4 %......,... t,,.w " M I k ;; r.; • 4: FEW I .44 t, •1 , •• ; • • •• • • - :t .:1 s••• %ta . IVI if HAI-1 C •• A damludiat Weak ai bead atilt tab : 711,111p0, Illearqral A BEI. The Mot ta te;mbie xr.lroilmPs itotrolenrm! POST X:01r; if A XIS, li am-ossideter.l,l 4 ,. Aetothiimolreigm BAGS, Thiptiart irawshotem - flirs heti rOirxeszarOttni. BA.BIC-ICTB, or at amessa., thibosigertiboo ts Its el% ' AT TOUNGaIi EXPOIIIIM - Isms RUBBER BALLS, INN L 6144 rids% AT YOrnre At3111011IIIIN: IVI:IDO" - SHADES, Kasita, QU Cloth nail Plif CbiliPle tkaa tb. fit, AT TOVNTS EIM)1111131. Plartritnus AND SOPS. • lap sad Meath) *Moeda% to bad at V) pet and. des i re this dewbas, wriotrxwalniPOßlVX. ISHROIDIMT. BRAID% 111124 i BUTININS. LUCK AND INAIMED ourrPl_ TASALCM xurnme, . • AXD STC, AT YOUSGVII £MPO2LUM ('fi ~ J • 1 " 1 "'" 7 • 1 1- 4. T Tomo." gairomius BBIS COUNTY MONEY Tibia at Pot fer WI pods, at maim cash Mu, sad so '' • ' AT T017N1P111131,011.11711. BACK COMBS, Abelnisat end iissertare,' tQ Ill: L., ;-; i t 4tattiuti orthe li dos Is ed. AT YOUNGVIS POLAR EIPIIIGERATOIC, The Mud sad'bist ara m6.—oupolior to all, maul by actor-1x osio . AT YOUNGS EMPORIITIL P.r Ray. lifea L iteackes, Amy Bed Bags Nettie ta., 11/loily WO•litals /coy Imitate ma PM.t., Paw* Animals, &e. P Put us la 21/6 .Wilm .1100. and $1,04 Bons, Bottles ae. and flasks. Apos s; ?WWII beIIIMMNIII6 11 010 tehafbl• matte known. "Free from Potions." "Not dantatuas to the Hunan Tainlli." "Rate coon out of their holm to die. ar Bald Wholssall In all Imp cities. lise Sold ITO Dtantsto and Rotators eiemelletc Ear Swans lllof all worthless Imitattons. Le' Bea that "tleress'ir masts oa each Bo:, Bottle and Plink, before rat bar. a. ll.ddross Hamm COSTAR, ifPis tit 'Who ga" and Betl W il ir ro . eristi In ,-Pa. utsrl9ll44l4*. DR: WEBSTER, • • OP BIThIaLO, N. Y., HAS -LOCATED- 1N . ,114 1 . PA., IN Aveinereervoisti Mort - Worrilli "Store—m. Um.* as South side out the park—where he ispreparwit to triat auccombilly by Inhalation of Oxygenised Air , wL4:tus6w*tiorMa mit BUM SYSTEM. The 01 gen Is brew bed direetly late gm Lunge, tad through them rairted Wm the b'o d, modliag all bump. _ Arica /molt* totem end Malingany ender:t d mask wah,whiab ((t h is) tome to eontaor. The came Cleghs, Cold* tad o.)motion:ta A *kat' morn nit air we bnratbe. By the obaletion of ozymniaed air. the blood become emiritsed and,ruille4, mid dame disappears Um dew be thi - . . A Obi 4 /1414Lit31401:14 of the elms will MPG soy of the bill:owing othweemi Dppepea, Neuralre. Rhenom. tit* Par la SP./ 4 P 4 7. NetsPilula Pm' antopties. eathamitemobltia narotals.larer tlompleint, Nemulaastt from VII it•Ter au" Dl sit .BroaMing, cl usmi k , gam Slew, • geedoeleay tlereurials Dliarema Kidney Complaints. Sy rentals Weakomme of all kinds; aid in fact, aildlemees melting s purification of the *Rood. We crust we bus mid mangb to co:setae* its philo• eoottleel mind of tie curacy of the oxygentard air as a eremedial amt.% atid ladnee deo alti Mal be place thaw at own tad' e nue traditent. VOIN41:11.TAT10,1 FIBRIL Llercurr THIRLY drawn Brom the system. Volunteer bmtimoale iron prominent ultimo* of lii York mot Brooklyn, who hare been cued by this limb' men; can bens at his room*. re weft how. f-,.:3 a. to pas. • , gar' Remember the caw, KUNtriftZWAiliPef BLOOM, ABOOS - DRY GOOD 3 SPORZ. Ale, emit for the ale of Dr. Ftcoestdit's Popular Trestide, of tlitpame, on illutoad . Adtom2 sal the Der matoblotson. feb2P4-11..3110 NEW FIRM. - (1:1 1.1 - 4 11 - 0 n E C3seessior to I. H. Sealthj • Wiroi2l3l 1 , 8 AVID 'RETAIL BOITET3,_ NIB 3ONS, FLOWERS, D LADIES' EI7ENLSHING GOODS, MATS 14121 MT, ; 111171rtelki STUNTS AND ZIGWI'R SUMS. UM IL H. ElMlrli. ASP. ou.Lmon. arre44ls. Farm for Sale. THE undersiened offers for - sale, until the nth ist Ibtroary soot, h.s Yorm in 13sossilt to, costehdog hmule*l sad tarts ions, =Moor less, oat /unwired sons lammed ; lb. Wanes good lim bo". WM Nu bit sue" oreksed sod is sollsratstsi, It Is Waisted f alias trous brie Go the Waterford plonk road. It sat is .14 by ths above data It sill Os rested for IMO MI, 311111111. . J•110110111180.K. • J =TIMM_ 1P o,li 7REN.T. • Wear ea& Deeleehis Stead for r GROCERY OR GENERAL COUNTRY STORE, At Old" Tar= Cosath Ps. Slibeildlajg te et Siam with Ise !trysails?. Tbrs• also a DWIALLING EOM , whisk "labs vested irttti law Stile It M arl. tor r,1111214 S. N. SIDDLIipAp* I MeV. - /nine, Warren Co.4' READY_ .PAY STORIO vow Ni r e".Lk 7 iatorm. ral b :die that tbtf, hav IT O= or biomass OP !4161 415%5 COMIS as int AND IRLTISTS. - , Tnanykar ulna to tia sad as ihmayttat FAMILY - mama a PROVISIONS, wow awt ow was; -asp TAzoirr wow As is . ket hi Db. Bat liiaa. of liii "Ginty Mgt mistiatly oa aea aad _ WLIAILATO a GOOD 4Gtnc7,lll • c r Ths Wm. lath Prise Pad for ail kinds cl Ossiteritaiscib. - - • - a gra oo 4 i. 1110 OrAIIII, to okaY Put 42; the 711:11101N10. - plikdritti] - AALINNui. er SUPPLY -. • Meth Mabee jet resod. Ito - WOW, se EMIL Mr Mats pato Mat si •1i0710,1161' ow Use Mr we NAL • lot remSbeijrisi s ast rm. Alameil an dissesin to So • -• •: •MU • Owiltk WM- • , *ruff 710 'EETITea .10 A HIGHLY 1 CiONCENTBATZD riuri ME .vsl.sworrastnioo ./ 4741 .: . 