Tja* giLtE.W .. .EP 44% IMMIX • o re I,Tiot TPONIVII Po 0111111111 VIZ BIIUOO rrill," STAnelyam. Oip;Ops. ADTEiriSltilsNTS.—One Square of Ten Line. one la. bortion Coots ; two Insert:4a* 81,00 ; three tapir. ' haul 51,26; one 'Month Irkgp . ; two months $2,50; three mouths $2. 0 0; els m0nt455,024 operant SIX: other advertisements in propiiiitiaisa — . Them rates v itt be strictly adhered to, unless clanged by special parse, or at theipption of the ptibliahers. AuilL tont Notices, Strays, Divvy* anci like adtertise $1,50 ; AdualeistratoPCNotfees $2,50 Loma iNotiose ries masa line; Ifatriage*otices ?traitor ! fl ys coots a piece; tlbitutry ifeetticesAciver three Bose in extent) live ceder per Hoe. paptry, en. Unwritten at the Mout of the e4Ttor, one deity - , -pertine All advertise tient& will be continued at the ee , e of thaperson adirertildig, until ordered s o by his direction, nnless..• ipecided period la agreed upon for Its insertion: SUBSCRIPTION—Tie DoLuAs per annum I. ad ranee. h I jolt PEINTIIiG.—We have ' , one of the beet Jobbing mhos In thefttate, end are raid!. to do any work in that Use that may h,. entrusted t t es, In equal style to lay establishment outside et' the largest cities. A FACT GENERALL'Y -'KNOWN, TIIAT the variety: ormeyr style Bed „te,a, of Gothic, CottagePConyeas„ Round Cese arr. Camp So f; Jenny land and..otbsit pattern; with i mmune andatreit front, handsomely !veneered Burrana, u tea sion, Dining, Breakfast, Omens and other ratio, ghoiets . Quaker Stands, Carpets:nil nonsak I.onagsm, at, Beds, Hair and Sea l u aus Kritallael, Feather Bads ta d Bolsters with other nousehold furniture, La, 1111 gl aunrattUre .4 {rem well seasonal.: limiter and healthy au teriels,by experienced workmititandifot by apprvntlee t o Tor style, quality and lowirrlees.l will defy prep lw o.. price deidert to undersell mu. Fattier., bittl4!lrallit mid. Cane seat. Parlor, itedrinern, Rocky, 5 a ,0,,, e, Nurse and other Chairs, ..f East* and . Western „„ZZ, wore, are hickory dolled and glued, - making them as strong , as any other part of the chair, where *there made •od sold are only nailed, and by Deane datable. Wood indmr, Mocking, Sewing and lifarse,are chairs of bard wood rounds clinched through the seat and c lued, war . ranted to stand. Handsomely painted, and can't be bee. - ten foestrengtli, price and finish. Sprint Beds. 1 hewn sold one Sou and hare the highest teatimonlels with a list of prices of all goods sent on applimstion. reeking a ad shipping free. After fife years experience ant tonlending cHith on principled two price dealers, I era determined to call one price ti all, tire worth for your pay, and do justice to all who tred• with me. Lumber, lath, S ning es, Lire siteck.. Crudirand Refine Oil, Store Pay, Produce kn., takenat fair market valued for pay. Remember the oleos, next corner of Stb cursed' on State, Erie, Ps. • 0 W. IKILSRY narth4f. Menufacer and Commte'n Salesman. WHOIX.SIfLE & RETAIL GROCERY STORE. • P. 4.:.13 o NEB, . . . WHOLESALE ,AND RETAIL GROCER, Nartl-Past Comer' of tke Park 4. French Streit, (aguraira) Would respfttfelf nit thO *RAM oi tho'immonkty to lila Isrge Stook of GROCEIefES AND PRDVISIONS: - Which h Ticresirints tor/411i the VRIO' LOWEST, -POMIBIAI PRICES: Haluolortmeat of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, • TOBAQCOS - • ISIS, &C.. It Dot sorpiased to the eity, at be to peeping' to proviti all who gin him a call. He &tee keeps eenetaatty an band a - superior- lot of PURE L IL.QU 011 S, for taawhoham'e trade, to abieh he careen theitteation of the poblie . - Hu =lotto ikt, "Qalrk Small Prang and a MU Equivalent fur the Merkel.", - MANHOOD How Lost S lbstored I Jut PoWhaled. In a Sea , ed Envelope. Price)! Centa. ' • I.EtNTRE on the Nature, rreafiimit and ffedlcaak Cute nt lipermatnrrhoet nr Seminal Wasknees, Setae! Dehll 47, s ciyoltlnft,ll an d involantuy Emissions, tedacing Impotency, Conmumptlon and Mental Phy sical Debilty, by ItO,IPT . J. CULTIC LLI; N. IL The important