The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 06, 1864, Image 2

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& • • nimi,&-P2V., • fist-livii 110+• •
sesuat.ilanapasirr !,*AMU IV TIM - Rise! e
f 1 •f . ~~
. .... .... -111131102111%, -. • , a-. , 1
11101311 R. _111413.3L1A4 .at Parmilinalai
MU 43111111=, si isitaidtp _ .
(Ilobjoet to th e &tildes or the Drooerstio Nittoo
„ nuirollitlea4) - ,_ .4 A
TfUtSIDINtIAtr irLte!lopts
. . ELNITIO AT LAILIaIi :. , •
ROVIIIRT I. JOHNSON, of, Caliarte. Ceaut7.
RICEURD YAM, et rbt..4eipbbi. -
_ .• 111111 1 / 1 110/t .111.21*01111: 1
1. "MUM Loughlin, tii. Pool Leidy,
1. Edward & Itoliabold, ' it Rebell 8 6 1 1 1 610fd,
$. Edward P. Dana, It. Jae
'• t. flag: ItsChllowab, IL !purl ( A rkwilth,
a. Edward E. now, J rf . MilWiral %al*
6. intilip S. 0446/d. i 1 1. Rue Knurilinerf,
T. Cowie O. Laipar. IL Jobs IL Irwin,
S. Ilisltaal Satan. IL. Jas. K. Thassiscal
I. Patrick WAvor, St Itasselar Brews,
tn. Matsu B. Wallow, IL Juan?. Dar; . ~.
U. 011wor S. Masi* IL Waat J. loosli, .
11. A. B. Dossing. IL V. itanigemel.
TM Natimal Dmistratte Co msatMu
At • assailed et the National Dieneetstle
bald at New fork tide day, it wee anaisiniat t br a tt
that the sect Nattemal Innematic Ceierentles ter the
purism at nandaetbic atadidatee for thsZesidezzt
Tice Presidency of as 17aited Stet% be at
Mine* sWoodsy, lniy 4, 1,N4.
Br tots o f conanifto at tetedisa bald Beet 7th,
11181, the amber of &knots the each State vas fined at
double the timber of ite elirtoral rotes.
..41741011? $61.11011% Cbalnima.
rum 0. PNINCt, &aviary.
Yak lunar/ _l2th,
Num:a Siwl oxim mw" monis*
U oieutil•
ly rsqueeted to publish the aka& ,
stir The editor has been preiented by
other duties from devoting his customary
attention to the paper this week.
The qtneitokatf tills insists that all
who do not vote for the Repo/Afoul mi.
didste for Presideot are for the rebels.
Will these Abolition shoeta never cease
endeavoring to give " aid and comfort to
the enemies of the Union 2" The editor
of thei_Gasetta makes a statement, which,
if It is believed in the South, Will give the
rebels more eneenragement than half a
&seri Federaidisestere. We trust, though,
that the character of all such prints is as
well understood in the Confederacy as it
is here is the North.
Sorts time since, the Mobile Register, a
rabid seoeseion paper. exclaimed " Give
us such men as Stevens and Sumner; they
hate the Union, and so_do we." Tbia re
bel editor .knows that the radicals are his
most reliable allies, and therefore the ex
clamation we have quoted. We now oh
serve that the leading secessionists and
rebel newspapers are expressing the hope
that Mr.- Lincoln may remain in °Mae
during another term. It is by him, and
through him, they can most effectual y
secure the destruction of our, country,—
and hence we have such journals as the
Richmond Seeded declaring, "It will pro.
bably be better for tut it he be kept at his
poet, than a new mart should be brought
in with a new set of retainers, to pursue
the same line, of poliey." Herein may be
seen another evidence of the sympathy
existing between the radicals and seces
sionists, When laboring. from opposite
directions. for a common end—the des
truction of the Union.—Pettsvills &mutant.
lidleffaies Kevin.
The fact ibould be steadily kept before
the public, that long as Gen. McClellan's
report has been issued. and infamously*
it has been • angled, not one .particle of
trustworthy evidence, not the statement
of a single officer or man who served
under him, friend or foe, not even a word
of evidence from the War Department,
has been produced to throw any doubts
on its credibility, or to contradict any of
its statements. Abusive editorial para.
graphs and speeches have appes: red apinat
it, by the thousand, but it is significant
that nothing person
yet been brought for
• ward by say person of the Army of the
retcsrutc, who rem - so situated as to be
_. !ebbs to state authentically whether the
.:.. Report wsa a true one or not. The truth
, -fulness of the document is thus placed
beyond eight:claw of a doubt, for it must
be plain to everybody that if it contained
area a solitary paragraph the incorrect
ness of which might be proved, the I-ate
and ingenuity of Gen, lifcCiellan's ene
mies would not bare permitted three
months to pees by without exposing its
oodles hew.
The intensity of the hatred which the
&nation of Abolitionism entertain to
wards the Democratic party was never
better expressed than in a remark made
by Mr. Grinnell of lowa, a short time
ago in Congress. This bigoted - crea
ture, who has been one of the fore.
most in proscribing freedom of opinion,
in Congress and out of it, rose in the
midst of the debate on the proposed ex.
pulsion of Mr. Long, and with snakish
malignity. hissed forth the following in
famous Iletliteeet t - •
HI would rather say a thousand. times
let the many be divided, tha Beath so Melt
way all Axes, end the North all free,. than
see the country once more tinder Demo•
Gratin ride."
Who, that knows anything of the ex
treme bitternem which the Abolition lead.
ers entertain towards the Democratic
party, doubts that Grinnell meant every
word he gar"' utterance to ? Who can
help bat betOsve from the Language of
their speeches and papers, that the chief
supporters of the Abolition party endorse
every word that he spoke? And yet these
are the men, with the vilest imprecations
of Democrats constantly on their lips, and
with whom no wrong is too great if it Ws
on the head of a Democrat, who tell us
that we must hoe no parties in these
times, but all in brotherly harmony
Will any one explain to vs, how much
less traitors_ in sentiment Grinnell and
those who agree Truth the expression
quoted are than Davis and hie foLlowers ?
Grinnell doss not want to have the Vole
again if Democrats shall bey.: the ?tit,
of 001411121111011 i 'Dana is fighting again*
the llnkm beams Abolitionist* got con
trol' Both in effect say "If the people
sleet them whom I like I am for the
Onion ; U they choose those whom I die
like, I sin spinet it." We are at a kim to
comprehend the kind of reasoning which
can iadooe may of oar eithera to eedl one
• oat*, sad yet continue to Niggard the
Ptlog as "a loyal rasa."
Apra Dmatuon repeatatitt Bolton, in
th e liesitalail, on -Wednesday, the speech
she made in New' York last week; de
nouncing General Banks without stint.