11)ilnq4k7_ EMI Docitir tip: •OE,Iti44 I N -11Yrri , RS, I,76tpaar6 DR. C. M. JACT4O)I,,PLkD9 PA .IIO • WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER Colgkikinc.:ol.Bk . t 444 4 4i i - tis lonaider, avonie or Nefvets • itif3Aiihri#4l4liiiiitaihmaiel wrisiierom - 81mie ki :11(7 ;7E777= r. LlU:4 l kb ; ; ,414fiesty". • ties, limed Moo. • • Moon or likootto tho Hoott, ooldity atii•Steni.• • )' !. sob. Nauss. No101411!"1111V 1 • lb, Food or wilted tams , is •F I law; otjhuololosig &Salt Brovitflog. . TrottikAc 'K oUso or Ballsoottos omo• ' rs' Was whoa Is a lijot :.pooptoroatmooom of Thies, Dote OR Wets ban. tb,4lol4..7•Simimli / i gt 4 = 7 lllVMPas 4Tolloosom of Skis. lash, at Um* daisies nukes* , Heat, Boroisig la tie lleak t Coo. stoat boacinotio• of Cr% oitd groat ofa. • ; otos &Ng WILL roarrier*T YELLOW 'EYE% AL00110;.4 OS -_ll4p. :MUMMY I „ 1ri3.1. CCU Sb•kbes• dir•Os hatastridas ars rot eta lisanatzt4 1 , • SOMETHING TO E_TRIR1011q0; Ifr? TO BUILD UP YOUR CONSTITUTION ? • TO GET RID'OF NBEVOIIONASS A BRISK AND VIEk)ROUS FEELING 11(VRIalND'8 GERMAN BITTERS. Iron J. Balsa Dm" D. D., Ltiaar Of Um taageir • I Peas of arNirivia adubdiira . . . although Mt diasssue to hear or {tha t Modisioss is gostasl, through distrust of thole" aids sod setsbc I yet rough so surecisat rossos h i or [I za ••inanity W.-SisCO to thil basset he boilers@ it p. XV _eierPl• effeeintial la thi pi that DO may lass costrWato to tits Meseta others. I do-this the ions ramill_yla mud to Doodised's Gar ma Bitters, praparsd by Dr. C. It. Jackass, at this shy, Maws I was psdadlosd ityistst thaw for reas= soder the larprossios Dist they ours shire, as Wats». i ai r s o ntse W hin atrottPiosistitsr, Eau , tor tho et _torgropir,tasts. sad tor outsurigissistis ''._tiodietthriettross met a ad Drag sostinssit ty. ; Thirn i ts• hot thus itlUam at thabegisubig otters t you, To. %lime ast Mist; sad redo to s do pot abode' - *gas whisk I bad sot bit tor Itoo@tt hodm ad despsirod of militia& 6, 4 vata 112steltair. Ittedit . Sae est distatiag as to AS sisrottbas. : . : ' ...1 . , tattoo's. Joint 1.3, ' MEL .1. NZ vital =DIM —...... 1 a n 2, , ,PARTICULAR ' lialrlbit.' There are may pmparttions sold loader tbs .- name of Bitters. pot up la quart bottle., compeended of the chirped whiabsy or common tan, eon** from 20 to 44 mate per pilau, the taste &gibed bp, /Lake or Omits tei LiViilkiiitinit4iiiiii4;te to awe, solong se thy am be sold, Imedrob to die the Lath of the draattard. Bp their we the syMem la kept oantinually Ode the Wham* of altobelk Stimulants of mar scoutkend,the_distot 43r Ligoot .is scooted sea .erge.Naad the tram elltbekatmesatnamdast upon Owes Meant 4sattiu - • _ • • for those who 4oore mad Miff ia.l4lkor Itittelry we publish the following reaelpt Oat Um &Me lisle Mears Ciesenan A r s tool: ael*Aeith eerie if timed Smog or kids% so 4 the rot t p9l4pp e props. -atm that will met tri Saktkdital Wl' sag' true emelleneo any of the snesetoos Liquor Stuns is the motet, sad will oat awl tom Tea *ill hare all the: airtime of &ekes Ribero ha soimetiott with artioleOf Liquor, at • much la . price then th a n orepantiose wi ll toot At *Om Minim lead Intello sir Main. • We e*li the attealna of all having relation or fries& titles only, to the last that "ElOgifloiNird German Kane TO eais anertenthe of the news balked by - &Own lead pennon incident to camp ills. la the Pais, Meshed almost dally In the nevensers. on the .rrival it the Ma, it sill be noticed that a very lain iroportioe are selbrin (mot debility, Every nee of that kind can be readily wed by Hoodend's merman Bitten. Linen ranging tram Canine of the dive. 4,4.4 vane sale upend, removed. W. herr henna. hoe Autplidi tisecif Sinai Bitters *en lnely laid ening we heinen, hushed, et Leas ;nen be wed .sat etboro4Ol *lll toe loot • '- • • , We call able and w p a ar t a is ul a l n ootinootetdio c a a t r e e r e e se tie remarit heron, whi ff s life: fc dte 11a one isagiu n "h m n wed by the MMus" res.anatren, einost 2111 Mears. Jew 4. dew gestinen, Isar Hoof. liormas Bitters has sand mg MIL Ur* is DO ot..iak•lathii. it is vouched fir bj; atunieue cif my antrades, some armhole Laws are appended, cite who Wm fee.? the cords en of all edrouttstaAoie et my owe. as, sad have wee for the hest four yelp. a member of gh am, ogibeited battery, lead ander the immediate la m -en of t/eptato B. B. Ayres. Thioogi lb* e= po :0 T. otajodsitt apes at sedans duties.l was aftaekM tinaletier net nth IsSalomodoo o the lungs, and wascfer eneaty.ten dos timingifi,r in la by great deteilty. beightsord by is nun dl dye. n I was then removrd hem the White Brun end mint b ee,. the cute oa load thanes-user W hite of Keine; from which t laiededar the BM of len dines that time have been about se los as any one could he sot WI man a ay-Act 'taint,. For • inn or axes was namely able to andlow anthensnif I Jai tone amoral down, It was immeallately threw' up scale. _ I wild ant ens beeps glass of Take os my eicesack, Life Medd slot last ander tesesisermmetueseq. eni so cording!, the pigskins erho-heof hies elmkingt /lath. nig, though unnossestally, to ,ae from the ensp of oer-dant mom.,_ Winn that they weld Is se as re in tOootidiefitiol Is to sot s lea, tun to Webs Seth dispositioa eCesy limited tans am, et sifted no. As aensiatenee who visited are at lb .11 8 1 0. 