The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 30, 1864, Image 1
cos ERIE WBEKSY,ORIORIRVIM Ives OBRIRTIR BUILD/034" BTATR STRUT, vRROSRTZ THR POD? Oypicri, wgitTISF.SfENTS.--One Sonar* of Ten Lines one in. ortion 75 Cents ; two lasertiona $1,10; three liar. ; one month $1,50 ; biro saantbs $2,60; o n , nontiv , $ 1 1 4 ); Bit monliiesS.oo;crii year $6,00; vibe wirernseinenti 311 proportion. ...Ttiespri rates will be /Hotly satteretto, wiles/ !tuulgail by apeeill rOotritt, or at the option of thepabliabbra. t er Notices; Strays, Divorce , / rtild ilk. advertise! y t rn t, $1,60 Adrolaistrator's Noliceli $2,60; Load Notices nrs cents R line; lia.riainNotieserwasrr rrrs cents* piece: ()Winery Nothing (aver three lines ettent) are cents pet lino. Original poetry, an. hits frotn, at the rsqnrat of the editor, one dollar ' per hoe All advertisements will be continued at the styes' • atlas poison edrertleing, until ordered by his direction, unless a 'epee:Med period is reed noon for its insertion. .•cittefinv TWO MILLAR.% per annani le ed. note. • 03 rnISTINII —1174• bare one ot . the best Jobbing rt.:a . =tat and aro reads lo &any •ork In t hat liar that may b.entrustril tette, In squat style to sal e otabliehrolint outside oftiss largest cities. MRS. S. - H. git.l,l, 44. . Has jut idtturned frogs ?sf EW • • UM . :7. p . Y '"W OPENING A 1" .. ; • " 4' - '; I.AR¢f . STOCK ••••:i r "oir ' • FALL MILLINERY! Which will be mold . CHEAP FOR CASII, OR, fiE,SDr-PAY. attention paid to - ble4u4ilng, eolorirs lta prentag. PesA St., 6th door above the Depot, Pa —mayl6'62tf. A FACT GENERALLY LIAl t the variety, pf new style. Bed ' steads; of Gothic, Cottage, ConeWs; Round Cor r, Camp Sofro, Jenny Lind awl other pattern; with, ern tine and strait front, handsomely veneered Brirsona, . tension, Dining, Breakfast, Centre and other Table; blitriots,-quaker Stands, Carpet and Darcatik Lounges, .Is Beds, Hair and Sea Grass c llatttamea, Feather Beds I Bolsters with other nousehold furniture, kc . eget:trod from well seasoned limber and bN.lthy wrier., by experienced workmen and not by &pp:volute For style, ipiality and lel/prices I wttl defy ileen epee* &oleo; to undersell rote, Feathery bong brand Id. Cane seat,. Parlor. Bedroom, Rock - Inc; Nswilir, urns and other Chairs, of Easterriaud Western meow; tore, are Metro, p dolled a end glued, main, 'them on an another tof the chatrorltere dhoti Fade d s o ld are only nailed, and by no torus dnrablck -Wood Indica-, Rocking . , Sewing and Niro, are chairs of hard rod rounds clinched through the seat and glued, war. . ted to stand. Handy:mar ty paieted, aa¢ teal no bat: n for strength, pore - S . 6d finish. Spring Beds: I have old ever &Xi and hare the hlgiest teirtlmonlida with a at of prices of all goods sent on application. rhrkitig id shipping free. After are years experience and contending with n.n ticipeled two price dealers, I am determined to null $6 pool to all, glee worth for your pay, and do indica all who trade with use. Limber, Lath. Snug 'es, Lire Stock, Crndeand Beane Store Pay, Produce .tc., taken at fair motet valued r pay. Remember the place, nowt corner of Ith street -sState, Erie, Pa. ti W. ELLSEY ee elz-tt, Shinnied' r and Commi en Salesman. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERY STORE: P. A. BROKER, VIIOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, frturth•East Corser et th Park+ French Street, (cxxArmos,) o a;drespectfully call the attention of the community to 131411Lnp Stock of 14ZOCERIE ' S AND PROVISIONS, Wh he to desirona. to sill at the VIOL 'LOW INT POASIBIAR PRICKM: I:4ll,sortment of SEGARS, )FF EES. TEAS, - • sY IZU PS, TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., in the city, ev he le prepared to prove to who pre Lint a alt. - 31.0 t.opßconaLlatly on hial a anparior lot of PURE Q R S the whob-ot;e trodo, to which Ito direetalako &flotation the - ; motto ix. "Qolek Sale*, 9=ll Prottitit and a full ooratent for the Money." aprllls.3tf. 111ANIIOOD ;), How laost t Row Restored Jast PciWelled. la Sealeal Itarelope.. Price 6 Cents 1.11:071:Tti: on the Natore, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, suit Llebility,Serrooimene an dlnvoluntary Emissions, (toeing Impotency, Consumption and Mental and Kip tall Debility, by Hon'T J. CVLVERWELL, 111.-D. • The important fact that the awful eouffequenees,of .elf abuse may be effeetnally removed without internal medicines or the daneerno s application of caustics. in etrordeuts, medicated lioturiam, and other empirical do thvg, is here clearly demoustnited, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment as adopted by the cell, kilted author, fully explained. by which every el , . IS Orablatto etre htma9l perfectly, and at the least pew. Eye vet, thereby, scolding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Thhrisctom will prove a boon to thousands and thonunda. drat Radar ir.3!,,in a plain envelope, to way &lams, of the rteelpt descents, or two pistace atamiti, by ad• davoiinc, : DA. CHAS. J. C, KLINE, . 10 1 4 V 3 41. ,I't 7 111 r 7, Poet Office Bar, WO. 1882. ' SPRING. ISM ERIE. BONNET STORE. (1 4 de Maki Bennet Store.) E.:--H.. SMITH,_ VROLESALE.ANDAIETAIL DVALPR MILtINJIRY GOODS. supplied with Goodsat New fork ?rine& Ps/teal/a attention yak! to Blanching And Mtn's, Ohm, No. 3 linghen' Bloch, State 34 way= Notice to OH Refiriens. Ware prepared to sell to Realms OIL VITRIOL . CAUSTIC SODA and GLUE at the lowest mai kit-prices. Wet osa etkU 011 Vitrol the est load at the wasalaeturers, thereby using to the purchaser the ta t sad securing promptness In shipping*. up26D. GLisIIESS, CAUGHEY & BURGERS. .-• GROCERIES! GROCERIES 1 WROLESALE AND RETAIL . T. SCHAAF, Would respeetlttly inform the, public thet be las °pi gad a Store )ri No. - 12:44ugfiEtte rStook, Erre, Whom he willillwaypttep on hand i largtsopply of GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND WOODEN WARE, WINKS, LIQUOIt4, ClGAtts, ti An : overfilling ascialdy formal,' in an establishment of ilia kind. rr Terms as reasonable as any other store in the ei ty. janl6•64tf. 111M13:23 NEW CROCERY STORE The andrystgned bare open d' a now GroontrStote, on - ' „ FIST sins OF STATE ST., ail HOUSE NORTH OF R4ILROAD BRIDGE, Why?. they Intend lierphg a foil rupply of MIOCHILLEA, PROVISIONS, caocis.Eny. Thrum. Noric.t.4, • • ivii4.9w WARS, CONFECTIOSIARIE", TOBACCO &iliekmas, And everything smelly on band in en estabitalunest of the sort. sze determined to offer ea good inducemenany other dealers in the city, and invi.e the pototio y o gi, esgideot that ere can give entire plishietbn. . at.31 . 