The Boston Rot remarks that "her mil
meats did not seem to meet with tither.
ell approval, but Wm Dickinson scolded
those who kissed so velessaittly LW they
we Ida to k. Wit*
their efforts to Ils the stigma et dlatution
sympathies on the Democracy that they
must not complain of us for retaliating
by endesroring to hillffirgm
their own shoulders. I (se ispahlet.
of unquestionable pull. , at ttirlihre ofl
' Northern Deatoerks• WU *43llteti: t il,
sion sentiment aisnidra --- ein bete
from-r-tirripe - rebel intor.
Abolition leaders. What Dentfa!medie Con
groomed-has ever - uttered t,triy"
well calculated eo give the Southerners
courage in Iheirefitortiliwlliffetielidedier'
as the remarks- of Mr. -Conway, quoted
by us last week? 'Where is, the pa**
that lust published ao men, tlitrqp, ash:9r
lated to give their " aid anti oontioit.",
the Nei York Mum. the aoknowledg;
organ of the party ? Who does, ttotr.rO*
member how aneeriagty I, it !poke:4.llr
value of the South, and'-with wb 44 IR!"
mistakable emphasis it was scoustoseed
,say to it: "Go ;,.we dcan'A, want yam t
'stay ; we regard you as A curse instead
a benefit; and, for out pert. ett .ties ooh
teary from eoaringyou eh dal
our best to help you separate I" The le:.
consistency of the radical leaders osortitt 1
better be exposed than by quoting. Alert
extracts from this' influential 'Abolition.
disunion 'sheet, printed'at the thiterof all
• ,
others when words of lutruioriyinsdidnd.
nese, and. high-toned pitriotline
alioee have been written'. The dear, e
of the Ilibwis was in substaao6 that dit
least halt the present adminlitration
dere. We furnish the detek an' ths'
„ 4 •
having doubts of oar veracity - on the sub
ject, may procure the files and reedithe
original :
If the ootton States shall become satisfied
that they can do better out of the Union
than in it, we insist on letting theist gO!in
peace. The right to weds may be ea rev
olutionary one, but it exists nevertheless.
• • • We moat ever resist, thetight,of
any State to remain in the Union end
nullity or defy the leers thereed. TO with
draw from the Union is quite smother
matter; and whenever aeonaidersele bee.
tion of oar Union shall deliberstely4s
solve to go out, we shall resist all ointroige.
measures designed to keep it in. We hotre
never to live in a republiti 'whereof - one
section is pinned to another by biyonets.
-4147. Y. Tribene, Nev. 9, 1860. • -1‘.,1
If it [the Declaration of Ind epee
justified the seessaion from lb& Britieh
empire of- three million .of Colonist& in I
1776,-we de not see why it would not ins.,
tire the mceesionof five millions of Sontb. l
rons from the Federal 'Union in 1861.1 If
we are mistaken on this point, why does
not some one show wherein and why
For our own part, while we deiry the right
of slaveholiers to hold slaves egeinse the,
will of the latter, we cannot see how
twenty millions of people can rightfully
hold ton, or seen ivetLta !anion
with thena,Lby military force.-(New York
Tribune, Deo. . , - -
If seven or sight contiguous Stateleihall
present themselves authentically at iteeh
ington, saying, "We hate' the Federal
Union ; we have withdrawn from itl; we
give you the choice between aoquieireing
in our secession ' and arranging anuotibly
• all incidental queetleas, on the one hand.
and attempting to subdue us. on,th.e oth
_could not stand np for coercion.,
far subjuation, for we do not think It
would be just. -We hold-the right e Calf.'
government, evenlir n involved in behalf
of those who deny it them. So much
for the question of prinai Y Tri
-.bone, Deo. 17 1860.
. 1 ,
If ever "seven or eight Sta — !seurd
agents to 'Washington to say, "We' ant
to get out of -the Union," we shall
eoustrainad by our devotion •to. Masan
liberty to say, Let them got And we do-,
not see how we Gould take the other side
without coming in direct. 000llioC with
those rights of man which we hold pars
anount tti all political arrangements; haw-
s ever °weeniest and advantageous,--(N,
WTribune, Deo. 17, 1860. -
Whenever a portion of this Union, lare
enough to form an independent, selfatie
silting nation, shall see at to say. sothen
ticaliv. to the residue '
" We watt to got:
away !tom you." we shall sal-arid we
trust self-respect, if not, regard for the
principle, will constrain the residua Of the
American people to say 1. , never
yet had so poor an opinion of ourselves,
or our neighbors, as to wish to had &h
-ers in a hated connection 'with 'But
the dissolution of a governmentsannotrbe
effected in the time required for knocking
down a house of cards. Let the Cotton
States, or any other six or snore •States,
say, unequivocally, "We want to iget out.
of the Union." and propose to effect the
end_ •Neloesh_ll l and inotrivelt entire
will do our best to` help - Wins out-not
that we want them to go, but that we
loathe the idea of compelling them' to
stay. [N. Y. Tribune, Dee, 24, /1360.. "
We , have repeatedly , said , and nieonce
mere insist. that the greatsr
_inapt* em
bodied by Je ff erson in the Dec l aration of
American -Independence, that govern- - ,
merits derive their just powers from the
consent of• the governed, is and
just ; and that. if, the Sl ave .States.,tho
Cotton States, or the Gulf Stattrit4saly,l
choose to torsi an independent Ipa,tion, ,
-they have a clear moral right' To dci" M.
I Whenever It shall be dear that - the great
''body of the Walter:l , le havebeeeme
vonelnsively alsea from the' Union, l
and anxious to escape it, we will do onto
best to forward their views. -Pr, Tri.l
bone, Feb. 23, 1861. 1
A Tame Sumarp.,'
The Near yerk Pitney, to an, editorial
discussion Of the progress of the In; and
the temper jof :the people in regard -ft-it,
gives the following summary of the Pod
olia reverses thus far in this spring's sam-
"Setting that aside, (the Shemin expe
dition Into Middle Xismadppl,) *slim
record the total defeat of - *e eactirz nn
der W. S. Smith, in Northern
the abandonment of the siegeet C litis t a Vter ea
ton, the detest at Olusteein-itiatidaormi
ous rebel egoomens in North Cartgina, in
March, the entrance of Yolreet into T . •
newts, and Kentucky, the intik of Patia-,
esh, the capture of Tort rdiow.tthe
entuninterrupted 0002petiOD of Western
Tennessee and Kentucky by the rebel
forces, accompanied bra wbolemie con
scription and plunder of that region • the
capture of Plymouth ,, N. C., which ha p..
pened last week, but of which th e panto!