6 Er..TredeOlt- S=ro%el Sixth. belay nals adineenhe ins ' the Stters„ med edly ' we et bottle. nen onneed taking thelskony shadow of Mk 4 a d. arana i tidas ontiac eed bett s er am; peas s g, ailiarairsiss boisiflU a t t o maids ayedaughter._ ken nun ementmoning linntial eirenelleieem, es s losi - Tir cake, hew thew iden, ed hest Boyd. Te year Ise valuable bitters I oleo the eertalitty of lib whirdames .okes the piste of vane `in.-le loss Bilks ohl i own lee tloripes.Wit- fa Ws of lON eke". to emy Men iry Ni i mo_yeyig is see • foal% MAO MALONE. • hilly 4 eonporesins" laths truth of thesp ;above etatommet. men lin esi !oft par its, reekeed to nuia r r Mr. Nab, Jong Coongandos, lad Now Tort Nanny. disown A. Aaiun. Co. C., Mk Mann lawn Clouds:RA Ind How T. L L amen. lot Artlusry. 'softy Z. taunrozi, Co. c, Sd Vornoot. SUM a. 12110K4 Co. S., do. Burr T. itamagain Mika. Jiro. V. 111A4Co. as dam Enna lows „Co. 11.,114 Son XAIWZIII. B. TionAn, 00. r.„Snla Nona. Ammar! J. mutt, Co. A., Sid Torowat. Jogs Ja tta; Coado9llll Paula. BIEWAILIit OF COVITIUtFEITS. See that the *asters el NC. IL Jaiskseie; la IS the , Imams, •Comi t boa & _ _ Aries ire nos: iti.; vegiise N. Ilmaiyeer muted*. do trigitreitel " ll: viiit • .• Inn Rfave4 Mu* fit *JOS. PRINCIPAL CIPPICE s . lIAPTIPACTORT, ?W 1 44. Ock.tinligalk ' - somas a lIVAIII. .oammiria aico r t Okomgiim. a.Cr rils gala Zirsatme sea ilkiiers la am, arlakemo / MUMS ,tirgr co is if°l DO YOU wart ; ro Tat vair • 004:0 APPETITIBI 100 lOU WAXY DO YOU WANT -T4l DO YOU WAIT no You wan? E It' Q Y ? DO TOD WANT TO SLEEP•WELiLt DO TO WAIT Ir fOU Da. 178 X ' 1 w• Wailltiiiis'ailtl;:' • ' geom.. Viddi bag att.“ 9 4 liPer Lva., tiamissas oft sa sem e stl= lll 4= l =z , l e r e s t riAl tr e t stit4Wik,tt 09!",.Walgairbei.a$OVNI...hrmjsi peat gtatTilliZairj:=l=lle-Ulll.lttiOu. 0. ) r i loctitifaiiirirrivirioli. • IMMuI 11oeil Metal riles% pol Meals Mt. - We_ afe Urea aa lidemisit denim of Stole Mime bad tie Wybolaire • :•emormorrrirWriy onalsTias aviLtunal. 1 mai* imerr ht. a sUralt. Vs Pepped: teis foveae. item OP NIA 111 , 1rto 5242116 yi MI ARMS AND am lidiMaitter Mere Moue is 11* iiirmami drama Ns ereidalt la limirtri Dolma of streaetii tie &It* it *if tr a people, sad tM oalpledis of ow ' man pew, NW= W. balm Sou* ' sad eve tie toiler hlatioll. we • led Midi melee to appose Abalutemet ai t Kdismed, tbe menu of Untie, Mesmer so he of the Constitution, *earths • seiva lallesee la meliiirait tie Mani sad la lie Stab. ; We topme I dmioatowtrir as. • pall that limey Mime Wood_ Y bathe metrieiliell timed lased oe ISA woritely Ilea day ,Wirteoonetttatlea shall trimpli overlie. beets as tee at the rebid Made atoll Its the, Mitt dad riliblesnitlet• Oseimine • will peewit • ea, earl-9e Wriest sad wet meld table of mutest, ef my weekly yeieif atigelaiiii. Liam, Meow Wed, Kiwi hoe all parte 44 .41, world, /laths ep to Moistest lei% al aled eirestemited eel by a large etetattal WM, k waif rimietithUsiiired le oes alleyshattilier with the laboellaseme lamer that be velem"' Wi(lielkedly disk. • el tia Weekly .I*rimil of Oomeerse wtll lie 10 fellatio ' Mmes. see _0 so .1! I 4c21 - ` 5 - .":" I: 1 .0 10 _ 0 0 OS 00 • (Madam' settle simieste) • ' • " 1 Dopy. alt 100 441 Mee enemy reere,lf Marne la mitt= ea eath br,irlllpiy sea VAC. . Der ef ID mtra my' Mil be thle tie *WWI merry. :11411Artzal ttig other *WOW! AT* II ; IDIOT D Y. , JONI ft D/ILY. • hVideresitivieyear, 110.00 Is adviase'see year, $O.OO ave. le Mawr. • e.2* Sls was. la admire, MO tad of sari alit sae., M° I elegise oter address, 11.0 her is. mouth, 1,03 (ad&YI robes ems rite.) poesy lam retatted adireemed to ; , • , . *llOOll/1414 UP oOultlini. W. T. The new MIK WEEKLY MILL . i ,CALU'EST II The WINILD. ll* • ja extrastre and egantbseitve Wilkie" to Its pos. man nobler the intorninenst the aunla , inzain to guiraatio the land and mat :citable Jeannette orilide to- be obtained, Doti null frogs aurade of the United Mtn, let ho all pins of their !It" lime 6orrepoodentr, engaged ahem, sot, sad allainini Wilma ors Deal - lad reilltiry expedgles a the newsman%that It is detrivined to have as not uncovered lid enrollees ant no greet en near teat inn sot od tainediate resettle Meagan& It nit" the proprietor env on hundred thousan dal lan pe_r_igu to mantas ttr cone cf corninendiate to the nid. • lb tringlatiou of : Penny* Nees the Hawn his for fate kaki • Wail Pavitlen. and It rill Manor Is the Mtge to nialatala the and It tun annied. It bes invent seaman's's statiand in all of tie paisapal th e at elworn. • - t tire In iniegrangs aneregannn Men to wborent the eharis meg are streheoLr Miss tin Atlanta tablets lila. whin feat will goes be ageosplisted, tategransaill M naiad free UM , sad A Ol 4 00 4011 as boa she lietted Sagan Mies oar ionsts will havens events of near* la all parts ath. unused woad risalarlp sad idandy and beim tbera. • The morkossur devoteen pinion of thaw payor to Lit man% landau. Agriral_ tart' jlie Ilfechalibrarte. Open. log Nate% Baneore.nnWea sad lftganclal Asper* Cattle Illanalia, General Nees sad report, of all gnats Weigand to bon as excellent netrosielltan ampaper I:.and4-0 wolf, van of the mats of the mi :.andall at • my low plan The W*ll liennlis Ward , every istarday noratog, Ind flalgsW at tba fan inn rats" , • On ony Al ao Throe OO Illve cog s '. 