The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 06, 1864, Image 3
If MELVA F O AVOlDbaba. Emuch eating sad drinklog. slew ad s pew of lite anew . prwiase !r 4iagabatiliMia, lb* irisen! health of ttia aystima. Bat Baava `;;;,o pr is wall ewe CIITI, the sham& will' Alibi Ha sow th sods hosithr settee of the • stow will be m ood 110 Sedtelsee IN equal to uselahmeei 4fleir BHANEIHHIEHIPH IPII. ogeonsTirs uniivicasALL PA I.Vet. AND ALLCOCKM POROUS PL tNTEDD. trry to = of the Fire sooty./ bad a box of Eno r,t polo, k box of Urtlearsal, Salve akad so al kook' : ow m i ta pat la tkett Wasp sets free of Emma t tg a t t ot may bs attributed the absent* of ally of ti y, miss!! hoot tits hospital to g t aller should hen a box of linutdolib'e Gads plea of - Porous Mister. They are to be aleittl, ofloa , 5. 44 by pr. ammo, MU. and by all raopeatilola et to volleloro &pole-Ise. F AD* THAT RIMEL. A g ainst the rates not Taste and Beeatv, in tittle or to VA 'O thqtr e,onr, tiny b• cheesed T ie rf,,,e,wentirs t a wn y BEiCTIFTL SRA ne, ti r e i n e , siP l ' sur NiesTA DORO , B HAIR DVS. Tye Tepidity n 1 It" ' , partition, perfect exist t, penguin, e f• et, and th!esceedint depth and richness 01 i m parts, datieigaish this, pre:maven [ T om o b e epris in ass thismoo,try o r t o v amps , Crlstadoro's flair PresegvaUve, Tact to fee Dye, in drese:or s o d mois t. tbil - s Ao s od perigee% health of the heir, and or 0 0 It thee need clone, a ettereerti that protect' the r m . from lit;:ST under 41 eltenmstseees HO ander an eumm twi s e p T / T eel By ]. CRISTADORei, Ned Astor Hoene, so p er t. Sold by all Druggists aodapplied by rl al4ee.l Hatt proem_apll jr,„ 'TOM AS' VENETIAN' LIZ*MONT p u given universel *stint .etion daring. the lour• a years It has been I ntroda.ledinto the Medea States 'As Dori trhat by millions, it has twin proclaims& rho a atltrOyar of the vorl.l. Pain cannot b when, late i t sect ',plied. If noel a. ,dlreca•d it cannot and r has tailed In s sing:o irigtoines. For Colds. Coughs .1 i e gnenis, it can't be best. One 28 cent lhottle !s ip th , s p or e besides, being useful ill ey•ry r o ere s'l r tadd,a 'rebuts, such as burns, cute, stelae, Wo o f, • ga, Its. It ir perfeetlY innocent to tate intsrnalle, d de e be given to the oldest person or youngest WM. Prima 26 and 61 tots. Sold by all druntata. Mew, 4 , 6 OortlandtStrott, NOW York. torn-Ito. ▪ O YOU WVOI TO BE CUOMO ▪ CHAIN ENGLI 4 EI SPECIFIC PILES. itireela him eso daln, the wont cans of NSSV 01.3 N E. 4 4„ Ingo !Oh' PrOMSULTI Decay Seminal ."Ireslanle.a. laaaalty, -d all Urinary, Setual and Nervosa *Beetles; no eat. tram *bateau'. produced. Price as dollar par at, post paid, by Call, on of an ardor. address .1 And BII'LLS t , larit-tra. •slatlon 0, Bible EWA.. New Telt. ttgg tIONFINSIOM I S an B,CPRISI (Meg OF A Nt:RVOUS INVALID. htblisherl for the benefit and se canton to young ' , ad others, who suffer from Nervou s . . . , . :tdutaass Cards inserted to this t4lassii ►t tits rate it tad ilvs Dollars per year.] ; 4 OLIN U. :011.1,41 , 1, CITT FJG flit, being easel tears CIO11:1 . or, Ie priewed to • , nrtq or make Mae er MI llt • cotleliv, Pa. Once In Common Cannon 1113013 N Irleltre Block. apr2nl;l4-Iy. D. WALKER, IrOxl/LADLICI •37:. Comma= linzaAare, Warelonee on Pottle Doek, Corner •C .at. Um, dealer In Cost. San. Fish. Float. Lime, Rea. 0..-Parttettlar attention smog and Forwarding , of Petro 4. to all pert' of the conatry.• dCYe Parer,' lA/ mat SrsaaoY,irattstria g; Pa. —Tim &Unman, Roehestarr. ant 1 .0 lONIN Du!- flunkpbe,y and Ptiespo, Crn on Pa ; and Erie, pa. aprilol44ol. &&LI AND Mein. Dusts IN Flour and rood, Wood and , Moors, Tobacr...o, Store, ko.,l3tato ones liatae laratahlr ;CH & CO, 111 ►f.6 it 1131191 HARDIPAti, Infers and Jobbers to Tin and Copper Wars, and State !Ate- kree. Pa trb27l4tf. £T LAW, abort% fide CO= r tniotnees stranded to NION, Booicsuzza and Desist in Stationery, Maculae', Newspapers, kr. Country dalliers Mora under Broirrea tiotil,fironting the Park. ,YETTE 110 TE L) ' French street, between tth and Ath streets, Philadelphia tt Erie Railroad .Depot, Ltis, Pa,„ irsensalrer, Proprietor. Extensive secotomodar stringent and travelers. Board by the day or loot 'Utah lttaohed. 116 63tf. IRO BREWERY, Gwent Barret, Paoriurros. The ' itectured at this tstaildishnient ride reputation. order* solicited and procupUy stotoere ordering by the quantity will have it it the door. Tans Qua. ectirei-ly Mr BRADT, Proprietor. COTIVII na, (laamesUatel , treatise the Cap Terms reetanciale;aecommodation 'el in the city . , and the P' For a ,L, 51 CA trnilll, xtraosracum 1 nsaa. En essi,Bogns, , Avizileual Imglementa, Rillroad Cane EMI e;Bieek.ewl:ird;76 ° . ll l4%!' A. CLILBJUITII; ' AITOILITT A? L Alrapfie• Oa eth end, y oppealta tha Court Booms, &ilk Es. a. SPENCZR. artztitu ARVIN. SPENCER & MA RVIN ARNE lig Sr couriskt,Lottm AT LAW FFICE, Paragon Block, near North R . .. 1 Corner Patna 'Saturn, Erie. C. BURGIDIS & CO., Wm:aut.* Dirruseta us Own= Asp iriaroxi, State Stmt, No. 7 tkmaell Bleak. Been Notice. 4 ENG TO-THE GOV ERNMEI , 7T and Plate Licenses, the increased too to dollar pet each barrel, payable. fade:oath. in awls, Tarp Cash Capital lavoottd In oar II isteriee, the atly increased INFleem of labor, hope. malt, bar ey.tteal, "4, itc• f., tb• butierldboad ilatialacturees sad Retoo -let brie, are easneellett and berth, sip« to *ll cal L raise Oho ries et ear.ooll it Stati from eta to sin &Ilan pot ,mOS Or dol. t l. ratitair tbe eystano et spending Sr somas tooloo7. 