giuK WEEKLY On!{svaa. to fa 40sewsil7 Itrasseirsaurr: Maass rim :44=ries. rsoggliT,VTl.—Clee Naar* One Lines on in. TS Cents ; two Inanfilou 14 00 ; ibree insw. tioi $425; one month 140 ; two neeathe $210; _„„th• $3,00; six menthe $6,00; one year $100; tidno."" ed its in proportion. name rites tOla r y be t r istly odhorod to, unless ehangod by spesial fi t, or at the option of the publishers. And/. yfs s e go', Stove, Diroroas and Ilk. 10111261 M 004 , ; Admintstrstor'• Notices MOO ; 1 ,00 11 v`r ptioe no onto& lino; Mao*. Plotless ?warn ash,. plies; Obituary Notion (over throe lines 1; 000 dro testa per line. Original paltry, na. ye win= at the request of the *dile; one dollar ill advertise seats will be coati:toed at Pig tb . a pse • of the person adrertisteg. anal otdorHoi at by he, dire anises a ayonl/led Need to l.d'spoo lot Ito insertion. yflOg Two Dostaits per annuls to ad; ow. ntis rigg.—We bars One of the best jobbing 05e0 , n t h e state, and an ready to do say wort is t hat Sae that rosy hi entrusted bay la equal style i . illy establlahuient outside *fibs largest rifles. !ACTT GUEB4LLY KNOWN, iIAT G o thi c,, ety of new style Bed yew% at Cottage, Congress, N0V241 C. c m A* Jolley Lind and other patterns. teeth Use and Walt front. luminously veneered itereane. p r .ahiet, Centre and other Tables. . Quaker Stands, Carport and Paws* b a y Ran and get Orem Katt:same. reathoe l4ll = mew with other sousehold fernlnsre. deh i red from well seasoned lumber and heathy by evidenced workman ch op trpltewrolotlee For style, quilt, atia low m will . dialers to and/mall noe. Featbent fZ il d Cale out, Parlor, Bedroom, Rocking, sod ot u f clajni, of Eastern and Western mann ire hickory dolled and glued, maktug than as u any other part of the Malt, where others mad' sold In only mind, and by no means durable. Wood t x ydag, Sewing and Nurse, are chairs of hard • mob clinched through the seat and 'thud, was , • to stand. Handsomely painted, and can't be ben stmgcn, ;nee and Walt. Spring Bede. I have "Mr Shand ham the highest teetimoslala with a . • of all goods sent on application. roctint Lug fn.. • years exparlaso• awl manacling with on • two prim dealers, 1 am deterothad to sal to all, giro worth for your pay, and do J two" tniairith toe. , Lath, Souis'ea, Live Stock, Crude and Saline Pay, Produce la., Warn at fair market valued ~ utter the Puce, nest rof flth street e, Ps. 0. coW. SLISCY Manufacrr and Canade'n Salesman. LESALE & RETAIL GROCERY STORE. P. A. BECKXI34 ESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, Arad Conker ef tit Pmrk 4. Frelei Strut, • (actarsnaj EMiSaal GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he la &areas to sell at the KUM LOWEST 'Ts:4IBL6 rawass: Ma assortment of GABS, (X)FFEES, TEAS, - SYRUPS, TOBAIX&S, FISH, &C., La tba city, u be a prietiaugl toiltoos to a call. constantly on band a sap/dor lot .1 PURE LIQUORS, olatale trade, to which be &meta tips &Unlike it, "Quick Sales, Small Profit* and a fall far the Money." aprlya.ltf. MANFIOOD ; w Lost How Restored! .abed. in a Sealed !Curator'. Price 6 Cents. TAB on the Nature, Treatment and Radical or Spermatorrhoee or Seminal Wearies, ' or, encomiast an d Invern fury truslarious, Consomption and Mental and Play , J. cuLvratwEr.L, M. 0. Jitant feet that the awful eonsequertars of may be el6rtually removed without lama! • the dangerous application of caustics, it 'Hooted boogies, and other empirical de ers clouts demonstrated. wia the entirely new r successful treatment M adopted by the eels. ithor, folly explained, by Which every one hi ears himself perfectly, and at the least road. merry avoiding all the advertised nostrums of This lectern will prove a boon to thousands naiads. Wu rt. al, in a plain envelope, to any address, of apt of can, or two postage ata ae l lNakorl- S. CM. CR A.S r _J. C. Bowery. Haab—York. Poet 08*. Bo; 4MI. CERIES t GROCERIES t OLESALE AND RETAIL P. SCHAA.;,: ipastfially Info:: st the elle that he has opened 2 HOghes' Block; Erie, tie wit I Oasis keep on handa Lary supply of GROCERIES, IRY AND WOODiN WARE, rmi, t.l.Qapa, masses, • -- mnualy for ad* Is an estatashonnet at as reeimovable as my ether store to tba Juana,. I'. vrzatz. .0"--- CROCERY STORE. bane opium! a sew Grocery Store, on the SIDE OF STATE 47,41 ROUSE BORTE OF RAILROAD BRIDGE, • nen they Intend kerpl4 a full !Opp') of LIZS' PROVISIONS, BILVITS, NUTS, It WA RZ4_ YANKEE NOTIONB. WILLOW WARE, CTIOBAXIBS, TOBACCO &CIGARS. usually as blind in as estalollatuosat et the sort. teralned to offer Assad taeacasseats assay ths *My, 1,3141111 TV, u lkil ,.c tiblkt ea; ' we elm erg entlr• sat n. V. A. WYBBICI & UM. OYSTERS & CLAMS. , Subscriber wouldrest ly totem Ws *toads and It, IN AM at his old stabi. Inallintis Fhb ltutd, New DA, Allkl 11 piepaiod to knish STEAMBOAMECIEEITAURINTS & swim At% bost • TISTTIB3 AND CLAM, s affords, at Wholesale and Ratan, at abort at t••s Levu,' Limo Puna lettery tram the Countr7 PraMPII7 nand Clams Plated ts Cram. JIM 20 , III6&—V. ,- U. CleY/ZY. 11. 8. /0-40 LOAN. ATIONLL RANK Ot &Blp ti DZSIGNATItti ' , TORY OT Tag U. 13.