63tf. P. A. %V Fa DKR 6s UM OYSTERS & CLAMS. _ . Tll P. •Stibgeritker woUllijesPect- -rs that be fulls ly s. I til nlifttef hi /II i f s old nd nds Ind coetetarrs 4 It, l at sta, \,_ 1 4.1 1 Wastilhottoa Ilsh Narktt, New Nitta airs ys prepared to Curci.S nonts, STE A .I( BOATA , RMTARA I ITS & 7131"118 with tha best . - OYSTERS AND CLAMS. ?L. aartet afforde, at Wholesale and Retail, at shiht **flee, atid at t e LoWirrT 1.1 TIJIO ?ECM Atten rir A:uded Oniers tram the Country Promptly to. - - - N. is —4,,tsis Clatai Pickled to order. Nee York, June 20, - H . C e FYZY. . A.dministritor's Notice. ./JET'r E It E 4 OF ADIIINISTIIATION her rig b. en granted to the Underetraq, on tine eAste of Lawrence Leash, .tetelitt 'Lille cf °llietwk *p, kne e• Dots, Ya.; Aiot I ev la henkby g ten to at persona ltwor tog tbinutaltratudebted to the ea. • to snake lamer liste pkyment .a.. 4 Itio.t. laving Calm against the es ate rill present limn s pp/peril aulisan t X, fbr settlement. '• ' —Hi GINGRIC - • • _ -t' i 0 Mall ell lll kl4'l44ery ', 4 ' • ___ • . - . VOLUME 34 1.84341.. : , • 1.1113141'41. gUR I FALO 8Z ERIE L R. Elifitlll.lll4lffiligllMlN ON and after - Monday, Jan; -4th, 1864. • 1; LEAVING ERIE. _ 63) A. glad and 4 stopping at lisrbox.ersok North Bast , Mats Lin% 11Joultiald,POirtlaad, Banton. Amid* Stlvorarosk„ kiting tad Itaspia, arriving at Baal°, at 111 00 A. N. 2 00 P. hi, DatiOqrosa stopping 'at North lAA Wirt gold. Dinldrk,, duns Croak, and Angola, and arrlyhalt es t a nirslo st 20 P. N. , • - 0 40 P, stopping lit Warteild. Diaklrt and 1511=, and arrives at Shako at 0 40 P. N. I 05 A. N., l Arai. sioPPlne at #M tgold, Daskirir sad Una Chink - astiesis at Balkan at. 4 30 A. Y. Th. Day gamma imans'ats at Dunkirk ' l lail in S pi tyr=" th. Night Erpreas at Balkh) min with for Nair York, Pbiladalphas. Bodes, km. LEAN/ZIG BUFFALO.: 400 P. It, Akat i a irlr eesa„stap l it xr c i th • Yvan., kap fartvar • Brea , toa. Porik/A4. NANzi, Quincy, Stat. Um. Nth East sad Earbor Creak arrbriag At Bd. at 'A 24,` P. Y. 100 A. Wale t Whir. ,Calak, Dunkirk, Waatit r 7a4 iisrivia at , Fria kt 10 30 A. Y. 11 35 A. Y., Day Agra% stag at AageLi, Blbrer Creek, Dim kirk, Wasta•l4 - lad faatorrtatag. at Brie at 3 P.Y. 11 40 P. IL. "fit atappiag at 211•••11mask, thutklrk mad artdold. !waiving at lAA ,44 3 20 A. M. N ltalhaa4 tins titan Want" Gots; thaa Eris thee. • m 211, kr. a*oYarr s4* . , Cleveland and 'Erie Railroad. ..:1 (IN and aftei Monday, April 20th, 1863, <J `tad until farther untie. . Paestum Trumw 111 rue as follows. vim ' - • \, LEAVE CLEVELAND. 945 P. N I Night Expram Tian stops at Pahmaills, Sahtabula and Gina* only, and animas at [vie at ..' 103 4 -20 P. If, Ifall and locommodstlon_Traln, stops it all • . athew, and anima Zee at 696 P. .1 , 0 400 P. Cineinnati Evora, Mope FFt Painesvilia, Ashtabula and Glrard,arrivas at Erii at 700 P.Y. - 10 00 P. N Day Uprose, stops at Willeaghoy, Maar_ , rHls, Geneva, Asktan)a,Oanumat asdflizard,ar - rives at Eris at 1,23 P. K. LEAyE BRIM. ; 1 15 A. X. Night 132/proaqrsta stops at &Mint - Arita] bola and Palmavills Only, and arrival at. Cleveland 411, A. Y. 5 60 A. 11, Mail and Aosommodation • topping at all the stations and arrives at OI god at 9 64 A. N. 9 66 A. X, Toledo Expren, steiplag at all statisegemt Inept Beranville, saibrook, Unkieville,'Perry, Wen. tor mad Wickliffe, arrives at Clandand 1 49 P. IL 1 23 Day &apnea, stops MOirard, Cossmat, Ashtabul a. and Painesville, antral at Cleveland at 4 SS P.M. all the through trains Obit Woodward, waned at Cleveland with trams for TeWo,(lldcage,Cedgesitas,Cl4- sianati,lndianapolis, kn. kc. All the throughtrains going Eastmard,ooment at Dust• kirk with the trains of the 21. Y k Eris Banns& andst Buffalo with the N. Y. Central sad Buffalo and N Y. City Rathoury, for New Yea*, illbany,ltoston, Magma Falis, am, ato: H. NOTTINGHAN, Bapertatesdnet. Cleveland. April 10,, 1563. , Erie 8z Pittsburgh R. R. .\ CHANGE OF TIME, COMMENCING. *milky, , Jan. 4th, 1564. TRAINS LEAVE GIRARD. • 4 30 P. IL, Acoommodatios, stops at all itationitand A at Sharon t 9 stoop N. 26 A. Freight No. a l. at all Matiom and ark rives at Sharon at 315 P. IL - TRAINS.,O6AVE BRARON. ; • 7 30 A. Y., Autommaatlon. stops at all Eltaition and arrives at Girard at 11 15 P.M. • • 7 00 A. M , Freight No.l, stop" at at all Btattons except - Clarksville, Espyville, Centre Road,Spring, vie mid Onuses, and arrives at Ghard St 1.1-16 I'. IL t • Freight Malin will run to and from Eris. I • • jkiernftf. R, N. BROWN; Bop't. 1 564. Philadellibia & Erie. t. * Ansimilmilopllll rINBIA great lins traverses the Northernand Nortinnee counties of Pennsylvani a to 'the eny of Ern. on Lake Eris. It has bean lesesd by the Peamplessimfink read Cempasp, and under thetr i =eme rapi4ll throughout°posed lts satire It Is nor to use for Passenger inS Freight somin from Garrtabarrto Emporium, (1115 =alms therliastene Division, and from Sheffield to Erte„ 8 Ellen) on the Xeatern Division. . • erna - or PAITIINCIZT TRIM AT tract. indl Train LIMY 10 P. a l Express Train Leaves.-- le 60 A. X. Mill Train knives 960 a. la Errata Train Arrives.-- . .6 id 11. oil-Edon:autos rilepig Passenger business apply. at the S. 1' corner Ilth and Market its, and fir Freight business of the Company's .gents. - S. B KINGSTON, .Is., censer 13th sad KesketSizeste, Philadelphia.' J. W. REYNOLDS, Eris J. N. DRILL, agent N. C. R. R., Bankston'. ; ; • • H. H. ROUST° NT, General Freight Agent,.Phinortre LEWIS L. 11017 PT, General Ticket Agent,'Phfbers, JOS'. D. POIN, Omura Manager, Williamsport: ' • Faml74l. ERIE EAILWA'Y liiß CHANGE OF HOURS, COMMENOING, YON?. 4Y. Pia . 29, IS • Trains will !env* Dunkirk at about therein/I'loOn* vis : Eastwird Batumi—Depart. 