fief that the iwful consequences of Self Abase mar be effectually removed without internal medicines or the datiserims application at candles, ID etrumeets, to dicated boucles, and other empirical de-, vices is here Clearly ilemniistrated. and the entirely new and niz,hlv twat:neat as adopted by the cede. Waist author, fully explained, by which every one li eceEel to sure himself perfectly, and at the least possi ble enitti thereby avoiding all the advertised Doldrums of the day. This lecture will pr )re a boon to thnueantb sod thousands. Sera un.ler No 1. , , la a plain enrelnt.e, to'rtn't illness, et the nissipt Cli ll.g recta, or two proa Lt. , eta thps, by ad treenlifi, - Da. Cll AS. J.ll. K.LLN g, feblll'el- l 1 1.7; Bowery, New York. r'..t Office Ito:, 4681. 1882. SPRING. ERIE a iONNET si STORE. E. S I-T 11, HOLESALE, AND RETAIL DEALER IN MILL,INBEY 000D8.- lltllln l rs ioppliedwith Goods at New Yocit Priors. Particular attention paid to Bleaching...and Drooisig Aimee N0..1 lierboa' 1414e1r,StAt.At • may3tf. Notice to Oil Refiners. ~ W E '3a Vlic."'Etol) * A"...7: 4 ,11t, 7,fl:, D elOw V e r iTt Ri°l l tatpricea. can sell 011 Vitro' by the e a r load at the manufacturers, therehd Hying to the purehaner the ex. change end Peoatingprompteess in shipping. i1ir.41.3, CAVGLIEY & BURGESS. GROCERIES! GROCERIES I , AT - ThrIIOLESALE AND, RETAIL. • P. SCHAAF, , W,oald respectfnly inform the public that he has opened . Men in - No: 2 Hughes' - Ellook; jErtet Then he will always keep on hand a larpeopply of GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND WOODEN WARE WINES, Lll QUO GAlat4 . lad ennythint nasally for sale in an eitabliabinant the kind. • . r r Terns as ressonsble as any other den to the Isaleartf. 11' • " JOIN Cgi. NEW GROCERY STORE. The . tooderstirned bare opened a nn Granny Store, on the 143? SIDE or STATE 871.114 HOUSE ROM , OF RAILRO4D BRIDAL, Where they intend keeping ► fall surely of GitOCMUMI, Py.oll/ MONS, • • MOTS, CROCKERY WARE. YAINICER PIOTIONS,, WILLOW WAKE, CONWBCTIOMAIit 1111.4, 'TOBACCO do CICIABS v ,adim.ryttklag amity Oo tiond in au •ootoblishamg of tho sort. , . We us determined to offer a+ good todueemeatooe any other dealers In the eity, and Inrife the prlbtle-to r nU ioa Meat that we tan glee en tiro aatiefaetten. F. A. VJEL4I4; - - OYSTERS & CLARIS.' Tim Sul:Cficrilier would reapectJ r - Inform hls fraindtatud . dj that he Is still it hls old stand, vps No. 2 Washington Fhb Itsthet s . Terk, Ani is prepared to furnlsh HOTELS, EtI6AKBOAVaREtiTiItiIiANTB k l kNIT•1113 witt, the beet f OYSTERS AND 'CLANS. The market affords, at Wholesale and Retail, it short take, and at t• • Lotryty Lterso Puns. - • .17” ra Oer4trOm the Country Prottiptly S. attended to. • B —0 :oLirs sad Clulot Piekl'od to (44er. York,June • CO/Va. • •• - . 8: 10. w. -1-4,nts U r x4T lON AL DAN K/0 TERI tt, LOAN DIESIONATED DF.PO , ITiIitY Tn t: s._-1 h'e Bank hereby aannunoa that It fa prepared to reeeive auhrertptlotut on vaunt of United Stain Benda afttbarteadby the act of Ilaretil, 1844, bearing dat. Yirch 1.186 e, papautele at _l* Pleasure of the Gowan:mat after ja. rt. sad pay. WI 40 Years Prom data, bendinguiterest at An pas cent. tttr, payable' tri - eols annually. 92 Bonds not over Site. ape and.annually on all other Honda. tLe %morale% trill reedy* *Wm/ towiate r Tl OP 0-001Pm 110A. ulhey may prefer. le v expeet thud _Coe pas Bands will be ready lokarlivery 'Wet the 4th of April. silb44,l 4enteittbitikeitaile li?. In addition to the altvatat of tile pelpeipa.l cf Ow Wads tie letwita inbasy. leertte4 laterertl e 011; (Kr In - United F-I,..tei Notes. " 16 Notre of National Rank,/ itd4log fifty per Etat. for Premium, until farther notlaatteota the let Oa, of March toil the d.r of raboeription. of stereti Both will be 'We'd et the denntelestioss Mt, SI Ile, $37.1k $1,000.,.53,0504,11100041 ; sae CO 11 . • POO Bona' of the delittniaatlQ.• of V.Ol, $ 1 0 0 ":113004 eta 81, By &steamy ortb! Speed :set tbetzehates.'