilmeorthrtomuteas t let New Tor* ?tottery. Gana 4. ituttar.Co. C.,llth Sane. Lorna Comas:maid New Tea I. Z. Symms; Id Artiliery. Satter* L. J. L. Fauwitz. Co. C, a 4 Vereseat. Sem B. Jitema, 11, do, Hunt T. KAMMiLq CO. C, eth Sane. hoc V. WA" Ce. lg, sth gabs. BIU.a, Loci Co. N.. pad GewiTosk. Nasal= B. TIOZAB. Co. F..llllth Fessm. - Aim, J. )misers, Cos. A., $4 Tussosi. lOW AM. gaglj,CO, 55,10eth renna. BEWARE of COUNTERFEITS. d s . il i a, the Quinn of ma: 11.!3holatmk" Is ea the rums et betle. Moe per Ilene TS hi., 4er lag he& hr doilld me moot drdgiot sot bon Go ulyp. do sot lo oos el IT ell if I . 6 °` so our be irWal to ftu. Nod u. sod up wtU format mookroly 1 AY oflns& PRINCIPAL mina -a HANUFACTORS, 631 ARCH STREET. JON= 4 svAsira. M..ILIMBOW eiearsemarim or roe RALIC )", Oassgists Dagen Is sissy United SW.s. Joined if Mown* We tongistalate err teases ea alwireef enema width has attended war labors, la enteses'enth all akar adman@ el esewervatfeeprthigink .."Yee/Mie tals ail of very reader la the dheraieselew wr the and, seta doctrines taught by Wald "Wowed by the peat Irmo rho-have drewrfetter illaetritna. ea AIM. rill lee mod rem strong. lb. joiI ,,V;FION AN D ciMilirntrOON. Aletat* eiteigniegi polities or . • -ea boos i. tiaendsts of thellettetasur fathawasst the einannixirir wlrD cuppyr.ur irfLLUTION, Arlan evarrinrus °EMI- lc. Me support TIT: 01111111 X. /Mt Of TIII I'lllllo Bursa Aka Ills EOM Job SOT. Of 7ta HOP all of Tilx ',exalt &Mts. me. ordain Is thew two mourns of strength the adept 011igtedDidS al s peep* sad the cult pledge of me pseppoorri unity, g= l e i V a = o ll ia We nal tolj a. SO l X bawe oppaed aid übal SOS' UM to *p e r ASOLITIOtieI Se the siliesSt dle mei, th e same Claim the scow• a foe of the Constitetioa, exerting a taiga Whew, i ■ , salety,la the think sad Is the elate. We etaalsetainast as a poUtka horsey whose bleed= are visible all arwumd as. tad we boob earaestly fort day wheatheCoastitatlea shall Ukase& ewer the hearts as sro as the rased bands of all its fare, Nati and Swath. The herald of Camara Nil premed Si usual the Agnes and inert meal table of eosteste any weekly paper a Astoria& Massara seem, kink-Wm ton i s: o f i lr e O a l a 't 4 3 II maid, Aaar eosmaeapd : u f Up te *slater% th= will bs nicalsrly thrashed to eta bl arsedsm lop e =sr with the saleadlasions smatter thatwfii aware be wallowed la the kindly anis. ' The terns of the Weekly :easel of Commie will bereafter be as Miami Eli 10askly. Ia attunes . ow year: $1 S 00 " eoples.ts ono mow~ '.... II 00 • p • 4 .11 • • le • 01 44: ..... os • so 4111 • O. • —...21 Oaf (additional eopiti saiits rata.) " 1 a3py. Its mouths ,1 ON All elate Otos or oars, if tie Waal to irtlttas pub paper, will pay sea MAO.' Formes MI6 9,20 ea extra wipy bo eras tlmp penes media Qs mossy. Tbs tees asai the ethos alltloas aro as follows LUG! DAILY. JUNIOR DAILY. Is 'Ansa, ono year, 111000 Is alums sae par. 10.00 811 sae. la advssoo. 0,21 etz mos. Is adman. 3.05 Kasai sta asaa. IA 2soptomao Mars. 11.10 For sus south. 1.0.3 ( rl eapAos same rata.) • Keay say be tomittid by boall. adirsuod to JOURNAL pr COrrm g. N. Y. THE NEW I'ORK WEEKLY HERALD. TU mann ruse is in 'nix The etteerlre sod oesepreheaalve terilltlee la Ito pos. mentos enables the raeraurfee of the • WitaiLY liaaese to raireetre the laurel .tad most relish% leformetios arable 4 Ipeobteleall, setl sale from ell parts of the MOW fitetea3itheat ellpWa felts world. It. home corrirpoodeetr i , - *pared et beery wet. sad easercord er,th awl sow alma aad military szpoddicia of the corersoleat. 