The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 04, 1864, Image 2

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ERIE. PA., JUNE 4, 1864.
IttioaraL Vpart.oan ?I* PISOPLII 111 pm Paws op
AxnpoPx Ltsurr —Autpeop Adam.
The interest which attached to . the ac
tion of the radical Convention at Cleve:
land, Anduoed us to visit that city on
.Tuesday,,to witness for ontielf the char
luster nt the men who controlled the
movement, and the spiri t which actuated
their proceedings. We found the Conven
tion already organised when we: reached
the place of meeting, with. Ex-Gov. John
son, of this State, one of the former lead
ers of the Opposition, acting as temporary
Chairman. - The Hall was a small one, not
more than two-thirds filled, the number
in attendance probably being between
four and , five hundred, of whom by far
the larger portion were delegates. The
people of Cleveland, as a general thing,
-appeared, to take alight interest in the
proceedings—the Adniinistrationists Care
fully refraining from giving it any commie
nance,..And the Democrats probably re
maining away on account of the misrep
resentation which would have been made
of their presence by the Lincoln organs.
,In the streets and at the hotels, although
ithe Convention was the main topic of
conversation, we found few who were
identified with its proceedings, and the
common feeling appeared to be one of
surprise on the one hand at 'the meagre
ness of its attendance, and on that of the
Lincoln men of rejoicing at what they
sneeringly denominated the "Fremont
fizzle." The city did net appear to be
any more lively than usual, and no one
unacquainted with the circhmstanCes
would, have supposed 'that a body of men
was assembled -within its limits whose de
liberations would probably, decide the
question . as to who would be- our . next
President, and perhaps influence the en
tireluture history of the nation.
A large portion of the delegates were
Germans ,from the West ,
_*ho were to a
man in favor of the nomination of Gen.
PremOnt. They had the - numerical
strength l to control the Convention, and
being led'
,by active and able leaders like
Col. Moss and Caspar Butz, they actually
moulded all its proceedings.. The next
largest proportion of the Convention was
made up of men like Stephen S. Foster;Par
her Pillsbury, and Rev. William Goodell,
AbolitioniSta of thirty years standing, who
are undoubtedly honest in their anti-sla-
very convictions, and who thoroughly de
spise the hypocrisy which actuates a ma
jority of the 'Adniinistration leaders. The
smallest class of delegates was composed
of disappointed Republicans like Colvin
and Carroll, of New York, who hate Lin
coln nearly as bad as they do Democrats,
but prefer party success even with him in
command, rather than the triumph of a
sound, devoted friend of the Union and
Constitution. These were mostly in favor
of Grant's nomination, but although they
were energetic, and obtained temporary
control of the body, their influence was
weak in its final decisions. •
It was easy to see the current of feeling
from the start. The Grant men still desi
red to remain connected with the Repub
lican organisation, but wish it to suc
ceed with another candidate than Lin
ooln ; the Fremont men were alike ene
mies of Lincoln and his party, and had
determined on a separate political move
ment. Every mention of Fremont's name
was received with uproarious ' applause;
that of Grant fell on the Convention with
little or no impression. All efforts to get
up a feeling in favor of the latter met
with signik failure, and the Grant men
soon yielded the attempt as a hopelesis
We cannot be mistaken in the assertion
that this Convention will have moreinflu
ence on the result of the next Presiden
tial campaign than most of the partisans
of Lincoln are willing to give it credit for
at the present time. It was not as large
as its managers expected, but what was
lacking in site was more than made up in
will and enthusiasm. The men who con
trolled the movement mean what they say.
They are not political time-servers, merce
nary huckaterers, or office-seeking bar
gainers, but honest, fearless, able, indus
trious members of the community, whose,
seal and integrity ire cannot help but re
' spect, while we have the least posaible re
gard for some of the features of . their
creed. They prefer defeat to dishonor,
_ and look upon the re-election of Lincoln
as the most deplorable event that could
occur for the National interests. Many of
them haysepen' t a Iffe-time in the pursuit
of their favorite :doctrines, and having
been betrayed by those whom they trust
ed. and elevated to rower, they are now
ready to out loose from their late com
panions, and stem the sea of popular ola
loguy, in one more effort for the triumph
of their cherished convictions. The.
Cleveland movement has the hearty syro-,
pathy of nearly ill the old, original Abo
litionists, whose Independence and un
paralelled energy 'is too well known to
need repetition. Its candidates - will receive
the almost undivided support of this per-
severing class - of reformers, awaited in
—numbers to an extent that cannot now be
estimated, by the accession of - that pow-
erful political element, the enthneiastic
German population of the West. The
Lincoln faction can have their votes and
Cooperation on one . condition alone, and
that is the acceptance of their candidates
and platform.
Tire following is an extract from the
weU•hnown essay of Charles Sumner, the
Maaachusetta Abolitionist, on "The True
Grandam . of Nations." Mr. Sumner is a
:salons war man now, but it will be 13,..
that he formerly held very different vie:,:
on the subject :
"It cannot be doubted that this strange
and unblessed conjunction of the Chris
tian :derv . with war has bad no little
influence in bringing the world to the
truth now beginning to be recognised, that
atristicatity forbids ifis whole custom o f soar.
Bach_ Is the true image of Christian duty,
nor can I readily perceive the difference
in principle between those ministers of
the Gospel who themselves gird on the
'word, as in olden time, and those others
who, unarmed and in customary black,
lend the sanction of their presence to the
martial array, or to ant form of prepara
tion for war."
The Germans at Washington are in a fer
ment over the •npercedare of Siplb* Hunter
sad hive wit s oommittao to sold the Prod-
Thin organisation, with mantelementa
of personal cleverness, bodes evil to the
beatinterests of true freedom and human
ity. It is founded in sectional dhatuiannes,
its ailment is prejtsdiop -- aptdirwthal
efforts calculated op Orel §l,e
State, section %piton_ ionLtn agiti4;
man, brother again st the .. des ' '
all kindly relato;tnsn 1 light up the Ares
of sectional distiorff stelfeilo end‘in
battles .o-hlood.-_--"DstAss ts. in -
threw overboard i ts great tifitir er d, - •
der, Governor Seltar cause he • • • •
plainly declared - Ha - • - principlett, --- 1 - 6Pink
thereby to conceal its dangerous tendon
,' cies,•its trulttheosiontare bekiltest
' - Sumners and thii,Chievera, and - ere re
duced to practice by their John Browns:
[Great cheerii.] - 11 . dintnrbs and embitter*
the social relations—it tatters the holy ties
of religious. brotherhood -,-, it, breaks the.