00 Ten eo 111 00 Any ler lumen alarmed to ear stiabieribau, .$460 earl As sea% copy will In int to every ebb of M. l Toasty eenia, to roe address, one year, lilt, and sap larger bomber at sun price. , Aa extra copy will be "eat to clobe 4 twenty. Advertiemenn to a Intend somber will be Wenn to lin Weekly fferaid. - , DaCy Herald, three ante ea copy. Tea dollars per ui y ir er for One kindred rind. eixtrtMe tame. PM for six maths. Tiro' dollars and lily 44111 ti for three nieutin JAKTA GORDrilf, BICNNETT; Editor and Proprietor, Northwest corm enrages sad Massa Now Tort City, T. ' Mira are ge'travellog agents for the Herald. garls4.. 4 4 4-4 4 LADIES AND 'GEN'iLEMEN =I BEFORE PURCHASING OVII Plan Patti! MELOD'EO'NS! . 1 llassatere, please exuslai my essortiseet or lastre new s. ' They anrostreatei but to stead any . and anot • toe aad werimaahly meal te say= anywhere. I beg yore reheat en the feat that the °Mo ttoes tar* lately airiest so establlehsitst by amide innate teachers of this city, at. teased ;only by ray MS sat to my them (Proleaearen ,an ; ENORMOUS' 03MMISSMN ! Which Mill her alter beseilt them who bay dine to the Imonat of boa 10 to ZS per met, fdr I would nth.? al. ' low the same to the buyer than to the meddler who bsseilts so me ters dew hinpolf. I ma mss , Medea and Onward, sad hate moot ed tidier sod idlers. • I mid sottake the profits end of My Glees' pockets. or defend the Government oat at It, or cheat weal and funny lets the Iknrr Boom dm the sole of astlidylag the Nazr a y masts isschon Omagh wheel ThilllPmdfn,lfY will sot ire: hotter, it they are let good , sor b e d, If they ars good. , will nay Si say inn, wour nw or child, the mama% re. Mind 'or • Mama with my a on tr.„ if they are sot with it, and I will pay a neleand Defiers to soy who Intl shear me one oe which the Toms I Is broke, late eco many New York and Banal° Pianos bale done is this cdty sad county. Let: the people tell when" my Door Pima are—not the twohere—espeeialir t 0... with Posthorn sentiments let mob go whom they Woof. Hy Mama werwilpf to, be impolled with all late gond I sad mailirgive satisfaction or no pm. !astern Pianos dell Mikan can be bad of ms as well sad cheap as shy other alas. 6 I= 6 "-runlime mu s titti: made will amm`resemner tall lam barely in Mad. cal dao generally , and taa, ladmernests rarely ecerlled br say kiwi-Stew deader. ' Plasm warranted by me can ceielelisai .11914 I being atenataciarer, Tuner, Player,✓ drlferellono, M well as Tesehe.. My warrant Ii lam pot t-r the mount hy opinion ONO Ma bees shesett to Midasame she did not to Um bath sett a while by their _ Atlsitltselk - osts abettors is'no better for that -Imegeaklbatt an Plume dip ' able iiiiiiirt us ands wish', Urn seiLaif st - 10 0 41 3 U•kOld-11 4 14 taw 1 I allilleMPLaaos are • • tor ibusts' viola lif AU* O *MM teMebittaisisaties, sad is Orget ebovitylver ellersithe sale boa. =don mare ittis . ndpd- to. u. WILLING. Cheapest li*nittire Store is tbh Peados of the Coaistry. E . STABIrISHED 185 7 ! G. Wallah Erie, Pa.. xrAllt BEDS, pound. ROUND ROUND aORNIR BEDSTEADS, From From $5 00 SEA GRASS BEDS, ABM ROCKING CHAIRS, F11)131 $4 (XI From $2 50 SPRING BEDS, Frcim 1.5 CO CANE CHAIRS, lasras, iotreross, BirazAtra, Azif other P t ualtan,Low, u the !Ain't. West Side State Street, • matt Nat Palmer. Grooery. 1804." SPRING COODS I B. MOR.RISON, PAILILOGIN II OCK, inns, !! sow tot=4 1 3 ,rniz r ittld w itt Compri Stock FOREIGN PRESS icooos SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND SACQUB3, HOSIERY, GLOVES, WHITE , GOOD'S, CLOTHS AND DAPSHIERES. 4 Clueptortio 4Noit.t of Um zaozorp Inns or DOlll3llllOll, f R. S. MORRISON iwwai4f. ,5.i... f -- AND PIANOS TO LET. nr MUT YARtrilr, 7 .„,._........iff...., NE•W -F115T41: , .... - ' ': LlmirfOFT• I . if ~ . . ~ , •:' : • . 0. RSA tLIHNS, teMit 14 asamheallibiliqe. 1. , . 4* s'o . „ 11 -,t wool le. lc .=„ ; 1 . - ...7 • .....!: ,iii . I l it ia iiidpi ii i' o i ~ '-. 1' :- . lkapelMlN , Candel .ORtXE,RIES, - POUR, PORK, FlBll' SALT, ROPI, wenspms, inhas, ce.ptct om, AM wpm, i,IQUORI, ge. SW9ABS, COFFir, MOLASSES. FRUITS, TOBACCO, 1$ LANCE. OitACIEERi IltaiudWand at lb: ERIII CITY &TSAI! BiKEItY - CANPYI 1 COMMON A,ND FANCY GAVDIES I • • OIL VITROL, ;CAUSTIC SODA & GLUE At ti. !omit Matlart ?don Oosuseretal wit. siva:. I EAGLE FOUNDRY 1 hid air r ahnett• arar Stig• AL FANNIC I Y & BRY#NT, (noma r . to Aiwa tt • ilaraaareruas or I PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN I. 1111t2 /2011 WA 1141. AND' ALL SANDS OP IRON • 61877308. terry liters sold by on rarrOs loa!o ilro•ootidaatloe. Kettles Illeleb-Book Bsd Iron, ke, coi hand or mio. ulberased t 1 ardloci A Puhis ass losaw'Pourre cot sapiew soaks sad darn Marsha's ea haled. • 0 . 