tams have not yet reached the
and, finally, the overwholaiv dilator in
Louisiana, which boo arrested the pro
per of Several Banks' Bed rim ekpo
Truly this le not tattering ahetnii4ast
the Tribune argues that the Nort hern pw
pl. will not be Illsoonnisati, by o their
Meek Wl* the more ilealtnek Swot
of war t p
Tn Bombnein papws are ilissuathas
"ths on tans P4ocdpla" , pia sod corn. •
Tha quend Is a way pretty ono ita It
stands, and w• bawl as wish to iatiiirt e d::
dl., bat Wore boo "boon Shot iprOstorils,
ecourPo, sod wmoyaDom soolift ammatss:
rinan-pot, varlet hirer, rounw ilkaramto
W directed bir bar on We too4fror , •
triple, and we Nn hope; iherefbre‘
that the peetlienoe of Bieck Regulate*
boo will peel over ea Ole! its 11&u bat
tkAa without the patella* of . s
tiato Amid% •
- -
Brooklyn Elys, surely the leaders' of the
Republican pirsy are least entitled to be
lief. Atter-. laboring to show tharilk9,
in* * . sireicrst,66 Tor* * ird*,_th 114
dolhir. Obey, e'diite4kt''thet. : 4heK'",t/outl'
otxdt'i*tt' beritAikeileint pew i!l/i en
see n#4 pertitriti,mptitiatiihe lkort*;
Wieffedtistel - that the - Raab, intleika
of eit'd —r t,
would lterikelf by termini new
- 00,12 • the thuailit-
Cal men of the count wife' alatated by
lowing ihn i elifttiOn9fllri. - I,indin, that
funotiaaaa himself •assated its that. there
Ina nobody hurt,. and Abet , there ,world
not be. , When-war :aetuallihnike oat,
irawsre assured:tbst - tbe &withal people
wereendessaring to deotliw themselves,
bat that they •tioakt• wog deeds. so notate
a political,. as *be man who made the
steteeteat4. ilir. Seward. !, Thea came the
warxty days" peptic% _and itually'es•in.
telligent contraband; 'too; took. his taste
Tatttenethe tribphittai I d'thefiatttits
to 'iteittirred "'oat days )tr.
tireeiey; an emancipation pelf*. iusd`oo%-
'OOO men' will - alto 'the field.'; Free' the
slaies; sand the roe& ofliew Ragland WM
ifiariti,wliti volunteers, says poi . Andrei*.
ProdallithneXtinctionof negii, slavery,
Ontieni will )I,i:
! - Lt:riea . , from
' 44 ici L l.Pktitstio' 11 . says . . lWßwis, land
gie 7 #l 4 4 l ol l Ave as ealtlat as t hey can
attend. to in_Plittitlf dart servile inettr
seetioa, Zloty_ prediction' of •tkate, assn
. bas 'hews ; yet utiabtaked, akar
aintitiutato prophesy • pad the credulity of
theirlienes is not yet exhausted. ;:
TWP SP's A PACIVIPL:,4/ 3 0 follow
log appeared N an oditorig Wick ha the
9olluck4 of. /eat Meek's GatrYs:
_We MOO Wet. editorial -Antilop,. in
last week's Gloats of Fedts disaster at
Plisse - a ant, De Soto Pa iii.
We doubted' not - there - that the reverse
would•bo speedily retrioreelt and it •now
swim that . won. the news of ,that re• being swinged totiNdi. Us. .Til•
; enemy's succost was,ahotOived, and bears
suehia illation to militarinenals as the :
rebellion hilt boar to our national tilitory.)
It :woo- She Uttar of' o ki =Salmis* •lihn
•dry straw in the morning " . 4vien abed: be .
,fore nigght. !Are loam, that the Thirtemth
and Nineteenth Army, Corp engaged the
rebels on the day following,flie repuTie of
the Thirteenth Corps, and defeated theta.
Two' thoussed prisoners were , captured,
sad direction of toientyi - cannon.
'olmaged. . _
Thuq the good oiume gomon.consuering
oonqor,. lonia on tile • disparage-,
tottits, of unfiuth ♦nd all the, bitidesooes
of iho rebellion.
The following' is frona'tha Washington.
city; correspontlenoe of thn New York'
%atm: dated. April 29th, HIM
'Mex. 13 - aitia l s Diusyss..:--the Govern
'mid" is fn possession of news , showing
that Banlook disaster is vistly greater
them arowed w and his „istoapsidty snore en
military than has.. ever been supposed.
Thera, Ate Ckinel, Ate well as
without it, a strong call upon the Presi
dent to racoon or supersede The
ott)ect of the expedition ,in which this
,oissfortues occurred, much suspected, will
probably be inquired into. ;
_ . Now, which of thre tarn, radii organs
nf AbOlitionisto is to, be bslieyed
toortri hiciltar.—Pods wr,ial Weeks — Past,"
tb4rf bag been oonsideri tile feeling in
husiriesi circles, in :septa to the county'
,scrip reeently limed. Allar a amount
been, put in oiscalation, ; and 'it is
rapidly - taking the • &ea:, of other our-
ren4 On
. -, 'e of our banking grins refused I
'train the lat to have 'anything to do
with It, and . Atesitupi;: h U since been
followesiby all tutt4o7two in. the oily.
The e taniters tha - 1; they reasics it,
their -busineas operations, w4l be greatly
retarded, as the annoy dal t circulate
beyond our (aunty Birdie. btriarwhile,
the. *lairds of the , currency have \ been
seam* at work,. cavatipg a spirit • in
fairer of lie credit, lend the notes vow pees
, freely in business orations as any.
otbirre- -that 'are circulated in this neigh
borhood. The Board of Trade, off. Iron
day hlaning, adopted a rerehetion urging
tide eooeptatiee by the people of
the new serip, atid we fliiililecided dis-
Oration on the pert of the oclnmunity to
toiler the suggestion. The' quarrel as it
now stands is in interiong
,ona, and
must result in a 'care "• on the "part of
either the baniserser the business men—
time will tell which.
Human lambent floating about for the
'pas' two,* of the intendrid reap ation of
Eleuritity - Chise. The re* Y ork
th e st. gentlemettis' ioitribwiedged organ,
theeditoriallydenies story. but its "Wash.
hOn piwiriospinidetit telfgtspbs the fol
" Mr. Chaselssruot- reigned. He did
aht -go•.to . Philadelphia' to consult,. his
Mends mid frame * oorrespeadenoe with
the President upon thOlableot of his ra ?
aguatlon. He went there shaply to see
*dentist. It is true tbsfieben - be Wit
nessed the wonting Ili:entire aseetion
aid support of Freak Their in hie sassults•
upon his personal ebuseter. and official
oondaot as Secretary of the Tressury, Mr„ -
Owe series* they& - ige reariv hum
*him* bat Its sense of his obligations t w o
the country, add this dbeassioas of patri.
-o Mend* induced hint deity action'
sod to remain/or theists"( it his foot,"
• *..maire*iiph -
±4iscati - at Gupta peg witti , ieierat
thestanti troops toVirginia; is annoatioed.