4 iiore that tt is dettratuted to lam ao afoot assomid its oNismi and ao spelt tea weer lost chat! not ad letatedlete mood It Its ooleinar. It costs the proprietor over Gee hundred thonnad del tats - Kelm to Ilmiblign Ile corps ct tarreepoadeate la the field. la eta eollatioa of Fends* News the 01131.4 D has for years held a With position, and it will endeavor ta fatale to malatala the stead tt assamed. It has 2wlllcorrespondents stationed la all of the prineipal i ths of the world. • la telegraphic ansegesseats attired to elierffflOtt the electric virus are stastiolosC When the Atlantis cable Is laid whlleat will ,moat attoomplabed, telegrams will be recMnd from Serape mad AMA, as well as from the United States._ Theo ear readers will tare the @vests of rte week la MI pads the oirillsed maid n calmly mad etairly laid Were theta. The ~star donates aportloa of the paper to Lit. stater% Padgett Agriealtare, lis the No:hells Arts. sport. th ttstra Thsetdesi as! l Aspe Narksta, Gem& News sad reports of Steansta all moa cts. ts ealosloted aa eat seetnepeUten er weekly phetorraph ersell ls view &the events of thee wepap erorld all at may low pose • , • The Weald? t he lewd Mew, Ilaterley aseralig, rosefaride.W at the fellsottag rates amy 111 00 Three owls ......... ........... •OD PUS scores. S 00 Tea copies IS 00 Any Is stir maw. addressed to names etsabonibers, WO eat* /La extra eopj will be mat to sem slab of tea. Twenty amiss, to pm Wm', ors pear, $4, aid sap term samba at same pries. An exits copy will to seat to elate of twenty. Advertisements to a limited member will to lassrtad la the Vastly Herald. • The oar Herald, three orate tor ropy. dollars r u c e ir for MTN harked Two fictrtkre• lame. lly• for els mouth& Two Malan and Itigy orate for three math.. JAIII3 GOMM SWIM Wier 6E4 hoonotor. Northwest "ow of hattos sool Kamm Now York OM' Moro ars so travollag agesto for tie nosold. strl2-110. 4 41 t LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I. =I AR! i'lasip Fortes AID • \IIIIELODEONSI Illstabeas. yawl wader lay essertmest e4 i lambs -ea s. \ They are wansabal tsits to stand sat •stlltzt set ate eta tea. sod tosalassashrp equal to say o webs? I Warn Pllsot os the fast that the Oise tio's rest twely se test lay agablisharat by estate tatudatssehesear this ant. sze owed ally by R 7 tsts• est psy Mae (Ptetessets?) as -- ENORMOUS COMMISSION 1 Which will her afar beimit time who bay of mite the simient of tram lb to IS kir met, for I would raker al low the erase to tho'hayer than to the meddler who Omits no one boa deehhivell. lama MOO* mus, id:might mid forward, sad hate =oag things a d Marl. I m-at nottak• ths preet" rat of my frienoe pocket'. or &inept the Goren m:nt hat of It, or chest a: reel and lustily Into the P or House fog the mete of eatbifylag the laagry -tuts machine through, ahem whimpering ray Moos w^.l not re . hotter, if they \ am not ' :tor bad, if tail ire goad. I will psy t say min, Homo er4lld, the amount re. twins: 'or a Mao with my Bums o• \it, if they ere not phased with it, aid 1 will pay a Theralasi Dame to any one who will ahoy ins one ire which t Prams to broke, lire w many New York aid Barak, hers doe* in this city and county. fat tbe people 11 when my poor Pianos its -not the teichers—sepeolall. Stow w•th Soathenseenilmouti ; let each go where t ay beloag. My Plasm are wanan.ed to be sispolird wi all lass good Improvements, and amid gin astiatartion sopa,. Madera Pianos of all onkel ma be had of no :roll sail chrap se sny other mad. rani." toady to Fustian anything la the mule se, will_ please remember that ma dealing lamely in Marl ed Merrhand se generally, and can afar sdeoemsttt" rarely essellat b- any then-am dealm. Puma warranted by mean bit relied epos, I Wag lianatitkarar, Tuner, Foyer and Mintelan, as well as Teacher. My "smut la r od, beano. iam good f r the amount. My opinion to many came has be.. • Wait to Mete who partbased Plasm. and NONA whir did apt lw lii e me at int feud the trate after $ vials by WO • Rase Forte made elsewhere is no better for that roam., bat all Plume me veld *bleb us matt the good aregeed and the , Lela a lianas are. Tarnished by me. as aloes said, at Ilanefestarenf prier. Ny stoat est hand mandate of a very abed , e selearties. and is larger than may ever dieted for sale but. 