4rie 0- *burnt SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1864 Spedal: NoUres. ri e w. desire to obtain II "correspondent in every o w:ship is the county. Pioltleal essays we eta obtain is abundance wbst we west If the local news from all pri Ot ths enantr. Any peteonristo, to w can ro d OD lissiniehla name kept stringy tionedeatial t no; übi , his lens that th e eoinninostaticin ls nal in pr fr pnDlteatlon, we will pat It In apprepsiabs Er CRT subscribers, served by center, wlll batilskrgeol• twi ll-Bre cents per year vita. Perms who fall to, their pspers »calmly will eagles kens by set!. fy h r osof the same. We prefer to imolaii enbenribers whi n coon/deafly, procure ilnifr papers at the alio or rib:jai/00. yr The bear at which the Observer le pat to press, v p ii h. i• 2 o'clock:ion Friday atlernison. Adesetiso ',eta will h e rt i h eised' lip to 9 o'clock of the der of pob. La t . ." 2. yr MI Adentlesenents. Job !irk , ft d S ik b wr i pt t em I 0r,,,n, 'shoes tospohslbtlity is not known to the rib li ‘ barc, mut be pelf in adeeptee. -- - „ TWENTY- FIVE CENT EDITION General P.foClellan's Report. tm?rieto Xllll4 Collllpbt,, 74 . . ( 11111r York ettr, hews OITA an edition of Gen lieCiellan'a Retort for pop ale noe..at the extremely low price 'of 25 CERN etth. It contains all the natter of tbs . :Jerre, efrril: Wu, and to In every Teepee • reliable, easy of this original. The moderate price at which it Is fora. i i he4 places the Report now..withla tilt reach of everthed.f. o:des left at the ODS,ViTEllonicz wiU b promptl7 _ tit at the following mt.': eines copies 25 mote 6 min sl,fo ; 12 eoplee $1,00; 24 copies 24.001 60 copies 512:0. if. Friday Mo r ning's News. Gov. Curtin has isstiedia-PieetainstlOn ,cal- Gag on the people to train themselves into military organitstions, and be without .to re spond to a call for their services without delay. The period for which they will have to serve will be po days. - The progress of Gen. Sherman in the West is Still said to be encouraging, part of our army being in possession of Rome, Gs. The two main armies are it:L.l46f brone another, and a heavy fight is expected. A heavy battle has taken place between Butler and Beauregard.' The latter attacked Butler on a foggy morning; and captured part of Gen. Heckman's brigade, including that officer. Butler has fallen back to his en tren:hments. Part of his command is said to have destroyed the' rebel railroad connections. south of Richmond. In the late battles the rebels are said to have lost most in killed and wounded, while Butler lost:. the most prison; ere. - Rumors of a general engegement betwel.4 Lee and Grant are in circulation. On Wednes day quite a bevy fight took. - plase; withoit any decisive result. A charge was made on the rebel works, and we succeeded inn driving them from their first line of entrenchments, but found the obstructions too great tcrpro.; reed further, and fell back, with a- loss of about 850. The,-. rebel of course. much greater. The Committee of the City CIMICHS, SO* pointed fqr that puroose, Kam) 0404 inti.ll eJnlnict /with the makers of the celebrated Am.,:keag steam fire engines, at Philadelphia, to build one for this city. The coSt is to be $3,509, conditioned that the engine is,t,o be :eery way satisfactory, After full and fair trial has been given it. The Committee acted with cire and ,shrewdness in the matter, exaMining sal inquiring about all tha diffrent kinds of engines do use, and they have selected the Aronskeag after being thoroughly convinced that it is the *tie best suited to our needs. The engine will probably _hero- by the Ist of September, by which time we 'trust a large and efficient company will have been organised to receive her. The City Comiclle hette also authorized the paiehase of 3,000 feet of hole. We are much pleased to know that the ordi nance requiring persona owning_or occupying property on State street, to clean that portion of the street in front of the same once a week, is 'to be enforced by the oily officers. - This pin was adopted last year, and its success is eo familiar to our citizens,. then they should be zeslons . to make it equally suoceseful, or more so, this year. • Ws do not doubt that all interented pill' perform. their duty faithfally, - 7 0 Tided 4 1 k:ProPar oily othaere do theirs. To have the mattes performed correctly, there should be one certain day for the cleaning, and the dirt had not ought to be allowed to remain on th•e street over night, after it' is once gathered into heaps. We are informed by the-Supervisor of the West Ward that he will not fail to attend to his share of• the mat ter, and we now colt on every business man and resident on the street, to see that the or- littance is carried out to the very letter. If all work in harmony, and 'in a true spirit of public enterprise, the nuisance of a terribly deny and disagreeable thoroughfare, Which has been such en inconvenience in State street heretofore, will be obviated this summer. 830 Itzcaxesr.—The following is a list of •the killed and wounded in , this gallant and favorite regiment, as far as we have.been able to glean them from the city papers: Si/fed—Capt. Stowe; Lieut. Montgomery; Privates John Lillbridge, Eugene Mayfield, Henry Lytle, Langley. Brounded—Col. 0. S. Woodward. Captpin Berdec., Lieut. F. Wittich, Co I; Lieut D Roam A; Capt. Hechtman, K; John Daugh erty, I ; george Barren, 0: David T Hall, F; Wilber Hammond, B; W C Waldron, D; B Wilsey, C ; Mark Sackett, El L Deae, RJi D i mm e r, ; D D ra k e r E ; John O'Connor, F ; liergt W R Elston, C; Frederick Bresce, B ; Corporal Miner Cheesemst. Parcoeter, llirow H Stearns, E; James E' Griffis. F; L Gilbert. K; Warren Field; F; Corp 811 Wells, A.; Charles A Hill, ; 'An• ;bony Etter, K; Henry S Brown; John Lock ; John I Melleer..S; Isaac Boota..D ; John -E Rum E ; Charles A Brown, C ; Homer Town, John A Dusten,ll; 'Warren Hawes, C ;'James W Burdick, I; R M Lawrence, W Jor dan. J M Brown, C: Joseph Destington, B ; J Toner, 0; giward Gerardeßussall Coburn, II; Harvey E Hays, E S Brown. Charles 0 Hart, Wm Wilbur, B; Warren