-1 hie Rank hereby It la prepared to receive subscriptkuie tad Sulu Ronda, anthorined b the ant of bearing dal. 1,11144, pal: Al of the Government after 10 seam, sod par ran from date, Wiring tatarest at flee par mat. payable In cola annually, Co Bonds not over sad imrplAnnually on all other Banda. ' , Gyre rrill receive either Ragiatered or Conga they may peeler. It is expected that Coupon be randy for delivery about the 4th of April. en mill bi required Ss pay, in addition to tha tbe priseimi of Me Ronda in Mutat enemy, ad baited le coin, (or In United Rake Notes, los of Matta's! Ranks adding Arty per mat. for , until farthernotbsa) trees the fat day of Hersh day of subsertpties. slid BOWS wilt be tread of the denomiautions RpOk. PON. $lOOO., $6,0 0 0e,g tO,oooe and Cos , of tbadatemainstime 11100 e, VOW and . El tenhotity of the of the Taman. - WM Y. SANFORD. enabler. ' C. ENCELHART, Dealer in Boots & Shoes - ALSO, YANUFA.CMItrit Or Mtn ins Boort AID SHOJIS "OULD take this twithoci r d retuiti hi/ his !Mats t his Moods psi no Fob& _Ay for their Mord isSitthhoiro hiso"t4l"" I Isa, sod hem to ttflo estottoitothbasatose of-thosomoo. 16.11tR0 Demo to Worts' tho pates thst I ass otlll IitSOY Y _ ADS i00T7. 1 . AND SHOrt as CIIICAP, If set - lithe nu lei, R 0144 la this Oust, sad 1 its vstilshe tho hot qsal Was of Goats' Boots and Shoos, for watt low tic:W the BIM of IFORICHVI, under two Sara. a O. 111.1,1LICIL thrift obttlord *Noose to not the Plumer Patent Lest, I aft bow P m pax Wto maks the - llama! Pakrat ;WM/ aad vad........_ abzwit s I mautifileFUi bi "!nryiiredln KO! as, ast!bisiat Air belt itt LAN ' A O th i ra lades CjaTiait MP& ^ P. 1 1..:- . Rapshisi imas WE ARE onzituzia_ BIN= it IEI VOLUME. 84 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. .86/1/1111111111 Cards faserted ha Ws *dais at do lute It lino sad Five Dollar par yam) . • JOIRI 11. MILLAR, CRT Rossma, bass nootrltirt M_Tuts.T Elarvoyor. Is presftft to Purvey or sato moo I st +NW to RA. Cougar Po. Min la Commoot CouseU Reeme i , Wright's 810 b.. sprffflAr. PD. WAUSAU. • , . Forwszase ASO COMMINROS arififfalUrt. e. PC. Wszeboass ea Meta Dosk. last Nesse of Bate Street. I. atalor La Cool. sat. VW; Mat; Aeolis. Wskso Liras ha IL 11.---Psztlaslor stamatlea will be eine to Lb* Itatolvtag bad Petwordlai td Moo. Lam Oil. ends sad 1.1.5 d . -La sllTtats Itraidilleati7. spetretd. - OL. •11111 KY, Pressretaa Straisam, Wattslhr Nais i ns' was— Drs. Isitalus. Nodairstre sad klisf r iltt DU. N. Y.; Drs. Hassaltriy Phelia% tfia!sa t Pir — "saw Dr. ersoar. Nets. Pa. aPAY.4I6 L i g ii l:2lBll2AKliit, 1 1 1MOUISALII AZ, Iltg,Ay DlAsia Ili Providdoas, Mar sad Pia.. We'd um! Inflow Wank Irlass,Ligeon. 'ls4ja Sopa& las,,Mide litroot, Dui' to Tames Room Caperton. trio. Pa. jpool--404. E . PAIL° HMO an% ' Jere= OP viz hum - mud hoar Irene Block. Track Maw Mb sal JasoUto-t. D rums a CO•9 aad kaaataallaran aad J la k g :lr 4 . •WA Pa Itanesweife Block. Zvi. 11teataiso Parneampit oluzasT o Ps. isalr enf.: • - IPIN es WILMA, 0 1-1 A AITORNIEMAT Lz i i me ti.. J. Ct. Cal i re asal4 . lirej .44 ll. W. m lllll7lO/L -. 3. w. HIILL t. 1110,1111 M, JLORRIEON HOUSE. Corner of *wad sad Mutat 812est—ese nous 4114•1 leheaoses belhaave. Warmth ft. &Pt 29-1 T; LI M. COLII Enna; Rua itemalWinatsnsisi, Stay et ItiaderisektNe Moe. ZAN ft G icoKaz U. 0011.111. AMOUNT Ay LoIaNBA his On% Collistitima tad Ulm Mims Itunipl id uoiaptairs sad elagatdi. p 1 zPusiti a sad Dow ik Nw 4 16 Z r fitono 161 =1" . INE: aparfat f. s. ninon retirs. it nil= OPPTIO Se DAVIS, - - - - Arromorn _ tred, Mob* Ps. . - ' INIA.11417.1111: W. wmong, oRINT A? 1 .... W, Waimea es dem th atraArr, t id% Pi. • • sr *. G Denim Bodies Mil*. North Ms dais Ito% dist* stmt. V* Ps. LA VA VMS 110111 L, Pros& stmt. bstwss 4th sad Sib *let; war Ms ribro ker. Pro b Edo &Aimed Depot, Loeb oko rioroe. Clos for Amnon sad trivelots. Baud b thi 411:41ir week. Goal Mobilo( ottoobod. EDINBORO BRIIIIBILY . dames m. Psorsnercal. The isilesteetered at t olesteblieb bee tailsed • wide reputation. Cltdoe ealtelled dadareen Cantonese weeds( by the quality boo delivered at the door. 71111.11 CUMULI 411111111M4 A LISBIL ZIA, tor maw a Li po r a tala ?minas sad Sadie —ilia beet la ase— State Wawa sat= gee. Pa. Clothes oak to la th.lasit.tyla • e jOUN C. staitilt,l ~,. Diazis to Das lic=atiosarm.; air of ith street aarAls Ihrms. lll ll4lo. Po. :WM ' truly notislt, I. • _ ~ Jon 1134. r. Prestfaste: Corset • state sad Mal litttestsi'O n i•Mi i6 ; •6 sal a , that i 1 anistrarg.l%. Tinos ; 'Nina to tha bust Us be la Vie thy, sad Ur lbw al w a -to p, 1i.41 With th• dinkiest Swim. ate.' . . DMILL 11 ' AcirsmaNt l itmalkilaiejleasp, La trio. Gouts& Apisaltsol ispilimmass. &Omit a!" " ita, Pa. ur K. MAGILIq - 11 • . • Minna; 011 e• is • . vies'. Bleek.anstlasidlof nutattiskas. , wig. A. iiimaxikrris. Lt roater At La—Mesas kit atrial, oo.rly opposite the Co Roo" B. B. EIPCNCRI., E I .}CiitTfiri. . —7- 1211010/161re COIMBIII. Lege AT 1 41 Mr 0 M C !: P=lrttaisislea,,,llB"'i.fargl r c. sugasss al c 0.,, _ . _ itosasass Thiamin Er Gu ams. Ams 'mansion% State Sum; ltd 7 Bassall Wog. . New Musle.Sfore, - ;: . tan • PIANO 'FORTES AND INDIO; ham the lellemlageeteMseel MAtrNF AU T tr'R E 14, : Stelmrsy /1; Dese.7 re York. Wm. Kul* 4 Co., liatttmove, , Liedeeme Bon. Weer T or t. wm. B. Stadbary. _New Teat. Joh& B. Deahme, New Torts. J. P. Kale Ce.. Nes Tart. Gee. A. Aimee es Ce.,14411.4. W. T. Wheat. Needham &CM. New York. Prime at aPri Large Dimwit belzwitse; ° factual me UTZ N OMAN% 1110W111tAIII.QTRINTIIDNII 061 WOOD PIATOS 701 MO. LestriatMa Baia "a !bat link. l All meow wields, Ant Mike 'kite Porte etWeistkr ea, me Melted to all sad mamies m larknomdelm• tem parskaiNg assitbeits. lisers Ilea. State eine% wady eeMit the Peel - SWAM MTS. IT P. 4.