700 a. k. Stock Ewers ' 9 66 111 i. , Feat height... XL& R. • Way, treitht 6 90 _ Night txpreditans every dos -CHAS. IlDiOtairsol "opt •- • , . New Music-1110re; ) le Ask • I P •• .• • PIANO FORTES AND'IELODEONS t , Prom Shot/Aim/ft iriekwtod 'IS-A N F A T E• 1 1 , 8 -1; Steinway dr &rno,Now York. ' ••' • ' " .! Wm. Inaba it Co., Balsimono, NA. _ $ Lindeman t Sons, New York. , Wm. B. Bradbury, New York. • " , :ohs B. Dankam, Now York. ; :r • • P. Hale et Co.. Mew York.. • . Goo. A. Primo et Ituftaio,_ What. Nowa= t Co.. Now York. - • Prices at a Large 11isCouitt belo**P. factures Prices., •• • - SEVEN OCTAVE. IRON IRAN& OVER BMW* EPAIi WOOD PIANOS POE SAO. Also, Instruction 11001[11 and Sheet A 8 persons wishing a first rate Piano Torte Or 00, are invitee to all and examitie oar tottrikerdeil foreparekumiag elorebfra Seed's Block, State street, nearlys t rai Offi ts P er. SIM% rir P. B.—Ever) lutrussent inariatied tow Ave ri:rsi. • .ssois,t7. MEM C. EPICILNAIRT, • " Dealer in Borita & Slit:mat - ALSO, SiunrirAcivals- qv, , • 1 curox MELDS BOOTS Are - ago Eciii -, WOULD tike this knethdd-of returar lag hie tbaelti t i bli Mends .adell.bbe public generally for their Mond patosaame Isretobmie aptemtab to him, mid hopes to bays a contintatke Of The easim s , I take pleasure to Warmth, roll* Wet rem still Del. Ilug . • k .. 1 ..., , .. • *CADY SUDS 1109 I'd Asp $11011.3 AB cealtAP, et " - - .N. •••4 • ZAN _,. • , ''T L. _.' Than SRI Hoorn In lideplami s and I a m t' ifik etlli l etilly tan beet Qualities of Gantt SoeU sod Simi% die OW& imr, ploy Dona Daub, 'Med Ifddlibillt. indwell, Super nundate* of O. MLLES.' . . • .:. Having obtained • 1 cense to use tbe ' • • ' Mailer Patent iitirt; '. ''; '''' I am sow prepared to make the ilium PlYsit Soo* and Shoes to a manner not to to 111117111111141 l Styk and : Workmanship. ' Eir I slings keep on ka.od a aelectien of the beet. Runde of Friuli and American MINA lOC ' P. B.—Boystriny attended to. , an12.640.`' Fe !MITS. NUTS, READY PAY ErrO#E ! J. & JTRENNRI- ' Weald tespeettally Wm", the battik ; Ptatt4l7 bIT. prettiest* the , .‘, r ,„ „ I .t. STOCKOF GROC74IIB OF .r.iitqcs .4, ../FlpN. - i cocas or Sri sits Milt in, -!•': I .i ..j. Where thy, intend to hoop is good is usertmetit ty. ' TAM?- - --. .— . . GROCERIES 4/. PROVIRiOttR,,— - 1 WOOD a WILLOW W/1118 1 AND VijaM, 00 4 D3 ii istyptia Itrte. •-,.. s : 3' L I sl, . Befit kiwis of Zrio :_cantr,l l ,lo4o. mommistamos tal 1 1 0 1 414 1 0 ',. f).l I 'IT 41x 11:4RNANtltD Jic,400017.4.1117 art! to Er The highest Warhol Pries paid for all 111. Oottatty ?nano. • •.;: , , , I ,„, q'l 6, : r . 4l r t°6 ft PiS fy a dr 410. 4 .4,41.. 1 4,1 m. ~ 1 1.101101IO...:7 Villgni*.iii:.nii. . • -- ,~,~ ,7,: - .04K.//11C3 Ola ._. .„ .._ T.,,.. ~...,, ..,,,,,,..r ... ...,,., . . ~„ ....,....„,i ~,.:„, ~: . ‘,.. ... „..,,Ttif • , I I, , .... TWO' DERR PER YEAR; IF PAID IN ADVANCE t 42,5& IF *OTAPAID .uvrus THE *RD OF THE YEAR. l' .' i 'II [tilt: 0r... ... , ' . .., a . . 1 1 L.: ELI • ILI '• -4 , ..": II WipeEi .it ;•J''..' * s''.. 2. • . ? e .......' ~ \‘..... -7. .... 1. it 'T' ' . - " ' ' - . ~„ ..........."..."." - . S • • . , ..., , . . ttp • Hneit we to Sleep. • itit:tiii;trit; fare baeivent, 0 roe, year alididwilal jail 'abets-11W , Itothir, this kaki frees hohelees &ore: ' , TikeLite lois to year joeset is of Ore;p 7 , P 40 , 110 0,4 1 4 theoothe the hrw ethreetheises eet Wig bar us** 3 ' Beek or Ihirtieje,letitienAkeek te deep I • 1" -; Backward. Now 0 fide of Usw yams T Wary - 46a *I t ' • rat tame realaipsilow.4siali a Is mfr. • , 111 , 111. ANA iliesaiemeeettlittheeti spla I LhOrAire ... ,YR weer, ofalapag lay seal wealth sway • itwaii of abihittoiVilierito reap— ' " Seek :dip talisinolositLnidi a: to Woo I 112.4 Oitie hOiloy f the b., the astray eV limed *lns forlas Yit~j•idNli~rtTwtriee'hl3 growl pees, ,114/494;01t Ihatas batirain 1 * , 144 , Atr° 4 4 Parituf !At pasibnat• ran. _ Loci I taraight for year , prune* *pia. Com tim64, ie &pp— • Aid:tyke twablog elevipp—toot IN 10 abs. 01*1131/ * alliti, iba'da L yo ttiat ars' war' foikttilhiliotlear teivii liar has dups•,: I %Illooothervorahlp ablibirsad *alarm— • re I .O4 I IIWIPLIAINdied Walla Mut Team ; • ?tole Hid • mether,ege chants away psis Itrie`the'aids foal and !tie work-wear, brain. -- IlltledNeoft millit'ait my bevy lids weep-. • Lads et to slip, ether--rooks. to bleep I . • Coe•,' lot TOL I; hatr, Jut Uglits4 witkribl, '' Irak! iiii-outiticliil Alain in of old ; F Let It Ado estr- ~ Medial; ise . era, from the tight I . pi iTillt,tts .. Bedews egos eon Hail, will also - thicsweit vie:leo; yore— i;ovhirlT;ltheftitiqhf efight, butowiiinsp— ix,w • , WOO lisle , glethe--.. rods me to step 1 II . • •1, 'i , . a ' itathil; ffi n ier istot!dr, the Teri have tree V LOIg " '-#111:11 Ilia nitliiiii4olll . filnab, snag; tillit;thaV;iiidi 02 !slay soul Udell epee - V. Wougeheedt g 1 es only a dames— Cititeietio Togifiert to, • /else lesbrate With your,light lisheltut sweeping my lite l '*iiViii herafte tot gike of see— .. mask As to MO, niiititinir-rodi wit to dee I limp's -Speedo& .•).!'ll-..;.',, -'..' A 7 , .. -- • z • ine coticwtngns the portion of Mr. Loses iiiech foi: 'toiling Vtbich M. Colfax moved die extitligon.lhelatter afterwards amended hit(iitiotiou,'lsi; titatj Mr. Long should be Gen siired V . :stead C expelled, and it was passed hy t u f nwovity, : tf.ten, all the Repub li cans vot. ‘,4lg for, an lif j s ,t l li i tilef i Democrate against It: ;`, Thp,,leicy; bile, :upon which this war is ,jopad4¢ lot fitateit-4,eads to despot -40P011,4?,11 form of got qrq say, cOnatitition, under the br1M4r0 11 .1.9.41k, iitx4rintis now is vogue, is, -olotrly Imposii* These ecavistiena of the ecrapiede f >o,vettpro7 of our government,. aro e fitypr-14441:1-,litt l d nupleisint to me as. they ,arotp/islyta . ber 'nf the House. Would to Ged i thg l factta4iire+intchd oeuld cherish other, ootlictkika, 7 May be denounced as disloyal and unptittiottc for entertaining them, but it Wili Argi 44 , 37. 1 51'1 4 1 0W : tOOIS . #a d arrant diftiVes. Vito kitow, or wiU slot admit rthedifteronat 141w4eis weePanislat a faet and areatinmfaastaietimee. 