Harness, Vansise, II W Longman, David P Hall, Peter Knobli4. Janus E Graves: John McClure, Isitte•B - Witacm ;' II H Battles,, B; EJ Thompson, J.; .Michael Dolan. C; • Charles ' Power, F; Joseph Stoll, K; William Cole, K; - Eugene Ceiden, L Shepardson, A ; Warrsin Bowen; C ,II roamer., ; Sauteed T Tingley, I ; John Krante, K ; R Toarie, D: 0 II Cravens, F; Adam Schneider, B; Corp. B Foote; K; John 'Lawson, B; Corp C H Elcibbell, I; Yorden Huntley, K; N P Rey- Wag, T H McCoriattck, B; Stephen Meaty. A C Illithes, p ; sWilltani Smith. Wm Connors; K;' 3I F Underarm, Kl' 7: D Fi.h. 11; Chirs krNeitt, D ; Sergt Ryde, E; Stephen Cook, F; Casper NlnDery, $ ; Hiram" . ll4lhee, U. •• • • , . Letters and packages addressed to Hos. •G. W. Scofield, 4 C , , A.;. ; ii. r Cauzhey, S". Todd Parley, andlitomas Eishailatrot this district, low in Vishinittin it are 64u:red:ril' receive prIIINA our timings hat its tieo ot the ONerver °Meat' kl-S nor any ettabliahment in •North Witten) Penn-. ed by sylvanis for doing Job Printing. - Parsonii in nesrof Vendrid Bills, Elitction Tirkets,' Reads, Blanks, or rini 'kind or Plain or Finny Potinihil: Slietr Alfriistagn to give us a cal). „. -. • . • • • tt..:;. , lsrite lot otoplintli4 PllfibtogribiltAs, Photogr4ptlf,. Irletares;kiO4 49 New Booltit4t4), 'litel:lreari . - 1' t .14t-J The 144th Ileghseat. " We hive been favored with . s . lottolf Wilda by Copt. C. W. Lyels,of the 145th reitittits ul, to hie father, hates Lytle, Esq., of this' city, from which ws obtain nearly ell the informa tion that hen thui far: been' roositedini Ati part taken by this registent itt,thlt letwbeit- Cot Cot. Brown was in 0301111216 Of StrigSdli r and Lieut. Col. IloCresry was ois'isoriatisij seirritio in this city, haring sioneltewiter,, been ordered to join his crominsnd: The to, gitnont, in the stomas of Lissa - two steers, hie been in charge . of Major Lyno, said to hare condaeted himself with still and, lallouttry. Capt. Lytle, as bravo aid put a young Anse Si there is in the service, his been acting '- The following is le copy of his _teeter. It was will= . wilhost any thought of. publication- : • -„. =I CAMP ty Tall FULD, VA,/ May 18, 1884. • Dear. hinds: Gate spin I bare the privl.4- lege of writing to you, altkwgh I usenPfaiar- Mee you, and I Omsk God that I am,etill alive and able so to do. I brie been throe some truly terrible times ; night before we were aroused from .our deep about" o'clock, and - after marching all night folltitt ourselves on the extreme left of our lines, the whole (Mips massed In coluninbYbrlgade,lient in that way about half in hour before day light we charged the enemy's breast 'Torii; and carried them, capturing from 20 to--110 pieces of cannon, and 4,000 t06,-81V prison. era— one of the most complete Moults; 4IF think, ever made. Our-loss vise` small; tires sidering the situation of the enemy, but-We caught them asleep. In the'reglinenithns the loss in officers is as' follows ('in: the charge): Lieu. Brockway,. killed ; Lieeltai Bernie, Rathbun, Rounds, Free, Evans, wound ed I also eipepls. Espy sad Dever's:. ~ .kbont. three hours after the charge we formed whit was left of our tittle brigade, and again wait in ta,relleve a portion of th e Bth corps. •We had a very warm time, and lay thereunder be some tufts after the min half : upended 60 rounds of ammunition. ill thiyibe&: !but as we were relieved, Wet. Bampeoli was. killed, being 'hot square in the forebeid. lie never spoke a word after he was hit. Lista. flOsitp sou'res one of the bravest and best efleenla the terries, and a perfect gentian/1; be will be missed very 'much. About the same Gifu he was hit a ball struck the fence war where 1 wee standing, and pissing through a rail struck me in the hip.. I thought it , w,ent Into me and felt down for the hole, and itemised I hid found it, but it was only the • button, hole` of my gum out, which I had eta. I. have a nice little black and blue spot there to , mark it, Although it palms me now, and makell walk a little lame, I shall be able to slay with' the regiment. I hardly know how Col. Brown compost 'we have two reports; one is that• be is alt right, another that he bas sootred in the leg. I have but 18 ken - tow prevent in the company, - ont of 48 when we left , camp. - I only -know of one killtß—Osker Eaton:. Among those knows as woliaded arc corporal Kuhn (in arm), privates Randig, Hubbard; Wheeler, Curtis ,Van Dine, Mulberry, West; missing, corportl McCreary, privates Phillip and Louis Weber, Pike, Bohlingel, and many ethers. Borne no doubt are in the rear' having assisted their wounded.'conipantioseie The list can hardly be correct ntitli'we to lOW camp, Which :ley be a bang dietseee*tiff. This is the 10th day of..the fighting, sad ,the roil pectic, "'twill have much more.! -Diitt; , •Grehe seems deterlined' to end the • War. It hat rained very bard for the past two days, and such a looking and - feeling set as we are yeti cannot loug*i—nitui• from head to fpot. Liettai. Lee sad-Mclntosh are all right, -oleo Major Lynch, who had -as tiarrow'io gaups ix myself—a bullet or piece- of shell tore * hole in one of his boots. I was so excited and pleased when I saw we 'bid taken the enemy's works and esuneis and had captured so many prisoners, that I lay on one of the captured cannon and cried. Again recovering myself, together with three or four others, we tuned the enemy's cannon on them and poured their ows,shot and shell at them. * * Written for the Edo Obeervera Description of pHs.. ST ♦, T.tlT LITTLI SOT " :Erie is a nice place. .4,‘, has a great many people, and some nicelouses:' The *treat houses are most at the corners of strestsoio stranger, tan see them. I wonder why the, people - (don't put 'the nice hoises on'etreit . cortier4 Perhaps they think it looks best to bare poor ones there. . • - ' ' Erie has a good many streets. One is called State eireet. It is paved with stones.' Bet no one could tell the stones were there. If they warn'', told so. The stoics are gen.: rally covered with mud 6 Inches •or a fuet. thick. . One part of it is cot paved. ' the mud Is so deep they've