—reety Itatnalmit menieli4 kit Ike _ • , . 1864. 4044 E= Spring & Sumer Trades. a NOW Manlai • TOLL SPRINQ AND NEM gooDs! WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Now Notice. ' -' = - ( ING TO THE GOVERNIOET awl N., stab Limos, the isotirrid - ildialiihist ILI hi 000 dollar Nor Mil IMO* M 04111.. ilalear. lilg e N the largo Cash Capital laroolia V t. greatly lasroooad prima of Mbar Ati , . wod. ka. we. lia walordigaot ood Mo. IN eanillined 11 1 1416 .1 11 41 4 1art il r CAM to allow tho pries Om qv , 0 to • Udi 1111111.11 Mos six to rim dant $' . * *O ak entirely the whit at agoadiag os migiold Nal lia4 c °1111 " 1 " 14 Sa Wad Mt llri Al,* an (author and tworawallasatima.._o At*, will hi" 16 I Wood to tar Iritiv if Sigitilibei ta i VIA. lirlailield Is bo kitlillaqr adimilla:la Allaoaidirr" altor tido dal. - , •s. ._ r • !WTI 6 4 Si Maws oar lawaked Il i triagi ;k Imo ! . i • tan ISO Mlle Jaws *mull. HisinurAlr 4 1., Jima mu; , mum • Soo. MU, pie GOilikait... - -1. i ' WAN .. -- , . . , ..,:. I • • - _ • Nod°. OU WII an A gere - imittpaymaig, • oz e Wpm: Woke& NOW Wised I:r il e lk ow sunasionem Weft mks to, • r 4 4.••• ° lt* :r • W o::000 yr. at watt. AND PLANKS. .olva Q. W. MILUNT, him& , . I . . • • ' I y • •/ II . • • _2l • ~,_* ., ,!..r..•1tt,..:""C'.•:.,... rZ „ :•Z-t.i....".,....1 , .. a... , 17:., ;"..:f. , ••••. - -• -••;;att.•••1..1-n-..z,. -,,- .....- -,, ..z.....0. 4, 0 , .,•:= - :-. 1 - ,, -A , •••--.0",..cdt .-..:cy...i -- ' • ... , • , -„:__.=_ : .7 .. - •_, - :..- •- -; . . - - - - - -- -- - --- . 7 __ - _ .. ....- . • . ... . .. . 4 . .. ~ ~., .. ,..4 •--. " ,, !••:c..5t .3 (-I (6 7 .41/: 61 • I . . 6 ' 7 • • " - 6 , - . ~... `/ 6 C 67 E'S . !qc,rl ti Vcr.- • ‘• ; • • . • 1 •,' . . :7 1 : "':1 • .if : . , i.1 .:/ z i. - .. 7sr i . 7 1 . :: ''-'• . 1.. , , . •:••• :Ito i.l :1 iqtll 1,, ..- - • . ' . . , • • ' • - i r ... 1. !... • ", 7 . .M . l t i,..t i * a. i.i . t h ~ T ....::,,.,,,..,....„„ . r , l - 11.ft.• . -,•, , . .. •...., ••-• , ,\ - 1 ...... . . - 1 7 • : : .6 . nit 1 . t ' ' •1•1: , ! : !.- ! i 1 ...:•. ....,-, ! r . . • , • , .. .. saLonr MULTDF. •J NEW GOODST\ I ' -FOR THE... ) JOHN C. BEEBE I WIIICH WILL St SOLD AT cam is T essulni 100$ 41.' Mit ba ijk• • .a • : • - it, ••AN • ; vit•Yl • •. • • .(,) :1: ' :,ELUE N PA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1864. -r 'Batt ,j 1 ,1A„,*41., 21, MC timmas. Tsunamis "Tun Mimi Is to Twos . • Loma . +-.TairsaJulmm. =I ;The Ml** roni4 of lb. raised yam. WO cif #2oli: Bin*, is *OM this super k7alvii4' Oa *pi fork ThriP Those= from _Louisiana continues to get worft:and..storaa. Gen. Banks has given np all thoughts,ol a forward monk. ment„ Andaman to 1* Just now mainly deviling means; to get beck td the Mis : visssis..illsabss bail One third of his ar my, twenty.= thirty guns, perhaps twice as muebbsggage as the for= Which de. foaled Lim'bas had in its possession for thslast yeakand $1.014000 in greenbacks. Nor Is that all; it appears by; a letter froth whishsvpsimisiietaesi =tractsyester. day, that Owe she u t t three feet of water on the shoilsafAleiunidria, wh il e a large partials oar ItnslXots and transports ereasthiNdevi. ' , Several of the gunboats lastre bees disabled, and guerrillas swarm along both :banks of the Red River from Gmypildote to Fart; de Roney. j This ma painful Close to' an expedition which was to Oxtinguithi the rebellion in the whole =Veit of the Mississippi, and drive - limithi Dick fraylosand )(rader iniolhe.,Pillimitalahs. perspective. " And it mmitoiot be, forgotten that while this is going on upon the River, the enemy inre-atiPearing '!along tbe Vivid bg and Ibutrphis are lmth threat ened-vend the =Vitiation is tooting again miAinjared.ei all *nil. I The Offoo* of. Lou ling radical newspa. Para 4 0 - forFaJO.ertegro equality and lung' Penatieft Ad" /*Ate community area= Withgrnet detennination. Others, seeing the tendency of the thiug.endearor to reptcrietsahe idea; but it is inexorably eitiblithiste.s' Alma iof the creed of t the radkielehUroh, and no cut is in good and revile standlnr Who • refuses absolute iocislitnd politicsairptslity to,'-the negro. The regalir ifibnierit of the abolition par. tylinviiiisimid their '041• for th_e spring Osteliiinbn, triluierstry. The publish ed : 'Ther4 much td be•done by the ibbfitiohisht; In the way of labor and tepthnonny, terAesiiret: full and complete justice:lo4pm tisolar4:sace, both at the Made pf Aheitiverungent and with refer leoonetruation df society on the pnlikiceltetpsalityin the rebel lion States. Agit the .-appes&ing unary, tthereTore;: ?balm!' 'Wended by tiled row arrd.trombro whose purpose it is swll is contiaile %hermit moral struggle antillefere theOntetliutionl i and laws all are made free, and, rxrplesional Jugissetiewe ant jakijoilie t if tfielzineutlie Com., • ll.oiii,lnmiumw, President. Aim cosh ty ther demand of the redltarpertY !loaders.' I The Senate and , lidts Wft‘Pmenti•itive are tag Abair time. *Ali legisioting negroes lado-radrildinn, negro voters into toil• tptllil orginualione; negro e4uslity eyery- Wiese% iss for t4y can, while the coun try is rushing the downward road to ruin. ' .And: soma sensible men still adhere to therpertrand think that there is a char. liable notion• itr ft idt. In 4he meantime the treefhittnisiel,starving by thousands, and itilicit"oreriiiielmlng the black see. - ecc Tint.agilittatina of, Fremont by the Cleve land CoavegtionTwill place! the Presides tial questitmi-hr -a-tatrious aspect before *tii Ilitititnintretatvintitas . 