0/ asa a fide tftia of out arti stes to all ire ask. MINIM k BRYANT, CBIAPSIDI, - - , lank PA., trum s laza mama Q l BA I iaTIMORE OYSTERS! I • in. COMMIT TIADI atrrr4to wrria I I Pre& Cit leg Oysters, , leoeivol u ty pay, and ACTION! , or Otases sad image" ailmided to. • - - safflend. Chugs hithe ~Dnig . lulus ! _ ; _-. S. left witildiebed sod well i Munro Dreg $ ileerse Stereef Jr. IL Cuter, Bea Towed late hoods et •tbi sodiesimod. Wm son. who. ha marehased the Wire stook will ecoadiane the Minos es ia the moo oisse. The pea seed mimed elms et this helot mit : presedin sad Fully lodides Store,' " Tla4 l • ' ABBAD or Aar mot 111 Tin Cl??! And the eshosible loose, by moral athodea mid AO. dots 1,, is writ the our An. OA Islam Mr. J. t 1.,. elthesgh withdrawileg hem lb* mat wife fables lases se !be beetmes, will eta remets 'he the MOM wises it. Memo be meet his old Moods sot to oossaltad as %NUL 0411[07CL 0 spilriett. JAMES P. CROOK, masa ter 11017011.11 D PLANED LIMIREt I msarisarasss oR• Whitlow tub, grains, Dun laid Midi NOULDINOR AND NMI 11NCL., _ Scroll flawing, Matching. & Planing DONN TO OWN& asp ea laseit a, beams fa awl Sala., lEBIE_PAL I wsposthrily ti kt Um attention ot+llo pabile to my bourn tor dot* meet la tho Motet 10 .1 0 rinaPil7 on emsomblo tea. limbs 1113 mt op latinkty o=oltamtlZ , I Awl molcloot oggitiog Er Orden t "brad will neetvlrsolotettestift woulcistf. JAcitooK. Erie l Ate Brewery, CORNER 01 1 PARADI AlO 81717AL0 13.. TIMMS. 1864. Lager B'ewery, • CORNER' OF POPLAR 4ND RIDGE REELS. h IST 1 i Erie Erie Barley Warekeales. • CORNER •0? 7TH STRIEEfr a CANAL BASIN. Me tad Wag XI sat.= Aisej Selected %la Bed Qui e =ratal seiser . 'Mae llf The Cluptast Quitting et & sad lialigh of Lager Oa had sad mil kit Bibby l A. A.Q. T • .CRAWFpRD CHMOTIAI I I,_ (IB)CMi . ti:o3 AND PROVISIONS, Drie«i' and Misled O r ritits, • ! , rams a ou.te ehip 'iltilioperz Boat Stares, 616, - NO. T litil7l7 IL BLOCK, P Alt r "WWI Also, Pabhol Doti; Foot of Mate, Street, / 1 •W, • • arkwrorp. . r. , ~, . . i ....__L Our Mod d ME). I, SYRUPS,. ) RIMEL .11415, CIGARS, ME! lam". UM *au= Psis. ammo iiiimmioutisr ..; FIIPAIW I , , Eli 1 •^. - • ibit i VAIMSAIDOC i , Pairrinr3 - 1 011,1-kof d Olt dlrAltitaiDTl: ajr ix ii=galtell• , arias. • •• 1 fiadltaliv amalla all' • • ft Claltp.' •4, ' aaddigei• : • , •1", I - I •. 1 Mari WNW i 0 lidos is papsysa22l • • theataltiftisaimallsidil,; lea a assiblastlaa atib• " oplalas 'tflgraty ' iess= • . via WNW Ir k = '• • ==lllaellai • I ar n =ist_ • a& *OK ima be lima AIM pros it jana by p h i/ • JAL " • • umedaDomeriini dilimikkaj WS mad Ity rd= lea m s ere= • isit immil tait Mkt, 0 = g b lt Lie aallkaid laws 41.- .....t.e...ilaraf4l/00 r Omaha Italica isbout a Wm abate aebtleri NW' eta*, ass fore 11l imataisat ha asa. Tao 40/142 *OO !Wait! kateo , l3 IMP :19.0 4 MN* / 11 lta eakt. 11021Q11.=-Save *sat liguisie WU sat baton samba %Thaw attlalst Oft to Sial3 sll 3 0 t/ 1 1. 11 ' swe c 4 ,1 and botglear Itaikaaa Itorlata , ratite Ell a'. 6-1, 11.1 at Imiltabsamilitt *Mk la as wart at .teat aalWow 4 *ITN kw plea at wa.c. " • Imo VW UMW Illppriattr 10111461.11 rpecomanad Wise tbiaaatiatseif ' Wag isiaalwillartara MO val. Utak ars pasalm, ma a aa4 saw aka. aat MacMillan', rattan Omar ta ka* Walla art la Lap WIN at 1111 de. wit tab ma Qom. yea catimatirtll ataaa etre yea ma wtLir.' • • eabi by all Lainiati sad Om lanistill 13 atam k aaa la larva Worts at MI car. . NALL it /MCKIM, PlunaitaNl, qatm. ailat. Ma .. • Ditibila-181 =I • f t ":1 ' "THERE IS NO SUCH WOW AB 'FALL? TAMANDS • COIIPOUND 'SZTltittf 4:1/ 'MAW - AND CC/PM:BA. prepatalisa le psetslostill lbs MIWICAL ritortgalON I,lW.fiorthre pompt. • • awl °estate can of Dity4Slf r i 07 7112 SLADDIIi m >J I 1111331AILY 01100/I.' II soy* relied was ea Wit 41 4. 180 a tresses of than ressediss Iw dry Mr be* setwas ebsektbssy Ss • It Ines wittatis• Myrtle% 4,4. by Os assessles,essi, dose is stets Mead: • it,—,Passkasece are Odes! St sit Ili Tartest. Colyoundiaxtrad qf Cid* Lll4fiek and tas;w seas tag ilia as Wieder sad seedblos EP*. matte weber shiner sasim e an lb OM mast. ti l _OO. seat by express ea ssselpt rts& ma " • tanilfactilzea emir be mainuart co., No: itt GrOswieliwStlimotiL!.keler. se taws Molt . psi for ' isle 6y Disiggir" JOS, EICHENLAUB , arenOtutts BOOTS A DM. SHOES! WHOLESALE _& RETAIL 1 T TAKE PLEASURE IA ainouncinag e o . t).41 pals& that I lase Mid le sis torsi, a oombi* sett of z moo ilomurgair, - Which will stable ins to asaulastare sad sell Basis awl Blum ' CREAM Tat! 8110010 1 / 2 . Ha sist had loag armless, es to thsiniate steads. mess, I .}.all take speeds! piss la emsessileg waste* to salt thew. I have the schselee *id la this say t. two, ch. PLUIEE SOOTS 'oBoOw the beaelit et say sambas" sad oe =saila • tibia raw et ;them, to satisfy say ow as their tis senfisrt those seeds U 1 the eld way. The Maser Boot Da* iseletaildie la; Is es amy Irma the east u sae were SW Wan Weft By '. , • Will receive soy oars NM Pi fr. 0 0 VM.Pilloili at' testioo—oseablaing 11111 ae werlsoes Vaasa asset be eseellsd la the eeeata7.