4114 may not desire tibsi but I figveiliteless his, belief will-not altar thitliaPof his mortaity 7 \ \ l shall not,.in ploset i rpmentsy ,ravive, ihe 4nitassit sad. Itcrimpnialeciptrareq of who is visponsible tordiAti, totitmt „d. deatrnetion, of our s epubUo. I 44 not. mai, putt taw, such , • dismaision ~now !A/paid 4n r ,prOno49, of good. I entertain ,clear,apd etion co icaiona upon Asa point r . POII4/4i4nsAittit,i• "heirs no, doubt will _be, s~atsd,by, tbs imp c tiai historian of - the fu *M. a 71 7 0*Priff dmat'milliali 44' let the postorialeivil3le, rooellootious,•rest, provided we can anatolv r ieccommon rain some of aim el* rilios Oefreiviren. I;da not share; in 4hedletiefintiketain64-by many of ay political itittsett — HIM flio*e l eleetritere;, that any 04:eel lama t ilabiAli, Lipari the -beds of 'union and reconstruction, If the•Demseredie party were in;giowill 401411 Yr I hire no idea, and Amseety noropela l 'sue -to declare it, that they mould seatore, JAI= over, thirty.tour -80 4e0A, , My, odj ,ttite, undergone as entire •Ohmtgoitsp4l.l-titot aubtisot., I believe , that -th ere orechut two oltsmiativss, and these are: either: ett-milmosiedgo,entlof the ladepead- Meet,d4s4eoll inlieur Independent Delt4e. .er.theirtfel,Plekerinkbjagation and *stamina,- lion wolPestlet ezt.d of- these alternatives I PreferAber 4 argrl.' ,•' , , . .r,t,My. Attelstaisn,,l . take little or no interest , lalthadievimelest Of the question which many of,sayrpelkieet r fisids would make an lathe saitehor.44,tides : shall , be prosecuted, Its . • ei4fddeel• r I retard that as woput 1 titan ' trigs& with, . the-, great • question. , I .do / sot , 14}4eVeLgente ,eftli .h• eny Preeeentirek of ,4 instimeliest it sovereign State ander ,the i 001181040 01 3 OHO ;Sie ept•eilor* that kW" ekeesdeitenttlAnihe Prnelen, auk le se to au' •der.,,it„propeg, Jsuitilieble or ,espedient. : An Atemtipf4oppl k i,ar. out .only be carded on 4„4'p qupotuOuticita t i. meaner, and to prose-. T i e 4 1 0.g4tYl u t i er 4 . i f ha et the Petientin fr9wfarAPFM, I s r, i ll , (Mr. _ l 3 ( e7ene). 1411. wv waged against the Confederate' States as an tild,pppleph tiallisit, for the purpose of eon - - atuno t s4 , 444Ougsticas ? , as he proposes, and ,#* Fi t uitioilt.nt t tin' -is • in, truth end. in fact 41;14 k act . ,etiu t *lly opposed; . • , T,'m I wialltarfurtber, Mr. Chairman, that if thiEllartisvleike still further prosecuted, I tprehmiltatit OWL be dose under the Widnes :411lienolibe.44e3sondoot Its tasnageaent, as .I.thesoliiisti that. , perty with whinh I ent, con. Aseledioelshiirrieardegree responsible for its [reedits, Vtiittldosenet-he otherwise than Ms,. lesernitsaniL sititidal--lit the responsibility iLlit semaiiii. diereult .la c.tiatil we eau • have a birdeigli elt palicipinutadef -*so. ,V' ...auelt ethloguldi pehillic. P Nothing seahl 14 Wow? hE Mr filsotheis' tie pirty-tlliattoldell to setnaiiitapider.pledged , th a eontiniumes of tavritspollepflaunt a poNO•sieuld -be.* libel rpm iliisteeddit the peat, and the Ideas that Ili skikeribasia- of all free giteerameSte. and lieuld4istl di its wimple* demorensatloct *ad •itin.. c. , :f..i.jr :: . • , ",• . - • I%sef.talt - mt dui IitISSO of the Do ds:ride Irpoty se& fse?faisee; that they valid be pieced Waffle* - polltiotrif ttrhy *Meld besilitate a. irtiblidloida!foi the , .' Praeldthey,and leek Ididelia Ai; iessai upon the niwroz - basle of 1 how the war; should be prosecuted. Foray , witigiinkc , ll.l have already ladled:id," fears , diefi e t e l l ,igikanisseitt. canner, . be,preserved :etifit eader4tettaia dosages, and wader say Filierthal Shilialt dew adopted; yet ids** litre* i smi esithesatid party, with-,which 1 hare Mete rr utubakea.": 6'600 *(144114 hattaroi, iksbdr Kim", whioll•auloi mfr ids idtiotist 'rook. Weft lasf. WAN Mese Mi t Wllbei t ASeliditital'lB 62 ,' %Ileum 'eopsidi' Na ti P txtiaibodsitheatik = ERIWPAI,SATURD4iLMORNING, APRIL , qo; 1864. • Althea'''. lir. Maw *le: , aboislier• of thir same Hoose,l metier imp Wasy other Repub lic, iseenbo l e of. et iseltuttea expel/. or esiowe Mr .1 Conway Set amain :matt : ' - szsontrrtons or KR. 4)01M f, . Conwny—lwilirrthe following resolu tions, and skonsiderstion be - P l Ntrnoitilitto;MiroVil: :.• :-• *soloed, That mom knd Storm itianot coolies in WI flat' teireillikeit i viihbalapiro.; dnefy oadlennikrifewni , cite Wart: -that dividol spinet, *elf Aunt stand," and thatistbla notion must be free or all slave' • ' • "' • Ism bud, Thit the vistwiesn*Union tessista Of those Eittits..whith MI now lord to, the !dorsi Constitittion. ' Thsorsud, - Thltt i restoration of the Tritaa.' alit oxiated prior to the !robeMen•• would•bo , a reuse taleasity than thw rebel/Ohl Welk ohms it wotkld give at, WI to, the ~i rtlTlll'ibis 'ibis cotflint,' and entail' npOn'..the nation' another cytileLof bitter:lnfhteutlott 'rnicl'efril wit.. ' - - -7, Relwlrwi, i'llist ibeilusifiled StoteektinlOnly be' put down, ; if ILL 4,4 ,fie Ipic liiirded as out of constituttorial reTiConi witlethe tritiod, and by being siunsfled' ifiteu' prinelothe of sor dimity wadare as botwetw,iepunktal nations. &solved, That if any person it the ample,- meat of fhe 'United Staten, it either' the'legets halve ,or 'motif,* hirteehira' irheidd 'propose to make pet" or should attepttnt 'deist the acceptance ,of any such preposition. , on any bails whist. would restore the slave power. to nts its former nuprecy' in 'the ' government, of by any new, comproltalse or sitendasent'of the Constitution recognise slavery as an element of cri e wer, such personw#ll be gaudily of s high.; ' • „ 1 , Rade . al,i ) Tftat the superior' resources tpad military prowess of the North in the 'sfrtiggle I onl i are bey dispute, ant that thelqueetioit :of Its suedes' urns not upon its relative, al. , i/111.., bit on the taus of Its Ohio( execttlie.otaglic trite to give effect to 14 pOtriri. - ;Rereirect,l That. It - 11 - twists to , intrust: the. eXectitiOsi of any system of sdraitistration to pernota who ars not . in, cordial' sympathy, therewith, ; cad that no ohanikif of policy : in the conduct of \ the war' is more than nominal , which is E lnot•\aceompaninti ,by a eouiPlete chant* ,II the Persesna , of .the executive de • pirtment. I ~ . Resolved, That ills a mutter for sericite re fission whether another elaction for Peed-. dent must:not supervene before the rightful authority ,of the' nation Oen be established, sad whether, in the• utesntiine, it is not a flagrant wUala of our ewes. to obstieue the war. 1, ,- . .