• itrrltt . ITANTOIgI - - • • ram) for - gale, ~ Tiig Subscriber offerio.for id Stle- a Sta I Yam oll'iX 'acres, in Weir stets of' enttlistion, wsth s 'toad how and our bun, appLe.sod psneh or- Suds, is will Jwippliwi with soft wiLic, And7Osakstly 44 iu lauf tiiiriiiti*llllGinnnth et 4 121.srford. tr.?• partlealats 'litmus at erAaos; Tiecaii, tverfa, or 1 id th• assisseissc se ustasiesee eyet-Itss. '. - • .. • -; - . 1 - , ', 7. VOLUME 84 1864. BUFFALO Et ERIE - 1E R. KNIPIIINNISMIIIi O N and aftar Mo l nday. Jan. 4th, s p64. P r "bger P.VNT trie e SI A. K., bail sal atoppial at Irarbor..reos North gait, State Woo, irestaaa.Partiao4, Breda% Duaktrit, Silroreroot,'lnitrog.asd arriving.% 10 VD A. K. 00 P. X, Dag sulpha( at North Cast; Wait '., Sold, Silver Crook, tad Angola, err arriving at, Ballak; at 20 P. N. - ' • tr 0 ge P . M. ammumn-igorms, stopplag at Nodes , Letaldet sad Mew Creek, and Lwow lat. 80340 at 0 40 P. IL • 1 - 03 A. 1t.,•• mg& awe" stops*. at. Nottastd, - Dosiork sad Silva Crook antrum •at•Bstaloat 41111 A. The Pay Itsprogo =oasts at anal* sad ' the Night Ramo at Raids oily, shit isiposnal tridsa for New York, Ptdladd_ kida, Btooloa, n . • LEAVING •BUFEALO. eo P. at, Ahr in a se t i A ir eeta i stoppiag at :.etaAlidegt4 Nokth era" trsiammmvtlig mom Not too, Portland, *died, Qataanatato We, NaNk sort awl rorao . r Crook, artitial liktilat 21 T. N. • 700 A. nit& Agron . • @twins* &bog „totor,, Dunkirk, Reataild and NeWilaa.t , ittrirse at trio ' 11 53 a. $., Dor talf . tski4 lo i; ol ♦Asiot Bllnr - Crook, Outdid*, W e aad forth teat, at Cravat 3 P .Y. ' irs4 '• 1_ 11 40 PAL, Me* nap"! Myer C 1444 ,4 - Danktrit sad • stlitid, arriving at Ms at 1•11 T A. N. Itatiread Stara to ton ininstot War Oita Nee them ' Nor. 28,1801, i • ,R N. SWIM. 13aPt,, Cleveland and Eide Railroad' aitOMPSINENVO ;..: ON aid after ittraday, April 20t14 sod anti I faztbsx notice, Pasianues buss} 11 rata as Winne. ria LEAVZ •. it OA P. X. Night Express Praia stop• is* Pislanyri .ishtsbals shad Gtnard, usay, and ante6A l $S ' 343 P. M. • 4 20 P. Y., Mail sad lAceinniodatlea l'estiMinia at oui - esticros, and anima/. Eris at 125 P. 14_ _ - 00 P . Cincinnati - Express, steps at 1111).. Ashtabula and Girard, arrives at Mir sit 00 P. N. 10 00 P. /L, Day Express, steps at wal.aghfry , Patna: - vltlo. Genoa, Ashtabula, Oonneant, aad Girard, as rim at Zile at 1 '23 P.ll' LEAVE ERIE: 1,16 At. le. Mei, iirpressTrata stops at Uttar& iabtso , bat& and Painiiwilki Daly. mad artivasat Clorataati 445. A. IL 6 60 A. M.. Mail and Aomimiaia Tyska, display p 6 aU this statism sad mins at Oarsiud itt 066 A. K. . • 9 94 A. M, Salado irapraaaattapatag at all statists ea mot Biraasilla Sayhreek, Craloivillaa-Tawy,Yea t - -tat sad Melilla actives at Cloreiaatl 4/9 Y. , 1 23 Day Exams. Kopf at Maud, Qoaataat, Ashtabula too Pelcenille, anima Orniked 111 4 68 P.Y. ell UM through -togas ran Wast= pb wsaaat at Chnelsect with trains for Te%4o,Chieem aksistl, illdiallltgla k ea. he. f . • - • ' the ' throaihttila . going ICastward,oonnoet at pair kirk wit& tie trains et tko LW. & lidaliSlroad: and elt liable with the IL Y. Contraland Buffalo and N. Y. City Railreada, for NOV York, Alloinhl3,ton, Itiagant Ma, ' B. NOWINOU.AI4 3480 1 1111 1 484084-, Cleveland. April 20, 1883. . Erie & Pittsburgh CHANGE OF TIME, COMMENCING Monday. Jut. 4t2k. nat. - . TILAINA MISS WUXI. • 4 50 P. It, Aacaunalatloe, gaps •at all elitalle, ait minas/ lihaios at a MO P.M. Slo A. tt, Freight No. It. stops at all eatioas pal 64; rives at Shirai: at 3 15 P. M. -q"., A. IL, isecomasadadbm..Ataps aCatillai.Z 'ant 'wives - at Giiird at 12 16 P.K. M ageisitt No. lottops at f* M 1 etatLsai 1 ClatkairiUs. Cam, $044 2 .10 4 4 1 p1 41 / 1 1 and Crosses, and anivu Girard MI 11 • Freight Ludas rill ran to aad from ads. - jasfill4tL 04011X,,eopq: t SI T od 1564. Philadelphia filßrie,/t. R.: .". .r.rmorilvnurzrik: t e r=nk irst ki l Ws Eds. It has burn hand by the Promayboada flak raw Compaq!, and ondor their twists - in rapidly:Win opened throughout