0,011 1 1 1114 , 411/ 00 MINI .4 said 11441.ealir dithrt MIS iaareanedtasebion, lite oricsr • wilt ban to be Mod eo lOW said isdditional tat. Tbta snaZble be Mimed to in allealee wade teate..+L • Witaan ear at Int* Jpellll4l. A.D. Mod s LA X KNOBLOCH. JioOitl. jaa.s3 Wt 4 H1.1.11., IllierY cassia; JACOB lOWA , 0 HA% KOKEILIZA, - - a. IMO, . (AO. ?KRT.' ' • Ars. FIIF:ad. per COXRaik . • cm= Dissoketion. - THE FIRM OF $;& W. GBOSB. Boot ,aa4 elhoomakors ,es troth grii Um esoelTod by =tut cousent. All poliposiritiowleir Wigwam uulobto4l 4 1:orted to make 'Ay- Mit wore the 'at tJ 1% ose. sa an rotod Um Am tog* as tlia Ma t ate WA will 100-1014•4 >, halida 0 11.4 saws oollookm . " a. . a w. Moss. L t On _Thursday _Milani . 444,141 watt r wetted snnonaetns Chit the .0.0131 tbootp. ram is spin on-She marehetatingaresas4thi liapidan M tsar. diltarsaf ;ii• — •- iing vss mufti an Tuesday Mild, Culpepper, tiertmatatra and United States feria, and was elfeeteiwithent. 'titian. Lbe has been 'oessielled tol2l:LiMalt from the strong position where be h. lod ge at bay all winter.. Every konristay bow bring us the news of a ,bathe. arid it bi . oise of the most desperate of the war.' Beaten Vitt that Ihe victory may be on the tilde otlh• Union ! • lIIITAtLATION.—Rvr. Mr. 'Cala will k.s : ini stalled y pastor of the Park Presbitistiati Auras on Wednasciey eeeCeii • nett. —"Se eke:visas will be oondisetad by itiv:rir.llllail. ilton,..of Warren, gee. Dr.lleyeetdoif itmd. vine, and Rev. Mr. Lowry,'at Coin p ills, _I _ , Tits linwoostne.—Thla company is kismet ho be s shin), like so many of tbe meceling minstrel troupes. Theft musle=voisat anittn , struMental—is . choice, and theli tiollstieVor the beet. Boys ask TrOY Tones, of Betu i The ,Newcombe were decidedif Noir: ori; ginal and nay, last es/wing; rad, at come, Griswold Hall was crowded on the mouton of their eeneert. Ntrweemb Ideseelf - 44 brought "dOwn" the 'house, and Pell, the other - n:l;dd man." sustained bins well. S4IIINT isn, sage tal leader and veealist—ia foot, all •'ratted well !belr parts," and 'contributed to render this a most socoessful entertaitiment. Wass:: Covirres Querc. Thu- Dirty Provost, lirsiud aaso mo.. thotoliti;;Q:as the quota og Warren county, uu4er dent's last call for troops. Ws are itot in. •tormed whethir the gnats, under othtilidls bare been entirely tilled, or bat& _BErpg Creek township, 7 ; Columbus , teir fl ushipi- 9 ; Columbus borough, 4 ; 'South West toittiaiip p 7; Eldred township, b; Deerfield iertnship, 9; Tidionts borough, 6; Limestone township, 4; Pleasant township, 4; Sheffield township, - 4; !dead township, 8; Cherry Grow "len'. ship, 0; Llama township, 8; Elk township, 41 Corydon' township, 4; Farmington town ship, 9; Pine Grove, towaphip, Sugari2iivs township, ; Freehold townidtlp, ICti fold township, 11; Warren borough,,l4; Glad* township, ; - Conowago township, 8; Brokenstraw township, 6; rough, 4 ; total 162. Roust Tatavas.—Within the. pin !tiee~t various merchants hale missed articles from their stone,* Onninstagaita value being considerable. On Wednesday about noon German woman was discovered stealing piece of- goods is ib.s store Wsti...Bioi t iqr ! , and, on being searuhed, very isgmattbsunit trireme for hiding articles was found in the folds of her dress. She was very much fright cued on being apprehended, sad 414404 ,eit• nutty that so ezposisra of the ..taiassatic, would be made. On Thursday, the Woman above stthiten itf wu arrested by the police, and a limo gus tily of dry goods, shoes, he., fouad in her possession, quite sufficient to start* respect able variety store. ]deny al the quads ware recognised by merchants.* having beet tak* from -their establishments. The wommai. lie understand, wu a stranger isr.ther elsy, W ing been bore only about two weeks. ,lihe at first pretended to be very poor,-end went to live with a respectable fanny, but loon at. trseted attention by selling nrieusartleles let, dry goodr,to the' neighbors. ' The 'loaf pries at whioh she disposed of them 'eneited emit aunt in the vicinity. *at the matter coming to the ears of the polios, they had no, huh*. £Ol. 00311110001541 brtreenltla sad 4L• ISON, et in South +dr warrss• tion in arresting her. She was' taken before Esquire Karts., Who sent her to jail 'to iiwait, trial. Ecovic..—lt is rumored- that D. Ir.lohn-• eton, Esq., &justice of the Peace in Rockland township, eloped last week with a certain young lady, with whom !whits been ruLvery intimate terms for some. time. The parties are supposed to have Eaten the oars at Ha w:Ling, stopping at Berlin's hotel, Clarion county, the Brim night of their tlottartire, ) It was understood in the neighborhood last - fall that en elopement had been planned and that the wife of Johnston discovered a letter from mis s —, who was therrinVrewford Comity, in her linbead's pocket, naming Meadville as the place, et cetera. Through -the agency of friends the affair was frustrated and the Mies brought home.. ,Than time waa given the.pu. tine to organise a new 'campaign' and change their strategy. Johnston leaves a trifit'end two little girls, from' six to *en yesrio old—a molt interesting family.