• „ „ „•-; . . • , Resolved, That tutees the 'Articy of the Neat dual h".4.4l.lo&t..littitiglt, tho_ralley• of the Mississippi - talte - mono4 - wirthe army Of the Potomac annihilated :tholagiens'Of Lee and Jickson, thus subverting the military power of the rebellion, within nraikatutidole time, the bilid interests • of. the isometry \wad- humanity will *Ore a cessation.of hostilities., ~_.\• \ • Reveir,' That • the ,Ntafed . of " the ' North, eeelpeeihif the Aeteriest netion *did wielding, its power;, must ever reeds' else sat indivisi-' ble on • the basis of hoodlum ,for all. • Without distinctiOn of race, color, or condition'. that their million must ever be to exten d Own civilientiot ;over - the entlecifietitilent; sad thailwitatosse• darsagesalmeak sliffiectlties,• asakil. or tiefestiL ow lifV•wittows.ter, they, must forever eheriiti and,pursie the inspiring idea of intbinitity etd editinetttit dominion. The first step, therefore, erhlch should have bomi tikenid the irckiesi 'cif 'the star Wes to nakacitiledge a rekation; to ieo'Ognise iher *nth in''sew ohtir4ite, 'to asitititelhe locorth tio be ii'idlifiVieirtiieniliZ;it;:and' then' to pursuit the war for 'o r ciiiqUest, or not OMane. it all, ae l might' Ease . seined itnore eitpedietti and prOPer'ter the . ‘ i ' "' But, nnfortenstoty, titci4ito whom,eon-, of i thts ¢rest tratteitiolwee• darnrnitietli hive nn i t seemed to opmprehen i it their work: They' have disowned the rarolution: They have used the war as far se , pos j iihtei to 'artist it,!and restore the . It is evident to me that this,,polioy Prove, disastrous.. The war ,Iti , the,h,ands_ of those now in authority has an intivitahie tia ilenoy, to defeat the Iforth—to reu!snd it boot to its cormer subvrrienoy to the 4outh, Its waif" ; effect is to produce a r,esetion thee' which a . new, port, !in, come into ; power, pledged mot to . northern .nationalityi bat, to the old Union at .any-priop. .The war seams. to ha supported not oily by, tdie i oppositio*, hut also by the Adattnistrati?n,., tor, the most Pertvivith reference to this .result, NoW, ihe war which has between. thejforth''and Beak tic "the' pelt tie yeibre ' It hie 'elibetituted In the South inother gbiernmz for thit of the this is the fektt, and the feat in snob gruittei. the inipaitent thing.' 'it nettles the bilk,' 17C iechniOnlity 'in • stiestfoi of this hind Cca The" war' has biterly discol*eil the connection heti/eon' the North aid South,. 1443:rendOi41 flitm sepsrite end independent powcr c ia Thli is the nieessizt lepl `elect of °telt war Whets. It epdiei, dependent this, betas, sad, ritilese the ; one . sueoCenbc to the, 01, con ntr flependent of each other forever. The principle is laid, dawn by itsttel ss,fol; :lows : , , , ! • "When a nation becomes divided., into Iwo pertlesi absolutely Independent, and no longs! Acknowledging a common superior; the etate is 'dissolved; and the' wits between She !.two • parties stunts !upon . 11re use '. 'retied; Id every respect, u a public war betntson two different nations.—Book pc r 17, chap. pap 428. ' • • • : i It Is ' nof to be troatierent sv, 'ttiere7Oie.. that so lean:led' and . prolcitind i fails' ne the how. , 4 1 .. orable member from PennSylVariit' (Str. - Ste . vent) 'shoed sipreis the same '0 et' ii. n a . .."' . , " ' ' , . • -,•" r• •1 =,•- 4. . The Dentookie 1 040 the Viten Intol yet 'fathead' tiviiitlttebtotilitleietia mispionsita - Thiy rice tot iitiviti l lifetii rai4 - 16IIIWIrrion not fait in Weir:- BoihkiphitliallY the Oil' Pin •bf ithetelif :l ":ll‘all ;Irto • 'spante'l - Nd (3fe l NM" 'The Fruitiest - his played had the has is of these gentlemen most co& . *Or: Sad kb population that the Main: is snit itit the war meat be 'Waged • Only k,to . restore I the - oonetitatleael ;volition. bet 4 the government and the people ,of the teedltod . Gimes, Is entirely in their • feat.' Ile has held the' Line opetL At: le no* SIMI twee,' as the strife, tie , spent; Wed ands ilistvettlier isi•Whissitawfriteseptiartissipagios Cube 1104 its thb diiitsum ) theetNesoorsts , will . toe, !et 'MAW, Ali" lisigiatisate. tar, mil frassat, , fedi . a'svaggettiaVilatheirdwOi • mom, ie ,t z ja,- ; 40014 proPdlitlim is-dtkielvot: the tilitea.rue iilat r atrea* 1%0 etpoesl-. Chi 06stion'illetkeet tti Valealksilibil rel. toted VI Rite' ectif innalieintlee!eo J be labswed • thntieephith 'therlletel &allonyms& ullo?, that to osetletbot , ofiattiv.z , v. 77 t datiatie,' theentelle, l ll4 istilit , this; use aid oillerMbelitsii% rii.nsir ' ia t44attlrli ' te; the indite.; ^ • - i i i . , .v. • ..• . :4; .11,.:* [. , 7:9:'+ t i..) t,[,... , -i ;;Ligiampais•Mtailkii;sailf brllairLlOLlPir Liefia rz.loiluisv4,l 04$ , t,i 4,1,.:11 .e.i,,,,1tt 7:l7ittt3TCl3l slol! , .V1 0 jw oskr.fvel 111.1' lIIME IIIIIYOH O! *U O 1 .1.11 1 4 , 44.0 ,0 t ••I " • ; '•, ' ,Ai ,S ~l / 11 11 • ,Js eon' rarpect doattaily le. It ea sheadeameat, for the U. beim' of tlie iitteopelo bring the Beath under byleree if arum • SW , 44040ail4 o thlajobj•es w. are already delimie; we. hare defistid•oar sari& rikit 41; e prateate trOst in. ebifeAmi angm eetio face, caw &Wig *this ear own., ion. Thia celiac woad. ociyae, Amply, a planet . political jeziedic 414 *yak**. 2(irth "ad Boca. lkit that 4. 11 !! 4n 00 1 40 fad • , lc • •• . . I ' 'i ' • fleieia Zehaennta fissional. . :,.Ehtne r srn ttsvo i rnturned front the late Dern -047f14451 0,144, 9ohriatioe, and, have had time ,to reflect uOiss,titS 'proceedings of that body, we ,are nonvineed that the Derneorney been greedly:etrengthened by the aoeso— 'ion of such nobltnad able young men as the Rem Within R. Miller, of Harrisbarg ; Hon; Winans A. Weans,. of Clearfield ; William A. Galbraith. liscp,l of Erie; Col. J. K. Pm of , Iteniutgo: R. L I Johnston. Esq.,' and Hon. C. L. Perahing, erns, ova, county. sad others ,throughout the Sts...Tt dont:not ?squire the aid or • kaleidoscope to see the advantage ,httle.