Ds vatior Imps. It is no - , in um for Pamenger - and Freight builtrivai from timbals'/etc, Emporium, (Ibintilm)) OS the bairn Division, and Dom Shoilleld JD* (111 Wirt on ths Wastarti 1882. Bail Train /AIM; .4 le P. I Express Train Laves `l6 SCi 4 IL *di Train Arrives - 9 60 a. X Express Train Arrives 6 66 Tr. x For information reepeeting Pmeniger buln N &Nil, at Ulu 6. :• earlier int 654 liarics4444., 41.4 lir reeled business of the Compare' airenti, S. B KINGSTON, Js., weasel/Rh sad Market Olneti; Philad W elphia. J. . REYNOLDS, Erie, _ .1. W. DRILL, agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore • , • EL IL lIQCSTON, Goneral Insight Arad. 4404. LEWIS L. HOUP r, General Ticket Agent, Phliadry JOS.. D. POT'S. General Manager, WlllMmaport. =rind. . _ - ERIE RAILWAY ' 1 ffillin giNalligibilaW CHANGE OF 1101724 CO Q 1 NU , YO)* &Y. YID. 21. 1864. ~ .. - 'lndus willlaav•Dankirk atabouttlutollariarboarir iris: laistward Bouxtd--Deput. Mht 11xpresa 4 05 8, 18. Ira t • 7ea 41... IN. , Stock Itxprosi. -- •11 4 , 1 .1.: I. Fast Trol:ght. ..---........4 SO A. a.: ' Way - Tribight - • 500 A., a. 141ght ltxpiem nun lovon7 • . Cade.. MINOT. 11:1V1 qo pet PIANO FORTES AND MELOFERS# - Treat thy following celebrated U • M A tr N P'A'C 11 8 ; '!: Steinway & Sow, New York. Wm. Inaba it Co, Datttatere„.Nd. - • • • , Ll:adman & 80•11 Now Twit. ' • ' W. B. Ittadteryv Now Tort. •,• ' • • • John 11. Dunham, Nov I J. P. Bali it Co, Now Twit. ' i . Goo. A. Maas & Co.,ltallate, N. T. • ' • Cutest. Needham it Co. Nov Torte. ‘•'• Prices at f Large Diseonatilelow • I n fact aser's Prices. •-• • WOOD PIANOS TOR $2.50, r s Also, Inotruction Booka and Sheet NUM. " AU pinions within a Rest tats Pare Forte or ifiticidei; 00, eta LIMAN to wall and ixamiads- oar instramento 'to! fors muthaaing Macaws, Remid'a Block, State motet, nearly eepeeito the Piet' Offlee. Zit BINA SMITH, cir P. B.—Scarylsslransent wartanted for live point: . • . iF C. ENCELHART, Dealer in Booth - ft Shoes ALSO, YANUFACTURTOR OP .CUSTME 'LDS BOOta .110fiR014gilt WOULD take this method of ce4111 1 21,-. bla Manta t hla Moeda mei the pablla generally for their Unwed pateonswe heretofore extintled to bin, and begs to lime eentlaniationet sbr maw I tate glom» to taloa the pablto "Mal s MISIMP line itSADY MAD& BOOT AND ZHOU ea • LARPrittOiS That ster Roan in this pLey sad his ISM *Wag the I beat quilting of Nate Boots are 5h00tt,101•144 1 4. So' ploy nor* bat tba BART of WilltiAllf t lf,ltadff handouts of 0. - 111LLYR. • ' • Having ablataid a Leaosetro saa the • P/u2ner Patent Itestr' I am sow prapand to maw tie Plaranefillaralloo r t and Simon la • rarammor fiat • to- be enrynleed SW* iteritursablp. -.A e. oa watt en band a sali!attair of ttor *Oki P. B. &Stift,/ t i M I PI i Ite ./ • • READY PAY—RTO 1 Weald repellally latota the /VIM 'MO erroar or 010011188 01 • corm or ass MTV 11r1}, „ When they intend to t•gp u so„ gi areortagonli P:1141( r mo • T ' GROcERIES & PROon, J woo]) 6 WTLLOW WAWX, Axn ,701:101Ropo • . . r or Mortis - WWI.: is Best ; Brandi 'of Erie ,„47,t • • Rapt constantly on UM sad 011-4 ow i . WADitANTID A GOOD 1177C1,1tt 1 -Mr iiis r &bost Mold Edo_ , "- at Country nos 0` Goods 40tIoCklat aborts td !ffil Put de Citi ii"*: 1 ' ' t 4114 . 1(11 30 4' , 044i•• t al : . ,•( 1-.1 "A "t' -., , ' - 1 -'n4411 iAI ME - --4 - - -r. - -lir - ..r.. - ...- Nm -- -effirmimININIMIENIMIC: •"' - . ......- - -- . -.... • :-........... -.,..-...:- -4. -. _.: .- _ 4 -.-_ _ 1 • -- - --. .... --- z-- .. ..-..r-wqr- 4, --v - -- .. .2••=e - - trFer.timi.... .tvlitiol a i ht lb . !' otarLik, itz-...t.,-, - ii .. P: 7: • ' .Z. .4' rf..; 3314i.r..d 31 , ' - T .. ~..,,, lri , ' , ' Igait...±R a• .r. • . - . . '- 4 ' ' ' - :,.1. , ,:n •7LIO x. 144.1 .04 . :1 Pit 1 . 1 OS a 1 , - ... e : al ° . 'do 1•i ;. . - -: j iiiffr . '-- ,' '!F 1 fir . .0 rt.l i, "•i .i. I . 'r! ' rc-. ` 7 • \ -• • '' ... t• i'',.i. ‘i .5 , :;',411 3.1:' , ".. e 4. .. l'; ,11. ti:, 'I r • • ""' -- - • . 7 , , .