1 - The selection briteestedidittragalms irboni Fremont will infeytile:lffeßt' *ChM -Mein to be - fatal. Tflankiiiititiutlethe - 'raite imiirety., Frti. Ili* Vietifftiii i!ohisetti kilter in his handi, 'itietheltaltlinikand must' - either buy, Wefi : .iiiriColliliiailt MM."! Can They buy ;,1 taint ii *e?fOr" S? '*Ma 1 friends ire not, il').inli. AS iii *h ! olit; the happy family -fw*o r lisliri kri s, ltinlng - on the. plunder al: 0 4 9r..-M i a jar- three' Tears Iget_..l9...,ll*Olfzi„They_ are all "disloyal." They are abusing each other much more Tl#lloloo l l-...gkitik We/ farmerly abased lihmisereht.celiothing raisins -for them. ItiViallkit)tafniittbi do Means certain to *piths% Ailinilitari isttocese Is more iikelystobringamither candidate into the liblitilt* l tn : help - the fortunes of Mr. -auk im oblumita: at as hour like this 'O f beWiltlikilto-tortwierr the condition of .* 1 304:0 41 404 1 ,1, llitrtaitgliNg ,for spoils. --Tharatinitotintalligiet,tian who believes' --thit. girdiglttllkrirg 'Thatte men to te.for' AxAoi'iF.Aup.. .:-3PAT,al'e li ke valtdraa• ;fthlieLkeilenstagesesita of theshattered bodytecAliwinserhmi Union: They never l atitiitlit, l *,4s' l restored, invigorated, i l itacettatte 44, Einnari, foe - then their -oestircifostOtlphtatler IMuld be at an end. 111'40 ii_ 4) `tE V . ' .. 4md itnan go for help -61 4 01694441.04.140. things are man' Meth mains{ 'the itradms of the relief ilivait '1f rj 25,0;901 , fie -trocoilittir:il 1 4- owes.' • ,). ~ - -,,!,...• -' . , We I iniwor ,149. : isif*viame u -Ana 4). P. Jekriom IE3 harressivod , * War.— *via stifrebraiaraeltirkaat *old, but that he is noviiditiOM tithe essisoor corps of iiitfWessitdilidpiiiiktin a. it.-coliesni, atiestiwiWas tetatit idiVife this ask si4Viiiddlir.'''tV &Si) Only to ssy that Our 441Atali#d fiom reltobti rats. the ithe elitis.4 - olti'lott 'ad *mos! *skdaiiidOnlieto - VS - Alp ii itii iaioiiiteirhitierrer vs chap 'lllll iiir4tVila that - of his drat iiirt4At.-CSit - tfity moiatiwi - . irta elnyl4i4 oo :Li al b n dia. — Aetbiii tilt, tainwoderty cull am,* who Apt ileitis:llW . qOl l 4 . 04 ifY, l 44oes' "ed toy 'ways te lipor appliestka ....P. Gamma Liaised Ifilitikt ead litto mi — Oltee the Common SSW Wittlit4 Oka." ismer Stale iikbigke 4stikier' Om. Moab; Ad%) boak l ib I,z :; ;;T gliiiillf446l4 l 64l4lPteidletailistlbe tsalli- Om at slisipbproonaglaaasamatanaellsdli 4 . ( • id itti a lrUe Mas i a Ttei r Stilt ' • !Mating, arill lad it tastbairtadmaito tdo gin as a all. tt EE Ow Sits thearverl III•a. . A. sise WWI tibia:Mr AM goat, tie flab; es Imply Allks sestosed Ist irertli• ' I " 'allpsst the sass st Mar to ihs him. of bet ha. Ast stew step me adios • V... id tbiessitest gnosis Bar tbotokips WI abide - Wkorefoe BM potty teed— Toe hely he • Ingham& no ~al lotto. tot Go& Ito toque soold ipsok th. vista.; ?bat aroma bar NNW her Thy Was as do UM, goo hero h onimeotaatto• Isla. ' du tee rim drawbad la bop§ ta lamp Oa aartk Tor meal Nab did videbed bor. Had &Wand Isertrasi for MAX One era. a' daylight Ilagrod. They lam bar prially And addle) Horamrd asajoyfid. Oar Warta leo Al at glool. Ctioat the Rprissil•U Bevellatata. 'I, Mind Iso The opposition japers publish the ensaittif,to ot,;()Ov. Pisrpout of Virginia against General Butler. It is addressed myth. President scud Congress sad is a formidable document f: is arse. It is also important in subject matter sad will probably lead to a Congressional in vsstiptitin, as it should. The .I Bashingtou Chronicle depreoates say investigation, or dis mission of theism,. while Gem. Butler' le midst of battle," fears the public obeli will be dennmalisod by considering it sow, sad asks for a postramasat till the war is over. This is it new kypotiumis to *pan to Congress, whisk ha. thought it import sat to put our af loat ow. trial for 'their military se well as their general eonduest. • There la af fore* is the Chnmick's reasons for wishing to make Oist. Butler's ease espeptionaL Gen Pier. pontakargas very gross - abases upon General BOer at 'Norfolk, such as not only involve great Wattle* to iadirldnals, but serious' dam age to the canes of the Union. Gen. Butler sad his friends should got attempt ,4a prevent aa, iavutigatioa. it lbs charges cannot be sustained ale investigation will not damage Oein. Butler, but any attempt to prevent it will lead to a general suspicion that be dare not meet the facts. ' Most of 06v. Pierpoat's complaints an Of extortion practiced upon the people of Nor folk, sad especially the meirohaats. 'The amounts in which they are mulcted on various pratensis go to what Is called the "Provost Mirshal's toad," .but Gay. .Pierpont can Sod nii evicienea that they reach the United sista" tritssary. Gov. Pisvirit speaks well of Oft. Noses' adinistiteatioe of affairs .at'Norfolk; saps that whoa flea.• Butler arrived civil Oldies wail getting Into good condition and tlis laws wire administered by the proper admire. Bat Oso, Butler swept aside all the civil power and brottgtit everything tinder military mai& The ohlmf . feittnlew -of the *sir raisin ispielseated to be the ezeitioa ofsaoa ey for everything -t one per coat. 