„ strong sad intieUlgint young men are in s,Prosidelltdel esi#olll. 'There have been too many I'os4:Used ',Machine adopted as leaders, .who . frown. down the impetuosity and ability if young Men, at-I,hie very time - that vigor and tptabseured Inteiloot are nee led It has been wail Said that corn wilt not grow. in the shide." our (young men a little 'room 'and enoouragement and they Will prove them seven' the equalC if not the superiors of some Of the more aged; and experience/ politicians. Indeed, we doubt !whether there are many men in the Btate,!old or young, who are more able than the gentlemen whoin we have just mentioned. And While the seri - ors should always be treateci With deference and respect, the -young should not •be neglected. The party, will lose aething by this policy. TM Wilt ' et Pros SpNYI. , The New York lEvening Post, one of the most r6dlosi . )19Mals lo the • country, in speaking of the; attenipt to' expel Mr. Long /°';: • .1. 1 .1 Bat - there Ts ,than a question of mere 'party 'expittdieney'ln this matter. Mr. • Lanes ipseek irsul t i r t yerfeetty legitimate taper: mint of O jliniois. 6 thinks 'hit the rebel, 'must be alloveti i to go in pesos or be extii• pated, and h 6 stiited - his 'thought calmly sad. irpeatfally Itt I :propei word!. We do not octane with hith we do not think it teen aary feliteneedellie independence of the con fedorapy„ (which. is an impossibility is our Viettbl.Thor to ettirptta U. people of the 'Elouttur • ,1 `4•We are not, I:to l tratetl,. unwilling that . those who lave come tip other" oonolutione shoolcl ‘ e• t hare the full phetr i ty to.yzprete them. whether lathe tamrspapers or oit , the..doore of Con real.% If : thwy'oeirry that. liberty to the ex tent": of oreikoatet or treason they esti be 111.- 11044 a nd paif,ieEged; , ' • .. . * \4 * * .1 , —. • . but if they recati:a ; within the limits of fair debits, if ,they-oeiotrorert:arsoment by argu- Ment, It they betreni ottlyllegit eloquence, appeal; in, Ayerof . thclr, views, they sre but elercisio; tti,u ri4rAts whiek bel9mg to all fru. =9l A Litigator Virtir Borktan.--I . 3eme time slaw we - advised- that some one. et, a profitable Moray epesoilatlen,' should coital and • pub lish a ,book of jokes by his exesilleney the President. •We observe with rstificatioo that the hint has beef taken and that the book is timithoanting. i T.lll. Darby, publisher. New Yin*. advertiins r follows: We copy_gratiet BARB 400,11.--OLD 'ABE'S JOKES.--N onli. Fames conk &mattes Boron.-The following see amaig the contents : : :' Waal/ the Shsokasses for Cot's Alice. . • Old Abe sad the Bullfrogs. 1. , Old Abe and his Ted. Got the Itch. 1 A Peddler medh to lifiallow his own Pies. Lincoln and MC Wooden 'begged Amateur. --Old Abe and the Bigger Barber. Old Abe's iloheii.kre the Qaintessenoe of Presiding, Llguolu'e 1,0 0 . , . , I Bold by; Boakintlart aid loliwadealers every where. Pelee 2ciente. - • AO gine . ,resdin iron this advertisement will I bit, - deny, • siti,”.Old Abe " is a remsek ail* RN. - Wbolbat be einid base conducted fir three years 1 the bloodiist war known, to hhitoeY; and $t the llama time .applied matter f!ii 04e faittiescijif,it7bbt in litersitire 7 1 • intollbiSt I liwtsoi.i.-LA swindle of s some • what impnient: mature was, perpetr 'tea ovi a reaidentwf . et Cincinnati, one day :last week. r lie was • standing before the doer of one bf the Cincinnati banks, jest after closed fir the day. when two genteel lOolting went to the door and find ing it looked. were loud in expressions of ,dis: appointment i 4 not being able to get their Shook for a, Or t rossa4 tinkers cashed—in fact they were milted naleste they could get ;the money, anvil only two minutes too late !Ont. Crawford country friend pitied their ,00ndi tion, pureli* tab. — emelt 'for $940,' and learned sett morning, on presenting it 'at the bank, 'that k was good! for uniz." Itatker had tell, niGi . ; - 1 • -__:__ , CbSkat. 'Pc toxa.:—Thei Newburyport Her- 1 ' Irldfßepabliellty thus ;i.teuehis * raw" no iil leltillfi tabel on the' ethektslsetation .sid•li I I " ill The Ne lrdelt Tithing attempts Itcr show! thsSliffireneeliotweenuthe 'propookloo, o r. ; m r „ 01111Wity, - et , Faissegis. tO• the hist, bloom's, toi recants@ lb. Satoh, and lde Lowe". of Ohio, I to do the Dila thing now. It nays that Con way's tuition woo prompted by opposition to', alevery c ealLons's by opposition to estanoi—, potion. It !apologises for. Conway; •it de--; nounoes Long. The ?taunt sympathises with it Idea that its beccitsleg very popular, that, tlnstnin loth" floustitution is justifiable if it: is for euinntpaticsai l "ad we rosy 'hurry the . osou try to Ots ; (eviLif it iidone is hatred to •theilsollt." i. •t , 44 1liN0i . Slimivol—dood . Ohl Paris* Brow*, kavini] Sciakto• te spina eight at • hotel, was as-, 1 44 MA • rsoinia,bitisk . Mare. were three sin: 'igte beds i t inwet whirls already eostaiesil se t enimada. Boaraftse timlithi "nu extisidshod a man in las of the Mbsts.bspos ,to mums CO c•loks11,81!•PI, The towult wi ttesied its be night wore *Way, an. tip ft - 'ia t trieletely !sera I T.° pr three theMsorer turned' bid; is,' sidetnis groat statiosai: • Mit ( irtio pimVii, • stp l ie4ettiho third geatissm• to be aalm, until, at this jauture, ,hikAmisrd . fiest!ki" thank OtPdtk,hli 4 1110,17 t'. • . . , lonotrt ct - pJ 71 2 I - gal NUMBER 48 Pelee Mises: . . iisaiwased Ifs*: Ja!isa t , 1 8, "OM tot; be Wools' ; • !Asa AM Ws wee %Wets.% be i;bld , Wort nessin beim MAW : • .