Weyer found tel. tem. It is real fun- to see how tie•f• 'the wagons sink in the mud. They can't carry More than halls load, and the way_ the horses have to pull is rich.' It Is rich' too t 9 hear the drivers swear, and curse the bad roads: I heard a man say in rainy Weather boat , 00nld navigate the mud. Wasn't that finny ? Bat it wee nearly true, .At ls too bad to have such streets in a big city like Erie. I wonder if our people like to see it. I guess they do, beaten they bear "it Heady. &riches a Park too—ATM of that: Ihly l Ire nice also, tint the fences ire Meer. , 1041 people think an iron fence wmild look ftm.. Bat I don't think Po t Jkwouldnlto,ls. so *- mantic The fames now-an af_wood. Soler, places they are regniar, , sad some shoo - are pat.:het-and Immo Owes there/I 'loll at all. It is mach hand* whers' l A• fleakrajoaw or down for the bc4s to snob amm sad the ! pigs to get is . Pigealid bole ars Feat orna meats to a park-4 dcaa dash oars ,voo)d look so well if there was , hone r ,„! will do. Brie has maw mere tidap In write &boat.. Bat no more for the present. Editor Erie Meow : Sta ash the privilege yliiknoyli t hiiii aweigh 'your' istfer the eileeWeitagi 24 from the Ladies' Aid Boolety, of Brie, as ii eintribution to the si.iB. Christian Commis.; sion, to be forwarded through thsbr inch.oiety of %tato, having bees received by thin . ' from the following ehirehee Park Pnebaniiii........ `l am 00 English Lutheran N .„4 Methodist [phenol 1300. German Knurliest Gennep Lutheran I ' 00 Prot German Unto! It, iPeer• Oitandio We.; lit pmestertan Chinch; Vitae. Kr% United Prandant It. Jasmine Mule% :Methodist Congregates, faimird-....--“s•es—e. , ta Unf tannin N • 10 . , The* thanis te 0 ominlislon are Ihie,to paitoin of then similiee for *M primps*. la laying the wantiOrtheCptilelentiiiVare theire4l.4lFeptil e , at' IhrociPle for :v e liberal reap - aim WipieM.to that! hoe °len*. J. Oiltraie:VM, Pitmans* Linta.lrits plait !falba, ;fin.- tilled io login iitit. ;Jen. of kpriipoilliso sac, mating with. thil'iltablpitia it jgrjemilroisd, has boos ostsblishod ,!,, ritik-bSWillr °le*: * E t and tiatrait. - Pai i tiorptoistaf ditrr • ,:ii pellet trill be ran. titS . Bolota, itiskia4 es . trips: She blase of 44.144 Tesesti on i z, tx . tiz fitted pp , a m .. 4120 , 44 r _ !i ialmle 1 . fort lad height. fiskitlho tai - is owlet& limaiii - is Pkiladolphia, her ps atlllicersoltly, loati4111011: f so, : each Wednoodowimidefor Detroit oa hardy. 'do soils a iblii4ea %Watt the Stibto will iipie:llPitiliips to po sad iiiiir - pi4oiliriWWWodigill " 11 .1 1 4 4 11 d tridi 44 iiiihl 411 , ..4 .. be the obloot,":of oar , t4tilais. .dill tb . ea* prispa pit .. 4111 . 1` 1411001011.0401 -*Oda • i Lamm Ilar:s vi " lir yod :I rig Ai A t.firgl ad -att. Osgoodee &Woke toe sale st Caegitiy,, YOCVIWARf 2 qI( S•if:B e th • The !fiteut!ii Irittte sta-orpalsatios of the OtojaVtliiitikitik,lis' this elitist& eountr., Tholl* tisid.i4fotiee of the emlige : to tlti nt4"Y a lk a .l. l7 Pak. tteWitiV e litiiie of 'the Buffalo * Erie oak blevelteAlittsie4tailroads will be found is Ave eirmitSdpiiitilwinns; to-day. A oorlikpo *Mit the CODutte says the 81141 :if . 'ittio,re thin any other Penn e/fruits ewe in the recent betties. : • k-wittyloiend ewe, niter reading one of . bl4fraing dispatches to Gen. Dix, mteltod tetiviorlf:"Offloisi" was synonymous ;with lying. ; Nail:4 l ol4e alook to a great filnetitu atiocm.!...4-Ititbolat ae mnob to be depended 0* " Sentleluolt," or Stanton's mar.diepeookis..- ,„ 4!144 4 fek.,e,t9T0a., Witch will take plus •at the Mi 7 Wilson, near the 111,:.1R;1teidge — , on Betiastlay evening, A*litionista favor the ef-; Liatiolt; Presidia! and !Cameron feeViiii-President—a representative ticket of. t3l4,git:tr.':, •;. ' , The Firet-Illardyire'Cempany will meet for !edit thin . 044) evening, at the corner of ftitlfind /4110# streets, A full attendance is yeqnested. • • been delightful, abet figrhllljr FfOltualie of spring fever. All binds In our ()toe are afflicted with' the dis eise,'nciC ei'oeiting .I,tyeleditor." . •—• Colleceimmi fcii the 11.0. Christian C 011101111• slo It be , t4e4 ap in the First Presbyte rian, Milted Presoyteriaa, Baptist and Catlio lio churches a t tiMltiii tit tabbatti next. We a rt 11 6.:_fr tin! ttr,..4.t. the- itr,Cow lie her* reeo en o - butin - e" new crafting on the Nest 4ide of •litate street,' between the Parks. The presentonels a Tullman° and a diegraite. • - 'The mitten in the soil regions having com rdeptedW,erk;:diefaiions on the canal are spin ifvelyolud'cosi booming In in 'build. am. The Latatrads, Mout present prospects, writ be more Yrtive then usuaL Tb.. gala Of tickets 'for reserved seats at the Concert Maretiek's Open Troupe coat tienqed Act* on Thursday morn. lug: . - A liege number; of seats .have already -Wallach. end the. indications give promise_ of,tflafext,as 11.- • F 'The yoinig - aMOI of De *ltt,"Ctinton ionn ty, lowa, hate resolved 'not to countenance or kaiiidPlPlCrlrk4 YOusg tvle4 'Ow drifik beer, ale or Intoxicating liquors. —Bzejtange. :112 Agradhis stink Cid italr:l,43eSelmsd,' l we, Pfpfspt_ that besuze s will be a rare article in' that' opnimunity:* Messrs. IL - Rawls & Co. have made some iatprovrakin .( 4 4 l :4; 'tbeirdook;'iiiich add Teri much to, lts ponvenlenee and appearance. The 40301044 . theiko4hern end has been tori detrapand WOW one erected newer the shore ii;;Mmands all thelr,Le..ke • the Erie as Pittsburg Railroad, at, the CaoOsis.rna, jia rapidly approaching etnopietioni nadir-the skilful atanagentsat of the Messrir:tlitiSYT L "ft . is expected that, the , s roitsiat pe Ilidshi4 sad the docks midi f00WA44..r.0.0. 11 :4 of 301 /. . • ' Simi'llrol"ikilomill Aidiortiooolotit of Berger 1r itio,',ot the few liras R Erie' tam aPprislitslhe rhos of bold. - eteady and felliolegt idvertising, and the enema that his =flitte:l/9):4nlssPt the -c befit snte to commend such enterprising business men to the favor of our readers. . 