1 bond of a common political faith—it blocks,
1 out the great memories of the Revolgtion .
—i s t it eostroyis commercial interests and the
int changea of free trader—it degrades us
as ation before the envious monarchs
of the earth, and deprives us of the inhe
rent power to vindicate our rights. It sown,
broadcast 'the terrible seeds .of domestic
strife and passion, - that the people! may
reap in due season a harvest of ashes and
desolation. ' -
Can it be believed that-the above" were
'the opinions of Daniel S.:Dickinson the
"ribboned ox" of -Abolitionism at the pre
sent day, and the man whom, alougsida
of Dix, Stanton and Icutler, they delight
in holding up to
,our gaze as the exact
model of a patriot and Democrat! I Diffi
cult as the task may nune the lesii
true. We And them in a speech delivered'
by Dickinson, in Cooper Institute, Yew
York city, during the campaign of 18t10.'
l'he"apiritnalists have had a great. mini
versary convention in New York, at which
men and women of all colors andof all
grades of intellect and morality, ventila
ted themselves. The war; free-love and
negroes were the burden of their ha
rangues. one young woman, a bliss Clark' ?
after praising a "beautiful young want'
who preceded her, declared herself a free
lover, and.ikvii some obsceneinstances
illustrative of. ber theory._ There was a'
speaker for every subject—one advocating
free z love, another the war, another; Aboli
tion, another abortion, another infidelity,
and all Mr. Lincoln. A Mr. Howe
brought down the house by declaring that
"under Abraham Lincoln the world is to
be free—nothing is true but perfect free
dom. If I were in Heaven I would have
the freedom to sin, if I wanted to, or I
wouldn't stay there." A Mr. Clark pitched
into the peace men ; he said :
" If Jesus Christ came and told them to
go on the side of Jeff. Davis, he would
say shame on such a Jesus, and he would
spit upon him, as the Jews did," (Ap
A young lady declared that " the work
of freedom will not be finished until every
woman Is allowed freely to follow her in
clinations in choosing the father of her
children." One unfortunate gentleman
by the name of Hamilton undertook to
defend Christianity, and was hissed down.
This body of lunatics held three public
meetings, in all of whiCh frce-loVe, abor
tion, the right to sin in Heaven, Aboli
tionism, the war and Lincoln received un
disputed and consistent praise."
in tiltm'ilility-OMVe
We find the following remarkable state
ment in the New Nation, Gen. fremont's
special organ in New York city. In• re.
producing it we must be permitted to say
that we - have very serious doubts' of its
correctness. The little we Imo* of Gen.
Grant is not o r such a nature es to allow
as to belieii that 'he would be a party to
a bargain so shameful and odiOns as the
one which the New Nation alleges to have
been made :
compact, we are informed, has been
entered into between Grant and Lincoln,
which • Montgomery " Blair hail 'endorsed,
after the manner of the Pope; acting in
virtue of divine right, and confirmed the
validity of theragreement. • it favalid.that
a written agreement has been drawn up
between the Lieutenant General and the
President, according to which; Grant, in
consideration of the divasi of all the re
sources of the nation, and perthission to
achieve .victory,• binds himself not only
not to run for the,Praaidency, but further,
to go in person to Baltimore, and cast his
vote in favor of Lincoln.
"-We reproduce this report interroga
tively, with the view of calling attention
to it, and of obtaining more simple itifcr
mation in the premises. We have to state,
however, that it comes to us frOm a relia•
ble person whose position at Washington
enables him to know what - takes place at
the White House."
PZEHAPS the most alartning—certainly
the most discouraging—fact bearing upon
the situation of the country . , rays an ex
change, is the blind, malignant and un
scrupulous partisanship of the Administra
tion and its leading Supporters.j . They look
.upon the war _ and the operations of the
war in no other light than as the means of
partisan success. - Partisanship was never
so bitter in all our, history as that exhibit
ed now by the Administration ,leaders.
They utterly fail to appreciate the dangers
which to-day more than ever before,threat
ed the very existence of ,the Nation.
They are - nearly all absorbed iu miserable
schemes to promote the owe* of this or
that candidate—not once dreaminethrit
the course they are pursuing *ill ieenit is
destroying the National life, sand leaving
nothing but National ruinvind disgrace to
which to "snooped." Is it-not possible for
_men charged - with, such fearful respoesi
bilities to rise superior to personal and
partisan squabbles; and to cleVote their en
tire energies, such as Prayidince has en
dowed them with, to the service of their
Gee. fibenua4 IkeeineL
A continued series of victorious cocflicts
with the enemy has brought General Sher
man's army within twenty miles of Atlan
ta, Georgia. An official dispatch from him,
dated at Kingston, says that the rebels at
isiked us at Ti o'clock Tnesday morn
ing, and, after a fight of two' hours and,a
half, they were repulsed, and our left Was
in possession of the railroad bear Marietta
—a point which Gen. Sherinan had for
several days been striving to gain.