• • . , • load yeas irsaissil einist row •yee. Ftarr rar ittesis; • tke 'WNW' ip skrbig,l4 the Ways. • • . . . Be sad the Etaket we nest are, I , If tt mai ,Mt a 5 heirs' t . t' Awl that the lorreidest illueilttlisie , i ti'veur mai eel every hp+ r Ne Mind the thICIS LIM/s4a, sail WO! ! ♦ Sac tee kis sea Dm% - And played that In the other wert4 No Deuressu be eared. Bs amid ths war was j we; sail !IMO BS:netted with do sad !lie; had say visa sgts the wse rassair this. ninon Aid yet thla hug Jona voulA it y Arose Idirplp And nett* White oast men tent up Asir gem ' t And nundul away tobettlik Bat Wpm thaw draft vas made I. Cara. i Pow Pole' 162 pi dratted ; dad whoa Iv told tits patriot NUS, It soma the almatt halt dead. Than Pang wait itekt og and iota patitit. art Mae% Rollie. Oss bane, idea stases, tan Deities a ints r As 4 int three Jlinsulnal diUaei. i thos la rata Sko Illoashal of, DU NM It woo aoS right, air, Thatm eh good ostrio t•lblks I ' &eail *Mu psy or Bin, mfr. 1 . , . /Ad this suns maul, saasod Wog Jews, YU sorsa for Abe Linable ; lad vises this %liar broke out, bs sale ' I ?Imes liana be ae lollaktag. Lose year one earl inalat rue Mr. nom on yoar Rang tho ' , rebels" all sky high, ' ltasnolpate the Is [inn filo N. Ir.llnaing Poi! ) (IWO I Our limmatimi 'lmager. In the rapids which rue faster and. faster as the Niagara river approaches the place where itnhoots over the rooks, ate bostaisskls warned of his danger by the increasing •ssiiftnesi of tin currant. if he gives hiel in Genoa, he may steer his boat safely td land, lint it some: .times happen, that he allows himself to be carried so 'tar towards the proclaim that no strength of arm lan areal him to snipe, and be is swept over the 1 We of the Vetted Staihn,:linaleiellyospeak lig, are in a beat milleh a rapid. current is berrying towards a pitaipiee. , We speak not ' stomach of thieredlt of the government as of the stete of -our currency. As a measure of Value. our currently- is performing the sante Part which it performed twenty-dire years ago. The oessgion of specie payments hu brought itsto full play its quality of elastioity„ and its expansion has changed the pries of everything. The necessaries of life grow dearer in Those who live an axed boomed, those who receive salaries, those who oannoi. wily in. arena the oomnpenaation for the services they Vender, those who raly for subsistence on the interest of a modernte "sum invested in air manner, wake lip on a line morning and find themselves suddenly poor. The evil increases om day to day, Ind we'see no remedy likely to be' applied. Whether the' mischief is 'be.' yoncithe.reseh of a remedy we will not under take to say ; but this we must say, that ;the. current is rapid, and its swiftness and . Me is increasing, that:the boat in which re sit is drawing nearer and ' tearer 'to the precipice, andehat, , unless something *frond be done, it will go down with the waters of which it is now floating. . . ( The meals of speculation, sad Ws isiation if o paper currency re-acting on sash other with' the full license which an exemption from the necessity of paying epooligives them, ex plain the present state of the money market. the issue of Government paper, no doubt, has ben kept within moderate bounds, bat the ,liberty, which the Government has claimed, of not`peying its notes in coin, has been imitated by tlieanks all over the country, and there never yet was a onspension of specie paym eat without en inflation of the earraney,' a deli. Lions rise Of \ prices, epeculatiou stimulated to madness, speeelators soddenly becoming rich or ruined, and‘the more industrious end regu- . tar part of the ammattlty - impoverished.. The old State beaks eie,poaring forth their louse with no"reitionsibility for the payment of their notes, the new bents, `crested under the law Of Congress,' sad called `National Banks, are imitating their 'sample, stocks rise. the gam blers of the money market, beat backward and - forward tb'e "shuttlecock sof speculation, striking it higher intirthe air with every new blew, the necesearies of life grow` dearer, the steamboats increase their fair, the +sty omni bus owners nearly doable theirs, ,sed \ he!whe paid iliteen cents' a, pound for eager tea days, since, pays tsrentriLve cents a pound to-day. When will this stop aid where! It will mot probably stop till it is checked by a visits aid \ a awash—by the rain of tosoy.e general loss of cooldenoe and i sullen itud.glcomy lethargy pervading all branches of commerce. This is thk ordinary experience in such cases—that is the WNW bewail of all the' experiments Made at building credit on any other basis than the old fashioned one of prompt and due Payment. Butis there no remedy, it will be, asked,- no way of preventing the evil tram resales '5 gee at,e,r height, bringing back the currency to a mote wholesome state , ,and curbing' this madness of speculation without convulsion ? Our readers know what our opinions of this matter have always been, ai4,we have swine 'Nilsen to" °ituit/ !hit itie•,' 'taken ' step of a currency without' a basis Is retread, the less violent will be the conse quences to be apprehended. We know that some saute iii Errs are of opinion that there are othor melt... to which will effect a gentler cure, letting down speculation easily from its fable altitude, instead of daehing it in pieces. If there are, We 'should be most happy to ea them tried. The prated state of things should not be allowed to last. • To Rawer. Cute.--Joha Ayers, of Collins. bus, inch., slates through the Genesee, iiltr. my, that be bas found the following remedy an excellent one to prevent crows from pulling oorni • Remove the whites. hots half a. (loses eggs and insert e little strychnine' ; piec, these around the cotalield at crew tine. Haag up the dead crows se fest se they are found.— Three have been found lying beside one egg. Its Lynchburg, 'L I on the• 6th, beef fell from ave . dollase pot pound to three dollars and fifty cea(s.. Point*, .whiok had Imo. ,sellisti for Afton or twenty dollareper bushel,: old for, tea. . . . 14 11 ;,Lit :=-41 8 ingrOIP : ZZ/Zio-Arr— • - - rat i4l 4 l ftil to seed *de 'arm sow 44;!( Ut• M ap 2Wiime stela that the jr_lll.4lllt lan St, bond 1, nu Maras s damilidb‘ if w Seeretery at the , • Preeidatt's , .7', • , :1: 444 l i ppo ; ti - 7 1 *taliff 4 - , e:TM. There are said to be eight plains is the - Bo,* YON,- ifOro“. 311011411•-11014 1 1iiitred , • ItiebooSd, purls** Salem Lynch- Iterg;;DaisellieCl 741)sitiiii1C11101i1eqi6$ At lanta. • t. • The PerthiSd IMO Airs 'WON Utilid* sdadetreties sews* to eanj as, ,third; its mass, quits, eetire sreaslpvP 4l lP 6l "' gee. ifeelellai as it does. against, Jo 4 ,Degie• Misoram Dumnurrioa.."