4 :Atte: 'tsiwtealii-41144' sayi it' Ina for sad. years .employed girls to advantage in its offiell!! as compositors, and adds that “they era molie to be depended' up 44 these Iva*, titries" - thlin men are: Yes, but how will it be, neighbor, WhirnAlte a ttse 'over; and the "bold soger boys" ratline, and tteiinas are piney ? ;1! „ .Tlm ji tadOa tu .kitSollaty has appointed. a ev ' V/ jetd Leman for 'etch Ware of the city and for Milloienk township, to collect subscriptions for the great Sanitary Fair in Pilnaaelptie. Rai. J; llegmefer is also.mit ing collentioas Irma the churches and sehols of th_e_city for the Sanitary _sad christian 'tOmMtairone.— ' 1 WMlMlFlian,tMFAqftlos from (" ” me - . i °r the backwardness of the season. The almost. Constant rains hirilirevented them froin get Ong Asir' mpg int+ the , ground, and_ tie prospects for the yeti are decidedly discount gyro iillarirtilyierkeaj,thie .is- the' tirdiest dining w tin their ceaolleotion. llaqinivretirsion parts: of Ouitaur *Cm Baffe r lfs,und Rochester visited this oily by an exchuvien ilitaike . Shore Road, on' Sabbath last, and were accompanied by 1111." let's Rend, of the former city, Oar German eitlares'..tres god:tie - Mils • vary hospitable armedrdy'and'aluementhers of the party, getter ' illY Ospr — esiwitheatielsoi highly deligkind with the AL TheY,returned on Sunday evening. incifent' is chronicled' in tile isity. Popov s e Tim* or the history of Ike late: Mattel hi Virginia 7, I • *Mitt Whom,- Of the 83d Pa., came upon a rebel imbue), and asked him to surrender. 4liscrisular. to: a. private V said the colonel. , . shoot you if you stir,' 10k0 . thirmngnimt,lerellug his musket. The rebel nad.sttamptcd to get away, nal the' mons ii put a bullet throng* his haul, kill ing stantiy. brough t away theool. 'mai at mid "avoid." Spirit (a Freeeent• smorts• thriti- , itke italics -- San: Allll-1 'paper) •nattea eaunot _lva withEktilhant'l.l4eola oadlleward st; Its beicr ibmtisititi mil terrible four years. Even' It t°netvW linkr,,afe ,Itveral to the task ;I snit ars . nslttile'hoaest, is ev id en t, i n l b, ..artf , they have devised to sabjagste. the ex p oly:orthelleril masses in the natio; at the time Iltierit - ii)destroj".= &dump. -'t. AieiPillimihbediliiii: of - Ittiliterl:Of !Outla wonoho need to= iitibir in :a nortilh stern in for the ,F.nrpo , en•ef reeding Wiiicts's assaults Me thtneraf hieCielinn ! The Szivis s ,in gr4eTivor with theln Weil, but eg QeMAAPinitoti4Al4464: 4 ) pi+e, .... molt an !inoeromoilingtpmntik. swail& i fliseeitt;:ensa getei sttheri(7 on iioClolian, it tiotittli AMMO worm) on Linooln. --pdAttrodm. • idIII44IVICe, "lar WO." . IP • _s, • . leiota imebend 11 Iq, !' - rft4 l4l o;',v l 4, l :o 4 „died 46.31.tiZi1100,0tt the flor; then 1w .ibittderi tore is sad 17righter,•sboest:161eass a aveselyheruseee teervege, end tk r.vs. 'so thjad6 i ~ •?=,p.otr it erittsi died -11Vott.*W. ifs • ' ' . - D, - e . or - 01 Amu obesity I" ,1 4411 1 V1ftGiiit inher Ptint*.nishinovss t = ,AttiC , ; 04 .1 16 .. r , • Asit,lhe hatetheter fee; Peeptit . ! id! the Thefeek:l34*ldanity Wee ettstite,” ' the weeks" ,of • • •_ • . • OM' 11111160111,114a.14, • daisis . . I R 4 ,616 . I.lol4WOha MU. a.y a.. t baa ftoiJ /04. n .•c Id AMP .41AiRaitA . lot t4Mit WE 0 '4 . 4.45#41,W: Abiut the Una that butter had gone up tot .1600basiaspleadcalimPoribulass taint th,lak/ag to have a, good Jots on hli wife, toot` advantage of her 'absence at the house of al tiiighbor,laad posted the - following notice onf the door irillto tr sLniassoem sic t • `,4 grairs- 7 f--• ' • "Elsxn.ar. Oartsa, 9.1 L.Tutto, Until the i* Ms, no butter - 01 be nisd in ouri ; .;; ,' , 1 .4 11 4 4 7 4ramit 'omit:radial& tkinntinstitimiii/ when a special messenger handed him this : "Janus: Until batting - reinstated, no will more lbaolope u sed in this house. ' *- Obletett /Mom clk M is said butterxon. gialtla' 44 44l IiMatiIAIIGA DI a, a k%t• 28th ; nit., declared that she personal! • hails that the President hid sent orders Cisa. Baptk : a. Woonac4tlte sivatimi-,1401 iisicieriAkr l itii egaiftligi r — WA , tiandidate (Hahn), and put down the other, "In thii, I aver that which I know," said the lid-headed ciscaseli :cinching her and darting fire out of her eyes, in a wa; that would have4ent : ter:ro'r to the hiskr4 (wo k . .; . . • .. Janasy and Jane, by B. P. Tayfor. My Cava.Life in Vioksbure A Year with Sc. Paul. Tisicnitectitifi of Prescott. • , r .14ationai Almanac, for 1864. Lr4ers.nnd arteebipo of Wondoltyhillipii. ' Amadei anditlitotanientatolif. • Wisedon on the Will. Speke's Discovery of the Nile: , And other New Boots as soon as'pnblinbet for sale at Caughey, McCreary dr, Co.'s Net Do °habit* It is not religion but polities which ;owe t , cites the paliions 6f men ; and sitbt enemy adopts himself adroitly to , thu.ohanie of airottMetanoss, wearing the robli'Of • Chrii.. clan philanthropy to - give him . inthisaos wqh pious minds relying on political seal to stir 'thein'iP Into action.—Biskop; Col. Lewis, !alto 6th, ywrnonf, wounded pi the snit on Thursday last, necessitating its imputation, is probably the eon of Mr. Lel— is, of Edinboro, this tionnip6s 4•,, has a 11 Pa in oomiriand of i': - Virinionerettiment.—Giraq Union.' • • 4 • tie call attention to the idvertisement of D. Bniiata /k4oni, fonrs4ding add )coiataitiWitin merchnnts. Portions transacting businessin , this line will lad them prompt and accommo dating gentleman. . The:Waehinigton't:o . deolares that the Pees," blest •aitd.fleneral•lisUeck . dicitated :the ne34 river eampagn, and that Banks onli.folloWed 'theft:Orders.' . . • 11111fLIABILITY Of TUN soars:—the usreliability.of the telegraph e- portithas been again conspicuously illustra ed during the past two weeks. Indeed, if we tad credited ons•half of its reports' there' w ou ld' have been at thli titawne rebel army Lee to combat. We were gravely internist'. • nears week SO by iltiivissoree who control thi (042404410 t; the Associated; 'Prete, that Lee's; center end-right -and left wings, had been crushed out--ia fact, all but annihilated —Loigatreet was reported killed—the famous cavalry General Stuart was reported in one of Secretary Stanton's official bulletins to be killed—General Lee was aloe said to have re eei!ed hie death wound, and bad been carried to Ribhmond to the. General Wadsworth w.