THAT able - Republican paper, the New
York Evening Post, ascribes our late rever
ses to the alleged fact that the nigger
"isn't properly recognised." But didn't
the commander of Fort • Pillow recog
nize the nigger ? Didn't General Seymour,
in Florida, recognize the nigger? Didn't
General Banks, in Louisinzuk, recognize
the- nigger/ 4' the ;digger wasn't rector
nixed upon these °Commons, howl when
sad where on- earth arwthey to be mot
We are really appretieosiye that Aboli
tion Editors wi gip so low td mop* the
nigger, that tuggers won't recognise ,
them.:—Levisviat Amnia - r •
The Portsmouth (0.) •Times of the 23c1
instant publishesi for the first time the
fi r
following letter (rem Hon. B. P. to
• ellinplit Uvillgittatiof th at . It
tftdi - ito Irom'sgi tige kOiCtr that . ' trolled
th'l-legding *teflon o , tiiii ubl44a
==ropio‘cto alo. sik tlit4tiniti, i of
• ' litent-into ptwolik.. Ii- throws
••••••t ~. mattivr - Aight_mtimmitAti
Woo Members sitthelPleised 'Conference
Tthotright ibilllrroi ut ilrkied iMiii —, . -
a curse, in the language of fienitorlatin.:
i- . 4 20B.i.higeni!gliblaut lk lit* - Woo&
letting. ..The following is a copy, of Mr.
,Ctutses Utter :,. 1, ,. ,
! .:. .L 1 ,i .1 ":Wsistotolos. Feb. 9, 1861.
..p. Pas,lt . tilz- Thanks for your note and
explatiation of that vote. It may be useful.
Viten is is greater animation ti compromise than
• I like b ses. Bet tisk* she:6ol, ' Halt a_
closest of the Border_State gentlemen have
*wits our root* to night,lf.tharidge and
Stokes of Tennessee, :Adams * Bostow of
'ltentualcy, Gilmer of North Carolina, and
°Went - 1 1 really' sympathize thith them, but
see no reason whrwe should *air** porno
;tangy, a Lutotgmocr to ,halp them, for the
purpose of gapung tomporan/y a urns ens.
. Youri.cordiallyi ' S. P. Cam.
MLA-regarded the permanent menden
cy of the Republican party of far more im:
portanee than
,the peace, of the border
Rt4tes, 'antitheft. retention in the .
From, t : 4e friction of tbis partisan spirit'at
the North,, with the equally unctmsprnmis•
jug spirit of a party of Southern leaders,
: some the flames which has made the tin.
ion only a uscpe,and a deso
The New Nation - eipresses our views to
the letter When it' sayi ofj the suppression
of the Wortil and Joarnal il!Cbouneree :
"The man who pis the order and be•
who executed it are equally culpable. and
the people await the just retaliation which
the majesty of violated law demands.
" If tyrants, ould find no complaisant
instruments, law would never be violated.
"The duty of the general commanding
in the State of New York was to send his
resignation in reply to the President's or
der.., He..preferred his command . to his
duty, and it is just that he should bear the
"The innocence of the (Athens Who were
deemed guilty and arrested as such has
been acknowledged, and the guilty party
has been arrested, but the detriment aces , -
awned to- individual* and to public mo
rality still remains, and It should be re
paired and avenged."
The man who executed the order was
General John A. Dix, he who once claimed
to be a Democrat, but whom the tinsel of
office and the duale of power has con
verted into one of the mostiobsequious
tools of that Abblitionism which a few
years ago he despised. Had he possessed
a tithe of the spirit which should chars°.
terize every American citizen, he would ,
rather that his right. arm had been torn
from its socket than to have obeyed a
mandate which will consign both its au
thor and executioner forever to the depths
of iniquity.
THAT negro equality and negro voting
are fast becoming faierite doctrines of the
Abolition leaders cannot be doubted by
any who have watched the current of po•
litical events. Every day adds proof to
Our predictions on this question, and if the
next Presidential election remits .in an
Abolition victory. we do 'not hesitate to
express our belief that the great mass of
the party will boldly' announce these re
puhive dogmas. The negroes themselves
think, so, and no wonder when they have
such strong groundi for the same as are
found in the following paragraph from the
Philadelphia North Americo a, one of the
leading Abolition organs in the State:
" None but the baser sort of_ people
would wish the colored hoe to live among
us either as slaves or degraded freemen ;
for degraded they must be if entireW de
prived of those political privileges which
constitute the essence of • citizenship.—
When once they shOw themselves worthy
of these, the strong reaction in their favor
-which is already distinotly observable, will
doubtless receive an additional impetus;
and then may we reasonably expect to see
such a measure of justice and oom
tion as shall atone for the wrongs % n i l ::
have heretofore been inflicted."
It needs no prophet to foretell what. all
this leads to.:
What Is Ahead ts—llle State Wilier
The Washington porrespondent of the
Cincinnati Gazette writes as follows to that
rabid Abolition jorirnal, in reference to
the enormous expenses of the war and the
increase in our pubho debt ; - -
."Not less dangerous than the folly of
supposing the war ;practically ended, is
the other folly of supposing that we can go
on with impunity, obnducting it as long
as we please, on the most extravagant and
reckless system of expenditure ever known
in the whole history of war. We do not
add to-day one soldier to our ranks who
ddes not cost us, in one way or another,
double what any nation, ancient or mod
ern, ever paid for ite soldiers before. 'lt is
a very cheap style Of popularity—seeking
to answer that they, are worth all we pay
for them ; but when they themselves, and
their children, owns to pay off the debt
we are incurring, tti . Eunwer may not
seem quite so sa .
"We have condo the war three
years. For the first its
. eenses were. in
round numbers, about $289,034.000. For
the second it swelled tciabout 585,087,000.
For the year nearly, cloodng; it will foot up.
(including definencies,) acoording to op
popriations already passed and estimates
in, about 928,439,00 0 Ost . this expanding
scale, vary simple arithmetical rules will
show how long it will take to bankrupt
the nation. We gannet strain and strain
finances without limit; there strut come a
time when with sore labor and many tax
gatherers we begin to pay the debts we
are so lavishly ineurring r or depreciate
our bonds. Already Secretary Chase
has sent in his earnest protest to the
committees, and list; notified them that
he. will not undertake to net the new
and ever increasing demands upon the
Treasury, unless they promptly inaugu
rate a system of thorough and unsparing
taxation. When that' begins to press iwe
shall see whether demagogues will still
insist that from month to month. the =-
ponies of the war dual be swelled to more
and more exciting proportions. So much
for what lies ahead of us=la the way of
fighting and of paying the bills."