- Hoots sislAbseksiepablei ea alien sales Constantly ea tradition , * Mick et LzArzta. tikriwairembisas. eadesiag ay thanks** y hies* wkeastsselinl fee 'pa T rt palsossee, I hope by je so st and bemilellef &seam to merit • eestianeese of Oa mask sal r anar all to sail and *sambas pr stalk !step when. " ILL 111103 i As DODD As Ow . an , inrrna Ohm Wolin es the 321 . tv ' e we Ittiti *OM ' WWI the , • 'NEW STORE, IN NS BLOCK, -4 40 0 . • With* larger teed Itedor nom si HEAVY AND STAPLE Hamar ! I . FOREIGN 4•ND DOICESTIO, ?haunt" before cane h 4142. • WP NOW DEPT 003111111 MON. - The Jobbing 7,14., reeette EffPECIAL ATTE,NTION. - 'Conley- dot Shannon, Wayne Block, 7 French Ebest. OPPOSITI TEM 201 1 / l i , =TM' ,() • /../ (401, " / • • now WILSON ICCIANDLUS. Jadire of the Milted Mew amen Cook holiest. • Cows less h Sr. cirme srs.. ll l l PA. WIZ I.IIII9XST, 081011? £sp asps - $33 for afa readings' UMW • • lifNo extra clones tbr Masspodstem iNsuflields iroad sad Bank lleoWLeftikft. Molders' Sofia at hairpins litsiledla Weir se dan at any time. ml, lamination le anadastei and practical Asenotaste. The prepare itst act vs badness. at the leant expose sal 'siotheN for the most Itutratireasd nepouthie I ' l * miss granted for soffit esty. less sabers* ' preference Or &lints" tat 0111.10 lop buissor , SWIM POOP. A. COWS* the Mid %Ida Vali% eloo Wasik* lama ausktfr et I fie • wad sur all eonawrtatono, tombs, Rapid Bulges, W Quorum eontalsiag All telemedisit MN I eel applijoation to the Prindeals. - • - Joan a aolti c iiithesk: arAtiend abyss the Bug sad 1 30 11 kBer s =61 BLIIOIIIIII Ilea graduate. CHEAP PAEEACig,' • • - TOAND,IIO/r %iIIEENEITOWN emirs lifting 1 . BY SAILING. BRIP 13TEAMillt.8. ' ism s. - 1 California and - 'Austral ia t. SatilitAN, tit TM OTUXT. WI TOIL of TO M. A. QUINN, •• MOH a, arnrui au 1111. . autO.lls. SUL MIMI. • I 8:;O:M.1•40) 44,f1-0.7-1 TRULY A -:RtaisstarG • T WILL SEND,fiss ef dearps.,4l ix= 4. who will wad is 10 ammo and Low to tiko antrass at il tftt BIM ; also bow to Ms. azarnorco kaolin oM ran; also ono Mbar DITORTINT • .11as oily ma and lab tosaadia odlt Onalon • d. object to amidst ilia awe la • r usi • ladj to tut Way toundso. • Alan. XADANT DinAgirramr,_x. tatered-lia. 111 ProolviN /LT. any. HawAßD:Assoownort., PRILADILPIIIA, PA. • DISEASES OF THE =MOW. BM sat mad Moron Dmana- war WI WWI* tamat by seaD, la terat—la moods at*, *MO JAIIDOWIOX— &a aislalarralajoA boa _ a 4ll la.i,r llllsei Dr. J.DIUDLINIIpDiItpOA, mam Dail !loath Math ntitpui, Pa. . rNIAVOUS 81:111111121838 BIM : I I WIllm&W122111reillnliKAIII '' baying laairadoved ts basal fa slim aus. miler 'MON pig an %be mail aniline aatne4= at assault idtheut = A WOMB ,60 Wood. — riadsess Se soft dans. altisoni Um WM* at sitailmil to villn e V) sasifst Ilos remeloisi sid ai nt seilfi X, basegxhp IX -. Pas& lIIIIMAV ya NAV ;si b 1 - CO U.G WU ME WY ! „ormulls to gaiiivublialarior end • repasttart=latylf; Lerik 4 l l o4 o o 4 11 1 1004 1004, Wborever this giodloiso is looss known Its moils unro es tailobsdl Von pop slilitroaddoirsiad. , Infisbo• , ninpAgooplo foe owing wow -ui tont' LB , idi t liaiimwt for wbsainscwt. for Comb tegairiag wore taaa e t aagewieluieftemiliqp War miss Clew” It fa mot azailled,mad ea a reaketly AAP= its mi7ot be doebtee. having restored mealy. per te *Aar 101 l tar= of Pao Ida , thie • diseeee. 'rot gronehitio and flonisonoon It ie imililillobleNdilldyiionnoolog kritatiaafress the Via.la yo tkie /Woody le °t rot isfoo-4t grow** mono - with* &gooney sad wa s of tio eow^_owidnillwirekno thodionwo 'Jam as/my Minim mum. ' 4 4ldlidisonnonoduno tango aid gee peneepee theteiad bean 1811614 0 8 - 00241110009011thiklieleg mum onotobraso and togodsill the g pride we of Umittragti • to of dilidliwirzol•mi 1 111Qiiiiiikii 0014 7 goolif awiloSietoal la lin opiwadais-2 adapted ti:o both ottoo, wsn ogosoodonoiliMtilaws , Ionoy werioandiloiedwith allow of the following amass aimed two this glaunnt , rowdy mad their videos will noon mines with elbrte In eallana ol 44lr , lts .1 0 1010 °IOWra and Medi _ Vet Hags CtirgA' .Reinedy evris aids. NIL Use 'Hail's Ong la .Remerig it cures Chap Ar IWO" • /1. • M. Use Had'. (bush "Remedy it coca Asa- ita, or PAtifirk, rti Harp a44,ll'.lTeitect fort h. 0.6 Mir Hairs Ctirg -- A 'Rfted" it 'Stresgthens Halh Cough Remedy f or , ltioane• Be;lsidy k ' 'Ms ' ' "' 7 ' •I ' •",' 1111. UM Halls Perwely for Tf7ropirifh • Mct•aurre tokom ot this diseame andsbor. Ise lb teams soars% osirhalf from its ordinary dam- Illatrattreir etiesetilhatt lass isilliattionWat air Dr. r. Fairs &j, 4 Vossb liastedy oust at* that, his etc. tai olloalaue V apes the weepier And directions. , .a.rurvolio nra ovum oN le.. ~ Wo. the sidagivackaitlasts if Eris Cit, sad tieinith lion seed Dr. v.: iisilrliCsisbnited Cough thwiaay with past mew, la mutes Moms. oil the Throat sad Lange, mat taw in mos:unending its use to 04 &Misted is II meteemesstremedy. tat tragc444, a pelts 'limo Thempies, NattlMi thetalltoo, 'LE Maris. ahnlislhipla, riz . . Bina, , Richard Bag, Jelher A. ?med. Robert Coehrtin, .1. ?. Case, • Jobs W. Mira, . David. Bear, Daniel Liam, John V. s, J Robinson, - C. H. Mist. JAI LONIMMe." W. P. Riaderseeht, I. Mooney, John R. Duman. P. R.lfsrton,, J. W. Calvet, labia N. Varna, Absent Sherwood. - Wm. H. MA , Mall. 8101/11 . W. H. Cooper. A. M. 1.4 R. L.. Torttar, '' ' Joseph DOOM; ' N. A. Bonnet; J. We_ ; *mi. Graat, - J. Eisisbarg. amiss limilh llsl.., . Imam A. Null, R. Moyer. MUM" - • : Moors WILos. - .1. L. 144. =pt. V, R. Galls. Our, ,J. Ratiisson.24l, Lag. ' Ctuis; W.ll ' allaeld. Plash, Woad Moor, D, P. tea, ' -O. Gt. Nowell, C. B. Wright. SOLD RN OM ONLY, BY 1 3 '; ,' • 111.