‘a also reported to be alive and a prisoner at itichtaond. But slut all ' " -4. _ Anti for the unreltsu.-ty of the telegraph or sensation reports. Yesterday's "Boavid edition" knocked all these delusions. Wiriatikte froa the. Cootetorcitsriltel4 Jinee : ~ Lee in front of Spintsyliania Court Honer" —..elei. Longstreet not•killed"—“Gen. E. 13.114mehelitto"--." Oen. Lee not woun ' d." . tUtsi s tilgieffdept urvietoriiii(by teligtugh,) Att ie Lea; the - bed s turns up in front ofrthe lib Loh it was claimed he had via li th e wildest disorder. After Ride ' altaykaa by telegraph- what; are `l3ere re?-r efole-Post. • 11144 --...-• 1 TAMIL 716 X A Sototai.—A t, the editir of the o.sserver, front li:ioniti l man who, enlisted in this few monthly ago, 'and who s now with the Army of the }tato • teas; bodttfti~ ekb z td~ltitifhg ^: = . "The eotnpany to *bid' I belong is •at least " Deitoeiiis'.. ,( Alos for General SlcOleUsn, he is well liked• by most of the soldiers. Of course there are some that don't like him,. but they are- those -who . .h&easimked the lolsok teat. - 1 We Dollop.* , 'Alters express our ',helots Aix*, mardkurctristi3o persons or opera, Last autumn the Demovati7 4 _4ere were net allowed to say saythitietoai it happens this spkyiAgia not Lust fill, and I be. have upon my faith that if Lincoln and Mo. IcOildaitt.' said Alit4iit lold{er s are allowed to Tote, -McClellan -will get the ogee." 7 • Siog AID WOO DID ing sick sad 'winded soldiers, belonging to Erie regimenii;iiiiivid - IW - Vi s dli‘delidkiii4rom w, few .tionligo, and ars now in hosiital: l4 -4 11 42 1 f 4 e 4 IT , :IX Bighly Tided Fiencb, John Bowdon, Oornallus Chsesman, IPko,. nip. sort, Wm. H. Lindsey, Wrn. Ginsford, 'rhos, Barns, Jobn Nichols. Ahelbildted - liad'Rettritifiknistiniatl... John H. Green, Edward 6fellan, Chu. Bow Caleb Thediptow, 'SOHN Barnetk• Wm. Bette. Dlikiegbil#Pkrovit;44 l -410414i1P0 1 1 , 4Pmse, Edward ftangler,•Lusae J, DeVors..Gelsite: " 41 LOYAt . Wou fl ,C0V140,27.7-7M rammx-X4rom-.../1. imsttiottuffiliAo+lldies' orihin city will be . hold in Farrar 114 si 8 0' 4 004. r. tliCASuki inst., fat t!riongloot of , fainint n iiNnVonnt Core nant."- On delivered ky jewel* goalliuOon. A konatikritteoonoe'd lailles earnestly. solicited. • Mart Lanza. Erkei.X.V;IRCPP*.• '<,` 1. ~1‘ v alpeaks Teocass.—, „;jour . ?troches tre‘io3 araf•Telif fitdrabli kfibWri to need eomalsodstfort."• • • • • :• noCtelas. , Aiyaiim4; : . • _ • Pees. Mess. Senile. "Ay eomosimiee filth , gas w04,-, has been very eteib:, the tozettge which, I not Germ' laws in tqy popket ; tHiY troififi ti 'my 'Throat Vei l iffilih - • the Trochee are i epee/ ley herlog made to# often mere w . hi . spe rer.7 , z N. P. OWaviari;:: Ilfr. - Otonn Ostia' vim, 'GT enti f etin ) , , died it hie aid eves Nay 34. BIC •Up was ail; if the old settliere,elastag here la 1817. Ho was Awe of ihe kind+ rat hostas& sad blink t=ioo . 4lgibt3li, aSid, Irrittreifillih nit bis greatly by the emaentalty, se well aa by Meade and P 5 10 0.4 :fill 4 1 411 . ,Ittgle: 11 "!°f" 10 • 11 4 41 !ti a la tT earpitse all seang ha mit In.aatial hiaith, and, la leas than a wait, dead, Is a mewed commei tan . :the Scriptures,u Re ye, alto ready, for in such hour et,' ye think not the Son of !fa* eenatth." 'Bat, though Ls wen ( air = na l tuddeplyAld simtg4ifths was ; not ketbii:Ablililanstriny lie :was I *swell, west inunedlately to •es him. rioldlog itVm int HIP fiats a iiiinlittiok ofibleorliAllialkid4t it ' night be pont* iiil Arida %sot lie., and sitiestlined him - e neeratog the raters : " Too are doubtless lite-; I pared for the changes death brings r Tikld, old nun 1 bolos* up sad add i . Tee ; I an ready. Tpr I know 1121 _-_. nl eil °I 11"11.11111d t: "M t, li st this. th l e t ie not • watts, el se"i, matt knewp: ,Misi jeers igo I szpatessed relies*: Sod has Min with tar, sad lam ears he win sot fermate se sew—bat nothing .of th is eanassoe saws en salmi et anything I have done, bat through the redesptien that Is is Cht." Jegas Thu our. Mead west doiatlate,tithseallej . shad o w 4. of death fearing no 6," Es dipra• •Tuerilay and ea Th u nder win p.ai.• vast crowd dipeapie tuteunigad at 141; lamer hese to attend his faiserst.' yethofst •s 1 aesteraebytestaa etertyasea of Gistsd,at,* ed the ser i teesst the hones. Whoa thaw wear stee r the pawn. glmili?PeAs irsgraarsillatVittO .. a . butiisrT. where he ana tatstrail With Itraoalet rites. 1 The slier , , brinktioli imp. lbw *leas sad ' 14 •1 11 , • ' theyWtrerawastal=ll4/1 Orel. Wats/rasa of wt,the Quid Chapter, arihrted by about WON oho et& • • il , S.. .Aggititre , WU r t 2 ,;.., „.., gior wide irr I • 1 • ''' Igtvii 17.1 Vt: w 110 , lii % l ter ilarlis. . • mint: -. 1. 1 • rout ,r, 4 : ••• Ill W it '.l - flliftfr& .L'i. i 7.41 I X ffil I 1 1111110 1 3 '.e310111 1 / a t) At AT .104 1 , 4 EALE.RpiID ; lli p. audio 4 . Va : er sto c 0... Pa. • _ • • C 32 QM - DI3D. - - • At IM issidliimi et bar iftsil.: 4ll 4l6lll7.llolNi;i '' oall* IWI ,CrArAWKI Milne isi4 ttlawissia ua 41us. ' . s am_ • wuoL j a,ric 4 s- M T UI R IT POPUMIC o • • 11.4 11 GLII•Ii W •, I A4l/1,8•11 elaijoo=449 l " ll P,Catitt,} Qr ' To thou iftriiio:l jot .» :w boi;mmiii, Tiu;010rilo ' fstA• mix'W.ro l so will to schism ad oa,oolls of tbe ' Irmo+ V a nd Aukloou*usodi fOt SOU& Wu. Jrull 4 ous0411'001d? I•Ert., • kuuofit,' 9011 to tholourkt4;4410 1 .0 111 , • ; " • Juni." • assumashns „ - SIOUX etatit • • 8040 waled.' •- - Mow eidto4. 4 • * • Apioloo Irma ! - 4 • -•; Monk' vualo, ' • • hoosoolod. • • - Arm ' • •:.‘ Kimoovir IRMA Itro otosey: ' • • 'boat ollowly. lkou • 1 Pout *" tr* waslkt, • Cora otoo4y. - Wool WWI& t* • r" Boit inalki. • M u l %tot • I Bitter iambi et.d — Plias Inuits& 141:100 trona Mud ituoly . , I=ft , LAM thaitul. • I • . • , . , ki4. ...•?.•! .: * '!. 14"0w-tb- ''''...."'. - I 0 IS Mn i!Orlin 11g ! * "" 0 - Rea*, white, sound, per beakw- - 244 1 00. • Pert •- - - , - "' . • 1•10 -., 140 Stßierin inks.' per 10.7.1'4'.' -' - • . , 116 U ' 2$ 40 "' iin Tons,- ." ' ' ' ' Wl' - 11.6 'Chinon- choice - "L•• I ' '' 111, •. it . ointment '*''' Y...