'trail goods brought 'lnto the district 1 front live to ton *AIM for the clearance of it' iossei ; a dollar Monthly for the privilege of taking oysteis, aid vary heavy amounts for. Wows to seU Mysore. The chief grievances Seim to be moo- Misted with this halloos'. Lo al Virginias" ate driven out of it on various pretences, their ilqoars confiscsiedand sold and Massachusetts men given a monopoly or the trade, who charge two or three handrail per oent. More than the Baltimore pries" of liquors and are. said to share the profits with the "phirost marshal', bad." Gen:- Butler's seizure of the Norfolk gas works is denournoed by, Gov. Prerlont alto flagrant wrong., The owners bad taken lite oath and thews was no obidenes ofddisloyaity, brought against them, lint, Gen. Butler chose to say that he doubted the sincerity of their Professions, and so took possesslei or their propeiety, Lad now mates the chinas pay doable prime for gas. Thera ere aloe aural instancesiof the seizure of-plats belonging to Paresis tot charged with disloyalty; and aorta to recover it are futile. -The 'Ova and vbs. of Mr. Balmily, President of a savings bask, wore tikes,_ sad Os* •Batier'seat 'the • pitleniih to jail for impudent .!•• tamers to some of his impudent' queitionic aid has kept him them for months, with not imam Woke& IM sleep oa, sad has .refused to let kiresifs tarnish hist with bedding. • 4•The 'New, Iteilitte," Gen. baler's arras; is printed sad editad by soldiers paid by the Vomit .ment; at a cost sof $52,000 per yeir, Gov. Pis:past Stares oat, which ssaltar It a very Asap eaterpriso. Gar. Plerpootalso oritildees this military administration of Gen. Balled, sad states that the raid on Rielimoad wu kiomm and, publicly talked about Jo Norfolk tea days Ware it started, and yet Gem BeitiSr kaire, sours aka far retooling It at town long after it got to Richmond from N folk. Tit* area fee specialist of Goren* , 1 Piorpont's complaint". Rs • saye'lbat ho satisfied* Gatlitos rule. has done Immo damage to the Rohm must in Virginia. us have an itmestigotionby all mesas, lind I t Oov. Pierpolt, havii a chance- to - prove' is charges.,, i t' be hart* just CO him' t,sin at the unpromising work of “ntoonttromi " BMWs Pirglabk and thowallowliszi.llut or to kopek oat the moral props of his in this style. IWr'lks bins is ti be IMlwed, The NI I IW ,Orloono oorcsopoodost of tbo York Shope thus Wits u. nopaktable troth•: = • - "I otti bleeds es the Nest& ohoolie to amiss timatig. r *hi the Idelttitattoilliieiiifttle. O iabiled flll4 spin pleas et se &nap apt estreFtainatent., le with, Basis? the mild trey of lietstster- Baths,- *he yes, sleeted bi seseekt theosis# majority, dine' As just so mash oi LoatdwiK Itt (the . Ersh4 4011eSsiested thititide ex Nalrittelitshst so' Polon? oillessiAiii eti• 'F1413041 sioliols'eopit 'trio 9itl i sit ire' *4 l ** 1 0 41 A, OW.ll4lP•fiii?"ll4 /DI .444 3rt abatis the , year it ttnilt roelost e• , it-471 Hord„ liciumso 130 ikkaparielny Vapor-, Too *Man opus •Is atilioryig t6i eirool t tion: ri‘sidbne ookoi4tat 1 41 111 7 Moist as olootiodi a Ilieseitot ow' protoir Outbid-. Nolo it WA mato ionistfAl lettior hi IMP 11/11/1611161a1i Desi‘orgur Air. a SoA , 4 l ftiViill#ti l I4otlittitr,t4;: t.t1.4 . 'mph - • k •st of r ompailia.—lts,iatvo. , . _. pew* Oerreseseisase, dm, erase entail liellisalisiA4' Gen. drant's headquarters mere leaded hi a Reid between. the plank road and assail road leading to wildie hamlet: known ad Pert karts store. ,During the ight,l, howevM; ha was principally with general !dude' Whose headquarters were mil a piney knoll. In the rear of Warren's corps.; I had Cm Orlin& it Vicksburg, and in Tenseasee, sad his appear. &nee wu familiar; butl asl eta:oiled though tie group of officers militants radar th*trees at headquarters-I-looked &r him some dine in vela, such was hie hisiguillesat, uaprettiedhig aspect masa while the battle was rat lag hied its fury, A stranger to the ilitivila of 'military rank ' would have re dreamed that the , plain quiet men wh sat 'wilt his back ageing a tie*, apparently heat 41 stamped. eras the ona . upon Whom fbr. tunes of the day, if, not of I the agii mit counts 7. witle,hrohtdmi,, It was. only :when at/ some aid or orderly rods op in hei with a e menimiteetlei i llrotri Onto 'partial' die battle told that hire trAi•uptureed to lt In those of the messenger the purport * die message. The consultation with Gen: Mule of the direct suggestion or demised—ill too*. Omni with that same hiperturbability of,:icoue tissue for which he has alwayi been vernork able.-' Ito' movement of the . eneme waned io pouts or discoacert kW. Fertile I. reestire* .the petition for reinforcement! was speedily answered. ,And whit; all thit transpired he stood Calmly to the, croup, at thus smoking his favorite eirgar.-• more vigorous m I mono frequest poidoi mai indicating the lawaid: working of O. mind. If soniething 'Mani. pined which-he denied needed his persontid atUatioa, &why be darted to the inuneribit:e ease, with One ,or Iwo of kii aide and ria orderly warring their utmost te keep up with him. Arrived en thip spot, he. eshnly Uri: sidered the matter reqahleg ihit attend+, with 'ready judgment, temimunicited the intl. 1 sary orders, isalk ibei isdoped away to mu- titer part of the ileld,! or to hia seat bossed' the pine tree, there tauter ots the orderbUk some record of the bustle's progress. It was mauling. again at mines to cum him Commander in-Chistrwhittling meaty with hie knife upon the Laski of a tree,. pausing now and the, to throw hiie word or eentencei in LI; eonversation to those gron4l about, and then going. to work With renewed vieor rayon the incision Of the.pine. The 