The Gas its has aisle coetenenced ridieuling
Judvi. Scofield, with-the probable design of
defeating hie re-nonihtatien. We insist upon
it, that the Judge his done nothing warrant
ins such severe smuts* as the following from
the last Issue of that paper :
The ability Judge 8. has manifested in
Congress, the devotion he has shown to the
interests of his coasiltnitiall, and the courage,
vigor sad fidelity with whish he supperted the
principles if the llalon piety, have served not
only to secure him a high reputation but great
popularity; sad we doubt riot he will be mien
imously selected for l another term.
Ihrzos..l72lto yoat good flour with-.D. B.
DoLoad & We aoudad Si:alma if yen want
extra broad, bloodi sad puma of all kW*.
Molted Awl*, dilldod sir* 3WI.-
g ibe Tr a Ileetrbie.
Ountllloll _
Tialiloaveatioit. of flepsitelioaas Opposed to!,
re-nomination, of Lincoln, assembled at
istw i Th.ed t bat liossierilloiect,tri
cattle spread interest In 'tie mOiteinettiVatitr
the mintier's hatiikened*it ie was more than
a mere olap-t*iiilM as the Administration •
organs have andeasoral to make the riddle
believe. Ainong the prwo,l*lt theniwattend
once were den. John Cochrin, 0t1f.:T.,• Hon.
aqd Col. Moss, of M 0,,, Hz-Gov.
Johnson, •of Pa., Edirard.eilbert,- of N. Y.,
Parker Pillsbury, of New Hampshire, C.
Albert and Col. - Zsgonyi, of Pomoot's; staff,
Rev. H,. T. Cheeyer, of Mau., Casper:Bulk
of Illinois, tiie leading German politician of
the:West, and Steplica S. Foster, of Mass.
Aprelimlaary meeting', to ms .e
megta for temporary Organixation*Whe held on
Monday evening. Gen. John Cochran, •of N.
Y., in answer . to repelled, calla took the stage
and mule a telling #pftio4. • arraigning the
Administratisn far, its . imbecility *ad coward
ice, andtdenounoing In • . e•svehing terms the
vile carruptioni prsaticed brils minions and
'friends. His Speech was loudly applauded.
Ex• Gov. Johnson, of Ps.; followed is en ex
tremely radios! speeds, in which he . denouno.
ed Lincoln for his temporizing and shiftless
policy. • :*
On Tuesdaj morning another callous was .
held in' Elmer's Hall. where Col. ' Moss; of
Missouri. and 13. Wolf, of Washington, made
speeches denunciatory of t6e . venal motives of
such supporters of the present Administraticin
as hold Postmasterships • and , eolleotorships,
and demanding a thorough reform. The name
of Gen. Fremont as a candidate was.several
times mentioied and receivedirith cheers.
The speakers expressed themselves disap=
pointed in the small attendance - on the Con
lention, but consoled themselves with the
riilectiotitriat all great niovemints commence*
with small ettAis.
The C,cinverltioneas called to order at II
o'clock, by Edwartlljilbert, President of the
N.'Y.Premont Club, who nominated Ea-Gov.
Johnson, of Pennsylvanir, as 'temporary
President, who was'unanimously elected.
Bx• Gov. Johnston returned thanks: for the
honor conferred and promised to preside with
fidelity and with ho. hope that this 4-elibers
'Om of this Contehtion may strike upon the
popular ear withifavor. -
B. H. Brooks, California, and Si. Wulf,
of D. C., were chosen Becretaries....
A motion was made for a Committee on Cre
dentials. Upon this Motion a discussion arose
.4 to the propriety of such a Committee, some
gentletaen"argning that this was a popular
Convention •
A gentleman' from bliesOurt spoke emphail:
eally in favor of, hiving hie name, and those
of his oolleagues, recorded. He represented
those who had been abused by Lincoln and his
otlitilals.' It would be easel of whi - ch all the
delegates would be proud hereafter to have it
known that they were members of the body.
Let the country see who had manliness enough
to think -for thoniselves, in spite 'Of Linooin
and the devil. _
A motion was made and carried that the
mamas of any attending thiveonveatton be re
°dyed, they simply declaring and exhibiting
themselves to be present' in good faith.
The Commits* on ,Permanent Organisation
made the following report,wilich *is adoptecli
Pattstmurr—John COohtane, New York.
Vta■ Paustosers—Parker Pillsbury, New'
Hampshire; ger. H. T. Cheerer, ALassachit
setts ; Mr. Cary; Vermont; Edmund
Tattle; Connecticut; James Hili, Maine;" Jos,,
Plumb, New York; Dr. L. Greiner, New Jer
sey; W. G. Bnetten, . Maryland J. Bchren—
bog, District of Columbia ; Alfred J. Lloyd,
Pennsylvania; Bird B. Chapman, Ohio; Dr.
Homburg, Indiana ; Ernest Pruning, Illinois;
Dr. ii. Harrijon, Missouri; .Thos. P. Wright,
Kentucky; J. P. Siihott, Iowa;. C. C. Foot,
Michigan; Isaac Neustlid; Wisconsin; J. P.
Legate, Kansas.
Baoasmarns—Thos. B. Carroll, New York;
Mr. Wolf, District of Columbia C4l. James
D. Owens, Pennsylvania ; Charles E. Moss,
A committee of three_ was appointed' to es
cort Gen. doehraue Jo the chair. "
Mr. Cochrane said the duty'Lef s Fred.
ding officer prescribes that he should be re
quired-to return thank*. He- assumed the
birdens of the office with cheerfulness, and as
a oblate'. In the army of which we were all 1
part, he would discharge 'his duties faithfully
and command apptauSe.• He alluded to the
aiscuselon in the past - of the slavary question.
- We hid all oconpled'different - poiltione on this
!abject', lire were upon one platform now:
All now agree that slavery is destroyed, and
must be wiped out for the welfare of the land.