—Oil car *Wier. • This man J0U44011 WY • tr•fir ilea of the Abolition party in the lower end of the boun ty, and was known es the Booklend Demos thenes. He was celebrated for his ability to abuse those Who differed from him in politica, sad was a bad man generally long before his "change of base." His family and his victim are to be pitied.— Velum?) Spectator. , Corm AID bin RAILROAD licepoeunolr. It is sot generally kadwu to the, public , that the county has disposed Of all its stockist Med Banbury and Erie railroad company, reellsing" a sum that will go very far towards_piying off het ladebtedaess. • The eamitinat,WAter acted with shrewdness is this matter, eatese deserting of all the credit that dttschinic They carefully welded the IWe of" theluar km, and when it reached theh eat studied -their agent was instructed to drePole of all i that the county possessed. The prionebtained was from ST to 8 dollars for, each ihnie of ' $5O. When it that this stook hardly more than two years ago was of so voile value ae to be almost naealeable;our rea ders will agree with us that the people of Erie mono ty deserve to be congrstelated un 1 14 *Ec'od fortune. The commissioaars ars now joier payiog off the debt inearred for reilrOad sub scription, and advertise that they will. en cluing greenbacks for coesty . heeds whenever the latter erwpresented. • The city was not so fertunsteiiiih itheitwk has* held en with the expectation that tt Would go up en e higher dime. Siege , thi bale of the comity @harm, however, the ihne fallen considerably, with poor prospect; of agate advancing: We here little oosidedmi that it will ever again reach i.he,egiecligpre• which it held some time ago, pleCenitrest to express our belief that it would, tie better to sell:sow thaa to hold - cm sad wait for mother opportunity. The sale of the Meek enpiespat quotations would be much bitter the two-, thirds of our people ever Up - etuid r ilille the large amount of debt of which if s woalti•rjellevs. the city would enable our aithotities"timilke Imptrovements. the Memos of Walt nri daily felt la the community. 7• TATuota sag mtleig Mar-hien etb and Sib Sta, the Aseat ght Obottur. BALTURDLY, MAY 7, 1684 - .l44torpwr maw", The bray /crew .the , Ws regret, to hear of thedeatiref apron C. Ross, or North East, a member of Co. C. lath respass.t, which mound on the , '22d ofApril, at Camden street hospital; Baltimore. Re was *young inaidnuisix noble qualities. said wean* gittemed by 41'34 eequelatiosoie. d .• the lady In charge of Ai Ward' ideating termsorlis dyinp 3001 1 " hill friends the chemitlS • • •• • • - •that beiftswatly and willing' to ntestrhisSqo vier. The body Was,:brdiiiiiht t :ternoirth East on Wednesday' of last week hie brother, Warren I. Roar, OtAhls city, and interred in the beautiful mister, at that' place. The deceased was iiitletTtear . We fully endorse the Wipes, q t Ge: was; that "in his death the reqiat hes kat ,a valuable member and the esunlry brave and eacient.soldier." L0C1.4.1 PAR44GRAPHB. in item , per, Or Tor tali he beekstoro. All the latest publications for sale at Canphej McCreary & Co.'s new benkstere, Tes colitthresflitWOLlCity Bolger wirer. uses fpr twp o 4 )tidies tp leant type beetivitt iVi Webster's and Wernher's Unabridged Die. tionarlegA T Wktsgttlitiotp- r forAngs, at the Citighey; Yethes. r 7 & .ILtiPdShketSg, • Tut Cony News for thin week appears in a new dress, linftiti an enlarged form. We are pleceedj•thiptice abase indications of prosperity. The 'boet4lasidlabootWet Will 'Psysirr, Window Curtatae load ,?ire Beard pattern for • t.l a's At! Cw - lit sale low at Cangbey, McCreary & Cs. o new bookstore. 1 114 3 54240Ctfitzeimasied !ton tia 4wid of the Art 4, he oommittAi - tki,bisiti of the soldiers' Ida . tbirtii4pie.*". Thliiest ono of the eentimentywrlttew-lw the sword book at *slow iforkllhein-A : WED AN exhibtecetiiVCli:KM to the differ out asholistrieteet. 'tyifershdied krthit . '.ectritowspben. 1 46 ' yes Iha CleaMßl*. t 'mud at 63, Ned of the -Westoleitrtii, et Milt whhAt there is a probable credit etllrveterses. Any of our readers having dogs who are fi1 4,4 1 ..* 1 •10!1. a certain cure. We,vouch for it : If • " fo r6 ve , g Soak the dog minutes in Nun pheneveed,eet Line en gm— Tire offset... it stanteneone."-• - Kal*Aikulats of Crufford smtty, Pa., silyeAgeir_his wife . piss se Issvischis bedsaid•boswi c enid closes hie *Ake by say— ing "Aisle Shiiiiiteenth time she kw serried 4f44:101" . 5riti17." lifiebsellsist iiiVitilianaiti somber of 'efonatualas s - 1 4 4 0kttri7 of Ottr haziness. have - loam Weeeeted - fer sense time. If our ocarewpondeetaarill bear With ea a little while itlegetslfe able sooa to dire an in irettoir to slt theirertielfs: " • • .• ••••• • • NY,Aret .salilpoleit ttea_puiptoe that, • 'donation for the benefit or teS. Mr. Tib betts, of Rope, 'Method Ist einireh, will on;Widsseetisi evening neati-use-Utis met; Mr. T. is opp pf ,00gonost,AsAious and able minis lev.eirtiopuler - with his coney gation. . J.0 1 1.11.4Q91414 Meni/y as Nathatt, N. H., ntrOduncsi into , ajioi.nre s a large amount of vindiCtive political slang. He was bletaatly and justly rebuked by General Israel Hunt. Goalie speaks for anytkiag tbai. pays. A few pan Ngo.ll..sactmipirstme t now it le Abell. tioniem . . „Abbott ; XPOkir glum:Maim' goOrtsr3r k .v '• • the iidi f ieJliat 'etwayis rains when it - eivesur eomes to town, They.? Nook bed lift;regmrdmily / disagreeable day to exhibit in on Monday. The mien: dance, tbottgir,,lns'not 'diminished, and 'Med oflimultdicice..wors Wm/I , OmM as oould be expected under the tinplate ant circumstances. 