'contemplation of this by thou woe Wore with l hint et Finks. burg will recall an int:lite:at ofla similar iuil. rector:ln that Wiensmeble, tdie,.. • *tea Mt* colored** were,meueted,ii, tof Logut's lino Cleurat Greet was desires" of unpaid*. sorting the operations. During the pied misery "ark at cutting. thekmbraturel he mounted the epaufemant, and. Fiats the Jebel bullets Istntok all monad ids., delibmWtely whittled a rail until Ake vine Were p • • in position. ' f , ". • Letter beat colambas,*arrew coo • Iflittos tor tho Ark Obsirior.J ' 3 . Litt us sapposellat we were sow oreetakime by noise satioold 41.amitiee, such as volume already Inn Or may tom ate that, Ii the bane of some Picaidesilal cazapaiga,. sotioalY ills public latereat,!tuat the private lateritate of thousands of Individuals 'sight be imeei thrown or implicated; that prepatrlOre ohm& be made correepocidles. with the Weeel aion: War impends; agriculture; sod amaafecriares ire be wallet the, *oats *real:diet and the Wages of labor are amide to antagonise ; North had llouth'are eeafrohted ; rich and poor, high and low, radical' nd eon: 7 wreathe, are meeting In the fray. The Weer eeekers,aulnriag,, from several yaw ftt, fa mine, are rioilag 4ver saticiPated 'pone. It eertainly reqtdres but littie - effore if the Imagination to picture forth the ptadonil of all the parti-eolored bands Into which our; ma lty is separated, and at thre ad of their re spective followsr•they are herlog them is a mightier -army than ever) met 'in *tea Areopagse oi Roman Cootitier. Antorig this molly throng whiCh a siagleiday briagi forth. stand the two aampioas.- Crime antd Igo.- ranee. Behold on AU side orostsitto the polls and eves caididates fOy the higheit office in . tlyigift of the people, 'sre .thosel whose hands are red with brothers' blood,-14111P) private quarrel I Close pradag uposi these, surge forward "it haughty bad, glitterleg is wealth; but ter every floWthat glitteis from diamond nd jewel a fs,tiir, si isoilt6r, 104' helptesi ghillies* are stoloilaid sold Las na meless hoods/ie. • lavadbag their ! maks, struggle. forward a troop of• tatiendlaries. tasalet isd lytiehers, who boils hitherto es. coped the retributions of It ; sad wool-draped— hilatititi to w kosoudva disc feet ;411Ma rashes to the frac, • sea life, coring far • loughs but thiamine; all 1.Y.114 - boadinaned by lb. low of 4!:trd and min. The wickedness blindness of the people or jadipente for !ate soglo4 of the sewage. far to this sad; sod te so liar, wasp suPeri.i oat, gins to s row, ad the senile of an nog .P/ 16 . 46 5 14 to . itif.'era4outtotts hOmege, tar sting* sod Watt Is nittotstaileas. ; Let those ThettWlttkquelte with apprilientos for the fate of all theritold4ettr new that Wise. they feel OT fair is the tribstion of a just Giol and Haien for a aesleeed ishildhood. •Retitaber then these :sportive groupO youth, in whose holoy.o bosons there sleep. - so man eesreale. meted • by • tetapeet's etteagth. &anther that these mortals+ these ttnierista-ero le! your_ eau: ' Devote yourself to the work• of trrovoitest.: heir . ; light slid truth as era . out- light , sad. 114111111iliO. Di) sot seek lrowledge si the lax . - .ory l ar r a best hut &Marlt . through .lb It lad. Thole idols rapids mum listreeted tha • dniite; theyinntst •be rdirrits . tr to aloartea•- .1 'elation* rue eemprOltensloa of these rat ' trnthscn, Thiel? eyes, .erigavereteesi inn:ens Ithe , 4e,jfitrtEal 4u4s.idisisient 41 °4 1 04r ' and say hope of arraelbegdararasyrersenp ,preisles4illoinirrist tonelose of the sisttl--` via Ie by 1,14; I kea bkin itiottgh _ ti 11 °•:! .14 0.!'''0 . 0 t••4 1 4•• 41104110ititli:ef O ' tt!.Silt4)4 l , ref tiniest. :hy sprisillebilillas Httitleitiar of 'Huse islotsj ihe - oreelh;ssd shellis) of lib. itiors If Me deptatifi - the'oan' veto iirdoestetheistoPifti7 i'vig 010 2 77, itlon stiaresed by Pao iota Cmaidwir,..lik., Ate ficadkal: Eduesisi peopis,ll ancolui, l as t "Itit t arf ef tit 'Mild eltte, 'le' Oh' repittiliii of, ,011411!44$2101:•':-1.- "7' eys 9!klipv!?44lptilfd Oti :0 1 01. to4uos &swap . 9 4 4 )0 0,1*5 lialgostffitaiktalPirpalimstvsimt i ! le ' faadiblag &Urea a Isek's sabeisissee." • I NUMBER 61. • ' • fastnefflassaws.3 •. 111, TIN aledred Mo. Pas dmiLllase. ' mem Chi Yietbnisrvor.). This loan Is Athol to two hundred "nal- Ito* and le lideg rapt* subscribed for bi tilOp,ople. AI moderate potion of this imetint has been tau fer NarePto, and 'any reasons. id* portion of the isinseining amount that the NemetarY of th e Tressaryinight be Willing to. designate, could be plaid on the other side,. with orwithost *akin • the interest pajabli in London instead of New York, on highly ad nntageens terms, thus. dieing the command of :a large amount ef, sterling exchange (10 per went. better than gold, no rates ,itre *Col lated hare,) through the littanter months. ;H e has itirrer yin t entertained such propositions for hie popular loans. We preference is that our own People should hare the entire advan. , tags of the gold. interest which they bear, *or Ow the premium on their bonds, such as can new be had on the 5 20's. when bought for Scrolls. The present object. therefore, is popular distribution at , home, at par, on are per, Otni t gold interest, equal W 7} or 11 per seat. in "mew with gold ai Locet.eo per :Tint est of Congress 'epeedally pvtreidei that the o priseipsl of *these bonds shall be Pala in yid.. If paid off after tee Mare. With the soonotaleal view of raboirowing at three or lour per sent. istiAms--for after the war of ISIS this government borrowed money in Eu rope at three per_ttest..