He then briefly argued that private rights
must be maintained, as we value ; public liber
ty: The government that . ' interferes with any
such right* creates a wound that is difficult to
heal. Until the miles of war reqiire martial.
law,. the civil *Ode must reign supreme : LaW
lithe reflex of Order,'belobging 'to the 'Deity,
and when stricken' down liberty falls. "-Con—
nected with it is the liberty of the press. With
censorship Came despotism ; with despotism
aims bpprission. The • administration or men
who' - yrottia interfere with that freedom de=
servos to
,be marked and condemned. He
closed with the sentiment that "!the asylum of
liberty is the American shore, and we swear,
that the innocent and free shall be projected
unless' fOund guilty of arsine and thereby for
feiting freedom. The Monroe; dotCrine was
next spoken of, at the antionncement of Which
and the earnest enforeement of ; ' its points by
the epeaker,there was uproariois applause. At
the concinsion of Gen. Cochrants remarks, he
was greeted with hearty applause.
During the absence of the Committee on
Resolutions, speeches were made by several
gentlemin. Mr... David Plumb made a bitter
speech against the-President. He charged him
with being a weak, ambitious', reckless and
dishonest riru, and said be Wee surrounded
by the wont set of politicians that ever cursed
the nation. •
If we are here for any partial Idea, for any
thing short of this one'grand indivisible idea
of liberty to All, wears failing in our mission
8o long as any' humus being remains in slave
ry, our country is false to truth and justice.
We were not taken by surprise, when ire saw
the South grow down the ganntlet, and seek
to dissolve aged:talon, but we. had occasion to
rejoloe that the oogittot between darkness and
righteotumees would commence. We hive it
now in our power to lay down interpretations
of the Constitution that may not be. mistaken
and to secure justice and liberty to all. Hs
trusted that with a common 'spirit. we shall
now,deolara that we are determined te fight
the great battle of freedom, and to "Proclaim
liberty throtighout the land, to all the iamb ,
huts tareev . •
Mod, of Missouri. made an effective'
speech, 'which was warmly ' applauded. U.
said thoughwesamay hope mid wieltthlit,osi.
vall, *ay be s fhilare e shy will lama Dr
despised. We 1411 .unl3 soininate * 0, 12 0'
date; and we wean to sleet him. Our people 2 ,
like itaalt, holiest! dnll-an adminietra
ey , *Om s strrht: .
not eilt4l4g,weak an ti
tWen. *pi* acte bfillimenri be wow
itatw meld he *it absolate.:ahi
5 ,1 *-0 44 4:
eY would h
• - k ftit 1 0 , th e e i"ri r aj,
• --111C014470/11:CW,TIF-0-#ll4orfie Ro
i1114.11.410/L. A WN? '
MUNI kept from the 1 support of emend
: di.' 'liklinched Ur. Lincoln aa being wit
:.• •I"nielaitaiarei4l44e - igiren; ll4
then pant ihm*l24 - y Osis to get rid'ot their
itittlit4nl ti* fiat" nay spec late
uf , " ULM tidn'a, you dose, the
loyal men-of the Beath- naffs? and die in con
sequent's at eridh Ufa; .2 •
47-3motatios leatttalar - aseb - State -to the
uai~4iattibgt of rCit“ w tby representativea
. vaaMotattrattliti; and - otte eatttl
tog each delegate to smote adopted. , j ••
- .
J. 71 t ini georrtoN ,.. : .p
._ i nn • •
Mr-. Cirro/1. vuska J o Committee n
liesid'ations, - reported * the
1. That the : FedeMd Jnion must be pre.
served. „
2. That the ConstitutiCu_ 'and Lows of the
United States Must be °hie, Fired and obeyed. •
8. That'll* rebellion :must be -suppressed ,
by force of anis, and without compromise..
4. That..the:rights Of tree speech, the press, i
slid thelebise *arts be held inviolate, save
In districts -rwhhre martial law has been pro
That the r l ebellion has destroyed elavery,
and the Federal Constitution should be amend
ed -to prohibit its re t establishuient; • and to
sectrri to all mita - absolute equality before the
That tater4srsadmeonetererre demand
ed at all times: in the rolministratiost of the,
gtrierninent,•ared that in time of war the want
of them is erietinal. ;
• 7. That the' right, - of -asylum. • except fo
crime, and subject to: law, is ..a recognized j
principle of American liberty, - and that' any
violation of it Gannet* overlooked and must
! not go onrebttied.
8. That the Nationalyolicy, known as the
Monroe doctrine, has i bectome a recognized
principle, and that the establishment •of en
anti-republionti governMent on this continent,
by any foreign power,-caneot be tolerated
• fiit That the.gratitade end- support of the.
nation is due to the faithful soldiers anti the
sorriest-leaders of Enitm twiny - end havi 7 , --
for their heroic sidlieremetts and deathless
valor in defenee.of our imperiled country and
of civil liberty.
10. That the one term policy . for the Presi
denity, adopted by the people, is strengthened
by the force of the existing crisis, and should
be maintained by ceiutitutional amendment.
11. That the -Constitution should le so
amended that the President and Vioe Presi
dent shall bar elected by a direct vote of the
12. That the questitin of the reconstruction
of the rebellions Staten belongs to the people,
through their representatives in Congress,
and not to the Executive.
13. That the confiscation of the lands of
the rebels, and their:distribution among the
soldiers and actual settlers, is a measure of
Justice. • J
Mr. Carroll stated that the Committee, were
unanimous on all the resolutions save the last.
As a matter of expediency it was thought ad
visable not to recommend it, but the majority:
of the committee had : instructed him to report.
it for the cedsideretion of the Convention.