14 1 41. 1 0 A 1 4* on the 241 of Abeam litat s ,Adcitoostat KW hull lerklniTankillk , W llool 4 lll . ~.r tvoirtod to tho' titit porsiw ao 7 (insisted with that present - tarns 'of Miss Jones:Wads w ll oonfrr s Wm. by 431rIttIMII• Oittit4 it Co the Poititiaster, RHO. —Tws roelt•st-dm ileidieroo Aid Allestety -has boon ehengedAress-ther *me is, Wayne Block to thoro9et,ovariGriwisos & Meereerl's law cam At the lest meeting or the society it :s.ripeoly,,s,kl*itstudy twits is vote.of s PieliOtt- - .lLeasK •wks kis se AO with rooms ever sloes their eitiaititition in 1 1861:- . 1. ~..y Miss F. L. Brisoss, Secey. • , • , •:. Pase'A Tbeory PNAP4IOIeII i 01.3seettiog—a standard Vold; on the subject --'' for sale at . Caughey, McCreary &Co.'s new bookstore. Coati eUce, rebently published, stew& °widening rouge and pearl peirdeic but informs the ladies bow they may, give color to their cheeks with out danger:=-TbiliirTake ,a fragment of bright crimson elk, dip it in strong spirits of wine and rub it over the cheeks WI a moderate tint appears. This (the work ilaiisfies.ilt and iS harmless. Tux wicreryliniiiiiiftrrit bats, Shitir has -disiolved partner ship. afflars4-; Vinoetti and. Hintrod retir ing from the business, and a new co-part nership-hits- been . fotmed; congaing of Messrs. Tibbals ind *Shirk, and Mr. Wm. Whi6tftelid, of Chicako, under the title of Tibtals, Shirk* Whitehead. Their eptalkiTtep is Que. of tbe most, exten sile ihe roil in the country. Our youwg-friand, Clark Ewing, Esq., has fonned,lo l4 6itr.insrshiE with 41.144421aa at Tituitiffs; ant left for his' sew loestion on Thursday afternoon:--We slatternly regret to P ut ti 141),... rfti , ! ET4as,_ , • .He is Mai of nor* than opt nary aialniaiinta, io Wino sooial quilitinEiittin an unusually 'pleasant tomPillilftetNe.reowliuuend hits to the peo ple of Titnevills as. as and trustworthy young lawyer: ." - -OPIICLU:DISPAIVII 111 ' . '7ls:Prleulliligeseph Wokenlanbkas sow -on fiend a complete assortment of trett•oklOots, Shea,. Trunks, &0.. Mee ' satisfaction as reipirds price and quality, All disposed to , a • • • him theTaror et a call are advised to come at*oKteettlite • . •:I IMllia vary, APB et ilia high, pi;loacf leather and scireity of workmen, sa ao many are now withlbt iiimeorf tittelr way to 91;ISK roc-,)4T. -This is an excellent camber of the Lady's Book. 44110 Iflowors'i is one of ilia most exquisite ingriviags seek ' The' &skim plate eoa4 is tit IWO]," "Colorod ,1 11garos. - “Cupid insiinnisePlisAssurisriasinni Ain provoking; Al tbs. **sr itintsilbissita are , taloa- •TerairsB per par: Address t. 4.- Gonspi .11211. Malaga *unit. Philadelphia. iWonrsa - ' STA 11111111). 4 3 ; ibi a ls wo wpiaL tast. - if 3t: eft 1 4. stow. Z. olVattietltL, publisher el' the alla llpetteter," te I.IINL boUt tile eh,. rotiielltrto Nrietiai at leletb 'Mesa '..441 *if erocipsteletelete hint eakleileed Mate la tie seleettre etostospeeies. end bees la RV= have taus to regret the slop. Nay len 116. PIM mad halide= attest tis. , • --. ,t • • ..For ,11010. _. • - Phglibrl ig kl 1.0113, Nor eit 11+6 - • ice r Med sae wad r Itlerbefp m i s .KO ese tee tbesaftef 1/8,10 I 1 llslielss et • , ... , 1-. ~ . • , lr• Laleett PA , - 4 Alt. • _ _ _ L is gotta': wmaluit,lat lama isIiATION - 141 , 11altd to' tbs unardreed to tb. - _ asitteisitt4.llop iCitillapilk Wit* J.M irdid a rtg 11 1 1 Cel p=li t :u s , 1 44 1 mt ll4 , lhtelitimonit, Sat theis 1•4414•1 to thir A' . 1,11,q0 p t to flake lasediate inmost. • ' HELIX - - - -B. IL. 11411111 , 117 • , g UM. a. aturfix. Aagrartists* LIMIERVID SEIIIT, 0•0111 ;100114itsiN=Z11"*.i. IN - • Z: • • I= s 4.11. ~;: ,A.f7: ?~ nisi couricrnommtY. - FANCY Cltrirll6l &'f= t Nang cANDyw, LI 0 3 1A :1 naserrmacs CANDY, do., 41100OLMIICANDINI, do., eIutA.WPOPJAP, Fmk Canape ~7 6 4. Arrie,Tat Cram do.. ' -Irak Almond Candy do. I; , ME , FRUIT. ORANCit% LIMON& TAYARINDS, RAISINS, nap,INIIINES, CANNED TOYATOM . ~. CANNED PEACHES, _ ! PICKLES. SARDINIA; ',.;.:',1117ARA JELLY. • 1 " , -FINE SALAD OIL. 'atrial:lo747U E MIXER SOS 41 US_ . :IClarIN _ OR ipaCtIVCANIPIAMONS IMI 'Aslarynx() ALMOST DX[W. 1 ~ INSIZI IZEIECIMI • , I -s• • •• 111101101111 - AT IRZDVM FINE mouocco.w.tuanw — • LApIINF MOROCCO wALlarrs, -, - • Litgzsi . prittPottitofritttis. A mot AmontriaNT OF BIRD CAGES. A•NI CN AND MIRA. TRAVELING , BANZFS • • lICEBROCHAUSC ?ma; BRIAR PIPE° 311428CHAIIK•ciwita LYDIA CIGAR Milt; .; „TOBACCO BOXES” • Toracxxi MAGIC To ztaics, =l/J GAMES& AMIISZIEENTS, DRUMS AND FLAGS, lI~TIONCARDS.•t• .; PENS AND PENail4, PAPER & ENVELO PS, , 1 . • ;ARSOLDS Mann, KEKOZASPUIC BOOEA, 14X100U. SLATES 'A.ED BACZAIAILADS' -solatos, roam EltbiLL9ll LEAD P -X..04-104,- , •t• • - • • tc. ft., /6 •a• rt • azva. • w. : ''.lllllMratAqf 1. 1 4.1 c.".tsci ,47.1.411 r • A+ IN: 1= $4..; . < • - • a a Ilia ••• Oa: 41. OUR IClZlOtrerll =UM WWCf te 'oooD'9t a aj " 4 l M G ON. • - " • • . 1 . 44 u -, Mq • ' .16,14..• a •••• 0 • •• •! •••, ••, • t•• • t• a ‘4.-atv '.•1•••• . ••• r - !-,1 aIIT u CL - 3312 ACirioLB3lo -• DOLL ow tiles.. 150Ylo HEADS. all 861 es L ES, TOY PAINTS, A tarp houtisal Toys*Notlimi. HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, , FLAVORING F4.1714.M. . PERFUMERY. - - • NIGHT BLOOMING .CBREUB, HAIR OILS AND FOMADIS. 1 3 - , - CHILDREN% 9•14, CARRIAGES: " !PERAMBULATORS, DOLL CARRIAGES, •- ," 2 •-• -- &C. i = ;' 1, IPMIERE BREAD FRESH CAKEEtI FMB CRACEICEMSt PRBSR MACAROONSt ' rirzarrattN4 t s • A •• ' • ICE CREikl, , ' LIMON ICE. . oatetxqiracz, , ,XA,c4t_ROMIS. Ingi/Cl, MADE V) ORDEit, , • " • try t • ^ • I 3' " 'kr arms at sitimatfri 114,1tave S'Alas Rintita 15Atra."•,. • Rvitaratx,K4s;,-., 'r t ; " SUBB„SIVS3MMI." -1 Nuaage etkibS • - or. Atr;,suiDs. - - c- ditl „ - 20,000 lla • Cltelei mod., e.t• . jiAtirxon OYarra tro ___,L rti) DAILY, • - 1 1 : ignitifi a . I , • : AN ENDLESS . 14 K .A VARTNPY OP 4. 1" GOODS: 1.- . mama ai IMMEEZEI ME .%. . : . - ..,.,,,, , "-44•%i 7 L ~.^. 1 wi. - ...f 4.:. : Irk Aialitsitillititidtriku.:Air- 1 - 1. L.. . , ~, . -,. .i.,.•• 4 444,1 isa ' • / 1224 " 381 * 71 " )sl ar r A A " 1 unigssetage. , astMnikaaft 2 Illiflr-08011 Aran O v M 1 „ -.6.....i.. „ • i .1-7,k , ••=. •;_• , I :"/ LISX•4III,O2P:PA.VOILAINAI ' l* f'lltePlNA •:. at j TO THE - --Tit.llol. --- efertwuzs ': yourAcTuß iMittEll, tai ,AINITMILIAMUSAIIIM i 4 of Harmothiesddla, .11ric o rg,le. ,"" ' , Ilb ' VIIIIN4 • ' I' M - 441 - 7: , ,, ~„ ..,,,: ~•.„ -„,,,,,;„, ii , ; , wri*Tild rT et Suit, start. , MR • ' .' 4 , /' •••••• . *•l ,- ...1 re a T.' •?* . t: ~ ~ . .1-. . 0. • • • , .... ,*- ..1= e sic ia . .:. . . , riiii..~Fli, o,oes r.f I • .I.•;3:finW - i WEASlt io qg ho i sk . 44 " . I 1 p.. -_) I-; ;',.;, ;• ' : . 1 1 1 1$ 111 }1 ,. 1 ermaiimilansifi ' hi, ,f ri n ir; , 711104 - 41iliprit 2•114. ;.: -i • : , ~ * . 11 , 43d ="1"!•!!!!% ~ „ airailir :ill "i" C. Vi t c. 7 .s ai IT { 1 , : :-., 1 1 ~,,,Sta ;.i. „; •4li ,4 t• 1 44..2...4.4 ,14(.4.51i j .....,',,,j4,/, j l 4 , - NJ, 41 , 44. AO 4 . : • t , . ...1 s'l . 1.-Aili,ll ill ,4•41.:14.",,,n . 1 I_A !'. 3A_':• _Zi 4kM PENITA - • ifforokoot. Si. AO' , Stood: Abe Tont. • To aktimpooto oi *oases my los owl& Tiro *Ws of tie =AA oshoy vtil to adosooldi oa rooellot of tie roods tt6ostrod, boil •cola Mara mods bar do Mt saw pat grristssiellid isoliel »pest wt hes at otaitrot. Ira ti Woe siadairstapos-uts. wawa POS rap m WPM Xi? a. Mt lloomi waded. Soda iiforay. Ohms vaated.Apples; Inlaid. 1 Inlaid.,,, f:, 111 traggi Aft ins. F ! itssif. !Nair, mato& Wool weds& IMZed. varied. a 1 A-6 1 ow as. Land wanted, , . I I Ix • 40 ,-. 43 p" 261 1( •Li. tiFiii.:::Z.a,7,,:fr 4 ce ..... ~..... _ _ ao Shatur Is tats par It , me Si 1 II 5 . 1131 0, •' ......—... ..... .2S SO • la sal* " SO ~..21 1 /0 Maws, &Ma al ' , , w a .11111111111 )r - ; 1'../..h. ' r.a..1 ', NI N.IIIF Delod Areas '" , S • '.. ;•• 1r ‘ se 4 ' rani. ' il, ".... .i, I n o cum ., o 27 SO a ' `...., •'t '''' n l! Zap, beat, pn dam; t•lra ' ,„:4 TOO UOl '' 500 ?00 Con ee l' 46B l / 4sa r s. Igai‘. lAO SOO • a :i ... i -1.1.1.::: II 00 22$ nu par lb ' 10 as res43l = l " g rrtr i A7' . " - 7 , ea P IS OW -..., , - 1 . .4,....2...4. s-. 1 .111 Ilattan,is lismui, , 1 • $ 16 Taal, . P. . II 111 rut. drowsed, ;" - * ' 0 12 Must, par bash .. Itya, so .... . - • 113 l4O Oats. . w - ' Si SI Corn. " ' 1 2S. 1 7N4 1 ........ .......... Rips, dr. pi: lb . 11 out .:'.4, r a ' -11. 0 11 1 4. 1114 Plias ' : .4 ' If SO ,„ 4 .. Lard, eatzusit I tis l iorst s iar 213 •' 16 1 ' 34 ' 10 'SW, am s, par NC., —....!.......11 00 1100 • .. riot, IBMS a 1 • 1100 14 00 • 11 rho* " .4 .6t.....10 00 1400 Russ ••Auslisd par 12 ....—..r....3.:. ): 26 Is Okaaldars • '. ' 15 14 • bus . W ' 14 11 - 11•1 • .111 g'; lhistr' . ' ft I ,'l.' • • / .. 4 . .. ..... ..... .20 24 4 r 31.12933. • Sl' ...' 23 1 6 Turkeys. -; - ....'•"r - 1""" -- • ' . Gess. " ' . -•..1 . :../t........t.....11... - . D 4 23 ~. , •M; a 1 It 313 Cloverhood " . ' 3 rum 3 43 Timothy " " 3 41 OW 560 " ' Tallow "I!• ,111 ' 4 Wool, wallkeir " •-• ti " unwashed "1 • 60 - Appl , a, per &. 600 600 NOT, —A full rep at et , he New Ter* Market ea be soya we Ile it,the olr vivza use.. the above to drivels-the twatet arMI 14~1W eV, IV 8 , 14'1 1 •M by quality era eseolipoir. Meer arrtelta that en ant ateetlesed even, eel be mead out the report le oar et else. 'a h 0... •, •4 • t •• Younati Etiiporium, NO. 4 maßrs BLOCL ' I .~ r , ~~, VIN'S HAIR CRIMPERS, J iwavasisidartlide, as hand and rer.6l, lila 0 W" - 0A B 8 , T P. ti me boa 4 tie darsktilmed Ws tlhl, =1 =BE ••1 6 1iLVSLI N.G: 814.,Et 0,, " r . —Th t r ir auP all; A-r- t sir, -, :iz t ; • - , - A 4 ic i A,Xl.. ' * bed aireetipst Sa Ow 01h Ic o-:::??1,:4,k01714 a 16111r0211:7 r_.• II 4 6. a ‘,; - te.iihn:MVITIBBE* 14,LA anti; ratlN7." . .i • i ig awnnv , r . au A reap" fLa , hap" 411iiiiir &jai ‘. ' TOY SOOKS. v‘i ti.f =I I " t - rvlr iil e# lll 6 Aftetiee. Astiiiiii4o per mat ebtapkgr ties elargiSen. . AT iouNa4istetneittia.. "III i Z e tW a gr D IMMIIITITONIL-LitflCX CHIIIIII4IIO,- I "IR PICTURE ANP,RLIND CORD, . 'kr roirr4 • . • • , 0111131POINIVX. tP"ril ?.e1: 1 1E^ • .Z.L. t , Eatil COUNTY. MONEY Takesiffir for similar ask false, sod es "Iou0,*•" - 4 ..11 JITTIIII7 XlaellallN.• ,Iffe Thlf 8 Wlr- 3.1191 A 1441114 ismal" . 44. t, ~Ma Olio 1•;;: 0111 ° 1111 .! 1 4"" : :'\' • c•ILZ ,:ra ts-‘,"/ to, 14.4 1 . #l / Pii i V ri " lt4S EISZIGERAIIM MIMI ib:~l:~ t~l «a'~' *? +?4 :~se:u.a -• • aa. • I. A •f••• • •• • A a : AT T 010111tileTiealtr/116, WINO B Co : te' tr -1 ORE S ' -; 18r1" 40100°,00._ Lla 0. itt-87C,X.i OF. GOODSI ta4 '.1,4744trea ik•4 Wsw,yest. dander , • • Mkt' GaLOR.I.EADT. TAT. a t ttaapia s paplits t4atiththe A aohzilig 404 • I ta„losh 1 4 17 dors i ahaa• w Itaaat. Rpm. u‘ r . 