-.;:.r.,:„... ......„... ]0 34 Dried Apples 1 • -. 0 ..! ' - -' 9 'IS " Plums ' o • - . , ••r '4 17 • '• 11 " . imit m or r t I,* . " ,1 •'. $7 12 SO ' • , lir tp tlik u lrer damn ..': SO. ' ' 21 • • ' ne --7-'1 per , ~. bbL 4 . , ....100 UPI ' '4.... ..... CM 1 00. - Coin if s4t,"iter . hand. ' ' 140 • 2 645 Buthilianst Moor " .-.40.' SOO 2IS /ha per 1b,.." ... - ' ' i....1,;',4 '- IS ' IS ninillers.ll7, tem, pa' lb ...::- • • 65 76 Rest Sides '--- - - " ' ' - ._. . 6 14 *** l l .l4A ir te.l - " s li" 44 7*+ - 71 . * 2 ' lt . VW, " ,• " • 'fi '' ' ' .• .6 ...... ; Pork t eon!. • _ • Whee, pet bear: 4'.1. . :;:::12:1717.1- 345 ..: 315 " i . Rye,l4o 140 Ogg: ••• " .1 ................4...4....44...., 14 *1 *wit . -'. 1 44.:.:-.4,4....:. .;.,..,/ 24. 1&I 014414, 417,n it..........;..:............. 21 10 . * Amen : Hope, prime, ii; - t 1 .- 22 IS " . "1 .. .. 4 14 " ....lib ' Lord, sowsen to husk per , .t,_ 12 -16 • 134 i4 rms. pir•161......—.4...........12 00 15 00 - " prim 0- .........-. .... ....... SGO 14 1.19 Pick, non • 0 , • ..........:........4...14 00 4400 " prises ' ... ........1..,:....- 10.00 111 00 1 .11ssos osoltisd par rt...:„..',......-... ,15 11 1 Shoulders " • 11 • 111 • Blom ,-, '. • " ... - I.:'t , - ...«. It., 16 8.7 - :' • ' :.. • •••;•••••••'..• ........... Chickens, per . .,tie....•..-.+:‘...-.—... 00 - Id i "• Tarksys, • ••' _ - . Owes, , ..... .15... 14 Deets, . • o,' .• •• • .'..4. 29 ! „.. 24 Moser Seed " . • ' ..—...... 11 13 ftelibthr 4 .r • ..........4..W......4 200 320 Fla: ." ."' ...... ' ......-....• 844 360 fellow • • - t<' - ' .................... 12 • , 14 Wool, innhotii per tb....,../.... ........ . 70-- If " unwashed " .... : . ..' .......... SG ••••,..44 : Apo% for Morrill ' • ..— , ...i."-....-..e1. 3 09. - ''', 400 1 - Nor 4.-4.1.12 rip .A of die New Yerir 2012•4 net hal eeennu 1110 ðic oassavat thaw. • la the shone le: given the losintind higheskiscleee. 'Wail aro goresed I by ouslitpand oondition. ,J4ony artieles. tlitt ado pot; usonttOned thew, wan to *welkin* the swpwsilis our of-1 Sc,. , • =.i. i. ME ". AT D. PIERCE 411 CO l 9. • ring roars Pattie RORSZ•ROR k crilnvitsie PLOL The _dived the nest Premium ay heneyer exhibited; and all who have weed pronounce it lee superior to anything elan of the Mutt ( The followlog are some of the witsnisigini Ude Cultivator has over every other kind riew'in tuis Ist. Lightness and durability. being wade of the beet gustily of stee4 highly polished, end the pp& trapbsi. went weighing , Irozo 60 to delta. r- 14 4 2d. Adaptation to more kinds of wcrk than any other Cultivator knowo ; beteg a perfect and thorough Culti vator when used. with all the teeth: am, leaving the ground enp and level, and working nearer the rows than ow other qulthuttoe. sa. - urrbpeot*o ta o shore It the most Auptie for r can be found: 4th. I%iti the best impliseent for severing end digging potato.. giver ineet k Z A man and home can comp*. . 234 A And team 14 .8t7u1 " 4* ". . Wt . et 11 1 : 1 1 **# ri4 a l"../Y i 442 when t • tiop • —lt one, 4th. It works equally well to eont,or any Mod of grip rooldriog enitttraang, awl la moat eases hamlbseratesa bit disposed with. eth. Ile cheapness. ermoideritag the • ay kindioftenth to which tt can be applied: "the tarmetr3avtai fel our troplemeat all that ts nauual far enttivating and LW log any kid of cr - p, or co ( and diggpig potatoei. Numberless eortitlegtee from the most inseentlal law en le the United Mateo slight ltegives of the eaoarfority of the sham !mph= ent ores all others designed for lilts inrpsee: , we shill to pleased to reales a salt from any owewho need! i Cultivator and explain to Omit the "mitt 01 the above Horse line peek all other Implements of the 'kind We shall alio keep oh heed, to 00111140441011 with our llartlware enil , House Goods , o' couplet* assortmept of • BORlig ROCA 11124) RAU?, Berfilke, &atria, ante cnen4ee, Fork% llose.khowelits B podoov do, As ,D 02% fait to give tut awall. Pfcbvig 100.; Corner of State It Whig' Sta.,,lfriao Pa. Alio at W. W. lIKSCX 11411, to North ;anti re p. Pliateg & CO. ) • lA* Wig hove to brutal 4b• palate; generally that tits 7 have resently added the musathettutsy pint( and COP+ PaR wARK to theft burliness add azo now l_felisled to oder to their patron" a carps to stock of BOWL TORN ISAteIO Goolm,eintwoeitor 4rmuyArstiety wily found in that line. agele4irts. • Cassette Copy.] • rARR AM - HALL. . MARETZEK'S OPERA. _TRW; omit refiraXMOlN Thor irablle ars terketfelly balkaisad that the yannir and 1241134143 W Azorlesa riantat„ 1- MR. ALFRED PRl4y., bas node arra ogirmer4e TLW Mr. MAX. NLARKTXXIC, far tba fofloylng Wonted Artbdi of kda relates* Halms Qom* contmo; trots 'aradendat of Knott Crlfear Yorlrand Ptilladdlottla : AUMMX./.17111. ukkaus, the loan Cad fariordi Primo Dossig soprano. 3 la NOR LOVlNctbe ktab• ly ancerstfal Tenor ; MOM MIOLLENHAVER, tit" erdebrated Vlollncelltat :1 to theld Ala city LINE, GRAND - Qi*ERATICI CONCERT, • • Talyl i taviiming„MaylL4lo., Adietlition, including tectrred seat; 60 rents, Tiebeta mat to eeenred.'acemanent an Shandy, May 10th, at Eatkre• Broksilare. DOOs opts StiloOmilliti to Offfinslo•at 0 ereleik. The anad rt. , ,0 need by Mr Plias la from the celebra ted imaua.setoty ofMeiars. Staieray, Boar. Near ;rest. mar-Ow, irf , Administratok's Notice: :1 - ..keTT Is. ERB OFDMINISTRATION ON theeetateet Itrielarelt Ifeekleme,'4•4l, late of trlp city, Pa., twin( bean talmite en granted to the as et Matter** hereby given to all hawing dams aided the game to present them far aettlemest. en 4 those imoartng Ounsnetrea ledebtantto the awl estate us re. quid to make ttnnesliate payment. Admhelateltor: stYl4,lle. I 1,- " In th Estate of Natter of the BO* I N_. 48, roma, `Teal ; Neal Es of 186. In Orphan's Court et Anglin Tureeri dell.', pie Outlay. rr Ii E UNDERSIGNED, APPOINTED Al Anditer to Ishii, &Whelks - , sk r thw, prenisde of the *pia of Neal Estate in the abori =WWII ,ease, viii attend to the duties of Ms appelatment on the 6th dere- June next, at 3 ofehwitleaakt slide obets , tinheity of Eriiiiwt which time an place au persons Interested am StilteE BPENCNA, MiditOr. suttee-3i. , ;11elder John and I I No. $2 Febnauy,Temn lift . D "3 411idder NFU!). Mphates Court, MCC; Soh. i Minors. L• Account of Mutely). Anal ;a s Sigi r kateis4 ' ; ,us clan. an Mobil.