At this juncture W I Gilbert annonocedthe
receipt of a 'letter from Wendell Phillips re
gretting hie. inabilitY to be preseta, and
warmly fsvoiring the objects or the Conven
tion: He ' announced himself unalterably
opposed to the re-election of Lincoln. 'alk del :
mate from New York made a long and tiresome
speech in favor of Gee. Grant as the nominee
-of the Convention. He said he came to the
Conientlon because hi cannot, at the coming
election, east his vote for Multi= Lincoln ;
he could not, approve of the. principles and
policy of hiked/ministration. The, nomination
of Grant fell as •"dat as a flounder" on the
Convention, only one ;or two, applaudingAem
,ollitrations being bnaid. •
Mr. Goodell moved fc amend the sth reoo:.
lotion by declaring Aid slavery Alball die, in
steadtif saying Mit it is dead. It was a
falsehood that was Yet. dead. Three millions
of men in bondage in the lionth`atteet that the
easertion is a lie, • The motion wee lost, • and
the resolutions, se originally. reported, were
Col. Wes, of Mbsiduri,' moved to nominate
by ambunation Gen. John C. Fremont, on the
platform just adopted, ,as the candidate for
President-- This alMOUtlaement, was hailed
-witivintense applause , .
Mr. Ransom, of New Jersey, was opposed
to Making a nomination at • this time, but.
would postpone it until after the Baltimore
Coniention. _ ,
, Mi. Donor, a Troy, New YOrk, spoke ar-
AantiYagaiut making a nomination now.' lie
lindt4 Gen. Grant, add wad repeatedly inter
rupted, one delegate calling out that he was
cosperhead and then. asking if the speaker,
intinot in ithe employ of the Administration.
It wits great
,dititenlty the Chair could
enforce order so that the speaker could .finisit
his remarks- He favored a postponement until
•Ifettiember. Gen. Heltinstry, of Hissouri p
asked if It was not true that. General Grant
owns 'laves now in Missouri. , • .
Bird, B. Chapman made au, enthniiestio
speeeh #n &tor of Gen. Fremont. ; .
Amid muck,nzelteinent the question was
put be Col: Mose' motion to nominate Gen'
FreMont, and the response was a iremendona
. -
aye, followed by °heir upon cheer, over and
even and *et again, isaiving of handiterchieti
madititrewing up of hats, amid terrific) yells.
. GO. John 'Cochran was unanimously ehosen
as fddclitiate ;for Floe President, this
eompletion of the ticket. celled :out another
burit of applause, Whinh - was repeated oter
. ,
ant over again - . .
The Committee oil Mime of new orgenizstiou
and, Sellout' Executive ComMittee 'reported
theitiHde 'of -mammal _
At 11 Betook the Convention adjonrned sine
die►itli three oheerd for the nominees.
. i . • Front Giant's Army. '
The latest advioe4fro m Gen. Grant indicate
that his foroes beak crossed the siamunkey
rivnr, about 10'or 15 miles from Richmond.
A Vase for supplies has been established at
,Rite _Roue,- on the Turk river, the • very
polio.otpled-by.McCistian two years ago. A
nuither severe skirmishes had occurred in
reailthes Yin. worst position of our army, in
all ?t which liserithrp , fitaatewsays,that we
wise off victorious. Gen. Grant is qlsimed to
644:v1114a irondisribi military genius, and
this anutbei or, "mhsterly" "flanking move.
inonta" . l 4 are! chrCalolod in the teiegraphici
column of the dally,press mist long ago have
otnivinoildqui publl4 that Lee is no gen e ral at
all jispartsff with kis persevering oompetitor.
iyheavy battle war fought at Cold Water, on
dief Wiese, which .e.snited in heir' carrying
thirebel I+l4 but "they 'were reoulered un.
teahble" ;I aeoonat of "a eanaottallag from
.tivi i sans." I no rebels made sevefflat'assanite
10 4
to fiegatie lhiir loin, positions, "bit filled." -
&sista* drod plasma were lain, and it
is lam to *toads* that tha , enemy's
lasitis arsillissolt lumpier then tonic" Mi.
win 81aitOil is confident - As! Gin.' Grant
Tiii be WI itiaitiosad by the joistit of Jaii
stistast.f I - . - • : • • -t
DleelAlll3llllllo WHITS Mll.—We have:ll•
ways predicted that the next step of the Abo-
I . 'Mon psrty f roiai bi •to deprive poor white
nieuj oTffilling. other day, in the Senate
ofl'iheßinited: States, the proposition etas
aol set :` Wade. tilenator Morrill, of Vermont,
1 prppoe that asp right of suffrage in the Dia:le
t sld be given to all white tend
ii./ackr.whte possessed a Inehold of ON. I d I a
I denied to all ethers Many of the Abolition.
iffanolaralstra ttfrald - toinesit tha issue - in this
form, just-at the present Walt"; Conant
'tate-putaat-peattsmed , .. 4 . l utt , iAtee An d'
apnitiinot tie brought
forward soar.- The evident intention is. tai
"postpone IMO matter until Lincoln is oleOted,l l
if he con be,, when look' out 'for the disfran.l
-chisement of whitemen. fa no other. we esti
they hope to permsnently bind upont tho,
shoulders-of labor the burden of their ikon
!do pablio debt. In no other 'way can white;
Pei be reduced to that, condition' Of Asit'dom'
that 'already exists in some of the *military'
aeiiitsnottin now iresidsd over by Lincoln's
satraps. c ", • ,
An amitkble, but not over disotiminating co,
tempo Kary, thinks Mr: •Linoohs wise enough
and good enough fain President, but that he
hie seen dnfortnnate in 'selecting his Cabinet
and officers: A good- 4 7 residentrwould no more
Oboose,bad men for his 'adiliertr thana wise
one would choose fools. 'Tbe company with
which Mr. Lineoln: has surrounded himself,
proves-that -Le is neither good. nos-wise. A
wise man could not make such thistakei, and
a good man would speedily correct each errors
it he had thimisfortune to fall into them.—
Mr. Lincoln's crimes sad,blundere ire Its ranch
a pert of , himsalf as his ill-looking face end
goreilic.ehated body. Stupidity aid cruelty
are as natural
• hini ea his obscene add die ,
loafing jokes. ,There , is no`eide to the man
which, a gentleman:Could' approach
i ithout
feeling dLignst, •
Henry Ward Beecher spoke in New (Haven
on the 'war and the African. The Register
says: "He told .his bearers that if slavery
conld_be destroyed at the cost of_ the destruo.
lion of a generation of able-bodied' men and
all the"inoney the nation could raise, it. Would
be ..chittip enough.' Whether the audience
was thinking it was "bout time forliir Beech.
er to turn his 'able body' into the general,
sacrifice, and check outs part of hiS ample
fortune for the furtherance of his pet project,,
we cannot say ; but they received the idea
with remarkable silence."
The following paragraph,. from ths-Bost n
Pa/iridium, published in Jefferson's day, sho4s
that - the editors opposed to Democracy were
then quite as indecent in their lying violence
as the same sec are at the present time :
"Should the infidel Jefferson be elected to
-Presidency, the seal of death is that mo
ment set on our hely
• religions; oar churobes
will be prostrated, and some infamous prosti
tute, under tho title of the Goddess of Reason,
will preside in the sanctuaries, now devoted
to the Most High."
The Nen; Era, Fremont's organ, gives old
Abe the following kind tap on the shoulder:
. "Mr. Arnold soya that the devil has no
bribe large enough to reach a certain public
functionary. What occasion has the devil to
try it, when the functionary 01094 to is do
ing just what is desired in that quarter, with - -
out any bribe l"
The Boston Pioneer, a radical Ger Man paper,
declares that it is not owe dangerotis to help to
elect a Democrat than to help elect-.4fr, Lincoln,
and even goes so far as to assert that in one
respect that of the 'Monroe doctrine
"the Democratic. party-would-certainly guard
the interests of the Republic bettr than the
- Republican party." ' • . i
T. -B. Read, who was drafted,lin the let
District of Hamiton:county. has _neither paid
his • commutation money nor gone into the
ranks, but pleads that be sot a riaideat of the"
county. - I
Read; it - will be remembered, " --was a great
let iit the Republican Faction. $o • says the
Cincinnati Enquirer.
, -
Col. William H. Fish, who was' Sohenck's
- right hand - Man in the abominable deeds in
. 31firytand; has bernitrandlprilty Of innumer
able thefts and sentenced to a year's impris
onment,- and to pey,s fine of ss,oiKt. In this
punishment the Administration isl cruel ; 'and
it iiiinnatural, for it is dok , eatingicrog.
The Philadelphia Age says : . ,Onr Magna
Charta was not wrung 'from any tyrant, nor
habeas corpus from any Charles H. ,
'- There i -
theAroublo:-. If we had won iksimeugh tears,
stifferiqg and blood, it would not have been so
carelessly thrown*awayi",!; . I --.,
Bee. Builer,hakhatil'irrici - n's like of himself
. I
published, in Gentile,. Gott. Pierpont has also
written allfb Of Butlerrwit4ch, it;is to be pre.
.enisied,A r ti:latter irc,n't;csie to have published
in'fieriniP: Go r r.' 'Pierpont provSS him to be
a coward, a thief and a bully. I .
AN 'Mimi P4ar.—The Lonietville (4.1
Journal truly remarks : "It is the most awful
fact In this war that the litestdeat or the
United Stites consiiiers his own iv.election ,she
chief pique to be accomplished by it."
A inattF•pr-fact man, : in describing., the .pa . -
rade of ,a- Colored ,rigiutSn t, surd that when
they came to a "right dress," with the. whites
of their ei4s all turned out, it bfloked like a
-long ohalk.-uiark. . '
Scoretarylltantan began hie administration
by declaring, that his chief vellum* was in
prayer. He seems to heve changed . his base
to reliance chiefly upon lying. : . .
"The Louisville Journal 'aye thoever is re.
sposible for cutting up our; tantler into so
minitiragitients deserves to be slot up into so
many. himself. : 1
Visited Union on Saturday, j met iota ..of
iilassiti 'McCall/tali:64 s 4 Aug with
seieral of them, forgot all iibOut file train,
had the comfort' orieeing it twist around a
bead, leavtug'us behintyinad, sad, fo: iooked
awful solemn, companions very much tinkled.
Soon eonetuded to make thebut of the mat.
ter, accepted invitation to stay with a friend,
had a splendid , supper, smoked the usual num.
bar. :cf.' hititrit; i*smbied oL p U , decided
not to buy an interest, talked politics an hour
or two, went to bed, dreamt' of running of
race -with
s Locomotive,
_got ,up an hour
earlier than usual, had good breakfast,
took I Walk around the WM, 1-felt fresh and
comfortable, and half concluded it wasn't so
bad to mica-the train after all. Found horse
and carrlagirudY t 6 -tale us on our way to
Waterford rejoicing.- Met • another clever
friend at Waterford,- had just. got ea:house
keeping, has a lovely young *I took dinner
With them, -ivarything looted so snug and
cosy; inwardly resolved-.erailj we' won't tell
what. Friend hitched up his big gray, started
homeward at a spanking pea" got caught' in
a rain storm; reached "the plum of our abode"
and were deposited - in safety. 'tin the whole
made up our mind that as things had turned
()ikon well, and, wilitten ao cleverly treated, It
minnq ermuch of a Misfortune to have missed
the train agar all, - -
• , Clei-Irthikliginttiiili ICATlAikilitirr or farrael
B. rad Jida a: Gomm, 0 10 9 0 7• 071 ‘. 9 ! 9942 4 11 541
day s. rr
issasPall airs pais ham as agar* 01 4 6• Ps
ada ort 141161htia strati . 13starri is rerips• at 40
. „
- • ialtraterfad.lratbillith - alt.,
ot Besjaas IN
_ad Carlotta A. WM aged ZO
eas, spat ad
Llaso* set Dlosziztrure 947! ,
;.r. .r .o
Restores Gray. & Faded Hair
AND IS A MO.3T LUXURI4/1.;:i lip. i.z
For the Headland Pair,
CL A. R1C. 1 6 RE6Toli ATI V I
• th• t r it to
Prot'lot" a
a revelo. ita
1.4 an unwinalleq
14 gnoli for (
I° tnoiln
Ia good tor 0:4
Ia pPrkelly tt
Beautifies t-s
Is splendid for IS
Keeps the Hair to iti
Cures NPI WAS Hi
Preventi Er.;
, • Stops Itehin,, ,, an d •
-Keep tilt! Heal
Delighttully p e f,
• Contain;
Prepare- You for
No Lady will do it
•Is Sold Iv Dru,rgiNte 5r In~kn
Price, $1 per botte-6 bet
C, U. CLAILK & h
S. ft & CO., Y. Y, A
U. S. 10-40
THESE BONDS art , i-tued u
Act of Conzrete of Mitch nth
Inst ell Itnoilm 114µ0 uu'b Ac:,.11!