%iristio oft ses sioltasos ddoaibddkisuomouitna t. "Tho best sour I Imo druid kakoul4 dlo 60 00*d kVar I 11 . 1 0 WC. itgs 4 ,ll B A°o l o " ,Ttta Rem Cosomuistooo.-rotio,Alsiconto rebel, whoa salmi whether AbllTlNmoNlitgoi floes" t h ee., eddy they dint They take way. moo :whey WWI hien rigid more thew two dayon, !:: Too Dtmasoom—ln isseribiog tie Mer it no begonia artsiomwey. sad dangerously, it was wittingly wad istßimile &Mars -41.1 GE" *on who',bill , kop ter• s.Alvdniksthe orimetwooy thitme,wismi teahersolOadliefiL The loolaville Awed she : IPrediketeass thinks tbYI ~ the blacks .eM 11411.1 r pt rid of mugs mischievous *ass wept by anta4s station with thi ro doubt this is the only wey to pt thi kinks one of their lisside. Is pnlattilly evident &WA Congress loos not main mit* tho critigal condition of,-pub- lio affairs, or the profound dlseatiefsollon7lo nee the 'mildest term—rwkieh ife emus* for tke past few months has osiossioned.—Bostros Ad 'seats, (Re.) . Nsw Teat, April. 20.-A rebel; dispatch from Mobile 16th, reports a greet battle be tween Kirby Smith andlissks,in whisk Banks was defeated with alone of 14,000 nisi killed ; wounded and eaPtured: Thsi stoic is wild. The Mai Leon correspondent of the Forki says: "I have been privately informed that Senators Samna and *ads, whom I mentioned as supporting Lineobt's re-election, repu diate all intentions Of that kind, and •have de clined I. participate in the measures already taken by his enpporters to that Week . Aarototis rulintS.—A Boston Inn has gone into the manufacture of "rtlecial arras and legs—the company announcing a guarantee of 9 per cent. dividends to stockholders, and a special permit, from Beoretai7 Stanton to sup ply the rebels ! This concern dot:f:Alegi' goes in for "the vigorous prtentlon of the tiler." Eta Taw" or 8 . Biota issse."—iftiole Jetise K.' Dub% the replithilcan State Auditor, and probable reptblimut candidate for our nest Governer, was lately driven out of the raid by a lei of seldieri, who called him 4.a d—d old eopperhead" and demsadedthelitole road.—Book Island Awe. , The Laporte, Ind Denneed, whew printing establishment wee destroYed by a - mob of sol diers, est oa by lawless wbolitionistei' te. few Weeks back, Yee bass - rovivell dad ware in in enlarged &ad. very atAraeties . farm, The Democracy d Laporte hay& nodded the 04- denims that similar aututges hereafter wail be punished byretaistilon itsidad. r , This notifi cation will probably,rweervethe peace ip that community. . ,„ Thi mErP. II 9.?Aa fii*Lkss.2•• lot scan to fraternise: - At Tort Riparian; irtmeks,:the other day, - the negro battalion . of ihe' : l4th Rhode Lund artillery shoired - eyldeniee of inettbordinatioh, diirigertling tha orders of the whits °Seers, and &attuning generally an ofensive sad oveibiaring'sitilude. 'At length they becalms ptedtirsly 'mutinous, but' `Here brought to their wheel •tiy the lippeatineis of the 16th (lb Li and s' battier oft artillery pointed epos their eanip:' Tom' Waite te re calve their pay, and deilare limelieddilbe out of Bassoinhantrf us Fe. ?vet itr limas - vss.-111he emaisap Is *NV / renames How Is ft that with asidlinintY of kill 'msg. utility, of Wintry; eitedry sad' artillery as we have in that department area 'With .ftrrtift• cations of nob Immenie stfeatth &Arline the Tennessee sad Mialselppl . tivershoirls it that the whole oonstry Is oesselemßy traversed, trampled ape., sad Its inhabitants butchered by rebel beads? Bow Lou that the guerrilla honest, with a few thousand freebooters, has bees allowed to tide to sad fre . for •sts Weekly captariai lawns capturing forts, and playing halve Wherever be amass'? it •is the most as• fano Shim to our one that &wawa. Cawsd in the camas of Foam. • Twit RlTOOltri Of seems that the way same abolition• member' of the Roues whit 1/0116110 anziodo West* Mr. Long, have sabseribed the largest:for *opts* of his speech • for gamest cirealatioa among their emetitemati. this prone that. they are ulth,i inhere er •knperites..., If Mr. 'An, has preached. trommo, tkey are s. better . ,tban trailing for ,o4enbiting lalsl mat gents noder frank sid *the **pease <tt : Ake government, If he has sot preached Owen, it is sheer hypoorlay toir them to claim that he has, 'end attempt to epvil hint therfor, and , tken turn pedlare aid hueltstri of kis speech, for the role object of f ai ! lma i; little partisso , onpltal, as they suppose they will by ciieulatiog it. The whole tittackon,long politilialdodge and it itmt failed as limb, mlserably.* ; •' A Heirra4iirr.- I 'he ClistPlitio of the U. B. Senate, like her Abolition humbug', having made a recites of notifying thiLOrd of what he weals donti,, is lids prayers," Senator Saulsbury, ofDelmirare, has 'offered 'the fol lowing: is Reroleed,"That tketklipisin ai ttie . Sainte tie *iieli•eittint'releeeted: itimitifter - te prey end supplleste Atiattittloa oar •behalf, Mid lot' edture i 'llibeidiw Hint; under the' pritibibi it pester.; tiliqetie mid Chap- LtiVeyepledvale edemas to fie &it as the ~Sy ; sad that the mid \ Cks WI be Author requests& Its steralikk act, under the farm of prayer, to teeter, the Swale is rela tion to the questions-before the bedy'..\ Reim (6 Vex.. Hoomarm—Seme Mti the newspapers are new pabiiskiag ivriport"of Gen Hooker, detailing the 'eperatiole of his November lest,: at Okattiusebges. This report metes to be -he the- haat* - .of a \ substitute. for Nit report just after the *little \ of Lookout liountala. , • It is &lied nookont Talley, /Or 11161 V hemmer/Met to ' On Halleek• 6} l l4looa , ,hity rimed !Pia It fantlttut 4 01 KIIIttlag, ItitioTesitetd , t 4 , llesinostfulli forrarded, to. 141or_ General Ir. W. Halle* Wookinitioa t • D. C., ; I ?MY of no o bj ect i oa sf L ot. eebetttatiog of this, for Mal. Goa. lloner i e nig*/ mow, KN. op erating bout 0f.p•14 16 -ohmturnt. "Atiistiß 4 le 4 0 1 4 u.,lk 4„Pf at i o t„ t 4 is " item, , 411. • gmb i ra " IA" ,S CII51 "! 4 1 4 ,• th. 'WO W R i 0 .1 )1 1.11 and,ll6lll Mai irlife‘k Ir•Oftekess fhefilakr".lll°Tia,ra*(4Bl M 1118 a 11 II ►a•o4zr.. "Ala() alai a