* Solder 'to act as A out ,me , " •i•nd of the WerAtogni represent them beton Um ntaltor. ~- Pim Mrs. 4 utles la hereby aitem that I will attend to the dation ortille lams, ettoistostimy ellon , in arteAt i a ' Wait mimic oTlrillVand ettintitrults)' on II the nth dsy ofJune, littll. at 2 o'clock p. m.: It whkh thee and place ell parties tOmArlikl may attend, • stly 143 w. • I ' 1:160:W: GI:MN LSON , Atiittor. • Administrator', Notice. ErT.T E EWA- t iir..-APAURISTE,ATION. ix biting neon email' Witty iskitlirlia col OW tieldan Cbarsb deed. lite otMona town ship, Erie Notiobto .itwft Om to 01 boring obt,too 'phut tbo laid litatata to protest thou, , properly atithettie•tool, for orttiomoot, sad Hum toilibted te Paso* aro nataired to taw, lottoodiabo pitigorstoj HELEN N. cetracir p 1 .! • . :1111troork. April 30. 1116 L-160. ad2ls6 4"trilt 4 ‘ , 1 viv't . _,- , REMOVAL. ii In , , c 5: . jolillicEntEst alocisitlz .?..; THE Subscriber h Nifffiribi his s • .° V of iseries from the stead shoes the Like ore bepot to the toots la_ttejo.4 block oo Bute . - mover ct IS :rth. — lirMs'lttivirttt-• So Doom, to 1. h heeds sad tostomere sod MI their otters for .. Ms 11=2 .. U......; i .•• I l .le . 44.1. ' of }iii ilititss ail la and at anything to go Doe to • *pia., Ifflfilyt,'. .H . Ir walf I . • - rift ' - • Wiwi= Pe?tirade& 11-krtrio4s rL .1 HI Binstiantriiir &Annuli I 0130E00.i • I :OOPIFICTIONERY:' • • MN r 4 A ttlil%l64laft; FINEST FRENCH °ANDY, do., CHOCOLATE ANP/HE d 9 .4 CREAK tiamirs, at 4, •1 Fresh - French Candies _every day, Fresh Coooa Nut Cream do., b!frkttlemif.Caul da ' lrit - ulTi ORANGE% LEMOM, TAXLIIIITM SAWINC FIGS, PRUNE, CANNED TOMATOES, e. Cut IiNED 'PEACHES. PICKLES, SARDINES, KURA JELLY,,, "IN& SALAD OIL. HERMETICALLY . SEALED Oft3TERS, FOB WAXER trSE, IMP'S ANY CLIMATE 0RA1,121 AND I,IIILONS . - :ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY. NOTIONS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS 'AT REDUCED PRICES. FINE MOROCCO - WALLETS, LADIEB' , WROCCO. WALLETS, LADIES! PINE PORTMONNAIFS. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF BIRD CANES.: A NICE . AND DURA BLE TRAVELING BASSET. MEERSCHAUM PIPES, BRIAR, PIPES, MEERSCHAUM CIGAR TUBES, ' AMBER CIGAR VIBES, • TOBACCO BOXES, TOBACCO WALLETS. MAGIC TOBACCO BOXES. =EMI GAMES 4 AKINEMENTS, DRUMS AND 'FLAGS; UNION CARDS. , PENS AND PENCILS, PAPER I ENVE4IOEgBt ARNOLD'S INK, GENUINE, MEMORANDUM.; BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, SLATES AND BACK-GAMMON BOARDS, FINEST ENGLISH LEAD PENCILS, CHESSMEN, CHEQUERMEN ixauro' zs. NMI 017 R ICRLAND ROSS COUGH - " CANDY IS SELLING .IDLY AND GIVING GO9D SATISFACTION; CHINA. DOLLS, al Oise", PAPIERKACHE DOLLS, do,, DOLL READS, New Styles, _ DULL HEADS, all Styles, CHINA 8A8113,111 Sizes, DOLL BABIES, all Sizes, TOY PAINTS, A kite illitortaolit'eToyok Notions. HANDE.ERCHIEF EXTRACTS, FLAVORING' EXTRACTS, ' PERFUMERY. • NIGHT BLOOMING °EMUS, HAIR OILS AND POMADES. A LARGE STOCK OF CIIILPREIVS CABS, CARRIAGES, PERAMBULATORS, DOLL CARBIAGI43, TOY CARTS, . ; CARTS,: AC. • PRIME BREAD I • FRESH CAKES I FRESH CIAACEEB,BI FREEIIi MACARooNS I EVEWITILTSG FRESH! ICE CREAM. LEMON ICE, ORANGE ICE, XLla TO ORDER, AT WINS is IIVROASIN Re have *a nine Anottiaeat of . , '• • • L SUBBEB , BALLS. • , - LITTASERCRKBS, • - - • - Buzaxs,BßUSl3lB, ! • -ItUBBEEOOI3-IPs, OF ALL KINDL 290:109 CiCAPid! • ; dioiciP:rihiads,;a6' litrioitaile;sind Retail, BALTIMORE OYETERi3 • - . • 'RIMINrID DAILY, -•.`„ , Aineitio;: • VARIETY OP uat , . a • - aTOTioNa AND -TOOT scoops, -.„4„7 • "kr,'A*N4 - 411,1M49ffsr. • ~F... J WE ASE PAYING PARTICULAR tUlLTiatillOTßianlintiliCKE DE AND OFFER_ IN i rmetv4maits TO trm DE: CATALOG ES , BRIFICOPON eiAPVIsICATWANIrn :41 tt 3 I f 1 16 1 1 1 arg ft r 11 21;0014 A - AR "11' . .7 . .*. TIDY? A !.... .(A &V! t,..V $33.10101. 33 . 13 * P 2lllls t rA ' . 4 I:ads, - 3634 41, lin - .4 • ...0. , 1?1 a 3 Lsatavl fn> anicg r zio/ va • A46 . ,..:At :Oki:3 42 NI ..,614 1501140.1 Genesee_ YlUe7 *sieved Newer. man EMIIISPRIBERS having - purebsiet ,, the ezoisairi rirkt of taw tossottetaro yid sale of tho , ologro Sowing Mootdior 411 " .. Mottle roaatifiotory UN 111 SAM OW. la W. *Lowalll for Illoil our urt for Mover wog that m it o to m sopirlot to soy other S, 1? 13 LIM COIinICATIJ) k A SIMPLER MACHINE., COE 011111 L ' !tie a well node stored ;gimlet* . in Mechanics th t. th e least complication cad the Mut roaring in urackieeiy, koccesary to Mews the purpose for which it is Mote hateckthabett T. PIN it the only drubs geared Mower new In the Market, and it will need me argument 'to convince Lumen that became of the fact, it will be lees Eloble to get opt "Cinder. Mod more re oily repaired if accidentally brokers. OM Mower le better them any of its eon'yetiton fnr another ruse* z In the unanimities driest Machines, their proprietors have fond it armoury to 'unbent Ile to 1 . 1 .'. 11 2 . 04 . 11 :tia11i. to prevent "clogging." here.olok those o hiving the highest motion have been moat popular with farmers,as "clogging" has been one of the worst digicuttlas to be oureorne, and the higher the motion the lees "clogging" Ey an improvement width we hen nude in one Your, we prevent rogging and Main► low mutton ; our knife main ins then' fourteen eevolutioth to oar of the drive wheel, which is Use than two-thirds of the motion in ot:er Machines. Renee they ogee lime resistance to the henry arid are more durable tbazi thou of a higher motion. Our knife Le placed on a ILos With Ousels of the &him wheel, la irk is found eerTicable in mowing on a knoll or in &guile; Miring& comparatively low mottos It is fen re break when "brought up" by a hidden stub or stone ; and therm, added to toe tact that we use a ion. Der cuttiog-bss. amble us to mow rougher meadows with grater isoyealtr, than can be dose with sap other