The rernerral of vidersitroope from MM
sachusettamsd-New- Toil( and NeW Jersey
to the eirewfolatOs sire reported. Every
where wore rumen Of bniiiense bodies
of men tending - in that 'direction. -Is is
evident that the ireint *bock of a most
terrible oceownter of *nighty armies will
not long be postponed. The Administra.
tinn, - after three yetis of blunders and
failures,' has - adopted the' very come ro•
commended by Gen. McClellan when- he
leek &ergs of the Army of the Potomac;
of ocinotintratlhg" our forces, and,
boding th eniagal* a fort decisive Pcdnti.
uri4eritind th e our neighbor
the' Agieint bee fang ta
decided to Wee
a daily edithet_nt. PAM sad wW
eoselada his arrenyieraeote ia
•peried. tratier••tha nzdwire nesaego
tenet of itr.Lynai Agog tun tow
Brady iiiimmit,ittoi ws deobio , set.that.
if he 0011111111112Cill OW • pablitatioct ,of
&111, ft Will , ha n-getiirr slikesureditabie
the'httriani io hfimiislL ilifeventend
thieuir experikeent.
-- - .
, Aismungs.*-A. kap 4001 ' 4 4 910 n aa
Pirgi gat
. o . lpirsvok
akar mhos, se taiseirisamti Ws,
ae WM*, 'WU WU to el*
— 14 , 10 91. 4 1 1,6 , ma, ilts. assn.
F i :37l
M. B. Chunk... at Weil Opriogtiehl, last
Sunday, EkderrWhallon presohad two ser,
.. I no . . Ounds,ha 4 jArosohala ,
ar o gs . is I ' • .. - ,?` 'my testifys '
~..'-'l, - -.•Vm ..0
rewaystlibiat% . - • 4 :, 'II
IlllitakiiiildirilliWiliir .-. 'II, 44 ' .
sirea.: — lre iviti shred 01 't , i;taitOir 04
anoogls"- - now :to attaar-its - rigtit3a. - i
"adrislarlon" into the orthbiessk Ittrollikil' i`
iiitieett: - h wtlFbersturtiter iiiitckeition;'.
tbe fitsgratt . tisis(4•2 l lthputateisisii 4( lieu*
soteeottog•offibe.- vr "" - 1=• s" ""' .1'
The il l uicentioli
avetietilis on 41t0r•d2ath44.064 sed
seleotect•Oon. -Qumran,- 8054.41.1ez.541.
MeCluos; Marrow li, Lowry - - and M., W.
Xstebtos'oo Oeiratopleoodatisereoluite
talk& DO agate* , theineelieeLbt-• the- es
etosinotket of ‘LitteckW. rltititfloestoobti
shelter" tirirliettaa , If dila:4 of TIM.
adelPbbi.‘and ' Thos. ti.. Cennlitsbton3ief
Bonet oodoty. • The Mit:riot .delegteesito
lialtfretore ate to bit 'otkiiira'bylhe irtfrte
eat diottioto itt initial manner its shill - lie
iletidel tircue by the 'fierti lea* 100.
tin: :I . obtOrstioii; ' of' bleilifielil, is"ltio
electoral Olindidstplor tbill' diiiiisi: " 4 F '
Mr ; 4. Wawa hoboes. rimmed item
a pottedloaderkettip for *Paaitieg
ppettOly of the President at a wetly; of
the Itepublieedassoolitioe - fiere.—lliis me.
itieiertipiiiirege* /kik opttiet'oii
1 0 41411m i 1, * „ T
• The We' :113sosgesiortion State Cohens
tiarrnt llorristerrg endorsed-the *dulcet*.
oration ot•Altratutni latiotn'sithoni *nit
Thty:go Wrenn recant as Sus
taining tali' its :tiertittaton;-lewlet;tmesil,
knivery anAlbip4or' -"
Tu GtudiAintili>Ullooll/ itrnelf itivprfif
the , nreolecition. 4 Mr. Bcofteld to ,Ocin-
nit;s, ,t1(4, - •ft''ErAr. ,
,rebels are. concentrating .. !g :ga
mmo i
n number.ol troops n Virgtani, but
our in niter, 'resident "protete to be' Ptirteicily
intlifiedwith theiVivation!"-All.inhilneeta
munisatiosiss with the , . assay: of the raw*
Aso m 4 with Asa treopcis.prohieliodfor
the present.. We hay!! beer (I,aiev &prop eve
Orlea n s, afi'd.. advice!' froin — Aletantiria,
i Red Riveri—to Antil - 24th, - et which - place
Gen': Banks tbertrivas - and is in *nod pee&
Aim; The rstreishad followed 'our forces
from Grand Rowe, and when,. year cane
river, an cup ement took PiPite in wh i ch'
the rebele are said Co tare fOst 1000 inen
and 9"pieties - of 'artillery.' Our- gunbesits
are - taPsrtea oa': notwithstanding . swild ,
rumors to tbanontnuy.f„ Wo bare pews
of ,I 1 1.0...9civ; , WW in lakansas.
(hm..ll,truisdukis attacked and capturi'd
41,41114 with an sitoOrt:,*after ligtt- 1
Report says he 'kook' 1000 prisoners, '240
Wagons, end 7 *eel of artillery.
Deeds emzer,Griterillas.hadtatety
captured and burned the steamer gas
tinge Mid used into - the stiatner Benefit, 1
lut[ing the captaidand - two' others
The Committee to investigate the *Port•l
Pillow taitohery hirretaken'fiftrtieveride• '
positions; which more than ormerett-the
newspaper accounts of the wiseacre.-- :
Among No witnesses who were,eppined
is the negro who:'* ss buried *lire. There
Is no doubt of the Zint, thit eine 'orlmore
persona were nailed throligh their Aim& -to
pieces otwoOd.and'then burnt aliv Not
onty-Int ; the day of the.. aunimician_were
such flandiskaetspwvtratect, but on ; the
ne# day, In °old_ .
A cavalry ffpeditioli ?rani the. Amity Of
the Potomac returned cni - lionday, after
having visited Lieshirg, - Nectelrhitwo, and
trppervilhs., Near Uppareille a portion of
3losby's ,Us-bandguirstr vine eneenntered„
when. lb short fight _ensued. which resulted
in the, loss tothe Rebels two kill ed four wciunded; arid twenty:three taken
prisoners."• Col. loWell lost thretelnitr-4
Mlle& and-hiur wounded; • -•;
' Newberne advises to April 30thsiontinn
the evacuation of Washington, North Co- . ,
rolina, by order of Glen. Duller, agter
spiking of guns anl destruction of: trukols
property that opus not be• carried away. t
It was .disoovereel afterwards that the
enemy had 'lett for Virginia, leaving , but
wren-companies ia front' of the place.
Great(feral, that Railer. „
-Gene al Banks, jai:official dispatches to
the War Dep!mtinent, relative , to th i s Bed
River campaign , wimits aurprise',iidd re
verse on the 8112‘of April, berclainit that
the betties on tliblth and 'loth *waited.'
in a teatible disashol- to the relief"; and,
were, on the ribole,,a viekory.. to mix. arms..
. A Richmond paper says that provisions
are scarce hi that city, and &ski, the - Win'
people frill ' have to WI hidtritions'
until 3be ooantry-people who lein4,prew,
idoas to Spire shalt kairo hoard of 'th
feat of 'moat's army. _ • 1 ,
The Union troppo have evacuated Little
Washington. 'N. They left there on'
Thuriday last. • • " '' •
Oft ItiindaY the National Gesid orOhio H
reported fir, sods.' dirty under'i the 100,
days' mill, with greater promptness than I
wee expected. ,Returns have beetkreceired - I
front all but 43 'companies; Ind - the - 1
strength so far s 34,914 221011, - which will
be Increased '• to 33,090 bp:ergantaationso
yet to report: , , - • -
Commodore Wilkes has been soniei44:
to a_pab li o reprmand by the flecretery.of
the Nevi attit mow** di:4y for
'three lame, 'for disobedience- of orderly
ineabordleatice: -Miming obedience. bo
gehend order:yea. • . .• . •
• • A, draft to fill op the deficiencies
ezitryt in the follorringEltates.,has been
ordered: lisisachusetts, Noir 'Jersey, Phi°,
'Minnesota:, IContneky and liariratitll.
An order`' thi' daily papers
frier: Gel. Meade to his - troop:4WD:Was
the -probability—end that ftennixliately
of hot woriron the Sapidats..... .•
,To 41 fFes4~alAe .: e
Ia axereizaeo vitt owpaa* rack- 4riv.
" 1 " a or t - 1 °; 41 #1 10118 kyle
ef billt esiarnpatry now eirer4a,
' tee walkaatosie taiebotrisiatirelliekkow
-Wake iie'ue firtis pr. ehielthavi 6eda
1r41140 /6 aeon,. erAenr tha - pomp to
Wpm thus IMMO an. .fafi to ?wend
is a otisfottery Noosatr, *Yee Jae MA of
34)4 . giteir name toiil grieha4cr e Ade.
We - ccre cabled els 'ream ec• Oda OW" . pelsr.
eieg Oarten,4 of • eeti &Memo* Aat Now
rescied a stop orifiasi the prapt. papaw
mot matt at • or eise we. . 4441-itna . eve
nested with As pliblicatkne of thel -1 , 0 Aate
44k fswt!lOw
"il2 y, *An iii ►
rim 'mil:4lo4r ,tepaptrfor
km* it Zwir atai oho might 6i *skid with kiitisg ataxisnimk,
Ow* kb itsiio.suiPititta
AZ:Lw *ilt se 4617 1 as is too !Ito . * am
ise Ilivike_us that 14 i! War - i rk ,
• Am* * /*lid veitaile "Ebawleof*AAtoi
awl *six* waskrak,dowst
041 , NA, 0P,10444; gAIWINW Ale II 4 "'
=de thot qfter Ma &di isilloW
- war k milted wtqaktiwir Isn
animpoiti hi aka sidossiPP-pl UMW% ir
1- fatf . pirlarOmor wt-trewe l
s pills* Mao the fisiowiit alwicw
eanbigh api . arsaiworwiudb!'isfok 12 .
awo ca qv, 44 4 1: vs*
e 4 - 10 sysissi:
iwilwriktaytfai. *gook? INeit4 Meg,
www.wkijisi plow dkotemi
. kr* Mak de ay hut thwawitwa • AV.)
_ inguide, ham .at Ink* lopirip t ta.
4:40 0 4 irnsblip Loft* the ' l 4. tilL "If
Ms DRAFT-. 4
time, is ifidasiag people to tars; their 11044-
(Urn to the abases that have hat wads la
the law oa that subj.* ' , alt which are
t i dli r a , •5. ..
% • • ia L 41
to I iilli ,a, . ~,' . an' quota,
.t . ri ii malt
in a , • . .
liilit •,._ of 1:4• have b‘ett
' iitraished kit
‘ 111301 "--thIPPodairther-* -111 n r inon
the 04 *flag IrilL bi. 114 ( ilis01:1 1 / 1 4 with
-&-lirither /Storms/0 lasilitagastadaw, - sial
%a t kikittiai. ready. sot to; 4alude theta-
ft cep e t. the paetrcettitocey til toestitue ita
4r94.41VP2i. tgirws. l 7,A4 l . felt thik 1 1/e
esistrjt lies set yegariewilm lilif.of . 11...,: Is-:
Atisi %Vibe ittirlie "hoe eenttessett by Bet:
rcititit, w ittO te'vritikilOra,l4osy at. 74,
of the 4dminiettetiop r yt,to spites to his paper
in Philadelphia/0 4 4ft litiw meta. Lthenght
"we were Bali illbeVdolt; et
"present, r.ditil'Algi),(,Wit tOteLeeitlied the
IhellopOmme.elf 94 for.
12971 a1i , 01111 1 1114.014 114144164140, wind , way be
thought efilier„ttestlevreeyeitta t be treefreshl
lug eontrelfs44 - tbeilksitothit i irilteli is eoa';
daintily, piiitett#s:',em they Sy the
mai"tit, At is one of
the warnsest.of the Adablistreties'a friends.
'skid virtu ha the fullasides** Itf Me. Lie.
team, Vii 7 ettietlett; •-tr• tbett , -Atte Itttals
'eiioTe l il roe" i s ibotfisi'tetti,"'iti lave :hail' the
plain'p! myt i oc„ limeng
porters, that it Atilt Are fous4eses AM* of
blood and deeth,•ett • eareesi ,, sad , trial, of
forced miltteiy Werriei ale 0 1 1 1 4 00 M CP I
rather tone - lei - is in Which' 'fiff* the iii eaglet , -
tunes will beANiiiiid" siiiit.,•l:444tei with
doubte and iiAble.eirserity., PLO Itestimest of
a Getman 4eptearposary.inp 00-11asa, 71111 se
more poiotetthesi Arnik , Adtewit , isido , "law
years more Llanelli-hi pons:yeero mere war."
For theree:petrot .Epee ttbp:itie to
the draft, we quote the folloWieg abstract of
the new Pirnis44 osoetstopsrot7
"The new eandienout •bill whim' *ever
been enforced GUM 4141 WSW by , Co Velf
is very aeldit,..ittesiedietk Wanly ex
empts ancla — ae — are relcroft es physleally or
mentally noilt-letrloterltert- Al pumas as
tnally in the mititaryfer aavd swim of the
Oohed' Moo 111 the tiswet she , tarict • tad
peesom who haws werme la thansilicam
ferfk?!. 7. 44 !, diu'in&A.l MAIO
ear end been 'Tionordily dlailianted.,
n' "So' rnieli OttheititrUlteiseed as Presided
4w two itthistek of 03tedortiv1st repiaftd, sed
An. are now: ocasoligated, ,0041 tai wing;
~F.V11!1 4 8 0 4701 4 igt , Prsluil elauor
, conscripts. `
- 44 1!learier ot rirellmeet are required-Or
roll .11: pemosalisblo to draft whom. sue '
may. low bee" • entitled, bay the proper, mug
ling others; all . .pentons If Ito shall ham err.
rived it "the Jigs Of 'twentyYears - batons the
dolt; art Ohms sake dealers their. htiftiea
to . basoine 'eitiseaa ; patois disgorged
from the military Awe* ef fhs
United States,. who ham art bees, la'stok
itrifee two y ears during the present wir,
and air periods ilia 'hare tapes 'fleapied
ander tins perfidies 6f she seseed imam .0
OetEarelleteat hats WA Who Ate egkeltemplod
hobo vorial °mot, the prosost shots.- Perms*
'enrolled mar &Marla nay thee it/hideout"
the draft is teeeptible mbalento who is 'trot
liable, -sad -sash person' thus faraiskieg
-eolmtitntwohall be, toompt.frees On draft area
enteediug the/Arne for whioli ouch rnbetitutee
shill have limn shoe tad.` Asy person drafted
oily, - helve the - thee lee+ for at. appear-.
stile for duty-at the drsftmodesmas fereieh
IhPo l 4o.lo t abie 0041 1 4404. 111 0110 to luck mks
rind reguhaloris as may be preaarfbid toy' the
dehretary of 'War.- ( If 'eel drafted poise
shall hereafter pai*biciaey fbh tits reen foe
et a substitute.. nal". payment. shall serrate
coly_to relieve the poem frost draft .o+ that
001, and his name skin tAI rotati~i of
rot, and he shalt be subpar tolirift
Oat; Oats. sad bhp nauswohallito Maisel as
the roll lac Alling. Attars. gnome. • rai
taehtnee shalt- the exemption of a 4 parte is.
!leacelant of the payment at comeglatlea
nfoifir the Irrheartsg'et a eltiattute "aittes.j.,
Ateriin4l one year; put at the end 'New yam
every molt cam the amitAtmly prisee,se
1 4. 1 aPui Bhs4 r 1)1 • 11 ;tre4 1 4 &Pia, i l%o
'fere returned to, Ili earelbsent'llit'aadeithe
f roitehStis of this seettoyeii • • v. , : ei
- ?he 'bill is exieedingli . aeMrei aid the
"chanties of escape , are fair. The would-be
ifezempta" wilt have a delightful Wilt Wrier
-lag their 'eliding! for'examptiel Whew CIO cos
siorlptlon 'attire set seethe and
itieY are drain imong the • ittity - hundrodi of
other pOor untortnnotes, tumble to pay - their
three kindred. ; •
-CAIIIIOII7 *:gags Du Billief.-2114
itonists of Vamp 'owl undertook to do
eery smart 'risk, it short tie* sgedottrotte*
hipped 1111 - in it. biosly. 1 The arise of the
Courts: the" Mrs. itobsti:lfsesintont, is an
ad Boatman; 1 who ,has -hold, *a- plus . for
roasy yews:. For sows anise be his Weill
Sipe:lsar atfousirs. to- the. Abolitiwaisis; nod
inerhase eudentored, but-without onnii,,A to:
b avo ithrenseeeti by the net. Eliding there
Ole no othetnrsy_of soootsplisking lateirnle•
Joat,"-"qr introduced . bill late the Wain
' tern dot:dein; shs Court of the right it en
ieotiziftitclerter, Whioluit posesessit a spry
ether! lentity'ik.tios Etats, and 6116.4141*
County Otrembusuare, who lappet to be
' Itturiblioans; seleotthet caw. `Thogrossly'
*artisan measure, of intro ; pawed ihoth
iforties With'itet , any oanpusetkeas on the 'part
et:the biajority; and nab as ireetilynipeid
by tlio , fitivernor: The Abolitiouisiiid Yowl—
igo Wore an in high' glee, the Coonts6ksitets
listened to appoint one ear thaw.'wt r. sant
pliee'of the old drier and all 'Oohed Binary.
!La a martins bell." pates it is said uthetest
9. 1 / 1 Pik . l a .111 1 W i ), illa:P*o ° 4i"
of these joi.l,77,6eogusetAte.ortonto be cud.;
denly oheeked. Tits-Court, when it hoard of
flersirtion that het bees inkitaitras angry is
Os' linty inteenoddling with fta:ptirOgativo,
iind' filling "bask on ite dignity; unneraood
ibak.for'thi iiiiterit it boil decided Arr
- lilt Ms 'neater 4 / 4 eke if 7 1ffii were' not
*then disision use gieen; bat it Is
conteteinititin lie }glottal' ,
f # 6 - 6,14
Sat." ar Oa, lataito4lita 1,11111111.
go *dates beta thrash, week ,loolipto of
vilis Blood Pam la Aft boa* of SU boat too
ottory on Oil Amok, tor tiro out ofAtm ktuariol
Amami doll" loii/t *lo4r fa* t *Opt
lota. say, Atka this -mom the, too AO,
.40 tha Wire 'property. Ina tarot
mita* &boat tens haadasii• 104.11414 , 101,
two , kandrod, ot vdtkivais tool 'ellmead 40,
fit lei aialttratian. *• tit *11101,1144'
-bony 114..."1114,1„5mal 1 et..t111411/I°'
Ot oottrotp.aro not tota :trio Utal IN`
.41 4 50 1 4: 61 rslaas t , 0 1 • E F/ 1 0 8
PcisRPRA* Ol -igitbf 1 4. 11 , 4!00.411!5at of ° Yr'. /at
tallliolt, yolu b
pipstudis.wi I.**39v#Nitailt!ii
ctkok. Owl 0mM 1 4 61 , 4 t / 0 4 0 M 11 , 11 .k-i t **
ra die a by rsti i , alp 4
o4Astalikic,444 Mioun WA 40 14
ion* watftiat
lio4 l l#9kliFitAwk4r P v riA l lf,o 4
11 .14.59. 11 AUP, !Mt*.
,_bsiag mak, arhi_ohjapeebiXtiaaiieds• the
Indoositilinkbelf.,9, !opt ! , lrisliph
fonikei 9tiltbss• 9s, 0 f99;441F,14,94,, i ii 69
.849ai Pans is Ma wait! predaptiva,ia.* ail.
ratios:, Thafashaoll Alkyl TA, aft We
ArampailioisoM lowing. la.ismarbjellif—
*NV Pre pint 4)-44 le Wl.**
4100116 alia.-0( NAY !In** 1 1 * -y „
- - CkiAlitiititersillp 'Noticia.
0115-WIDEMIG 14110 'ltieriarpttrebilli
' • — oltboriallfri Marie dflyt. H. Thong Ina Dattil
• lathe totallna of Yootaf, Tibbs% Wert ii Co,
•. the boldooos of ' moindistatiot sodionfog
• sod 061torr-Ware so lioritoroto." nodal. tho lizio
ompoill ,ftWk Sark 6 Wititolumott. Oleo aid Ulu
tom sitWobrafa insfouta` Ina"TOollth MHO;
lttlfo.To„tutdtoo4ll23.o6ka sitd262Boltth Water Ittowta„
-. a. .-, •
... ~,,::t ...., ~. '.. DAI7IO/ 4 MIL Sol%
- -'. ••. .; - ton°.
Notice. .
p . '"ilsit lits It TIBRAU and Dail d
N.,./ Shirk, of Elio, sod WM tam H. wtittakood,olCht•
rAs liwilig
A t t i r e to ftirt n t rfirog, l k . AO_ 8% 1 in
e f .l = a t
-.. Ira fa fiiiroby die.olesolt7 osatoim consent.
promo lidobbpi to sold 'lntl ar i e nit bt r tor l ntorised
tio illi titar s ao===,, t or all gut "debt. of
AMP.. IA . , ..z , .;,' 1. ',• a e• vnitvir. •
, . .„ .. ,„,... .. .
. • ,
~ • , , C:31: TIBIAL 8„
*O*C .._ . . • - DATID SHIM
~ We have estimated the entire oil product
"' --",-.' :=--- - r - '-',` • •:• .:.:-- . : ~ . *sir
—ait estimate which we are eatisfied is within
bounds. Taking the entailer figure se the
yield, and six .. • barrel at the wells ,
ly f h yield of twenty-four
'us , f. Isis, .as yearly yield—eounting
r 1 t . . days' the year—of seven !mult
i:, red imi l' ' only nand dollars: The rea
r, . . ...
.i . . .i . . snap to take up his elate end
W•k• 401M-DPlns-tbl--4'41!-116 bass ei"
will And that, this Blood Farr is now paying
V lose .gut; tarred as. e - ledllitiat_of; dollars,
or ISO per tent. on the puruSseeaa Deep ; add
• ' • ..4.1.4049134-L9 f
- 10:1144.4i, and the'sroonar of the,pfti:obste
i5i M 7 ,.. 4 r 6 . 4 =-...
____..t 9 l u r ai r t , i4in
4114,-vags4,.. .evccellote, !lien aeil,
iStotki irlaki t tillitetiiiti your. 'Sias
, big thlitaaliik ems thing:''. -.- . ..,. 4
4441 1, 441vatiMusto.
".., ~...:;...• . Fano. ler 411alik -•- • -
.. litlabill ill .0111.8.114 tot Ira co.
• 14.081 Ikea Valois_ to :Waxes& about
Stir, laths fawn Como !Ratite, oa tar flails.* Irk It.
12......Thibilmilillik, #1 1 110M1 dansoo woo Ph or Mien
OffsfrwrotitilisSp.testioriaad.„Ajoi. vein
ITU dust proilsity ,k Iran. Wow. tw NMI
- 111111:11114/0/4. 1111116111141 sad. 440tr* semi oat.
• On as Ilin . Wass. . 12isak Is i5....6 Ulan
alla.paßt iMusaatl} :thii.ifook:lit moll
stood, sal 4,4 pasitterel tio be* Ibir 'bap sad grail
Viiimui..*l244. Tralk yuy, - -4, ,riaU mama
, , vicompwiro %kw to nib Meal "o ti =toinitia,
1110Wilia• time IfM!or gliek fbitho t of the
. #l , * *I . AZIIIIEL MOM;
Cook Y. 0 . UN go., Pe.
1 ; ..,,a0,74.1. 6 . • , ,
14 . 1 "....10•40 - Bondsi,
- itig:Bobei:Olate'Aitattea: under the
• AL4 of Controls et Korth Ith 111140/Wiek peotidar
anitalideistfett rhdsr Mete- -eat Aran balitl6llfor
ly or- elem aseestamos amalepel
aathonty_. _ Paboortptlono to Ibroo Bonds ate 1.011iT04 In
' , VON& nteerellOWO er rioMe arlitati•est .Basks.- ?by
lee TO int wittowsisoill COMO Ittorrytimmtro of no
licroettmointoitatt Vetoes* few OM too ewes... tams
ftiaCllltteao %Mk* toter eel men their redempttcm
P:11475111111T , MU et PAID IN CoLe.
la leads et lei ewer lariats asanally sad
/bother Reads meat annnallys The botemet la pay-,
able ea tie pet dap of Ilfaireir and fleptenitee w oath
• lahnenall 140 roostre Other Itegisaved or Compost
•Ilkledarialterf ashy giroht,' Rogleforei Saadi areissord
ed is Ilia boeltegetbo 17.• e. Treastnir. awl ?ma Imo Meow
ilhovoluollret to - Ireseeti Wet. Coupon !sods are
payable to the bearer, tad' no TOOT* taitieutoot lee eon
eabmihere to,tate Man wall hare the option guying
theighomfoireftlintetit Oft /WA lay by plug the
menet tabonat wool& (or to Vatted "tits* note% or
thoaotavittatietrel Asks. edits( My • par anat. for
mai at azt e g roorire i tra rsi dm a rr oc lomAlte
• --ZlMPthelli kite Tinalbils
their Islas Is laves*" tram Poe to Vireo- her ant. per
easimik asiotdhaf to the Teo eT ash 'Metre la various.
parts at the taaatry. 'At tho promatritoof potradara on
Pia !MI Ps/ .
tit darreoey, and are or mai eroreatence aoapertisoeit
ackaripepkralaree.. •
, IR 01110“1 1 0 that ao monrittee tie- so Wad anent
mate to Mild to the Tula sa ciesoribtto44 -or U. 'P.
toted.. In all other forms of tadebtodons; iter, ,filth or
itilikreEptrote pestles or oink pompon* or, orpookto
aratenealthse only to pledged for rap moat, wht+6 for the
fete area' trattedittatse thi whole property of the
la holden to ?owe the payment of both pried
is Peat- . r • •
. 1 0 1 2 beinehreribea tivr- ia- nos from 00
-1110 411 r ia ir l r t h lt t=ash ig = " m "tbu =abl ad s t
ey east be converi ea tote money at say
111M140. WI the holdaeoll blew the benefit, of the fa
leralt. • _
-lemtpliamontil to Marfa tate eaeotectios that the
total Poodoe neert el tbs Vsned auks ceirbtett laterret
s safe to gold. gm ths-Sit dty et Nandi, 11% wt.
age. tto twberee% eta thus debt faeotto wining
1 1 •11 1 1.202171 111 Sebtle iibowletowit ressme
• neat least year, Whit Jew WI,
1 .` has bees so tar at the rata of rarer 111110,000,100 per
siMbedeas that eves the present dolt reveassis of
thaSsesnuesat sty lentl,y to envie of %bows Os of the
Ineselter tartish mama of vest iatenid, while es to
esatideresst of the tang CU doubtless Woe the Ismael_
sesllolllkeee sisieles en the mate sweat of larporte-
Or m i=111,10"120 set imam
aa to the.. limiter& Basks sating se loan
aseShe woes ape maid stoa . Cubed Slaw treasury
WM Match SS, that la the Out throe wines 02 April the
=tow avenged noes than UN MILLIONS A
Aelestpeleseakll bereeskwad by the
Artrst National Btu* of Erie,
art by all National' Basis( which are depositaries of
Mac aessigr.. sad iIIidrICTABLZ. RANKS AND
1 1 1=1111111 thrattithl the ociaatry s ( meats
of tbelfallosiglprptel es hap Basks.) will actrog
ferideb hutbar
laferintfoi ea • Tfeitiore sad AFFORD ItirtßY -
'O tSlt - • saw bum%
Beideres Gray & Faded Bair & Beard
FOi ud 1116.
.11,0eforee the Color.
' Erediektes: . - I)e.Oritfr.
- C1,1114411 Iit*CRATINT.
Pron:atm ifs Gowth.
- •
. Prevanta its Of t
Lissa urtegallited Dressing
Li good tor Children
, c ; c4 4. ^i+.diee
. lilE4l3ll b ATTik f c" ll I'99*s
• rerfeetly Haimlesa.
CIiAICA'S /IR9 T OR4I/ 7 8 '
to not. a Dye.
- • - --- —Beau ilk* 4he Hair
, d itu e s i t iar r yi l iterw_biakers.
CLI:B115 - , 14 .... k -Cu l eua 11 " lel oarSßESTOrAlg
40401 114141 " 134-
Rem; Cool.
IsTensb' lit aimlA.
containago Sediment.,
ITOA RESTORA Contains no Go-L
TIVE. ru k 7 lialt:
. ,
- - - _ pierreitoo fOr Parties.
- prlpAree lT4 you for Bslle►
•• • • " • - Ladies seed it.
dams BArroialvs,
• Ito Medft_iii do !Went it s
CLAIM a rt,
ml"te rft lk‘ S e tati4.oo...
LAMM a OCk e 21GM6 . 4111111U51 :
rifil - .OYSTERS
.1140,3W41 nomiting, a daily.
llarait=a= 41 ,
a2La tf es, iya l area'
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DR. WE88.1 1 41 1
._ or torrato, dr. T.
11 abOo Martlre
-trove litt=euglat ParV;wir Orr 15,
to treat satoaswall, by
Inhalation Of 1
la loatllv N d One%
Wow" tam *art*, U Ow Vox
Arlo. wow Ott mitou t awil It.. ;
watt whiab u my duos laaestort.
Colds aad Oftweildgoi4 k a kat of.
I tooth,. fly the lobular; Glow
dor es7goidoad
wa & paned, •
Ito Won the
• few uladatatratieor Oahe at7gva
UM fellaidas sz wo.,
ai It
Pelpitatioa;diralat t : g leary,
evotatlathawAreas oirale,
Nerrousuata trove whoever 'sass, V'
Coors, Salt Mow, trolpelea,
itch., Contylautto, Ent tlity reeesSe
kiades sad la tot, au avow ?eV
the geed.
Ws trot we Imo old vough' la eon
eepitleal Wad oohs elloam of the oryreel
remedial mot. sod to induce the ta.cied
atm at CoI4IILT oasesad-t tatoA TION troatateat.
memo? VISIBLY drawn from the pram
Valuator teatlawntiala haat prveavocat
Tort sad Ifrooldro. The am boss susiv
taco p sist to seta at his moos.
Wass boon Small la. tot p•ta.
Itewembor the Aare,
A kp:bAgeat tot Ow NW of Dr Twillonmel
ed US paps, fa ltuasobat.—
(Sae:moor tti L H. 8mIelt)
liv'sozzsazz AND lig
1 el
I i k re 1
• "TILER?.
E. R. sutra
The attauttea of the NWle to bodied to
tAa Canotat itata sad Ptah attests, .14.
tilted up to headman' Style, and to
_ belemod tit be one of the pleueaust
lad all kinds of article* usually kept In a
up to eaatemoa in a .pulerd oat
BR PET et.
as Bar ht supplled with the
Cao/01181 1 LIQUORS a
Beath" that sty arnatiemsata wi
to give euttleiaetiett, I fauratttegY
- otatureattY.
• Administrator's
A,/ lupine too rested to the
tats fli Jobs Fosurt. doe% lido of 1
Go.. Ps.; Notice Is hereby eves to
selves inctobtod to said scats to nuts
tient, sad those barbs; swords Wad
present to tne,properlz satnsatlteut
- 7RT TOO ,
Desirable Property fc
as Privata Salo tb. Now aad Let
pied by AMMO Lytba ea 11.ftb Stmt. r
ltie haunt Is • two.atoty bus •
ran adapted toy a hoes.
Also.. Lot on MIA St, behrsea
Ala lay.
C ball-lot on Math atm; bit
Foamy* to J.& Lytleirititot
Farm for Salo.
THE undersigned offer+ for
r„h• lath of fobroarl ant. 1111 71
4 6 . abstaining osotiandr.d and tatty Lam,
ono hundred urea improved ; eta Want
ibmitood forartosiSaingsoordissid
Wasted 7 Idiot tram Iris en tits
road. if not irlid by the above go. it
--- teas. J.Ls
Ur._ for Sale.
MHZ sussci _Aft OFFERi
.g. at /MI Nutancialt. a timirsta
bor. nth Ida u
SCIANTLEIGS. Ise" Sa ;at the loud Cv
' lorgagt l 7 141801•44*
THE Subscriber has removed h
at Grow* from the stead Om t>N
Depot to the room la the Mich block or t
maw et rtr,rth, ohm he oat bo MO?
friends and enstniam sad VI their orders •r
OM* of Gates:rip is large mid rattan, as
Med at the WWII rates eampietiet with Ws
8. tutu ell tae mot at Gambier it
- ii Wiwi" 164 DuIMO e
eitocsarOß GRUM COD.
At Intim, Wane emelt
TIM balding pi et Vim with • Mg.. ,
aWeeM D W th i e L SLtaMO 11 m 04 n 75 d 111 . ah
Sot putlealus, Wane
tobrttf. Trey'
SPring & Summer
sow wan= a nu .23001
namu►st.. LID •ILAWI
arm AND 1/13110
wincas Rua, as sow At
vritoLzsl,LE Oa RS°
coup u aortal
_ Joss 0..-
A Asepootabi• F 1
urANTlNG.cogrorto k. ;
I:stivitbitsihiessissoniusa Ois ri•
111,2610 6 .
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