-, bag ,: e• : .L . , = ' _.. - - ::- `• '-‘ . _-' .f . N . 1 e• , - ' • ortetze , 1 t...1t 411 .?. ii) I,i - 1 •; "r. . 1 J3,-., no • - . 1 . _ . •• , ...,.., 1 ccryselaLF. . :110 !) 1; 1004 TRAINS LEAVE SHARON ?11l or PLUIIIAU 711111111 11 11114 New Music Store. 4 :• P-1141 TWA,- IP . 1 1 .1 LID. IN , AttOtt -0 1. PA DyNTLL, =II r *..701 4ft .:.araff CT ORY, -• Wa w a bail, la Okla Wa at at 4;10 1 , 11:C.4? - iftp,51,644;a4 f or Mill ** TO ON U. Mittliar t - • " r eltrisouni r *Ng sissy yews Ooszty rvoive..lll I.! ( lo Vane" or MU Pima or Yip .svicjir t ou,!belilicallUPOli Oman Boon e , wr l / 4 121's bet: apebret-Iy. . . • . • . _ FOWWIADISI Aso Gotortsetoa Illiacturn 1 0 a;; 11Yio6sNd tik -PAU Beek. list Career ef ithelefiteseti.otliel! dialer Arllkeel, Salt, reit. 'now, Pieter, %Vito, LtutA - I,4th • N. 161-Elertieoler ethestioa Will at, firm to tho - Ecoolving lad Yonranting of Petro. lento Ott, crtroomerlelstseCto sn parts of the eottotry. it. 2121416 1 4, 'rbirn 4),,Ltr - 4 11 111 11 ,XY Mritinis AND StrialOil Wattabevg L RidiLlaiar—ilia_liaotaxi../ashader. sad Ind* Bat filo. N. It ; Tlrs. H uotp!lrey anaPhe'pa, [Taloa- Pa ; ate Dr. Opeacar,Xxiap ~• • apreoll44u. - L,oAtiltiittlitirderi;'" • '' • -I i i., ,,WilimaatinAink Inks Mutate nr ...sod riotous, Flour and Food. Wood sod aear•,Lkoors, Tobsooo, Soma, Ito, Mato 94144 pitch to Yawn's Holm ForniAtilog Katporium. 1 ' lowa-1412. I it) Iwo -, 7 . • ..P JUIITIOT Or M O$ IlettitO Octet Wayoi Block, Frond' Strool, *twain Tatham. • Ugh. • .0°+11174 • ' losol6-2. etl Jobber.• ALL WM 01 EfiIItDWAIN. New of St* lad Stake sts„ end C°P u r r g a t tray% UPI OL g' • • anreliosint*ttidPa. a P 4 isalrirtn tisPld & WILBUR, • ..- •••,_ r +.41-mungni at Law. Ridgway; Pa. Iff4Weffeine.Cesneson and Jefferson coonUe J. CRAPII. an30154-Iv9 W. W. WILBUR.. 1i.r%F.,41171.12. 0 •.- . PROISLITOR. Ati ... _ HOUSE. "deri,rs k ov ' s stress—ono moue east of Atitapira tithine. Pi. Sept IS-17. - -- 'Li St. COt.E j . • • • rt . .; 'Boer Buirx Vora Maamtmnuts,, lc, in tilimmatSterrotrakrimiat'l Blpek, Yeas. Ps. • T . lI .‘ , lltviolerzf'le Law; eltror, trio Comity; ; .1•• 0 1ffleatioos Are , basinosm atsendo4 to Id* ,rom • undo ota Boarsaciam sad Dealer la Stationary, No so Country dsalna *a km sada? Iheira'• Houttpantlag ume Park. ' , AU ~POW MIMS: .tierrile-4,muLvis, !treet, Mead, Walker's Gr p.. on Smat i b 4rest. El* Pa , sae 'V . • Ur - Dzirrtat Beatty'. Block. North olds of ills Pail, &MP stmt icrts, ha • • aprllll3 eL IANTiItIePTE_ I 110 TILL,! timeh strand, sad asr tire mmisilybla lk Me W Railr hom &oad dth -Depot. lb Mstraits., Pa., WWI Sbaidrafiar,' Praptiitor.! dramatis souriamodar Lim tar atimagsmid. pst•l9ll6 Saari by this day or *War.' 'Good stabliatataaebad. apsalidatt. canonsurarca*, • ~ Clatutge-Igaissz; Yaoram. beta 11;111s tetabllthmeet oi ham ob tailed mtelitileyetalSotit Orderteollelted and promptly 1111,1. cuil k emppitemiptiegATT the quantity •1U bars It dalWits 4 st t4 16 4. 0 PL Telles WALL 0et2413-1, :444Az fe smargett, wtt, . ri v e ;.;e r i Arixtu s i.: ?Luau sad . 8111i449 - 104, eithwt, between Sth sat SU) eta, iltlllli. 4116:Ithismikle oMst is lb* Gust style. a Alld134;1111.11111E, 77. Dar Goons. linocaugnori ffia owe, Bad, Pluter sta. *Ol - • Math abnali NMI* kVA». Eiris. ea. , AMC 11:111 b „IProprietor. Cornefo Misteiftdahalatauste.( telly booth% the Clip hol) teeelabusg.P4i . Tema Noloobable;oseg .tpireodistion equal to the beet' Hotel be the City, and thi - Bar al we au PI I .4astillMakedillilleighi . , feb23-18. ir &urns I .4 MOVPACIVInitis otStaux Usinet,Bodars. Kill Gearing, It grlealtaxal teupipkap ,, asnroo4 Oars, ITT Yl ei Mock. oorib p r lis; °11.611 Bide of the p u t , Ilia, ra. 1• • WI • N, A,. XVI ALBRAIL. • •VrtonrrrArtair.:olllos on th lbw% Ypitilif DA Clout dam, Sri', Ps. ,&44SP/Niatit. ' t ' 1164 DEN 11ARVIN. , CLR - A, RV I N 17-rotimayit r Di itr..COUNORLLORS AT LAW ifieriCY4' Paragion'.laloek, near North thriMilitf the Jibtle &loam Er* P.. . tu.tunwskolit djo.. IFIENOILLUVDMAUKAS Ciltolllllllll3 LXI • ItLAr rilthiiN G Atitto Shut, No. TlClonooll Moo k. ==l atti64p)&: 7 Tus U F TIMPEMLADHLOELIA. AeltE, 1864; • ! tat 1;) Uus JOURNAL- PUB: •••: , Ltesir PRILADRLPHIA. Till 17XIOX, TEX 00XITITIITIO1r ♦TO - Tolf iravoimucn. 