- 1 1LIAs. illinssiallanin r . Prof dolor Heirs ) law Building, elate at. TN 211 TO It PICR BOMB. •• 'MIMS g/Ir CO.-; James IV White, Or. £l7, 01. mid;ge ni ta l e . , p,lrelrytewl T. b. Cowles, 11pringseist We. • Mme Y. Lemeon, Wilma; Wi r stVe:Vet. ' tiesh'inittjgoYagig; W. B. MS* Rdiatillot .1. G. ft imm, vti0c...4....... Tem,. Leolgeost. sad by snots gp,.it ~,ii... READ QUARTERS CHEA'P GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY in PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUSES • F. &' •M.. SCHLAUDECKER, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock, of . GROCERI FA, ' • • 1 • -PROVISIONS, • , WINES; • , . • LIQUORS, .., , - i WILLOW; - . . . - WOODEN, - - STONE 1 • . .: WAS . FRUITS, . i , NUTS, ac.,:tts., -- toiether with every thing found in a House Of - this kind, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Gash or most kinds o' country produce. Tboi Uwe &Vie pi hand colic of that largest orid. flaunt Stooks a/ Tobsooo sod Semi ever brought to Eft., to *Ma Up,. _AWN' thot Wrathy at/Nimble. Er Qin sad see us—a nipable sipence l is bette r than =XV Ip i rmrkur bums , anapest • -. WOW, z.. 3 444 • Quarters! 'AMERICAN 'AMERICAN BLOCE., .STATE ? STREET. Jas. X. irsa-ern , .. Ir. it IL qPiIr.AIIDLErat. Ihsufak •. MIR= CotrziTY, 22 Ant COMPAyr.' . . hemitorttect, tit 'lBs9—qm-ie. • Peictua!! ! fadssnred • Airataist Liar Iry fire ter tiq mai get 'espesstlfas Vivo . Years. le l aad apoa th• deposit of Prenitom Notes, of UPI UMMOM* of the .aaaal , Stott Ratio isslioney wiumlaa aba fiabil4y pt . a Pratokua Note. Laws paid 'without lititatica. On. Writ only has emir been brought galas%this Coatpsay. This Cisorsseg st 'int, fro from is, of it a esisiame bights:am' DinCTOHL .1 , • • • W.. - B. Hays, • Ju. C. Marshall, Jos. D. SWIM C. Mal. D. D. IV Cesar", R. liabbitt, Ws.P.Rhiciemsakta- Paullertri . TM. 8. Brawl' J Georg Basklasola unat, Jstab Rams. utish . , OPIidERS. Jraa. o.l“assuss, hart • Jou/ (winnow, ilss. WR. Y. itisassascar, Tr a. • Marrs: Qaanisda k iscroarys . Law Ofies Zlia. Ps. -7 1ase 10. 18.6: N, li, W F I Lg. TIMM= AND *IINDESTAEING w a, E 'o 0M 8t On Dint, St., between %Tenth and Eighth. The ilebeetibers have enteied into the Cabinet Making and FURITIT„II RE 'TRADE, . Drina* leaking lentderind keeping constantly on , hand AD kin& of fornitare. Oran WU melee pronipt attention. Repairing done • . • on-short noting. :IL UXDHBTASIN3. The sabseethere will give spacial, attention to thin de. Collat. eV IheWbesines. They rolmstaitius and 4eB a. and hold Loi themselves in 'l4 dlt i et tl un , weet eiders in this line, promptly, from any part of the anntry. tartertnined to tears no efforts to Eire satiates linnbetat t■ the Oddity Of their goods and prices, they hope* unary • Ire I.share of porno patroants. 1100 RE. N MALE?, sptIVES•IL • ; famoiseete to 4.41. &MX?. DYROOFING I toimaldime. • • litEADl'lt'if4)Fl'NG r ' ;'ll larded, ball der OM of IR roofs. 10.41 ; 1 ROOFING, • .- Yen darside .thita tin. *. WR•Dr•IEOIFFING, • fiattalMforata.pandatsole. RICADY ROOFING, , lbw all kinds of buildings. tn all climatal , . • '••• N - • DMA dill*? rad qulltly vitt cut. triode no tooting ever with wriest a ft er it pi nailed down. St *4 !of,. u.u.co It! ta Nub of gfrair - .oven fabric thoroughly satarated Red erearrod spa - both enrfeeer with a 'perfectly weer orte3,;:t imeopi; prel. , l: o teedy for t me-40 long, 1 11 111! maanfaenn i.WinD CEMENT, , Tee Lake Tin - Aoodr. iota cheaper and more dumbl• lira eft peat • Ora. - COIII7OWID COMA: for IRARY dEINGLUSODFS.- Oliddiwill oboe preim the teat and new root. • • libe af_ltiabT 8•01INCI Madero punt by wall orloaftwrim. Favorable tonne made •with reapoarible potter who bey to yell aisle. , READY ROOFING CO.. layl4l Sm. . 14iden lone, ht. 5. CARVER & HONECKEEt, ,_ ~is.l J. & J. B. CAR,V ER, . wikusaiLi • azr•zs. na•lis• 1J Leather, Hides, &c., , Xs. 3 hal Mock, Sabi at, ides Pa, Cffloolastly on tuned • largo stock of "BOLE LEATHER, mottocco, LININGS, FEENC/La AMERICA): CALF, SEM. KIPS WIPERS AND ard.tts. LASTS, Pies, wring, Mumma, to ABBOIMIDENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, AU oi air lovt or CASH OK PROMPT PAY. A LOT LARGE 4 CA, 0111 r... 1/Wia sad 111111Mgarara i - 1111111471111 LOTHINII t CLOTI ta riled* B t Stook of in the City! COME AND SEE FOR YOl. Rm. MOSES KO - c, otILD RESPECTFULLY i n . 'fiArzi big old binds and castninen U l u be bu reitallid to the itotrodld nee Eta % &Dow NO. ID UNION' BLOCK, Where invites thus to tall sad enrols goods. His stool Is as large sod well ',lb, as m) to Ittie, and he Is determined hon.! e socialised+ has Jut receiver! the rt SpIUNG AND, SUMMED. Eret brought to Erie.' His motto 4 t Wards% ea* pries, sad that the lo Asia mi what abar are iiplareatai they es.r MORRISON & DINsM 1/110LMIALE DZALIMI Flour, Pork, Bea, Salt, k, MOVER, TIMOTHY SERA 4. No. 2; Wayne Block . MINCH STRUT, i 4 Sirth 1L,., Lle , CONSIIIIPTI Tttg aubsciitoir will cheerfu,, ot oharge) to all whoiiedzo We in Roomy hJ which bo was caned of that on, mooptiou. Volarora with COWOOXIMPtor, Alma, any hug spoot.low, be daowoly hair .111 k well satialkid If thrf t%i:s awry otll wow s with the