'P':IANOV TO LXT. ELC l4d ay" promptly .t 4.4 to. ws. WILLING. Cheapest Furniture Store la th Ilsettom al the Country. ESTABLISHED 1857! G. W. Ellseptrle, Pa. HAIR BEDS, From 38 Cents per pound. ROUND CORNER BEDSTEADS, From $5 00 AEA GRASS BEDS, From $4 00 ABM MOCKING CHAIRS, From $2 50 ePRING BEDS,' From From $5 00 • CANE CHAIRS, TABLES, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, Mad other hnitar., Lew as the Lowest. West Side State Street, tektelttf. Next Palmer's Grocery. 1864. SPRING GOODS I R. S. MORRISON, Is wow recei:= 1 1 :tr i tc4sairt am spiet• Ikea FOREIGN DRESS GOODS 1 SHAWLS, OLDAXS , AND BACQUES, W_ltle-TE GOODS, LEADIIIII MUMS 01 DOKESTICIL • "R. S. MORRISON. mut* speW64-IL BEFORE PURCHASING PARAGON BLOCIIL, Salt, IN OUT VARICIT. 11011141tY, GLOVES, CLOTHS AND CABBIIIEREA, ♦ Coylate Assertrost of Uge 0. 41111111111116 IN IL siolmon. NEW FIEM. CUM, Calif & BROM, lbuissi;canibsylt ido. sad 3. aft, Wholesale :Grocers 1 • aril Kisistaititers of Crackers la Candy I GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK. FISH. SALT; ' - WATER LIMB, NAILS, GLASS, ROPE, CARBON ALE, WINES, LIQUORS, &c., 8 0. r SUGARS. TEAS, • COFFEE, SYRUPS, moLessEs, FRUITS, NUTS, - TOBACCO, IS LARGE. - O AACIKE RS ' itrahtiarkt as the . . CITY STEAM BAKERY CANDY!I CtiMAION AND, FANCY CANDIES I OIL VITROL,,CAUSTICSODA t GLUE AS Ur lowastlladri Mei& raax Consortia Ilaitessp, lila, Pa. EMT. - J. r. 1111YOUT. EAGLE FOUNDRY! _ hod Si, &moo Mis /*rival, irk. H. HENRY ac BRYANT, to Admen Si *sary.) ILLIMACTIMMI opt PARLOR, COOL AND OFFICE STOVE/3, Tut a fun IsoirMiu, H AND ALL ISMS or ,ioi4 L'ASTIRGS. ivory ato,ll sold by us ourraittad to r si,* aatiataatioa. rattles ilisigli-aboaa. Bad beak /Oai on band or oar idhatummi to order. PlOlllll am how Yams at npuilar maka and dura bility alma as Mod. A - call as a Odr trial ofaar we akish. oak. UNIT & BRYON?. ' LEWIS, imam's IA BOOTS, SHOES ' IAND ausszas • - smrs NLOCL. • TILILNCH MUT. VACONI iss rte, LADWN. • " 6121r i gnaur ' 'DOT', A.ND causnutint ftleaset. Move ihi, Grids,CM sod Fres& BALMORAL'S-it GAITERS! ALM,. PATRRT MO! WETS. Ramixibiet Use piss, fasierreitt. i R. R. LSWIR JOHN WELSH, ' - COAPSIDE, - - ERIE, PA, lIMOLMILUX DIAL= 1111 BALTIMORE OYSTERS! "4 \ us coma: isAriz urrpurz Arta ' Fresh Can and leg Oyste i rs, • Keeeived every •Day, and inninssie snuricnoit or Orkas !Adis( aad maid! atimalriTailtestr. • \ Osage is the Drag Bastaess I DriL?be sad veil tem Macho Sten if J. S. Carter, nal pi* into the Made et tile immiontesed, be Kea. she. hen/ etimissied the eattreitoet VIP eoatiaze the hmelseee as hera tie ease phew Ti. - sad pneest nmenties et this been se s rinlettabll sad /s .• lledielas Mrs, I \ u AHEAD OPVNT 111 'lllll CRT I Asa the subiertise hem. by semill enmities sad jatn. doesl. teMmett Mille ibe the Wen. Kr. J. . altiomogb withdisieism hem the more wive Mon el the bealesse, ml/1 ettli Meals la the dote. when lie been Is snit hie old Meade sadism be IlYNeimmetten es dent7lll. wings. Erie!Alet Brewery, CORNER OP PARADE AND BUFFALO BTIIRETEI. , atie City Lager ,Brew Iy, CORNER - OP POPLAR! AND RIIKIE STREETS. - ' Erie Kali & Barley Wareham. CORNER OF 7TH STREET k CANAL ;, • aunt.. lisle sad Amboy XX sad XXX The NA Quality sod Vaal Vaistiss of Lave. , Also Illeketsd Piton RDA • The Clielasst Quints' st lan sad Rub% Os baud sad sad for Nis by , . . (Scatty!. 1864. CRAWFORD CHRISTIAN, tOCERriS M a PiOVISI G 011 S, Dried and Sealed Pruitt, , WM'S k OILS, Ship (amain,. lost Stores, NO. 7 3141178 3LOCX,, PAM StOri Al" Public DoCk. Foot of State, lariat, sus, EBNIVA. WIC A. GLOM= r. Cam. 40,000 PIECES PLPZ or BLZGITGSI • , a& OW* • Treto the met amass to the "toed lhundestareil. dos lIALII TUT CVILP, BY Wad. = - J. C. ISILDIII%. REMOVAL. 01100111131181' GROCZA,I I EB! TBE Subscriber has removed .bis stock et amnia from the steed anon the Lake Pion Depot le the ram la the bask Oka* ea Ma • Arm, wan el re rUi, slime he will •be barer to fro hY Menai sad emeto ranuMW lady wain tar Oaaie, Ou de* er amain le amp sad 'WA, selesw sea st the lea% tit team seasisttet with the edpal ant. Be ladles ala mei et avail',Blo aka a se& L his lllO4.lll2DX/1. NOS • :4. 11/111411111. u. U. =MOIL Illseassees so 11 Oat Steak et , CIGARS; . amoirr . , ........, , BI TUR; COUGH JOB 12 CIINTSI • , • , :-.... ! - • i 1111 MOT .1 %11 313APEIMMIAII 11133113 FS WI I ' I . i - *APA.IO ziDue Poznan; , , 0-81 AT 0010111311111210 1 /1 '' Misms3ADooll3l333 Clopsrbor Itsissase womb. WV abisassMag la IM - • -, ElhOs to so w la all _ • sa es 00110111. CO/dll6 . W a s . t i rte=t a r i a% , • . - K. TADOCIPOMIrIi labia Is /mind 'Atka! Mt osiiiMisro sod 3d9. , il 011131 M IP OS 1 isttit iso teaseisstko NOW, IMO. Immo. . - MAN sio Mot ous . . ro power to mid Ms MIA ' ay sol elitmim Om* • , . isa se Sobbed Oro' be wit • irleisat =bat sissiikot,— esseebbe soils& . Mem ma filliii•by Übe' . Most proem et imaged . • bili. NatoltADOO POIMUPS. ' Mists bas bola used by tbe pans br ewer ISysere. lad bee met ibpssomai 1 ' okeserd ibmi t irso= base allisbri MEM sat sem& knob ._ . . . ....r.r.—ibre ZADOO. PO2IIOPS Osasthe leakma is .$d at seeks +Web Wimple la Um as iretemy sae to kw It mob slat Mr us. mi. tw ig gy us Oa dies bitele lip prove be Is worth 1111 Nam its eat. 11071014-11 ave II yew il/LM.y 1--Ds ns be re' noted to punkin irtbdos at Is. to sloobitb M set eso tais Me 'Wow tat i is siotbobleet loam Pestees Os attire Balms th • rut it assallaSimetig indult is as peat al th .1 1w ~.,, I.l' urr odor noM m est Mem' kw pies at m il. • . •' . A iorbestbe the esibe appanatty mall. sad saprobelpiol vills to omMos reseamod Wm ssobiass us wbbit Wit Falb me larger, sakes tie esstemers ladst also WM/ /Was Porter's sad sem ober. Ask Ur Mawr Pesters Cliger the galem. pries IS ele., sot la bap bottles id 11. U, sad take se ether. If yss smart silt atsikeibin yea era &maim • ig:/ - SIM Lai ill Dregglaa sal libee Mumma st 13 etews bleb rger UMW alibi oto. , HALL A 1.110131 a Preywilleebb X. Y• moo I. cairns. aligist. &IL Ciedele47.l “THERS IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL.” TARRANT* COMPOUND SZTRACTI OF • ctrßEts AND COPAMA. t This populates to parteeslart bi tho Id WIC* L PRO FICEISIOF UsoMIAMo ploopt 'ad certain core of • DIAZASZS OFTRIC ILADDiIt i OIIITS, MEW MU% It rot, to rellod es so WIWI nude ke WailfL trattom of the,. rotoodloo la.tbo largo oloso flosomo of both MI M. to •huh they art &WIWI& ;It onortaOrr• fent with the eirsetloa. sod by lb eeseeetaties t doss Li ouch rod.cod. N. B.—Purchasers leseteed to wit for Tarrant' Compound azimut of Cook It Copoilia, sad take wails, she. so lallstiests sal ~Mrs peer &rations, unbar similar ssols, art la the Issitst. nom $l,OO. *rut byt express as tosipt siptirt. Dsaalsstarso sew fry • _TAR RANT it No. 2711Greysuisb Strust,Osease at Warms Stmt. DiWiToa/r., Mid far rats by, Druggist@ posestly. .• JOS. EIC}IEN LAUB , ' it aN1314.01:1119:11 or BOOTS AND SHOES! WEE ALE a Barran ! /MEMO T TAKE PLEASURE in oonouselog to th • public' that I hays sidal M ay know balittlia a complete sett of 8110 Z aticsumuurt, Which will bat& soa ta misanthatzsonad ma Seats tad Shoes couni 11411 111111101013. gating had bag szpirtshu se to the masts gouts- • zoom I daill tab, apmgal palms La psepactim Ng stack to salt tam. I Imes the mcsimplas right Is this - oNty to Ratko tba PLIIKERIPATMIT 300T8 * 1110111 for the basset of my abloom% aad is adz pir adt • Mal el Us" to 'OW ems as : say eto bids smallat was bon micas in the old way. UP (glm Boot mods ma Waft( b; It Is am may truo tha start as um ma dm sobs Ow KT • CUPTOW DIZANNIM Writ besive coy ono lad itra. COTlghl aimmbil at, tantion—combtalog OM so o otkama abisk bassi to azethed to the coantry. Ants sad lbws maims' as short notes. Coastaistly on had a largo stock of LSIIVIXR. Lairs AND nmasmos, Inad.oinic my basks is tpMaids aid emitamsrs fir past patrons% I bolo byj it add lictsbahle wont a sou dictum* of thic asamktaad sabially laicise all toail and bancime col ids* balms yarahastag whom • imittatt. In Full Mast Again ! AS GOOD AS.IIIZW. AND 3121321 Slate all MO '4IS the Ist bet, we tee MIA op met CM lie, NEW STOZE, IN WAYNE BLOCK, With lame sag %Up !Mist of RELY! AND di'APLE MLIDWAIE ' SO?' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, ?Mame bike, ehand la m. 11 . ..1 • . 1471 0:4 it . dois) "-rv is) The Jobbing Trade, TO nabs 4, ESPECIALI AT TENT I 0 N Breonko & Shaun aa, - French Street, Usti Hoag 'scars. Wayne Block, OPPOSMC t o 1 0 , 1 , , , {ION. WILSON alum Judge of tio Milted Mast Omit I ,Z, ihrelableit -;; THI LANG ZEI CNB•PED? AND IZIT *33 per. far a hill i'emissislal 1111196. _ No sates chassis ter Illsaidestanrhateusbesst i lalareatead Baak leak- Iltaleteat Beam at belfries. Ilessessits ee wad n ets, at oar slam • '• This lastitattea le eeadaeted &remained lbsehers and s reelel Aeeastaats. p as wpregsms yawns ma far aethaalssio. at the' load aw and shesteat meek. for the man Iserative lad -realebte sttaseleas. mesas mated tar Emit Amen La aaNwist pretaresee tor &Mattes of "Celisse. b badaaa sem. I 1 Pear. A. Caviar, the bast Noma al the rids% wk. bolds the i amen weber et ter Praissaas t sad war an essapetaters, amass Rapid Madam IBMs* • Ciscretais embanks' applkstion to the fall lakauslisa seat nag as Prih eleals. aItItIEVIBI •1111011.Abbtalpsks arAttesat ahem the Boss sad Clefts at Baum eel Bseees Mee credBol. CHEAP PASSAGE TO AND TION QUEENSTOWN 0) unarm I BY BAILLNG 8111P8 dit am) 8 T A BRB., • Alas to 4 California and Australia! Apply , T. SHEARAN, WU, NUNN& MT TOM On TO M. A. QUINN, MOH AT.. smug sa aims, arte4v. I ' 1111111, 111130 PA. 1117011,TAN't TO /11CAZUED /ADM i TRULY A SWISSTIFO IWILL SEND, fret of ch2e, to an who will and Mr ammo Low to rams? Nil *sumo psis of ( 4' : 1 1 1 M MTH ; olio bow to My. PKRIPIPITLYiIoattewI bo=l, , Mk ; Win Oa* other saw obit INFO ANT ,GO only oars sold alb rosidlos ovew dbooriwrod. tid °Noe ta ay =kis the above olIFt is lo ladbaso y to tot Adana' wad RAMO DCWITADX, M. D.. hurre‘ia. TII7 BrioNws7, N. T. C. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, ParLADEMA PA. - DisusE6 OF THE NERVOUS. BM. au; aad Ainaraz. ersiumi- sow oat rabble uustainA- la erports of the HOW* AiIIOCIATIOII— tre itadi, la essltrifinvelni sor nif ms Or. J. 81iLLUI klutteßTO radii Matti At. Pligidieo4. T . NERVOUS SUFISM 37 BOTH 8117.121.—A XXVIDILICIM 4121171.311/111 boats, bow restored to Mali to sibs dam Maur sods. seta' all 'be nasal natio* sotknotaboampsorhmoito of anatomist witting logookaausiomo It otommomite to 00laarlaiaaal te WOW onatoras Vas maim et aana Homo. as the ma* dm album. Ito 'el NM Mao) a ton et Iltit pornioloo Mal^ /11# AMA ilaillAtOol4 /11/oi. 1111 64 1loa r do str. , DR. P. HALL'S CELEBRATED COUGH- REMEDY! CONTINUE to gain publio fairor sad owned ts all watime, mutat ion poem* ef stases roam be po o h eas42. %met aid Lug dimmest is fully inistased.— Threartlds wredlie• hi mad Lome its merits Mae& Ithaissue tar palest pop Warne sad dassed. It has hy am • stm remedy with many people be MAN Fahawasa amplalas arid is kept is tbdr home for aas warm nmaired. Asa ears for Cot& It Is y sad ababie—sehlem rap/WM ma lona meat. aro • Cough of may webs teat`. for *arias Creep It to mot witordliwkow.l •11 • reisay asthma Its ~era arms be tird„ having restored raw per ms to bealti slaw salaiss lolle term of years with this wismabb Masao. For aressmussais skan..... it safe aid willehth gladly amorist irritation from the leirrialiM la Whooping Cough tale Rainedy Is of great promptly lowa' the lagoons, sad riotous of the sss gt. shortens the dames ass half bow Its Dr aw, blame semi. All dismal of sae lungs me Mr parsers dame upon Initabe K ialeasatios la the Wag amens smilwase sad maim the prima us at thatuagh mediae* to of i bet their remoraL Ball's Cough Remedy is safe, sand/ eise draw la its opendiem—ie adapted to bosh sub, ta age* sad eastitatiowt Cary same Meted with sifter our &A.m.'. diammo MAIM ups this *mud awed, sad tad, vow mu mos with °them in waresisowlinif its Narita to aldisad neighbors and Cereals MS. vos Halls (bwgitßoisiedy items Pd.*. 'IS. Uss Hall's Cbwgli R ~cis( it arts Gimp ‘. or Use Halls Cbsgil .Randy it ewes AAA - Ina or Phtlizie. Uso Hullo Gogh ßowdy' for iltarrit. Uos Hall's % CIAO .Remody it Strengthens b. Use Hall's Cbug/t Reost4yfar 116 Use Han antgA Bawdy fos Hoene y. Uos HalPi Cbugh lionsotly it Strawthesis die Voics. Ma. Uos Halls CougA .Randy for WAsoPilir• eisvA. • It irturvitly swift the folanee of this dlomee sad shot. Mon its radios oars% owlet!, from its ordinary dam. Wm. Bows if mastodons sad bass imititions;-aill fir Dr. P. Rallis Ovistested Cough Remedy and ow that hi. writ. Ma Agora» I. rasa the Trappe and diroctions. - 111% the aadsfigaiid idthene of Erie City sad vicinity, MVO need Dr. P. HAW. Celebrated Cough Rowdy with great saeresea, fa easing dialers of the Throat sad La aml Übe in resommeadlau its use to His as a and elleetaal remedy, fatly worthy of publis James themassa, liatthew fissailton. D. Job* &Ms* it J. W. Rte. 8101112416 . 1 . AIM A. Trig. Robert %Amman, J. T. came, Jobs W. Winos, Daniel Bear, Daniel Haver, John W.Robinson, C. K. Riblet, Jobs R. Cockraa, W. P.Aindsroseht, J. Mooney, Jobe R. Duman, P. IT. Burton, J. W. Calvet, John N. Wanes, Alamo dherwott% Wm. 1 . 1 Jahn Brow* I W. H. Cooperf A. K. S. L. Yonne; Joseph Deemer, K. A. Bennett, J. W. Rail, Benj. Brent, J. Salsbary, Orrice Smitb, Lades A. Ball. H. Boor, C. Damn. Thames CDs, J. 1.. Long, B. 0. Bost, W.ll. , J. Robinson, Id, Mao Zing, Cho. W.Kelao, Silo IL Mob, Dotal Mao. 0, P.C. C. R. Wright. 80 1 111 1 4 ERIE ONLY, BY Haanthstarsr aid Bole Proprietor, Hall's .New ' State Bt. PRICE its TO It CENTS PLR BOTTLE. ABUtS rN sur, CO.—James A. Whits, Dr. Sly, 01. rand; Vs. fieUmin Palriutir; T.S. Cowles, mpringdeld• Va. ILTioaddt. Wabero P. Lawn, IVlCass; L. E. Wolodcon Bums t Sherwood, Caton; W. B. Wattabargh; Gt. T. II hoots, North Last; H. 0. Ldeavillat J. O. Aram Albion: ---- Tyler, Ladqport. sad by mists MM1.1,7 CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale 'and Retail GROCRRIr AND PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUORS. P. St X. SCRIM - I - DECKER, ar• now reoeiving at their old stand, Amen- Can Block, State street, a large and superior Gof ROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, • LIQUORS, WILLOW, • WOODEN, AND STONE • WARE; FRUITS, NUTS, &0., le., • together with every thing found in a House of this kind, which they will sell as cheap is any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They haws also as hand on* of the ;barged and !oast Stooks of totiosoo sod Mogan over brought to gria. to will& that Us* attention of tha patine. sad ass as -4 Disable eixpeoes to bettor thad banalas ieg . Viaj=tly Cash blame will and peat Grocery Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET. Jess I. UgN10.43. F. & Y. SCHLAVDAILER. ERIE COUNTY', MUTUAL 11417R ANC! COMPANY. Incorporated in 1859—Charier Pe rpettid I praaarty Insured Aaatast Moan 119 Piro tar aay Taro set eseeettag Flys Years. Polities limed upon lb. dopoeit of Premium Noise. or Imes tho payment of tbii usual Stock Raba in Motley without lb. liability of a Pronto= Not.. Losses paid ittliont litigation. One snit only has ever been brought against thin Company. This Clowning I. satire!, fru firm MS, and ie a isiera hone inetitasuma. nucccroßa. -Jas. C. Marshall. Jos. M. Stesett C. M. ZlD6s3a , D. B. )(Treaty, E. Babbitt. Wm.lP.Mindereecht.J. Zoonserin i Wm. S. Broom, George *. tce,ale% Benjamin Gra Grant. Jacob Eames , J. IL. Justi orncuts. la& C. 2.81311A1 !rent Jots.Gannon, 3o4. . RLIDIZIENCIT, TRU& OS* Clam hl Mom Geoshmo • McCreary's Ls Ofiles pit e, A N Pa. d B Side. Jams 111.111M1 NELW FIRM. ruierrrumr, AND uirmurr Alma WAR -"R O I Q X II! On State Br, between Beres th Mid gistrth. ebettabseribers bare entered into the Cabinet Nokias and FURNITURE TRADE, Lad propose waking to order and keeping orastantly oa hand all kinds of anrultare. Ordain v4l maitre prompt attentions. Repairing done 011 short notice. UNDERTAKING. Tbe selmeriben Owe srosial attention to this do =t of tbsdr business. - They will arannbeture and iearauttly on bands large eamortmont of Metallic Xmas sadOesfaa, sad hold themeehrmi la mediae= to skeet orders in his promptly. from any part of the arantry. Determined to owe no efforts to eve satisfao• Ilea both Ut the milty of their goods and - prioea, they tropto sinus a share of patina patronage. !MORI k MIXT, earlral-if. Sueomema to J. R. &mar. READY ROOFING 1 , AZADY 1109 , 111NG, At lees thin half the ant or tin roofs. RZADY .11001 4 11110, Nan datable than lin. RXADI ROOFING ' S eatable for dory or ea! roof.. RIAD Ir it::: Aft NO, Po all itlikie of buildings, hi 'all climate. READY IL iJ o,lf 1 NG, Dab thespll'and gat-kly pat on. I Need, a° costing era with cesasst after It Is flailed down. ' YEADY• Yale es sties( troves - fabric, therangely sstarsted sad severed apes both anytime, with a perfectly water 'moot nonnewthlon. and plat upin rolls re.dy for are-. 40 halm wide aid 73 feet long. We sae maanfectnr• ' LIQUID CEMENT, Per Leila Ha Kook math canape* and more durable thsa al past. Woo. - memo QUINT, for LIAKT MOLE ROOFS. abash will aeon are the cost Of s new roof. liscplat el NWT 4001PLIO ibd Orel:awl itigit by =Ali lama awincd. Iv tertna made with reipoodble yerible who boy to mato. - - ItieDY RoOriNG CO.. 13 idea L 'es. N. Y. skyli 3m CARVER & RDEECKER, scoolasolu , to J. & J. B . ,pAIRvErt, 111101211 ALI • MAIL miAtatto 11 Leather, Hides, - Atc., No. 3 Peru Block, MAW fit, Ida, Pa. Coastiatly os baud a:lsri. stock of SOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO, LININGS, Sixottros, TRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, KIPS, - • UPPERS AND SPLITS; LASTS, PM* LASTIIGS, GALLOONS. etc. ALDO, • IfTLI. ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, All et witch tbry offot low-for CHUM Olt ,P2,0111!T P•lt. sperett. - ' 1 _ A LARGE LOT 1 _ 1 A a' 011 CV ar amo "WM sad 21rd Ua ftihr t for= 0 114 . 1 - a 1 HEAD QUARTERS ( 4 0 ") 1 11 - e INsu% Read) to nail dowi CLOTHING ! CLOT II Largest & Best Stook in the City ! COME AND SEE FOR YOl RS MOSES KOcil I7OULD RESPECTFULLY i t . Tv tom MI old trteeds asd 1011M410m 4,1 behest removed to the eoleadul erg gift. RO NO. 140 UNION BLOCK, TOM, N lavital time to tatt and evuelt., pods. fits stem is Wargo aid w. w ipe , &I say Es* awl he is 4stsradord sot wid e :wad, Hs has Put received the atoel ea SPRING AND SUMMER Er*, totpaght to Ms. LW motto hi t quirk sale., *hepia, sad that the tie eat what they are ropmetteted they •61 MORIUSON & DLNB 1,1101.51ALS Mane Flour, Pork, Beef, , CLOVER, TIMOTHY BEEA No. 2, Wayni Block, nuca BTZc odium MS ..r Ma Ste., usayrintS TO CONSUMPT(VE/a. frHE subscriber will cheerful et dim) to MI who dubs it, the ee l imam by 'Web be via owed et timer inteopties. deferses with Coeititrruet. A, azalea( alietioe , he dust* ho raided if tie do ee they will wi the pied 1 1 . I thr his Wu, IN V saziouss to phoo in the the mow of sirs. Those wishing th a dirosWows, P.. OW plows call on es Mt Jail Rsr. Ww, Mb se Jobs Suer. . V. SCHULTZ & BR, WHOWIALE AND RETAIL ' GROMILESS AND no 'MALI MUG!, ELI Vs bop as hand a Lugs and ma i ovoryWngto oar um, sad vlll sa to to andorsold. Also a dos stock of VINE. LIQUOu to be suspared is Us* county. HARTFORD FOIE 1118111 A MAICTIVOILD COPINICCI • INCORPO&I TED 1110. C4P1741, IL HUNTINGTON. Prat T. C. CITY FIBS LIIIIIBMICE lIARTOPOMP, COMM MI INCORPORI TED AM ( C. a BOWERS i rsert. o. c. war INSURANCE in the *boys old A, able Commonlee eau be obbal^adea e t Vl S. Ica.; NEW FURNITURE S J. M. RIBLET k Co. Xoata nesecuagy tat9ao time rabla tbat a armed . _ . FURNITURE WALE. IN GABLE'S BLOCK, Between Bth and 9th Streets, 01 Whu, they Woad to karp eau:- ma es aasortaleat at lIIW IND