4,134 12 " 41 -h • - - "W AWL, NEW( COODS TREiIISSEZ WGRLTH 01 1 mt ta•pectrattr ausaaaca that Om are sort FiL . their Dew !item 11 49 1 Pra•AWIr04 3 3 Welk C ll l4 l # " 24 lead hare last opsaial a vary !arta / 1 0 . W Go op Duti!,cr. 7110ir 144 YOU CM t ratostliag. In'enthisi bt tba . • X E it tie ' tfiat4l.:4i4 titatt' all =::the - No; Irt dit he wa I " a stall to Ors t he thin . 1t E r OM to Drag, MOW lag sot Lattaaag. siPea ;„' VIEW" YORK isekehest quiet. fro* Moats Ina. Coes traJ Bose wasted. .1 . Plows wasted. . • "ssiott. EI gm- waists& === ♦T TOONGPIi 11.71POSIVX. ' I - *AT TOMPII IMPON P o ?Pit 8 , OE alllflitiety..' , - .. IMEIM AT lOU = •s Xo.olsriilreatVn. =I •T Top ! ** xlmni&uns. „ .r. 7 1 fir.. .„ sairoaux. %tepee Talley' Improved Newer. „ r - • sad ate of =l22ta l gAt ili gttri MVP?? We • fa eer Newer that tt Lr eeperior• /toy ether ewe la Abates tie lererla readmis, • tgis igetpipt:LlO . AT= k lIIMPLSR •th moitmoilopiticlito to Michaele@ th t the eafrineatiimiewk. is otaries I. tomiasom .4000040 m imeeimempopi, whirh 4t i• Emig- Wed. tie haat V. Ours is the only aloe* seamed limier. erre lel thli.11110111 1 . 4 4)**, 110 0 ;Aft prelloot to took bea rs tail,t it, will below rf ,4 . •• offitrAil fgete web 1 tioldtlY tiihlnd , if • a•mas 11. • 1.. .••• , . kereer It. *to WHOA ikr . r in 1141 dhiestreetioitet rival ifidifoei, NolotoiroxiotookboloollounCit Meow to, per Oro Iv he ‘hietteeeliee. tit lieregWalegglar.” ilere.efore ewe Ifeafitellateilles kAshoOL otttloo boat beta beet jeven• with 4erstealblial,"4llkalebt" bat Wu ass et Ilerbwoh dittaaltlas So to .orrooooo. Goottuo wir i er die selieellhe Nee ••• Sitime...,( ~kV@ Moe Woos now. op. piano' otoutigg Maims km swim o. OVA itoth bolas: lab *two mom soosiotioarao one of the drbe.whert.., which Ukeeel a,bw -tblyde.l-tbematto.taat reYatbbee. . tb.rr sire lare resimbeeeto . the- Nab% add are awe dwtrwb ee thus ola blew anti tit. Ov kosb to Owed SO • liserwitti the ilia of the drib, arbealor air he base erririCON Is loowisi no basil 4rti &VW, ; Whigs crooptrotively low,ssolou tt, loostoobleto Mink Wboo "weight cep" by, a tikklee stab seam Sad tilos, added on too Out that we Isola Um - 'boo otitlarast. mato lig mow so aglow teralows with lbogesdr; *wow bo , Imo with • say ohs, . • thiofthipmosur %whim to usdo.tholly of bee vote auk boa ••to mere .4e.roble thee thole wade largely of wood,_ead, therefore ce-talo , &risk. Swell Weerillit Toe waelif.elle -• MBIOBB BUT LITTER ovgn ,Eoo • - Poutrte, , • Lid ite lightness. the sliiipsaty of its iseehlaary, 1 a triser et bodes, sad t freedom Groin high gearing I*. to MU it the ZARIKST 1111.4wp0 mows"' trssto ICE Tlierstor la eakkal to throw Ike abaft attached to tie WOMILI sad to • gear et. oltemire.: end harms limber eatilseptrar.thelieif• tan be folded up, the *MUM Goo Wilma it coat be timer/horn teizapart,4 hem 141 to mid will equaapy law ittkialle maw lakes kasylaltiasese.. Theposil to attark-d . by moons ldrir ite•4 springs eittleit eldeelr Malin& WASS tpralid are. eidwied to ocoroaoll Wiwi ltaairciotieite dreariegkhaltea u more liedieleme thmadowhierfeared totek Um& ^ , llt sin load strastatto to Armors to . Wail Crawford sad Asillsbats sosstiso. &ad .3ostlgooso to mashottory, to boy toacbloos made near home so listalssy fart ohnsl4 be itreideotail• broken, new ftViVer =2 . rater Wheel tb• N iake me ,„. t e Valle," has apt tam and. we make this oiler • •W. eat jalealta VISPPSArtsi. 1 , 1 b/ 1144 7 4 " pplevtt to parttime it ore•bl• It shall ',rote as good . 8 iaralato king iliejeiloa We belle.. toha wwilwkw4t7 or. an; Welter,, sod shill o brliCe ITO* Ipporinalty *ppm* ,toppoi. iris.* Wool a trlst. Then _ etooruom oil baled upon, sspis outs. Row Soo Itssitnot d0440 4 ....TetS ):1 , 7.db 4 °° ° *ld "Y Oat rig *a Sortio-noo.sts the 'quit ireaoo. teertly QM, id. oboist w. r. for ;errors 'a brpL4- iibmis e . Poo mas.opvirod rtpoe4 sorekli oui dt abd asottlorasowsdasi sere ih.1.111.• Wilaktif• - lbw; *PA . a viej3 . l th e Ml. IMMO" td roost 111141 aidarlogliar b, Alta indict IsPIRALIE4 ‘3 l OW II • .alals tabs alio Way* aluseer. Air 0.3 kg .e . 4 9 o '. mor .aerea fa add° mow tbw.wswiW.w,aw ti, toktY goostas.ooss,,gut .osuo ,flaohlaa orber . Ke *IA sal a vaP, f atelied mnwfr, tileia' r trf I ` ll itsalookortst phlpolertnees Cri o ••,ataiiil • del.. Ism as Os slop. .sativra, msotActonso ors coaling In Porsoso lL datiroso of'pirebLitoi maehlnn ^1 of obtlito lac tow tor,.taae ma, Will ft •4 Mat the .id Fatale rewadrbou redone] Hill, or cid aoldrios 24 brie; ea Lirist Comsat. Awe to spate . file it, Nam. mi.-3w DZS3WtSn E. 'WHOLESALE GROCERS. Siegel, rule - out & Co., (tea to C. - 4%44) kende% .. . , 'BLAB , 41.. J. Y rar • CARBON .o'o,, , el ' wilief t l itatont tigai and "tos A, , • . itijongpsf I '; a CRACKERS. 'Tecad MQ?ltolb • • GLUE i BUNGS, totteit Sarket Eriou. CRION_ ?Nies . 11t • 'sarUl 44G NQT/Ogi - • rokiv. . - perigimidiey Witte Kl'et efigOrin lON 11101024 . similes to *AWL' is the Hoe at his sreltelles.. Par . Viola lutteettlere %ill butte's. iIiCIAGIULT 'aft Mfg. mai sika - -teatear ea 41.4litis -best b•- briosetiseaft. sad P. ,• V the readoistionsirly beespied by Viaohteos; - apriflaio• otD Tiacvs, No,A - Dy4.rez I . - los j itauticE I IS -- 82LLIN,G 4 /"A'LI.P 141..E8 !E3 • - PIKW BOOK STORE._ • The tleeeWre /ste t s pablle s fs rerfelly Waned to the 11M• - %OOP; ONERT WALL PAPER, '". IMOTOOKAPII *ALBUM*, &U., - • • • - Jest rem* be Ibe le Om rilless repeatli oeseptird birlfeCerd eleClesa, Mika Bloa t . SIGN OF Tilt tIOLPE.,:i EAGLE. ' Verbiliattlite start be a oantp'at• astabltahatent atillitatk andanalagempaliker nsitalla kept .11 a drat AWN • • . iii/L — AtiltelS/Mr. MOAB f • Esdeeliee, Arlliteas k ludleol„ L. ire d • IMlthastiona inafalaraja bilk/and en aar shelves, wh`an Ilittkatataldat Ina prabAkbarteamatall fir lea I tittniaa.Ty &ma f0r04114 on si 1.1411004 . 3111 tarsi 4 1 it tea oe ovaised to t he 1 ups attic Paaiinsiar ittontano is "rested to oac,stc4 of 14 ° ts . P' 31IC 8 • • haled - ay M• very latent *ld' rkotatitiarli:att: Lan - . Ids danamin Wass, sopp.te.l and Cat'1011•10. triqablia. ellapticatiain Alt, tha k eat ewe% atasd flattish - Part eats ,emisleed led tat re ths nee pro mptl Y oiled. Gar Ft tot or Photos: , ia alswes is • ului ,0111 het. Pbootpxoudss or all the kadtda 'AtatyyMy:y y‘d Gene y.y, in I rnorogrsabio aren-I,!topp tat- on rtrairtaYl to • ar m, Stationary of alillttrarta; Irma( ttyri bait is,sadiky the elksapui te ase. . !special atmotion eve) to that whl..tyda trade ep.i.n try d alms Mralabad on as ratandeb'e. &f't' as re leo eiryikl re. CAL ORLY, wer.EaltY & (W. • &pall 6itf. =I =ME shatiro Saks. - BY VIRTUE :Of a Writ or Levari Fa etas. bi.u.4 oat Aciaurt of Coanscon Pleat of• • oust!. and to ad AtniaModtaiarbi said. id 1'4104 ota'a .t tbo_Coiart Hones INtlaskeltv of Coe, on WWI% Y. Vie% etdialei. 6 - .. tbk.rit.' it. t , tic livered. acd al de of Sa Kerr, of, le acd to alt Wei ~r.epo plena nr pared allied attains to Rdieso-n. FA. • • laded wit by Fria strap' ' th morttcorr Peens. an-allay, and south by tkn l ci'.ider;: pant. ci a , 244 fast scot? of I..nd, and baler 'by same land f.,1 Alleinetalfrob 61-0 . 1.1„ awl exescra , ted for cy arwtrOMlP, to albs root N. y Mantes lona -mod therm; a treer dweller. tare's boas. and ben. hag taken to sist.tion a' tbl,antt otDa.SJ pertekllol3. Oil a A. S. Roos. auto 1114 . 11.• o...ttravel daii• after ts.e copal, ti stlieb At Ili t ;Vilgold anktiol.oriitnal ortna, oar hold reonosinle for an loam. . AI.LII A. CRAM, Shutt aaamapeeeerg ariV4o4w2 'Stray Cow , , _ ~... T . -i C A . ME srersriner H , R hi . t lgbiM et r c piTi . weitintsi* ea Tharedsh A pril 7,. ••,, ir Ned 011.1Yeallik yeldismid: ask arbiter TM" realm gall bona. airy perron 4 , f prr. um eladladmielldrmaw agild emir forma d prove proper. 'iv. par dome wad tate 'tor s wa y, otherwise raP inn be diapered et lyieViiliir to law T . • C. MACAISN. • • • rrviifttkr, ikfAcT#NG Or TB; Coversumo of dm tee Cemetery. far the 'Lean re* erilltho held I heAlllOll of Noe %enter, on re* the 114 day of Igey next, a g. eer,4l, p,; fr ,„ sprint:. . valtg eee?...l Hi.- -4 Farm -for :Sate. THE subscriber oftera'-for Sale his•Fann llama tips Wit Caw r_l6, tiesis?riatalt dt wee Opel makable sass ham irits city, os Wc." fatal ilittivElie rela4, sad Act: ores from Watarfbrd 011111...14110014.142keemmibiollibur, liar fruit sod daft awes se woodland poly tic progicsaitt licrtivr Wl3l tesalleasescosabie tcc s. • JO= 11.; 1 11/4194X. • .. A%~; DlAtittS IN ME - , ak ERIE, .?..d ISM " AT OLD ?Stns. ♦T D. lemsEce & coio. Ind thewho— - Imes sued it, primmer* it iv sapersor to toy I hlog Na of the Mad. Tue following an SOWS of the adreo lave thla lister hie over 'set, ether kid sow woe : lek• Meese seri deroblliey. Wee -Pardsrerthe met wistity itaptattitiv polished, am/ 11W *hold - flople. meat weigh log trona Sato 6016& • lid. Adapostfoo to soon Mats of work dew at other .ftttester blows ; Wee s whet, sod thoeosagb Cont ester when treed with all the teeth on. leering the round even awl 1., I, sod walking rawer the rows tbau aut.) other Cultivator. '.d. by removing the • • all-leath• and attaching th• vih,e to she shovel. St Le the 'nest perfect laip*meat lot billing that ean he found 41b. It is tr • tint imptement for conking and digging pot•to -a MeV Iliventtd., A hone Catt neve r po• tato,' as hat an • hone eau walk, and.. men sad team can dig frohs .00 to 600 bushel' of potatoes In a day, when N 0 la a fair ortea . bth. It works equally well in corn, or any kind ef crop resiaria( catt,lntia‘ and la itamt ceinekbay.dlnqing aan dhapionetf With. oth. Ito dit•prittaii. triatider tog thy many hindo of work to arblell ttinta ti• applied: the hum& having In our intniement all that It sieneenty for, eu I tleatlog anis bill ing any ki '0 elf p, arrange abet Milting polal. , •*. Numborlin eertieratee fro , ,, the moat ind twos& (aim• ere lath. Utilla4 states Wait be given& tho se perioritY of the above unpl.mant tnraireiluthert deigned fur Ills i turposer. . 11,• shell be rammed to nicalmernaltfroto any one who needs a Cultivator and 'spieler. to Vim the merits of the above lion" lute array .all- ashes •lattphicron• a of the kind We shall fib keep oa Moo. tweriusectAno wtth oar Hardware and Seam braraia'slait floods, a convict, assollsneat vet • • - HOPP: ROMS, NOM MIKIS*, Santo, Grain Cm!lee. Perim 0 604 StioWr;opiadps,'*o., ite. Don't hi? to th • nviCestl n PlVreg ir: -- • • tiormor*of dial* t Niatbilti.Otite, PI6 a loyal -W. W. PIERCII t ow, in Slott net t h.' D:Ptukcivac . cti." - : Mee beg leafs 14 !atom the paha@ go teir4h , that they bare reorneke .daißt the aiet.sheafuslak of TIN and Cs IP. gtt W•RE, to their:thaws% cad sr. now prep to otter to their patron' • eoniAtte !foci' of BOC3 h: Fr RN -14111..0 G6O embracing. every variety ataalfy f and in Ilat_ af.rlE-Sco. [Gazette Pbp• •3 Committee, for a 9ay'a GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR. . . Coca=Wee an "I obtr-, Incomes r.,nd Feeenae omor )18K 11.1, KW W. CLA,ol.444:lfiel.ii ThieCemnoittoe bee eerecid tr.rk to ir:l in • L'.l - 11 ZAN . 10. , 0r," O. per. from re-r, eltien of the three :7toot eof P.n tr Itt.o.a, J--4 and velaeare, for the etietit 01 Our would d poldfore. the t =err...tile how fully nrcaniaal at th. • drat. and o , lla for the co op r..Uou of Cl el saes • tie communtt:. 1V can to planw whit tlii Icdcatrlal chit ea cast do for b. r • 1 aChst to* yawl , ova So I.a thaic aspkiiri?teadas 1 What Peace ly o‘n do t What V. .fer , a4 What Delawar. d.s 4,1 Kb - at inch can do! W. at criv h ct Ala 4101 ; Woat -h prurrisinn can d o What araeh trade cast do t h.t e.c'. cznapaq. , n can dot What each Macu tun cac d What 41:114 back, ta.aria . • eiwipasy GaCsallsaska can do 1 v. het *DAL m'ae oni do t ...VI • •ritoop esti do! \c hit each family e.o du! Whet elch men can d ! 7. hit•aoh man eau do, Let , and gni tan We we, t to show ,o the all , Id what Amartaan freemen era ready to do tor that- an diem! 'fb , s i.e. great Rork sad the tote short,- The way to dc I. to Oita • Z ! , 31(,o I to your workshops- oyourfamlllea. Let oretse. Let women pole. Let %Le , reds organ ist. Orgotiza rearyar. an Let , h• w nkuien give with their atoploYam, the em plo.ora •Ith this. worlatio. It Is sad' . d ..a. If the workman will att•l3 , no. , 13.1 r yeaployera dedutioned tw Pout thoir trwat's or month's • Lrologs. and the wool° era win 'di it to • ear of their profit/. the who *sum wid as aturiow'e46ed to :rthe to the .rodat of +he was .liahasat ‘Vo say to all go to work at or oe with ul to this ,reat work Hurry fora' td oar anotributiorm i:Tary wwkorlerl , dontllorig a.lmn. late o lorti to ?Moir yrures..tooi utreolare. with fall luir , uo , toas will he sent tirou ap•:, plied on. by :anti or otbatarme, to t' andaraisteed. work! to work! L. uoriraovra: -BoYy, Cb at£ a n. Yrs. E. W. EMMA, ' Chairwoman of Ladies' Committee aorlOtf. ROPE, J.)lrtoruos, towbeary ,HATS & CAPS FOR :THE At ILI:LI:0'X! ! AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL: NEW . STORE t .NEW GOODS ! I have rezrovad TIM Dewitt Nairn. to the ON's lately-occupied by Yr. Job's Wa:att, newt door to • Yr. J. -C. Seidl*, and um racekring a larg Staudt of HATS, CAPS AND. 8111 AW GOODS rad; 'espries4 for ow Baelog titan girt *vela the aelsetloo of my Goods. I feel onaldeat I can **l good barAltito these wine limey lawn ma with a welt. - . r 1 will HO a fur Palma Leal Hataa 10 Csata and a good Leghorn at 8 abater. TWO HUNDRit.R DOE If kalat LEAP HATS at Now TorkGaa• aort6-2m. _ et. 831.11 TEL - • •THE P LA% vr *. Blcrm TO` GET YOUR MO/Nx.. Bout E. sc'uff(lVZOriE' . • State Street. Nearly Opposite ibe Post Office- S. Constil.n, Boot mad Oboe Dealer. lefornisatie Panne that be .es removed hie stand to thedtors Repot no gists street, warns appalls the Poet OM" whet,- be lovitelail his old friends nod cos toulere to give bias a call. Particular attention given to .. REPAIRIN'Ot • uvier csnut werkm.n. and 4upgentsamiss ill his be•wrs' hintself;he believes he can give as good satisfac tion - and sell at as ion prises as any ether prom i■ the stay. geed Fits Weresaled. s pilt N.i. CARVER &. HONECKER, / arccmc I To T. J. B. C A R W11 , 1,1111101,11A It!TM Dlttillte IS Leather,..Hides, No. 8 Peny Block. 1, - ate St. krio, Ps. Conntintvy on ho , d it. !Fp stook or _SOLE LEATHER. MO RuCCO.. LlNuco OINIIIII6I I I I • FIiENCEI & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, RIPS, lIPPER3 A.KO •tnre3.l4ST3 PEGS, LLSTIEGS, GALTAONS, &c ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, ,Au or w4ati the, otter tow for owsu.Oß rscaasrT.P.+Y " .' spr: 4 64 t tianty oyres. e.• 'it nD D F C . • 14 a 4 1 . 0 ' 80X•44 "Ott's. •n•I tud 15 . oraca, • nu. • 13nm/tr . :nos, 'l4,y t fthllsl- man*Clte • *gyred 1 , 6" At•ntli." "S; 4t tbingarnua t , • iinm , n ra.••11y.7 o:+ at- c ut or the't ...let to die." ' ' ot.ln' tc b , 1%a•i,.1n RI cet t d SAd bar a I D.urigt• ••• ft- at rt e'reopltiore. riP • 1 5r nr , bl as tmit,t •y , FOG 1.9111' acme is on tub Boa, soate an 1 Flpalc,l4to.e y. , 3% Da Jolitets el EMMY W. (411• MA lb, ErP Istorrat. Dorir BkaalwAY, •. T. Sotd by alt Wl2ol,eale and Natal Drv2l••• in Edo. Pa. — . 4 6,000 • P I.E C E , • P APE R A' S or ALL osetios - ?root the meet emotes . to the n«st, ilhoetatture4. ' • !Oft SALt TEAT Ciptir, BY. Kant. • • - SELDEN.. II II I 0 LBllll`ollll, 46 1 . m•- : • a. be bid mega et WILLIAM WILLING, PROFI4:3O!t, OF Ml7BlO. Exeoutete -Notice,- ..rterEas -rEsTAxxliveiny on. the Li VW* of Dr. W R. Withamis.awm h gki N wa i t ,. burg. Crio Co.. Po . having bora posted to oho muter •tgork: motteoP Unity stints AU illOgiling themetTeo lad.atott to tits owe to asks tostodutto poyakoot, sal those twin ats. st mid potato wi ll preotat thaw, properly itaUbotWAAK ipettbarat KAU /ANC W11.1.11W5, NIVTOZ IrittelllV*44 l lll*. l N4 4 . o ialbraas24 , I. .f - ALIO. 41. PVLI. i►ur lEEE lIS