lomat. ThaaVoi for bhl 011111 tout b• le makeup to Vaal i n the hand s of the lowtosof eon. Those wintWng the nett WitneWoos, iws.,`."lll Own call on or WM/ junel-14. Row. NIL No. OS John St. V. SCHULTZ & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' ODDCENTENI AND na aim EAGLE vu -Laos, raiz co, Pl we keep us bawd a lino awl wall stivo amoryt!ifacif our Uwe, and will not to - Vi /NM, LIQUORS eoszty. HARTFORD FIRE • EIARTYO al) C( HICORPONAM&D fro. H. ECNTLNERON. Prot. . CITY FIRE 1181181111 1 ' HARTFORD, MCORPOStiII TAO DO. C. B. BO WUB. Pt*. TNSURANCE in . L d s ma b, NEW FURNITURE J. H. RIBLET & CO., Igo:mkd ruspoeffially info•= the public the: • opened a FURNITURE • IN GABLE'S BLOCK, Between Bth Ind 9th Streets, on Where they intend to keep contently on ham amertment• 0 f NEW LID 'WELL SELECTED We reopeetfolly eolloita share of name. J. R. jara64-tt. New Grocery! JACOB BOOT would resp - ectfult Daunts to the people of Eli* eft. tad CO7 he has opened a , NEW GROCERY :,TOMB, Gs Os Nest Siiis,llPaar4 sheaf, s of tie Lilts Skew. Depot, . Where he will keep on hand a sr • e assortmni taitoceßlis.;. PROVISIONS, WOOD AND WILLOW WART, Ana everything usually kept in a first clssi 4IJO, Wine, Sweet Cider and Liquen. The highest Uszket Pries paid for Prodoe. if desired, nr Give me a call, tf yoa wish t sere gains. I pledge sayarlf to sell as Low,i not any other store in the eity. Mn. illeals Photograph ilhoon k IWILL fiethLooe of my I , eaatiful graph Albums, made from the !!Wert Toter co, with double heavy 'gold plated extention e valuable prise, bvkzpreu, me-paid, for Ere e No one need mad the money till they know sr: will accompany the Album. Persons can Err their names and try their luck. They will be r , return mail of the result of a distraint; m, have the privilege ofnending for the elb v not, as they choose. Splendid hod= agents, ladies as well ea gentlemen. /olio with (*rental; userby mall. Address (..• return postage) Mn. LUCY ALLEN, boo York City. P. S.—Any parson who will out out thernent and enclose it in • letter to sa.me , frig army. and notify - me of the teat and se whom rieelve by Wuxi: mall a beautiful and exact I giants of Major General Grant, worth at retail A single stamp will answer both for the Mum graph and tri4 of luck, as both can be sent In e , mar6-3m. Um 5225. SIWZN OCTAT E Rosewood Piano-Fortes OROTESTEZWIt CO., 499 BROADWAY, NE W. Enlarged Beale Piano-' , With all istest tanner emtate •bitty parkin**, with. great', Increased fact Itt eta ring, enable as to sell tor CASH at the low pries. Oar imam:nun received tip• hi at the World's Fair, and for are eneceseive p American instants. Warranted live years atm taller seedier descriptive clren.av mart-am. N 0 T I . 0 - E. We take great plssiors in tataradng the Peak, numerous Patrons in partieniar, that we ban again reaused MANUFACTURING STO INCREASED FACI Lin *ad an prepared tir All all ordars (or COOKING AND HEATING 'ST wna IPRO I VITSII33. Sarin parehasod a la. l o Stook' of hos, being burnt out. gloss no a decided bar (In prise of Stunk) one lasnutastarers who 1 ' Iron at pant kW" pri Thankful for put %VON. Vs lops, by Orb to abeyant, of Customs% to ountioro to patron" fa 0:11163tf. YINCIINT. B LI, , PREVENT/ON IS BETTER THAJi TO Ladies of delicate health or i organisation, or to those by whom an family is from any reason hbjeetionable4 the a 'mad onyr a preestiptios Which is perfectly lc lab, and which has bans prescribed In nem' the old world for the past soutuiy. al"Kael is very cheap and simple, yet it bu bee pal plat bottles Mid sold very extensively at tiel Jiglial ore& pal:atilt. the undersigned propo the twellps for the mall sum of it, by the which every lady can eupply herself with guard, at any drag stoas r tor the biding 80. por.ssar. Any physician or drocrist ri l tal perfectly harmless, and thoumudi of Atizsm procued of Ito efficacy. Sant to any part of t receipt otsl, by addresousg ster4DUYl l . Dr. J. C. DEVlatt P. H. Doz. No. 51363, Nov liar THE PLACE TO GET YOUR MONEY E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT .8& SHOE STORE - - - State Street, Newly Opposite the Peet O 0 AL Coughlin, Boot sad Ethos Dialer, reeptietfatty Informs the Public that ha bus removed htirstand to the Store Room On State stmt, nearly opposite the Poet ovoai Ofites. where he invites allfriend. , to ries him sail. Particular attention ti"" . EPAiIR 1 X 0 ! Raving earefal4ortiolo, 1113 , • teedig banortoo Eliaself, he bellows+ he ca Ave, to cv. ; 1 5 Ma mod will at so low rim as any other Porno city. Good Fits Wornatid. sr HATS & CAPS FOR THE AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. NEW . STORE! 'NEV • I km removed TIM M% . DOOR. NO 0 th. "-- lately occupied by Yr. John Welah , nest dc4c - C. Sedan, and am rocelving • fart, Stock ci HATS, CAPS AND STRAW a l g ts Wade expressly for mg. Having taken rat mi l/ selection of my Goods. I feel Confident I am to thus, who 121 Ly faro.me with ca ts ~0 I will a fair Palm Le al Bat at It= l lmighorn at P shilling% TWO HUNDItkP r . - ?ALM LEL, HATS at New York Cam Mc**O altrl6-2m. Et! SERVED FRUIT, b. Jour, rasdia Irrali.MLlrolli la, oA aisli-ls. EMI ED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers