i.SSGIULASIVISSAVOID. eating sag drinking, now habits olani predate) ineguleettise in the viral health of the ',stem, B u t Bain, Di eat snot: cure, the stomach will retrain its and a healthy Kelton of the system wall to re d pre ll~ Manes ere elust In usefulness to the / • BILANDRETIPS PILLS, ,NirtlETll44 t.TNIVIt6.SAL - BALY6, AND •I.I.COVWS 1'011.0138 PIASTIIIIII. wir issoo; the Fire locums@ heA a box of Bran. by Pills, abo of pilierttl Salsa sad an Mica* 3„,rneloiruto t in their tiny saki tree of expense thli fact may be attributed the absents of any Of ~prosat from the hospital. ro t s o'dter should have • box of Brandrith's NUN& •ISalve sod' a piece of roma/ Plaster. they are be axial, often life-saving. by pr. 1.. Brans°, Erie, sod by all raapactabudmi. 04 Tii iT lit:119, ‘olnet the ru es or 17..ste ant ileantr In theft , I . oe lois *1 ell their entor, inq be changed in t 1 to Any' U F: 'XII Mi. AII ADE, bye tine • ~...,•,o a - n citt ATAvoito s 1141111. 1/111. ~ „ , y , p otty ~f its "peratt n. rerfeetairetr;pstrninent 4 ,, i Ltt2l ,fr e t, and the exding depth and richness el ef ~ ,b , ,,,„ , t oop•rts, distio Jail this preperatton (rein ot y., pro in use in this country nr In Mare ps Cii•andOTO'S Zi a r 'Preservative, ~. 1 . ~I 4, „e t t „ the ori, in drew et sad promo', the ~,,,t h and perteet 1 ealth or the hair. , sad of 1.. h ," a" +Java , a aO'fitard that protects the 9 from d..cel under •Il circumetancee and under:CY vilsetare.Pby J. CRISTADOIIO, Ho. 6 Astor goons, pert. 5..1,1 by all Drugalata and applied by all liar , oprl4l.m. . V KM;TIAN LiNlafilaiT, lies given universal istist.etion daring tos fouls gists tt bu been introdiscsel into tug Unated States. tcag, ingl by milliene, tt has been pose/aimed the deetroyee of the world. Pain cadent be srbere this , Len t is applied. If used a.; directed it esaant sod er h ie hied in a 'thee latt&Illefl. For Colds. Congas intients, dean% be beat. One 25 emit bottle wW the a bove, beside* being nsefol in every faintly ac cidents, Inch as burns, eats, seeds, insect .n;a, k. li i; perfeetiv innocent to take interne's . , d nubs given to the oldest person or youngest child. "rice 25 end 50 c, sits. Sold by all druggists. Oflior, '..attandiSf.r.st, Sew York. aprla-lrn. 41.1.0 W two or throe b. , gsbendo of "Rocha," "Tonto Bitters," ` t , nraaparlin," "Nervous Ant.l. s," ke., ke„. ke., and after you an satislod with the It. then try one box of 01.1) DOCTOR SUCH aN'S ILI U : PFCIFIC l'lLL‘t—and be restored to health rigor in Icss than thirty dare. They are Tritely !sole. pleasant to take, prompt and atlntary In their is on the broken down and ,battered oonstituUon. sod young can take theta with advantage. Impor ani sold in the United Ntate4 only by JA.3. BUCLRII, elation I), Bible House, New York, General Agent. Iddrest on receipt n( -pries— mrlo,Tru. p S —A box. Pent to MIT tett IA Ou Dollar BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dasinise Cards Inserted in this colams at the rate of and Fire boilers per year.) oll!t1 11. MILL, 4 It, Ctrl Runt rtirc, befog many plan Ceenry sync, le prepared to : , urrey or make Plana or Map; .a En•Cortatr, Pe. Office in Common Council Room, right's Block. cpr23.64.-IX. is D. WA I. KEN, if FoawAir.rnso AND COllMlB.9lO`l VIECRA.ST, P. Wanthove no Pulfin Doak, Zast Corner of .its Stmt. Ahrn,• Irtler In Col. Flab, Floar, FAst.r, Water tun. ' Le. N. ii..-f,articular attention Till De i cir..n to the llecetring and Forwarding of Petro. learn Olt. Crude tad kikined, to all parts °fibs eatatry. spriTattf. L I run° BENNETT, ri Jrwrinm nr 1911 Pesci. Offtee second Wayne llloct, French Street, between Fifth and Junel6-2. rl PIERCE it: I)Eiteax IN •LLIALNDB OF BAILDIFAIII, vd Manufacturer,. and Jobbers to Tin and Copper Ware, corn.r of 9tb andl Stet,. Ste.. Erie, Tt, • lebZ7l4tf. fr .. 0. L. ELLIOTT git SON, Derriars.—ollice in South Rrar, P. All'work 11111711 P. rimrl s tf..l 0. 1%. Fu.torp. T. J. Ekt.to TT QINCL 11t'24 LIGALSIOII PHATOORMIL GALLIUM, , rnuelKs Block, brie Pa. janl6'l34[l. WILBUtt, ATTORNI:I:3 AT LAl'', Ridgway,. Pa ihrtiod. in Elk, Sickest; Cameron apt! Jefferson WWI J CtiA LjauTVl34-11.3 • W. W. WILBUR. -a CLI. , PROPRIETOR. INfORRISON HOUSE. aircotid and Market Street.—one square cast of ,“ u'm Exchange. Warren, Pa. 3 t. 161-47. 01. E, - O ,, mc Ells DER, I:LAY( notly MAY 137•01410311„ 41 •tory of Itirideinecht'o Wool', Erie, Pa. ti. CUTLER. ATTOICIXT AT LAW, Eris COOLity, C.lleetionn sad other btailllM attended to wt .3ptuese and Sfepeteh. P. ENNIIG:v), Booeset.t.as. and Dealer to Stationery, Yel . Paper, Magazines, Newspapers. Country dealers applied. store under Brown's notal,tronting the Park. .016'e2tt. • WIWIPON PITTIN OTT'S DAVI el, Arroexiers Al LAT, Cheetbul Wet, Me ' s(11111e, ea. Feb.ls-37:62 jW. WETM 0 Arrolorrir AT LAW, In Walicees O 6 flee, on Berrynth street, Ible, Pa. tug T CBo. plummy. T DINT'S?, Boattjoi Bloch, North olds of the Put, Mato Crest, Erie, Pa. • aprlVl3 LEVAY.Ert Z 1110T1Els, ~ • Fteneb street, between 4th WI littrstreeta, ssar tbe Phlladtilptda A Erbi Ball road Depot, Erie, Pa., Louts aboetoaker, Proprietor. Resistive aceonsmodas tios for rtraaget and trarrlers. Board by the day or Beek. Good eta ling attached. apr•A'63tE EDI? BORO BREWERY, G2OBO a %Urea, PeOPRItTOIt. the Beer manufactured at this establishment has °b itted e wide reputation. Orders solicited iod promptly endomers ordering by, the quality will haws it eelyered et the door. Imola Cann. Oet2r63-1y • A LIEBEL do 8R0T111311., ralutioawax "rAmolui and Arnie for Planar & Kayser's Patent dewing Machines —the hest In nee—State Street, between Bth and litth Sta., tn., Pit. Clothes made.to order in the Anent style. isyni343% • J OB" C. 13$11Bit,' DIALR/111.17 DRY GOODS, GRIXIIIIITS, Croektti, nerdattle, Nails, Glass, Seed, Fleeter, ate. (e)r ef Steth street and Pubtle'Squaresyrie, Pa. 19.17tf. DRADY HOUSE, 4 JOHN BRADT, Propriptnr. COlllOl o :tate and Third Streets, (iskumilately fronting the Cap troll hanitbarg, Pa. Terms reasonable; acecontoodation .Tal to the best Hotel in the eity, and the Bar ales& , CT [it .1 with the choicest tignow. feb23-3S. I DUEL L H M. CART% 1J Ilairrracrrmala of Stem lloginea,Boilara, LA Gearing, ,figainaltaral hippie/rook Railroad Cam ,r.rie, Pa. tV E. MAGILL, I Dzirrisr °Mee In Raven.' E -e. moat. staTh tide of the Paes, Erie. Pa. Wlll. A. GALBRAITH.. ArraliNUT AT LAW—Ofiloil on thltnnA, "AY aPPosit•tki•Conrt Hansa S. a. S? LACER, SELMER MARVIN. SPENCER & - ItEARVIN Arroiolias sr. LORS AT LAW ()}TICE, Paragon Block, near North W•st Corner of the Palle &mart.. Yrie. J C. BURGEMS & CO.. • Wzoissels Dketaks fa Geocastek Aso a.vrawes, State Street, No. 7 Bo¢nell Block. NEW MILLINERY coops Tll,-, MISSES M'GRATif Weald most respectfully annonnue that thaw are non in their new Store, BUBB'S BLOCK. EAST SIDE OF ITEM PARK, And have lug opened t very large STOCK OF NEW GOODS, DIRECT -PROM NEW YORK CITY I Zushmehig everything In the MILLINER X LI NEI re vhteh they WM* the ateentlee a the Wks el LAB end ettinity. - •- - - Having seleifikll their stock with the greatest we, suri 11 , 44164 d tor oust, they feel conOdent they an maks It tO tte , advantage elan to gtto them their custom Paaricctan Arra:mon given to Dpetag,Ttleach• ins avi Pr ming. apra . Beer Notice. OR I NG - TO THE GOV ERSXENT and iztyt e Licee ft e, the increased Lb:merriment fax to ea. dollar per each barrel, papable.ooder oath. In sash, the large Cult Capital barest/4 In our B swedes, the loereaaed pr‘ees at labor, hops, malt, bar sy.toal, soca, fie, at., the undersigned Mann4ctuirrs and Resat. ere al grle, are compelled and hereby agree to Sell only for Caql, to raise the pries — of our COMMON or BRADY Ciß BEER from air to e Yen dollar, per barrel, to 1111101• fah entirely the 'patina or spending or *specie inune7• and enmmiastms cra hales it 1•14 beer; and la ow!. . farther and lee:reseed tarattos, the pries atilt have to to 'Ward to eorreapotot 'llth said additional tax. TUG atreeraent to be faithfully adhered to to all salsa dada 'et Hilo data Waimea oar bends. at Rite, April 16th, A. D. 11144 JOIN KNOBLOCH, WI I. J &CORI, JaC4B WE-intik TIENTICAVALItaIk JACOB Itlta%Elt, CIIVA KORHLKII, A. ICING. GEO. Egg; • Mrs. Mle, per CONRAD. czo ; s Saddle and Trunk Business! • • Stephpn Erhart, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER in CI styles of Ranieri, &Mine, Bridle% Callan. D. !wan Mo ill a,d tea; Tallses, Traveling Saga, ete map! noien NO. ONE PERRY 'BLOCK, A Aare diat.soto NNth of his old *Lod on ALM* rarest. ?tram tee the patronage hithorta wands* kr Ivlsa, lo s TrettuU relic:Ha • orpotinoaammt dorm promptly to ord*. eght itrit obl'server.l , ATORDAY, 30,4864' Special Notice& • \ t~ We deeps to obtain • weereePesehese • township tea weesty. Palliest amp wesew la abocullanee ; what we want fa the local awitteyr eU Parts or the *meaty. Any person writhe, to eta 014* peed on haricot his tarns keptotriatly'esalkiesdiell.iiet lib* hag tease that the aoneetouteatime to set iiMl* .shape far pablleatinn. we will pot it to appreitta434s. Er Cite suatertibers. &erred lay earlier. will beeharged twentreve Note per year salmi. Peracrete . .lo fan 1. florin theirpapers regolarly will coder • &vet. tur: wea rying as of the Nuns. We prefer to have an IItbICIUMNIN who an oeneveslently, procure their paPers at the' leWee of publication. 19 Th. boar at ohteh the Oloover bleat to prop, 44 each week La 2o' as Friday eftetuome. ' ddeittis•- sonde will be ed up to 9 Oslo& of Übe day adt• Fab. !intim rr AU Advertisements, Job Wort sod Itobilrigooi Iron peroons whoir lisposealUtY is aot kaua 10:th• publishers, trio Sepal de elleasee. OBSRATIM MOM TIC USPAKS. - Six months for one - In order to give the Oassaysa acwidele circulation as possible during the ifiporo , tent Presidential, campaign poori,tcrii; we have decided to teae subscriptiope.fer the period ef six months, from endi:idter the Ist of May. Subscribers can com*9oe at any date they desire, and the, •impair will be continued to them the full period of six months, end • be promptly disoci• tinned at the end of that time, oidels other directions are received from the'per. sons getting the paper. The rates will be proportionateli the same as we now charge to reguhm attend hers, and in all cues the money must . ac company the name, unless thelattee is sent in by some responsible persoe,Witti whom we are acquainted. • ' We urge our Democratic friends to et ert themselves to increase the circulation of the Observer. We should liki.tabe able to double our present subscription Rothe tween thii'date and the first of November, and if the Democrats of the county but da *their duty, we are confident of being able to do so. What say you, gentlemen!. It only requires one new subscriber;to be obtained by each of our present on to accomplish the desire. liirawrsu2--A young mss who bat gradeatiod from the Iron City College, and who eitii'give the best recommendations as to capacity .1d integrity, desires to obtain a position is, bookkeeper or clerks In a store. Apply .to the editor of the Observer. tf New CARO OS ?RI URI 'SEAR' ROAD.;— The Buffalo & Erie Railroad Company, the Buffalo Courier says, have recently completed and placed on their read sin new 018* They were fiuilt at the car shops' of the load in that city, and are beautiful specimens of workmanship, with raised, doine 7 like roofs, and greatly improved in all respetun.,., They are wider than any cars previously run. on the ,read, and are, in fact, of nearly the seine width as •the New York ft•Rtief broad-gauge cars. They are intended for the through travel between Buffalo and Cleveland. NIRIPAPSIIS.-We have received the first number of a new Democratic paper from- Shippensburg, CUmberland county, 'Alkali. Valley Sentinel. It is edited by *Fut. Ken nedy, Esq., late of the Chambersburg Paltry Spirit, and besides being ably condi:titled. prey Bents a very handsome appearance. The see-, lion of the State in which it Is 'printed Is famonc for the liberality with which it sue tains its papers, and we doubt set this np candidate for the favor of the people will be asliberally supported as its cotempolaries in the same neighborhood. The Oil City Monitor has beew enlarged, an* C. P. Ramsdell, Esq., formerly of the Prank. lin Citisen t has become one of its editor,e.- The paper is now Republican in politics. I= VIET Maas.—The Gnats extracts fear paragraphs from a communication which ap. peered in the last Observer, and bpaix pub. lichee them in such a manlier as tiventituly misconstrue their meaning, ant:then his the assurance to add _ some roldicious _com— ments asserting that, the writer is nol to be a citizen of the North, and "should forthwith emigrate to Jeff. Davis' dominions." We presume the public is to accept this u another evidence of the "high :tosedo4Srse ter" of the Gazette, and of the "triediaa tram personalities" which is the boast of Malone. timonione editor l We are' net avail by 'what. legal name the distor tion of a newspaper ar ticle, so as to alter * its sense; is known, but this we do think and we are quite free in ex pressing our belief, that the nun who voila be guilty of such _s 'course, for any motive whatever, and especially for the petty one of damaging political opponents, is afeistier and a slanderer, deserving, of ,the eentempi of all good 'citizens. This is plain language, It is not one-half as plain u sre tattled to speak soon, if the source which luurelleilid it, does not cease some of its contailptible charuteristica. . National Salton , Pair. ; In view of the , gigantic and noble ifforis of the "Sanitary Commission". in hicl.oflbe &i -dlers of our country, In this her hour'ef it his been thought by some that, the slakes to sympathy tied support of equally dei' serving - class, : the Wort of our ?hist ani Merchant service, have been too little re membered. It ie therefore proposed to mike an effort in their behalf, by providing a Home for the disabled, where is additiobr, the comforts which that name implies, thilteteY enjoy the added relation that their Misabls services' to the country are lik,ROggilia. L b t i,! grateful community, who arm &epees* in way to express their interest in their Willere.• In accordance with this suggiellhi;, it ls\ r=e - d to held a Petrie November next,. in Mass., sd i a cad is liberates% unde. on the loyal and patriolle owe sad lie 1 our land, • to aid in the 'good cameo breestrl., I button, either of money or maths -tithists' and utility ; and it is 00144014 y. Whored' that the subject, seed only to be Weight he fore the public, to enlist the sysepttby iced cooperation of all. Contributions can be seat to lies. Jehii ft.' Dotes, 98 Chelsea street, Chartestownof4+l.l, Mrs, Tho*ts B. Lambert, 100 dielbehurest, Chariest l orn, Mass.; IdnOleteeedo:s a reelle ML Pe on at., Charlddown,, Hrs. Peter H ub bell , Idonitatent Bq., Cite,r Horse Maar. - John A. Bates, Paymaster U.S.N., Treaeur er, Navy Yard,' Beam ; Mr.. 8. Hooper, Secretary, 94 Shawl:int Arenas, Noetoe. ' April 19, 1864. _ We pabliiit with pleasure the ohs,. siren. ler, and wonid express Our s earnest eympstki With the truly patriotio'ind . biniiolent object for which the ''National Ballotsitar, 4 1.10 be inaugurated at Boston, sent iinSainbeiv ~,j on 4 Erie win doubtless contribute mandl4o4F this occasion. We poems the s?lett 'AV stades ea the great Lakes, and Minton *p pm:lto the Calms of the gdiant, ignore of our nAral and mercantile aisrinetfthe- gear 'minis support of an their • feiloirigtikeuls, in tit's noble efort.to estabilsiii iiierieto the "Weary and worn"' Veterans,: who :Oh. ex pioded their strength in their osanirreiser. vie,. - The auks that Dianne 44 01 L is moot Dakota aboat la • atualqiiiirik° L. I l i.a ii;t ; , 43a.iPilikfiiiis tut YoCzusait The following editiri*L i article which appeared in the Buffalo &plus of May,l2th, 1862, liiiliiielsTiifiaU eompacisea wit* the abnu;.qtApplq; Aqplellnalwhich daily sippeare in that paper at preeent ftfi e ;i 64'14 has been'the target of all clime of wise mei in and out of Contredet who had discovered in him an imasecaltall. gaiklitlee QUM tiell/JlMa,men and a sagacious and elk tient gptpigt i l u ilfpc/stien mucosa bore ah equal measure of censure, ridicule and shuns with the same spirit-4_ fortitude Una forbeari• once that has ehelacterised him throughout. He has not itoSPOt fOitnie . Moment to defend or palliate his conduct, but with in ss angle to the'ivbed ehif6r.atichilikilti GOvevausent and of closing the lwar with the least possible sacriffeetifVfasiti we; be hospitals& forward, relying upon hist pwa,qchievementa to vindi cate his integrity toad ability. Ile has had to , eivcoptslanoes -the meet ember. Tai i g,aifd 'llisheirteilie and' yet 'he Las neves anuseuvedier fdashad from the great purpose of his helrt. But steadily he labored on, in the htf.4114 - ff eiPtitition of - deserving • le:it• rreitigin else preset of hiesountrplains. " It is but ebasion week '}ac, (fen. McClel lan feu& himeelf . l prepared to groipple. with 10,:eleneMAtir„;AsChihalthillatter of the Oeifederatenrmpof the Potomac itontsmi, fry. teterelbe power Of his Urns. *effecting fee laolr .after blow, until rebellion appears to have yielded up all hope-is-that quarter of again tnekitiga stuCeseijot the Government.- In the ilAilleritEryini 'toiled engem, without a dbipeoiLLniAelee, thanking Generel kl'elellan for " the display of those military sectreimpertatit multi with small awake 'et huntattlife." It is doubly .gcelgyiligp.too,,tclll64 this reolAmlon emana ting from ampng those 'who have regarded Goa. ,MuClethat'i ;caution at eCwardlee and hilletriiAdtaitolly which veinal, entitled to ridie a, essispromptly supported by that clasi last_ ,reeileo. It 'hone that betel eon quilied bigi molai bioth in frontend rear." ,Tna is a very pa. i4e' r iniiiiiiiPers Litt tie truth. px,e payef.#7,(aol one of our ,enOlianges says) a very tall, soars...looking, awkward girl was %MUM& to itala"Miset-Arawing a little wagon containing a ohltdi "Hello, my girl r' says archapin nemeti Hof reograits. mfou'd • mate a first-rate soldiar,4 •you only had a pair of brtotobeg t;:„ .101.,a better not tilt to me, you impudentfellert Ryon do, I'll call the pollee!". num*."Hotly, tatty, my dear do g beeraid l otmcf shan't carry you off f tf %eys chap' ifter iecrults : 'bat loix*ltij*Onl4. Make it good soldier, .and Patin el rn The tall pl_ald nail the police and accused "that recruiting feller" wit eniting The offior after looking pretty sharp at the'tall gel, conoluded to take leeilittiiluitodiiiistemi of the man who in— gulled her. She Was found to be a tall boy in Alsolia; *lo,'bi f rsiciiim the draft, had turned TentvAleitl,S . bittt kittnielt mit as nurse. At the Mice Conti he got so frightened at what tiee iefOple . pita l blew then he with iotwuy cm— end itnon,in?,ia way to Washington. Ammaoure.f..A* traveler, setting out upon :a kakcjaaeasyylosuindlot upon the road by ours, msetiffs half giown puppies, which came out from their kennels to bark at him as he puirea :fle;afttur dismounted from his hoitiet,i 'rive them beak with stones and Mttok places !This operation was repeated every day, and sometimes as of ten as twenty times a day. The consequence Witt; that...toots • that!: half the ;traveler's time wu Unearned hi chasing dog' and puppies.— At last he walioVertaken by a neighbor' who wu goinithiUme reed, but who had set out a Lenta thneatiechka:: the latter traveler wu very pooh surprised to And the other on his 3ourney, en d os:heizing. the reason, "Alas," Wit% ' , Alt taissibie, yo;thsve tut yourtsse and Trotted your (strengthin this idle occupa ilont These um's, "minutia have beset me all along the'roi,d, have saved my time and we: active of their barking', while you aute . )Ort pears ia,resenting indult" which did you aclh,#"l, , and in chastising dogs and puppl".nhase manners you oas never . „ At'tr i it i tf i fit IdaY. 7 ...The' nay number of this hiaguine confine the following articles , : A cruise out Lake - Pagoda , by Bayard Taylor; Wet-Weather Wort; by lk Marvel; The R4e ry.preeileziptlltierteas Hueimams Head; The New England Revoration of !the .Seventeenth Century, ; Some Account of fbi P.IMY 144 ii a 014 Bachelor, by A. Dtem Tert Buow , llLest, by Ohm. J.Bprague; The ilold:Egelds of 'Nova &We, by Arthur Gllnt e ali? tifeqh the Sea Weide; Bold, Hair, tegend of liarolc, - by Hobert Browning ; -C llllsl *- 1 1 1 9A 1V Or , !'"#.;:T••• ' I4 IM Girl Dying, Vtit oAft otyresh Paint Leaves, by T. W. Pareekiie; Tiletitn, Part I, by Harriet g:'l6r4g*.T.lTeN. bT Win, Winter; Haase and Home Papers, Part V. Hating up the Fiie,R by Haririellieeoher Stowe; Be enlisted; Thefreilign*ilititten ; Reviews and Lit. er 4 .7 /SPLIFe.Ii• • • I Motinitit*. Ammon— , Dsugerielp jteat.' Crsik's Bletite Litastaii.”- - • ~:2: ,bagettly 94549. ,• ' - I , Maiagiall* 110. -• . .., S o " Iftllol , e." . 0 ':, . , : . • .'ltfiutil ' siiluitori ..Lyzies4l ;ratty._ • • ' •Inestrste4 ergs Doei!r. *-71144isAndnitirgis. 7 “Iseidente . in My Life,'' by Home, the CATO brsted Medium. - - , apitisi6V PitittOnfBlifities. -oAnCetbennesmeorits as soon as issued, at testrilsber'nretalllrfoes.; One sa . ortmentpf Albums, WaM Piper Plreloard Patterns. &e.. ka, by • • • •1. Oatiswirr, • MoOnnanT & Co., Poor doors east of Brown's RoteL - www • . ultiOlt has been floathig About on the sea of weirspaperdes; or some ainte,Paat k l.iffe • publish.: by requell.- It Is a oapitol.hlt., and will probably be relished- by nearly all Who rend it, .but to be eaadid, we mast say; Lit we do not approve of the too , Miii4l4: l 4olox iiaradill% ratboal dam- Wilma ty • , • " • Allemms•nikesliw fathrr who art 41n- Wasidaiton, Undo Abraham be thy palm bokdotut at the North us wan I at the Bosh ; give u thus day our daily re.- tleiVetWirwitr hird teak, and forgive our, short-comings as ;re 'forgive ourAinartertaas-; I toes,..for r thise lithe Power. the soldier. ,and I theettiveirrir the epaoe of three years.:-Aineu:' I , OIIWAIDINO AND Coan.L-Navisatiosent thi + - •ll,l l 4i.e'sf,„fpily Open, and we netble?hal. D. B n & Bons have extended their fse4l4. ,ties and; intend increasing their coal bole to a consideriblWeitint i•vir last year...o-11* will Oft their.eopeeialwiteatiou4a )4'4 Avilliblit iroOdsby "anal, flutilskie palatal sties to the sans. Wo ientlemea as prompt builaele tea, sad: for chain a liberal shire of pat . 7. • • t i • At Port AlloShollY, PArit JAF.Arbrilfr.!ttfanaoll?r oooo doo Too Plo# 1 10.To! kt!nuP to, f*ilVihild or Mr; ilMirMigoifos phea the bridge Pre frois sat posiipitatbigthe moaners bit* the - r, loother l 'lNlVlAobiteg to Ur. Moore 1 wis her with 'three of his brother's, elifl l &r. an :.i?iiiimtrp other lives irire!lok bfetliit gtjaariedi, e (6S i dbad.st)tir leaders for gas at the aresbook stags" •• • Loefdr PAlOGltAls.tisi 11 • Letterttress Bt. Potorolairg Buda that in thr i ll southern Prosiness of it ilargiiiitent of tawdry has bra utappitl," /Man Very AIM - iis t gi4ea hilt& 11114 .6104, ttanidedly on the va it erb rew o ;• . .'ssisibid us of Joseph's Nwoost tiS snag apliori. l ! , „s; litsMttetdi cowries has &lengthy mount Cif a newsionipiniais that has been plaowfonth! Lake 4 ova Road, which it says is the hindr . tl!int,P4 this ( " I° Y* .!r ' Tin newest inlaiive of Georp Washington, saillolai. kit& an important position in tiii read 'atiivr;`,ll6,l the oldest" eon of Zachary TaYlWris a leader in the _enemy's ranks. , A large' Stook of new spring and inunmei gocaii heal been received at the store of Jobs O. Bashi. . Ilail adie s will And it to their iWp . 'twat to' give Ur-Beebe a call. • wiCitip, %vow to announce that the rec. .11*, mating-of the Firm Ward lin Company Will be kilt AA* Council room, on TimadaY ansaligLawtt,4c7` D'oloolt. A Atli attnadatica L • The pearl ai Troia will oommmum lin Sal ida: 'mastiiip Ai, now fa Rijn Blocs, t i n wog aqui la P. 9 . o"tt , +1 14 . 1 ' By &Mita! Weald birestere. , . , . t,- P. Built; ffiley bin& Drdsisalrer has 'removed Ma stem to thymus istely seeepted.brilineig /Indium, where lie hai his: "Llhe beet,asiddie4itie of goods te he 'heed le Otee#7?", - 1 4". 11 ;1 10 of our esost enterprising Genes: oitilses.... We are Welded to Senstallaokalew, Hoe. ' John LI Derma, Bin. Chao_ Ti. ' Lambeth", Ron. Charles Sumo, Boa. D. W. Voothent, Bon. & B. Co: and 9: , 5. Sum Bal., Assis tant Clerk of theiterstkforlublio documents. Mr. L. Bun; of, tile isiti, - , has heoome Co.. sated yith•Ume Dab-INi Wctrimict yi Prae lis, as Einperiatesdent sad Me of ilte'propriotore. Mr. R. is as a:period:od oil man, ond has few superiors in the management of a reilsory.. Felth MeCaia, a well known skims, who luui served sum eonsiderable time on the ilia: slid* Ina dads, has opened a edam en State street, opposite tim weeks of •Liddill & McCarter: • • -4, ' • + The Gassue has semi to thesage Oandhiten that " it it sailer 'to 'dinouhoe than ki -ex icute." Oar cetwartudr oght to know, put 1 hui denounced Demooratio Admidatratiohs it two-thirds of the rem of its Wet , ' After all the' pokive thiermation to the controry,, the Chusite,lse the utdacity to po tato' th 6 ' "Federal disaster in lloctidika a victory, What,. a Wahl stele .of ignoiance tie peopli who 'put' iiiii tali in thit'paper melt be i. . , • ..,1 .. ,: i We do' not know of any me who. Lelietier deserving of saws annum old Mend John licelestriy, proprietor of Ike Brown's Hotel eincitme use- Always Pate sad accommo dating, it is se wonder ha is ,so geshorsi a favorite with the travelliag ghillie: •. ~ W a A sid e e s g o onCiha g ka_t natedM th i* Ili4ft tonr ' pia :salty, the New Hera illeptitor: Believes: "A proper tax on prollthity would ley off the salient debt in a short time. In otherireedi. the 'curses' would true hail* to eeoeL 7 Mis. Omani Great eras seldter et the Sus Fork Fair, on Friday of last •week,. and Cow- , ded her vote on the stroid neeitlitln favor dl Beal MoClellse. A lull Xiiiiiiii hf soldisisi voted on the same der,' "early di for" Little I Mee." 1 , 4, Tile so.nalled "emergeney peer" who oohs !.d ft 1862, to ditinethelad - e!ngsfust the rebels. are at length to be paid off. Major guL 2 Ilan 0. Mason, of the regular army, will et; tend to the matter for the oenittevit payer, Lawrence, Mercer, Crawford, Warren and Eriej and have his heads - Fie:ten in this city. . r One of the 111011 i meoesaftilot the iter,Yerk brokers, when asked the other day what wield J be the best investmeet• fort IMMO. TATA_ - his;questioner to an ash man in a donkey thlxt with the remark, "Go 'end ask' that man ; :he Itervette !Irk ', L .t l e! t !t."4! 1 !:" 7 f :Ai .1 ti According to a Wuoington city telegron, Cedar Creek toot's guides rise the Other day. Speaing of the Wiaskest, skirmish, / it es*/ "our men pursued the enemy till night, whet: the rebels clasped over Ceder Creek, wi4ch wet tee mach samilen tor our txmpf i to „air in puret di. Strange that our troops cou*t arose as veil as tinlxelvW , r,ri ' , Provost Marshal Foster, under oniSrs hew the War Department, gives notice that the lOw prithibilag persons not Ini.the serites,of ilia Deiced States wearing or Y having E4 in their pei..' 10400 1 .3r.P. 1 . 1 4(. 13 ** 1-114 AL t . i , .. fri n, i , • hereafter be strictly e nf orced n this distrl -. ft* - rwpeeimilitative ddligislif iff:th ill - tint Stete, Cauvery's' . from this county I . Gee. W. Debsurip and . Perry Devore ; m Crawford eounty,Derwin A. Finney ant S T Dick. -.Jonas Gunnison is the Senatorial de e gate. Tieg are lintruelad lc ! klippen . Idiseolw. ..• , - \ - • c •\ 1 l'A eorkliallpollll7 nye that: CarlO‘iiitOoi • *elk were talking Treed iiii - ffie "eteszner, e Old - Point, fromNalliaore, to the delight e s Yankee Mar, Oa they iteppoLeackie' to sowers" la ilttglish. "Strairgeri," ( the Yukio, "Go on in the foreign ton I you wag tarN i - illndifittolVi tkblitkir tNI do your Ruttish." , -_, , ..Tim Nethest4;r thaws 'Wese r .* large e gnash trom,Cesada to the Skase iii tato o ' `+ 'a. These Cansdisno who male ever . ,I ;the macula di&L' them war"' heves, 414 1 meregieg is Cassia as now. .All. hied c thanes" is dui, and th ere le no iud a ',wisher's; IMP recalls Owe. , Troire i Ilse Dmitri States isitistol, , ent peering ei csalle,dteto ',crewel.' - ' , Provost Marshal Cesipbeti. thin k. , meaty km nearly Mad her . clots of to di I teen ander all calls. - On_the 15th list h had 880~ leirlet~ l ,lCfee the d 'f't but was ordmed sot se make IL It iii el. gdifleiThiltLin itiEr hertliitere' lite iicasseeo is soon as the week o.".enill,4lLP"Per erre la mescanmated.—Gsseue. ; ...VbtlersalP this AglPUlVllleet •. of- wom is octal* lacreasing., A barber down - in Non - ,101.1 10 Ye 17, N i al e r i ttllei t r !t' le ri that t .yr sad efficient.—Esekusge. ' ,_- • , ' 1 14s `i p dm Al pledge .ggeet il ka vi hi og. . 'that say eital*Eq his; Ciet 'lid h ,to the harbor : who will lirel'procure . that s it of "see/OWe! In Pie , --- ~ .--. 14' kltd46-10 1 1 11 * -tirliN t 4iil age, sl 4 Imeilq.ift.'N. 'o',..hict 4c 4 . eiairWetors As• ilie, Mia. 'Ai, &rie. 1i..4 11511 1 4 1f.k l i 1,!cl l le- 04 4 1 11 f-1 01 4#4 11 1.iliilitt. on .the' lift el the Werke amithecthetrus i s aegaiiiiiiiiiii , ',Wl Ri je.Niaki:t e, rail !°lo lq As',4o l tlerelai '6 jun% set thst..the :are will be milieiwg• ween Die and Pkilledelptlicia - ibis ta vios Valio rl idihmliiikaliftW . 91 - li vo oast le_ one. g ter .1 1 ,th5..146.„ beoki4 r ote. ** ll 6 l t:' energy whisk :Os a!er rrt relt • 4 1": 10 er 60 ". 1 rip* Ascrattbi eililktieui ~ ... • . Bias gs.4l6o.ls4 4 eoustar itly ovi MA L* kiti — 10.4 10031 , _AOC P r " ll4 forma, sook.4tit Dilafa, 114tIVA P dgment. sitcoalAtaAl riotta,_ l 3sinuaolai, n. 0113Mo t ilia . many olikers,l4 4 *l immitifl - !Those la ois4 01 OW 10111klai. It Wotad it Aim , oloostoso to stosoot osoriohnol, 1 i a " Von Tipper Dismiss and affnittloas tiethe chest BrivieVat ?rodeo." or G i ough /411'DM/ she QQf Jirit 'pill. In CMAghsi Irritatlecol thi Throat, aimed by Cold or trauma Bzertiont#Wi mat onus; ipeekhtir in publ c, eiaingint, they pi!odabo bar 1 11 '. tffi ALWATIIGre ask Bur—Espreirlly in pt. nag PlalarstasLeUrtte best oats but Vida for a year's suppli, ed the good costs but eilike IWO Shut* Isesk pairfitr, titer thee the poor. lid is mush more *War. •,,tms: .4 0 44 11 , to ' • - rpm. thiseithea the Seth teet, lo 4 alema illValr= 8 1= . e 1114 tA ; igloo* es trete% nett, int. slut netirtro4 to the seth you othLe age. to this eity. es v*Taiiter refaug,_ aorta lint. Kn. Saila B. MIL disagliW et Af We k sairml4a Os! it leeraga • ,1 vutiø`. . •,ni 1.. Amino*, Wa'Kilt Ps. JUL N. Y.s Rampara aad Pfmays tTalea.'Pa 'oak ret. Pa.! ; „ ! ; Ullititnaia rs . Illaar ifistia • Lad la s Z i ed aad In w flo Whise.Liquara UW, seat :ta Teasq/a-Baua Pars %IN Iria. PL. . ..L i . Administratties NotlOs. 'F. _ETTERS,'OF ADILINI RA (IN JU Moto, boa rioted to the sa plod • tio soots atdoldNieltarab dold. Ist* of yr dap, Ms Cis.. N.: Sod= biros dm ila= slams = 4 :7 WI to pranot - satboa far lotflowat. aod them to do Wai t smog to r .b.....m. I MIX ._ 43111;104, 1' ' ' ' 11. 1...113111 A . t t /111011 CI. t • , Sltiossif.lptil 10. 1,64.4 w. i a t • . 864. , il i s . ..' ..• : t • .3 • N - E AV' - oa S! - ~ ; _ ' t , -TOR ?Hi-* ~ ,• . - , . . j 13pring & Suinmer : JOHN C. BEEpNE 4 4 , IN NOW RE9SIVING • TULL LIR • DIMUNABN AND ISZASOWILI , ' ", • 1 ; SPRING AND AMUR wan* i►ILL it SOLD WUOLES*LE OR R ABUT /II ‘wK,4,L ;BON -ICE T S T • ,• :: law e. n. iii 4, ~ . 'Would tooliiiethffly oill ottiotlot to hell E l At 6 y. ! $ r , ac•Er' . ti p sib( ,i , „ii r ;:dhtd .11.0,,)ai.,.,T0it, ....b,d., iiiiiiqats4 Hats, *lab' fl a p ilko., , - • • - 14445 , mit* Asia D •i 4 Yi. GOO ii l . ; , . : ;tilde& du win mit € CHZAP -FOR-OAaat oa Y.' AY. , I t . r=iplatretion - pisd:rip4isa l 1 • Stars es Noah St. 7 doors abovoithil Davit. arfis. rii• • I F apewitte. -e - ', ._ .... I 1- : - ~ fir irelllits' ..i. Pellitlii WOW* ,iii iiieb)i givenlttest t til. A deir ki tlipr lm atiartiPe r . j uei rj s Ztri. l "sin ( Ifiguri a , first ratfibarE 0 L C ri l dol lll.l n.. mows, 0 1 =6,7.Whalox i : borou g h. 0 s.Liestuno. t , Jowl' Stott, Vitotitt i d t = D. IF. T. Middleboro, Scott Igisittl , 8 4. 41.- Ho Jor Degas, Usdou 111111 4; J. T. Ws, Girard_ ~tp , L. Wattsbur g bor.. Jseob Chulit °Ate:Xis! but /40180110. 1 • 1 , CiWell a finri 1 ! Iiili; i if. Blinpr .:-..!...37.1,1.f2" _ , j.,,j,•_'i I . Youne's Empori r NO. 4 WRIGHT'S 111.001. VIN?EI HAIR Q-Bil3lo • eotriresirilitirtlek, ea blisdrdpr 1 ' - 1 Ai0i01014416-4111 D . W 1 fi e t! , i 9:AV CIL . i iba ei - ist la thoi lits,llar+lB 7:id I - 1 1 ' ' ;24lttlitik 1611 t F ' .9 41' 1 / 1 45 X N t''. 4 q . ill, j ' - 1 , 1 1- 10FKGPS , ,Oltirlij ' 4 : 1I Ail VE ! 1:; 4 1? ' : G : 5314 8, . ! .. MININFIRRIAA PPIPMY N 51... lAII. 4..... '' .r, : 1 . • , All V AMPS revival: ' . . . ' • ' ' ".' ' ' 1 , ; • : ,or da*.posiwft ii• 1 01 11 i aseN;ish, +t Wl ' WI. - r . iv ilioiP . '3l44 itazosi. , INDIkRUBHBR BALLS, 1 , lii orrery voristri - I -).{ il ° kritiair . i1P01111731. •• . „ fa ' 1 `WIN " - A• 1 1 1 1 .. t DON , , EaraUYES s - . 1 • li•LlifidiaiAkkiiitiliai ibitalL ' bai l ! lIIM elsefelt; A XIMPOSiUM. - ... . .., ...• . c, . P 7411731141116 • D SOAPS. c's • . A large aep beeetlll.l eelleettkrai to belied at 110 per gist. #fr ibl " . ^ • Timms =immix. EMI IMBROIDZST L __BDAIDS. Hass ; DIITTGISS: 'LINEN • , ,AND tIiAIISAAD Cul74 •lAGTO • AND . 5 .„.5..• . 1 : • A• 4 ..•%, • 4 • . : " 1 " itt:VONWSIBIWPODIUSI. • .viaruns, IND BLIND CORD, gni rieth A? TOUNWS MILMILIOIII. • 74 . 9 Mak J OlNfirrt NOVI 1 !limo ai , lhe far ell, kerailii, at teireisi 114 nisei "IA no "gougil." Toopmp isroisiv f • BACK COMBS. ' the AMON' tit The lar • votnumi antroition. POLAR REFRIGER:ATOR; 21.-iiidimallied Iwo milaisodisvisi!iit, lasalsa T4 4. 1 H .114 Y0UNa421 11 6 4. ntl7N. . • s_lrwh 8 1.. irioY boss ) f j9oollftle oiS "16 pay- OM.*MN 101 f am oaf* a!thio mama ilstp. fa WI Vass of of fee do 011: • L- 41 "14 1 E VC' 01 ' 4 "MAL' -,---,----::-------- . l'Alietroialbtelrerin it. NANTiNti a VOIIFOVABLe 1101fli kid didleirli Arei Ibink are Andra, Ws os rasamsebid tarok] IbiaLiesm am Tooth id ea is he stastievar MI popsit 410 s. Ad. do. Matilbsts. ', i .4 ' • 1. Ignialt. hirer, AmitatEXlßlßEßStaving purchased vribeeftdoefwertuiimathmur•iske ASO a moo Scree*. ftabie t ' I•2_:serresiostly stab- SAM sisndiestry et die Ease ta CM, Pi. ditliferinr Kam tt rsperior to say other sew laltarlat for astral nemiows, - . . • rr AMP/ "9 1 0MCIAllik, 4 1 SairLta LICUINIL .11Jort godarsteed pziotlyis to Xsehaatee th the lout isailgthiblios mad the lord goarift to wadi Irani, massual to satasore Mt ;surpass tor which It Is do* , Wait. tho litatt r s Oars ts the only single pared /lower sew* . sao unto% omit It seed arguto•nt to 'tortakoiimiotois that bosom of Is bet,. If will to Imo =set oat °Corder.. sad soli • folltly main! If y brass , Oar Woes to better thaa say of. its too piWtoes 14 aeothor mow t is the constructs° of rival hlsoldiess, their ite pZ u es hare lowa it mesas., to party* op Ws • "lissatissr." roaters thembats; the lagbasa _motion bare boo EMS pelotas atth forgargits 'fositaisa - W Sass es* et the worst dlrwlWa ter orstessse, sod tar hbytter the osstisa the I. 'eloggtog.' as inorOvessat Twat* hem mak torero Mame. Ire peargos sat aiMs a Ism magas ; oar .It. mehloo loootssa verehitiese to out of the driesiabod. ie gas dm tiro-thirds .1 the motion la otbor•lieshiges. Mime 00/I_llllll, lotototiotanot to the boom, sal as aim fosablo Ora Wee eta higher 'Who. Oise kills bighead os a lisowttit the ails eiths Moe -141.4 !kids Is bead atertsehia la atevtog ea a, bap as la raldie having a speoporattrely low aide. It is UMW& ta Weak white shosaght or by • kklihrs *oh 101 lOW* 1 earl there. adilad to Um bet that as ass • tar sattlag4gr, eashis us is saw MOM maim stet ty that lag be dose silk any • ether • • • ' lagegtlag the towe. wee VAAL* is nags wholly et has sod steel: bens Is awe deyshiethaa those node sittot weekwad %gators eclat' to atria% .will a ' z sat. Tbs "GUM VALLIIM WEIGHS BUT LIME O t lrEß 600 POUNDS, Lad Its lightens, tiro ltoytieity of its isaehlsery, via mows etieottoa• sad Its freedom bows high gearing seespire to oaks It the - • lusucer DitAWILIto noviss raw Tire Operable hi Is to threw the stiathed te the MA one end is gear at pleasure sad twin a Iliebermiliteg.bortherkalle ma be folded rem the Kaaba, bed beam it ma be eouriesiernly MM hem MI to Sold. sad will occupy lime stereo rermi Mt laying la ever. • Tie rnatis eltorbed by mew of long steel 'grins le that dimly ton sad partial invalids are enabled to *paste it I sad its simpUcity of ng makes it nom an double-gemed Vett be th► ea adenatege .to hewers thirnford sad Ashtabula COIMSIIB. sad Is vicinities matlgatru to Ct i rai d rn i rrer k grie oreddeatatly titherr new Sees ao MOM 1104 1 / 7 substituted. To vies efseeptundlOty, Ming when tbs 'Meuse. TOW has not been used, we lathe this elks • Ire will bias take ens on Utalorith the agreement cm your panthum a t ts t4 o oddod It shell troth as good as toconsis pen beilyr twists. Me "muff* la the inpuiority our Novni, turd phall •Immo apportaally to persuade burners to gin Lai • Theis unctions an based upon Weal experiereato Over one hundred machines wen bought cad used by tuners la North-vresterp Penesylveata the paid seems, to every IDMi of whom we mem perethe desirous of rm. thole& Owe *OD mowed datum acme la one day, and sneaker myna on airs 4' tot" signstas;—both" doing their work well. Ile gebllely chalkier all persons Interested - Ia the sale if rival mowers, to meet as is &Trial Nowise Noteh, en all aorta of ironed, and Is all outs et grim. we slain to be able to mow rougher meadows, to mow mere noes des a ,lay, sod to stow the 1111111 amber of aerie with gra* e rn e, than era be _dote, with tiny other ' % V. will nil a well finished mower, inetedber two bairns, a set al whipple.trees, he.. for one Mildred del. Iwo at the &lop. Meters inseudirtme rn are charging 116. Tarettne desirous 4ga:clueing witehlw, or of obtain. Lug army for the era., will led as at the old hag% Feeadry„ i sm Federal Mll.'or can address as at Zit% . Ya. Ltoorm thernaute mode to tests. *is, -1411454.410 6 J. k E. DIMIIIIONZ. Or L ! 711 I h, AI L, L , `lll E . ' u . ' 7 . . T I I AA)7 :7 4.8 1711 Siegel, Vincent & Co., El k DS, Grieerke, Flair, Perk, Fhb, SALT, 111 =3 fol• eua i. 0 out at Ales, Mass, Liquors, Cigars sod Ward, Com Malibu% CANDIES. Lams •biasea, yT&I/Orli 01 Lii2l UNION BLOCS, ', El2l sulT64-tf. MEDICAL NOTICE: DL H. A. SPENCER having located petwestly is the idly of Ibts will glve permit shistles hi all oath la the listen& prabeiles. Per. healer attention' will bistros to SCIRGI/tY sad assess •C the ITS. _What sad roddesee as Eighth Street, be tween deisitnie awl Nash, on the promises formerly oecapiod by J. 7/.. Johnson. apilhasce 11t111M. I= lIIIIMI. OLD PRICES, NO *DITANCEI OLD PRIM No ADYANCI a. BILDBN IS SELVING WALL PAPER sprISIL The ittestio ' si et tiapaktle t. toopoottaily butted to tho saw stook ot, BOONS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, 1 1 11.0TOOLILPIR ALIIVMS, jaillarsusl by tie undersigad, la Ms rem mostly oampied Mandl; IlLaCreuy. llntos Block, illfiN•OP TSB GOLDEN EAGLE We intend that It 'ball be ample* establialuseit cog the kW, webeeekag arrerythise many kept te • elect ekes , letrOt AND STATI;ONVIAP 87.0112 &antißo. Religions. Medical, Legal and Illarodlartease Pablitatioas too el sbe tortadAso ear shelves, lAA& will be cadet tbe, nh ob ev retail prices. Aay book o will be sent for sed fereished ease resegerage terms *a it as* so eV:Mord ta Ostrow cities. Particolaratteation is directed to oar stock of WALL PAPICILSI - the von , West and neatest stile.. I.lbreoles for Sunday Schools. or all desemteettosa, supplied sod ottslogoito famished on application. All the West Amorhma sod Peliodieste received end 'oriffre for the aim promptly ailed. Oar dock of Photograph ►mane ie unuosally Salk Plot graphs of GU the leading Stassensta sad Geao sta. ant Photographie icon.., ■npplied on reameasble tonna Stations,' of all rades„ from the beet quality to the cheapest is asa - atteattou Tot to the wholesale trade. Clown ltel i er rehtt farldered MI terms ee• eau b• enyeakiri. C arastr, IrCtttlfti & CO. • aWiftr. DY VIRTUE of Writ o f Levari Fs= AJli ciao, Issued oat of Chart of Common Maui of Mete county, and tome directed, will to mold at Publle dole at illeo Court House in the city outlay oa YDlnthlr, MAT 't Ind, at I reelect p. m., all Übe rtgatAttle,lsteiell aii dointot Sonsel Meier ' of, in oat to al/ that Mardi =nnnotiandaltarite in Zdlelocum, gels C o , p t ,. 014 V lAD Sta oath by rr "AWOL" neettoter Mara, nest by ah sal; and Healy Ls*, contenting n 243 fest Naar. of land, and being the some land font* orly owned by lee.), K. Orate, and contracted for b *be sold Siera mme i Keen. . t described la Mortgage Boot 11, 10.10tri..co . i ty Reeords, haring treated thereon vr Una t oint bones and bun. .:Ssisid sot taken to emotion at the molt of David Derichoon, use of A. B. Boss. . asoail le sot PM haseliately lifter the proper ty to drank It ',MU remold and the orlidnol terW ALUMORAN, sutur. llretCs 011atArii, April 111511.-111w3 Cow. CAMS TO THE PREMISE of limaidmartbre, d. Mariormook Booth of Woolorrillir on racraloy, • Iglaa• US Ow about I ;was a* and Id* rather wan nano: &WI parson or p. NM claiming said saw mut man torford. grafts/ow. yihri ma l aborsalima %lop larcanii, otherwise efltescralg Mbar: . •- 'FURL (Socoefoors to a alid,) DZALEAS Of `':~~l4~i:~ LIME., GLASS, CARBON OIL, TOBACCO•, CRACKERS, OIL ytTaoL, GLUE 4 BUNGS. AT iliX Lowest Market.itioes. ashnee Drywall Rohl sad Ihmeb It. AT op 'atria. NEW BOOK STORE. SherlWO Sale. ANNUAL TiclatalileflNUAL MEETING OF THE • awswelm a *Aria Ousalstr. far tau aleatkas sill tot bald as the AM of the Ilisarstary c ToisisjAtls• 111 'Say of mak at T leelnek_p. *arum A. IL TOISTKR, ISwiy. • • Farm ,for Salo.. rigarm to Bobsoribor often for 140, . , leakwicr Palma% tp trio on, Pa, anaptisuit mod sou, atm NON tplas Rea atty. %%W as Lao w« a j t rAtclopoie d!..d!.. 6.6 tar hair 'Mtge, well Intend. with Pod = so is , twtime ams of weal lead. Apply tonna lateramittis. will Weld . ROM • sal , liss ;l " Mni f MUM; nnr,llllolMl hteat 11•11311411•Trie aLTITHOS MAIL Kiiakhd~gr:r e .o.4l3g' 1110 7 k141 Ws Cultivator IMO bearlMß7 rear Mal nee Is ea Ist. Latta/se and dasahtlltg Wag made of the beet %minty of steel. highly ,sied Um whole Wale. meet weighing truism to 00 The. staxaMttee to ,more WO of worh_, than sa l other 'mei Water nom ; semi • "mid sad lisomage ChM• rater whoa need with all the WI ea. Lavin lb* 'mead ores sad loe.l, sal whim -meow the rows thaw &Prather lhelthinsr. Id. By removing the snail tooth, sod attiableg the theeinvel. Ninths !era gselatt 1,91 WM, that ma he and. dti. It Is Os best lesplemset ter amen sad digging =lLsear Wad • men sad heeiner pe. rut se Mao ed. ma walk. sad • m ne sen m sad team ast Pig *OMB tM ie beshela gehisse Li a day. when tie mop Is • his eatk Ilk. It wertmeasagy seal* art, et tag Had *rim Inspiring ealtbstlog, and le mad mess hand/mein ma ice dteyeseed with. nth. Its ehtermes, eser arfat the many Idedeseterh to which it tee be egolled tumor having to oar Implesseet than( saltlvatleg dall leg say Mod mi on a mito ng i V i rotatees. NesMettees tJal arm. OM la Orel:IOW Iltetse ib=rl6l"7 of disobey! . 414111 for as r'e nrsrhe *list reeolea I4doley' o who wale ftaddroOnlool tot AN tholoorlto of the off/manse Um evert ott)a, kid 'lto dual abo oft Majdifilt *Wt . air Madam AM Rai smortuot el ' r - ' ,HORSE ll Aut. WAWA angit abti, Ocala haiso. YON. Wash 0.. &a. Doa't thil to afro *fora' - -SIThWa 110, Quad* onto** é Wlath Oh, Ihio. Pa. Aloe at W, W. PIZROX /020. Wasth &W. AL D. PUDIC' At CO., Also bog have to Worm Oa Wl* golorilly that Om ban roodatly adAal Abe si aad COP PIM WARN to thigr Maims, sad are sow uno.4od to oil, to Nair PsWou Pkta atoototilooll2lEßN -18WING 000niN aiat woo *May swap, loud I. that low splll4o. Coountttoo for aDa -'.s. GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIN. Commalse os ' , Labor, hoses' and Ilirenal 01See No. ill S. Navarra Pluto, JOHN W. CLAOHO*N, This Committee has aspedd work. to wit : to obtsis a day's "latter,* a days .Uroes" sod a daes s'renseal.' from ere, ratites elite Ihrerilltatot of 7 festsylvasis, New Jersey and Delaware. for the Walt of ear sieh and weasard sateen. • Tho Cosidttee is sow fall?erlpaUad situ above ad bus, sad ea/la for the etropsration of all elasses is the ossmanity. We want to show what the industrial slums an do for their soldiers! • What the people aka do is th r tir separalli trades I What Passelltssia tea do What New Jersey its Ile • - What Delaware eon dot - What each seisty.aan „ - What each city and town can de f - 'What each profsialos can do I What stab trade OW de t • What each rompatios eau do 1 What embliaaalbetory ma de 1 do What lash bard; tammarto company had railroad Mai What eich mime esa do t Whet each workshop ma do 1 What mob badly lan do 1 , What Seek man ea do t. • • • ' What mete mama tee do 1 what each boi ad girl ma do 1 Ws wont to, to to the world what deserleam freemen are ready to do for Hear ealdiem I Shia Is • great work sad the tins Abet. The way to do Eris to ORGAN 111 I =ln yew wortebega—to year tuatara. eree organise. Lot the Irma* awls& „ Let the trades ergaahm. =everyer bete.ls e workout 'triton.% Hutt emilloyors, the Em ployers wtth tkeif workmen. - It le Nally dorm If tho Sroaolloa wiklaotttolr oraployara tododatkerso day tram thlizerseini Or aisath's earldom sod the estployersEill add It to is day of then. prollta, the whoa) /PM Ina ti•= 1 111 . 14114 trr to the audit a/ the tab ray te go to week at Ems with uto this a Harry_ mord your erottriteittalm' 'Miry sakpaidedgmast sass lots others to ril l s' yroar example- Circulars, with tell lastrealloas, will be mot sport y. pli n k by mall or Othatertea b to the sadinsillesd• l• work I to vont I - / perMOBOXIDi Oakum Yet VW. AThstrwassoyaw Opmetttes K. mums I • y • • to ROPE, / EATS & C/LIS .; FOB/ THE MILI/10.Ni! tirCi:WA ,-JAA Mr STORE I- BMW GOODS ! I bare rinerreld Trats Dendol Vol" tn. as star* istaly_ognipind b 7 Kr. John Wilily wirier& Kr. J. O. Oplfti o asks* ressistar a bur Inn/Kir , Ens, CAPS AND Busy Gaps Kobe stpnindy for os. Bab* lam flea vim fa Ur sdnetkon rimy Gemin i -144 sonideat 1 tea *Sr good tallow lets ins7olll o 6 1 0 1 I, vat del s lithersoid Mtn and s abilllnsis MO =MOW DOUK PALM Ells EMS at N. York Cam Prim& • ofril4o. ZALE, PA., ' . THE PLACE TO: GET YOUR ,MONEY ,DACK. -B. bOIIGICGatirIi BOOT 4c., SHOE . . tiT.ORE ! Stoat *trot. Kandy Orvieto the Pod (Asa • E. Ci nspeet MU si goot asit SUS Taalal thy Pabfht that ha' has rusoved stsad ta tdos Stara Soon os State 'bestows/4 opposite UM Nat Oa" wtiorolstavitos a3l - kta alditliaU as. aistoseses to era his stall. Parnaiba stioathea atm td oarattl istaltmos, sad saporiahiadtag an his boataaalilessiftla Wino los Mk ~800 attotao ties sad soli at as low prism as aay mass pima la tits atty. Good Pits Wassoaast. „ . Ispridtt. CARVE* a faimimute J'. & B'9 EB, Leather, Hideo, _ No. $ Pony lisoke aNallikagyNneo One Wit, ea WA shale sink el SOLII'LELTRICIL, mozoceo; LININGS, YRESCIi CAMEILICAStraLtBSINA, KICPB, rte. LILSUNGS, GALLOON% *e. 'AIMS; a TINA LOSORTURNT OP BECOMUCIOIr TOOLS, All alr 'Oda ear hit - - Olen ; 0/1i rsourir.rAir, ii;rzsor. . Natio da dab§ .. Mitts, Togeb, elm*. sv • • rat optla Woulda sad VAS boom abbe sad limb. SI sad Seddon be Sara" Siam balmremoot as dealy b • oboe boa Poissue." _ • • "Oka desatroas b tam Roam stsemS." leasbasess ass of bobs to bar t !aMßMkMMbaMbeeeems. • WIN, all Dnalistsaalaysibeseassysbors. I I 8111 Mill if/ 611110411110111111011111108. :Lease:Sass "tbarsa's" am, laairsish &ay Not* - • • sad Muir, bebroysabwo ••_1! • rar mem. • .• . wimm - T leilbrAll, Anames& Darn sest by an 'mows_ a,d, sportits :PAPVIT 'Bittizesl Tree Abe mot eountos to tlmi sf.at NOodootetod. 7.#3 1 7:4 Fre M.1181 . 11 . .V21111011:1. . #iyilo-. i.,..-..: c ii v i lk a l lia, lio :•11•.t • .- ~,, , • - WILLIAM :WiLIANG, . . . . - . WOW. giOCKSj e ili k NraaB .TIM_ANIMITABY on the Mew el De. W. s.urm WA, bee of 17etb• d4dealerbiaartEz--•-"akmovtile %be ear at ebbe del= ra rar e p i red win Pena UN% • 7 mama weans* yea 10. 37•44 w• UdailegleleM 0 £? amen imusras as MMUS AND /CU & Lark 19 UM &c.,