Mower. Excepting the tongue, our Yachts' ts suds wholly of more Iron sad stub bones is durable than those made largeirof Wrload on therefore evtein to shrink, swell and wear ou oo t. Mire "00118E1 ym e tty" WEIGHS BUT LITTLE OVER 500 POUNDS, And its lightnesal the simplicity of its machinery, Cs Mom emotion and its freedom from high gearing correpire to rusks it the - EASIEST OILAWING MOWER 111SE1O - 1 The ..arum'/ le enabled to throw the shaft aitsched to the knife out and in gear at pleasure ; and haring a limber cutting.bar, the knife an be folded up over the Machine, and hence it wan be conveniently transported from geld to field, and will occupy Use storage root when haying is over. The seat is Mauled by means of long steel sprier' so that elderly Men and partial inralids are enabled to ereentele ; Mitts ethiPlieity of gearing makes it mote notecless t han double-geared machines. ft w ill be an advantage to fanners in Erie, Crawford and Ashtabula aunties, and in vicinities .contiguous to our manufactory, to buy machine" made near home , so that, U thy part ehould be accidentally broken, a new piece weld be more readily subdituted. To men of respOsisibLity, living where the "Genesee Taller has notheen need, we make this offer • We will let you take one On trial, with thin - errant:rent on your part to purthesellt, provided it shall -Drove as good ea herallincommended. yen kLar thajadre. We believe in the superiority of our Mowers, and shall • Once every opportunity to persuade -tumors to, Fill! them a trial. Thug asiertioareM based ripe; actual esperiMents. °vie one hundred machine were bought and used by Wow= to North-wester* Peinneylvionis the put season, to every one of irhom We refer persons desirous 01 pur chasing. One man mowed sixteen acres in one day, and panther mowed as sere in noirintes....both doing their work well. We publicly challenge all person' tat:create* In the site r f Hutt mowers, to meet tis in &Trial Mowing Math, on all sorts of ,grond, and in ell sorts of grass, We • claim to ha able to male rougher meadows, to mow morn acres in a day •rid to mow the same number of acre! with greater ;arm, than can be doze with any other !Lachine. We will sell a well finished mower, including two knives, a setel whipple.troes, ke.. for one hundred dot. lash at the alipY r hestern manufacturers are charging : Prothro desirous of purthulng machines. or of obtain• lag agency for the same, will god us at the old Fag re Foundry,on Irthermi Hill, or eon address us at Erie, k's. Liberal diseounta made to agents. Eris, Pa., Mansb, Jard..-Arri• J. kE. DENSIIORE, -WHOLESALE GROCERS. Siegel, Vincent & Co., DZALCIL3 IN • - °ismerles, Flout, Park, Fish, oil eatzaos OIL, 11 - 64 . ' Liquors, Cigars and CANDIES,. oasscans, • „Laivest Market Prices. UNIONI BLOCK, ERIE, U, TOY . BOOKS. • Mitten Brown's fatal tad Protich 8t xetarl9ll4ti. BONNET STORE! LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Jail rewired Gov Nur Tort, =bracing Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, &c., Together Jrith noels -- Dii,7 -GOOD.BI Which lib* will sell :CIERO FOR CASH, OR READY.PAY. Pirtkalar attention paid to bleach*, colorist and pressing. Store qa Pasch St, 7 door, above the Depot. tit firis, • spran'tt. OLD PRICES, NO ADVANCE! OLD numai, xo ADvANox J. 0. STILDEN IS SELLING WALL PAPER - Farm for Stile. THE likibseriber otters for Sale his Farm in Summit tp, Erie Co Ps., comprising ninety acres lot good soil, 'lbw miles f ro m Erie .eity, on the W 5. teribri Shunpike road., and (Our mi , es from Watedord tire, well watered, with good buildings, Mir fruit and thirty agree of wood land. apply on premises far Pintos latorsistiea. Will be sold on reasonable terms. JOHN /LOUR,' 12. •PYRAMIDS,L , MACAROONS, lusslA EATING SALOON. The atteatfon of the Fulda is invited to the Saloon, at • the Corner of State and Illth Streets, which bee been ' titled up in handsome style. and is now ' ' tel:eved to be one of the pleasantest newts in the city. Q.YSTERS,, GAME, And all kinds oda:Vent tonally kept in a Saloon, 'erred '1 up to customers In • Superior manner. SEPARATCROORS FOR PEROONS WHO DESIRE TO - •, RR flt.." - aTIt. • : the far it supplied with the , CHOICEST LIQUORS & CIGARB. L e Feeling that ray arrangements are such as cannot WHO give satisfaction, I nepectiolly solicit the pat. pausse of the sommunity. mi764.4m. • C. TASK. T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the _Et Edits of Dr. W. B. Williams. deed, Into of Watts burg; ID* Cesi Pa.,Wins bons granted to Deo under- Mvmd; notice ta hereby given total know-Int them Wert ind/POUPG to the who to KAU tantedisto payment, out tiossoluttiag Alaimo avant tho astd unto will prey st thoos4roporly estlontleattst, for sottlsrout- MARY JANE WILLIAMS, EIRCTOR XoLlt.th. Wiletiliirg. April it. INA-6e Rushton. cip.Partnetehip Notice. frELE UNDERSIGNED having purehas. ed the main late:est of D. D. Vittant sod Davtd Hotrod, in he Ishii= of Wheat, Tribbale, itthlrk & Co., *ill centime the Wahines( mainfacturiag and selling Stoma and Hollow-Wane as beretofOrs, nailer the arm porno of etal; &di& k Whitehead. Omen and Salsa. room on State, between "ilevebtit gild Twelfth rittimits, DIN N. sad Keadd Lake sadloddeatle Water Stmts. Chliago, LL _ MARLYS it SIB BALS. - DAVID:4RM Erie. WK. EL wan= AD amO•tv. c#l42go. - Notice. (WARMS M. TIBBALS and David Bidtkot ihies aeld-WiUtaa B. Whitehead, of Chi• iisirteg parelieog,tbo Welted of R B Viaenit and D. eto ishig tgi of Ittariate Tebbe f. White k Co,. the said arm te howeby dissolved by =mast mount. AU grew. isisited to said dram me hereby authorised tarsil m l u e re ll to mid Tibbs* Shirk di Whitehead, i aims aomuosiltio wont et all oho debts of 1111. - • B. DAIVAICCIP-T. DAVID BIWROD I - ; ; "DAVID dlittlit. .. z _7 ,~ 0 . 0 0 O . , PIECE S PAPETI, It AiGISOS! hut Um mat Cmikiesmteithir TWO Kaalectaliod. • ' Las vitt tasar„ BY • • as 4 ; Igtilaek Lao tva (.Sotastioro to C. Siege 4) WATER, M CP" TOBACCO, OIL VITBOL, i GLUE it BUNGS, AT THE r i MRS. S. IC HALL Wnai4 reepeethally eall attention to her A.T OLD PRICES. Executors' Notice. ROPE, !ESE