left'l3ir TAXATION by or no •r Abe
authorl.y. sutAmiptions to are
United Stati4 notes nr oote.s r.% \a n,mi
Are TO 1 (',J)lso,t ‘t,e vl.l
Clorernownt, rkt env period minfien ha•tex.
forty yrars from lbw tint., and moll that
on Honda of not over one talo,!r, i ucliang
0n,,a1l other i!.•11,',0 Fe1:11- iflro
%Ms on the nret dAsy of Mar •li mul Sept,
Subaextbera will rte..lee etthcr Repitire,,
as they not ri.yefor.
ed on the book, vt the U. S. Ire viurer, non ri
tarred only on the own•r's ore
payable to the bearer, and cr., more town,.
morrisl Dees
dabeeribers to thIR loin aril hive the nr.t a
their bonds draw toterret from parch lc, re • t
accrued interest ;xi Coal) ( ~ r. t.n,t,r; 'tr.,
the notee of National Haut:., noStmt .
premium) or receive them dralethz Ime.e
date of anescripttoo and &pow .ts
Exempt from !flunk'pal or State
their TAi U! is itic•essed
annum, accordarz to toe r ,to ;IA
parts of the couote,
gold they ray
oVER EIGHT PER (•E% ;% - l: - {v
in e.irtouty, nn , l'are of eli!sl c •
or tAm,,nrarc in s•••!turn
It I. bell-v. 4.1 that no Ffetirt i.• •
mentot to km WI the va-io in
ability of pzicstil parties or at •, r
communities ooh is pleik;r I fir t •
debts of the Iliiiteil.'States the who e ;•
vairatri i• holden to seCute the jay ava.
pal and intermit in corn.
These Bond% may be etibßeribed fo7 I: -.
up to any maguito le, on the name
made torioaily arathOle to the emllleat
espitthst. They can be e , ,nverted 3 n tie
tn ,, meht, and the holder will have the u-t.
It may be usolin Ito gate in this elon.r . •
total Yiinl , l ht of the United Scat, On a
fs psyable to gold, on the 31 Ist of yhr _
$764.0.15,0uti. The interest on this debt f. • t
decal year will be $45,831,12 4 , while the c,.;
In goal for the carreut fiscal year,
1504, hoe been so tar at the rate Of user
it will be seett that even the pre:ez•r;f nr
Ih. Government lire largely in ext.— t
Treasurer for the payment nt goTd,
cent Increase of the tang will douslie,s rum
intnlenentbl on the weir aeon.: ..
UOllll, to 11150,000,000 per annum,
itletruCtiMl to the National , snk ,
agents were not issued from the •
until 'Ruth VI, Lot la the tiret !.;
anbeaript.ons averaged mote then TES h....
ghlbeerlytiose will be received by'lLe
First National Bank of Er
Mei by all National Banes wbiee a:,
Patine money, sal all RI:SM.:UN kil E
BANKERS throughout the country, (a , :t D: a
of the National posltary Bank.k)
information oct apoicatiou and
01LITY TO 81:11k,ORIBEFt8.
Committee fora Day's I.
Committee on "Labor, Incorne.-a7Z . T. , r
Office No. 118 S. nal' t o ~i,ttli
This vommittee has s epeci.i a. A, to
a da,,i B '!llibor," a dsy's "in r a,t ,io`i
from every ci tizenof the • t
New Jersey and Delaware, for G.:
wounded soldiers.
The Committee is now rue oroa:,,la! the•
drew, and calls for the ca op•rat an of all claw
We want to show what the ItAuatrial
r Iheir aolnieis I
What the pronto can do in their separate tro
What Penn., franta can do !
What New Jersey can do !
What Delaware 0111 do I
What each county can do t
What each city and town can do '
What each profeesion can do ! •
What each trade can do I
What each rccupstion can do
What each Manufactory can do
What each bank, insitran•e company at: 71.
de I
- What each mine can do ! 1
Whet etch workshop can do !
Whet each family can do !
What each man can do I
What i ach wrman can do I -L
. what each boy and girl can :
We want to show to the world what
are ready to do for their soldirrs
This is •'great work. and the tint abort.
The way so do so is to ORGAN.L.'.
Organize in your workshops—in your
Let the men organize.
Let the women organize. •
Lit the +rade. organize.
Let the workmen give with their i'a; '1":" . •
plOyere with their workmen.
It IS Halle d We. If the workm
einplciyers to deduct °Pedal' Teem Iheir w•• 1,7
earnings. and the employers will ad I itt• .,
. 7 .
Ovate. the 'rho.° mm will be
the credit of the este lishment
worket once with us In this crest worn
your rontHbations Kvery r
late whets to follow youressmi• c
Circulars, with full instruction , . vi'l ' fr .:
plication, by mall or otherwise, ;0 ti.•• at
work! to wort ! •
Mrs. E. W. ACrrLit, •
Chid rwornan of 1%.:• -1
M.. 1. !Incitation, Secretary..
Weald moat respictlally thstlVre.
their new
And hive Just opened
T C r IC OP NEW Go o '
Embracing everything In 16%
/r. IL re IN E R Y
To Mitch they Write the attente, ;In e
and • Icllnity.
S .
tilling selected their stock the •r
purchased for 0.11111, they feel en en, , o•
to the advantage of all to give tho.n 'Ore r
tir PASMAMA) ATTIXT toy glve a 13
Ittg and Preelitig•
0. OSBORNE, • •%. 41 '
Liviin A•D
Street, betWeeteState Ana French.
nary to let an onsYe
of lira/ Barrett on Ccrgt SO;
4 1-41-
Of Rolland Etre, Erie.
To) frg \AIC•tII.