—the payment will be lied* is geld. Oa tide and ell ether funded stocks of the Malted elutes, Aire's a speedo pledge of the mime reins. #ii gold, for the eodtinned payment et the Interior! IsgolL Tli Mutate and duties, thus PlOded for, the payment of the. starest. and 'gradual ex. tinotiesitihsglintdphl.4Atneogit sand pur sham for the sinking land —ier eke faud.d radii debt of the ratted States, eonsaftwie a olden ofiudirsett. lasetion, le - whisk the peo ple amt ead.tphenys 161011 bein sturnsto med. c • -It , fells wpm the: mat only lb proporties:do their ability or Inellsation lo.ocemume•foreisa wares sad merchandise, upoa which these duties are levied. , As, they elect. to forego the nse of. foreign luzuriei, so they, lighten their own blather) of the , public, debt, even. while iniesiing their Means4m it at rstes and on a setinrity superior io any otter stock, for nni foiniUnd 'aitintre4 z itteciiie (free of focal taxes) in'thtCwholi country. - • , • 'no laji iserai'Yoiar,lS June 80, 1864, this genres Of' ricottas hit:edited $69,069,642. 11114iild1iVreta au the Pitblia debt amounted to' 0n1y'844,729,646, *teethe Prhuitipal of the old loan of - 1842, $8,250,000, woe' paid off in gold, -• • • ' . • The present ewe' year, ending 'on the 80th Jane, 1664, will show it least 46 pet cent. in-' er,eseltais geld Sesame; ear $ 96,683,698, on a gross importation of:less than 20 Per sent, in crease over het yest. The gold late/eel on the present funded end fundable debt . for the asixtenl basil year lilt not extitied" wiinies• ie geld frost Gefteall-oven the speeilo ehargs-for **test tagrat has which surplus the lleoreaary !las reidily,dlspesed of , at 165 per cent. for greinbseltit; the priaoipsl ee well se ?toilet of Whioirittll go tri,tke benefit of the Fund, rad to the, reduction of the erreirey Interest on tlie 11116'12de:1 or-tempo awry gebt, suih se ode veer ttertifiestss of lit ! darbtednem.oortiff byesit, &a. ' I Thalithis statement easy net newn:over &warn, we annex' i soltedule:ef she funded debt and 7.80 per 'eat. ife - asary notes, soon to pest irito Aside& debt by voluntary eonver- Pion, ea whiofi 'gold ittterrist 13 sew being cold t • PaitrietSds.ld. MAO &edit* Minh !I, 1111. f1t649 taj1a,....„...1ip5t ..... 4 61 .41 14 . 605 r r C.M. L0max...140 „ 13806000 leue44llllL ant. „, 61,451,000 Lou of 1811, Feb.,.. ... .. per eve-- —.. 18,416,900 LiMall 011055-0, 5 per emit. ?7,912,000 L• 80•441144-41 1. .11 pet 15,323,000 Leta of 1840: ' per wet 8,415,000 &vim Loft. 1831.4..;.....18 Per 4401 4915.400 Missal Lationatle *z Cpir This hawses sharp spas the, same amount of fad Lot- mill' be maimed the next:BmM Year tails win of $1,798,524, by the conver sion:of the 7.80 per seats of 188‘, is August sad October, *SW •the:6 per enut: of 1881, leseing, the, Wares& charge upon the same $788.9 66 , 0 0.0 only $45,887,126,_ for the unit fiscall year,. wish, mu* the iooroaliod raise of mato* dudes , sow :immediste4 !contem plated by gowns, the gold - revenuer, ou the., same velum!, of milt importation sp in 188.4; Mimi to $llOO,OOO Or $ll .000,000.; Mi. awl IllitableMe* Bats ea 4 "boot to retire from business, I. propou prowl*/ " Little Nellie" Id* a Recipe for ter reedrie , that will be wortittem to sty rite that intends yelp( piat tbrousli the cowrie otitis life, than the colt* tite..ereAldiEsqv for tea year& I bare Laken hundreds of, jobt,le my life of ,riotint conilmaildings.fenoes anclTtry soany,dwellione, and ewer Veel n i paniele of oil . or spirits of turpentiae,An4 v tay-norif h” stood longer and the colors more trililaut .theti Other htillainget painted' with oil palate; : • . . • • • , I aril. take requlted quanilty or street boil It.;'an4f while boiling, all 'caul' Relent quantity' of iih ribOuld pre; 'Wilily . be stirrekrith noir) milk so ss to break all small lumps.) — ±ike milk and ,tl..,tir should boil to slit Same tklokne?e of b.)iletloil. ;ken .taka Os, Gist quality of water for tai pbatd,Rget, Anil use; any kinu of.colOrloic Pabala tkat,it akoosa Paint darker tkot ,eolOr of ;water' j•bitres. tress 4iotitlilti,lok for e'..kige - work,ao a alien tfd ireitsftr artivilw patut De al : loft for initnedi... . ate t add reli" o 1" a pound of soli tafitidifiltiti c / Erik' Of this point arill.itavitW . f i l Trierscitt - of its . 1atA,411% .t Intit• iequirep to: 47•4. 1 011 4 0 , i11,F1 11 14 ai :c4r PAnts.• vissirrita:..rzwatifid.,ssira.. - . 7, l 'o4"AittlikAH atn sat, iu eisrolftif stiiieuting aeauite "in rOt- , to-Ahtlisbilsgoioic.gotag ea. tip* istdothilViiite /hued Mt* east theYttstatit Oe* ,0Ai1i,t4.Atia40.1,704 ;144 n* so 414 04 AA ObsbA S r 1 1) . 11 944 4 3 1 1 1 L1V4094004t ., Weak: .1 , a/11 r.qieici Letters from aricky L eeeSved by p e • ;i00 7 ;004111-04 9- 0 1-4- .44; 11 00 1 31 eirderliebWW;iialelio‘iteiali Ps say u= tat ti' `o Ml;l=M!M!== rzQJI4 5q42',141 Edward OrsesildarifirristO Truk Cotvirmi, tail; ofitiellaldei Battk,4as been ogiteeeel to be Wet.- The *mai of Mai Kali the orthegesphy:ef Uteltc-iltetioV-Itkey wit 4411 it Nreff4P4'—'64o9l.;,.l'‘4,l' _. ' The last irojert, tit bring down the Woe of _gold, 10 1111 146 94 514 . 0!e, Wialdiegton, Union Leaps, is to hams the'brokers et Wall gimlet. - QueestVlotariee,sibisour acme tired 511 her, la the street, ot rectentiY, they shouted to her, "Resign!" "Raig 1 11 1 ! Prattles thinks that U things go- in the, Beath as they ire now ping on, the :abet sol-, diem will Alcoa get to be, as waked so SO tosay : ladles in a ballroom.. „ • • - The New York Obsaver tecommond. "sleep-, ingjewe" for the woommodatioael atom who sleep and pod during ellurth.seiriam We . "second the motion." , "The shady. grottoes of Lk.. .Treasury De—, Pertment." wrote the editor or • the St. Paul Prem. The more honest compositor male it "shoddy srottoes," end eo it -wentrto press;& truth told by mistake. • LIIAL—Last week Mr. Lineoin attended the. Washington theater to see Mr. - Forrest. in Haig Lear. He was, we leant, much affected : Ingratitude seems to wound ,slid , that Mr. Chase reminded Alm of. Beg in. and . Gen. Fremont, pf Gonerll. Daniel Sheehan. of °time, Illinois, waif - induced .by his cruel - parents to marry 'the wrong girl and immediately oocomittv4 side. Hie you( wife, though the had mar— ried and lost the right frig _ b tdhy, and took poison with entire rweee.l*. Tite Detroil Free Preu 4.:eisee4 "digit • misfortune to bare the vilest:L.lA tue et•tr of the world constantly looking st I,lo:sd•er and EI •ward a. representiog the lAbits.4:A4*%lA: ners,' talent of )lie.iigiu. •Tho Slack county (Ohio) Democ-at s:.y.S the Democrats nQiiiineted a one errazd soldier •br assessor of Sugarcreek: c . 0./is:ad, in tivit , county, by tho n:ime of 8..13j. ftipill,'snit the. Abolitionists best him with is preleh«r:ind. school tesoher, who his been•A•loral.," and 8 houtiilifwar at borne. It ie v.:;4 that FA l'r:sident*Piovce', ror•' trait has heec removed froth the rotusaa tf• the dorIto! end placed among the'-rob' sh 'of the building.. ' In due time all the.oliz Proai dents may follow. It le fitting that their places should he filled by negroes to harmonize 'lathe character of the administration.• • ' Ltsruots AND ?UM Dsln.—The Way b'ra; the Fremont organ in Washington city, says": “Mr. Arnold Says that the devil has no bribe large enough •to reach a certain- publiCi hums. tioaary. Whit. occasion has the to try it, when the functionary alluded. to is doing just just what is desired is thaViverters without any bribe?" ' 6.lurnmen •Daitecamrs."—ln a speech •in New York city the other night, Chauncey Burr said : "Daniel 8. Dickinson, Lyman Trernais; John W. Forney, fto , are in the habit of call ing themselves • lifelong Demoorate.--jas Judas Lscariotmight hive strutted about with his thirty pieees of silver in his pOoket, call ing himself a disciple of the-4ortl Jeans. There is'no hope for the.rebel leaders bill in the defeat of Abraham Linoolit.—Evana villa Journal. We :would much rather have Lincoln for President of the United States, thtin the can didate of the Conservative perty.-I r ßs'amond Divatik, s strong and leading rebil newspv • - - per, A man was detected in Boston inserting a false 'marriage in one of the newspapers: Be was arrested, tried and punished 'lshii the utmost severity, witting his crime by con: Inc:sent in - a prison. Persons who undertake to impose upon the public and newspapers in this canner. should understand that, they are liable to be shut up in a prison for do t ing .. . O— . , "We wonder the Copperheads and grtun .bling Republicans don't denounoe the imbe cility of the administration of the !lather.— .Tamettount 'Journal.- - In the irtme , parsgrapti the editor of the •J'oivnol, (irhether se • Copperhead or i &tun bling Republican we do not pretend to deter s:lloo,) complains as (divers :. #oThe weather is growing colder, nastier, antloore d isagreeable all the time." The Nei 'York lmkpaulatt "To couslaide, we are, I think, in 'a Aopcfid way ; -and if the rebellion lasts ihrei years longer we shall learn,. much more. .!lesteb grata it tea) , sot end till`we learn sad We lire willing tq 41e our whole du4y. Azusa 17%. This Christian reflection and charitable with are4idqqed by the fact that in Washington negroes are permitted to rids in the street cant and is Philadelphia they are tic 4 ,. Put interposition of :1,1017110 is asked to continue the war until the Quaker City changes her ordinances. —Are vr• nes .4 in . e-hoirfq way 7" _ ILL , • Teutons ST4rs OF eurrAl—LiinWheel ing hileiiirtneer of Saturday says: Mr. Brogp, formerly a memluir - of 'the Legislature Item Pendleton county; waliu tbiireity on Friday, auk - represents that a terrible enmity exisiS in his seotii.o between Union men - and rebels since. the cold-blooded murder of Captain harper sod Isierbrother. Be says there is no inch feeling as humanity longer existing in the Minds of the people. Several rebels, sup posed to have been engaged in the Murderrof the Harpers; base been' otpured end Sided. Both sides have ceastd taking prisouera.:-.r. STRALIso 'Seasons 7.7 dr. (11:;;• of ' ffonine'n'y one of the rep7,e+eniatiie4 o`tO4‘.ix p of the AdtntniArAtt , in beirouet:i i t tb a n(ere, made a epe•en" he Otter 014i•gint.G.,1 ernm,mi cults s with lie said: i•thouel ode of cou'ilb nd s'e •t3itig iu uf ever_ des%;riti..?d"Or imagined. flay—are tVitiing ih fi Os. _each morislity is the resalt• of yotiiitisitesa tt :, los care au more for the 7 1 1, 4 rd L/4141, you dys , for• horee, wen! l rather ba:f. ols.stisiolder a robber, btealillg all over ' ;14e ritera, inaugurated : is, worse th„,a ;41 . 8-ayti• of elive•y. More aiOney is required to,cart:y it outz ante' iti costs to clothe the slevesif tie 8 an AMERVEit KRIM i11E,41/Ailfel, six *! pm ror piqk dp ft; order to OA till