3 - , :,', orlie DAILY ACE, which adrosatee Ma prtninglies and policy attire Maur areas pear, I. Mined every warning, (Sandals excepted / wed match thalamus's lIIIMIIIIIAMI WWI ROM au parts lathe world : witikearehil kr prepared articles on Use ine1160124 Polities), Trade, Phisacea, ate., and prompt edb6 tonal moms to on tit, oaristtaba lad Vfains of tas day; Matta! liappoorte, Priem Current, Stock Quotations, la.. mbia IWllleies, liwaorteUt Mite Oatbertege, Foreign and Domestic Corresposturee, Legal Bowie, Theatrical Vcithdeishaterbrde of literature, - Art _arid Musk, Agri; klatiasssand dialwillatme of !diatom eabjeti La tld rd &tripes! sad Important*. _ ~. !. • • Thill-Cifill lIIKILT AGI k, & a comp&ta commutate' of theNeefe at the Wash, and isiftelahl~ 6W , sollbsrlidir, the prima earreotand cosi. het reports, stack lootainosie b eonespoadmace and gears] lint, matter published in the DAllar has. it aim ani imilimkrootworistp4f akar maim, rendering ft In ail 1 •., .a ant cless i liarMitjaarnal, particularly adapted ' . . , POlftlicheirt. the Tanner, the lichen ;Pill e ll t, ~ cr y e rha i3O I sMrilletio . elseses or a LIIIC NIEWSZER Mae i elleefor lbeianditlimi 1141 the Wirkebop, the Ir&r. Irrintivvllarf4.- ~ • , m ii ~ . • . • Witif.ll,Y. • behalf 'I) a11,...113,01 One Year, by 1fu11„......52,00 /As 4. 2:A.s.t.a.loWs Months. - Ifir Throe You thap,_ ~ -,, 3,914 _Three Months.. , SO i Inv wry pitiod Olaf thal lubs of 10 ,. 17,ba ilok thllfillethes,ilt tali loin ". 20.. - .... —AMA 1 of lleventf-TI ve Cents per With an extra copy GLOM -, 0 .0,e, .v.' ...i I . . • for gettlag up the slab. _ PATIMITILIONtiIOSIurva4usetv ta atomism. flreloseU rabolheity t Wkly lay will be sent grata to say ttoa pt 1114 s 'Mold easily fill their ail . itthliorilussanatat rad most /Thera eoeumenda tiaras at the press thunghout the mmotry ; bet they gahlheillna Ill'ebeild Mewl - fltagether upon claims to Colip t ralliepeoe lima inners lend eelibileited. They li '• Iterle tined' Ma reputation li r the candor, I suCkstiolgurriosese with irolo it has bees 1 =through tinfes; _ef extraordinary coufasitro of lima qt Wake% tire MUM, of almost useful,- leili tl i ptAeitoM t lrtiii r tbal pan - clot' as op 4i po e sel alike iihrls44ll/ 0 4of • . 1 01 in every - Imin. isA.4••••od 19 • minammuce n government law and order.' 1 ,i.Thsi Pehlkliesela riiii*Peilaeors Mal 'tarns restrais 1 CrigWri r 1 WI = 4 O l el, l az a : ra l 'g r all I*n by y the proper , yaelpshi r Orplit4averlkesslersiendmeraie ,the'Quical 1 see on of theUni „on: These can best show their . • alitalagp liebtle 011ie polßbdters. In behalf of . tadsgmataudror gariled filillt,by earmitly anatabt lagadelifterin'tal 1 'Wines* relations. i ..1 la ddrusidne dIMANIAMOINYLK it dil: WiniSU, 170. 430.ChesMut pt, Philadelphia. , s.a;• t“.I tao 8c4.1.119 ri 3 - • Q-. 1"" er'Ncitio . e. A wl and N o . st,,to - Ltoo, sianeroaiictiotorom.ot tax to ItarV)i piyableArdiet esti.* saah, : eite a emoted!, the It; seed p es. of labor, hope, milt, teeehoosi. • 4. 4 1/i, Mew ifirfletelgivedlt efeeturen and Brew ame*N' aispdgei use itarsibtir“.l^ ,$1 a orßKally ot . 1444, 7 1.1_111 VT rd i nt,otelPeg:W i nit And . elf Careen awl- - OM' raw to Nith v i allMM et t"zstiorN. edge siU been to be. A daa with mid odaitioom tax. This Ilvelemid to to all floe aide aloft_ A:WAWA 41 - -• : • '; ; ,r I ,ol,2l9llgri n iorizoileui.A. D. lege 3 i WS. JACOBI. ietelealtAril9l4Lll2: "NWT WAVALtall a JACGaitaaarao.'"Cll4llaueinalii : •. • oco. MT, • Arc qO)2R4D. rioasubt.‘.4l e , e-r .• • , Mii .114...4 bid < . . . sA ZLINSIIIOIUtIOnti S THR IP PIRM OP, &W. GRoSS, Stiol lACAusitiaismodbuoitiii Proseb elt.. Erie, bu bees Meby mutual goaunt. AU purr .bnowleg ru tadeYlei M aro reqsasted to mak. pip '.•• . •t Aee.e,edtb ph subi e u the • '';i4. 