AUL ISLECTED tr. w• tospootfaUy solicit 1114 .'to. E istrT64-tt. ;Livia), - . New Grocer T ACOI3 BOOT would rompettkl . U twines to Lim peoplo of Eris eft. lad , La has elm NEW GROCERY OTO . ; Oa as Wan Sio of Nod' Stroll; Skirt of am Lai Uwe Dep4, Wketr he will keep on hand f ' GBOCER.IIS., raovtnoNq, WOOD AND WILLOW WAII And mullein =WIT kept Ica drat eI ALSO, Wine, !West Cider and Upon The highest Minket life• rad for Proem. if &mind. Er Giro m• • tall, it you 16 ( eh' pin•. I pls/4• myself to soll u Low,l not •oy other &tore in the 'Pity. Mrs. Allen's Photograph Chau IWILL send z one of .my beam graph Album, made from the bye Tt. co, with doable heavy gold plated gamma • trainable prise, try axprees, prir-pald, for Ito No one need send the money till they too, will accompany the Album. Person ' their same. and try their leek. They aid b waters mall of the result of • dirimbne vs, here the priyiler of mending for the alb - not, u they abuse. Splandid tadne m aunts, ladies as well as gentienum /, with Mrulars, sent by mail. Address tt Mara patsy) Kra. LUCT ALLEN, York City. cr. P. B.—Any person who will ant at tissznant and troalosit it in a Utter to w,mit army. and notify me of the diet and to wha receive by return mall a bean Wel and asst graph of Nape General Grant, worth at rat A Angle stamp will answer both fey the Yeti graph and trial of luck s§ both can be oat it mart-3m. Era $225. SEVEN OCTAT E Rosewood Plana? , GROVEITIEN 100, 499 BROialr EW, Enlargixl Scale Pin , With all huge Jarmo:eau shirt: perm* vitt' kriatly Larmaird Loath., • ' rim itoskols am to mall for OASti ot, th.. t low pries. Oar blotriawato roarhod the St at the World'•• raiz. and for Sr. ruerowire y Asooriesur fratitotw. Warfoa tad Drs yew& 04411. talc or wad for deoariptiro tavola. roars-3or. N OTICE. Re take rot plane is Interning tb. nasserou Altana to paztledar, eat agile releasel MANUFACTURING ST CM INCREASED FA CI LIT And ars primaeval t• fill all ordpri be COOKING AND H EATING WITH PROMPTIMIS. Having pulthaaad a lute SW' Id b° ll, holza boat out, &sou a 4odaol (ta Woe of Stoviik) onr Ilaaafa:tazat Iron at pr issat high pri Tbiaakrol forpart boon. vo hops, by ex!: to tbo waste of Costmors. to °outlast ' patronage. foldriltt PREVENTION IS BETTER TILL\ To Ladies of delicate health or organisation, or to Soo by whom as tangly is team any Tema objectionable, ' would offer a prouriptien which la perriwily Ws, sad whielehas heeo pespecrited to rah the old world for the past sectary. Alth,g , is very damp and simple, yet It has tee pint betties sad sold very =teases), at prise eflia per bottle, the a1:461.142W pun the roeipe for the mall tam of $l, by thi which *very lady 1n supply Derail oat guard, at soy drug store, for the trallzg ties Any physician or druggist slil harmless, and thoussodo of .E. ,1 procured of its cotter. .sent to soy ;art J. rIX=I. by addressing. P. H. Bet. No. 335.1.2".. For THE PLACE TO GET- YOUR NONE: EOM E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT & SHOE sIO Btata Street, Neatly Opponito the Pa: 8. Cottehft. Boot sad Shoe Doect, relpittrally Worms the Peeve tb‘t Lc Sae renamed his 'tend to the Store ktocw on inite street. nearly oppo4'te Mr f. t Odle% where he invites all hp , - '1 tr,eato to gin Um a nail. Pertlea:a. E P—A • N Wasting metal workmen, btotnees hhneelt, hobnail's' he g . "' Um% and mil at as low prices s- auj sl po eity. Good Fits Warranted. • HATS & CAPS FOR TILE MILLI ()) AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. NEW STORE ! NEW I have 'emoted Taw Pointe li'atlL lately sampled by We John Wish, vett Voa' C. &Idea, sad un reeelstag a larr stock a HATS, CAPS AND STRAW 1 Nadi exprealy for too. fleeing tatan Tro t ' selection espy Good; I feelaosed,of I tet t . be ins to three who way fees. woe with s r I will sell a fair Pala Leaf - flst d ? Lathan at f &Wings. TWO HL r ALNI LEAF FIATS at Now York QM r aprl6.loa • thRESERV ED FRUIT, Jollies, 'marl fruity irk at =