4 ,1 . DUI W 1" tbet . . le 11.4/111 fl CMARD • U. ir Il.4ntoss. • eatdi Illaspostable= Female • Vir i aTia i t i V*MTAßLE 0102 . mimed s• hero ., .H sew imideaftlelpoil unto itsullilime• de ihmutiP M lt Liidg • IaISTTAIWZIAnarri:-,:ut...:.:,,,,::MMT:7,, • 40. 1 04 bra notW;I:( ; #: ERIE, PA., BATURI3O-:MORNING; .. MAY 14; 1.i3h4:. 7 EOM on Ac CU. X ?AIZ DATZI. AVIVINIIITS a? WV Clastiat rib. is-sves . vtUa, PL. IM=I 7 I • • A inrwt lei pis Wiz mad the Ads*, ExpitAcirs molt TR! law NATION. 111 OMNI Of IIIeIIITANT WILLIS • Must the people remain dumb and ,etnildly acitileace inall the costly blunderinad gliteehd Alu , ms of Recretary Weller, because; Kr.. Lincoln mulishly. refuses -to remove Wit' incompetent official No •• * Nir.'„Lineoht , tiered more for, the litclulatine's of qv ' sal cnirice.t4ii . he did ,for the-wishes of tie people or the hosor , and safety of the tration.i Re' has 'kept Ur: Welles' in hie place, sad*. haie continued to iesp an ibbident 'harvest of disasters froni'lls'well-inteptioned inoltpart. Ity. He is never ready 'at the right tiny nor in the right plebe. Though be hat is.peikdosi nearly a hundred millions of dollars, in the construction 'of iron-clads, :thOugh h l e finds feet of them lying idle ne,srpherliitt'itl,' tied. in Norfolk, he, left Plymouth te.-he defended by three.frail wooden gunboats,:imi pf-whieh had been s canal boat and another Stttatea, Leland terry-bait.. He kneiv; or be should have knewaishat all the rest . ,of . the country knew, that the, rebels wire i nonatnicting two iron rams in. the Roanoke river for the ex press pu4ose of capturing Plymouth spa de-, stroying our frail gunboats stationed . them for the defence of the tows andthe forts, just as he had timely warning of-the preparations of the hierrimse at Norfolk to -destroy our feet is Hampton Roads. mat he made no at-. tempt iihateier to repel the eiPectid,' rebel ram; he bpd trot:L. l ol24,e . abundanoe'at his command close by, but _he sent none of them where their presence ways° titan, neonesery. He bad thirty-live; ships OR; fl 'sea, bat could not get one ottftem Off; because:lie had not token the right measures to secure crews to =an them; sad while be eat, in his little ; office in Washington, plaeidPy glowering through his spectacles, and complaentli tivating -his to silvery board,.down ,came the rebel rams Oen our. devoted, gunboats, crushing them•as though they had been made of pie crust, killing their gallant crews, and sending them, with their costly armament, to the bottom. The town and the garrison surrendered to the foe, and the nation* was again condemned to useless busentations.,oier *nether disheartening disaster; erased by the sheer imbecility of our Nary Department. There is now lying in the East river the fin ed lrigats is our navy, where - she has been lying for more than two months unable to get to sea for the liakatmen, soda other Souse ) and there is' one of our. old sloops of war heist to oluse the piratical Anglo-rebid -.meatier . Florida, which is • canunitting vispridatiens' apoi one Croafarree: .A.n4 spend• tag s hundred acid oit f dtklllum • year la the . - Erpilhara attempt ta i rfai t tia our navy & maid' for_alwi hiat-iloaea wierels• seat against us by &IL Davis 1 • : TUN OSlNlfillle PRINCIPLII We believe it to'be_citientla! ,to the safety of the nation, and th'the Fulservition of our liberties, that thaJoresideat -shotthi set ,be eligible , to meloctloal -bat for the fatal omis sion in our Constitution to reotrict the Presi dent to one term, - tie iiinciples of the people could never hive bein so corrupted and demtiralised as to lead to that condition of affairs which made secession possible, * * It would matter nothing to ue who were the occupant of the White Honse at this time. We should etre' nuously oppose his komination for• another term. Let Mr. Lincoln,, and Jai his advocates look at the last' fins. Presidential elections, and learn what Williarthe.result of the nett one. If Van flitren,•and Polk, and Pierce, to say nothing or FjIILLIOre and!ock anan, or Tyler, failed to secure araucitoina. Lion, kmr can it be expected. that tkeir suck minor saw in once wilt snassed? Or, even if be ihould succeed iil i iiitaing a renoniina- tion at the'llteltlmore convention by the wire palling and' pipe laying operations of.i!ip paid retainers, what chimes can be haft of • re election with each a record of his offsolatnets as can be put before the people? 011 11110111ADDIO Tag PAT OP OTTICia& Speaking of the bill for increasing the alio.. ries of colonels acting as' brigadiers, it says r We cannot comprehend this terrible 'and . Omni, mania for lavishing the people's money. IR seems as though each indiriddnl residing in Washington passed his nights is _dreaming of methods toi &tract the gieatest possible profit from the sudor perry and his days In carrying theia_iato 'practice : ,There, mason throatiest' as. many brigndier r Leh ernia,as ire need.. yet it is proctooad to give • beigadteele pay ConStherkint bti. gimlet *And snob tagadesibritaileentitii beriegopen less than one thousand meek shout enough loan, a single regiment. In IGO. Jana we have army • carps .eserea thousand strong, comprising eight brigades ! This pro., Position . is an insult to the suffering people and a breach of all. deoenci. £100? TB* SUOIIIIIDiII or PLIMOIITII, N. C Tae anstouncement to the milititry, world' that as American general displayed giilantry :in pusillanimously eurrendettig place when he had lost but ode but:drad:and fifty Meii out o,t-,!wo :thousand, is Stt:aduzlidtion flint all American ,generate arelemapable of.dolag.het. ter. In the armies et European illicit would be condemned without. pity were !tele surrett4 der. a post confided to hiiiis:tititil - after be hid' . Limed ',hie :Um cartridge. 14 ditittik r triaat drop of water in the pl;iccoFtd:niindOit_ Leos( *Re attempt to out-his way throat:lk alittene? my's liana. Had thcsureeader at Harper's Fertjithe light at Winehister, or the fussy etkraidlyabandonmenfa'' that hays constantly disliottoprfd our army trota, the, tolmt of the war, been followed by _ C 044 emit- • Uncrossed immediate sMICIOIow - of , the Com 4 mending' otteetgutrindirintaryiesttbooniing ' to Oertlittly not bare beentmeCei4eji,44;aother. noctries 'orstsisfeartoi Wir eruirottr. ° the c."'" i " o f , t# l ll4so 4 t•Perc. ll " inhere been a . war a* 1 0 0 04 1 7i3O!;.. 111 4PidlY I I Ito sitazweflaili °cadmic!' tirithir:... h to belisv• , Is the stnpidhy.:Pithele tHaa'i the culpability of the GOsettittienq tit . 44i 'stu• 04 !ils i ts . 1 , in ' 144 :- ‘ ,## lli., 14 01 .40 , .. audlontii, everywhos wa bsys : 4oe as s •re; =Haw. liefost. likgraClN“asi rain !MI - 804: rOWel tote sissy estriaste, ioviseti: I tid-Stif-dentil on the Vire Hititeipla '4411 It is ilM e . 111 . 111. . : 41 4 / 0 1 . 1:1WWIFINt"V,ONail , ~.who ars Hanle " Wetmore* k4f4.71e1p efir Irbet "eadribided , VI" ' tbWri . " it e 4!e! ' .a4,olo.i.otsiti4CAlp i 44 is , &bps. 4. pay, is 1114),010,iisIgikeirr T - Ms* Sr. butt4644.411P 'jib* UM* ' eei hWgo am u trii• et,111:1 •• dfrri r lrl seol2 til title ti top;:, SJC.I;ND, yspz:esept , smile .g*sful spiktrutay *bp hail' WTI this r ae4slio P 4 7%. 0 • 414 k4 • Pi ri t ig 'fint,t of the ,he iqui.M . l!d, 514 1 : 0 4 people by cosiest : oi tliq Government, in order tolosup, ble PosiesSiosi of Ike baling* lierpotilsts tholsoaroti of his pins. Pinar opinion, ail !hese largi !idea repro• cent nontrantars and prpra : th at, the Otalds #iir••di!lirdhily" replaced the old 11130r-tendoni. tlita ire meiqier ecnaidain nOr'iejblea, for 'in either , Cain it ii #ra - p17 . 11 . Alniighty - Dollar 'sad Cliti petiple - inihe 'matter ; 'but who theri•theireris but ono America solapt gr,eentiaker, *ltoi'idadralinrcri' Nara from tin peopti 'tfienisollrea' at deilland. ' • a - •stir The igerieral • reshlOoT the oPeridens, is touSsitnii 'proies' ledlipetablj thit General Basks Is far better 'qualified to Win' 'shires , letteserfs than' to '